#mantra SHAM
sapan-ray · 1 year
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0 notes
penkura · 4 months
last forever [8/13]
Summary: Zoro only offered to marry you to keep you out of an arranged marriage with a man much older than you. You agreed with the caveat of ending it via annulment once you received word from your parents regarding the original engagement, despite your growing feelings for your close friend.
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!reader, mentioned Sanami later (like epilogue later so chill)
Warnings: Marriage of Convenience, Fake Marriage, referenced sex (waaaaaay later on), mutual pining, Zoro is bad at feelings but what's new there, eventual romance I promise, mention of past attempted assault (I'll warn in that chapter), creepy older dude later on
Note: This is my personal favorite chapter I've written. That's all I have to say lol.
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4] ● [Ch. 5] ● [Ch. 6] ● [Ch. 7]
“Hey, Sanji. Do me a favor.”
Sanji's nearly unconscious as Zoro speaks to him, his favor loud and clear before the blond passes out, leaving the swordsman to face Bartholomew Kuma alone.
You thought Zoro was going to die, you had convinced yourself he wasn't going to wake up. You'd stayed by his side, praying, ever since Sanji and Chopper brought Zoro back into Moria's mansion to treat his wounds and let him rest. Sanji won't tell you a word of what happened, no matter how much you beg him to.
“Mosshe– Zoro wouldn't want you to know. I doubt he wants anyone to know. Least of all you and Luffy.”
Whatever Sanji meant, you don't know, and right now you don't even care about what had Zoro knocked out the last little while.
Finally he was awake, it felt longer than it really was, three (agonizing) days, he had freakish healing like Luffy did, of course. But seeing he's awake, you can't help it, you throw yourself at him saying his name over and over like a mantra as you cry. Of course it freaks him out a bit, once he bites back a heavy groan from the pain you've just inflicted on him with your tight hug, it takes Zoro a moment to register you hugging him before he's able to do anything about it.
And he returns your hug slightly. Loosely wrapping his arms around you, one around your shoulders, the other barely touching your waist, an attempt at comforting you while you cry.
Damn it, he's tried so hard to push your feelings away, get you to stop looking at him like he was your world, but now Zoro realizes he's only stoked the flames by doing so, only made your feelings stronger without meaning to.
But, maybe he doesn't mind. He'd seek you out each morning, mostly asking if you'd gotten anything from your parents about your little sham marriage, but he'd also ask you to train with him if you weren't busy, and even be the one to go into town with you whenever the Sunny docked for a day or two. You never asked, you just knew he was coming with you so you waited for him, waited until he was by your side and then you'd smile and lead Zoro into the town to shop for whatever your heart desired (and your wallet could afford). In the time he'd started doing that, Zoro noticed different things about you.
The way you laughed with store clerks as they told you about an item you were looking at, your eyes would sparkle with every new find, how you'd hold onto his wrist to make sure he didn't get lost, you staying beside him when he'd nap on Sunny, you making sure he had enough water during his workouts.
How you'll help anyone on the ship with anything they need. You'll bring Nami the supplies she needs to make maps, help Usopp and Luffy fish for dinner, wash the dishes after dinner despite Sanji telling you he'd do it. You've been learning from Chopper how to treat wounds, you'll sit with Robin and listen to her tell you about history, you've even started helping Franky with his projects and helping to perform maintenance on Sunny if needed.
Then with him. With Zoro you're content to sit quietly while he naps, or watch him while he trains, never expecting a conversation. You willingly bring him whatever he needs, whether it's water or sake, you fix his shirts if they get torn, you even stay up when he has night watch and share drinks with him. He never thought someone would want to spend all their time with him or that he'd accept someone being so close to him, what had changed that made him actually want company during times he'd normally want to rest and be alone?
You. Damn, it was you.
You whose inner demons would infiltrate your dreams, causing you to slip into his bed for comfort, stability, as he slept soundly which gave you peace to do the same, a silent promise after the first time of yes, I’ll keep you safe. You who he had saved from drowning more times than Luffy and Chopper combined. You who made him feel like he was on fire with the slightest touch, even a brush of your fingers against his at dinner. You who had stitched him up multiple times, the first one turning into a jagged scar that if asked he'd say was his favorite. You who cared enough to stay sober in bars to drag him back to the hotel or the ship when you knew he needed to stop and rest.
You who would tell him every detail about the books you were reading, the ones you'd purchased or borrowed from Robin. The one time you told him the main love interest of a romance novel reminded you of him, making his face burn red out of embarrassment before he told you not to say such things, especially in front of the others (mostly Sanji).
Even after telling you in Alabasta that nothing was going to happen, you two weren't going to become a couple, he wasn't here to play romance with you or anyone else. Even after all that, you still stuck to his side almost like glue and didn't let it change anything.
Even with your argument after Robin joined, nothing much changed between the two of you. If anything, Zoro felt more drawn to you than anything or anyone else. He wanted to spend more time with just you and him. What a change from just a few months ago, he just realized.
Even once you kissed him and he returned it in Water Seven, you attempted to apologize soon after, before he stopped you. There had been nothing to apologize for, not from you anyway. If he'd thought about it at the time, Zoro would have apologized for not giving you a proper response then. For making you go to bed alone that night.
Damn it all.
What has happened to him? Ever since your sham marriage began something has been creeping into his mind every time he looks at you and remembers "Oh yeah I'm married to her" that makes him want to pull you away from everyone and damn it, he wants to kiss you again. There's another feeling of wanting, needing to protect you, despite how strong you are in your own right. Everything about this is weird, yet somehow comforting as well. Who put this spell on him, who made him have feelings like this? Are you secretly a witch on top of a swordswoman?
Zoro breaks out of his thoughts when you speak his name again, this time as a question, your voice shaking as you hold him tighter, trying your best not to hurt him again.
"I…” your voice shakes again, and you hide your face in the crook of his neck, briefly wondering if this was the smart thing to do, before the words fall out of your mouth, “I love you…"
He pulls you closer, just a bit, your whispered confession only loud enough for him to hear. He doesn't have a response, not right now, but you're fine with that. You'd accepted long ago he may never love you back, but you had to tell him. He had to know.
After nearly losing him, you had to get these feelings out.
So when he ever so quietly thanks you, pressing the softest kiss to your temple, it makes you cry even more. You feel there's a chance, however small it may be, that Roronoa Zoro may come to have feelings for you one day.
Chopper returns a moment later, not wanting to pull you two apart, but he's so happy to see Zoro's alive and awake that even he cries a little, before checking the swordsman's wounds as you release yourself from him, Zoro allowing you to continue holding his hand for comfort.
Not only for you, but for him as well.
“I probably won't make it out of this…so take care of her for me, got it?”
"I told Zoro I love him."
It becomes so quiet you can hear a pin drop after that. Nami had asked why you were so spaced out that day, she and Robin now both so surprised at your confession. Nami's jaw drops and Robin has a small smile, before they look at each other with one thought in mind.
Impromptu girl's night.
"I'm getting extra blankets and pillows!"
"I'll ask Sanji for some wine and snacks."
Once everything is together and all the pillows and blankets are spread on the floor, you have glasses of wine and small snacks, Nami demands to hear every detail and you tell her and Robin everything about your love confession.
"He…he thanked me and kissed me–"
"On the lips again?!"
You laugh and shake your head, taking a small sip of your wine. "No, just on my temple this time."
