#manic scribblings/doodlings
indolenceinck · 23 days
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Manic Scribblings Cont....
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dangoarts · 2 years
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well this started with drawing silly skull head monster designs but then the rot kicked in
the toon joey design in the bottom right is @toringo's design and the sammy design next to him is @squished-bug's design
i really like the malice and projectionist spot i might isolate and digitize it later when school isn't fucking drowning me (help)
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terrantechnocrat · 1 year
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He's probably called Roy, and he might or might not be high!
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how i think each of the albums would act in The Tortured Poets Department if it was a class
Debut: would set the books on fire because they had words that she didn’t understand (the guy she liked read her poetry once…now he reads it to other girls). She prefers music class or science (because there is fire)
Fearless: would fall in love with romance poetry, but would spend her lessons staring out the window daydreaming about prince charming coming to save her.
Speak Now: would very adamantly insist she writes everything herself and would refuse help. she would write some of the most heartbreaking poetry about her much older boyfriend and causing the chairman of the department to pull her aside to check she’s okay (she insists she is).
Red: sits at the back of the class and cries as she writes. she’s really into metaphors these days. don’t ask about her scarf. just don’t.
1989: would show up to class holding a latte and her phone never stops buzzing with instagram notifications (she’s kinda famous). all of her assignments have city skyline doodles along the bottom of them. she didn’t like poetry until the chairman explained that pop music IS a variation of poetry.
Reputation: doesn’t really show up to class. Sits in the back corner. She’s got a lot going on. But the Chairman learns a lot about her through her poetry, she shows a softer side that not many people get to see. She’d kill the Chairman if she made her read her poetry to the class.
Lover: submits every assignment on pink paper and writes solely in gel pen (they are scented). She’s just like REALLY REALLY REALLY in love and everyone knows. She writes a piece about accepting everyone during pride month and it wins an award. She only addresses her partner as Lover in her writing, and it makes the Chairman smile because it reminds her that love truly exists.
Folklore: the star pupil. all her assignments are somehow connected, its like she has her own world. She uses words the Chairman has to look up in the dictionary sometimes. The Chairman had to raise a cause for concern over a piece called Hoax but Folklore insists it definitely is 113% fictional.
Evermore: sits beside folklore. She only writes poetry in the forest, “because the spirits speak to her there”. The Chairman is slightly scared of her, but her assignments are great (even if they are a bit murdery sometimes)
Midnights: sleeps through class. she doesn’t sleep at night. always has red eyes, The Chairman doesn’t know if its from crying or from tiredness. all of her work is submitted on ripped paper, as though it was scribbled during a late night manic episode that happened the wrong side of 12. when asked about it Midnights just shrugs, but The Chairman loves her work, and submits it for multiple awards (she wins everything)
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object-vault-9 · 2 months
Had a dream about the blog where you posted several alt designs of the vault members with the caption "if [x] character died early" (I think their name was marmalade? In the dream it was like oh yeah marmalade we all know that guy) I don't remember all the designs (although I do know several of them were vaguely steampunk for some reason) but I remember the changes to Shovel and Spade
Apparently the potential death of this marmalade guy would've caused spade to survive??? Idk but the only change to his design was that he had a beige bandana instead of a rainbow one (which implies that marmalade's death would've made him homophobic/j)
Also shovel had this wig(? I'm not sure what else it could be) I don't remember the details but I know it was like "shoulder" length and had 2 little parts on the side which came up really sharply and unnaturally. It was also the same exact color as her body with no outline whatsoever which was very confusing since she didn't really look like a shovel anymore. She also had her eyes scribbled out and this big manic grin. I think the implication was that she went insane (spade also looked a lot more nervous and hesitant in his art, so that would definitely cause that lol) which would most likely never happen but it was neat to see
Sorry for the massive ask lol I just thought I'd share this :)
RIP Marmalade, who died for our sins This is a wild read though, its really interesting to see that people are starting to have dreams about these characters ! I felt like doodling the visuals a little haha, though I did lessen a little of Shovel's because I don't want to portray anything too insensitive or sterotypical. This Wig shovel is just...really stressed out. Early midlife crisis? /nsrs
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It would be nice to have Spade back, homophobic and all /lh But I wouldn't trade Shovel's state of mind for it, she's struggling with stress and grief a lot already. Thank you for sharing !
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the-haunted-prince-au · 9 months
Just to see how much my art had improved I redrew the chapter 1 image and WOW
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You only notice you improve when you look back on your older art huh?
Some rambles about the various differences/improvements under the cut
Noticable difference #1: the mirror is round now cuz I'm 90% sure that old fancy Victorian esc vanity mirrors aren't square and that the square ones are more modern
Noticable difference #2: EVEN MORE UNHINGED THAN BEFORE- I feel like the old one didn't justify how unhinged Snatcher is as a character especially since he has a more expressive face now so I made the eyes twitchier and made that grin as WIDE as possible (specifically using the Disassembly Drones From Murder Drones as a reference point on how far it should go across the face) that plus adding what I refer to as stress lines near his left eye and mouth really sell the manic glee on his face
Noticable difference 3#: when you point a flashlight at a cat its pupils change color why am bringing this up? because I made his pupils reflect a lighter gold instead of the typical normal black once again to sell the unhinged vibes (and also because let's face it the cryptid creature tendencies never go away including weird physical traits that scare the shit out of Vannesa)
Noticable difference #4: the background felt too plain so I just added some little doodles that hint to Snatcher as well as drew a purple crown as opposed to a gold one to hammer in that this isn't the prince that everyone knows and loves (it's an emo pool noodle-)
Fun fact the scribbled out background is literally just a decently cropped image of outside of Snatchers tree
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This took exactly 9 layers and I'm really proud of it
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But due to the amount of layers i will share some cursed imagery
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On a better note here's the shading layers to help explain/give more detail on my shading process
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I had a lot of fun with this and it really goes to show how much improvement can come out of just a few months!
