#man wtf am i talking about i should just stick to liking and reblogging
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meelonkurb · 21 days ago
#this is a personal rant so i'm just writing it in the tags because i don't want this to be taken as a cry for attention or smthing like that#i always fear that's what people who are following me are gonna think about whenever i make these types of posts#if my occasional rants make you uncomfortable then i will not blame anyone for unfollowing me or anything like that#but it is still my blog so i feel like it's ok for me to sometimes rant about things that are on my chest#anyway idk the rant is that this app makes me feel all types of emotions; both good and bad#like i love posting/reblogging stuff here sm it's such a fun place to find new people and content#but at the same time i always crumble so bad because interacting with others here is just so hard#and whenever i try to interact with some people getting ignored is pretty common#i'm not mad about it at all !! honestly i understand why people don't respond to me/interact with me#it's sometimes just a bit disheartening to come to the app seeing so many people having such cool connections here#and when i try it's never successful...sigh idk i'm just in my feels and less active here recently#tbh this might also just come from the fact that i miss having connections with people; moving to another country has been hard socially rn#idk anyway this is my shitty rant lol so if anyone really read through this i'm sorry for making you suffer through this mwah#edgar yap sess#man wtf am i talking about i should just stick to liking and reblogging#loser alert!!!!
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wearepaladin · 6 years ago
Hey Galadin! Do you have any favorite paladin (or paladin-like) characters?
Hi! Thank you for this question! I’m sorry I haven’t been on top of things. Poor sleep + end of semester = a very tired squire. 
This is off the cuff, so apologies if I missed anyone! 
Most of The Knights of the Round Table are paladin like, with exceptions (AGRAVAIN, seriously, Arthur, I know he’s your nephew but WTF?), but going by paladinness my favs are Gawain and Percival. Gawain because he’s The Maiden’s Knight and just so goddamn dreamy. Percival because he lives that 20 WIS, 6 INT life. Pure of heart, dumb of ass.
And of course, there’s the guy who inspired the class we love, Holger Carlson from Three Hearts and Three Lions. Good, solid dude. He starts the novel as a Danish Resistance Fighter taking down Nazis and it only gets better from there, folks. I also love Carahue from the same book, though I resent the implication that you have to convert to Christianity to be a paladin. (If anyone wants to talk about creating non-Christian paladins, hmu at @weareladyknight I’d love to hear people’s thoughts!)
Speaking of non-Christian paladins, there’s our own Paladin’s Tarek Al-Amir. Ideal Paladin, Embodiment of Divine Light, accompanied by some truly beautiful and unique imagery. Compassionate, but uncompromising in what is right, great backstory and really, really fun to rp with!  
I’d be remiss if I didn’t bring up Paksenarrion Dorthansdotter of The Deed of Paksenarrion fame. Through hardship, doubt, challenges and circumstances that would make GRRM faint, she remains true to herself and her principals. Also, Elizabeth Moon wrote the books out of spite. She got annoyed at the notion that traditional paladins were “boring” and set out to prove those jerks wrong. And I dig that. 
Okay, I could not get through the first Song of Ice and Fire and I never bothered with the show. (And yes, I am very smug about being right). But Brienne of motherfucking Tarth a.k.a. The Most Decent Person in Westeros, Terror of Men, The Baddest Bitch, Keeper of the Realness is simply the GOAT. She believes in the ideals of knighthood and makes good on her beliefs. And she should have ended up with Sansa do not @ me. 
And of course, there’s Good Boy Corporal Carrot. @aethersea said it best:
my favorite thing about Corporal Carrot is that he’s a romantic hero plopped right in the middle of the greediest cesspit of a chaotic neutral city ever to debase the pages of literature, and yet instead of having his shining idealism destroyed by an uncaring reality, he makes reality embarrassedly put down the weapons and agree to make nice, and then mutter an awkward “Good morning” whenever it passes him on the street. 
