#manon expressing feelings
pergaminaa · 18 days
I think milk is another thing that they don't agree on.
Aelin, Dorian and possibly even Chaol have no problems with drinking milk. Idk they seem to be like those people you know? Especially Dorian and Aelin because while reading, nothing beats snacking on cookies and a cold glass of milk because they're silly like that.
Manon (and the rest of the witches) is the opposite. They'd visibly flinch at the sight of someone drinking milk casually and honestly, Dorian thought the witches are being dramatic and he turned to Manon because she is different (they like to mess with him this is why he confirms things with Manon). However, she was reacting exactly the same way because ew this thing is disgusting and just the thought of it was enough to make her feel nauseous (but Dorian didn't think her being dramatic she's just being herself).
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zomaxi · 8 months
vincent’s philosophy of love based on his absence of taste is really interesting, like the fact he only kills Manon because he thinks utilizing her in the cooking he feeds to rody will physically infuse the dish with love….since rody adored her….. Rody not eating the food he was given prior having the impression all his previous leftovers felt self absorbed snd devoid of love which is ironic for a chef who’s main job is to provide for other people. Vince has never done that. the bistro itself doesn’t cater towards the customer with its premade menus and he chases a way to find that selfless kind of love especially after he sees how loud and passionately Rody cares for Manon, he tries to express it in the only way he physically knows how. we have one character whos caring to a fault, dedicating their entire existence to serving someone else and putting their priorities above all else and another character who has exclusively lived for themselves thus far and even while trying to express love through cooking can’t do it outside of his own interest and need to accomplish creating something that feels selfless and genuine.
god i love them so much
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uniquexusposts · 1 month
The Dutch Grand Prix - M. Verstappen (2)
Summary: Y/n and Max meet again after the race in a restaurant.
Note: you ask and I write✨✨
Part 1
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The sun was setting over the North Sea, casting a golden hue across the sandy dunes of Bergen aan Zee, a town north of Zandvoort. The small town was wrapped in a familiar calm, a peace that Y/n hadn’t felt in weeks. She’d left Zandvoort with her thoughts still racing as fast as the cars she’d watched earlier.
Now, in the fading light of the evening, she found herself drawn to her old favourite spot—an unassuming beach restaurant nestled just beyond the dunes, where the waves whispered against the shore and the world seemed to slow down. The place hadn’t changed much; the same weathered wood, the same string lights swaying in the breeze, the same scent of salt and seaweed lingering in the air. It felt like coming home. It was like coming home.
Y/n chose a table by the window, where she could watch the tide roll in as she tried to unravel the knot of feelings in her chest. The waitress greeted her with a warm smile, recognising her as a familiar face from years past. 
“Y/n L/n, right?”
Y/n nodded, trying to recall the girl. Who was she? Where did she know her from? “I know you from somewhere, but I can’t remember it…” She squinted her eyes. “What is your name, again?” 
“Manon,” the woman chuckled. 
Y/n’s eyes grew and a smile grew on her face. “Holy shit, you have changed so much,” she said. Manon used to be her classmate during primary school. 
“Honestly, it’s like twenty years ago. I saw you and I just immediately recognised you. How have you been? Still live in France?” 
This moment made Y/n happy, exactly what she needed after this weekend. “Yes, I still live in France, we still own the chateau. How are you?” 
They rolled into a conversation, reconnecting again. And luckily, the restaurant wasn’t busy at all, so Manon had some time to talk. During the chat, some other people of the restaurant joined the conversation. Bergen was a small town, everybody knew each other, and it was something big when Y/n’s family emigrated to France. This was like a reunion. 
“So, how what the Grand Prix?” Manon asked after her eyes fell on the pass that was still hanging around Y/n’s neck. 
“It was amazing, but I’m glad I’m having a moment of peace.”
They both laughed about it. Then Manon asked Y/n for her order. Just like the old days, Y/n ordered a citrus lemonade and the famous club sandwich. 
As the lemonade was served, she gazed out at the horizon, the sun dipping into the water, turning the sky into a canvas of oranges and pinks. She tried to lose herself in the view, in the simplicity of being alone. Yet, she couldn’t do it. She hadn’t expected to feel so…unsettled after the race, after seeing Julien again, and after that brief, electrifying conversation with Max. 
Max Verstappen. 
The name still felt foreign on her tongue, yet it lingered in her mind, a strange echo of something she couldn’t quite place. She’d tried to brush off the connection they’d shared in the garage, telling herself it was nothing more than a polite exchange. Why am I making such a big deal of it? He’s having this kind of conversation with everyone. This was some kind of pre programmed conversation. And everybody got trapped in it. 
A sudden burst of laughter pulled her out of her thoughts. Y/n turned her head, and her breath caught in her throat. There, at the entrance of the restaurant, stood Max. He wasn’t alone—his family was with him, all smiles and easy conversation, clearly enjoying the afterglow of his race. But his presence filled the space in a way that made the small restaurant seem suddenly smaller, more intimate.
For a moment, their eyes met across the room, and the world seemed to narrow to just the two of them. Max’s expression shifted from surprise to something softer, a recognition that mirrored her own. She hadn’t expected to see him again, not here, not like this. She had the impression Max would leave the track, and the concerning country, as quickly as possible. But here he was, at a beach restaurant, near a small town, 40 kilometres up north from Zandvoort. 
Y/n quickly looked away and felt her heart quicken, a mix of excitement and nerves fluttering in her chest. She never knew how to act when she saw a famous person. But for real, what were the odds? In this quiet corner of the world, after everything that had happened today, here he was—again. She looked into his direction again. Max offered her a small, almost shy smile, the kind that made her stomach flip. Then, without breaking eye contact, he said something to his family, and they all began moving toward her side of the restaurant. Y/n’s pulse raced as she realised they were being seated at the table next to hers.
Internal error. 
As they settled in, Max glanced her way again, and this time, there was a question in his eyes, as if he were silently asking if it was alright for him to be here, to share this space with her. Y/n answered with a small, reassuring smile.
Besides herself and Max’ family, there were only two other people in the restaurant. It was like everyone else was at Zandvoort, or watched the race at home. No one would be at this place and beach now. It was odd to Y/n, it felt like she was an intruder to his time with his family. She looked ahead of her, to the sunset and tried to distract herself from the fact that Max was sitting next to her. 
A few minutes passed with stolen glances, the two of them navigating the strange but not unpleasant tension that crackled between them. Eventually, the waitress brought over another chair, sliding it in between the two tables as if sensing the inevitable—bringing them closer together.
Max’s family, getting lost in their conversation, didn’t seem to notice as he moved his seat to bridge the gap between their tables. But Y/n noticed, her breath catching as he settled beside her, their elbows nearly brushing. He looked at her then, really looked at her, and in his eyes, she saw the same question she’d been asking herself all evening: what now?
“I didn’t expect to see you here,” Max said softly, his voice carrying a warmth that matched the glow of the setting sun. There was something in his tone, a mix of surprise and something else—something hopeful.
“Neither did I,” Y/n replied, her voice just as quiet, as if they were sharing a secret. “But it’s nice… to see a familiar face.”
Max smiled, a real, genuine smile that reached his eyes this time. “Yeah, it is.” The pressure was off. “Do you get here often?” Then he looked away and he smirked. “That sounded like a bad pick up line. I’m sorry.” 
The wasn’t wearing his Red Bull Racing shirt, but just a black T-shirt and it seemed like he became a completely different person. 
“Didn’t even notice it,” Y/n laughed along, but it indeed sounded like a bad pick up line. “But, actually, yes. Well, not really now, but when I was a child, yes.” She noticed the question in his eyes. “I grew up in Bergen, the town around the corner. I moved away when I was ten years old.”
“Really? To where? Let me guess. France? Because your…”
He nodded. “Your ex,” he filled in, he caught a flash of hope in his stomach. “They spoke French.” But why was she here with her ex?
“Yes, yes, we moved to France when I was ten years old. Do you know Ik Vertrek?” Ik Vertrek was the Dutch version of the British No Going Back, where a family emigrates to another country to build a new life. 
He nodded. “No way,” he blurted and his eyes grew. “Which season and episode?”
“No,” Y/n laughed and covered her face with her hands. “Don’t you dare to look it up. But we were on that show, yeah.”
“You are a real reality star, Y/n,” Max teased. “And now? What’s happening with it now?”
“We are still running a business there.”
“Wow. I never met someone who was on Ik Vertrek.”
“And I never met a driver before,” she playfully replied, giving him a wink. 
A shy, but cheerful laugh rolled over Max’ lips. 
And just like that, the conversation flowed between them as easily as the waves outside, the earlier awkwardness melting away. Y/n carefully brought up the race. She didn’t want to only talk about the Grand Prix, she would understand if he wanted to talk about other things. And they talked about why Max was in Bergen; his family loved this place from weekend trips and they saw it as an opportunity to relive this moment again. Y/n found herself laughing more than she had in days, the weight of the weekend slowly lifting as they shared stories and memories.
As the evening wore on, the line between their two tables blurred until it was as if they were one group, one conversation, one shared experience. Max’s family welcomed her into their fold without hesitation, and Y/n felt a sense of belonging that she hadn’t felt in a long time. But most of all, she felt the connection between her and Max grow stronger with every passing moment, like a tide that couldn’t be held back.
Taglist: @itsjustkhaos@crashingwavesofeuphoria@maryvibess @chocolatefartstrawberry @snzleclerc @ironmaiden1313 @barcelonaloverf1life @itsjustkhaos
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pandalexoxo · 8 months
since i’ve watched youtubers play dead plate, it’s been on constantly my mind 😻 i’ve literally searched up gacha reactions, fanfics, edits, etc, just because i’m starting to obsess over the game. not to mention how little attraction it’s gained?! where is the fan art, the fanfics, the loveeee?!? 😭 anywho! just a little blurb i keep imagining in my head!
this takes place after ending 3 so please, keep in mind that this will contain spoilers for the third ending! you’ve been warned!