Nami squeaks a bit, Robin laughing lightly at her reaction and the longing look on your face. As soon as she joined she'd seen the love you held for Zoro on your face, anytime you spoke of him or someone else did, your eyes would light up and your cheeks would burn pink.
You were deeply in love with him, even though he showed no romantic feelings for you. Robin had given you a romance novel once specifically due to the fact the love interest even reminded her of Zoro, which you quickly agreed with and finished the book in nearly three days which surprised her.
Nami, knowing you and Zoro were married, wanted you two together from the start. Every time you told her something that made you fall more and more in love with him, she'd giggle alongside you which always got a strange look from Usopp and Luffy, who thought you were both insane. She'd push you two together so often, that when Zoro started following you off the ship she thought it was a good sign, since she didn't have to bribe him with reducing his debt or anything. He just went on his own.
"That's such a great sign!" Nami throws her arms around you in a hug, making you laugh while Robin nods. "He's starting to fall for you! Finally!"
"I wouldn't go that far, Nami."
"I would! After all these months, you guys could be a real couple!"
"Nami, let's calm down a bit," Robin smiles and puts a hand on your shoulder, "She and Zoro will need to talk things out eventually, but let's see if anything changes since she's confessed her love to him."
Sighing loudly, Nami nods but still holds onto you, seeing a strange look on your face. She's not sure if it's one of concern or what, but it makes her hug you a little tighter.
"I'm sure he loves you, maybe deep down right now, but, he's gonna tell you one day."
You smile a bit with a slight nod, hugging Nami back. You believe her, you really do. Even if it takes a while for Zoro to say anything back to you, it doesn't matter. You'll wait as long as it takes and not give up.
For Zoro, you'll wait a lifetime.
You're crawling into Zoro's bed a few nights later. Your nightmares had turned from your neglectful parents to losing him at Thriller Bark, waking you with tears and sobs that Robin tried to help you through, calming you down enough for you to tell her you were going to slip into his bed like you'd done every time before. She simply nodded and let you go, promising to tell Nami nothing about it, you didn't want her worrying.
Zoro's fast asleep, as always, as you quietly sneak into the boy's bunks and step over Luffy who had fallen out of his hammock. You hear him mumble something about meat in his sleep while Usopp snores and Chopper sleeps happily beside him, but you pay no mind to it. You feel lucky Franky's in his workshop, Sanji's still busy in the kitchen, and Brook is out on the deck playing his violin. None of them should cause you any problems this time, but does it matter if they do?
Your thoughts are entirely on Zoro and making sure he's okay. He's still injured, but you have to be certain nothing is wrong.
You quickly and quietly slip into his hammock once you reach it, wrapping your arms around him and burying your face in his back, hearing a slight groan from him due to his wounds still not being fully healed. You feel bad waking him, even as he turns around and throws one of his arms over you, looking at you as if asking what was wrong, even though he thought he knew. It's been a while since you've last done this, your nightmare must have been particularly awful for you to return to this habit he'd thought you'd stopped.
"You okay?" His brows are furrowed while he wipes a few of your tears away. He's never seen you this upset after a nightmare before.
You try to speak but all that comes out is a whimper and a quiet sob, making you grip his shirt tighter as you shake your head. You can't tell him, you can't get the words out that it was a nightmare about him dying after he’s told you numerous times he wasn’t dying until he became the world’s greatest swordsman. He came so close to death at Thriller Bark that you were just terrified deep down about it becoming reality.
Instead of inquiring further, Zoro just nods, pulling you closer in an effort to calm you down.
"You're safe here. Nothing's gonna get you while I'm around."
You feel the quickest of kisses on your forehead before Zoro tucks your head under his chin, closing his eyes to sleep again, and it's all so strange to you. You've not had time to sit and talk since you told him you love him, but he's treated you slightly differently lately. Still going into town with you, training with you, but now sitting beside you at every meal which pissed off Sanji at times, purposefully leaning against you while he napped as you read a book.
He let you hold his hand the other day in town, even stopping at a small café with you for lunch and refusing to let you pay for your own meal despite his own money problems.
Zoro may not be in love with you yet, but you can tell he definitely cares for you in how he treats you. He saw through your façade of acting like all was well while you were still nursing the pain from your parents treating you like property and trying to sell you off to someone nearly twice your age just for money, the pain your brother tried his hardest to lighten before he helped you run away. He'd noticed from the moment he met you that there was something you were keeping from him and when he got it out of you one night, he said he'd keep you from having to go back. That was why he married you, you had more to give and do than be someone's third bride, he'd help you achieve it himself.
"Thank you, Zoro."
He's still awake, but once you finally fall asleep, he opens his eyes and watches you, finally peaceful. He feels bad he doesn't have a true response to you yet, he’s still working things out in his own mind and heart. Telling you once before that he held no romantic feelings for you, but now realizing that his thoughts have changed, it’s hard to work through that without letting anyone know. He doesn't want to get your hopes up just to tell you he doesn't feel the same in the end.
But, Zoro thinks that maybe, maybe staying married to you won't be so bad. Maybe, once he works out his feelings, he'll try to properly court you, give you a relationship you deserve, he'll protect you from anything and anyone else.
And then, one day, you could revisit this being a married couple thing, maybe actually live as husband and wife.
There's a slight bit of teasing the next morning from Franky. He'd finally gone to bed at one point and was surprised you had snuck into Zoro's hammock, the swordsman having an arm around you as you both slept. Granted he's seen how close you two are, especially after the fiasco of Thriller Bark, but didn't think you were that close.
He's also surprised by none of the others, apart from Brook, saying anything about it either. Was this normal for the two of you, to share a bed like that? If it was, why didn't Zoro just join you in the women's bunks? Surely your bed was more comfortable than his hammock.
Your face feels like it’s burning all through breakfast, the same as when Sanji first caught you in Zoro's hammock and made a fuss about it. Zoro just sets a glare at Franky anytime he says something about you two getting cozy with a grin that tells him your shipwright is getting the wrong idea. You two hadn't done anything, you slept like the other times, there's no reason for this teasing.
Zoro eventually has enough and slams his hand on the table, frightening most of your crewmates, standing up and continuing to glare at Franky.
"Would you just shut up about it? She had a nightmare and came to me for help, that's all. Come on, let's go."
Luckily you're done with breakfast when Zoro tells you to go with him, nodding and doing so as you hear Sanji and Nami reprimand Franky, who's now wondering why Zoro, of all people, got so angry about a little bit of teasing.
"I don't get what the big deal is," Franky leans back in his seat, ignoring how Nami is still looking like she's going to smack him, "So what if they're together? Not like it's against the rules or anything."
"Except they aren't together." Sanji responds before Nami can, and all it does is make Franky question the situation even more. He's trying to diffuse the situation, making sure your arrangement with Zoro doesn't get out before you either annul or Zoro decides to stay with you.
Luffy nods, before saying "They're married though, but don't tell anyone else!"
"Luffy!!" Nami doesn't even wait to smack him over the head, making your captain whine and ask what that was for. "That's not our secret to tell!"
"Well they're gonna get an annulment thingy anyway, so why does it matter??"
"Wait what, what the hell?"
“I didn't know Zoro and [Y/N] were married!” Chopper sounds beyond excited, while Brook laughs.
“Yohoho, what a surprise!”
Franky and Brook try to question Luffy and Nami about the whole thing, while Robin smiles to herself.
She's heard you and Sanji talking about your marriage to Zoro every now and then, and knew most of the details already, but knowing your feelings for him, she’s sure it’s only a matter of time before you two actually became a couple.
