#manzana is there for some fucking reason
writingbrainrot · 5 months
Hey idk what dys causes this
But when i am learning languages
..... only the food words stick
..... what do?
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hijacking-hearts · 1 year
oye, me pareces un tío bastante guay
I don’t know what that means but thank you.
Anyways I’m to lazy to make a separate post to announce my return so this will do.
I have been incredibly busy both at home and at work these past couple of weeks however, I have finally managed to fix my work schedule and I am now more available during the afternoons so this is me just saying I’m gonna be more active in terms of actually posting, and not just reblogging, random shit I find fucking funny you know, so there’s that. Besides that I have some art for you lovelies that I have been drawing in my sketchbook, because for whatever reason digital art is just not clicking with me recently, so ya know.
Here we go:
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So the first image here is just a Quackity compilation, essentially because that’s all I could draw for this page.
The first drawing on the left side is based off of that AU were Quackity is like the son of the gods of Karmaland heavily inspired by all the art I would see of that AU on Twitter and Tumblr. The second drawing is of Quackity in Pandoras vault, just going absolutely fucking insane you know. The last picture is of Quackity in Karmaland when he and Father Alexby were going around just fucking shit up after Luzu “won” the elections. I got some close ups to for y’all as well.
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I had a lot of fun drawing these, especially the revolutionary Quackity because quite frankly it was just one of my favorite versions of him during Karmaland.
Next drawings:
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All right, so the drawing on the left is a Rubuis and his role on the QSMP as both the angel and a demon. Here he’s depicted as a mixture of the two personas he plays. The stained glass took a good second to draw, and I drew him with the quote “ Ven mi niño comete la manzana. Eat the apple my child.” This bitch took too fucking long.  in the drawing on the right is of Tommy, either sometime during or after exile, praying at prime church early in the morning. I hope I conveyed the pure exhaustion,and just sadness Tommy feels through this drawing.
I got close ups of these as well:
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I’ve also got a drawing of Technoblade on the same page. I just didn’t want to take a picture of the whole page so you’ll just get like a little close-up of him. 
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That’s actually the first time overdrawn Technoblade, so like thoughts? Opinions?
And now last, but not least the first, and only drawing I have so far of our beloved, Tilin who has, you know, unfortunately passed. This is like my version of them I drew inspiration from various fanarts of them, I didn’t want them to look too girlish or too boyish it’s just vaguely child like you know, they got a little tail and wings.
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So anyways, I hope you like these drawings. I should be more active in terms of actually posting.
Espero que les gustaron estos dibujitos que hice, estoy hasta la madre de mi trabajo me tienen hasta la chingada y simplemente quiero morir gracias. 
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puppet-does-things · 1 year
Cup parent doodles!
So the entire reason I made Cup parents in the first place was because my friend that's primarily on TikTok under @ oneeyedwarrior17 had made some a long time ago (Their names are Coco and Earl if you're curious, they're PEAK) and I ask her if she would be upset if I did the same thing
And she said "nah dawg, go for it". So then I did :D. I showed them to her and she was like "Coco and Manzana would totally be besties" and I said "fuck YEAH they would". Plus, Earl and Tecate communicating in different languages yet understanding each other perfectly was hilarious to me.
So, I doodled the four interacting and they came out great so I figured I'd share them :D
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Oh yeah, here are some doodles of Tecate and Manzana being cute
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klonoadreams · 2 years
Is Scarnoa an OC with a written fic or existing idea
Existing idea, still havent started the fic since I JUST finished Pokemon Scarlet today. I just spitballed more ideas today with friends, such as combining both versions so that the reason for different uniforms is just based on which dorm you're in (Uva or Naranja) and the actual school is MAYBE Manzana (based on an answer when you're asked which school you are attending during an exam, which is what I joked to be is the third version of the game).
Clavell also switches between uniforms constantly, so...YEAH.
Meanwhile Turo and Sada are both there as Arven's parents, so...make what you will of that. :V (IF YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW)
Other than that, instead of Scarnoa being that weird kid who PROBABLY fell through an ultra wormhole and got adopted/kidnapped by Koraidon, it's that weird homeless kid that the school faculty are kinda just keeping an eye on because they don't know what to do with them. LIKE...they can't just boot them out. And Koraidon refuses to part with her, so...I GUESS they'll enroll her into the Academy to keep a better eye on her.
