#manifestation methods
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honeytonedhottie · 3 months ago
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in this post, i'll talk about some manifesting methods. remember, that you should not put so much power in the methods bcuz its not the method that manifests, its your thoughts. methods are simply tools to help u think in ur favor…💬🎀
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super duper easy, just make a list and read it over. then affirm something along the lines of "i have it all right now" and then thats it. you have it now congratulations. just stand on it.
simply affirm for a bit, then DROP IT and find something else to do. you already have it after all. just don't contradict urself.
even easier. just listen to some subliminal for subconscious saturation. i like to listen to the calm version of subliminals so that i can listen to my music and just saturate like that.
now you can repost this and add onto this post, add in what manifestation methods that u like to do so that we can all give suggestions to each other…💬🎀
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bitchy-craft · 8 months ago
The Pillow Method: Manifestation Methods
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! I decided to make a new series, this time about manifesting methods. I hope you find this useful and enjoy.
Masterpost > Paid Reading > Subliminal Channel [NEW]
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What it is used for:
The pillow method is used for practically all manifestations you can think of. This can go from manifesting love, to manifesting money, to manifesting pets. This method is also very easy to do for everyone, and therefore a good way to start your manifesting journey.
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1. Write down your desire:
Take a piece of paper, it doesn't matter what kind, and write down your desire(s), the things you want to manifest. This method is done before going to bed or before taking a nap.
2. Focus on your desire:
Fold the paper toward you, hold it in your hand, close your eyes and focus deeply on your intent and desires, put all that energy and trust you have in the universe into that piece of paper.
3. Put the paper under your pillow:
Put the paper under your pillow, and if you wish, repeat a couple of affirmations as you lay down and get ready to sleep. Then simply go to sleep and let the universe bring you your manifestations over night.
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yourmoonie · 1 year ago
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Your manifestation can get externalized in infinite ways (based on your beliefs)
Do u want white teeth?
- you might wake up with it
- you might get the money to book an appointment with your dentist
- You might get an offer out of thin air
- etc
So stop beating yourself up over the process and movement
Your life and circumstances are unique to you.
If someone "manifests" $5000 within 5 minutes, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME or with any of my desires because I know that I will have mine and even better.
And YES you getting the money and booking an appointment with your dentist to whiten your teeth is a success story too.
Live your life! Live your best life!
And the same thing goes with appearance changes.
Ask yourself, "What would it be like to have my desired body? How would I feel if I had my desired white teeth?" Stop TRYING and start BEING
Maybe you want a new nose
- someone might offer you a free rhinoplasty or your body might make specific changes & many more
Just because you got an appointment and had a procedure done doesn't erase the fact that it was also a huge success story.
Be proud of yourself and celebrate your achievements.
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eamour · 1 year ago
method · revision
to revise means to reconsider something in order to correct or improve it. in a manifestation related sense, it means to erase and change the outcome of events in your life that have already taken place. all in all, revising is a way to manifest. a way not to create but to recreate.
all things revision
time does not exist in terms of past, present or future since they only exist in your mind. what you declare to be your past, in fact, is just what you are able to recall. your memory is just a state of consciousness that you have defined as your "past". we can only ever experience now and what we are conscious of in this given moment.
when we speak of "revising an event" or "changing the past", it's not our focus to change what has already happened — well, it is, but rather than focusing on changing the event, we focus on changing ourselves. just like neville goddard said, no one to change but self.
let's say you are dissatisfied with an event from the past. see, whenever you remember it, and express that you don't like it, you relive it in your mind, resurrecting that state. the moment you recall those past memories, you once again become aware of it — and as long as you remain in that same state and keep the memory as it is, it will and can not be altered.
it is very much up to you what you decide to keep within your consciousness and which experiences you choose to carry with you. your memories, your past experiences, ... they are all just in your mind. they only represent your imagination. your present assumptions therefore have very much influence on who you are now and who you "have been", aka the way you choose to remember yourself right now.
revision in steps
1 ⋮ choose. what does the old story look like? and what does your new story look like? become clear about both, the unfavourable and the favourable.
