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Home Theatre : Season 1 to 4 — Valentin Vie Binet, Romy Texier, Célia Boulesteix and Thomas Santos at the Pavillon d’Angiviller, Manufacture des Gobelins, Paris October 2019 - October 2020 @valentinviebinet @romedigitydog @celiaboulesteix @santos_stylisme Photographed by Valentin Vie Binet #hometheatre #ValentinVieBinet #RomyTexier #CéliaBoulesteix #ThomasSantos #PavillonAngiviller #ManufacturedesGobelins #Paris #parisexhibitions #groupshow #groupexhibition #contemporaryart #contemporarydecor #decor #home #art #sculpture #ofluxo #ofluxoplatform @ofluxoplatform (em Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIlKSJ_lQF1/?igshid=15fek89j3umnt
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Sacha Morzy Solo exhibition Ancien Atelier Charles Le Brun Manufacture des Gobelins #sachamorzy #exhibition #soloshow #art #contemporaryart #charleslebrun #manufacturedesgobelins #plexiglass #engraving #videoart #drawing #drawing #art #photography #sculpture #candle #painting #acrylicpainting #street #people #paris13 #olympiades #paris #sachamorzy (à Manufacture Des Gobelins - Mobilier National) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByPOX6GIATL/?igshid=192vfcrrbo1me
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Palais disparus de Napoleon : #manufacturedesgobelins #mobiliernational #palaisdisparusdenapoleon #napoleon #josephine #meubles #chandelier #fauteuils (à Manufacture des Gobelins) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ7o1QYrJTl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Assim como para mim, colírio para os olhos apaixonados por Gobelins... Obras assim chamadas em homenagem a Jean e Philibert Gobelin, tintureiros do século XV, cujas oficinas ficavam nas cercanias de Paris. Algumas das Tapeçarias de Gobelins, feitas no século XVII, retrataram o Brasil Colonial, com fauna e flora. #gobelins #paris #tapisserie #xviii #lesgobelins #manufacturedesgobelins (em Janaina Pasinato #Arquitetura)
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Rio Mini Bag - safari ゴブラン織りで様々な動物が表現された"safari"。 大きな柄の生地を裁断して使うため、豹、シマウマ、キリン、ライオンなどどの動物がどこのパネルに来るかはモノによって変わります。 補強部分は革にしか見えない上質な人工皮革を使用。 工場には革を提案されたけど、アニマルフリーにしたかったので。 革を使うってことは生き物殺してるってことなので、この柄作るのにそれはないでしょう? 男のストリートスタイルから女子のキレイなワンピースまで、どんな服装にも合わせられます。 Can you feel Savanna. #flatlux #minibag #ミニバッグ #ゴブラン織り #manufacturedesgobelins #riominibag https://www.instagram.com/p/CBlJgWflRKB/?igshid=1m8cudy50kojz
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Beautiful #Brussels Period #Antique #Mythological #Tapestry from the #17thcentury, woven in the workshop of Jan Leyniers, after cartoons by Charles Le Brun. The tapestry depicts the Story of Meleager and Atalanta with the head of Boar of Calydon, after slaying the beast and stopping it's devastation of the land. Enclosed within an elaborate border of flowers, hunting trophies and a boar's head. Item # 27469 available on our #1stdibs store. Click on the link below! https://www.1stdibs.com/furniture/wall-decorations/tapestry/antique-17th-century-brussels-mythological-boars-head-tapestry-jan-leyniers/id-f_1952882/ #charleslebrun #janleyniers #tapisserie #manufacturedesgobelins #textile #vintage #decor #design #interiors #wallhangingdecor #design #designer #homedecor #homedesign #castledecor #mansiondesign #mansiondecor #interiodecor #interiordesign #traditionaldecor #traditionaldesign #europeantapestry #luxurytextiles #nyc #PGNY https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Ox2h0Hu1y/?igshid=1rjj4u13rhflg
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#Manufacturedesgobelins #gobelins #sunking #carpet #colbert #louisxiv #savoirfairefrancais #lieuxculturels #charleslebrun #mobiliernational #paris #instayorgos #creerpourlouisxiv #chapelledesgobelins #artsdecoratifs #1970s #Dali #Tapestry #VintageTapestry #ArtTapestry #Picasso #FrancisBacon #LouiseBourgeois #GiorgioDiChirico #MarcelDuchamp #MaxErnst #ManRay #ReneMagritte #JoanMiro #Calder (à Manufacture Des Gobelins - Mobilier National) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2iSCH8orVV/?igshid=1r36wyycwgy19
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Manufacture des Gobelins... #Manoir #WeekEnd #DomaineDeVieuxMoulin #ManufactureDesGobelins #Campagne #Foret #Escapade #Soleil #Nature #Oise #Compiegne #OfficineFlorale #ArtisanFleuriste #MonMetierMaPassion (à Forêt Domaniale De Compiegne)
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Louis-Philippe, roi de France, tapisserie des Gobelins de 2m80, expo @eveildunenation, Le Bardo, Tunis, Tunisie. #leveildunenation #eveildunenation #lebardo #palaisqsarsaid #qsarsaid #tunez #tunisia #tunisie #NorthAfrica #Twitter #gobelins #manufacturedesgobelins #lesbeysdetunis (à Exposition L'éveil D'une Nation Palais Ksar Said)
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Sacha Morzy Solo exhibition Ancien Atelier Charles Le Brun Manufacture des Gobelins #sachamorzy #exhibition #soloshow #art #contemporaryart #charleslebrun #manufacturedesgobelins #plexiglass #engraving #videoart #drawing #drawing #art #photography #sculpture #candle #painting #acrylicpainting #street #tramway #cars #sink #poland #slovakia #poznan #zilina #paris #sachamorzy (à Manufacture Des Gobelins - Mobilier National) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByPN4yEIDbl/?igshid=5mz5r22xh6u7
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Palais disparus de Napoleon. Canape, fauteuils Jacob Frères, Robert Lefevre : Charles Percier, Bonapartedistribuant des sabres d’honneur aux granadiers apres la bataille de Marengo, #manufacturedesgobelins #mobiliernational #palaisdisparusdenapoleon #napoleon #jacobfreres #robertlefevre #charlespercier #bonaparte #grenadiers #marengo #tapisseries #instapic #photooftheday #parismaville (à Manufacture des Gobelins) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ4An-grhxQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Sacha Morzy Solo exhibition Ancien Atelier Charles Le Brun Manufacture des Gobelins #sachamorzy #exhibition #soloshow #art #artexhibition #contemporaryart #charleslebrun #manufacturedesgobelins #plexiglass #engraving #videoart art #photography #sculpture #candle #blackandwhite #sachamorzy (à Manufacture Des Gobelins - Mobilier National) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByW_a7toEA0/?igshid=29872kph9gy2
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Sacha Morzy Solo exhibition Ancien Atelier Charles Le Brun Manufacture des Gobelins #sachamorzy #exhibition #soloshow #art #artexhibition #contemporaryart #charleslebrun #manufacturedesgobelins #plexiglass #engraving #videoart art #photography #sculpture #candle #blackandwhite #sachamorzy (à Manufacture Des Gobelins - Mobilier National) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByW_Tl9oyYU/?igshid=2m8n59f579iu
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