#mandy milkovich x you
mouseymilkovich · 2 months
Alibi | One Shot | Mandy Milkovich x fem reader
"I just killed a man, she's my alibi."
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Summary: Mandy's gotten herself into trouble, but being her best friend, you're more than willing to cover for her... no matter what she's done. Being in love with your best friend can make one do crazy things. | Inspiration ; "Alibi" by Sevdaliza, Pabllo Vittar, & Yseult
CW: reader kinda doesn't like Lip (I'm so sorry💔), blood, mentions of a heart attack, stalking (not the fun/kinky kind), police interrogation, Mandy may have almost killed someone, implied stabbing, one sided longing, brief mention of Terry (not graphic)
Word Count: 1k
TEXTING: pink = reader, green = Ian
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It wasn't unlike Mandy to show up at your house in the middle of the night, but you panicked when she came into your room with blood on her face.
"M-Mandy? What the hell happened? Are you okay?" You ask with a wince as you grabbed an old shirt off your floor. It was your hair dye shirt, you didn't care if Mandy got blood on it.
She seemed shaky as you helped clean her up. "I think I did something... worse than just self defense."
You raised your eyebrows in surprise. Milkoviches were never afraid of much, you knew that as well as anybody else in the south side - your parents weren't exactly happy that you were best friends with Mandy. They probably would've been striken down with double heart attacks if they knew you had feelings for her too. This was a night you were glad they weren't around - there was no way they wouldn't have freaked out about... well, all of this.
Suddenly, your phone rang. You glanced at Mandy, then answered. "Hello?"
It was Mickey's voice on the other end of the phone. "Mandy with you?"
Your heart rate rose. You knew it had something to do with what happened, something to do with why she was covered in blood. But you would do just about anything for her. "Yeah. She's been with me all night."
Mickey got the hint, as you heard his voice a little further from the phone. "She's been at her best friend's house all fuckin' night, officer. Don't know what else to tell you. She practically lives there half the time."
You held a deep breath, almost worried the cops would hear your heavy breathing over the phone. The second the cops were out of Mickey's earshot, be spoke to you again.
"They're comin' to your house." He warned.
After that, you helped Mandy out of her clothes and she changed into some of yours, on the off chance there was blood on her clothes that either of you may have missed. Then, as if on cue, there was a knock at your door.
You answered, looking at the two officers that stood menacingly in front of you. Mandy came down behind you. "Hi, officer. Can I help you?"
"Miss, has Mandy Milkovich been with you all night? A witness reported her fleeing a crime scene."
You nodded, keeping your poker face. "She's been here all night. We've just been watching movies."
The cops pestered both you and Mandy but you stood your ground. They told you a man had been hospitalized with life-threatening injuries, you kept your alibi for Mandy strong though. You knew Mandy, you knew she didn't do anything without reason.
After they finally left, you both went back up to your room. You made sure your bedroom window was closed, and your door.
"Okay... so what actually happened?" You asked her quietly.
"I... this fucking guy was following me... then he started yelling shit at me. When he caught up to me, I kinda... panicked. He tried to grab me, so I grabbed my shiv."
You nodded in understanding, gently grabbing Mandy's hands. "You know I'm never gonna let anything happen to you, right?"
She gave you a grateful smile. You had every urge to just hold her close and kiss her in this moment - but she had a boyfriend. Lip was her boyfriend. Then again... why did she come right to you, and not to him?
"I love you a lot. I don't know what I'd do without you sometimes..." Mandy muttered, breaking you from your thoughts.
"I love you too... and you'll never have to know, cus you're stuck with me." You replied, brushing some hair from her face.
She smiled again, and gave you a tight hug. You lingered in the hug, thinking to yourself about how being in love with your best friend can make one do crazy things. Then again, you knew she'd do the same for you, even if she didn't also have the same feelings for you.
"You wanna get some sleep? You must be exhausted." You suggested, eyes soft as you gazed at her.
"Yeah... sleeping sounds nice." She said softly.
Both of you climbed into your bed, curling up and cuddling together. You wrapped your arms tightly around Mandy, you wanted to keep her safe... even if she was the tougher one of the two of you.
Mandy fell asleep, you didn't quite yet. You stared up at the ceiling, holding your best friend in your arms. The question lingered in your mind, why did she always run to you instead of Lip? Was she afraid he'd judge her? Did he already judge her? Or was it just cus she knew you wouldn't, no matter what?
You'd been friends since you were pretty young... you knew everything. You knew the horrific things Terry had put her through, you knew why she acted the way she did, why she had her guard up 99% of the time. You had to wonder, did he know all of this too? Ian probably did, but Ian was part of your little trio. So you decided to send him a text message.
does lip treat mandy ok???
uhhh i guess most of the time. you know he can be a dick. why?
something happened tonight, she's here with me rn
is she okay? do you wanna talk about it?
she is now, i was just overthinking ig. not really my shit to talk about though
you know lip can fly off the handle sometimes. i wouldn't read too much into it
right... night ian
Your eyes scanned over the messages again, him telling you not to read too much into it... but, of course, that was what you did best.
For now, though, you decided that what mattered most was just comforting Mandy. So you got comfortable, your arms still around her, and you closed your eyes.
Being in love with your best friend was exhausting.
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louscartridge · 2 years
Ik you haven't posted in a while, but could you do season 1 mandy milkovich jealousy headcanons?
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She gets jealous easaliy but also not yk??
She trusts you but not other people
Granted it took a little to fully Trust you. But it happened.
She knows first hand how gross people are
So sometimes she's not directly jealous just mad at the person talking to you
But sometimes you can't be a bit clueless. Not real knowing what counts as flirting anymore u till the person is trying to jump your bones or ask you out
Mandy is rly open with your guys' relationship so if someone has the balls to flirt with you or her, she finds it quite pathetic honestly.
If she sees someone flirting with you or something she won't waste any time in walking over to you
"hey babe" Mandy said to you rapping her arms around your neck. "Hey Mandy" "who's this?" she asks you, blowing her cigarette smoke into your mouth. (which you gladly suck back in)
If someone does anything sexual to you even after you've told them to fuck off, she Wil not hesate to tell micky
Mf mickey frames the bitch
Or. She'll do something right then and there face to face.
Before she fully trusted you, she would overlook everything
Sometimes she has trouble expressing her emotions properly
So it ends up being an argument until you finally understand why she was upset
All in all once she trusts you, all is good for you flirting with someone
However she'll be absolutely torn if you take advantage of her trust.
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burninface · 5 months
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6 ways to support your gay little brother
by Iggy Milkovich
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lupeloto · 1 year
ian gallagher took one look at the milkoviches and said “yeah...yeah so those are the ones i must love and protect.”
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 8 months
i keep seeing “me and my husband” by mitski in gallavich playlists and like… no. WRONG. INCORRECT. *loud incorrect buzzer*
are ian and mickey husbands?? YES. are they happy? YES. and that is precisely why they are not “me and my husband”.
“me and my husband” is so grossly misinterpreted and it kills me… it is not about a healthy relationship; the song isn’t about a stable happy marriage like…
you know who fits “me and my husband”? lip and mandy.
the song is about a houswife who is dependent on her spouse- who places her worth on her husband. it’s about unhealthy attachment, being so attached and dependent that you really aren’t your own person without your spouse, and not in a good way. not like you fit together like puzzle pieces, like you are really not a person without them.
season 3 mandy IS that song. people joke about how mandy’s like a housewife, and like, yeah she kinda is. being without lip, or even the thought of being without him, destroys her. and it ends up literally destroying karen because of what it drove (no pun intended) mandy to do. “and i am the idiot with a painted face, in the corner, taking up space” is such a mandy line, especially when lip screams at her to go home to her own fucking house. she thrives when lip loves her, but when he doesn’t, she goes crazy. she craves it- she’s addicted to it because she’s never been loved and the only way she knows how to get love is through her sexuality, so she will literally do anything in her power to get him to love her even if it means ruining herself.
anyways, ian and mickey may be attached, but they aren’t attached like that. they have been unhealthy and toxic, but not like that. ian and mickey are much more like “i’m your man” by mitski.
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scentedpepper · 1 month
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Trajectories of Temptation
Fish. [request]
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andreafmn · 2 years
12 Days of Ficmas - Day 5
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Prompt (by @12-days-of-ficmas): i hate christmas but you really love it and i feel bad raining on your parade so i guess it wouldn’t kill me to act a little happier
Word Count: 2.7K
Story Description: It's the first Christmas for Lip and (Y/N). He's not used to having the holiday times be a very festive event, but something about being with (Y/N) makes everything better.
