#man imagine being zeke
rogueshadeaux · 2 months
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Chapter Thirty-Seven — Consequences
We were there for what felt like forever. Long enough for Archie to try and take a drink of my hot chocolate, and Aunt Sia to grab both rats and return them to their cage in the living room. Long enough for Zeke to become restless and start pacing the five steps it took to span the entirety of the kitchen. Long enough for my hands to start shaking as I thought about everything.
9k words | 45min - 1 hour reading time | TRIGGER WARNINGS: Death mention, experimentation mention, illness, mass casualty, rats (?), fighting, threats, bullying.
⚠️AUTHOR'S NOTE: I cannot take credit for all of this chapter. My lovely @lobotomizedlemon wrote the beautiful speech in the end, like they knew what Jean needed to hear. Everyone needs an Aunt Sia in their life. Things move on from lore-heavy here, but Chi—thank you for trusting me with Sia. Thank you for letting me use her for something so deeply important to Erosion, and letting me hand her to Jean. She's exactly what was needed. I can't imagine this tale without her now.
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Aunt Sia stood at the other end of the room, arms crossed, that cupboard full of mugs still hanging open. Brent and I were frozen mid-signage, both hands at the ready to argue further and yet absolutely no wind in our sails—mine especially. What did she mean she knew sign language? How long had she known that?!
Her arms stayed crossed as she stared at us like she caught us red-handed, Dad looking between her and us before asking, “What’s going on?”
Aunt Sia kept her gaze on us, unblinking even as I tried to shrink under her stare. “Brent,” she started, “What are you two talking about?”
Of course she’d go for Brent first. Take the weakest in the pack by the jugular, right? The man couldn’t lie, evident as Brent stumbled on his words for a moment before coming up with the best deflection ever:
“What do you mean?”
Dad suddenly became way more interested as Brent’s cheeks went red, his own eyebrows furrowed as he looked between the two of us. “Kids. What’s going on?”
Brent suddenly became very interested in the wood grain as my voice caught in my throat, eyes flitting between everyone as they all turned their attention towards me. God, why here? Why now? This was supposed to stay between me and Brent! I didn’t wanna explain everything to everyone. 
I took too long to respond. That’s what was the problem. I faltered, unable to find my voice, and prompted Aunt Sia to ask more pointedly, “What did Brent mean, ‘Tell Dad about Mom?’” she asked me directly. 
That got Dad going; his eyebrows shot up from their furrowed position, now zeroed in on me and cocking his head slightly, like a cat trying to get a reading on how far I was before it pounced. “Jean,” he said, warned, and I knew he expected nothing but the truth after saying my name. 
I swallowed thickly, trying to convince myself not to evaporate on the spot and run away while they all were confused. “I, uhm…” I drew off, voice crackling slightly. Jerry came over towards me and I grabbed the rat and held him close, using the little guy as a reason to not look up and meet anyone’s eyes. “When…before I woke up in the hospital, I…there was this thing wi-with Mom...”
And I was forced to recount it all to an audience. 
I couldn’t look up as I described it all; the long field of barley, the forest, the mines. How I followed wisps of neon thinking I was trying to find Dad. How I knew none of it made sense, but it wasn’t like a dream—I couldn’t escape no matter how hard I tried. The lack of a sun. My voice faltered when I came to the grove and I froze for so long that Jerry began biting holes in my jacket’s sleeve before I spoke of Mom. 
I could see Dad’s hand clench into a fist on the tabletop the moment I did. 
That was the reason I didn’t bring it up to him in the first place; not only did I not wanna sound like I was insane, but I wanted to keep from bringing up those memories that would turn his face ashen with pain. I couldn’t look at him as I described her. How we hugged, how she felt so real. If I did, I was sure we’d both have the same pained expression on our faces. 
When I ended my story with her using beams of neon to essentially throw me back into the real world, the room stayed tersely quiet for a moment. I hazarded a glance up; Dr. Sims was writing something down furiously on the back of one of Aunt Sia’s COLE papers, Aunt Sia was watching him as he wrote. Zeke stayed positioned by the wall, head down, not surprised but still avoiding my gaze, and Dad—
He was pissed. “And why didn’t you tell me this?” he demanded. “I thought we said no more keeping things from each other!”
“I know—” I started to defend, voice weak against his anger. That weak squeak that would have put Jerry’s noises to shame died off, though, when someone interrupted. 
“It’s my fault.”
Dad turned in his chair so he could glare at Zeke instead. “What?”
“I told Jean not to worry about the whole…deal so much,” Zeke continued, meeting Dad’s eyes without a flinch. Was he…covering for me? “When she came to me to ask if the same thing had happened to Cole and told me a bit about the…vision, I told her not to worry about it if it was the only time it’s happened. That Cole would get them if he touched tar too, and with her getting it in her bloodstream, well—’course she was in for a bad time.”
Dad seemed to have trouble processing this. “She told—” he spun his head around to look at me. “You told Zeke? But not me?”
“I didn’t want to upset you—” I started, Dad cutting me off. 
“Well, you didn’t do well, Regina.” he snapped. I flinched at how he growled my name and looked back down, throat tight. Of course he was mad! We promised each other we’d be truthful and honest and I lied to him within the same sentence. 
God, I messed up. Again. 
“You should have told us right away,” Dr. Sims chastised—not as passionately as Dad, but still disappointed. I could hear him turn slightly and he added, “You too, Zeke. If I’m going to make sure Jean’s okay, I need to know everything.”
I could hear Dad sigh hard, and my eyes followed his hands as they came up from the table and pressed against his eyes. “Okay, so what could this mean?” Dad demanded after a moment, blinking hard as he looked at Dr. Sims. “If Jean was seeing Abbs, could that have been a hallucination?”
“I’m not sure,” Dr. Sims muttered, looking down at the notes on his paper. “If Jean and Cole had hallucinations when interacting with the tar, I’d simply chalk it up to that and move on. But with the Vermaak’s history too, I’m not…not sure what to make of it.”  
“She’s not a forced conduit,” Aunt Sia interjected, finishing with the mugs she was messing with. She walked over, moving to lean between Dad and Dr. Sims and hand Brent and I cups of hot chocolate. It was funny—you could always find her in the kitchen when she was trying to think through something. A part of me was sure that’s why I loved sugary things so much. “The Vermaak went insane because their power was eating their neuroelectricity.”
“Yeah, but if she was injected with tar, could that have done something like the CRB solution the First Sons were using on the Vermaak?” Dad asked. 
“Retroviral integrase?” Dr. Sims asked before shaking his head. “No, can’t be. That would only work if she wasn’t activated.” 
Dad groaned slightly, the noise interrupted as Aunt Sia asked, “What about the power transfer device Cole MacGrath used? How was that different from the Vermaak?” 
“I couldn’t recover the files fully on that,” Dr. Sims admitted, clicking away, “But from what I can guess, the original power transfer device was used on a one-on-one basis, with a core of raythium to fuse properties of the donor’s protein to the other Conduit. It looks like some sort of process involving mutagenesis and particle acceleration? I can’t really make sense of it. Basically the original device damaged the part of the DNA that hosted the Conduit gene and then rewrote it with the second power integrated, so those abilities were a part of their normal powers.” He turned to look at Aunt Sia fully. “It doesn't use the same system the Vermaak’s does, and the DUP used CRISPR and gene editing. They’re all different.”
Aunt Sia crossed her arms, the hand of one going to town on the forearm of another, scratching away. “So there’s no correlation,” she hummed, glaring at the computer screens like it was their fault. “What about the DUP?” She asked. “Don’t you have files on their experimentation?”
Dr. Sims shook his head. “I have one, that only talks about injuries, heavily redacted with no info about what sort of experiments they were performing.”
Aunt Sia shook her head, Dad’s hand reaching out to stop her stretching and holding the hand in place. “Okay, w–what about tar?” He asked. “Or that woman that could use tar, what was her name—”
“Sasha,” Zeke cut in. 
The moment Zeke spoke, Dad’s jaw tensed, and he looked like he was 30 seconds away from picking up the man and throwing him out of the front door himself. He glanced at me with that same anger, and I just knew it was because I told Zeke about the hallucination but not him. “Right.” Dad said flatly. “Sasha.”
Dr. Sims got to searching, declaring—much to Dad’s absolute frustration—that there was nothing on tar. “But Sasha is mentioned in Wolfe’s notebook,” he hummed, scrolling through scans of the journal’s pages. 
“What for?” Aunt Sia asked, looking over Dr. Sims’ shoulder. 
“Apparently she was on Wolfe’s team when they were testing on Warner,” he hummed, scrolling just a tad to pull up more text. “She’s the one that determined all the properties of the…Warner’s Threshold…”
“That’s the evolution-to-mutation thing, right?” Brent asked. 
Aunt Sia nodded. “Absorbing RFE through a blast core, yeah.”
The way Dr. Sims drew off peeked Dad’s interest. “What’s up?” He asked, apprehensive. “Is…could the RFE be doing this to Jean?”
Dr. Sims didn’t answer immediately; whatever he was reading grabbed Aunt Sia’s interest, her hand pulling away from Dad’s hold to settle on Dr. Sims’ shoulder, squeezing once to get the man to look at her. They shared one of those looks, one of the ones Dad would reserve for talks within earshot of us when he felt there was some information that someone either didn’t know, or didn’t need to. 
But it didn’t stop Dr. Sims from speaking. “No, no, just…Can I ask you something?” He gave Dad his full attention, who just seemed absolutely confused on why his friends suddenly looked worried. “How many Core Relays do you think you’ve absorbed over the years?”
Dad blinked before chuckling, the sound a bit incredulous. “I don’t know? It’s been a while, Eugene.” After a moment, though—when Dr. Sims’ stare didn’t let up, he asked, “Wh–why does it matter?”
“I’ll spare you the math,” Dr. Sims said, turning back to the computer to begin to read from yet another section of the journal. “‘Absorbing the raw power from Blast Cores, a conduit's ability to harness energy reaches a precarious tipping point after accumulating between seven to nine cores. Beyond this threshold, the conduit's physiology undergoes a tumultuous shift. Initially marked by heightened abilities, this excessive energy absorption eventually sparks deleterious manifestations.’”
“Cole had to absorb seven to use the RFI,” Zeke threw in. 
My brow furrowed as I silently counted something off in my head, piecing thoughts together bit by bit. Seven to nine cores. Dad was scared the one he used on us was enough to mess me up, but he’d had far more than one, right? 
I glanced at Brent, who seemed to be coming to the same conclusion I did; Dad’s used way, way more than seven—probably just in this year alone.