With his left hand, Rody puts pressure on where his left ear had been before Vincent had ripped it off and eaten it. He pants softly, unable to tear his gaze away from the flames that engulf the bistro.
Rody is able to break contact when he sees a shoe in the corner of his right eye. Rody’s body tenses as he looks over at the shoe, allowing his gaze to slowly move up to take in the owner of the shoe. Black leather shoes that shine bright from the fire’s light, black slacks and a white long sleeve button up underneath a black vest adorned with a black tie. Rody’s eyes widen at the face.
The persons expression is full of worry, the figure holds their hands out as if wanting to comfort Rody but feeling as if they shouldn’t overstep boundaries in such a clearly traumatic time. the figure’s mouth opens, mouthing some illegible words. Rody hasn’t realized that all this time his ears had been ringing, his brain already trying to force this moment into the back of his head.
Rody’s eyes fill up with tears and he sniffles. The ringing slowly fades out as the voice slowly registers. “Rody! Hey, are you alright? Hey, deep breathes, you don’t have to tell me what happened, let’s- here, can i lead you to my car…?” Rody feels tears flow down his cheek and drip off his chin and Rody feels like he’s breaking as he wetly smiles. “…(M/n)…”
The man, finally known as (M/n), looks relieved as Rody seems to snap out of his previous delirious state. “Rody… Hey… Let’s step away and go to my car, yeah?” Rody nods but takes one step and falls forward. (M/n) panics, stepping a few paces forwards to catch Rody.
Rody’s eyes close and he whines, letting his tears fall and openly sob as he mourns. Mourning over the truth he has learned, that his girlfriend was killed and cooked up by his boss, being served to Rody though, due to his inability to cook, he had not eaten the dish, which Rody is now thankful for. Rody finds himself surprisingly mourning over Vincent too, just wishing to make some money to whoo Manon and wanting to try to become closer to Vince, maybe even become friends. It’s too late, what’s done is done.
(M/n) sighs softly, his expression softening as he holds Rody close. He allows Rody to get all of his feelings out, hoping his friend will be able to feel better. “Rody… I don’t know what happened and you don’t need to tell me until you’re ready, but… Please … I want you to know that i’ll be here with you, for you… All the way...”
Rody’s body continues to heave from the force of his sobs but ultimately seems to be calming down. Rody is reduced to sniffles and he clears his throat to speak. “All the way…? You promise…?” (M/n) hums, rubbing Rody’s back soothingly. “All the way. I promise.”
Rody nods, feeling content before pulling away with a sheepish look, as his stomach growl. He scratches the back of his neck nervously but (M/n) breaks into laughter, causing Rody to follow suit. “(M/n)… Could we get something to eat…?” (M/n) nods, able to pull both of them up and lead Rody to his car. “Of course, my treat.”
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moonlitstoriess · 3 months
Across the Universe-ch.9 (Fenrys x Reader)
Summary: Y/n has everything she needs in life. A family, friends, a safe place she calls home and most importantly a male whom she loves. What happens when it all changes when Y/n finds out about the betrayal of her lover and her so called family? Well, ending up in Terrasen and in queen Aelin's court was not what she expected but what she will need to start her new journey full of surprises.
See masterlist
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Is this real? Is any of it even real?
Amren....this is Amren.....well, she had a ghost body and bright light all around her but it still IS her!
The hope that fluttered in y/n's chest was unimaginable. It felt so good to finally see someone from your world. Even if you do not consider that someone as a friend anymore. But...whatever it takes to leave this place. Even if a tiny part of her was refusing the idea.
Amren's eyes widened slightly as she spoke, her voice imbued with an otherworldly resonance from the magic. "Y/n! Fucking finally!"
Y/n tried coming closer but Fenrys grabbed her waist and pulled her back to his chest. She tried moving but his strong grip wouldn't budge and when she looked at his face, it showed no emotion but a warriors gaze, daring Amren to even try something.
She sighed but looked back at Amren, who was watching the interaction with an amused look, "Amren...how? I-what is going on? I mean, I have been trying to come back but so far it's not working. How did you find me? Is the Book of Breathings with you?"
The female replied while still keeping her narrowed gaze on the male behind y/n "It's a long story and I do not have much time but yes I came here after managing to break through the book's spells. Clearly not with my physical body though. We have been searching for ways to bring you back ever since you left. Azriel has been going feral, even threatened to kill Rhysand if you aren't back saf-"
"You expect me to believe that? You all lied to m-"
"There is no time for this sappy nonsense talk, girl. We can all discuss it when all of this craziness is over and you're back. There is not enough time. Listen to me, I finally found where you are so just wait a little longer and we will get to you-"
"Amren no, you don't understand. There are gates opening, evil beings are coming back and I somehow am the one who needs to be the one to close those gates and then come home and...we have to kill those evil beings an- you probably have no idea what I am talking about but listen to me, I need the Book of Breathings. How can you send it to me?"
Amren's figure started to slowly disappear "I just managed to get to you, find your location after a whole month of searching and now you are telling me that I need to find a way to send the book to you? I don't understand-"
"Months? It has only been a week here-"
Amren was almost gone now "Time is different in each world girl. Just be patient a little more. We will find a way."
"No! Amren, the gate-"
Rowan, Aelin and Manon came running into the room, a shocked expression overtaking their features when they sew what was going on.
Amren looked at them before her figure completely disappeared and all the traces of an ancient magic left the room.
Aedion looked at her and Fenrys, who was still clutching her tightly to his chest, before saying "Well, are any of you planning to explain what the fuck this was?"
Fenrys seemingly cooled down becuse the second Aedion finished talking, he silently unwrapped his arm from around her and moved back. Why was she feeling sad because of it? Get your hormones together y/n.
She cleared her throat and spoke "The female you saw, she is from my world and apparently they have been searching for me for a whole month. She said now that she knows I am here, they will try their best to get me back but I tried telling her about the gates and that I need the Book of Breathings but she...she didn't underst- anyways there wasn't enough time and....well, yes."
They looked at Fenrys to see if she was lying or not but when he just nodded in confirmation, they stared at her with varying expressions. It was Manon who spoke first, her voice sharp "Your people are coming here?"
"Well, yes....maybe? They want to get me out of here, not to cause any troubles so..relax."
Aelin just sighed before heading towards the door, followed by the other two "This was definitely not how I planned my afternoon to go."
Once everyone had left, y/n also moved towards the door when his voice stopped her "So, Azriel is going mad for you?"
She turned around to see him staring out the window, not looking at her. But if those clenched hands were any indicator, Fenrys was clearly mad.
She scoffed "Out of everything that just happened, you only care about that?"
When Fenrys remained silent, y/n sighed softly. "Don't believe it. He's probably just struggling with guilt."
With those words hanging in the air, she left the room and headed towards the royal gardens, leaving Fenrys alone with his thoughts.
Too much. This was too much for her. She just wanted to go home. To leave all this behind. Why her? Why is she even special when all her life she was told the opposite? Why can't it all stop?!
Y/n was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't even realize where she ended up in the garden. It was a small, wooden gazebo that had roses of all colors covering its sides and roof. But what caught her attention the most was the blond queen sitting inside it, eyes closed and head tilted back, resting against the wood.
Seems like Aelin also was seeking a moment of peace. Best to turn around and leave-
"Don't go."
Y/n turned around to see the female in the same position with her eyes still closed. She hesitantly came closer and sat a little further away from the queen.
Aelin sighed before speaking "This place is where I find sanctuary when it all gets too much to handle."
Y/n nodded slightly as she looked towards the gardens, the birds chirping bringing her a sense of comfort, as she relaxed against the wooden pillar behind her.
"I understand you, you know. I understand how it feels to hide yourself, your secrets, from the world. To think of yourself as so unworthy, that you are doing a favor to your loved ones by hiding your true self from them."
Y/n's shock and confusion was evident on her face as she looked at her "What? I don- How?"
Did she know about the whole witch thing? Did Manon tell her?
Aelin just smirked slightly "You may seem unbreakable but even you sometimes let out your emotions through your facial expressions. And let's not talk about the obvious fact that you are in a different place surrounded by us, strangers. Of course you will feel out of place."
The winged female sighed as she just stared at the view in front of them "It is draining. I don't know what to feel or do anymore. I don't know anything."
At that, Aelin opened her eyes and looked at y/n "You know, everyone thought that I was dead until I got my throne back three years ago."
Y/n whipped her head back around and looked to her side, at the queen "What?!"
Aelin just laughed as she said "Yes! My parents and everyone I ever loved were murdered ten years ago by the King of Adarlan. Long story short, a man....Arobynn, he found me unconscious out in the open in the middle of the night and took me in. Turns out he was the King of Assasins which is why I spent the next seven years of my life under his watch, training to be the best assassin- which I did end up becoming. And all that time, I went under a false name, Celaena Sardothien, it was hilarious! no one ever knew my true identity because I would always dress in black and cover every part of my body, making it impossible for people to even tell my age."
Y/n couldn't believe what she was hearing. This female was not queen the whole time? What?
Aelin just continued with a sigh "But....when I was seventeen it all changed. By that point, I was tired of Arobynn. He was a paradox. He put me through the toughest fights, challenges and missions just to make me into what I am now, he would shower me with gifts, making me filthy rich at such a young age but....he wouldn't hesitate to punish me when I would 'let him down'. He lied when he said that he would let me go, he lied because he saw me as a posession. An object of which he couldn't let go. He was a paradox. A manipulator, caretaker, father, mentor, maybe even lover."
