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girlfriendsofthegalaxy · 1 year ago
hey did you know excel will mistake some gene names for dates and autoconvert them
In response to these issues, the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) has made changes to some gene names prone to errors. This includes converting the SEPT-1 gene to SEPTIN1 and the MARCH1 gene to MARCHF1.
We also found some novel errors. Some were connected to the local language setting. For example, the AGO2 gene was converted to Aug-02, perhaps due to “Ago” being short for “August” in Spanish. Similarly, MEI1 was switched to May-01 (“Mei” is “May” in Dutch), and TAMM41 to Jan-41 (“Tammikuu” is “January” in Finnish).
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pjvmartinsphotography · 10 months ago
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Estoril Exclusive Testing Apr 2024. Classic F1/Sports Cars - 1975 March Cosworth 75S
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weehughie · 5 years ago
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Just seen in the F1 pit lane at Suzuka 😋... • • #leytonhouse #marchf1 #leytonhousemarch #historicf1 #typhoonhagibis #japanesef1 #japanesegrandprix #historicracing #festivalofspeed #fos #fos2019 #festivalofspeed2019 #goodwood #fosgoodwood #goodwoodfestivalofspeed #goodwoodfestivalofspeed2019 #grrc #goodwoodroadracingclub #chichester #speed #noise #iphonex #iphonography #sunshine #carporn #hillclimb #goodwoodhouse #goodwoodestate (at Goodwood Festival of Speed) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3eCb6UBApa/?igshid=7xb80go811gu
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willcodehtmlforfood · 4 years ago
How Excel may have caused loss of 16,000 Covid tests in England | Health policy | The Guardian
"Errors from the spreadsheet software have even changed the very foundations of human genetics. The names of 27 genes have been changed over the past year by the Human Gene Nomenclature Committee, after Microsoft’s program continually misformatted them. The genes SEPT1 and MARCH1, for instance, have been changed to SEPTIN1 and MARCHF1 after they were repeatedly turned into dates, while symbols that were common words have been altered so that grammar tools didn’t autocorrect them: WARS is now WARS1, for instance."
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guidof · 7 years ago
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Great movie today, retro F1 from 1970 to 1978! #superswede #ronniepeterson #ronnie #barbro #ninakennedy #emersonfittipaldi #johnwatson #nikilauda #marioandretti #marchf1 #lotusf1 #f1 #formulaone #formula1 (på/i Filmstaden Scandinavia)
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stiri-noi · 4 years ago
Microsoft Excel are probleme cu numele genelor. Oamenii de știință trebuie să le redenumească
Metodologia după care sunt numite genele împiedică analizarea seturilor de date de către Excel.
Excel este unul dintre cele mai cunoscute programe din suita Microsoft Office, mulți dintre noi având de lucru cu acesta. Capacitatea acestuia de a analiza seturi mari de date, dar și faptul că este disponibil pe toate dispozitive cu Windows instalat îl face popular în rândurile cercetătorilor.
În ciuda popularității în mediul corporatist și în cel academic, Excel dă erori și uneori acestea pot să influențeze în mod semnificativ rezultatele diferitelor studii sau chiar să ducă la eșecul acestora. Aparent, geneticienii sunt una dintre aceste categorii de oameni de știință care sunt afectate de către aceste erori, notează Futurism.
Excel nu poate distinge între numele genelor și numele lunilor
Un articol din revista Nature prezintă noile reguli după care urmează să fie numite genele. Autorii argumentează că Microsoft nu oferă un update care să facă Excelul mai adaptat nevoilor oamenilor a fost necesară schimbarea numelui pentru 27 de gene.
Ce a aceste gene în comun? Aparent acestea fac trimiteri la lunile anului, un aspect pe care codul de bază al Excel pare a-l lua în serios. Din cauza modului în care a fost programat, un studiu al revistei Genome Biology a arătat că 20% din cele 3.597 studii care tratau diferite subiecte din genetică prezentau erori din cauza programului de analiză a datelor folosit.
Noile reglementări au dus la schimbarea numelor unor gene ca MARCH1  și SEPT1 în MARCHF1, respectiv SEPTIN1, în speranța că astfel Excel nu va mai da erori.