There’s a lot of superheroes who have paladinlike qualities so it’s really hard to pick. I do occasionally go on a kick about a particular one (rn it’s Iron Man), but when it comes to my favorite, the one who I love from the bottom of my heart, it’s Wonder Woman. Peace, love, justice, equality, fuck yes. And of course, this quote from Gail Simone: 
Don’t kill if you can wound, don’t wound if you can subdue, don’t subdue if you can pacify, and don’t raise your hand at all until you’ve first extended it
And finally, I have to give a shout out to my own OC, Gwinna Octaven, Duchess of Ursa, Eriah’s Claw, Lady Knight. I deliberately made her a power fantasy. Tall, strong, skilled, and charismatic as hell. Not that she doesn’t struggle. Do the ends justify the means? Am I worthy? Why should I listen to God anyways? She has principals, sticks to them and kicks ass. Also, she will steal your horse, your squire and your girl if you cross her. I love playing her and writing her. She’s simply the best. 
I’m sure I’ve forgotten people. So reblog and add your favs! I can’t wait to read about them! 
~ Squire 
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nxrthborn · 6 years ago
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Peter's Positivity Post: Time to tag some beautiful babes that make my heart nut
@jerevinans : Because this bean always sends me asks that I reblog and makes me feel wanted and loved and it’s just so awesome to have this awesome mun around <3 you fr make me happy and I am super glad our muses have a thing and that we are mutuals you are so talented bby!
@chevalier-de-la-fleurs : my bean, my baby, my heart! This bean right here has stuck with me through a lot! Through all my Hiatus’, me having deleted my blog and then followed me again when I came back <3 that is honestly just... wtf I can’t even begin to explain how sweet and awesome that is <3 also for including me in things and just being so kind and gentle! I honestly would not trade you for anything because I cherish you and you are one of my best friends <3
@exilekniight : BO MY BEAN look Bo you are gr8 and I adore Jorah and Pytre and I just adore you as well. You make me laugh so hard cause you are funny as shit and such a sweet lil babe. Thank you for being a friend and I love hearing from you even if I’m lame and don’t really message people first but just know I think about you constantly and ilysm and I just ugh <3
@donahontes : My heart and soul right here, I love Sansa and I love you! Thanks for being such a pure soul and being so sweet to me seriously you make my hear BIG nut <3 I love the interactions we’ve had because Pytre and Sansa have become one of my otp’s and I just *chef kiss* MAGNIFICO. 
@jxime-lxnnister : yOU ARE SUCH A SWEET BBY AND I LOVE AND ADORE YOUR JAIME AND SO DOES PYTRE. You are such a good soul and I’m so happy we’ve gotten the chance to interact, Pytre loves Jaime and would protect him with his life <3 you’re such a talented writer and I just gotta say you are wonderful and thank you for being you <3
@lastxdragon : MY QUEEN MY LOVE MY BABY THIS SWEET AMAZING MUN RIGHT HERE IS JUST AHHHHH. You as well have been here for me through a lot! You were there through my Hiatus’ and you are still here now even after I deleted and came back that’s some real fuckin love right there! Pytre and I adore your Dany and we are so thankful that you are a part of our life and that you’ve made our tumblr experience one of a kind <3
@scndor : We have yet to truly interact with each other but look I appreciate you so heckin much, you’re just a pure and gentle being and I am so happy that you are here in my life at this very moment <3 you are always welcome to toss Sandor at my lil assassin boi and give us all the interactions! 
@alordnamedsnow : HOO YAAAS YOU you are just mmm *chefs kiss* BRILLIANT we have yet to truly interact but your Jon is one heckin awesome Jon and we are so excited to interact with you <3 I appreciate you and all the gentleness you offer to everyone in this community and it’s honestly just the sweetest thing ever plz never stop being you <3
@darysofsuvion : WOWZERS boooi do I love you, honestly one of the most kindest muns I know I literally can’t get over how wholesome and kind this lil bean is right here. Thank you for being you because Pytre and I love it! You’ve made my tumblr experience a lot better and I appreciate you every day <3
@blackasniight : a good bean a soft bean a truly sweet bean <3 you and I also have yet to interact but just know I am watching from afar and admiring how incredible and lovely you are <3 also your Jon? Wonderful! Magnificent! Lovely! You are so hecking great and you too make my heart big nut!
