#marconi beach
paulpingminho · 4 months
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quickienewyork · 2 years
The wind really messes with my phone's mic but here's some waves for you anyway.
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june1960fan · 9 months
Mass trip day 2 Marconi Beach in the rain and a visit to Provence town
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pd-lyons · 10 months
April 14-15 2012 Part 2, The Annie Wilder by PD Lyons
April 14-15  2012 Part 2 Today he drove only to Marconi beach. P-town would have been too far. At the entrance a park warden was stopping cars. Now what? But the officer was very friendly wanted only to advise them that yes the beach was open and there was a controlled burn going on and no need to be afraid or call the fire department. And are you here for the Titanic memorial Ceremony? If so…
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Here goes nothing. Arranged Marriage Funnybunny. Mostly worldbuilding and setup in this one. It was... something to make, that's for sure. Uh don't expect like... Jane Austen, but I went for a more... uh I guess... feel that was more old school? Just imagine a British narrator. Anyway here take it- T/W: Mentions of miscarriages, sexism, fantasy casual racism Primum Peccatum Chapter 1: You Don't Own Me
Primum Peccatum was an island a half-mile off the southeastern coast of Blackshell Bay, New Hirnantia. Inaccessible by any method other than ferry or private boat, Primum Peccatum was known throughout the county as a haven for the wealthy. Though Blackshell Bay was hardly a shantytown, those living in the coastal city often found themselves gazing wistfully or covetously at the island whenever they were on the southeastern beach in summertime or in the fish market near the harbor. Close enough to see, but far enough to never quite touch. Unless they were lucky enough to strike oil, inherit a good amount of money from a wealthy relative, or marry into one of the families already living on the island.
The Shutnyk family had lived on Primum Peccatum for two generations now. Originally a family of woodsmen, Nikolai Shutnyk broke the previously thought impermeable class barrier through, as said before, dumb luck. Nikolai, while living at a lumber mill in Telychia, would often go for long walks in the thick Telychian woods to try and curb his insomnia. While out there, he stumbled upon an as of then undiscovered natural gas reserve, and, under the nose of the logging company, managed to keep it a secret. Nikolai was talented with numbers and knew how to read and write despite his lower-class background, and drafted up a series of documents that he sent to several different gas companies along with some samples. In the documents, he offered to reveal the location of this reserve if he was given 100,000 crowns up front, and 5% of the profits from the reserves.
Although he was initially ignored, one struggling company by the name of East-West Renewable Energy sent an inspector to Nikolai, and they met in secret in the nearby town of Perrault’s End. Nikolai took the inspector out to the woods, and, when it was found to be very much real, the company gave Nikolai his up front payment, and began drilling. Nikolai quit his job at the end of his shift the next day, and moved to Perrault’s End. East-West’s earnings exploded overnight, and even though he had only asked for 5% of the earnings, it was enough to keep him sustained without the need of a job for a good two decades.
Newly wealthy and with a steady income, Nikolai Shutnyk caught the attention of several  prominent families in Perrault’s End. He was soon married to the daughter of one Cartofolio Marconi, a magistrate for several industrialists in the much larger neighboring city of Angel’s Peak. Nikolai’s skill with numbers made him a valuable asset to his father-in-law’s corporate clients, and he was given a share of the company’s earnings for his hard work. 
Nikolai and his wife, Clara Shutnyk, took the opportunity to purchase some land on Primum Piccatum, and had their manor built there. Nikolai continued his work for his father-in-law, and had a son with Clara, who they named Vladimir. Nikolai continued working until his death from a ruptured spleen when he was 61. Vladimir continued in his father’s stead, looking after his mother at his island manor and eventually finding a wife, the daughter of a surgeon named Amadeo. Her name was Mirella, and together they had a child of their own, a daughter, named Pomni. Her name was unique, taken from the Telychian word for “forget,” after Mirella’s favorite flower, the forget-me-not.
Pomni was the only child of Vladimir and Mirella, not for lack of trying. Mirella had miscarried three times before managing to have an underweight baby girl 4 weeks early. Luckily, her parents had access to high quality care thanks to their standing, and their newly born daughter lived. Pomni grew only somewhat larger in the following 25 years, never reaching any taller than 5 feet. 
Had she lived in more modern times, there would be better and more scientific terms to describe the way her mind worked, but her parents and teachers only referred to her as “a bit odd” or “not quite there.” She was intelligent, that couldn’t be denied: she was writing full sentences at six years of age and read ravenously, but her social skills left much to be desired. She had few school friends, rarely speaking at all unless spoken to, and didn’t smile unless she was actually happy.. However, her taciturn nature was never to be mistaken for weakness, and she had an intensely stubborn streak. 
When she was nine years old, a young lady in her class named Fredericka and her sycophants, seeing Pomni’s diminutive stature and hearing her unusual name, surrounded her desk one Monday before their lessons. Pomni looked up from her collection of Telychian short stories when the girls called her all manner of things, most of them pejoratives they’d overheard from their nationalist relatives. 
Pomni looked back down at her book, her face placid. Fredericka, confused and angry that her usual routine appeared ineffective on the quiet young lady, turned back to her friends. 
“She’s not just ugly, she’s deaf!” she declared.
Her laugh became a shriek as Pomni lunged for Fredericka’s arm, burying her sharp little teeth into the taller girl’s hand. Blood oozed from the punctured skin between her thumb and index finger and onto the polished hardwood floor. 
Despite the headmistress’s best efforts, Pomni couldn’t be made to apologize. Vladimir had to be summoned to her school, but even her father couldn’t persuade Pomni to apologize to her classmate. She said this to Vladimir. 
“She isn’t sorry, Papa. So neither am I.” 
Pomni was forbidden from the manor’s library for a month for her churlish behavior, but privately, Vladimir was impressed. His own father would never have obtained his fortune without steely resolve. Had he followed the herd, the lumber company would have sold that natural gas reserve to line the pockets of the already wealthy board of directors, and Nikolai wouldn’t have seen a single crown. 
Pomni’s classmates wisely decided to leave her alone after this incident, keeping their insults well out of earshot. Pomni graduated near the top of her class with excellent marks, a sure sign she would make a fine schoolteacher or court stenographer. Indeed, she inherited her father’s skill with numbers and attention to detail, and even began assisting her father with the heaps of paperwork from some of his weightier cases. 
Mirella loved her daughter as any mother should, and just like most mothers, she worried about her quite often. Oddness aside, Pomni had almost no interest in finding a husband. A little independence was important for any young lady, it was the sign of a healthy brain, which Pomni certainly possessed. But whenever Mirella asked her daughter if she saw any young gentlemen that caught her eye when she was across the reach running errands for the family, or in the library or the city park, her answers were unsatisfactory. 
“Oh yes, I did see a man with two different colored eyes. One blue, one brown. I believe the term is ‘heterochromia,’ did you know that, mother?”
“I saw a man who had lost an arm. I suppose he must have been a soldier, or perhaps a mill worker. It’s just terrible that someone’s livelihood can cost someone a limb, don’t you, mother?”
Mirella worried. Pomni was a pretty little thing. She had her father’s snowy fair skin and her own raven black hair, cut into a short little bob. When she smiled, which wasn’t often, it was illuminating. But she was 25, and that beauty wouldn’t last. In New Hirnantia, it was agreed that if a woman wasn’t married by age 30, she was destined for spinsterhood. Just five years… If Pomni wanted to carry on her family’s legacy, she needed to find a husband. She was their sole heir. Mirella couldn’t put herself through another miscarriage… and with her own advancing age, a failed pregnancy was all the more likely. 
There were many young men around Blackshell Bay that would have suited Pomni perfectly well had she just given them the time of day. University professors, magistrates, authors and poets… men who held the same appreciation for learning and the arts that Mirella’s daughter did. And they were steadily decreasing in number as other women Pomni’s age, some younger, took them to be their husbands. 
She confided in her husband one Spring evening before bed, collapsing into tears as her worries burst out like water from a crumbling dam. Vladimir held his wife and listened to her woes, stroking her hair and letting the torrent run its course. By the time Mirella’s sobs had waned into hiccups, Vladimir smiled at her. 
“Darling, I’m so terribly sorry you’ve kept all of this inside. The pain must have been monumental. And yes, I too have worried that our daughter may carry the family name to her grave. But, you needn’t worry any longer, lisichka. I believe a solution is within reach. I simply have to write a few letters. Our daughter will be happily wed by her 26th birthday.”
Pomni stepped off the ferry onto the dock, sturdy oak wood imported from the monolithic forests of Ediacara out west. 
“Be careful on your way home, Ms. Shutnyk.” the ferryman said. 
“You say this whenever I exit the boat, sir. I assure you, no sheer cliffs or bottomless canyons have suddenly appeared on my commute home.” Pomni replied. 
The sun set from within the treeline, coloring the horizon a bright tangerine. Pomni walked up the path to the Shutnyk estate, a weighty book under her arm. It was a collection of fairy tales, complete with color plates. Pomni typically preferred her fiction with a touch more verisimilitude, but she had already gone through her father’s library and most of the library in town, so she needed to wait for her favorite authors to actually produce new material. This would satiate her for a time. 
Pomni wore a plain white dress and matching white shoes. She also wore her favorite straw sunhat with the black hatband, although it had been rather overcast today. Not that she minded. She did burn rather easily due to her Telychian blood. 
She continued up the hill past the Rooker estate. She would have stopped to say hello to Mr. Kinger on any other day, but it was getting late, and summer was on the horizon. Mosquitos and other biting insects would surely be emboldened by the evening dark and emerge from the trees soon. 
She saw the manor up the dirt path, second on the right, just after the Rooker house. In the dim light, she could see her mother’s immaculately maintained flower gardens in front of the delicate pink walls of the manor. It was just becoming summer, so the gardens were lush with hot pink roses and silky white gardenias. Pomni had thought about taking up gardening as a hobby, but she found the entire affair tedious. At least with books, you wouldn’t have to wait six months to read them. 
She took her key from her pocketbook and unlocked the manor door, skirting inside and closing it behind her to keep the bugs away. 
“Pomni, is that you?” her father called from the dining room. 
“Yes it is, good evening, Father.” she called back, locking the door behind her and hanging her handbag and sunhat on the foyer hooks. 
“Come and join us, supper is ready,” said Vladimir.
“Just a moment, I haven’t gotten out of my shoes…” Pomni sat on the floor and slid off her shoes, placing them neatly on the shoe rack and peeling off her socks, dropping them down the laundry chute. She set her book down at the foot of the stairs and she briskly walked into the dining room. 
“Good evening, darling, so good to see you!” Mirella said from her spot at the table. Pomni returned her salutation, looking at the plate set out for her. Honey-glazed garlic salmon, her favorite. Usually she only had this for her birthday or to celebrate the start of fishing season.
“Oh, goodness. Thank you, what’s the occasion?”
“No occasion, dear, we just had Zooble cook your favorite tonight. Come, sit, enjoy it!” Vladimir said, motioning her to come and sit at the dining room table.
Zooble stood in the corner of the room in their usual tuxedo, nodding wordlessly at Pomni. Zooble was a shape-person, their head a magenta sideways triangle with no visible mouth and mismatched limbs. Shapefolk originated from a harsh desert kingdom known as Dovicia, found across the southern sea. While they had a much different diet and anatomy from humans, no one shape-person was built the same way, humans and shapefolk had been close allies for centuries. Humans offered them much needed resources that couldn’t be found in the beastly Dovician desert, and the shapefolk in turn offered manpower, often moving into more temperate areas to escape the extreme temperatures. Zooble had been the caretaker of the manor for 3 years, ever since the previous caretaker, Lidio, retired to Blackshell Bay at the age of 70. So far, Pomni liked them a lot, even if she never enjoyed change that much. Zooble didn’t allow her mother and father to walk all over them like Lidio did. Sometimes her parents needed someone to tell them “no” that wasn’t her.
Pomni cut into her salmon filet and sampled it, giving a contented hum. “It’s delicious, Zooble. My compliments.” 
Zooble nodded. “Only doing what I’m paid for, Miss.” Their tone struck Pomni as oddly somber, but she ignored it.
“So how are you feeling, darling? Did you have a pleasant day?” Marella asked.
Pomni took a moment to chew and swallow, looking down at her food. “Yes, mother. I went for my usual constitutional in the park, and-”
“Eyes up, Pomni,” her father said. “Talk to your mother, not your dinner.””
Pomni bit her lip. She was a grown woman, and her parents still reprimanding her for her struggles with eye contact always touched a nerve. Maybe in grade school, but… 
She looked up at her mother. Even looking into Marella’s brown eyes made her feel itchy, prickles of heat running up her arms and down to her toes.
“-and I got a book from the library. I finished the last one.” 
As soon as she finished speaking, she put her eyes back onto her food, scratching her left foot with her right. 
“Molto bene, darling. Well, your father has some exciting news.” 
Marella looked over at her husband, who idly swirled the red wine in his glass. Vladimir glanced at his wife before clearing his throat and setting the glass down.
“Er- yes. A former client of mine has fallen into dire straits. You remember the Krolik family?”
Pomni thought for a moment as she chewed her food. She swallowed, had a sip of water and then spoke. 
“Yes. Yes, they had the embezzlement case. Their business partner, their name was… Dombrowski Worldwide, was charging a non-existent handling fee for their grain shipments and then pocketing it. They took around 60,000 crowns, and the Krolik-”
“Yes dear, exactly right! Your memory is astounding as always.” Vladimir said, the pride palpable in his voice. 
“What about them, father?” Pomni asked, working on cutting herself another piece of fish. 
“Well, as you know, we won the case. But unfortunately, the judicial expenses left the Krolik family in something of a financial rut. Even with all the Krolik siblings working on the family business, they haven’t quite been able to scrape themselves out of debt.”
“I see. How is that good news?” Pomni replied.
Zooble let out a louder than normal cough. 
“Well…” Vladimir took in a lengthy breath. “Their fourth son, er, Jax, is 22 and unmarried.” 
“Oh, I see. So he’s marrying into a wealthy family. That is good news!” Pomni replied. 
“Y-Yes, he does intend on marrying into a wealthy family. A-As a matter of fact-“
“Master Shutnyk,” Zooble suddenly spoke up. “Please. The longer you prolong the issue-”
“I don’t believe I requested your input, Zooble.” Vladimir said. The authority in his voice bordered on draconian. He never spoke to their caretaker like that, even during his foulest moods. 
“Apologies, sir.” Zooble said, bowing shortly. 
Pomni looked from Zooble to Vladimir. Her food sat momentarily forgotten in her cheek, before she chewed hastily and swallowed.
“Papa, is something the matter?” Pomni asked. She rarely referred to Vladimir as anything but “father” since she was twelve years old, only using “papa” when she was deeply anxious or in the midst of tears, be they of joy or sadness. 
“No, piccola, nothing is wrong at all.” Marella interjected. “This is all good news. Your father and I think you should marry that Krolik boy!”
Pomni put down her fork. She picked up her glass of water and quaffed the entire thing. 
“We have everything in order, you won’t have to worry about a thing! Your father spoke with the patriarch of the Krolik family- and what a fine man he is, larger than life, truly!- he’d be more than happy to have you wed his son. Oh, and you should meet his son! I’ve never met a more charismatic beastman! And-”
“Mirella!” Vladimir barked.
“I’m sorry but it’s true! He’s a gentleman, a real ambassador for his kind! And he’s only 22! You’ll love him, Pomni!”
Pomni prodded her filet with her fork. “I’ll… love him.” she echoed. Her eyes stared ahead, at nothing in particular. 
“I’m sure of it! He’s smart as a whip, just like you! He and all of his siblings. And goodness, he’s tall and handsome…”
Pomni picked up her plate and whipped it at the wall behind her. It soared through the air like a clay pigeon before shattering helplessly against the wall, Mirella yelping and Vladimir rising to his feet instinctively. Her half-eaten salmon adhered to the wall for a moment before peeling off and plopping onto the imported carpet, brown glaze stuck to both the wall and the carpet. 
Pomni turned to her parents, her blue eyes crystals of icelike fury. 
“What have I done wrong..?” she whispered. “What sin could I have committed that would motivate you to sell me off? Am I no better than a mare or a sow? Answer me! What was my transgression?!”
“Pomni, you’ve done nothing wrong…” Mirella began delicately. 
“Then I’ve always been nothing more than a commodity?!” Pomni cried. She looked to her father for aid. “Papa, what about your firm? Wasn’t I supposed to take over for you..? You always said I was so talented…”
“And you are, dear! You’re brilliant! But… clients would turn their nose up at a firm run by a woman. I’m sorry, but it’s the truth of our society. It’s why I want you to marry this man so you can-”
Pomni’s eyes lost the spark of fury in them, darkening with grief and betrayal. “…Papa.”
“So you can run the firm in my stead. You just need a man to serve as a figurehead. And believe me, Jax Krolik is charismatic enough to serve as a figurehead, I met with him only yesterday, and-”
“I haven’t! I don’t even know what this man- no, beastman looks like! How could you possibly think I’d be okay with you making such a rash decision behind my back? Are you really that heartless?!”
Pomni turned away from her parents once again. Zooble shook their head. 
“Fiends… heartless, deceitful fiends…” Pomni whispered. 
“Pomni, this was for your benefit.” Marella said stoically. “You’re 25. Time is running out for you. All the men who might have caught your attention are moving on to other women. Or even other men! We acted in your stead to make sure you had a fair shot at finding love, starting a family, being happy-”
“I am happy! Rather, I was happy until you thrust a knife into my back! Who are you to say what brings me joy and what doesn’t?!”
“I’m your mother, Pomni! And I was in your situation once! I was lucky enough that your father came along when he did-!”
“That’s enough from both of you!” Vladimir boomed. “Mirella, Pomni, sit back down.”
Mirella took her seat, but Pomni remained standing. 
“Pomni. Sit down.” 
“I won’t,” she said.
“We’ve already arranged a meeting with the Krolik family tomorrow afternoon.” Vladimir continued. “I assure you that once you meet Jax, your concerns will be assuaged. This wasn’t a decision made impetuously. Now, sit down, please.” 
Pomni’s lips quavered. She gradually slid back onto her chair.
“Good girl. Zooble, please clean that up before it stains the carpet. And the wall.” Vladimir motioned to the detritus on the carpet.
“Right away, Master Shutnyk.” Zooble said with another short bow. They hurriedly stepped out of the room, glancing at Pomni before going to get the dustpan. 