Fandom: Shameless
Pairing: Lip Gallagher x NonBinary!Reader
Warnings: foul language
A/N: not precisely day 5, just a few hours after but I am all caught up now. I wanted more details into the story but this is how it flowed out😅
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For You, Anything
It was no secret that the Gallagher gang had a rough life growing up. Holidays weren’t such a thing to celebrate, simply something that happened during the winter whilst they were trying to survive the cold months. Their whole life had been a struggle. It was what they were used to, and what they would probably always have hanging in the back of their heads for the rest of their lives.
It had been two and a half years since Lip had moved out of the family home and had to care for fewer people. A year and three months that he and Tami had amicably gone their separate ways and shared custody of their son Freddie. And a year since he met (Y/N).
His life had drastically changed since they had come into their life. Lip had started the transformation of his life long ago. Though he did have some major lows in his journey, he was ways away from the frightened boy he used to be. One of those lows was breaking things off with Tami. It had been a mutual breakup – they had grown apart. But it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt and he had to go through a transitional period where he didn’t see his son every day and he came home to an empty house every night.
During that transitional period, when Tami and he were still figuring out the best way to divide custody of Freddie, was when he met (Y/N).
They were walking out of a coffee shop as Lip was walking in, on his way to get an order. He bumped into them and ended up spilling their iced coffee all over them, staining their crisp white shirt and their grey pantsuit.
“Fuck,” he said. “I am so sorry. I’d say I would pay for the dry cleaning but that suit looks more expensive than my whole wardrobe.”
“No worries,” they chuckled. “You can make it up to me over dinner. I’m (Y/N).” 
“Lip. Uh, Philip, but you can call me Lip.”
“Well, Lip. Here’s my number. Call me some time,” they said as they handed the man a business card.
It took him a week to call (Y/N). He had put the card on his secondhand fridge, letting it taunt him. He’d felt intimidated as soon as he read the little cardboard. They were an attorney at one of the biggest firms in Chicago. He felt slightly intimidated at the prospect of falling for someone that seemed to have it all together.
Eventually, his curiosity peaked. He wanted to know this person that had taken an interest in him just by only knowing his name. So, he called, and the rest was history.
The pair hit it off right away, finding they had more in common than differences. And although they came from different backgrounds, and lived drastically different lives, and it seemed like there would never be a way for them to ever intermingle, they did.
Lip certainly had never felt this way before. He’d been obsessed with people before; he couldn’t deny that. He was ready to give everything up for Karen; he grew infatuated with Mandy; he had a crazy rendezvous with Amanda which intertwined with the affair he was having with his much older professor Helene; finally, there was Tami, the woman he was ready to change everything for, even if it didn’t work out in the end.
But it was different with (Y/N). The intoxicating adrenaline feeling he normally got when meeting someone new was gone. He felt calm, at peace. There wasn’t the giddy feeling of finding out just how big of a trainwreck the relationship would be. Rather he felt like riding softly on the waves of their relationship.
Their relationship moved quite fast – though for Southside standards it was slow. At the end of their first month, they had already said they loved each other. After four months together, (Y/N) asked him to move in with them – they would spend so much time there that it was almost like he already did. Five months in and they met Freddie.
Now, a year into their relationship they were spending their first Christmas together, and the first Christmas Lip would spend with Freddie since the breakup. But he had never been a holiday person. He never had the luxury to be one. Not even when his kid had been born did he celebrate it well – according to Tami’s family.
On the other hand, (Y/N) was a Christmas fanatic. And when they heard that Freddie would be spending those holidays at their place, they decided to go all out.
“Okay,” they said as they joined Lip on the couch one night a week before Freddie got there. “I made a list of all the things I think will make this an unforgettable Christmas for Fred. And before you say anything, I know he’s only four years old and he probably won’t remember much of it, but I still wanna make this amazing.”
“Alright,” Lip chuckled. “Let me have it.”
“So, I know this week you still have two finals this week, so I kept it light. Mainly stuff at home,” (Y/N) started. “I was thinking we could a gingerbread house, make letters to Santa, watch Christmas classics, and bake some cookies. That way you can study during his downtime. What do you think?”
Lip couldn’t help but smile at his partner. Before them, every time the holidays came around he couldn’t help the anger that washed over him. Whilst other families had the ability to give their families happy memories to hold onto, all he could remember was having to help his family pass the winter without dying of the cold or hunger. It was something he never wanted his own son to go through. And with (Y/N) he knew it was possible.
Since they loved Christmas so much, he decided he would try his best to enjoy the holiday for the sake of his partner and his son.
“Sounds like a perfect plan,” he replied. His hands cradled their face, placing a soft kiss on their lips, a glimmer of adoration in his eyes.
“What?” (Y/N) chuckled as they noticed Lip kept staring at them.
“I’m just so fucking grateful to have met you, baby,” he said. “A year ago I never thought my life would look this way. I mean, somehow I’m back in school; I have a healthy and happy son; I’ve been two years – and counting – sober; and I have the most amazing life partner with me.”
Tears started welling up in his eyes as he recalled how his life was changing. He wanted to be the person they knew he could be. (Y/N) had helped him make a life plan and taught him that it was okay if he had to improvise some things along the way. They helped him get back into school, where he would get an advanced masters. At least that’s what he hoped. Because he wanted to change. (Y/N) made him want to change. Regardless of who he left behind.
“This is the first time I don’t feel guilty for making a better life for myself,” he continued. “The first time I don’t have to worry where my siblings will rest their heads or if they have enough food to get them through the winter or worry I’ll find my father passed out in an alley freezing. You’ve given me the time and space I’ve needed to allow myself to leave the southside behind.
People always told me that just because I was from the southside it didn’t mean I was supposed to stay there. And I always blew them off because I always found a way to screw things up and stay there. That’s when people always leave. But you haven’t. You know everything I’ve done, all the skeletons in my closet, and yet you still chose to be with me.
I truly don’t know what I did to deserve you, (Y/N). But you make me want to be a better person every day of my life. Because I love you, I want to be the person you think I can be.
And I want to enjoy this Christmas. I want to make memories with you and Freddie, even if he won’t remember them. Cause I fucking will. And I want pictures with Santa and to go ice skating, and to open presents on Christmas morning. Because we deserve it.” 
(Y/N) couldn’t help but wrap their arms around his neck, kissing him once more.
“Lip, I’m the one who’s lucky. You gave my life direction,” they smiled. “Having all this, it meant nothing because I didn’t have someone to share it with. I worked, I came home, ate and slept, and did it all again. Day after day. That was my life. Now, I look forward to coming home because I know there’s someone waiting at home for me.
You and I were raised very differently. I know that. But I’ve known the gut-wrenching feeling of thinking there’s nothing better out there. With you, I know I’ve got better now.
And I know this is simply gonna be the first Christmas of many as a family. So, list or no list, I wanna do whatever you want. Because I love you and want you to have an amazing time.” 
“I think I’ll stick to the list,” he chuckled through teary eyes. “I trust the expert.”
And he did. Because the thing he was mostly looking forward to was the Christmas dinner they had planned with his family, their family, and their friends. The day he would ask (Y/N) if they’d spend the rest of their lives together, making memories to last them a lifetime.
Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @beckiej0073-blog
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deathclassic · 5 months
a LONG list of fic recs
some fics i have enjoyed over the years
tonight belongs to me by @solitarycreaturesthey
the cleaner by @notherenewjersey
first times by @sluttygallavich
span the distance (bridge the border) by @sam-loves-seb
Every Love and Every Pretense by MintSauce
the taming of ian gallagher by @whatthebodygraspsnot
absent of shame by fingersfallingupwards
Re-boyfriending  by @ms-moonlight-inn
it'd be better if you flayed me alive by @crestfallercanyon
kodachrome by Aelia_Gioia
The afterlife by @rayrayor
Melánia by milominderbinder
When You Call Unexpected by @ms-moonlight-inn and @gallavichgeek
Kissed and Unkissed (Phil)Lips by Efflorescent
Right On Time by @depressedstressedlemonzest
Brotherly duty  by crazynadine
Anger Management by @transmurderbug
Misunderstandings by labelma
i like taking pictures (as long as you're in them) by @em-harlsnow
Weed Dreams are made of this by @jrooc and @mybrainismelted
will you still love me when i'm no longer young and beautiful? by @m4ndysk4nkovich
Extraction: Mickey’s Version by @callivich
5 Times Mickey Has Seizures and 1 Time Ian Sees by blackXroseXdying
happier than then by restapesta
Seduceable by labelma
Rewind by @energievie
Liquor Store Robbery by come2gusu
half-grown  by @sam-loves-seb
Ian Gallagher And All Of His Mistakes by toraten
The Morning After by lm19
Needy Bottom by sournotion
Teenage Runaway series by sadwhales
falling for you without a second look by xylodemon
Proud (Outro).  by @twinklyylights
Radio Silence by OfficialStarsandGutters 
Tumblr Archives: Serious by @arrowflier
Look So Good When You're Reading Me  by orphan_account
Employer of the Year; or, The Further Adventures of Mickey Milkovich, Power Bottom by  skepwith
Your Question Has Been Received by @heymacy
Beautiful by undisclosed69
Moonlight Sonata  by AnnaNSmith
Mickey Milkovich vs Kent State Gun Girl  by labelma
gossip never ends by restapesta
Meet the Neighbors by @arrowflier
Uptown Boy by red_special_specialist
a dream of you and me  by markofalover
One Bullet, Two Boys by Eyesthatseenothing
when you get there you'll know  by biblionerd07
please don't say I'm going alone  by biblionerd07
Unexpected by lockmyheart
Etherized Against the Sky  by Snarfle
Queen of Decatur by jaxington
The Fourth Milkovich by Dragon_in_Disguise
people problems  (svetlana x fiona)
The Cat's Meow by my_hopeless_opus (debbie x sandy)
Closeness by beskarsteel (debbie x sandy)
Complicated  by leinthalexandra (debbie x sandy)
skyscrapers by We_Were_Younger (mandy x karen)
sticks and stones by @holymurdock (mandy x karen)
Lipstick by leinthalexandra (mandy x karen)
like lightning  by shamiram (mandy x karen)
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wishyouloveme · 6 months
mickey milkovich rich bitch headcanons
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song rec for fic:
Warnings:Terry Milkovich
A/N: hii. I kinda might have sort of quit writing? I don't know anymore,but right now I'm not writing anything unless it's requested!
Pairing: Mickey Milkovich x reader, a tiny bit of Mandy Milkovich x reader
requested? By Anonymous,May I please request headcanons for mickey from Shameless about him having a Northside girlfriend? She kinda of ditzy(but smart in her own way) and she's sweet and posting his bail(her parents are rich or she got inheritance or whatever) whenever he's gets arrested for assaulting whoever is flirting with her. Also she's cool with Fiona and always gives her and Debbie her old clothes whenever she goes shopping. Ps she's always invited Fiona and V to go shopping"
Headcannons under the cut
× You and Micky met through Mandy,having met Mandy at school,and bonded through having shitty families.
× Mandy brought you by the house,and unsurprisingly Mickey hated you immedietly. The way your hair was so damn shiny, the way your clothes fit you oh so perfectly,and the way your jewelry fitted your personality so well.
× He only ever figured out your home situation when he heard you late on night,talking with Mandy after a particularly hard fight with your parents,and after that you two were stuck together at the hip
× The first time you agreed to go out with Mickey,you two went for a walk and talked,not very romantic i know,but I feel like Mickey would much rather take a walk with you then be stuck in a stuffy restaurant where he had to dress all fancy.
× When you were walking with him,and a guy comes up to you and flirts,you not realizing,thinking he was just being nice and basic waving off all his advances,so naturally Mickey beats the shit out of him.
× When you posted his bail,you immedietlg scolded him for getting blood on your new skirt,to which he apologized with butterfly kisses and play fights.
× All of the times you went shopping,he always hated going,but would go anyways,because you were going,and he always wanted you near him.
× When youd buy a new perfume,if he hated the smell,you never wore it again,due to him mostly just smelling you 24/7 when you guys cuddled.
× I feel like when he first heard you were giving Debbie your clothes,he'd complain,he'd bitch,he'd be flabbergasted as to why you wanted to give away clothes. He never had that connection with them,so he never understood how you did.
× Then you two were in bed,he never wanted to actually do anything,with you,surprisingly he was okay with waiting,and just spending hours talking.
× Once you guys actually did it,he was so loving afterwards,massaging your legs so you weren't sore,pressing kisses to your sweaty body,and helping you shower when you could barely stand.
× The first time you ever met Terry he mistaked you for his dead wife,and Mickey immedietly dropped in,protecting you and beating the shit out of his father.
× Surprisingly,when Terry wasn't a drunk Jerkoff (so barely ever) you two actually got somewhat along. He reminded you of your dad,which,made you immedietly want to curl up and cry.
× Before you and Mickey got together,you always hung out with Mandy,sharing everything,a lot of people thought you two were gay,to which you immedietly said no,and that you were straight. You and Mandy might have flirted a little,but it was all friendly,and never actually meant.
× Of course that all stopped the minute you got with Mickey
×Mickey dreamed about getting the hell out of Southside, and thankfully,you had the money to help with that.
× You two bought a little house outside of the city.
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ange1sang · 2 months
empty cupboards
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1k words, gallavich (ian x mickey) feat. mandy + svetlana
; canon compliant, season 4-5, domestic gallavich, fluff, hurt/comfort, mentions of weight loss + food scarcity + drug use, ed not otherwise specified, soft
Ian wakes up to the sound of the theme song to It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia bleeding through the paper thin walls of the Milkovich house and the smell of cigarettes and the "Easter bread" Svetlana was baking late last night when he got home. It's a regular morning, the kind Ian has grown fond of as he's gotten more used to being in the Milkovich household, but there's an ache in his bones that stops a smile from creeping onto his lips. He's been sleeping on his side, one knobby knee resting on top of the other, and pain is throbbing through his knees and ankles. He pushes himself upright as slowly as he can, pain shooting up his spine as he does. It's a familiar pain, one that's been coming and going since he's been working at the Fairy Tail, but this morning it's far worse than it's ever been.
He's dizzy as he stands up and pulls on a tank top Mickey left at the bottom of the bed, dragging his feet along the floor to make his way to the living room. Mandy and Mickey are occupying opposite ends of the couch, Mandy with her knees pulled up to her chest and some of the bread Svetlana made half-eaten in her hand and Mickey shirtless, half-asleep watching the TV. Neither of them notice him until he trudges further into the room.
"You okay?" is the first thing Mandy asks him, no 'good morning' or 'how'd you sleep?' like he usually gets. Ian can feel himself swaying back and forth where he's standing but the thought of sitting down makes tears prick his eyes, the pain in his knees, hips and ass still nauseating.
"Hey," Mickey says softly, fully awake now and all but jumping up to hold Ian steady. "You take somethin' last night?"
"Just coke," Ian mumbles, leaning into the warm hand Mickey rests on his shoulder.
"You ass, you were still hungover when you left," Mickey mutters, but his thumb gently rubs circles into the patch of freckles on Ian's shoulders. "C'mon, Lana left stuff for breakfast."
"'S not a hangover, Mick," he whispers, but allows Mickey to herd him into the kitchen and gently lean him against the kitchen counter. Mickey raises an eyebrow and watches him as he pours him coffee and gets him one of the pretty, decorated breads from the tray on the kitchen table. Ian takes a deep breath, head hanging down so his chin touches his chest. "My bones feel like shit, man."
Mickey sighs, long and hard, and sets down the cup of coffee to pour a generous amount of creamer in. The sight of it makes anxiety prickle along Ian's forearms, remembering the scales he has to step on every couple months at the Fairy Tail and all of the advice he gets afterwards - black coffee always lands somewhere near the top of that list.
"You gotta eat more, Ian," he says, just as gentle as he is firm. He's getting better at letting his concern show through (or worse, depending on which of them is asked) and right now the furrow between his brows speaks volumes as he leans in to kiss Ian's cheekbone. "Fuck the club and all that shit, okay? Stay home, Nika's coming over to help Lana with dinner later."
"You want me here?" Ian teases, lifting his head just enough to meet Mickey's eyes. His boyfriend rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue, but when Ian takes the mug of lukewarm coffee from him, he smiles. The anxiety pumping through Ian's veins calms a little at the sight, thoughts of scales and diet tips taking a backseat when faced with the warmth of Mickey's affection.
