#marburg virus vaccine
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amecoresearchblogs · 6 months ago
Oxford University scientists have recently commenced human testing of a highly anticipated Marburg virus vaccine. This significant development offers hope in the fight against one of the world’s deadliest pathogens. The Marburg virus, closely related to Ebola, has been responsible for numerous outbreaks, primarily affecting health workers in the affected regions.
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rosewind2007 · 3 months ago
I’m currently in a Marburg Virus Vaccine Trial (I was in a successful Ebola Vaccine Trial in 2015, collecting those hemorrhagic fevers!)
What amused me was that my vaccination visit coincidenced with the Murderathin Equinox event, so I was wearing my heart very much on my sleeve for the first 5 visits…
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They injected right in Murderbot’s name…not that you could see the injection site (no side effects whatsoever— same as the Ebola Vaccine)
The temporary tattoo lasted ~2 weeks—much longer than any inflammation at the injection site
I did recommend the books to all the staff at the vaccine centre…
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suara-rakyat-blog · 2 months ago
Mereka telah meletakkan suar magnet, jadi bukan sahaja orang akan diubah secara biologi, tetapi mereka akan ditandakan.
Dan ini dimiliki dan dikendalikan oleh Rockefeller.
Ini adalah sebahagian daripada inisiatif Barcode for Life untuk menandakan dan mengenal pasti semua bentuk kehidupan.
Tiada lagi bentuk kehidupan yang suci.
Jadi, itulah yang mereka lakukan, mereka mengubah kita sedikit supaya kita boleh dipatenkan.
Situasi COVID ini adalah pengenalan pertama bagi sebuah konstruksi, satu bentuk kehidupan baru.
Mereka telah belajar cara menggabungkan kehidupan biologi dan robotik.
Dan tujuannya adalah untuk pemusnahan, kerana mereka tidak mahu apa-apa dari dunia lama.
Mereka mahukan dunia baru dan mereka mahu menjelang 2025 semua manusia lama dihapuskan.
Dan mana-mana manusia mulai sekarang pada asasnya perlu direkayasa di makmal dan dipertingkatkan dan ditambah serta sebahagian daripada matriks.
Mereka sedang mengubah suai dan menyambung semula badan kita.
Setiap daripada kita sekarang mempunyai 20 hingga 30,000 nanozarah.
Mereka mahu meletakkan cip dalam otak manusia, tetapi mereka tidak mahu melakukan pembedahan.
Oleh itu, selepas bertahun-tahun, akhirnya mereka menghasilkan gel.
Gel ini dipanggil hidrogel atau titik kuantum, titik kuantum Bill Gates.
Jadi apa yang akan berlaku dengan vaksin adalah anda akan disuntik dengan vaksin itu dan kemudian ia akan membentuk dirinya sendiri.
Dan kemudian ia menyerbu ke seluruh tubuh anda dan melintasi penghalang darah-otak anda dan mengambil alih otak anda.
Ia menuai cecair dalam badan anda, kelembapan anda ketika ia tumbuh dan ia berkembang sehingga kita bukan lagi manusia.
Kita termakan.
Kami adalah nod dalam komputer kuantum dan diri biologi mati kerana tiada apa yang tinggal.
Satu-satunya cara untuk mengelakkannya adalah dengan mengatakan tidak kepada ujian COVID kepada vaksinasi.
Akan ada topeng hidrogel di mana setiap nafas yang anda ambil, anda akan bernafas dalam zarah hidrogel ini.
Mereka telah menyebarkan semua sin bios, nano, sin bios ini ke dalam badan kita.
Mereka boleh membawa racun dan dikatakan mereka menerima arahan bergerak dari frekuensi yang disasarkan kepada mereka.
Seperti yang saya katakan dengan topeng, ujian COVID dan vaksin, adalah penting untuk tidak mengambilnya.
Ia bioakumulatif, yang bermaksud semakin banyak yang anda perolehi, ia kekal di dalam badan anda dan ia tidak akan keluar.
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jimflanigan · 1 year ago
Is This the End?