“We know how you feel, Pomni. It’s daunting to get married, but it’s part of a young woman’s life.” Mirella said. “And think about how much more you’ll have to do with a husband! An entire house all to yourself, new family to get to know… it’s an adventure! Besides, it trounces just going to town and back every day, wouldn’t you say?”
“No, mother. I don’t.” Pomni spat out the word “mother” like a poison. “I quite enjoy my time in town, thank you.”
“Well, now you can live in town! We’ve been to see their manor, and-”
“Well if you enjoy it so much, why don’t you live there in my stead? Clearly you’re infatuated with the man.” Pomni snapped.
“Pomni Shutnyk! You do NOT speak to your mother like that!” barked Vladimir. 
“I did not suffer the loss of three children to be disrespected by my only daughter!” Mirella exclaimed.
“If you’re going to treat me like this, then I wish I had died right along with them-”
Pomni put a hand to her mouth, immediately wishing she could reel the words back into her throat. Her mother’s face blanched, and Pomni felt tears well up in her eyes. 
“Pomni..!” her father gasped.
“I-I’m sorry…” Pomni managed to say. “I’m sorry, mother…” 
“You’ve said quite enough.” Vladimir asserted. “To your room, now. And you aren’t to come down until we tell you.”
Pomni, her pretty pale face damp with tears, rose from her chair and went into the foyer. Sniffling, she ascended the first step. She stopped, and turned, and hurriedly put her shoes on, sans her socks. She grabbed her pocketbook from the foyer hook. 
“Pomni?” her father’s voice came from the dining room. “Pomni, I instructed you to go to your room.”
She found her house key despite her blurred vision and unlocked the front door, easing it open. The sky was a dim orange and the trees mere black silhouettes, evening insects chirring. 
“Pomni!” her father called. There was the sound of a scraping chair. 
Pomni slipped through the door and shut it behind her, locking it behind her and pattering down the steps onto the dirt trail. She ran through the garden of the Shutnyk manor, wiping her eyes and nose and not looking back, even as she heard both of her parents shouting for her return. As far as she was concerned, it was no longer her home. 
Soon, she reached the main road, and turned left, hurrying further up the island and towards the church. 
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joembpro · 2 years
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I'll see your Ballston Beach, @joel_meyerowitz and raise you one Marconi Beach with shark flag. Wellfleet, Cape Cod, 2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp83nhBOFn8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zed-air · 2 years
CKUA - In Our Neighbourhood: 2023
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In Our Neighbourhood is CKUA’s weekly exploration of Alberta’s eclectic soundscapes. Kickstarting the weekend with two hours of songs, singers, stories, and sounds spanning the province, it’s an upbeat mix of unpredictable and essential tracks for your Friday night.
Opening theme music: “Strange Displacement” by Layten Kramer
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(87) 2023-01-06 - 18:00-20:00 (donor hour in memory of Dave Alcock)
^^ Listener recommendations/requests ~~ Featured content
Kalyna • The Kubasonics • KUBASONGS • 18:02
Here Come The Cossacks • Millenia • BRATTYA • 18:05
Wolfman Rock • Peter & The Wolves • HOWLIN' & PROWLIN' • 18:10
Down On My Luck • Elk Run & Riot • MORNING LIGHT • 18:14
Rare • Ruth B • MAYBE I'LL FIND YOU AGAIN • 18:17
Fill My Cup • Kimberley MacGregor • SITTING, WITH UNCOMFORTABLE FEELINGS • 18:21
Don't Take it (Don't Give it Away) • Des Arcs • MASKS • 18:26 ~~
Marconi's Machine • Des Arcs • THIEF VALLEY • 18:30 ~~
Raw Joy • AA Sound System • LAISSEZ FAIRE • 18:35
Angel • Lucette • DELUXE HOTEL ROOM • 18:38
Summer Child • Ghostkeeper • MULTIDIMENSIONAL CULTURE • 18:40
Dans les Nuages • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 18:44
Love Will • Greg Herman • ______ • 18:47
Only Here on Loan • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 18:51 ^^
The Crusader's Call • Doug Hoyer • GETTING OLDER • 18:53
City Tonight • Des Arcs • TAKE ME TO YOUR ISLAND • 18:59 ~~
Beach Blanket Blackout • Huevos Rancheros • MUERTE DEL TORO • 19:04 ~~
It All Comes Down To Mars • Falconhawk • HERE'S YOUR GHOST • 19:09 ~~
Try A Little Longer • Falconhawk • HERE'S YOUR GHOST • 19:13 ~~
Land of Shining Mountains • Ian Tyson • SONGS FROM THE GRAVEL ROAD • 19:16 ~~
Little Foothills Heaven • Corb Lund • HAIR IN MY EYES... • 19:19 ~~
Peace Train • Jann Arden • UNCOVER ME • 19:24 ~~
Empire State Express • Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir • TEN THOUSAND • 19:28 ~~
Chupacabras • Chixdiggit! • BORN ON THE FIRST OF JULY • 19:33 ~~
Brunette Summer • Chixdiggit! • BORN ON THE FIRST OF JULY • 19:35 ~~
Bonus Track • Chixdiggit! • BORN ON THE FIRST OF JULY • 19:38 ~~
Diamond Head • Huevos Rancheros • MUERTE DEL TORO • 19:41 ~~
Counterfeiters' Blues • Corb Lund • HAIR IN MY EYES... • 19:44 ~~
Stop that Thing • Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir • TEN THOUSAND • 19:47 ~~
Oxygen • Falconhawk • HERE'S YOUR GHOST • 19:49 ~~
Bring Me The Beard Of Billy Gibbons • Huevos Rancheros • MUERTE DEL TORO • 19:56 ~~
(88) 2023-01-13 - 18:00-20:00 (donor hour)
^^ Listener recommendations/requests ~~ Featured content
Come Around Again • Chloe Albert • COME AROUND AGAIN • 18:01
Good Life • Colleen Brown • ISOLATION SONGS • 18:05
Princess Peach • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 18:09
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • POLTERGEIST • 18:14
I Can't Wait • Miesha And The Spanks • ______ • 18:17
Frenchman Street Shake • Kat Danser • ONE EYE OPEN • 18:20
Everything • Celeigh Cardinal • EVERYTHING AND NOTHING AT ALL • 18:25
Albatross • John Hewitt • DEAD LOVERS • 18:29
Nothing To Hide • Of Candor • ______ • 18:32
This Haze For Days • Larch Gold • THIS HAZE EP • 18:36
Maidstone • Spruce Island • SPRUCE ISLAND • 18:42
Have You Lost It • Fish Memory • ONE OF THOSE MORNINGS.... • 18:47
Both Wheels Left The Ground • Pete Turland • BEST OF • 18:51
Superstition • The Bobby Cairns Legacy Band • PLAY IT FORWARD • 18:56
Alberta Moon • Over the Moon • MOONDANCER • 19:01
My Wild Rose • Blue Moon Marquee • SCREAM HOLLER & HOWL • 19:05 ^^
Baby I Got That Roon Money • The Misery Mountain Boys • FULL MOON SHUFFLE • 19:09 ^^
Til The Money Runs Out • Ethan Askey • WALK WHEN YOU WANNA RUN • 19:12 ^^
For Love And Money • Harpdog Brown • FOR LOVE & MONEY • 19:18
Get Back On That Horse • Steve Pineo • A PERFECTLY GOOD FRIENDSHIP • 19:21
Library Ladies • Ben Sures • THE STORY THAT LIVED HERE • 19:24
Always Saying Goodbye • Ian Tyson • SONGS FROM THE GRAVEL ROAD • 19:30 ^^
Always Keep An Edge On Your Knife • Corb Lund • HAIR IN MY EYES... • 19:33 ^^
Taking it Out • Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir • EVERYTHING WAS... • 19:36 ^^
Shaken • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 19:39
Better • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 19:44
Talk to Me • Mike Clark • DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND • 19:48 ^^
Living Free • Carter Felker • EVEN THE HAPPY ONES ARE SAD • 19:52
My Little Suede Shoes • The Hot Club of Calgary • THE HOT CLUB OF CALGARY • 19:55
(89) 2023-01-20 - 18:00-20:00 
~~ Featured content
Library Ladies • Ben Sures • THE STORY THAT LIVED HERE • 18:00 ~~
Rhododendron • Bella White • ______ • 18:04
Light A Fire • Cynthia Hamar • ______ • 18:09
Bobcaygeon • Mariel Buckley & T. Buckley • BOBCAYGEON • 18:16
Empty • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 18:21
Bad Blood • Wayfinding • ______ • 18:24
Used To Have A Raygun (live) • Ben Sures • POEMA POEMATIS • 18:32 ~~
Ink on Paper • L'omelette • YOU ARE HERE • 18:37
Tap Me On the Shoulder • Starpainter • BURY ME BY MY FAMILY • 18:41
Since You Been Gone • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 18:46
I Can't Do It Alone • Souls In Rhythm • ______ • 18:49
Outta Love • Monks On Call • ______ • 18:54
Pas Devant • Mireille Moquin • AUREVOIR PRINCESSE • 19:00
Father's Shoes • Ben Sures • THE STORY THAT LIVED HERE • 19:05 ~~
John Smoke • Local Strays • ______ • 19:08
Into the Grey • Tim Isberg • RUNNING ON THE EDGE • 19:11
Sunshine • Tzadeka • HALF THE PAIN IS HALF THE WORK • 19:18
Gibberish • Self-Cut Bangs • CIRCLE AROUND THE FREE • 19:21
It's Not The Same Anymore • Fish Memory • ONE OF THOSE MORNINGS... • 19:24
Beirut, Beirut (live) • Ben Sures • LIVE AT THE YARDBIRD SUITE • 19:28 ~~
Tango • Tom Phillips & The D.T.s • SATELLITES AND STARS • 19:35
Don't Think Twice It's Alright • Steve Pineo • AROUND THE HORN • 19:37
Petites Histories • Notas de 4 • ______ • 19:44
Anything I Know • Ann Vriend • EVERYBODY MATTERS • 19:48
Everybody Matters • Ben Sures • GONE TO BOLIVIA • 19:51 ~~
A Night In Tunisia • Al Muirhead • IT'S ABOUT TIME • 19:55
(90) 2023-01-27 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
The Kick Inside • King of Foxes • GOLDEN ARMOUR • 18:01 ~~
Morning Light • Elk Run & Riot • MORNING LIGHT • 18:04
Catching Flies • St. Arnaud • ______ • 18:08
Miss Chatelaine (St. Tropez Mix) • k.d. lang • MAKEOVER • 18:12
Dans les Nuages • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 18:15
Weather Report • Sammy Volkov • BE ALRIGHT! • 18:18
Another Chance • Justine Giles • ______ • 18:22
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:29
Joyful Banner Blazing • Maria Dunn • JOYFUL BANNER BLAZING • 18:33
Backsliders • King Of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 18:36 ~~
Rawhide • Boots & The Hoots • BUCK OR TWO BUCKAROO • 18:43
Moon Of Honey • Billie ZiZi • MOON OF HONEY • 18:47
Be Easy • Taylor Ackerman's Global Acid Reset • ENCEPHALON • 18:51
One More Night • Electric Religious • TRAGIC LOVER • 18:57
Don't Go • Lollipop • THE SLED ISLAND ROCK LOTTO • 19:03
Swimming in the Undertow • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 19:08 ~~
Hunger Strike • Shane Ghostkeeper • ______ • 19:11
Wrong Love • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 19:15
Call You Back • Sargeant X Comrade • ______ • 19:19
Banff Avenue • Dragon Fli Empire • BANFF AVENUE • 19:21
Make The First Move • Dana Wylie • HOW MUCH MUSCLE • 19:25
Doomed to Repeat • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 19:31 ~~
Acres Of Elbow Room • John Wort Hannam • ACRES OF ELBOW ROOM • 19:34
Am I Dear? • JJ Shiplett • SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN • 19:37
Mystery Train • Pete Turland • PETE TURLAND AND THE RENTAL CATS • 19:42
Only Here on Loan • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 19:48 ~~
Get It Right • Doug Hoyer • DREAM LIFE • 19:51
Fringes • Good Information • ______ • 19:55
(91) 2023-02-03 - 18:00-20:00 (Celebrating Edmonton on ‘Flip the Switch’ Day)
~~ Featured content ^^ Listener recommendations/requests
Evolution • Nuela Charles • THE GRAND HUSTLE (EP) • 18:01 ~~
Better • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 18:04
Don't Call Me Baby • Kreesha Turner • PASSION • 18:07
My City Life • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 18:12
Everything • Fendercase • FENDERCASE • 18:15
One More Night • Electric Religious • TRAGIC LOVER • 18:19
Caroline • John Hewitt • ______ • 18:24
Big Sunglasses • Dylan Farrell • BLUES BEFORE • 18:28
Dirty Eyes • Sweet Vintage Rides • ROAD TRIP • 18:33
You Know I'm Right • Confusionaires! • IT'S TIME TO MAKE A LITTLE MESS... • 18:37
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • POLTERGEIST • 18:40
How Much Muscle • Dana Wylie • HOW MUCH MUSCLE • 18:46
Great, Great Day • Beth Portman • GREAT, GREAT DAY • 18:51
Top of the World • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 18:56 ~~
Girl In The Crowd • Jr. Gone Wild • STILL GOT THE JACKET • 19:00
Lovedrops • Barry Allen • 1966 CAPITOL 45 • 19:04
Samba Del Sol • Judy Singh • A TIME FOR LOVE • 19:06
Take a Little Piece of My Heart • Jay Gilday • THE CHOICE AND THE CHASE • 19:09 
The Good Ones • Nuela Charles • AWARE • 19:15 ~~
Avec Toi • Post Script • AMOUR FATAL (EP) • 19:19
Did She Mention My Name • The Bix Mix Boys • THE BIX MIX BOYS • 19:22
Ace of Spades • The Give 'Em Hell Boys • BUCKLE POLISHERS EP • 19:27
Deathwish • Striker • SINGLE • 19:29 ^^
Do It Right • Nuela Charles • DISTANT DANGER • 19:34  ~~
Alien Bride • The Lad Mags • HYPNOTIZED 7 • 19:38
Simultaneously • Bad Buddy • BAD BUDDY • 19:40
Upside Down • Ayla Brook • I DON'T WANT TO HEAR... • 19:43
Endless Hot Stuff • Electricity for Everybody! • THE HUSK • 19:49
Alive • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 19:52 ~~
The Kestrel • P.J. Perry • NO HUGS • 19:56
(92) 2023-02-10 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Take Me Higher • Sargeant X Comrade • MAGIC RADIO • 18:01 ~~
Bear The Cold • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 18:05
Hello • Fendercase • FENDERCASE • 18:08
Keep in the Middle... • Black Pioneer Heritage Singers • AIN'T THAT GOOD NEWS • 18:12
Maggie's Farm • Bill Bourne • FREE RADIO DANCE BAND • 18:15
Wild Rose • Miss Rae & The Midnight Ramblers • WILD ROSE • 18:20
Sitting on Top of the World • Lionel Rault • LINEDRIVER • 18:26
Down By The Riverside • Rooster Davis • FOR SAINTS & SINNERS • 18:29
U Can Lay • Beth Portman • LOVIN' • 18:33
The Tourist Song • Brad Bucknell & the Ohno Band • OHNO • 18:36
Got It Bad • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 18:43
Stages • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 18:47 ~~
Great Goodbye • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 18:50
Good Vibes • Jim Findlay & Mingmei Xu • I SEE • 18:55
Stereo • Hello Moth • WHEN THE SKY MELTED • 19:01
Call You Back • Sargeant X Comrade • ______ • 19:04 ~~
Streetlights • Midnite Gossip • ______ • 19:07
Do It All With You • Cayley Thomas • ______ • 19:10
Fog • Bailey Kate • WITHIN / WITHOUT • 19:13
I'm Here For You • Altameda • BORN LOSERS • 19:18
After a While • 36? • NATURALLY • 19:22
Feelin' Lucky • Kue Varo • ______ • 19:25
Secret (Number Station Mix) • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 19:29 ~~
Evolution • Braids • ______ • 19:32
Come Around Again • Chloe Albert • COME AROUND AGAIN • 19:36
Stay The Same • Micah Sage • ______ • 19:39
Wrong Love • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 19:43
Pleasant Solutions • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 19:46
The Mountain (ft K-riz) • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 19:50 ~~
The Battle of the Thames • Osyron • FOUNDATIONS • 19:54
(93) 2023-02-17 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Whussup? (ft. Janessa J) • Tarik Robinson • ROTATIONS • 18:01 ~~
Radiation • Tarik Robinson • ROTATIONS • 18:05 ~~
Hello • Fendercase • FENDERCASE • 18:09
Everything • Fendercase • FENDERCASE • 18:12
What You Say • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 18:16
Hope That • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 18:18
Here 4 U • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 18:22
Bloom • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 18:26
One Day Closer • D'orjay The Singing Shaman • NEW KIND OF OUTLAW • 18:31
One Headlight • D'orjay The Singing Shaman • NEW KIND OF OUTLAW • 18:34
Unfortunate Love • Nuela Charles • AWARE • 18:39
Awakening • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 18:44
Hi-Fli • Dragon Fli Empire • INTERMISSION EP • 18:47 ~~
Record Store (feat. J-Live) • Dragon Fli Empire • ______ • 18:50 ~~
On Track (feat. Tarik Robinson) • Freak Motif • LA CASA BLANCA • 18:55 ~~