"Yeah, dickface. Get some food in you 'nd sleep in," Mickey says. There's no pleading, but Ian sees it in the way his eyes flit back and forth between Ian's features, looking for reassurance that Ian isn't going to leave for the club on an empty stomach.
"Okay," he finally concedes. He reaches down and presses his thumb against his knee cap, trying and failing to rub the pain in his joint away. He feels stupid, knowing that just a year ago he was fit enough to be in the military and now he can't sleep on his side without wrecking his knees, hips and ankles. "You really think it's just the food?"
"Same thing would happen when Terry used to fuck off and we didn't have enough food for all of us," Mickey says, voice hushed while he glances over at Mandy. Ian watches his expression change when he looks at his sister and thinks back to him stealing boxes of food from the Kash and Grab. He wonders how many of those times were just to fuck with Kash and how many of them were because there was a house full of teenagers and criminals running on an empty stomach. "It gets better when you have enough to eat for a while."
Ian offers him a smile he hopes is comforting, and when that doesn't seem to work he takes another sip of the coffee and takes the bread Mickey's still holding out to him. He takes a bite and hums to let Mickey know it's good, though that's no surprise with the cooking Svetlana's done for them in the past. Some of the tension in Mickey's shoulder dissipates and he smiles at Ian.
"C'mon, Always Sunny reruns are on," he says, and with a hand between Ian's shoulder blades he walks him back to the sofa.
They spend the morning there, Ian drifting in and out of sleep with his head on Mickey's lap and his feet on Mandy's, the ache in his bones a reliable ebb and flow. He doesn't really wake up until Svetlana and Nika get home and start bustling around the kitchen, occasionally calling out for help from Mandy or Iggy. When he wakes he blinks up at Mickey and finds his boyfriend already looking down at him, a small smile on his face.
"Call the club," he says, his thumb coming down to stroke a soft line down between Ian's brows. "Stay home."
Ian smiles and pulls Mickey's hand down to his mouth so he can kiss his palm.
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mouseymilkovich · 2 months
iiiiiii think 59 from the one word prompts would be perf for some mandy angst >:)
59. False Smile ; from 100 one word prompts
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come request something → 💌 100 follower special
You knew Mandy, you knew when she was hiding something. So when she came into your room with that faked smile on her face, you knew something was wrong.
"What's going on?" You asked.
"What are you talking about? Nothing." Mandy muttered softly. But she knew you knew her better than that, so she sighed. "Lip..."
"What did he do?" You asked softly, going over to Mandy and gently grabbing her hands.
"He found out... I..." Mandy frowned, then looked down. "He called me a jealous, demented cunt."
"He called you a what?" You snapped, looking like you were about to commit a murder. "I know what you did. Maybe I don't entirely agree with it, but he knows you're a fucking Milkovich. He knew what he was getting himself into."
When she collapsed in your arms sobbing, you knew all she needed right now was you. You definitely knew you had to wait to make a move on her, she was in no condition for that right now.
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burninface · 2 months
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Murder(s) On The Dancefloor
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justmymindandstuff · 2 months
Where's my fucking teenage dream? - Lip Gallagher x Milkovich Reader
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Summary: Your boyfriend Lip behaves strange since a few weeks and hardly has any time for you. Then your birthday comes round and everyone around you seems to have forgotten about it. You're having a shit day, but Lip manages to cheer you up with a surprise.
Words: 4.676
Warnings: slightly angst, smoking,swearing, underage drinking, fluff, brief mention of sex
Titel: Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
A/N: I rewatched Shameless and just wanted to write this. No use of Y/N // GIF not mine // AO3
Hope you have fun :) Just love to you.
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The ringing of your alarm clock tears you out of your sleep. You turn from side to side and bury your head in the pillow. But, of course the alarm does not stop "Turn that fucking thing off." you get hit by a pillow. You get out of your bed and turn off your alarm. It´s finally quiet, but not for long, than your cousin Milly has decided to start her day with insults towards you.
"Fuck off and get a job." you say unimpressed. You sigh and put on a old sweater over your top. You leave your room and slam the door into the lock with a loud bang to get on your cousins nerves. You go through the stuffed hallway and to the bathroom.
You turn on the shower and wait a minute, but the water doesn't get hot. Of course, somebody forgot to pay the fucking bill. Annoyed you get into the shower, the cold water wakes you up, but it not helps you to relax. Your day is already fucking shit and its not even 9 a.m. And because it is never been quiet in this fucking house, the bathroom door opens. "I'm taking a shower." you shout angrily and bend past the shower curtain. Your brother Iggy looks at you, turns his eyes and then just sits on the toilet.
"Not my problem" he says, and lits a cigarette. You sigh frustrated, grab your towel and turn the shower out. You wrap yourself in your towel and then run out of the bathroom before your brother can really start his business. In the hallway, you run against a couple of empty beer bottles. You go back to your room, Mandy's bed is empty, but Milly is still lying on her mattress, but she's already asleep again. You slide into some fresh clothes, tie your hair back and leave your room again. The staircase is gnawing as you run down, you take a cigarette from one of the packages which are lying around everywhere here. You ligh it when you go downstairs. You look at the couch where Terry is sleeping. He smells like beer and vodka. It's a habit to feel if he still has a pulse and then turn his head to the side. You don´t want him to suffocate on his own vomit. You don't feel like removing the dead body, it's definitely a lot of work. Again you stumble over half-empty beer bottle as you go into the kitchen. You're making yourself a coffee while you're putting dirty dishes aside. Tired you lean to the kitchen counter, somewhere in the house your brothers start screaming. You close your eyes, sigh and put out your cigarette. You don't care why your brothers scream. Terry calls something from the couch, but you're sure he will fall back asleep in a few seconds. The house is always noisy. It's full of your brothers and sisters and some cousins appearing and disappearing again. Your uncle lives here, when he is not in prison.
"Is there still coffee?“ Micky comes into the kitchen, you turn to him.
"Yes." you say and give him a cup out of the cupboard in front of you.
"By the way Happy Birthday." he says and puts a kiss on your cheek.
"Thank you." you are surprised that he thought of your birthday, but that´s why he is your favorite brother after all. Micky poured coffee, opened the refrigerator and then closed it again. He leans against the kitchen counter an lights a cigarette. "What are you doing today?“
"Gallagher." you answer, and Micky nods.
"I have a few things to do, after that I will come too" he says and disappears again from the kitchen. You drink your coffee, grab your jacket, and put on your shoes. Three of your brothers are coming down the stairs. Colin calls your name before you get out of the door.
“We want to repaint the cars today. Come with us?“ he asks, his breath already smells like beer. Does he brush his teeth with it?
"No time," you say.
"What about Mandy and Milly?“
"Mandy is not here and Milly is asleep."
Your brother nods and takes a sip of his beer.
"Everything else?" you ask annoyed. Your day started shit and you just want to get out of this shit house.
"No, why?“ You roll your eyes and just disappear from the house. When the door falls behind you, you breathe deeply. The sun shines in your face and you light another cigarette. Of course you didn't expect your family to throw you a birthday party, but the fact that Micky was the only one how think about it is a little disappointing for you. But what did you expect? You try to not let it get under your skin and swallow your sadness. You can't expect anything from your family, and yet they're always manage to dissapoined you. Damn Milkovich junk. You run down the street. You can follow the path blindly and without really having to think about it your feet automatically lead you to your boyfriends house.
His little brother Ian just comes out of the door in sportswear and running shoes. When he sees you he smiles and greets you with a hug. You're happy to see him.
"Will you come for a run with me?" he asks.
"No, not today.“
"What's in your hair?“ he wipes some shampoo out of your hair with one finger and you sigh .
“Iggy decided to fucking take a shit while I was in the shower. I just run."
Ian starts laughing. “Just go finish the shower here. We even have hot water at the moment.“
"I love you, Ian.“
"Don't let our brothers hear this.“
"Is Lip still asleep?“
"No, he was already gone when I woke up.“
"Where is he?“ you ask, surprised. You actually thought he would be here and you would spend the morning and day together.
"I don't know." Ian shrugs his shoulders. “He was home late yesterday so we couldn´t talk very much."
You bite your lip. Your boyfriend has been gone a lot in the last few weeks. And most of the time he didn't tell you where he was. He even forgot a datenight. Something that has never happened before. Your stomach tightens. Even if you don't want to, the thoughts have already occurred to you. Is he cheating on you? Again and again in the last few weeks you thought about it. Lip had become inattentive and hadn't been home even though he said he would be there. Suddenly he had less time for you.