@hefzyisback : Such a well thought out OC and an lovely mun <3 honestly just go give this beautiful specimen a follow if you  don’t already! The mun is so kind and honestly listens to my sad lil rants (it was like once but still it made my heart big nut) seriously though I love this bean with all my heart amazing 11/10 would recommend.
@heldtoflames : My cancer twin! Is also one hell of a cool bean <3 can’t wait to see where our thread takes our tragic bois and I hope there are plenty more threads to come in the future! You are a sweet person and I’m glad we follow each other you too make my heart big big nut and I am so thankful for you <3 
@xdraecarys : Gosh I just mmm yes <3 a bean a soft bean (’: literally just the kindest soul ever and you should probs follow them if you don’t already we STAN OKAY?? Seriously though you are amazing and lovely and you defo shouldn’t let others get you down because you are one hell of an awesome person and your Dany??? *chefs kiss* MAGNIFICO
@thecomplication : PYTRE LOVES HIS MUM AND I LOVE YOU, seriously though you are one of my best friends on this site and I am so happy you are in this community! You bring so much love and happiness here that I just can’t help but stan you! Also you’ve come in clutch when I needed to know how long it would take to get to Bear Island from Essos and that was the nicest thing ever because it took a lot of math to figure out <3 11/10 would recommend 
@serbriennecftarth : You as well were someone who stuck by me through a ton of shit! Through all my Hiatus’ and me deleting then returning and you’re still here with me <3 You too are one of my closest and best friends on this blog and I truly would not trade you for anyone or anything <3 Your grasp of Brienne is so on point that I just want to say you are an amazing Brienne and an amazing writer <3 thank you for sticking with me through everything.
@killthebxy : Fil my man listen here pal you followed me through some shit as well and you’ve always been so nice to me. You stayed with me through my Hiatus’ as well and refollowed me when I came back <3  I consider you to be a best friend and I love you with all my heart. You’ve shown me nothing but kindness and I seriously thank you so much for that <3 Fil you make my heart nut with so much love
@zcldrizes : Artie! Artie listen bby you make my heart big nut okay?? You talked me through some tough shit a while back and for that I am honestly grateful. Seriously though you are so sweet and welcoming of others and it truly is amazing <3 I was so surprised when you followed me on my old Pytre blog when I first brought this boi to life and when I deleted and came back you again followed me <3 I too consider you as a best friend and I thank you for being one <3
@ascruelascunning : MY BEAN YOU MADE ME FEEL WELCOMED WHEN I FELT LIKE I WASN’T. Seriously though you are so nice and I love Pytre and Rams already our lil partners in crime <3 I thank you for being a friend and also interacting with me even though I am slow and have a pea sized goblin brain (’: thank you bby for being awesome and following me and just being so pure <3 
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hyyunjinn · 7 years ago
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    I swear if I forgot someone, and I feel like I am because I’m so bad at keeping track of things, I’m gonna go scream. ALSO: all those tags and mentions I’ve been tagged in, I swear I saw them but it was usually when I’m in the middle of doing something and I didn’t want to reblog aND THEN I JUST LOST THE TAG so I’m sorry ; - ;
    But uh, I. Reached. 3K. Followers. On this blog a while ago actually I’m just that lazy of a person and I never do anything on time. And I just wanted to say thank you so much for supporting me and screaming about Stray Kids daily? I haven’t been feeling the greatest emotionally which is why this might turn into a rant—but I just want to use my emotional energy for something good and that’s saying thank you! This is the first time a community has shown so much interest in my work and supporting it and I really, really can’t say how much I appreciate you all. I’ve been creating content for a while now, but it just never got the support I hoped for and,,, idk—just the fact that you guys like this blog just makes me so happy. And it’s not just the gifs: the gfx and writing that I post are the ones I care more about and I’ve gotten so many positive comments on it ahhhhhhh I want to hug each and everyone of you.   