Though, she’s also fairly certain that if you heard your marriage had been revealed, you'd crawl in a hole and die while Zoro would seriously consider throwing Luffy overboard, before saving him in the end.
"I don't think Franky was trying to be rude about it."
"He was being obnoxious is the point, [Y/N]."
Nodding in agreement, you keep your eyes on your book once Zoro comes back from showering after his morning workout. He'd gone straight to the crow's nest after leaving the kitchen, you running to get a book and joining him once you'd picked one out. You've been sitting there ever since, having small conversations with Zoro while he worked out, eventually leaving long enough to take a shower before coming back to you in the same spot. He didn't want to talk about the morning's events anymore, but you felt like you had to say something no matter how obnoxious Franky was about the whole situation.
Zoro sits beside you, and you barely glance over a few times, wondering if now was a good time to talk about your confession and what's next for the two of you, before he speaks first.
"Anything from your parents?"
Ah yes, that makes sense. He hasn't asked yet today, that's what was missing from this day.
Shaking your head, you close your book and lean back to stare up at the ceiling. "Not a word. Makes me think they forgot they had a daughter."
"We're three days out from having to divorce, right? So there's probably no chance of them responding in time."
You're not sure if you hear annoyance or concern in Zoro's voice, but again you nod.
You don't know how to voice that you don't want to annul or divorce, that your confession to him after he woke up at Thriller Bark wasn't a heat of the moment thing or simply crewmate concern. You really are in love with him, that was a fact you've come to know over the last few months but were only able to voice recently.
Why do feelings have to be so complicated?
"You meant what you said, after I woke up?"
He's very quiet, you almost miss him speaking, but your breath catches in your throat, and its all you can do to just nod, a small 'yes' coming out of your mouth.
Zoro's not at all surprised as he nods, trying to plan his next words carefully. He's not ready to say the same love confession to you, but he might be willing to try. Try a relationship with you and keep you safe, whether your parents ever reply to you or not. He's willing to give the two of you a shot.
It's strange, how just six months ago you were in tears to him about the arranged marriage and he quickly offered to marry you and keep you from going home, from leaving him. At first, he tried to convince himself it was because you were useful, you worked well with him when taking down bounty targets. You knew how to use a sword and could perform recon work on your targets, all of that was more than what he needed in a bounty hunting partner, when he'd never thought of having one before. Not until he met you in that dinky little bar when you were running away from home, nearly passing out when you ran into him because you'd had a fever and he kept you from hitting the ground. He lost a couple days of work taking care of you, a complete and total stranger, that you were so grateful to him you offered to help and he only let you do so after you sparred with him. You lost obviously, but Zoro was impressed enough to let you follow him if you wanted to.
The year and a half you had traveled and worked together was enough, he knew it when he told you he'd marry you. You didn't know it, still don't to this day, and Zoro would likely take the truth to the grave with him, but at this point he knew it.
He knew he had feelings for you, it was just telling you. That's the difficult part right now.
You'd said your side of it, Zoro just needed the right place and time to return your words.
"I want–"
There's shouting from down on the deck that snaps you both out of your little world you're in, and you sit up to look out the window, seeing what looked like a large fish tail and Sanji freaking out over something. You wonder what's going on, before looking at Zoro, who looks less than thrilled you two were interrupted.
"Something's going on! Let's go see!"
He doesn't fight or grumble while you grab his wrist and pull him up, there's nothing he can do about it now.
Maybe tomorrow I guess.
“What’s with the bird?”
You don’t even have the chance to untie the letter from your parents before Zoro asks, you just smile before petting your family’s carrier bird on her head, giving her a few scratches as she perches on your shoulder.
“My parents are wealthy, so they have their own carrier birds. We’ve had Chisa here since I was little, she brings me mail and letters all over, wherever I am she’ll find me.”
“Seriously? All of that just to flex their cash?” Zoro rolls his eyes when you nod with a small giggle, opening the latest letter you’d been sent by your parents.
Every one so far had been a demand to return home and “fulfill your duty” of marrying the man they’d chosen for you. It was ridiculous, you’ve let Zoro see a few of them, even though every letter says the exact same thing. The only one that had been different was a letter exclusively from Elias, telling you about his marriage because he knew you’d be happy for him.
You start to follow after Zoro as he attempts to lead you back to the town you’re staying at, not even sure why you’re reading the letter that’s most likely just their demands for you to come back, until you catch a new line in the letter that makes you stop in your tracks.
The second he hears your breathing pick up, Zoro stops and looks over his shoulder at you, eyes widening just a bit when he sees your shoulders shaking and it almost seems like you’re about to have a panic attack.
“Hey, hey, calm down,” he’s almost instantly in front of you with his hands on your shoulders, Zoro knows he isn’t good at this stuff, but he’s got to get you to calm down, “What’s wrong? What’s in the letter?”
“I…I’m eighteen.”
“Yeah…? So what about—”
“Shit, shit, they’re gonna,” Zoro can barely keep you from hitting the ground while you crouch down, still holding the letter but putting your hands on your head to try and calm yourself down, “They’re gonna find me and force me to marry him.”
Zoro takes the letter from you while you start crying over your fears of being forced back home, reading the letter himself to see there’s some caveat in the agreement between your parents and alleged fiancé, where you’d be legally married soon after turning eighteen whether you had a wedding or not. Scowling, Zoro starts to rip to letter up, watching you fist your hair and close your eyes tight. Whatever you went through while dealing with this arranged marriage situation, it’s left a bad impression on you, he’d be surprised if you ever chose to get married one day because of it.
After a few minutes, Zoro helps you back up, holding your shoulders again, before trying to speak to you.
“I can’t go back, I can’t!” Finally looking up at him again, you’re still in tears and griping his shirt so tightly, almost desperate for some way out of this arrangement, some way to keep from being found and dragged back there. “I won’t go back, Zoro, please, help me!! I can’t marry that man!”
What is he supposed to do? There’s very little chance your parents haven’t sent people out to find you, or sent your name and picture across government facilities that honor small village traditions, no matter how dark or outdated they may be. He doesn’t know what to do, this is so foreign to him! How is he supposed to keep you from marrying someone?
“I’ll marry you then.”
“W-What??” This isn’t what you expected for help, not even in the slightest. You don’t even think Zoro knew he was going to say that, or planned to, it seems like it just came out with no rhyme or reason.
But, it would fix the problem. If you married someone else, your parents couldn’t rightfully force you to marry someone else, whether they had chosen the person or not.
“I…” You shake your head, not wanting Zoro to feel like he has to do something, it’s not his job. All you’ve done is follow him the last year and a half, he’s not supposed to be your protector or anything like that, just a friend that let you go with him so you didn’t have to go back home, back to what you’ve fled. “We can’t! I mean, we aren’t—"
“If I marry you, will that keep them from forcing you home?!”
“I…I think so?”
Nodding, Zoro takes your hand off his shirt, watching you for any signs of rejection or if you want to say anything else. There’s something in his eyes, you don’t know what it is, you probably never will. But he holds your hand so tightly, keeping you from pulling away before he says it again.
“Marry me, [Y/N].”
For a moment, you don’t respond, wondering if Zoro’s screwing with you or not. But that’s not like him. You’ve only known him for about eighteen months, but you know that he would never joke around about something like this. He might be a little closed off still, but he would never play with someone’s feelings this way.
After another minute or so, you nod.