Jacq is the one who hypothesizes that she might've come through an Ultra Wormhole since she's just so fucking WEIRD. But also her lack of an existence and the issues she has acclimating to her new environment. At the very least, she can speak their language, if rather messily and of a different dialect - he finds that out completely when she verbally tears him a new one when they see the chanclas he wears in a fucking lab, LIKE "PUT ON SOME FUCKING SHOES"
anyways idk when this fic is going up, but it's coming. I'm invested in these kids and their wacky school adventures with "HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW KIDS" Clive and skipping classes escapades. :V
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This is the punk, btw (made using this)
Literally has to get their ass dragged back to school in order to finish classes and also get shoved into their school uniform when doing such, because they fucking HATE the school uniform. So rip.
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angel-emmerson · 4 years
Unearned Chances | Self-Para
addiction mention tw / abortion mention tw
Ángel’s eyes barely left the sugar packet he was playing with in his hands. He shouldn’t have been there, shouldn’t have lied to his moms about where he was spending the day, he should have told someone. But as of late he didn’t want to tell anyone anything, not even Quinn which he knew was slightly dramatic. But he was starting to feel like the minute he let something out into the universe it stopped being his. So maybe he needed a break, from social media, from his day to day life, something if it meant finding some semblance of balance again. But this..this was different. It was slightly selfish, slightly reckless and slightly reasonable. It had been on his mind for months, the lack of closure still swirling around his mind and the look in the older man’s eyes when he left. 
So now he sat in a run down diner on the side of the highway, slightly sweating his ass off as he sat across from his father, a cold plate of fries in between them. 
He hated how much he looked like him, the shape of his nose, his hair, the way he looked when he enjoyed a bite of food. He felt like he was looking at an older version of himself and it was terrifying. He didn’t think he needed a father, didn’t think he needed a male figure like him. He had his uncles, his coaches who had stepped in as pseudo fathers, giving him a ride home, making sure he knew how to be a good man. But he knew it was different, knew that even the one’s who stuck around weren’t necessarily great. He never thought he needed him but looking at him now, he realized how many questions he had. 
“So uh, you...you still sick?”
Christian nodded as he set down his silverware and reached for his glass of water. “Part of getting older, you know? You get old, your bones ache, you get sick. Your mother, she worries too much an-”
“Don’t...” Ángel held up his hand with a sigh, “Don’t..look, I’m here but she’s not my mother, alright? I got two moms and their names are Jan and Dawn, let’s just get that straight.”
“Okay, okay don’t get all tight on me, alright? You get that from me, that temper of yours,” he told him, pointing at him with a fork before he sat back. “I see it, your eyes all crazy, I know you must be going through it if you reached out to me. I know it’s not just cause you wanted to wish me a happy father’s day.”
“Sure wasn’t. Don’t talk like you know me, alright? You don’t fucking know me,” Ángel grumbled as he sat up a bit. “Yeah I’m going through shit, if I was smart I would have stayed my ass home but look at me, one big dumbass sitting here with you. Not like I didn’t know I could blame all this anger on your anyway. You and your wife did a fucking number on me, you know that? Selfish shit, real selfish shit. You gonna explain that all away to me? Tell me how you had a tough life and shit?”
Christian’s grip around his fork tightened and Ángel saw that familiar look of rage in his eyes, hating how much he recognized it. “You always talk this much shit or do I get special treatment? Marissa says you’re all over social media looking happy and enjoying life. What happened? Some mujer broke your heart or something?” He pushed some food around his plate before sighing. “Your mother and I were addicts,” he said plainly as he glanced up at Ángel. “We were...surprised when she got pregnant. We were..so sure we could get it together but we couldn’t. I wanted her to get an abortion, she was going to and then she got to there and changed her mind, you know, it wasn’t so easy to get them back then. So we saw it through and we...we tried, we tried hard and when we had you, we were sober but then..” he looked away, clearly ashamed but Ángel found it hard to have pity. “You want the truth? We were high out of our minds when we gave you up. It was stupid and dangerous and we drove away fucking stupid. I know it was stupid but after that, things changed, we became depressed, angry and we realized we had no choice when a year letter we got pregnant with Adolfo. I know..I know we weren’t good people but we have...tried our hardest to make up for that time, okay? And we..we thought about looking for you, we did but it was..”