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just-a-floofy-catt · 10 months
FIZZY!! ^^
I scribbled this manic page spread while watching the newest ep XD
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And heres a lil school doodle i did from memory
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(These are from a week or so ago btw nearer to when the ep came out)
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mystigaron · 1 year
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vash doodles from a manic bout of scribbling where i listened to live and learn for well over 3 hours straight + some oc doodles on the side from the same session
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sir-tarhos-et-compagna · 11 months
from across the fog a large portal opens, the insides comparable to a kaleidoscope you could find at any self respecting tourist trap. Out of said portal scampers what looks to be a blue imp that smells of cheap synthetic strawberry perfume and crayon wax. Heaving and panting like a feral dog, it stops before the Hungarian homie before smiling manically. Shark like teeth, sickly green in a similar hue as the magic that summons each of his guards. Their crazed eyes meet what they assume is his, really they’re just staring up at his armored head while holding a piece of paper.
Before he could properly respond they quickly hold up a sheet of printer paper and what looks to be figured scribbled in…black crayon.
“Hypothetically if I were to make more of these in exchange for going on a date with one of your guards, how many would I have to make?!”
they look insane but determined
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"Ah, fellow artist of this Pandaemonium... What a remarkable feat... rarely I wouldst smile... But this is something so pure and warm it couldst burn entire kingdoms to dust. I thank thee. And... I assume thou shalt uh... spend thy time with any of my faithful outside of trials and their duty. Just, please, one more work of art to feed pleasant thoughts..."
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greenishghostey · 2 years
A Tuesday in '83
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Author's Note: Saw this post, got sad, had a brainstorm with myself while doing a face mask, and now here we are. This is super dialogue heavy but I felt that was the best way to approach this idea!
So, here's 17-year-old Eddie helping with the search for Will Byers and helping cheer Jonathan up, at least a little bit.
Word count: 3,120
The news of little Will Byers vanishing into the aether of Hawkins spread like wildfire around the town. Storefronts were covered in missing posters, with the kid’s cheery little smile beaming away. Everyone around Hawkins High School spoke in hushed tones and stole unsavoury glances towards Jonathan Byers. 
Eddie didn’t do this, though. Eddie was far too used to dirty looks and pointing from other students. He was the town’s punching bag - the weirdo who lived in the trailer park and worshipped the devil. The brother of a missing kid didn’t deserve the same treatment he got. Even if said brother listened to The Talking Heads, that was something Eddie had to judge at least a little. 
Eddie had made a point of “freaking out” anyone he caught being less than civil towards Jonathan. The two boys weren’t friends, they’d never spoken, but they were both dubbed weirdos in the eyes of the student body. 
Since middle school, Eddie knew that he was a caring person. He was too aware of the sour attention that clung to him. It was a lonely experience for him when he was a little kid, so he found ways to make it better. Gathering up his fellow freaks, geeks and weirdos had become his life’s calling. It didn’t just stop with Hellfire Club - Eddie could take every figurative and literal punch and kick from the town when others couldn’t. Therefore, he took his “freak” and dialled it up to eleven. 
Being dramatic was one of Eddie’s favourite hobbies. He had increased the frequency of his cafeteria table speeches and taken to drumming on locker doors super close to the many whispering groups. His toothy manic grin worked a treat at drawing attention away from Jonathan. A lot of people despised his smile - but it was okay; it was all part of his show. 
It was a dull Tuesday lunch period, and students were mulling around in the hallways. Chattering, giggling, and the squeak of speakers surrounded Eddie as he organised the small pile of dealing notes in his locker. He would have appreciated it if the notes were a little more polite than just having a name and a time messily scribbled. Wasn’t his humble drug service worth a “hi” or a fun doodle?
Out of the corner of his eye, Eddie noticed the sandy, messy hair of Jonathan Byers. He had prominent dark circles under his eyes and appeared to be wasting away under his denim jacket. Poor dude already had a rough time in high school. That Harrington guy and his minions took a little too much pleasure in messing with him. 
Jonathan hauled a fresh stack of missing posters out of his bag, along with a small box of pins and tape. “Have you seen me?” Those words stared at Eddie from the bulletin board near his locker. He’d seen the description of Will Byers everywhere, making sure to read each missing poster he saw in case new information was added. 
“Hey, Byers?” Eddie voiced, shutting his locker quietly. “How many of those posters you got?” 
Jonathan jumped at Eddie’s voice, flinching away slightly. Eddie couldn’t blame him. It was a standard reaction to the town’s pariah’s presence. 
“Uh, my mom gave me thirty,” Jonathan mumbled, avoiding eye contact. Eddie had an intimidating gaze; he was almost too aware that his eyes were huge - Wayne always told him he needed to remember to blink more.
“Need help putting that many up?” Eddie asked, raising an eyebrow at the bulletin board. “Not really feeling the mental strain of History next period. So I got time.” 
