#man skull face is so lucky his voice is addictive otherwise this would be so much worse
sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 months
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loverofmalec · 5 years
A little TLC (FAIR GAME)
No pairing is complete without a SICK FIC!! Am I right ladies, gents, and my non binary comrades. This little number if for the great @cranolagan, thank you baby for this fun request!! I hope you like it!!
P.S This is set after Salem and the relationship between our two boys is at its very beginnings!!! So que blushy and awkward boys just trying to love one another!!!
PROMPT: Clover treating Qrow like a king because he’s a nurturing, loving boyfriend and Qrow can’t handle all the love that he clearly deserves. ☘️
Qrow didn’t really have much of an issue getting sick. Of course, it was annoying having to keep up taking care of himself when he had bigger issues to deal with. Like dealing with Grimm if he was on a mission or even undercover for Oz. 
Now though, everything was over. The war was done and humanity was saved. It hadn’t been a week and Qrow became the sickest he had ever gotten. 
“You’re running a pretty high fever, and on top of that you haven’t been able to stomach anything heavier than a slice of bread.” Clover pressed a hand against his forehead and the other gave Qrow a cup of hot lemon tea with honey. “How have you been sleeping?” He asked lastly before he pulled away.
“My nose is too clogged for me to even think of breathing, so no with my lack of oxygen, rest seems to elude me.” Qrow snapped. His temper had greatly suffered because of this little virus he had.
Clover ignored his tone and typed away on his scroll. 
When he gave no response to Qrow the man spoke again, “What are you even doing, Lucky Charms?”
That elicited a response from the Ace Op captain, “I’m sending a message to General Ironwood to let him know what I will not be coming in today.”
Qrow sipped at his tea and tried to ignore the pounding behind his eyes.
“You don’t have to do that, I’m fine,” Qrow tried to argue. Just using his voice was enough to cause a spike of pain to shoot through his skull. 
Clover shook his head and reached over behind Qrow to settle the pillows. 
“You wouldn’t take care of yourself otherwise.” He said with a huff.
That was how the day went.
Qrow was dotted on, taken care of, and nursed into some semblance of health. Well, he was able to breathe out of his left nostril. That had to count for something right?
Clover ordered broth and extra blankets for Qrow throughout the day. He never left the man’s bedroom for longer than a few minutes and when he was gone the door was wide open. 
“I have to keep an eye on you if you get any worse,” He answered when Qrow asked just why he had to be sitting at his bedside all the time.
Qrow had never been taken care of like that before. Every time he had gotten sick it was just a sort of waiting game. Clover fussing over him was new and making Qrow’s head spin even more than it already was with his high fever. At every turn, he told Clover that he didn’t have to take care of Qrow. But every time, Clover rolled his eyes and said, “You’re right I don’t have to. I want to.”
Damn it, Qrow hated the man for being right.
It wasn't fair either, because he was trying to stay mad at Clover but he just couldn't. 
The man's touches were soft, light, and just so fucking nice that Qrow would lean as much as he could just for more contact.
This was a bad idea, they were going down a rabbit hole that had no way back. This… intimacy was addicting and dangerous for men like them. They didn’t work normal nine to five jobs. They were huntsmen. One wrong move on a mission and they were done for. Just the thought of losing Clover made Qrow suck in air through his teeth. 
Damn it… he was in too deep.
“When you get sick I won’t be as good at the whole taking care of you thing. So just be prepared for that,” Qrow said through a raw throat and slightly less stuffy nose.
Clover perked up from the book he was reading to just stare at Qrow. There was a slight flush on his cheeks that was hard to ignore.
“You’d take care of me?” He asked in a small voice that really had no right to make Qrow’s heart do backflips. 
“Of course I would take care of you, Lucky Charms,” Qrow grumbled and burrowed further into the blankets to hide his own face.
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axelxmartinez · 4 years
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(Hi I love to plot, hit me up and let’s chat!)
Introduction @redridgeimp​
FULL NAME:  Axel Jose Diego Martinez
NICKNAMES(S):  Axe, Ax, Diablo
AGE:  33
DATE OF BIRTH:  October 30th, 1986
PLACE OF BIRTH:  Red Ridge, Nevada
CURRENT LOCATION:  Red Ridge, Nevada.
ETHNICITY:  Latino. Mexican primarily and his mother was partially Caucasian (European descent), as well as Mexican and Dominican.
GENDER:  Cis male.
PRONOUNS:  He/him/his.
RELIGION:  Atheist.
OCCUPATION:  Owner of Roberto's and Bone breaker for Valencia.