“I’ll marry you, Zoro.”
You’ve not thought about how Zoro offered to marry you in quite a while, the memory waking you up from a dead sleep in the village you’ve been in the last eighteen months. After receiving Luffy’s message about when to meet your crew again, you ended up staying in a village that excelled in training swordswomen, working your hardest every day and improving to the point very few of the other women even tried to spar with you.
Now I can’t sleep.
Sighing, you get up from your bed and go to the balcony in your little apartment you’ve been granted use of. Remembering the proposal that’s put you in this situation still, where you’ve been legally married for two years, have told Zoro--who was supposed to be your temporary husband--that you’re in love with him, and it seems like he might be starting to feel something similar towards you. It’s still all so strange, but it makes you smile while you watch the stars for a few minutes, silent prayers for your crew’s continued safety, and hopes that you and Zoro can make things work out.
“Happy anniversary, Zoro.”
You’ll be surprised to hear, one day in the future, that Zoro had the same dream about his impromptu proposal around the same time you did. He even realizes that it would’ve been your second anniversary at the time, give or take a few days, Mihawk doesn’t have a calendar or bother to keep him and the ghost girl up to date on what’s going on outside the island.
The dream isn’t enough to wake him the way it does you, but it does linger in his mind the rest of the day, even as he trains. It gets to the point that Mihawk stops him, asking what on earth could be distracting the twenty-one-year-old so badly that he’s making beginner’s mistakes, and Zoro decides to tell him, just to get it out there. Maybe that will help him clear his mind.
“Just… thinking about my wife.”
This earns a raised brow from Mihawk and a shout from Perona.
“A wife?”
“You’re married and never told us?!”
“You aren’t my crew!”
Perona sticks her tongue out at him, demanding answers about you and your marriage, questions Zoro refused to answer right now, before Mihawk interrupts them.
“I care not that you’re married. You can think about your wife later, focus on training now.”
Though Zoro knows Mihawk is right, he should be focusing on his training, thoughts of you and your strange marriage don’t leave his mind, despite his nodding.
I’ll talk to you soon then…[Y/N].
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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5 Shiva Mantras, Hymns for Pleasing Shiva 🔱 1. The Mool (Main) Mantra of Lord Shiva is a five syllable mantra, known as panchakshri mantra. It is believed that the chanters are bowing to themselves, as the Lord Shiva is considered as the ultimate reality.
“OM Namah Shivaya”
Meaning: I bow to Shiva.
2. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is the greatest Mantra for Lord Shiva found in Rig Veda.
“OM. Tryambakam yajamahe
Sugandhim pushti-vardhanam
Urvarukamiva bandhanan
Mrityor mukshiya mamritat”
Meaning: We meditate on the three-eyed One, who is fragrant and nourishing to all.
How a ripe fruit falls effortlessly off from a plant’s stem, may it may liberate us from ignorance, untruth and death, for all of immortality.
3. Shree Shiva- Parvati Stuti is the mantra which praises Lord with his consort Parvati.
“Karpoor Gauram Karunnaavataram Sansaar Saaram
Bhujgendra Haaram.
Sadaa Vasantam Hridyaarvrinde
Bhavam Bhavaani Sahitam Namaami”
Meaning: I Bow to Bhavani as well as to Lord Shiva who is white as camphor, who is compassion incarnate, who is the essence of the world, who wears a garland of a large snake and who always dwells in the lotus-like hearts of his devotees.
4a. Shree Rudraashtak Stotram is the eight fold hymn recited by Brahma to please Shiva. This mantra can be used by anyone to get the blessing from the Lord Shiva.
“Namaam-Iisham-Iishaana Nirvaanna-Ruupam
Vibhum Vyaapakam Brahma-Veda-Svaruupam
Nijam Nirgunnam Nirvikalpam Niriiham
Cidaakaasham-Aakaasha-Vaasam Bhaje-[A]ham”
Meaning: I Salute the Lord Ishana. It is the Form that represents the state of the highest Nirvana. This is the form that manifests the essence He is pervading everywhere and The Lord embodies the Highest Knowledge of Brahman present in the core of the Vedas. He who remains absorbed in His own self which is beyond the three Gunas. Beyond any change and Manifoldness, and which is free from any movement. I worship Ishana, who abides in the spiritual sky.
“Niraakaaram-Ongkara-Muulam Turiiyam
Giraa-Jnyaana-Go-[A]tiitam-Iisham Giriisham
Karaalam Mahaakaala-Kaalam Krpaalam
Gunna-[A]agaara-Samsaara-Paaram Nato-[A]ham”
Meaning: I bow to the supreme Lord who is the formless source of “OM” The Self of All, transcending all conditions and states. Beyond speech, He understands the sense perception. Awe-full, but gracious, the ruler of Kailash, Devourer of Death, the immortal abode of all virtues.
“Tussaara-Adri-Samkaasha-Gauram Gabhiram
Mano-Bhuuta-Kotti-Prabhaa-Shrii Shariiram
Sphuran-Mauli-Kallolinii Caaru-Ganggaa
Lasad-Bhaala-Baale[a-I]ndu Kanntthe Bhujanggaa”
Meaning: I offer salutations to Sri Rudra, Who is shining white resembling a mountain of snow; and He resides deep in the mind in Millions of Rays of Splendor, which expresses His Auspicious Body. Over whose Head, the Beautiful Ganga Throbs and Surges forth towards the Worlds. The newly risen moon shines in His forehead spreading its rays and His Neck adorns the beautiful Serpents.
“Calat-Kunnddalam Bhruu-Sunetram Vishaalam
Prasanna-[A]ananam Niila-Kannttham Dayaalam
Mrga-Adhiisha-Carma-Ambaram Munndda-Maalam
Priyam Shangkaram Sarva-Naatham Bhajaami”
Meaning: The beloved Lord of All, with shimmering pendants hanging from his ears, Beautiful eyebrows and large eyes, Full of Mercy with a cheerful countenance and a blue speck on his throat. I Worship Him Who is Beloved of His Devotees, Who is Shankara, the Lord of All.
“Pracannddam Prakrssttam Pragalbham Pare[a-Ii]sham
Akhannddam Ajam Bhaanu-Kotti-Prakaasham
Tryah-Shuula-Nirmuulanam Shuula-Paannim
Bhaje[a-A]ham Bhavaanii-Patim Bhaava-Gamyam”
Meaning: I worship Shankara, Bhavani’s husband. I owe to the fierce, exalted, luminous and the supreme Lord Shiva. Indivisible, unborn and radiant with the glory of a million suns; Who, holding a trident, tears out the root of the three-fold suffering, And who is reached only through Love.
“Kalaatiita-Kalyaanna Kalpa-Anta-Kaarii
Sadaa Sajjana-[A]ananda-Daataa Pura-Arii
Cid-Aananda-Samdoha Moha-Apahaarii
Prasiida Prasiida Prabho Manmatha-Arii”
Meaning: Salutations to Sri Rudra, Whose Auspicious Nature are Beyond the Elements of the gross material world, and He who Brings an end to the cycle of creation when all gross elements are dissolved. He is the one who always gives to the wise men and is the destroyer of Adharma. By Taking Away the Great Delusion, He plunges the prepared Soul in the Fullness of Cidananda (the Bliss of Brahman or Pure Consciousness). O, the signifying Destroyer of Manmatha; Please be Gracious to me; Please be Gracious to me, O Lord.