    I know I don’t respond that well and those who tried to talk to me are probably disappointed by how I keep up a conversation but aklsfjasf I want to use this an appreciation post for all the wonderful people I met because of Stray Kids. Also, I want to say that, I’ve tried to talk and support you guys all—even if I don’t follow you, I lurk your blog and stuff—it’s just wow, we’re getting really big and I feel bad not being able to interact with everyone BUT I WANT TO SAY THAT ALL OF YOU ARE SO AMAZING AND WONDERFUL AND YOU WORTH MORE THAN YOU BELIEVE YOU DO. I think it’s easier for me to talk about random stuff on kakaotalk so uhhh, if you wanna shoot me a message my id is cicikookie!    
    And just to my followers in general: thank you so much for sticking around haha. I see a lot of regular usernames and lurk sometimes haha so ;)) Thank you ♡
    Thank you again for being so supportive and I love interacting with all of you: LET’S SUPPORT STRAY KIDS TOGETHER FOR A LONG TIME!
    So, I guess I’ll start with the personalized messages:
@changlix Wow Lexi, you were my first friend in this fandom anD IDK WHAT IT WAS THAT MADE ME DROP MY USERNAME TO YOU BUT AKLSJFALSF LOL I’M SO GLAD WE’RE FRIENDS because everyone loves you and you’re amazing and I love your blog and everything and alskdfjaslfd you’re really crazy but I love you and ahHhHhhh. I know you’re busy with life, but whenever we talk even for like 2 messages at a time, I love it so much. ESPECIALLY WHEN WE WERE THROWING SHADE AT EACH OTHER EARLY ON. I still. Can’t believe. yOUR PROFILE PICTURE IS STILL HYUNJIN ON TWT WYD GIRL. And you calling me a hoe—wow, I keep that close to my heart. HAHA BUT ALL JOKES ASIDE, I appreciate you so much for being the inclusive self that you are and keep being amazing. Okay, I’ll admit: when you told me to “take care of your man properly or i’m coming for him cici” I THINK THAT’S THE REASON I’M STILL LOYAL TO HIM OR I WOULD’VE SWERVED AGES AGO. Thanks Lexi, you’re best ;) altho how could you come for him when i am taking care of him, traitor
@manny27lei I’m adding you here but I don’t even wanna write you anything hAH. YOU DON’T EVEN TALK ABOUT SK. MAKE A SIDEBLOG AND I MIGHT
jk ily thanks for listening to me cry everyday and laskfdjasf it’s crazy how we met because of sk but it’s not even because of sk, it’s because of svt whoops
@seungminty yOU’RE STILL MY FAVE SEUNGMIN STAN AND YOU FOREVER WILL BE. ULT SEUNGMIN STAN. And ofc vocal line enthusiast. Thank you for being you and asklfdjasldf goodness, sometimes I worry that you’re being too hard on yourself MAR ILY AND THE GC LOVES YOU AND BE CONFIDENT! YOU’RE AMAZING AND A TIIINY BIT OF YOURSELF GOTTA FLAUNT IT. You keep the chat going and ahhHhhH I don’t even know how much I want to say the fact that I appreciate you so much. Thank you thank you thank you ♡ random confession: you make me really soft because you’re so soft and i just wanna hug you until everything goes well for you
@princeminho ASFKLJASLFD MAHI! MY CEREAL BUDDY! I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE YOU WERE A actually, the fact that he was your icon should’ve told me bUT WHAT. MINHO STAN SINCE DAY ONE? WHY DID IT TAKE YOU SO LONG TO ADMIT IT AHAHHAHAHAH I’M STILL SO SHOOK. You’re so lowkey about your love for him and I feel and it’s really cute and lksadfjalsd FAVE MINHO STAN BC I DON’T FEEL LIKE I NEED TO FIGHT YOU UNLIKE SOMEONE/ Thank you for just hanging around and taking our shit and just being you—I love talking to you so much, you’re so amazing and ♡♡♡♡♡
@9traykids I give up. You can have Minho. You save me every time you send in Hyunjin photos and I cannot appreciate you enough hAH THEY’RE SO CUTE AND I JUST START SPAZZING OUT AND ALSFJDASDF that one photo where you badly edited with “i ♡ cici” I AM SO THANKFUL FOR THAT AHHHHH. stop making me cry ; - ; I love talking to you and you’re so randomly funny and laskdfjasf THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU ILY ♡♡♡♡♡
@seungchanie HI YOU AMAZING PERSON I LOVE YOU SOSOSOOSOSO MUCH YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW. I’m not quite even sure how we met but it’s like one of those friendships where it feels like it’s been forever because, everything is just a blur but there are good moments, you know what I mean? Vale, I love you so much—you’re so cute and friendly and whenever we talk, I get so excited because you’re so excited and hehe aHHHHHHHH LEMME JUST HUG YOU. You’re always there and yOUR CONTENT. I LOVE YOUR CUTE LITTLE FANARTS AND THAT 3RACHA SCIFI AU WTF I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR YOUR AMAZINGNESS. You have a really simplistic style and I love it so much mwah
@hyunjinh laksdjf hi jas!! oKAY CAN I JUST SAY YOU’RE PROBABLY MY TUMBLR CRUSH BUT LIKE, WE TALKED BEFORE BUT I STILL DON’T ASLKDFJASD IDK YOU’RE REALLY COOL AND I REALLY LIKE TALKING TO YOU but idk how to keep a convo going and ahHhhHh LOWKEY BLUSHING BC I REALLY LIKE YOU HAHAH you’re really amazing and I love your blog and I hope we can become better friends hehe.
