#man. i tired myself out with this one but i'm sure i'll think of a million other things to add when i fall asleep
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s3 episode 11 thoughts
dare i say it… new favorite episode?
whatever expectations i had, they were blown away. usually the episode after a two episode arc feels weird and stiff, but this? this hit every box on a checklist i didn’t even know i had.
i’m bouncing off the walls right now. i'm pacing my room and mumbling to myself while gesticulating wildly. i am filled with an energy that caffeine has not ONCE given me. and it's called "your character, that is so near and dear to you, got an episode dedicated just to exploring their inner life and workings and belief system and faith in God and the world". try it if you get a chance.
so let us begin. let me give you my verbatim notes, so you can watch the excitement grow.
oh boy! oh boy oh boy! i am excited! and i know by now to not expect any real continuation from the last episode, but i’m still excited because the last two were so good! and this one is like… good omens? with a kid that can start the end of the world?
wow. never have i thought to myself, how would mulder and scully handle biblical revelations? but here i am. wondering it.
hope the kid is chill. hope he has good vibes. mulder will like him anyway because he’s actually a huge softie but still better if he’s got good vibes.
we open on a sermon. the priest or pastor- depending on the denomination- whatever his title is, he is talking about faith. saying that miracles are real. and now he’s shaking and moaning. is this one of those churches?
OH HE’S BLEEDING from between his knuckles like some sort of blood wolverine. people are looking at him, thinking, what is going on? and this is something i am also wondering. maybe it was fake though…. little capsules in his hands, maybe???
he’s dabbing off his makeup now. as a man enters his dressing room. saying that some people really do believe. but he’s being weird.
and then this guy escalates to murder. and when he touches this pastor he’s burning up??? huh??? a firebender?? in pennsylvania??
THE INTRO WAS DIFFERENT AGAIN THIS TIME. WHY DOES IT CHANGE. i have come to know these beats VERY well!! they are like a heartbeat to me. you cannot simply alter them as you see fit!
scully looking at the body of the dead pastor/priest, talking about how it looks like rope burns around his neck. mulder crouching VERY close by.
HEHEHEHEHE mulder is like “he was bleeding from his hands like the crucifixion” and scully goes “stigmata?” heheheheheeeee i’m blushing
(talking about belief systems is apparently a way to my heart? like c'mon, tell me how you understand the universe and which elements you surrender to knowing that you will never comprehend. you look cute while doing it)
no wounds on the hands, though… so mulder licks the blood. and i froze JUST as scully makes this horrified face... i’m CRYING. yes, it is fake blood, and yes, he has some on his lips and teeth, and yes, its adorable. but what a risky move!
ohhh he was wearing a sugar pump sort of thing! yum yum. couldn't be me, i'd be slurping that.
so mulder has been tracking religious murders related to stigmatics (excellent word!)
scully’s talking about how certain people believe at any given time there are 12 stigmatics in the world. and they represent the 12 apostles. and i’m blushing terribly.
nods solemnly. i am learning a lot about myself through this show.
scully you are so preeeeetty.
okay, cut to elementary school in ohio. kevin is blowing spitballs. his teacher is bullying him into doing math on the board. when all of a sudden, his hands start bleeding!! and we see that he has the holes!!!
he’s in the nurse’s office still when mulder and scully show up. damn how did they get to ohio that fast… OHHH they had put out an FBI alert and maybe this happened more than once. yes, this is exactly what is explained mere moments after i made the initial comment.
so it happened BEFORE, and they assumed it was an incident of abuse, but it wasn’t proven. still, his dad was institutionalized after saying Kevin was chosen by God. okay! things escalated.
scully is talking to the boy. she feels his forehead and says he feels feverish. okay doctor!! and she says he is very brave. queen. smart and kind.
mulder is meeting kevin’s mom. explaining that he might be in danger from a religious fanatic.
oh! the thermometer in his mouth broke. straight up exploded. hope that was fake mercury in there.
they’re going to put kevin back “into the shelter” which i feel like would make him an easier target for a serial killer?? but on the off chance it WAS his mom, it would make him safer. so mixed feelings here.
mom yells at the teacher, teacher says she loves her job, and mulder has this excellent smile. then waves scully out to leave. it was kinda funny to me for some reason, the waving her out. quite domestic.
mulder thinks the kid did the cuts to himself to get his father back. hmm. not buying it. so they go to talk to kevin's dad.
dad claims the forces of darkness have been watching kevin. in the great war between good and evil. he’s really talking to scully and he says they just “come full circle to find the truth”. she says dude idk what that means?? and he says “you will” okay... i’m creeped out a bit!!!
kevin is back at the children’s home. telling a bunch of other kids scary stories. and he seems to be explaining a scary guy who is walking into the building as the storytelling goes on. just as the scary guy enters, all the kids leave. scary guy is looking at the wounds on kevin’s hands!
soon after, mulder is with the group of children who saw the guy. we learn here that mulder is 6 foot 1. which is very funny.
kevin was abducted by the fellow it seems he was describing before his arrival!!! and his mom seems to blame scully. she looks really upset.
they see the drawing that they think does not look like a real person, and kevin’s mom is like it’s owen, who did the yard work.
so it’s owen time. he’s carved noah’s ark and he has kevin. but he says he can’t let him go home. because it isn’t safe. he refers to himself as kevin’s guardian angel. hmm. that makes me suspicious.
owen grabs a shotgun when a car pulls up. but the agents get him to put it down and scully is on a quest to find the little dude. and he was there… but now he isn’t?
so owen says God asked him to protect kevin.
owen is like, well YOU believe, don’t you scully, because you have that necklace on. he’s calling her a BAD CHRISTIAN??? the audacity….
then owen gets up and JUMPS OUT THE WINDOW??? and runs away??? somehow??
(mulder jumped down from the porch to chase owen, and his big coat floated around him like a cape... i giggled)
now where did this dude go...?
kevin made it home!!! he’s yelling for his mom. she doesn’t seem to be there, but someone rang the doorbell. and we only see a quick glance but it LOOKS like the killer!!!
who burns off the doorknob with his firebending!!! so yes, it is the og killer from the start of the episode! he comes in and asks for kevin. saying he knows he’s here.
mom, now would be a good time to roll up with a gun.
he picks up a family photo and sees kevin in a picture then checks the closet to see if he’s in there but kevin is in the hamper. and the hamper is bleeding!!! dead giveaway.
but owen rolls up just as the firebender guy opens the hamper, and starts fighting for him!! so kevin is making a break for it!!!
he runs and runs and RUNS INTO MULDER!!!! scully is telling him that he will be okay.
they only find dead owen. no firebender.
and kevin asks scully if she was sent to protect him… she does not seem to know what to say because. do you mean like by the government... or jesus?
autopsy time!!!! she’s talking into the voice recorder like always. it always gives vlog energy. anyway, his body looks very much alive. despite the very much dead thing.
mulder interrupts this. and scully asks him to SMELL the dude. he obliges. with only a smirk!
scully says he smells a bit… floral.
OMG!! OMG I RECOGNIZE WHAT IS GOING ON HERE. they talk about it in the brothers karamazov, how a holy body is said to stay intact and even smell good when it ought to be decomposing. so the real question is: is she imagining it?
i mean, she is the body expert. so i’d want to say no. but also, this dude was playing with her head. so it’s hard to say. i'd think she would identify the body correctly no matter what, but a little smell hallucination thanks to the power of suggestion cannot be ruled out in any situation.
AND SHE TALKS ABOUT IT!! apparently it is something you learn in catechism. okay, well i just picked it up from that summer i got through that book, but we all learn somewhere. mulder is like “you’re serious?” and i feel he should be encouraging this open discussion rather than ridiculing it. AND SHE STARTS NAMING SAINTS IT HAPPENED TO!
mulder is saying that those things didn’t really happen, and i’m not taking this from alien man.
mulder has transitioned into listening mode now. OH! SCULLY! she says:
“isn’t a saint or a holy person just another term for someone who’s abnormal?”
“do you really believe that?”
“i… believe in the idea that God’s hand can be witnessed. i believe he can create miracles, yes”
“even if science can’t explain them?”
“maybe that’s just what faith is”
YES! YES I AM CHEERING AND JUMPING UP AND DOWN. we were owed a scully-centric episode, and never did i even THINK we would get something so aligned with my interests that we’d start exploring her religious beliefs and how that intertwines with her faith in science and her work. that sounds like something i’d write a fic for because it’s hyper specific to my interests. but no. this is CANON!
mulder is saying that she shouldn’t get swept up in these things (and how ironic that the roles are reversed! it’s exquisite. we’ve found his weak point, he’ll believe in anything but a Christian God)
scully is lost in thought. taking a deep breath. steeling herself.
pause. it’s a scene change. but mulder has a pencil in his teeth. it’s adorable, really. he takes it out to write something.
they pulled prints from owen’s neck!! burned right onto the skin. and they found who did it!! the man i was previously calling the firebender, his real name is simon gates, one of the south’s wealthiest men, arrested 3 years ago on a DUI.
so then he went to israel, and this is how i learned of something called “jerusalem syndrome”, where people come back from the holy land with religious delusions. i have not heard of this before. but it could be a motive. except for the whole burning fingerprints into necks thing. i'm unfamiliar with any sort of place turning you into prince zuko.
okay, so someone saw kevin with his mom the same time he was seen with a social worker??? doubles?? twins??? ghosts??
kevin and his mom are on the side of the road with a broken down car, when who pulls up but SIMON!!
she asks what he wants and he says “i think you know”, then kevin makes a break for it.
now. can an old man outrun a child? children have small legs, but boundless energy.
sadly, it wasn’t out of excellent aim that she hit him, but rather because she had her face smacked into the ground by simon and was concussed or something similar. she drove into a ditch.
i guess it can be a quick trip from one to the next. but i'm sad for poor kevin.
scully is near him, telling him she promises she won’t let simon hurt kevin. OH LORD, YOU GOT HER PROMISING THINGS, SMALL CHILD.
he doesn’t want to go back to the shelter. and she says he doesn’t have to. are they going to take this small child for a bit….?
she avoids mulder’s gaze when telling him she wants kevin to come with them, saying she is not getting personally involved, but like mulder is gonna complain having a kid around.
(he actually didn't seem to have his typical instincts kick in today. how curious...)
and turns out simon rented the car under the name of one of the devil’s disciples. yikes!
so creepy simon is watching this go down despite being hit by a car.
back to the motel. scully is running kevin a bath and sees he has a big scratch on his side. from the crash… or?
mulder is fake pouting. “you never draw my bath” JCHDJSBJSND
she’s freaked out because she knows that cut was NOT there before. OH? is it the jesus spear thing??
she is busting out her theological training- he could be in two places at once, like st. ignatius! and mulder is talking about how it was all a metaphor, that bible. mulder, if you are dismissive ONE more time...
“how is it that you’re able to go out on a limb whenever you see a light in the sky, but you’re unwilling to accept the possibility of a miracle, even when it’s right in front of you?”
“i wait for a miracle every day, but what i’ve seen here has only tested my patience, not my faith”
“well, what about what i’ve seen?”
UGH. how PERFECT is that dialogue!!! how brilliant is that exchange!!! why is what she has seen less believable than his x files and aliens and beasts? he spends so long looking to his own stars that he’s forgotten others can form constellations as well. and how often does the narrative favor him, his thoughts running like a prey animal, chasing and chasing any sort of lead. why can’t she have something that cuts her to the quick just as deeply?
sure, science is great, science is the building block of her reality. but you can’t change the way you grew up, either, the pattern recognition, the fear of the divine. and she’s never had trouble balancing the two, we just haven’t had a reason to see them interact before, because she generally compartmentalizes the day to day world and the spiritual- and how many of us can say we do the same? probably most, if we believe in anything at all. but then it comes straight to a head- and after she has been through so much as well, losing her dad, her kidnapping, her coma, losing mulder and her job (which luckily came back), losing her sister forever- is it selfish to want there to be a caring force out in the universe?
but on the flip side, that means that there is real and genuine evil, forces of the devil and hell- unless you think it’s poetry, like mulder does. but wouldn’t that explain all the suffering she’s been through? the horrific things this job has showed her? and wouldn’t it be worth it in the end to go through that all if you know it was to be defeated?
okay i just spend so long typing that up the screen went dark. SORRY SORRY I’M COMING BACK I PROMISE!!! I JUST GET EMOTIONAL.
NOOO! a weird noise was heard, so mulder kicks down the now locked door where kevin was supposed to be taking a bath. AND THE WINDOW WAS MELTED OPEN!! so scully basically comes face to face with the evil that must be real if miracles are as well. oh! i’m eating this up.
but she promised him he would be safe! so this is not looking good!
she wants to go talk to his father again. and mulder doesn’t want to, but she is NOT taking no for an answer.
kevin’s father is not coming up with an answer. the doctors have increased his meds and he’s very foggy.
she asks again about the full circle to find the truth thing. and she runs out, in a daze.
mulder gets a call that there has been a simon spotting, but she doesn’t hear; she’s pointing at a recycling bin, saying that it’s arrows that form a circle. she thinks he’s at a recycling plant; he thinks he’s at the airport.
mulder asks if she thinks she’s the one that was chosen to protect him. and she says she doesn’t know; her voice cracks as she says that if she’s wrong, she’ll meet him at the airport. OH! religious burdens, the divine pressure of fate. he watches her leave, looking troubled.
at the recycling plant- and simon IS there, saying kevin has to die, for everyone, so the new age will come. and his hands are bleeding again. all the others were false.
SCULLY AMBUSH!!! but simon is taking him into a recycling chopper. AND HE DROPS HIM IN!!! we see chopping occur!!! but it was SIMON AND NOT KEVIN THAT WAS CHOPPED!!! kevin caught himself on the ledge!!!! she pulls him up.
he says he knew she’d come, and they hug so so so tight, and she places a kiss on his head when she’s holding him, and i’m gonna cry like a baby
when they’re getting him around to leave, she says that maybe she’ll see him again sometime, and he says that she will.
and scully looks like she’s crying- i don’t think she is, but she puts her head in her hand- mulder comes in and asks if she’s okay. she says she thinks so, and he holds out her jacket to put on. it might have been the most tender thing i have ever seen. he says they need to go make a statement; she asks him to do it alone, she has to go run an errand.
again, she mostly avoids his eyes. but he agrees, and goes to make the statement alone. he doesn't press.
AND SHE GOES TO CONFESSION???? FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 6 YEARS??? she starts talking about not being able to discuss something with mulder. she asks about miracles; if she was seeing things when it comes to saving kevin, or if she was imagining them.
she doubts herself because mulder didn’t believe them!!!!!!!!!!! and usually he believes without question!!!
maybe they weren’t meant for him, maybe they were meant for YOU, he says. and she asks if this was to bring her back; he says “sometimes we must come full circle to find the truth”
and it makes her afraid!!!! that god is speaking but no one is listening!!!!
wow okay. i’m going to be pacing my room about this for 100 years. there are going to be think pieces about this, from me, for the foreseeable future. i’m losing my MIND.
i don’t think i could have cooked up a more perfect episode if i had tried. something centered on scully entirely (mulder has had his fair share of attention), something about faith, something where she questions what she holds close and why she holds it close and what it means that she does so at all. what it means for there to be human good and human evil and divine good and divine evil. how god speaks to people and how we listen. or hear things that he didn’t say, like simon did.
holy FUCK i literally could not think of anything better. and i have SO much to say. i already SAID SO MUCH, too. like i’m seriously bouncing off the walls right now. whatever love i had for scully before just quadrupled- and who knew this was even possible??
for things to be reversed, for mulder to try and talk her out of a belief, how bizarre that must have felt to him, and how cold it felt. how he just couldn’t see it, how his not being able to see it drove her to doubt herself, how she must doubt herself already, but that sprung everything to the surface. how she doubts that god would use her. and use her for good.
but still, despite his lack of understanding, despite his trying to get her to think rationally- he is there for her, even if he doesn't get it, even if he could have done better. the way he held her jacket while she processed everything, the way he didn't question her needing time for herself. somethings are best left unspoken.
lord, i’m gonna have to stop there because if i don’t. i just might never shut up ever ever ever. and i still need to proofread all my raw notes, and i’m sure i’ll think of something else to say.
i started this episode AN HOUR AND A HALF AGO LMAOOOO i just had SO much to pause and observe and say which is NOT a complaint in the slightest.
wow. new fave episode i think. i’ll have to add it to the list.
please let me know what you thought- are there any other scully truthers out there who lost their minds over this? did you like the episode? is it disliked and i'm strange for going on such a ramble? did you have trouble reconciling faith scully and science scully? personally i don't, but i could see how some people might. did you find mulder too dismissive? or did you think he was trying his best? some combination of both? did scully protecting that kid make you emotional? please, spill EVERYTHING. i always want you to spill everything, but now so even more than usual.