2 ⋮ change. declare that the old story no longer serves you, that it no longer depicts the "truth" and embody the version of you that identifies with the new story. replace your old assumptions regarding your past and redirect them to your liking. do not just assume but really accept that your past experiences happened just accordingly to your new, desired story.
3 ⋮ persist. now that you have rewritten your story to your liking, you need to be consistent with it. you have re-assumed a new reality — a new state of awareness for yourself — so, persist in it! you can now experience it in consciousness whenever and wherever you want.
don't forget
✿ the same way you deal with the 3D when manifesting other things into your life, you entirely dismiss your outer reality. whatever is being reflected back to you, you don't give it any attention. disregard it and reassure yourself by keeping in mind that creation is finished. leave the physical world as it is and only pay attention to your mental world, your imagination.
✿ when you are persisting, you are continuously living in your imagination. you persist in anything at all times as you experience both, 3D and 4D at the same time. you don't repeatedly live in your imagination — as in, you don't exit and enter it, over and over again — but do it perpetually. and as things have no reality other than in consciousness, your 4D has no choice but to create your 3D. the same way your 3D has no choice but to mirror your mental activity, showing you evidence of your accepted assumptions.
✿ in other words, persist and your reality will end up conforming to your liking!
with love, ella.
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overflowers · 11 months ago
It's a collage of pictures that show or visualize your desires
It can boost your visualization skills because you can literally see the thing you want to manifest and it can help you with visualizing yourself having that desire
The pictures can be used as inspiration too, for example if you prefer visualizing with closed eyes or to get a rough idea of how your desire(s) look(s) like
There are different types of vision boards and you can choose between a physical and digital vision board !
A physical vision board is basically a poster with cut out pictures glued on that poster. You can write some affirmations down so you'll remember to affirm those while looking at it ! You can hang it on your wall, next to your mirror, put it in a journal etc.
You can get more creative with digital versions ! For example create a Pinterest Board and save pictures there ; create a folder in your gallery and add pictures ; create a collage ( with your gallery app or the app "Picsart" ) etc.
( found them on pinterest, credits go to their rightful owners )
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You can put the collage as your phone/device wallpaper for example so you'll see it everytime you're on your phone.
You can look at it as many times as you want ! I don't recommend staring at it though for a very long time, especially if it's a digital one ( please protect your eyes 🫣 )
I personally look at my digital vision board, created on Pinterest, once a day ( I don' look at it every day though ) and imagine as if I took the pictures
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summersreality · 5 months ago
Todays hot tip; use the Eavesdrop Method
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What is the eavesdrop method?
It’s visualizing other people, specific or general, saying things about you as if you were eavesdropping on their conversation. This is obviously amazing to use if you wanna manifest how people perceive you.
I overthink a lot so doing this when I believe someone doesn’t like me, instead imagining them saying “she’s actually so nice” is very comforting and effective because the 3D mirrors it.
I believe Neville Goddard preached it but I am not sure, but I am almost certain that that’s where I got it from.
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sproutedlavender · 1 year ago
3 Easiest Manifestation Methods for Beginners
Manifesting can seem scary and intimidating at first. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the wide array of methods and techniques.
Although these methods can all be quite helpful, by itself, the act of manifestation is a rather simple one. 
How to Manifest your Desires (In the simplest form)
          Set an intention for what you want
          Give your desires energy and momentum. 
         Release them and trust the universe to deliver them to you.
        Accept and receive them.
Great! Now you know the basics of manifestation, but what exactly do I mean by ‘giving your desires energy?’. Well, this is the fun part! This is where you can discover and play around with manifestation methods.
Manifestation methods come in all shapes and forms, but if you’re just starting out, you may want to try out these 3 manifestation methods which are 100% beginner friendly.
-          Visualization. Visualization is basically just a fancy word for imagining or daydreaming. You give your desires energy by focusing on them and imagining what it would be like if you already had your desires.