“You’ve…it’s definitely more than nine, isn’t it Del?” Dr. Sims asked. “I gave you eight just for the twins and that’s not counting the five we found in Spokane after you were cornered by the Akurans, when you had Jean’s power.”
“You used six of those generator things at the construction site.” Brent realized, “When you got mine.”
“That’s eleven alone,” I murmured. 
“How many do you think you’ve used overall?” Aunt Sia interrupted. “If you had to guess, because this…it’s concerning, Delsin.”
“Didn’t I give you three or four when you were fighting Augustine in Seattle?” Dr. Sims added, looking off to the side as he tried to recount a memory I’m sure they all wanted to forget.
Dad nodded absentmindedly. “Yeah there…there were four when that happened. I think Abbs and I found four after I got her power too,” Hit brows knit so close that the lines on his forehead looked like waves. “And I know there were a lot after I got Hank’s power. Yours too.” Dad leaned back in the chair, eyes turning to look at the popcorn ceiling. “If I had to say, I think…I think I’m close to twenty? Maybe even over it.”
Everyone fell silent, looking between each other with the same tense silence like we all expected Dad to explode right in front of us or something. Even the warmth of the mug of hot chocolate wasn’t enough to warm my hands as I asked, “If you’ve absorbed…that many, then why aren’t you…”
Dead? A walking corpse? Some sort of monster? I wasn’t even sure what to say.
Dad’s head came down when I asked my question, eyes falling to the polaroid of Warner on the table. He picked it up tentatively, bringing it closer and looking at it with a mix of intrigue and pity. “I don’t know,” he said softly. “Maybe Wolfe was wrong. Or maybe there’s something different with the Ray Sphere and that’s why Warner looks like…that.” He set the polaroid face down, looking back at Dr. Sims. “Maybe the Core Relays are different. They aren’t exactly exploding bombs.”
“No, but they are miniature fission reactors,” Dr. Sims said, turning to his laptop to begin clicking away on it yet again, muttering to himself, “Fission, fission…” as he typed what I had to assume was that same word into the search database.
“Do we really need to worry about this right now?” Dad asked, exasperated. “I mean, we’ve always known I’ve been a bit weird when it came to Core Relays, really, it’s not—”
“We just wanna make sure there’s nothing wrong,” Aunt Sia cut Dad off, her other hand going to his shoulder. “There could be some sort of…radiation radius or something if you’ve absorbed that many Core Relays.” She smirked playfully, looking down at Dad. “Maybe you’re a biohazard.”
Dad rolled his eyes. “I’m being serious, Alessia. This is about Jean, not me—”
“It may have just became about Jean,” Dr. Sims interrupted. “Sasha LaRue was a part of the Ray Sphere project.”
Dad immediately snapped forward, leaning his elbows against the table like getting close to the computer was gonna help him read the words better. “I thought she was just some crazy lady in Empire City?” Aunt Sia asked, glancing back at Zeke. 
“We…she had ties in the First Sons, but Cole and I never figured out what sort.” Zeke said. “Just knew she and Kessler were a ‘late night booty call’ sorta couple.” 
I cringed. Oh god, I could have lived without that trivia fact. 
Dr. Sims stared at Zeke, processing that information for a moment before trying to etch-n-sketch the idea from his mind with a shake of his head, saying, “Anyways—yeah, she’s mentioned a few times in regards to the Ray Sphere. Turns out she was the lead engineer of the First Sons’ Empire City branch.”
“So she knew exactly how the Ray Sphere worked,” Dad hummed, glancing at Aunt Sia. “Probably knew all about Ray Field Energy too.”
Aunt Sia didn’t look convinced. “But…Ray Field Energy can’t be what’s making Jean sick…right?” She asked, unsure. “Every Conduit needs RFE. Could it be something genetic? Like an intolerance?”
Dad shook his head. “We checked already.”
Zeke clicked his tongue in thought. “Y’know, the gene ain’t the savior y’all make it out to be. People with the gene could still get the Plague.”
Dad rolled his eyes, not bothering to look at Zeke as he said, “Yeah, but people with the gene don’t just stop working.”
“They do if you mess with RFE. Why do you think most of ‘em died in 2011?” Zeke shot back. “We used the RFI.”
Dad chewed on the inside of his cheek as Zeke called, annoyance slowly dissipating as he thought through his logic. “Eugene,” he said, raising his head to look at the man. “See if you can pull up anything about Ray Field Energy being weird. Adverse reactions, whatever was wrong with Bertrand—the whole deal.”
“That’s not a lot to go by,” Dr. Sims muttered, bringing his hands to the keyboard anyways. 
“We need to know,” Dad said, glancing up at me.
We were there for what felt like forever. Long enough for Archie to try and take a drink of my hot chocolate, and Aunt Sia to grab both rats and return them to their cage in the living room. Long enough for Zeke to become restless and start pacing the five steps it took to span the entirety of the kitchen. Long enough for my hands to start shaking as I thought about everything. The hot chocolate was frothless and cold now, bringing nothing more than a chilly distaste to my mouth that could also be felt in the room. 
Eventually, Dr. Sims shook his head. “I’ve got nothing on RFE and Conduits,” he told Dad. “RFE and humans, sure, but not Conduits.”
Dad’s brow furrowed. “RFE and humans? Like the Plague?”
Dr. Sims shook his head. “No, that’s what’s weird—it’s about the Ray Sphere.”
Dr. Sims began scrolling back up as Zeke paused to listen, reminding him, “The Ray Sphere caused the Plague. ‘Course it’s mentioned.”
Dr. Sims, though, disagreed. “It’s talking about how they prevented the Plague.”
Everyone snapped to attention at that. 
“You can prevent the Plague?” Dad asked. A thousand emotions passed through his face—shock, confusion, doubt, anger. “So Kessler managed to fuck that up too? Great.”
Dad’s hand clenched until the knuckles of his fist turned stark white, barely acknowledging Aunt Sia’s reassuring hand on his shoulder. I couldn’t blame him for his anger; if I had found out that my parent’s deaths could have been prevented, but years after the fact?
I’d be fuming too. 
Dr. Sims, oblivious to the fact that Dad looked like he was a huff away from breathing fire, asked over his shoulder, “Hey, Zeke—the Ray Sphere only detonated once, right?”
Zeke, who was frozen dumbstruck in the middle of the kitchen, took a moment to nod. “Y-yeah, it only went off the one time.”
“And Cole was holding it?” Dr. Sims asked, the word holding stressed. 
Zeke blinked. “Yeah? At least I think so. I wasn’t there. He…he would talk about how it burned his hands when he was holding it, though.”
Aunt Sia, with one final squeeze on Dad’s shoulder before letting go, asking, “What did you find?”
“It’s—it’s sorta hard to understand,” Dr. Sims admitted, finally settling his scrolling to a segment of the journal, “But it reads like they had a lot of issues in the beginning of testing with illness, just like the Plague, but then figured out how to keep the fallout from its detonation from happening.”
The Plague was something I really didn’t understand. To be fair, I don’t think anyone really understood it fully; it ripped through victims way too fast for any solid science on it, and with it being completely eradicated from the world with the RFI, no one ever really tried replicating it. Most people didn’t even know how it happened—the Ray Sphere wasn’t public knowledge. Far as I knew, it was nothing more than an illness you’d occasionally see mocked up in conspiracy forums regarding chemical agents and aliens. 
What we did know about it was…weird. Contagious radiation poisoning. Contagious. No one really understood how that was even possible. 
Until now. 
Dr. Sims turned back towards his computer and began reading. “‘In the initial phases of our research, I harbored profound reservations regarding the implications of detonating the Ray Sphere—a device harnessing the raw power of nuclear fission. The prospect of manipulating such potent energy was both exhilarating and unnerving. I grappled with the uncertainty of its consequences, the unknown variables that could spiral out of control. It was already proving a terrible beast to control; those without the gene, when exposed to the energy output from the device, fell to an illness not unlike Acute Radiation Poisoning—only it battled with their neuroelectrical energy. Whatever it didn’t take to power the Ray Sphere, it sought to destroy. What was more alarming was how it seemed to spread to those outside of the vicinity of the detonation, as if the energy from the Ray Sphere jumped from person to person, seeking a genetically-positive person to attach to.’”
“Jeez,” Dad breathed when Dr. Sims paused. “So the fallout, what, seeks out the gene?”
“Seems like it,” Dr. Sims confirmed. I could see him highlight the section in the reflection of his glasses, and throw a copy of it into a note in the background, storing it away for himself later. This was probably a gold mine to him. He cleared his throat before continuing, “‘Despite my concerns, Kessler continuously reassured me, promising that as long as we found a suitable core, there would be no repercussions beyond the unfortunate souls sacrificed to the Ray Sphere for its initial phase. At first, I didn’t trust him. What if our actions unleashed catastrophic repercussions beyond our comprehension? But now, I see how wrong I was, and why Miss LaRue calls him her little oracle. After three failed attempts, Kessler insisted that I place someone with the gene directly beside the Ray Sphere, perhaps even holding it, for better results.
“‘Kessler was right. The Ray Sphere needs approximately eight hundred to a thousand microvolts from neuroelectrical energy to fully charge the Blast Core—about ten to twelve people. They all fall victim to sudden exposure to Ray Field Energy—including the genetic carrier in question. Who wouldn’t, when face to face with a miniature nuke with twice the concentrated energy? But where they fell, the carrier rose. Eleven test subjects turned to ash in an explosion greater than anything I’d seen before when activating the Ray Sphere, only for one to be birthed from the ashes. When the dust settled and we turned to our monitors for information on the fallout of the detonation, we found there was none. The scintillation counters were the only proof the Ray Sphere even detonated—well, that and the smell of burnt leather in the room when we deemed it safe to enter with hazmat. The test subject himself was in disarray and needed to be temporarily placed on a ventilator due to distress from direct exposure to radiation, but within the week, he was healed, no longer exhibiting symptoms of radiation poisoning and with the ability to manipulate flames. He had become a conduit for the raw, ionized energy, and came out of its blast anew, his proteins absorbing the radiation in full and preventing any fallout from occurring.’”
My mind was reeling. So the…the Conduit they used in their experiment basically sucked up all of the radiation? I glanced around the room to see Zeke’s back turned towards us all, nodding slowly. When we were out on the roof of that train car by his house, Zeke had said Cole went into a coma. “Took him a while to brush off what happened to him after the Blast,” he had said. 
Not because it was explosive, but because he was fighting radiation poisoning. 
“‘With no risk of radioactive fallout upon the use of the Ray Sphere, we’ve essentially secured funding from DARPA for any experimentation in the near future. As long as a gene carrier, a conduit for the Ray Field Energy, activates the Ray Sphere, the only damage to come to the world will be from the Conduit’s power as it becomes overloaded from so much RFE, and the poor souls that sacrifice themselves for the greater good.’” Dr. Sims finished before leaning back in his chair, closing out the translation pop-up. 
