#marbit my loves
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aforeffective · 3 months ago
thinking about early day marbit, where they’re hanging out but haven’t told anyone yet cause they want to keep it a secret. and they gossip about the socs (and by ‘they gossip’ i mean that marcia tells two about stuff and two asks questions as if he understands what any of it means)
and then one day, two is with the rest of the gang and someone mentions how weird it is that nothing has happened to cherry and how the socs must be gearing up for something big if they haven’t done anything yet after turning their backs on her. and two-bit, without even realizing what he’s saying, just goes “well that’s because chet has a crush on cherry so he’s keeping the others away in hopes that cherry will go out with him once she gets over bob.” and the rest of the gang just stare at him like ???? and then two realizes what he actually said and the only excuse he can come up with in the moment that doesn’t give away that the information came directly from marcia is “what? i’m observant.” and two-bit just hopes that none of them ask him any more questions because truthfully, he doesn’t even know which one chet is.
(later on, he tells marcia this story and she thinks it’s the funniest thing ever)
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Marbit on Valentine’s Day but it’s Two Bit showing up at Marcia’s house with a bag full of ingredients, that he may or may not have stolen, so Marcia can try a new recipe she’s been wanting to attempt. How he stands behind her and holds her waist and kisses her cheek and sways with her to whatever cringy love song is on the radio. How she laughs when he makes stupid jokes and she turns to kiss him properly while slowing her mixing. How he pulls her to the couch to lay with him while it’s in the oven. How he listens intently while she talks and has the stupidest grin on his face. How it comes out of the oven and he tries it and tells her he loves her. How she laughs and asks him if that’s just because she bakes for him. How he knows that’s not a serious question but he answers her like it is anyway. He looks at her and tells her everything he loves about her. How she looks down and feels her face warm up, but then she raises it again and tells him that she loves him just as much and she starts talking about everything she loves about him. How when she stops to catch her breath, he looks at her with a the most lovesick expression and she looks at him the same way. How he reaches out and squeezes her hand three times. How happy they are that they finally found someone who really gets them and loves every part of them
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walmartbrandwhatever · 6 months ago
thinking about how Marcia and Two-bit being together like post Canon and laying next to each other. Two-bit is knocked out, and Marcia is sitting up in bed just staring down at the small burn scar on his face(and all the other scars he has) and just feeling utterly guilty because she never tried to stop them. thinking about Marcia and two-bit rn.
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rinajjbp · 16 days ago
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I imagine he promptly walked into a door right after this.
Marbit Marbit Marbit Marbit
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two-entire-bits · 3 months ago
mar-bit headcanons because I have been consumed <3
Marcia steals his leather jacket all the time. He thinks it's the cutest thing ever
once Two-Bit got jumped and knocked out and Marcia was the first one to find him and he made one of those stupid "holy shit I musta died and gone to heaven cuz there's an angel in front of me" jokes when he woke up and saw her
Marcia's really good at school and especially loves science, but has a hard time understanding new math concepts (although once she gets them down she's off and running) and Two-Bit is surprisingly good at math for some reason (he doesn't try in school but he does put in 0.000001 mL of effort so he can pass and move on to the next level. but only barely) so he explains the concepts to her without making her feel stupid
Marcia knows Two likes blondes and once joked about bleaching her hair and he was horrified at the concept.
Marcia's really good at chess?? Like really good. Two-Bit has no clue how to play and he is too confused by how it works to start learning now.
Marcia LOVES to be carried around by Two ALL THE TIME. She wants to make some dinner? Two-Bit is bridal-style carrying her down the stairs from her room to the kitchen. She wants to get snacks at the movies? Piggy-back ride to the concession stand.
the latter style also gives her an excuse to kiss his head and mess up & play with his hair
She carries an old makeup compact with his favorite hair grease and a comb with her at all times in case of an "emergency" (when she messes up his hair)
He also carries around some of her makeup in his jacket in case she ever forgets it
Marcia WILL kiss his face all over and she WILL get lipstick stains everywhere and he will NOT remove it. absolutely refuses to.