Frustrated • Tanika Charles • PAPILLON DE NUIT • 19:01
Vakuru Vakareva • Ronald Nyandoro • SABHUKU • 19:06
Zvawakada • Ronald Nyandoro • SABHUKU • 19:10
Sweet Chamomile • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:15
Holiday • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:18
He Doesn't Know • Zenon Epp • GENRE Z (EP) • 19:22
Fool • Zenon Epp • GENRE Z (EP) • 19:25
Keep Your Hand on the Plow • Black Pioneer Heritage Singers • AIN'T THAT GOOD NEWS • 19:29
Ain't that Good News • Black Pioneer Heritage Singers • AIN'T THAT GOOD NEWS • 19:35
Take You Back • Tarik Robinson • ROTATIONS • 19:41 ~~
Rotations • Tarik Robinson • ROTATIONS • 19:44 ~~
At the Whims • Yves Jarvis • THE ZUG • 19:48
Enemy • Yves Jarvis • THE ZUG • 19:51
Inspiration (Instrumental) • Dragon Fli Empire • ______ • 19:55 ~~
(94) 2023-02-24 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Dans les Nuages • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 18:01 ~~
Black Magic • Kreesha Turner • PASSION • 18:04
Bear The Cold • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 18:08
Mocking Bird • Juba • MAFARO • 18:12
Don't Call Me Baby • Kreesha Turner • PASSION • 18:16
How Ya Livin' • Souls in Rhythm • ANOTHER ROUND • 18:19
Music is My Medicine • Tzadeka • CITIES ON FIRE • 18:23
Ralph Wiggum • Tendavillage • DEBUT EP • 18:27
My Wom • Vissia • WITH PLEASURE • 18:30
Laisse Tomber Les Filles • Emily Triggs • WHEN GUINEVERE WENT UNDER • 18:33
How Could I Wait • Peter & The Wolves • FORGET ABOUT IT • 18:37
Upside Down • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 18:41 ~~
Diagnosed Dissociative • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 18:44
Somebody That I Used To Know • 6 Minute Warning • 6 MINUTE WARNING • 18:48
Not Alone • Melafrique • ______ • 18:52
Since You Been Gone • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 19:00 ~~
Alberta Blue (w/ Ian Tyson) • The Travelling Mabels • THE TRAVELLING MABELS • 19:04
Driving In The Dark • Mariel Buckley • DRIVING IN THE DARK • 19:07
Feelin' Lucky • Kue Varo • ______ • 19:11
Hot Car From Texas • Dirty Dirty Devil's • SATIN DEVIL DIARIES • 19:15
All Your Love • Ghost Woman • GHOST WOMAN • 19:20
Love Overdue • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 19:23 ~~
Take A Dive • The Dust Collectors • FILTERED GEMS • 19:27
Under the B • The Denim Daddies • ______ • 19:30
Snake Farm • Matt Masters • ALL - WESTERN WINNERS • 19:33
Never Say Never • Self-Cut Bangs • CIRCLE AROUND THE FREE • 19:38
I Really Like You • Liz Christensen • ______ • 19:41
Evolution • Braids • ______ • 19:44
Bad Blood • Wayfinding • ______ • 19:47
Rent Free • Tanika Charles • PAPILLON DE NUIT • 19:53 ~~
Fringes • Good Information • ______ • 19:55
(95) 2023-03-03 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content ++ Tonight’s ‘odd one out’
Way I Like It Done • Kat Danser • ONE EYE OPEN • 18:02 ~~
Hound Dog On A Chain • Blue Moon Marquee • SCREAM HOLLER & HOWL • 18:06 
Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley • Mike Clark • DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND • 18:09
Hideaway (Edit) • Delirium Street Party Brass Band • ______ • 18:15
Back Where I Started (At The Bottom) • Double Suede • THE DEEP END • 18:19
Saggy Baggy Faces • Ben Sures • SON OF TROUBLE • 18:22
Someday Soon • Over the Moon • CHINOOK WALTZ • 18:25
Home • Tim Isberg • HOME • 18:29 
Carolyn Harley • A Song of Hope • SONGS OF HOPE • 18:34
Visions of Emma-Rose • John Hewitt • DEAD LOVERS • 18:38 
Famba • The Mbira Renaissance Band • FAMBA • 18:45
Bring It With You When You Come • Kat Danser • ONE EYE OPEN • 18:49 ~~
I Don't Want A Secondhand Romance • Red Hot Hayseeds • ______ • 18:53
Light A Fire • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 18:58
Alley Cat • Bebe Buckskin • CAPTAIN MEDICINE • 19:04
How Much Muscle • Dana Wylie • HOW MUCH MUSCLE • 19:09
Voodoo Groove • Kat Danser • GOIN' GONE • 19:15 ~~
Capsized • Monks On Call • LAKEWOOD RD. • 19:21
Red Skates • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 19:24
Natural • 36? • NATURALLY • 19:29
Frenchman Street Shake • Kat Danser • ONE EYE OPEN • 19:33 ~~
Cool • L'omelette • ______ • 19:36
It's Not The Same Anymore • Fish Memory • ONE OF THOSE MORNINGS... • 19:38
Disco 2000 • Pulp • DIFFERENT CLASS • 19:44 ++
Amour Fatal • Post Script • AMOUR FATAL (EP) • 19:49 
Time For Me To Go • Kat Danser • GOIN' GONE • 19:51 ~~
So Long • P.J. Perry • NO HUGS • 19:55
(96) 2023-03-10 - 18:00-20:00
Bubble Monkey • Tendavillage • DEBUT EP • 18:01
Simultaneously • Bad Buddy • BAD BUDDY • 18:04
Bowling Green • Altameda • TIME HASN'T CHANGED YOU • 18:06 
Another Chance • Justine Giles • ______ • 18:12
Fairweather Lover • Kimberley MacGregor • TRUE • 18:17
Nighttime • Bailey Kate • WITHIN / WITHOUT • 18:20 
Banff Avenue • Dragon Fli Empire • BANFF AVENUE • 18:25
Wrong Love • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 18:29
Give It Up • Mercy Funk • MERCY FUNK • 18:32 
Danger • Nuela Charles • DISTANT DANGER • 18:36
After a While • 36? • NATURALLY • 18:39
Cosmic Saturation • The Velveteins • ______ • 18:42 
Only Here on Loan • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 18:46
Sure Thing • Casual Fridays • THE SLED ISLAND ROCK LOTTO • 18:49 
Golden Line • Amelie Patterson • ______ • 18:53
Four59 • J.Alpinist • SLED ISLAND LEMONADE STAND • 18:56
Atacama (Radio Edit) • Panqueque • ______ • 19:00
Ocean Blue • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 19:04
If I Were You (Close to the Groove mix) • k.d. lang • MAKEOVER • 19:08
Take it Apart • VISSIA • WITH PLEASURE • 19:13
Blue Lipstick • Layten Kramer • DEAR APATHY • 19:16
Look Around • Judy Singh • A TIME FOR LOVE • 19:20
Avec Toi • Post Script • AMOUR FATAL (EP) • 19:23
Tombstone Grey • Shaela Miller • BIG HAIR SMALL CITY • 19:26
Never Gonna Happen Again • Andy Eichhorn • SATELLITES & SECRETS (EP) • 19:30
Morning Light • Elk Run & Riot • MORNING LIGHT • 19:34
I Can't Wait (Clean) • Miesha And The Spanks • ______ • 19:38
Getting Older • Doug Hoyer • GETTING OLDER • 19:41
Sophie • St. Arnaud • LOVE AND THE FRONT LAWN • 19:44
Ink on Paper • L'omelette • YOU ARE HERE • 19:48
Spaceship • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:53
Elevated • Neon Dreams • DISSIMULATION • 19:57
(97) 2023-03-17 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Neon (That's Why) • Altameda • BORN LOSERS • 18:01
Long Gone • Mellow The Lion • ______ • 18:05
It Did • Sean Hamilton & The Amber Hour • ______ • 18:08
Copperhead Road • Celtic Fusion Illusion • WALK THE TWEED • 18:13 
Galway Girl • Derina Harvey • ROVE AND GO • 18:18
Joyful Banner Blazing • Maria Dunn • JOYFUL BANNER BLAZING • 18:21
Rewild • The Borch Brothers • THE BORCH BROTHERS • 18:27
Won't Let You Down This Time • John Hewitt • DEAD LOVERS • 18:30
Kure Kure • The Mbira Renaissance Band • FAMBA • 18:33
Painless • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:38
Come Together Now • Altameda • MORE TIME • 18:44
Everyday • Mercy Funk • FEEL GOOD • 18:48
Julia • The Fast Romantics • AMERICAN LOVE • 18:52
Tijuana Sunset • The 427's • MAVERICKS • 18:56
Sometimes I Wonder • Mallory Chipman • ______ • 19:01
Not Alone • Melafrique • ______ • 19:06
Shady Grove • Mike Tod • MIKE TOD (EP) • 19:12
My Wild Rose • Blue Moon Marquee • SCREAM HOLLER & HOWL • 19:18
Break My Heart • Bella White • ______ • 19:21
Queen of the Street • Altameda • DIRTY RAIN • 19:25
Need It • Jesse Peters • ______ • 19:29
Bad Blood • Wayfinding • ______ • 19:33
Blue Moon • Elle Celeste • CALL ON ME • 19:38
The Mountain (ft K-riz) • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 19:45
Borrowed Suit, Secondhand Dress • Altameda • DIRTY RAIN • 19:48
Dad Bod Blues • Up And Over Trio • UP AND OVER • 19:51
(98) 2023-03-24 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Stay • Justine Vandergrift • STAY • 18:01 ~~
Crush • The Lovebullies • ______ • 18:05
Shaken • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 18:09 
Walk On Through • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 18:14
Cover Your Eyes • Jess Knights • BEST KIND OF LIGHT • 18:18 
Keep On • Marcus Trummer • ______ • 18:22 
They Can't Blackout The Moon • Over The Moon • CHINOOK WALTZ • 18:28
Library Ladies • Ben Sures • THE STORY THAT LIVED HERE • 18:30
Garden Song • Justine Vandergrift • YES RIGHT OK • 18:34 ~~
Weather Report • Sammy Volkov • BE ALRIGHT! • 18:39
Mountain Standard Time • Lucas Chaisson • MOST TRUE THING • 18:42
Love Is Strange • The Travelling Mabels • THE TRAVELLING MABELS • 18:45
Saint Hubert • Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir • EVERYTHING WAS A LONG TIME AGO • 18:49
Isolation Groove • Martin Kerr & Ann Vriend • ______ • 18:53
A Little More to Life • Justine Vandergrift • MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME • 18:58 ~~
Bad Ideas • Shaela Miller • BAD IDEAS • 19:01
Die Laughing • Magnolia Buckskin • DIE LAUGHING • 19:06
I Want You Back • Nancy Laberge • CALGARY FMF SAMPLER • 19:10
Mermaid Song • Jesse Murray • I DID IT ALL FOR YOU • 19:14
Impossible • Spruce Island • SPRUCE ISLAND • 19:17
Space Migration Blues • Robb Moss • SOMETIMES WE WIN • 19:21
Two Strike Foul • J.R. Shore • TALKIN' ON A BUS • 19:24
Ain't What It Ain't • Justine Vandergrift • MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME • 19:28 ~~
The Old Ways Of Navigation • Ryland Moranz • XO, 1945 • 19:30
Blue Lipstick • Layten Kramer • DEAR APATHY • 19:33
Endless Chain • Tanika Charles • SOUL RUN • 19:37
My Wom • Vissia • WITH PLEASURE • 19:41
Waking Up • Jay Gilday • FASTER THAN LIGHT • 19:45
Break My Heart • Bella White • ______ • 19:47
Believe! • Justine Vandergrift • MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME • 19:52 ~~
Slowtown • Doug Organ • QUIET IN THE LIBRARY • 19:56
(99) 2023-03-31 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Ocean Blue • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 18:01 ~~
Glitter On The Dancefloor • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 18:06
Light Me Up • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 18:09
Another Chance • Justine Giles • ______ • 18:14
Talk To Me • Mike Clark • DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND • 18:18
Keep On • Marcus Trummer • ______ • 18:22
Feel Every Moment • Martin Kerr • GRATEFUL • 18:29
I Hear Them Calling • Rae Spoon • ARMOUR • 18:32 ~~
Doumbe • Juba • MAFARO • 18:36
Not Alone • Melafrique • ______ • 18:41
Take a Step • Aladean Kheroufi • BEAUTY BEYOND GRIEF • 18:46
Stars Still Dying • Clea Anais • CIRCLE ZERO • 18:49
Shame • Rae Spoon • MENTAL HEALTH • 18:54 ~~
How Could I Wait • Peter & The Wolves • FORGET ABOUT IT • 19:00
Bad Bad Man • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 19:04
Turnpike • Boots & the Hoots • ______ • 19:07
When I Get Tired • Justine Vandergrift • MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME • 19:10
Can't Escape It • Payphones • RIOTING HEART • 19:13
Sweet Chamomile • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:16
5th and Munroe • Parkland • PARKLAND • 19:19
Stolen Song • Rae Spoon • ARMOUR • 19:24 ~~
All I Wanted • Tegan and Sara • CRYBABY • 19:29
Feelin' Lucky • Kue Varo • ______ • 19:32
Danger • Nuela Charles • DISTANT DANGER • 19:35
Gibberish • Self-Cut Bangs • CIRCLE AROUND THE FREE • 19:39
It Did • Sean Hamilton & The Amber Hour • ______ • 19:42
Pick It Up • The Fast Romantics • PICK IT UP • 19:49
Promises • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 19:52 ~~
Elevated • Neon Dreams • DISSIMULATION • 19:55
(100) 2023-04-07 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content ^^ Listener recommendations/requests
Don't Take it (Don't Give it Away) • Des Arcs • MASKS • 18:01 ~~
Live The Dream • Major Love • ______ • 18:05
Morning Light • Elk Run & Riot • MORNING LIGHT • 18:08
Dance Dance Dance • F&M • DANCE DANSE (EP) • 18:13
Divided • Tzadeka • CITIES ON FIRE • 18:17
Tonight • Mouraine • ______ • 18:20
Shadows • Chantelle Marie • BUTTERFLY HEARD • 18:26
Beautiful Mess • John Wort Hannam & Shaela Miller • LONG HAUL • 18:30
Muddy Water • Lucette • BLACK IS THE COLOR • 18:34
Ink on Paper • L'omelette • YOU ARE HERE • 18:39
Capsized • Monks On Call • LAKEWOOD RD. • 18:43
Marconi's Machine • Des Arcs • THIEF VALLEY • 18:47 ~~
Radio Morning • Des Arcs • MASKS • 18:51 ~~
Violent Minds • Bad Communicators • ______ • 18:53
Hold the Line • Osyron • ______ • 18:59
Swimming in the Undertow • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 19:04
Have You Lost It • Fish Memory • ONE OF THOSE MORNINGS... • 19:07
Simultaneously • Bad Buddy • BAD BUDDY • 19:11
Say You'll Wait • Kimberley MacGregor • ______ • 19:14
Low-Hanging Fruit • Starpainter • ______ • 19:19
To Love Somebody • Lindi Ortega • FADED GLORYVILLE • 19:23 ^^
Unfolded Heart • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:28 ~~
Ricochet • Preoccupations • ARRANGEMENTS • 19:31
Terrified By My Own Design • Misfortune Tellers • ______ • 19:35
Dig Me Out • Miesha And The Spanks • ______ • 19:41
You Should Know By Now • Lorrie Matheson • ______ • 19:44
Left Inside • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 19:47
Get Down • Lynn Olagundoye • AFRICA VIOLET • 19:49
Days To Nights • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:52 ~~
Mrs. Roper • Peter Belec • MELODIC MINER • 19:55
(101) 2023-04-14 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content ++ Tonight’s ‘odd one out’
Home In My Shoes • Amos Garrett • BURIED ALIVE IN THE BLUES • 18:02 ~~
Maggie's Farm • Bill Bourne • FREE RADIO DANCE BAND • 18:05
Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley • Mike Clark • DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND • 18:09
Into the Grey • Tim Isberg • RUNNING ON THE EDGE • 18:15
Dancing with Sue • Wyatt C. Louis • ______ • 18:20
Weather Report • Sammy Volkov • ______ • 18:23 
Glory Hallelujah • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:27
Forerunners • Trevor Howlett & the Cruz Bros • ______ • 18:34
Full Moon Town • Lucette • DELUXE HOTEL ROOM • 18:38
Middletown • Emily Triggs • MIDDLETOWN • 18:41
Shady Grove • Mike Tod • MIKE TOD (EP) • 18:45
Baton Rouge • Amos Garrett • AMOSBEHAVIN' • 18:49 ~~
Streetlights • Midnite Gossip • ______ • 18:55 
Sonrisa Eterna • Notas de 4 • COSAS MARAVILLOSAS • 18:59
Say You'll Wait • Kimberley MacGregor • ______ • 19:05
I Don't Want A Secondhand Romance • Red Hot Hayseeds • ______ • 19:09
Crush • The Lovebullies • ______ • 19:12
Believe! • Justine Vandergrift • MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME • 19:18
Judgement Day • Amos Garrett • ACOUSTIC ALBUM • 19:22 ~~
Oh Sorrow • Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir • EVERYTHING WAS A LONG... • 19:25
Whiskey In The Jar • Celtic Fusion Illusion • WALK THE TWEED • 19:30
Never Gonna Happen Again • Andy Eichhorn • SATELLITES & SECRETS (EP) • 19:34
Don't Take it (Don't Give it Away) • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:38
All I Wanted • Tegan and Sara • CRYBABY • 19:42
Natural • 36? • NATURALLY • 19:47
Bird Songs • Astral Swans • ASTRAL SWANS • 19:50
I Hate Myself • Amos Garrett • ACOUSTIC ALBUM • 19:52 ~~
R.D. James: Avril 14th (LP ver) • Murcof x Wagner • STATEA • 19:55 ++
(102) 2023-04-21 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Take on Me • The Valiant Thieves • THE VALIANT THIEVES • 18:01
London 1969 • The Lovebullies • ______ • 18:04
Spaceship • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 18:08
Stay The Same • Micah Sage • ______ • 18:11
Stages • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 18:16
He Doesn't Know • Zenon Epp • GENRE Z (EP) • 18:19