"Does he have another?“ the words just slip out of your mouth. Ian looks at you as if he was hit by lightning, then shakes his head.
"Not that I would know.“
"Would you know?“ you asks quietly.
“Lip tells me everything.“ he answers in a confident tone and smiles at you. "Do not worry. Would Lip also tell him that he cheats on Ians best friend?
"Okay. Then I'll just wait for him." Ian nods to you and then puts on his headphones in, you turn around and run up the stairs to the Gallagher - house, while Ian goes for his run.
The door is not locked and when you enter you are welcomed by the smell of coffee and breakfast. Fiona rummages around in the kitchen with panes, pots and plates, while Debby and Liam sit at the table. A cell phone clamps on Finoas ear and she talks with somebody on the phone in a stressed tone. Nevertheless, she smiles when she sees you.
"Good morning," says Debby.
"Good morning Gallaghers," you greet them all.
"Lip is not there," says Debby as she eats her bread.
"I know," you say.
"Debs, we have to go." Fiona ends her phone call and claps in her hands. "Can you wake Carl up? I have to go to the dentist with Debby and Liam."
"Yes, I do. Is it okay for you if I wait here for Lip?"
"Of course. Liam shoes.” Fiona slides past you stressed and throws a jacket at Debby. The little girl pushes her bread into her mouth and then lifts the little Liam out of his chair. Five minutes later, the three are out of the house. You run up the stairs, the door to Lip's, Ian's and Carl's room is slightly opened and you push it up. Carl is lying on his bed, sleeping deeply and firmly. You bow down to him and shake him slightly on the shoulder.
"Waken up Little One." He's just rumbling and turning away from you. You just take the blanket off him. "I said wake up."
"I don't want to."
"You have to. Get up."
"It's summer holidays."
"Summer holidays have been over for two weeks."
Carl is annoyed, but then sits up in bed and wipes the sleep out of his eyes. "But it's weekend."
"You have to get up anyway."
"You're worser than Fiona."
"Thank you. Should I make you breakfast?“
"I can do it myself." he looks around the room. "Where is Lip?“
"I have no idea. Out somewhere.“
"Apparently." you say in a sad tone. Luckily Carl doesn't notice it and yawns. Then gets up from his bed. He goes pass you to the bathroom. You look around in the boys' room, dirty clothes, shoes, garbage and other stuff is all over the place. You fall on Ian's unmade bed and take a cigarette out of the pack from the windowsill. While you smoke your cigarette, you think about cleaning up the room for a while, but then you reconsider. You don´t even clean your room, why start with the Gallagher Boys room? You see Lips math textbook and pick it up form the floor. You open it on the page where the tasks for your homework are. Thank God Lip has already written the solutions to the sides in his messy handwriting. You throw the cigarette out the window and get out of bed. You search through the things on the table for pencil and paper and start to write down the solutions. Why do you have a genius as a boyfriend if you don't sometimes steal his math homework? When you're done with copying, you put the textbook back. Then you get up, you listen to Carl down in the kitchen, hoping he won't burn the house down while trying to make breakfast. You go to the bathroom and take a shower. As Ian promised, the water warm up after a short time. You quickly slip out of your clothing and get under the hot shower. For the first time today, you feel relaxed. You don't know why your day is so shity . Your birthday isn't so important to you that the fact that everybody but Micky forgot about it should ruin your day, but it still makes you sad. Besides the constant doubts about whether Lip is cheating on you or not brings your mood further down You close your eyes and let the hot water run over you. As you finally wash the shampoo out of your hair, you feel a little better. You turn off the shower again and put on your clothes again. You're glad you found a clean towel for your hair.
You go down the stairs, Carl has managed to make cereals and is sitting at the table now.
"I made you coffee," he says.
"Thank you, Carl," you say, and take the fresh cup.
"Fiona said I can go to the old tracks today," he lies.
"Fiona didn't say that." Carl looks to the side and pushes his lips forward. "I'm not Fiona. I won't forbid you to go."
"And you won´t tell Fiona anything?"
"I won't lie if she asks." Carl smiles, jumps up and leaves the house. Immediately you are surrounded by silence. When you woke up this morning, you wanted silence. Now the silence in the house makes you feel lonely. You drink your coffee, which is a little too strong, but you're touched by Carl's gesture. He's chaotic, but he's a nice boy. The door opens, you turn around and your heart jumps when you see Lip. Without being able to prevent it, you have to smile.
"There is my birthday girl," he says when he sees you. He comes to you through the living room into the kitchen and puts a kiss on your cheek. "Have you been here for a long time?" he asks and sits next to you. Immediately his hand finds yours.
"No, maybe an hour. Where were you?"
"Outside" he answers you. You nod and your stomach cramps again.
"Where are the others?"
"Everybody is on the way. But Ian should be back soon."
Now Lip nods and stands up. "I'll be right back, wait here," he says and goes up the stairs, confused you stay sitting at the kitchen table. A few minutes later, Lip comes down the stairs again. "Are you ready?"
"For what?" you ask.
"For your birthday surprise," he says. Immediately your heart beats faster again and you can only smile. A birthday surprise? For you?
Quickly you tie your still wet hair in a ponytail and get up from the table.
"I'm ready," you declare. Lip smiles, bends and expresses a quick kiss on your lips. Then he takes your hand and leads you out of the frontdoor. There is a car in front of the house. You don't know enough about cars to recognize the brand, but you know enough to realize it is a expensive car.
"I have borrowed it from Steve" Lip answers your unspoken question.
"You borrowed a stolen car?"
"Yep. But before you say anything, all your brothers' cars are also stolen." You're turning your eyes, but he's right. Lip opens the passenger door for you and you slide onto the soft leather seat. You've never been in a car that expensive. It's not comparable to the car your father drives and you sometimes secretly borrow to practice driving. No driping oil, no cigarette-smelling, dirty seats, no crumbling engine. Lip sits on the driver's seat and starts driving, after he turns on the engine. Lips driving does not reveal that he doesn't have a driver's license. You press the button on the door and the next moment the windows roll down and the warm summer breeze blows around your ears and hair.
"Where are we going?"
"To a nicer place." Lip puts its hand on your thigh as he drives through the south side and a pleasant tingling spreads under your skin. It's almost disgusting how in love you are with him. For a second, you ask yourself if these hands have touched another woman this morning, but you quickly push away this thoughts. Today is your birthday and you're spending it with Lip. He has planed a surprise just for you. He wouldn´t do that if he didn't love you. The area is rapidly becoming better, the shops with broken windows, the graffiti-sprayed house walls and the unmaintained courtyards disappear from your sight as you leave the Soutside behind you. It doesn't take long and Lip parks the car in the parkinglot of Grant Park. "Grant Park?"
"It's beautiful here. Perfect for a picnic."
"We're going to have a picnic?" you ask surprised, but you can't get the smile out of your face. It sounds dumb, but a picnic is something you always associate with bored housewives and teenagers from rich homes. Sitting on a blanket in the park and eating snacks? Only people in movies do that. Milkovichs don't have time for that. Your family more likely spend the days stealing, drinking, smoking, fighting and other criminal things to get some money in your pockets.
"Stupid idea?" asks Lip, and uncertainty flashes through his eyes. You turn to him, bow over the car's middle console and kiss him.
"Perfect idea," you say. Immediately the smile is back on his face again, he kisses you again quickly and then gets out of the car. You grab the door handle, but Lip calls a quick. "Don´t touch this." and you're pulling your hand back. He comes around the car and opens the door for you. Then he reach for your hand and help you out of the car. You didn't even know your boyfriend was a fucking gentleman. If his brothers would see him now, they would laugh at him.
The sun shines in your face as you look around. People are everywhere and everyone seems relaxed and happy. You see mothers with their children, elder people on a walk, and families running across the meadows. Everything seems somehow slower here, nobody seems stressed. Lip goes to the trunk, takes out a bag and a cooler and comes back to you. You reach for the bag to take something off him, but he pulls the bag away from your hand, hangs it over his shoulder, and instead grips your hand. You go hand in hand into the park and find yourself a nice place for your picnic. Lip lays out a blanket he brought and places the bags on the side of it. You make yourself comfortable on the blanket and hold your face in the sun.
"You're beautiful."