#so here we are a full two hours since i started the episode and i still have a million things to say#but my laptop is gonna die soon so maybe that's a sign#ugh mulder was so puzzling to me in this episode. he pushed back on her but i think he realized he had overstepped when she said#“what about the things i've seen” i think that put things into perspective for him#i think he realized that this is a two way street when it comes to convictions#and honestly he probably hadn't given any thought into her beliefs before beyond the necklace and the science and the#sort of “it's best not to ask” mentality. he doesn't seem like he chats about personal philosophy. philosophy yes but not personal#i do think he learned a lesson here. not to invalidate her emotions and experiences and upbringing#at least i hope so. it seems like he was trying at the end even if he was confused#and you don't HAVE to get it. you never have to get it. you just have to see that something is important to someone you love#and that is enough to know something is worth respecting#man. i tired myself out with this one but i'm sure i'll think of a million other things to add when i fall asleep#ah well. i can make many posts on one subject!#my day was otherwise pretty unremarkable so good to have something to stand out about it#juni's x files liveblog#3x11#the x files#txf
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mm i Neeed to go the beach
#just me hi#wauhuhh !#something about just drifting around in water that i am slightly scared of that really makes my brain whir happily lol :>#i am slightly scared of it for two major reasons: 1) fish. lord the fish why are they so scary 2) sometimes i think i'll drown and they jus#won't find the body. which is less rational than the fish so that's why fish is my number 1 fear at all times lmao#/i think out of all the animals on the planet i am the most scared of ordinary fish. not even the deep sea stuff hfbshv#cuz look they're so far down there you Have to assume they look funked. and also they prolly don't like human meat. so it's cool#but regular fish?? some of them eat birds. they eat birds dude. what would they do to me if they knew how to use harpoons??#also they for SURE eat corpses so we loop back to fear no. 2 really just being fear no. 1 hbfhs#/see i'm not even that scared of the animals my parents are determined on exploding. like man if i get eaten that was prolly bound#to happen anyway. i Know how that goes. i know what mauling is lol#i am the only person in this house who will walk around outside on a moonless light w/ no flashlight because if i was sposed to be dead i#can guaranteE there are much better opportunities. funnier ones‚ too#/just looked it up bobcats are SHY little guys. they are just shy babies. except for when they have rabies :)#shy rabies babies <3#/anyway back to the fish. i don't like how there are some that specifically like to eat human skin. mmm no i have never liked that ever not#one little bit. makes my skin crawl hghfsh#i don't care what it does or can do that is NOT cool lil dude ;w;#/hang on i'm googling 'weirdest things fish eat' because i want to scare myself i guess hbfhvbsf :'3#they're only showing me weird fish!!! no !! tell me about a fish that's living exclusively off of plastics!! or car tires !! come on !!!#these guys are just funky looking. and just Kinda funky looking. though this humphead guy is funny lol :)#he looks scary but with a charm that i can't deny#his forehead. and mouf. this guy is awesome#and of course he's endangered because the world is exploding. but it's so cool he exists :D#//anyway fish are scary. and miss humphead is Huge so goofiness aside he's also scary hhfbvs#also why do some of those motherfunkers swim close to shore and bite at you. those guys suck so bad#that's only happened to me so many times but enough for me to have a fear that has lasted for over half a decade lmao#//and anywho i'm running out of tag space lol :)#we're going ot the park!! i'm going to skate :DD !!#i wanna get good at my old stuff again hfsh - so bye! bye !! toodles !!!
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Darry helping Pony out with some bullies and a six-year-old Ponyboy running up to him a week later with a comic in his hand, saying "Darry, Darry, look, he's just like you!"
And it's a Superman comic book, open to a page where he's fighting a villain and bringing some civilians to safety
"See? He's helping people like you helped me!"
Darry just laughing and ruffling his hair
"Sure, Pony, I'm Superman."
And going back to his homework
But Ponyboy won't let it go. He starts calling him Superman and gets Soda in on it. Two-Bit absolutely cackles the first time he hears it and instantly plays along. Then Johnny starts saying it too, maybe a bit as a joke, but also because he's thinking about how Darry helps him with his homework sometimes and helped scare those Socs away and gave him a hug when he found him in the lot. Steve starts once Darry grows up and actually starts looking like Superman and by the time Dally gets there, he doesn’t even question it.
Darry laughs at first. Jokes about it. Then he starts hearing people talking about Superman and thinks, for a second, that they're talking about him before he remembers that it's just his family that calls him that.
By the time Ponyboy's eight, no one remembers how it started, no one cares about how it started, it just is.
Then it's a Tuesday evening when Darry's twenty and he's getting home from ten hours of heavy-lifting and has to cook dinner and the bills are due and he feels like collapsing onto the couch and sleeping for three days, but he doesn't have the fucking time to sleep because Pony has to go to school and Soda has to not oversleep and they have to have something to eat for dinner and he needs to convince Johnny he can stay over and isn't a burden and Two-Bit can't be getting too drunk because he needs to graduate goddammit and Steve might be kicked out tonight and needs to have somewhere to sleep and Dally needs some sort of constant in his life and it's too much and Darry's just twenty, he can't do it anymore–
"Darry, Darry, look, he's just like you!"
And suddenly Ponyboy's hopeful eyes are looking up at him, seeing Superman instead of his big brother because he helped fight off some Socs.
But that isn't enough anymore. He can't just fight off some Socs and come home and do his seventh grade homework. He needs to somehow keep his family together, make sure they all have a place to sleep and food to eat. And he can't falter, can't fail for a second because he's Superman, and Superman is invincible. Doesn't feel pain. Doesn't get tired. Doesn't let anything get him down.
"Hey there, Darry. Everything good?" Steve walks into their house without knocking.
"Yeah, just a bit tired." Darry sits up from where he’d been leaning back on the couch. Can't be tired. Can't be weak. "You kicked out again?"
"Yeah. Cool if I hang out here tonight?" Darry nods, stifling a yawn as he gets up. "What's for dinner?"
"Uh..." He glances towards the kitchen, trying to remember what they have. "Not sure. I'll figure it out."
"Need anything from the grocery store?"
Darry shrugs. "I can get it myself."
"I don't mind. You look beat."
"I'm fine," Darry says instinctively.
Steve snorts. "Okay. Need anything? I'm gonna go buy some cigs anyway."
"Uh..." Darry opens the near-empty fridge and sighs. "Some spaghetti for tonight. Get some chicken, too, we'll make it tomorrow. And a couple apples so you idiots eat some fruit."
"Got it."
Darry starts digging around for his wallet.
"Don’t worry. S'on me. Still got some from when the old man kicked me out two weeks ago."
"Steve, I can't ask you to–"
"Then it's a good thing you ain't askin'."
They stare off for a few moments before Darry relents.
"Thanks, Steve."
Steve nods. "No problem, Superman." He gives a mock salute and walks out the door.
Darry stares at the empty doorway for a couple seconds before he snaps out of it and starts cleaning up in case the state decides to poke around. He knows it isn't sustainable. They can't go on like this forever, he can't take care of his brothers alone forever.
He knows he isn't really Superman.
But maybe if he lets himself get help, he doesn’t have to be.
#this started out wholesome as superman motivating darry#but rlly it'd prolly just put more pressure on him#darry curtis#darrel curtis#superman darry curtis#ponyboy curtis#sodapop curtis#steve randle#the outsiders#the outsiders book#the outsiders 1983#the outsiders movie#the outsiders musical#chippedshake#fanfics
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a safe place to rest - duke
(part 3 of the harmless series)
Although he hears about the baby, Duke doesn't get to meet her for a few days.
He does meet someone else though: Danny.
"You need anything before I go?"
He doesn't want to leave Danny alone in the Hatch. Not out of mistrust or anything, but because he's sure that the moment he looks away, Danny's going to disappear again. It took so long just to convince him to take a moment to breathe, to rest and recover from whatever he's gone through.
There's a frantic sort of energy surrounding Danny that has his aura all messed up, which is the only reason Duke decided against letting anyone else know that he found Danny.
He got the basic rundown from the night shift, but he hadn't had time to look more into it before Danny was crashing into him during his day patrol, eyes wide and wild and looking like his world had just ended.
"You," Danny had gasped, "You're with—Batman? Please, take these." And he shoved a bag against Duke's chest.
He had to react fast to grab it, and then grab Danny when he all but collapsed against him.
Now, he sits on top of the spare bed Duke set up in the Hatch, pale and tired and quietly devastated. "I'm fine," he insists. "You don't need to do anything for me."
Duke frowns. "Uh, I absolutely do, you think I'm just gonna leave you to fend for yourself? Come on, man, that's not how I do things."
"You don't owe me anything."
"Obviously not. It's not about owing things. I'm doing this because you need help and I can give it."
"I can take care of myself," Danny says firmly, and Duke holds back a sigh. Yeah, this guy really is Batman's kid. Horrible self-care habits and all.
"You don't gotta, though. You get that, right? You can take one day off and just rely on me to take care of you until you're back on your feet."
Duke tries to shove his emotions down, to stay neutral and calm. This is a guy who came crashing into their lives, shoving a baby into Damian's arms, and then vanishing. This is a guy who's gone through way too much on his own. Of course he's not going to trust anyone. Duke knows well how heavy everything becomes when it feels like the world's against him. He can give Danny grace.
"Okay. Just so you know, I'm asking to be polite. I'm still going to grab some extra clothes for you, and a homemade meal, so you just stay here and get some sleep. We'll talk more when I get back from delivering all this to Batman." He lifts the bag Danny gave to him for emphasis, then pins the guy down with a hard stare. "You better be here when I get back, or I am going to have no one to show baby pictures to."
"…You're gonna check on Ellie?"
The clear concern and desperation in Danny's expression make him soften. "Yeah, man. I'll check on her and let you know how she's doing. That's why you gotta be here when I get back. Got it?"
Danny bites his lip, then nods slowly. "Yeah. Got it. Thank you."
"Get some sleep."
Duke pulls the door shut, setting the alarm system to quietly alert him if anyone goes in or out while he's not in the Hatch. There's a first aid kit on the table and some water bottles as well, but it's not going to be enough to really help Danny start to recover. Duke takes a moment to curse his past self for not better stocking his crash room for emergency visitors, but in his defense, he isn't in the habit of bringing anyone back to the Hatch, not even other Bats, when the Batcave is more suited for handling lots of people.
Well, it's something to work on in the future.
He doesn't get more than a few steps away when he hears the door opening behind him and looks back to see Danny poking his head out.
"Hey, before you go…"
"Yeah? What's up?"
"Can you maybe not tell anyone I'm here? I'm assuming you know who I am, since you know Ellie."
"Yeah, your Batman's first lost kid, right? Trust me, I've heard of you."
Danny winces. "Great. Figures. I just really need to not deal with all of them right now, so if you could keep all this quiet…"
Duke looks him over, takes in the paleness of his skin, how worryingly thin he is, the dark half-moons stamped under his eyes, and promptly decides then and there that the rest of the world is going to have to go through him to even think about going near Danny. It's a complicated situation he's in and if he needs time to prepare himself for meeting everyone else, who Duke knows from personal experience can be a lot, then Duke is going to make sure he has all the time he needs.
"You got it man. They won't hear a thing about this from me. I'll lock everyone else out of here, too, so you can rest easy. They ain't getting in here to bother you while I'm still around."
"Thank you," Danny says again, sagging against the doorframe. "I'm… I really need to sleep."
"Go crash," Duke says softly. "I can take care of things until you wake up."
Bruce is the only person in the Batcave when Duke arrives. He's bent over the Batcomputer, head in his hands, when Duke parks his motorcycle and heads for the stairs to meet him on the upper level. He keeps his footsteps purposefully loud so Bruce can track him as he makes his way over, Danny's bag slung over his shoulder.
"Rough night?" he asks, just to get the conversation started.
"Yes," Bruce sighs. "There have been a number of—changes."
"Oh. Good changes or bad changes?"
Bruce lifts his head as he considers the question, then rubs his temple. "Unclear. It's nice to see everyone working together for Ellie, but I'm—concerned."
"About what?"
"About Ellie. And everyone. And Danny."
Duke leans his weight against the desk and lets the bag drop off his shoulder, then holds it out to Bruce. "Well. I dunno if this will make things any better, but Danny threw this at me while I was on patrol. I took a quick look through it and, uh. It's kinda rough. It's what he went through and how Ellie was created."
Bruce snatches the bag from his hand and immediately begins rooting through it. "Is Danny—?"
"He vanished as soon as I grabbed the bag. I think he's got a few loose ends to tie up before he feels comfortable being here again."
"What did you think of him?"
Duke looks at Bruce, looks at the papers in his hands, and thinks of Danny. "I think he needs someone in his corner. I think we gotta lot to do to make the world safer for him and Ellie. I think he's been scared for a very long time."
Nothing in Bruce's expression changes, and there's no shift in his aura, his emotions tightly locked up as always. But Duke hasn't gotten this far without learning how to see the little things: Bruce's grip on the bag tightens, his feet shift farther apart, as though he's ready to leap up at a moment's notice, and his shoulders slump just slightly under the heavy weight of all the things he refuses to share.
Sighing, Duke tilts his head to look at Bruce more closely. "Why are you down here? It's the middle of the day."
"I'm researching."
A hand loosely gesturing to the large screen of the Batcomputer has Duke turning to see what Bruce has been so occupied with.
It's not case files, as he expected. It's not even research into Danny and what happened to him.
All that's there is PDFs upon PDFs of child psychology papers and essays on recovering from trauma and research on various methods to help children with failure to thrive and malnutrition and neglect.
There's also, in one window, different safety ratings of baby cribs.
Well. Let it be known that Bruce's love language is information.
"Cool. Have you spent any time with anyone since a baby got dropped in your lap?"
Bruce's silence is extremely telling.
Duke briefly considers trying to get Bruce to go upstairs, but he knows better than to pick a losing battle. Especially after he's handed him information on Danny.
At some point, Bruce will have to go upstairs, if only to eat. He's getting old, and his body can't quite keep going like it used to. Duke will let him deal with the consequences of his own actions, or lack of action, when that time comes. He's not a mediator or peace-keeper. Duke has other pressing matters to attend to.
Taking pictures of the baby for Danny is definitely more important than navigating the minefield of family tensions and miscommunications ever present with the Waynes.
Duke reaches out and claps a hand on Bruce's shoulder. "Don't get so caught up in getting all the pieces together that you forget to actually spend time with family. They're gonna need you now more than ever," he says, and waits until Bruce meets his eyes and gives a resolute nod before Duke stands and heads for the stairs that will take up him to the manor.
The sooner he gets back to Danny, the better.
Ellie is cute.
This isn't a surprise. Most babies are cute, and Ellie is no exception.