My Last Girlfriend • Ben Sures • FIELD GUIDE TO LONELINESS • 18:23
Missunderstood • Double Suede • THE DEEP END • 18:27
Forerunners • Trevor Howlett & the Cruz Bros • ______ • 18:30
Endless Hot Stuff • Electricity for Everybody! • THE HUSK • 18:34
Blue Wing • Corb Lund • SONGS MY FRIENDS WROTE • 18:38
Mom and Daddy's Girl • Greg Herman • ______ • 18:43
Big Hair Small City • Shaela Miller • BIG HAIR SMALL CITY • 18:46
Ain't What It Ain't • Justine Vandergrift • MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME • 18:49
Tichano Imba • Juba • MAFARO • 18:52
Top of the World • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 18:55
I See/ Icy Water • Cris Derksen • THE COLLAPSE • 18:59
Ocean Blue • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 19:04
Why Do You Love Me? • Jom Comyn • I NEED LOVE • 19:08
Girl In The Crowd • Jr. Gone Wild • STILL GOT THE JACKET • 19:11
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 19:14
Doomed to Repeat • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 19:19
Sunshine • The Kubasonics • KUBASONGS • 19:22
Won't Let You Down This Time • John Hewitt • DEAD LOVERS • 19:26
Hold the Line • Osyron • ______ • 19:31
This Haze For Days • Larch Gold • THIS HAZE EP • 19:35
Lo Demas es Loma • Makiisma • LADY MISERY • 19:40
Ambitious Intuition • Ava Wild • ______ • 19:44
Mad Melancholia • TOVI • I KEEP FLOATING AWAY • 19:47
Good Life • Colleen Brown • ISOLATION SONGS • 19:52
Flight • Neon Dreams • DISSIMULATION • 19:56
(103) 2023-04-28 - 18:00-20:00 (fundraiser special)
~~ Featured content
Strange Displacement • Layten Kramer • DEAR APATHY • 18:00
Do It Right • Nuela Charles • DISTANT DANGER • 18:06
Money • Rae Spoon • MENTAL HEALTH • 18:09
On My Mind • VISSIA • WITH PLEASURE • 18:16
Dance Dance Dance • F&M • DANCE DANSE (EP) • 18:19
Fill My Cup • Kimberley MacGregor • SITTING, WITH UNCOMFORTABLE FEELINGS • 18:26
One Day Closer • D'orjay The Singing Shaman • NEW KIND OF OUTLAW • 18:30
One Time Asking • Mariel Buckley • DRIVING IN THE DARK • 18:37
Doomed to Repeat • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 18:40
Tombstone Grey • Shaela Miller • BIG HAIR SMALL CITY • 18:48
Into the Grey • Tim Isberg • RUNNING ON THE EDGE • 18:52 
Whussup? (ft. Janessa J) • Tarik Robinson • ROTATIONS • 18:59
Frenchman Street Shake • Kat Danser • ONE EYE OPEN • 19:08
Home In My Shoes • Amos Garrett • BURIED ALIVE IN THE BLUES • 19:12
Move It • Pete Turland • CRUISIN' • 19:20
Don't Be Cruel • The Carolines • THE CAROLINES • 19:23
Lovedrops • Barry Allen • 1966 CAPITOL 45 • 19:32
The One For Me • Doug Hoyer • TO BE A RIVER • 19:34
Library Ladies • Ben Sures • THE STORY THAT LIVED HERE • 19:43
Radio Morning • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:46
(I Think) I Hit My Limit • Ayla Brook & The Sound Men • DESOLATION SOUNDS • 19:49
My Reward • Audrey Ochoa • FRANKENHORN • 19:57
(104) 2023-05-05 - 18:00-20:00 (donor requests)
^^ Donor recommendations/requests
Red Skates • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 18:01
Mexico • Jenesia • CATCH-22 • 18:05
Great Great Day • Beth Portman • GREAT GREAT DAY • 18:09
Big Hair Small City • Shaela Miller • BIG HAIR SMALL CITY • 18:15 ^^
Ain't What It Ain't • Justine Vandergrift • MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME • 18:19
Mom & Daddy's Girl • Greg Herman • ______ • 18:21
Cellophane • Kate Blechinger • UNDER A DANCING SKY • 18:26 ^^
This Flight Tonight • Aimee-Jo Benoit • BORJONER • 18:31
Living Free • Carter Felker • EVEN THE HAPPY ONES ARE SAD • 18:39 ^^
Say You'll Wait • Kimberley MacGregor • ______ • 18:43 ^^
Fool • Zenon Epp • GENRE Z (EP) • 18:47
Big Sunglasses • Dylan Farrell • BLUES BEFORE • 18:51
Secondhand Skates • Maria Dunn • JOYFUL BANNER BLAZING • 18:58 ^^
Day By Day • Doug & The Sluggs • ______ • 19:03 ^^
Somewhere in the Rubies • Ian Tyson • LIVE AT LONGVIEW • 19:09 ^^
Gettin' Down On The Mountain • Corb Lund • CABIN FEVER • 19:13 ^^
The Tic Tac Blues • Amelie Patterson • ROLL HONEY ROLL • 19:16
Did She Mention My Name? • The Bix Mix Boys • THE BIX MIX BOYS • 19:22 ^^
Sundown • The McDades • THE EMPRESS • 19:24 ^^
Tijuana Sunset • The 427's • MAVERICKS • 19:28 ^^
Surf & Turf • Doug Organ • QUIET IN THE LIBRARY • 19:33 ^^
The Apple From The Tree • Confusionaires! • WESTERNIZATION • 19:36
Don't Take it (Don't Give it Away) • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:39
In Dim Light • Darkroom • ______ • 19:45
Grocery Store • Starpainter • BURY ME BY MY FAMILY • 19:48
Calaboose Stomp • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 19:51 ^^
Klezmer Fun • JoyRide • JOYRIDE • 19:54 ^^
(105) 2023-05-12 - 18:00-20:00 (donor requests)
^^ Donor recommendations/requests
Stars Still Dying • Clea Anais • CIRCLE ZERO • 18:01
Have You Lost It • Fish Memory • ONE OF THOSE MORNINGS... • 18:06
Angel • Lucette • DELUXE HOTEL ROOM • 18:09
Don't Take it (Don't Give it Away) • Des Arcs • MASKS • 18:13 ^^
Shadows • Chantelle Marie • BUTTERFLY HEARD • 18:17 ^^
Can't Escape It • Payphones • RIOTING HEART • 18:21
Wendy's House (Or Unter Dem Linden) • Brad Bucknell & the Ohno Band • OHNO • 18:26 ^^
Ontario Song • Maria Dunn • JOYFUL BANNER BLAZING • 18:29
Home • Tim Isberg • HOME • 18:33
Come On Down • Blue Moon Marquee • SCREAM HOLLER & HOWL • 18:40
Live The Dream • Major Love • ______ • 18:44
Long Gone • Mellow The Lion • ______ • 18:47
Bad Blood • Wayfinding • ______ • 18:50
Frenetic • Good Information • ______ • 18:55
Houndstooth Jacket • The Alien Rebels • STRANGE FEELINGS • 19:00 ^^
Wolfman Rock • Peter & The Wolves • HOWLIN' & PROWLIN' • 19:04 ^^
Start a Fire • Lucas Chaisson • TELLING TIME • 19:07
Hey Hey! (For Gord) • Leeroy Stagger • STRANGE PATH • 19:10 ^^
Golden Line • Amelie Patterson • THE WAR • 19:15
Storm Warning • TOVI • I KEEP FLOATING AWAY • 19:18
Hide Forever • Selci • A SOFT PLACE (EP) • 19:21
Morning Light • Sargeant X Comrade • MAGIC RADIO • 19:26
Since You Been Gone • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 19:29
I Can't Do It Alone • Souls In Rhythm • 19:33
Summer in Your Mouth • Starpainter • ______ • 19:36 ^^
The Other Man • Mariel Buckley • 97 RIVERDALE (EP) • 19:41 ^^
Mermaid Song • Jesse Murray • I DID IT ALL FOR YOU • 19:44 ^^
Nighttime • Bailey Kate • WITHIN / WITHOUT • 19:48
Catch Me If You Can • Aaron Booth • SEASONS • 19:55 ^^
(106) 2023-05-19 - 18:00-20:00 (donor requests)
^^ Donor recommendations/requests
Church of the Long Grass • John Wort Hannam • QUEEN'S HOTEL • 18:01 ^^
If I Had Wings • Ryland Moranz • XO, 1945. • 18:05 ^^
One Headlight • D'orjay The Singing Shaman • NEW KIND OF OUTLAW • 18:09  ^^
Light A Fire • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 18:15
Fall Apart • Bailey Kate • WITHIN / WITHOUT • 18:20
Whatever Helps You • Mariel Buckley • EVERYWHERE I USED TO BE • 18:23 ^^
Good Woman • Shaela Miller • BIG HAIR SMALL CITY • 18:28 ^^
Gravel Road • Lyndsay Butler • ______ • 18:32 ^^
I'm Movin' On • Billy Cowsill • LIVE FROM THE CRYSTAL BALLROOM • 18:36 ^^
Travelin' Man • Donald Ray Johnson • TRAVELIN' MAN • 18:40
Dancing with Sue • Wyatt C. Louis • ______ • 18:45
Feelin' Lucky • Kue Varo • ______ • 18:48 
Won't Settle • Kimberley MacGregor • ______ • 18:52 ^^
The Score • The 427's • MAVERICKS • 18:55 ^^
F_ing Up What Matters (CLEAN) • Tegan and Sara • CRYBABY • 19:00
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 19:03
Take A Dive • The Dust Collectors • FILTERED GEMS • 19:07
Is She Really Going Out With Him • The Polyjesters • COVER ART • 19:10
Lemonade • Lowell • ______ • 19:14
Wrong Love • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 19:18 ^^
Fli Beat Patrol • Dragon Fli Empire • ______ • 19:21
The Good Ones • Nuela Charles • AWARE • 19:25
Endless Hot Stuff • Electricity for Everybody! • THE HUSK • 19:30
Dream Within A Dream • Jesse Murray • I DID IT ALL FOR YOU • 19:34
Setting Sun • Witch Victim • THE SLED ISLAND LEMONADE STAND • 19:37
Phases • Heartbeat City • THE SLED ISLAND ROCK LOTTO • 19:42
Shout Out From a Cannon • Punch Drunk Cabaret • ______ • 19:47
The Faintest Of Hearts • Confusionaires! • WESTERNIZATION • 19:50
Carpenter • Doug Organ • QUIET IN THE LIBRARY • 19:55 ^^
(107) 2023-05-26 - 18:00-20:00
^^ Listener recommendations/requests ++ Tonight’s ‘odd one out’
Strange Displacement • Layten Kramer • DEAR APATHY • 18:00
I Can't Grow Up • Tegan And Sara • CRYBABY • 18:05
Evolution • Braids • ______ • 18:09
Glitter On The Dancefloor • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 18:12
Soft Place • Selci • A SOFT PLACE (EP) • 18:15
Senor Burns • Tito Puente & his Latin Jazz Ens. • GO SIMPSONIC WITH THE SIMPSONS • 8:20 ++
Sonrisa Eterna • Notas de 4 • COSAS MARAVILLOSAS • 18:23
Living with Purpose • Shumaila Hemani • MANNAT • 18:27
Starwalker • Asani • CALGARY FMF SAMPLER • 18:31
How Much Muscle • Dana Wylie • HOW MUCH MUSCLE • 18:36
You Don't Need The Limelight • Trevor Howlett • ______ • 18:41
Don't Think Twice It's Alright • Steve Pineo • AROUND THE HORN • 18:44
Highway Two • Tim Isberg • RUNNING ON THE EDGE • 18:51
Kick At The Light • Jim Campbell • BORN WITH YOUR SIGN • 18:54 ^^ 
Dancing in the Rain • Sweet Vintage Rides • ROAD TRIP • 18:59
Old Guitar • Bailey Sutton • SINGLE • 19:04
My First Guitar • T. Buckley • ______ • 19:08
Pick It Up • The Fast Romantics • PICK IT UP • 19:12
Easy Steps • Bailey Kate • WITHIN / WITHOUT • 19:16
All The Way Live (ft. DJ Cosm) • Tarik Robinson • ROTATIONS • 19:21
Gold • Mouraine • ______ • 19:24
Space Case • Manteasah • ______ • 19:27
Wake • Self-Cut Bangs • CIRCLE AROUND THE FREE • 19:31
Painless • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 19:34
Heat Wave • Vissia • YOUNG LOVE • 19:37
Interesting Times • Thomas Thomas • THE SLED ISLAND LEMONADE STAND • 19:41
Heaven • Copperhead • COVER ART • 19:45
Pop Goes The World • The Valiant Thieves • THE VALIANT THIEVES • 19:50
Tear My Stillhouse Down • The Lovebullies • COVER ART • 19:53
Loess • Tamarack Cunningham • FREQUENCY MODULATION • 19:56
(108) 2023-06-02 - 18:00-20:00
Here 4 U • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 18:01
Secret (Number Station Mix) • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 18:05
On Track (feat.Tarik Robinson) • Freak Motif • LA CASA BLANCA • 18:07
I'm Burnin' Up • Shona Rae & The Bona Fides • BURNIN' UP (EP) • 18:12
In Your Paradise • Kayla Williams • ______ • 18:15
Low-Hanging Fruit • Starpainter • ______ • 18:20
Peaches & Cream • Red Hot Hayseeds • RED HOT HAYSEEDS • 18:24
Keep On • Marcus Trummer • ______ • 18:27
Road Runner • The Denim Daddies • ______ • 18:33
Forsaken • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:35
I'm Here For You • Altameda • BORN LOSERS • 18:39
Here 4 U • Braids • SHADOW OFFERING • 18:43
Just Our Luck • TOVI • I KEEP FLOATING AWAY • 18:47
Promises • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 18:51
After a While • 36? • NATURALLY • 18:54
Dance Dance Dance • F&M • DANCE DANSE (EP) • 19:00
Ketchup • Denny Von Braun • IRRATIONAL FASHION • 19:05
One More Time • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 19:09
Sedative • Peter & The Wolves • WORTH THE TROUBLE • 19:14
All Things • Brett Spaulding • BREAKLESS HEART • 19:16
Back to My Home • Mike Tod • MIKE TOD LP • 19:20
In Spite of the Night • Sammy Volkov • BE ALRIGHT! • 19:23
Quickly • Samantha Savage Smith • FAKE NICE • 19:28
I Want to Be Your Man • Sister Ray • COMMUNION • 19:32
Closer To the Vine • Aaron Booth • BACK STORIES • 19:35
Ripe There On The Vine • Skinny Dyck • PALACE WAITING • 19:38
Two Moons • Sonia Deleo • LOVE NOTES TO THE MONSTERS • 19:41
Virtual Insanity / Canned Heat • 6 Minute Warning • 6 MINUTE WARNING • 19:45
Crumbling Down • Nuela Charles • THE GRAND HUSTLE (EP) • 19:49
Got It Down • Ten Minute Detour • GOLDEN TAPESTRY • 19:53
The Fall • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 19:56
(109) 2023-06-09 - 18:00-20:00
Freaky Girl • Garett Gunderson • CONSTELLATIONS • 18:01
Beautiful • Lynn Olagundoye • AFRICA VIOLET • 18:04
Hello • Fendercase • FENDERCASE • 18:08
Glory Hallelujah • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:13
Forerunners • Trevor Howlett • ______ • 18:18
One More Night • Electric Religious • TRAGIC LOVER • 18:22
North • Cris Derksen • THE COLLAPSE • 18:30
Say You'll Wait • Kimberley MacGregor • ______ • 18:34
Rhododendron • Bella White • RHODODENDRON • 18:38
Bad Is What It Takes • Tzadeka • CITIES ON FIRE • 18:45
Little Dog • Freak Motif • ______ • 18:48
Banff Avenue • Dragon Fli Empire • ______ • 18:54
Waves of Home • Derina Harvey • ______ • 18:59
Marilyn • Daniel Martin & the Infamous • ______ • 19:04
Mermaid Song • Jesse Murray • I DID IT ALL FOR YOU • 19:09
Dance Dance Dance • F&M • DANCE DANSE (EP) • 19:12
Shooting at the Moon • Mariel Buckley • EVERYWHERE I USED TO BE • 19:17
Ghost Bike • Napalmpom • THE CORE COMPETENCIES OF... • 19:21
Unfolded Heart • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:24
Stargazer • Self-Cut Bangs • CIRCLE AROUND THE FREE • 19:28
Do It Right • Nuela Charles • DISTANT DANGER • 19:30
Castles (Allison) • Ten Minute Detour • GOLDEN TAPESTRY • 19:34 
Fantasy • Denny Von Braun • IRRATIONAL FASHION • 19:37
Living In The Future • Wilfred N & The Grown Men • IMPOSSIBLE WORLD • 19:41
Impossible Things • TOVI • I KEEP FLOATING AWAY • 19:45
Cousteau's Dream • Slowly Becoming • SUN ROOM SESSIONS VOL. 1 • 19:51
(110) 2023-06-16 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content (vinyl LPs)
Julia • The Fast Romantics • AMERICAN LOVE • 18:01
Believe! • Justine Vandergrift • MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME • 18:04
Got It Bad • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 18:07
Get To Know Lonesome • Skinny Dyck • GET TO KNOW LONESOME • 18:12 ~~
I'm Gonna Fall • Shaela Miller • BIG HAIR SMALL CITY • 18:15
Break My Heart • Bella White • AMONG OTHER THINGS • 18:18
Bizarre Love Triangle • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:24
Beneath The Lies • Kaeley Jade • BENEATH THE LIES (SINGLE) • 18:28
One Step From Magic • Carter And The Capitals • CARTER & THE CAPITALS • 18:31
Swimming in the Undertow • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 18:35
Isolation Groove (feat. Ann Vriend) • Martin Kerr • GRATEFUL • 18:40
Fake Nice • Samantha Savage Smith • FAKE NICE • 18:43
Weather Report • Sammy Volkov • ______ • 18:47
Low-Hanging Fruit • Starpainter • RATTLESNAKE DREAM • 18:52
Spanish Light • The Jim Findlay Trio • LIVE AT THE BLUE CHAIR • 18:56
There Ain't No Way • Celeigh Cardinal • EVERYTHING AND NOTHING AT ALL • 19:01 ~~
Home • Tim Isberg • HOME • 19:07
Take The Ocean • Bardic Form • CAMBIO • 19:13
If I Were You (Close to the Groove) • k.d. lang • MAKEOVER • 19:17
Right To Rock (live) • Millions • ALBERTA CRUDE • 19:24 ~~
Thong Song • Garett Gunderson • CONSTELLATIONS • 19:29
The Tourist Song (Uh-Huh) • Brad Bucknell & the Ohno Band • OHNO • 19:32
City Tonight • Des Arcs • TAKE ME TO YOUR ISLAND • 19:41 ~~
Never Say Never • Self-Cut Bangs • CIRCLE AROUND THE FREE • 19:42
Danger • Nuela Charles • DISTANT DANGER • 19:46
Stranger • Dylan Farrell • BLUES BEFORE • 19:51
Old No. 9 Train • The Dust Collectors • FILTERED GEMS • 19:53
Flowers of Edinburgh • Mike Tod • MIKE TOD LP • 19:56
(111) 2023-06-23 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Low-Hanging Fruit • Starpainter • RATTLESNAKE DREAM • 18:01 ~~
Bad Blood • Wayfinding • ______ • 18:06
Fantasy • Denny Von Braun • IRRATIONAL FASHION • 18:11
Natural • 36? • NATURALLY • 18:16
Interesting Times • Thomas Thomas • THE SLED ISLAND LEMONADE STAND • 18:20
Stereo • Hello Moth • WHEN THE SKY MELTED • 18:24
Sunset Rip • Samantha Savage Smith • FAKE NICE • 18:27