@straykidzz OKAY TBH IDEK WHEN OR HOW BUT THE FACT THAT WE NEVER HAD LIKE, A PROPER CONVERSATION and yet we act like good friends is aslkdfjasldf—maybe it’s a mutual thing hehe aHHH MANDA ILYSM AND JUST SEEING YOU ON MY DASH MAKES ME SO HAPPY. Or maybe it’s the fact that you’ve been here as long as me heheh. I hope we get to know each other better and skajflasdf W A H ♡♡♡♡♡♡ TAKE MY HEARTS
@chanbng Fishy, you. are SO AMAZING — we never seem to be on the chat at the same time but you’re so sweet and lasdfjasdlf wow i’m highkey crushin haha AHHHHHHHI JUST WANNA SAY I LOVE YOUR WORK SO MUCH AND THANKS FOR BEING YOU and i hope we get to talk more heheh
@jeongin-ie sup smol softie ilySM WE GOTTA START CHATTING FOR REAL OR SMTH YO which means i should be the one who sends the message but laskdfjsadf i su k but i also want to be better friends with you ; - ; hit me up with your kkt thO THEN WE CAN CHAT PLSPSPSLSPSL i hate chatting on tumblr lmao CJ, YOUR WORK IS AMAZING AND YOUR BLOG IS CUTE AND YOU’RE CUTE thanks for being you :)
@strgaykids Okay. I SAW YOUR 3K POST THING AND YOU ARE SO PRETTY I NEARLY FELL OFF MY CHAIR CONGRATS ON HITTING THE MILESTONE TOO! You make the fandom so much more fun and I love the shitposts you have TBH, I REALLY HOPE WE GET TO BECOME FRIENDS OR SOMETHING BECAUSE YOU SEEM, I was gonna say chill, but maybe lit? but that doesn’t really make anysense—tHE POINT IS: hiimciciandihopewe’lltalklaterinthefuturehehebyegottablast
@chanskitty AHHHHH DIAN HOW ARE YOU?????? I know we don’t talk as much anymore but — ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ You’re so amazing and chill and ahhhhhhhh. You are taking care of yourself right? Getting sleep? I HOPE WE GET TO TALK MORE SOON ♡ I’LL SEND A MESSAGE OR SMTH tag you in something????/// :DD
@realstraykids Did you know it took me a couple of weeks (or was it days) after following you to realize that your url is the same handle as Stray Kids’ official ig name alskfdjasdf I FACEPALMED MYSELF SO HARD LMAO — also hold on, I didn’t know you’re minho bIASED AH YESSSSSSSSSS Em. I really hope we get to know each other better beCAUSE YOU’RE SO COOL AND I LOVE YOUR EDITS SO MUCH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH They’re really different but a good kind of different and tell me your ways of sitting in front of a computer screen and masking each frame of a moving object hOW I HATE DOING THAT
@stray-k1ds hOLy cow I don’t think i actually know your name—is it Tiffany? I THINK WE FORGOT TO INTRODUCE OURSELVES—I’m Cici! AND I LOVE TALKING TO YOU YOU’RE SO CUTE AND LASKFJAAKD I love your cute little scenarios and all that and keep up the good work!!!!!!! I HOPE WE CAN BECOME BETTER FRIENDS AY
@jeongn pfft Nicolle, you actually haVEN’T DONE ANYTHING IN A WHILE THAT MADE ME WANT TO BLOCK YOU AHAHHALSFKJASLDF i still can’t get that image of tired chan and his accent coming out whAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME you can be so cool and so fREAKING TALENTED I CAN’T BELIEVE SOMEONE LIKE YOU FOLLOWS M E. I love the times we do actually talk, so! :))) I hope we become better friends ayyYyyyyYYY
@stray4419 hehehehehe i know we just started talking but Chi, you are so kindhearted and i’ve said it twice and i’ll say it again: thank you so so so much for personally offering me a shoulder to cry on haha. You have no idea how touched I was and I really can’t thank you enough. LET’S MEET UP SOMETIME AND CRY ABOUT STRAY KIDS TOGETHER YO AHHHHHHHHH
@woojinskids eASILY YOU’RE MY FAVE WOOJIN STAN M. YOU’RE SO SOFT FOR HIM AND READING YOUR TAGS FOR HIM IS SO CUTE I actually fall in love with him even more every time you talk about him aahahh I know we don’t talk as much but I really love seeing you around ♡
@chxngbins NehaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I MISS TALKING TO YOUUUUUUU and your old username not gonna lie alskdfjasdf whoops but AHHH YOU’RE SO CUTE and smart wow and asldfkjsdf I wish I was as levelheaded as you pFFT. You are so amazing and smol and i associate you with that picture of namjoon eating pizza lmao BUT AHHHH KEEP BEING YOU ILYSM
