#marble critters
fireyartccoon · 4 months
might have accidentally cooked up another AU
but hey, it’s sonic related and it is Friday, so why not
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For context they are these things called Marble Critters I made a long while back, basically just pokemon but instead of pokeballs you use magical marbles, totally not an outcome after little me made too many fakemon and came up with the idea to make them their own thing
Sonic is a bunkgehog, which are supposed to be skinny and practically rabid, but made an exception for Sonic since I had no other hedgehog marble critters, so no need to worry about cannibalistic tendencies, yet
meanwhile Tails is a Kitdrop, which are supposed to have three tails, so technically in this au the twin tails are a downgrade, at least the little dude can still fly, so he has that going for him
I’m still developing this AU and honestly planning to have it be somewhat of a crossover instead of a roleswap like I usually do, to include regular marble critters and other characters from the original thing
I’ll probably post more about this some other time when I have more drawings to show, until then, have a great weekend
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critter-catcher · 11 months
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I'm a bit late for Halloween, but meet the Marbled Orb weaver! They're also known as pumpkin spiders thanks to that vibrant orange coloring and because by October they've grown in size after feasting on insects all summer long!
They're fairly docile as long as they don't feel threatened, and as with most orb weavers aren't venomous enough to cause significant harm to humans, though you still shouldn't handle them unless you know what you're doing.
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coolattasclown · 1 month
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thinking of posting more kindling stuff... maybe making its own story ^_^
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galateasfire · 7 months
In celebration of my last reblog. The Marbled Salamander. Very rare, very cute.
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deathbyfalldamage · 1 month
I've never heard someone use "get good",,, But!! Yeah I'm so glad I'm not scared of spiders anymore! I also love bug grabbing,,
- 💜 anon
"I heard it from somewheres a long time ago. Perhaps you should go bug catching, as long as you know your dangerous and don't grab for them."
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hitthemutt · 1 year
awesomest tim wright headcanon: he was the weird kid when he was in elementary/middle school and he used to wear the masky mask to like, roleplay wolves or something
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nonhapiupareti · 1 year
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rainbowgod666 · 7 months
A few oddities on the funny floating island of the tumbler
Over 65% of spells are related to henital punishments
@the-gnomish-bastard's tower: scanning and FreeCam didnt show any sort of system to move the island so yeah, his "dont fuck with the tower" makes sense because theres nothing to fuck with. However: the tunnel leading to his horde (the one with anachronistic dragons due to yours truly) is... not the only one. Theres a second tunnel leading into the gnome's Personal Piggy Bank and let me tell you. That shit is long and worrying, there are NO RATS in THAT tunnel.
@official-megumin: HER HOUSE IS CUP SHAPED AND THE ROOF IS HER HAT (squeals like a fucking anime girl)
Most of the island is... empty. Trees trees trees and maybe some critters but everything else is accessible through clearly mapped portals. Deep Reality Analitic Scanning yielded NOTHING either when the island was lifted, currently, or when itsgoing to be destroyed. Which means its either Like That From Before The Wizards, or Faunocide.
The area around my base (which is basically in a crater) is even MORE uninhabited. I tried it all: the rats, the gnome's fungus, ants... it doesnt "stick".
Turns out im immune to fucking chronological manipulation. Maybe i added "chronosapien bullshit" to my splicing and just... did not remember??? Huh.
On that note, this explains why lancer rpg's whole "lich licenses are retroactive" thing doesnt work on me. Cool huh.
Turns out this place is a few thousand miles off the USA east coast. Neat.
Internet and cable work here, but piracy is still based
I heard of "revolutionaries", what i dont get of them is why their boss looks REALLY similar to Sabo from one piece
Found the bowl of the original stew arcanum: someone stole it and used high-dimensionality to hide it... RIGHT where @the-illegal-wizard-council put their access. Good thing i have more dimensions than inches on my di
Theres a shrine to @nyancrimew. For some reason. I dont know but it looks cool. Left some flowers there cause it felt like the right thing to do. Idk
Theres a strange version of american wood bamboo (a thing that exists but isnt called like that) but metallic growing on the southeast side, and analysis shows that those are... caused by my presence. Whoops.
