#marburg virus vaccine
amecoresearchblogs · 2 months
Oxford University scientists have recently commenced human testing of a highly anticipated Marburg virus vaccine. This significant development offers hope in the fight against one of the world’s deadliest pathogens. The Marburg virus, closely related to Ebola, has been responsible for numerous outbreaks, primarily affecting health workers in the affected regions.
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suara-rakyat-blog · 8 days
Ini penjajahan bentuk baru, Ismail Sabri dah cakap. Kita akan ditawan daripada segi kesihatan, minda, dan sebagainya. Bukan ada tentera nak datang sini. Cuma kita punya orang dalam sini yang khianat kita. Mereka dengan Rasuah, mereka dengan janji, yang mereka akan dapat pangkat yang tinggi, mereka telah tanda tangan, benda yang boleh membunuh kita. Jadi semalam tadi mesyuarat kita dengan lowyer, kita mahu report ini di tambah tiga nama. Tuan-tuan yang dah buat report, kalau nak, nak buat lagi sekali tambah tiga nama ini. Noor Hisham, KJ, dan juga Zaliha. Dan mereka bertanggung jawab. Kalau siapa yang ada power lagi, konfiden lagi boleh tambah nama Muhyiddin pun sama. Karena apa Muhyiddin lah yang memulakan Vaksinasi ini. Dan kita kena tambah lagi dua tiga orang nama menteri-menteri, Adham Baba dan sebagainya. Tapi paling kurang tiga ini kita kena masukkan. Jadi tuan-tuan kita minta itu saja. Supaya kita nampak, kerajaan nampak benda ini ada tekanan daripada rakyat.
This is a new form of colonization, Ismail Sabri has already said. We will be conquered in terms of health, mind, and so on.
There aren’t any soldiers coming here. It's just our own people inside who are betraying us. They're involved with Corruption, making promises about getting high positions; they've signed things that could kill us. So, yesterday we had a meeting with our lawyer, and we want to add three names to this report.
For those of you who have already filed a report, if you want, you can do it again and add these three names: Noor Hisham, KJ, and also Zaliha. They are responsible for this.
If anyone still has power and confidence, they can add Muhyiddin’s name too. Because it was Muhyiddin who started this vaccination process. We also need to add a couple more names, like ministers Adham Baba and others.
But at the very least, we need to include these three. So, we’re just asking for that. So that the government can see there’s pressure from the people on this issue.
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jimflanigan · 1 year
Is This the End?
Thank you for reading and following. I wanted to express my appreciation before this happens today in just a few hours and I become a zombie. No action is needed? Pffft! Plenty of action is needed. The reason? Continue reading Untitled
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immunobiz · 2 months
Selon le Dr Rashid A. Buttar, les vaccins contre le Covid contiennent tous des cellules dormantes du virus Marburg (poison) encapsulées dans des nanoparticules lipidiques qui peuvent être activées à l'aide de fréquences 5G spécifiques. Les personnes vaccinées se comporteront comme des zombies car la fonction de leur cortex frontal cérébral a été endommagée. 
Cela tuera des millions de personnes dans le monde, ce qui donnera à l'OMS le pouvoir de dicter la politique à tous les gouvernements. Dr. Rashid A. Buttar says the Covid shots all contain a dormant Marburg virus(poison) sleeper cells encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles which can be activated using specific 5G frequencies. The vaxxed will behave like zombies because their frontal cortex brain function have been damaged.
This will kill millions worldwide, giving the WHO the power to dictate policy to all governments.
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lizardsfromspace · 1 year
Real weird seeing largely practical posts about the emergency alert tomorrow on Tumblr, all "if you have a secret phone, make sure to turn it off", then checking Twitter & seeing thousands of people declaring that the emergency alert is a 5G signal that will activate the Marburg virus nanobots hidden in every COVID vaccine and cause a literal, not metaphorical, zombie apocalypse
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rosewind2007 · 23 hours
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I’ve managed to combine two of my passions! I’m currently participating in a vaccine trial (new vaccine against Marburg Virus) and I have a (temporary) Murderbot/Gurathin tattoo for the Equinox event
This (being vaccinated in a MB/G heart tattoo) was not intentional—they usually vaccinate my left arm—but you know, reasons*
I have recommend The Murderbot Diaries to several scientists working on the trial
Spot the vaccination site!