Y/n didn't know when she got closer to the queen, coming to sit right next to her as she silently said "That....I can understand it slightly....while mine wasn't showering me in gifts or training me to be an asassin he would beat me up, do unspeakable things but then he would ask for forgiveness, say its my fault, but he loves me....that he knows what's best for me."
The female beside her nodded her head, needing no explanation on what y/n just said "They may come in different forms but they are all monsters nonetheless. Arobynn indirectly killed the boy I loved and then acted devastated as I cried next to his dead, mutilated body. Then, when I tried to get my revenge, he was the one who informed the enemy and got me sent into a slave camp where I spent a whole year of my life. Dorian and Chaol? I know them because they were the ones to save me from that camp, even though we all hated each other at first. Lysandra? I know her because she was also under his control."
"That....that is horrible. I-I am so sorry I don't even know what to say....is- is he alive now?"
Aelin just gave her a small, sad smile "Don't worry, Lysandra slit his throat when he was asleep. Which was then followed by a shit ton of chaos."
Y/n smiled too, happy to know that this monster also got his deserved end.
"Did you kill yours too?"
She nodded "Yes, he wanted to clip my wings so that I never even thought of leaving him. It was also a stupid tradition. I trained myself, then opened an academy to train others so that they wouldn't go through what I did. It was quite the shock really, a female Illyrian whose wings weren't clipped, training others how to fight."
Aelin's hand on Y/n's shoulder was warm, a gesture of solidarity that spoke volumes more than words ever could. Her proud smile softened the edges of her usually fierce expression.
"You survived," Aelin said softly, her voice carrying the weight of understanding. "And you've grown stronger despite everything. That's what matters."
Y/n nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude toward Aelin. They may have come from different worlds, faced different kinds of horrors, but in that moment, their shared experience of overcoming abuse and manipulation bound them together.
Aelin squeezed her shoulder gently before withdrawing her hand. "We're stronger together," she said firmly. "And we'll make sure no one else suffers like we did."
With those words hanging in the air, Y/n felt a renewed sense of purpose. Despite the darkness of their pasts, there was hope in their shared resolve to protect others from similar fates.
When they left the gardens, they saw others on the training grounds. Fenrys and Rowan were fighting each other, half naked, while Aedion, Manon and Chaol watched from the sidelines, Aedion with his bandaged arm and Chaol with his cane by his side. Eva and Lysandra were sitting on one of the benches while the teen was pointing at the book in her hands, showing something to her. Abraxos was sleeping on the grass.
When they reached Lysandra and Eva, the latter looked up at y/n from her place on the bench “Y/n! You have to read this book! I will give it to you once I am done with it but it has the most exhilarating plot!” 
Y/n smiled as she looked at the book “Oh really? Then I can’t wait for it.”
Eva grinned and hugged the book to her chest. “Trust me, you’ll be hooked from the first chapter. The characters are so well-written, and the twists are mind-blowing.”
Lysandra chuckled, shaking her head. “Eva’s been talking about that book non-stop since she started it. It’s a wonder she hasn’t finished it already.”
Eva rolled her eyes playfully. “Well, I want to savor it. It’s not every day you come across such a gem.”
Y/n laughed. “I’ll take your word for it. I’m always on the lookout for a good read.”
Aelin smiled at the small interaction before looking at Chaol with a concerned gaze, “Something happened to Yreene?”
Lysandra sighed, “Apparently. He was sparring with Fenrys when his legs began hurting. Hopefully whatever Yrene is doing with the book, she is taking precautions.” 
Before anyone could say anything, Lysandra looked at y/n “Speaking of, care to explain why Fenrys is so riled up that he has been fighting nonstop for the past two hours? Aelin, you might want to check up on your birdie because he looks quite exhausted.” 
Once again, before y/n could even begin to reply, she heard a familiar voice behind her say “You liar.”
Aelin and y/n both turned around to see Manon staring at y/n with fire in her eyes.
Y/n and all three females behind her were just as confused as her when she asked, “What are you talking about, Manon?”
The witch just stepped closer to her as she said, “Knew you were a deceiving snake.” 
Manon’s fists were clenched, her muscles taut with readiness. “Let’s see if you can lie about this as well, y/n.”
With a sudden burst of speed, Manon lunged forward, her fist aiming straight for y/n’s face. She sidestepped the punch and retaliated with a swift jab to Manon’s ribs. The impact made Manon grunt, but she shook it off quickly, eyes blazing with determination.
Manon countered with a roundhouse kick aimed at y/n’s midsection. She blocked the kick with her forearm, the force of the blow sending a shockwave through her arm. Ignoring the pain, y/n grabbed Manon’s leg and twisted, attempting to throw her off balance. Manon, however, used the momentum to her advantage, flipping gracefully and landing on her feet.
The fight intensified as they exchanged blows with lightning speed. Manon’s fists were like hammers, each punch coming with incredible force. Y/n dodged and weaved, her movements fluid and precise. She countered with a powerful uppercut that connected with Manon’s jaw, sending her staggering back.
She closed the distance, launching a series of rapid punches aimed at Manon’s torso. Manon blocked and deflected, her reflexes sharp. She ducked under a particularly vicious swing and delivered a brutal knee strike to Y/N’s stomach.
The blow knocked the wind out of y/n, but she didn’t go down. Instead, she gritted their teeth and grabbed Manon’s arm, pulling her into a close-quarters grapple. The two struggled for dominance, muscles straining, breaths coming in ragged gasps.
In the distance, she could hear screams and shouts to stop, to just back off. Fenrys’ voice was the loudest of all. 
For some reason, y/n turned around to cast him a quick glance and was met with his beyond concerned gaze. It held a mixture of anger, shock and….fear. His breaths were ragged and his hands were shaking as he slowly made his way ove-
A punch to her stomach forced her backwards and onto the ground as she looked back at Manon who just told her “Coward.”
That was it. That was the final straw. Y/n didn’t know when or how she felt it but she did. Her transformation began with a disorienting sensation, her body shifting in ways she couldn't immediately comprehend. A strange taste filled her mouth, the metallic tang of iron, as her gums contorted and stretched, forming into sharp, unforgiving iron teeth. Simultaneously, her nails extended, hardening into gleaming, steel-like claws that seemed to elongate with every passing second.
Everything else became a blur. All the gasps, all the noise, everything but Manon, who was now smirking triumphantly at her. 
Y/n lunged for the witch, pinning her down with a snarl that displayed her fangs “You did it all to rile me up. It was an act wasn’t it? You planned it.”
Manon had the audacity to just smirk and shrug her shoulder while still pinned down “It worked though, didn’t it?”
“I will kill you.”
“Go ahead.”
She raised her hand, her iron nails glinting in the sun as she aimed for the queens throat but….she couldn’t do it. Something inside her refused to obey. 
With a sigh, she pushed back and away from Manon and got up. Y/n felt as her body shifted back to normal, her nails and teeth disappearing once again.
Silence fell over the area like a heavy blanket, each person frozen in shock. Aelin and Eva's mouths hung open in disbelief, Lysandra's hand instinctively covering hers. Aedion and Chaol stared, their expressions a mix of bewilderment directed at her and then at Manon. Rowan's smile was faint but discernible, while Fenrys stood wide-eyed and rigid, caught between amazement and apprehension.
Aelin closed her mouth and cleared her throat before asking "You- you are an Ironteeth Witch? Why didn't you tell us?"
"Because I didn't know what I was until I came here and even if I did, I consider it a curse so why should I tell you?"
She felt Manon come and stand right beside her as she said with a harsh tone "Call us a curse one more time and see what happens. You are a witch so stop denying it."
Before y/n could reply, Eva shouted "That is so amazing! A witch with wings of her own!"
Lysandra clapped "Well done you two for putting on such a brilliant show."
Y/n sighed as Manon snickered and Aedion muttered an "I am so confused" before earning a small nod in agreement from Chaol who was still questioningly staring at y/n.
Her gaze moved towards Fenrys but he wasn't looking at her anymore. He was staring at the ground with his brows furrowed and when Rowan patted him on the shoulder, he just turned around and left.
Y/n wanted to go after him but was stopped when Aelin and everyone else just came over to her, asking questions.
Fenrys thought that throughout his long life, he had seen enough shocking things that it would take a lot to ever surprise him. Well, apparently everything is different when it comes to y/n. It's like she manages to be the exception to his every thought and feeling.
She is an Ironteeth Witch? How is that even possible, isn't she from a different world? Does her world also have Ironteeth Witches?
Earlier he was angry at....well he had no idea why he was angry. For some reason, even hearing the name Azriel made him want to punch a wall. He also didn't like or trust Amren. In fact, Fenrys didn't like y/n's whole little friend group back in her world. They lied to her, ignored her when she needed a shoulder to cry on-
And why do you care, Fenrys?
Yes, why does he care, exactly? Y/n is only here temporarily. Once they solve the problem, she will go back to her home world and they will never see each other again so why does even the thought of that bother him so much?
Why does the thought of her going back to those liars that call themselves her family make him frustrated?
And worst of all, why does the thought of her going back to Azriel's arms make him want to rip out heads?
For the past hour, she couldn't find Fenrys anywhere and by the time y/n made it to her room, she was too exhausted to even think about anything but sleep. So, she collapsed on the bed and slept her exhaustion of the last few days away.
Four hours later, y/n stood in front of her mirror, assesing her look before dinner.
Thanks to Isolde, her neck was completely healed and looking as smooth as ever. This, of course, meant that she didn't need to wear a turtleneck anymore which is why she chose this simple yet still eye catching dress.
The dress she chose was a masterpiece of delicate craftsmanship, tailored to accentuate her figure in all the right places. Made from a flowing fabric that shimmered with every movement, it draped elegantly over her curves. The neckline was designed to draw attention to her healed neck, framing it gracefully while also accentuating her chest. Intricate embroidery adorned the sleeves and hem, adding a touch of detailed beauty to its otherwise understated elegance. The color, a soft shade of lavender, complemented her complexion, enhancing her natural radiance. Paired with subtle yet tasteful accessories, the dress completed a look that exuded both sophistication and effortless charm.
