#manorian ask
rufousnmacska · 3 months
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I humbly request MORE MANORIAN PLEASE!
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shadowhandss60 · 9 months
Lol Manorian is a joke. AND Dorian is still referring to Sorchia as “the woman he loves” in Kingdom of Ash. SJM clearly tried very hard to put Manorian together but she didn’t succeed because she didn’t even give them an actual relationship storyline beside an unnecessary amount of smut.
Sorry you feel that way, I disagree (big shocker there) lol
Indeed he does, context is important though. I know literary comprehension isn’t everyone’s forte, so I’ll make it simple for you :)
It’s when he’s tricking Maeve in Morath when she asks him why he would risk his other alliances and friendships. “The woman I love is dead, my Kingdomis in ruin, what do I have to lose?”
He’s planning this entire time to trick Maeve, thus why he put on the “courtier’s face”, why he is nonchalant about his relationship with Manon, and why he speaks of his friendship with Aelin as if it’s nothing and is willing to stand against her for his own personal gain. Which we know isn’t true.
In the beginning of KoA he talks of how beautiful Manon is and wonders when it won’t feel like a betrayal to think so, and he learns of that time when he talks to Kaltain and sees Manon when he thinks of his future and being happy.
He can still grieve and be hurting. A part of him will likely always love her, like a part of Aelin will always love Sam.
Starting to find love in another doesn’t negate what he once felt, and it’s pretty clear what he wants in the future when he “wants only one witch to be his queen”and thinks “You, only you.” When Manon asks him what he wants 🤷🏽‍♀️
(Also what unnecessary smut? They have 3 s*x scenes and 2 are almost completely fade to black 😂)
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dawninlatin · 1 year
Can I have a sketch with Manorian where Manon is pregnant and Dorian is taking care of her??😭 I love these vanilla
Hiii anon🌞
By sketch, I sincerely hope you mean drabble, bc I absolutely cannot draw🫣 I can write tho, so I hope you enjoy this teensy tinsy snippet since I’m currently on vacation in Copenhagen without my laptop😌 (yes i’m just typing on my phone so pls forgive all errors lmao)
Hi this is me again two days later, at home with my laptop:) As usual what started out as a drabble turned into a whole-ass fic, but I hope you still enjoy it:):) Also I've never been pregnant (and thank god for that) so I take no responsibility for any inaccuracies....
Manorian one shot, canonverse, 1,5k words
Manon slowly opened her eyes, squinting at the morning sun shining through the curtains. She wasn’t sure what had woken her up this time, but the sunlight meant she’d gotten a few hours of sleep, at least.
With a sigh, she tried to get comfortable, even if that was impossible these days. Next to her, a still-asleep Dorian shifted, throwing an arm over her middle and snuggling close. 
He mumbled something Manon couldn’t make sense of, but she just shoved at him, hissing «Don’t touch me.»
«I just wanna cuddle,» he murmured, his lips caressing her neck in a way that usually would have had Manon wanting and ready.
Instead, she let out a huff, and gave a weak attempt at swatting him away once more, when he didn't move. Manon was usually strong enough to just push him away from her, but right now she couldn't find the energy to bother.
«Just cuddling is what got us in this situation in the first place.» Manon looked at her round belly as she spoke, the thing so big she resembled a beached whale. She couldn’t fathom how she still had a month and a half left to get even bigger.
Safe to say, Manon wasn’t particularly enjoying pregnancy. In fact, she hated it, and couldn’t wait for it to be over so she could have their witchling and her body back. 
She was nothing like the insufferable ladies at court, though, who only spoke in hushed voices about avoiding strechmarks and staying tight down thereso that Dorian would still desire her.
Yes, she missed sleeping comfortably and moving freely, but in the end, the only thing that mattered was that their witchling was born alive and healthy. 
And her current state did nothing to quell Dorian’s desire, it seemed, given by the stiff cock pressing against her thigh at the moment.
That’s his problem to deal with, Manon thought grumpily as she once more pushed his shoulder.
There had been a few months in the middle of her pregnancy, after she’d stopped puking all day and night but before the constant fatigue and body aches, where she’d been insatiable, jumping Dorian at any opportunity, but sex these days required too much moving on her part, so their couplings were few and far between.