*I have a real tattoo on the left arm, they preferred to inject in tattoo-less skin
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cultml · 2 years
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tintucsuckhoecom · 15 days
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acumen7865 · 1 month
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Innovations in Infectious Disease Therapeutics Field
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Innovations in Infectious Disease Therapeutics Field New Developments in Antiviral Drug Discovery Viruses are constantly evolving and finding new ways to evade our immune systems and existing treatments. This makes developing effective antiviral drugs an ongoing challenge. Researchers are making progress, however, with several new and promising antiviral agents in development. One area of focus is on developing pan-antiviral drugs that can target different types of viruses. These broad-spectrum antivirals hold potential as treatments for viruses with no approved therapies as well as emerging viruses. Several candidates are being evaluated that block viral fusion or entry into host cells. These include EIDD-2801, which is in clinical trials for influenza. EIDD-2801 works by inhibiting RNA replication of influenza and many other respiratory viruses. Other pan-antiviral approaches involve activating innate immune defenses. RVX-208 is a small molecule that enhances the cellular antiviral response mediated by RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs). In animal studies, RVX-208 showed protection against a variety of viruses including influenza, Ebola and Marburg. It could serve as a contingency treatment for outbreaks of unknown viruses. Toll-like receptor agonists also activate innate immunity and may have broad antiviral potential. New Infectious Disease Therapeutics Target Hepatitis C and HIV Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection can now be cured in over 95% of cases with all-oral direct-acting antiviral regimens. Second-generation pangenotypic regimens that work against all major HCV genotypes are revolutionizing treatment. However, challenges remain including how to increase access to care and develop affordable therapies for developing countries where HCV remains largely untreated. Researchers are also working on preventative HCV vaccines, which could help curb future infections. The HIV/AIDS pandemic has been transformed by combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). However, a cure remains elusive and lifelong treatment is still required. Investigational strategies to achieve a functional cure include "kick and kill" approaches using latency-reversing agents plus immunotherapy. Gene therapy techniques are also being explored as a potential cure by delivering genetic modifications like the 'London patient' case or using CRISPR/Cas9 to disrupt HIV DNA. Additional research aims to develop long-acting injectable or implantable forms of cART to improve adherence. New Antimicrobials Target Drug-Resistant Infectious Disease Therapeutics The resistance crisis presents grave threats as common infections again become difficult or impossible to treat. This is driving intensive efforts to discover new classes of antibiotics. Unfortunately, only a few new drugs have reached the market in recent years. Many programs focus on screening natural sources for novel chemical scaffolds with antimicrobial activity. Actinomycetes (bacteria found in soil) have historically produced the majority of antibiotics in clinical use and continue to offer new possibilities. Another strategy is re-engineering existing antibiotic scaffolds to potentially regain or enhance activity against resistant pathogens. In addition to bacteria, drug-resistant fungal infections pose an increasing threat in immunosuppressed patients. Only three major classes of antifungals are available clinically with limited options for difficult-to-treat invasive candidiasis and aspergillosis. New triazole, echinocandin, and alkylamino fungicidal compounds are under development to expand the arsenal. Alternative approaches include phage therapy - using viruses that infect bacteria (bacteriophages) as living antimicrobial drugs. Phages have shown promise treating multi-drug resistant infections when antibiotics fail. However, more research is needed to optimize this approach for clinical use. Nanoparticle formulations can also potentially enhance the potency and delivery of existing and experimental antibiotics.
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trmpt · 8 months
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suara-rakyat-blog · 3 hours
The story about Monkeypox has been lost.
Monkeypox, gentlemen, if you take it, you are Biol, son of Bahalol, son of Bangang.
It means this master wants to die quickly, please.
We're not mad at you, right?
But what we are angry about is why do you want to force people who don't take it?
I'm still angry why do you want to make Nurse Frontliners?
Why can't we change to Cabinet Minister Frontliners this time?
Because he was the one who graduated.
The members of Parliament and the Cabinet who approve this vaccine are the ones who took it first.
He said this thing is very safe, very good.
Now Nurse has killed five thousand people, how many more people do you want to kill?
Now the teachers have died in five mothers, how many more do the government want to kill teachers.
I have the list of the dead.
Want to see the exhibition, dead people come now PPIM he has hung pictures of dead people.
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fhear · 1 year
Turn off your cell phones on October 4th. The EBS is going to "test" the system using 5G. This will activate the Marburg virus in people who have been vaccinated. And sadly turn some of them into zombies.