What Duke hadn't been expecting is how protective Damian is of her, or how everyone else orbits around the two, just on the edge of hovering. Damian's prickly personality is well known, so the rest of the Waynes have taken to acting like cats: always on the same floor, ready to pop in should they be needed, but otherwise out of sight.
"Thomas," Damian greets quietly. Ellie is asleep in the baby wrap keeping her secure against his chest, her head resting on his shoulder. Damian lowers his paintbrush, turning to give Duke his full attention.
Duke takes a hesitant step into Damian's studio, then walks up to him once he isn't hissed at to leave.
"So this is our newest troublemaker, huh?" he says, looking down at Ellie. "How's she doing?"
She's so small. Her head has some black hair on it, but it barely covers her ears.
Damian lays his brush down on the easel. "She's doing much better now that she's getting regular meals and care. She still doesn't make much noise. It is… concerning."
The raw fear and care in his gaze is what makes the words tumble out of Duke's mouth. "I have some news about Danny."
If anyone deserves to know about him, it's his little brother.
Damian's gaze snaps up to Dukes, a fierce light in them, and his hands raise to hold Ellie tightly. "What is it?"
"He gave me a bag while I was patrolling, then left. I looked through it before giving it to B, and it's all… I only read the papers, not anything on the flashdrives, but Danny went through some awful shit. He was captured and experimented on by some group called NOVA. They had him for some time doing tests before he was put in isolation for acting out. And then he kinda… went into a death-like stasis. They did more tests and took some bio-material from him to try to figure out how he was surviving in stasis, and used that to make Ellie with the genes of one of the other captured metas. Danny was in stasis for around seven years."
Reading about it, learning about what Danny went through made Duke's stomach turn. It was like something out of a nightmare. Duke knows the fears metas have to live with; he carries it too, a weight he can never put down.
There's a reason civilian metas try to keep their powers a secret. Metas go for a high price on the black market, are at a higher risk of human trafficking, are seen as the best test subjects by unethical scientists wanting to find some way to replicate those powers in other people or in weapons.
Summarizing the horrors Danny had to experience leaves a bitter taste on his tongue. The silence in the studio stretches long enough for Duke to regret opening his mouth. Damian's still a teenager. He may have had a different upbringing and be able to stomach what most people can't, but this is still his brother. Anyone would be rattled hearing about this.
Then, without a word, Damian stands. He storms out of the studio, leaving Duke to catch the stool he was sitting on before it hits the ground and wakes Ellie.
When he goes to catch up with Damian, the kid is already walking into another room, tension in every line of his body.
"Richard," he snaps quietly, and Duke watches as Dick pops up from where he was lounging on the floor on one of the softest rugs in the manor.
"Dami? What's wrong?"
Damian doesn't answer, just unwraps the baby sling and carefully passes a still sleeping Ellie over to Dick.
"Damian," Dick tries again, his voice hardening, demanding an answer even as he adjust Ellie in his arms to make sure she can continue sleeping comfortably.
"I need to speak with Father," Damian answers shortly. "I will be gone for some time. I am entrusting her to you."
Dick glances at Duke, who tries not to look too stressed or tense. He doesn't think it works.
Reaching out, Dick puts a hand on Damian's head, managing to ruffle his hair for a few seconds before Damian steps away, batting at his hand with a scowl. "Alright," Dick says, "But I'm sending someone to get you for dinner if you're not back by then."
Damian nods, then turns on his heel and leaves for Bruce's office.
Neither of them move until they're sure that Damian is out of earshot.
"What was that about?" Dick asks, lowering himself down onto the rug again, one hand rubbing small circles against Ellie's back.
Duke sighs. "You'll find out soon. Just... chill for now and let me get some cute baby pictures."
Dick, as he finds out, is actually pretty good at helping Duke get the cutest pictures of Ellie.
And when Ellie blinks her little blue eyes open, Duke's heart melts and he understands how she's got everyone wrapped around her fingers.
NOVA, whatever remains of them, is going to regret ever hurting Danny and Ellie.
Danny is asleep when Duke returns. He sleeps through the night, and when Duke wakes up early the next morning to make sure he hasn't disappeared, Danny remains motionless in his bed.
Is he in stasis again? Duke wonders, panicked, as he rushes into his crash room and gently shakes Danny, trying to wake him up.
It takes a few tries before Danny lets out a soft noise in the back of his throat. He turns his face into the pillow, then abruptly tenses up and shoots out of bed. In a blink, Danny's on the other side of the room, flying up to the ceiling where Duke can't easily reach him.
Hands up, palms open, Duke says, "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. How're you feeling?"
Danny sucks in a few deep breaths before he slowly floats down to the floor. His eyes are still too wide and there's a faint tremble in his hands. "Fine," he answers blankly.
"Up for eating something? I did promise you food and baby pictures."
Unsurprisingly, it's the mention of Ellie that gets Danny moving and brings some light back to his eyes. He follows Duke out into the main room of the Hatch. There's not really a kitchen in here, but there is a fridge and a microwave, which is enough for now.
One of his workstations has been cleared off and now has chairs around it to turn it into a makeshift dining table. On it, Duke's left a tupperware of French toast, made the way he remembers his dad making them when he was a kid, and as well as a store-bought container of cut fruit.
It's not really a lot, but it's what he could do on a short notice.
Danny takes a seat, and Duke settles in on the other side of the table, pulling out his phone to flip through the many pictures he took of Ellie.
Duke keeps up a light commentary as Danny slowly eats, sharing little stories about the Waynes and all the nonsense they get up to. That turns into sharing stories about the stupid shit he and his friends gets into, followed by some of the weirdest things criminals have done to try to get away from him, including the one that said 'nuh-uh!' when Duke said carjacking is the lamest crime to commit in Gotham.
That story gets Danny to smile, and it takes way too much effort to keep from celebrating it.
All the while, Danny slowly looks through each photo of Ellie, making sure she's okay. He looks so fond and sad that it's breaking Duke's heart, and he swears to himself then and there that he's going to do whatever he can to reunite them.
"Don't you have hero things to do?" Danny asks. It's the first thing he's said since they both sat down.
Duke shrugs. "Nah, not right now. Gotham can wait. You're my priority right now."
"You don't have to—"
"Nope. If you don't want anyone else to know you're here, then you're gonna have to deal with me."
Danny squints at him. "You're both very chill and very stubborn."
"It's the only way I was able to survive working with the other Bats."
"They sound… interesting."
"You can say they're a hot mess," Duke laughs. "But hey, who isn't?" He watches as Danny pushes around the last half of the French toast around the tupperware and straightens up from where he was leaning on the table. "Want me to put that up for you? You can finish it later."
Danny looks down at his plate, then slowly nods. "Yeah. Sorry."
"No worries. You went through some shit. It's not surprising that you don't have much of an appetite." Duke reaches over the table to pop the lid back on the tupperware, then stands to put it in the fridge.
When he turns back, Danny is no longer visible.
Or, at least, his physical body isn't visible. Duke can still easily see his aura, a vibrant green that has streaks of white moving through it like a current of water, which leaves an outline of his body. Danny is also trying to sneak out of the Hatch.
"Oh," he says, "I didn't know you had invisibility. That's pretty cool. I can still see you, by the way."
Danny becomes visible again, glaring at Duke.
"That's such a Batman move," Duke grins, "I should have expected it."
"What was a Batman move?"
"Sneaking away as soon as I turned around. B does that all the time with the Commish. And everyone else, honestly. Though, to be fair, we all do it because we all learned from him. Yeah, you'll have no trouble fitting in with us."
"I don't think what I'm doing should count, since I'm using powers."
"Dude, watch this."
Duke makes sure Danny's looking at him, then bends the light around him to hide him from view. He can see the exact moment Danny realizes he's vanished when his eyes go wide and he takes a few steps closer.
"Still here," Duke reassures. "Haven't moved an inch." Then he releases his grip on the light around his head, a fun little trick he figured out a few years ago that makes it look like he's a floating, decapitated head. The goons always love that one.
Danny looks at his head. Looks at his invisible body. Then looks back to his head. "That is freaky," he says, a slow smile dawning across his face. "I can do that too."
And sure enough, Danny's body becomes invisible, save for the outline of it in his aura, and now there's just two floating heads in the Hatch.
He's not sure who cracks first, but in no time, they're laughing like everything's alright. Danny's expression brightens and suddenly he's years younger, all the stress falling off his shoulders in the face of their mirth. Like this, he could be any other guy in one of Duke's classes, talking nonsense just to pass the time, quick to laugh and without a care in the world.
This is what he wants for Danny.
This ease, this calm, this lightness in his heart: Duke will keep them safe for Danny.
If nothing else, Duke can be a safe place to land for another meta who needs, more than anything, someone willing to be there for him.
(masterpost for all parts)
#dc x dp#dp x dc#demon brothers#the harmless series#dcxdp#dpxdc#dcxdp fic#my writing#can u tell i love duke#didnt mean to make this ghostlights flavored but i cant help myself theyre just too good#slowly building in more things... NOVA and dannys powers and bat dynamics.....#there is MUCH more to come i promise#this little series is a challenge to write as many povs as possible#there will be some repeats but im gonna try to keep that only to danny and damian
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Rafe's got a hand wrapped around his bottle of beer as the other is securely holding your waist,chatting with a couple of friends while you look Around the backyard with droopy eyes after a shared joint with your boyfriend.
"yeah,see you man" Rafe says,dabbing everyone before turning around to look at you "how kitty cat doing" he smirks,tilting your chin up with his finger. "Told you not to call me that" you reply with a roll of eyes before smiling a bit "but I'm doing okay,I just can't find my lipgloss"
"oh,I have it- you gave it to me before we got in" he mumbles,pulling out the shiny tub from his pocket as he handed it to you. "thank you" fixing your black lather corset before taking out a kuromi hand mirror and reapplying the shiny gloss. "so,are we heading inside for that beer pong or not?"
After a game or two of beer pong you find yourself slowly tipsy,leaning a bit more into Rafe as you tug at the material of your skirt. "I'm starting to get tired" you mumble,coming out more annoyed that you intended to "hey,fix that tone and maybe I'll think about bringing you home" Rolling your eyes,you take a sip of the coca cola in your cup,humming to the song playing through the speakers of the house. You move to sit on an available chair as you look at your makeup,making sure your spiky eyelashes and eyeliner are still intact; Rafe's quick to follow you as he stands protectively behind you,his arms wrapped around your neck as you chuckle. "you don't have to stay here like a guard dog,I know how to protect myself." "yeh,I know...but I want to"
Deciding to let him stay you lay your hands over his arm, sometimes running your sharp nails over the skin,leaving red traces behind. "you know" you start slowly,tilting your head back to look at him. "you know that a cockroach can still live a week after you cut their heads off,isn't that cool?" This information causes your boyfriend's face to scrunch up before he nods slowly,still not used to your antics. "yeah...super cool baby" "and...and,did you know that spiders have clear blood" Humming at your words rafe press a kiss to your head "hm,always have weird facts up your sleeve don't you?"
giggling to yourself you nod in response "my weird,scary girlfriend" Rafe mumbles to himself before leaning down to kiss you,smearing your lip combo all around. "rafe..my lipstick" you mumble,pulling away as you wipe at your chin and around his face. Rafe chuckles "hm...sorry about that" "yeah yeah..." you hum before he speaks again "tomorrow,I'll take you to that weird stone place you like- the one with the old lady and the books about amputation and stuff like that that you like" "hm...they're called crystal,but thank you handsome" you smile,holding onto his bicep as he presses a sloppy kiss against your neck "I'll be with the boys over the couch to get my stuff and then I'll take you home,okay?" "hm...okay, love you"
"love you too kitty cat"

#outer banks#outer banks x reader#rafe cameron#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron thoughts#rafe cameron imagine#drew starkey imagine#drew starkey#drew starkey x reader#🎀princess
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hi mei!! i absolutely adore your writing, you're amazing!!
could i ask you to write for reader who's touch starved and really wants a tight hug from remus, but doesn't dare ask for it for fear of being too clingy?
i am so sorry if you've written this before, i binge-read your entire masterlist a little while back but my memory is also Very Bad-
"The quiet one's brooding again."
You glance up from your notebook to meet Sirius's squinted eyes, his brows slanted at you where you sit trying to focus on your work. You're not brooding, you're just not smiling. He kicks at you beneath the table, "What's'a matter, grumpy, your essay not long enough?"
"It's fine." You grumble, "I'm just having trouble editing."
"It's late." James scrubs a hand over his face, nearly tugging his glasses out from behind his ears. He lets the hand drag through his hair, nearly wrenching strands out where they've curled into each other, "I'm fading myself."
"I can't sleep until I finish." You groan, and suddenly everything is a bit overwhelming, the press of James's thigh against yours, the way Sirius's foot is still nudging yours beneath the table, the scratch of your sweater against your bare skin.
You vault from your seat, rushing towards the common room fire with staggering steps that probably invoke suspicions of booze from your friends. Finals are stressful, and you're always worried about the looming prospect of The Future, and that's concerning enough if you pass your exams. The thought of failing them and making whatever The Future is worse- well that's what's got your hands trembling. You grasp them together like you're cold, and it helps, but the shake is deeper than your extremities.
"Y/N," Remus calls, and you hear his voice get closer, not louder, as he approaches where you stand at the fire. You stare at the flames as an excuse to not meet his eyes, and they burn your vision, but you can't bring yourself to look away.
"I just need a minute." You squeeze tighter at your own fingers, the touch stinging but calming, "I'm tired and- and I just want to be done with my work and go to bed."
"I can edit." Remus suggests, laying a gentle hand on your shoulder. For all its softness you react like it's an anvil, letting it pile onto the weight already draped over your shoulders like a yoke and nearly falling back into Remus.
"Oh," Is all he manages to say before taking a leap of faith and sliding his hand from your shoulder to your waist, wrapping the other one around your hip to meet it. His hands rest on your stomach and he stands there being warmed by the fire with you, watching the way your hands squeeze each other tighter.
"I wish we could stay in school forever." You manage, your voice cracked and breaking, "I- I'm worried about getting a real job, and paying for housing, and- and never seeing my friends again because I'm too busy working."
"I know. Don't worry, though. You'll have a good shot in the job market, though, and if you're ever in need of a place to stay, you know James's mom will tuck you in like you're hers. You could live on her plastic-wrapped couch for the rest of your life if you had to."
"I couldn't sleep with all the crinkling," You laugh, even though two tears still streak down your cheeks. You sniffle, and your nose scrunches, but your face quickly widens with a yawn, "God, I'm so fucking- tired, I just-"
"Go sleep." Remus urges, squeezing you once and letting go, "I'll proofread your essay, and I'll make sure Sirius doesn't write penis on it again like he did last time."
"As the fucking title," You growl, a forgotten fury now rising once more in your gut, "You know what? I think I can manage to stay awake just long enough to change his name at the top to Sirius Balls without him noticing."
"I'll distract him." Remus promises, throwing a glance back at the man currently ignoring his essay in favor of chattering with James, "Throw in a swear or two for me, yeah?"
"Deal." You let him grab your hand before you depart, and he squeezes it much kinder than you'd squeezed yourself.
"Hey. If you get like that again, you can ask for a hug."
Instantly, you're a little sheepish, but you power through it to nod, "Thanks, Remus."
He nods once, then lets your hand go, "Hey, Sirius, you mind walking down to the kitchens with me to get some more wine from the professors' stash?"
Sirius is on his feet in an instant, plenty of years' experience with not only stealing, but stealing booze, "How many bottles do y'think we can carry?"
"Enough to make sure you don't proofread well." You suggest, grinning coyly, and James turns a blind eye, smirking, when Sirius's quill is in your hand the moment the portrait hole shuts.