Dad looked furious. “So they knew.” He said. Not asked. “They knew it could go wrong, and they still set up everything to happen the way it did.”
“I don’t understand,” Aunt Sia murmured, moving to lean against the end of the table on my right. “Kessler didn’t care about the risk? Or did he want that to happen?”
Dr. Sims shook his head. “No. No, I don’t think Kessler would have wanted there to be a Plague. Wolfe said for the greater good. They were still working towards fighting the Beast and keeping humanity safe. Something happened.”
“Like what?” Dad demanded. “If the Ray Sphere detonated once, then how did it cause the Plague?”
Dr. Sims inhaled deeply, trying to brush off Dad’s anger. “There’s something here about proximity related to residual RFE post-activation,” he hummed, like it meant something. “They took everything into account.”
Wait—post what? I held up a hand half-heartedly like a student in class, not bothering to say anything until Aunt Sia hummed, “What is it, Jean?”
“Dr. Sims said post activation, right?” I said, looking between him and Dad. “And th–the notes said something about the Conduit’s power overloading. So did the Ray Sphere have to explode for the radiation to occur, or did it have to just be turned on?”
Dad and Dr. Sims stared at me for so long that I began to try to defend myself with, “Sorry, I don’t really get how this works—” before Dad held up a hand to silence me, staring at the wood grain as he worked something out. 
“It…It wouldn’t need to explode, would it?” He asked. “It’d just need to begin the fission process. That’d be enough.”
Dr. Sims slowly nodded, rubbing a hand against his chin in thought. “It would need to output that energy with or without the Conduit,” he hummed, “and Wolfe said something about the ‘overloading RFE’ and uh…an explosion bigger than what had happened before. That’s gotta mean there’s a version of the Ray Sphere being activated that doesn’t cause as big of a detonation.”
Dad nodded, his own more pronounced. “That means something could’ve happened when it was in someone else’s hands. Hey, Zeke, didn’t you say the Ray Sphere was taken by some gang back in—”
Dad faltered as he looked back to where Zeke had been standing only to see he was no longer there. Instead Zeke was by the sink, leaned over it like he was ill, gripping the edge of the counter with a grip usually saved for squeezing the life out of something. “Zeke?” Aunt Sia asked softly.
“A Conduit has to activate the Sphere?” Zeke asked, voice lower than I've ever heard it.
Dr. Sims glanced over at Dad, who looked just as bewildered. “I, uh...yes,” he confirmed hesitantly. “A Conduit has to be within…thirty-five centimeters of the Ray Sphere and holding it to act as a...well, a conduit for the RFE.“ He glanced back at the screen. ”Seems that's where Kessler got the name, in fact.”
Zeke's head shook as it fell, like he was refusing to believe what he was hearing. What was going on with him? He was acting like he was just diagnosed with the Plague himself. Brent looked over at me bewildered and all I could do was shrug.
Dad, though, didn't have as much tact. “What happened, Zeke?” he asked, eyes narrow as they bore through Zeke's back. “Do you know how the Plague started?”
Zeke breathed shakily, giving himself a few seconds to keep his head hung low as he collected himself. He reached up and pulled off his polarized glasses, running a hand across his face hard like he was trying to wipe away dirt. It's when he turned that I realized he was crying.
“I think I started it,” he whispered, refusing to meet anyone's eyes. “What did you just say?” Dad asked flatly, the hold on the back of his chair tightening.
Zeke kept his head low, eyes pointed at the ground but seeming to look far past it to some long-forgotten memory. “There was this...game of hot potato after the Blast as everyone fought to get ahold of the Ray Sphere. First John White pulled it from Cole's body after the Blast. Then the Dustmen got ahold'a it.”
“Dustmen?” I asked before I could stop myself. What kind of name was that?
“They were the old heir to the First Sons' gang.” Zeke informed me, only just glancing up. He saw how intensely everyone was looking at him, though, and his eyes fell once more. “He wanted the Ray Sphere back to eventually reclaim the throne from Kessler. He stuck it at the top of this huge tower he made with his powers, in some sorta charging cradle and had his men guarding it.
“We...Cole and I fought our way to the top of this tower and—you've gotta understand. There were Dustmen, there were First Sons, we were a good three hundred feet in the air and I had nothing but my pistol on me.” Zeke shook his head as he relived the memory. “And with everything else going on in Empire City...I was scared outta my mind. So when Cole was fighting Alden's men and I managed to get to the Ray Sphere and pull it outta that charging thing...”
His fist came down softly against the counter’s edge behind him, a beat far steadier than my own as I listened to his story. “I turned it on.” He admitted simply. 
It was almost instantaneous; Dad’s grip on the chair grew so strong that the wood backing splintered under his fingers, Aunt Sia’s protests unheard over Dad as he growled, “You what?”
“I was terrified,” he said, the admittance not really an excuse, but an explanation. He definitely didn’t seem to be defending his choice at all. “The world was going to hell in a handbasket and I barely had enough 9 millimeters to keep fighting against it. There were people who could suddenly make spiders outta scrap metal and tar that’d turn you into some zombie. My best friend was shooting lightning outta his hands and the most I could do to help him was hand him rubber gloves.” Zeke sighed hard, closing his eyes. “Kessler told me he…he knew why it didn’t work when it fizzled out. Why I didn’t get powers. And that he would show me what needed to be done if I just gave him the Ray Sphere. So…I did it. I gave him the damn thing. I was scared and thought that by getting myself some powers I’d live to see the next day. 'Cause then? That wasn't guaranteed.”
“How long are you willing to fight for these Humans when they’re guaranteed to turn on you in the end?” Augustine’s voice rang in my ear. “Even the great Cole MacGrath was betrayed by his closest companion.” 
“You’re the one that turned on Cole,” I whispered, not realizing my eyes had fallen until I looked back up at Zeke, whose own were solemn. 
“You knew?” Brent demanded accusingly. 
“Kids.” Aunt Sia interjected sharply. 
“So you just set off the Ray Sphere because you were jealous?” Dad asked Zeke. 
“I was scared. Hell, we all were—”
“There was no one else close to the Ray Sphere?” Dr. Sims demanded, trying to click through some translation notes at rapid speed. 
Zeke shook his head. “Just me.” He began to pace back and forth in the three steps it took to get from the counter on one side of the kitchen to the oven on the other.
“There would have been no one gene-positive close enough to absorb the latent RFE. At least not in a way that mattered before the scattering of radioactive dust,” Dr. Sims informed the room.
Zeke stopped pacing, head falling into his hands. “Christ, did I cause the Plague?” he whispered aghast.
It was almost instantaneous; for a moment, Zeke looked like he was about to fall to his knees with how hard they were shaking, and then a second later he was flying back into the pantry door, Dad nothing but a plume of dust and concrete as he moved to beat on Zeke.
Whatever happened next was hell, and I was barely able to keep track of it all. There was a dogpile of limbs in the kitchen I was shoved away from. Brent emerged from it fully steel, holding Dad back and pushing him against the cracked pantry door as he fought to get out of Brent’s grip. Aunt Sia helped Zeke stand, trying to wipe away at his bloody nose with a random rag she pulled from the oven’s handle. Dr. Sims moved to intercept Dad's concrete-laden arm as it raised and aimed indiscriminately at Zeke, his face more furious than I've ever personally seen him.
“You killed them!” he screamed, loud enough that his voice echoed through the room. Brent pushed Dad against the wall and was trying to talk him down and I'm pretty sure the only thing that kept him from catching a right hook was the fact that he was Dad's son. “My parents died because of you!”
“I didn't know,” Zeke insisted, holding the white rag to his face that was steadily turning red. “I just...I was trying to protect myself—”
“You nearly killed the world because you were jealous,” Dad spat, face contorted in rage. “You gave Kessler back the Ray Sphere to get powers! You were a coward—”
“Delsin—” Dr. Sims tried to talk Dad down, though it was no use.
“I was.” Zeke agreed without hesitation. “You think I haven't regretted it every day of my life since? I’ve been trying to make up for my mistake ever since—”
“Regret isn't gonna bring back everyone you killed,“ Dad snarled.
“I know.” Zeke said solemnly. “One of those people that died was my best friend—”
Dad scoffed. “Save me the fucking sob story—you're the one that betrayed him! I'm supposed to give a shit about how sorry you feel when you turned on him willingly?” He shook his head, glancing at Dr. Sims, who was still holding his dominant hand. “Did you know about this?” he demanded.
Dr. Sims shook his head and opened his mouth to say something when Aunt Sia said, “I did.”
Dad's head snapped her way and he glowered, the stare enough to make my own spine chill despite being to the left and behind her. “You what?” he growled.
Aunt Sia didn't even flinch. “I knew what happened. Zeke told me years ago when we first started working on this together,” She motioned to the papers on the table.
“And you didn't think to tell me?” He looked beyond pissed. Betrayed, like Aunt Sia was the one to activate the Ray Sphere.
Aunt Sia raised an eyebrow. “Would you have understood?”
Dad blinked, his scowl just barely slipping off of his face. “What?”
“You're not human, Delsin. Not like Zeke, not like Reggie, and not like me.” Aunt Sia pointed to her own chest as Dad’s nostrils flared the moment she brought up his brother. “You don't get how...how scary and inadequate it can feel to be the person who can't do anything and to watch people you love put their lives on the line. You can—you can make a nonprofit to help or go undercover or sneak people out of the country but it's never enough.” Her hand fell. “I spent five years trying to help the Conduits and you were able to fix their issues in a week. Do you know how hard it is to feel like you're never doing enough when people you care about are in trouble? To be pushed aside and practically be told to let the Big Boys handle it?”
My eyes fell from looking at Aunt Sia to staring at the tile, her words settling on top of that weight in my chest that I couldn't seem to shake off anymore. Do you know how hard it is to feel like you're never doing enough when people you care about are in trouble? I could guess. I felt it in the pristine white of that First Sons base, watching Dad and Brent fight and having to run away like a coward. Helping Dad bandage chemical burns on his flesh that made the entire room smell like weirdly sweet bacon whenever the wrappings would come off. And I couldn't do anything to prevent that, even as a Conduit—or whatever I was now. Told to run away, asked to hide on the floorboard of a car, told that I 'didn't need to worry about it' when wanting to know more about everything.
And I guess that, even though I didn't really approve of handing over a miniature nuke to a crazy cult leader, I could understand why Zeke did what he did.
Dad, though, didn't. “That's different,” he insisted.
“Is it?” 