«Dorian, move. I’m too warm and clammy for cuddling.» It sounded more like a whine than she’d like, but whining seemed to be her default mode for communicating lately.
Manon also really had to pee, but she always really had to pee, so the heat was the most unbearable at the moment.
They had arrived in Rifthold three days ago for the King’s upcoming birthday celebration, but given that Dorian had been born in the middle of summer, it had been three days of bright sun, no wind and a much too high temperature.
Already, Manon longed to return to the Witch Kingdom. Yes, it may be summer there as well, but it’s location on the western coast of Erilea meant a constant, cooling wind blowing in from the vast ocean. She would give anything right now to feel that wind on her face.
The plan had been to stay for two weeks to attend the royal birthday celebration, and then return to the Witch Kingdom together, where they would remain until well after their witchling was born, but Manon’s hips and pelvis had been aching for days now, the pain only increasing, and she wasn’t sure she could make the trip back to the Wastes if it got much worse. The mere possibility filled her with anxiety. 
They had discussed this long ago, how important it was to Manon that their child was born in the Witch Kingdom. Both because she wanted the comfort of being surrounded by her own, but also because while the curse had been lifted, witches were still wary of giving birth on the previously barren land, fearing it would lead to a stillborn witchling, so if their heir was born on foreign soil, it would send the wrong kind of message.
Manon couldn’t lie still for a moment longer, so she gave the still-sleeping king one final shove, glad that he actually moved this time, then rolled out of bed and waddled her way to the bathing chamber, as she’d done so many times earlier that night.
After what seemed like an eternity, Manon returned to their bedchamber to find Dorian awake and out of bed, pulling on a shirt. It annoyed her to no end that he could look so good after just waking up.
How miserable she felt must have been written on her face, because the king gave her a look filled with sympathy. «How was your night?»
Stopping in the middle of the room, Manon sighed «Terrible.» The day had barely begun, but she could already feel tears trying to escape. That was another thing she hated with being pregnant. There were so many emotions. All. The. Time. In one moment, she could storm out of a room in anger simply because Dorian’s presence annoyed her so much, but then in the next she could come back crying, needing to be in his arms, sobbing that «she was sorry for being so mean».
It truly marveled her, how she’d gotten to this point. Standing in the bedchamber she shared with the King of Adarlan, her husband, whom she had married not for alliance or plotting, but love, wearing a loose linen dress, the only item of clothing comfortable enough and big enough to fit her enormous belly because she was so very pregnant, and trying not to burst into tears in front of said husband, which was no worry, really, since she did it all the time now, but she still tried to keep some of her dignity.
Sensing that she neared another breakdown, Dorian came over to her, standing behind her. Manon leaned against him, her back to his front, and his hands immediately went to her belly, caressing it. «How can I make it better?»
Manon didn’t answer him, only closed her eyes, savoring the comfort of his arms. How clingy she’d gotten had been one of the first signs of her pregnancy, as it was common for witches, along with the nausea.
Then Dorian did something incredible. He placed his hands underneath her belly and lifted it, taking  almost all the weight off of her hips and pelvis.
Feeling her whole body straighten, Manon let out a moan, her head falling backwards to rest against Dorian’s shoulder.
When in addition, an ice-kissed wind summoned by the king’s raw magic caressed her face, the relief was so great Manon did start to cry.
«What’s the matter, witchling?» Dorian asked as silent tears trickled down her cheeks. 
She merely leaned into him further.
Manon had spent 117 years of her immortal life locking every emotion, every fear, deep within herself, never showing any weakness or vulnerability, so getting to a point where she could be real and raw with Dorian had been hard, and she still struggled with communicating her needs at times.
Dorian pressed a light kiss to her jaw. «Talk to me, love.»
«I want to go home.» The words came out as a whisper, but Dorian heard them. He hummed, a phantom hand brushing her hair out of her face. The pure love in those simple gestures urged her to go on.
«I can’t take the heat here. I’m always uncomfortable now, but the heat makes it unbearable! It feels like I’m suffocating. And what if I can’t make it back to the Wastes in two weeks? What if I’ll have to give birth here?»