Not bad, y/n, not bad at all.
With a final look at herself, she opened her door to-
Fenrys was here, leaving his room as well.
Their eyes locked, holding a silent conversation of their own as they appraised each other's appearance. Fenrys stood tall, his hair styled in a casual half bun that allowed strands of golden hair to cascade over his broad shoulders. His attire was both practical and stylish—a crisp white tunic formed the foundation, complemented by a deep forest green vest that added a touch of color and structure. Dark brown pants, tucked neatly into knee-high boots, completed the ensemble, emphasizing the sturdy and agile nature of his build.
Despite the layers of clothing, Fenrys's physique was unmistakable—rippling muscles hinted at strength honed through rigorous training and battles fought. The tunic's sleeves hinted at the definition of his arms, while the vest accentuated his broad chest and shoulders. His stance exuded confidence and readiness, every movement suggesting a poised and capable warrior.
He was absolutely delicious to look at-
Mother above, y/n. Look back at his eyes. Be respectful.
She hesitantly lifted her gaze over to him but lost all her abilitiy to speak when she saw how his dark eyes were practically devouring her. Y/n cleared her throat which made him look back at her with those lust-filled and fierce eyes that made her feel all hot and bothered.
Then, as if coming back to reality, Fenrys straightened and started moving towards the stairs.
No. She had to talk to him. About what? She had no idea but-
"Are you upset with me?"
Once he heard her voice, Fenrys stopped, his back was towards her as he said "Why would I be upset with you?"
Y/n took a small step towards him. "Because you left when it was revealed that I was a....a witch. Because you refuse to look me in the face."
"And since when do you care about my feelings towards you?"
"You are right. I shouldn't but I do- you know what? This was very foolish of me, just forget this ever happened."
When y/n moved past him towards the stairs, she felt his hand grip her wrist, making her turn around to look at him.
Y/n frowned slightly, "Fenrys..."
He hesitated, then spoke in a voice laced with uncharacteristic vulnerability. "I don't trust them," he admitted quietly. "Your people, from your world. They say they want to bring you back, but what if they're not as trustworthy as you think? Didn't you say they neglected you when you needed them the most?"
Y/n sighed, understanding his concerns. "I get it. But they're my people, Fenrys. Even if things between us are complicated, I have known them for over fifty years, enough to know that they wouldn't harm m-"
"But they did. They didn't tell you when your lover was being unfaithful for two years, they didn't do shit as you got worse day by day so why should you trust them now?"
Y/n ripped her arm away from his hold as she turned to fully look at him with a narrowed gaze "What is this about Fenrys? I didn't tell you all this so that you could pity me. It was just a moment of vulnerability and you happened to be the-"
"I know because I understand you."
At her questioning gaze, Fenrys sighed before looking at the ground "Before Aelin, I.....I was.....sort of chained to another queen. Blood sworn, actually. It meant that I was her slave for as long as she pleases and that I could only ever be free of her with my honor intact if she willingly gave me her blessing and freed me from service. If not, then.....anyways what I want to say is that I know what it means to struggle and not have anyone by your side. My brother had his own demons to fight so we never could really lean on one another for support. Rowan, Lorcan and Gavriel they.....they also suffered in their own ways. Maeve made sure to traumatise each one of us differently,"
He couldn't look at her. He closed his eyes and clenched his fists.
Y/n gently put her hand on his chest "Fenrys, you don't have to force yourself to talk about it-"
"It is true, I see Rowan, Lorcan -unfortunately- and Gavriel as my brothers. We went through so much together and I am only standing here today because we made it, together. Gavriel made it too, I know it because I feel his presence sometimes. But even then, we all hid our pain from one another. I always only had myself to heal my own wounds. Both physical and mental."
"Oh my-"
"This is why I want you to be careful, y/n. I never had anyone to soothe my pain and I don't want you going through the same thing. When....when you go back to you world, just leave them. Promise me that you will leave them and find a better place for yourself."
"Fenrys I-"
He looked up from the ground, his eyes holding a hint of determination within them "Promise me, y/n."
She sighed "Yes. I promise, Fenrys."
He slowly nodded his head but made no move to leave and neither did y/n want to remove her hand from his chest.
The comfort Fenrys was feeling right now was unimaginable. He had never felt so at ease, so safe in someone's presence before. Even if the middle of a hallway isn't the most perfect place to experience this. He couldn't care less. He just showed her a part of him he never showed anyone, not even Aelin.
His vulnerability.
And for some reason, he wanted to keep telling her more, and in turn, hear more about her as well.
His gaze fell to her lips as his hands ached to touch her. Fenrys whispered, "You....you don't have a curse. Be proud of yourself and your lineage."
Y/n's came closer as she whispered back, "I....it will take time....getting used to that."
He smiled slightly, "That's fine. I will be proud of you anyway."
He saw her pupils dilate and her eyes widen but it seems like he was under some hypnotic curse because he added, "You...you are really beautiful."
Her lips parted and he saw a blush make it's way onto her adorable cheeks.
"I-thank you. You....you are very attractive as well."
Fenrys couldn't help the smirk that made its way onto his face "Yeah?"
She was a full red tomato now and he thought it was the most adorable sight ever. She replied with a shaky and barely audible voice, "Yeah."
They got closer and Fenrys was about to gently grab her waist when a cough interrupted their moment.
They both immediately detached and turned around to see Eva and Manon. The latter had a huge cheshire grin plastered on her face while the former had the look of a sad puppy.
Manon took eva's hand as they both started walking past y/n and Fenrys but not before Manon said, "See Eva, told you she wouldn't accept your love confession."
The younger girl playfully shoved aside the witch as she whisper shouted, "Shhh Manon! You just announced my crush to the entire kingdom!"
Y/n giggled as she followed them, Fenrys close behind her as she said, "Eva, don't listen to her! She likes to rile everyone up it seems."
Manon turned around with an amused gaze, "Glad you could finally understand that about me."
Y/n glared at her "I am still not done with you."
Manon just smiled and mused "I will keep my door open for you. Make the job easier."
Y/n just scoffed and she could feel Fenrys' chuckle from behind her as she turned her head sideways to look at him. "Something's funny, Fenny?"
She heard the witch chuckle and Eva audibly laugh while Fenrys' eyes widened "What kind of a nickname is that?"
Y/n just smirked and turned her head back around "Didn't like it? What about Fen? Or maybe Rys orrrrr Fenzo!"
Manon was full on cackling now and Eva was about to fall over because of laughing so hard. Fenrys just smiled while shaking his head "Gods save me."
As they reached the doors of the dining room, y/n smiled as she said, "No Gods to save you now. Perhaps you should change it to Aelin save me."
They were all laughing by the time they entered the room and saw the others, except Lorcan and Elide, sitting around. It was nice, yet so unusual to see Manon actually laugh. But, she wouldn't take it for granted, that woman is a paradox. Who knows, she may be laughing now but she may want to kill y/n the next moment.
Y/n just shook her head with a smile as she took her place next to Fenrys on the table. However that smile soon started disappearing when she felt a pair of eyes on her from somewhere in the room, making her feel uncomfortable.
It's just nerves. You are hungry. Just ignore it, the feeling will pass.
Aelin had an amused look as she took a bite out of her meal and said, "I think this may be the first time I ever saw Manon laugh in the past three years."
Manon just rolled her eyes "First and only. Not everyone is lucky enough to see it."
Yrene just said in a playful tone from beside Manon, "Everyone but Dorian right? I bet he gets to see it all the time."
Aedion smirked "Oh, yes. How are you feeling Manon dearest? Your princeling is coming soon."
Lysandra took a sip of her wine "Aelin, make sure that once Dorian is here, you send these two to the furthest part of the palace. They haven't seen each other in months, so it will be our poor ears that will bleed because of their 'union'."
Manon just scoffed and replied dryly, "I'll have you know, princeling's visits are strictly business." She shot a pointed glance at Yrene, who grinned mischievously.
Aedion chuckled, raising his eyebrows suggestively. "Business, huh? I'm sure it's a very serious matter, indeed."
Yrene raised her hands innocently. "Who am I to argue with our King?"
Aelin laughed, shaking her head. "Well, let's hope Dorian's arrival brings some distraction from all this impending doom." She glanced at Rowan, who was deep in conversation with Chaol about strategy.
Lysandra smirked. "If anyone can distract Manon from her duties, it's Dorian."
Manon rolled her eyes again but couldn't hide a small smile. 
Everyone, including Fenrys laughed at that and y/n felt a moment of pure bliss, seeing them interact so closely with one another. It reminded her of the inner circle but.....for some reason that didn't make her miss home at all.
But her moment of happiness was still mixed with discomfort as that mysterious gaze kept on burning a hole through her skull. When she turned her head around, she saw a servant girl who was just refilling the pitcher with water.
Everyone around her were busy with conversation, but she still felt uneasy. What was-
Fenrys gently put his hand on hers under the table and looked at her with a concerning gaze. "Are you well?"
She nodded her head slightly but that didn't ease her growing unease that someone was watching her.
The servant girl came closer to her, filled her cup with water and said "Take it."
Y/n just smiled, slightly uncomfortable as she replied, "I'm not thirsty."
The girl just gave her a cruel smile as she said in a sharp tone, "No, take what's coming for you, Winged Fury."
Before y/n could even process what was going on, the servant lunged for her, effectively throwing y/n down as everything around them erupted into chaos.
Y/n felt like she was suffocating as the the girl kept on choking her. From her peripheral vision, she saw Fenrys doing something but....her vision started going dark. This girl was inhumanly strong.
The last thing she heard before darkness enveloped her was "The Valg princes send their regards."