He also will reapply her lipstick for her after such cases
They love doing as much as possible for each other that way, they love just taking care of each other and holding each other and being in love and also being silly about it
He'll also do her nails (traits achieved by having a little sister) and he loves it because he gets to focus on something and they just take turns rambling
He steals stuff for her all the time (she finds it endearing) but the two times he didn't was when he got her a gift for her first birthday after they started dating (she then reassured him he didn't have to spend money on her just because it's a special occasion) and when he got her an engagement ring
He proposed to her at the drive-in (or where it used to be if it closed down)
Marcia and Two-Bit's sister (Tammy (short for Tamara (Two-Bit calls her Tamster))) get along slightly too well for Two's liking. they plot against him
It took Tammy a while to warm up to her but once she did they were an unstoppable force
Marcia will take her out to the mall to try stuff on and have a "girls day" every couple of months but Tammy refuses to let Marcia buy her anything so Marcia will report back to Two and he'll go out and steal things Tammy liked
I don't know if she'd go BUT if she did Marcia would help Tammy get ready for her school formal/homecoming/prom and teach her how to do makeup and Two-Bit literally cannot find the words to thank her enough because Tammy looks so happy and he never could've done that, not because he didn't want to, because he didn't know how, it's the 60's and he's a guy, she's a girl, yeah he's her brother but he has no clue how to make her comfortable in her femininity and such, and it just makes him love Marcia even more
Two-Bit actually learned how to cook a few meals because he felt like he had to give back to Marcia for loving him
He also picks up after himself when he's at her house even though he never does at home because he feels bad
Two-Bit has a big expectation of himself that he has to be happy and active and always moving and keeping up everybody else's spirits all the time that when Marcia does something nice for him or just holds him he's caught so off guard. he needs to be the little spoon sometimes okay.
Like he's so used to taking up space but with her he can just feel small and exist
He loves the gang and is so much more himself around them but he still has a Role and Marcia is on a whole other level of Two-Bit-esque weird that he can like, completely unmask with her once they've been together long enough
Early on he'd do something weird around her without thinking and go like "well, shit." because when he gets to be Too Much Himself it's driven people away in the past but then she finds it funny or endearing or she just doesn't react at all and he falls even more in love with her
It took him a long time to really learn that he didn't owe Marcia anything in exchange for her love
Marcia just wants to hold him sometimes also. In my head her parents are often absent and she doesn't have any siblings, so she'll just touch him or hold onto him a lot to reassure herself he's there and he's not leaving
Marcia will come over to Two-Bit's house sometimes and help make dinner or clean with his mom (they also get along well) or just spend time with all of them and it took them all awhile to not think of it as charity but Marcia just liked feeling like she actually had a family
They have THE most extrapolatory nicknames for each other. It starts off tame but it evolves to the point where their names and the nicknames have barely anything in common
on my dancer Two-Bit bullshit forever Marcia's house has a piano and she'll play music for him to dance to
this man has not missed one of Marcia's barrel races ever. he's there way earlier than he needs to be he stays until she leaves he is the loudest person on the bleachers.
Marcia started watching Mickey Mouse so Two-Bit would have someone to talk to about it
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to-know-how-it-ends · 2 months ago
marcia whose parents aren't abusive -- they do so much for her, they spoil her, give her everything she needs and wants -- but at the blink of an eye and without warning, just a small catalyst that normally could be overlooked, her mother lashes out with yelling and aggressive hand gestures, not physical, never physical, but it's scary. and they talk about it afterwards, and of course her mother apologizes and says she's working on herself and trying to do better and of course it happens again, sometimes in a week, sometimes in a month or two.
marcia, who, at the most extreme of these instances nearly runs away, and though she's forgiven her mother it still haunts her every time her mother erupts.
marcia whose father is a kindhearted, caring man, who would go to the ends of the earth for his daughter, and he's also a mean drunk. if he's had a particularly hard day at work (which seems to be more and more often), you'd find him buried deep in a glass of whiskey, if he wasn't angrily throwing things at the wall -- he'd never hurt a soul, but it's scary.