#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin imagine#remus lupin fanfiction#remus lupin oneshot#remus lupin blurb#remus lupin drabble#remus lupin fluff
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A/n: Yall ... when you meet the guy that voices THE Sung Jinwoo, your admiration and affection becomes a full blown one sided infatuation that leaves you all messed up inside. So writing really helps vent out those entangled emotions. And I know for a fact I'm not the only one that does this so no shaming down below yall pls n thnx.
Pairing: 25 yr old Sung Jinwoo x 27 yr old Fem!Reader
CW: 21+ MATURE CONTENT INVOLVED. Outdoor smut, some degradation, possessiveness, established relationship, and use of Korean terms.
Sorry for the late post but HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY~!

Nae Sarang — my love
Bogo Sipeun — Miss you
Jagi – baby or sweetie between couples
Sarangkkun — a lover or someone affectionate
Banjjak – other half/significant other
Naui Haneul — my sky/someone who encompasses your world
Naui Bit – my light/clarity and joy
Naui Cheonguk – my heaven/make life blissful
Gijeok – miracle in your life
The dipping weight beside you on the bed stirs you up slightly.
Velvety lips decorating your face helped pull you along further.
The low purring lull of your name in your ear by that oh so familiar voice got your heart aching, racing, seeking solace in that comfort. Enough to where you hummed as your tired eyes opened to the shadows with daylight sneaking in through the gap of your dark curtains, highlighting the pair of amorous light grey gazing intensely at you from above.
“Good morning, nae sarang.”
That encompassing form of Sung Jinwoo melted against your smaller form, submerging you in the faint scent of his earthy smoky cologne ingrained in his clothes. Your hands paw at his back, serving as an anchor to help pull you both closer.
“Bogo sipeun.” You murmur against his addicting lips, feeling him smiling, hearing his deep hum, when his elbows were sinking deep on both sides of your pillow, weaving those lithe fingers through your hair, cradling your noggin as the new tilted angle gave him the chance for his tongue to dip right on in. The creamy taste of coffee filled your mouth, bringing pleased hums at the forefront.
“You're learning well.” He crooned. Your Korean was still a work in progress, yet your cheeks burned deliciously nonetheless, earning you tender pecks to both of them when he finally pulled away. “I made you breakfast.”
He patiently waited for you to sit up enough before he carefully set down the loaded tray from your nightstand to your lap, all your favorites presented pristinely. “I'm supposed to be gift giving today, not the other way around.” You murmured, rubbing your eyes, when his sneaky suckling mouth latched onto your neck, making you giggle at the ticklish sensation.
“I know … but worshipping you is my year long holiday.” He grinned seeing the nice mark he left on your skin. “Now, would you rather I feed you myself? Because we have a long day planned out.”
You grabbed his scarred left hand, nuzzling your cheek along his warm rough palm, smittently smooching all over those permanent burn marks, cradling that weary damaged hand as an extension of your lifeline to the man before you.
His thumb instinctively brushed your bottom lip, when those e/c eyes fluttered up in that entranced sense that spurned his inner beast on. “What do you think, sarangkkun~?”
The many glowing violet eyes of the Shadow army widened from the trembles coming their way as their master growled hungrily against your neck, leaving a possessive bite on your collarbone, you squeezing his scarred hand sending a jolt of painful pleasure through his limb.
“Careful jagi. Come tonight … I'll make sure we both have our fill … I promise you~”
Despite those words full of dark anticipation, you were astounded at how you were able to eat after that. Then again, feeling his burnt hand brushing your skin as it cupped your cheek felt too nice to let go of, your pretty flustered face locked onto his calm, smiling one that wouldn't let up on giving you butterflies, your heart pounding in painful pleasure itself.
After that, freshening up and getting dressed for the day felt like quite the tizzy with the enriching laugh he left you with as he took the emptied tray to wash, still rattling in your eardrums.
A day out in the bustling Korean city awaited you.
Many eyes on you, full of couples and singles mesmerized by the presence of the 10th S ranked hunter in the country walking through the decorated streets, displays of hearts and flowers keeping the theme of the worldwide holiday apparent to all. His arm hugged around your waist with his gloved hand squeezing your hip tightly, face neutral but senses alert in case anyone dares try anything, hence him claiming you for all to see. Your hand overlayed his own, squeezing him gently released his tensed nerves, if only for a reprieve.
However, aside from the usual fan greetings and words of thanks for all his hard work as a hunter protecting their country, it was smooth sailing.
While the norm was chocolate gift giving, you were given a shopping spree. Your attempts at refuting such a generous offer was silenced by Jinwoo's many insistent kisses.
“You're impossible.” Your mumbling recession at just going along with it as you spun about in oh so many new clothes that caught your eyes, fashionable and comfy, as he lounged in the cozy waiting chair with crossed legs, reminding you of the sight of the Monarch posed in his throne, infatuated with the sight of you getting more lovely with every outfit you tried on.
“And you're breathtaking. Remember that.”
“I still can't help but feel deep down that I don't deserve any of this. That you chose me out of everyone else … even someone of your age like Cha Hae-In.” Twiddling with your hands did little to push down the doubts.
Humming deeply, he squeezed your shoulders supportively, startling you right out of your skin. “Age is just a number, though.”
His chin rested atop your head, stubbornness reflected back at you from the body length mirror in the private dressing room, wolfishly grinning.
“You're more than enough for me. You've always been."
Your docile face turned around enough, angling just right to land an appreciative peck on his cheek; your newly bought lipstick decorating his cheek, crinkling as he chuckled.
Anxious awkward nerves rattled you as you two ate out next. The high class restaurant overlooking the buzzing plaza, the late afternoon highlighting the city skyline and beyond. His other, bare hand squeezed your other hand across the table, reminding you you weren't alone.
“Sorry. You went to the trouble of booking this place for us and I'm dampening the mood.”
“Don't be. I know being out and about is a lot for you to take in. If you want, we can go someplace less … grand.”
“No. I want to stay. We have the place to ourselves after all, my gijeok.”
You gasp at seeing him pull something hidden away in his shadow, presenting a bouquet of variety flowers to you with that charming smile of his. “For you, naui bit.”
Accepting the flowers with gratitude, his foot slyly brushing yours had you biting your lip, his silver eyes darkening at the display. Your bashful return of it had you two playing footsie underneath the clothed table, your nerves settling down as you clink your filled glasses in a toast, drinking before settling in for your late lunch meal. And yes, you ordered more than enough to have leftovers for later.
Any and every gaze sent your way from any passerby after was overpowered by the penetrating stare, scent and strength of the strapping man claimed as yours.
The rare chance you had while traversing through the busy market was when Jinwoo was sought out by some kids turned fans of his, able to slip away to buy from a booth selling velvet boxes and bags filled with your intended gift to him from the start.
The curious raised brow look thrown your way when you returned to his side had your insides doing flips, but he stayed silent, his arm returning to pin you right by his side.
However, the moment he led you both back to his parked car and got in with your bags, his very shadow engulfed you both, clinging onto him from impulse at this twist.
The whipping airs of the chilling darkness dissipate as fast as they appeared when you arrived at a new destination.
Whether it was an actual spot in the real world or you were in another reality altogether, you were speechless, getting out of the car to take in the view. The outdoor pool of shimmering waters teeming with such a mana esque aura mesmerized you at first sight. The surrounding flora and fauna were all in cool shades of violets. The full moon rays casting its highlights among the shadows.
“I recently discovered this place during my travels. Figured it'd be a nice final stop for today. Think of it like our own personal mineral bath. The healing properties are quite rejuvenating. Can't do much for this hand, though.” Him flexing said covered limb with gloom overtaking his face at the sheer memory of it.
Being the one to give his hand a reassuring squeeze brought a tint of pink to his cheeks. “Well, I love your hands, scars and all.” Your honest open emotion made the rest of his restraint finally crumble.
His hands enveloped your frame immediately, easily stripping you out of your attire, the merging of blue and purple mana undoing his own apparel for him, as he laid an onslaught right into your welcoming caverns.
Above and below.
Your senses heighten as the waters seeped into your body, bringing forth your desire in such palpable degrees. Tongues clash, sloppy smacking of lips devouring one another, and hands exploring as he leads you two into the sparkling oasis.
He leaned back against the edge of the lake, weaving a handful of your hair through his fingertips all to keep a grip, arrogantly admiring the view of you straddling his lap while making out with his pecs, practically chewing on them, teething on his perked up nipples, dragging his quavering groans and sighs right outta him, pride swelling within at you claiming him as yours. Your tongue scorched down to his six pack before giving them the same special treatment, his firm muscles flexing from how your sweet mouth created goosebumps along his canvas.
Tugging your hair insistently, you get smothered by his all encompassing mouth, easily lifting you up with one arm underneath your thighs just to get you hugging his slim waistline, raising you high, the moon casting you in its lunar blessing, crafting your vulnerable beauty to be Jinwoo's alone to cherish and ravish. The magic infused waters serve as a lubricant, luck working in his favor to have his veiny thickness getting slowly but surely into your already gushing gummy walls.
“Naui Cheonguk~” He moaned in the crook of your neck, greedy hickeys decorating your skin from your neck to your shoulder blades. Scratching his undercut had him rutting more feverishly, devouring your velvety boobs next.
Your wind swept head craned back, trained on the galaxy of stars painting the midnight sky, believing this place to be paradise itself, scorching rapture unraveling your very core brought forth by the marbled crafted adonis thrusting vigorously into your womb from below. “Naui Haneul … all mine.” His hefty pants hit your swollen marked breasts jiggling right in his face before suckling them like the starving animal that he is.
“Your cunt is sheer bliss. You relish being my cocksleeve, don't you? My touch starved whore? Filled to the brim, clenching on tightly, as I stuff up your needy quivering hole. Your horny cries won't let you deny it. Tell me, does your pussy love being on my cock?” Those half lidded eyes looked up at you, his nose nestled in the valley between your mounds, that all consuming gaze of his had you squirting harder along his shaft.
“Mmmh yes~! S – nngh – so m – aaah – so much~!”
“So sexually deprived, so touch starved, that you genuinely questioned if you were worthy to be by my side.” His hand fondled and smacked your rumbling peachy cheeks, leaving a faint handprint along one, thriving off your sharp moans as he fingered you between those cheeks in tune with his spread ravishing your insides upfront. “When these– aah – past few months – mmmh – have been – nngh – utter bliss~” His canine teeth pearly smiled up at you, licking those swollen lips. “I'll never let you go.”
His primal ferocity clashed with his sense of speaking through the electric rush coursing through his mana filled veins; literally popping out along those flexing biceps of his.
“Y/n … my wicked angel … you're mine.” That heavy, gruff tone his voice became, the predatory glare of those glowing blue irises had you clutching unbearably so. Raising you until only his tip stayed within, bringing you back down to take him in full.
“I love you, Jinwoo~! All of you~!” Your watered up eyes spilling trails of hot tears down that flushed face he adored so much had him kissing those tears away, licking away that salty goodness.
“Then come for me, love. ARISE.”
That word, in that deep low resonance, would make anyone bust hard. It reverberated straight to your bundle of nerves, clawing his back deeply, crashing down in blinding euphoria.
The white hot seige of his seed flooded through your gates straight after, his well endowed balls slapping you feverishly, unloading all that he had, his strangled moan cuffed to your breathless shrill cry. Rutting up savagely to chase that high with you, cum encircled his shaft, as streams of your juices spilled down your spasming thighs and his sturdy ones.
Yet one orgasmic rush wouldn't be enough to satiate the second Shadow Monarch, the absence of him through your folds, the rush of hot air giving you whiplash, as he got your upper body sinking in stomach first along the earth like ground, your fanny waving in the air, now filling your asshole to the brim with his coated schlong, the new angle got you mewling madly. The nasty squelching sounds he pounded into you stirred him back to semi erectness.
Clawing at the grass, leaving indents in the ground, arching your back against his soaked chest, his arm hugged your squirming waistline. His scarred hand abusingly rubbed your neglected clit, fisting right into your sensitively pulsing cunt, his other hand grasped your neck to force you to look right at his gorgeous, groaning self.
“I'll spend every waking moment, in this lifetime and the next, until you can feel and think of nothing else but my profound devotion to you, banjjak~” He was so damn close to edging over again.
Your orgasmic yell busted all over his jacked forearm, the trigger to him following suit, pulling right outta you just to witness himself ejaculating all over your backside.
Collapsing carefully and slowly atop you, these heaving bodies took their time to finally catch a breath, his hand releasing your neck to clasp your shoulder, your own face buried in your arms to rest if only in those moments.
His cream covered hand pulled out to your whining dismay. Tilting your head back, you obscenely watch him lewdly licking it clean, drops of semen dotting your drooling face with your tongue sticking out shamelessly. Another sloppy shower of smooches to clean up that breathtaking face of yours.
Igris, Iron, Tank and even Tusk were bashfully averting their eyes the whole time, laying out blankets for you two to sit upon, some to help clean you up, and others to drape yourselves in, before returning to their inky domain.
Helping you both out of the soiled waters, you sat on the already laid out blanket as Jinwoo cleaned you both up gingerly, tossing the soiled cloth aside then wrapped a new clean blanket big enough to cover you both, sharing body heat to battle the cool breeze arriving.
“So,” A mini shadow creature popped out from the side to deliver your bought gift straight to Jinwoo's awaiting hand, slinking back to join its comrades. “How's about sharing this with me, you sneaky little minx~?”
The next half hour was spent in each other’s arms, feeding each other chocolate covered strawberries one at a time, resting your head against his shoulder, taking in the sounds of crickets and cicadas, relaxing in the calm night, exchanging cocoa berry tasting kisses.
“I love you too, Y/n. More than anything. I'm honored to be standing next to you.”
It would be another half hour until you two would dress back up and return to your plane of reality, straight to your shared abode to spend the rest of the night into the following morning conked out in bed.
For now, this is how you spend your Valentine's Day.
#solo leveling x reader#solo leveling x you#solo leveling x y/n#solo leveling spoilers#solo leveling#ore dake level up na ken#jinwoo sung x reader#sung jin woo x reader#sung jinwoo x reader#sung jin woo smut#sung jinwoo x y/n#solo leveling au#solo leveling smut#jinwoo sung x you#jinwoo sung x y/n#sung jinwoo smut#valentines day#valentine fic#tw smut#cw smut#fluff and romance#fluff and smut#fluff and feels#fluff and spice#valentines aesthetic#older reader#established relationship#self indulgent#anime x reader#reader x character
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I put you in the basement at first. Obviously. I can't just give you free rein of the house, not when you still believe there's a life for you outside it. No, you stay in the basement, and because I don't have you trained yet, you stay chained to the wall. This is probably about as frustrating for me as it is for you. You don't like being chained to a wall? Imagine how tiresome it is for me that I have to come all the way downstairs every time I want to rape you.
When some of the fight has gone out of you (it may be as short as a week or as long as several months, depending on how willful you are), I let you roam the basement freely. There's not a lot to do down there, but at least you can pace if you want, and I'm sure it's a relief to have that cuff off your ankle. At this point you're probably still planning to escape eventually, but you've realized you need to be smart about it. You need to wait and bide your time. Be a good girl for me and let me get complacent, and eventually I'll slip up.
Of course, what you're telling yourself each day you wait is that some amount of rape is acceptable. When you hear me coming and get on the bed preemptively, so I don't have to beat you down. When you spread your legs for me instead of trying to resist. When you touch yourself beforehand, just to make yourself wet enough that it's a little less painful when I force myself into you without lube. With each little act of acquiescence, you're telling yourself, I choose this. I have weighed the options, and this rape is what's best for me at this moment. I think you'll be surprised by how much that sentiment can build up.
One day, a few months after I unchain you, I leave the door open. Not by a lot, not enough to be obvious, but you notice. It seems like an accident, like I got careless and forgot to make sure it latched on my way out. You wait until you think I'm asleep and then you make a break for it. I let you get as far as the driveway before I stop you. And when I use you that night, believe me, it is brutal.