-          Affirmations. If visualization isn’t for you, try out affirmations. A simple and easy way to manifest, you create a list of positive affirmations regarding your desires. (Such as… “I love my new house” or “money comes to me easily”)
-          Scripting. This method is a fun one, which is almost like writing a future diary entry. First, imagine what it would be like when you receive your desires, then, write it down as though it already happened. Example: “Today I received a large sum or money; I was walking down the street and…” Describe your manifestations as though you already received them.
And there you have it! Try out different methods and see which ones work best for you. If you’re interested in discovering more manifestation methods, check out my post on 11 Manifestation Methods to Turn Your Dreams Into a Reality. 
Now get manifesting!
Love, Andie 🥰
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calmwaterstarot · 1 year ago
What’s the basics for loa or manifesting, I’d like to try it this week. It’s basically believing you already have what you long for right and if god or the universe approves you get it? I’d love to learn or any tips. 😊
This is going to be a long one, anon!
I prefer Law of Assumption over Law of Attraction. The gist is that you are the master creator of your own reality and your subconscious mind is the computer, so to speak. You generate your reality through your thoughts. Once you assume something is yours, it HAS to happen. People like to speed this up using LoA techniques, like scripting (writing down what you want as if you already have it), affirmations (telling yourself the same thing over and over again), or by using State Akin to Sleep (SATS, which is visualizing a scene that implies you already have what you want before you go to sleep). I follow Neville Goddard's teachings and have this ten-books-in-one collection.
Essentially, your imagination powers your reality. We've been taught that we need to react to the 3D reality around us and leave our imagination behind, that nothing is in our control, but this is backwards. We control everything. Our minds are so powerful, and all we have to do is believe (assume) that it's ours. What you desire, desires you, too; otherwise, you wouldn't think of it.
So, you can write down what you want. Make sure it's always in present or past tense; future tense denotes that you don't have what you want and it will forever be out of reach. For example:
"I'm so happy I have ____ [whatever you want]." "I'm grateful that I received a job promotion and raise." "I love my new ____ [apartment/flat, house, car, phone, etc.]."
You get the idea. Same with affirmations, except with affirmations, you can do robotic affirmations and repeat the same thing over and over again when you have nothing else to do or are completing mindless tasks, such as laundry, dishes, cooking, taking a shower, etc. "I'm so rich. I'm so rich. I'm so rich. I'm so rich." Over and over again.
You can say these in your head. You don't have to say them out loud, but it's whatever you prefer.
Before bed, as you're about to doze off to sleep, thinking of a scenario implying you have what you want. There are a few different methods you could use:
You could use the Eavesdropping Method, which is you overhearing someone you're close to tell someone else that you got whatever it is you want. This could be friends, family, or co-workers. You could do the Telephone Method, which is imagining you're on the phone with someone you're close to and they say you got what it is you're wanting. For instance: "Wow, I can't believe you got $5,000." And you'd reply something along the lines of, "Yeah, I manifested it." The last method is you imagining a scenario that implies you already have the thing you want. If it's a car, imagine driving down the road. How does the steering wheel feel underneath your fingers? What does the inside look like? What color is it? If it's a house, imagine walking through the front door. What's the layout? How is it decorated? The more realistic you can make your visualizations, the better.
Pick any of these methods to use before bed as you're drifting off to sleep. Keep looping the scene; it doesn't have to be long--less than 5-10 seconds. When you fall asleep, this scene is the last thing your conscious mind saw before turning off, which means it's impressing on your subconscious mind for 7-8 hours through the night (or however long you sleep). Since your subconscious mind controls your reality, guess what's gonna happen? It's going to do everything it can behind the scenes to make your vision a reality because you're telling it to. This is why there's that saying, "Don't go to bed angry; it'll ruin tomorrow." Neville Goddard says, "Never go to sleep feeling discouraged or dissatisfied. Never sleep in the consciousness of failure."
Don't worry about the how or the when; everything will come together when it's ready. Would you take a dish you're baking out of the oven before it's fully cooked? It's the same with your manifestations. Let the Universe (a.k.a. - you/your mind) handle it.