“Na Yaavad Umaa-Naatha-Paada-Aravindam
Bhajanti-Iha Loke Pare Vaa Naraannaam
Na Taavat-Sukham Shaanti Santaapa-Naasham
Prasiida Prabho Sarva-Bhuuta-Adhi-Vaasam”
Meaning: Oh Lord of Uma, so long as you are not worshiped, there is no happiness, peace or freedom from suffering in this world or the next. You who dwell in the hearts of all living beings, and in whom all beings have their existence, Have mercy on me, Lord.
“Na Jaanaami Yogam Japam Naiva Puujaam
Natoham Sadaa Sarvadaa Shambhu-Tubhyam
Jaraa-Janma-Duhkhau-[A]gha Taatapyamaanam
Prabho Paahi Aapanna-Maam-Iisha Shambho”
Meaning: O my lord, I do Not Know how to perform Yoga, Japa or Puja. I always at All Times only Bow down to You, O Shambhu. Please protect me from the Sorrows of Birth and Old Age, as well as from the sins which lead to Sufferings. Please protect me O Lord from Afflictions; protect me O My Lord Shambhu.
“Brahma Muraari Surarchita Lingam
Nirmala Bhaashita Sobhitha Lingam
Janmaja Dhukha Vinaasaha Lingam
Tatpranamaami Sadaashiva Lingam”
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Lingam, which is worshiped by Brahma, Vishnu and other Gods. It is pure and resplendent, and destroys sorrows arising out of birth and death.
“Devamuni Pravaraarchita Lingam
Kaama Dahana Karunaakara Lingam
Ravana Darpa Vinaasaha Lingam
Tatpranamaami Sadaashiva Lingam”
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Lingam, which is worshiped by great sages and devas (God). He is the destroyer of Kama, Linga, the compassionate, and which destroyed the pride of Ravana.
“Sarva Sugandha Sulepitha Lingam
Buddhi Vivaardhana Kaarana Lingam
Siddha Suraasura Vandhitha Lingam
Tatpranamaami Sadaashiva Lingam”
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Lingam, which is well anointed with all fragrances, leads to the growth of wisdom. It is worshiped by sages, devas and asuras (Demons).
“Kanaga Mahaamani Bhooshitha Lingam
Panipati Veshthitha Sobitha Lingam
Daksha Suyajna Vinaasana Lingam
Tatpranamaami Sadaashiva Lingam”
Meaning: I salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam, Which is decorated with Gold and other Precious Gems, which is adorned with the Best of the Serpents Wrapped around it, and which destroyed the Grand Sacrifice of Daksha. I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam.
“Kunkuma Chandhana Lehpitha Lingam
Pankaja Haara Susobhitha Lingam
Devaganarchita sevita lingam bhavairbhaktirevacha lingam
Dinakarakoti prabhakara lingam tatpranamami sadasivalingam”
Meaning: I salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam Which is anointed with Saffron and Sandal Paste, which is Beautifully Decorated with Garlands of Lotuses, and which destroys the accumulated Sins. I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam.
“Astadalopari vestithalingam sarvasmudva karanalingam
Astadaridra vinasana lingam tatpranamami sadasivalingam
Suruguru suravara poojita lingam surapushpa sadarchita lingam
Paramapadam paramatmakalingam tatpranamami sadasivalingam”
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Lingam, Which is enveloped with eight-fold petals, which is the cause of all creation, and which destroys eight types of poverty. I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam Which is Worshiped by the Preceptor of Gods and the Best of the Gods, which is Always Worshiped by the Flowers from the Celestial Garden, Which is Superior to the Best and which is the Greatest. I Salute that Eternal Shiva Linga.
“Lingastakam punyam ya pathecchivasanndhu
sivaloka mavapnoti sivena sahamodithe”
Whoever Recites this Lingasthakam near Shiva, Will Attain the Abode of Shiva and enjoy His Bliss.
Shiva ॐ Talon Abraxas
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horoscope1726 · 7 days
What are some ways to alleviate the effects of Saturn mahadasha?
Here are five ways to alleviate the effects of Saturn Mahadasha:
Discipline and Responsibility: Embrace a disciplined lifestyle, fulfilling duties and obligations with patience, as Saturn rewards hard work and responsibility.
Charity and Service: Engage in charitable acts, especially towards the underprivileged, elderly, or the disabled, to reduce Saturn’s challenging effects.
Wearing Blue Sapphire (Neelam): Consult an astrologer to see if wearing a blue sapphire, Saturn's gemstone, can strengthen its positive effects and alleviate challenges.
Chanting Mantras: Reciting the Shani mantra ("Om Sham Shanaishcharaya Namaha") or the Hanuman Chalisa can help appease Saturn.
Fasting on Saturdays: Observing a fast on Saturdays, Saturn’s day, or consuming light meals like khichdi, can help reduce its negative influence.
To know the effect of Shani Mahadasha, or in which house your Shani is sitting. For that you can use Kundli for Android - Astrology application. Which can give you good information based on your horoscope for free. If you want to know more information, you can also contact us (91 85956 75042).
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santoschristos · 4 months
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A New Vision
Tat Tvam Asi
"Eternity does not mean infinite time, but simply timelessness. If you want to experience eternal illumination, put the past and the future out of your mind and remain within the present moment."
--Shams of Tabriz
Tat Tvam Asi is a Sanskrit mantra from the Advaita tradition, typically translated as “I am that” or “Thou Art That”.
Images by Mahaboka
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13lunarstar · 8 months
Saturday - day of Saturn
Saturday is the day of Saturn (sans. Shani, Shanidev)
Saturn as a deity holds a prominent position in Hinduism and Jyotish.
Shani is considered a powerful celestial force that influences human lives, particularly regarding karma and destiny.
In Hindu mythology, Shani is the son of Surya (the Sun god) and Chhaya (shadow), making him the brother of Yama, the god of death. Shani is often depicted as a dark-complexioned deity and is typically portrayed as a stern figure, symbolizing discipline, asceticism, justice, wisdom, and the consequences of one's actions.
In Vedic astrology (Jyotish), Shani is one of the nine heavenly bodies (planets) or grahas that influence human life. His placement in an individual's birth chart (Rasi) is believed to determine their destiny, especially in areas related to career, health, longevity, and relationships. A strong and well-placed Shani is said to bestow discipline, responsibility, success and respect earned through continuous hard work, while a weak or afflicted Shani may bring obstacles, delays, and hardships that serve as karmic lessons.
One of the most feared astrological phenomena associated with Shani is Sade Sati, a period of approximately seven and a half years when Saturn transits over the natal Moon in a person's birth chart. This period is believed to bring challenges, upheavals, and significant life changes, testing one's patience, endurance, and resilience. However, it is also considered a time for spiritual growth, maturity, introspection, and karmic purification.
Devotees of Shani often observe special prayers, rituals, and fasts to appease him and seek his blessings. Saturdays, considered auspicious for Shani worship, are dedicated to offering prayers, lighting lamps, reciting hymns, and making offerings of black sesame seeds, mustard oil, and blue flowers. Wearing dark blue and black clothes is very good on Saturdays. Feeding the elderly people, black crows, cleaning and removing trash from a house are also advised as a remedy on Saturdays.
Listening to mantras on Saturdays is also very beneficial for honouring the mighty Shani, the lord of time and destiny.
Om Sham Shanaiscaryaye Namah!
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Closed Practices, Initiation, and gate-keeping practices.