Jonathan’s stare was trained on Eddie’s beat-up sneakers. He was in shock, quite frankly. Why would Eddie Munson offer to help him? Hell, why was he offering to help full-stop? 
“Um, no, it’s fine. Really.” 
“No worries, man. I get it. Oh, but I meant to ask, though, are you guys doing a search tonight?” Eddie spoke as softly as he could. It was an almost jarring surprise for Jonathan - truth be told, he found Eddie sort of scary. “I know the woods like the back of my hand, so I wanna help out.” 
The two boys finally made eye contact, and Eddie’s pure intentions were made clear. He wasn’t looking at Jonathan in jest or with pity. He looked hopeful. Jonathan hadn’t seen a lot of hope since Will disappeared. 
“It’s just a citizen search tonight. But - but the help would be great.” The younger boy’s voice faltered ever so slightly, his hands' grip on the posters loosening. “You know much about the woods around Lover's Lake?” 
“Know it? That’s my stompin’ grounds.” Eddie laughed. “Dude, I’ll be such a big help. My uncle’s got this huge camping torch too. He won’t mind me swiping it for a few nights.”
“A few- you’re gonna help more than once? Why?” Jonathan pressed. He couldn’t really believe the conversation he was having. Eddie didn’t care about anything or anybody, so why would he help look for Will? Jonathan prided himself on never judging people too harshly or without good reason. But maybe he had messed up when it came to Eddie. Listening to the hums and haws of Hawkins never was the best idea. 
“Your little brother’s missing, Byers. He’s a kid. Course I’m gonna help,” Eddie gestured for Jonathan to come closer. “Contrary to popular belief, I’m not actually a vessel of the damned.” He tried not to sigh when regurgitating one of the lines that the god squad of Hawkins liked to throw his way. Jonathan was still hesitant towards Eddie’s casual demeanour, rightfully so since they knew nothing about each other. But that hope was still present in Eddie’s eyes - it was optimistic, and lord knows, did the Byers family need some positivity in their lives right now.
Jonathan turned to fully look at Eddie - taking in his heavy leather jacket, his t-shirt that had some kind of shrunken-skinned zombie on it, and his long shaggy hair. The people of Hawkins tended to act like the metalhead was the second coming of Charles Manson - Manson was even a taunt he got fairly regularly - but Jonathan was beginning to see past that illusion. It only took a peak behind the mask to see that Eddie was a good guy. He really wanted to help out with the search for Will. Sheriff Hopper was going to flip his shit. 
“We all meet at my house at eight. We have to have a register since Sheriff Hopper’s got to be there, but he won’t bother you.” Jonathan explained, noting Eddie’s alarmed expression at the mention of the cops. “He’s sorta scared of my mom right now. I promise he won’t say anything to you.”
“Thank christ. At least it’s him. He caught me setting off fireworks behind the trailer park last fourth of July but just yelled at me and marched me home. He said he liked my t-shirt, though. Weird guy.” The little anecdote made Jonathan laugh, it wasn’t more than a breath, but he laughed. It had been the first time in a long time. However, the image of Eddie being hounded and dragged back home by Hopper was too funny to let slide. 
Jonathan gave Eddie the rest of the information about the search party - the Byers’ address, supplies that would be helpful to bring, and another reassurance that the police and other residents wouldn’t make any comments about him. 
Before the two parted ways in the emptying hallway, Eddie swiped a few missing posters from Jonathan’s loosened grasp. “I’m gonna steal some tape from Miss O’Donnell and get these up ASAP. See ya later, Byers!” Eddie took off around the corner in a flash. He was heading in the direction of his history class; he wasn’t going to stay in there for more than five minutes. 
Jonathan was left beside the bulletin board, down twelve missing posters and having recruited the most unlikely member of that evening’s search party.
The small group gathered outside the Byers' house made their dislike of Eddie’s presence all too clear from the second he turned onto the street. He had quietly walked up to the group in one of his uncle’s old high-vis vests from work and with his large camping torch. Eddie knew that his dramatics didn’t need to make an appearance while searching for a potentially dead kid. But the grimaces and dirty looks being shot his way had him itching to act out - whether it was in defence or defiance, he wasn’t sure which it would be. 
The whispering was painfully obvious. Eddie knew that people probably thought he’d sacrificed Will Byers to the devil to pay for his guitar or something equally as demented. It took a monumental effort to avoid eye contact with everyone besides Jonathan. Honestly, Eddie hated that he had become the centre of attention when he should be the least important thing on anyone’s mind. It made him feel sick. 
Sheriff Hopper was there like Jonathan had said. He nodded at Eddie while listening to a short brunette woman, likely Mrs Byers. The silent reassurance from the police sheriff was something Eddie never thought he would experience, but then again, the situation was far from normal. Hawkins had become far from normal. 
Mrs Byers started approaching Eddie across her lawn as his gaze remained firmly trained on the browning, dry grass under his boots. 
“Hi, you’re Wayne’s boy, Eddie, yeah?” Mrs Byers asked, her voice sounding a little hoarse and tired. The amount of stress the woman must have been under made Eddie feel even worse for drawing attention away from her youngest son. He’d even made a point of dressing in his plainest clothes, but unfortunately, they were all black. 