Whatever you do, DO NOT react to your 3D reality in the sense that you're questioning time and why your desire isn't visible yet. Essentially, you've shown your mind you already have that thing you desire, so when you do a 180 and say, "I don't have this," guess what happens? Your mind goes, "Alright. You don't have this," and you're back at square one. This takes discipline and a good mental diet to achieve. You almost have to be delusional to achieve success. Even if someone else gets that promotion, that house, that person you love, etc., you have to keep saying, "I have this and it's mine." Your 3D reality is on a lag, so you have to keep pretending (using your imagination) until it appears in your reality. Persist, persist, persist. Don't give up.
That's the gist. It's long, I know, but if you follow through and persist, nothing can stop you. You're the creator of your own reality, and once you realize this, there's no stopping what you can achieve.
Some great manifestation gurus I follow on YouTube are:
Sammy Ingram, Free Tea, Dylan James, Indigo Detry, Neyah, Maleeka is my guardian angel, and any videos featuring Neville Goddard's teachings or Dolores Cannon.
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sencubussubs · 1 year ago
NOT SETTLING in manifestation <3
hi lovelies!
Let’s talk about not settling with your manifestations!
For this post i am gonna use an anecdote from my life:
last year i was messing around with manifestation and subliminals. I was listening to the “Apple” subliminal by I want it I got it. I looked up the exact model i wanted: the iphone 13 green and affirmed a couple times that it was mine and how much i loved my iphone 13 and its colour. Not a week later my mom comes in and asks me if i want an iphone 13
to reference, before my parents were never the type to just buy me a new phone, especially since i had an iphone 11 which is honestly still a solid phone! But i did not let that overcomplicate the process.
I was so excited i said yes and i asked for the green to which my mom said she can’t get me a green one.
i thought:
Bummer right? but colour isn’t that important - i am getting a brand new iphone 13!
i allowed the item to be ‘so amazing’ that it was acceptable for me not to get my exact desire.
A couple days later i had my new phone, i was setting it up and i decided that i wanted to really test my manifestation skills and take it further so i affirmed a couple times to myself that i was getting the green iphone 13. Again i did not think too deeply about it, i did not obsess over it. And low and behold the next day my mom came in and asked me if i really wanted a green one, i said yes and she got me the green one.
I did not allow previous beliefs to block my manifestation - my parents not buying me new apple devices and being rather frugal in general.
And i did not settle for a half-baked manifestation.
This is a reminder that you are the creator, you NEVER have to settle.
if the 3D starts reflecting back to you part of your story, do not give into it so fast and decide the other details ‘don’t matter’ because you are so caught up in what you have managed to manifested.
And on the other hand if you don’t like what you’re seeing yet, don’t react in the 3D, don’t complain or think to yourself about hot and cold behaviour from someone or not having a specific item yet - just live your life, remember it is already yours, you do not have to do anything in the 3D to bring it in.
This little manifestation for me is still one that blows my mind, at the time the iphone 13 was still quite new, so i could not wrap my head around me being able to own one, but i simply did not think about it too hard. I did not allow the phone to be something i desperately needed, i did not spend all my time thinking about it. i just lived my life happily, affirming from time to time when i remembered that it was coming to me.
I hope this inspired my little stars NEVER to settle.
This is your world, sieze it.
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blushyybunny · 1 year ago
☆ manifestation methods ☆
✩‧₊˚ shower method ✧.*
repeat a different affirmation for each body part you wash three times, and believe it. then when you wash the soap off, imagine all limiting beliefs, doubts, and negative energy washing off of you. repeat the affirmation, “this shower helps me manifest effortlessly and quickly”.
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sh03g4z3r · 2 years ago
✩ JUST A REMINDER : affirmations are just a technique !! thoughts don’t manifest, states do !!!!! ✩
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months ago
Hiiiiiiii 💕
If that’s okay for you , I’ve been wondering how you do the list method ? And how you would call your list if the manifestations are a lot of different things such as mindset , money , health , shifting ,… and how you have dealt (if it has ever happened) with the negative thoughts that it won’t manifest cause it’s a list ?