Wrong Love • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 18:29
Library Ladies • Ben Sures • THE STORY THAT LIVED HERE • 18:33
Wayward Daughter • The Goddamsels • WAYWARD DAUGHTER (EP) • 18:37
Cambio • Bardic Form • CAMBIO • 18:40
Shaker Shaker • Lionel Rault • LINEDRIVER • 18:48
You Don't Need The Limelight • Trevor Howlett • ______ • 18:50
Waiting for a Train • Starpainter • RATTLESNAKE DREAM • 18:54 ~~
Stars Still Dying • Clea Anais • CIRCLE ZERO • 19:02
Simple Math • JJ Miller • ______ • 19:07
Storm Warning • TOVI • I KEEP FLOATING AWAY • 19:10
London Destroyer • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 19:13
The Falling In Love With Kind • Ava Wild • PROPERESQUE • 19:19
Silence Will Outlast Us • No Museums • FOLK TERRORS • 19:22
Got My Mojo Working • The Misery Mountain Boys • MILK & MOONSHINE • 19:25
My Wild Rose • Blue Moon Marquee • SCREAM HOLLER & HOWL • 19:32
Golden Goose • Geist • HURRICANE GOLD • 19:35
Aerostar • Starpainter • RATTLESNAKE DREAM • 19:40 ~~
Winter Money Blues • Sargeant X Comrade • MAGIC RADIO • 19:45
Do You • Ghost Woman • GHOST WOMAN • 19:49
Even in a Car • Starpainter • RATTLESNAKE DREAM • 19:52 ~~
Spacewalk I • Hermitess ft. Wayne Garrett • THE SLED ISLAND LEMONADE STAND • 19:56
(112) 2023-06-30 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Rose Coloured Frames • Mariel Buckley • DRIVING IN THE DARK • 18:01 ~~
Where Are My Blue Eyes? • Ryland Moranz • XO, 1945. • 18:05
Catch Me If You Can • Aaron Booth • SEASONS • 18:08
Back Where I Started • Double Suede • THE DEEP END • 18:13
Walk A Mile In My Shoes • Matt Masters • ______ • 18:16
The Other Man • Mariel Buckley • 97 RIVERDALE • 18:21 ~~
Marilyn • T. Buckley • FRAME BY FRAME • 18:27 
Kure Kure • The Mbira Renaissance Band • FAMBA • 18:31
In Your Paradise • Kayla Williams • ______ • 18:35
They Can't Blackout The Moon • Over The Moon • CHINOOK WALTZ • 18:42
Home • Tim Isberg • HOME • 18:44
One Headlight • D'orjay The Singing Shaman • NEW KIND OF OUTLAW • 18:50
Driving In The Dark • Mariel Buckley • DRIVING IN THE DARK • 18:55 ~~
Dig Me Out • Miesha and the Spanks • UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IN HI-FI • 19:01
Ketchup • Denny Von Braun • IRRATIONAL FASHION • 19:06
Spun Out • Samantha Savage Smith • FAKE NICE • 19:11
Luscious Lovin • Selci • FALLEN WOMAN PT.1 • 19:15
Stargazer • Self-Cut Bangs • CIRCLE AROUND THE FREE • 19:17
Shooting at the Moon • Mariel Buckley • EVERYWHERE I USED TO BE • 19:21 ~~
Bad Is What It Takes • Tzadeka • CITIES ON FIRE • 19:24
I'm Burnin' Up • Shona Rae & The Bona Fides • BURNIN' UP (EP) • 19:28
Cradle Me • Mallory Chipman • AS THOUGH I HAD WINGS • 19:33
Alley Cat • Bebe Buckskin • CAPTAIN MEDICINE • 19:37
Upside Down • Ayla Brook • (I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR)... • 19:42
Everywhere I Used to Be • Mariel Buckley • EVERYWHERE I USED TO BE • 19:50 ~~
There You Were • Audrey Ochoa • AFTERTHOUGHT • 19:53
(113) 2023-07-07 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Waking Up • Jay Gilday • FASTER THAN LIGHT • 18:01 ~~
Light Me Up • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 18:03
100 Days, 100 Nights • The Torchettes • COVER ART • 18:06
Bowling Green • Altameda • TIME HASN'T CHANGED YOU • 18:11
Brunette Summer • Chixdiggit! • BORN ON THE FIRST OF JULY • 18:17
Endless Hot Stuff • Electricity for Everybody! • THE HUSK • 18:20
Forerunners • Trevor Howlett • ______ • 18:25
Won't Let You Down This Time • John Hewitt • DEAD LOVERS • 18:29
Die Laughing • Magnolia Buckskin • DIE LAUGHING • 18:32
Beatles medley clip (1976 live) • Headwind • THE BOOTLEG ANTHOLOGY • 18:39
Lovedrops • Barry Allen • 1966 CAPITOL 45 • 18:45
Gonna Be Fine • Ann Vriend • EVERYBODY MATTERS • 18:48
Pick Me Up • Peter & The Wolves • ______ • 18:52
Belle Fleur-de-lis • Battle River • ______ • 18:55
Guess I'll See You • Jay Gilday • FASTER THAN LIGHT • 19:00 ~~
Rattlesnake Dream • Starpainter • RATTLESNAKE DREAM • 19:05
Snake Oil • Doug Organ • QUIET IN THE LIBRARY • 19:09
Copperhead Road • Celtic Fusion Illusion • WALK THE TWEED • 19:11
Snake Farm • Matt Masters • ALL - WESTERN WINNERS • 19:16
Blue Wing • Corb Lund • ______ • 19:22
Goin' Back To Harlan • Tom Phillips & The D.T.s • COVER ART • 19:25
Bobcaygeon • Mariel Buckley & T. Buckley • ______ • 19:30
Take a Little Piece of My Heart • Jay Gilday • THE CHOICE AND THE CHASE • 19:34 ~~
Another Chance • Justine Giles • ______ • 19:38
At the Whims • Yves Jarvis • THE ZUG • 19:42
Rhythm Chante (ft. Karimah) • Rubim de Toledo • ______ • 19:46
On Your Own • Jay Gilday • THE CHOICE AND THE CHASE • 19:51 ~~
Inspiration (Instrumental) • Dragon Fli Empire • TO BE CONTINUED • 19:54
(114) 2023-07-14 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Walk On Through • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 18:01 ~~
Wrong Love • Celeigh Cardinal • WRONG LOVE • 18:05
Don't Call Me Baby • Kreesha Turner • PASSION • 18:08
Fog • Bailey Kate • WITHIN / WITHOUT • 18:11
London 1969 • The Lovebullies • ______ • 18:16
Easy • Jenesia • CATCH-22 • 18:20
Make Her Stay • Vissia • PLACE HOLDER • 18:26
Bobby Reid • Lucette • BLACK IS THE COLOR • 18:29
Bizarre Love Triangle • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:32
Three Cheers to the Calgary Stampede • The Dirty Dirty Devil's • SATIN DEVIL DIARIES • 18:38
Little White Lines • Sweet Vintage Rides • ROAD TRIP • 18:41
Cheatin' & Lyin' • Shaela Miller • BAD IDEAS • 18:45
Dancing By the Light of the Refinery (Country version) • Doug Hoyer • GETTING OLDER • 18:49
Tired of Love • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 18:52 ~~
Waves of Home • Derina Harvey • WAVES OF HOME • 18:59
Waiting for a Train • Starpainter • RATTLESNAKE DREAM • 19:04
Golden Line • Amelie Patterson • ______ • 19:10
Better • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM BURN • 19:13 ~~
Streetlights (Mickey Valenz Remix) • Midnite Gossip • ______ • 19:18
Awakening • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 19:21
Diagnosed Dissociative • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 19:24
One More Night • Electric Religious • TRAGIC LOVER • 19:27
Pleasant Solutions • King of Foxes • ______ • 19:32
My Baby Just Cares For Me • Krystle Dos Santos • KRYSTLE DOS SANTOS • 19:35 ~~
ink on paper • L'omelette • YOU ARE HERE • 19:38
Take on Me • The Valiant Thieves • THE VALIANT THIEVES • 19:42
Sonrisa Eterna • Notas de 4 • COSAS MARAVILLOSAS • 19:46
Carpenter • Doug Organ • QUIET IN THE LIBRARY • 19:51
Elevated • Neon Dreams • DISSIMULATION • 19:55
(115) 2023-07-21 - 18:00-20:00
My Wild Rose • Blue Moon Marquee • SCREAM HOLLER & HOWL • 18:01
Don't Think Twice It's Alright • Steve Pineo • AROUND THE HORN • 18:04
Maggie's Farm • Bill Bourne • FREE RADIO DANCE BAND • 18:08
I Can't Wait • Miesha And The Spanks • ______ • 18:14
Summer Child • Ghostkeeper • MULTIDIMENSIONAL CULTURE • 18:17
Brunette Summer • Chixdiggit! • BORN ON THE FIRST OF JULY • 18:20
Wrong Love • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 18:24
Angel • Lucette • DELUXE HOTEL ROOM • 18:26
The Tic Tac Blues • Amelie Patterson • ROLL HONEY ROLL • 18:29
The Old Ways Of Navigation • Ryland Moranz • XO, 1945 • 18:35
Beneath The Lies • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:38
Night Romancer • Vissia • PLACE HOLDER • 18:42
Happy Is How I Feel • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 18:46
Brighter Blue • Peter & The Wolves • FORGET ABOUT IT • 18:52
Catch Me If You Can • Aaron Booth • SEASONS • 18:55 
Funny, How That Goes • Downtown Exit • ______ • 19:01
Simple Math • JJ Miller • ______ • 19:05
A Song For Everyone • Mike Szabo • ______ • 19:09
Stunned • The First Humans • ______ • 19:13
Open Heart • Rae Spoon • ______ • 19:17
Sundaze • The Moonshakes • ______ • 19:20
Graceless • Wares • ______ • 19:23
Get Stuck • Cold Little Crow • ______ • 19:26
25 (edit) • Dylan Ella • ______ • 19:31
More Than You Loved Me • Steph Irene • ______ • 19:35
If You Want Me To Come Home, I Will • Von Bieker • ______ • 19:39
A Long Drive • Martin Kerr • ______ • 19:43
Think of You • Tanika Charles • ______ • 19:45
Serendipity • Cara Lianne McLeod • ______ • 19:50
So Long • P.J. Perry • NO HUGS • 19:55
2023-07-28 - ION replaced by special CKUA festival programming tonight
(116) 2023-08-04 - 18:00-20:00
Strange Displacement • Layten Kramer • DEAR APATHY • 18:00
Little Foothills Heaven • Corb Lund • HAIR IN MY EYES... • 18:05
Little White Lines • Sweet Vintage Rides • ROAD TRIP • 18:07
Even in a Car • Starpainter • RATTLESNAKE DREAM • 18:11
Hot Car From Texas • Dirty Dirty Devil's • SATIN DEVIL DIARIES • 18:15
Take A Dive • The Dust Collectors • FILTERED GEMS • 18:20
In it to Win • Samantha Savage Smith • FAKE NICE • 18:22
Streetlights • Midnite Gossip • ______ • 18:26
Stereo • Hello Moth • WHEN THE SKY MELTED • 18:29
Banff Avenue • Dragon Fli Empire • BANFF AVENUE • 18:32
Drifting • Sargeant X Comrade • MAGIC RADIO • 18:35
Driving In The Dark • Mariel Buckley • DRIVING IN THE DARK • 18:39
Natural • 36? • NATURALLY • 18:43
Sometimes I See Stars • Tegan and Sara • CRYBABY • 18:47
Virtual Insanity / Canned Heat • 6 Minute Warning • 6 MINUTE WARNING • 18:50
Fringes • Good Information • ______ • 18:54
Take a Step • Aladean Kheroufi • BEAUTY BEYOND GRIEF • 19:01
Great Great Day • Beth Portman • GREAT GREAT DAY • 19:04
Shaken • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 19:08
Keep Your Hand on the Plow • Black Pioneer Heritage Singers • AIN'T THAT GOOD NEWS • 19:13
The Ride • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 19:20
Only Here on Loan • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 19:22
Live The Dream • Major Love • ______ • 19:26
Take It Away • Cold Little Crow • ______ • 19:28
Ghost Bike • Napalmpom • THE CORE COMPETENCIES OF... • 19:35
Silence Will Outlast Us • No Museums • FOLK TERRORS • 19:37
Don't Take it (Don't Give it Away) • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:40
Shivers • Self-Cut Bangs • CIRCLE AROUND THE FREE • 19:44
Sure Thing • Casual Fridays • THE SLED ISLAND ROCK LOTTO • 19:47
Sad Inside • Carter And The Capitals • ______ • 19:51
Skip • Up And Over Trio • UP AND OVER • 19:56
(117) 2023-08-11 - 18:00-20:00
Strange Displacement • Layten Kramer • DEAR APATHY • 18:00 
Charlemagne • JJ Miller • ______ • 18:05
Bad Blood • Wayfinding • ______ • 18:08
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:13
Home In My Shoes • Amos Garrett • BURIED ALIVE IN THE BLUES • 18:19
Break My Heart • Bella White • AMONG OTHER THINGS • 18:22
Waltzing With The Angels • Maria Dunn • JOYFUL BANNER BLAZING • 18:27
Stray Dogs • Mariel Buckley • DRIVING IN THE DARK • 18:30
Anything I Know • Ann Vriend • ______ • 18:34
Say You'll Wait • Kimberley MacGregor • ______ • 18:38
The Tourist Song (Uh-Huh) • Brad Bucknell & the Ohno Band • OHNO • 18:43
Drink Until I Drown • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:48
What I Wouldn't Do • Blue Moon Marquee • LONESOME GHOSTS • 18:53
Hideaway • Delirium Street Party Brass Band • ______ • 18:58
Athene • The Velveteins • ______ • 19:05
Out of Town Off the Grid • Everett LaRoi • ______ • 19:08
Inside Your Love • K-Riz • ______ • 19:11
Over Before It Began • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 19:16
Open Heart • Rae Spoon • ______ • 19:20
Static • Amelie Patterson • ______ • 19:23
Love Someone (Mo Gravy Mix) • Sargeant X Comrade • ______ • 19:27
Sundaze • The Moonshakes • ______ • 19:32
In My Head • Jackson Reed • ______ • 19:35
Already There • JJ Shiplett • ______ • 19:38
Stay • Cara McLeod • ______ • 19:43
One For The Hawk • Doug Organ • ______ • 19:48
The Score • The 427's • MAVERICKS • 19:51
Superstition • The Bobby Cairns Legacy Band • PLAY IT FORWARD • 19:53
(118) 2023-08-18 - 18:00-20:00
Into the Grey • Tim Isberg • RUNNING ON THE EDGE • 18:01
Tombstone Grey • Shaela Miller • BIG HAIR SMALL CITY • 18:05
Blue Shadows • Tom Phillips & The D.T.s • SATELLITES AND STARS • 18:09
Blue Flowers • VISSIA • A LOT LESS GOLD • 18:14
Capsized • Monks On Call • LAKEWOOD RD. • 18:21
Space Migration Blues • Robb Moss • SOMETIMES WE WIN • 18:24
Nothing Compares 2U • Martin Kerr • AWAKE • 18:28
From Dublin With Love • Maria Dunn • JOYFUL BANNER BLAZING • 18:32
Battle of the Thames • Osyron • FOUNDATIONS • 18:38
Holiday • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 18:45
Rhythm Chante (ft. Karimah) • Rubim de Toledo • ______ • 18:48
Feelin' Lucky • Kue Varo • ______ • 18:52
Another Chance • Justine Giles • ______ • 18:57
Forerunners • Trevor Howlett & the Cruz Bros • ______ • 19:04
Middletown • Emily Triggs • MIDDLETOWN • 19:09
The Way I Oughta Go • Bella White • AMONG OTHER THINGS • 19:12
Dirty Rain • Altameda • DIRTY RAIN • 19:17
Don't You Fall • The Hello Darlins • ______ • 19:19
Can't Have the Dog • Matt Blais • ______ • 19:24
We Didn't Lose The War • Neil Mac • LEAVES FROM THE FAMILY TREE EP • 19:27
Let It All In • Ellie Heath • ______ • 19:31
Rough Cut Lumber • Aaron James Sorensen • ______ • 19:36
Arrive • Jananie • ______ • 19:40
Where Your Love Lives • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 19:45
Quantify • Mattea • ______ • 19:49
Spacewalk I... • Hermitess ft. Wayne Garrett • SLED ISLAND LEMONADE STAND • 19:53
(119) 2023-08-25 - 18:00-20:00
Bubble Monkey • Tendavillage • DEBUT EP • 18:01
Simultaneously • Bad Buddy • BAD BUDDY • 18:04
Bowling Green • Altameda • TIME HASN'T CHANGED YOU • 18:06
Another Chance • Justine Giles • ______ • 18:12
Fairweather Lover • Kimberley MacGregor • TRUE • 18:17
Nighttime • Bailey Kate • WITHIN / WITHOUT • 18:20
Banff Avenue • Dragon Fli Empire • BANFF AVENUE • 18:25
Wrong Love • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 18:29
Give It Up • Mercy Funk • MERCY FUNK • 18:32
Danger • Nuela Charles • DISTANT DANGER • 18:36
After a While • 36? • NATURALLY • 18:39
Cosmic Saturation • The Velveteins • ______ • 18:42
Only Here on Loan • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 18:46
Sure Thing • The Casual Fridays • SLED ISLAND ROCK LOTTO • 18:49
Golden Line • Amelie Patterson • ______ • 18:53
Four59 • J.Alpinist • SLED ISLAND LEMONADE STAND • 18:56
Atacama • Panqueque • ______ • 19:00
Ocean Blue • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 19:04
If I Were You (Close To the Groove mix) • k.d. lang • MAKEOVER • 19:08
Take it Apart • VISSIA • WITH PLEASURE • 19:13
Take A Dive • The Dust Collectors • FILTERED GEMS • 19:16
In it to Win • Samantha Savage Smith • FAKE NICE • 19:19
Streetlights • Midnite Gossip • ______ • 19:23
Stereo • Hello Moth • WHEN THE SKY MELTED • 19:26
Drifting •��Sargeant X Comrade • MAGIC RADIO • 19:29
Sometimes I See Stars • Tegan and Sara • CRYBABY • 19:33
Never Gonna Happen Again • Andy Eichhorn • SATELLITES & SECRETS • 19:36
Morning Light • Elk Run & Riot • MORNING LIGHT • 19:40
I Can't Wait (Clean) • Miesha and the Sparks • ______ • 19:44
Getting Older • Doug Hoyer • GETTING OLDER • 19:47
Sophie • St. Arnaud • LOVE AND THE FRONT LAWN • 19:50
Spaceship • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:53
(120) 2023-09-01 - 18:00-20:00
Natural • 36? • NATURALLY • 18:01
Don't Go • Lollipop • THE SLED ISLAND ROCK LOTTO • 18:03
Awakening • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 18:07
Have You Lost It • Fish Memory • ONE OF THOSE MORNINGS... • 18:10
Say You'll Wait • Kimberley MacGregor • ______ • 18:14
Easy • Jenesia • CATCH-22 • 18:19
I Can't Do It Alone • Souls In Rhythm • ______ • 18:24
Sometimes I Wonder • Mallory Chipman • ______ • 18:28
Painless • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:34
Sometimes I See Stars • Tegan and Sara • CRYBABY • 18:37
Open Heart • Rae Spoon • NOT DEAD YET • 18:41