“Hi, ma’am. Uh, yeah, that’s me.” Eddie mumbled, meeting the woman’s gaze but fidgeting with the heavy rings on his fingers. “I wanted to come lend you guys a hand with all -” Mrs Byers raised her hand and gave Eddie a warm but tight-lipped smile. 
“Jonathan let me know you were coming along. Also, you can call me Joyce.” Joyce said gently, waving to other search party members who arrived. Before she could continue speaking, Eddie blurted out a thought that had been swirling around in his brain.
“I know me being here is a bother, but I’m only here to help.” 
“Eddie, as I said, Jonathan told me everything. He said you helped put up the posters. You’re the first person outside of Will’s friends to do that for him.” 
“He had like thirty of ‘em; can’t be fun having to put up that sort of stuff,” he grimaced at his words. No shit putting up missing posters for a twelve-year-old wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. “I mean, I know none of this is fun -“
“You don’t need to worry so much, I promise. You’re here to help, and that’s all that matters. Besides, I know you’re a good kid. You wouldn’t have shown up and stood here otherwise.” Joyce soothed. It was impressive how well she was holding up, all things considered. Maybe it was a “mom thing”? She saw a gangly teenager getting too much in their own head and had to intervene. Eddie couldn’t remember “mom things”, but Wayne tried his best to replicate them when needed. 
Eddie couldn’t hold back the bashful smile on his face, “I’ve got a weirdly good lay of the land all around town. The woods are easy to get lost in, but there’s a good amount of places where a kid would be able to rest.” 
“You can’t imagine how nice that is to hear.” Her big brown eyes were shining, possibly from blooming tears or a beat of relief. 
She was right. Eddie couldn’t imagine it. But any comfort Eddie could provide was better than nothing. Since Will had disappeared, Eddie had seen Joyce and Jonathan around town much more. He had never seen people look so much like husks of humans. It was almost like seeing ghosts haunting the streets. How the entire town wasn’t standing outside of the Byers’ house was beyond him. 
“If there’s an overhang or crevice in those woods, I’ll be able to sniff it out. Oh, yeah! My uncle wanted me to say that he’s gonna come help too - when his shifts get shuffled around anyway.”
Joyce didn’t say anything; she simply brought her tight-lipped smile back and squeezed Eddie’s forearm slightly. 
The search party was quite small, so everyone was put into pairs for safety. Eddie had nearly clung to Jonathan when everyone was paired up and sent on their way. The area of ground that was being searched that night was the lake shore and the forest surrounding it. Everyone was silently praying that they weren’t going to find the pale, bloated body of Will Byers in the freezing water. 
Eddie took the liberty of driving him and Jonathan to the area. It was the least he could do. The journey was silent. No talking, no music. He felt that the situation called for quiet. Eddie hated quiet; it made him restless and uncomfortable. 
Once the van was parked, the two were off, marching through fallen leaves and solid mud. The somewhat comfortable silence between the teenagers continued for some time after that. The only noise from either of them was the occasional call for Will, which echoed off the towering, inky forest walls. 
The harsh, bright beam from Eddie’s torch startled many squirrels trying to gather up their dinner - he shot them apologetic looks as he wandered by. Jonathan caught each of those looks and his mind continued to reel even more than it had been for the past week. Out of everyone in the entirety of Hawkins, one of the few people to actually make an effort to show was the most hated teenager within a ten-mile radius.
“Hey, um - your club at school, it’s not really a cult, is it?” Christ Jonathan was awkward at the best of times, but he was reaching new lows trying to think of small talk. Searching for Will was disturbing for him, but Will had always said he needed to put himself out there and make some friends. “Like it’s just an edgy name, right?”
Eddie was hit with a wave of shock from the line of questioning. “Uh, yeah. It’s just a name I thought sounded cool. No demon summoning or blood rituals. We just play D&D,” Eddie replied, kicking some crunchy leaves as they continued walking. “That’s Dungeons and Dra-”
“Will never shuts up about that game. It’s like his whole life lately.” Jonathan snorted. “Him and his friends camp out in the Wheeler’s basement and play it for, like, eight hours.”
“No way? You know what character he plays?” Eddie said in a curious tone. He tried to squash down his immediate excitement at being able to discuss a hobby that was so special to him.
“He plays a wizard, Will the Wise - might be a sorcerer, actually; I know the classes are a little different. He’s got a whole costume for when he leads their games - which is most of ‘em.” Talking about Will with fondness was cathartic for Jonathan. Everyone only wanted to talk about his little brother in the past tense - like he would never come back or was already dead. That wasn’t true. Will was going to get home soon, and his D&D costume would be waiting patiently in his closet.
Eddie’s eyes had filled with that bright hope once again, “He’s a magic user and the Dungeon Master!? Shit, this kid’s gotta be really good if he can balance all that!” The excitement couldn’t stay contained, no matter how hard Eddie tried. However, Jonathan appreciated the outburst of happiness. The constant sombre cloud that hung over his and his mom’s heads day in and day out was getting harder to deal with. Getting to be Will Byers’ biggest fan again was a good feeling. It was the first time Jonathan could feel himself cheering up, even a little bit.
“He’s crazy about it, man! All he wanted for Christmas this year was more of the books for it.” Jonathan enthused, his eyes still shifting around the illuminated forest for any movement. “I eavesdropped on one of their sessions a few weeks back, and it sounded so fun. Something about demons and gorgons following Vecna - not sure what that is, but Will made it sound like stuff straight out of a book.” 