marcia, who was so used to the quiet, to soft-spoken voices, to soft murmurs that it's gonna be okay, to the point where now she's afraid that when that happens, when she's vulnerable next, another eruption will occur.
marcia who knows this isn't a safe environment and is terrified that she'll start lashing out, too.
marcia who, when she meets two-bit, finds the softness and quiet murmurs she once knew all over again, and she knows, it's gonna be okay.
two-bit who slowly stops drinking because he sees how much it hurts marcia, and how they heal each other, together, softly, murmuring, bit by bit
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chippedshake · 6 months ago
Marcia shouldn't be out on the East Side alone. She's heard more than enough horror stories from her classmates about girls who go too far out alone to know that it's a stupid decision. But every decision she's made since that Friday back in September has been stupid, so what's one more?
She's not entirely sure why she's going over to his house. He's made it clear that he isn't interested and this just makes her seem like a stalker who can't let go of some stupid flirting that happened nearly six months ago.
When she'd first asked Evie for his address, she'd thought she could surprise him a couple days later by showing up and taking him out. She wanted to wait until he called, though, so she could be sure he'd be home when she passed by. Then the son of a bitch hadn’t called her and months had gone by and she'd gotten pissed.
He'd made it abundantly clear he was into her back at the drive-in. If he wasn’t, why didn't he just reject her? Why make her go through the humiliation of months of waiting?
Now, as she draws her jacket closer around herself to feel a bit safer under all the gazes that follow her trail, she just wants an explanation. No one ever liked her before Two-Bit, not even Randy. They dated out of convenience and he hadn’t even bothered to say goodbye when he skipped town.
Marcia's always been everyone’s second choice, just Cherry's best friend, the other one. Until Two-Bit came along. He saw her with Cherry and seemed to really see her. Not a best friend or comic relief or a way to get into someone else's pants. And she let herself get her hopes up like an idiot, thinking that maybe someone who got her would finally like her too.
And then he didn't call her back.
Is there something wrong with her – something so fundamentally wrong that no one could ever really like her?
Oh, God, and now she's knocking on his door and has absolutely no game plan and he's standing in front of her – has he been always that cute? – and his eyes are wide with shock, and she really seems like a stalker, doesn't she?
"I– uh... hi." Marcia looks up at him sheepishly. The anger that’s been boiling in her chest for weeks now seems to have completely disappeared, crumbling into motes of dust that sweep away with the wind.
All she really wants to do now is hug him and bury her face in his chest and tell him all of the remarks she's suppressed during the past few months because once she got a taste of someone clicking with them, it wasn’t the same when they fell flat.
But he doesn't want to have anything to do with her. He couldn’t even bother to call. And this is stupid. This is really, very stupid. Why is she even here?
"Sorry, I– I shouldn’t be here, this is stupid, I'm stupid, I'll go now–" She can't meet his eyes as she turns back around, cheeks burning.
This is why no one likes you. It's not enough that you're weird and awkward and rough and just pretty, not beautiful. You don’t think things through and you're scatterbrained and you're so fucking stupid, it's a wonder Randy even put up with you for so long–
"Wait, Marcia!" Marcia's head jerks up to find Two-Bit jogging towards her. "I don't..." His hand comes up – to run through his hair, to touch her face – but stops midway "I don't think it was stupid. You comin' here. I also don't think you're stupid."
He's close to her. Close enough to see unshed tears she hasn't been able to suppress. Close enough to the see the bags under her eyes from worrying about what to do. Close enough for her to count his freckles, if she wanted to. Close enough for anyone walking by to easily misinterpret the scene they're seeing.
Neither of them step back.
"That’s just 'cause o' the aliens controllin' your mind. You ain't worn your aluminum hat today, right?" Her delivery's off and it doesn't land how she wants it to. It's hard for a joke to sound funny when you're holding back tears.
