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stevebattle · 1 year ago
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Uketsuke Komachi "Reception Komachi" (1985) by Shigeki Toyama, Jun Toyoda, Minoru Sashida, Hiroshi Sasaki, and Genkyu Ishii, Namco, Tokyo, Japan. When Namco's headquarters was relocated to Yaguchi, Ota-ku, Tokyo in 1985, President Masaya Nakamura said "Make the receptionist a robot." Consequently, receptionist robot Uketsuke Komachi (受付小町?) was assigned to the reception desk in Namco's headquarters. She also appears in Namco games, including the six Namco Museum games. When Namco merged with Bandai to become Bandai Namco, she relocated to Shinagawa.
"I headed to the office of Bandai Namco Studio in Monzennakacho. When you go through the automatic door at the entrance of the building, you will hear a woman's voice saying, "Good morning." It's a synthetic voice that reminds me of Hatsune Miku. ... The human-shaped reception robot dyed in gorgeous cherry blossom color was smiling gently. She is a 31-year-old veteran robot, "Reception Komachi." She doesn't have eyes or a nose, and her sleek, smooth design is vaguely similar to Pepper's. Although she cannot walk, she can move her torso and arms, and can also bow. ... Each time she greets a visitor, she bows and says, "Good morning." When a visitor arrives, she directs them to an extension phone, saying, "Welcome. Reception is available on this screen." If you look closely, you can see that her mouth moves depending on what she says." – Namco President: "Make the reception a robot" Legendary creators talk about the recklessness of 30 years ago, Manjun Murakami, ITmedia.
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manjunshop · 3 months ago
Manjun Shop offers
"Manjun Shop offers unique and customized printed products, bringing art and creativity to everyday items. Follow us for exclusive updates, promotions, and new product launches!"
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greaterbayarea · 11 months ago
Residentes de Hong Kong e Macau desfrutam de mais conveniência em Zhaoqing! Nova política prestes a ser implementada
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Em 29 de abril, o governo da cidade de Zhaoqing realizou uma conferência de imprensa para apresentar detalhadamente as principais medidas do “Zhaoqing Facilitation Measures for Hong Kong and Macau Residents” . O vice-secretário-geral do governo de Zhaoqing, Zhu Jingliang, o membro do grupo do Partido e vice-diretor executivo do escritório da Grande Baía de Zhaoqing, Zhang Xiao, o vice-secretário do grupo do Partido e vice-diretor do Departamento de Assuntos Civis, Li Manjun, o vice-diretor do Departamento de Recursos Humanos e Seguridade Social, Huang Cailing, e o membro do grupo do Partido e vice-diretor do Departamento de Seguro Médico, Li Jiaqiong, participaram da conferência e responderam às perguntas dos jornalistas. O vice-ministro do Departamento de Propaganda do Comitê Municipal de Zhaoqing, Chen Hanzhu, presidiu a conferência.
Nos últimos anos, Zhaoqing tem participado ativamente da construção da Grande Área da Ba��a Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau com sua nova orientação estratégica. Além disso, tem expandido vigorosamente os canais de serviços governamentais online e offline, realizando o atendimento transfronteiriço de questões como emprego, empreendedorismo e serviços para idosos. Atualmente, 818 questões podem ser tratadas transprovincialmente na área da Grande Baía, e 1650 questões podem ser tratadas transmunicipalmente na província.
Zhaoqing também ampliou profundamente a cooperação econômica e comercial com Hong Kong e Macau. Até 2023, havia 85 empresas de investimento de Hong Kong, um total de 4.979 empresas de investimento de Hong Kong, com um investimento real de 1,29 bilhão de yuans, representando mais de 80% do total de investimento estrangeiro atraído pela cidade. Além disso, foram construídas e operadas 9 bases de inovação e empreendedorismo para jovens de Hong Kong e Macau, com um total de 402 projetos de empresas instaladas, incluindo 102 projetos de Hong Kong e Macau.
A fim de acelerar a implementação do projeto “Área Comum da Baía” e promover a integração das regras com Hong Kong e Macau, Zhaoqing, com base nas condições locais, tem cumprido as tarefas-chave propostas no “Plano de Desenvolvimento da Grande Área da Baía Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau”, bem como os documentos políticos relevantes do país e da província, resumindo e revisando as políticas existentes do país, da província e da cidade. Elaborou esta medida, que foi oficialmente emitida em 18 de março deste ano.
