#maokai imagine
teeto-peteto · 1 year
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lets expand up a liiiiitle bit about other ruined king characters
Viego is proooobably the leader of a 'goth kidzs' club, the main gang and Viego's are in different classes but in the same year so they have this distant feeling of 'oh, there goes that bunch of assholes'. Probably reads Edgar Allan Poe.
Thresh forms part in the club also in Viego's class probably waiting for him to fall down the stairs so he can have the protagonism of being the leader of the group. You know, silly teenage/young adult things... Hes more of a sassy person rather than Viego that is more poetic like.
Vex doesnt appear in Ruined King BUT she is in the au cause she deserves it... Shes waaay more than just having a huge crush on Viego, but its a trait she has nonetheless. Shes an art kid for sure, and probably very in between the gothic aesthetic and the emo era at the same time, so she is still struggling to find her style. She probably draws in those ICONIC old emo couple drawings style...
Brief mention to Hecarim... Also on the club because of his friendship with Thresh, not much of a gothic but i think its fair to say hes prooobably a furry? not in a despective way he just likes horses a lot. Also Maokai... I like to think of him as a History teacher with a lot of wisdom in other areas... i imagine him and Ahri chitchatting after class about plant care cause Ahri is trying to grow her own and safe for her dog garden... he would be a calm teacher but also observant enough to see the relations in between students, im pretty sure he would totally ship students, we are maokai and maokai is us....
As for Isolde, im having confronted thoughts. I feel like she should be dead as Abigail is, and as one of the main gang will in the future (its obvious to tell who), but i like more a storyline where shes a normal student with good sense of fashion and love for it, wich Viego falls in love with but she changes schools leaving him without the opportunity to confess feelings, wich leads to his declive to the 'everything sucks i want to die' era.
I almost forgot Gangplank. Has briefs interactions with Viego's club but he isnt interested much, having friends closer to his interests. Yes he had a relationship with Illaoi in the past. Yes indeed they hate him very much. As for the murder of Abigail in this AU instead of Gangplank killing her its one of his close relatives, wich leaves Sarah and Illaoi and the rest of the group with 0 interest on talking to him as he never reached out to comfort or acusate his relative. We like a little angst.
Do other characters exist in the AU? Yes, but probably as background characters. Im only focusing on Ruined King + related characters, maybe adding Fizz and Nami sometime. Woah this ended up long i hope its entertaining enough. Again this is based on my personal experience on highschools in my country and also some media i consume, so sorry if its kinda wonky haha.
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chungledown-bimothy · 10 months
LoL Worlds 2023 Finals Reaction Post
instead of a million text posts, i'm gonna just make this one extremely long one.
oh my god t1's first draft. they are not here to fuck around. but also if they don't get a solid early game advantage then uh. fear.
if that was damn near any midlaner other than xiaohu, that would have been first blood for sure. but SO well counterplayed by weibo wow
if i have to watch t1 lose worlds finals to jayce again i'm going to delete that goddamn champion from the entire game.
weiwei is doing WORK keeping weibo in this.
t1's neutral objective control my god
eyyyy atlus ty for the cloud soul
weiwei didn't die???? just maokai things jfc
what does this literally perfect neutral objective control mean if you can't fuckin win a skirmish though
yeah okay lost the dragon and the stacking delay isn't great but the won fight is big. both gold wise and mentally
bengi isn't here D:
keria. the love of my life. guma looked dead to rights, but keria simply will not allow that.
i was so afraid zeus wouldn't be able to stand up to theshy. that really was my biggest fear for this series, and it is so reassuring that he absolutely is
god it's only 28 minutes into game 1 and i'm already struggling to stay awake
zeus fucking melted that dragon holy shit
hell yeah boys, 2 more games of that <3 <3 <3
yeah okay there's the yone ban lol
nocturne? oooh oner is feeling himself today
this is such a fun draft omg. still very scared about top lane, but the big picture t1's put together is fantastic. looove watching t1 play that clean, clean macro.
hmm don't love that start for the bot lane. not idea.
holy shit theshy (impressed) holy shit theshy (my dude you're throwing)
THE EXECUTE zeus is the only god i worship actually
wow i've got way fewer thoughts this game. the time is catching up to me and i'm too eepy for that much thought lol
lmao guma just looked at crisp and he exploded. and oner's ults have been so, so good this whole game
i know it's hope that kills you. and it's been very, very rough to watch t1's finals appearances these last few years, so i've not really let myself hope. but i can't help it at this point
zeus series mvp, but oner deserves it too
i really hope they stay together if they win. i don't want to have to divide my loyalties.
...oh god what if they win and then faker retires.
BENGI'S NOT THERE OH NO i'd forgored D:
xayah rakan ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
brad is fun but like. weird choice so early on imo
akali! lee sin! you fucking love to see it
lmao imagine picking kennen into zeus. the aatrox is a ballsy choice, but he's absolutely earned that at this point
oner and zeus own this series.
awww man that grand entrance was so good it's tragic it wasn't quite enough
i have so many more thoughts about this game than i have the energy to make coherent let alone type oop
damn that herald just isn't gonna die good for them
FAKER TRIPLE KILL and he's so focused it doesn't even register on his face
and he just. keeps. going. then zeus cleans up with the double kill.
fuck i have to pee so bad but i can't miss a second of this live
that should have been a pick onto keria. but no, 2 kills for t1. jfc
this is it. they've done it. oh my fucking god.
we've hit hitting them with their wallets territory. idk maybe there's some miracle somewhere but not really. not with t1 playing like this. not with their lead.
oh my god they did it they're so cute i cannot see what i'm typing through the tears
the first professional league i ever watched was the last time t1 won worlds.
holy shit they did it. fuck i'm so fucking proud of them
faker was so casual about the win, too. that boy i swear to god i have never wanted to suck a dick so bad in my life
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Oh okay, good to know! I was actually wanting to ask for some platonic friendship headcanons for Maokai and Malphite, probably with someone who’s a bit of a stubborn smartass but will shank any bitch who messes with their tree/mountain friend? Thank you! ❤️
Okay, I’ve never thought I’d write for Mr. Tree or Mr. Mountain, but this is gonna be pretty fun! And it also made me read up a bit on their lore, and honestly, I thought their temperaments were completely opposite from what they actually are!
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Poor Maokai had to witness everything and everyone around him be corrupted into undead, while only he remain alive and still sane, thanks to the water of life that was infused into his heartwood.
Witnessing the irresponsibility of humankind messing with the sacred reservoir of life and magic, even as much as destroying it...Needless to say, he now holds a never-ending grudge on humanity, who robbed him of a home.
When he met you, he wanted to kill you, but he quickly judged that you were no threat to him or to nature, and while yes, he was still wary of you, he decided to let you live.
Time passed, and for some reason, he still didn’t kill you, and despite how much your cheekiness and impertinence annoyed him. 
Honestly, who did you think you are? A puny human like you, so stubborn, so sassy, defying him like that?
No, actually, nevermind that - 
You keeping true to yourself, not afraid to speak up your mind even when faced with such a scary creature like him, that could kill you in the blink of an eye actually amused him greatly.
Very well, human, you have the friendship of Maokai.
He would let you stay on his shoulder while saplings jump all over you.
He would feel rather flattered when you ask him to tell you stories from his life, and you would actually pay attention to him. 
It was great o finally not feel such deep anger, at least for a few moments.
The moment he fully began trusting you was when some rude humans started berating the Tree, and you got in their face, cursing them, berating them and beating them up, because nobody dares to mess with your Tree friend!
Don’t expect him to thank you, but expect him to become incredibly powerful of you.
You are now his human and he will protect you with every fiber of his being.
Now he’s thanking himself for being in a good mood and not killing you, because you’re the only light in his rageful life.
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Malphite isn’t a being filled with dread and hatred like Mr. Tree is, and rather said, he’s just incredibly old and powerful and all he’s doing is trying to find a reason to live, to keep on going -
He wants to be useful to someone, but it has to be someone, some cause, that’s worth fighting for, as he is the last being of his kind, and not every request is worth his time, obviously.
An ancient being is still an ancient being, after all, even if he’s just a Mountain...Rock...Golem...
You meet each other when you sought him out to make your request, and your determination and resolve intrigues him enough to accept being your companion in your quest.
With time, he got to see how you would sass out and beat every enemy that stood in your way with no regret or hesitation, which made him even more convinced that yes, you were the one worthy of his strength and wisdom.
Malphite would start slow, by giving you cryptic advice, warnings, riddles, sayings, and if you understood them, then you get to the next level -
You get to hear stories from his life that somehow can be tied to your adventure, be it with the things that you should learn from other’s mistakes or findings, or how you should go around feelings, or trickery and many others.
If even then, he sees that you’re listening to his teachings, then you are worthy to be considered his little mortal friend.
Once he finds someone brainless enough to insult him, and you step in to kick him the hell out of the place, scolding him for being a fuckass who doesn’t deserve shit, and nobody is allowed to mess with ‘YOUR FRIEND, MR. MOUNTAIN’, he kinda lost it from both amusement and content.