“What? Too hard? Fuck, you want me to sit here and have pity at what you just told me? Cause all I got from that is I was a fucking mistake. And you decided not to look for me, you decided that I didn’t get to know the good version of you so why should I now? I’m supposed to care that you’re gonna die?” Ángel ran his hands over his face and shook his head, letting out a bitter laugh. “Legit no part of that story made anything better, yo. It made it worse. Like way worse. And look I have plenty of people in my life who have struggled with addiction, I get it, alright? Life’s tough, real tough but you know what you should have done instead? Been less selfish and aborted my ass,” he practically spat at him, swallowing back the rest of the words as he heard his own echo back to him. His gaze dropped back to the sugar packet in his hands and he noticed he had finally ripped a piece, hesitating before he swept the leftover sugar onto the floor. 
It was quiet for a few moments as both of them let their anger settle, both of them cycling through different thoughts and emotions, not quite sure which one to land on. 
“No puedo cambiar el pasado,” Christian started, forcing himself to look at his son, a stranger who’s eyes he had been the first to look into. How could it be that the tiny baby in his arm had become this grown man? How could it be that even without him he had still become full of rage? “Pero quiero cambiar el presente. Por favor, Ángel. Dame esa oportunidad. I know I don’t deserve it, okay? I know, but I am here at your mercy. You called, remember? Me llamaste.”
Ángel swallowed thickly as he thought about his words. He thought about all the chances he had given to the people in his life, the way he loved Quinn almost to a fault, the way the people in his life with addictions had drained so many moments from him. He thought about his recent fight and how that had been fueled by someone’s addiction and how his entire life seemed to be consumed by addiction. His very life had been a creation of it and he wasn’t sure he had it in him. He was quiet as he sat there, one of his legs bouncing as he closed his eyes and a few tears slipped out. He was so angry, he was so tired, he was so lost. The tears kept streaming and every time he thought he knew what he was going to say, he lost it all over again. Before he knew it, he heard Christian getting up from his seat, pulling him up from his own in order to embrace him in a hug. He froze at first, until he remembered they were in the middle of nowhere and he hugged him back, practically falling apart against him. 
Christian felt like he was dreaming and he held his son the way he had hoped to for all those years, the ways he had dreamed of when his wife told him to stop thinking about it, to stop feeling guilty every year May 30th passed, every time hef ound himself looking back on his life and realizing that he was never proud of any of it after that moment. He didn’t think he was a bad man but he didn’t think he was a good one and the man in his arms now, angry and damaged and sad, was proof that he had always been to blame, that he had done this no matter how much he tried to deny it. 
After what felt like far too long, they finally pulled apart and Ángel was quick in wiping at his face, stepping back out of embarrassment as he pulled his wallet from his back pocket and dropped some money down to pay for the food. He was quiet as they walked out and he slid on his sunglasses, unlocking the car so Christian could get back in and he could drop him off a block away from where he lived just like he had picked him up. He was still quiet as he helped him into the passenger seat, trying to imagine what he must have been like at a younger age, wondering what had led him to be an addict, what had happened with his father to turn him into who he was. He hated that he had so many questions, which meant he wouldn’t stop until he asked them. 
“My high school diploma and my college degree have your name on it. Ángel Christian, I never changed it, mostly cause I didn’t know it was your name.” He turned the volume as his music came on and Christian reached out to turn it up. 
“What do you know about Jon Secada, huh? Now that man can sing and this is a jam,” he concluded, staring out the window as he sang along to the song blasting on the radio. 
Ángel caught glimpses of him as he drove, watching him lose himself in the song, taking in just how..ordinary he was, how human and he almost resented the way it twisted the anger in him and turned it into a tiny ounce of compassion. Could he be blamed for wanting to get to know his dying father? 
He eased into the parking spot he had picked the older man up in and parked the car, thinking about how different things had been the last time he was there. Christian hesitated as the car went into park and he realized this was just another secret he’d have to keep, but it seemed a bit easier when it came with the chance to atone for his greatest sin. 
“Will I get to see you again?”
Ángel opened his mouth to speak but stopped himself soon after, clearing his throat before he nodded softly. “I-I got more questions so uh, yeah..yeah I’ll call you, alright?”
He didn’t miss the small smile that grew on Christian’s face as he got out of the car to help him out, making sure he was settled on his feet with his cane before he shut the passenger door. “Tómalo con calma caminando por la manzana, viejo.”
Christian let out a laugh as he gave Ángel’s shoulder a squeeze. “Me encanta escucharte hablar español.” 
Ángel actually managed a slight bit of a smile as he looked at him but shook it off and went back around to get in his truck. He gave the older man one more wave before he watched him start on down the block and he waited until he was mostly there before he pulled away. Maybe he had made a mistake by reaching out but the further away he drove, the more he found himself wishing he had done it sooner. 