You have to bite on the inside of your cheek so you don't laugh because of the awkward feeling Lip's words left as you turn your head to him. He's sitting next to you and just stars at you. "I know I don't say that often enough. But you're beautiful." You can feel the red on your cheeks. You've never been good at accept compliments.
"Softy," you say with a smile and kiss his cheek. Lip slips closer to you and puts a arm around your shoulder. You cuddle at him and breathe his familiar smell. "Also it's not true."
"What do you mean?"
"You often tell me I'm beautiful. But usually only when you're balls deep in me."
Lip laughs. "Shame on me that I speak the truth when I come." You also have to laugh and roll your eyes. Lip kisses you, the kiss is more passionate than you have expected. His lips wander over your cheek and he kisses your earlobe before he whispers in your ear. "I'll tell you later again after you came screaming on my tongue and my cock." after his words, he bites slightly into your earlobe, and a pleasant shiver runs over your neck and arms. You push him slightly to the side and laugh.
"Stop with your dirty Southside tongue you are ruinng our fancy picnic." you laugh.
"Oh yeah, of course. Wait, I'll be the gentleman you deserve again." He closes his eyes for a moment and breathes deep. Then he opens his eyes again and puts a gentle, innocent kiss on your lips. Your heart almost explodes and you beam at him like a lovesick teenager. To be honest you are a lovesick teenager.
"Your idiot. But you are right its time for our picnic." he turns to his side and opens the cooler. He takes out a bottle of champagne, two large boxes full of sushi and a bowl of strawberries covered with dark chocolate, and places everything on the blanket in front of you. You love sushi, it's your absolute favorite food, even if you rarely eat it. The supermarket sushi tastes like shit and real sushi is usually too expensive for you. You always have to save on it to enjoy it, but that just makes it more special. Chocolate strawberries is your favorite dessert. You're briefly surprised that Lip knows this about you. But why shouldn't he? He knows everything about you.
You look at him shocked. "Are you crazy?" you ask. Of course you can recognize the logo on the To Go boxes. It belongs to a fancy sushi restaurant in the city, the store is said to have the best sushi in the whole city and is of course fucking expensive.
"Crazy for you."
"Lip that must have cost a fortune."
"Nonsense. Don't think about it. Today is your special day and I wanted to do something special. Besides, I can't hear your complaints anymore that you can never taste the best sushi in the city and that it breaks your heart to have to die without having tasted such a delicious treat." He overdramatizes your tone, with which you once complained that this restaurant is so expensive. You have to laugh and salp him in the side.
"Thank you," you come out and your voice shakes slightly, you're so moved by his gesture that you have to swallow in order not to cry. Maybe you are the softy.
"Everything for you, my birthday girl," he smiles. He pushes the bottle into your hand and takes two plastic cups out of your bag. "Would you?" he asks with a nod to the bottle.
"No. " you say, and you put the champagne in his hand. The last time you tried to open a bottle with a cork, you only spread the content on the floor and on your clothes. Lip takes the bottle and starts opening it. You're watching how his thumb hold on to the cork and just gently let it slip out of the bottle.
"Is there something you can't do?"
"If so, I can learn it. I'm a smart boy."
"And not arrogant at all," you laugh and roll your eyes.
"Give me the cups," he just says, and you give them to him. Lip starts pouring the champagne into the plastic cups. You take the cover from the sushi boxes and take out the chopsticks that come with it. You want to rub them together to get rid of small wood pieces, but then you realize that the wood is coated and has no wood pieces. Even the fucking chopsticks from this restaurant are fancy. Lip gives you a cup and you give him his chopsticks. You slide a little back and forth on the blanket until you have found a comfortable position to eat.
"Cheers to you," says Lip, holding up his plastic cup. You laugh, klings your cup at his and take a sip. The champagne prickles on your tongue and you can´t get the smile out of your face anymore. You look at every piece of Shushi and think about what your first bite will be. Lip is watching you closely, and a smile dances around his lips. You make your choice and when the taste of the sushi floods your mouth you have to moan, so delicious it is. You've never eaten anything better in your life.
"And as delicious as you imagined it?"
"Better," you answer.
"Thank god. I don´t have a plan B." Lip laughs and only now takes a piece of herself. You enjoy your food in pleasant silence. The sun shines on you, you hear the laughter of the people around you and everything is peaceful. Champagne and delicious food. This is the best birthday you've ever had. You're so fed up with all the sushi that you only eat two chocolate strawberries before you lay back.
"If I eat one more bite, I'll blow up."
"Me too," says Lip, but pushes another strawberry into his mouth before putting it back into the cooler. Then he whipes his hands and gives you a cigarette and a lighter.
"Are you ready for your gift?" asks Lip after you both smoked relaxedly and you actually wanted to make yourself comfortable again his chest.
"I thought this was my gift?" you ask confused.
"No, this was just the right frame for your gift," replies Lip, bending back to the bag and pulling out a coffer. "This is your gift." He handed it to you and you just stared at him for a moment. You didn't expect another gift. Lip looks at you, but the way his fingers hit the blanket next to him and the slight wiping of his knee next to yours reveals that he's nervous. You can feel tears accumulating in your eyes becouse you are moved by his gesture, you quickly blink them away.
"Thank you," you say, even if your voice sounds a little thin.
"Open it before you say thank me. Maybe you don´t like it."
"I won't." you say, but you still open the gift. On a small pillow lies a silver necklace with a small silver heart charm. There is an "L" engraved on it and your heart is beating faster. The necklace is beautiful. Now you can't hold back your tears. You can feel them running over your cheek. Lip not just remember your birthday, he even arranged a picnic and bought you a gift, and it is a nice one. No one has ever did something like this for you." "Thank you," you bring out and your voice breaks.
"Do you like it?"
"I love it. Can you help me?" you hold the necklace to him and he nods. You turn around and hold your hair out of the way, so Lip can put the necklace around you. You turn around again and smiles at him, than you lay your hands on his cheeks and kiss him.
"Thank you so much Lip, for the picnic and the necklace and the sushi. You are the best boyfriend that ever existed." you say.
"I will do everything for you." he says and smiles. His nervousness has disappeared. Your hands start to play with the chain. It's unusual for you to wear jewellery, you don´t even have real jewllery. You sigh contentedly. But suddenly a thought occurs to you.
"Did you steal it?"
Lip starts to laugh. ‘No! I bought it.After all I'm not a Milkovich." You slap him lightly on the shoulder again, even though the comparison isn't far off.
"How did you get the money for all this Lip?" you ask and your fingers touch the metal around your neck. Warmth fills your heart at the feeling of the necklace on your neck. He has given you a token of his love, for everyone to see.
"I helped Steve a little bit with the cars and gave some extra tutoring." he replies.
"Thats the reason why you had so little time for me. To finance my birthday present?" and a wave of guilt overwhelms you. He worked his ass off to fund you a nice day and a gift and you thought he was cheating on you.
"Yes, what did you think I was doing?" You bite your lip and look embarrassed to the ground. You can feel his gaze on your side, yet you don't look at him as you speak.
"Fucking another woman." you whisper quietly, but of course he heard you. He says your name, but you don't look at him. You're too ashamed of your thoughts. Lip gently puts a hand on your cheek and turns your face so you have to look at him. He sighs.
"I would never do that. Do you hear me? Never! I love you! I love you so much that it hurts. You're the only reason I don't get crazy with all the shit with my family and Frank and school and everything else. You understand me, you know exactly how shit the Southside is, how shit it is to be poor. I love you so much and you make me so happy. And I promise you I'll make sure I get us out of here. I'll make sure we have a better life. Together. You and the thought of our future together is the only thing that keeps me going." this time you can't stop the tears running over your cheeks, and your heart almost jumps out of love. You bow down and kiss him.
"I love you, too. Forever."
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 3 months
this is random but i made a kandy playlist😍
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sageandred · 4 months
The way Shameless fans have always argued in favor of their faves and against their least favorite characters to be worse than them is so funny. You can't judge Shameless characters too hard on a moral basis. You just can't. The show is called: Shameless.