“You didn’t sell out Eugene to Augustine,” Dad said, before his eyes returned to Zeke and they immediately became darker. “He fucked over MacGrath.”
“And I’ve done everything I could to honor Cole and his sacrifice,” Zeke, surprisingly, snapped back. “You think I’m not haunted by what he had to do every goddamn day of my life?”
Dad shrugged off Dr. Sims’ hold. “He wouldn’t have had to sacrifice shit if it wasn’t for you.”
Aunt Sia sighed, exasperated. “Delsin, don’t act like you’ve never made a selfish mistake before.”
“I didn’t hand a goddamn bomb to Kessler!” Dad defended. 
“No, but you’ve done stupid shit plenty of times before.” Aunt Sia chastised. “Don’t act like you’ve never been blinded by your emotions.”
Dad glowered long after Brent let him go, not moving from his spot. He seemed to be debating on where to place his anger, and I saw his right hand twitch once without raising as his eyes shifted between Aunt Sia to Zeke and back again. The tight fist relaxed, but he still had enough anger in him to let them settle on Zeke and growl, “I’m only saying this once, Dunbar: You do anything to risk my family while we’re trying to figure out what’s wrong with my girl? I’ll kill you. You’re here because you’ve got good information, and nothing else.” 
The air itself felt thick as Dad stared down Zeke, waiting for some form of acknowledgement. “Alright,” Zeke relented, the first to break eye contact. 
Aunt Sia held up a hand, trying to force Dad and his cold glare to stand down. “We should stop there for today,” she said, voice suggesting she was leaving no room for arguments. “We’re getting nowhere like this, and I think everyone could do with a break right now, okay? So let’s stop.” 
Dad glowered our way a moment longer before storming off, making sure to give Zeke a shoulder check on his way past before he threw open the back door and disappeared into the backyard. 
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It was hard to pretend like everything was normal for the rest of the day. 
The journal didn’t really get us anywhere, and when Dr. Sims declared he wanted to take me to a hospital tomorrow and run tests? I became nervous. “There’s a specialist there that can see her that might be able to help,” he told Aunt Sia. “And the endocrine unit and palliative care are on the same floor. That’s where the other prime Conduit experiencing strange symptoms is.”
Zeke disappeared soon after Dad retreated to the backyard, mumbling something about ‘giving space’ that he didn’t even let Aunt Sia try to retort to. She sighed hard as he closed the front door before turning to Brent and I, leaving Dr. Sims to mess around on his computer as she steered us to the living room, trying to use the allure of a movie to help us pretend like none of that just happened. 
She tried to make the resulting day fun. Tried being the keyword. Trips down memory lane where she reminded us of every young-age blunder she saw over the five years she watched us, equally embarrassing moments from Dad’s past before we were born.
“Met her soon after I met Eugene,” Dad said when he had returned from outside, anger somewhere dissipated. “She would locate the suspected conduits he was picking up, and Project Sanctuary would sneak them outta Seattle. Eventually had me doing the same thing.”
It was hard work, tearing suspected gene carriers out of jail cells and getting them out of the country, but they did it together with the network Aunt Sia had built over the years. “I started Project Sanctuary soon after I began volunteering at the Conduit Rights League,” she told us, “About a year after Eugene was taken from me.”
Dad and Aunt Sia really got to know each other in the after, though; those few months after Augustine’s crimes were shared but before the government was strong-armed into doing anything about them, Aunt Sia was there trying to help the Conduits that were trickle-released from Curdun before its doors closed. She was there to protest when they were opened again. “With the pandemic, and your mother’s condition, I didn’t visit her as much as I wanted for fear of getting her sick,” Aunt Sia admitted when we asked her why, since she knew Dad since we were born, there was no evidence of her existence. “And besides, you know me—addicted to my work. I had a lot cut out for me then,”
But everything she said, all she meant to be some sort of melancholic sharing of truth, was nothing more but another straw on the back of this burden that kept feeling like it was crushing my chest in. I knew so little. I was the cause of so much. I couldn’t stop thinking about everything that had happened in the last few weeks; the lies and the pain and the truths and the fights. 
I even made the mistake of going online at some point and was bombarded with new notifications; someone found my art blog online, and it spread, fast. There were so many messages, so many death threats, that I had to go hide in the bathroom and cry as I deactivated every source of me online. Not before seeing news updates about COLE, since my name was tied to them now. 
Protests, riots. More bomb threats than should have been allowed. COLE was officially defunded in 8 states, and forced to close by government order in 3 of those. CRON, the conduit registration bill, suddenly had enough signatures to pass the House, and was set to be voted on in the Senate. 
And this was all because of me, and what I did to Seattle.
I tucked my phone into the couch after that, ignoring every missed email and social media notification because I was so sure what they would be about that I figured it would be better to not even look at them. But I couldn’t stop thinking about them. God, I couldn’t—not during the movie Aunt Sia put on, not during dinner, and not even when she tossed me a pair of soft pajamas that I almost immediately dropped, declaring a girls night. “You all find a place to sleep,” she said, waving off Dr. Sims, Brent and Dad in a jokingly dismissive way. “Jean and I will be in my room.”
She ushered me into her bedroom and, after a brief moment where she helped Dr. Sims find comfort on her couch, returned, closing the door fully behind her and locking it for good measure before turning to face me, holding up my phone. “You forgot something,” she said, moving to the big king sized bed and handing it to me before crawling in. 
“Oh,” I smiled, trying my best to look grateful as I set down my hair brush and reached out to grab the phone, “Thanks.” I immediately put it on the nightstand beside the bed, face down. 
Aunt Sia sighed, “Alright, hon.” She raised an eyebrow when I looked at her. “You father isn’t in the room anymore. Out with it.”
I blinked, brow furrowing. “What do you mean?”
“I’m not blind, Jean.” Aunt Sia said softly, concern laden in her voice. “You’ve barely smiled since you’ve been here. I can hardly get any interaction out of you. What’s wrong?”
I looked away from her, shrugging and grabbing the hair brush again. “Just tired. I could barely sleep in that van.” 
Aunt Sia gently took the hair brush from me and began to go through my hair herself, working out the knots. “I don’t believe you,” she hummed. Non-accusingly but still all the worried. 
I sighed hard, and admittedly said a bit snappily, “I’m just tired,” trying to reinforce the lie to her. To myself. All it did was make me sound more guilty. 
I could feel her eyes boring into me from behind as she set the brush down and began to braid my hair, small hands moving expertly to make a french braid tighter and neater than anything I could ever do. I looked up at my reflection in the vanity mirror in front of her bed and sighed, hating how deep the eyebags looked. “I’m…I’m sorry.” I began. 
“It’s alright, I shouldn’t have pushed—”
“No not that—well, actually, yeah. That too.” My eyes traveled down to my cast, the same deep blue as those waves that devastated Seattle covering the ashen and yellowed bruises, the same shades as the remains of COLE in Portland. “I…a bunch of people found my blog and…they weren’t nice about it.”
Aunt Sia’s brow furrowed slightly. “How so?”
I didn’t answer, pushing Aunt Sia to pull her own phone out and go straight to the blog. Shit. Right. I gave her the link to that. She scrolled for a moment, seeing nothing innocuous until she got to the comments—and that’s where her anger flared. “Wh–” she cut off, scrolling further. Switching to reblogs. Her nostrils flared, gray eyes almost steeling like Brent’s and the hand holding my braid in place tightened. “Those assholes,” she hissed, dropping her phone and looking up and meeting my eyes in the reflection of the mirror. “Jean, how long have you known about this? We need to tell your father—”
“No!” I cut her off, a bit too loud. I screwed my eyes shut and inhaled deeply, forcing myself to be quieter. Involving Dad was the last thing I wanted to do, especially after everything today. “No, no–not Dad. Not now. Please.”
Aunt Sia, fury still in her eyes, let her face soften slightly. “Why not?”
It took me far too long to answer, instead glancing at the screen of her phone; she was on a picture I’d done of a beach. Pastels. That one had so many comments—not just of people saying how the art sucked, but saying I had planned this the whole time. That I wanted to flood Seattle, that I wanted to kill everyone I did, and this romanticizing of the tall waves was proof. “It…” I drew off, unsure of what to say. “He doesn’t need to worry about it right now.”
I could hear Aunt Sia sigh gently. “That’s not for you to decide.” 
A warmth of upset, of anger, lit in my chest. “I’ve already caused him enough issues, he doesn’t need to keep worrying about me—”
“Hey,” Aunt Sia cut me off, hushing me like one would some spooked animal. Her eyes met my reflection. “Now, Jeanie, listen to me. Everything that’s happened wasn't your fault. You hear me? It doesn't matter what anyone says, it wasn't your fault.”
I shook my head. “I killed one hundred and thirty seven people, Aunt Sia. People keep attacking COLE because of it. Dad’s cover was blown! All the people that were hurt and th-the politicians…” my voice cracked and I clammed up immediately, barely able to choke out after, “If I was more careful in the alley or the fight with Augustine—”
“Don’t you dare blame yourself for that, Jean,” Aunt Sia interrupted. “You’re a child.”
“Does that matter?” 
“Of course it matters.” The hairbrush came down, and she moved to look at me intensely through the mirror from over my shoulder. “You were dealt a bad hand and you did what you did out of desperation. Who could blame you?”
“Everyone,” I said softly, looking down at the printed quilt at the end of the bed. “Everyone does.” 
Aunt Sia sighed, silence hanging in the air for a few moments before she started. “I think…I think what matters most is knowing—and accepting—that, sometimes…you won’t be able to help.” The way she said it so matter-of-factly made me raise my head to look at her in the mirror. She wasn’t staring at my reflection anymore; her eyes were down, staring at the dresser the mirror was posted on and yet far past it, eyes traveled somewhere foreign. The look was familiar; that's how Dad would look when thinking about his past. About everything that still threatened to drag him down. “Sometimes all there really is is guilt and shame, and the feeling of your entire life being a burden to those around you. But what I learned throughout the years is that people will only start to treat you like an inconvenience if you present yourself as one.”
“I already am.” I interjected. “I know I had the healing thing for only, like, a week, but—”
The glaze in Aunt Sia’s mind seeped away and they snapped up to meet mine in the mirror. “You're a person who needs help, and you have so many people in your life who are willing to go above and beyond to provide you with that help. Not because they pity you, not because it gets you off their back, but because they love you.” After a moment Aunt Sia seemed to know the thoughts forming in my mind before the sentence was finished being built, adding, “Even if it might not always look like it—hell, I've known your Dad long enough to be aware of just how harsh he can be sometimes. But he does love you. We all do.”