Cause , I started once with a list method (a couple of things did manifest or seemed to be her better , but very slowly [my mindset and my assumptions were the reasons]) , and stopped and I’ve been wondering if you read through your list a couple of times a day or just once and affirm that everything on your list alr got manifested
(Hope that all makes sense , and thank you for your blog , I really enjoy looking through your aesthetic and to see your tips💕)
hiii 💕
how i do the list method, is i write down what im manifesting and i affirm something along the lines of "i already have everything on my list, its already done right now" and then thats it. i dont name my lists its just 'my list' 😭 i dont like to name it cuz oftentimes i manifest lots of different things in diff categories so the name is just unnecessary.
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when i get negative thoughts i either let it pass or i flip it and debunk it. at the end of the day you attach power to ur thoughts so if i think something negative, its just a random fucking thought and it doesnt matter cuz if its not what i want then it doesnt manifest so i dont even have to sweat ab it yk?
sometimes i affirm while looking at my list or i just mindlessly affirm. it doesnt rly matter cuz ur subconscious knows what ur talking about when u say "i already have everything on my list" i hope this helped you out 🗒️🫶🏽
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bitchy-craft · 6 months ago
The Water Method: Manifestation Methods
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! I decided to make a new series, this time about manifesting methods. I hope you find this useful and enjoy.
Masterpost > Paid Readings > Subliminal Channel
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What it is used for:
The Water Manifestation Method is essentially a method that is used for absolutely anything. As long as you have desires to manifest you can use this method. This is because the method itself isn't directly connected to anything specific; it connects you with your desires, whether that is love, career, money, appearance, studies etc.
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1. Choose a container
To do this method you need something like a container or a glass. Some people believe it is best to use a glass, or a glass container since many believe glass is something that holds energy very well, especially better than plastic (this is why many witches put their spells in glass jars also).
2. Find a comfortable environment
Find a place in which it is quiet, or where you can focus. It is also a good idea to make sure you cannot be disturbed as you do this, just to be able to really focus on your intent. Of course, this isn't doable for anyone and definitely not mandatory, but it can really help.
3. Fill the glass with water
Fill your container or glass with water, how much you want it to be filled completely depends on you; what you feel works, works. Then, make sure to hold your container or glass eith both your hands for the next step.
4. Focus on your intention
Make sure to focus on your intention as you hold your container or glass with your hands. Focus on your intention and feel that energy through your arms, through your hands into this water. Do this as long as you feel is neccesary.
5. Drink the water
Drink the water from your container or glass, and try to imagine feeling that energy and intention streaming through your body. If you want you can think of some affirmations as you do so as well.
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yourmoonie · 10 months ago
You can try the journaling method if you are into creating routines and then give me updates via dms (Scroll down to read the details)
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☀️In the mornings: When you open your eyes, the 1st thing you can do is affirm -> "Today is a blessed day."Today is going to be a wonderful day filled with my manifestations."
✨️ When you look at yourself into the mirror, 🪞 you can say, "Why am I so hot? Wow, I am so beautiful. "A beautiful and powerful person like me always gets what she wants, I am blessed," etc
📋Journaling in the morning:
☀️ Who am I choosing to be / become today
☀️ What are my goals for today?
☀️ 3 new things I can do today
☀️ What am I grateful for?
✨️ create a manifestation list for the day
✨️ write down your desired affirmations
🌑 At night:
When you are about to fall asleep, mentally tell yourself that you had a blessed day
✨️ You can also revise your day
📋 Journaling at night:
🌑 How am I feeling?
🌑 Lessons I have learned today?
🌑 Is there anything I would like to revise about today?
🌑 How do I make the most out of tomorrow?
🌑 What am I thankful for?
✨️ Write down your desired affirmations
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ivemanifest · 1 year ago
The Results Of Spiritual Ascension In This Reality
There is a whole world ahead of you upon your spiritual ascension One of the most beautiful and divine things about being human is our ability to grow and expand. We truly are connected and related to Nature in this way, as we have endless and infinite opportunities to grow. If you’re familiar with my story, you will know that in my own personal spiritual growth journey that once I began the…
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thejournallo · 9 months ago
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