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bubblline · 7 years
so i've recently gotten into haikyuu and your art is so amazing and i 100% ship kuroken because of it. like wow, you really capture their subtle feelings really well. i was wondering if you had any fic recs though? you've dragged me into this hell, please take responsibility.
thank you so much for your kind words Q-Q, I often feel like my art is not enough? like not expressive enough, or just not nice to look at so that means a lot me
okay I’ve read TONS of excellent kuroken in my days and here are some of my favorites. Also be aware that most of these are longer because I love slowburn and you can’t just have that in 3k words but there are some shorter oneshots around too.
The links are under the cut because I have no chill and there are SO MANY
Let’s start with a Classic: How Kuroo found Kenma by @suggestivescribe.It’s a really funny and cute college-get-together-fic in which Kuroo suddenly realizes he’s been in love with Kenma FOREVER and chaos ensues. Oikawa is also Kuroo’s other best friend in this and idk about you but I love me some Oikuroo friendship. This fic is sort of a prequel to another of Scribe’s iwaoi fics, which is also amazing and Kuroo and Kenma do appear from time to time: Conquering the Great King (but be warned that fic has A LOT of smut)
The first multi-chapter story I read with them isSeasons of Love by @nimbus-cloudThis is set after the current events of canon, Kenma is a third year and Kuroo is off to college, they have to figure out how to deal with a long-distance relationship. It’s very well written and a very sweet discovery of what it means to grow up.(There’s a second part too!!)
And from here on out the fics I’m listing aren’t in any particular order
Chamomile and Carnivorous Plants by @ellessey-writes (M) 10k‘There was no great defining moment, no point in time Kenma can look to and say, That’s what did it. That’s when I fell for Kuroo. He just did somehow.And it’s the worst. For so many reasons.’–Kenma needs to admit a few things to himself, and to Kuroo.and the second part Come a little bit closer (E) 13k
this is seriously DELIGHTFUL I love Kenma coming to terms with his feelings and his futile attempts to not be in love
Dream  Catcher by @shions-heart​ (T) 16,9kTetsurou is an Akumu no Seishin, a Nightmare Spirit. His kind absorb the nightmares of humans, allowing them peaceful sleep. Although Tetsurou has existed for centuries, he’s never truly felt alive.Not until he comes across the first human to ever see him.
really really cool world-building, I also imagined this Kuroo a lot like Howl in his raven form. And I think it’s obvious that I love Sy with all the other fics in this rec…….. 
Thieves in the Night by skittidyne (M) 15,7k“Oh.” The man blinks a couple times, surprised, and looks around at the mess again. “…You live like this?” The amount of raw sympathy in his voice is, frankly, insulting. “Why are you in my bedroom in the middle of the night?”“Oh, I was going to rob you,” the man replies easily. He winces at the mess around him once more. “I, uh, kind of thought you were already hit, and I didn’t want to make things worse for you, y’know?”“Get out.”(( or: kenma gets visited by a stupidly considerate thief, who won’t stop visiting him )).
I’ve laughed so much while reading this it’s 1000% RIDICULOUS but at the same time very sweet and funny. Seeing Kuroo as a catburglar has to be one of the funniest images ever.
Being Human: Origins by @shions-heart (M) 41,7kKuroo Tetsurou is a witch’s apprentice living above The Black Cat, a magic supply store where he also works. When his master leaves him for an assignment in China, and his best friends Oikawa Tooru and Iwaizumi Hajime abandon him for a working vacation on the beach, Kuroo commits the taboo and summons a demon to help him in the shop and help drive back the loneliness that lingers in the shadows.
Only the demon he summons isn’t the type of demon he expects, and he finds himself stuck with it with no idea of how to return it to where it belongs.
I love this universe with its urban magic and Kuroo is just the sweetest in this? He just wants some peace to study?? but boy does he get more than he signed up for
An Ode by manzana (G) 1,7kkenma unironically loves kuroo’s laugh – gross and loud and embarrassing and all.
pure sweetness, I love reading Kenma’s POV and see how he just genuinely loves Kuroo
Step by Step by @dgalerab (M) 14,7kEveryone might think that Kenma is the one that is always following Kuroo, but it’s Kuroo that’s been trying to slip his life into Kenma’s since he can remember. He might get a little scared by the idea of going off to college without Kenma. Kenma handles it.