A “Medida” envolve principalmente cinco aspectos:
Facilitar a vida em Zhaoqing: a medida concentra-se na aplicação de cartões de residência, compra de casas, lazer para idosos, e transporte. Zhaoqing fornecerá um ambiente de vida e serviços mais convenientes para os residentes de Hong Kong e Macau.
Apoiar o emprego e o empreendedorismo em Zhaoqing: Zhaoqing apoiará ativamente os residentes de Hong Kong e Macau a encontrar emprego e iniciar negócios em Zhaoqing, fornecendo mais oportunidades e conveniências. Isso inclui apoio para exames de qualificação profissional e avaliação de títulos para profissionais de Hong Kong e Macau.
Apoiar o investimento e o desenvolvimento de negócios em Zhaoqing: Zhaoqing incentiva os residentes de Hong Kong e Macau a investir e empreender em Zhaoqing, fornecendo um melhor ambiente de desenvolvimento. Isso inclui subsídios fiscais para imposto de renda pessoal e vantagens para empresas abertas por residentes de Hong Kong e Macau em Zhaoqing.
Promover a facilidade de acesso aos serviços médicos em Zhaoqing: Zhaoqing promoverá ainda mais a conveniência dos serviços médicos para os residentes de Hong Kong e Macau em Zhaoqing. Isso ajudará os compatriotas de Hong Kong e Macau a aproveitar melhor os recursos médicos.
Promover intercâmbios sociais e de vida em Zhaoqing: Zhaoqing promoverá ativamente os intercâmbios entre os residentes de Hong Kong e Macau e os locais. Isso inclui facilitar a liberação de bens importados e exportados.
A “Medida” inclui um total de 19 medidas de política de facilitação, que entrarão em vigor em 1º de maio e terão validade de dois anos. Esta medida tem como objetivo fortalecer ainda mais os intercâmbios e o contato entre os residentes de Hong Kong, Macau e Zhaoqing, proporcionando uma vida e desenvolvimento mais convenientes para os compatriotas de Hong Kong e Macau em Zhaoqing.
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chiquititaosita · 2 years ago
hi hi omg thank you for the tag
are you named after someone?
no, but everyone growing up thought I was named after the 70s song Layla. My mom just loved the Polynesian meaning of Leila meaning Heaven. But mostly I’ve been often told about the Arab love story Layla and Manjun. And the Arab meaning of my name that shit made me cry
When was the last time you cried
easy may 24 2023, 7:30 pm, I cried watching the new little mermaid private screening.
do you have kids?
no 🩷 but do animals count?
do you use sarcasm a lot?
yes all of the damn time.
what sports have you played?
football(soccer), kickball, gymnastics and tumbling, competition cheerleading (never again),
the first thing you notice about people?
their voice, and aura. (Even facial features,)
eye color
soil brown like a nice chocolate brown or soil in the ground of the garden. halfway close to black brown though
scary movies or happy endings
idk I don’t like being overstimulated, but I do love scary movies 🫶🏼 happy endings in movies need to step up their game fr 🙄😠
special talents
I’m double jointed, and I can move my calf like a helicopter (as well as my hand), also I can sing (ew not me sounding like a pick me), also I can
Where were you born
your mom PFTAHAHAHA jk jk, really United States my family is Mexican American. (Both sides) 🇲🇽🇺🇸
I love playing bingo (it’s becoming an addiction smh 🤦🏽‍♀️), doing my nails, crochet, shopping, self care, gym, watch people play horror games because that’s my humor.
yes, four dogs and one cat. (4/5 of these animals are rescues 😭🩷)
how tall are you?
5’1 ft (157 cm)…
fave subject
your mom, jk jk science and literacy
dream job
if money didn’t matter, I’d be a musician, but in this case ultrasound reader/ technician , and radiologist
tagged by @cursedvibes :)) ty
ok 15 questions 15 mutuals lets go
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
uh idk probably a month or two ago? was feeling very bad </3
3. Do you have kids?
no lol
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
eh, here and there. mostly not because i dont want to be misunderstood or accidentally offend someone
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
i used to play tennis and badminton when i was a kid. joined a martial arts club two years ago but idk if that counts
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
their mouth and their face. mouth specifically mentioned from face cause i have to look there when someone is speaking to understand what theyre saying. also when i look at someone my gaze travels up cause it feels awkward looking in their eyes directly
7. What’s your eye colour?
dark brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
theyre not mutually exclusive but ummmmm happy endings. i just like sleeping at night i guess lmao
9. Any special talents?
i can draw lol
10. Where were you born?
in a hospital !!