I looked down at my hands, disagreement rising in the back of my throat like bile. “I just…I feel so useless right now,” I admitted. Why was that one sentence so hard to choke out? “I’m either not helping or when I do try to help I…drown half of Seattle. I couldn’t even protect them when we were in New Marais.”
“It's hard to come to terms with the fact that sometimes all we can do is rely on the kindness of others, and it's frustrating to feel like you're unable to ever return just a tiny bit of everything they did for you.” Aunt Sia sympathized. I’d never understand how it came to her so easily. “But there is one thing you're missing: You surviving, you making it through hard times with their help, you being able to smile again? That's the best way to give back to the loved ones that want nothing more but to be there for you.”
My brow furrowed as I processed her words. Was that really it? Was it that easy? It didn’t feel that easy. It definitely didn’t feel like someone else’s love would absolve me of my sins. “Those people in Seattle had loved ones.” I said simply, eyes glancing over to look at Aunt Sia’s knees. “That mom that lost her kid in the COLE bombing? There’s so many innocent people that’ve been hurt, and it’s because of me in some way.” I could feel the frustration and anger and self loathing bubble up in my chest. “I—Dad can’t even go back to work, Brent can’t see his girlfriend, you’re stuck watching COLE explode after everything you’ve done for it—”
I hadn’t noticed I began to tear up until Aunt Sia took my face in her hands, squishing my cheeks slightly as she forced me to look at her. “None of that is your fault,” She insisted, eyes searching mine. “None of that was intentional. You didn’t mean to hurt anyone, and that’s enough—even if you may have. You were trying, and that’s a lot more than anyone else can say. You think those politicians have ever done a thing in their life that benefited anyone but themselves?” She shook her head, answering her own question. Her hands fell from my face, but she stayed close. “The only thing I want you to worry about right now is your health. Everything else is for us to worry about, I don’t want you to feel guilty for us caring about you. You’re worth all of this stress. No one—no government, no human, and no conduit will ever be able to convince me of the opposite.” Her shoulders squared a bit. “And I'll beat the shit out of everyone that even dares to try and tell me that what happened was something you should be blamed for."
God, there she was—the Aunt Sia I knew. She managed to pull an amused huff outta me, my halfhearted smile bringing a brighter one on her own face. “Now stop this moping, I can’t handle it. Let’s have one night where we pretend nothing’s happening, okay? You need a night off, especially since tomorrow’s gonna be busy.”
With a swallow and a nod I agreed, trying to shove away the pain for now. I knew she was right; Dad had told me Dr. Sims was able to order some tests for tomorrow. “There’s a specialist there that can see you that might be able to help, and they work in the same hospital where the other prime Conduit experiencing strange symptoms is,” he said. We’d be leaving in the morning. 
I couldn’t see it from her point of view, I couldn’t understand how I deserved her understanding—but maybe it was easier to lie to myself anyways. And as Aunt Sia went to a folder titled ‘Jeanie’ Favs’ in her pirated movies, I figured maybe she was right about one thing; I could use a reason to forget about everything right now.
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
man I rlly hope Ezekiel’s parents don’t watch total drama bc can you imagine what they must have gone through?
watching their son get booted first in both seasons he participated in (technically second in world tour but we all saw Chris hurl him out of the plane to “set an example” and Duncan quitting doesn’t count bc it was voluntary), then see neither hair nor hide of him for half of the season only to find out he’s been staying in the cargo hold and growing slowly feral and less human with every passing day. then he’s used as a gag trick for two separate challenges and tranquilized and in a cage like a bloody animal. then in the finale, he’s basically unrecognizable and falls into a volcano.
after that, he’s only mentioned in snippets, affected by the radioactivity of the island and has turned into a mesh of an animalistic creature, and is far from the human boy who left his sheltered home all those months ago.
a home he never returns to. a boy who’ll never be one again.
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richonnesbitch · 6 months
I really need them to go back on set and do a scene of Rick finding out Ezekiel kissed Michonne 😭
It being such a non factor to her I can imagine Michonne not saying anything -not because she is hiding it but truly she just aint thinking about it (also Rick is like always on her, she wouldnt even habe time to be thinking about any other man ok lol)- and Ezekiel being the one telling Rick. Like I can imagine him going to Rick to “address the elephant in the room“ and being all apologetic and really emphasizing that it wasnt that type of moment and obviously there was never anything going on bla bla bla And Rick just being there, confused af like, wtf are you talking about??? And Ezekiel being like, well when I kissed Michonne, I didnt mean to and I dont want it to be weird between us bla bla bla but still I just wanted to apologize to you for that bla bla bla And I just imagine Michonne being in the background somewhere and just seeing Rick do the head tilt at Ezekiel and she would just *know* She would have to run at full speed to come save Ezekiel before her husband completeley snaps 😂 I hope Judith and RJ enjoyed all their time with Uncle Zeke until now cause they wont be seeing him anymore 😂
There's just something so funny to me about Michonne forgetting her kiss with Ezekiel immediately after it happened. She has one man on her mind and one man only lmao
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tsukkisside · 10 months
i have yeager brainrot *⁠.⁠✧
can't stop thinking about the brothers having a normal family with a (not really) wholesome life in a modern au! thingie so headcanons !
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★ I don't think Dina should be 💀 (too sad can't have that) Grisha divorced her cause it didn't work and later met Carla and they fell in love <3
★ I just want Carla to adopt Zeke and be the mom he deserves!!!
★ Grisha and Carla would often be bussy working so Tom Ksaver a really nice neighbor would offer to babysit Zeke, playing baseball with him and all that.
★Then Carla gets pregnant with Eren! just imagine the excitement in Zeke finding out he would have a brother, he would say something like "i'll teach him how to play baseball and I'll take care of him!!" baby 😭
★ I don't think Grisha would be the best of a father though (here comes the angst) ofc it wouldn't be THAT bad as it is in the canon but daddy issues give the yeager's character so I can't that away from them (at least i gave them a mom)
★ Since Eren was now born Grisha was the only one Working and having to bring more money to home so he was away a lot for the most part of his kids childhood and things started to get rocky as soon as Zeke was a teen
★ And maaaaybe it was because Grisha paid more attention to Eren in some ways since he was little.
★ I just imagine Grisha as one of those parents that are there but not emotionally involved with their kid, pays for stuff, although forgets about birthdays and special events (self indulgence moment) It's not that he doesn't love his kids but it feels like it sometimes.
★ Zeke's relationship with Carla wouldn't be bad but he would think that she loves more Eren since he's her biological son, although Carla would make everything what's on her hand to not make Zeke feel like that, she doesn't feel that way towards him either.
★ The brothers grew up close but as Zeke started to get older he distanced a little from his family, and poor baby (now a kid) Eren would knock on Zeke's door just wanting to play with his big bro while he's just in bed being an annoyed teenager tossing a ball towards the ceiling and then catching it with one hand.
★ He grew up playing baseball in a local team then dropped it as a teen.
★ He probably started smoking around this age too (16 or so) to fit more into the rebellious teenager persona.
★ However he wouldn't give that much of hard time, he would do great in school and would try to avoid conflict, inside of him he would just want to make his dad proud just to hear a "good job" from him, even a hug.
★ On the other side i think the real trouble would be Eren.
★ Coming back to Grisha not being the best dad, things would repeat and as Eren grew up he would get less involved with his kid.
★ But Eren wouldn't be like his brother at all, he would fight back, get into arguments with his family regularly, skip classes, fail them even, the overall rebellious teen thingy, i don't think it would be soooo bad, just his parents trying to explain that he is doing things wrong but him not listening and making a scene and complaining about them not letting him be free!!!.
★ Grisha and Carla would give up at some point letting Eren do his thing, that would usually be playing games ,spend time with with friends and smoke 🍃
★ Once in a while he would feel bad about his behavior mostly because of his mom, he knows his father being an asshole sometimes is not her fault, and he would go silently to apologize to her and be a mama's boy.
★ Carla would hug him and tell him that it's fine and that they love him nonetheless.
★ With his conscience clear he would roll one up because he is convinced that he deserves it (this man??)
★ Armin and Mikasa being his childhood friends would try to keep him with his feet on the earth when they feel he's getting too lost.
★ Armin and Zeke would get along really great and the younger would see him as a fraternal figure too.
★ I imagine the relationship between Eren and Zeke like a totally realistic and healthy brother brother relationship, they can't stand each other but are best mates and love each other (i don't really know i don't have siblings)
★ Eren coming home from School just to tell Zeke to play some videogame have an amazing time then not talk for a week.
★ I also think they would smoke 🍃 together sometimes. Eren would be smoking in his room with towel at the bottom of the door, then he almost throws the joint out the window as he hears a knock on the door (he is not allowed to smoke inside ofc) but just as he hears Zeke's "it's just me" he relaxes and let's him in.
★ Zeke would ask for some puffs or something and they would end up on Eren's bed looking at the ceiling and getting sensitive and philosophical talking about ife, the only time they would actually show affection towards each other.
★ If Zeke asks for some puffs once in a while, Eren asks him for cigarettes constantly, and just to mix the 🍃 with.
★ Zeke is definitely more caring towards Eren overall (big bro thingies i guess)
★ They will totally team up against their dad A LOT and have each other's back. Grisha would be scolding Eren for something and Zeke would nonchalantly get into the argument to defend Eren just to piss his dad, and Eren would just be like "look! It's not my fault even Zeke says so!!!" and then Carla would scold all of them and it would actually work.
★ As they became adults they both started to look much more like grisha, especially Eren.
★ At first sight they don't really look like each other, but it's just because Zeke's beard, if he shaved it would actually be much more obvious that they are related.
★ Eren likes to annoy Zeke saying that maybe he would be the pretty sibling if he shaves.
★ Zeke would start working as a bartender or something like that to try and help bringing money at home but probably would try to achieve something bigger like resuming baseball to be a coach or something like that.
★ And i picture Eren taking whatever job his brother previously left or ending up as a dealer (it's funny to me okay?)