«Then we’ll go back now,» Dorian said, his calm voice grounding her, if only a little. «I need a few hours to arrange things, but if you need to go back, we’ll go back.»
Even if it was exactly what she wanted, Manon shook her head, feeling selfish for making him drop everything just for her. He was a king, after all, and while they had spent as much time together as possible throughout her pregnancy, he still had responsibilities here.
«We can’t just go back. You need to stay here for your birthday celebration, and I don’t want to go back alone.» She let out a sob at the thought. Witches going into labour early wasn’t uncommon, and the thought of giving birth to their witchling without Dorian there scared her more than anything.
«Fuck that. The people care more about the celebration in itself than what they’re celebrating.»
Manon was about to protest, but Dorian stopped her.
«What’s most important to me, is you, Manon, and our witchling,» a phantom hand stroked her belly at that, «and if traveling back to the Wastes is what’s best for you right now, that’s what we’ll do.»
Placing her hands over Dorian’s, Manon nodded once, feeling a little less scared, a little more ready for what was to come. «That’s what we’ll do.»
Taglist: @fireheartfaery @bookishwitchling @celestialams @darklingswhxore @onfma @ireallyshouldsleeprn@sayosdreams @rowaelinismyotp @rainbowcheetah512 @mirubyjane @zoyalovesbooks
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abruisedmuse · 3 months
Real talk, in real life, I think Dorian would be a (very) great lover. I like a man who knows what he wants. But I have this part of me that wants both Dorian and Manon as lovers…whoops.🤷‍♀️
Dorian is a man who knows how to have sex. He knows how to fuck just as much as he knows how to make love. And yes there's absolutely a difference. He knows how to hit every spot yes including the G Spot obviously. It's Dorian.
And yeah we all wanna be in a Manorian sandwich
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shallyne · 2 years
Rhys had “Hello Feyre darling” Dorian had “Hello witchling”. I wonder what will Ruhn’s phrase for Lidia will be. I think something like “Hello Day” or something. Sarah’s triplets must unite.
"Hello Deer" (instead of dear because she's a deer shifter hehe)
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malulls · 1 year
idk what will be more funnier for manon
abraxos being jealous form dorian
or abraxos loving dorian (manon is the mom dorian is the dad)
I keep in mind that Abraxos loves Dorian and sometimes that annoys Manon
But I think it would be funnier for her if he was jealous of Dorian, imagine they together and a wyvern angry and trying to get between them
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um Niki... I finished ToG. and manorian??? MANORIAN?????
'We'll see about that' WHAT DO YOU MEAN MANON?? are you thinking about marriage?? What does this??
This is like 'So Lorcan did'. well what did he do? What does it mean sarah??
I need the manorian book NOW
Sarah Janet really wrote, in my not-so-humble opinion, her best ship with Manorian (enermies to enemies-to-beneifts to reluctant allies to friends-with-benefits to Lovers???) and then decided to leave them where she did. Like-
The nerve the disrespect the audacity.
The Manorian ending and "So Lorcan did" are some of the worst literary crimes ever committed. 😤
Lia my friend, the world will end before I stop hoping and asking for a Manorian book.
In the meantime, though...here are the fics I had mentioned all those weeks back:
Your Heart's Got Teeth by @lightning-strikes-twice (kinky af 🙈)
A Cure for Nightmares by @rhysand-vs-fenrys (set pre-KoA, also kinky af)
Home is Where You Are by @mercurianbisous (set a couple of years into the future, gives some of the closure that SJM robbed us of. Angst, fluff and perhaps, maybe, possibly...a wedding ceremony? You'll find out when you read it 😌)
Aside from those ones, @rufousnmacska has a lot of really good Manorian fics on her blog, I've read some of hers, and they're all so good!
All these fics are amazing, and I love them with all my heart...and they're all one shots. I have read a few multi-chapter ones but I'm having trouble finding or remembering them, I'm so sorry!