— gina shirah (@GinaShirah81815) October 1, 2023 1>
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📆 July 2023 📰 Rare link between coronavirus vaccines and Long Covid–like illness starts to gain acceptance 🗞️ Science
But in recent months, what some call Long Vax has gained wider acceptance among doctors and scientists, and some are now working to better understand and treat its symptoms.
“You see one or two patients and you wonder if it’s a coincidence,” says Anne Louise Oaklander, a neurologist and researcher at Harvard Medical School. “But by the time you’ve seen 10, 20,” she continues, trailing off. “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”
Symptoms can include persistent headaches, severe fatigue, and abnormal heart rate and blood pressure. They appear hours, days, or weeks after vaccination and are difficult to study. But researchers and clinicians are increasingly finding some alignment with known medical conditions. One is small fiber neuropathy, a condition Oaklander studies, in which nerve damage can cause tingling or electric shock–like sensations, burning pain, and blood circulation problems. The second is a more nebulous syndrome, with symptoms sometimes triggered by small fiber neuropathy, called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). It can involve muscle weakness, swings in heart rate and blood pressure, fatigue, and brain fog.
German Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach acknowledged in March that though rare, Long Covid–like symptoms after vaccination are a real phenomenon. He said his ministry was working to organize funding for studies, although none has been announced so far.
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Science first wrote about these health concerns in January 2022, describing efforts by scientists at the National Institutes of Health to study and treat affected individuals. A study including 23 people was posted as a preprint in May 2022 but never published. Following Science’s story, almost 200 people contacted the journal sharing their postvaccination symptoms.
Research has since proceeded slowly. This is “a challenging outcome to monitor,” Tom Shimabukuro of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told a government advisory committee in January. Still, more than two dozen case studies have accumulated describing POTS or small fiber neuropathy following a COVID-19 shot, regardless of the vaccine manufacturer.
An immune overreaction to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which COVID-19 vaccines use to induce protective antibodies, is one possible cause of these symptoms. One theory is that after vaccination some people generate another round of antibodies targeting the first. Those antibodies could function somewhat like spike itself: Spike targets a cell surface protein called the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor, enabling the virus to enter cells. The rogue antibodies might also bind to ACE2, which helps regulate blood pressure and heart rate, says Bernhard Schieffer, a cardiologist at the University of Marburg. If those antibodies disrupt ACE2 signaling, that could cause the racing heart rates and blood pressure swings seen in POTS.
Small fiber neurons also have the ACE2 receptor on their surface, so in theory rogue antibodies could contribute to neuropathy. But Matthew Schelke, a neurologist at Columbia University who has treated small fiber neuropathy in both Long Covid and postvaccine patients, says pinning down a connection won’t be easy. Even when unusual antibodies turn up in someone’s blood, “it’s extremely difficult to know if any of these are pathogenic or if they are just bystanders,” he says. Other immune system components that fuel inflammation may also harm nerves, he notes.
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diseasecure · 1 year
#Marburg virus. (6)
As already known, there is no treatment for Marburg virus and no vaccine has been discovered so far. Research is underway to develop various blood products, drugs and immunotherapies, says the WHO, which stands for World Health Organization. Doctors say that drinking plenty of water and treating the person's symptoms properly increases the patient's chances of survival. Besides, blood transfusion can also be used for blood replacement. Along with this, proper campaigning activities should be carried out in order to prevent the spread of this virus among people.
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decentralvaccine · 1 year
The Benefits Of Vaccine Stockpiles
Marburg could soon become the second virus in the past year to have experimental vaccine candidates ready for testing under an emergency use listing. Until this point, no licensed vaccines or treatments are available for Marburg. That was also the case with the Sudan strain of Ebola, which caused an outbreak in Uganda with 164 cases and more than 55 deaths in the last quarter of 2022. In that instance, vaccines were shipped in a record 78 days, but the outbreak was brought under control before they could be tested for efficacy and made available.
Currently, Equatorial Guinea and Tanzania are experiencing their very first Marburg outbreaks, and non-pharmaceutical control measures have so far struggled to contain this deadly hemorrhagic filovirus with a mortality rate of more than 50%. In Equatorial Guinea, Marburg has now spread from rural regions to the heavily populated port city of Bata. With the whole region on high alert, a safe and effective vaccine really couldn’t come soon enough.
But while fast-tracking candidate vaccines represents a positive step forward in the race to stop these outbreaks and to improve global health security, it raises an important question. If vaccine candidates already existed for both of these viruses before the outbreaks began, then why weren’t investigational stockpiles of vaccine ready to go when the first cases were detected?
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