#marauders zombie apocolypse au
professor-scribbls · 22 days
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I did Regulus so of course I had to do James next, here he is for my Zombie AU! Yes they have matching flannels no that was intentional I’m keeping it anyway 😋
also! here a link to the fic I wrote for this AU!!
The World We Left Behind
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ellecdc · 1 month
pls tell me u will write a part 2 for not alone?🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
took me a while to get this to feel cohesive (also couldn't decide for the longest time what I wanted the outcome to be for a few people so that took a while to figure out) and I'm still not 100% sure it reads cohesively but I hope you all like it <3
poly!marauders x fem!reader who they are 'worried' about...whatever that means [2.2k words]
part 1 | part 2
CW: hostage situation, attempted overtaking of camp, brief and hardly noticeable implied suggestion of SA, death of minor and unnamed character, blood, injury, Sirius being an arrogant son of a bitch even when his life is at risk
You have quickly come to realise why the boys chose this location to set up camp since agreeing to stay with them.
It was in a rural, secluded area with a small population prior to the End Of The World As You Knew It which left it almost next to empty now, but it was still in walking distance of a small town with various shops that they could pilfer when they began running low on supplies.
There was a creek about half a kilometre behind the barn that they could use to collect drinking water and also to bathe and wash their clothes.
And need to bathe and wash your clothes did you ever. 
So, whilst “keeping an eye on the encampment” (which was really just a polite translation of none of the boys trusting you enough with their safety to bring you along on a run into town), you opted to head down to the creek to clean up. 
The water was freezing, but you breathed through the pain in your toes and fingers as you waded into the water, reminding yourself that feeling pain meant you were alive - that you were still here. 
You used to fear pain - before - but now you almost craved it; now you found comfort in the discomfort, knowing that it meant you had survived another day. 
Soon enough your body acclimated to the cool, running water and you submerged yourself into the deepest part to let the steady flow wash away the layers of grime, dirt, and sweat that you were likely covered in. 
There was a time in your life you probably would have felt rather horrified that three very attractive men had seen you in such a state - but it seemed that there was no room for vanity or ego in an apocalypse.
Once you were cold enough that you were sure you had squiggle lines surrounding your being like an old cartoon character, you used a rock to scrub at your clothes, feeling (though cold) quite peaceful as you listened to the trickling water and various birds singing around you. 
You laid your soaked clothes on a boulder in the sun to dry and pulled on a second set of clothes - or rather, your only other set of clothes. You wondered for a moment if you should have more - how many sets of clothes should one have in an apocalypse? You couldn’t bear the thought of having to carry around a third change of clothes, so came to the conclusion that you were fine with just the two.
You were interrupted in your musings when you heard your name being shouted. 
“James?” You called back, hastily finishing tying your shoes before grabbing your gun. 
But it was Sirius you saw first, sprinting through the bushes and staring at you with a mixture of dread and outrage. 
“Is everything okay?” You asked him as he stalked towards you. 
“Where the fuck were you?!” He barked instead of answering, looking like he was just itching to grab you roughly by your shoulders.
“I- what? I was here? What happened? Is everything okay?” You continued, not moving your eyes from the fuming man in front of you as you heard James and Remus step through the bushes Sirius had just come bursting through. 
“No, everything is not okay; the fuck were you thinking just taking off and not saying anything!?” He berated you.
“Pads.” Remus warned carefully; slightly breathless from chasing the long-haired man over to you. 
“You’re a fucking piece of work.” Sirius spat with finality before turning and shouldering his way past Remus and James, disappearing through the bushes on his way towards the barn.
“Was the trip not successful?” You asked quietly once you could no longer hear Sirius storming away. 
“No… it was.” James offered cautiously. 
“He was just… worried about you, dove.” Remus placated.
You shot him an unimpressed glare. “He was worried about me, not about me.” You muttered back, shoving your gun back into your bag and running your fingers through your wet hair that was leaving damp patches on your shirt. “If you guys don’t want me here, just say so, but if you’re going to keep me around you’re going to have to start trusting me.”
“We do trust you.” James argued, causing you to scoff derisively as you slung your bag over your shoulder.
“Not enough to join anyone on excursions! And not enough to take a night-watch shift alone; but sure, add taking a fucking bath to the list of things you definitely trust me to do.”
You didn’t wait for a response before you were stalking back to the barn, leaving your clothes behind to dry for the rest of the afternoon. 