“Going for a Vecna storyline with a buncha twelve-year-olds? Fuck, your brother is a hardcore little guy.” Eddie grinned. He used to be the same when he ran campaigns back in Middle School. A Dungeon Master, as well as Edward, the half-elf bard that gave the most metal inspiration during battles. “You ever thought about trying your hand at it?”
Jonathan hesitated. “Thought about- uh, going to one of those open Hellfire things you guys do at the start of the year, actually,” he mumbled, starting to feel embarrassed. It was true. He had considered going to Hellfire once or twice to understand D&D better for Will’s sake. Any time he proofread Will’s campaign notes, he was lost on its details. 
This conversation was strange, but a good type of strange. Jonathan had been dreading the night search, as he always did. However, having the company of a high-vis-clad metalhead was surprisingly nice. Jonathan knew not to entertain the idea of friendship; Eddie was two years older than him, after all. But the brief moments of comradery and compassion were rare in Hawkins. 
“Huh. Well, we’re a “the more, the merrier” kinda crowd. So don’t be a stranger, Byers.” Eddie smiled, nudging Jonathan’s side with his elbow. “We meet after school on Fridays. Make sure to bring Will the Wise with you too. I wanna see this kid absolutely destroy everything I have planned.” 
Will Byers was a lot more than a missing little boy. Eddie felt that when he met the kid, he would see a scary amount of himself. Jonathan and Eddie had silently agreed that Will couldn’t be dead. It just wasn’t a possible outcome to the chaos that spread across the town. 
Jonathan and Eddie continued to chat about anything and everything - D&D specifics, music, school, and their hobbies. Both boys continued to be ever vigilant for even the smallest rustle of leaves or shift in their surroundings. Bright beams from their flashlights continued to scan the pitch-black forest - fading away into the depths of Hawkins. 
It was almost like walking straight into hell, but at least they wouldn’t have to do it alone.
Tags: @vigilanteshit @lunatictardis @chainsawmunson @mantorokk-writes
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 years
How do you think are the drawing skills of each character?
Mark: he’s a good artist, though his current drawings after becoming an alt are. Freaky to put it lightly. His drawing’s basically devolved into manic scribbles that he makes when he’s overwhelmed
Jonah: can’t draw much now. Though he’s decent at drawing animals and bugs and whatnot. Tell him to draw a person and he’ll combust
Adam: human Adam was decent at drawing too. Didn’t really get super into art though, but he drew a lot of horror related stuff. Alt Adam can’t draw for shit though
Thatcher: doodled sometimes, though not after becoming an alt. Maybe he still occasionally writes/draws things on walls though
Ruth: human ruth didn’t really draw much. Stick figures and basic shapes are about the extent of her abilities. Alt Ruth can only scribble if it’s lucky
Dave: can’t. Can’t see what he’s drawing.
Cesar: sometimes doodles cartoonish characters, though not often.
Sarah: she’s a great artist. Not perfect, though let’s be fair no one is. She likes drawing birds and lizards, though she also knows how to draw people
Gabriel: they have very basic knowledge on art. Though they don’t draw much at all
Seth: he’s. Okay. Normally doesn’t draw at all, though can draw somewhat. Likes sketching out monsters sometimes
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honeydew-sillies · 2 years
"Cold Hands and Polaroids"
an Omori tickle imagine !!
word count: 1,614
a/n: wasn't sure what to call this so I just chose imagine!! (props 2 snicker doodles for that one tyyy) I've had this sitting around for a while and even drew the Polaroid photo!! Anyway I hope y'all like it :D Apologies if the format is odd. Also this is pre-trauma but I still use he/they for Basil bc personal hc !!
-Kel has cold hands when everyone comes inside Sunny's house after being out during the fall and complains about it. And then without thinking lunges toward Hero and slides his hands under his sweater as he takes his coat off, and Hero yelps out a laugh and nearly falls over
-Aubrey watches with a semi-annoyed expression while Hero lets out wheezes and tries to fight Kel off (nearly falling over in the process), but then she looks at Mari who's next to her and gets a sly little grin that Mari immediately notices and steps away from.
-Except Aubrey just keeps that smile and lifts her hands up to wiggle her fingers and Mari is already in a fit of giggles (she can't take anticipation to save her live this girl....)
-Mari immediately freezes up on instinct and just slams her arms down and giggles as Aubrey pounces and gently kneads into her upper ribs, complaining that she's "Trying to warm up my hands, stop squirming!!"
-"Ihihi cahahan't! Aubrey! Ihihit tihickles!"
-(It's almost impossible to properly fluster Mari but catching her off guard is a very good method)
-Basil and Sunny are just watching as they had both headed towards the sofa after taking their coats and stuff off
-Basil is mildly amused and considers taking out their camera
-However when he turns to reach for it and catches Sunny's expression he stops
-They can't stop the nervous grin that his lips wobble into because while it would not be obvious to basically anyone other than Basil and Mari, Sunny's got a soft smile and his eyes are playful
-"W-wait, Sunny dohon't-"
-He tilts his head innocently, because he hasn't even done anything yet but Basil is already tittering, they can't help it
-Plus they can see Sunny raising his curled fingers as slow as possible because he's a menace, and Basil scoots back until his back hits the arm of the sofa
-They bring their knees up instinctively, trying to gently nudge Sunny away with their arms and feet while giggling and going "Nohoho! Dohon't!"