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Sorry if this is kinda a mess! I'm not used to writing and putting my thoughts together like this and i feel like i can go on and on and on and forever about this so that's all <3
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 8 months
Can you do aot boys reaction to reader cheating
✩ attack on titan boys finding out you cheated ✩
✩ modern au ✩
eren jaeger is heartbroken but he's mostly pissed. he's pissed you'd do something like that, pissed somebody else had their hands on you and pissed he wasted his time. you'd be straight up dead to him and blocked on everything.
armin arlert is a wreck. he shuts down completely and isolates himself from everybody, including his best friends. he lies awake at night, begging for his pain to be alleviated. he vows to never fall in love again but him being the man he is, he does.
jean kirstein acts like he doesn't care and is cold-hearted when he dumps you. jean doesn't cry, he convinces himself that it never mattered and he'd rather be alone anyway. he goes out and sleeps with other people, trying to erase the memory of you. it ultimately doesn't work and all the other girls get tossed to the curb.
connie springer just sobs. he cries for days on end and nobody is able to console him. he starts neglecting himself. connie forgets to eat, to shower. all he does is sleep and think about you, everything else is forgotten.
reiner braun is devastated. he's entirely torn up inside. his eyes are bloodshot for weeks. he hardly eats, only picking here and there. his friends are worried for him but they're also tired of him; he only talks about you and what you've done to him. he'd do anything for you to come home.
bertholdt hoover goes numb. he can't cry, he can't yell. there's nothing that he can do except breathe. he knows he can't live in pity forever so he gathers the courage to better himself. he returns all of your things and tries to remove you from his life.
zeke jaeger goes missing for a few days. when eren decides to check on him, he finds him lying on the couch in a dark room, surrounded by piles of used tissues. his face is dry and stained with salty tears. his phone is still on, it's a picture of you. he won't give up on you.
levi ackerman is deeply offended and mortally wounded. he's the type of isolate for a few days to spend his grief in peace. after he's let everything out, he returns to the real world. he doesn't bring you up in conversation and quickly changes the subject if you're brought up. you're dead to him and he doesn't have the time for you anymore. he's not to be made a fool of.
erwin smith is more stressed than anything. of course, he's sad but the idea of living a life without you is so deeply uncomfortable for him to imagine. he can't believe that its real and that he's going to have to navigate this world without you, because you chose to fuck it all up.
porco galliard doesn't really catch your drift. he understands that you cheated but he insists that you can't leave him. he wants this to work, he needs you. he's willing to overlook it. honestly, he's a little pathetic about it all.
my jean fanfic
my ko-fi
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pisspope · 1 year
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anyway I have devoted too much of my brain power to that scene in s4 where zeke finds out that grisha was alive and birthed eren and he has his head in his hands by himself in his room. knowing that eren has the attack titan and the founder, knowing (or thinking he knows) that another child has been doomed to the same fate as him by the same man. thinking he was noble or just when he turned his dad into the police, thinking he had committed the sin of patricide for the greater good only to find out that he lived and did it all over again. not only finding out that his dad lived through his betrayal but that his little brother had to be the one to kill him. zeke having spent years sick with guilt over murdering grisha only to find out he had failed and all those feelings were wasted, wracked with a sort of jealousy that it wasn't him that landed the final blow. what a complex emotion to reckon with, to find out your abuser lived and did it again after everything you had done to prevent it. "I'll be back to save you someday." imagine being so cringefail that every thing you strive for either fails or is ripped from you by someone else. Like there's doomed by the narrative and then there's being just screwed by it at every opportunity. lmao what a sad strange little man
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totaldrama-showdowns · 6 months
Unused Submissions for the Favorite Rivalry Showdown!
justin and trent
please im so tired of seeing fluffy ship art of them THEY DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER
justin literally got him eliminated i cant imagine they had a good relationship after action
"one time justin threw a tambourine at me and that kinda hurt >:|"
you know they had the nastiest most jawdropping arguments in the recording room during drama brothers recording sessions
uhh yeah they hate each other they should get to fight to the death as a treat
Alejandro and duncan
they're perfect
is this a rivalry? idk
Dave vs Leonard
Lindsay vs Courtney
it was brief but it was enjoyable
Izzy and Justin
They're sooo funny, especially cause they're exes
Julia vs Priya
I don’t actually think this is the best one I’m just putting it here because we need more reboot characters in this bracket
Whatever Lindsay and Beth had with Heather after Island
you go girls
Geoff and Trent
hockey bros vs birds
why do they get beat up by birds so frequently
Dawn and Scott
Ok sure they lasted for two scenes but THEY COULD'VE BEEN SUCH GOOD RIVALS MAN
Julia vs Every Other TD '23 Blonde
Nominating this because I think it's funny
Julia and Caleb
I don’t actually gaf about them but i like when julia hit him with a frying pan or something
the roti writers and gen 2 female characters
they did them so dirty :(
bowie vs straight people
he's seen enough
chris vs blaineley
divorced enemies sweep
lightning vs cameron
it was ooc but it kinda slayed
Chris and Sierra
The New York episode. Please Chris should've been a hater the whole season and Sierra wouldn't notice it would be funny. See my vision
Ezekiel Vs Death
I just know Death keeps snapping those bony fingers any time Ezekiel escapes death
Emma and Julia
white on white violence
Terry and Chref
We saw that tweet
Mal and Julia
Mal plays the game really well and Julia's getting insecure. But I have faith Julia will triumph
Marmaduke and Garfield
I love tti
Me vs Blaineley
We are currently fighting over who gets 2 date Kelly (I'm winning)
larry v chef
chef’s gotta defend his man what can I say
Everyone (- Priya) Vs Caleb
He literally has no friends.
priya's personality versus the writers
season 2. need I say more?
Heather Vs Blaineley
I cannot tell you how funny it is that Blaineley turned up to the TD jumbo jet and chose violence against a girl half her age
Ezekiel and Chris
demolish that monster zeke
Sky vs Dave
He tried to kill her I think this counts as a rivalry at least a little bit
Damien vs Millie
Yeah! The finish line!
toxic yaoi
Noah anf Harold
autism on autism violence and we love that
do alejandro and noah count,,, if not im voting leshawna and heather
brainrot says so
jasmine and shawn
just being a hater here, they were much more tolerable (but still crappy) when she hated him over them being a couple
dramarama ella and dramarama max
why couldnt this be their dynamic in the canon show
Damien & Julia
MK vs the bear
They literally fought in a duel together
Geoff/Bridgette and blaineley
Ma'am that's a child. Leave him by
Mal Vs Duncan
They suck I hope they get in so they're elimination fodder so someone else can go forward easily.
alejandro puppet and heather
Wayne and me
I hate you little white boy! Get a job
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totalswagisland · 3 months
Zeke headcanonsssssss
ahh... Five nights at zekeys....
full name: ezekiel abraham neumann (haha get it. neumann. new man. new guy)
i imagine he's an only child. he kind of just gives me those vibes.
i think he and beth became friends after she got eliminated in island, and remained fairly close (her lindsay and zeke were such an interesting trio) i always wish they did a little more with them both being farm kids... especially with their shared poor social skills
this isn't a headcanon but zekes responses to the world tour interviews are really fucking concerning. the kid doesn't know subways are real, says he doesn't have a favorite childhood memory ("had some goodies, but no besties"), and that hes not allowed to watch movies. total drama stop presenting fucked up implications and not expanding on them challenge
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blondeboyfriend · 1 year
𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐌𝐄 (𝟏𝟖+)
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[ PAIRING ] Zeke Yeager x f!reader [ SYNOPSIS ] Your cute neighbor is completely and utterly obsessed with you. So much so that he has taken to standing outside your window and watching your every move. [ WORD COUNT ] 1.8k [ CONTENT ] Modern AU, dubiously consensual voyeurism, exhibitionism, obsessive behavior, masturbation, oral sex, Zeke's submissive but not a sub, y/n is dominant but not a dom, biting, spit, cigarettes (duh).
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Zeke wasn’t always a “peeping tom.” He considered himself to be a decent guy: he had a good job, lived in a nice apartment, and people tended to be fond of him. But you came and fucked that all up. Something about you changed him.
Maybe it was the doe-eyed look you gave him when he introduced himself. So pure, unassuming. Sickly sweet. Maybe it was the way picked a piece of lint off of his shirt. It was such a natural movement, like you were put on this earth to preen him. You had no business being so friendly.
Even after you were long gone the kind song of your voice hung around him like a ghost. Your name wormed its way into his brain. You were an affliction, a parasite. You must have known you’d have this effect on him. It was on purpose. There was no way you would be comely for any other reason. You beckoned him, your actions filling in the absence of words. You didn’t need to explain yourself. That wasn’t needed for people like Zeke and yourself. Sometimes people just clicked, immediately bonded.
Why else would you have left your blinds wide open at night? Prancing around in your underwear and a cropped t-shirt. Not once did you glance outside but you knew he was there, he could feel it. You welcomed his presence by merely existing. This was an invitation.
He was standing just outside your window, drenched in the shadows and his sins unseen. There was still a level of shame he felt as his hand crept under his sweatpants and gripped his throbbing cock. But he couldn’t help himself. He ached for you.
If you only knew how badly Zeke wanted to crawl through your window and profess his adoration and affection for you. How he wanted to grab you by the shoulders and show you that he understood, that he felt it too. But he was a coward with his weeping cock in his hands.
His eyes lingered on your long legs as he spat on his cock, stroking the length of it. He wanted to worship them, cover them with kisses and bite marks. His breath hitched as your shirt rode up as you stretched, barely covering your breasts. He picked up the pace and held back a groan. It was hard to keep quiet. Zeke wasn’t a particularly loud man, but you inspired him. Your siren song elicited his sordid sounds.
“Oh fuck,” he uttered through gritted teeth as you bent over, revealing your adorable ass.
Zeke wanted to dig his teeth into it, savor it. He rutted against his fist, shamelessly fucking it as you mulled about your bedroom doing nothing in particular. You were putting on a display for him. He took in every inch of your body, desperately trying to imagine how your skin would feel against his. He thought about fucking your throat, your big dark eyes gazing up at him full of tears that cling to your lashes. Oh how he longed to wipe them away as his cum trickled out of the corners of your mouth.
It didn’t take long for him to finish. He moaned as a milky white cum spurted out of his engorged cock. His relief was short-lived. Embarrassment flooded him as he tucked his cock back into his pants. That night he couldn’t sleep. He just tossed and turned as you continued to haunt him.
The next morning he was startled to find you hovering outside, uncertainty overtaking your expression. His heart skipped a beat when you finally knocked on his door.
“Hey!” he said a little too enthusiastically.
“Hi. I, uh… Can I ask you something?”
Your little frown was enough to turn Zeke into a wild animal, ready to tear someone apart. He hated to see you upset even if it was likely his doing.
“Sure. What’s going on?”
“I heard really weird shit, sorry, stuff—”
“You can swear. It’s fine,” he laughed.
“I heard weird shit outside my window last night. It sounded like a wounded animal.”
His stomach dropped. You had heard him. As much as he knew you courted him, begged him to watch you, he realized how it could be discomforting to hear a man climaxing in the middle of the night.
“Wounded?” he asked, suddenly self conscious about what he sounds like when he comes.
“I don’t know, maybe not that exactly. I can’t really place, like, what it was. Just that it was weird.”
“No. I didn’t hear anything. I’m sorry.”