I also may or may not have a half-written fic in my drafts that has been sitting untouched for the last 2 months aksnsjdjksndjebfb I'm sorry I will finish it eventually, but academics have been kicking my ass so hard lately
But let me know what you think of these and send me recs if you have any! 👀
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lucienarcheron · 6 months
Manorian for the ship bingo❣️
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So I appreciate the vibes of Manorian and think they would be SO hot together. I don’t know if I think they’re soulmates exactly but they definitely get each other in a way others don’t.
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rufousnmacska · 1 year
Here is part two - Dorian’s pov - of this anon-requested manorian head canon. Thanks to @itach-i for beta reading and fangirling 🥰
Hope you like it!
Orynth was months ago, and yet to Dorian it sometimes felt like years. The sickening feel of the collar on his skin, the voice of his father commanding him to kill a guard, the voice of his father saving him from the wyrd keys. The dreams left him dizzy with confusion, left him wondering if he could repair the Havilliard name and the damage his father had wrought. On the dreamless nights, he woke feeling rested but hollow. A new sense of emptiness as if something was missing.
It wasn’t until he walked in on a quiet moment between Chaol and Yrene one day that he realized what that empty feeling might be. His friends were hugging, their baby son cuddled between them. And oddly, it made him think of her.
He’d thought of Manon often since they’d parted in Terrasen. More often than he’d admitted to anyone, including himself. Of course he worried about her after the loss of her coven. But Dorian had kept those thoughts fleeting and mostly businesslike - how a treaty might impact the witches, when the wyverns would be old enough to train.
The fact that her face, her scent, her eyes were the only things he imagined when pleasuring himself… that meant nothing. He was simply too overwhelmed with work and in need of release.
But seeing his friends, he knew. He missed her. Desperately. Whatever they had was not over. Not even close.
When his mother approached him one day about his upcoming birthday, Dorian snapped. She left his office in tears and it took two days for her to forgive him. He blamed his horrible behavior on a headache, unable to tell her the truth.
His last birthday he’d been a slave to a valg prince. A torturer and murderer. He tried to kill one of his best friends. Or so he’d been told. The knowledge made him sick and fed the self doubt that seemed to be growing by the day.
No, he did not think a birthday ball would raise the morale of the castle and city. No, the presence of many, beautiful, eligible ladies would not cheer him up.
But she had not listened. Planning was underway and he replied by burying himself in his work. Ignoring the seed of hope that maybe the Witch Queen would receive an invitation.
The night before the festivities, Dorian lay in his bed unable to sleep. Dark thoughts and half memories raced through his head whenever he closed his eyes. No matter how hard he tried, no matter the tonic Yrene had made, sleep was impossible. The only time his tense muscles relaxed was when his thoughts turned to her.
Once, he almost drifted off. Imagining…
Manon walked into the ballroom, her silken hair in a braided crown, a red cape trailing behind. He left the person he was talking to and made his way through the crowd toward her. Their eyes were locked. The music had stopped. And yet, the more people he pushed aside, the farther away she became. Her smile never faltered and her golden gaze stayed on him. But the crowd was pulling him away. The crowd, the people, his people were pulling him back, tearing at his crown, his ornate clothing, shouting that he was not their king, shouting that they deserved a better king, one who hadn’t abandoned them, one who wouldn’t torture them, one that-
Dorian shook violently awake, a scream in his throat and both hands clutching his neck.
When the music began, Dorian swallowed his shame and painted a smile on his face. No doubt the line of women wanting to dance with him was long. And full of all the same greedy-eyed courtiers, who, like his mother, noticed no difference in him from last year to this.
He held back the grimace that came with the thought, and once again wished for her. Her presence that calmed him, made him feel real, and true.
He’d been a fool these past months, trying to convince himself that they were some sort of ephemeral thing. Like a butterfly that lives for a season and vanishes. He wanted the butterfly. Not to cage, but to have it fly to him, and him to fly to her.
Dorian shook his head. What the hell was he thinking? Comparing Manon to a butterfly? He was a fool.
The dance ended and he bowed to the Lady from a holding he’d forgotten. And just then, something prickled over his skin. He turned, looked up, and there she was.
Manon, in a red dress unlike anything his poor imagination could conjure.