@felixsfreckles I WAS LOOKING THROUGH MY FOLLOWING LIST AND ASLKDFJASLDFK WTF I CAN’T BELIEVE I WASN’T FOLLOWING YOU THE ENTIRE TIME i feel so bad omg i’m sorry—actually hold on, are you not a felix stan anymore wH A T. but alskfa hiiiiii thanks for being amazing!!!!!!!!  idk, you’re like one of those mutuals that, I’m sorta comfortable knowing that you exist? because you are so nice and we’ve been on here for so long kinda thing haha ♡
@bunny-minsungie asfjkdhsda I KNOW OUR CHAT IS PRETTY MUCH ALL BUSINESS SOUNDING/RELATED NOW BUT I JUST WANNA TAKE THE TIME TO SAY THANK YOU FOR BEING AMAZING and doing so much ; - ; Now that I think about it, we don’t even talk about anything else noooooooo but I really appreciate you Lys ♡ and that demon!hyunjin au is seriously taking over me omf
@seoracha I KNOW YOU’RE NOT EVEN HERE ANYMORE but i just wanna say you the craziest triple biaser i’ve met probably the only triple biaser i know and honestly idek how your brain works but lmao miri you’re so cool ily
@utlwoojisung @kim-squishmin @doublekn0t @chanyeolsidepiece @vallkyr @hi-hello32 @sparklingthoughtss @straykidding @indiepoptime @f3lix-lee @ultchris @maaatryoshka @straykidsstan @softlix OKOK I KNOW WE’VE TALKED BEFORE/ARE MESSAGING/SOMEHOW INTERACTED AND YOU SEEM COOL but alksdfsd like, I don’t know you guys as well bUT I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU ALL TOO AND I HOPE WE CAN GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER BETTER! :))
Ummmm, here are people that I follow and don’t really know but uhhhh ihopewegettotalkonedayahahiwantmorefriendsandyouguysseemreallycooltotalktoahhh @jicue @chans97 @cosychans @lees-minho @leefelixs @chngbins @changbinsplushie @starrykids @softstraykids @sprearb @stray-keeds-in-yo @straykeeds @hyuunjins @bvian @straybros @straykidsmp3 @straykiz @straybabies @stkids @1straykids @felixeslee @jeonginie @jeongin @str4y-kids @bchanies @changbln
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ryanhavwood · 7 years ago
all the even numbers on the one you reblogged from me FUCK YOU
@rnalkin rUDE 
2. Are you outgoing or shy? - uhhhh shy
4. Are you easy to get along with? - i think so
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? - people who can make me laugh
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? - he’s a coolio guy that i know
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - danny, probably
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - 1. the man - the killers2. thunder - imagine dragons3. told ya - mystery skulls4. can i get a witness - sonreal5. happy pills - weathers
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? - luck yes, miracles no
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? - uhhhh i dont even remember the last person i kissed so idk
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? - nah
20. Do you like your neighbors? - eeehhhhh no
22. Where would you like to travel? - literally anywhere outside the united states, but mostly ireland or greece sound cool24. Favorite part of your daily routine? - having a routine26. What do you do when you wake up? - check my phone for any important notifications28. Who are you most comfortable around? - danny, d, and sarah30. Do you ever want to get married? - i dont know man, ive never thought about settling down and i dont think anyone would want to with me either32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? - none bc no thank you34. Do you play sports? What sports? - i did, and i did softball for awhile, now im just the depressed disappointment who does nothing36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - all the t i m e38. Describe your dream girl/guy? - anyone who’s fuckin nice to me40. What do you want to do after high school? - well im doing college and thats something so