From then on, you get a privilege that nobody ever got to live, and that is to have him as their life-long friend.
Malphite vows to always be there for you whenever you need him, no matter the request.
When he hears that all you need is his friendship, his ancient heart flutters in happiness.
Perhaps he found a cause worthy of him, and the treasure he got was all that he needed anymore.
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zyrc · 6 years
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Alright im going to bed
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infinite-xerath · 4 years
Xerath Interactions For Every Champ
I’ve done this before, but since we have some new characters and reworks, I figure I’d go and give this another shot.
Aatrox: “Just like the empire you served, Aatrox, you are now but a shadow of greatness.”
Ahri: “The temptations of flesh do not sway me, fox.”
Akali: “Flee into your smoke, girl; it will not hide you from me!”
Alistar: “You are not yet free of your chains, minotaur; join me, and reap your revenge!”
Amumu: “Friends will inevitably betray you, child...”
Anivia: “I needed only one rebirth to achieve greatness!”
Annie: “You hold great potential, child...”
Aphelios: “You conjure weapons from another realm? Show me more.”
Ashe: “You would unite your homeland, but I shall unite the world!”
Aurelion Sol: “I acknowledge your strength, star dragon, but I am power incarnate!”
Azir: “Cling to your precious Sun, Azir; I have no more need of it!”
Bard: “You may witness my triumph, storyteller, but do not interfere!”
Blitzcrank: “Such a crude golem...”
Brand: “A power rivaling even my own... I think I shall take it!”
Braum: “Cower behind your shield; it makes no difference!”
Caitlyn: “Mine is the only law that matters!”
Camille: “I will tear that gem from your chest, machine...”
Cassiopeia: “You sought power in the tomb, serpent, and you found me.”
Cho’Gath: “You think to devour me, beast? I welcome you to try!”
Corki: “I shall blast that infernal machine from the sky!”
Darius: “You are the mightiest warrior of Noxus? How underwhelming.”
Diana: “I tore the Sun from the sky. Shall I treat the moon in-kind?”
Dr. Mundo: “Abomination! You dare to approach me?”
Draven: “Look upon me, mortal, and witness TRUE greatness.”
Ekko: “The power to control time, in the hands of a mere child!? I shall rectify this at once.”
Elise: “You think yourself immortal? Allow me to enlighten you.”
Evelynn: “I will teach you TRUE agony, demon.”
Ezreal: “Surrender that gauntlet, boy, or I will claim it from your ashes.”
Fiddlesticks: “Fear? I have cast such emotions aside.”
Fiora: “Nobility means nothing to a god.”
Fizz: “Your childish antics end here, creature!”
Galio: “You consume magic, but even a titan has limits!”
Gangplank: “Yet another dethroned king, grasping for his lost throne...”
Garen: “Crushing Demacia will be child’s play compared to Shurima.”
Gnar: “A primal rage stirs in this whelp... Interesting...”
Gragas: “Such simpletons are beneath my notice.”
Graves: “Another mercenary? Let us put your skills to the test...”
Hecarim: “A horse without its reigns? I shall soon correct that...”
Heimerdinger: “A dull mind with delusions of brilliance.”
Illaoi: “I claimed what was mine. Now, the world will move as I will it!”
Irelia: “Entertain me, dancer. That is your purpose, is it not?”
Ivern: “Your influence in the desert is lacking, ‘green father.’”
Janna: “A guardian that relies on the strength of others is meaningless...”
Jarvan IV: “What is a king to a god, Demacian? Just a man with fleeting authority.”
Jax: “Join me, Icathian, and I will see the Void itself burned!”
Jayce: “You will not be the first hero I crush, nor the last...”
Jhin: “Mad though you may be, I could offer you a greater stage...”
Jinx: “You think you know chaos, girl? Your rampage is but child’s play.”
Kai’Sa: “If a mere mortal can survive the Void, then destroying it will be easier than I imagined...”
Kalista: “Azir made an oath he could never keep; HE is the betrayer!”
Karma: “They say your wisdom is unrivaled, yet you are still foolish enough to stand against me?”
Karthus: “You mistake eternal damnation for eternal greatness, lich.”
Kassadin: “You fight a battle you cannot win; surrender your relics, and I will finish it in your stead.”
Katarina: “Your sister proved most useful, assassin...”
Kayle: “I answer to no judgement but my own!”
Kayn: “You struggle endlessly for control of one-another; I shall put you both out of your misery!”
Kennen: “You are swift as lightning, yordle, but my fury is the storm!”
Kha’Zix: “I stand at the apex of life; you can never hope to reach my level!”
Kindred: “When next I strike down Azir, ensure he does not return!”
Kled: “A mad yordle on a frightful drakalops? Is this meant to be a threat?”
Kog’Maw: “I shall end your hunger... Along with your existence!”
LeBlanc: “Your petty tricks cannot deceive me, witch!”
Lee Sin: “A pity you cannot see the error in opposing me...”
Leona: “No matter how many avatars of the sun stand against me, I shall strike them all down!”
Lillia: “Dreams are but fleeting fantasies; I have no need of them.”
Lissandra: “You think a prison of ice can hold me? You are sorely mistaken.”
Lucian: “Your weapons may banish the dead, but to me, they are little more than toys!”
Lulu: “I sense the most primal of magics within you, yordle. Where did you obtain it?”
Lux: “Your light is but a spark next to me, girl!”
Malphite: “What sort of imbecile gives life to a mountain?”
Malzahar: “You are no prophet, Malzahar; you are merely a puppet!”
Maokai: “You seek to liberate your home from the dead? That can be arranged...”
Master Yi: “A master of the blade is no match for a master of the arcane!”
Miss Fortune: “Your city requires order, and I alone can restore it.”
Mordekaiser: “You may rule the realm of the dead, but Runeterra is MINE!”
Morgana: “If you would embrace chains, then perhaps you may have mine.”
Nami: “A civilization beneath the sea? Interesting...”
Nasus: “Come to face me again, Nasus? It will end no differently than your prior attempts!”
Nautilus: “I do not pay tribute to false gods!”
Neeko: “My essence is too great for you to handle, trickster.”
Nidalee: “Human, beast, it matters not; you will bow all-the-same!”
Nocturne: “My nightmares ended long ago, demon. Now, yours begin!”
Nunu and Willump: “Naive child. You are merely a pawn, just as I was once...”
Olaf: “No death will immortalize your name, fool; I alone am eternal!”
Orianna: “To preserve your life, you became a mere husk... I almost pity you, machine.”
Ornn: “Forge for me a weapon to shatter these chains, mountain god!”
Pantheon: “You will fall before me, Targonian, just as Asose did...”
Poppy: “The world I create shall have no need of heroes.”
Pyke: “Your mind is already shattered. Now, I shall break the rest of you!”
Qiyana: “Power? Authority? Let me teach you what those words truly mean, child!”
Quinn: “Tell Demacia what you have found, scout. Whatever defenses they prepare, I WILL break!”
Rakan: “Human, vastaya, it matters not; I shall reign over both!”
Rammus: “The beast of legend... Come, let us see if your stories hold true!”
Rek’Sai: “When I am rid of you, the Great Sai will be mine!”
Rell: “Pledge your power to me, child, and let us dismantle Noxus together...”
Renekton: “Do you still recall who imprisoned us, Renekton? Do not forget the root of your hatred...”
Rengar: “I can offer you elusive prey, hunter; her name is Sivir...”
Riven: “You would challenge me with a broken blade? Are all Noxians so foolish?”
Rumble: “Yordles are said to be honored creatures. Looking upon you, I fail to see why.”
Ryze: “The World Runes must be kept from mortal hands... That is why I shall harness their power!”
Samira: “You say I destroyed your home? You will have to be more specific...”
Sejuani: “You survived the harshness of your homeland, just as I survived mine...”
Senna: “Darkness, light, it matters not; no power can rival my own!”
Seraphine: “You seek to unite your home? I will unite the WORLD, child.”
Sett: “You fight for entertainment? Very well... Entertain me.”
Shaco: “I will not indulge your twisted games, jester. Perish!”
Shen: “I alone can bring stability to this world.”
Shyvana: “Such power... Why do you waste it in service to imbeciles?”
Singed: “You are little more than a walking corpse; I will return you to the grave!”
Sion: “You think you know rage? The Butcher shall enlighten you...”
Sivir: “The kin of Azir, wielding the Chalicar... You cannot be allowed to live!”
Skarner: “So the Brackern are more than a fable... But only just.”
Sona: “A fine instrument... Go on then. Play for your emperor.”
Soraka: “You bound yourself to flesh and blood, but I have surpassed it!”
Swain: “Vision, might, guile... I am the embodiment of your ideals, general.”
Sylas: “You and I are much alike... Stand with me, and Demacia WILL fall.”
Syndra: “Your magic is potent, Syndra, but your mind is dull and clouded!”
Tahm Kench: “You have nothing to offer me, demon. Begone from my sight!”
Taliyah: “You will tell me where she went, child, or I will pry it from your dying breaths!”
Talon: “You are not the first assassin I have faced...”
Taric: “My radiance far surpasses any gem, Targonian.”