Mandy- tried to s.a. multiple times, but grew up with learned behavior around an abusive dad who s.a.'d her himself (she walks around with no pants for god's sake; that's sad because she doesn't even realize it's not normal); oh and almost forgot - ran over Karen, but had history of repressed anger problems, learned fight not flight retaliation responses, and jealousy after repeatedly being treated bad (and not just by Karen)
Fiona- made 10000+ mistakes, including almost killing her brother, but never had a childhood and was forced into parenting while never learning how to parent in the first place
Lip- #1 screw up for his own life (I guess it's his life, you can't blame him), because he hates himself and is self destructive also due to his upbringing; was angry and rude more times than I can count to Fiona, but he is angry due to his exact same feelings towards his (non) childhood
Ian- what did Ian even do...? cheat on anyone but Mickey? (edit: dang he did that too - but it doesn't count) ...be too serious for seasons 6-9?? (< jk, i love him; that's taken from real critiques.) be transphobic? (I hate, but it's valid he's uneducated - my memory is bad i don't even think he was transphobic just clueless on some things)
Carl- be the worst runner when trying to escape cops? a messed up child taxidermist?
Debbie- We can hate Debbie, jk! I do wish her storyline unfolded better, because it totally makes sense the need to grow up too fast and try to emulate Fiona (that's all I'll give her 'cause I understand, but I'm not trying to write an essay on my complicated feelings on how they could've portrayed Debbie's character arc better)
Recognize their shameless flaws. And have your faves, I agree. But to compare them and be on your moral high ground about why fans should recognize more individual actions as bad is void at the start of the argument.
Because Monica VS Frank - They both suck as much as I can recognize they both are sad, vulnerable, childlike lost causes at the core. But people always argue Monica is worse. Why, because she left? Honestly, good she spared them as opposed to mooched off and sat around doing nothing. Frank is funny (which I think is the only reason people like him more), but they're both the same level of shitty parents. WHICH IS THE POINT...to understand the kid/y.a. characters' bad trauma responses
"I think we as a society, should acknowledge how [blank] shouldn't be praised." That's like saying: "the Joker is villianous, guys did you know??" like why am I getting recommended arguments for why certain characters suck more?! In the year 2024, for god's sake?!?
Terry Milkovich, tho, is GOD AWFUL; hate on him all you want. x
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skyeeuphixia · 1 year
𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚒𝚐𝚗𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 // 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚗𝚎
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lip gallagher x northside OC (Daisy) summary: in which lip could never see himself falling for a girl from the northside 
part one of ?
warnings: swearing, smoking word count: 3098
Lip had no idea why a girl from the northside attended a shitty public school in the southside. And quite frankly, he couldn't care less. He had enough shit going on in his life, he didn't need to add thinking about some entitled priss onto that list.  She smiled constantly, and never seemed to get upset or let the intimidating southside area scare her. She was a privileged girl, anyone would assume so, and for that reason, Lip decided that he didn't like her. 
After all, "All northsiders are the same"
Lip had gone freshman and sophomore year without interacting with the girl once and so far, in junior year, he had maintained it. It wasn't like he was actively trying to ignore her. But he wasn't exactly displeased their paths had never met. All he knew of the girl was that she was from the northside and her name. Daisy. 
And he planned to keep it that way. Lip didn't care for people, his friends at school consisted of his brother Ian and Mandy Milkovich. He was too good for all the other incompetent assholes in their school, so not knowing the northside priss didn't drastically affect him and his day. 
That was until his plan got screwed over. 
⋆ ★
It wasn't a secret that Ian and Lip shared everything with each other, but there was one thing Ian didn't feel the need to mention. He and Daisy were friends. They don't know how it happened, but they were both late to their respective classes and had, quite literally, bumped into each other in the hall, which somehow resulted in a friendship. 
However, although they had been friends for quite some time now, Ian didn't actually know that much about her, she was quite a private person. 
Ian, Mandy and Lip were doing what they usually did at lunch, smoking in the boy's bathroom, laughing and spending the 30 minutes of learning free time they get together by chatting and not taking life seriously. 
"Hey Lip, do you think you could do me a favour?" Ian asks, after the laughter that occurred after a joke that Lip had cracked died down. 
"Depends what it is," The older boy replies, taking a long drag from his joint. 
"I have this friend in your year, she needs help with chemistry,"
"What does she need?"
"An A, she's got a C at the moment."
"Who is it?"
"Daisy Bennett," Ian replied almost hesitantly, he wasn't ignorant to the rumours and opinions people held of his friend, and he didn't know Mandy's or Lip's view on the girl, all he had heard was Mandy mention she liked the girl's pristine black combat boots, Mandy's being a size too small and covered in scuffs and mud. 
"Wait, Little Miss Priss? Why would you be friends with her?"
"Did she bribe you with her daddy's money?" Mandy piped in, smirking at the younger boy.
"No," Ian snapped back at them, "We just bumped into each other once and, I don't know we clicked, listen she's a nice girl and she needs some help with something, if you don't do it for her do it for me,"
Lip looked at his younger brother for a few moments, Ian never had that many friends, he got on with people, but he wouldn't call anyone, other than Lip and Mandy, his friends, so who knew what was so special about this girl. He was protective of his brother, and part of him just wanted to meet her so that he could make sure she wasn't going to hurt him. 
"Fine whatever, tell her to be at ours at 6, also whatever I normally charge, she pays double,"
"What why?" 
"She's from the northside Ian! I'm sure she could spare a few bucks to give to some southside lowlifes!"
Once Lip finishes speaking, the dull sound of the bell goes off, evident in its sound that it hasn't been fixed in years. The trio are quick to dispose of the evidence of them smoking before gathering their stuff and making their way out the bathroom, Ian helping Mandy down from the window still she was sitting on. Lip looked towards his brother one last time as he and Mandy walked away from the bathroom towards their respective classrooms, one thought on his mind.
What the hell am I getting myself into?
⋆ ★
After a long and gruelling day, where the same old boring teachers, taught the same boring shit for yet another year, it was nearly time for Daisy to be at the Gallaghers. One thing that Daisy's dad was keen to get into her at a young age was being punctual, she regularly arrived early for things, and was never more than 3 minutes late. So here she was, walking up the steps to the Gallagher steps at 5:59. 
Daisy was nervous about this study session, not just because she would be tutored by someone she had never met before, she had seen Lip around, but never actually spoken to him, she was also nervous because she had been told stories by Ian about his family and how crazy they can be. She both knew exactly and had no idea what to expect. 
She hesitated a moment before knocking on the door, rocking back and forth on her heels slightly, holding her laptop, textbook and notebook close to her chest.  
A few moments later, the door swings open, revealing a young, redheaded girl, who looked up at the older girl curiously. 
This must be Debbie
"Who are you?" She asked, looking at the girl almost matching the older girl's stance.
"Uh hey, I'm Daisy," Daisy replies, smiling at the shorter girl, "Is Lip in?"
"Yeah, why?" 
"Oh, he's helping me study," 
"Debbie who's at the door?" An older voice asks, coming up and standing behind the young Gallagher, this woman was a lot taller than her younger sister, she had on a grey striped top and had long brown hair that looked somewhere between half brushed and neatly put together. 
"Who are you?" Fiona asked, her tone changing slightly, looking Daisy up and down taking in her appearance. Daisy clearly stuck out like a sore thumb in this neighbourhood, her clothes were neat and put together, with a preppy, private school uniform feel around them. Daisy could tell that Fiona was judging her, she really wanted to be wanted by the Gallaghers, especially the matriarch Fiona, because without her approval, she'd never be allowed near her friend Ian again.
"Hey, I'm Daisy,  Lip's helping me with Chemistry." 
"You're Ian's friend right?" Fiona said suspiciously, having heard the name Daisy thrown around by Ian occasionally, not remember much from what she heard, only that she was from the northside, but Fiona could guess that already. 
"Yeah, I am, is he in?" Daisy answered, watching as Fiona gently pushed Debbie back into the house.
"No, he's at ROTC, so you're close huh?" 
"Well- I guess, we don't have any classes together and he spends a lot of time with Lip and, oh what's her name," Dasiy takes a few seconds to think, "ah! Mandy Milkovich, but we do homework together in the library after school sometimes." 
"Too good for Lip and Mandy then?" Fiona accused, she wasn't intentionally trying to make the girl uncomfortable, but she, like most Southsiders, didn't take kindly to northsiders showing up around their area, to anyone else, a northsider befriending a Southsider might be considered 'Charity work', and if this preppy priss thought that Ian was going to be charity work, she had another thing coming. 
"Oh no, not at all, they actually seem pretty cool, I just assume I won't be welcome, people at school tend to not want me around," Daisy answered honestly, not even letting her smile falter.