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You were just about to push through the slightly open door (none too gently, either, mind you) when you heard Sirius’ voice.
“There’s no one else; I’m alone.” 
Ice cold dread seeped into your bones as you held your breath in wait for a response.
“Are ya now?” A cocky voice taunted. “This seems like quite the setup for one bloke.”
You crept along the edge of the barn until you found a hole you could peek through.
Sirius was kneeling with his hands up in surrender whilst three men stood before him - one man loomed over him and the other two formed a blockade between him and the barn door as well as the stairs to the loft. 
“What can I say?” Sirius countered. “I’m quite the bloke.”
The man currently interrogating Sirius was apparently not interested in his haughty quips and slammed the butt of his rifle into Sirius’ jaw, causing him to fall over.
You quickly looked over your shoulder, ears straining to see if you could hear Remus or James following you back, and you prayed to a God that you weren’t even sure you believed in anymore that they had decided to stay at the creek to give the two of you a chance to cool down. 
You crept back along the side of the building slowly before pulling yourself up the ladder to the hay hood that Remus had put up as an emergency exit. 
You could kiss that brilliant, brilliant man right on the mouth for it now. 
You crouched low and snuck over to look beyond the edge of the loft; the man with the rifle was the only one with a firearm from what you could see, the other two men holding only a crowbar and machete. 
You silently opened your rucksack, pulled your gun out and put a knife between your teeth as you edged closer to the beams so you were effectively standing directly atop of the man currently looming over top of Sirius.
“I’m not gonna ask you again, where the fuck are the others?” He spat at him.
“We heard the lot of you arguing - we could just finish you off and go looking for them, if that’s what you prefer.” One of the cronies added tauntingly.
“You’d be looking for an awful long time.” Sirius grunted as he spat blood out from his mouth. “Seeing as I’m alone.” 
“Stop fucking lying.” The interrogator barked as he landed a kick to Sirius’ ribs. “Pretentious or not, one bloke doesn’t need four sleeping bags.” 
“How do you know I, hmph,  didn’t find it like this?” Sirius choked out as he rolled onto his back where he spotted you in the rafters. 
You brought your finger to your lips, and Sirius let his head roll back towards the guy so as to not alert him to your presence. 
You watched as one of the guys - the one with the machete - started poking around the makeshift kitchen area, and the other moved towards the door to keep watch.
Taking the split attention of the group to your advantage, you waited for Sirius to look back up at you before you jumped from the rafters.
Sirius rolled out of the way just before you landed on the interrogator, the two of you crashing to the ground - though you were the only one prepared for the impact - causing the rifle to slip out of his grasp which you kicked towards Sirius. 
You slipped the knife from between your teeth and held it against the interrogators throat and pointed your gun at the machete wielding man, firing a shot which hit him in the right shoulder. 
The man with the crowbar who had been stationed near the door made for you when Sirius shot the rifle, the bullet grazing the man's thigh and bringing him to his knees. 
Your ears rang when an elbow met your temple right before a fist connected with your mouth as the interrogator forced you off of him. 
“Is this why you were lying?” The man spat as he stood above you. “Trying to keep this thing all to yourse-”
Sirius shot the rifle again, silencing the interrogator for good as he fell to the ground with a thud. 
Apparently, the machete wielding man didn’t deign to wait around and see how things played out after you’d shot him in the shoulder and had fucked back off from whence he came, so you and Sirius pointed your firearms at the last man still standing (or… you know, breathing at least) who seemed to have the sense to raise his hands in surrender. 
Remus and James appeared at the barn door, then - both winded from clearly having run at the sound of shots being fired - to find the two of you holding the remaining captor captive.
“Nice of you to come by, boys.” Sirius joked as he lowered the rifle with a pained groan now that Remus and James each had a weapon pointed at the attempted usurper. 
“What the fuck just happened?” Remus barked as he took in the body on the ground and the state of each of you at the same time James murmured “we thought you were firing at each other”. 
“Oh, take a wild guess.” Sirius muttered bitterly, hissing in pain as he lowered himself into a chair. 
“How many were you?” Remus barked at the man, sounding so unlike himself that it actually made you flinch.
“Fo-four, four of us and a 12 year-old. Us…three and then a woman and the child stayed back.” He responded quickly. 
“From around here?” James continued.
“No…passing through.”
Remus looked up from him to share a look with Sirius; a well practiced silent conversation passing between the two of them.