Love Someone (Mo Gravy Mix) • Sargeant X Comrade • ______ • 18:44
3 Weeks Straight • Ghost Woman • ANNE, IF • 18:51
Street Meet • Ghost Woman • ANNE, IF • 18:53 
The Storm • Celtic Fusion Illusion • THE STORM • 18:58
Wolfman Rock • Peter & The Wolves • HOWLIN' & PROWLIN' • 19:05
Back Where I Started • Double Suede • THE DEEP END • 19:09
Turnpike • Boots & the Hoots • ______ • 19:12
Living Free • Carter Felker • EVEN THE HAPPY ONES ARE SAD • 19:15
Peaches & Cream • Red Hot Hayseeds • RED HOT HAYSEEDS • 19:21
Under the B • The Denim Daddies • ______ • 19:24
Radio Morning • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:27
How Far Can You Go? • Darkroom • ______ • 19:29
Hold the Line • Osyron • _______ • 19:35
100 Days, 100 Nights • The Torchettes • COVER ART • 19:39
I Wear My Sunglasses at Night
The Valiant Thieves • THE VALIANT THIEVES • 19:43
Nobody Knows His Name • Derry Stewart • BURIED TREASURE • 19:49
When You Wish Upon A Star • Johnny Summers • LIVE FROM THE STUDIO • 19:52
(121) 2023-09-08 - 18:00-20:00
Soft Place • Selci • A SOFT PLACE (EP) • 18:01
Love Someone (Mo Gravy Mix) • Sargeant X Comrade • ______ • 18:04
Open Heart • Rae Spoon • ______ • 18:09
Bambi Legs (Clean) • Selfish Bodies • ______ • 18:12
I'm Okay • Kimberley MacGregor • I AM MY OWN • 18:16
Fallin Off the Wagon • Starpainter • RATTLESNAKE DREAM • 18:20
Marilyn • T. Buckley • FRAME BY FRAME • 18:24
Church of the Long Grass • John Wort Hannam • QUEEN'S HOTEL • 18:27
Sitting on Top of the World • Lionel Rault • LINEDRIVER • 18:34
Down By The Riverside • Rooster Davis • FOR SAINTS & SINNERS • 18:36
Back to My Home • Mike Tod • MIKE TOD LP • 18:41
Bizarre Love Triangle • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:46
Sailin • Bebe Buckskin • ______ • 18:50
Paralyzed • Electric Religious • TRAGIC LOVER • 18:54 
Rhythm Chante (ft. Karimah) • Rubim de Toledo • ______ • 19:00
The Gondola Ride • Wilfred Kozub • THE LAST VIBRATIONS OF SUMMER • 19:05
Static • Amelie Patterson • ______ • 19:09
The Girl Who Faded Away • HHotri • ______ • 19:13
Athene • The Velveteins • ______ • 19:21
Red Skates • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 19:24
Shadows • Chantelle Marie • BUTTERFLY HEARD • 19:28
Great Goodbye • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 19:33
Arrive • Jananie • ______ • 19:37
Inside Your Love • K-Riz • INSIDE YOUR LOVE • 19:42
Radiation • Tarik Robinson • ROTATIONS • 19:46
My City Life • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 19:50
Down the Middle • The Bobby Cairns Legacy Band • PLAY IT FORWARD • 19:54
(122) 2023-09-15 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Oh, The Wind Will Blow • Doug Hoyer • WALKS WITH THE TENDER & GROWING NIGHT • 18:01 ~~
Catch Me If You Can • Aaron Booth • SEASONS • 18:04
Whussup? (ft. Janessa J) • Tarik Robinson • ROTATIONS • 18:08
illusions By the Sea • Mike Edel • CASSEROLES & FLOWERS • 18:13
Ketchup • Denny Von Braun • IRRATIONAL FASHION • 18:16
Bowling Green • Altameda • TIME HASN'T CHANGED YOU • 18:21
Charlemagne • JJ Miller • ______ • 18:27
Another Chance • Justine Giles • ______ • 18:32
Highway Two • Tim Isberg • RUNNING ON THE EDGE • 18:36
Mom & Daddy's Girl • Greg Herman • ______ • 18:39
Road Runner • The Denim Daddies • ______ • 18:42
Simultaneously • Bad Buddy • BAD BUDDY • 18:46
Blue Star • Sammy Volkov • ______ • 18:49
To Fall In Love • Doug Hoyer • TO BE A RIVER • 18:53 ~~
All of Me • Hutchinson Andrew Trio • THE SENATOR: A TRIBUTE TO TOMMY BANKS • 19:00
Impossible • David Ward • ______ • 19:08
My Lover And My Ghost • Lucas Chaisson • TELLING TIME • 19:13
She's Leaving Home • VISSIA • YOUNG LOVE • 19:17
Where Your Love Lives • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 19:22
Here With You • Doug Hoyer • GETTING OLDER • 19:26 ~~
Here 4 U • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/BURN • 19:30
Here 4 U • Braids • SHADOW OFFERING • 19:33
Make the First Move • Dana Wylie • HOW MUCH MUSCLE • 19:37
Stand Tall • Taylor Ackerman's Global Acid Reset • ENCEPHALON • 19:43
What I Wouldn't Do • Blue Moon Marquee • LONESOME GHOSTS • 19:47
One Foot (feat. Karimah) • Doug Hoyer • TO BE A RIVER • 19:50 ~~
Rhythm Chante (feat Karimah) • Rubim de Toledo • THE DRIP • 19:55
(123) 2023-09-22 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Stay • Justine Vandergrift • STAY • 18:01 ~~
Middletown • Emily Triggs • MIDDLETOWN • 18:05
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:09
Sometimes I See Stars • Tegan and Sara • CRYBABY • 18:12
Wolfman Rock • Peter & The Wolves • HOWLIN' & PROWLIN' • 18:16
La Habana Es Musica • Marco Claveria • ______ • 18:20
Rhythm Chante (ft. Karimah) • Rubim de Toledo • ______ • 18:23
Believe! • Justine Vandergrift • MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME • 18:30 ~~
Always Saying Goodbye • Ian Tyson • SONGS FROM THE GRAVEL ROAD • 18:33
Embarrassed To Say • Audrey Ochoa • THE HEAD OF A MOUSE • 18:36
Mom & Daddy's Girl • Greg Herman • ______ • 18:42
Diamonds and Gold • Willie & the Walkers • DIAMONDS AND GOLD • 18:45
Turn Her Down • Barry Allen • 1966 CAPITOL 45 • 18:48
Down Again • Ghost Woman • ANNE, IF • 18:50
Spanish Light • The Jim Findlay Trio • LIVE AT THE BLUE CHAIR • 18:56
Hunker Down • Bill Bourne • A LOVE FANDANGO • 19:01
When I Get Tired... • Justine Vandergrift • MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME • 19:06 ~~
Don't You Fall • The Hello Darlins • ______ • 19:08
Old Enough To Know • Neil Mac • LEAVES FROM THE FAMILY TREE EP • 19:12
Out of Town Off the Grid • Everett LaRoi • ______ • 19:16
Take It Away • Cold Little Crow • ______ • 19:19
Guess I'll See You • Jay Gilday • FASTER THAN LIGHT • 19:24
One More Time • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 19:28
Why Do You Love Me? • Jom Comyn • I NEED LOVE • 19:32
Bad Blood • Wayfinding • WAYFINDING • 19:36
Crazy Enough • Justine Vandergrift • STAY • 19:41 ~~
Secret (Number Station Mix) • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 19:45
Don't Go • Lollipop • THE SLED ISLAND ROCK LOTTO • 19:48
Lime Rickey • George Fox • GREATEST HITS: 1987 - 1997 • 19:51
Klezmer Fun • JoyRide • JOYRIDE • 19:54
(124) 2023-09-29 - 18:00-20:00 (donor hour)
~~ Featured content
Guess I'll See You • Jay Gilday • FASTER THAN LIGHT • 18:02 ~~
tommasso • nehiyawak • NIPIY • 18:06
Waiting On A No • Ashley Ghostkeeper • ______ • 18:09
Sunshine • The Kubasonics • KUBASONGS • 18:14
Drownin' The Memory • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:18
Another Chance • Justine Giles • ______ • 18:22
My First Guitar • T. Buckley • ______ • 18:26
Ancestral • Ghostkeeper • MULTIDIMENSIONAL CULTURE • 18:34
Take a Little Piece of My Heart • Jay Gilday • THE CHOICE AND THE CHASE • 18:37 ~~
I See / Icy Water • Cris Derksen & Kinnie Starr • THE COLLAPSE • 18:40
Endless Hot Stuff • Electricity for Everybody! • THE HUSK • 18:46
Tango • Tom Phillips & The D.T.s • SATELLITES AND STARS • 18:49
Move It • Pete Turland • CRUISIN' • 18:52
Whiskey In The Jar • Celtic Fusion Illusion • WALK THE TWEED • 18:57
Waking Up • Jay Gilday • FASTER THAN LIGHT • 19:03 ~~
Fever Flickering Flame • Blue Moon Marquee • BARE KNUCKLES & BRAWN • 19:07
Light A Fire • Cynthia Hamar • ______ • 19:11
The Flight • Cindy Paul • THE FLIGHT • 19:16
Swamp Shuffle • Bebe Buckskin • CAPTAIN MEDICINE • 19:20
Your Cheatin' Heart (Dance Remix) • Dean Boucher • SWEET MEMORIES • 19:25
Sunset • Lazarush • SAWM • 19:28
Nipin • Carl Quinn • NEHIYO • 19:31
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 19:36
On Your Own • Jay Gilday • THE CHOICE AND THE CHASE • 19:41 ~~
You Serve No One • Real Cardinal • ______ • 19:45
Riverbound (feat. Mari Kattman) • Comaduster • ______ • 19:47
Pelagic • Tamarack Cunningham • FREQUENCY MODULATION • 19:54
(125) 2023-10-06 - 18:00-20:00
Sunshine • Tzadeka • HALF THE PAIN IS HALF THE WORK • 18:01
Gold • Mouraine • ______ • 18:04
Fli Beat Patrol • Dragon Fli Empire • ______ • 18:08
Black Everyday • Arlo Maverick • SOUL MERCHANT • 18:12
Doomed to Repeat • King of Foxes • ______ • 18:16
Thong Song • Garett Gunderson • CONSTELLATIONS • 18:19
Won't Let You Down This Time • John Hewitt • DEAD LOVERS • 18:23
Forerunners • Trevor Howlett • ______ • 18:26
Pick Me Up • Peter & The Wolves • ______ • 18:32
Peaches & Cream • Red Hot Hayseeds • RED HOT HAYSEEDS • 18:35
Neon (That's Why) • Altameda • BORN LOSERS • 18:37
Exit Wounds • The Lovebullies • FRIEND • 18:41
One More Night • Electric Religious • TRAGIC LOVER • 18:47
We Used To Have Fun • Doug Hoyer • GETTING OLDER • 18:52
The Last Vibrations of Summer • Wilfred Kozub • THE LAST VIBRATIONS OF SUMMER • 18:55
Come On Down • Blue Moon Marquee • SCREAM, HOLLER & HOWL • 19:01
Capsized • Monks On Call • LAKEWOOD RD. • 19:06
Blue Moon • Elle Celeste • CALL ON ME • 19:10
One Headlight • D'orjay The Singing Shaman • NEW KIND OF OUTLAW • 19:15
Taking it Out • Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir • EVERYTHING WAS A LONG TIME AGO • 19:19
Come Around Again • Chloe Albert • COME AROUND AGAIN • 19:23
Golden Line • Amelie Patterson • ______ • 19:27
What Are You Gonna Do With Yours • Astral Swans • ______ • 19:30
I Can't Do It Alone • Souls In Rhythm • ______ • 19:34
Let It Go • David Walsh • DAVID WALSH & THE FRIENDLY FIRE • 19:38
Mermaid Song • Jesse Murray • I DID IT ALL FOR YOU • 19:42
The Good In Me • Nuela Charles • AWARE • 19:46
Light Me Up • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 19:49
Bus Tickets • Tamarack Cunningham • FREQUENCY MODULATION • 19:53
(126) 2023-10-13 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Distant Whisper • Maria Dunn • FROM WHERE I STAND • 18:02 ~~
Sailor Boy • The Doll Sisters • OFF THE EDGE OF THE EARTH • 18:05
Waiting For Nothing • Justine Vandergrift • YES RIGHT OK • 18:09
Don't You Fall • The Hello Darlins • ______ • 18:13
Feelin' Lucky • Kue Varo • ______ • 18:18
Bird Songs • Astral Swans • ASTRAL SWANS • 18:22
Break My Heart • Bella White • AMONG OTHER THINGS • 18:25
Crying Blues • Shaela Miller • BIG HAIR SMALL CITY • 18:30
Cold Wind • Maria Dunn • FROM WHERE I STAND • 18:34 ~~
Can't Have the Dog • Matt Blais • ______ • 18:38
Maidstone • Spruce Island • SPRUCE ISLAND • 18:41
Light A Fire • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 18:46
Hopes Up • Justine Tyrell • ______ • 18:52
Take a Step • Aladean Kheroufi • BEAUTY BEYOND GRIEF • 18:55
Hands On My Body • Mariya Stokes • ______ • 19:00
Dans les Nuages • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 19:03
There Ain't No Way (Better Days) • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 19:06
Slippery Side • Maria Dunn • FROM WHERE I STAND • 19:10 ~~
Everywhere I Used to Be • Mariel Buckley • EVERYWHERE I USED TO BE • 19:15
Shame • Rae Spoon • MENTAL HEALTH • 19:19
On Track (feat.Tarik Robinson) • Freak Motif • LA CASA BLANCA • 19:22
The Mountain (ft K-riz) • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 19:26
Dancing with Sue • Wyatt C. Louis • ______ • 19:30
Fool • Zenon Epp • GENRE Z (EP) • 19:33
Spaceship • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:37
Shoes Of A Man • Maria Dunn • FROM WHERE I STAND • 19:40 ~~
Father's Shoes • Ben Sures • THE STORY THAT LIVED HERE • 19:46
Laval Street • The Dojo Workhorse • WEAPONS GRADE ROMANTIC • 19:49
What Can I Do? • Ten Minute Detour • GOLDEN TAPESTRY • 19:52
El Toro Muerto Con Queso • Huevos Rancheros • MUERTE DEL TORO • 19:56
(127) 2023-10-20 - 18:00-20:00
F_ing Up What Matters (CLEAN) • Tegan and Sara • CRYBABY • 18:02
Ocean Blue • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 18:05
On My Mind • The Hi-Phoniqs • THE HI-PHONIQS (EP) • 18:09
Here 4 U • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 18:12
Shadows • Chantelle Marie • BUTTERFLY HEARD • 18:17
You Don't Need The Limelight • Trevor Howlett • ______ • 18:22
Sayonara • The Lovebullies • FRIEND • 18:25
Crabbuckit • The Good Lovelies • LET THE RAIN FALL • 18:28
More Love Than Money • Leeroy Stagger • DYSTOPIAN WEEKENDS • 18:34
Can You See Me • The Travelling Mabels • TAKE ME HOME • 18:37
Only Here on Loan • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 18:40
Drownin' The Memory • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:46
Stranger In My Own Hometown • Amos Garrett • GET WAY BACK • 18:49
Another Chance • Justine Giles • ______ • 18:53
Catching Flies • St. Arnaud • LOVE AND THE FRONT LAWN • 18:58
Anything I Know • Ann Vriend • EVERYBODY MATTERS • 19:03
Wonderful World • Martin Kerr • GRATEFUL • 19:08
Spaceship • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:11
Dirty Eyes • Sweet Vintage Rides • ROAD TRIP • 19:14
Right On Time • Michael Rault • MICHAEL RAULT • 19:19
Run as Fast as You Can • Monks On Call • ______ • 19:23
Night On Fire • Jenie Thai • NIGHT ON FIRE • 19:27
Mom & Daddy's Girl • Greg Herman • ______ • 19:32
Painless • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 19:34
Shivers • Self-Cut Bangs • CIRCLE AROUND THE FREE • 19:38
I Can't Wait (Clean) • Miesha And The Spanks • ______ • 19:40
Chase The Sun • Lab Coast • THE SLED ISLAND LEMONADE STAND • 19:44
Unfolded Heart • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:47
All Night Playing The Blues • Debra Power • THAT'S HOW I ROLL • 19:50 ^^
The Faintest Of Hearts • Confusionaires! • WESTERNIZATION • 19:55
(128) 2023-10-27 - 18:00-20:00 (fundraiser edition)
Fill My Cup • Kimberley MacGregor • SITTING, WITH UNCOMFORTABLE FEELINGS • 18:02
Waiting for a Train • Starpainter • RATTLESNAKE DREAM • 18:05
Bad Is What It Takes • Tzadeka • CITIES ON FIRE • 18:16
Before the Well Runs Dry • John Hewitt • BROKEN REBELS • 18:19
Calaboose Stomp • The Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:24
The Tic Tac Blues • Amelie Patterson • IT COMES FROM HERE • 18:27
Dance Dance Dance • F&M • DANCE DANSE (EP) • 18:36
On My Mind • VISSIA • WITH PLEASURE • 18:40
Doomed to Repeat • King of Foxes • ______ • 18:42
Do It Right • Nuela Charles • ______ • 18:51
Whussup? (ft. Janessa J) • Tarik Robinson • ROTATIONS • 18:55
Don't Take it (Don't Give it Away) • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:02
See the World • Barry Allen • 1970 MCA 45 • 19:10
Come Together Now • Altameda • MORE TIME • 19:14
Since You Been Gone (Live) • Tanika Charles • THE UNION SESSIONS EP • 19:21
One Time Asking • Mariel Buckley • DRIVING IN THE DARK • 19:25
One Day Closer • D'orjay The Singing Shaman • NEW KIND OF OUTLAW • 19:28
Middletown • Emily Triggs • MIDDLETOWN • 19:35
Big Hair Small City • Shaela Miller • BIG HAIR SMALL CITY • 19:39
Library Ladies • Ben Sures • THE STORY THAT LIVED HERE • 19:46
The One For Me • Doug Hoyer • TO BE A RIVER • 19:50
Every Tragedy Needs A Punchline • Audrey Ochoa • THE HEAD OF A MOUSE • 19:54
(129) 2023-11-03 - 18:00-20:00 (donor requests, part 1)
^^ Donor recommendations/requests
One More Night • Electric Religious • TRAGIC LOVER • 18:01 ^^
We Used To Have Fun • Doug Hoyer • GETTING OLDER • 18:05 ^^
Blue Moon • Elle Celeste • CALL ON ME • 18:09
Come Around Again • Chloe Albert • COME AROUND AGAIN • 18:14 ^^
Blue Lipstick • Layten Kramer • DEAR APATHY • 18:17
Mermaid Song • Jesse Murray • I DID IT ALL FOR YOU • 18:21
Light Me Up • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 18:25 ^^
F_ing Up What Matters (CLEAN) • Tegan and Sara • CRYBABY • 18:28 ^^
Sunshine • Tzadeka • HALF THE PAIN IS HALF THE WORK • 18:31 ^^
Gold • Mouraine • ______ • 18:34
Fli Beat Patrol • Dragon Fli Empire • ______ • 18:37 ^^
Black Everyday • Arlo Maverick • SOUL MERCHANT • 18:42 ^^
Crabbuckit • The Good Lovelies • LET THE RAIN FALL • 18:45 ^^
More Love Than Money • Leeroy Stagger • DYSTOPIAN WEEKENDS • 18:48 ^^