I saw TF2 POOTIS ENGAGE HEAVY in the forest. Not fucking with that
There is a portal (which didnt exist until my arrival so its probably some kinda fracture in spacetime) that apparently shows something like the future. I saw a bunch of wizardblr users crucifed and my literal corpse on a shining marble throne. Whats up with that huh?
The Fungus fears me. Which is dumb cause dude im not gonna use all of you for rice you dumb fuck-
Someone owns a giant rooster simply called "Mr.Cock". Not sure why tho... considering the name arrived to the new owner in a dream
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gthostz · 18 days
B O O ! have some spooky critters to get into the spirit of the haloween season!
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marbled orb weaver or pumpkin spider (Araneus marmoreus) photos by Will Thomas
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ghost garden spider (Hibana gracilis) photos by Kim Fleming
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pumpkin toadlet (Brachycephalus ephippium) photos by Edélcio Muscat
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batwing coral crab (Carpilius corallinus) photos by Florent Charpin and Scott Jones
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blue-fang skeleton tarantula (Ephebopus cyanognathus) photos by Hervé Galliffet
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pumpkin patch tarantula (Hapolopus sp. Colombia) photos by Tempisch and Tarantula Collective
. . .
credit/references (in order):
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localcatmutt · 29 days
Why must I live inside this large, heavy and fleshy vessel that lumbers slowly on two long legs. It is naked, furless, and oh so cold.
I need to be a 10lbs kitty cat, stood on 4 proportionate paws. With the ability to have zoomies in tall, towering grass.
Instead of these blunt, scoop-like nails, I must be equipped with curled claws that can hook onto small little critters I'll later feast upon.
My square herbivorous teeth, should have been pointy carnivorous fangs, built for tearing into flesh. Not for grinding down bitter, bloodless plant matter.
My round, immobile, satellite-like ears should have been sprouted from the top of my head, cone like, able to swivle towards all sounds.
The hideous face that I see, in my dreadful reflection should have been molded with a square elongated snout, unlike the flat, smooshed complexion i was cursed with.
What a tragedy. Imprisoned in this living abomination that i am. If only i could chisel away at the errors as though it were marble or stone. But alas... it is flesh, and guts and bone. Nothing can change it.
//im bored af and poeticly species dysphoric today// wee woo....
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critter-catcher · 2 years
Just a collection of Marbled Orbweavers I found over summer!
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coolattasclown · 4 months
Thinking about the guy ever... I feel like Olmi would have a bit of an interesting dynamic with the other characters so im gonna put how they would feel about em down below . for funnies
Marmors in general: Olmi's relationship with the marmors is a bit complicated. On one hand they should feel grateful, because they would've died in space had their spaceship not been taken in. Plus if they find their planet's location, Olmi will be reunited with his family and people. But on the other, the marmors treat them like a toy or a pet almost. In the vault they're kind of treated as entertainment for the marmors, only getting a window into the other room or hall after asking many, many times. They're not seen as equals and they don't like it very much. Plus, once they escape their cell and learn of whats happening to Teegarden and what the marmors do to the planets they find, Olmi is less trusting of them.
Ward: Too big. But pretty calm and quiet, much like olmi. I think between the two humans, Olmi would trust Ward a bit more just because he's more straightforward with his words than Oscar, and more serious.
Oscar: I imagine Oscar talks quickly and he talks a lot, which makes it a bit hard for Olmi to understand him sometimes. They see Oscar as an older sibling like Olmi themself, based on the care he shows for Alcor, and they find their relationship familiar to Olmi's with his family and younger siblings.
Holly: Olmi finds Holly very confusing. When they first meet they assume he's human like the other two, but I don't think they would fully grasp the shapeshifting. Both of their cultures seem to kind of be based around helping the planet/stewarding the ecosystems (I'm not too sure for Teegarden, but based on what we know, how helpful they are to each other, etc. I think it makes sense to say that) so I think they can relate to that. After Olmi learns about what is happening on Teegarden they would want to help, maybe because they don't want to see a planet with life so similar to their own get extinguished.