She glided down the stairway, every step graceful. Just like his dream, their gaze never broke. He almost stopped walking, expecting this to turn into the nightmare of last night. But the smile she wore now was different. Not as broad or bright. This smile was soft, almost shy. Beyond description. It made his heart thrum.
They both stopped when they were eye to eye and he liked this position. It felt right. His equal, his queen.
“Hello witchling.” That he could speak surprised him.
Manon took a breath and said, “Hello princeling.”
Before she faded away, he pulled her into his arms and into a dance. He moved them away from the crowd and everyone disappeared from his awareness. Everyone but her.
“This is the best birthday present I could have asked for,” he whispered in her ear.
Manon wrinkled her nose slightly. “Your birthday?”
That she was here without knowing made it feel like fate. She shivered at his touch and he struggled to stay focused. “I’m going to pretend you knew.”
A moment of dancing passed and Manon noticed the new crest adorning his jacket. When he directed her to the mosaic on the wall, she froze. He’d had it designed to honor their sacrifice, not knowing if or when Manon would ever see it. Hoping. He’d hoped she would. And now she had tears forming in her eyes.
“It’s nothing,” Dorian said. “Just a token of our appreciation for what they gave.”
“It’s not nothing,” she replied, swallowing the tears before they fell.
Now it was his turn to freeze. Manon rested her warm hand on his cheek. It was soft, unsteady. But real. The image of a butterfly landing in his hand flitted through his mind. He blinked it away and turned to kiss her palm.
Dorian took Manon’s hand and led her from the ballroom. Within minutes of back halls and hidden passageways they were in his room.
Together. Finally.
As they embraced, he drew a finger under her eyes. She hadn’t been sleeping. Judging by the darkness of her normally pale skin, she hadn’t slept well in some time.
“I don’t want to sleep yet,” she said, knowing what he was about to suggest.
He could hear the music rising up through the balcony. “And I don’t want to take off this dress yet.” It was the truth. She was stunning.
So they danced in each other’s arms until Manon turned her face up to his and he kissed her.
They were awake together all night and fell asleep at dawn. He spent the day curled around her, not caring that they never left the bed.
She was here and that’s all that mattered.
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shadowhandss60 · 9 months
Sorry but I’m here to rant…I get so fckin mad when people hate on Manorian and say they were purely lust and had no real bond.They clearly have no reading apprehension because there are straight out lines in the books confirming the opposite and are mad Manorian is way hotter then their boring faves.Of course people have different tastes but I’ll never understand spreading hate and literal misinformations everywhere.I always report on these people…
Also how hooowww can they say they aren’t endgame after Dorian literally saying “There’s only one witch who will be my queen.”…Unbelievable…
I can understand how people don’t connect to them because I don’t always connect to ships either, but I think they expect this intense romance like the other ships but their past/traumas don’t give them that luxury and I’m not saying the other ships don’t have that at as well but they allow themselves to open up sooner.
Does it start with some lust? Sure, but that’s not all it is.
(I’m gonna rant a bit)
Dorian is the only main character in the series to never say “I love you” outloud to someone and there’s a huge reason why. We know why Manon is so closed off and not wanting to be vulnerable, even with those she’s known for 100+ years, she doesn’t even say it until Abraxos in KOA.
For Dorian it seems like he’d be someone to say it but in ToG we hear how Dorian did fall for a “fiery” girl (Rosamund I think) and then she left and married another.
Then he falls for Celaena and is ready to “tear the world apart with his bare hands” and wants to tell her he loves her but she breaks it off with him and pushes him away and falls for his best friend (I am not faulting her, just saying what happened) again, making him feel like the second choice.
Then a few books later he finds comfort and love in someone different, someone softer and seemingly more open where he finally feels like he’s the first choice and she’s ripped away from him in one of the most brutal ways, by his own father, while he was helpless after literally BEGGING him to spare her.
Side note this just made me realize what Dorian meant by “I am never begging for anything again.” Because of that outcome, and OUCH
So now he’s had his heart broken over and over again and then immediately after, he’s a slave for months. Forced to torture and kill his friends, while being torn apart internally while he can do nothing about it. He can’t even remember who he was and relives her death over and over and the FIRST reprieve he has is this beautiful woman who gives him his voice and allows him to remember his name after what felt like eons to him.