“Keep fucking moving then.” Remus gruffed as he grabbed the bloke by the collar of his shirt and threw him out the door.
Your - for all intents and purposes - home fell eerily silent then, save the sound of your attempted assailant’s leg dragging along the gravel road as he stumbled away from the barn.
“You alright?” Remus asked finally as he let out a breath.
“Fine, moons. Never better.” Sirius muttered.
You were too busy watching the blood pooling around the interrogators body to realise your companions were waiting for your response. 
You looked up at the lingering silence to see all of their eyes on you.
“M’fine.” You offered.
James hummed in acknowledgement, though you could sense disbelief in his tone. “Rem and I will get rid of him, okay? Please try not to get into any more altercations whilst we’re gone?” He tried to joke, but there was a lingering anxiety in his voice as he and Remus began wrapping the body up in a blue tarp.
“Do not go to sleep until we’re back; either of you.” Remus added before muttering something under his breath about concussions and how someone not concussed ought to be on watch in case they come back, except “they” was replaced with “those” and then some Welsh word that you were sure was simply very unflattering. 
Once they had left, you and Sirius sat in silence as you both grappled with what had just happened, and alternatively, what had just almost happened. 
You weren’t sure what you might have looked like - though the metallic taste of your teeth let you know that you at the very least had a busted lip - but Sirius’ jaw where the rifle had hit him was already turning a purple colour, his chin was scraped and bleeding from hitting the concrete flooring, and he had a protective hand placed over the ribs that were kicked. 
You wordlessly placed a bowl of water in front of Sirius before moving to your seat with your own bowl to clean the blood from your persons.
You could feel his eyes trained on you as you wiped away blood that was staining your face; likely equal parts your own and someone else's. 
“Don’t go down to the river alone… please.” You heard him say quietly suddenly, feeling your eyes roll to the back of your head as you let your two arms fall from their tasks. 
“Are you still on this? Haven’t I proven my trustworthiness yet? Honestly, I-”
“It’s not safe.” Sirius interrupted; a strange look crossing his face as his brows furrowed at you. “It’s not safe.” He repeated, quieter this time. 
He stood abruptly then; abandoning his bowl of water and grabbing a pack of cigarettes before disappearing around the side of the barn for a smoke. 
So apparently he had been worried about you, not about you.
And though you really wanted to feel embarrassed that they had picked anything like that out for you, you also couldn’t help but notice that a new jumper, trousers, and some knickers had been folded and placed on your sleeping bag for you.
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padf0ots-pancakes · 7 months
yall i just planned a thirty chapter marauders zombie apocalypse au lets pray i dont lose motivation
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I started writing (again. I have so many WIP’s but @professor-scribbls’ writing/zombie au has encouraged me to write.)
I have no clue if this is going to end up in my WIP graveyard (not exactly a graveyard. I touch it occasionally when I get motivated).
Anyways, it’s a muggle/apocalyptic AU where James Potter's family has a camp, rivaling Regulus Black's family's camp. Regulus ends up leaving his family when Sirius comes back (whenever that may be). Sirius then brings him to the camp of the Potter's. This leads to a lot of banter between James and Regulus (eventually leading to them falling in love… maybe… we’ll see) It's sort of enemies to friends to lovers, I guess
Here is about as far as I’ve gotten in my writing (in about 2 hours)
It’s currently called Wasteland, Baby until I can think of a better name
His family moved from France when he was only 6. For whatever reason it was, they decided that they would much rather live in the UK. His family bought a home in the rather wealthy outskirts of the city. Then they bought a summer house in the middle of a forest.
When he turned 7, his family took a family trip to the summer house. Looming walls surrounded the property, an intricately designed metal gate being the only way in or out. But once they entered, the plot of land the home was on was gorgeous. A small lake was located in the middle of the property, perfect for fishing. The summer home was large, allowing him and his brother to run around it for ages.
When he had only just turned 9, his family had to flee to their summer home in the middle of the forest. It was a good thing that his family was over prepared. The world they once knew had been turned upside down, and his family’s summer home turned out to be their safe house. When he was younger, he had never questioned the walls that surrounded it, but as soon as news of zombies roaming cities reached his family, he knew that his family was just planning on something terrible happening.
At 10, what was supposed to be a small family safe house had turned into a full blown camp. His family had realised just how beneficial for them it would be if they took in survivors. So they did.