EDUCATION LEVEL:  he dropped out of high school in the beginning of 11th grade. 
EXTRACURRICULAR:  Boxing, lifting weights, playing video games, occasionally reading
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS:  Owns his parents house, a medium sized single family home with 4 bedrooms, an unfinished basement, nothing to brag about on the south side of redridge
SPEAKING VOICE AND ACCENT:  Deep, smooth voice with a hint of a Spanish accent, especially when he's angry. Normally keeps a steady tone, unless he’s really upset about something.
FACECLAIM: Manny Montana 
HAIR COLOR AND STYLE:  black, shaved short
COMPLEXION:  Brown on the lighter side with neutral undertones
EYE COLOR:  Brown.
EYESIGHT: 20/30 the last time he checked, he probably could use corrective lenses for driving or reading something but he doesn’t bother with it.
HEIGHT:  6’1” or 185cm
WEIGHT:  169lbs or 77kg
BODY AND BUILD:  Muscular, lean, well-defined muscles. 
TATTOOS: tons, he gets them at random and the only theme to them is that they are black and white. The obvious ones most people see are the skull on his throat and the ones on his fingers and hands. (See his pinterest linked at the bottom for more ideas in this area)
PIERCINGS: none, he fights too much to have piercings.
CLOTHING STYLE:  jeans, hoodies, t-shirts, flannels, button down shirts, primarily black for everything. 
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS:  tattoos all over his body, small linear scar on his eyebrow where no hair grows, various scars all over his body - some covered with tattoos and some not. Also wears necklaces and rings, has a few random bracelets made by his nieces and nephews.
MENTAL DISORDER(S):  ADD is all he’s been diagnosed with, though he likely has an anxiety disorder as well. 
ALLERGIES:  the pollen gets to him in the spring but he just ignores it
SLEEPING HABITS:  insomniac, he sleeps in small shifts between work and whatever he’s doing during the day. 
EATING HABITS:  Axel has a high metabolism so he eats a lot and often, he tends to pick things up while he’s moving around town and keeps protein bars and snacks in his car for in between meals
SOCIABILITY: extroverted introvert, he tends to be around people but doesn’t go out of his way to strike up conversation unless he feels it necessary, knows the person already, or is spoken to first. 
ADDICTIONS:  Nicotine, Caffeine, some would argue he drinks a little too much but he doesn’t think so.
DRUG USE:  Depends on the drug. He smokes marijuana frequently, but anything else is occasionally and he refuses to touch needles or anything made purely from chemicals (i.e. Meth). 
ALCOHOL USE:  Frequently, usually has a drink or two everyday. Sometimes more, sometimes less. He prefers brandy and tequila but also enjoys beer and will always accept a free drink regardless of what it is.
POSITIVE TRAITS:  Hardworking, Efficient, Honest, Strong, Confident, Curious
NEGATIVE TRAITS:  Callous, Insensitive, Secretive, Possessive, Withdrawn, Stubborn
LIKES:  Fighting, good food, drinking, video games, smoking, sex, most things physical, some reading, fire
DISLIKES:  Schools, authority (mainly police), drama, airplanes, inactivity
FEARS: His only fear that he could ever pinpoint was his father.
HABITS: Plays with his fingers, touches his face, staring without talking, smoking, rain
ASTROLOGY:  Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Rising, Libra Moon
MORAL ALIGNMENT:  Chaotic Neutral
WEATHER: Overcast or Sunny
COLOR:  Black
MUSIC:  Rock, Metal, 90’s hip hop
MOVIE:  Documentaries or Action movies
SPORT:  Baseball and Soccer
BEVERAGE:  Brandy or Tequila
FOOD:  Waffles
SEASON:  Summer
MOTHER: Antonia Martinez (Rodriguez)  
FATHER:  Roberto Martinez, deceased
SIBLING(S):  5 younger siblings, names and ages vague for future wc
PET(S): Ball Python named Slinky
“ROUTINE”: violence tw, death tw
Ever since he was a teenager, Axel has worked at Roberto’s. At his father’s insistence to teach him some responsibility, as the owner, it was common for him to hire his children and other relatives because he didn’t trust anyone. When Roberto, his father, went to prison and was simultaneously killed while there, his business was given to his eldest son. Axel wasn’t very torn up about losing his father, it made his life significantly easier and allowed him to take over the role as head of the Martinez family. Something he’d been well prepared for and while he wasn’t the nicest guy, he wasn’t the psychopath Roberto was. At least, he didn’t think he was. 