11. What are your hobbies?
drawing, writing. i also write a lot of analysis essays in my free time for fun but im too shy to post any of them here ghrfsghjkbgfsgkj my posts on here are all cleaned up and nice. i practice using nunchucks too :)
12. Do you have any pets?
two birds
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
drawing/painting and web development
15. Dream job?
i think i want to be a math teacher. but if we're talking ab a hypothetical job with no drawbacks or harm that would hypothetically support me in all ways then i would love to be an animator or illustrator
i cant think of 15 off the top of my head but tagging @terroristiraqi @cairenes @that-one-queer-poc @zukkaoru @that-was-anticlimactic @bathtublawyer @themeoflauramp3 and anyone else who wants :))
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captainlilyuniverseworld · 2 years ago
100 Ways (#30)
A/N: This pairing took a lot of jumping around to write lol so please be gentle. This is set in the new Interview with the Vampire verse (AMC Version)
The story being read is 'The Story of Layla and Manjun'
One more chapter (#30)
Pairing: Lestat de Lioncourt x Louis de Pont du Lac
A/N 2: Takes place before Claudia's arrival
Unlike the many nights at Rue Royale, the street in front of the house was sparse, the snow outside the door undisturbed. No music coming from the usually open windows, people spilling out, some that had been there all night, some never to be seen again. 
“Having drunk his fill, he lay down on the brocade carpet of soft grass, in the shade of the palm trees to rest awhile…” 
Despite the chill of the world outside, it was warm inside, the crackling of the fire breaking the otherwise stillness of the room. The curtains shuttered, the lights dimmed. 
Lestat ran his fingers up and down Louis’s side as they reclined on the couch. Stroking the flesh of his hipbone as Louis laid with his head on Lestat’s chest. Feeling the rise and fall as Lestat read aloud. 
“Soon the tired man was wrapped in peaceful slumber. Time passed unnoticed. When he woke, the sun was already low in the west. He had the feeling that someone had been staring at him. But who? No living soul was visible, far or near…” 
The clock on the wall chimed, once, twice, three times telling them it was three in the morning. Lestat marked their place and started to move but Louis stopped him. Shifting more of his weight onto Lestat and curling his fingers into the fabric of his shirt. 
“Louis, it is going to be sunrise soon,” Lestat reminded him. 
“We still have time,” Louis didn’t open his eyes. “Thought you would appreciate my rapt attention.” He smirked a little teasingly. 
Lestat huffed out a laugh. Soft as he let his hand wander under the back of Louis’s shirt to stroke the bare skin of his back. 
“La joue de toi,” Lestat smiled. 
“Tu aimes ça,” Louis countered. 
He opened his eyes and looked up at Lestat, then turned and pressed a chaste kiss to the spot just above his heart. 
“One more chapter,” he settled against him more. 
Lestat sighed, as if feeling put out, but opened the book, finding the place where he’d left off, and waited until Louis was comfortable again before continuing on. 
Outside it was cold, and dark, but inside the town house of Rue Royale, two lovers, found warmth.
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get-chazzed · 4 years ago
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“I was just turned down by... me? Confusing, but wow. That is real fucking sad.”
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causeshesogone · 5 years ago
Chain of Gold (SPOILER ALERT)
I just finished reading Chain of Gold. I loved the book but I was not happy with the way it ended. I despise Grace Blackthorn. I hate her so much - how dare she do that to my Jamie, Jamie and Cordelia! They deserve so much more. God, James, Jamie's in my heart just like Will. And my heart breaks for him just as it did for Will in Clockwork Prince. Please let him be happy at the end of the series, at least. Cordelia is incredible - she's so brave and beautiful and kind. She's amazing. You simply can't not love her. Hold on Daisy, you'll get a happy ending (I hope). Another character in my heart is Matthew. I'm so worried for him too - I just hope he can save himself, as Cassie says, I hope he'll find it in him to trust Jamie, his parabatai, to love him despite everything, to understand that nothing could make James despise him.
The others were amazing too. Anna Lightwood is simply delightful! Thomas is amazing. And Christopher, my, my, he's so adorable. And Lucie ! Now that's one amazing girl!
The scenes between Tessa and Will were a breath of fresh air! It was great seeing Magnus again.
Please let my Jamie, Daisy, Math, Luce, Tom and Kit have their happiness!
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tanqram · 6 years ago
Qiang Dongyue and Wang Manjun singing G.E.M.’s 我的秘密 (MySecret)
(sr. t0331a 190507 IG Update)
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ask-tegiri-the-samurai · 6 years ago
THE FUCK ARE YOU? ~ask-your-lord
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The fuck are you? You look like some green goblin on sterids. Don’t think that I am afraid of you because you’re big. 