-Meanwhile Aubrey has stopped tickling Mari and they've taken their coats off and stuff, and have walked over to the sofa, catching the sight of the other two and smiling at each other
-Meanwhile x2 Kel is cackling while he's slung over Hero's shoulder, and Hero is scribbling over his sides and lower back while carrying him over to the sofa. He should know better than to challenge his older brother, because Hero always wins
-He gently plops a manically-giggling Kel onto the other end of the sofa, where he curls up to get out the rest of his after-giggles
-Sunny keeps wiggling his fingers closer and closer to Basil and the poor kid's cheeks are already so flushed from the anticipation and his giggling
-They can't even make eye contact with Sunny because those playful eyes make the butterflies in his stomach even worse
-Sunny gently but firmly moves Basil's legs out of the way, which Basil is already too hyped up to stop, and he pounces quickly, scribbling underneath their baggy sweater onto their sides and stomach
-(Except their stomach is Basil's worst spot. Also they are ridiculously ticklish, by far the worst in the group, but he prefers softer stuff)
-Basil immediately falls into high pitched laughter and giggles, his legs subconsciously kicking into the sofa as he puts his hands on Sunny's shoulders to steady themself
-And then suddenly they hear a click, and both turn to look as Sunny slows down his gentle tickling even more
-They see Mari holding Basil's camera, giggling as his face somehow gets even more red, and she takes the photo from its slot, smiling down at it
-"Sorry, but you two just looked so cute! Plus Sunny hardly ever tickles anyone."
-Hero goes "I guess you're the special exception, huh Basil?" With his kind smile and it's Sunny's turn to blush, his ears turning red
-He gives a few squeezes to Basil's lower tummy and they let out a yelp, going right back into a giggle-fit
-Then Sunny crawls back, the small smile on his face just a tiny bit bigger now despite his ears being flushed
-Except Sunny isn't out of the woods yet
-Basil giggles again, this time not because of the tickling but because of something behind Sunny, and he turns to see Mari quickly bringing her hands down and behind her back (very not-subtly)
-She gives him a sheepish smile and shrugs, and he bites back a nervous little smile before suddenly there's a weight pushing him down onto his back on the sofa and he turns to see Aubrey over him, a giggling Basil behind her
-"How dare you bully our poor Basil like that!"
-Kel, who has since recovered, chimes in with "Yeah!! Plus you're the only one who hasn't been tickled yet!!"
-(They forgot about Aubrey but she'll get got later it's fine)
-Mari perks up, turning to Hero and going "C'mon, we should start making lunch for everyone! Let's go–" and interlaces their fingers, silently relishing in how Hero's cheeks immediately dust pink
-She swiftly walks over and hands Basil his camera and the photo, giving them a little grin and whispering, "Incase you want to catch anything."
-Then she quickly walks into the kitchen, dragging a still slightly blushing Hero behind her
-But Basil gently sets their camera down on the little table next to the couch, since they already know Sunny isn't a huge fan of photos and he gets embarrassed by the tickling
-Then Basil peers over Aubrey's shoulder as she's now sitting on Sunny's hips, pinning him to the soft sofa (she's not too heavy and makes sure to make it so that he can escape if he really needs)
-They throw him a slightly apologetic but amused smile, and they giggle again when Sunny tries to glare at them (it holds no real malice)
-Sunny is obviously lying on his back, and he peers up to see Kel sitting on the other side of him with a borderline evil grin, butterflies filling his stomach as he squirms a bit
-He looks back up at Aubrey, trying his best not to think about how close she is because he most definitely does not have a little crush on her at all
-He's still very much flushed, color coming to his cheeks as Aubrey goes, "Iiiiiiiii've... gotcha!" and slips her hands slightly under his hoodie, tracing her fingers over his lower stomach and the place where his back meets his sides
-Its clear to all of them that he's trying his hardest not to squirm from the teasy tickles, bringing his hands up to cover his face as a wobbly little smile grows
-He also does this thing where he puffs his cheeks out in an effort not to laugh, squinting his eyes and wiggling around as much as he can at first
-Except Aubrey already knows what to do to get him to laugh
-Aubrey smiles down at Sunny, continuing her soft tracing and honing in on the back-sides spot because it's one of his more ticklish ones
-"Awww, you're so cute Sunny! Does it tickle?~"
-Sunny quietly giggles out, "No, dohon't!"
-"Don't what? I'm not doing anything!" She giggles, and then follows up with "Tickle tickle tickle~"
-That makes the butterflies so much worse
-"Nohoho! Shuhut up-"
-They are literally the only ones who could get this response out of Sunny and it always makes all of their hearts swell
-"Hey, that's not very nice!" Kel chimes in, and reached over to scitter his nails really gently over Sunny's neck and under his chin, making him giggle a little more and scrunch up, letting out more quiet "Mmm- nohohoho-" and whines of "protest"
-"D'aww, I love your little laughs! Does this tickle, this spot right here?" (dear god that tease GETS him)
-Again, Aubrey holds the place as second best tickle teaser
-Sunny's cheeks are definitely all flushed now, he's wiggling helplessly and trying his hardest not to push them away
-His arms are glued to his sides with his hands covering his face, quiet laughter muffled behind them
-Aubrey is still gently dragging her finger tips all around his sides and around his lower ribs, as Kel tickles his neck and under his chin, which actually gets him to snort a bit and they all light up at that
-They start to let up, and Aubrey climbs off of Sunny, letting him curl up to protect his spots as he finally uncovers his face slightly, showing his pink cheeks and happy smile
-Basil scoots next to him and goes "You ok?" And Sunny just nods, letting out the rest of his silent laughs, his shoulders bouncing
-He avoids eye contact with all of them, feeling really flustered but not in a bad way as he pauses for a moment. They all know to give him some time, until he mutters "...That was fun..."
