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"They say I'm trouble, they say I'm bad. They say I'm evil, and that makes me glad." 💜 💚🖤🐲 My favorite Descendant Mal today for Disney Channel Original Movie day! (I still need to watch the third movie, though...) I'm so happy that I got to use my new leggings for this! Since my glasses are purple I thought they still fitted with the look and makeup, and I love how it turned out! #mal #descendants #rottentothecore #disneyboundchallenge #disneychanneloriginalmovie #disneybounder #disneyboundmarchchallenge #disneystyle #hellobeastie #littlevioletco #disneybound #disneystore #marchchallenge #thefutureisfemale #marchiswomenshistorymonth #disneyvillains #villainstyle #villainvibes #villainous #disneypins #disneylifestyle #jewelry #makeup #eyeshadow #lipstick #purpleftw #nofilter #rings (på/i Stockholm, Sweden) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9par7Knosi/?igshid=1igl6yqe5jjh3
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In celebration of Women's History Month we will be featuring a different WHVACR member every day in March. Have you met Amy Johnson from Rheem? Rheem is a brand new sponsor of WHVACR and we can't wait to start working with Amy and the rest of the team. 🌟🔧🛠️🪛🤩💯🙌#womeninhvacr #womeninbusiness #womensmonth #womenintrades #womeninspiringwomen #rheem #womeninmanufacturing #womenshistorymonth2021 #marchiswomenshistorymonth https://www.instagram.com/p/CMlBb_4LqrU/?igshid=1k1tbelsluhcb
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#marchiswomenshistorymonth here is another wonderful customer of mines @shaunybadass__. Thanks for always supporting us at @bundlesbyegypt https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ahPE2nSbh/?igshid=13yv5dds55cgv
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Its is our goal to inspire people, everyday! That is what this brand is all about, inspiring others. So we've decided to take a turn in our t-shirts and promote inspiration on our tees more than adoption. We just feel it fits our brand better as we have grown and been inspired in our journey. We still advocate for and donate to appropriate agencies. A blog post will be going up on our website shortly to tell you who we chose to partner with and why. Stay tuned. You will also be seeing our newest T-shirt launch this March, #nationalwomensday. March 8th, 2019. #staytuned . . . . #inspire #changeiscoming #grow #learn #soar #Soaringhearts #soaring #hearts #brand #tshirts #marchiswomenshistorymonth #weremakinghistory #weremakingherstory #alwaysletyourheartsoar #adoption #adopted #adoptee #adoptionadvocate https://www.instagram.com/p/BuhiJ36hDtn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l36qukx612s3
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31 #BLACK #HISTORICAL #WOMEN to mark Women's History Month is an #inclusive #educational knowledge based project to #build #community. I ask that you share all or just 12 of these outstanding women with your networks and audiences. The daughter of #Somalian nomads, Waris Dirie fled her country at the age of 13 to escape an arranged marriage with a 60-year-old man and moved to London. While in London, she was spotted in the street by a photographer and so her career as an international model and an (almost) fairytale life began. Waris was circumcised at the age of 3 in the name of tradition, so she has made the fight against #femalegenitalmutiliation a major part of her life. She decided to take the courageous step and talk publicly to the media about her #femalecircumcision; she was later appointed #goodwillambassador for the United Nations by Kofi Annan. In 2002, she created the Waris Dirie Foundation, and she continues to fight against female genital mutilation across the world. In 2010, a film was adapted from Waris Dirie's autobiography, Desert Flower. Compiled by #AtimAnnetteOton of #CALABARIMPORTS, #Harlem #CrownHeights #BedStuy http://ow.ly/s0AF30ik85V #marchiswomenshistorymonth #blackwomen #inclusivehistory #womenshistorymonth #womenshistory #whm #africanwomen #WarisDirie #herstory #outstandingwomen #instagood #blackamerican
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#blackgirlsrock #marchiswomenshistorymonth
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#bellhooks #feminismisforeverybody #womenhistorymonth2017 #girlslikeusrock #womenwegetthejobdone #marchiswomenshistorymonth #allweneedisonemic #stopviolenceagainstwomen @repostapp @regrann ✊❤🙏🙌🎙
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"In this place called Slaughter Race!" 🏎️🔥💀🖤 My girl Shank for Wreck-it Ralph 2 day! I fell in love with her so hard while watching the movie, and I definitely got some lesbian vibes from her! 😍 #shank #wreckitralph #ralphbreakstheinternet #disneybounder #disneyboundmarchchallenge #disneyboundchallenge #disneybound #disneystyle #thefutureisfemale #marchchallenge #marchiswomenshistorymonth #coolinblack #blackstyle #disneylife #disneylifestyle #nofilter #earrings #lipstick #queer (på/i Stockholm, Sweden) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Xk_xFnGzp/?igshid=1fluuvn46343e
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Step into the light and shine to be seen ✨ Happy International Women's Day! Thank you I love you and I'm proud to have walked with you in your historic march in LA earlier this year, and join you again today in solidarity. March is Women's March 🙌🏼❤️‼ #internationalwomensday #womensmarch #marchiswomenshistorymonth #marchiswomensmarch #jj_assignment_backlight #shine (at Historic Core)
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In honor of March being women history month @bundlesbyegypt will be posting some of our female customers everyday of March!! #marchiswomensmonth #marchiswomenshistorymonth #Bundlesbyegypt #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #womenhairbussiness #womenhairbundles https://www.instagram.com/p/B9S5lnWn2Cp/?igshid=wsg8dhh5zoai
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Women must empower women! Having power is nothing if you’re not using it to empower each other! It’s still Women’s History Month! #PurpleForWomensMonth #MarchIsWomensHistoryMonth #IJourni #JourniMotivation (at Raleigh, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvVdg--hjIl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sb2ygg8di4ed
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Wednesday is International Women’s Day, an annual day of recognition set aside to create awareness around the social, cultural and economic advancement of women. This year's theme is “Be Bold For Change.” "Each one of us — with women, men and non-binary people joining forces — can be a leader within our own spheres of influence by taking bold pragmatic action! #SimplyRawRadio #TheMovement #internationalwomensday #marchiswomenshistorymonth #womenshistorymonth #allwomenrock #girlpower
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Wow this post blew up (I also apologize for past me for my spelling mistakes), I may not have went through with my classical archaeology degree (going for library and information studies) I still hold a huge love for archaeology and history.