One of my friend was discussing the idea of using a mantra from a lineage and how to approach it, he said the following: {start quote} I don't get why people practice Vajrayana mantras without initiation. I'm fully aware that one can gain initiation without human help, however literally every Tibetan tradition will tell you that you are wrong for doing this Because on the other hand there are sects that actually want people to use their mantra
And encourage it I'm not some gatekeeping Tibetan monk
It's just that in my experience doing anything from Vajrayana requires empowerment from a monk
It personally really makes me doubt the entire vehicle
Every time I touch Vajrayana it seems more like a money making grift than anything else
[...] Whenever I encounter a tradition that is fundamentally broken, rather than try to scavenge the pieces I just leave it alone and keep on moving When you're working with a machine and are trying to skip 1000 years of lineage holding guru. It makes me wonder if it's worth getting involved with at all We have living traditions right now, living gods and masters, that don't come with baggage attached {end quote} Honestly! it makes me think where I do stand in this whole thing. This morning I saw this image that a different friend shared for me about the topic, from Hoodoo Moses:
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Which is true, it makes me think about these people who says "closed practice this, closed practice that" and they don't even consider the rift between them and their own cultural practices. I as an Arab know for a fact that there's a huge rift between the practices followed by modern Arab magicians, Arab magicians in the 1900s and the magic talked about in older grimoires, it doesn't even need to be asked when you think about it that there's a huge rift between these 3 but they're all performing and working legitimately. There's this idea that the religion or practice being done is verbatim to the text, which is a good idea in theory but practically or at least culturally there's also modification and changes within own community and that could come as surprising. I know I was shocked when I realized the rift between what people worshipped in modern Thailand compared to the image in Thai Buddhism in text. Same goes for Arab magic in something like Shams Al Ma'arif compared to how it's done by arab magicians. The time difference doesn't really drill down into people's head possibly because they don't have the conceptual grasping on what I mean by that, I will give an example in the
Mahāvaipulya Sūtra of the Tathāgata Store, Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese in the Eastern Jin Dynasty by The Tripiṭaka Master Buddhabhadra from India We see a list of attendee to the dharma discourse and one of the attendees is Fragrant Elephant Bodhisattva, why fragrant elephant... That's possibly culturally related to ancient Indian culture. It makes you think about these practices from the point of view of a modern buddhist would know how to perform this Mandala in the Usinsa Vijaya Dharani's Sutra:   “Those who desire to perform this maṇḍala rite should, on the fifteenth day of a waxing moon, mix perfumed water with yellow soil and cow dung and smear the ground with this mixture. The square maṇḍala measures four elbow lengths on each side, and it should be surrounded by three tiers of gemstones from the Laṅkā Mountain, which are in five colors. An ancillary tier of white Laṅkā gemstones marks the boundary on the four sides. Scatter flowers inside the maṇḍala and place four vessels of water on the lotus flowers painted in the four corners. The vessels should be the same in size. Reverently place a bottle of holy relics and cow’s bezoar on the center lotus flower. In the maṇḍala, scatter various flowers and burn incense and various kinds of fragrances, such as camphor, saffron, agalloch, and so forth....[]
Other than that, people are so hinged on the living gods or living traditions currently not looking into how they're approaching the world themselves. How do you know the living gods are gonna accept you and not the persumed "dead" gods, What do you bring to the table for the living Masters? We see the twelve disciples leaving their homes to follow Jesus and to teach, suffer, and die in his name. We see Marpa demanding that Milarepa build and demolish three stone towers before he would teach him.  Or maybe Lisiewski who built and shipped a furnace to Albertus for use in some special alchemical work, and photocopied the entire Crowley collection housed at Penn State University and mailed it to Regardie for his research.  Are you willing to follow in their footsteps?[link] I know that there are grifters and guru who larp to exploit people, but that's not the main issue here. If your practice is only on the level of face-to-face/physical basis then you need to go deeper. You can knock on the spirits door and ask them, you can ask your local spirits to help you, sages and saints of the tradition you're seeking, the world is living, breathing, and haunted with spirits that you can talk to. Coming back and wrapping all of that back to this point, how do you know a closed practice from an open practice? You in your infinite wisdom have a certified "stamped" approval from some person who's gonna tell you yea that's practice for everyone. That's the thing tho, it brings me to a topic of refinement culture touched upon by @on-the-pechka 's here , welp it is basically related to the Lindy effect and refinement culture. We are seeing it in occult, magic, and spirituality lately, when everything become so samey, all occult discord servers require introductions, technique merge and mingle without a say or word and the emergence of "suitable" for everyone practices appear. You have to really get your mind thinking about this, the practice become so accessible that it reach the lowest common denominator and then what? You're gonna look at me in the eyes and tell me that they are 1:1 to the fractured and fragmented pieces we find, The PGM(Greek Magical Papyri) isn't one single system, Shams Al Ma'arif isn't Ahmad Al-Buni only, and when you look into the preexisting systems before us there's also precedent of syncretism, Jake Stratton Kent in his Testament of St Cyprian mentioned it well: All this places considerable responsibility with the reader, but also circumvents the limitations implicit had I approached the project differently; saying ‘these are my gods, these are my spirit superiors and spirits, work my system by rote and you won’t have to think very hard.’ That approach has been employed extensively and has not provided much by way of insight; reinforcing differences rather than revealing underlying patterns and their syncretic basis. If anything misunderstandings and artificial elements have proliferated by this means. Invention without attention to the underlying principles has had many failings. You have to drill this into your mind, the current living traditions didn't live because they are the best suitable for you. They survived because they contained the most accessible tools to the "masses", the harder the entry gate, the more obscure, fragmented systems often hold keys to unknown territory that we often don't know...Maybe you should knock on these doors? what is the worst that can happen? shouldn't we take it from the horse mouth itself and ask the entities of the tradition if they accept our entry into their system or not? If you approach them respectfully the worst that can happen is that they say "no" or block you from contacting them.
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reyansh727 · 9 months
Gemstones for Prosperity, Success, and Wealth in Your Life
Gemstones are often regarded as powerful tools to counteract the negative, unfavorable planetary alignments in an individual's horoscope. In contemporary times, they are increasingly employed as astrological remedies to complement efforts aimed at enhancing health, accumulating wealth, and achieving success.
Each planet is associated with a specific precious gemstone, forming the Navratnas, or the nine gemstones for the nine planets. Wearing the gemstone linked to a particular planet is believed to amplify its positive impact or alleviate its negative effects on an individual's horoscope.
The efficacy of gemstones is attributed to a set of prescribed practices in Vedic astrology, including purification processes, mantras, auspicious timings, days, metals, and specific fingers and hands for wearing the gemstones. The weight of the gemstone varies for each person based on the desired outcome. Additionally, Vedic astrology recommends energizing and cleansing processes, along with daily recitation of mantras to enhance the gemstone's effects.
Navigating the Cosmic Landscape
The Radiant Sun and Ruby Step into the realm of fame, fortune, and authority with the radiant Ruby, a beacon for the Sun's energy. Worn on the right-hand ring finger in gold or copper, the Ruby holds the promise of amplified positive impact. The ritual purification process involves a soak in a concoction of milk, honey, and Ganga Jal, followed by the empowering mantra, "Om Suryaya Namah."
Moon's Tranquil Embrace with Pearl Embrace the calming influence of the Moon with the luminous Pearl, a gemstone renowned for balancing emotions and relationships. Worn on the little finger in silver, the Pearl undergoes a purifying soak in Ganga Jal and cow milk. Recite the mantra "Om Chandraya Namah" for daily empowerment.