Thank you for reading and following. I wanted to express my appreciation before this happens today in just a few hours and I become a zombie. No action is needed? Pffft! Plenty of action is needed. The reason? Continue reading Untitled
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creativemedianews · 3 months ago
Rwanda initiates vaccine study to stem the Marburg virus spread
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immunobiz · 5 months ago
Selon le Dr Rashid A. Buttar, les vaccins contre le Covid contiennent tous des cellules dormantes du virus Marburg (poison) encapsulées dans des nanoparticules lipidiques qui peuvent être activées à l'aide de fréquences 5G spécifiques. Les personnes vaccinées se comporteront comme des zombies car la fonction de leur cortex frontal cérébral a été endommagée. 
Cela tuera des millions de personnes dans le monde, ce qui donnera à l'OMS le pouvoir de dicter la politique à tous les gouvernements. Dr. Rashid A. Buttar says the Covid shots all contain a dormant Marburg virus(poison) sleeper cells encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles which can be activated using specific 5G frequencies. The vaxxed will behave like zombies because their frontal cortex brain function have been damaged.
This will kill millions worldwide, giving the WHO the power to dictate policy to all governments.
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lizardsfromspace · 1 year ago
Real weird seeing largely practical posts about the emergency alert tomorrow on Tumblr, all "if you have a secret phone, make sure to turn it off", then checking Twitter & seeing thousands of people declaring that the emergency alert is a 5G signal that will activate the Marburg virus nanobots hidden in every COVID vaccine and cause a literal, not metaphorical, zombie apocalypse
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feminist-space · 19 days ago
"Today, December 20, marks the official end of the Marburg Virus Disease outbreak in Rwanda. It has been 42 days – two full incubation periods – since the last confirmed case left the national Marburg treatment centre after testing negative.
In previous outbreaks, Marburg, which is caused by a virus related to Ebola, has killed up to 88 per cent of people infected. And Rwanda had never seen this disease within its borders before the current outbreak began in September. Despite Rwandan physicians having never encountered it before, the mortality rate observed in this outbreak is under 23 per cent – the lowest-ever death rate for a Marburg outbreak in Africa.
While the virus initially spread fiercely in two major hospitals in the capital Kigali and among family members of one of the initial cases, Rwanda’s rapid response, with implementation of strict infection prevention and control, isolation and containment of cases, prompt initiation of aggressive supportive care, delivery of investigational therapeutics and vaccines, and tracing and monitoring of contacts quickly brought the outbreak under control. The rate of new cases halved between the outbreak’s second and third weeks and dropped by around 90 per cent thereafter.
One of the most remarkable aspects of this response was an international effort, initiated and led by the Rwandan government, to administer thousands of doses of a promising experimental vaccine to front-line health workers under a clinical trial protocol, with the first subjects vaccinated in a remarkably short timeframe.
Rwanda, for its part, has invested heavily in its healthcare system and has incorporated epidemic preparedness into its national health policies. Rwanda has well-trained medical staff working in well-run hospitals and community-based health services. It has been investing in technology-based disease surveillance systems and its laboratories can handle fast, accurate diagnostic testing at scale.
In early September, after months of planning, Rwandan scientists and health officials joined CEPI and other private sector partners to walk through a “tabletop exercise” about the 100 Days Mission. It was through this in-person training exercise that key relationships between disease outbreak experts, Rwandan health authorities and researchers, vaccine developers and clinical trial specialists were cemented.
We also have no doubt that with the right focus and funding, such nationally-led, globally-supported, life-saving responses to novel disease outbreaks could be accomplished by any government in any region. By taking a proactive approach and using the 100 Days Mission as a game plan, all countries can get ahead of epidemic and pandemic threats and neutralise their catastrophic potential."
Read the full piece here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/partnerships-preparedness-halted-rwanda-marburg-outbreak/
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covid-safer-hotties · 2 months ago
Also preserved in our archive
By Tulio de Oliveira
Dr. Oliveira is the director of the Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation in South Africa.
As a virus scientist in South Africa, I’ve been watching with dread as H5N1 bird flu spreads among animals in the United States. The pathogen poses a serious pandemic threat and has been detected in over 500 dairy herds in 15 states — which is probably an undercount. And yet, the U.S. response appears inadequate and slow, with too few genomic sequences of H5N1 cases in farm animals made publicly available for scientific review.