In the coming weeks I "forget" the door more and more often. Maybe the second time it happens you really believe you've just gotten lucky again. But by the third time you see the game: I don't bother with the door because I'm not worried about you escaping. I'm stronger and faster and smarter than you, and I know when you're going to try to escape before you do.
My favorite little trick comes a few weeks later. At that point I've stopped bothering with the door entirely, and you no longer try to escape every night. You're biding your time again, waiting for the crack in cage, only this time the cage is bigger, and it's harder to tell where the walls are. But on this night you do try to escape (you think you've figured out my sleep schedule), and you make it all the way down to the road. You flag down a cop car as it drives by, and explain breathlessly to a horrified officer that you've been held captive, raped, beaten, that the man who did this to you lives right up there on the hill, that any second I'm going to wake up and notice you missing, and you need to go now. The officer calls for backup, puts you in the back seat of his car, and proceeds to drive you right back up to my house, where I'm waiting for you.
As a bonus for helping me out, I let him rape you right there in the backseat of his car.
It doesn't take many games like that before you stop trusting anyone at all. You walk half a mile down the road to my neighbor's house, he gives me a call the second he sees you coming up the driveway. A long-haul trucker picks you up in passing, and he takes you to a local dive bar where he and his buddies can have their way with you while you wait for me to come pick you up. All it takes is a few well-placed friends to make you believe I somehow know everyone in the world, and they're all going to give you up the moment you ask for help.
So you stop asking for help.
You're tired of the punishment. You're tired of the brutality. Better some rape than cruel, brutal rape. Isn't it? You stop trying to escape. You stop resisting. You come when I call, you suck when I tell you to suck, you swallow when I tell you to swallow. And in return I keep you comfortable, well fed, taken care of. Not such a bad trade off, really.
I know I've won when I can go on vacation. I'll just leave one day for a long weekend. I don't bother telling you where I'm going, or how long I'll be gone. You wander the house, maybe even go out in the yard, but you don't try to run. There's a little voice in the back of your head telling you this is all a trick, I want you to run, I'm out there waiting for you to break the rules so I can hurt you worse than I've ever hurt you before.
You decide not to risk it. Better to stay here, where it's safe.
#rapekink#rapedoll#rapetoy#r@pe kink#rape/noncon#r@pe fantasy#cnc free use#cvmdump#cnc abuse#cnc gaslighting#cnc cumdump#r@petoy#library 🜞
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Hii I loved your one shots! Would you be willing to do one where Caleb is sick and hiding from MC again so she decides to get him to comply by doting on him and wearing a sexy nurse costume.
((gonna be really honest, i took some creative liberties with this request on accident... im not 100% happy with it but i feel like if i dont post it now, i'll never do it... also keep telling myself to writer shorter stories, but i like to suffer... hope u like it a bit regardless))
Whatever was the opposite of ‘the man flu’ is, Caleb had it. No matter how many times you had pushed him back into his bedroom, he kept sneaking out, claiming he couldn't leave all the chores to you.
You just wanted to take care of him, let him rest and sit back while you took care of the house and him for once. But Caleb is like a working cow, the life energy leaving him whenever he's not on the field... or whatever the saying is.
You were dancing and sining around the kitchen, absorbed in the music while grabbing more ingredients for the stew you were cooking. Sure, you were never as great of a chef as Caleb, but you could make him some healthy stew at least. Easy to digest and packed with vitamins.
"Needs some more curry powder, pips..." His unusually weak voice says from behind you.
You let out a yelp, having been to engrossed in the music to notice him sneaking out of his room again.
"Holy shit, Caleb!"
He fake gasps.
"Language, pipsqueak!" He says with a teasing glint in his tired eyes.
"I told you to stay in bed," you scold, hands on his chest as you try to push him away from the stove and back to his room. "You think just because you're a colonel now you can ignore my orders?"
He lets out a weak chuckle as his hands come up to hold your face.
"I wouldn't dare... who knows what you'd write about me in that little grudge ledger of yours..."
Of course he has to bring that up again...
"But seriously, pipsqueak, I'm feeling a lot bet--" He starts to cough mid sentence.
"Liar." You mutter as you turn to grab him a glass of water, handing it to him while patting his back gently. When his coughing fit dissapates, you lead him back to his room, ignoring any protests.
"Caleb, why is it so impossible for you to just let me take care of you for once?" You ask when his tired frame is back in bed, posted up against the headboard.
A blush, unrelated to his fever, creeps up on his cheeks.
"...I want to be the one taking care of you. I want- No, I have to protect you... That's my role, pips..."
For a moment you are unsure what to tell him...
"Just... get some rest, okay? I'll bring you some stew when it's ready..."
You feel his eyes on you as you leave the room, he wants to say more. This discussion isn't a new one, but both of you know that right now he doesn't have the energy for this.
You're mindlessly stirring the pot of stew, his words about his role replaying in your head. If that is his role, what is yours? And what role do you have to take on to be able to take care of him? Then it hits you and within seconds you have an order placed.
Bless Skyhaven and it's drone speed delivery service, because within half an hour your new uniform has arrived. It was quite a bit shorter than you had imagined, but maybe you should have expected that. It was a halloween costume after all and not a real nurse's uniform.
The uniform is a light pink dress with red lining, a little nurse cap and matching stockings. A little red heart with white cross emblem is found on the cap and one the chest of the dress. It even comes with a hot pink plastic stethoscope and syringe. You don't even want to imagine Zayne and Yvonne's faces if they ever caught you like this...
Uniform on, tray with stew and the syringe in hand and with the stethoscope around your neck, you walk into the lion's den.
"Good evening, Mr Caleb. Your stew is ready!" you say as cheerful as possible.
His eyes grow incredibly wide the moment he lays eyes on you.
"Nuh-uh, that's nurse Pipsqueak to you mister!" You say as you sit down on the edge of the bed, grabbing the bowl and spoon, blowing on it before guiding it towards his mouth.
He looks at you, a bit unsure for a second before finally daring to take a bite.
"W-what's with the uniform...?"
"Well, since you said it's your role to take care of me, I thought i should adjust my role so i can be the one to take care of you now... Say 'ah'." You explain while feeding him another bite.
His eyes never leave you. Not when you feed him, not when you put his clean laundry in his drawers, even when you leave his room he asks you to keep the door open so he can continue taking secret glances when you bend over while cleaning, giving him a perfect view of your panties. In return he does everything you say, no protests, staying in his room and even taking the medicine he claimed he didn't need earlier today.
It doesn't take long for a healthier glow to return to his face and, according to the thermometer you are currently holding to his head; "Your fever has gone down significantly.. If you keep this up you'll be all good again tomorrow!" Your smile is bright but he can't help but frown a bit.
"You should sleep early! Getting enough shut eye is crucial to a speedy recovery!" you say as you get up, ready to leave his room and shed off the costume, but he holds you back. His fingers wrap around your wrist and he looks up at you with those puppy like eyes, an uncharacteristic darkness to them as he pulls you back down.
"Nurse... I have another problem..."
He gently guides your hand under the covers, his eyes never leaving your confused face. Before long your hand is put on something thick and hard. Your eyes shoot wide open in bewilderment, but his gaze doesn't falter. Just the light touch of your hand where he needs you most has his chest rising and falling in a quickened tempo already.
Your mouth opens and closes a few times, unsure of what to say.
"You know Ms Nurse, I've heard sweating out a fever is quite effective..." his hand slides from your wrist, instead entrapping your hand in his so he can apply some pressure, making you cup his rock hard cock a bit tighter "Won't you help your patient, hm? Make him feel better?"
The feeling of him in your hand, the way he tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear and the seductive tone in his voice make you involuntarily rub your thighs together, craving friction to your already wetting core. It doesn't go unnoticed by Caleb, he knows he has you exactly where he wants you now.
Within seconds the covers are slung to the side and he is sitting on the edge of the bed, legs spread apart, inviting you between them. Your hesitation is quickly thrown to the side when you see his shape through his grey sweatpants. You kneel in between his legs, noticing the semblance of a smirk forming on his face as you quickly start tugging at the waistband of his sweats.
You're taken by surprise a bit when his rock hard cock basically jumps out, smacking against his stomach. No matter how many times you see it, the intimidation from the size of it never leaves. Your fingers gently trail over the veins as you nervously swallow the saliva that had been pooling in your mouth.
Carefully you begin to stroke his length, receiving instant affirmation that you're doing well as soft curses leave his lips. You let your thumb glide over the tip, spreading around some of his pre cum to help lubricate. You notice the muscles that are peeking from under his shirt contract with your every move.
"Come on, pips... Put your mouth on it..."
Wanting so desperately to please him, you waste no time, spitting on it before your lips quickly envelope around his velvety tip.
"Fuck, you feel so good..."
Eagerly you take more and more of him in your mouth, not stopping until he hits the back of your throat. Whatever doesn't fit is massaged by your hand. You cant help but let your other hand wander between your own legs, playing with yourself through the fabric of your panties. It's sticky and messy, but feels oh so good. The vibrations of your moans as you bop up and down his length make him feel euphoric.
The sight of you like this, tits almost spilling out of your dress, your focussed face as you desperately try to please him and rubbing your clit, it almost makes him cum on the spot. His hand tangles into your hair, applying a light pressure when you go down on his cock. God, you feel heavenly.
But he wants more.
The second he notices you getting sloppy, so close to rubbing yourself to release, he pulls your head back. The sight of your confused and fucked out face makes his cock twitch.
"Not yet..." he growls, at your frustrated pout. His shirt is pulled over his head and casted aside.
His lips surge towards yours, capturing them in an all devouring kiss. It's messy and chaotic. Tongues clashing, drool spilling and lip bruising. He pulls away a bit, admiring your hazy eyes and plump lips, before pulling down your lower lip with his thumb. He spits in your mouth, a proud smirk adorning his lips.
In one quick motion you are thrown onto your all fours on the bed and your costume is hiked up to your waist, giving Caleb a perfect view of your ass in those cute panties of yours. To be fair, all your panties were cute to Caleb, as long as they are yours. But right now, they're in his way.
He pulls them to the side, taking note of the string of wetness attached to it. He throws his head back for a moment, eyes closed and breaths steady as he tries to compose himself down.
Wondering what is taking him so long, you turn your head around, only for him to suddenly align himself with your entrance and begin pushing himself fully into your sopping pussy. A strangled moan leaves your throat as your arms quickly give out, causing your head to fall into the sheets. Caleb's hands snake to rest on your waist, pulling you further onto his cock with every stroke. His tempo increases, balls slapping against your clit and making you dizzy with pleasure.
Caleb loves the way you clench around him, the way he is moulding your pussy with his cock. Your combined juices are dripping down his thighs, fuelling him more and more, but he is also aware that he isn't full himself yet. His usual vigour isn't fully recovered yet, making his strokes rather messy and inconsistent. Frustrated he pulls out, making you snap back, confused why he has suddenly stopped pounding into that good spot.
"You need to ride me."
He leaves no room for questions, already hoisted up against the headboard, pulling you into his lap. He aligns you with his still rock hard cock, pushing you down on his length. You whimper at the new position, feeling him in a different way all of a sudden. The cute sounds make him smile and he presses a gentle kiss against your forehead.
"Ready baby?"
You nod, eager to try a position you're not that familiar with. You're about to lift yourself up, but a familiar feeling takes over instead. Caleb's evol makes you feel weightless, unbound from the laws of gravity. His hands are still on your waist, his pointer finger going up and down in the same pattern as your body.
The feeling of weightlessness continuously exchanged by the feeling of gravity pulling you down adds a whole new sensation, similar to riding a rollercoaster with steep highs and lows. The speed of his finger increases and so do you. He fucks you onto his dick with little effort, enjoying the way your face contours in pleasure and your tits bounce up and down right in front of his face.
It doesn't take long for you to feel a familiar heat flow from your cores to the tips of your limbs. He can feel it too, the way your moans become more frequent and less controlled and the way you clench onto him more tightly. He is about to burst too, ready to coat your walls in his milky cum. His grip on your waist tightens as he can't help but use some more of his own strength.
"You close, baby? You wanna come on my dick?"
"Yes, yes, yes.. please..." you beg him breathlessly, so close to the edge that it makes your tear up.
He bucks up his hips, slamming into you whenever you go down, hitting a spot so deep inside that it makes you gasp. With the limited energy he has he keep repeating the motion until you let out a string of curses, clenching onto his cock and milking him to his own orgasm.
You can feel all the strength leave your body when you are hit with the hard, warm waves of your orgasm, limbs growing weak within the blink of an eye. You feel Caleb's cum fill you up, making you feel full and satiated. When he has completely emptied his balls inside you, the hold his evol had on you relents and you fall into his chest. And like always, he catches you. Holding you close as he whispers words of affirmation in your ear.
"You did so well... made me feel so good.. 'nd you looked so beautiful on my cock... such a pretty girl..." The words keep spilling from his lips as he pulls out and scoots down with you on his chest. Both of you are too tired to make another move, both unable to fight the tiredness taking over.
Sunlight hits your face, waking you up from the peaceful slumber you spent nestled in his muscular side. Caleb, who seems as healthy as ever, is already awake and seated against the headboard as he checks reports he missed from work. His hand is on your head, gently brushing his fingers through the strands.
"You're awake, pips?"
You groan a bit in response and stretch, only now noticing you are no longer in the nurse costume and instead in the shirt Caleb discarded yesterday.
"Where's my dress?" you ask curiously.
"Threw it in the laundry.. I cleaned you off too but we should probably take a shower, we can save some water and take one together..."
"tsk... sounds like you're all better." you scoff trying to hide your grin.
"Had a great nurse..." he smiles teasingly.
"Maybe I should change career paths... I'll ask Zayne if he's in need of an extra nurse.."
"Nope," Caleb swiftly lifts you into his lap "Only I get the privilege of being cared for by you... Especially in that outfit."
His hands find their way to your cheeks before he plants a kiss on your lips.
"Now, let's get you all cleaned up, pipsqueak!"
#caleb x mc#lads#lads caleb#lnds caleb#love and deepspace#love and deepspace caleb#caleb#calebmc#caleb smut#lads smut#xia yizhou#xia yizhou smut#lnds smut#lnds
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Lucifer x Reader - It's Been A While... (NSFW)
Based on @the-other-soup's post from a little bit ago ;3
Lucifer's been alone from quiet some time now, ever since his wife left years ago
He's never found anyone else to share his life with after that
That is, of course, until you came along
You never intended to fall in love with the King of Hell, but his goofy charm and profound silliness enchanted you
Things were slow to start, it took him a few months to ask if he could hold your hand
You didn't mind though, you thought it was adorable; the most powerful being in the realm became a flustered mess around you
After things became more serious, however, it was you that brought up the possibility of being more intimate
Lucifer was somehow very eager and very hesitant at the same time; as though he wanted nothing more than to be with you physically but something was holding him back
You told him it didn't have to be today, or next week, hell, it didn't even have to be this year!
You only wanted to have a discussion and didn't want to pressure him at all; he was very appreciative
One night, a soft make out session on his bed developed into something deeper
Your eyes couldn't help but notice the bulge that was forming in Lucifer's pants
"Maybe we should stop," you suggested, gesturing below his belt
Lucifer looked down, his eyes wide. "O-Oh! Oh golly...sorry about that..."
"Lucifer, you don't have to apologize for being turned on!"
"I know," he sighed, "I just...I feel like I'm forcing you to wait for me. You've been so patient and I can't tell you how much that means to me, but..."
You smile and plant a kiss on his tinted cheek. "It's alright, I understand. You know I'd never force you into anything you weren't ready for. I'm perfectly fine waiting for-"
"I want you to touch me." Lucifer cut you off unexpectantly. "I-I mean, if you would like to! I don't want you to if you don't want to! I just...God, what's wrong with me?!"