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? - either i’m very very upset or i just feel very unsure of myself and what i have to say
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? - how about neither
46. What are you paranoid about? - if my friends actually consider me a friend of theirs or if im just an annoying idiot prying myself into their lives because i think we’re friends48. Have you ever been drunk? - o h  y e s50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? - gray!52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? - my confidence54. Favourite store? - i don’t think i have one ??? 56. Favourite colour? - bluuuuue, any shade58. Last thing you ate? - angel hair pasta and cheese ravioli60. Ever won a competition? For what? - probably, dont remember though62. Been arrested? For what? - no because i am a g o o d child64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? - dont remember it, sorry buckos66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? - no! i love all of my friends equally!68. Twitter or Tumblr? - uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i dunno its a tie between them70. Names of your bestfriends? - jessi, sarah, d, danny!72. What colour are your towels? - multicolored because we’re a colorful family
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? - more than i need76. What colour is your underwear? - rn its like a peachy orange with white lace78. Favourite ice cream flavour? - cookie dough or birthday cake80. What colour pants? - rn im wearing blue jeans but i usually wear black82. Favourite movie? - THE LOST WORLD JURASSIC PARK!!!!!!!84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? - fuckin 21 jump street86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? - i dont have one88. Last person you talked to today? - danny, we just finished dinner together90. Name a person you love? - my mom92. In a fight with someone? - nah94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? - less than what i think i should have96. Favourite actress? - uhhh i dont have one98. Do you tan a lot? - n a h100. How are you feeling? - i dont know tbh102. Do you regret anything from your past? - way too much rip104. Do you miss anyone from your past? - some, not all106. Ever broken someone’s heart? - probably108. What should you be doing? - checking if i have homework due tomorrow110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - nah112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? - danny and sarah114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? - yeah man116. Are you listening to music right now? - nah but i will be once i get in the shower118. Do you like Chinese food? - naaah120. Are you afraid of the dark? - yes and no?? depends on the circumstances122. Is cheating ever okay? - no wtf124. Do you believe in love at first sight? - nah126. Are you currently bored? - a little bit yeah128. Would you change your name? - i mean i guess i technically did?? and i like the name matty/matt so i’ll probably stick with that130. Do you like subway? - nah not a sandwich kinda person132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? - literally said this earlier but it was danny134. Can you count to one million? - no im a fuckin idiot136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? - CLOSED WTF I DONT WANT NO GHOSTS STARING AT ME FUCK OFF138. Curly or Straight hair? - curly140. Summer or Winter? - between these two i guess summer142. Favourite month? - october!144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? - milk or white146. Was today a good day? - today was…. interesting and long148. What’s your favourite quote? - do no harm but take no shit150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? (via catscuddlingandyou) - you’re a mess.
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