-Just then, coincidentally, Mari peaks her head from the kitchen and says lunch is ready
-Kel is already up and dashing to the kitchen, Aubrey perking up and shouting "Kel!! Don't eat everything!" before following suit (He responds with "First come first serve!!!")
-Basil stands up from the couch, offering their hand to a now sitting up Sunny, and he takes it quietly, the smile still on his face
-Basil giggles quietly, moving to grab his camera (and the photo) before squeezing Sunny's hand as they both make their way towards the kitchen, feeling more energized and happy
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ukkosfox · 7 months
Hyvää and greetings!
I'm Ukkos fox, let loose on this site. Maybe I'll decorate this den with art and sophisticated doodles in honour of the deities and spirits. Or I might drag objects from the outside, use them in 🕯 occult rituals 🕯 (cackles manically in foxy puffs), and scribble the results on the walls. We shall see...
About me
I am an adult male of mixed Swedish 🇸🇪 and Finnish 🇫🇮 extraction. Grandma was a war child sent to Sweden during WW2. She never regained fluency in the finnish language but was able to reunite with her family in her later years. I have yet to meet them.
My ancestors probably weep at the fact that I'm gay and hence won't spread my genes further than a sock. But I'm happily married and flourishing.
I'm a practicing neopagan and focusing on the Finnish Pantheon. I am not a reconstructionist mind you.
...Oh, and I don't speak finnish apart from the basics.
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bread--quest · 1 year
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[ID: The first image is two notebook pages with pencil doodles in them. The pencil doodles have been traced over digitally in places, erased in other places, and the handwritten text has been replaced with typed text in places. The doodles are all simplistic and entirely lineart, in a variety of colors. The second image is entirely digital doodles, with one photo of a drawing from the actual notebook. They are broken up into "days". The main person in the drawings is Sonder, who is a person with short curly hair and large round glasses. Details of the drawing are under the cut. End ID.]
ogh god these are So Big. click for quality please i am begging.
anyway i went to a very fun young writers camp last week and i did a fun little doodle diary thing!! and then i digitized it...weirdly. its my first time doing art journaling be nice to me
detailed id/transcript under cut because this is Beeg
Day 1: A pencil drawing of a girl with long, dark hair and dark eyes, labeled "little cousin :( wish we'd had longer to talk!" / A person with long curly hair floats behind Sonder and says with a solemn expression "They wouldn't have to worry about flooding if they were on a big hill." Sonder, reaching for a doorknob, says "yea". The person adds "Big hill wins everytime." / Sonder, with a slightly manically delighted expression, says "omg you hate us back??" Another person, with short, swoopy hair, says with a look of confusion and distaste "yeah you cheat at sports".
Day 2: A small drawing of a nondescript figure with a neutral expression, with lines all around them indicating a shaking feeling. Text scattered around it says "one of those days where i feel like - if i stop too long to think - it won't be good" / A brown line curling over itself, labeled "only benefit of the heat: my curls are curlier" / A colored drawing of garlic bread, captioned "everyone eats too fast, so i eat alone (except for the counselors). at least the garlic bread is good"/ Someone's hand over their mouth, surrounded by dark scribbles and the text "ah. there it is". it is captioned "Air Quality Alert. Breathe easy! You're in Maine."
Day 3: A colored drawing of a Dunkin Donuts cup, captioned "truly everyone here runs on dunkin" / a rough sketch of four people sitting around a table, smiling and gesturing to each other, captioned "at lunch we all discovered we had to play recorder in school" / a drawing of Sonder with a tearful expression and an arrow pointing at xem reading "overcome by sudden emotion of desert bluffs" / a drawing of a round purple candy in a clear wrapper, with text around it reading "jawbreaker - sign of love - 4 candies - 1 for each of us!" / a drawing of the same 4 people from before, walking, one of them carrying an umbrella, all smiling, captioned "walking back!"
Day 4: "Movie Night!" written up at the top in all caps. / Sonder looking at the poster for the movie No Hard Feelings and saying "We should kill summer people", while "this is a romcom" flies over her head. / A small sketch of an alpaca captioned "saw the most beautiful advertisement. alpacaland..." / A small sketch of a bird captioned "on the way back we saw a quail! or a partridge?? or something." / A drawing of Sonder looking happy with a little heart next to them and the text "some people in the row ahead of us told me to shut up during the movie and afterwards everyone was very righteously pissed off on my behalf". / A drawing of Sonder standing by a road. "Then I told a car to fuck off". "Fuck off" is in all caps and in a speech bubble, indicating that Sonder is yelling it. The car speeding by on the road is labeled "assholes". / "Also got into maybe the funniest internet fight yet". A drawing of a person with long hair labeled "friend from SI" saying "we have many islands and by many i mean like 5", and Sonder, in response, putting sunglasses on as xe points at a snippet from Wikipedia saying that Maine has 3166 coastal islands and says "fuck with me".