You sat there stunned for a moment before taking a hold of Lucifer's hand. "Luci, please don't force yourself into this. If you're not comfortable with-"
"I promise I'm not forcing myself into wanting this, wanting you. God, I've wanted you for so long now...I'm tired of being afraid." He leaned in to kiss you tenderly before pulling away. "Please..."
You leaned your forehead against his. "Are you sure?"
"I am."
Slowly, your hands traveled south on his body, making quick work of his belt and shuffling his pants down to his ankles.
His bulge looked even more impressive pressing against his boxers; you had to hold back a smirk when you saw the spot of precum that already leaked through the material
You pushed his boxers down and freed his thick shaft, gasping at his size and trying to keep yourself from drooling
"I'll go slow, okay?" you reassured him. "If you want me to stop, please tell me. Promise?"
"I promise," he murmured.
The poor man could barely look you in the eyes, but it was adorable how nervous he seemed to be
Tentatively you gripped the base of his cock which you could barely wrap your hand fully around and began to stroke him gently
God, the sounds that left the angel’s mouth were immaculate; soft mewls and choked back moans
You wanted him so fucking bad
But you promised you would go slow, and that’s exactly what you planned to do
You kissed him softly, swallowing every noise he made
Only about a minutes passed before Lucifer started to tremble under your touch, his breathing beyond labored
He was a goner
“S-Shit…love, I…oh, God…oh no…no no no no, FFFFUUUUCK!”
Without so much as a warning, Lucifer came hard into your hand, unable to keep himself from bucking into you
His cum spilled passed your fingers and dripped onto the bedsheets below
“Oh…” you whispered to yourself
“Fuck…FUCK! I’m so so sorry! I didn’t think I would…oh my God…it’s been so long since someone else has…this is a disaster!”
You couldn’t hold back the giggle that left your throat
Lucifer blushed hard and hid his burning face in his hands
“No, no, Lucifer it’s alright!” you tried to comfort him. “I’m not laughing at you, I swear I’m not. I don’t care that you finished so quickly! If anything, I’m flattered! Please don’t be embarrassed.”
You brought your hand to your face, making sure he watched you lick up the mess he had made
That gesture alone made the man whimper
“Did it feel good?” you asked, wiping the remaining remnants of his cum from your lips
“Good? Sweetie, that felt incredible…I’m sorry again. Can I at least make it up to you?”
You blushed at the thought of his proposal. “Lucifer, that’s very thoughtful of you, b-but you don’t have to-”
You don’t know how you ended up laying flat on the bedsheets with Lucifer hovering over you, but you were
And you didn’t want to be anywhere else
“Do you think it’s fair that I get to cum and you don’t?” he asked. “No, no, that’s not going to work for me.”
He shifted himself down, his face planted firmly between your clothes sex
“With your permission, darling.~”
Lucifer spent the next hour bringing you endless pleasure with his fingers and tongue alone
You now knew it was possible for you to cum 7 times within the span on 60 minutes
#hazbin hotel#lucifer morningstar#hazbin lucifer#hazbin hotel lucifer#lucifer x reader#lucifer smut#SOUP THIS IS FOR YOU 💖
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Darlin' pt 5
pt 1 / pt 2 / pt 3 / pt 4 / pt6
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x f!reader (Slowburn romance)
Description: Cooper starts to soften up.
Notes: This one is a bit longer! I might be a little slower between parts from now on as it is finals season and I'll be graduating with my bachelor's degree (yay!) plus I work full time. As always, any critiques are welcome!
The air between us after the hug attempt was thick with tension. We walked in silence as we made our way into the wasteland, clear tracks in the sand making the target easy to follow. I was sure that the look on my face was pathetic, like a kicked puppy. I tried to hide my hurt at first, but it didn't seem like he cared much since he had hardly even glanced at me since we left Ma June's shop anyway. At least I had Whilzig's dog. I knew he was just there to help us track his master, but his presence felt comforting. Without him, I think the tension between Cooper and I would be too much to handle.
I glanced over at the ghoul every so often. I was hoping I would catch him glancing back, a sign that he did in fact, give a damn about me. I felt deflated. Any hope I had about his feelings for me had vanished.
I let a quiet sigh escape my lips as I looked down at my feet.
This seemed to get his attention as he stopped in his tracks and whipped around to face me. "Stop it." He said sternly, a look of annoyance on his face.
I was sure that my face did little to hide the horror I felt at his reaction. "I am just tired." I tried to lie.
"Sure." He said back, crossing his arms. He clearly knew I was lying.
I felt anger prickle up inside me. "Why are you looking at me like I did something wrong? I didn't." I exclaimed. "I hugged my friend. At least I thought I did."
He didn't respond to this, instead opting to look out into the never-ending sand.
"Let's just keep going," I mumbled as I stomped past him.
Growing up I loved the sun. I loved to feel its warm rays on my skin as it shined through the window. Now? Now I hated it. We had barely been in the Wasteland that long, and I already felt like the heat was suffocating me. It didn't seem to bother Cooper though. He showed no sign of tiring or discomfort. "One of the perks of being a ghoul I guess." I thought to myself bitterly.
After what felt like ages, our furry companion barked and started running towards a large piece of metal. Cooper and I exchanged looks before picking up our pace to catch up to him.
"What the hell?" I mumbled as I pinched my nose and looked away from the headless body.
Cooper crouched down next to Whilzig, a look of mild confusion on his face before looking out into the wasteland. One of his coughing fits started as he took his pack off of his shoulder and put it on the ground, rummaging through it. He found what he was looking for quickly, a metal tin with a couple of vials of Jet inside. Despite being angry with him, I looked down at him, concern evident on my face. Almost like he could sense it, he looked up at me as he put the vial into his inhaler. His eyes closed and a look of relief washed over his face as he breathed it in. He let out one more soft wheeze as he collected himself.
"Cooper?" I asked softly.
"Yeah, Darlin'?" He replied while getting up from the ground.
"I'm sorry." I started. "I am sorry for huggin' you. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
His eyes bore into me while he contemplated his response. "You're okay Darlin'." He said quietly. "I am just an ill-tempered old man."
I let out a small giggle. "I would've said cranky, but ill-tempered is a nicer way to put it."
He let out a loud bark of a laugh in response. "Come on let's go find the rest of im'." He said as he patted my shoulder.
As we started to walk away from the body, Cooper let out a clicking noise, getting the dog's attention. The dog barked in response as he chased after us.
"How old are you anyway?" I ask curiously.
He hummed in response, "Old."
I decided not to press it further, his short response suggesting it wasn't something he wanted to discuss. This time, our silent march was much more pleasant. The tension from earlier was gone. I was exceeding grateful for this change. As the sun started to set, I felt relieved. The heat didn't feel quite as terrible as the sun started to fade behind the horizon.
"Good a spot as any," Cooper said as he peaked inside a half-crumbled building.
I sighed in relief. "God my feet are killing me. I think I've done more walkin' with you than I have in my entire life."
He let out a breathy laugh, "And you are gonna do a lot more, sugar."
It didn't take long for me to fall asleep in the sand curled up next to Whilzig's dog.
I slowly peeled my eyes open as I felt someone gently shaking me. My bleary eyes peered up to see the face of my traveling companion.
"Mornin' Darlin'." He smirked at my dazed and exhausted face. "Sleep well?"
I just grumbled in response. I slowly raised to my feet, wincing as the pressure on them began to build. I felt his eyes on me as he raised his bag to his shoulder. I sighed as I reached down to pick up my bag as well.
"When we get this bounty, I am gonna sleep for a week." I say with a soft groan.
"Gimme that." He said as he ripped my bag from my hands and threw it over his empty shoulder. He chuckled at the surprised look on my face. "Can't have your pretty ass slowin' me down."
I stood there for a moment and replayed our exchange in my head before finally running after him. "He keeps calling me pretty." I think to myself while a blush creeps over my cheeks.
"You know," I started, feeling bold. "I think we are a great team."
He glanced over at me, an amused look on his face. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." I hummed happily. "I am really glad I met you."
An unrecognizable look washed over his face. Hesitation? Confusion? Fear? It looked like all of those emotions, all at once.
I gave him a weary smile, "Even if you won't let me hug you." I admit.
He hesitated, almost looking like he was going to say something before he stopped himself.
"Hey, Dog Meat!" He yelled up at the dog, "Don't go far."
"Dog Meat?" I mused, "Really?"
"That's what he is, ain't he?" he replied, smirking.
I knew he was trying to change the subject. He was uncomfortable again. So, I decided to let him as I let out a small giggle. "Sure, Cooper."
We continued along, getting closer and closer to the derelict city. The silence was only interrupted by the occasional bark from Dog Meat. We happened upon an oasis, the water inviting, almost trying to trick me into taking a dip. I knew better than that. We could hear a commotion in front of us as we started to slow down, quieting our footsteps. Cooper turned to me and put a finger to his lips, silently shushing me. Someone else was there. The bounty?
No, it was the vaultie. I stayed behind as Cooper snuck up behind her. She only noticed his presence once she heard the cock of his gun.
"Hello again." She said, her eyes filled with fear.
He greeted her by hitting her over the head with the butt of his gun. I grimaced as she fell to the ground.
"Where is it?" He snarled. "The head."
She whimpered on the ground quietly while Cooper picked up her bag and emptied the contents into the dirt.
Cooper got angry as he realized the head wasn't there. He cocked his gun again, ready to shoot her.
"Okay, okay, I don't know where it is. Okay? I lost it." The vaultie begged. "I lost it."
Cooper let out a soft hum as he looked around, it seemed like he already knew what he was looking for when he put his boot in a pile of dung. I made a disgusted face.
"Did you seriously have to do that?" I mumbled. This brought the vaultie's attention to me. She was so caught up in her fear of Cooper she didn't even realize I was there.
"A gulper got it, huh?" He said as he turned back to the vaultie before grabbing her by the hair.
She cried as she begged for mercy as he dragged her to the dock. Once there, he tied a rope with an anchor on the end around her body as well as bound her feet. I just watched from afar, feeling slightly bad for the girl. Dog Meat was barking so loudly I could hardly hear them.
"Stop! Please!" She begged as she wiggled, trying to break free. "My dad, he's an overseer. He got taken by Raiders and I need that head to get him back. If you help me find him, he'll do whatever you want!"
Instead of responding, Cooper just pushed her into the water. The rope she was bound with was connected to a piece of metal I did not recognize, but it kept her from sinking to the bottom. She splashed around as she panicked.
"Stop! Stop! Torture is wrong!" She cried out when he brought her back up out of the water.
Cooper let out a scoff. "You know, they used to do these things called studies. Why, you couldn't open a newspaper without reading about one study or another. Anyways, one particular study came out and it said torturing a person, don't do shit." He replied as he dropped her back into the water briefly before bringing her up again. "It made sense. I mean a man hurts me? I wouldn't want to do him any favors. And yet the practice of torture failed to vanish from this earth. In fact, as time marches on, I've personally noticed a decided uptick in the amount of torture being doled out across the board." He continued as he picked off a small creature from her back and fed it to Dog Meat.
"Sir, please. I need the head. It's the only way I can get my father back." The vaultie begged again. I admired her spirit. I debated asking Cooper to stop, but I bit my tongue instead.
"My point is," Cooper replied, ignoring her pleas. "If you ask me, them studies, they were right. Torturing a person don't do shit."
"Then why are you doing this?" She asked, exasperated.
"Well, I ain't torturing you, sweetheart. I'm using you as bait." He explained before dunking her in the water again. I hated to admit it, but I felt a tiny bit of jealousy in my chest at the nickname. I knew I shouldn't be jealous, he obviously held little love for her.
Cooper started to whistle as he got closer to the edge of the dock like he was beckoning something near. It was at this point that I realized I had been slowly inching closer to them this whole time as my feet finally met the dock.
"What is a gulper?" I asked Cooper curiously.
"A monster, darlin'. Careful." He said, realizing how close I was getting to the water. He grabbed his knife off the wooden box he put it on earlier and tied a rope around it. He clearly had a plan.
The vaultie started crying out in the water and flailing around even more than usual. This caused Cooper to try and lift her out of the water again, but the machine he was using was stuck.
"Cooper!" I cried out, realizing she was going to drown.
He sprang into action as he grabbed a hook, moving the entire machine to pull her out. As she was pulled onto the dock, a giant pink creature followed her. He was right. That was a monster. I ran up to the vaultie and grabbed her shoulders as I tried to pull her away, but the anchor tied around her was stuck in the gulper's mouth. She kicked at the creature violently as Cooper stuck it with his knife. The gulper got ahold of her leg and swung her around, pushing me into the water. I thrashed around as I tried to find something to hold onto.
"Cooper!" I yelled before I finally was able to grasp ahold of the dock. I could hear the tussle above me and the gulper finally cry out and fall back into the water.
I could hear Cooper gasping for air as he crawled over to me. "Give me your hand, sugar."
I quickly did as I was told. He pulled me out of the water and onto the dock with ease. He got up and looked out into the water, wincing as he realized the head was gone once again.
"Cooper," I said softly. "Your bag."
He moved swiftly, going straight for his tin of Jet. At the realization that it was completely crushed he pointed his gun back at the vaultie.
"Motherfucker!" He shouted angrily.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I should've just let you use me as bait in a poison river!" The vaultie yelled back.
Cooper lowered his gun before turning back around to the water. "Fuck!" He screamed.
I finally stood up and waddled my way over to him. My clothes were soaked, uncomfortably sticking to my skin. This caught his attention, he put his hand on my cheek as he briefly scanned my body, looking for injuries. "I am fine." I hummed, my heart squeezing in my chest at his show of affection. It wasn't much, but it showed how much he cared.
"You can't treat people like this!" The vaultie interrupted.
"Yeah, why's that?" Cooper asked, his mind obviously elsewhere.
"Because of the golden rule." She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."
I gave her an amused look as I let out a small laugh. "The golden rule, huh? I don't think he follows that."
"Those gulpers digest real slow. You got time." Cooper said to himself.
I put the hand on his shoulder reassuringly, pulling him from his thoughts. He looked at me for a second before hurrying over to pick up our bags. "We gotta go." He pulled out his lasso and made his way to the vaultie.
"No. no, no, no, no." She begged as he put it around her neck. "Where are we going? What about the head? I need the head to get my dad back."
"Yeah, well, the wasteland's got its own golden rule," Cooper replied, dragging her along.
"Yeah, what's that?" She asked.
"Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time." Cooper sighed.
"What about the dog?" I asked, scurrying after him.
"He ain't ours." He responded curtly.
I frowned at him. I had gotten attached to Dog Meat, but the determined expression on Cooper's face kept me quiet. Wherever we were going, it was important.
Tag list: @msrawog @valdemarismynonbinarylove @topiramateagreeable @whizbang-cap @sitkafay @lightan117 @eykismyfav @ajeff855 @madelinealexandra @justme12200 @sihlaryn @raviolisenpai @ellabellabunny123 @impossessedbyjeongyeon @leviathanleva @v3lv3tf0x @judgementdays-girl
#cooper howard#the ghoul fallout#cooper howard x reader#fallout tv series#the ghoul x reader#fallout
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Hey I saw your old post asking which fanfics you should do next. I know it didn’t win but could you please please please do “Tell Me You Love Me Again” with Eddie. Im in dire need of some good angst ❤️
Tell Me You Love Me Again
Sorry this took me so long to write! I have had some massive writer's block. Hopefully, this is okay!
Pairing: Rockstar!Eddie Munson x reader
Story Type: Angst
Warning: Y/N use, swearing, Eddie's a bit of a greedy ass ngl
Summary: You've been with Eddie since before he was famous. It used to be a loving relationship. As the years have passed, things have changed. Can you save the dying spark between you?