Then he’s forced back into that darkness and pain when she’s gone, but he latches onto her and her name and holds on after saying he didn’t want to fight and when he was forced to enjoythe pain he caused. Manon thinks of him to pay her debt to Aelin, she thinks of him and can’t even think of why when she checks up on him in Rifthold.
Then in EOS she goes to save him, she feels a part of herself “wake up” at his half smile and his tone, the way he doesn’t balk and doesn’t fear her. She talks about how he has seen death and worse and has that dark part of him that was forced to enjoy it when he was collared and she relates to that because of what she learns about her past in EoS.
Then after everything, he goes to save her as she did with him, no thought of himself, sprinting across the ship and jumping into the ocean so she wouldn’t drown and when he sees that she looks intent on dying he pokes at her and teases her and tries to stoke something in her like she was able to do with him.
She also comforts him without needing to when he talks about how he enjoyed killing the Ilchen and was forced to enjoy killing while collared. Sure, she does it in the Manon way, but he bites right back in the Dorian way and THEN there’s the lust.
Then she sees that part of her that’s drawn to him more physically and let’s her guard down (physically).
Lysandra talks about how she is different and dangerous and everything Dorian shouldn’t want after what he has gone through but everything he needs. She doesn’t judge him, doesn’t pity him or coddle him. He says he’d raze the continent for what was done to Sorscha and Manon accepts and agrees and he’s relieved. We see that fierce protectiveness when he talks about wanting to take time and pleasure in killing her grandmother for hurting her and we see her say he tastes foreign yet familair and allows herself to be vulnerable for the first time in 100+ years.
We see in KoA that they do talk in depth about what his father did to him, what her grandma did to her, what happened to Sorscha and Manon’s sister. We don’t SEE these conversations but we know they happened because of context and the details that are said and I feel like people ignore this.
We see Manon at the most vulnerable she’s ever been, admitting that she cares and admitting she doesn’t want to lose him and how those hours waiting for him to come back on Narene we some of the longest of her life.
There are no grand romantic proclamations (out loud, but if you pay attention in their POVs and how Manon had to fight herself to not fly to morath, “to him” and “there is only one witch will be my queen”…we all know) but those lovey dovey, super open “I love yous “ and “sweet nothings” aren’t who they are.
Manon JUST started to understand that she was capable of caring and Dorian was burned too many times to allow that vulnerability again, he didn’t even open up to Chaol or Aelin at that point.
That’s not who they are and though they were growing to that point in the short time they, the love and care is still there, still in context if you pay attention.
They challenge eachother but listen and respect eachother and accept all aspects even if they don’t always agree and I LOVE their love and the way it’s not blatantly stated but in the nuances of their story.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. (I didn’t proofread this so oops)
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dawninlatin · 1 year
I can’t wait to read what you’re writing!!Manorian is love…Manorian is life…and so are ur fics…✨✨
Thank youuuuuuu<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
This ask just gave me the energy to stay up all night so I can finish this fic:)
Please accept this ✨snippet✨ as a token for your kindness😌
What was there to say, anyway? That in the past three years, she could count on one hand the amount of times she’d gotten a good night’s sleep? That every time she closed her eyes, she saw her sisters racing towards their deaths, leaving her behind? That when the nightmares were at their worst, Dorian joined them? 
The truth was that Manon was barely keeping it together, barely keeping her pain and despair hidden.
She needed to do something, though, because she had seen this determination in him before, right before he’d flown off to Morath, fully prepared to sacrifice himself if it meant saving everyone else.
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shadowdaddies · 8 months
Do u write poly manorian
Hi! Yes I’d be happy to, send in whatever requests you have!
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abruisedmuse · 3 months
I reread Handle With Care and ugh, I love Manorian so much!! They have my whole heart. Dorian would be such a dilf. Imagining him playing with kids and looking so good while doing it, meanwhile Manon is looking at him affectionately.❤️
Thank you! So happy you enjoyed it! They're perfect together and one of my favorites. Dorian would be THE dilf. No one could compare. Manon watches affectionately til they're around people who are watching him with interest and she stares them down with a promise of death. That's her dilf and no one else's
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throneofsapphics · 9 months
Heyy..would you write a very angsty Rowalein x reader or Manorian x reader, where the reader takes a bullet or arrows or knife meant for Manon or Rowan and ends up severely injured?