Teemo: “Your tricks cannot hide you forever, yordle...”
Thresh: “No prison can hold me, least of all your frail lantern.”
Tristana: “You wish to become a soldier? That can be arranged...”
Trundle: “You think yourself clever, troll? That you would provoke me says otherwise.”
Tryndamere: “Mightier warriors have failed to best me. You shall fare no better.”
Twisted Fate: “You confuse petty tricks for magic, gambler. That was your greatest and final mistake!”
Twitch: “It seems the Voidborn are not the only vermin I must exterminate...”
Udyr: “Do you truly control the spirits within, or do they control you?”
Urgot: “I am the ONLY one with the might to stand above all others.”
Varus: “A mighty Sunborn, reduced to a squabbling trio of corpses...”
Vayne: “YOU are Demacia’s protector from darkness? This will be easier than I had imagined...”
Veigar: “You think yourself evil incarnate? How amusing...”
Vel’Koz: “Not even YOUR twisted mind could fathom the secrets I possess.”
Vi: “To think a city that prides itself on brilliance would birth a brute such as you...”
Viego: “You are but the shadow of a man clinging to petty emotions; you are CERTAINLY no king.”
Viktor: “I alone have achieved perfection, and perfection cannot be copied.”
Vladimir: “I congratulate you on your mastery of the most primitive spellcraft known to man.”
Volibear: “Even the storm bends to my will!”
Warwick: “Another dog to hound me? I shall return you to your leash!”
Wukong: “No level of skill may rival pure power, ape!”
Xayah: “Human, vastaya, it matters not; I shall reign over both!” 
Xin Zhao: “They say your will is unbreakable... I beg to differ.”
Yasuo: “What do you know of the girl called Taliyah?”
Yone: “You come to me seeking answer? Prove you are worthy of them!”
Yorick: “You would fight the undead... By raising the undead? Imbecile.”
Yuumi: “The book shall be mine, cat!”
ZAC: “What manner of twisted sorcery gave rise to an abomination such as this?”
Zed: “I will burn away your shadows and armor, and expose you for the weakling you are!”
Ziggs: “I may have use for weapons such as yours...”
Zilean: “You saved your people from the Void, only to imprison them beyond time? Icathia truly was a land of fools...”
Zoe: “Celestial magic is not a plaything, girl!”
Zyra: “The desert is no place you. Return to the jungle, or be pruned.”
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hugsforvillains · 7 years
Mordekaiser Is Playing Karthus for a Sucker
And it’s working magnificently.
This ties into my Undeath Messed up Karthus’ Hearing post.
Picture the first time Mordekaiser meets Karthus. This guy took a boat to the Shadow Isles and then jumped into the ocean and swam the rest of the way when the boatman turned around because he was just that dead-set (get it?) on getting there.
I imagine Mordekaiser’s first reaction upon meeting a dude enthusiastically ranting and raving about the beauty and music of the Shadow Isles would be “this man is not on speaking terms with reality.” But before he says that out loud, Mordekaiser realizes that a guy this gung-ho about undeath would be super useful. And Mordekaiser’s definitely no stranger to using liches. Ask the fellas who revived him.
As long as Karthus continues to believe that everyone enjoys being undead as much as he does (I mean of course they do, they’re singing all the time!), he’ll keep turning people undead. That’s a huge benefit for Mordekaiser because Mordekaiser can then conscript those undead into his army later on. Now Hecarim’s story says that the Shadow Isles operate on a “you kill ‘em, you keep ‘em system”, but Mordekaiser is ridiculously good at necromancy. He’s been taking souls as the Iron Revenant for centuries, whereas Karthus is relatively new to the whole undeath business. Mordekaiser can take Karthus’ souls whenever he decides the time is right. In the meantime, all he has to do is encourage Karthus’ current undeath-is-awesome worldview and he’s got a spectacular recruiter. It’s a bit more underhanded than his usual schtick, but it’s not like he was up front about what he was going to do to the people who revived him either.
Heck, Karthus might even look up to Mordekaiser. Morde willingly became undead and Karthus is all about that unlifestyle. And someone’s gotta be in charge when Karthus brings undeath to the world, why not the current King of the Shadow Isles?
Plus, it’s not like keeping up the façade would take a lot of effort. Karthus wants to believe that undeath is the peak of existence. He spent the majority of his life wanting to learn more about death and thinks that he’s genuinely found the answer he was looking for. In his story, he describes undeath as a gift and insists on sharing it with a woman who tells him point-blank that no, she doesn’t want to un-die and then shoots at him. He continues to insist that undeath is super duper great and turns her and her entire crew undead anyway. The point is, it would take a whole lot of convincing to change his mind.  
Most of the people he would regularly interact with don’t have a strong interest in changing his mind anyway. Hecarim doesn’t care about a single damn thing except killing at the moment, so he’s not going to have any interest in Karthus’ beliefs or Mordekaiser’s politics.
Thresh would at least want to see the payoff of what Mordekaiser’s pulling. If he didn’t outright participate in the ruse, he’d still want to be there when the moment of truth drops because he’s been corrupted to the point where he loves other people’s despair.
Kalista hates deceivers, and Mordekaiser is technically decieving Karthus, but she only acts against them if the deceived pledge their souls to her and doesn’t do a whole lot to stop deception as it happens. On the other hand, all 3 of her taunts to Karthus boil down to “you are super wrong about undeath, you stupid fucking idiot” so out of all the undead Champs she’s got the biggest chance of putting any effort into changing his mind.
Elise is not undead and wouldn’t bother anyway. She’s only on the Shadow Isles in the first place because that’s where Vilemaw lives. She’s not going to give a darn as long as she can maintain access to her spider deity.
Yorick and Maokai would have a strong interest in changing his mind, but they’re more interested in just perma-killing him and they’re both alive. If you want to see the track record alive people have with changing Karthus’ mind about undeath, take a look at his story again.
Conclusion: Mordekaiser’s playing the long game with Karthus and it’s going pretty well.
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tsu-hanakawa · 6 years
recently I stopped playing league but I still have that urge of playing so I watch videos about how to improve as I don't have much people to play with ans who would like to probably help me a bit. But ... I kinda blocked on some advices like Have a small pool. Like.... Have a small pool. Can you imagine what it's like to play a game but only with 4 champs. (the video said not a big pool; 3 or 4 champs.) I personally now my pool is like 2 champions. For real. I only know Nami for real and I get bored sometimes to only play her and I get easily bored so I went to other champs. And there is Shen who I really wish I could main like "damn that shen support is good" But I don't know what shen worth now day. like I feel he is just a occasional super mean to some match up. I play Nami, Morgana and that all. I tried Janna, I used to play a lot Ashe. Maokai, Sona, Taric and now I have Shen. I don't know what makes me feel like the game started being boring. Always plays against bot alone, falling on awful teammate, being bad and not am having the amount of time necessary to play league and make actual improvements, OTP Nami/Morgana. I don't know the game felt boring. Also I know I'm a terrible player. Like my brain is not working when I play this game like after 3 years of league I realise that it's all about making the right decision at the right time. But i'm a indecisive shit who struggle with decision. For exemple in my last real game, I was fine with my adc and at some point my mid later was struggling with a Yasuo and I was there. Like I could surprised gank mid with a cage and she could get a kill. but my brain shut down. And she died by tower dive. And i thought "what a fucking idiot I am". I try to come back at league but seriously it is awfully stressful. I got issues. I'm super bad. I'm mostly alone and it makes me sad as I actually enjoy league. I enjoy the game. The champions some lore. The skins. The art. Even with playing some champ I actually appreciate some for their designs. So I don't know. Watching videos about how getting better and receive thought reality as everyone keeps telling me it's super hard. I mean I know I'm bad but seriously it doesn't help to be told you are bad or being on your own on a game you play for mates that aren't here anymore. Sure I still watch videos with less serious content but I don't know if I actually still want to play it... I got really down about it.
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bexical · 5 years
AP Itemization: Proposed items and reworks
Liandry's Torment (reworked)
Haunting Guise(1500) + Kindlegem(800) + 700 = 3000
50 AP + 450 HP + 10% CDR
MADNESS (unchanged)
TORMENT (unchanged)
The changes are meant to make this item largely comparable to Black Cleaver. It has a very similar stat spread, and its passives function similarly to Black Cleaver's armor shred, helping its users deal more damage in prolonged fights, and especially to tankier opponents. Its build path should feel a little better for Bruisers, who need early HP to survive the fights they take, and the CDR should help a lot.
Bloodthirsty Chain (component)
Amp tome(435) + Ruby Crystal(400) + 465 = 1300
30 AP + 200 HP
After damaging an enemy champion, heal for 20 HP over 10s (damaging an enemy again does not stack or refresh the duration)
Just another AP/HP component to be used in some of the items below. I actually created the item below first and needed a component for it, but there's no passive in that item that can be shared with other items and thus be put on a component item. Instead, I drew inspiration from Spectre's Cowl, whose passive later 'evolves' into Spirit Visage's passive.
It's a simple item, intended to encourage frequent trades with a very short cooldown sustain effect.