With his father gone, his days started with the sun (if he even got to bed the night before). He opened the convenient store, put the money in the till for the starting shift and made sure everything was turned on and stocked from the night before. Once the first shift comes in, he usually heads to the back to double check that everything is locked up and set up for the next shift. After that is usually when he gets word of anything Valencia needs him to do that day. Even though he’s not a soldier anymore, he likes to keep busy so he picks up slack where he can. If not, he starts checking in on his younger siblings and making sure they are doing what they’re supposed to be doing and staying out of trouble. If he doesn’t have anything pressing to get done, he heads to the gym to do his usual workout and possibly some sparring to keep his endurance at peak along with his fighting technique. Afterwards, he hits up Ridge Roasters if he’s going to the North side of town and gets his coffee with a random pastry to go. Otherwise, he heads to Blue Hill Diner for a proper breakfast and chats with the staff there or scrolls through his phone. He heads back to the convenient store if they need him, otherwise he heads home for a nap or just to relax. Most days he can trust his shift supervisors or the manager to finish up the rest of the day at Roberto’s. Only on occasion does he have to cover a shift or go in to change the cash register for a shift. 
By five or six in the evening, Axel crosses the threshold of St. Peters and takes a spot at the bar. If he feels like dinner, he gets something to eat. Otherwise he has a few drinks to pass the time and watches the environment. If he’s lucky, he catches something that isn’t supposed to be happening in Redridge without approval and brings it to a higher up. Otherwise, he wastes some time before Rogue’s opens and he can go watch the fights for the night. By the time it’s his turn to get in the ring, he’s usually itching to start fighting. He’s not one to get excited about much, but once he gets sight of his ‘opponent’ a wide shark-like smile will spread across his face. Axel loves the work he gets to do with Valencia and if he could do more he would. Fighting and getting rid of people was something he specialized in, he was damn good at it, too. If he was lucky, he brought someone home with him at the end of the night. If not, he has another drink and heads back to his house to watch something on the television or, if he’s even luckier, gets a few hours of sleep before he has to wake up and repeat it all the next day. 
“REMINISCENCE”:  violence tw, alcohol tw, blood tw, death tw
“Not everyone gets to just blurt out how the feel about whoever or whatever on a fuckin’ whim, dude.” Axel spoke into his glass, the third brandy making his voice hoarse. Stuck in the reverie that his best friend had pulled from him. That afternoon they’d gotten the news that his father was found dead in the showers that morning. He was out celebrating. That man had never done anything for anyone, nothing good at least and definitely not any of his kids. Axel looked at the brown liquid in his glass and swirled it around. “Remember back in high school, that kid Jake who used to hang around sometimes?” He asked, eyes still on the glass. “We used to mess around or whatever. I was young and stupid.” He shook his head, knowing at twenty-five he wasn’t exactly old but he was a lot older than he was then. “Anyways, it had been a few months and I started talkin’ a big game like I was the boss of my house. My papi didn’t give a shit what I did or who I was with and all that. We stopped at Roberto’s after school to get some snacks or whatever. You know, same shit different day.” Axel paused and let out a slow sigh. The alcohol was getting to his head and loosening his tongue to reveal shit he’d never talked about with anyone. Most people knew his father was a prick that was quick to correct his children with his hands rather than his words, but Axel didn’t ever make it seem like it bothered him. He sure as hell didn’t let on that he harbored a great fear of the man. “We were at the counter paying, right in front of my dad and Jake tried to lean in for a kiss or somethin’ to say thank you or some shit. I just freaked out, I didn’t know what to do because that shit wasn’t goin’ to fly with Roberto Martinez. Not one of his kids. So, I pushed him away and beat his ass bloody right there for all the world to see.” He didn’t want his dad to do it and if he thought for a second that Axel was into guys he would probably shoot him on the spot. Definitely would have gotten rid of him in one way or the other. Even if he still liked girls, too. “My brother had to pull me off of him. I was so fuckin’ scared man, I just kept hittin’ him. He had to go to the hospital and his parents didn’t even press charges, they straight pulled him out of school. I never even saw him again.” Axel finished off his glass and exhaled the burn it left in his throat and chest. “Out of all the people I’ve beat in my lifetime, all the shit I’ve done, man. That’s the only one I regret. But you know the sad part?” He let out a bitter laugh. “If I could go back and do it over, I’d still beat his ass. What the fuck does that say about me?” Axel shut up after that, didn’t even really pay attention to what his friend had to say about any of it. He drowned himself in a bottle and had no idea how he got home at the end of the night. 
BACKGROUND. ( abuse tw, death tw, violence tw)
Born and raised in Redridge, oldest of six children. Some of his siblings still live in Redridge, others have left and spread around the country. He has a large extended family. They live all over the country, Mexico, and South America.