Taglist: @ladespedidas @mis-lil-red @going-through-shit @kaitttttttt @blackgirlmagicforever
@acotar-writing @paleidiot @snoopyspace @stained-glass-eyes0708 @saltedcoffeescotch
@wallacewillow0773638 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @crazylokonugget @bunnyredgirl
@fullmoon-94 @thecraziestcrayon @idkwahr
@sstrohma @optimisticbabydreamer @rcarbo1 @batboygirlie
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rosegoldthorns · 4 months
Okay I am learning French RN and since miraculous Ladybug was a hyper fixation of mine I am using the French dub as a good study tool. Anyways as such I feel as if I need to share some one small detail about the Season one stormy weather and puppeteer.
So we all know the scenes where Marinette is babysitting and Manon is being a chronic only child. In the English dub it's stated how Marinette can't resist the 'Baby Doll eyes'
In the French dub they use a different expression.
'Petit chat yeux' which translates to 'little cat eyes'
Please tell me how cute it is that Marinette is unable to resist little cat eyes while having a cat-eyed partner. Ladynoir crumbs but cute crumbs.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
What advice/resources would you recommend for someone who is trying to decentralize her life from men (or really anybody other than herself)?
Any books/videos/advice/etc. that you have would be great!
Thanks! Your blog helps me so much xo
Hi love! I'm so glad to hear this <3. Sharing some tips/resources below. Hope this helps xx
How To Decenter Men In Your Life:
Consider the values, goals, and desired lifestyle that feel most authentic to you if social scripts/stigmas didn't apply to you
Take time to become radically honest with your desires as an individual – outside of the perception of men, your family, boss, teachers, peers, etc.
Cultivate a sense of personhood and identity established in your interests, hobbies, skillsets, learning capabilities, creativity, and desire for growth in all aspects of life
Act in your own best interests. Speak up for your needs, and advocate for yourself. Be more "selfish." Don't apologize for what you want and go after it. Act in your own best interests
Become confident in negotiating, assertive communication, and standing on your own two feet. Establish relationships in all aspects that are based on mutual benefit and equitable exchange
Unlearn your self-sacrificing & people-pleasing. Stop shrinking yourself or suppressing your needs to make others feel better or more comfortable
Validate yourself: your needs, desires, goals, dreams, preferences, and opinions. You need to choose yourself every day. Your appeal to others means nothing if you don't like the person you are or are becoming to satisfy the needs or desires of others
Consider the ways you're consciously and subconsciously confining your self-expression and belief system to fit the mold/appease the patriarchy. Actively work to deconstruct this mentality and way of being
Be honest with yourself about how men enrich your life. Not the other way around. Do they fulfill you romantically, sexually, both, or neither? There's no right or wrong answer, except the one that requires you to put on a performance rather than live in alignment with your true self
TikTok Creators:
Melanie Hamlett (LOVE her! My favorite creator/author on this topic.)
Katie Jgin
Rose Hackman
Hope Peddler
Therese Lee (@thereselee6)
Books On Decentering Men:
A Single Revolution by Shani Silver
Patriarchy Stress Disorder: The Invisible Inner Barrier to Women's Happiness and Fulfillment by Valerie Rein, Ph.D
What a Time to Be Alone: The Slumflower's Guide to Why You Are Already Enough by Chidera Eggerue 
All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation by Rebecca Traister
Enjoy Your Solo By Mary Delia Allen
How to Be Single and Happy by Jennifer Taitz
Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After by Bella DePaulo, Ph.D
On Our Best Behavior: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Price Women Pay to Be Good by Elise Loehnen 
We Are Not Born Submissive: How Patriarchy Shapes Women's Lives by Manon Garcia 
The Seven Necessary Sins for Women and Girls by Mona Eltahawy 
Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny by Kate Manne
Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling  Men by Lundy Bancroft 
Men Who Hate Women: From Incels to Pickup Artists: The Truth about Extreme Misogyny and How it Affects Us All by Laura Bates
Fed Up: Emotional Labor, Women, and the Way Forward by Gemma Hartley  
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divinesangel · 1 month
katseye dynamic reading pls
it seems like there’s no bad blood between them. they really enjoy each other’s company and are eager to see what new projects they’ll undertake and what achievements they’ll reach together. they’re very hard workers, putting a lot of effort into everything they do, and they genuinely want this group to succeed. however, lately, they’ve been feeling like they’re being tricked or played. some members aren’t doing well, and it feels like some are being portrayed in a way that doesn’t reflect who they truly are. there’s a sense of, “oh, i’m being tricked” or “they’re doing this on purpose.” but they know that this isn’t who they truly are. it seems like all they wanted was to show others how much effort they put into everything and how hard they work, but they feel hurt and disappointed that people misinterpreted that. they might be thinking, “why can’t you see how hard i work?”
besides that, it feels like they really encourage each other and make an effort to be there for one another, helping the group feel stable and supporting each other’s overall stability. they’re aware of the incredible things they’ve been manifesting for the group and appreciate the steady growth they’re experiencing, which excites them about the future. however, there are also some underlying fears or worries. they understand how challenging this industry can be, and there’s a lingering concern that things might not work out in their favor. despite their hard work and dedication to their dreams, there’s a fear of potential disappointment. but the girls themselves have changed a lot. whatever was shown in the documentary is not who they are now. they’ve undergone a significant transformation, both individually and as a group. once they began working together and viewing things from a new perspective, all of them evolved. after leaving the survival show, many of them shifted their outlook and started to see things differently. their connection has definitely experienced a profound change.
at the same time, i'm also seeing that they might seem close to each other, but behind closed doors, their communication doesn’t seem as strong. it feels like some of them are walking on eggshells, hesitant to express everything they want for fear of causing any tension. it seems like there are opinions they hold back on, carefully choosing their words to avoid disruption. there is a genuine desire to maintain a harmonious relationship and to keep the group strong.
when it comes to the whole manon situation that arose from the documentary, it seems that while they were on the show, they were very aware of the power she held, which made them feel incredibly stressed and influenced their actions. they recognized that manon had a unique energy and presence that allowed her to get what she wanted, and this realization made the girls feel insecure and added more pressure on them to perform better, while manon felt quite differently about the situation. now, it seems they view her in a different light, as they’ve moved past that period and found closure. they feel more comfortable with each other now, but as the situation resurfaces, it’s causing them pain. this ties back to the trickery i mentioned earlier. they are currently trying to let go of the past and take time to heal and clear their minds, especially after seeing all the comments and discussions about the topic.
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jeannineee · 1 year
For the smut prompts:
C,F, #15, #16 with Cassian pretty please🙏🙏🙏
Make Me
Cassian x Reader
a/n: Cassian could get it anytime!! Anyway!! More prompts here. This one is a bit longer than I was expecting lol. I have more works coming w/ Manon, Ruhn, Lucien, and Hunt!!
nsfw under the cut (18+ please)
C: hatefucking
F: Impact play
15: “Wanna act like a brat? You can get fucked like a brat.”
16: “Keep your mouth shut.” “Make me.”
You loathed Cassian from the day you met him.
You’d tried to keep things professional with him, during your Valkyrie training, but he was fucking insufferable.
Yet a part of you still wanted him.
Even Azriel had noticed that Cassian was noticeably harder on you than the other recruits.
And on the off chance you and Cassian had to interact with each other outside of training? Cauldron spare whoever had to be around the two of you.
Tonight, unfortunately was one of those times.
It was Solstice. You’d planned on staying home, but Feyre invited—forced—you to attend the party she threw with Rhys.
The main room had been far too crowded for your tastes, so you went outside to the balcony, savoring the cool air against the skin that wasn’t covered by your dress.
“Of course,” a rough voice sounded to your right.
Just your luck.
“Fuck off. I’m not in the mood tonight,” you muttered, not even sparing a glance at the general.
“I was out here first,” Cassian replied, taking another step towards you.
“Congratulations. This balcony is more than large enough for two people.”
Cassian scoffed. “There is no space large enough to spare me from the inconvenience that is you.”
You laughed bitterly, finally turning to face him. You tried not to stare at him too intently as you spoke. “That’s big vocabulary for you, Cas. Read a few books recently?”
“Fuck you,” he spat, baring his teeth in a snarl.
You grinned wickedly. “You’d like to, wouldn’t you?”
For the first time in the two decades you’d known him, Cassian froze. Only for a moment, but still. “Speak for yourself,” he finally muttered, beginning to walk away.
“Oh, I get it, now. That’s why you hate me so much,” you said, laughing. “You wanna fuck me so badly it makes you hate me.”
Cassian whirled on you, his face suddenly so close to yours you could see his blown pupils, feel his breath against your lips.
“Keep your mouth shut,” Cassian sneered, grabbing the hair at the nape of your neck.
“Make me.”
Cassian’s expression was nothing short of feral as he yanked you towards him, and shot off into the sky, towards the House of Wind.
You shoved at his chest as he flew, cursing him to hell and back even after he landed, dragging you to his bedroom.
“You fucking prick,” you shouted, sending your palm towards Cassian’s face.
He easily caught your hand, pulling you forward until your chest was flush against his. “Take your dress off,” he said, his voice low and even.
You couldn’t deny the heat pooling between your legs at his tone, but you tilted your chin defiantly. “No.”
Cassian grinned, but there was no kindness in the action. “You don’t want to test me, y/n.”
“Go fuck your—“
Cassian threw you over his shoulder, tossing you on his bed hard enough that you bounced. “I can fuck you with the dress on. Get on your hands and knees.”
You glared at him, unable to think of another quick remark.
“Hands and knees. Now,” Cassian growled.
You bit the inside of your cheek until it bled, before swallowing your pride, turning and bracing yourself on your hands and knees.
“You actually know how to follow orders,” Cassian remarked, his hands ghosted over the backs of your thighs, before lifting your ass further into the air.