Mars' Fierce Energy in Red Coral Harness the dynamic energy of Mars with the fiery Red Coral, symbolizing strength and courage. Worn on the ring finger in gold or copper, this gemstone alleviates the Manglik dosha. Immerse the Red Coral in a blend of Ganga Jal and raw milk for purification, and chant the mantra "Aum Bhaum Bhaumaye Namah" to awaken its power.
Mercury's Intellectual Spark in Emerald Embark on a journey of wisdom and intellect with the enchanting Emerald, Mercury's gemstone. Worn on the little finger in gold, this gem enhances communication skills and earning capabilities. Purify the Emerald in a mix of raw milk and Ganga Jal and infuse it with energy using the mantra "Om Budh Budhaya Namah."
Venus' Allure in the Diamond Experience the epitome of love and beauty with the majestic Diamond, representing Venus. Worn on the middle finger in gold, the Diamond enhances wealth and improves marital relations. Purify this gem in a blend of Ganga Jal, raw milk, and honey, and recite the mantra "Om Shukra Devaya Namah" for daily empowerment.
Jupiter's Abundance with Yellow Sapphire Jupiter, the harbinger of good fortune, is embodied in the Yellow Sapphire. Worn on the index finger in gold, this gemstone attracts recognition, fame, and vitality. Purify the Yellow Sapphire in a mix of honey, raw milk, and Ganga Jal, and recite the mantra "Om Brim Brihaspataaye Namah" for continuous empowerment.
Saturn's Command with Purple Sapphire Bow to the taskmaster, Saturn, with the regal Purple Sapphire. Worn on the middle finger in silver, this gemstone enhances positive results and brings wealth. Purify the Purple Sapphire in a blend of raw milk and Ganga Jal and chant the mantra "Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah" daily for empowerment.
Rahu's Enigma in Hessonite Navigate the mysterious Rahu with the protective Hessonite. Worn on the middle finger in silver, this gemstone guards against malefic influences. Purify the Hessonite in a mix of honey, raw milk, and Ganga Jal, and recite the mantra "Om Ram Rahave Namah" daily for energizing vibes.
Ketu's Shield in Cats Eye Stone Embrace the enigmatic Ketu with the protective Cats Eye Stone. Worn on the right-hand middle finger in a silver ring, this gemstone safeguards against loss and ill tidings. Purify the Cats Eye Stone in a blend of honey, raw milk, and Ganga Jal, and recite the mantra "Om Kem Ketave Namah" daily for purification and empowerment.
Conclusion: Nurturing Your Gemstone Allies
Remember, the key to unlocking the full potential of these gemstones lies not only in their mystical properties but in your commitment to personal growth. Get gemstone recommendations based on your kundli for improved luck and success. While gemstones pave the way for luck, success, and wealth, your efforts and initiatives play an integral role. Consult with an astrologer to embark on a personalized journey, unveiling the gemstone that aligns perfectly with your cosmic blueprint. As you wear these gems, cleanse and purify them weekly to ensure they radiate positive energy, guiding and supporting you on your path to prosperity.
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Fret not where the road will take you. Instead, concentrate on the first step. That is the hardest part, and that is what you are responsible for. Once you take that step, let everything do what it naturally does, and the rest will follow. Don’t go with the flow. Be the flow. Shams Tabrizi #meditation #meditatiom #reiki #reikilebanon #meditationlebanon #energyupdate #astrology #numerology #tarot #hypnotherapy #hypnosis #reikianimal #archangels #angels #spiritguides #spirituality #hooponopono #shamstabrizi #lettinggo #energy #universe #mantra #om #intuition #abdochouchani #grateful #gratitude #gratitudeattitude #fullmoon #mercuryretrograde (at Lebanon لبنان) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cry4po0MQlN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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blessed1neha · 2 years
Why is Lord Vishnu called Hari?
There are multiple reasons for it. Primarily, it is because He takes away (performs harana of) pains and sorrow.
He (Naaraayana) is called ‘Hari’ as he destroys sorrow.
-Parama Samhita, Adhyaaya 2, Mantra 99
Another reason is because He is the destroyer of the devatas, as said in a Smrti shloka quoted by Svaami Vijayeendra Teertha Shripaadagalu, in Shaiva-Sarvasva Khandanam of Nyaayamauktikamaala.
ब्रह्माणमिंद्रं रुद्रं च यमं वरुणमेव च ॥ ८६ ॥
निगृह्य हरते यस्मात्तस्माद्धरिरहोच्यते ।
Being the destroyer, who destroys Brahmaa, Indra, Rudra, Yama and Varuna, he is known as ‘Hari’.
-Padma Puraana, Uttara Khanda, Adhyaaya 226, Shloka 86
It is also repeated in the Harivamsha Parva of the Mahaabhaarata, by Shri Shiva himself.
harasi prANino deva tato haririti smR^itaH |sha~Nkaro.asi sadA deva tataH sha~NkaratAM gataH ||3-88-45
You annihilate all beings and hence, you are remembered as “Hari”. You are ever “Shankara” (one who generates ‘shaM’ or auspiciousness) and hence you possess that nature.”
Another reason is because Shri Vishnu has a tawny complexion.
वर्णो मे हरितः श्रेष्ठस्तस्माद्धरिरहं स्मृतः॥
My complexion also is of that foremost of gems called Harit. It is for this reason that I am called by the name of Hari.
-Mahaabhaarata, Shaanti Parva, Adhyaaya 352, Shloka 3
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gautam-101 · 4 months
Remedies for Malefic Planetary Influences
In astrology, planetary influences play a significant role in shaping our lives, from our personalities to our destinies. While benefic planets like Jupiter and Venus can bring abundance and joy, malefic planets such as Saturn, Mars, and Rahu often pose challenges and obstacles. Understanding how to mitigate these malefic influences can help us navigate through difficult periods and turn potential adversities into opportunities for growth. In this blog, we'll explore effective remedies for countering the adverse effects of malefic planets, enabling a more harmonious and prosperous life.
Also read - Exploring the Intriguing Connection: Numerology and Astrology
Remedies for Saturn's Malefic Influence
Saturn, often referred to as the planet of karma, can bring delays, hardships, and a sense of restriction when negatively placed in one's horoscope. However, there are several remedies to alleviate its harsh effects:
Wearing Blue Sapphire: Wearing a blue sapphire gemstone, preferably set in silver, can strengthen Saturn's positive aspects and reduce its malefic influence. Ensure it is worn after proper astrological consultation and on the middle finger of the right hand.
Chanting Mantras: Reciting the Shani mantra "Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah" regularly can appease Saturn. Devote at least 108 recitations daily, preferably during the evening.
Charity and Service: Donating black items such as sesame seeds, black clothes, and iron articles on Saturdays can reduce Saturn's malefic impact. Additionally, serving the underprivileged and elderly can earn Saturn's blessings.
Fasting and Observances: Observing fasts on Saturdays and following a vegetarian diet can help in mitigating the negative influence of Saturn.
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Remedies for Mars' Malefic Influence
Mars, the planet of aggression and energy, can cause conflicts, accidents, and health issues when malefic. Here are ways to pacify Mars:
Wearing Red Coral: A red coral gemstone can balance Mars' energy. Wear it in a gold or copper ring on the ring finger of the right hand after consulting an astrologer.