Failure to control H5N1 among American livestock could have global consequences, and this demands urgent attention. The United States has done little to reassure the world that it has the outbreak contained.
The recent infection of a pig at a farm in Oregon is especially concerning as pigs are known to be “mixing bowls” for influenza viruses. Pigs can be infected by both avian and human influenza viruses, creating a risk for the viruses to exchange genetic material and potentially speed up adaptation for human transmission. The H1N1 pandemic in 2009 was created and spread initially by pigs. Beyond the risks to its own citizens (there are over 45 cases of people in the United States getting the virus in 2024), the United States should remember that the country where a pandemic emerges can be accused of not doing enough to control it. We still hear how China did not do enough to stop the Covid-19 pandemic. None of us would want a new pandemic labeled the “American virus,” as this could be very damaging for the United States’ reputation and economy.
The United States should learn from how the global south responds to infectious diseases. Those of us working in the region have a good track record of responding to epidemics and emerging pandemics, and can help the United States identify new virus strains and offer insights into how to control H5N1. This knowledge has not come easily or without suffering; it has developed from decades of dealing with deadly diseases. We’ve learned one simple lesson: You need to learn your enemy as quickly as possible in order to fight it.
We did this during Covid. In November 2021, my colleagues and I, and others in Botswana, discovered the Omicron variant. We quickly and publicly warned the world that it could rapidly spread. This kind of transparency is not always easy because it can come at large economic cost. For example, after we shared our Omicron discovery, countries around the world imposed travel bans on South Africa ahead of December holidays, spurring backlash. Our team received death threats, and we needed security for our labs. One estimate suggests South Africa lost $63 million in canceled bookings from December to March.
But it was the right thing to do. That’s why it’s so frustrating that genomic sequences of H5N1 animal cases in the United States are not quickly made available. Sharing genomes of virus samples immediately is crucial for understanding the threat and giving the world time to prepare, including developing antivirals and vaccines. Rwanda, for example, was recently bold enough to go public with the detection of the deadly Marburg virus. Health responders there worked around the clock, and within about a month, they seem to have controlled the outbreak. Other countries in Africa have similarly and openly shared data about the spread of Mpox.
I’ve worked for decades with American scientists, and this summer I toured many of the country’s top scientific research institutions and was a speaker at one of its largest annual virology meetings. I know how flabbergasted many American scientists are about the country’s slow response to the H5N1. One highly respected American virologist, David O’Connor, told me that “it seems that the United States is addicted to gambling with H5N1. But if you gamble long enough, the virus may hit a jackpot.” A jackpot for the virus would fuel a global pandemic.
It is time to respond forcefully to this threat. The world’s scientists are here to help, in the same way as the United States has helped us so many times. Countries need to continue to support one another; we need an international scientific and medical force that can work together to respond to new epidemics and potential pandemics, including diagnosing and genetically analyzing every single sample of H5N1.
I understand that it’s not easy to persuade businesses, such as the meat and dairy industries, to allow the testing of all of their animals and staffs, and to make that data public quickly. But I also know that in the end, doing so protects lives, lessens economic damage and creates a safer world.
The world cannot afford to gamble with this virus, letting it spread in animals and hoping it never sparks a serious outbreak — or crossing our fingers that its effects won’t be serious in people. Time will tell. I hope we are not watching the start of a new pandemic unfold, with both the American and the international communities burying our heads in the sand rather than confronting potential danger.
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artemis-pendragon · 28 days ago
Okay so I have this weird thing where I fully support the wearing of masks and community care and everything on a moral level but there’s this part of me that’s like, afraid of it? Like, in this hypothetical world where everyone did the right thing and masked all the time, would it then become taboo to see someone’s face? It’s not masking itself I hate but I do hate the idea of never smiling at someone again. I know this sounds stupid but its an existential dread I have. Also, if big gatherings and dining out is bad, how will we have fun? I love comeradery and the energy of other people and I don’t want to not have that in the future. Do you think there will ever be a permanent covid cure and even a permanent cold cure so we don’t have to do it anymore and everyone’s still safe? What about effective transparent masks? Will we ever see those? If there were transparent masks I probably wouldn’t be so scared…
This is a totally rational and normal fear in my opinion!! We're social creatures that heavily rely on body language for communication despite advanced linguistic ability, and the thought of not having access to half of a person's face while interacting is intimidating and sad for sure!