"I think the one thing me an' the aliens can agree on is that you're better'n most of this town gives you credit for."
It isn't the first time Two-Bit's complimented her, – he used far too many stupid pick-up lines that night they'd met, and about the first thing he'd said to her was that she was sharp – but it is the first time he's said it in earnest, not a hint of wit in his tone. She's almost too surprised to remember why she's there.
"The aliens tell ya not to call me, then?" The dust motes of anger are swept up by a gust of wind and concentrated again, building up to their former glory and crashing down in a final show of power. "Or was that all you?"
Two-Bit raises an eyebrow, trying to seem nonchalant. It's strange that she can read him well enough to notice the subtle surprise as easily as if it were written in bold across his forehead.
"That– that was your real number?"
Marcia makes a sound that's something between a bark of laughter and a scoff. "Of course it was my real number. What, you think I'd give you a phony?"
"Oh, like it was stupid to think you wouldn't give a grease like me your number."
"I wouldn't give my number to a grease like Da– that Shepard boy, but I'd say so to his face," Marcia snaps, and Two-Bit winces at her slip-up. "And I most certainly would give a 'grease like you' my number, because I liked you and I said I would, an' for all the stupid rumours you can hear 'bout me, there ain't a single one 'bout me not keepin' my word."
His smile is crooked and he's raised an eyebrow and Marcia knows she's in trouble in more ways than one before he even opens his mouth.
"Liked me? Not anymore, then. I guess you just came all the way 'round here to tell me how much you don’t care about me."
She cracks a grin of her own because maybe she should still be mad at him but how is she supposed to, when there's that gap between his teeth and that sparkle in his eyes and that tilt to his grin? "Yeah. Can't stand ya, actually."
"I reckon I could change that."
Marcia raises an eyebrow. "You do, do you?"
"How's seven this Saturday?"
"You gonna pick me up or am I gonna hafta walk all the way over here again?"
"You gonna give me your real number or am I gonna hafta go to school just to see you again?"
They're smiling so wide they must look insane to anyone passing by, but neither of them minds as Marcia scribbles her number down onto a piece of paper and gives it over to him.
"Don’t lose it this time."
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witawwy-ponyboy-curtis · 2 months ago
I whipped up some stupid marbit doodle earlier today and decided to feed anybody who was hungry
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swirlzberry · 7 months ago
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This is her attempt as dressing as a greaser’s girl with Twobit’s advice to not get attention being in his car at the drive-in (he really just wanted her kisses seen on him)
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purecommemasolitude · 4 months ago
The way at least Ponyboy has (had) Johnny who got him and has Soda who comes pretty darn close to fill the role Cherry could, but as far as we know no one has ever truly been on Two-Bit’s wavelength like Marcia and they are never able to be anything because of the class divide. They were literally made for each other, be it platonic or romantic or a secret third thing, but that will never come to fruition because they were born into a world of hate. Things to think about
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sinkjustlikeastone · 2 months ago
so if green green dress is marbit
Then therapy is stevepop
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aforeffective · 3 months ago
another fic just over 2 hours later?? more likely than you think (im procrastinating on my finals)
bev angst. soc girl trio is so important to me actually
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On nights when Marcia has had an especially rough day, Two Bit will lay with her and pull her close while squeezing her hand to remind her that he’s there and sometimes he’ll quietly hum songs she likes as a way to comfort her and reassure her that it will all be okay eventually, but it’s completely fine for her to not be okay right now, he’s not going to run, he’s going to stay with her and be there for her no matter what, because he loves her.
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walmartbrandwhatever · 4 months ago
And what if I say two-bit and marcia are jack Kelly and katherine plumber when they sing their cut love song "Then I see you again" what then???
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jamandjazz · 4 months ago
I want to write marbit so bad but unfortunately I’m no where NEAR funny enough to pull it off
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clarity2electricboogaloo · 8 months ago
I like marbit!
But the parasites…want marcherry.
I understand marbit, it’s super adorable!!
But the parasites, the demons in me, they want the marcherry…
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