I want to clarify, me saying that there are huge cultural and historical impacts ancient Greece have on Alabasta doesn't mean Alabasta is ENTIRELY based on ancient Greece. Like I said Egypt is also an influencer, and it seems to be the main one that sticks out.
Vivi is based off of Queen Nefertiti and if you want to know a bit more about this powerful historical queen, I found a TikTok user who talks about important historical ladies and so here is her piece on who Vivi is based off of:
Oh and sometimes people will comment more historical references, so if you are interested in learning what all Oda incorporates into his story, please go look at the comment section of this post.
Oda Is A Scholar
So being a college student, I have to read my textbooks for my classes and some of you may know that I am studying Classical Archeology, cause I want to be an archaeologist. Anyways…I was going through my textbook (Greek Art and Archeology) and I found some damning evidence that Oda is quite the scholar.

Do you recognize a name? Right it’s Nefertiti, an Eygptian Queen! Who a certian princess named Vivi is named after!!!! So let me give you a quick summary of why Egyptians are showing up in Greek archeology; the Egyptians are like the smart, strong, influential, artistic senpais to the Greek. The Greek would often trade with Egypt, which lead to huge cultural exchange… Basically, the Greeks were like fangirls. Anyways lets move on; I’m getting deeper into the chapter, reading about figurines, frescoes, and pottery of the period I was reading about and I found this:

Alabastra seems familiar doesn’t it? So basically from what i’m connecting the fictional country of Alabasta is named after ointment containers in Ancient Greece.
So Alabasta and Vivi are a huge reference to the kinship that the ancient Greeks and Eygptians had during the Late Bronze Age (c. 1550 - 1100 BC), and this knowledge isn’t really common so Oda spends alot of time researching and incorporates alot of characteristics of a historal figure or thing (personality, what its for…etc) into characters and even countries!
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31 #BLACKHISTORICALWOMEN to mark #Women's #History #Month is an #inclusive #educational knowledge based project to #build #community. I ask you share all or just 12 of these outstanding women with your networks and audiences to celebrate how they have impacted society, globally and locally. . . Pearl Mae Bailey was an American actress and singer. After appearing in #vaudeville she made her Broadway debut in St. Louis Woman in 1946. She won a #TonyAward for the title role in the all-black production of Hello, Dolly! in 1968. In 1986, she won a #DaytimeEmmy award for her performance as a fairy godmother in the ABC Afterschool Special, Cindy Eller: A Modern Fairy Tale. Her rendition of "Takes Two to Tango" hit the top ten in 1952. She received the #ScreenActorsGuildLifeAchievementAward in 1976 and the #PresidentialMedalofFreedom in 1988. . Compiled by #AtimAnnetteOton of #CALABARIMPORTS, #Harlem #CrownHeights #BedStuy http://ow.ly/s0AF30ik85V . . #2018womenshistorymonth #africanamericanwoman #instahistory #hiddenfigures #pearlbailey #marchiswomenshistorymonth #blackwomen #inclusivehistory #womenshistorymonth #blackwoman #womenshistory #herstory #outstandingwomen
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The cool Terk (or Tufs in Swedish) for Tarzan day! 🖤🐵 Love this fun female sidekick, and she gives me butch vibes so the choice was simple. 💪✊ #terk #tufs #tarzan #disneybound #disneybounder #disneyboundchallenge #disneyboundmarchchallenge #disneystyle #disneylifestyle #disneylife #marchchallenge #marchiswomenshistorymonth #thefutureisfemale #nofilter #earrings #disney (på/i Stockholm, Sweden) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-IhW1iBGYW/?igshid=17o2weabc7s0p
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