*Not Proof Read*
"Baby, you wanted to talk. Why are we just sitting here in silence?" Eddie asks with a grin. He casually flips through a music magazine, observing all of the new instruments for sale.
I take a deep breath. How do I even start this conversation? He's been so busy launching his band's new line of merch that I doubt this is a great time to talk about our relationship. Who knows when we'll have another opportunity? This is the first time I've been able to see him privately in weeks. I don't know how long I can keep harboring my frustrations.
"We do need to talk...here goes nothing." I sigh. "It's about our relationship."
Eddie pulls his eyes away from his magazine, his smile fading into a serious expression. "What about it?"
"I've been feeling very frustrated lately. I feel like you're never home, and I never get to see you anymore. I miss you." I reply honestly.
Eddie sets the magazine on top of the coffee table that separates us. "I know it's been busy lately, but it's great for us! Now I can take you anywhere you want to go. Name any place, and I can bring you there." Eddie's playful smile returns.
I let out a tired laugh. "Eddie, that's nice and all, but the problem is you don't have the time to take me anywhere I want to go. I just want you to dial it back a bit, please. Spend more time with me, and I'm sure Wayne would love it if you spent some time with him, too."
I'm not even sure if Eddie has time to call Wayne anymore. I might be the only one talking to him regularly.
"I spend plenty of time with Wayne." Eddie's expression is slightly offended.
"It's just the past year; you've rarely been back. Can't you take some time off? Cancel a few tour dates or reschedule some photoshoots?"
"I can't just abandon my career, Y/N. My band has worked so hard for this." Eddie argues. "It wouldn't be fair to the boys."
"What about what's fair to me, Eddie?" I let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm not asking you to abandon anything, Eddie. I just think you should prioritize our relationship a little more. We barely see each other anymore!" My heart pounds. "When you're not on tour, you're constantly doing promotional videos or photoshoots. We haven't gone on a date in almost a month."
My flurry of emotions has caused tears to prick the back of my eyes. Fuck, I can't cry right now.
Eddie's shoulders are tense. His usual animated and playful exterior is replaced with a frustrated and angry one. One I rarely see, especially not when talking to me.
"That's part of the job. I'm a fucking rockstar, Y/N. I can't exactly blow off the world tours and photoshoots. My label and manager expects me to get shit out quickly. You don't understand! The moment I stop making songs and producing new shit, the moment all of this, " He gestures around the room to all of his expensive nicknacks and furniture. "disappears. I'll become irrelevant. My band will become irrelevant. This is my life, Y/N. And you're going to need to learn to accept it."
My frown deepens. "Do you hear yourself? How can you not see how greedy you're becoming? What happened to just loving music? Loving the art of creating, no matter how many people heard. When did this all become about money?" I stand up from my spot on Eddie's couch, needing to put some distance between myself and the man. I avoid making eye contact with him, knowing if I do, I'll burst into tears.
This room suddenly feels so suffocating. "Is this really all you care about? How many shows you can sell out? How deep your pockets can get?"
"For fucks sake, Y/N." Eddie groans as he leans back against his recliner. His head hits the back of the seat, an annoyed expression flashing across his face. "You're being so fucking dramatic."
I shake my head. "This is not what I signed up for. You are not the man I signed up to be with."
Eddie stiffens. Hurt crosses his eyes. His face turns stoic as he looks me dead in the eye. A dark anger replaces his hurt. "Things change. People change. Obviously, I've changed. If you hate me so fucking much, why don't you get the fuck out and find someone new? Someone who better suits your lifestyle since you're not happy with me."
I freeze. My heart drops at his bitter words. He's never spoken to me like this before.
He's so different than the man I fell in love with all those years ago. Life seemed simpler in Hawkins. I'd work the night shift at The Hideout and he'd play with his band. I was able to see him regularly while he was still able to do what he loved. No massive world tours to separate us for months. No partying until early the next day. Just the two of us, supporting each other and doing what we loved.
I feel my cheeks heat from embarrassment and anger. He's right. He's changed, and it's obviously been for the worse. "You know what, you're right."
Eddie's eyes widen slightly in surprise, like he didn't think I'd agree.
"You don't want to work this out like an adult, so I'm going to leave. We're done, Eddie. I can't do this anymore. I deserve someone willing to set aside time for me. I shouldn't be the only one giving 100% to the relationship. I need someone who respects me and what I need. You can't give that to me." I grab my purse from the couch. I pause right before I reach the door. " Eddie, " I turn to look back at the man.
He doesn't meet my gaze. His eyes are trained on his locked hands. He looks like he's in disbelief.
"I hope you find what you're looking for. Just know that you'll never have enough money or fame to please yourself. Materialistic things can only bring you so much happiness. You'll suffer until you realize that. I just hope it isn't too late when you finally do."
With that, I leave the apartment. As soon as the door behind me clicks shut, the tears begin to fall. I lean against the wall near Eddie's door and wrap my arms around myself for some sort of support.
I wish he loved me enough to apologize. I wish he would come out here, tell me he was wrong, and that he was going to try to fix things.
I finally garner the strength to push away from Eddie's wall and make my way downstairs. With every step, I think of new things I wish Eddie would do.
When I take my last step out of the apartment building, disappointment settles in my chest as I realize none of my wishes came true.
Eddie's a rockstar. He'll never love me as much as he loves his lifestyle.
I was stupid to think he'd always be the man I fell in love with in Hawkins, Indiana.
#fanfic#fanfiction#x reader#x you#x female reader#stranger things x reader#xreader#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x you#x yn#stranger things x you#stranger things x y/n#rockstar eddie munson#eddie munson#eddie stranger things#eddie munson angst#eddie munson fanfiction
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Cash Slave, reporting in...

Good morning, master. State Trooper Hernandez reporting!
I hope you're doing well since the last time we saw each other. Again, I can't apologize enough for pulling you over on the highway. I had no idea you were such an amazing hypnotist. Thank you again for letting me get off easy and only making me taze myself twice! I was paralyzed in that muddy ditch for awhile, but you could've given me a helluva worse punishment!
Your instructions aren't negotiable, so I made sure to snap a photo before I started my shift today. As you suggested, I've been eating a box of donuts every morning, and I've packed on a hefty 30 lbs since I've started. My wife has complained, but I know you want me to look more like a cliche of law enforcement!
I'll stop by your house to drop off my paycheck tonight after work. I won't forget to pick up some pizza for you and your friends on the way: extra sausage, just like you said!
See you tonight, master!

Hello sir.
It's been a week since you came into my shop, and I've followed everything you said. I didn't agree with it at first, but you convinced me with that little pendant.
You were right! I really am beneath powerful men like you. Filthy blue-collar workers aren't worthy to lick the dirt off your shoes. You were right to point that out, and you were right to tell me to embrace it. When the world looks at me, they shouldn't see a man. They should see a grease monkey at the bottom of society.
That's why I haven't showered or changed in seven days. My BO is uncomfortable to work in, but I know it's just a reminder of what I am. I used to be proud of my job. Ha! I used to look down on suits like you, but I'm nothing in comparison; just a tool at your disposal.
Anyways, I cleaned and waxed your old car as fast as I could. I know I lent you my convertible, but you're welcome to keep it. I put a lot of sweat and blood in fixing her up, but like you said, fancy cars are meant for you to drive and me to maintain.
Stop back in my garage anytime. White-collar men like you get free service here! It's not the place of any lowly laborer to get in the way of what you want.
Thank you again, sir.

Hello boss.
Just started another long day of window washing! It's another hot one, but I'll keep my head down and sweat through it like usual.
I've gotta say, it's days like this that make me miss the comforts of my old corporate desk job. I'd kill for some AC right now, but I remember how much you made me realize I hated that career. Like you said, I'm much better suited to a life of mindless cleaning.
It turns out you're the real one with a knack for business strategy because all of your advice has been genius! The income is dependent on the hours I put in, and since I'm working for half the price of all competitors, I've gotten a monopoly on the market! I've fully booked all seven days for the next five or so weeks, so I'll be washing windows non-stop!
The business is already booming! I've been billing customers to your bank account, so you should already see all the profit in there!
Later today, I'll make a note of the minimum I need to replenish the cleaning supplies I'm running through. I'd also be grateful if you loaned me a bit for personal use, but it's understandable if you can't spare any! We agreed that I wasn't working for a salary, and I'm fine with that! I've been sleeping in the company van the last few weeks and it's more than good enough for me!
Don't worry, boss. I'll get back to work!

Tell my wife hello for me, master!
Working on a rig has been isolating. The job is brutal, the days are long, and every night I head back to our bunks covered in oil. I thought I'd at least get to bond with the other guys, but most of us are too tired to do anything but eat and sleep after our shift.
The only thing that's getting me through it is thinking about you. I know I also have a girl at home, but you were the one that gave my life purpose. I was never going to make money as an actor, and you helped me see that! You were the one that convinced me to go for this ridiculous job in the middle of the ocean, and now I'm making a ton of money!
You deserve it all.
I wouldn't have seen any of this cash if I hadn't stuck around after your stage hypnosis show. I still remember the wild look in your eyes when you came up with this idea for me. I also remember that hungry look you had when you saw my wife. It was impossible to say no.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my wife company while I'm gone. A man like you deserves her attention more than I do. Like you said, I doubt I was pleasing her to begin with. The only thing I'm good for is earning money, and I hope you're enjoying it because it sure isn't easy to earn!
I gotta get back, but I wanted to let you know that I signed up for another six months like you suggested. It's lonely, but I'm happy to do it, master!

Son, or should I still call you 'sir'?
I'm not sure if I your new title applies through text as well? Being your dad and your servant can be a bit confusing, but I don't mean disrespect you! Just let me know.
My workout is done and I'm headed back to your house. I signed the deed over to you this morning, so you officially own it now! Like usual, I'll clean the place from top to bottom. I've got all the mops and cleaning supplies in my van and ready to go. Since it's Friday, I'll start on the weekly yard work; mowing, weeding, etc... I don't want to bore you with the details, but it'll take the majority of the day to keep your place in tip top shape!
As I understand it, you are having friends over tonight, so I'll prepare a three course meal for eight. I ironed my apron this morning so I should look like a more presentable waiter than last night when I served your food!
As always, please let me know if there's any other way I can be of service today or tonight.
I'll be awaiting your return, sir.

Hey little bro,
I just finished my workout at the gym with dad. We're both hitting PRs and we're really starting to see some results! Still can't believe you hypnotized his dumb ass to think he's your butler! That man looks so stupid changing from gym clothes into a bowtie and gloves. He's constantly calling you 'sir' too, even when you're not around.
He's such an idiot.
Anyways, I'm all dressed and ready for my new job. You were totally right. I'm going to be so much happier as a clown instead of a wrestler. I'm about to head out to my first gig; a ten year old's birthday party. I think he's the kid of someone I used to compete with. It might be a little awkward, but it won't affect my routine. I've got an afternoon of pies in the face and self-deprecating humor ahead of me.
I made sure to tell the guy who hired me that I'm willing to stay after and clean up. Kids make a huge mess after all. I just hope he won't be too weird about me being a clown at his son's party. We may have been rivals in the past, but that was back when I wrestled. Now I'm just a joke for hire. He's technically my boss for the day, so I'll have to get used to taking orders from him.
Wish me luck, bro. I'll give you the money after the dad dismisses me. Let's hope I make a good clown!
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My little warrior| Sanemi x f!reader
Plot: Sanemi had to go on another mission because he had been called by the master to carry it out. What he didn't expect was to be surprised when he returned home.
A/n: I can only imagine Sanemi's hot-headed personality being completely melted away and replaced by tears when he holds his beautiful baby girl in his arms for the first time🥹🤏
(Crying in daddy issues😭😭)
Tw: pregnancy, labour
It was almost time for you and Sanemi to see your little one come into the world. He was speechless when you told him (Although sooner or later he would know it was going to happen, given the little secret adventures after missions or when he came home after a rough day).
He didn't know how to deal with the news at first, and given his childhood, he was afraid that one day he might repeat the same actions as his father. However, you talked to him and promised that you would always be by his side and that you would both teach each other how to take care of this child that was about to be born.
In the first few months, everything seemed fine and you were still able to do many of your daily activities, although he always kept an eye on you just to make sure you didn't get hurt and didn't end up hurting the baby. He was already overprotective of you before and now that he found out you were carrying something that was also his, he became even more protective. Sometimes you stopped to think and thought it was cute how he took care of you with such delicacy. Something rare in him.
All the other hashiras congratulated you on the news. Shinobu made sure to take care of you and do regular checkups so that everything would go well and the little one would be born healthy.
Sanemi liked to lay his head on your lap so he could be next to your belly and listen to his daughter's heartbeat. He also like to caress your belly and the day he felt the first kick he was surprised.
"Hey brat! Don't kick your mother! Are you trying to get out of there or something?You could have hurt her." He playfully scolded the girl as if she could hear him and you just giggled
"Don't listen to him, that just tickled me."You said, caressing the part that was kicked
It was all these little things that made you both more and more captivated by the whole process. It turns out that in the last few weeks you had been having some difficulty with mobility, doing some things that you could do before but that now you got tired more quickly. Sanemi, like a gentleman, made a point of carrying you. Sometimes you felt a little insecure because you seemed a little heavier now, but he thought you were light as a feather. Besides, this man was physically strong as hell and carrying the weight of his family was now his job.
You already missed putting one foot on the ground, but he always carried you everywhere around the house.
"Sanemi, I'm pregnant, not disabled, I can walk by myself, you know?" You said, trying to convince him, but he was too stubborn and that was nothing new to anyone
"And why don't you shut up and let me deal with this, huh?" He replied and you just rolled your eyes
That night, you were sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard as you watched your husband dressing his uniform to go out on another mission.
He was a little nervous and had only one goal in mind: to get home alive for his wife and his little girl.
When he finished, he seat on the edge of the bed and ran his hand over your belly and then kissed you with his usual intensity.
"I'm leaving now, but I'll be back soon, okay?" He held your hand and looked you in the eyes as if that were his promise
"I know, I believe in you and your strength. You still have a little one waiting for you too." You looked at your belly with a little smile
"Yes, and after her, I'll still have many more waiting for me." He said and you looked at him with a questioning look
"What do you mean by that?"
"That I want to live long enough to give her more siblings. She won't be the only one." Sanemi bent down and planted a kiss on your belly. "Daddy's coming soon, take care of your mom, okay? My little brat."
"You're already quite advanced, I see." You giggled. "Well, then I'll be happy to carry her siblings too." You smiled at him
He then kissed your forehead and gave a smiled, something that was very rare in him and that even you didn't see very often, but when it happened, your heart filled with happiness knowing that he was happy too.
He left the room and went to do his duty as Hashira.
You thought Mitsuri would come that night since it was her or Shinobu who usually came to keep you company when Sanemi was away. Even Tengen's wives would often visit you to take care of you and the house, so you wouldn't have to work hard. So it was practically a girls' night when Sanemi went out. Deep down he thanked them for being there with you when he was away, he felt safer knowing that you were protected and accompanied. But since no one was visiting you that night you decided to read something to pass the time since you still didn't feel sleepy.
You seemed so absorbed in reading that the strong contraction caught you by surprise and made you writhe in pain. You instinctively put the book down and hugged your belly to try to ease the pain. You removed the blanket that covered your legs and saw the wet sheet underneath due to the breaking of the waters and knew that at that moment your girl wanted to come out.
"Oh girl... You caught mom by surprise now." You said, trying to get up but still in pain. A sharp pain that was new to you.