By 11, the camp had turned into a settlement. So many people had fled from their original encampments to better off camps. One of those had been his family’s camp.
At 14, he watched his brother go off for his first supply run. His brother came back covered in blackened ooze. He could see some look in his brother’s eyes. He couldn’t place it then.
At 15, he was able to place what that look in his brother’s eyes was. It was determination. He watched his brother leave for a supply run, never return to return. His group came back saying that his brother had run.
At 16, his mother and father realised that they’d need another of their own blood to do supply runs to make the rest of the settlement know that they aren’t greedy. That they are willing to help. So they chose him. He was forced to train.
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narutosfrog · 2 years
tbh, this is facts.
i will do a jily version + dorlene and marilily because they have my heart.
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ALSO, please check out my marauders x zombie apocalypse au fic on ao3! it's called "shattered bits of everything" and my user is pixie90smom. thanks if you will!
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musicoftheheart · 15 days
What do we think of Marauders x Zombie Apocalypse? ☣️
oooooo i actually really like this idea. i dont tend to read apocolypse aus but i like zombie apocolypse games (dead island, the walking dead etc) and do intend one day to read a zombie apocolypse marauders au
ive seen some really cool apocolypse au art going around recently too, so thats awesome to see :)
the angst potential is absolutely massive so im not surprised that its been matched w the marauders fandom ahahaha. do you have any recs?
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rayland04 · 2 years
A little snippet of my new fic:
Regulus loved his birthday. Specifically the hour leading in to midnight. His parents usually gave him boring gifts like new school books and fancy dress clothes that made his skin itchy.
But Sirius, well Sirius always made everything better. Especially Regulus’ birthday. Last year, his brother had snuck into his room around 11 at night with hushed hushed whispers so they wouldn’t get caught. They crawled under Regulus’ bed with a jar of lightning bugs, and ate the sweets Sirius had brought up. As soon as the clock struck midnight, Sirius pulled Regulus into a tight hug, whispering birthday wishes in his ear.
Sirius had given him a chess set. It was the same set Orion had given Sirius for his birthday just a month ago, but Sirius hadn’t even broken the seal. He scribbled out his name and wrote ‘Reggie’ next to it instead. Regulus doubted their parents would notice Sirius had given it to him. They didn’t have their own money to buy proper gifts anyways.
Sirius started to regret giving Regulus the set after he had beaten his elder brother at every game of chess the following year.
Now Regulus was turning seven and he couldn’t wait to see what Sirius had decided to given him this year. He secretly hoped it was the new set of skates Sirius had gotten from their mother.
Regulus laid very still when he heard his door open. He couldn’t risk the chance of it being anyone other than Sirius. Luckily, hands shook his shoulder followed by his brother’s hushed whisper, “Get up Reg. I have a surprise this year.”
Regulus didn’t need to be told twice. He pushed the covers back and scrambled out of bed. The room was still dark, making it hard to see properly. Regulus started for the floor to go under the bed, but the sound of his window opening stopped him.
“What are you doing?” He whispered into the room, watching Sirius’ silhouette pull itself onto the window ledge. They were on the third floor, far to high to jump if they were smart.
“A surprise. Get on your coat.”
Regulus grabbed his coat from the post at the end of his bed. The nippy winter air was already biting it’s way into the room, making Regulus shiver.
Both boys pulled themselves out of the window and onto the snowy roof. The moon was bright and full, lighting up the night enough for them to see.
Sirius placed the bundle in his hands down on the snow and opening it. He spread it out as a place sit before he pulled out a small pack, sticking his tongue out in concentration as he struck a match against it. It took a few tries before the match lit up. He lit the lamp quickly before the frosty air could put out the match
“Where did you get matches?” Sirius sat down on the blanket, gesturing for Regulus to do the same. Once settled, Sirius placed the lamp between them to warm them a little.
“Nicked them from Kreatcher, lamp too.” Sirius grinned. He was missing his front tooth. It had fallen out ages ago, but the dentist said it would grow in before he was nine so Walburga didn’t acknowledge it anymore. It made Sirius talk funny though, he could barely say his own name without a whistle.
“Why are we out here?”
“Anyone ever tell you you ask to many questions?” Sirius leaned back on both of his hands, looking up at the sky.
Regulus pouted at the accusation. Instead, he turned and looked over the sleeping neighborhood. The sky was surprisingly clear after a day of snowing over London. The stars twinkled down at them and the moon shone bright, making the snow capped houses harder to look at.
