#mandela affect
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crunchypuppy06 · 10 months ago
Ok I mentioned this once before but I need public confirmation if I’m having a personal Mandela affect. Was there or was there not ever a point where Hunter’s story is that they were there when Survivor fell & they went after them, then Monk chasing after them and Survivor?? I rlly remember it being that way but I can find no record of it being so
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alternatehistoryblog · 2 years ago
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buttercatrho · 4 months ago
something something shizukas expressions never facing up like leas does shows how the events she had to experience and live under changed her to be a more closed and defensive person even when expressing emotions that should portray superiority (eg smug) something something
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celluzu · 1 year ago
Sometimes I see art of all the living eggs and have a moment where I'm like... huh, I could have sworn there were more, this doesn't feel like everyone
and then I remember.
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blazingstar29 · 2 years ago
uh guys
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ashes-in-a-jar · 1 year ago
I can't believe that ever since it came up, any time I've been hearing the word gravity said out loud I've been correcting it to mavity under my breath 😭
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kathaariian · 1 year ago
i understand and support coming after people who use tiktok microlabels like “clean goth” however corporate goth is not one of those tiktok microlabels please X.X
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gigginox · 4 months ago
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spookiifi · 1 year ago
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antipathy-arsonist · 1 year ago
i very frequently forget that mag agent tortures name is NOT actually fresh cod
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vincentferard · 8 months ago
Gonna pretend Tumblr is like reddit for a minute T.T
I have been looking for these games on and off for years and I still have no idea what they were. Please help!
When I was a little kid (think 5-10) the only time I'd every get any screen time was when I'd go to my grandparents house. Since they had a computer room they let me go onto the computer with fairly unrestricted computer access.
For the most part whenever I'd play games I'd play Wizard101, Pirate101, Monkey Quest, Animal Jam, Pixie Hollow, etc. Sometimes though I'd go to this one website I had bookmarked on their really old computer. It had a bunch of different, common, Disney games as well as some common Nickelodeon\Nick JR games but the ones I played the most I'm pretty sure weren't either.
The website had a really simple background, I think it was white or blue, and basically in the games you got to create creatures with different parts kinda like a paper doll (it even moved like a paper doll). It wasn't a "3D" (or what was considered at the time to be 3D) or very realistic game. The animal you created was really cartoony looking. They had 'normal' parts, then they had Frankenstein parts and skeleton parts. You also put together the animal piece by piece.
There was like a bat creator, a dog creator, a car creator, and then I think a fish creator. When you got done you could feed your animal and play with it and even print it out.
Please, please help me find this/these game(s)
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madlilsongbird · 8 months ago
Catching up on the final few episodes and wanted to run something by y’all cos I feel like I’m going crazy….am I making it up or am I right in remembering Maya saying her brother was one of the first people she came out to??
I swear I have a memory of her from the earlier seasons like the first time Mason popped up telling someone, maybe Andy, that Mason was the first person she came out to and he was super supportive blah blah blah
But fast forward to now she’s coming out to him in frustration and he is….awful. ???
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whence-the-woody · 9 months ago
Did they reupload the shuffle board video coz I swear the original all or nothing gauntlet moment wasn't shrunk down and it went on for longer??
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angelfoodscake · 2 years ago
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dont really use piper that much but i had some thoughts about him so here are some doodles. thoughts are below cut
i know ghosts probably dont need eyepatches (it goes against my own hc of regeneration/healing and stuff) so it doesnt really make any sense so . um. yep! (i still wanna keep though)
piper prides himself on his image and cuteness. his looks are very very important to him. so for cherry to cause such irreversible damage on his face.... oohh.... (oh yeah btw cherrys the one that caused the eyepatch situation LOLDFJKD not sure how or what she did yet though)
i wanna give him eyelashes too since i think its cute and/or suits him but im not sure if they look out of place or too goofy. also experimented with his colour palette a bit, just took that regen ghosts are pink and ran with it
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bunnyboysrus · 1 year ago
dude im sitting here trying to write, and trying not to succumb to artistic alcohol syndrome when i find out one of my favorite horror movies had a fake out??? i got mandella affected and it took this random youtube video that i was barely paying attention to to show me the truth???
ik The Descent is one of everyones favorites at this point but you dont UnDErSTanD, i used to be piss my pants terrified of horror movies, on top of childhood trauma when i saw this movie i literally damaged my eyesight keeping my eyes open in the shower constantly because of how scared this movie made me
but it was from this new unreal level of terror that i started loving horror movies, idk how to explain to you what it is about this movie that makes it so stand out and made it the one movie out of all the shit my mom showed me to scare me that turned all that fear that constantly plagued me on its head but i LOVE IT
and i remembered vaguely, that when i watched it as a kid it had a sad not good ending but then when i watched it again for the lols a few years ago, that the ending was middlingly okay? like final girl lived and whatnot when i distinctly remembered her not living, WELL ITS BECAUSE-
the original uk version had the Everyone Died ending that i remembered but when it started streaming / selling in the US they decided that the ending was too sad and cut out the last few minutes, which show basically that the good ending thats shown in the US version is just a delusion Final Girl has right before she's torn to shreds by cave mutants
i am once again vindicated and right about everything, every opinion i had as a child, controversial or otherwise, has once again been proven correct and morally superior to the status quo and everyone can suck my dick actually
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roboobin · 1 year ago
<3 crisis over im full of love for my friends
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