Masking, for me, is now something I do when in close-quarter spaces, large enclosed inside public spaces, especially with little to no ventilation, and when attending large and crowded outdoor events like concerts! When outside in smaller groups, dining out at restaurants or other smaller public places, I'm comfortable removing my mask to eat and see others' faces during conversation. This is partially because viral load (how much virus you are exposed to when initially infected) can have an effect on how sick you get. If you are only exposed briefly to a small amount of virus, it will take longer to spread and give your immune system longer to gear up and deal with it.
Outdoors, unless in a super crowded area, I'm comfortable going mask-less but just keep a mask with me in case someone vulnerable needs the extra protection or I unexpectedly need to enter a higher-risk area. I don't keep up the standard I did when COVID was an untreatable virus with no vaccine, because it has become more domesticated (lol can't think of a better term but I hope you know what I mean) and less overtly dangerous than the original wild strain. This is a very common phenomenon in spillover viral events; the original strain of COVID didn't mean to get into humans, and killed us when it actually would make more evolutionary sense for the virus to keep us alive both as a current spreader and future repeat host. Therefore, future strains that survived were more likely to be less deadly. That's part of why SARS was so easily suppressed compared to COVID! it was too deadly, and didn't spread from asymptomatic or pre-symtomatic people like COVID.
ANYWAY, all that is to say that COVID is still a major threat, but it has acclimatized to us more and likely will remain a common human disease for the forseeable future. We will continue our eternal arms race against viruses, coming up with better treatments until something new emerges. After all, there are likely descendant strains of the mega-deadly 1918 influenza still in circulation today, but they've lost their original zoonotic fangs and gotten used to living in and with us rather than wiping us out.
Which brings me to emergent zoonotic viruses. Another important reason for wearing masks is that, in the 100% likelihood of another viral spillover event (humans continue to displace animals we previously had very little contact with, bringing with them new viruses like Ebola, Marburg, SARS, COVID, MERS, Nipah, bird flu, and Hendra) that turns into an epidemic or pandemic in our global world, if everyone already has masks on-hand and are used to masking up, we'll already be one step ahead in the next viral arms race.
I love the idea of clear face masks, by the way!! I've also always loved the idea of cyberpunk-style digital masks that display expressions or play by play transcriptions of a speaker's words, which would double as an accessibility aid for HOH and Deaf people, as well as people with audio processing issues (like yours truly lol).
Lastly, the biggest reason we haven't cured the common cold is because the common cold is actually a wide range of different viruses! Rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, and coronaviruses (the classification, not specifically COVID, which is one of many) are responsible for "cold symptoms", and getting rid of all of them isn't something we can or should do! Allowing our immune systems the chance to stay active and healthy by fighting less severe viruses (unless they are severely compromised, such as in the case of HIV AIDS--another zoonotic disease from the 20th century!) allows them to stay strong and flexible in recognizing more dangerous strains. For example, someone who has been vaccinated for Mpox (2-10% fatality rate without treatment) has some immunity to Smallpox (up to 30% fatality rate without treatmeant), even though they aren't the same virus! In fact, the first vaccine was made by exposing people intentionally to Cowpox, which makes cows sick but not humans. They figured out that people on dairy farms were having waaaay fewer severe cases of Smallpox, and exposure to a less severe but related virus was the reason! We need less potent viruses to practice and keep our immune systems active and flexible when the next Big One comes along.
I know this turned into a fucking PhD dissertation and I'm sorry for not being more concise in my wording but virology is endlessly fascinating and I love talking about public health and epidemiology, especially concerning zoonotic and emerging viruses. It's fascinating as well as scary, and the more prepared we are, the better!