He went to go back inside, but you grabbed the door and held it open. His eyes widened, not expecting you to be that strong.
“Would you wanna maybe come hang out? I know that’s forward as fuck but I don’t wanna be alone tonight.”
“I think I can manage that,” he quickly said.
He smiled as warmly as he could, hoping it would set you at ease.
“Cool! We can watch fucked up shit on Youtube. It’ll be fun.”
Zeke spent the rest of his day pacing around his apartment, plotting out his actions. He wanted to come off as relatable, like someone you could turn to. Everything he planned came tumbling down when you answered your door wearing a black crop top and tiny, grey running shorts. Your hair was pulled back revealing your long neck, obviously tempting him.
“You’re not cold?” he asked.
“I run hot,” you purred. “Come on in.”
You let him inside, your body brushing up against his as he came through the door. Your home was cozy if a little cluttered. You clearly hadn’t settled in all the way. Books were stacked on the floor. A pile of clothes were draped over an office chair. Most of your belongings were still housed in boxes.
“Do you mind if I smoke? I’ll open a window,” he said, nearly choking on the word window.
“That’s fine,” you replied.
He cracked the very window he had been jerking off near and pulled out a cigarette.
“I know it was you,” you hissed.
Zeke put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it, only to be confronted by the wrong end.
“Shit,” he mumbled.
“You should be ashamed of yourself.”
He averted your gaze, refusing to be confronted by you.
“I know.”
“Are you sorry?” you asked, locking the door.
He had nowhere to go unless he jumped out the window.
“Prove it.”
You stared him down, showing no hint of fear. It was intimidating but it was everything he ever wanted. His cock ached, begging to be touched.
“What do I need to do?” he offered.
“Get on your hands and knees. Crawl to me.”
“I said you sounded like a wounded animal, remember? I figured you should act like one.”
He paused, frozen in place. Any semblance of sweetness he saw in you had dissipated. Gone was a delicate flower, here before him was a blade.
“What are you afraid of? If anyone should be shitting their pants, it’s me. I just let the big bad wolf in like some woefully dumb, little girl,” you said, voice dripping with snark.
He cleared his throat and obeyed, easing himself onto his hands and knees. He was starting to like this game. It was unsuspected but he was enraptured by it. Usually surprises annoyed Zeke but this was bliss. He made his way over to you.
“Good boy,” you murmured, patting his head.
His cock twitched and happily accepted the affection. Praise always did Zeke in; he fully blamed his father for this.
“On your knees please.”
He did as he was told, gazing up at you with his grey eyes.
“You know I could let everyone know how disgusting you are. You realize that, right?” you asked, gripping a lock of his wavy, flaxen hair.
“What are you gonna do to stop me?”
You smirked. “Really? Not a fuckin’ thing? I was at least hoping you’d chase me around the apartment, maybe hold me down and teach me a lesson. But…” Your tone changed to that sickly sweetness from when you first met. “I guess I was wrong, hm?”
You stroked Zeke’s face as he struggled to hide his trembling.
“What’s wrong? I’m not gonna hurt you. You’re too cute. It’d be criminal.”
You put your hand under his chin, forcing him to look up. He felt drunk off your presence, lust radiated off you, tempting him but in an unnerving way. You pulled down your shorts, revealing you eschewed wearing underwear that night. Your glistening cunt was right in front of his face, calling out to him. He bit his bottom lip and clenched his fists, trying to fight the urge to fuck you right then and there.
“Eat it.”
He ran his tongue along your folds, savoring the juices that coated them. Your cunt was ambrosia. Maybe this was why he was put on this earth. To kneel before such a divine being, to be overpowered by someone so seemingly unassuming. This wasn’t what he had planned for, hell, he couldn’t even remember what his plan was. You overtook him.
“Such a hungry, little boy. Kinda pathetic.”
He grazed your clit with his teeth, just enough so that you knew he wasn’t some puppy. He could easily overpower you if he wanted. But his warning did little to heed you.
“Is that supposed to scare me?”
“Maybe,” he said, breath hot against your cunt.
You stroked his hair, your touch couldn’t have been more gentle. He encircled your clit with the pointed tip of his tongue. You arched your back and groaned. He grabbed your ass and pulled you closer to him. His beard tickled your thighs.
You exhaled deeply and ran your hand through your hair, pushing it out of your face. Zeke looked up and thought he’d come right then and there. His cock throbbed in his jeans. He wanted to whip it out and start jerking off but that would mean he had to stop groping your ass.
“Fu—fuck,” you whined.
It was so different from the bravado you had been presenting. The innocent doe rearing its delicate head. You couldn’t bury it away that easily. Zeke took this opportunity to be relentless and lapped at your cunt to the point of overstimulation. Your knees buckled and your legs turned to jelly.
“What’s your name again?” You asked.
Your orgasm was on the horizon. He pulled away, a tendril of spit and fluids connecting his mouth to your cunt.
“It’s Zeke.”
You clenched your jaw and pushed his head back into your crotch, breathing deep as your body trembled.
“Zeke,” you murmured, music to his ears. He wanted his name to be the only word you ever uttered. “You—you’re such a good boy.”
Your chest heaved as you came. Zeke’s body provided enough stability that you didn’t crumble to the floor after your orgasm finally bid farewell.
He wiped his lips and looked up at you. You smirked and got down to his level. You held his face in your hands, your lips overtaking his. Your tongues glided up against each other.
“Now what?” he asked, breaking the kiss.
“Whatever the fuck I want obviously.”
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xotrashratxo · 11 months
Nerdy Prudes Must Die Quotebook
Comment any I missed LMAO
“I am only ONE MAN’s girl, and that man is JESUS CHRIST.” Grace Chastity
“SHUT UUUUUUPPPP.” Max Jagerman *Audience cackles* 
“THE ANSWER IS STILL NO….. by the way.” Max Jagerman
“RAAH” Max Jagerman and Grace Chastity
“the fucking BOW TIE KID???” Brenda the Cheerleader
“I know he’s RICH. But money isn’t everything! Looks are. “ Stacy the Cheerleader
“WAIFU MATERIAL” Richie Lipchitz
“SHE’S TOUCHING MEEE!! LUCKYYYY!” Ruth Fleming and Richie Lipchitz
“Woooow…. These toilets aren’t even in stalls! It’s better than I ever imagined!” Ruth Fleming
“Thats some cooool kid privilege right there.” Ruth Fleming OR Richie Lipchitz
“DESTROY HIM.” Grace Chastity
“God you suck, Grace.” Stephanie Lauter
“He’s made ALL OUR LIVES a living HECK.” Grace Chastity
“The most terrifying, HOTTEST bully in Hatchetfield” Grace Chastity
“We’ll fight sin with sin! Let the games begin!” ‘Nerdy Prudes’
“Ugh I gotta piss….” Max Jagerman
“Oh SHIT, where’s that creepy music coming from?” Max Jagerman
“Oh shit oh fuck it’s a fucking ghost!!!” Max Jagerman
“He thinks it’s real he’s just really fucking BRAVE.” Richie Lipchitz
“BOO HOO BITCH.” Max Jagerman
“Oh shit oh fuck I didn’t think there’d be a skele’in HERE!” Max Jagerman
“WOW… I uh… I thought you guys hated me. But uh, thanks! This was really great! No no no, this is the nicest thing anyone’s done for me!” Max Jagerman
“That was really special.” *bows* Max Jagerman
“And with MY luck, no one will even BOTHER making me their BITCH.” Ruth Fleming
“It was an act of god!” Grace Chastity
“Oh no she’s snapping again!” Richie Lipchitz
“Oh my asthmas back…” Richie Lipchitz
“I just cut off his nips.” Ruth Fleming FORESHADOWING??? 
“Steph, you can keep it. It would bring down my GPA.” Peter Spankofvski
“I’m tryna feel bad but it’s hard when everything is objectively better.” Peter Spankofvski
“Never thought I could open my locker without the fear running through me.” Richie Lipchitz
“N-IG-HT-AWE AWE- ks!” Everyone
“FUCK clivesdale.” Everyone, repeatedly. 
“FUCK YOU CLIVESDALE WE’LL KILL YOU!” Cheerleaders and Jocks
“Zeke! The fighting nighthawk!” Jason the Football player
“We support and love you, but you fuckin’ stink man!” Jason the Football player
“I love being alive!” Richie Lipchitz
“YA BITCH.” Max Jagerman
“Of course not! But you’ve lost everything.” Max Jagerman HIT SO HARD 
“Mama I’m cured!” Grace Chastity
“HWAELL they didn’t say!” Mark Chastity
“Alright ima need the 3 of you to shut the FUDGE up about Max Jagerman.” Grace Chastity
“SHUT. THE FUCK UP. RUTHY.” Stephanie Lauter
“People tell me to die everyday!” Ruth Fleming
“Don’t be ridiculous! Wait-“ Grace Chastity
“DAN!” Angry Adult Mob
“Suddenly the show is real upsetting!” Angry Adult Mob
“Fuckin’ transcendent…..!” Cop Corey
“I wanna remember who I YAAAMmmm…” Trevor, who’s only other credit is Barbecue Monologues Man 2 
“I turned 40 today.” *pours alcohol* Ruth Fleming in Barbecue Monologues
“Oh shit not Clivesdale!” Officer Shapiro
*heavy breathing* “…… thank you.” Peter Spankofvski
“MY DAD sells WOMEN’S SHOES.” Peter Spankofvski
“Dork at the beany’s counter has more balls than you.” Stephanie Lauter
“She’s bisexual and dead, where else could she be?” Grace Chastity, also GRACE DONT CALL ME OUT
“I’ve done horrible things! Like touching myself and lying to the police! I called god a son of a b word! Who am iiiiii…..” Grace Chastity
“Don’t comfort her, she’s fucking weird.” Stephanie Lauter
“KYUK KYUK KAH FUCK.” Max Jagerman
“I beg to differ, BITCH.” Max Jagerman
“I’ve got a gun.” Stephanie Lauter
“Are you a woman of god?” “Catholic.” “I’ll take that as a no.” Grace Chastity and Officer Shapiro (as a Catholic this is hilarious.) 
“I have no idea what I’m doing.” Peter Spankofvski (Me too Peter, me too.)
“My phone!” Stephanie Lauter
“Or fuck off!” The Lords in Black
“It’s you Steph. I’m into you.” Peter Spankofvski (IM CRYINGGGG)
“I just took a bullet for you bro!” Max Jagerman
“SO YOU DO KNOW THE BIBLE?” Grace Chastity
“But Jesus never threw a football like you Max.” Grace Chastity
“SHUT YOUR MOUTH HOLE SPANKOVSKI. I wanna hear this.” Max Jagerman
“FUCK. YEAH.” Max Jagerman
“GASP. That’s NASTY. I like it.” Max Jagerman
“WHAT. THE FUCK. IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.” Stephanie Lauter (That’s so me, Steph.)