“Fuck you.”
“I’m getting to that, don’t you worry.” Cassian replied, pulling your dress over your hips. “Wanna act like a brat? You can get fucked like a brat.”
The sound of your underwear tearing rang through your ears before you had the chance to protest.
“Won’t be needing these,” Cassian muttered.
“I liked those, asshole.”
“I’ll buy you a new pair,” he said casually, before smacking your ass, just hard enough for you to feel a sting.
“Guess your training with me is paying off,” he said, slapping your ass again, admiring the way it jiggled.
“Oh, fuck off,” you said, before yelping as his palm connected to you again.
Cassian chuckled. “I mean, I’ll stop if you want me to, but this…” he trailed off for a moment, prodding a finger through your glistening folds, “…you’re so wet for me, sweetheart. I don’t think you want me to stop.”
Sweetheart. He’d never called you that before. Cauldron damn the feeling it sent through your chest.
Cassian smacked your ass again, bringing you back to reality. “I need you to tell me if you want me to stop,” he said, rubbing your now-sore skin.
“Don’t stop,” you replied immediately, internally cursing yourself for the desperation in your voice.
If Cassian noticed your tone, he didn’t say anything about it as he undid his trousers, lining his cock up with your entrance.
He slid into you with a groan, only giving you a few moments to adjust to his size before gripping your ass hard enough to bruise, thrusting relentlessly.
“Gods, your cunt is squeezing me so tight,” Cassian said breathlessly, landing another slap to your backside.
“Just shut up and fuck me,” you said in between moans, your hands helplessly grasping the sheets.
“Why? You don’t like it when I tell you how good you feel? How well you take my cock?”
The way your cunt clenched around him in response told him all he needed to know.
Between his filthy mouth, and the way he was fucking you, you knew you weren’t lasting long. By the sounds of it, neither was Cassian.
“Cassian—fuck—I’m so close,” you whimpered out, you legs shaking as your release approached.
The need in your voice almost had Cassian finishing on the spot. “Fuck, sweetheart. Show me how good my cock makes you feel. Come for me.”
You practically screamed his name as your orgasm ripped through you.
Cassian’s thrusts grew sloppier as he chased his own high, your name falling from his lips as he spilled into you.
You collapsed on the bed, utterly spent. Cassian tucked himself away, before laying next to you.
The feeling of his body heat snapped you out of your own head, and you sat up quickly. “I should go,” you said, adjusting your dress, rising from the bed.
You were almost to the door when Cassian spoke up.
“You can—you can stay. If you want.”
You turned to face him again. “I wouldn’t expect you to want to spend the night with someone you hate.”
Cassian smiled, softer than you’d ever seen him. “I don’t hate you. But you don’t have to stay, if you don’t want to.”
After a moment of battling with your thoughts, you caved.
As you climbed into bed beside him, resting your head on his chest as though you’d done it thousands of times, you said, “This doesn’t mean that I like you, just so we’re clear.”
Cassian laughed, the warm and hearty sound reverberating through your bones. “That’s okay, sweetheart.”
“Stop calling me that.”
“Why, afraid it might make you like me?”
“Shut up,” you murmured, on the brink of sleep.
Cassian laughed again. “There’s the y/n I know.”
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dawnthefox24 · 7 months
Okay so this just came to me, now hear me out. So Rody finds the freezer key and so on but now what about this, What if Vincent lied to Rody saying he had no idea that Manon was in his freezer and only allows some chefs to enter the freezer by giving them the key.
*Rody is holding Manon necklace covered in blood and feels someone standing behind him as he turns around seeing Vincent*
Vincent:*eyes widen and raises his hands up slightly* R-Rody I..I had no idea!!
Vincent: I DON'T KNOW!!
Vincent: *is very mortified *I...I usually give the freezer key to the chefs that stay late Rody....I..
Rody:*breaks down sobbing* H-How do I know you didn't do it.
Vincent: *seems very worried* Rody...I usually head to my office and wait for the chef's to give me the freezer key when they get what is needed for a dish....Than I head back to my apartment do I look like I have time to kill someone!?
Vincent: ....I...For all I know is that m-maybe one of the chef's did it and there trying to frame me...I had no idea Rody...
Rody:*sobs even more* Why....Why would someone hurt you just to kill Manon...
Vincent:*looks down clearly upset*....I don't know....
Rody:*Sobs even harder* Oh Manon...Manon my love...
Vincent:*walks over to him and holds him rubbing his back shaking a bit* Don't worry Rody...I'll call the authorities so we can get to the bottom of this okay...
Rody:*hugs Vincent tightly* I-i'm sorry for accusing-
Vincent:*drops the worried expression while hugging Rody* ...Don't be Rody...I understand what you were saying don't worry...and the bristo might be closed for awhile for investigations okay....I...Just wait out in the main area....
Rody:*Is clearly in a state of shock as sobs quietly as he nods and moves away from the kitchen with shaky legs*...M-Manon...oh...Manon...Manon I'm sorry...I'm Sorry..
Vincent:*leaves Rody alone and heads too his office dialing the cops* That was a close call...luckily he's dumb enough too believe me....To bad he didn't even eat the dish....
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icanseethefuture333 · 1 month
Group dynamic reading on Katseye
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Shufflemancy -
Do right by Glades
Breaking Bad by OLNL ft. Giriboy
Child Psychology by Black Box Recorder
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This is a bit depressing and dramatic but I feel some of the girls felt their inner child “died” during the survival show or felt like they were forced to grow up and behave like adults instead of just being the kids they once were before joining the competition. They had to face the harsh realities regarding their dream career and had to decide whether or not if this is truly want they wanted or not. I feel this is the girls who have been training since the beginning of the program’s announcement (Sophie and Megan specifically?). These two could have wanted to be in a group with other girls that were apart of the training program and were shocked to find out that more people would be entering the training program (especially Manon). They felt really disappointed that their friends got eliminated and thought it was sneaky and unfair that the company would bring Manon in. There’s a lot of bitterness and ungrateful energy in here tbh. A lot of girls would kill to be in their position and they can’t even pull themselves together to be professional or cordial with one another. I just keep hearing whining like “it’s so unfair”. They could feel slandered by the docuseries and that fans aren’t seeing their side of the story (Lara & Sophie) but also aren’t accepting what has happened and how they need to try make things better.
I feel like there is a lot of misleading information that was spreading around during their trainee days as well. Maybe some girls were told they would be most likely to debut or be the “star” of the group before the survival show even begin (I feel some of the people who trained them were showing favoritism and this pissed off some of the contestants that made it to the group). I feel this was before Manon even joined the training program and more so the other members. Or they perceived the treatment Manon has received was favoritism when that was not the case. Truthfully, I feel like Manon did have to lie just to get away from this negative energy. I also think maybe this is just what they believed she was doing. These members felt that their family and friends were convinced they would be the ones to be stars and were just shocked that all eyes were on Manon. Also few of these girls were strongly convinced they’d be in a group with a friend of theirs that was possibly eliminated.
It is definitely giving one or the other at this point in the group. I feel that Manon feels very isolated instead of feeling she is apart of a whole group. The girls themselves also don’t necessarily all get along, they would have to get past their egos and come together as one in order to make it far. I feel that it is crucial at this time the girls receive counseling for their mental health because they’re receiving a lot of hate and there’s nothing serious here in these cards but it can get to that point if it progresses for too long. I also think the company should give them a break or give them more chances to build a friendship. They need to do things that will allow them to express their inner child and be free and creative.
The energy is quite disorganized. For the younger members, they are still naive and have hopes of expressing their creativity, while also wishing to still make friends (perhaps Daniela and Yoonchae). Manon is feeling out of place at the moment and is trying to balance her feelings with her work life.
I feel positive that eventually some members will go solo and that it’s honestly expected of that to happen but it will take some time more than others (some members within less than a year and the really popular ones 2-3 years). Lara I feel will not stay with this group, she will want to be a soloist for sure, she wants to have her own independence and her particular style does not suit a group.
Sophie I believe would also leave the group eventually because there’s this stubbornness that she refuses to let go when it comes to the chosen members within the group. She could want to be with her friends again but will likely stay solo because she has “business over pleasure” mindset. I honestly feel she’s using her friends as an excuse, I don’t feel like they’re that close and that it’s not even about her so called “friends” not getting to debut. She’s just isn’t happy with the choices that were made, that being said she’s not suitable for working in a group environment because there is a desire to control things or have things go her way (I’m hearing Abby Lee Miller saying “ooo that sounded really bratty!”) so her attitude or demeanor would be overall unpleasant.
I see the most potential for Manon, Daniela, Megan, and Yoonchae. Daniela would shine as a western artist so she could have some successful solo projects especially if she embraces her Latin origins (I see her being very famous in that market actually! Then eventually making progress as a global artist). Megan is going to be considered the most well rounded member of the group so she has many options, she will just have to decide what path is best suited for her. If she decides to stay in a group she will be very abundant, but as a soloist I don’t see as much as success for her (Megan would need time to build a solid fandom as of right now because her support system is quite low and is also facing some heat for the clips from Pop Star Academy). She might have to explore acting or dancing as a back up option for a career. Yoonchae is still young but will have to be careful with her image, if she decides to be in a more traditional kpop group, the drama of being Katseye could follow her. It would be wise for her to stay within the group until another company offers her a better position.
Lastly, Manon will benefit being in the group for a few years. She is already very popular but still needs time to develop her skills such as singing, dancing, and so on. As of right now she has great stage presence and pretty visuals but that can only last so long in the industry, anyone can have a pretty face but not everyone can have beauty and talent. She must have faith in herself and improve on her skills and confidence. Manon has the most potential in becoming a global star.