“You were late tonight.” Regulus broke the silence. It was nearing 11:50. Sirius was supposed to sneak in an hour ago. Regulus had waited.
Sirius moved his foot over to nudge Regulus’. “I made it didn’t I?”
“Don’t be in a mood Reg. It took ages for Maman and Papa to go to bed. I could hear them talking in the library.”
Regulus figured that was a valid excuse. Sirius’ room was right about the Library. Walburga and Orion would have heard if he got out of bed while they were in there.
Sirius sat up straighter and pointed to the sky. “Look!”
Regulus’ eyes snapped towards the starts. He couldn’t tell what Sirius was pointing at. All the constellations were perfectly in their place and the- oh god.
Regulus breath hitched in his chest as the starts started to streak across the sky. It started with only one or two, then grew to twenty - thirty stars shooting over the sky.
It was breathtaking really. The stars burned white then grew to red before they faded against the rest of the stars again. It lasted a long time. Both brothers watching in amazement. Regulus had never seen anything so beautiful.
Beautiful wasn’t the right word, but he didn’t know how else to explain it. Flowers were beautiful. This cousins’ dresses were beautiful.
This was elegant.
Shortly after the last star faded against the sky, Sirius nudged Regulus with another grin. He wrapped his arm around the younger boy.
“Happy 7th Reggie.”
“How did you-“
“Read ‘bout it.” Sirius shrugged like he hadn’t just gifted Regulus the best present ever. “It only happens like once every hundred years.”
Regulus felt his heart leap at that. This was a once in a life time opportunity and Sirius managed to give it to him for his birthday.
“One day,” Sirius squeezed Regulus, pushing their heads together briefly. “I’m going to buy you the stars. Hold me to it okay?”
Regulus nodded against his brother. If anyone could give him the stars, it would be Sirius. “I promise.”
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lumosinlove · 8 years
Just a short little thing I was feeling...
In which the zombie apocalypse is consuming the world and Sirius and Remus get separated in a food run.
The cut running along the side of Remus’ forehead throbbed with the sweat and blood quickly drying in the hot, noon sun. His stomach felt like it was concaving into itself, his muscles ache from sleeping on the ground all night. His feet kept sliding on the dew soaked morning grass, and each time it got harder and harder to catch himself. By the time the camp finally came into view he felt ready to drop, vision swimming slightly from lack of water.
He didn’t know how it had happened. They drilled, practiced, planned so this exact thing didn’t happen. It had been a food run, one of the most routine outings. They’d been in broad daylight. Sirius had been right behind him, he’d been making a joke, Remus had wanted to laugh and then…
His mind played the familiar sound of the undead breathing and he flinched. The next thing he remembered was waking up in the dark, and was forced to hide for the night. The dark was not for the living anymore.
He’d been walking for hours, made to feel longer in the heat of the day, hand glued to the gun at his hip, when the camp had finally appeared between trees. He let out a breath that he felt like he’d been holding for the entire night.
He waved his hands in surrender when he heard the familiar sound of a loaded gun being aimed in his direction and a shout from the watch towers.
“It’s me! It’s me..” Remus ran out of breath at the end, practically limping to the now slowly opening metal gates. He could understand their confusion. He was hardly walking like a human being right now. Remus looked up, chest flooding with relief at the sound of his name.
“Fucking hell-“ Sirius was squeezing his way through the doors before they had even opened properly and Remus practically collapsed into his chest. He felt an arm wrap around his waist, holding him up, the other pressing to the back of his neck, feeling heavenly against his clammy skin, “Jesus, Remus. Remus-“
“‘m fine… I’m fine-“ He could hear Sirius taking shaky breaths and Remus fisted the back of his t-shirt, pulling himself closer, “Pads, I’m okay-“
“Fuck.” Sirius pulled back, the hand that was on his neck sliding around to cradle his cheek, thumb tracing over the sticky cut on his temple, “God, I thought you were right behind me. Fuck, Re, I didn’t mean-You have to know I’d- I’d never just leave you out there-“
“Pads, of course I know that. Of course I know that-“
“Then you weren’t there.” Sirius’ breathing was escalating, his eyes wild, “You weren’t- I was holding your hand but…” Sirius shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut and letting his forehead drop to Remus’, “Jesus, Re, I thought you were…“ Sirius’ voice broke, “I thought you were…”
“I’m not. I’m fine, we’re fine.” Remus leaned into the hand stroking his cheek. He was slowly loosing the flood of adrenalin at seeing Sirius again, and he was more tired than before, “‘m not a zombie, however I am severely dehydrated.”