"Is Y/n asleep already?" Misturi asked Shinobu as the two approached your house
"I don't know, but she's probably on her way to falling asleep since she gets tired more easily now." Shinobu replied
"I think so, but I also think she'll gave birth to a very cute little girl. I'll love holding her." Misturi said, excitedly at the thought and Shinobu smiled before knocking on the door
You heard the front door and immediately thought it was someone coming to check on you, but you didn't think you had the strength to walk to the door and open it since you were in so much pain at that moment. You moaned in pain and felt tears fall, running down your face.
"She's taking so long. Maybe she's really sleeping." Shinobu guessed
"Maybe she's really tired." Misturi said
"Help!!" You shouted and both of them looked at the door after hearing your voice
"It looks Y/n's voice!" Shinobu looked up to where your voice was coming from
"Yes, she needs us."
"But with the door lock, how are we going to get to her?"
"Okay, I know Y/n and Sanemi won't like this, but I have to do it." Mitsuri took a deep breath before kicking the door open to enter your house. "Come." She invited Shinobu who was surprised by her friend's action
She entered right after her and went upstairs to your room where you were, sitting on the bed.
"Y/n!! Are you okay?" Shinobu came close to you holding your hand
"Y/n! is it now that she will be born?"Misturi asked completely distressed to see you like this
"Yes...please... It hurts so much." You cried
"Mitsuri, help me here, we have to take her to the butterfly mansion. We can't do this here." Shinobu asked and Mitsuri quickly went to her to help carry you
You leaned on the two of them and went with them to the mansion
"Well, it looks like that's all for tonight. We managed to sort things out and I don't think they'll be back here any time soon." Obanai said, looking around the abandoned ruin where he and Sanemi had annihilated the demons
"I thought the mission would never end. Tch! They called me here because of these weak idiots who weren't even good enough to warm up. How embarrassing!" Sanemi put down his sword and sat down a bit
"You seem a little tense and it's not because you're tired, is it? You're not even sweating." Obanai looked at him and his friend looked away
"I'm going to be a father soon, of course I can't be calm." Sanemi said, his nervousness already on edge
"I see, why don't you go back home then? I'll take care of this here and justify the rest to the master. Go back home, Y/n needs you more than we do."Obanai suggested and Sanemi just let out a long sigh
"Yeah, maybe that's what I'll do. Even though she's probably already asleep by now. It's pretty late and I'm still a long way away." The Wind Hashira got up and said goodbye to his friend before heading back
Sanemi was arriving home when he came across the broken door and it didn't take long for his heart to start beating faster and his body to shiver. All he could think about was the idea of a demon having entered there and that he had hurt you along with his baby and that made him run inside the house. Just the thought made him horrified.
"No...It can't be..."He muttered, starting to lose control of his breathing
He ran to the bedroom but all he could see were the disheveled sheets and a stain. He knew immediately that you were giving birth and that you had probably been taken to the mansion. At least one side of his heart was relieved to know that you were alive, but on the other side he needed to run to where you were so he could be with you at that moment.
He ran out of the house and only stopped when he reached the butterfly mansion. When Aoi saw him outside, she ran to him, anxious, and told him what was happening.
"Mr. Shinazugawa... your wife... you need to come quickly. She needs you." Aoi said
"Where is she?!" He asked completely distressed
"Come with me." She ran inside to take him there and he followed her
As soon as the Hashira entered the room and saw you lying down, crying and screaming, he went to you.
"Y/n!" He held your hand and you looked at him, sobbing and grabbing his hand to release the pain. "I'm here...I'm here with you, everything will be fine."
"Sanemi..."You called his name through your tears, grateful that he was there by your side encouraging you
"Come on Y/n, it's almost there." Shinobu said.
"You can do it, love. You're strong, you're so strong. I know you can do this." Sanemi encouraged
After that painful moment and after so much blood, sweat, tears and screams, she was born.
You could barely feel your body after all that struggle to bring your daughter into the world. Your body was sweaty, exhausted and numb. Your breathing was irregular and your eyes were still wet from the amount of tears you'd shed.
Aoi arrived with the towels and Shinobu took one to wipe the little girl's blood. She was born without any problems, she was healthy and she was crying while they cleaned her.
"Shinobu..." You called in a low, tired voice and she looked at you. "Let me hold her." You held out your arms and she promptly placed the little girl in your hands
You cried with joy at seeing her for the first time. She seemed to be the perfect mix of you and Sanemi.
"I love her so much. My little girl." You kissed the little girl's forehead."Our girl is beautiful, isn't she?" You looked at Sanemi but he didn't seem to be listening to anything
He was just focused on the image in front of him. His eyes quickly filled with tears and just fell to his knees next to the bed. He start crying with joy and pride for the birth of his daughter and for you for being the little one's mother. He was so proud of your strength at that moment.
"Y/n... She's so..." Sanemi could only reach out his arms to reach her and you handed her over
He picked her up in his arms. She looked so tiny, so fragile and so innocent. That scene reminded him of when he used to hold his baby sisters in his arms, since he was the older brother and the one who took care of them.
But this one was his, made by him. Part of him. His little one, his little warrior. He was so proud of you being able to bring such a perfect being like her to this world.
You looked at the scene of him holding his daughter in his arms and realized that this was probably one of the rare occasions you had seen him cry. That scene was a true contrast between someone so innocent and soft and someone brutally strong whose innocence was taken away from him too early. Sanemi would do anything to protect his little girl.
"Look at her Y/n, she's so pretty, she looks just like you." He looked at you with a smile and teary eyes
"But she inherited your white hair."You ran your fingertips through the little girl's thin white strands of hair
"Well, that means she'll be strong like me and beautiful like her mother." He said, caressing her head with the greatest care, seeing her slightly squirming in his hands. "My little one, I love you so much."
The door opened and you looked up to face Mitsuri, her eyes filled with tears as she saw your newborn daughter. She was so happy that everything had gone well.
"Y/n, can I hold your daughter please?" Misturi asked as she approached you
"Of course."
She held out her arms and, still a little reluctant, Sanemi handed her over.
"She's so cute. How pretty you are, little one." Mitsuri gave the little girl a good number of kisses on her little chubby cheeks. "Does she have a name yet?"
"No. I was a little undecided about what to call her, but Sanemi had told me before that he already had a name for her. What did you decide?" You looked at him and he seemed a little downcast
"I was thinking of naming her...Shizu. If you agree too." He said and you thought about it for a moment, but in a matter of seconds you realized it
His mother's name... The person he loved so much and who unfortunately had such a cruel ending.
That would probably be a way to honor her and you were sure that his mother would be proud of her son and her beautiful newborn granddaughter.
You saw a tear fall from his eye and ran your thumb over his face, wiping it away. He looked at you and you gave him an encouraging smile.
"It's a beautiful name, I agree. Our daughter will be called Shizu." You stroked his hair, combing his bangs. He gave you a little smile, happy that you had also agreed with his idea.
Mitsuri returned the little girl to his hands and the way his eyes sparkled was something that captivated you. The sparkle that was missing was now there in his gaze, which was also softer than you had ever seen.
"Oh, and by the way, I'm sorry for breaking down your door. It was locked, and when Shinobu and I heard Y/n screaming for help, I just wanted to get to her as quickly as possible so we could help her." Misturi explained the broken door to your house."You probably thought someone had come in to hurt her, and I'm sorry for that."
You hadn't talked to her about it before since you were not in a position to do so, but now that you thought about it, it didn't really matter since your daughter was there, healthy and breathing
"It's okay, we'll take care of it later. At least now I know nothing bad happened to them." Sanemi said, and Mitsuri was relieved to know that neither of them had a problem with that
"I'm glad everything's okay."
"Yes, I can't wait to go home with her." You said."But if I get pregnant again, I'll never lock the doors at night again." You said and Mitsuri and Shinobu laughed
"I think that would be a good idea." Shinobu said
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Characters Awakening Lines Translations
After posting the lines for Jin and Rui, I felt like translating other characters too so here we are!
Please note that since I don’t have access to all of the characters’ lines, most of the raw lines are taken from the unofficial JP wiki. The texts are all there so if any of you notice any errors/mistranslations, feel free to correct me!
Awakening: To think I'm receiving alms from my servant... Should I kneel in front of you? Fully Awakened: Trust is something that can be broken easily. Don't you dare come any closer than you already have.
Awakening: This feeling… It appears that you want me to keep reaching out for the top. Is that how it is? Fully Awakened: With this power, we're one step closer to achieving our goal. And I'm* going to make sure we see it through the end. [*he's referring to himself as “ore” instead of his usual “”watashi” here]
Awakening: I devote myself to protecting the weak, for that is the path I have to take. Fully Awakened: I'll become stronger than anyone. I don't want to lose anything important to me一not anymore!
Awakening: Could it be… even someone like me can get stronger too? Fully Awakened: You have done so much for me! This man, Kaito, will no longer run away!!
Awakening: This power is dangerous. Stay away from me. Fully Awakened: I don't really know what’s appropriate to say for this kind of thing, so… well… umm, thanks a lot.
Awakening: C'mere, Honor Roll~ I'll show you those guys’ ugly crying faces too~ Fully Awakened: Obviously. If I don't like someone, I’ll take matters into my own hands and create hell on earth just for them. There's no such thing as divine retribution, you know?
Awakening: Thanks for waiting. Well? What do you want me to do now? Say it clearly. Fully Awakened: Sure, okay. I got it. If it's your request, I'll make sure to at least listen to it through the end.
Awakening: That sure hits the spot~ Now I don't even need those energy drinks! Fully Awakened: I'm going as far as this road is going to take me. I made a choice to walk down this path and it's not something I can just simply throw away.
Awakening: Heheh~ Did I get stronger? How interesti~ng. Fully Awakened: I wonder why humans are such foolish, whimsical, and pitiful creatures… yet they manage to still be so lovable?
Awakening: Doing something like this… Senpai, what are you planning? Fully Awakened: Geez! Even if you look at me with those expectant eyes, I know you'll just get tired of me right away…
Awakening: Gyahahahaha! Aren't you one greedy little kitten~? But I don't hate that about you. Fully Awakened: A hasty greed and a sincere wish. There's no big difference between the two of them.
Awakening: Come now. Is it really the time to be charmed by my beauty? Fully Awakened: I need to be perfect all the time一for that is my way of staying triumphant on this world.
Awakening: This will help in furthering my career. Fully Awakened: I definitely will become the best attorney in Japan, and then I shall ensure my father's name will be clear from all the alleged infamy he's received.
Awakening: I’m so happy that you're right here beside me to watch me grow. Fully Awakened: “Ignorance is Bliss" and “Silence is Golden”. Don't you agree that it's unreasonable to try and break the admonitions we inherited from our predecessors?
Awakening: Oi oi oi. Don't expect too much from me, you hear? Fully Awakened: If our life were decided by the things we were born with, you bet I'd be the first one to kiss that kind of life goodbye.
Awakening: It seems that my capability has bloomed yet again! Fully Awakened: I was wrong, my dear. As it turns out, dreams are not to be kept as just an idealized fantasy but something we should achieve with our own hands.
Awakening: Oh dearie me. If you whip my old bones any harder, I might actually die this time, you know? Fully Awakened: Sometimes a youthful folly can lead one into committing grave sins. So I hope that you keep this in mind一remain modest and cautious.
Awakening: Thanks a bunch for working hard for my sake~ I really mean it! Fully Awakened: It's fine if you ended up forgetting about me. I simply wish for you, of all people, to become happy.
Awakening: Thanks. I want to show the current me to Neros soon. Fully Awakened: I’m going to work hard. I don't want to come back to those hellish days anymore.
Awakening: This feeling! It stimulates my brain cells! Fully Awakened: I will pioneer the advanced road of genomic analysis for anomalies and establish myself as the best doctor in the world!
Awakening: Thank you very much. I feel slightly better. Fully Awakened: I won't let you die. The reason I'm helping you? I don't really understand it myself either.
#tokyo debunker#tkdb ref#tkdb info#also no beta reader so unfortunately you guys have to deal with my nightmarish grammar. really sorry for that m(_ _)m#I love how a lot of these lines are like#awakening: haha silly little guys! 一 fully awakened: contemplating their life choices#i really like leo's fully awakened line; it's just so him#other than that i also like rui (obvs) towa zenji haku and taiga's fully awakened lines#(should just say i like everyone's at this point)#my translations#edit: change leo's awakening line a bit
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How We Fall For People Like James Somerton
We're all joking, but this James Somerton thing has me really fucked up.
I wasn't a huge fan of James. I saw a few of his videos and liked them. In the ones I saw he was calm and explained things straightforwardly and even the one or two times he said things against white women...well, that's language I've been seeing on Tumblr since I joined back in my tweenage years. I thought it was just a dismissive joke pointing out a frank reality.
I didn't watch him too much. Just a few videos. I kept meaning to watch more, but I didn't because sometimes I wanted something easier. But I regarded him sell because of how informed he seemed.
And that's the thing, isn't it? He SEEMED informed. He spoke confidently and sometimes quoted queer sounding articles and I trusted him blindly. And why? Because he was giving me information that SEEMED well researched.
Illumanaughtii too. I WAS a consistent fan of hers before other youtubers came out. Because she presented information really well and I like hand drawn characters and because she read academic sounding quotes. I trusted her and her information was stollen. And I feel like a fool for ever having trusted her now, but at least her stollen facts were apparently accurate. Maybe.
James though, he straight up lied. Todd in the Shadows went through a lot of effort to expose those lies. He did so much research that I didn't bother to do. And he admitted he only did it because he happened to know people more informed than him that noticed the lies and went down a rabbit hole.
And maybe if I was more involved I would have noticed. But that's beside the point. what's getting me is I didn't bother to check myself, I just blindly trusted.
And the worst part is I can see why it happened.
I work.
I work, and then I get home, and when I get home I stress. I stress about work I have to do tomorrow, or classes, or finding a new job that actually pays a livable wage. And to escape that stress I go online to AO3, or tumblr, but especially Youtube.
Because I like youtube, I like to have noise in the background while I work. I like to listen to things while I read. And some of the time it's ASMR videos, or watching someone cook something. But mostly? It's history things or video essays.
And when I'm working, or reading, I'll hear a fact, and I'll look up, and I'll think "Huh, that's interesting to know, I didn't know that." And I won't think anything about it.
Because I'm busy, or I'm tired. I'm tired from work, and I don't want to do more work. Or sometimes it's mental health. This is my coping mechanism. I'm trying to learn things, do something to distract myself. I'm not looking to disprove things.
In other words I'm lazy. Or, if I'm being kind to myself, I'm tired.
Maybe if the topic was something I was an expert in I would have noticed. I'm a former ballerina, I'm a failed history major dropout. Maybe if he'd said something like "Holodomor never happened" or "Boudica is a Finnish folk hero" I'd have noticed. Maybe.
But he didn't, and I didn't notice. I assumed he did the work, and why?
Because surely a gay man wouldn't spend hours on youtube talking about Queer history if he wasn't passionate. Because he, a queer man, would surely know about queer history. Surely he wouldn't want to spread lies and hate. And he's quoting from books and articles so why wouldn't I trust him?
My trust was blind and unfounded.
And now I'm reeling from that. I'm reeling because I'm starting to feel like I can't trust a lot of people. How can I listen to any Youtuber casually now?
I can't, I never should have assumed I could.
Now every informative video feels like I need to do tens of hours of research just to be sure what I'm hearing is true. I feel like I can't trust anything unless I do.
James Somerton took my trust.
And it's not only that either. That's not what scares me the most. It's that there are THOUSANDS of people like me. Millions like me. Who are learning something from a video or a tweet or a tumblr post from someone they assume is an expert and are blindly trusting because they assume they can trust it. They don't intend to do their own research because they're tired, or don't know how. And that scars me. I was a history major, I studied tyrants and misinformation and the rise of propaganda, and I, with all my tools to notice, was still blind.
You cannot blindly trust a video, you cannot blindly trust a tweet, you especially cannot blindly trust a tumblr post.
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