Mantra Recitation: Chanting the Mangal mantra "Om Angarakaya Namah" helps in reducing Mars' aggressive tendencies. Aim for 108 recitations daily, ideally in the morning.
Offerings and Pujas: Performing puja to Lord Hanuman, who governs Mars, on Tuesdays can bring relief. Offer red flowers, sandalwood, and sweets like laddoo to Hanuman.
Charity: Donating red lentils, red clothes, and jaggery on Tuesdays can mitigate Mars' adverse effects.
Remedies for Rahu's Malefic Influence
Rahu, the shadow planet, can create confusion, fear, and sudden disruptions. To counter its negative influence, consider the following remedies:
Wearing Hessonite Garnet: Wearing a hessonite garnet gemstone in silver on the middle finger can balance Rahu's energy. Ensure it is worn after proper guidance from an astrologer.
Mantra Recitation: Reciting the Rahu mantra "Om Raam Rahave Namah" 108 times daily, especially during the evening, can help in pacifying Rahu.
Donations: Donating black gram, mustard oil, and blue or black clothes on Saturdays can help reduce Rahu's malefic effects.
Fasting: Observing fasts on Saturdays and avoiding alcohol and non-vegetarian food can help in managing Rahu's influence.
While malefic planetary influences can present significant challenges, understanding and implementing astrological remedies can greatly alleviate their impact. Whether through gemstones, mantras, charity, or fasting, these practices offer a way to harmonize difficult planetary energies. However, it's crucial to consult a knowledgeable astrologer before undertaking any remedial measures to ensure they are suitable for your specific astrological chart. By doing so, you can transform potential obstacles into stepping stones towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.
Have any questions? Speak with an astrologer: Download the App Now
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the-hem · 5 months
Who is Ratnashambhava?
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Ratnasambhava, the South Facing Buddha, "the jewel prospector" is one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas of Mahayana and Vajrayana or Tantric Buddhism. Ratnasambhava's mandalas and mantras focus on developing equanimity and equality and, in Vajrayana Buddhist thought is associated with the attempt to destroy greed and pride.
When we seek enlightenment we turn towards the sun in the East. Pride vanishes when one turns South and realizes one does not know or have sufficient experience to meet all of life's conditions.
The process concludes when one turns West, the end of all ego and attainment to Ha Shem, complete liberation from all the vestiges of insentience.
His name in Hebrew means "The trough on the farm is a miracle."
Rat=trough, fluency
Nas= the miracle
Sham=the Name is there
Bhava= on the farm
On the farm at the trough is where one comes in contact with the Torah's concept of freedom and commits to institutionalizing it all around the world.
The Hebrew word for farm is Bar, which is the same term used for "purified man." Troughs move water from their source to the desired location but can only be done with permission of the owner of the land. The water is not stolen or borrowed as it the legal property of the owner of the farm.
An impure man would steal the water whenever he was thirsty and leave the farm without obtaining the permission of the owner like a wild animal.
The Number is 1063, י‎ו‎ג‎, yog, or "yoga". By yoking the animal to the sentience of man, humility before God is born. In addition to fulfilling all the requirements needed for worship, this saves lives.
Buddha Ratnasambhava is another example of how the Angels of the God of Israel taught every sage of every religion everything they knew about God, sin, salvation, and how reclaim man from his savage roots.
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Eyes of the Universe 'Portals to the Other World' Talon Abraxas
Ajna Chakra: The Third Eye Center
Ajna chakra is the chakra of intuition and clarity located at the third eye, which is between the eyebrows. Ajna is associated with the color purple and with the mind element. The qualities of this chakra are inspiration, intuition, and inner vision. Through Ajna chakra we experience insight, which should not be confused with mundane thoughts. Insight refers to those ideas we receive when the mind is calm and quiet.
The gland associated with Ajna is the pituitary gland, considered the master regulating gland because it secretes a hormone that monitors the activities of the other glands of the body.
Just as the pituitary gland is the master gland, Ajna chakra governs all other chakras, so when it is out of balance, all other chakras cannot come into perfect alignment.
When Ajna is imbalanced we may experience poor memory, eye problems, headaches, or nightmares. We may also have an excess of energy that we are unable to channel towards any one goal or productive outcome. When this chakra is in balance we are able to tune in to our inner knowing, trusting our intuition, and tapping into our creative imagination. A balanced Ajna chakra allows us to integrate logical thinking with intuition so that we may move through the world better able to make balanced decisions.
The mantra KE-SHAM may be chanted to bring about the insightful qualities of Ajna. Asana, or postures, that serve to balance Ajna include child’s pose or any posture in which the forehead touches the ground. Postures in which the gazing point, or dristi, calls for movement of the eyes (such as in Marichyasana, or Sage Twist) will also help to balance Ajna. Nadi sodhana pranayama, alternate nostril breathing, will help to activate Ajna chakra.
As the lower chakras become balanced the path to opening Ajna chakra can be reached. Each chakra helps to build on the previous chakra in order to move towards the next. Moving through the higher chakras becomes possible when all the lower chakras are balanced.
As we move up the chakras, balancing each one, Ajna chakra shines an insightful light on our lives that we were not previously aware of, illuminating that which was previously unknown. During your Asana, Pranayama, and meditation practices, notice when the mind becomes quiet. This quiet and clear space will allow you to glimpse what is possible through Ajna chakra.
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nonnapossum · 7 months
I don’t know what to tell you about election time here in America. With Project 2025 looming, I want you to keep that in mind should you decide to vote.
Simultaneously, I do not believe in our democratic model, and I do not support our incumbent dipshit. I believe “blue no matter who” is a dangerous mantra and that we are simply left to vote with our hearts between what amounts to two capitalist warmongers.
I cannot in good conscience tell you what to do. I cannot in good conscience cast a vote. I cannot in good conscience abstain from voting. No matter my action or inaction this election cycle, I will feel guilt for my decision, as I’m sure many of you feel, as well.
It is not our fault. Those of us who still believe in the sham democracy of America do the best we can with what we’re given. Casting a vote within this framework is hardly a free choice, and certainly not a choice based on representation.
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bhishmsharma95 · 10 months
Kundalini Yoga assisted by Beeja Mantras
Friends, there is a seed mantra associated with each chakra. Om is associated with Sahasrara Chakra, Om or Sham with Ajna Chakra, Haam with Vishuddhi Chakra, Yam with Anahata Chakra, Ram with Manipura Chakra, Vam with Swadhisthana Chakra, and Lam with Muladhara Chakra. In this article we will try to understand the science related to them. The dot above the Beej Mantra is in the form of a Chakra.…
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maj0rh0m0 · 11 months
Yet another idiot trying to suck what ever sham of a shell of a life it can muster up, by trying to steal or con someone out of their money they earned. As is the norm for those who proclaim themselves so much smarter and intelligent than anyone else.. those who can beat the system ( ofcourse that requires being exposed and a particioant in the system 1st!) are the ones who resort to this game because to actually work for or earn what ever it is that they lack in their lives is beyond their scope of imagination. The excuses are xonstant and always in play for why they dont have respect ! This or that! But worse still- A CLUE!! And no matter what they steal or take or conned their way in to, one fact remains. They couldnt do it or accomplish getting earning it by themselves. And the greater truth- everyone they took from did something even more impressive. They replaced or got more of theybearned by themselves theybfirst time. Or in other words proved they were twice as good as the ones who say they are so much more….. blah blah blah…… repeat the mantra over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
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