Citește și:
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Articolul Microsoft Excel are probleme cu numele genelor. Oamenii de știință trebuie să le redenumească apare prima dată în Descopera.ro.
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componentplanet · 4 years ago
Scientists Rename Genes So Excel Won’t Reformat Them as Dates
Microsoft Excel is an incredibly powerful program that’s just as essential in a laboratory as it is in the average office. However, scientists have had just about enough of Excel renaming genes as if they were dates. It didn’t seem likely anyone would convince Microsoft to change the way Excel works, so scientists got together recently and renamed the genes. 
Anyone who has spent time tinkering with data in Excel knows the pain of entering data by hand only to find out that Excel has formatted it in a way that makes it less useful. Scientists regularly use Excel to track work and do basic analysis on data before exporting it to more sophisticated tools. There’s no “DNA” formatting option, though, and that’s caused frustration among researchers. 
Genes are simply sequences of nucleic acid (DNA in humans) that code for a protein. For example, the GTPases protein known as Spetin-1 is coded by a gene called SEPT1. You can probably see where this is going. If you enter “SEPT1” in Excel, it will immediately change the cell to read “1-Sept” because it thinks you’re trying to enter a date. To make matters worse, there is no way to disable this automatic reformatting. You have to change the cell formatting in each spreadsheet manually. Failing to do so can lead to corrupted data and wasted time. Not everyone is an expert in Excel, so mistakes were common. (Note: Hitting ‘ in front of a data field in Excel will tell the cell to format as text, but there is no way to set this as default). 
The scientific body that controls gene naming has now stepped in to set things right. The HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) has thus far renamed 27 genes to ensure Excel doesn’t butcher their names. For example, the gene MARCH1 codes for a protein called Membrane Associated Ring-CH-Type Finger 1. HGNC has renamed that gene to MARCHF1 to avoid confusion. SEPT1 is now SEPTIN1. The HGNC will keep a record of the changes so there’s no confusion in the future when researchers read materials with the old names. 
The HGNC has even published guidelines to help scientists name (and rename) genes, which makes things more efficient but also a bit less fun — there probably won’t be any new “sonic hedgehog” genes. The guidelines cover more than Excel screw-ups. They also recommend names that avoid pejoratives (eg. DOPEY1 renamed to DOPIA) and those based on disease names. CASC4 was named as a CAncer Susceptibility Candidate 4, and now it’s GOLM2 (golgi membrane protein 2).
Even if gene names will be less of a creative outlet, most scientists have expressed relief that there is more clarity. No word yet on whether the “sonic hedgehog” gene (SHH) or “Pikachurin” (named for the eponymous Pokemon) are also being renamed. 
Now Read:
Scientists Identify Genes from ‘Ghost Population’ of Ancient Humans
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from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/313567-scientists-rename-genes-so-excel-wont-reformat-them-as-dates from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2020/08/scientists-rename-genes-so-excel-wont.html
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ravelite · 4 years ago
Help has arrived, though, in the form of the scientific body in charge of standardizing the names of genes, the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee, or HGNC. This week, the HGNC published new guidelines for gene naming, including for “symbols that affect data handling and retrieval.” From now on, they say, human genes and the proteins they expressed will be named with one eye on Excel’s auto-formatting. That means the symbol MARCH1 has now become MARCHF1, while SEPT1 has become SEPTIN1, and so on. A record of old symbols and names will be stored by HGNC to avoid confusion in the future.
Scientists rename human genes to stop Microsoft Excel from misreading them as dates - The Verge
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columnm · 7 years ago
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Please put your tray tables up and prepare for landing. . Ronnie Peterson piloting the March 711 with the tea tray front wing. . . . . . #marchf1 #ronniepeterson #formula1 #retrogp #f1 #march711 #f1car #motorsport
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pjvmartinsphotography · 2 years ago
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Estoril Classics Oct 2022 - Pre 1986 F1 Race 1
Driver: Michel BAUDOIN
Car: 1982 MARCH 821
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pjvmartinsphotography · 2 years ago
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Estoril Classics Oct 2022 - Pre 1986 F1 Race 1
Driver: Vicent RIVET
Car: 1981 MARCH 811
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