At that moment, Fiona felt bad for the girl in front of her, in their short interaction, she seemed nice enough, Fiona had nothing to judge her for other than she was from the northside, and that wasn't a lot to go off of. But clearly, the others at school believed that was reason enough to completely isolate the girl. 
"Ok, ok," Fiona muttered, turning her body so she was facing the inside of the house, "Lip! Your friend's here to study!" She yelled into the house, surely making everyone in the house jump.  
After a few moments pass, the two girls hear the sound of heavy footsteps trudging down the stairs and towards them. Lip rounded the corner towards them, not looking particularly impressed, muttering something along the lines of 'she's not my friend' to Fiona. 
He inhaled slightly before acknowledging Daisy, "Hey, come on in." He sighs, not even giving her a moment to reply before making his way into the house ahead of her as if he was trying to get away from her and get her off his tail as quickly as possible.
Fiona stepped aside, allowing Daisy to step out from the cold Chicago air to the slightly less cold Gallagher house, clearly, the heating was either broken or they had it down really low because of the bills. 
Daisy quickly followed after Lip, who was already halfway up the stairs, not having time to acknowledge the others who were sitting on the living room couch. Daisy just managed to slip into the boy's bedroom after Lip, which was lucky on her part, because if she hadn't caught up as quickly as she did, Lip probably would have slammed the door in her face. 
Lip knocked a few stuff off his desk, making room for the two of them as Daisy stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, still hugging her stuff close to her body, as she took in her surrounding. Their room wasn't small by any means, if one kid was living in it, then this room would actually be quite big, the thing is by the number of beds, there were clearly three people living in this room, who Daisy assumed was Lip, Ian and their little brother Carl, giving off the illusion that the room was much smaller than it actually was. 
The room was messy as well, all the blankets were randomly bunched up on the beds, clothes were on the floor, and random papers were all over the desk under the cabin bed (which Dasiy assumed must be Lips due to the assortment of space posters and the generally 'smart kid' vibe said corner of the room gave off) but Lip was just carelessly shoving them into the already full drawer at the side of the desk. 
There was another thing that Daisy's dad had drilled into her at a young age, neatness, especially if there was a guest, even if the guest wasn't even going to see her room! It still had to be spotless with not even a hair band on the floor. She had also been told how to be a polite guest and a polite host, but all it had really taught her was she was supposed to respect others as a given, whereas any respect for her had to be earned. 
"Yo, just gonna stand there forever or do you actually wanna get shit done?" Lip asks, breaking Daisy's train of thought, making her realize that he was now sitting down at a 'clean' desk, staring at her expectantly. 
"Yeah, sorry," she apologised, taking a seat next to him and putting her stuff down in a neat pile on the desk.
Lip grabs her notebook and starts flicking through it, Daisy honestly couldn't tell if he was even paying attention to anything in there, "So what's the quiz on?"
"Uh Section C of the textbook," 
"When's the quiz?"
"Two days"
"What don't you get?" Lip asks boredly, now flicking through her textbook to section C, seeing what he considered pretty easy content. 
"Um, any of it?" Daisy says hesitantly, scratching the back of her neck slightly, dropping her gaze to the textbook when she notices the unimpressed look on Lip's face. 
"Seriously? This shit is so simple!" Lip almost laughed.
"Yeah well not all subjects come naturally, I'm sure I can get there if maybe it was explained a different way, but Mr Gilbert refuses to explain it any other way because 'if you can't do it my way, maybe you're just destined to fail'," Daisy defends. She wasn't a dumb student at all, she excelled in subjects like English Literature and History. But there were some subjects like maths and science that she just couldn't do naturally and needed extra help with, luckily her maths teacher offered that, Mr Gilbert, however, did not.
"Whatever let's just go from the beginning and work our way through." Lip sighs, picking up two pens, handing one to her, before reading out the first paragraph of the textbook. 
⋆ ★
The two sixteen-year-olds had been studying for about an hour, Lip giving Daisy a few practice questions and using the time to get his old, tattered maths textbook out to do some work himself. Turns out, doing work with someone else in the room, who was also focused was actually a good study method. 
"So," Lip said, deciding to spark a conversation with the other, his curiosity getting the better of him, "Daddy couldn't hire you your own private chemistry teacher?"
Daisy huffed in slight amusement, tapping her pen against her notebook as she tried to both focus on a conversation and figure out a particularly hard question that Lip had written, "Nope, he doesn't even know I'm failing,"
"Last time I check a C wasn't a fail, for someone who isn't good at chemistry naturally, it's decent" 
"Not good enough for him," Daisy sighed, "Anything below an A is a failure in his eyes," 
"Shitty dad huh?" Lip asks, finally looking over at her.
"I guess yeah, he just wants me to do well" She replied shortly not giving Lip much more to go off of. Lip was normally good at reading people, but Daisy was difficult. He could now tell that her politeness was genuine, which surprised him, and also that she wasn't just using this study session as a way to sleep with him. This also surprised him, because he had had offers from other girls to study who would happen to have 'left their wallet at home' but repay him with a hummer.  Daisy wanted to study, despite clearly not enjoying the subject.
"How come you go to a shitty southside school then?" Lip asks after a few moments. 
"Well my dad wanted me to go to some private school somewhere, didn't matter where he just wanted me to get the highest quality education, my grandma didn't want me too far away though, so she wanted me to go to a school in walking distance to her house, our school was the only one that was a 10-minute walk," Daisy answered. 
"Your grandma lives in the southside?"
"For someone who doesn't like northside people, you seem to ask a lot of questions," Daisy says, looking up and smiling, finding herself looking right into his eyes. They were very pretty, she couldn't deny that.  She wouldn't deny that "It's getting late, I should go." She sighed gathering her stuff.
"Yeah, uhh, tell me how the test goes." Lip says, standing up and walking out of the room with her, unintentionally walking her to the door.
"Oh, so you care how I do?" Daisy teased, smiling at him with a smile that made a strange feeling happen in Lip's chest, one he didn't quite understand. 
"I care, that my tutoring works, I could use the ego boost," Lip smirks. 
"Ahh of course." Daisy shakes her head, reaching the door with him, "Oh um here!" She says, reaching into the pocket of her jacket, and pulling out a fifty-dollar bill.
"Oh no it's fine," Lip brushes off without even thinking about it, "I only charge thirty anyway, that's way too much"
"I know, Ian told me you'd charge me extra, wasn't expecting you to deny the money though, but I'm serious take it,"
"Listen maybe I'd take the thirty but fifty is too much." 
Daisy rolled her eyes, and forced the note into his hand, "Thirty for the help, and twenty for a new maths textbook, yours looks like it will fall apart any moment," Daisy smiles, before rushing out of the house. Leaving Lip no room to argue.
⋆ ★
Lip didn't know when in the day Daisy's test was, but it was now lunch and he was yet to see her, not that he wanted to. He just wanted to know if he wasted an hour of his evening for nothing or not. 
He, Ian and Mandy were walking to their last classes of the day, all of their classes being in the same general direction, when Daisy appears from nowhere, tackling Lip into a giant bear hug, winding him for a split second. Ian and Mandy look at the pair wide-eyed, the girl's strange act also getting the attention of a few passing students. 
In complete shock, Lip didn't have the time to process what she was doing before she spoke, "You are amazing!" She celebrates, pulling away from and smiling brightly at Lip as he desperately tries to ignore the pounding in his chest. 
"I'm assuming this means you got a good score?" Lip asks, the trace of a smile on his face, trying not to give the wrong impression to Mandy and Ian, who were watching the interaction almost eagerly.
"I got a 91/100! Just scraped it! Honestly, Lip thank you so much!" Daisy said breathlessly, her bright smile refusing to leave her face. 
"Yeah uh, no problem," Lip chuckled slightly, the dull tone of the bell going off, indicating that class was about to start, "Um, I'll see you around?"
"Yeah, definitely," Daisy blushes, offering Lip one last thank you before turning away and walking towards her class, a slight bounce in her step.
Lip was so in his own thoughts, that he didn't notice he was watching fondly after her, thinking about the strange girl that, he had to admit, piqued his interest. 
"She's not too bad huh?" Ian smirked at his brother, breaking the older boy from his thoughts.
"Shut up," Lip scoffed, punching his brother as the trio started to walk to their classes again, not answering Ian out loud, but he couldn't even deny his own thoughts anymore; 
Not bad at all Ian, she really is something... something good
⋆ ★ (fin)
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