Dragon-Shark Fangs (new item)
Sheen(1050) + Bloodthirsty Chain(1300) + 650 = 3000
40 AP + 350 HP + 10% CDR
SPELLBLADE - After casting a spell, your next AA marks your target. Marked targets bleed m.dmg equal to 50% base AD every 0.5s for 1.5s (total 150% base AD)
PURSUIT - If within 450 range (edge-to-edge) of a marked enemy as they bleed, gain 5% bonus mvspd for 0.5s and heal 5-20 (based on lvl) + 5% AP (total 15-60 + 15% AP per SPELLBLADE proc) (numbers definitely not set in stone).
This is the Triforce 'counterpart'. Let's compare:
Its SPELLBLADE procs do less damage. I imagine its users will still be good at split pushing, but a portion of the power has been shifted away from tower destruction to good 1v1 power with PURSUIT.
PURSUIT provides sticking power, just as RAGE does, though it doesn't slow. Users will have to rely on their kits for slows (which, to be fair, seem to more prevalent in AP kits anyway).
It has an entirely separate effect in its sustain.
I want to highlight the last point a little bit. More generally, this is a distinction I'd like there to be between AD and AP as stats: generally, Attack Damage should really be increasing the user's attack somehow, while Ability Power has more freedom to strengthen its users 'abilities', whether those be heals or shields or movement speed buffs or whatever. This goes back to the stated goal of introducing something new with AP Bruisers, rather than just creating Bruisers that happen to scale with AP. This will largely be up to champion kits, of course, but an item like this will hopefully aid the distinction.
Another inspiration for the sustain aspect was the desire to have some sort of AP scaling besides damage. As discussed in previous posts, Triforce encourages building as a Bruiser instead of building burst because its damage actually does not scale with items, unlike Lich Bane. In addition, having the SPELLBLADE proc do nothing but damage would make it too similar to both Triforce and Lich Bane.
A note: I like the thematic appeal of the SPELLBLADE proc causing the target to bleed and the user following it, like a shark - I don't know if it overcomplicates it though, and it does feel a little anti-thematic to have a tower 'bleed'. Having the bleed not apply to towers would significantly impact the tower-taking capabilities though... which could be acceptable. In the end, there are a number of paths we could take here, and there's no 'best' solution.
While I do have more ideas (that I will be sharing soon), I want to take a moment to discuss these two alone first.
In particular, I think we could stop here, so to speak. AD Bruiser itemization is very much defined by Black Cleaver and Triforce, and I think these items are sufficient counterparts. Just as many champions build either Black Cleaver or Triforce and then build full tank, many champions could build one or both of these items and then build full tank. These changes alone would already open up the AP Bruiser path to many champions.
So, who would build these items? Sylas is an obvious candidate for DSF, as is perhaps Mordekaiser (depending on his upcoming rework). Some less obvious candidates are Nautilus and Cho'Gath, who both have low cooldown abilities and incorporate AAs in their trade patterns, so they can proc SPELLBLADE easily. Even less obvious (perhaps) would be someone like Swain, whose kit does not heavily encourage AA-ing much on its own - but Iceborn Gauntlet is not an infrequent purchase for him, so I could see DSF on him, especially with Kleptomancy. On an even more off-meta note, even champions like Leona and Taric could probably have some fun with DSF in top lane.
For Liandry's, I imagine it would be a solid option in solo queue (where damage is favored) on certain juggernaut-like characters to help them lean into their damage. Examples could include Mundo, Tahm Kench, and Maokai. Note that, since Liandry's and DSF do not share a unique passive (unlike their AD counterparts), several of the champions listed above could build Liandry's as well, before or after DSF.
We really must conisder how certain unintended interactions though...
Tanky AP assassins? (Fizz and Ekko)
Though I never personally suffered from it, Fizz and Ekko once terrorized top lane. Their base damage was high enough that they could build tanky and still kill their targets, while their mobility allowed them to stick very easily to their targets. Meanwhile, since they built as tanks and they're naturally very slippery, they were impossible to kill.
I think it's reasonable to fear what they could do with these items. SPELLBLADE synergizes very well with both of them (which is evident in how Lich Bane is a standard 2nd item for both of them), and one could perhaps be afraid of them building DSF into tank.
However, I would say that Riot sufficiently adjusted both of their kits to the point where they need significant amounts of AP to do their job, and I do not think DSF => tank items would give them the damage they need. They could build Liandry's with DSF, and they might have some decent damage with MADNESS, but there is an inherent delay there that helps me not worry too much. All in all, even if Fizz and Ekko ended up buying these items, I don't think we would see an unhealthy damage output from either of them.
Mages who build Liandry's Torment (Zyra and Brand)
Though I only described my motivation in terms of AP Bruisers, I did have these mages in mind as well.
One thing I wanted to do was highlight the anti-tank intent of the item. Right now, although TORMENT helps users melt tanks, the item also has 75 AP that gives its users plenty of damage against squishies. It's a good generalist item for champions with sustained damage that can proc (i.e. Zyra's plants and Brand's burn), but I'd like to see its users make an actual choice between melting the frontline or bursting the squishies. Thus, I'm pushing Liandry's as the choice for the former option, and I'd make a new item for the latter option.
I won't be designing this item, at least not for now. Mage items as a whole could use some work, but that's all definitely out of the scope of this project. Still, it's worth noting the gap I'd be leaving in the item space.
Before I end for now, I have one more item I want to share.
Blood Demon Amulet (new item)
Bloodthirsty Chain(1300) + Amp Tome(435) + Ruby Crystal(400) + 665 = 2800
50 AP + 400 HP
RELEASE (60s cd)
If you take damage that brings your HP below 40% max HP, increase your max HP by 30% over the next 3s, in 6 ticks of 0.5s each, preserving your current % max HP at each tick.
Note: If you remain at 40% HP, this effectively means restoring 12% max HP.
Gain DEMON FURY after these 3s.
Gain 30% size.
Gain 0-30 AP, scaling linearly with % missing HP, from 0 AP at 60% max HP to 30 AP at 0% max HP.
Lasts for 6s. Then, return to normal.
This is my AP rendition of Sterak's Gage. I'd really like to be able to feel it out in-game. Does it actually help users survive burst? Is it too annoying on certain users? While it's hard for me to answer these questions without actually seeing it in-game, I can discuss who potential users would be as well as potential concerns and general thoughts I had when designing the item.
The item provides plenty of HP and AP, so it would be great on champions that scale well with both stats. It also thrives at low health, and ideal users should have some way of helping them survive at low health without dying so they can make good use of the passive.
Vladimir and Cho'Gath both scale well with HP and AP, and they have the sustain and health respectively to fight for a while.
Mundo, Volibear, and Tahm Kench all have great HP scalings and have something to help them out at low health.
Sylas and Swain scale great with AP and have great sustain to help them avoid dying.
I think this item could be good on all of the above champions and more. There is a possibility though that it's too good on Vladimir, and if it were balanced on Vladimir, it would be too weak on other champions who don't make as good use of everything it provides. It's also possible that the HP passive doesn't actually provide much anti-burst like the LIFELINE passive does, but it's hard to fix that on its own - simply increasing the HP % increase could easily be too strong for skills like Cho'Gath's ult.
Other thoughts:
I'm a little concerned the passive will be too frustrating to play against. Its intended users are arguably already frustating since some part of their kit makes them so hard to kill, and this item is inherently designed to further that. I hope that it would instead create exciting gameplay, as the user and their opponents dance around this passive.
The size increase could be helpful with the magic damage passive on Abyssal Mask.
I actually forgot about METALLICIZE, the active on Gargoyle Stoneplate (though I'm certain I subconsciously drew from it for this passive). I'm not certain if this item can coexist with Stoneplate, or if the items occupy the same niche. This is obviously more offensive than the other, but it's not clear that the niches are separate enough.
Obviously, all of these items could use some work, but I'm not sure how much more I can do withotu actually testing them in-game. Still, as I mentioned earlier, the reworked Liandry's Torment and Dragon-Shark Fangs would be a great start to AP Bruiser itemization.
I'll likely take a break for now - I may return to AP itemization at a later point, especially if I take the time to understand mages and want to tackle their items simultaneously. I've got some ideas for a Diana rework I'd like to mess with though, so my next game design post will likely be about her.