Can You See Me • The Travelling Mabels • TAKE ME HOME • 18:51
Only Here on Loan • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 18:54 ^^
Fringes • Good Information • ______ • 18:57
ink on paper • L'omelette • YOU ARE HERE • 19:00 ^^
Mountain Standard Time • Justine Vandergrift • MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME • 19:04 ^^
Look Around • Judy Singh • A TIME FOR LOVE • 19:08 ^^
Avec Toi • Post Script • AMOUR FATAL (EP) • 19:11
Tombstone Grey • Shaela Miller • BIG HAIR SMALL CITY • 19:14 ^^
Peaches & Cream • The Red Hot Hayseeds • THE RED HOT HAYSEEDS • 19:18
Come On Down • Blue Moon Marquee • SCREAM HOLLER & HOWL • 19:21 ^^
Neon (That's Why) • Altameda • BORN LOSERS • 19:25
Exit Wounds • The Lovebullies • FRIEND • 19:29 ^^
Thong Song • Garett Gunderson • CONSTELLATIONS • 19:33 ^^
Pick Me Up • Peter & the Wolves • ______ • 19:36 ^^
Anything I Know • Ann Vriend • EVERYBODY MATTERS • 19:39
Spaceship • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:42 ^^
Right On Time • Michael Rault • MICHAEL RAULT • 19:46 ^^
Run as Fast as You Can • Monks On Call • ______ • 19:50 ^^
Night On Fire • Jenie Thai • NIGHT ON FIRE • 19:53
(130) 2023-11-10 - 18:00-20:00 (donor requests, part 2)
^^ Donor recommendations/requests ~~ Featured content
Run • Tim Isberg • TEARS ALONG THE ROAD • 18:05 ~~
Does Anybody Live Here? • Leeroy Stagger • DYSTOPIAN WEEKENDS • 18:10 ^^
Am I Dear? • JJ Shiplett • SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN • 18:14 ^^
Ordinary Man • Carolyn Harley • SONGS OF HOPE • 18:21 ^^
If I Had Wings • Ryland Moranz • XO, 1945. • 18:24
Beautiful Mess • John Wort Hannam & Shaela Miller • LONG HAUL • 18:28
North Country Gals • The Misery Mountain Boys • FULL MOON SHUFFLE • 18:34
Old No. 9 Train • The Dust Collectors • FILTERED GEMS • 18:38
Talk To Me • Mike Clark • DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND • 18:41
Whiskey And Woodsmoke • Erin Ross • ______ • 18:45
Fire Canoe • Tim Isberg • PRAIRIE FIRE • 18:52 ~~
Feelin' Lucky • Kue Varo • ______ • 19:00
Be Easy • Taylor Ackerman's Global Acid Reset • ENCEPHALON • 19:05
Second Guessing • Trevor Howlett & The Cruz Bros • TREVOR HOWLETT & THE CRUZ BROS • 19:09
Pumping Heart • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:11
I Know How • Shane Ghostkeeper • SONGS FOR MY PEOPLE • 19:16
The Ride • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 19:19
Refuse to Dance • Carter Felker • EVEN THE HAPPY ONES ARE SAD • 19:21
Into the Grey • Tim Isberg • RUNNING ON THE EDGE • 19:26 ~~
Not Alone • Melafrique • ______ • 19:31
Everything • Celeigh Cardinal • EVERYTHING AND NOTHING AT ALL • 19:36
Famous Blue Raincoat • Mallory Chipman • RAGS AND FEATHERS • 19:40
How Would It Feel • Rosina Cove • SOMEDAY WE WILL MAKE IT THERE • 19:46
Home • Tim Isberg • HOME • 19:50 ~~
No Hugs • P.J. Perry • NO HUGS • 19:55 
(131) 2023-11-17 - 18:00-20:00 (donor requests, part 3)
~~ Featured content ^^ Donor recommendations/requests
>> The full interview with Peter Stone is now available to stream on YouTube.
How Would It Feel • Rosina Cove • SOMEDAY WE WILL MAKE IT THERE • 18:01 ~~
Happy Is How I Feel • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 18:05
Lowlands • Blue Moon Marquee • SCREAM, HOLLER & HOWL • 18:09
After The Masquerade • Shaela Miller • ______ • 18:14
On My Mind • VISSIA • WITH PLEASURE • 18:18
Mad Melancholia • TOVI • I KEEP FLOATING AWAY • 18:20
Divided • Tzadeka • CITIES ON FIRE • 18:25
He Doesn't Know • Zenon Epp • GENRE Z (EP) • 18:29
Flamingo • L'omelette • YOU ARE HERE • 18:32
Circus • Magnolia Buckskin • DIE LAUGHING • 18:35
Dancing with Sue • Wyatt C. Louis • DANCING WITH SUE • 18:39
Sundown • The McDades • THE EMPRESS • 18:45
Don't Think Twice It's Alright • Steve Pineo • AROUND THE HORN • 18:49
Always on My Mind • 100 Mile House • ______ • 18:53 ^^
When I Get Tired (of Trying... • Justine Vandergrift • MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME • 18:57
Fall in Love • Rosina Cove • SOMEDAY WE WILL MAKE IT THERE • 19:02 ~~
OZ interviews Peter Stone, part 1 •  Rosina Cove • CKUA INTERVIEWS • 19:06 ~~
Wheels • Rosina Cove • SOMEDAY WE WILL MAKE IT THERE • 19:11 ~~
OZ interviews Peter Stone, part 2 • Rosina Cove • CKUA INTERVIEWS • 19:14 ~~
Someday We Will Make it There • Rosina Cove • SOMEDAY WE WILL MAKE IT THERE • 19:17 ~~
Magpie • The Hearts • EQUAL LOVE • 19:20 ^^
My First Guitar • T. Buckley • ______ • 19:24 ^^
Tap Me On the Shoulder • Starpainter • BURY ME BY MY FAMILY • 19:31
I Watch The Sun Come Up • Billie ZiZi • MOON OF HONEY • 19:35
The World Is Waking Up • Rob Heath • TICKET TO EVERYWHERE • 19:39 ^^
Wolfman Rock • Peter & The Wolves • HOWLIN' & PROWLIN' • 19:45 ^^
Heads Are Gonna Roll (1984 live) • Headwind • THE BOOTLEG ANTHOLOGY • 19:48 ^^
Black Magic Woman (2012 live) • Headwind • THE BOOTLEG ANTHOLOGY • 19:53
(132) 2023-11-24 - 18:00-20:00
^^ Donor recommendations/requests
Strange Displacement • Layten Kramer • DEAR APATHY • 18:00
Charlemagne • JJ Miller • ______ • 18:05
Cartagena • King Of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 18:09
Evolution • Braids • ______ • 18:13
After The Masquerade • Shaela Miller • ______ • 18:16
JJ Johnston • Emet • CHEERS & ALL THE BEST • 18:20
Refuse to Dance • Carter Felker • EVEN THE HAPPY ONES ARE SAD • 18:23
Whiskey And Woodsmoke • Erin Ross • ______ • 18:27
Wheels • Rosina Cove • SOMEDAY WE WILL MAKE IT THERE • 18:34
The Golden Willow Tree • The McDades • THE EMPRESS • 18:37
Rollin' & Tumblin' Again • Pete Turland • ROLLIN' & TUMBLIN' AGAIN • 18:43
Everywhere I Used to Be • Mariel Buckley • EVERYWHERE I USED TO BE • 18:49
Passing Through Time • Wilfred N & The Grown Men • PASSING THROUGH TIME • 18:53 ^^
Here I Am • Bramwell • RIVER CITY BLUES • 18:59
The Storm • Celtic Fusion Illusion • THE STORM • 19:06 ^^
The Mary Ellen Carter • Derina Harvey • ROVE AND GO • 19:11
The Old Ways Of Navigation • Ryland Moranz • XO, 1945. • 19:17
Gonna Be Fine • Ann Vriend • EVERYBODY MATTERS • 19:22
You Don't Need the Limelight • Trevor Howlett & The Cruz Bros • TREVOR HOWLETT & THE CRUZ BROS • 19:26
Everything • Fendercase • FENDERCASE • 19:29
Since You Been Gone • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 19:32
Music is My Medicine • Tzadeka • CITIES ON FIRE • 19:36
Into The Night • Geist • HURRICANE GOLD • 19:40
Pick It Up • The Fast Romantics • PICK IT UP • 19:43
Take the Long Way Home • Monks On Call • LAKEWOOD RD. • 19:47
Beneath The Lies • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 19:51
Don't Take it (Don't Give it Away) • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:55
(133) 2023-12-01 - 18:00-20:00
^^ Listener recommendations/requests
This Winter Revisited • F&M • WINTER IS COMING • 18:01
Albatross • John Hewitt • DEAD LOVERS • 18:06 ^^
I Just Wanna Drive • Amy Bishop • JUST LIKE HER... • 18:10 ^^
Cradle Me • Mallory Chipman • AS THOUGH I HAD WINGS • 18:14
Birthday Letter • Sammy Volkov • BE ALRIGHT! • 18:21
Shaker Shaker • Lionel Rault • LINEDRIVER • 18:26
Bizarre Love Triangle • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:28
The Tic Tac Blues • Amelie Patterson • IT COMES FROM HERE • 18:32
Sundown • The McDades • THE EMPRESS • 18:39
Dirty Old Town • Derina Harvey • DERINA HARVEY BAND • 18:43
Autumn Leaves • Ethan Collister • PAINTING PICTURES • 18:47 ^^
Doumbe • Juba • MAFARO • 18:50
Lady Killer • Kreesha Turner • PASSION • 18:54
Artificial Light • Uncanny Valley • FEVERING STARE • 19:00
Bad Blood • Wayfinding • WAYFINDING • 19:04
Sure Thing • Casual Fridays • THE SLED ISLAND ROCK LOTTO • 19:09
Over Before It Began • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 19:13
My Wom • Vissia • WITH PLEASURE • 19:16
Alabama Jailhouse • Pete Turland • BEST OF • 19:21
The Bright Side • Peter & The Wolves • FORGET ABOUT IT • 19:23
Always Keep An Edge On Your Knife • Corb Lund • HAIR IN MY EYES... • 19:26
Rose Coloured Frames • Mariel Buckley • DRIVING IN THE DARK • 19:30
Crop Circle • Baby Jey • CROP CIRCLES • 19:33
The Mountain (ft K-riz) • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 19:37
On Track (feat.Tarik Robinson) • Freak Motif • LA CASA BLANCA • 19:40
He Perdido el Centro • Notas de 4 • COSAS MARAVILLOSAS • 19:45
Holiday • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:49
Where Your Love Lives • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 19:51
Imojochu • Amos Garrett • AMOSBEHAVIN' • 19:56
(134) 2023-12-08 - 18:00-20:00 (donor hour)
^^ Donor recommendations/requests
Strange Displacement • Layten Kramer • DEAR APATHY • 18:00
Neither Love Nor Money • Michael Rault • MICHAEL RAULT • 18:05
Bear The Cold • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 18:09
Natural • 36? • NATURALLY • 18:12
Before the Well Runs Dry • John Hewitt • BROKEN REBELS • 18:16
Marilyn • T. Buckley • FRAME BY FRAME • 18:19
How Would It Feel • Rosina Cove • SOMEDAY WE WILL MAKE IT THERE • 18:22
Glory Hallelujah • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:29
Take it Apart • VISSIA • WITH PLEASURE • 18:34
Again • Faith Healer • COSMIC TROUBLES • 18:37
The Only Word • The Lovebullies • SOMEWHERE • 18:41
Vernacular • Brad Bucknell & the oHNo Band • OHNO • 18:45
Swan Song Serenade • F&M • SINCERELY, F&M • 18:48
I Can't Do It Alone • Souls In Rhythm • ______ • 18:51
Slowtown • Doug Organ • QUIET IN THE LIBRARY • 18:55
If I Were You (Close to the Groove mix) • k.d. lang • MAKEOVER • 19:00 ^^
Hallelujah • Reuben And The Dark • ARMS OF A DREAM • 19:07 ^^
Lost Boy • Ruth B • ______ • 19:10 ^^
Save Me • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 19:14 ^^
Walking With a Ghost • Tegan and Sara • SO JEALOUS • 19:17 ^^
I Know How • Shane Ghostkeeper • SONGS FOR MY PEOPLE • 19:23 ^^
Room with a View • King of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 19:25
Midnight • Ellen Doty • COME FALL • 19:30
Lovers in a Dangerous Time • Martin Kerr • BETTER THAN BRAND-NEW • 19:36 ^^
Party of One • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 19:41 ^^
Rotations • Tarik Robinson • ROTATIONS • 19:45
Gold • Mouraine • ______ • 19:49 ^^
Cousteau's Dream • Slowly Becoming • SUN ROOM SESSIONS VOL. 1 • 19:52
(135) 2023-12-15 - 18:00-20:00 (year in review)
Nighttime • Bailey Kate • WITHIN / WITHOUT • 18:01
Take It Away • Cold Little Crow • ______ • 18:06
Dance Dance Dance • F&M • DANCE DANSE (EP) • 18:10
Stars Still Dying (edit) • Clea Anais • CIRCLE ZERO • 18:14
Newport Beach • BETABOYS • ______ • 18:20
Ketchup • Denny Von Braun • IRRATIONAL FASHION • 18:25
Evolution • Braids • ______ • 18:30
Under the B • The Denim Daddies • ______ • 18:34
Not My Business Either Way • Confusionaires! • WESTERNIZATION • 18:37
New Women Song • Cris Derksen • ORCHESTRAL POWWOW • 18:39
Flamingo • L'omelette • YOU ARE HERE • 18:46
Wherever You Are Tonight • John Hewitt • WONDERLUST • 18:49
Charelston Atlas • The Jim Findlay Trio • LIVE AT THE BLUE CHAIR • 18:53
I'll Be Seeing You (w/ Mallory Chipman) • Hutchinson Andrew Trio • THE SENATOR... • 19:00
Lie To Me • Shona Rae & The Bona Fides • BURNIN' UP (EP) • 19:07
Dive Bar Debutante • Double Suede • THE DEEP END • 19:09
The Ride • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 19:12
Take A Dive • The Dust Collectors • FILTERED GEMS • 19:15
Pumping Heart • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:19
Down Again • Ghost Woman • ANNE, IF • 19:22
Into The Night • Geist • HURRICANE GOLD • 19:26
Dancing with Sue • Wyatt C. Louis • 19:29
I Did It All For You • Jesse Murray • I DID IT ALL FOR YOU • 19:33
A Little More to Life • Justine Vandergrift • MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME • 19:36
Middletown • Emily Triggs • MIDDLETOWN • 19:39
Capsized • Monks On Call • LAKEWOOD RD. • 19:44
Since You Been Gone (Live in Studio) • Tanika Charles • THE UNION SESSIONS EP • 19:48
Battle of the Thames • Osyron • FOUNDATIONS • 19:53
(136) 2023-12-22 - 18:00-20:00 (year in review)
++ Tonight’s ‘odd one out’ ^^ Listener recommendations/requests
Driving In The Dark • Mariel Buckley • DRIVING IN THE DARK • 18:00
One Headlight • D'orjay The Singing Shaman • NEW KIND OF OUTLAW • 18:04
Fool • Zenon Epp • GENRE Z (EP) • 18:10
Easy • Jenesia • CATCH-22 • 18:14
Portland Town • Derina Harvey • WAVES OF HOME • 18:20
Wolfman Rock • Peter & The Wolves • HOWLIN' & PROWLIN' • 18:26
Candy Cane Rock • The Dice Cubes • TAKE ON CHRISTMAS • 18:29
Broken Hearted • The West • NEW DOGS OLD TRICKS • 18:32
Bad Blood • Wayfinding • WAYFINDING • 18:35
Wave At Me • Amy Van Keeken • WAVE AT ME • 18:41
In Circles • Void Comp • METROPOL • 18:44
Quiety Nobility • F&M • LESSONS FROM LOSERS • 18:47
Fall in Love • Rosina Cove • SOMEDAY WE WILL MAKE IT THERE • 18:50
Refresh • Quiet Winter • PEPPERMINT TEA • 18:56
Calico Skies • Paul McCartney • FLAMING PIE • 19:00 ^^
12 Days of Christmas • Sloan • ______ • 19:05 ++
Deck the Halls • Border Brass • TIJUANA XMAS • 19:09 ++
Carol Of The Bells • Brian Setzer • ROCKIN' RUDOLPH • 19:11 ++
Silent Night • Richard Hawley • LIVE AT THE DEVIL'S ARSE • 19:15 ++
What Child is This • Sarah Slean • WARNER: SPECIAL CHRISTMAS ED. • 19:19
Blue Christmas • Jann Arden • A JANN ARDEN CHRISTMAS • 19:22 ^^
Dirty Deeds Around the Christmas Tree • Bill McClintock • AC/DC VS BRENDA LEE • 19:26 ++
Ain't Talkin' 'bout Feliz Navidad • Bill McClintock • VAN HALEN VS JOSE FELICIANO • 19:32 ++
You Don't Need the Limelight • Trevor Howlett & The Cruz Bros • TREVOR HOWLETT & TCB • 19:35
Don't Take it (Don't Give it Away) • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:38
On We Go • Ten Minute Detour • GOLDEN TAPESTRY • 19:45
Waiting for a Train • Starpainter • RATTLESNAKE DREAM • 19:48
Sail On Sailor • Los Lobos • NATIVE SONS • 19:57 ^^
(137) 2023-12-29 - 18:00-20:00 (year in review)
Strange Displacement • Layten Kramer • DEAR APATHY • 18:01
Waiting for a Train • Starpainter • RATTLESNAKE DREAM • 18:05
Low-Hanging Fruit • Starpainter • RATTLESNAKE DREAM • 18:11
My Baby Loves Me • John Hewitt • BROKEN REBELS • 18:15
Wherever You Are Tonight • John Hewitt • WONDERLUST • 18:18
You Don't Need the Limelight • Trevor Howlett & The Cruz Bros • TREVOR HOWLETT & TCB • 18:24
Forerunners • Trevor Howlett & The Cruz Bros • TREVOR HOWLETT & TCB • 18:27
Simple Math • JJ Miller • ______ • 18:31
Party of One • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 18:34
Before We Had Sarah • Ben Sures • THE STORY THAT LIVED HERE • 18:40
Road Runner • The Denim Daddies • ______ • 18:44
Here Come The Cossacks • Millenia • BRATTYA • 18:48
The Apple From The Tree • Confusionaires! • WESTERNIZATION • 18:53
Surf & Turf • Doug Organ • QUIET IN THE LIBRARY • 18:56
Embarrassed To Say • Audrey Ochoa • THE HEAD OF A MOUSE • 19:01
In Circles • Void Comp • METROPOL • 19:05
Painted Faces • Void Comp • METROPOL • 19:09
Newport Beach • Betaboys • JUST YESTERDAY • 19:12
Bad Blood • Wayfinding • WAYFINDING • 19:17
Gold • Mouraine • ______ • 19:23
Silly Happy Wild (Live) • Tanika Charles • THE UNION SESSIONS EP • 19:26
Since You Been Gone (Live) • Tanika Charles • THE UNION SESSIONS EP • 19:30
Capsized • Monks On Call • LAKEWOOD RD. • 19:34
Days To Nights • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:39
Radio Morning • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:42
GRLSROK • Miesha and the Spanks • UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IN HI-FI • 19:45
It's My Year • Miesha and the Spanks • UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IN HI-FI • 19:48
Drownin' The Memory • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 19:52
Every Tragedy Needs A Punchline • Audrey Ochoa • THE HEAD OF A MOUSE • 19:55
>> Explore my playlist history for other dates and programs.