Day 5: A pencil drawing of a roasted marshmallow. / A small comic consisting of headshots. Sonder, looking off to one side, says "holy shit that guy is wearing a beanie in like 80 degree weather." Dany, a headmate of Sonder, who has a short asymmetrical haircut, multiple eyes, and is wearing a beanie, pops up next to her and says "i wear a beanie all the time and you're never impressed", his eyes all very large and shiny with sadness. Sonder, looking unimpressed, says "you're not corporeal you don't have to deal with Heat". They both then look over as Mud, another headmate, who has short, spiky hair, pops up and says in all caps "80 degrees literally isn't even that hot y'all are just cowards." Dany and Sonder, faces overlapping slightly and text doubling to show that they're in unison, both angrily shout "Shut the fuck up", and Dany adds "California!" Mud sticks out its tongue and flips them off.
Day 6: A picture of Sonder holding a fork in front of a plate, with their eyes gone wiggly and a distressed expression, captioned "on my first day here i ate fake maple syrup by accident". Next to it is a picture of Sonder smiling widely as xe pours something onto a plate, captioned "i have not made the same mistake twice". / Sonder high-fiving another person, both with expressions of frustration and exhaustion, both saying "go jews". / Sonder and another person, captioned "*watching spiderverse*". Sonder says "new york is so pretty in this movie :)", and the other person says "ehhh its really dirty in real life though". It then shows a closeup of Sonder looking upset, a series of question marks and exclamation points by his head. It then shows Summer, a catgirl headmate with curly hair, popping up next to Sonder to say "the dirt literally adds to the raw sex appeal smh". Sonder flatly replies "i am not saying that". / A drawing (in pencil, taken directly from the notebook), of Sonder lying with one hand behind their head and the other holding their phone, wearing headphones and looking sad. Text next to them reads "...shit." There is dark shading around them. Text digitally added shows an arrow pointing to them labeled "listening to noah kahan and Experiencing". / A comic featuring Sonder, a person with short straight hair drawn in teal, and a person with long wavy hair drawn in light yellow. Teal: "you know how there'll be tires just kind of lying around?" Yellow: "no??? what??" Teal: "damn, we got a city slicker here" Sonder: "ha!" Yellow (now looking mildly embarassed): "i go to school in the back of a gas station..." Teal (facing Sonder): "her town has 60,000 people!" Sonder: "60,000!" Teal: "that's more than portland!" Sonder: "that's more than portland!?"
Day 7: Sonder with zer eyes closed, smiling. A road runs by over their head, with blurred silhouettes of cars and trucks on it. Text reads "i can hear traffic from the road right outside my window. its oddly peaceful". / Sonder asks "hey what's for breakfast today?" and another person replies "uhhh it's grab and go so we just got dunkin". Sonder, now angered, says "No. You know what? You've gotta draw the line somewhere. You've gotta make a line in the sand. You gotta make a statement. You gotta look inside yourself and say 'What am I willing to eat today?' Not! Fucking! Dunkin!" The last three words are allcaps and handwritten in red. A very small doodle Sonder then types "googles cafe open nearby" into their phone. / Dany, the headmate from before, saying "sonder i am so proud of you. my beautiful hipster child" as Sonder says "dunkin is mainstream". / A drawing of Sonder holding a muffin in one hand and giving a thumbs-up with the other, smiling happily. It is captioned with "anyway i went to a cafe and got a blueberry muffin and it was really good, support local businesses", with "really good" onwards in allcaps. / Sonder happily eating a muffin while Dany and Mnemosyne, a different headmate with hair in a bob, watch. Dany has his hands over his mouth and looks overjoyed, and is saying "look at my progeny…all grown up…finding a local cafe...judging their music taste..." Mnemosyne, with a somewhat amused expression, says "Eating a muffin with its fingers like some sort of ravenous beast..." Dany says "that too".
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wonibow · 1 year
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*manically scribbles down in a notebook* *highlights it all aggressively in pink* *looks over 20 pages of notes* *adds heart doodles and stickers everywhere* *presses a lipstick mark in the center of each page* *clears throat*
✨park sunghoon✨
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sc3n3kitt3h · 2 years
any neat art tricks you know? be them in general or specific to a program you use, im curious
art tips u say!!! ummm idk... get silly with it!!! have fun n be urself. draw shit u like lots and lots and lots. doodle on every piece of paper u find until u realize its fun and ur kinda good at it. draw lots of cute emos and manic pixie dream girls. go crazy go stupid. draw a scribble and make a guy out of it. be bad at it on purpose. use ms paint and draw a BIG scribble and use the fill tool to make stained glass. use bright and yummy colors and neons and stuff. draw lots of cute emo manic pixie dream girls. draw urself but as a cool wolf or animal/other creature of ur choice. make animations that are silly and goofy and fun on purpose. make art with unconventional shit n funny textures. make a cool s in ms paint on all of the oldass computers in ur local schools computer lab. commit awesome faces design to memory and draw it on allllllll of ur textbooks and envelopes and stuff. draw alll of ur favorite people a whole lot. draw a little flipnote hatena cat and give it lots and lots of silly faces to practice expressions. make ur lineart as scratchy as possible on purpose if u think it looks cool. scratch that do whatever u want as long as u think it looks cool always!!!!!! draw out of a love 4 having fun and making cool shit!!!!! and then congrats ur officially good at drawing
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