Until next time, pce out! =)
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joleenkai · 6 years
Maokai - play like a little baby early on and look to teleport and gank other lanes whenever you can =start with !!Corrupting potion!! or !!dorans shield!! =build order   righteous glory>ninja tabi's or merc treads>warmogs>gargoyles stoneplate>more tank items  - do not build liandry's or ryleis or rod of ages ever. fr they garbage  - in team fights u want to look to get behind the enemies before you ult, or use it after you w on someone, because ur new ult is slow af n if you just use it then they'll just step to the side like lmao Malphite - pretend ur playing malphite n be a baby n teleport =start with !!corrupting potion!! or !!dorans shield!! =build order         if you're against kennen or brand or ryze or an ap champion u want to build            spirits visage>ninja tabi's>thornmail>sunfire cape>etc       if you're against anyone else build            thornmail>ninja tabi's>liandry's torment>sunfire cape>more tank items  -malphites w make his auto attacks do bonus damage based on his armor, and the amount that he does is increased if his passive shield thing is still up. because of this, using your w and slapping bitches is really really important because it does some stupid amount like 300% of your armor as bonus damage on ur slaps when ur shield is up  -because of this, ur going to be doing a lot of damage even when building tank, so i'm not sure if u want to build gargoyle's stoneplate because that reduces the damage u do and u like damage Nautilus - real talk u ain't no bitch ass nigga like malphite or maokai, u THE nautilus THE titan of the depths u run this bitch n don't u let anyone tell u otherwise. whoever you're going against, wait for them to try to hit you in your minion wave and BEAT THEIR ASS. you win every match up in the game if u get ahead and you will actually just kill them if you let them auto u and then ur minions start hitting them and then you q e auto them and then they're dead =start with !!corrupting potion!! or !!dorans shield!! =build order           sunfire cape>merc treads>frozen heart>gargoyles stoneplate>warmogs - if you're ahead as your last item you should build rapid fire cannon or titanic hydra because when the enemies look at ur build and realize they're losing to rapid fire cannon nautilus they will commit suicide n then ur fighting 5v4  - if you get ganked just 1v2 them in ur minion wave and you'll probably win (seriously) JUNGLE u probably dont wanna touch this role tbh MID Veigar - focus on farming with your q and you'll be good fam =start with !!dorans ring!! or !!cloth armor 4 health pots!! if you're going against yasuo =build order       morellonomicon>ionian boots>rabadons>void staff>zhonya's>liandry's - scale into late game fam Vel'koz - shoot em pew pew idk  =start with !!dorans ring!! or !!cloth armor 4 health pots!! against yasuo  =build order       morellonomicon>sorc boots>ludens>liandry's>rabadons>void staff DON'T PLAY ADC!!! :DDDDD SUPPORT Sona - u know how to play sona. if you build stupid full ap shit i'll actually come over to ur house and finish the job that i hope ur cancer can't    =start with !!spellthiefs edge!!    =builder order         sightstone>ardent censer>ionian boots>spooky ghosts>redemption>zeke's harbringer    - your only job is to get ardent censer and then make ur adc unkillable. if someone jumps on ur adc, ult them, but make sure ur behind ur adc at all times.    - if ur adc sucks then find whoever is carrying and give some of that good suck with ur ardent censer until u win    - literally non figuratively do nothing but peel and heal your adc. we live in the meta where they are either able to carry you while you make them invincible or you lose, there is no inbetween Janna - play her if sona is banned, play her the exact same way Lulu - ardent censer 2.0, play the same as sona you have a 41% winrate on karma with 22 games played, a 39% winrate on lux with 18 games played, a 28% win rate on galio with 18 games played, and a 20% winrate on heimer with 5 games played. seriously, dude, if u like winning ur gonna need to abide by these picks because the champions you actually like playing u suck at. ur winrate on sona is 43%, which is the highest out of the bunch, but u also played her with a stupid ass cheese build so imagine if u built her correctly maybe u would win something
0 notes
mariquii · 7 years
When I knew you I had no idea what was in store for us. All I knew is that you were so different from every man. Our conversation flowed so naturally and your laugh was so contagious I couldn't help but laugh all night long. I really like talking to you, you make me smile regardless of what we are talking about, what mood I'm in or what we're feeling at the moment. I really like talking to you simply because you know exactly what to say to make me smile.(💊 Happy Pill)
Thank you for making time for me. I know that your are busy with life, because who isn't. Thank you for choosing to wake up super early (my human alarm, honestly d gyd ko ganahan mu ingon nmo Mao maghulat rapd ko kng mu ingon ka🙊 Mao lately I miss my human alarm🖐🏻😞), go to bed super late and or plan to leave something a few minutes early (or get there late) to be able to spend some time with me on the phone or even chat. Thank you for the relationship where I can talk all the way from good morning to good night and never get bored of each other. Thank you for being patient listening to all my mini tiny little dramas. 😂🙊🙈  thank you for being clingy, mas ganahan ko Ana Kay Ana mn pd ko HAHAHAHA thank you ky mag charge nako Kay mangeta nako signal Kay aside sa kong loved ones na worry pd ka, mangeta nako sa akong fone Kay si kowyaaa Jonjon sapoton nani RN 😂😂😂. Mai gani Kabaw ka masuko jd ko d tubagon akong tawag og Dugai reply BUT ingni ra bitao ko makasabot rajd ko as what I always say dba ✌️😘 thank you for all the worries, concerns, sa mga lingaw nimo na chika, support system baya nato each other og caressss na imo gihatag nko💕. Sa pagyaw2 Kong d ko ka inom tambal, kng dli ko mag dala payong, kong d magkaon tarong, Kong d ko matog sayu, Kong d ko macontact pila ka hours. Super na appreciate Kay na nako, PROMISE maka smile nalng ko maghuna2 mag imagine sa imng face (simod sa baboy)🤗. Thank you for Sharing your stories just to make me laugh and let me chill from to time to time and para d ko mahome sick😔😭. Thank you ky open Kay ka nako, thank you Kay makasulti ko nmo what's on my mind na maminaw raka bisan wan.a jd lami ang sturya sah, bisan duka najd ka pero ganahan man jd ko wa nlng ky choice bisan ganahan naka muhilom ko. 😂✌️🙊 Thank you Kay mulakaw jd ka gabie para magpalod para tawagan ko ky im sad (dghan na kog otang nmo).Thank you for always making SURE NA SURE that I'm okay chabaloooo 💕😘 Kanang sensitive Kay ka na naa jd something and d ka mu undang hangtod d ko maokay, (ganahan ra d.i toh palambing) I like it when you remember every small detail I told you, malipay KAAYO ko Kay meaning naminaw jd d.i ka. Thank you ky d gyd ta matog Kong d ta kasturya and say goodnight. ( 🙊).Thank you sa unli massage kunuhay pd d.i hahaha bisan lay2 lng bisan gisakyan rajd nmo akong kakapoy, og sakit sa pos.on. Ako paningkamotan pd to always be the reason for you to smile everyday and PREETY PLEASE BITAW NI AYAW PAG.OSAB ing.ana Lang ka hangtod d paka banlungon sa imong oyab, or ni mama🙊😂✌️
I want you to know na you are an amazing man (Kay wala tika gisugo na buhata na tanan you did it yourself) FIRST you carry with you the greatest love a human being was capable of giving, SECOND you have the kindest heart it's something that only those who really know you can see and I happen to know you a lot through out our time together. It wasn't a loud type of kindness, you help people without giving yourself a credit and even when they take you for granted you still forgive. I wish I was that soft . Actually I want everyone to know how lucky I am to have you. Despite your flaws, you are genuinely amazing person. I am grateful that you opened yourself up to me and let me in, when you have that hardest time doing that to anyone. You have been trustful. Nice ka Kay you know na what to do kng magtantrums ko and SPOILEDAFFF nasd ko nmo (perfect!), hahaha I will ALWAYS support you, pray for you, hype you, inspire you to achieve your goals ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️ (naa rako kilid nmo Kay Mao man imo ganahan, sa kilid lang) , And I will always KISS YOUR SAPOT AWAY (maita mu effect)🙄🖐😇 I am so happy I have you and blessed to be a part of your life, maita d ka mag osab as time goes by and I also pray magdugai ta as what you've said mag celebrate ta more anniversary to come with you. Kapit Lang og hugot na pag.ampo. Happy Kay ko Kay d naka sigeg sapot, hahaha anah jd ha kay lisod pd ka lambingon basta sapoton, d ko tagdon. Hahaha ✌️bitaw I'm not perfect maabot mn jd ang time na masapot naka nako, mapul.an naka or Ako baron dpende rajd, masuko baya ka ingnon tikaw ana pero kng maabot gani na nga time PLEASE BASAHA Lang ni balik to remind you., pero I believe we can do this (kay ingon ka dba "we will baby" ) Kay hugot na pag.ampo (og hugot na bra ra kailangan😂) basta ingon nmo lets be open Lang gyd , communicate, and dli iPa end ang day na dli ta okay ha wag na matolog pagsapot ha. Promise? HAHAHAHA
Never above you, Never below you ALWAYS Beside you to cheer you always and support you in your goals.👑✊🏻🖐
To your parents thank you for blessing me with your child😊👼🏼💋
Thank you for pushing me higher. Thank you for spoiling me with your time😘 I hope makabawe ko one day sa mga kaayo na imong gipakita nako bisan virtually or tawag or text or chat ra tanan pero dako nakay HELP nako samot pa Karn na chapter sa akng life 🙏🏻😊🖐👼🏼 I just hugged you in my thoughts hope you feel the squeeze! I wish I could be the sun so that I could kiss your cheeks "good morning" pero Dugai man ko tig mata Stars nalng 😄😂
Thank you for giving me a bond and a friendship that will live and die with me. Thank you for being my to the rescue BABE/BABY Kanang sumbongan sa lahat ng bagay 😂😘👏🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
I can't wait to give you my biggest hug. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO AND STILL DO FOR ME I pray you will never get tired doing this and wish to always see the smile I gave you and pray it won't fade away. HAPPY Happy 3rd monthsary babyyyyyy 😘😘😘😘 kapit lng gyd, imong mga gipasulti ha na d mag.osab og kapit lng gyd kaya ni. Magmiga ta permi ha Promise? onya nako ayaw migaha or e.unfriend after boards na PLEASE wa koi masombongan d sd ko ganahan naay lain hunaon tiis lng talaga it's either bawe ko nmo after or unfriend nko nmo. Magshat baya ta buntagay after boards baby anah ka.😂😂😂😂 HAPPY Monthsary ulit goodnight 😘😘😘
Mao na ang original message akng maremember para nmo katong naguba akng fone.