Sirius let out a slightly watery laugh, opening his eyes to see Remus smiling at him, and pressed a long kiss to his forehead, “You can have all the water in the world as long as you never leave this camp again.”
Remus laughed as he was pulled flush against Sirius’ side, “No promises.”
The warmth of Sirius’ body felt warmer than the sun in ever sense of the word, and their feet nearly tripped over each other as they walked into camp, letting the gates shut slowly behind them.
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professor-scribbls · 28 days
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What’s up gang I’m back and I have regulus ZOMBIE AU CONTENT WHAAAT?! That’s right I followed thru with the zombie apocalypse AU let’s gooo
Hii its future me here, I finished the first chapter and put it up on ao3 so if ur interested in this AU it would be so cool if u checked it out!!
The World We Left Behind
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professor-scribbls · 8 days
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It’s Remus! I think we all knew it would only be a certain amount of time before I added Remus’ design to this AU since he has already been introduced in the fic lol, I did hide some little secrets in the drawing for the ppl who feel like theorising to theorise of lol. Stay tuned for chapter 3 being posted soon!!!
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professor-scribbls · 14 days
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Slowly making the entire set of our main characters yaaayy!!! I've been waiting to post Sirius' profile because I wanted to finish the second chapter of the fic and post both at the same time lol. But hes here now yaaaaay!!!
Heres the link to the new fic chapter :D!! it woudl be so cool if u checked it out
The World We Left Behind
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professor-scribbls · 24 days
No...i didnt make an edit for a fanfic I havent even published yet....yes I am hurting my own feelings
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professor-scribbls · 21 days
The World We Left Behind - A Marauders Zombie Apocolypse Fic
The zombie apocolypse has come and gone. The world is trying to stabilise itself. Regulus and Sirius Black are among the first generation of children to be born and raised during the zombie apocolypse. They grow up inside the walls of a tightly run settlement. When Andromeda dies, leaving Sirius alone after seperating from his family. Zombies overthrow their small faction, dispersing everyone and sending Regulus and Sirius on a path they never thought they'd be able to walk together.
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Hi omg hi hi! I finally did it!!! I've got the first chapter up for the story and Im lowkey losing my mind because its taken me so long and I am so not normal about this so hoping that everyone likes it- writing really isnt my specialty, I focus more on drawing so it definetly was...interesting! getting to work on something I'm not used to. umm im not too sure what people put in these posts but yeah wahoo!!
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professor-scribbls · 12 days
Do you mind if I create a playlist based off of The World We Left Behind? I already have a jeggie playlist of my own, but I feel like like your fanfic/au needs it’s own little playlist
(Kicking my feet and going insane) That is so awesome and cool I would be honoured if you did :D pls send thru the link if you do!! Im sure it will be bangin!
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professor-scribbls · 10 days
I fear I may have too much time on my hands (aka the playlist is officially over 5 hours long 😬)
Anyways, it seems that Hozier really fits the vibes of The World We Left Behind.
Also, I would just like to say that it is crazy to me that you posted your (concept? design?) drawings of Sirius, James and Regulus in such quick time. Were these drawings you already had started, or are you just that good at drawing? I swear, it takes me a bajillion years to even finish a decent drawing (minus sketches, those are just silly and take me less time)
Oh my god what thats insane!! Also i completely agree Hozier is 100 percent the vibes of TWWLB like it just is, thankyou sm for making this playlist i was listening to it and honestly baffled abt how some of tje songs fit the plans I have so perfectly!!
With the drawings it depends on how im going that day, they usually do only take me like 4 hrs to do but Sirius' one took me longer because i wasnt/still am not completely happy with it lol. Currently working on Remus' one right now so that should be posted soon so yay!! Defs will be continuing to draw while listening 2 the playlist 😌😌
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professor-scribbls · 12 days
Here it is. It’ll get longer (hopefully not 16 hours, but honestly, I told myself that with my cosplay playlist, and that’s 100+ hours soooo… you never know lol)
I’m always up for suggestions on what to add
AAAAAAH (casually losing my mind because this is actually insane) GUYS LOOK THEY MADE A PLAYLIST HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?!? pls go check it out its actually so good!!!
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