His father was a very strict man and ran his household with an iron fist. He believed his children should be seen and not heard. If one of them were to step out of line, show defiance, or generally make him angry in any way, he normally responded by correcting them physically instead of with words. He owned Roberto’s, which he started before Axel was born. Roberto was also a member of Valencia working up from street rat to lieutenant. He was arrested when Axel was twenty and died in prison when he was twenty-five.
Antonia, his mother, was a reserved woman. She was hard-working and loved her children. However, she listened to her husband and he was the head of the household. When Roberto went to prison, Axel took over the role of head of the household. His mother fell ill in his late twenties and currently lives in an assisted living facility in Redridge. Axel visits her regularly.
As for his siblings, he keeps up with all of them. One attends the community college and he is adamant that they keep up with their grades and continue their education. He keeps in almost daily touch with each and every one of them and adores his nieces and nephews. Whenever he can visit, he makes a point to but hates to fly so it is usually only once or twice a year at most for those who live outside of Nevada. 
School wasn’t Axel’s strong suit. He could never focus and everything just made him feel like he was stupid when he knew he wasn’t stupid. He just wasn’t book smart. So he dropped out right before eleventh grade and worked at Roberto’s. As soon as he was able to, he joined Valencia as a street rat and moved up the ranks to Bone-breaker once he had proven himself. However, he enjoys doing soldier work still so he will pick up any spare jobs if they are available.
As far as romance goes, Axel has never been with anyone long. He enjoys both women and men and their company, but he has a hard time letting anyone past his walls. The few times he has tried, he fucked it up in one way or another. So, he stays single and just holds casual relationships. 
He loves to fight and he is good at making people disappear, getting jobs done efficiently, and intimidation. Axel is very loyal to Valencia.
Currently, he is always on the move. He doesn’t like to be idle for long. So he is either doing work for Valencia or Roberto’s, moving around town, drinking at a bar, eating somewhere, fighting at Rogue’s, at the gym, watching fights, or sleeping in between any of those activities. 
Friends With Benefits/One-night Stands (unlimited): He likes physical activity and touch, he tries to pick people up often and especially after a fight. This could have been happening for a long time or just a night or be brand new. 
Best Friend (0/1): This person knows him better than anyone. They just get him and is likely the only person he’s ever opened up to. 
Close Friends (0/6): These people know him better than most, but he probably has only opened up about one or two things to them. He trusts these people and likes to be around them.
Employees: Anyone who wants to work at Roberto’s
Budding Romance (0/1): could be a fwb that progresses, someone who’s always been around but neither of them made the move to advance it past anything.
Enemies: Self explanatory, but they always butt heads in one way or another. Possibly have fought in the past, but definitely never have anything nice to say about one another.
Past relationships (0/4): People who tried to break through his walls and didn’t get through. Or they just didn’t work out for any multitude of reasons.
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/kitmeowza/c-axel-martinez/
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pxgos · 4 years
「 just as fire and ice 」
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the race was addictive – how that speed would get under his skin, how that cold would sit on top of his brows whenever he frowned in concentration, and how his legs would hurt every time a twist was forced. he lived for the rush of it all, for the glory and the admiration he got for it – whenever they threw flowers on rink to congratulate him, he felt alive. and for a big part of his life, ice has been his only solace, his refuge – and a place he called home, the only place he called home. he was born wearing skates – some would say, given his natural talent and grace. he disliked hearing that comment, because he knew behind appearances there was a lot of hard work. and, he should know – from the bruises on his knees, and legs, and back, just how much it took to be perfect. to be acknowledged by one who does not wish to claim you.
he grew up with no real parents – his adoptive mother was a ballerina once, so she wished him to become one. she fell for a figure skating instructor, and thus theodore ravine was born again, on ice. but despite his fortunate upbringing, there has always been a hole too deep to fill inside his heart. because he knew from streams, and voices under water that he was the son of a divine being, a man greater than most on olympus – poseidon himself. do not get him wrong, he tried to like the man – he spent months when he was eight trying to convince himself poseidon cared. and when he almost drowned under ice, there was no one there to save him – none but himself.
he convinced himself in his twenty years of existence that his godly parent never cared enough to help him, or claim him. why else would he leave him alone in this world? somewhere ditched, to be luckily found by a random mortal he could never really call mother. nevertheless, theodore hated poseidon – not just for what he did to him, but for all the stories streams would whisper. all the awful things his ‘father’ has done, all the women he has taken for his own, all the children he fathered and abandoned, all the rage he has put out in the world – rage, word has it, was passed onto him. he felt for the sea creatures, who had to flee the seas of greece to find refuge in a less likeable climate – cold waters were not popular. but theo liked them – he loved ice, he loved the cold, he loved floating on a cloud of white, he loved dancing, he loved competing.