I write about you because I need to because I know I can't see you, talk to you or even call you anymore.You don't spend much time  and laughs and energy to me but I have to reminded myself na you don't want it anymore. You just stopped communicating I miss almost everything about you. People always left dba life is too short. I have so much to say to you I want to tell you that I was the happiest and saddest with you. I want to thank you for the happy moments and I'm sorry for the painful ones. I didn't mean to pressure you or what I swear to God. I didn't want to make you feel you have responsibilities on me. I'm sorry I really do.😣 (Kay anah so Cassie I should say sorry to you maybe nagmaldita nasd daw ko mao you don't want me anymore wa nlng ko nakiglalis) I hope maokay ta.
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zyrc · 6 years
I like the idea of Zyra being maybe 6′3 which is quite tall, but compared to Ivern and Maokai, she’s still a fuckin shortie.
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Everything with *** is NSFW, the rest is SFW!
                                     VIDEO GAMES
Honey, I’m Home! ~ Alhaitham x Liyue!Reader My Glaze Lily ~ Baizhu x Reader
How you first meet Pocky Game Babysitting Fallen Angel!Au  OCs-First Kiss (Altair,Connor,Jacob) Bellydancing( +OCs+Yusuf) CHRISTMAS SPECIAL (+OCs) Cooking with the assassins When you get injured Artist!Fem!S/O - Ezio Auditore
One Shots
Altair Malik Ezio(songfic) Haytham Ezio Kadar Petruccio Jacob Frye (songfic) Connor Kenway x Angel!Reader Leonardo da Vinci Pranks! ~ various assassins Caress My Soul ~ Malik Al’Sayf x Katrina
Preferences How you meet-Boys How you meet-Girls Waking up to their fem!S/O for the first time - Yasuo, Kayn, Jinx, Sona First Date - Kayn, Yasuo, Varus, Vladimir, Nami
Relationship HCs - Twisted Fate, Garen Relationship HCs - Irelia Relationship HCs - Rakan, Vladimir Relationship HCs - Ezreal, Ekko Relationship HCs - Varus, Talon Relationship HCs - Jhin, Zed, Shen Relationship HCs - Draven Relationship HCs - Aatrox Relationship HCs - Azir Relationship HCs - Galio Relationship HCs - Yasuo, Darius Relationship HCs - Talon Relationship HCs - Taric Relationship HCs - Miss Fortune Relationship HCs - Neeko Shy!Reader First Kiss - Talon Romantic/Fluff - Shen What kind of S/O they’re looking for - Twisted Fate, Garen Short!Energetic!S/O - Kayn How he behaves in public with S/O - Kayn Fluff Alphabet ( J, K, L, N ) - Lee Sin, Jhin Fluff Alphabet ( B, D, I, J ) - Aatrox, Rhaast Fluff Alphabet ( D, R, A, V, E, N ) - Draven S/O with abuse scars - Draven General S/O HCs - Lucian Crush HCs - Academy Ekko, Academy Vladimir Platonic HCs - Maokai, Malphite Cuddling - Taliyah, Neeko Relationship HCs with a Rapunzel!S/O - Yasuo, Twisted Fate, Talon Yasuo confessing his love to S/O Ahri with an Asexual S/O Comfort HCs - Yasuo
One Shots
Kayn’s Fem!S/O trying to befriend Rhaast “Let’s push all of these stuff away. I wanna dance here right now with you” - Rakan “It’s weird. I never thought I could feel like this, but you showed up. Now, it’s like I don’t wanna go on knowing I might lose the feeling.” - Twisted Fate “It’s getting crowded. Here, hold my hand” - Kayn First encounter - Aatrox “Did you seriously injure yourself carving a pumpkin?” - Twisted Fate
One Shots
Hanzo Shimada Hanzo Shimada
When They Save You - Sergei, Kazuya, Kunimitsu, Xiaoyu
Zayka Moya ~ Sergei Dragunov x Reader
Sal with a clueless crush Larry as a husband and father Sal as a husband and a father
N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( K ) - Cathy Ward *** Mommy/Little Girl HCs - Cathy Ward ***
When You Get Hurt - Seiji, Akira, Ban When You Get The Death Mark - Yashiki, Mashita, Daimon, Shou S/O is snarky and sarcastic - Seiji, Akira, Ban Surprising them with breakfast in bed - Mashita, Yashiki How you start dating - Mashita Satoru When You Get Hurt - Mashita, Daimon, Yashiki Surprising Daimon with breakfast in bed Getting Daimon to rest after long days of overwork
One shots
Kazuichi Souda x feminine!male!reader
Shy S/O who gives them a flower - Nagito, Chiaki, Korekiyo, Kokichi SFW/NSFW Non-Despair AU!Mondo x Fem! Reader  *** SFW/NSFW Alphabet - Owada Mondo - C, O, W / E, H, K, O, R *** SFW Alphabet ( C, N )  - Shuichi Saihara SFW/NSFW HCs - Kazuichi Souda *** General dating HCs - Hajime Hinata Danganronpa 1 cast as Ice Cream flavours Danganronpa 1 cast as Disney songs
Celestia Ludenberg Vampire
My Beloved Cherry Blossom ~ Yamaoka Kazan/The Oni x Fem!Reader Smile For Me, Sweetcheeks ~ Ghostface x Fem!Reader Brahms's Lullaby ~ Brahms Heelshire x Reader Can You Get Enough Of Me? - Michael Myers x Reader An Angel and A Demon ~ Pyramid Head x Reader
Killers reacting to their S/O getting used as a shield against his attacks ( part 1 -  The Trapper, The Oni, The Spirit, The Executioner  ) Killers reacting to their S/O getting used as a shield against his attacks ( part 2 -  The Shape, Ghostface, The Trickster, The Legion - Susie ) Killers Reaction to a Survivor making their way to their camp Pyramid Head showing his affection for a survivor S/O The Trickster taking a liking to a survivor S/O The Artist with a survivor S/O that helps repair her nest
My Green Signal Samurai Girlfriend ~ Miles Edgeworth/Mitsurugi Reiji
Domestic HCs - Miles Edgeworth/Mitsurugi Reiji
Morishige x S/O who protects him General N.S.F.W. Hcs - Seiko *** Comforting each other during Heavenly Host - Shinohara Seiko
General N.S.F.W. HCs - Garry ***
One shots
“You don’t have to tell me anything” - Kai Satou “Can I kiss you” - Keiji Shinogi “You’re warm” - Keiji Shinogi “Take a deep breath” - Sou Hiyori “Cross my heart and hope to die” - Sou Hiyori “Take my jacket. It’s cold outside” - Sou Hiyori “Don’t cry” + “Go back to sleep” + “Sweet dreams” - Sou Hiyori “Can I kiss you?” - Alice Yabusame
Relationship HCs - Keiji Shinogi Relationship HCs - Alice Yabusame Relationship HCs - Sou Hiyori Fluff Alphabet (  T, V, R, P, K ) - Alice Yabusame, Keiji Shinogi Fluff Alphabet ( P, K, J, Y ) - Rio Ranger Fluff Alphabet ( C, J, P ) - Joe Tazuna Artist!S/O - Kai Satou, Sou Hiyori Fluff Alphabet ( J ) + N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( I, P, R, Y ) - Sou Hiyori *** Fluff Alphabet ( C ) - Sou Hiyori N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( K, O ) - Sou Hiyori *** Kissing HCs with a Shy S/O - Alice Yabusame Flirting HCs - Alice Yabusame, Kai Satou N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( K ) - Sue Miley *** Relationship HCs - Rio Ranger Mommy/Little Girl HCs - Sue Miley *** Male! S/O is nervous about exams - Sou Hiyori, Kai Satou Best friends to lovers - Sou Hiyori
Beauty and the Beast ~ Ajax x Reader
Please, Come Back... (Self indulgent fic where I write my grief away) Change Of Heart ~ Heimdall x Reader
Heimdall finding his soulmate Relationship HCs - Kratos
Being in a relationship with Enki Ankarian...