I love the hc that Kuroo just decided to be Kenma’s friend and then stuck with him, they balance each other so well and I think that comes out in this story
The Start of Something New by @shions-heart​ (T) 5kBefore Kuroo leaves for university, he realizes this may be his last chance to confess his feelings to his best friend, Kenma.Despite his resolve, actually getting the words out proves to be … difficult.
This was my birthday gift this year and I love it to bits, it’s very very cute and Kuroo my love is just so dense it’s glorious.
Common side effects by @notallballs (M) 38k (not complete)Kuroo Tetsurou is pushing thirty, recently single, and just moved back in with his mother. Struggling to reconnect with old friends, losing touch with his goals, Kuroo feels like his life is slipping backward, and he doesn’t know how to fix it.
A chance encounter with an old friend might just be the sign he’s been waiting for, if he’s smart enough to make the most of it.
This story is slightly different from what I usually read because it starts off rather dark, Kuroo got dumped, hasn’t seen Kenma in ages and is generally in a bad place mentally but it’s so great to see him slowly pulling through all of that and rekindling his friendship with Kenma. Another bonus is Kuroo’s mom in this story, she’s AMAZING. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
How to Save a Life by @shions-heart (M) 18,4kKuroo Tetsurou’s parents are killed by vampires when he is eight years old. Twelve years later, consumed by rage and hatred for the vampire kind, the hunter still searches for the coven that killed them, vowing justice (or revenge).Kozume Kenma thinks he’d rather die than live as a vampire, but when the newly turned nineteen-year-old’s path crosses Kuroo’s, the hunter spares his life in exchange for his assistance in avenging the hunter’s parents’ death.Tension is a string pulled taut between them, and sooner or later something will snap.
Another thing written for me BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH OKAY IT HAS VAMPIRES AND ENEMIES TO FRIENDS TO LOVERS. Kuroo is also a lot harsher and meaner than what we usually see of him but that only makes it so much more satifying to read when he finally wakes up.
Teach me the way home by @icespyders (T) 22kDon’t go far off, not even for a day, because —because — I don’t know how to say it: a day is longand I will be waiting for you, as in an empty stationwhen the trains are parked off somewhere else, asleep.Kuroo and Kenma grow up in transit.
This fic is ethereal, it definitely succeedes in conveying this sort of restlessness that trains have for me, it’s very episodic and I love that about it because it still manages to tell a coherent story and to be a sort of character study. I really really love it.
Best Friends by @mysecretfanmoments​ (E) 6,3kEvery evening they walk home together, Kuro smelling of salt and suntan lotion, Kenma’s hands sore from scooping ice cream all day, and it feels nice. Peaceful.He’s glad Kuro came, after all.((During the two weeks he spends manning his uncle’s ice cream booth on the coast, Kenma decides that maybe he likes his best friend back, after all))
Reading this fic feels a lot like hanging out outside in summer, just enjoying the warmth and comfort of the familiar. I can’t tell you how often I read this fic, dozen of times probably. It just captures their relationship really well I think, I also love the setting around the beach a lot
national hot dad alliance is now calling… by @dicaeopolis and @owlinaminor (T) 58,2kSawamura Daichi: What the fuck.
(Or, the captains’ squad interactions that definitely happen outside of canon, presented in Skype chat form.)This isn’t focused on krkn but it’s hilarious and it definitely made me cry too, it’s mainly in chat format but there are a couple of ‘novel style’ scenes as well, I would say this is also a bit of a character study, the authors managed to tell each of the captain’s stories with so much humor and wit but also seriousness when it was needed
Those are not all the kuroken fics I’ve read of course and I couldn’t list every single one i like but I have an ao3 where i save my bookmarks and add new ones when I stumble over anything good
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ghostlymuffinn · 7 years
™ butters
Send ™ and my muse will do a poor imitation of yours.
Craig took a deep breathe and started to sing “loo loo I have some apple loo loo you have some too.. Oh jeeze.. Well hey there little buddy my name is butters, and no body likes me, I let others manipulate me specially Cartman, because I don’t know how to defend myself, my parents grounds me out of no reason. I believe every single word Cartman says because I’m fucking retared...”
Craig tomo un gran respiro y empezo a cantar “loo loo tengo manzanas loo loo tu tambien tienes... oh vaya.. Bueno que tal pequeño amigo, mi nombre es mantequilla, nadie me quiere, una vez pensaron que era mexicano y termine trabajando en el pollo loco con mis otros amigos, dejo que otros me manipulen especialmente por Cartman, No me se defender, mis papas me castigan si razon aparente y despues de todo soy muy tonto para creerme las palabras del gordo de Cartman.”
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