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razmah1 · 2 years ago
Sabah oil and gas roadshow to promote funding, talent development opportunities
Sabah oil and gas roadshow to promote funding, talent development opportunities
Dateline 2022-08-11, The Star: Local players in the oil and gas industry have been urged to take part in the Sabah Oil and Gas, Services and Equipment (OGSE) Roadshow 2022 here later this month. Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun said the roadshow would provide a platform for OGSE companies to explore government support to help grow their businesses and secure…
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kekeran · 7 years ago
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☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆  @tanqram
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pd101c · 7 years ago
180408 Produce 101 Official Weibo Update
Banana Culture (Trainee18) Girls Introduction Video
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greaterbayarea · 11 months ago
Residents from Hong Kong and Macau will enjoy greater convenience in Zhaoqing! The new policy is set to be implemented soon
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On April 29th, the Zhaoqing Municipal Government held a press conference to announce the “Zhaoqing’s Measures for Facilitating the Lives of Hong Kong and Macau Residents.” The conference was attended by Zhu Jingliang, Deputy Secretary-General of the Zhaoqing Municipal Government, Zhang Xiao, member of the Development and Reform Bureau and Deputy Director of the Greater Bay Area Office, Li Manjun, Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Huang Cailing, Deputy Director of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and Li Jiaqiong, member and Deputy Director of the Medical Insurance Bureau. Chen Hanzhu, Deputy Director of the Zhaoqing Municipal Propaganda Department, hosted the conference.
In recent years, Zhaoqing has closely followed the new strategic positioning of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, actively participating in the construction of the area. The city has greatly expanded both online and offline government service channels, achieving cross-border handling of employment, entrepreneurship, and elderly care services. Currently, 818 services can be managed cross-provincially within the Pearl River Delta, and 1650 services can be managed across cities within the province.
Zhaoqing has also deeply expanded its economic and trade cooperation with Hong Kong and Macau. By 2023, the number of investment companies from Hong Kong reached 85, with a total of 4979 Hong Kong-funded companies, attracting an investment of 1.29 billion yuan from Hong Kong, accounting for over 80% of the city’s foreign capital attraction. Additionally, Zhaoqing has established and operated 9 Hong Kong and Macau youth innovation and entrepreneurship bases, with a total of 402 enterprises and projects, including 102 from Hong Kong and Macau.
To accelerate the implementation of the “Bay Area Tong” project and promote regulatory alignment with Hong Kong and Macau, Zhaoqing has grounded these efforts in local realities, implementing key tasks such as facilitating the movement of people and goods as outlined in the “Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,” along with national and provincial policies. Zhaoqing has summarized national, provincial, and municipal policies to formulate these measures, which were officially issued on March 18th this year.
The measures mainly cover the following five aspects: Facilitating living in Zhaoqing: The measures focus on applying for residence permits, purchasing homes, leisure and retirement, and transportation. Zhaoqing will provide a more convenient living environment and services for Hong Kong and Macau residents.
Supporting employment and entrepreneurship in Zhaoqing: The city will actively support Hong Kong and Macau compatriots in finding employment and starting businesses in Zhaoqing, providing them with more opportunities and conveniences. This includes support in areas such as professional and technical qualification exams and professional title evaluations for Hong Kong and Macau residents.
Supporting investment and business establishment in Zhaoqing: Zhaoqing encourages Hong Kong and Macau residents to invest and start businesses, providing a better development environment. This involves personal income tax financial subsidies and incentives, as well as facilitating Hong Kong and Macau residents in starting businesses in Zhaoqing.
Promoting medical facilitation in Zhaoqing: The city will further promote the medical services facilitation for Hong Kong and Macau residents, making it easier for them to access medical resources.
Promoting social and livelihood exchanges in Zhaoqing: Zhaoqing will actively facilitate exchanges between Hong Kong and Macau residents and local residents, including easing the clearance of import and export goods.
These measures consist of 19 facilitative policies and will officially take effect on May 1st, with a validity period of two years. This initiative aims to further strengthen the exchanges and interactions among residents of Zhaoqing, Hong Kong, and Macau, making life and development more convenient for Hong Kong and Macau compatriots in Zhaoqing.