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                                  MOVIES / TV SERIES
Game Of Thrones/House Of The Dragon
One Shots
Ramsay Bolton Ramsay Bolton x Fem!Stark Reader Ramsay Bolton x Fem!Lannister Reader Robb Stark x Fem!Lannister Reader Ramsay Bolton x Fem!Targaryen!Reader She Hates Yellow ~ Sandor Clegane x Stark!Reader My Innocent Snowdrop ~ Oberyn Martell x Stark!Reader Moon’s Queen ~ Ramsay Bolton x Tyrell!Reader *** Mine, Always and Forever ~ Ramsay Bolton x Stark!Reader
Imagine Aemond... (Aemond is afraid My Lady will find him ugly) Imagine Aemond... (Aemond is frustrated with the court and My Lady spoils him) Imagine Aemond... (Aemond discovers you pampering Vhagar, the Matchmaker) Imagine Aemond... (My Lady is afraid of the concept of childbirth and pregnancy) Imagine Aemond... (Engaging in a romantic, literal Dance of Dragons in the air )
Imagine Daemon... (Being smitten over an adventurous Lady who flies Balerion)
One Shots
James Patrick March motivating his S/O to study James Patrick March with an S/O who’s afraid of the dark Michael Langdon with an S/O who can’t fall asleep
Fluff Alphabet ( J, K, O, U ) - James Patrick March Fluff Alphabet ( B, C, G, I, J, K, O, P, Y ) - Jimmy Darling
One Shots
Draco with an S/O who loves hugs and affection Slytherin!Orion Amari (Hogwarts Mystery) x Slytherin!S/O Troublemakers ~ Aesop Sharp x Gaunt!Reader My Little Twinkling Star ~ Ominis Gaunt x Slytherin!Reader
Draco as a boyfriend
Kitsune-hime ~ Kakihara Masao x Reader Headcanons
Kakihara gets revenge on Ichi for hurting you
It Has Always Been You ~ Batman x Healing Powers!Reader
Sugar Plum Fairy - Spencer Reid x Reader
Primum Non Nocere ~ Gregory House x Katrina Black
The Chess Game ~ Tommy Shelby Sibling Protection Squad ~ Arthur Shelby Don’t Let Go ~ Alfie Solomons Queen of Masks ~ Alfie Solomons Angel of Birmingham ~ Alfie Solomons x Reader Letters Unsung ~ Arthur Shelby x Fiancee!Reader
When the Wild Wind Blows ~ Negan Smith x Reader
When it’s your birthday - Sherlock, John, Greg When you get kidnapped - Sherlock, Moriarty, Mycroft
The White Rose of Jerusalem ~ King Baldwin IV x Reader
El Profesor cuddling his S/O Berlin with a petite!S/O
Thranduil with a short S/O Relationship HCs - Thranduil Relationship HCs - Thorin Relationship HCs - Aragorn
One shots
Henderson!Reader x Robin Reader x Billy - Fluff "You look at me like I was the best thing of the world. I never felt so loved"  - Billy Hargrove “I’m so in love with you...And I can't stand the thought of losing you” - Billy Hargrove Just A Smile ~ Billy Hargrove x Reader
Fluff Alphabet ( J, K, X ) - Billy Hargrove Fluff Alphabet ( B, G, L, N, O ) - Billy Hargrove
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                     ANIME / MANGA / MANHWA 
Shy and sweet S/O who loves hugs and flowers - Aizawa, Toshinori, Todoroki Fem!S/O helps Tokoyami relax after a rough time They meet Fem!S/O’s ex-boyfriend - Dabi, Tamaki, Chisaki, Tomura They meet Fem!S/O’s ex-boyfriend - Bakugou, Todoroki, Shinsou S/O dies in their arms - Dabi, Chisaki Fem!S/O with self-image issues - Aizawa, Todoroki, Kaminari Kissing/Affection - Iida Rising Hero!Kaminari’s sister!Fem!S/O - Aizawa General Course!S/O trains to go to Hero Course - Tokoyami Abuse scars!Insecure!S/O - Toshinori Abuse scars!Insecure!S/O - Aizawa Anxious!Trans!S/O - Bakugou Courting his S/O - Dabi Finding out he has a fanclub - Dabi Romantic HCs - Aizawa N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( F, H, I, J, K ) - Kaminari, Midoriya *** SFW + N.S.F.W HCs - Midnight *** N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( B, C ) - Tamaki, Kirishima *** Sero Petting A Cat He Didn’t Want At First BakuSquad In Jail ( crack ) N.S.F.W. general HCs - Sero Hanta (mostly soft) *** Sero trying to court a civilian S/O who is oblivious and clueless Wolf!S/O Quirk - Yaoyorozu Momo
Pocky game -  Aizawa, Hizashi Being saved by their S/O - Dabi, Kirishima, Tsuyu, Chisaki Saving their S/O - Chisaki, Dabi, Tomura Healer!Fem!S/O is wronged - Chisaki, Aizawa, Shinsou Fem!S/O with Anxiety - Chrono, Dabi, Bakugou
One Shots
Kirishima having a crush on a girl with an Empath Quirk Chisaki’s Fem!S/O gets kidnapped Tamaki’s Fem!S/O falling asleep on him Toshinori’s S/O being being motherly to Izuku Dabi x Insecure!Fem!S/O Chisaki x Hacker!Fem!S/O Chisaki x Fem!S/O who needs comfort  Shinsou x Fem!Reader whose bff is Bakugou Sleeping in the same bed for the first time - Kirishima I’m Weak Too... ~ Bakugou x Reader Traditionally, I Love You ~ Bakugou Katsuki x Reader ***
Yakuza Chisaki
One shots
Undertaker Pink Lotus Princess - Lau
My OC - Kitsune Kasai Kitsune as a Genin Kitsune Kasai OC template
One shots
Kakuzu Kisame Itachi Kankuro My Clarity ~ Shikamaru x Kitsune Peace of Mind ~ Hatake Kakashi The Flower Princess ~ Kakuzu x Reader
How You Met - Akatsuki How You Met - Ninjas You Become Friends - Akatsuki You Become Friends - Ninjas
One shots
Germany 2P!Japan France/2P!France ( Different endings ) 
Cute jealousy ( not toxic!! ) HCs - America
One shots
Karius/Karias Blerster
One Shots
Matt Jeevas
The Idiot ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky
A Thousand Year Love ~ Ryomen Sukuna x Kitsune!Reader Curse-Breaker ~ Ryomen Sukuna x Fem! Reader ***
Fluffy Domestic Relationship HCs ~ Nanami Kento
Flowers - Nicolas Brown x Reader Soft Tunes, Warm Hugs - Worick Arcangelo x Reader Remember Me ~ Worick Arcangelo x Reader Headcanons Fluffy, slightly NSFW-ish HCs - Nicolas Brown *** Nicolas Brown reunited with childhood sweetheart S/O Nicolas Brown with a hard of hearing S/O
Smoke and Mirrors ~ Sesshomaru x Reader
Andersen realises he is in love Alucard realises he is in love N.S.F.W. HCs - Alucard ***
Your Protector ~ Gloxinia x Reader
I’m Your Little Butterfly ~ Hanayama Kaoru x Reader Always By Your Side ~ Jack Hanma x Reader
Being in a relationship with Yujiro Hanma N.S.F.W. HCs - Yujiro Hanma *** S.F.W & N.S.F.W. HCs - Baki Hanma *** S.F.W. & N.S.F.W. HCs - Hanayama Kaoru ***
Headcanons N.S.F.W. Alphabet - Okubo Naoya *** Raian instantly falls in love with a girl at the tournament Being in a relationship with Wakatsuki Takeshi... Being in a relationship with Yoroizuka Saw Paing... Being in a relationship with Kure Raian... Being in a relationship with Tokuno’o Tokumichi... Being in a relationship with Kano Agito... Being in a relationship with Gaolang Wongsawat... Being in a relationship with Gaoh Ryuki... Being in a relationship with Narushima Koga... Being in a relationship with Hatsumi Sen
Heart Sutra ~ Buddha x Goddess! Reader My Most Cherished Friend - Lu Bu Fengxian x Reader My Reason For Smiling ~ Sasaki Kojiro x Reader You Are My Sunshine - Jack the Ripper/Jack Smith x Reader Goddess of the Luo River ~ Qin Shi Huang x Reader
Relationship Headcanons - Thor
One Shots
Ryou Bakura/Akefia x Reader/Ancestor 
How you met - Atem, Seto, Ryou/Yami Bakura, Akefia S/O warming up their hands in winter - Seto, Yugi, Jounouchi
Halloween - Ryou Bakura Relationship HCs - Pharaoh Atem Courting HCs - Seto Courting HCs - Ryou  Cute date - Yugi N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( A, F, J, K ) - Atem, Yugi *** You save them with CPR - Priest Seto, Pharaoh Atem, Priestess Isis
My JoJo Stand - Lilium