TLDR; not everyone needs to mask all the time, but there are increasing risks caused by expanding population and crowding, as well as global crowding, global warming, and habitat destruction, that more diseases will jump into humans. COVID isn't the first, and won't be the last. Keeping that thang (your mask) on your person and on your face, especially in really big crowded or indoor public spaces, is a great habit to stay in! We can keep our social desire to see faces intact, and occasionally sacrifice seeing a stranger's smile to keep another stranger alive.
Hope this wasn't annoyingly and frustratingly long Anon, and maybe some of you fucking nerds out there will enjoy reading this!
Love you all, and hope you stay healthy and safe! ❤️
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darkmaga-returns · 2 months ago
by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.
The U.S. has committed $667 million to the World Bank’s Pandemic Fund, a “multilateral financing mechanism dedicated to strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.”
Including the U.S. commitment, the fund raised nearly $1 billion in its latest pledge campaign — half of its $2 billion target — amid warnings of a greater-than-50% chance of a new pandemic in the next 25 years.
The Pandemic Fund was established in 2022 by the member states of the G20. Its largest private contributor — at $15 million — is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which also holds seats on the fund’s governing board.
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, a global public-private partnership that promotes vaccines — and is heavily funded by the Gates Foundation — also holds a seat on the Pandemic Fund’s board.
In an op-ed published last week in Fortune, Drs. Chatib Basri and Sabin Nsanzimana, co-chairs of the Pandemic Fund Board, said the “rapid spread of mpox and bird flu, and the recent Marburg virus outbreak, underscore the immediate need for new and sustained investments in pandemic preparedness to bolster our collective defenses.”
Fear of mpox and bird flu helped the fund reach commitments totaling $982 million at last week’s G20 Finance and Health Ministers’ joint meeting in Brazil. The fund also secured “co-financing from international organizations” totaling $1.8 billion.
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suara-rakyat-blog · 2 months ago
Mahkamah Menyatakan Vaksin Covid Adalah Senjata Biologi!!
Suntikan yang Diberikan kepada Orang Ramai Mengarahkan Badan Manusia untuk Menghasilkan RACUN JADUALAN
Dr. David Martin menerangkan mengapa suntikan COVID sebenarnya adalah senjata biologi, bukan vaksin.
Pfizer BioNTech dan Moderna secara jelas menggambarkan mRNA sebagai terapi gen eksperimen dalam pemfailan SEC mereka.
Serpihan coronavirus telah digambarkan sebagai "teknologi yang membolehkan peperangan biologi" pada persidangan DARPA 2005.
Menurut 7 CFR Bahagian 331, protein lonjakan yang dikaitkan dengan sebarang pengubahsuaian coronavirus diklasifikasikan sebagai senjata biologi.
Suntikan tersebut mengarahkan tubuh manusia untuk menghasilkan racun yang dijadualkan (spike protein).
Semua ini mula masuk akal selepas 4 tahun! Saya mengalami masalah jantung selepas menerima vaksin Pfizer dan isteri saya mengalami keadaan jantung yang jarang berlaku selepas menerima vaksin Moderna. Kita semua tertipu untuk percaya bahawa syarikat farmaseutikal besar dan kerajaan Big Brother kita sebenarnya mempunyai kepentingan terbaik kita di hati, sedangkan sebenarnya, kita semua adalah subjek dalam eksperimen besar di seluruh dunia. Hari-hari yang sangat menyedihkan! Big Pharma tidak boleh dipercayai!
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rosewind2007 · 4 months ago
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I’ve managed to combine two of my passions! I’m currently participating in a vaccine trial (new vaccine against Marburg Virus) and I have a (temporary) Murderbot/Gurathin tattoo for the Equinox event
This (being vaccinated in a MB/G heart tattoo) was not intentional—they usually vaccinate my left arm—but you know, reasons*
I have recommend The Murderbot Diaries to several scientists working on the trial
Spot the vaccination site!
*I have a real tattoo on the left arm, they preferred to inject in tattoo-less skin
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cultml · 2 years ago
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modern-politics111 · 1 month ago
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the-unicorns-of-nienna · 2 months ago
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