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canada4news · 4 years ago
Sabah allows salons and car washes to reopen, but not night markets
Sabah allows salons and car washes to reopen, but not night markets
KOTA KINABALU: In line with the Federal government’s announcement, the Sabah government has allowed hair salons and car wash centres to reopen for business. However, in a statement released by the state Local Government and Housing Ministry on Thursday (Feb 4), night markets are still not allowed to operate in Sabah. Night markets have been allowed to resume operations elsewhere by the Federal…
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iceprincessviviane · 3 years ago
Magnificent Century Character Tag Game
(I didn't get tagged, but I love idea and never actually post anything about MC, soo let's go! Hope you can forgive me.)
I really want to thank @hurremsphoenix and @minetteskvareninova I saw their posts and dare to write that 💖 (If you don't want to be tagged or you are uncomfortable dm me I will delete the tag.)
Warnings: It can be long, because I watched whole series long ago, now I am rewatching some episodes for personal reasons.
The character I first fell in love with: Hatiçe, because I very liked her early softness and her frobidden love with Ibrahim was soooo romantic (at least for me, I love such things), later I didn't like her behaviour and thing that each of Suleiman sister was anti Hürrem. Early Gülfem, I like that despite losing son, she had respect from Süleyman and Hafsa, also she was wise in her way.
The character I never expected to love so much as I do now: it's hard question, but I guess Mahidevran, in early episodes I couldn't actually decide between her and Hürrem, but later I appreciate her and Mustafa dynamic and her caring way towards him.
The character I love than none else does: Nasuh, I really like him and think that he deserved better. Nigar, I just loved characters aside Sultans and odalisks, she was interesting and I like her as kalfa. Atmaca, I have soft spot for him because of being loyal. (I kinda have things for side characters.)
The character everyone loves, I just don't: Nurbanu I think, but it isn't strong dislike, she wanted to help Selim, but I didn't like her ways with other hatuns and big ego. I actually like Nurbanu~Hürrem relation and later dealing with Selim.
The character I am obsessed with: Çihangir, my cinnamon roll, adorable chocolate chip. I love absolutely everything about him. He was wise, caring and strong in his own way. He deserved better for sure and I love that he actually knew what was happening in palace. When he said that Mustafa can't have bad intentions when he has military advance - in episode when Mustafa raided capital because of posion jacket, just made my heart jump. I can go on and go on about Çihangir. (Well I wasn't watching in English but in my native so sorry for bad translations about series)
The character I would slap: Süleyman for a lot of reasons, late Ibrahim and Hatiçe like come on, Rüstem (he was annoying me almost everytime), Nazenin, Dilşah and a little Huricihan but that would be the gentlest slap in history of gentlest slaps.
The character I'd want to be: Çihangir, as I said he was wise, strong and he got fears but he was facing them. Hürrem, but in way of being determinated and knowing yourself. Atmaca as said above he was loyal.
The paring I love: early Hatiçe and Ibrahim, Huricihan and Bayezid (forbidden love too), Selim and Nurbanu, I like their dynamic, but in separate way not really. Selim was doing everything to be good in Süleyman eyes, despote having flaws (wine drinking). Nasuh and Sadika, but from his perspective, but very little. Çihangir and Huricihan again from his perspective, it was pure and innocent love. I had attempt to read about Leyla and Manjun because of that. Bayezid and Defne, late I prefered them than Nurbanu and Selim, I like that he forgive her and Defne was different than Nurbanu. I want to include there brotherly love between Mustafa, Bayezid and Çihangir, I am hoe for strong siblings bonds and I loved that in this trio each of them was unique. Mustafa had to be careful all the time, Bayezid thought he was not appreciated and Çihangir was struggling with his disability. I like that they found comfort and understanding in themselfes.
The paring I despise: Süleyman and Firuze, I always have mixed feelings about them, but although Firuze seemed different and something new in series, in whole I don't like their paring. Attempting to give Mihrimah love interest just to show how she was unhappy. Right Rüstem was older than her, because of marriage he have become Grand Vizier, and was loyal to Hürrem, but actually for me Mihrimah was in good position during marriage. She was close to palace, so could visit it anytime, Süleyman and Hürrem took care of all her worries and troubles, she had respect, her husband too in general way. Right she couldn't get divorced, because Hürrem would lost her support and her brothers would be in danger, it was hard situation, but personal for me, there were more + than -. Rüstem loved her and he might annoy her with that, but it was better than hate I guess 😅 and they had same goal, to take care of Selim, Bayezid and Çihangir.
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get-chazzed · 4 years ago
Asuka, Junko and Momoe for the W, B, B.
Wed, Bed, Behead:
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"Well, of course I'd marry Asuka! The other two... I think Momoe is into me? So bed her and kill the other- Junko is it?"
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