Ecliptica: I'm not sure if Olmi would know Ecliptica very well. From the way Oscar talks about her I think they'd gather that she is the leader of the marmors, and by extension Olmi wouldn't be super fond of her. Plus based on her treatment of Oscar I think Ecliptica would see Olmi based on their usefulness to her.
Sculptor: Pretty much the same for the rest of the marmors, although because sculptor is actively trying to find where their planet is by going through their memories, collaborating with other marmor ships maybe, etc., they feel the need to try and stop him, as well as stopping him from hurting others within the vault.
Alcor: scary . its like a marmor but their size. hate. but also kind of reminds them of their younger siblings in a way, so they mostly just avoid him.
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happykinzz · 9 months
random marble hornets headcanons i need to share
Amy worked at a beauty boutique and specialized specifically in hair and makeup
She was also one of those super nice girls that would always compliment her clients and boost their confidence, :))
I know it's canon that Tim worked construction, but I do think at one point (either pre or post mh), he worked at a Home Depot or Ace Hardware for a long time.
Speaking of canon Tim facts , since he liked photography I think he specifically liked to take photos of sunsets, monuments, and those weird copper statues of children playing that you find on the street.
Brian played baseball in High School and was pretty good at it
He was so good at it he could've gone pro, but didn't cause his heart wasn't really in it (his parents made him do it in the first place)
Since Brian was a psychology major, I think if he ever graduated he would've become a child psychologist or an EMT
I know you need a lot more than a psychology degree to become an EMT but I just think that job just suits him
Brian also hikes a lot, and takes many photos of the plants and critters he finds along the way
He had a blog that documented all his findings, and always mentioned facts he found about the plants and animals he discovered
Whenever Brian and Tim hang out they like to either watch shitty horror flicks or shitty reality TV ( TLC, Maury, Dr Phil, Real Housewives, etc )
They both like to annoy Alex with their shows cause they know Alex thinks they're all stupid and are "mindless programming"
Alex's mom and Amy got along really well
Speaking of Moms
After Tim's mom abandoned him, she went on to become one of those "Lolcows" that constantly go on Instagram Live and argue with the "trolls" that are being mean to her
She's one of those people that believe that essential oils can cure every terminal illness ever and scams a lot of people with Go-Fund Me's and MLM scams she tries to sell
When people find out she basically left her kid to rot in a mental institution for the rest of his life it becomes a big thing and everyone on the internet is talking about her (karmas a bitch)
Nobody is actually able to get in contact with the actual kid though (Tim wants nothing to do with the situation, leave my man ALONE)
Brian had a lot of younger siblings that he always got a bunch of gifts for whenever he came home for holidays
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wild-forest-critter · 27 days
Hello dear Forest Critter.
I would like to request a Mood-board, if it is no trouble.
Main Theme-> Marble Fox
Secondary//Other Themes-> misty forests and fields, maybe a body of water
Colours-> no real preference
Don’t include-> Neon colours
Bright colours-> preferably not
Icons//Extras-> None
Thank you in advance, and I wish you a great rest of your time.
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hii :D
i hope you enjoy theese!!
-requested board
-requested board with additional tint
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awfulwingz · 1 year
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// Had to try my hand at this prompt... Marble Hornets but make it critters !!
// (my last post for MH 14 Anniversary... thank you so much for the excitement and fun today ^_^)
Tim/Masky: Giant Stag Beetle
Brian/Hoodie: Cyclommatus Stag
Jessica: Orchid Mantis
Jay: June Beetle
Alex: Fire Ant
Skully: Death Head Moth
The Operator: Giraffe Weevil
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phlurrii · 2 months
Random thought. Someone finds weird lookin poke egg, take it home, hatch it. Floofy baby Arceus. Occasionally pops out a lil marble instead of a plate for those fancy type plates.
The baby Arcues is mine and I am skittering away with it at speeds previously I comprehensible to critter kind
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