he did not love violence much. at least not the crude kind of violence, the one that involved people beating each other to death – he saw no point to it. violence in step, in a glide, and a competition he welcomed with open arms. but there was something about blood that made him feel light-headed, combined with sweat and brute force – he had to say no thanks. however, there are ways to convince him to witness such activities – a promise of food would usually do the trick. there were days he denied himself proper nutrition for the sake of fitting an outfit too tight for him – it did not help that he was a man, and certain parts of him needed more concealment. he was not the only one in the situation. female figure skaters had it much worse. and somehow, he came to be thankful for being born a man.
one of his fighting enthusiastic friends begged him for days to accompany him to this one match – one that would be legendary, people bragged. theo has heard about yuta before, he was synonymous with ‘the bad boy crush’ at university, and all girls seemed to have something for a man who could beat people to death as easily as theo could execute a hydroblading exercise. despite his fame, not many dared going against him – sometimes a lost soul would agree to go up against someone like him. theo would snort at the idea and call yuta the winner before the match even began, and without even watching the match. he had to admire his competitive spirit, after all, it was something theo could understand very well. but it was not his reputation that made him somewhat familiar.
theo knew yuta a little more personally, or at least did so in the past. besides crossing paths at school before, they spent one unfortunate summer with others ‘like them’. he knew yuta was a son of ares, however, he never really asked about his connection to his father – nor did he open up about his. it was safe to say, that despite knowing about yuta, he did not really know him. the only thing that he could deduce was his inexplicable need for violence, and his enlarged ego. it was safe to say that when yuta made eye contact with him at the match, theo was a little unsettled. they lived among mortals, so more often than not, they had to conceal their heritage. humans knew fair well of their existence, but were not very happy to welcome powerful beings – or allow them to use their powers as much as they would otherwise have done.
for as moment, he thought yuta will blow their cover or reveal information theo would not have liked revealed – like, the fact that they knew each other, even if it was just on a ‘hello’ basis. the amount of female colleagues that would ask for details about yuta was incomprehensible – and theo, for one, did not want to deal with that. he avoided any further eye contacts, but his strange behaviour has alerted his friend, who was a little too eager to point out the awkward atmosphere.
“ohhhh, you have a crush on him?” he teased, elbowing  theo’s rib and making him wince. he was not weak per se, but he was overworked – so his muscles were sore and rather sensitive to any type of pressure. his friend disregarded his pain, and grinned widely, waving at yuta to get his attention.
“the man can crash your skull with one hand,” theo muttered under his breath, he did not want his friend to bother yuta, especially not when he was in the destroy and conquer mode. his friend did not seem to mind, he even made his way towards the ring to see the action better. theo was forced to follow – he was a little too close to the sweaty mess, and the blood splatters. gods, yuta was brutal – and graceful theodore could never imagine existing like that.
“hey, my friend likes you too!” his stupid companion yelled, and theo covered his mouth when he started cheering for yuta. but he was not the only one – more than half of the crowd cheered along, it was quite obvious that they were all there to see him. to theo’s dismay, he made an accidental eye contact with yuta – and he was vexed by the rage he saw there, he was convinced yuta’s soul was owned by dark forces. he thought the opponent had him for a moment – and for some reasons, theo held his breath and waited for the impact. he should not expect failure from someone like yuta – but for a second, he did.
he heard the poor guy’s bones cracking, and had to rip himself away from the crowd. he felt sick to his stomach, he wished he could be in a less sweaty and much calmer environment. he pushed through to get to the door, but the muscled supporters pushed him away as if he was just a bug on their windshield. that made him angry, he disliked being shoved around – even if he looked like a collectable, he was far more than just a pretty face. he put his hand on one of the brutes, and froze his sweat to the point of his skin turning blue. it was poseidon’s impulsiveness that spoke for him, and his eyes turned a stormy blue as a response to the disrespect. the big man faltered, and shivered next to his lady friend. the woman looked astonished, theo looked cold.
“nobody touches me and still has all fingers attached. call yourself lucky,” he retorted, and looked back at the ring. he was glad the fight distracted everyone, so he could easily slip out of there before anyone noticed what he has done. he waited for his friend outside, and was relieved to be able to breathe fresh air again.
_______ ( @meikosflower​​ )
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