~~ Featured content ^^ Listener recommendations/requests ++ Tonight’s ‘odd one out’
Focusing on home-grown talent. An eclectic all-Albertan playlist, with the best and brightest our province has to offer taking center stage. New releases… familiar favourites… we’ve got it all. Sidle up to our local jukebox and make yourself at home. The folks are friendly and the music’s good in our neighbourhood.
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wolfliving · 2 months
Ruins and Shelters
*Is there any genuine difference, in the long run? Maybe in Italy, which has had more long-run than most places.
via e-flux.
Demanio Marittimo.KM-278 is the marathon dedicated to architecture, arts, design and to the Adriatic dimension curated by Cristiana Colli and Pippo Ciorra. As every year, the XIV Edition takes place on a public beach in Marzocca di Senigallia on Friday, July 19, no stop from 6pm to 6am.
RUINS&SHELTERS is the theme of this year. On the one hand, it focuses on the accelerated production of ruins produced by wars, conflicts and catastrophes. On the other hand, it reminds us the need to find different forms of shelter/protection for increasingly fragile communities and individuals. 
The setting for the event is the result of a students’ competition hosted by SAAD, School of Architecture University of Camerino. Winning team for the OLTRE project are Fatijon Ademaj, Michele Forti, Qendron Mema, Gloria Seri, Elisa Valori.
Demanio opens with a tribute to this year’s Master of Territory, Guido Guidi. His work will be discussed with Simona Antonacci,Carlo Birrozzi and Antonello Frongia. Paolo Volponi’s 100 Years anniversary will be celebrated by lectures held by Massimo Raffaeli, Aldo Bonomi and Giovanni Russo, curator of an exhibition organized at the Ducal Palace of Urbino. 
An interdisciplinary focus will be dedicated to Kosovo with the curator and critic Alex Fisher, the Mayor of Pristina, Perparim Rama, the curators of Hangar e Autostrada Biennale Leutrim Fishekqiu and Vatra Abrashi, the artists Sislej Xhafa, Artan Hajrullahu, Blerta Hashani. 
Another experience in the field of cultural heritagewill be discussed by Andrea Viliani, Director of the Museum of Civilizations in Rome and curator of the international program Pompeii Commitment, and Davide Quadrio, Director of MAO (Museum of Oriental Art) in Turin.
RUINS&SHELTERS is also a concept that brings us to the fragile centrality of the Living Being, ethical and self-reflective when it comes to humans, “natural” for non-human beings. Sociologist and writer Marco Dotti will discuss the subject with architectural historian Francesco Benelli and composer David Monacchi.
2024 commemorates 150 years since the birth of Guglielmo Marconi. It was from the Colle dei Cappuccini in Ancona that on August 7, 1904 he initiated the legendary “radio” connection with Poldhu in Cornwall, 1750 kilometers away. Marconi’s legacy between will be the focus of the reflections of technological philosopher Cosimo Accoto with Andrea Borgnino and the artist Giovanni Gaggia.
The New York-based firm Lot-Ek will lecture about their work and offer a preview of the film dedicated to them by the director Tom Piper. Artists, designers, filmmakers will be oon stage. Gustav Düsing will talk about his award-winning project for the University of Braunschweig, introduced by Anna Sala of MVDR Foundation. Pietro Martino Federico Pizzi will present the Ceresè winery project, best building of the year, together with Grazzini, Tonazzini, Colombo, designers of the “Quintessenza” installation for the MAXXI. They will be introduced by Lorenza Baroncelli, director of MAXXI Architettura. 
Many installations, artworks, and public design experiments will be exhibited. A Villa Medici fellow artist, Alix Boillot, will present her work Grace. HPO, the Ferrara collective of young architects, will present the TTT installation. The London based collective Lemonot will present Talamo, a project created by the Marche company Noctis and produced by BASE for the last Milan Design Week, introduced by  Linda Di Pietro, director of BASE, and Lorenzo Petri. 
The frontiers of design will be explored by We are the Others (2024, 55 min), a film by Maria Cristina Didero and Francesca Molteni dedicated to the 40 years of activity of the Brazilian brothers Fernando and Humberto Campana. After the viewing, the authors will meet with Marva Griffin. Three shorter films, produced by the LINA fellows Ewa Effron, Laura Hurley, George Guedani in the frame of the MAXXI Architecture Film Lab will be introduced by the authors. 
The event is promoted by MAPPE magazine, Gagliardini Editore, Associazione Demanio Marittimo.Km-278 with the collaboration of MAXXI, the Municipality of Senigallia, the Marche Region and with the support of a wide network of businesses, institutions and associations.
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blogoslibertarios · 8 months
Prefeitura entrega Praça Armando Nobre Viana em Candelária
Foto: Frankie Marconi O prefeito Álvaro Dias entregou à comunidade de Candelária, na sexta-feira passada (2), a revitalização da praça Armando Nobre Viana. O destaque fica por conta das três novas quadras esportivas instaladas no local, duas quadras de areia proporcionando um espaço ideal para esportes como vôlei de praia e beach tennis e uma quadra de futsal e basquete. “Nossa cidade está…
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Connemara's Hidden Gems: Exploring Beyond the Beaten Path
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Embarking on a Connemara tour from Galway presents an opportunity to explore one of Ireland's most enchanting regions, a place where the landscape whispers tales of history, culture, and natural beauty. While Connemara is known for its famous landmarks, it's the hidden gems, those found off the beaten path, that truly reveal the heart and soul of this rugged, wild region.
As travelers venture beyond the well-trodden trails, they are greeted by the less frequented yet equally captivating parts of Connemara. Each turn on the winding roads brings forth landscapes that are as varied as they are stunning. The beauty of Connemara lies in its diversity – from serene lakes hidden among the hills to secluded beaches along the rugged coastline.
One such hidden gem is the lesser-known Inagh Valley. Tucked away from the main tourist routes, this valley offers a tranquility that is hard to match. The road through Inagh Valley is flanked by the Twelve Bens and the Maumturk mountains, offering awe-inspiring views and a sense of solitude that is both humbling and exhilarating. The valley, with its patchwork of fields and bogs, reflects the true unspoiled nature of Connemara.
Another off-the-beaten-path treasure is the quaint village of Roundstone. Nestled on the shores of the Atlantic, Roundstone is a haven for artists, musicians, and writers, drawn here by the village's authentic charm and stunning seascapes. A visit to Roundstone offers a glimpse into traditional Irish village life, where the pace is slow, and the locals are quick to share a story or a smile.
Further exploration leads to the Coral Strand at Carraroe, a unique beach unlike any other in Ireland. Instead of sand, the beach is covered in fragments of coral, creating a stunningly beautiful landscape that is a photographer's dream. The Coral Strand is a perfect spot for a peaceful stroll, where the only sounds are the waves lapping against the shore and the call of seabirds overhead.
For those interested in history, the Marconi Wireless Station site near Clifden provides a fascinating insight into the early days of transatlantic communication. Though now in ruins, the station's history speaks of a time when Connemara was at the forefront of technological innovation.
No exploration of Connemara's hidden gems would be complete without mentioning the region's numerous lochs. Loch Na Fooey, in particular, is a gem worth visiting. Surrounded by mountains and farmlands, this secluded lake is a picture of peace and serenity, a place where one can truly connect with nature.
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A Connemara tour from Galway that ventures beyond the popular sites rewards travelers with experiences that are both intimate and authentic. It's in these lesser-known corners that Connemara's true spirit is found – in the quiet beauty of its landscapes, the warmth of its villages, and the stories etched into its land. These hidden gems invite visitors to slow down, explore at their own pace, and discover the magic that lies just off the beaten path in this stunningly diverse region of Ireland.
Source: https://www.dmexecutiveline.ie/connemaras-hidden-gems/
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paulpingminho · 4 months
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sparklymentalitypanda · 10 months
Romagna,Italy (Travel Guide,Bologna,Guglielmo,Sardinia,Ferrari,Modena,Capri,Venice travel,#2023 Sure, I can help you with that! Romagna, located in northeastern Italy, is known for its beautiful landscapes, historic cities, and delicious cuisine. Bologna, the capital of the region, is famous for its medieval architecture and vibrant food scene. Guglielmo Marconi Airport serves as a gateway to the region. Moving to other regions, Sardinia offers stunning beaches and a unique culture. Modena is renowned for its balsamic vinegar and Ferrari cars. Capri, located off the Amalfi Coast, is known for its glamorous atmosphere and scenic beauty. Venice, with its iconic canals and historic sites, is a must-visit. Ensure to explore local cuisines, such as Bolognese pasta in Bologna and seafood in Venice. Enjoy your travels
please subscribe to my channel:@DMmahfuz14318
Certainly! Italy is a treasure trove of art, history, and delicious cuisine. Here are some travel tips: Explore the Classics:* Visit iconic cities like Rome, Florence, and Venice for their historical sites, museums, and unique charm.
Local Cuisine:* Indulge in authentic Italian dishes. Try regional specialties and don't miss out on pizza in Naples or gelato everywhere!
Cultural Etiquette:* Italians appreciate politeness. Learn basic phrases, greet with "Buongiorno," and remember to say "Grazie" (thank you).
Transportation:* Trains are a convenient way to travel between cities. In cities, walking is often the best way to explore, especially in historic areas.
Historical Sites:* Book tickets in advance for popular attractions like the Colosseum and Uffizi Gallery to avoid long lines.
Regional Diversity:* Italy boasts diverse landscapes. Enjoy the picturesque Amalfi Coast, the beautiful Tuscan countryside, or the stunning lakes in the north.
Absolutely! Lake Como is famous for its breathtaking beauty, surrounded by picturesque villages and luxurious villas. The stunning Alps backdrop adds to its charm, making it a popular destination for those looking for a blend of natural splendor and refined elegance. The Amalfi Coast, known for its picturesque coastline, includes Sorrento. Sorrento offers stunning views, lemon groves, and a charming town. Amalfi, Positano, and Ravello are must-see destinations along the coast, each with its own unique charm. Enjoy coastal beauty, historic sites, and delicious Italian cuisine.
Capri is an island, Sardinia is another Italian island, and Romagna is a historical region in northern Italy. Each of these places has its own unique charm, culture, and attractions. Is there something specific you would like to know or discuss about these locations? Italy, known for its rich history and culture, offers diverse experiences. Start in Rome to explore ancient sites like the Colosseum and Vatican City.
1. Cinque Terre – a string of beautiful centuries-old colorful villages set on the rugged Italian Riviera coastline 2. Lake Como – a stunning upscale Italian resort known for its dramatic scenery 3. Tuscany Countryside – a blend of medieval heritage, magical views, and glorious countryside which is one of the best places to go in Italy 4. Camogli, Liguria – this beautiful underrated resort on the Italian Riviera is one of the best destinations to explore in Italy 5. Calabria – the sun-soaked “toe” of Italy is one of the prettiest parts of Italy 6. Lake Garda – one of the most loved and most beautiful tourist attractions in Italy 7. The Dolomites – this spectacular mountain range is one of the best places to travel to in Italy 8. Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast – the coastline awarded UNESCO status for its undisputed beauty and unique natural landscapes 9. Puglia – the gorgeous southern region in Italy is an up-and-coming vacation destination in Italy 10. Verona City – Italy’s other famous romantic city known for being the setting of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” 11. Venice – the famously beautiful and romantic canal-dotted destination is one of the best cities in Italy to visit 12. Bologna – the lively, historic capital of the Emilia-Romagna region famous for its cuisine is one of the top cities in Italy 13. Florence – the cradle of the Renaissance and the enchanting capital of Tuscany is up there as the 14. Rome – The Italian capital is a blend of culture, romance, and wow-inducing ancient architecture and is the best city to visit in Italy 15. Sardinia – the large Italian island is known for its gorgeous sandy beaches and turquoise waters and is a popular place in Italy to take a vacation 16. Capri – this picturesque island with upscale hotels and rugged landscapes is most of the most picturesque attractions in Italy #subscribetomychannel #travelvlog #italytravel
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june1960fan · 9 months
Massachusetts trip day 3 Back to Marconi Beach
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wigoutlet · 11 months
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Dennis Weeks
Marconi Beach
Wellfleet on Cape Cod
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henrythomsen-blog · 1 year
Coastal Escape (Article 2)
One of the most popular summer destinations on Cape Cod is the Cape Cod National Seashore. Located on the outer part of the Cape, it takes up much of the coastline. Established by President John F. Kennedy on August 7, 1961, it is one of the most cherished and ecologically significant areas on the East Coast of the United States. What makes this area so great is that it is protected as a national park, which allows for the preservation and protection of the natural beauty, unique ecosystems, and cultural resources found within its boundaries.
The National Seashore is made up of a total of six beaches (Coast Guard, Marconi, Nauset Light, Head of the Meadow, Race Point, and Herring Cove.) This summer I’ve been able to go to a couple different ones and see what they had to offer.
Marconi Beach in Wellfleet is one of my favorites because of the tall dunes and cliffs that stretch for miles as well as its remote feel, being pretty far north in the Cape. During low tide, there are a bunch of sand bars surrounded by shallow water which allow for a lot of water activities without worrying about the threat of sharks. Speaking of sharks, seals can be commonly seen at this beach very close to the shoreline when they stick their heads out of the water for air. In terms of logistics, Marconi has a very large parking lot that I have never seen completely full. It is important to note that it costs $25 for a day parking pass at all National Seashore beaches. There is also a season pass option that would end up being cheaper in the long run for frequent beach goers. Marconi also has on site bathrooms, showers, and changing rooms.
Another excellent National Seashore beach I’ve been to is Nauset Light Beach. While somewhat similar to Marconi, Nauset Light has a much smaller parking lot which means it is important to get there early enough in the day to ensure you get a spot. A major landmark at this beach is the lighthouse, hence the name Nauset Light. The lighthouse is located right near the parking lot at the top of the dunes of the beach and is a cool site to see with it being so close to the beach itself and the ocean. To add to the appeal of these beaches, dogs are allowed which is great for owners who want to bring their dog along for the fun. 
With all that said, the National Seashore is a must-do attraction on Cape Cod and offers some of the best beaches on the east coast.
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As a guest in Bay front vacation rentals Wellfleet MA, you can easily explore the seashore's natural wonders, such as the iconic Marconi Beach, where you can witness spectacular sunsets and take in the awe-inspiring views. Don't forget to pack a picnic and spend a day exploring the numerous trails and hidden gems within this national treasure.
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