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pergaminaa · 2 months
The Blackbeak Matron is a brutal woman with not an ounce of love to any of her offspring. I don’t imagine her being kind to Lothian— like, she was her Heir, her training is harder and more brutal than what other witches would undergo.
Despite that harshness and brutality, Lothian was nothing like her. She she just couldn’t quell that side of her daughter: she was kind, warm and full of hope. The Matron couldn’t change that.
I think that what Lothian did, mating with a Crochan prince of all people and believing that the child they conceived would bring peace to their people is what tipped the Matron over the edge.
Killing her daughter soon after giving birth, she decided that she’d been too soft. Something she will not do with her granddaughter, her new Heir.
This is why I believe that Manon endured worse shit from the Matron than anyone did before. Her grandmother simply didn’t want to risk her being soft, like her mother, and made sure that Manon would not even recognize that.
This is the reason why Manon has a hard time with emotions because she wasn’t taught these things. All she knows is brutality and the different ways she can kill people. She endured a lot at the hands of her grandmother but because of that upbringing, she just carried on without giving anything a second thought.
But deep down, Manon is Lothian’s daughter. No matter how brutal the Matron got, no matter how harsh she was, she couldn’t change that. I think she realized that all she did didn’t fully kill whatever kindness might have been passed down to Manon when she picked Abraxos to be her wyvern. I believe it was that moment the Matron realized that despite everything she did, there was no changing that.
It didn’t stop her. Because she got worse. From that moment, she decided to use those feelings against Manon. Punish her for her compassion by threatening to take away everything she loves. It’s mainly the reason she kept targeting Asterin, and forcing Manon to be the one who does these things because at the end of the day, Manon still seeks her approval. She will do anything if it gets her noticed by her grandmother and this is why the Matron kept using Asterin against her. It was something Manon would want to avoid, but it will always be there: one mistake and it’s her cousin’s life. This way, the Matron had full control over Manon and ensured that she’d never rebel against her.
This is a woman who never displayed an ounce of love or affection to her granddaughter. Honestly she probably started Manon’s training early on, not taking the chance to turn her ‘soft’. I believe she prohibited anyone from coddling the Heir. She wouldn’t allow anyone to show her any affection or any display of love. Those who did, lost their lives.
Honestly, when Yrene hugged Manon during that scene? I knew she was going to freeze and not do anything. Because she doesn’t recognize the gesture, she has no idea what it means or how to respond so she just froze.
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fauna-flora11 · 2 months
By the way : Part 2
Summary: Aelin and Rowan hate each others guts...or do they?
Warnings: Swearing, sugestiveness
Word count: 1K ish
Note: Aelin is just as down bad as Rowan
Aelin heaved, looking up at the rest of the wall she had to scale. Why did these gods-damned officials make their houses so long? Tightening up the rope around her waist, Aelin made her way up, and after a while she , finally, finally, made it to the rooftop. Just to find Rowan standing right there, leaning against the wall surrounding it. Aelin glared at him. "Hello Rowan whitethorn-in-my-ass. What do you want?" He snorts, "That's a new one." Aelin squints her eyes and plasters a large frown across her face, making any expression to annoy him. He continues, "What I want is you not to kill anyone who makes the mistake to piss you off, thanks,"
"Why not? It's so fun." She says, a sly expression on her face. "Fun or not, Aelin, it's maybe, I don't know, against the law?"
Aelin just stalks over to the other side of the roof, opposite Rowan and peers down to the city sprawled across. Looking back up, the clouds stop covering the moon, and her breath hitches. The moonlight now shining on him, she can see him perfectly. See him and his gray compression shirt, perfectly. Fuck. Why did he wear it? That was just a jibe, a ruse to keep him distracted. But was it really? She would be lying to herself if she said that she didn't fine some satisfaction in seeing him like that. I mean, who wouldn't!? He was built like a sculpture of the Greek gods, for wryd's sake! It wasn't just her. All the girls loved him. And his body. And his snide remarks whenever he spoke to her.
And his long hair. And how he laughed, a cute, small and breathy chuckle that made her feel like she was going to melt into the ground. Everybody thought of Rowan Whitethorn like that! She fumed, opening her mouth to say something, when they both snapped their head towards the rooftop door, hearing it creak open.
A very sleepy, obviously annoyed, read head clambered out of the stairwell. He held up his hands, "Sorry, if I'm, you know, inturrepting soemthings," His words slurred together, "But who are you, and whatthe absolute fuck are you doing in my house!?" finally. Aelin just smirked at him. "Hello, Arrobynn," In the blink of an eye, Aelin had whirled behind him, effectively locking him in a choke hold, perfectly with a dagger to his neck.
Rowan's absolutely disgusted look almost made her squirm, but she stood her ground, lifted her chin high. She knew who this man was, and what he was doing. Even if no one else did. "Aelin. Let go of him right.now." "No." Rowan moves to take a step towards them, but Aelin presses the blade deeper, drawing a bit of blood. "One more step towards us, white knight, and he's gone." Rowan halts, glowering at her. "Why the fuck are you like this Aelin? I know you have the potential to be a good person, so why do you do this?" Aelin looked at him, determination in her eyes. "You have no right, Rowan, none, to determine whether I am a good person or not. Whether I murder just him, or the whole gods-damned town, you cant tell me my own sense of morality" "Give him back, or I'm calling backup right now. You know how quickly you'll be cornered." Aelin's brows furl in contemplation, but she huffs a sigh. Rowan smiles. She hasn't denied him, it's only a matter of time before she hands him over.
Aelin throws him towards Rowan and she smiles. That's weird. He catches him, hevaing a sigh of relief. Just to find his throat slit, hanging from a thread. She cut him on the knife while throwing him. He opens his mouth to say something, only to find her gone.
Aelin stormed down the streets, her hood covering most of her facial features. Not like her storming gait was inviting anyone body to come near, anyway. She threw open the door to one of her many apartments. A small part of her eased when she found Ansel, Elide, Lysandra and Yrene there. Her group. Manon was off somewhere, so was Nesryn, but she was still happy to see them. Shrugging off her coat, Aelin slumped on a chair, massaging her temples. Ansel looks at her, concern in her eyes. "What's wrong, Ae?" Aelin looks up to find all of them looking at her. "Nothing it's just.." She sighs, leaning her head back onto the back of the chair. Yrene gets up, announcing, "I'll make some tea." Aelin calls a weak 'thanks' after her, and she looks back. "It's just, I know I'm supposed to hate him and all… But sometimes I feel.. Disgusting. Vile, to be honest. No matter what the reasons are, I'm still killing people aren't I? I mean, my literal job is to kill them and take their riches."
Ansel swivels on her wheeled chair."Listen, Aelin. We all know how you are. We all know that what you're doing is right, and no matter what others think you should know what you're doing, and have confidence in it!" Elide nods vigorously, "We also know what types of vile things these men were doing. If he finds out, he'll be on his knees thanking you, and begging for forgiveness." Another image of Rowan on his knees pops into Aelin's head, but she pushes it out to listen to Lysandra, feeling a blush rising in her cheeks. Lysandra continues,"I agree! No matter what happens Aelin, know what You're doing is right, and there is absolutely no need, none, to feel ashamed!" Just in time, Yrene returns with a steaming cup of tea in her hands, and hands it to Aelin. Aelin looks around, looking at each face, and feeling a rush of gratitude with each one. She gives them a small, genuine smile." Thank you, everyone. "
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xjulixred45x · 2 months
Is Dead Plate considered by the kids as a Doomed Yaoi?
Not really lol(for me), but i understand why people think like that.
Dead Plate plays a lot with Rody and Vince's polar perspective on Love. Rody having a devoted and sacrificial love for Manon, while Vince only knows SELFISH love, he doesn't really know what it means to put affection on something(not even the bistro), he said it himself , he is a professional, he has no room for that. Everything Vince produces in the game feels empty and self-absorbed, showing this.
so when Rody comes into his life, a person who not only loves someone strongly, but does something he clearly doesn't like FOR THAT PERSON, Vince becomes obsessed with reaching that level of selfless love with his meals, which is why he wants to use Manon to cook for Rody and thus "cook with love" because he adores her so much...
but nothing changes, not only does Rody not try Vince's food, but he continues to feel that the food is EMPTY and UNLOVED, UNPLEASANT, DISGUSTING.
Vince, in his desire to want to replicate the "love" that he really cannot express/have, did not change anything because HE IS selfish and self-centered. He can't change it.
Vince is obsessed with Rody because of HIS SACRIFICED CONCEPT OF LOVE, not because he has a romantic interest in him.
(Even if the creators make AU's and drawings where they hint that Vince could have a deeper interest in Rody, it seems more than obvious to me that these are just NOT APPLICABLE TO THE GAME or simply a What If if the story had been different. even in those same drawings Rody shows no interest in Vince and only tolerates him for being his boss).
Honestly, I like the Rody x Vince ship because of the dynamic and the fanarts, but honestly the interactions they have in the game seem purely platonic to me/boss to employee/murderer and possible victim/detective.
In conclusion, no. but it is up to each person to do what they want with their Toxic homosexuals.
No realmente, lol. Pero entiendo porque la gente piensa así.
Dead Plate juega bastante con la perspectiva polar de Rody y Vince sobre el Amor. Rody teniendo un amor devoto y sacrificado por Manon, mientras que Vince solo conoce el amor EGOISTA, el no sabe realmente que es ponerle afecto a algo, el mismo lo dijo, es un profesional, no tiene espacio para eso. todo lo que Vince produce en el juego se siente vacio y auto absorto, mostrando esto.
por lo que cuando Rody llega a su vida, una persona que no solo ama fuertemente a alguien, sino que hace algo que claramente no le gusta POR ESA PERSONA, Vince se obsesiona con llegar a ese nivel de amor desinteresado con sus comidas, por eso quiere usar a Manon para cocinar para Rody y asi "cocinar con amor" porque el la adora tanto...
pero nada cambia, no solo Rody no prueba la comida de Vince, sino que se sigue sintiendo que la comida es VACIA y SIN AMOR, DESAGRADABLE.