I just read your work and the angst is sooo freaking good that my mind can't turn off of the angst train and conjures up scenarios that immediately ends up in your asks.
I would really be grateful if you decided to write even one of my asks.!!
you never could lie to me 
Rowaelin x Reader
Summary: You take an arrow meant for Rowan and Aelin. 
Warnings: blood, severe injuries, not proofread
A/N: thank you so much, I love the scenarios !! I’m a bit worried I like writing this too much  
You moved on instinct, all you knew was you couldn’t let them get hurt, your own safety felt insignificant compared to theirs. 
Your shield deflected at least three of the arrows, while a gust of magic knocked them to the ground. Two found their mark before you managed to dispatch one of the attackers, Rowan and Aelin having reacted quickly to get the others. 
“What the fuck?” You hear Aelin roar, but the pain in your left thigh and right shoulders took all of your attention as you fell to your knees. You didn’t pull them out, you knew better than that. Rowan had taken off on foot, and Aelin crouched next to you, her eyes filled with worry as a shield of flames covered the two of you. 
A stream of curses left her lips. “You’ll be fine,” she assured you, but her hands braced the area around your thigh, trying to staunch some of the blood quickly gushing from the area.
“Did you know your left temple twitches when you lie?” You managed to croak with a laugh. 
“Don’t,” she interrupted, “please.” 
“Iron,” you managed to mumble as you felt her reaching for her magic. “It’s iron.” 
She let out a shuddering breath. 
You heard footsteps, and saw a small break in the shield - just enough for Rowan to slip through. Anger and fear was streaming from him in droves. You saw his breath catch as he took in your injuries and heard the curses leaving him as well. 
If Rowan was losing his cool, that meant it actually was bad. You became slowly aware of your consciousness leaving your body. You weren’t ready to die, not now, it wasn’t … it couldn’t be time.
You didn’t mean to say the words out loud, but you must’ve, “You’re not dying.” Rowan’s voice was rough as he knelt next to you. 
“I can’t heal these here,” you heard him mutter softly to Aelin. The last thing you heard was cloth ripping as black danced in your vision, and hissed as cloth wrapped tightly around the wounds - one on your upper thigh, cutting off all circulation and blood flow. Tourniquet, you think that's the name for it. 
A light tap on your cheek, and Aelin’s voice sounded distant, “stay awake.” 
You tried, but couldn’t. Sleep took over. 
Rowan balanced the line between holding you carefully in his arms, and sprinting back for the castle. Aelin kept pace with him and a shield of flames surrounded them the entire way. One less thing for him to worry about. He could have healed it when you arrived, but the place the arrows hit was dangerous enough getting you to the castle healers would be safer.  Gods he was pissed at you, and would have several words for you once this was over and you were well again. You would be, you had to be, but he could feel death balancing over you - taunting you - and he prayed you stayed here, hung on as long as you could. The shallow breathing pushed him to run as fast as he ever had. The arrows would have struck both him and Aelin directly in the head if you hadn’t intervened. Pissed off and somehow grateful at the same time. But - if you died for him he’d somehow find a way to drag you back to life or hire a ghost to haunt you until he could find you in the next life.
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malulls · 1 year
Imagine manorian as hockey player x figure skater and grumpy x sunshine but in reverse. Manon is the grumpy hockey player struggling with her perfectionist grandmother and Dorian is the sunshine figure skater who comes form rich family
I'm not sure of what I think about Manon as a hockey player (give that woman a stick and she will often be in jail) though I can see it, but everything else? I loved it
It reminded me of an idea I had where they were both figure skaters and had to work together on an enemies to lovers vibe (yes I'm obsessed with Spin Out)
And about the hockey thing, I might have something coming 👀
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whatisamettafor · 10 months
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I don't normally take commissions because inspiration is a wily, unpredictable with, but @rufousnmacska asked if I would take this Manorian commission and the only answer was absolutely yes.
I had a blast and I hope you all like it too!
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