New Kids - Kakyoin Noriaki x Fem!Reader  Heal Me - Kujo Jotaro x Fem!Reader Memories - Bruno Buccellati x Fem!Reader Reader is de-aged by Alessi - Kakyoin Noriaki Save Me From Myself - Leone Abbacchio  Milkshake - Ghiaccio Kiss on the forehead + Milkshake + Pull to the chest - Giorno Giovanna My Strength - Risotto Nero God’s Snowdrop - Dio Brando (Non Vampire AU) Rose Pink - Giorno Giovanna ( Snow White x Vento Aureo crossover ) Platinum Cherry Blossom - Kujo Jotaro ( Mulan x SDC + Vento Aureo ) - Part 1 Platinum Cherry Blossom - Kujo Jotaro ( Mulan x SDC + Ventro Aureo ) - Part 2 Kiss It Better - Gyro Zeppeli x Reader Heartbreak, Jailbreak - Narciso Anasui ( Non-Pucci AU ) Beauty and The Brando - Dio Brando (1/2) Beauty and The Brando - Dio Brando (2/2)
When They Realise They Love You - Risotto, Bruno, Giorno, Abbacchio, Rohan, Kakyoin When They Meet Your Ex - Risotto, Bruno, Abbacchio, Jotaro When You Save Them - Risotto, Caesar, Abbacchio, Rohan
NSFW Alphabet - Joseph Joestar part 3 - S, T, A, R, K, O, M, V, Y *** Fem!Black!Punk!S/O x Leone Abbacchio  New Hairstyle - Fem!Black!Punk!S/O x Leone Abbacchio Bucci Gang with a Sweet, Affectionate S/O Josuke, Jotaro, Vampire!Dio with a Sweet, Affectionate S/O S/O starts to share similar habits - Kujo Jotaro, Dio Brando (Slight NSFW-ish) Dio standing up to his innocent S/O that gets taken advantage of *** Idol!S/O who gets their privacy invaded by a creep ~ Jotaro, Rohan, Narancia Gyro comforting a sad S/O
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                          DATING SIMS / PHONE GAMES
Mammon unrequited love (fluffy ending) Beelzebub x Reader who loves to cook Lucifer learning to play a game MC plays with Leviathan Where they take you on vacation - 7 Brothers + Diavolo FemDom reader - Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo *** FemDom reader - Beelzebub *** FemSub reader - Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beelzebub *** N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( A, H, I, M ) - Lucifer  *** FemSub reader - Belphie *** Relationship HCs - Asmo, Lucifer N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( B, O, Y ) - Lucifer, Satan *** 7 Brothers reaction seeing Fairy!S/O ‘s scars from getting their wings ripped. Seeing Fairy!S/O’s scars from getting their wings ripped - Diavolo, Simeon, Barbatos Comfort HCs - Asmodeus SFW & N.S.F.W. HCs Shy!S/O - Lucifer, Satan *** Going clothes-shopping with S/O - Lucifer, Mammon N.S.F.W. Beel with a Male!S/O who begs, whimpers and dirty talks a lot *** S/O blowing Levi while he’s playing video games *** Reassurance HCs for a chubby, insecure S/O - Asmodeus, Leviathan When You Become A Fallen - 7 Brothers x Fallen!Seraph!Reader When You Become A Fallen - Diavolo x Fallen!Seraph!Reader Demon Brothers + Diavolo Doing Dance Workouts With S/O Favourite Pizza Toppings - 7 Brothers Alternate Zodiac Signs - 7 Brothers Calm and collected S/O slaps a demon & defends Mammon - Lucifer They find out you were abused - Lucifer, Mammon, Satan They take you to the beach when you’re sad - Lucifer, Mammon, Satan, Asmo God allows Seraphim!Reader to date a demon - Satan S/O is emotionally exhausted - Diavolo, Beelzebub, Belphegor N.S.F.W. hcs with a shy, submissive fem!S/O - Diavolo, Solomon *** SFW Alphabet ( F, H, J ) - Leviathan N.S.F.W. Alphabet ( F, H, J ) - Leviathan *** Getting Comforted about your poor sibling relationship - Mammon  How they react when S/O gets talked over and ignored by their friends - Mammon, Satan, Barbatos, Solomon Mammon gets comforted by S/O
Satan cuddling cats x Reader Heaven’s Jewel - Diavolo x Seraph!Reader (Seraphine) Happy Birthday, Lucifer~! Eternal Love ~ Diavolo x Reader Spark, Ignite, Detonate, Explode ~ Mammon x Reader Guardian Angel ~ Lucifer x Reader Hold Me, I’m Soft ~ Mammon x Reader Take My Hand ~ Lucifer x Reader
Obey Me! Birthday Event! Obey Me! OC - Katrina Black Barbie/Disney Movies - Lucifer, Mammon, Satan, Beel (cursed post)
The CEO’s Little Kitten ~ Jumin Han x Reader Fluffy Kittens ~ Jumin Han x Katrina, Delilah <3 Elizabeth the 3rd  Fluffy Days ~ Jumin Han x Reader ( Ultra Fluff )
General N.S.F.W. HCs - Seven ***
Sheepless Sheep Girl ~ Yin Zhi x Reader Little Tinkerbell ~ Yin Zhi x Reader Your Saviour ~ Yin Zhen x Reader A Zhang Of Redness ~ Yin Zhen x Reader Hunting Trip ~ Fu Heng x Reader The Tigress of Wrath and the Golden Dragon ~ Yin Zhen x Reader My Little Physician Empress ~ Yin Zhen x Reader
They find out you want revenge on the Crown Prince - Fu Heng, Pan An, Yin Zhen General relationship HCs - Pan An
Shall We Date?  Otome games
My Neo Geisha ~ Kinshiro Toyama
Fawn Princess ~ Tokugawa Ieyasu x Reader
S/O Overworks Herself ~ Mitsuhide, Nobunaga, Masamune
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Long Stories Masterlist
Small disclaimer:
All these stories were originally posted on my AO3 account, AO3 ACCOUNT
All of them are Character x OC stories.
Pinky Promise - Cho Sangwoo Love Story ( Squid Game ) ~ Finished
Heaven's on Fire - Billy Hargrove Love Story (Stranger Things) ~ On Going
The Devil's Star - Kujo Jotaro Love Story (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders) ~ On Going
Ethereal Limerence - Sherlock Holmes (BBC Sherlock) ~ On Going
A Princess' Duty - Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter) ~ On Going 
The Yakuza and the Knight - Seiji Amanome (Spirit Hunter NG) ~ On Going
Purify Thy Soul - Mashita Satoru (Death Mark) ~ Finished
Ave Satanas, Ave Angelus - Michael Langdon (American Horror Story : Apocalypse) ~ On Going
Your Guardian Angel - Tokita Ohma Love Story ( Kengan Ashura ) ~ On Going
Deicide - Kratos Love Story ( God of War ) ~ On Going
The Kitsune's Spell - Diavolo (Obey me!) ~ On Going
Blood and Fire - Alucard (Hellsing) ~ On Going
Behind The Veil - Oda Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku) ~ On Going
The Story of Yi Min-Ji - Min U-Won (Rookie Historian Goo Hae-Ryung) ~ Finished
Demon Standards - Sebastian Michaelis (Kuroshitsuji) ~ On Going
Social Medias
Fake Instagrams - Hunger Games (Effie, Haymitch, Seneca, Foxface, Annie, Finnick) Fake Instagrams - BBC Sherlock (Sherlock, Moriarty, Irene, Molly, John) Whatsapp conversation - Bucky & S/O Fake Instagram post - Tony Stark & S/O Fake Snapchats - Charles Xavier & S/O
In Character Asks & Letters
Mail Jeevas ( Death Note ) Draco Malfoy ( Harry Potter ) Asmodeus ( Obey Me! ) John Watson ( BBC Sherlock )
Day 1 : Hand Holding - Uchiha Itachi Day 2 : Hugs - 2P!America/Allen Jones Day 3 : Kiss - Ezio Auditore Day 4 : Cuddles - Undertaker Day 5 : Caress - Malik Al’Sayf Day 6 : Comfort - 2P!Canada/James Williams Day 7 : Playing With Hair - Billy Hargrove Day 8 : Carrying/Holding - Kakuzu Day 9 : Flowers - Komaeda Nagito Day 10 : Date - Chisaki Kai Day 11 : I Love You - Dabi Day 12 : Fantasy/Video Game - Larry Johnson Day 13 : Pining - Sal Fisher Day 14 : Shy - Snake Day 15 : Passion - Jhin Day 16 : Wings - Hawks Day 17 : Fireworks - Gambit Day 18 : Whisper - Sherlock Holmes Day 19 : Jealous - Draco Malfoy Day 20 : Fingertips - Isaac ‘Zack’ Foster Day 21 : Dance - Kizami Yuuya Day 22 : Nicknames - Mitsuhide Akechi Day 23 : Confession - Satan Day 24 : Christmas Eve - Kaiba Seto Day 25 : Family - Aizawa Shouta Day 26 : Lap - Shigaraki Tomura Day 27 : Heartbeat - Shinogi Keiji Day 28 : Crush - Shinsou Hitoshi Day 29 : Gift - Tanaka Gundham Day 30 : Horse Riding - Philippe Duc d’Orléans Day 31 : Not Lonely Anymore - Obey Me! Brothers
           Me being an idiot and doing troll things
Obey Me (Un)periodically QuaranTEAne cursed post spill. - Barbies I look like Kakyoin Noriaki, but I can’t do the RERO no matter how much I try I killed Jotaro...Not really, but now...KONO DIO DA! La Squadra Esecuzioni-Trollioni-Mangiarioni
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