Vince en su afán de querer replicar el "amor" que realmente no puede expresar, no cambio nada porque EL ES egoista y auto centrista. no lo puede cambiar.
Vince esta obsesionado con Rody por SU CONCEPTO SACRIFICADO DEL AMOR, no por tener interes romantico en el.
(incluso si los creadores hacen AU's y dibujos donde tiran guiños que Vince podría tener un interes mas profundo en Rody, me parece mas que obvio que estos son justamente NO APLICABLES AL JUEGO o simplemente un What If si la historia hubiese sido diferente. incluso en esos mismos dibujos Rody no muestra ningun interes en Vince y solo lo tolera por ser su jefe).
sinceramente a mi me gusta el ship de Rody x Vince únicamente por la dinámica fanon y los fanarts, pero sinceramente las interacciones que tienen en el juego me parecen puramente platonicas/jefe a empleado/ asesino y posible victima/detective.
en conclusión, no. pero esta en cada quien hacer lo que quiera con sus homosexuales Toxicos.
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shadowdaddies · 11 months
Ok can you maybe write a poly manorian x reader and she is on her cycle so she’s very emotional & they comfort her
Thank you I hope u have a great day
Sure thing honey! I hope you have a good day as well 💜
Better Mood
poly!Manorian x reader fluff
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You were sat at the dining table, an assortment of snacks laid out in front of you. You couldn’t decide what you wanted to eat, so you grabbed everything that looked good, including all of the chocolate in the pantry. It was the first day of your cycle, when you were bloated, your skin was blotchy, and it seemed all you could feel was sadness. You sniffled, feeling a little better as you took a bite of a particularly delicious chocolate, and a small smile graced your face. You took a deep breath, feeling like the worst of your hormones might be behind you, until you dropped the chocolate to the floor. 
As you took in the sight of dessert laying on the dusty floor of the dining area, your eyes filled with tears. You let out a small sob, running your hands through your hair as you hung your head in your hands, feeling like you couldn’t do anything right. You knew it was just the hormones making you feel this way, but it didn’t ease your hurt at all. You needed comfort. As if hearing your thoughts, Manon walked into the room.
She stopped upon seeing you with tears running down your cheeks, and you looked up at her to see her nostrils flaring, scenting your blood. Immediately, the predator side of her came out, golden eyes narrowing as her iron nails flexed. “You’re bleeding. Who did this to you?” She demanded, striding over to crouch in front of you as she searched for injury. 
Her intense response to the situation lightened your mood, and you let out a small, sniffly laugh as you smiled down at her and cupped her cheek. “No one hurt me, Manon. I’m just on my cycle.” You wished you could paint a picture of her face in that moment, full of confusion as she leaned back, assessing you. “I thought you had your cycle a month ago,” she said incredulously. You tried to hold back your laughter as you explained that humans get them every month, and Manon’s expression somehow became even more horrified. 
“Witches don’t have our cycles nearly so frequently. It’s one of the reasons it’s so difficult for us to conceive, much like the fae.” She assessed the table full of food, and your tear-streaked face again. Retracting her nails as she brought a hand up to wipe away your tears, she questioned, “but you are in pain?” You nodded, bringing your hand to hold hers against your cheek as you savored her touch, surprisingly tender. “I am in some pain - cramping - but I’m mostly just sad. I get very emotional sometimes at the start of my cycle.” Manon hummed, brushing your hair from your face as she opened her mouth to ask you a question before Dorian entered the room, interrupting the conversation.
You smiled up at him, Manon whipping around to address him as well. Dorian took one look at the table full of chocolates and your tears and his eyes filled with concern. Before he could ask, you and Manon said in sync, “cycle.” Dorian shifted on his feet as he thought. “What can we do? Do you want some food, a bath?” You gave him a grateful smile, “a bath sounds really nice, actually.” He nodded, “I’ll make sure it’s set up for you then,” and turned to leave. 
Manon helped you up, arm looped around you protectively as she brought you to your bathroom. Dorian was waiting for you by the tub, pouring floral-smelling salts into the water, more flower petals floating on the surface. The room was dimly lit save the candles surrounding the bathtub, giving the room a soothing ambiance. Manon stood behind you, arms loosely draped around your waist as she softly kissed your neck. “Do you want Dorian or I to join you?” she murmured in your ear as she began helping you undress.
Dorian turned at her question, looking at you with hopeful eyes. You pretended to think for a moment before replying in a soft voice, “well the bath is large enough to fit all of us.” Manon laughed softly as she nudged you towards Dorian, undressing herself as you helped Dorian remove his clothes. Once he was undressed, he turned you around to face the tub, pressing a kiss to your shoulder before he stepped in. He held your hand, helping you step into the water as Manon entered the tub behind you. You sat down in the water, feeling immediately relief from the warmth combating your cramps and sore muscles. You leaned back against Manon’s chest, Dorian across from you with your legs in his lap. Manon softly washed your body as Dorian massaged your hands and feet, and you found yourself nearing tears once again, this time because you were so thankful to have them in your life.
You jolted awake, slightly splashing Manon and Dorian with bath water. Realizing you must have drifted off, your cheeks heated as you whispered, “did I fall asleep?” Manon laughed behind you, the sound vibrating through your chest as you leaned back against her, pressing a kiss to her neck. Dorian’s hand stroked softly up and down your leg as he hummed his affirmation. “You did, but that gave us time to have some food sent up.” At the sound of food, you perked up, feeling much more awake as the three of you left the bath. 
You put on a robe as you climbed into bed with them, eating dinner before laying back and enjoying each others’ presences. You fell asleep again soon after eating, Manon with her head in your lap as you curled into Dorian’s shoulder, him stroking your hair while he read.
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throneofsapphics · 1 year
on the edge
Manon x Reader x Asterin
Summary: Day 18, Knife play with Manon and Asterin. 
Warnings: slight blood kink, knife play, smut, minors dni! 
kinktober masterlist
“Stay still beautiful,” Asterin whispered into your ear, and you shivered as a knife trailed it’s way down your spine - the tip balanced just so it wouldn’t cut through your skin, but you could feel the sharpness of the blade, the cool sting of metal against your skin as she twisted, so the back of the blade glided over your smooth skin. Her decades of experience showed in the way she traced patterns - circles and swirls ghosting your back, trailing up and down your spine as you fought to control your breathing. 
“Look at me.” You heard Manon’s sharp voice, a hungry look in her eyes. Right now, you were their prey, caught in their web, at the mercy of two bloodthirsty witches. An iron nail tilted your chin, as you whimpered as the shift caused Asterin’s blade to dig in slightly, drawing a small amount of blood you could feel dripping down your back. 
“Manon,” you heard Asterin sigh, but her not-iron fingers swiped over your back, gathering the blood up before she leaned over you - ignoring Manon’s hiss, and wiped it off on the other witch’s pants. Manon shot her cousin a glare that promised retribution. But, you could only focus on Manon as she retracted her hand, drawing a small knife from the sheath on her thigh, flipping it twice. You kept your eyes open as the tip trailed down your chest, over your sternum, circling your nipples. Asterin’s blade, behind you, was copying her movements - in complete synchrony, a low laugh sounding in your ear as you shivered, trying to keep yourself perfectly still. Too abrupt of a movement, and you could be left with a stab wound. 
Manon paused at your navel, eyes trailing up your body to hold your gaze. Asterin had shifted, a small thud sounded and from the corner of your eye you saw the knife discarded on the bed. She stood behind you, pressing your back against your chest as she ran careful hands up the side of your thighs. 
Manon flipped her blade, the end trailing across you instead as those burnt gold eyes danced. Your throat bobbed, that only meant she had something else in mind. Quickly, Asterin had shoved you back on the bed, and you landed with a squeal as she snatched the knife beside your head - one you’d narrowly missed. 
“I think you’ll like this love,” she murmured, placing a kiss on your neck as you arched your back, keening into her. 
Manon had moved, leaning back against the wall to watch the two of you, arms crossed. Her usual stone-cold expression was there, but you could’ve sworn you spotted a glimmer of anticipation - or mischief. 
The end of Asterin’s knife slid up your folds, the cool metal sharp and almost stinging against you. 
“Are you okay with this?” She asked, twisting it back and forth, not entering - but teasing you. It sounded like a challenge, and you couldn’t turn it down. A small nod was your answer. 
“Words,” Manon purred. 
“Yes,” you breathed. Asterin didn’t look convinced. 
“Please, please, fuck me.” She raised a brow, lips turning up at the corners, and slowly inched inside you. 
It didn’t hurt, but the sensation was so different compared to her fingers - all of the ridges and edges hitting places you hadn’t felt before. One arm kept you pinned to the bed and you gasped, squirming your hips - not sure if you were trying to get away from it, or wanting her to sink deeper. Strangled moans ripped from your throat as she wedged deeper, deeper - you were scared the blade would get inside you, slicing you open, but she carefully pulled out, sliding back and forth in slow movements, twisting in different angles. 
“Fuck her or I’ll do it for you,” Manon snarled from the corner. 
Asterin rolled her eyes, but pulled out harshly, drawing a scream from you as she slammed back in. It left you on the edge of pain and pleasure, carefully dancing on that line. Her other hand circled around your clit - sending you tumbling over into ecstasy as you begged her to keep going, drawing pleases, and oh gods,  from you. Edged chuckles came from Manon as she stalked over, pinching and twisting one of your nipples. 
She knew exactly what that would do, and your walls tightened around the knife, slick with your arousal, and you let out a scream. Loud enough they could probably hear you all the way in the aerie, and rode out your orgasm, pushing back against her, fists clenching the sheets. 
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