“I paid the price. Now fuck off!” *Spins* Grace Chastity
“WHAT ARE YOUUU-“ Max Jagerman
“You’re in my world now. Bitch.” One of the Lords in Black (Pokey I think???) 
“I…. Am gonna get some fucking coffee.” Officer Shapiro
“Did you guys know JASON goes to my CHURCH?” Grace Chastity
Total quotes: 85
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eye-of-the-phoenix · 5 months
I want to like CRY so much
I just finished replaying it and I have so many opinions, as always. This game is unique for me in that I WANT to like it so badly but it just doesn't quite work. However, I stubbornly replay it and ponder what it could have been because I wish I liked it more. I especially feel this way because I live in New Orleans and its just so CLOSE to being good!
More thoughts under the cut.
I actually think they did a great job with the setting. It's raining so hard that the power goes out and the streets are too flooded for cabs? There are weird creatures and bugs around every corner, some of which are messing with your belongings? The best food is from some sketchy stand served by some random Shorty person? Accurate, welcome to New Orleans. I can even forgive Bess for eating crawfish with the shells on with a spoon.
The characters are also good. Lamont is completely underutilized to where I'd never believe he was the culprit, but I can imagine running into all of these people throughout my day and it makes sense that they would all also interact with each other off-screen.
The core mystery is really interesting. It's the classic Nancy-gets-sucked-in-to-a-case-on-vacation scenario, but she really does stumble into the situation by accident in this one and has a personal stake because she gets attacked by the skeleton man. The progression is believable as she starts to unravel the skull mystery and discovers that Bruno's death was actually kind of suspicious.
My favorite ND trope, secret room/hideout/study revealed midgame, with a lot of things to look at and click on, is present.
The music is kind of a miss. It's not bad, but it should have been so much better. It has this boring CLK old-timey feel and they kind of missed the mark in my opinion. I think a more upbeat track with some brass, maybe something bluesy, maybe something modern would have added more variety.
The puzzles. THE PUZZLES ARE SO TEDIOUS. I hate that we find this book Bruno wrote and it's just a walkthrough to getting a bunch of eyeballs through various boring puzzles for the sake of padding the game. I use a walkthrough for like half of this game every time because I don't find the puzzles fun. My least favorites are the sneeze contraption because there is ZERO confirmation as to whether you're on the right track when you do it, and the tombstone pun puzzle because walking back and forth around the cemetery is SO TEDIOUS and it has zero replay value.
Bruno's house doesn't make sense because it's fairly spacious and kept up on the bottom story and the top floor that we can access is just two horrible moldy rooms. Bruno, you dropped dead from breathing in black mold in your own house, not a heart attack. Trust me when I say I know it's humid and wet here, but there's just no reason for the upstairs to be that uninhabitable indoors.
On a related note, I wish there was more to explore, and no, the cemetery doesn't count. There should be more rooms for Nancy to snoop through (where is Henry sleeping?) and like one more place for Bess to go. Or more things to do and click on in Zeke's aside from just looking at that one box a million times. Or the option to poke around Renee's table when she's away. NOT nearly enough snooping for me.
It's so dark. It's too dark. It could have been like 10% lighter or had a partial daytime element so that I could actually see what I was doing even a tiny bit.
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crisalidaseason · 1 year
here's my aot what if -
what if nobody died and everyone lived happily ever after😁😁
Pls I love this so much. That's me when my fav character dies.
What if nobody died?
This is a joke and completely delusional of me, but here are my AOT characters sweet and peaceful endings if death and depression weren't AOTs moto
Carla would be still alive, we would have more screen time from this absolute milf (Sorry, I am feral for her), being the best mom and Eren always by her side, taking care of her, when he is not traveling with Armin.
Mikasa is either with Carla or occasionally traveling with Armin and Eren. She's out of the military for certain and just chilling, probably became a painter or writer.
Armin, my sweet beloved Armin, just travels around the world (if the titans were taken care of) and becomes this super notorious writer and explorer. I genuinely think he would be a scientist and inventor, like his parents.
Jean probably follows the military career, even become commander when he was older. This man fights for people, and if Marco is by his side...we would see big changes in Paradis military system!
Sasha and Connie would probably remain two chaotic creatures that live in a farm. Sasha would also remain in the military, in my opinion. She likes teaching young people and helping her community. Connie just decided to live a quiet life with his family, probably in a farm close to Sasha's family estate.
Ymir and Historia are married and queens. That's it. They are icons and care for many orphans (even if Ymir is awkward with them).
Erwin, Levi and Hange are retired and on permanent vacation. Permanent vacation! Also, Levi's squad is alive and well. Levi is one of those old dudes who accidentally got adopted by children despite his very mean face.
Reiner has a family. He probably has a bunch of kids that he loves so much. He is the best father in the world because his own dad was trash. HE IS NO CONTACT WITH HIS MOM!!!
Bertholdt is honestly just living his best life, just sleeping in weird positions and resting. No I don't think he got with Annie. I can imagine him becoming a teacher.
Annie just disappeared and took Pieck with her. She is living in a cabin far away with zero human contact and a bunch of chickens and goats. That girl deserves peace. Pieck is there because it's quiet and she can nap all day.
Porco and Marcel are happy siblings, so are Colt and Falco. Falco and Gabi actually married, I don't make the rules.
Zeke is just...Zeke. I think he becomes a doctor and runs an abortion clinic. Not elaborating on that.
My man Onyankopon is a rich dude on a paradise island, just chilling and being the handsome man that he is. Probably is the one who brought Hange, Levi and Erwin to the island for their eternal vacation.
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mazuwii · 2 years
Would AOT men support Andrew Tate??
I'm bored so why not (unbiased headcannons, feel free to add your opinion)
•doesn't even know how to use electronics, in fact he doesn't even know who Andrew Tate is. He overhears everyone talking about him and how outrageous or "masculine" he is. He pictures this huge scary man with millions of scars, Dutch Van Der Linde history and that.
•when he finally hears an explanation from  Gabi's phone, he tries to peek over from his wheelchair. Let's just say, he was disappointed. His imagination was crushed at the sight of what seemed like a gay porn actor that talks too much.
•At one point in his life, Eren Sasha and Connie cosplayed pitbull at a pitbull convention (cult) , what makes you think he wouldn't use the bald hats again?
•of course he thinks Andrew Tate is a dumb ass but a little bit of trolling never hurt anyone.
•No he doesn't like him but he does quote him ironically
•Bertholdt scrolls on tiktok only for gardening and gaming content, and anything that doesn't fit into those genres, he instantly clicks 'not interested', he doesn't even bother listening. At some point the amount of Andrew Tate videos on his fyp began to piss him off so bad he blocked the hashtag, and even that didn't work 💀💀💀
•Reiner throwing on his dad glasses and squinting at he screen, "who's this?"
"Andrew Tate,"
He listens for a few seconds, but the words just aren't wording,"Just block him babe,"
No but seriously he finds the redpill community embarrassing af, especially with the hatred they have for single mothers, since he came from one and his respect for them
•Jean would agree with a few points, but will happily take pleasure by trolling his fans with Connie and Sasha
•If you ever see Bottom G edits, of random bald men twerking or dancing in an odd manner, labelled "top G spotted at an orgie" that was Connie and Sasha
•He’s a literal feminist, with receipts, try him.
•could not give less of a shit, his tiktok is full of those flowery 'goodmorning🌹🌸💐😘’ edits that he downloads and sends to people on WhatsApp
•This is tricky, on one hand he looks like the type of man that redpillers would make an edit of, on the other he looks like he'd bully them
•I'm sorry to my Porco stans, as much as I love him he would say "free top G" and no one even knows if he's being serious or not- like if you made fun of him, he’d laugh with you, so maybe not idk
•He thinks they're pathetic little boys
•Very proud of his mysoginistic beliefs, would defend Andrew to his death , and unlike Porco, very much goes on protests to "free Top G"
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koulakoukoula2003 · 6 months
New Cover for my Levi x OC x Erwin (x Zeke)
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“Did she have an affair? With Zeke Yeager?” Erwin asked and the silence that followed was all the answer he needed. Still, he insisted. “If she did, then I won’t let her spend a second in the same room with that man,”
Levi’s glare dropped and instead, he looked surprised at the Commander. Nathalie moved away from Erwin as well and she scoffed.
“What the hell’s wrong with you two! I’m not going to fuck him! I’m going to convince him to side with us! Isn’t that what you want?!” Nathalie tried to reason but Erwin took a few steps closer to her. His blue eyes, slightly darkened in jealousy as he gave her the look of a predator. She took a few steps back on instinct.
“Under no circumstances will you talk to that man," it was almost frightening how calmly Erwin spoke. "Do I make myself clear, Lieutenant?”
Erwin took another step closer and another, and she took another step back.
She flinched when her back met Levi’s chest.
Erwin had no idea what had overtaken him. He couldn’t imagine Nathalie being touched by anybody else but himself or even Levi. She was precious. She was precious and fragile and his. Theirs.
Levi’s arms slipped tightly around her waist, and pressed her back against him, trapping her there effectively. Another pair of arms slipped around her and now there were two men pressed against her. Her eyes widened, her breathing grew erratic.
“You’re not his,” Levi whispered in her ear.
Erwin’s hand reached for her cheek. His thumb found those perfect plush lips of hers.
“You’re ours,”
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ladythornofrivia · 1 year
my heavenly salvation
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Pair: Levi x Reader
Warnings: This series is going to be contain with fluff. Too much fluff. And smut. With mentions of self-harm, mentions of depression. Psychological abuse and bullying. Inspired by the Titanic movie.
A/N: Hi! I made a new chapter! Please enjoy! Let me know if you want to be tag!
(Please report if anyone decides to steal/plagiarize my work and notify me. Thank you.)
(Btw, I’m putting a different music because I don’t want anyone feel tired of hearing the same music. Enjoy!)
Chapter III
Heart of Thunder and Sea
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The time during the confrontation with the Yeager brothers seemed endless. As they carried Zeke Yeager out, your stomach have ached by the time you escorted yourself at the giant lobby. And it wasn't the candy you ate. People kept giving glares and stares, especially a pack of young women--already married.
You didn't care about their stares or their ways of glaring at you in a thousand meanings. Staring was never a polite gesture, yet they still do it, anyway. People can be a menace to others by the means of making themselves superior.
Gulping, you sat at the nearby velvet seat, you examined the statue of a man killing the Titan by a spear at the top of Titan’s head.
You have seen Titans at close hand, as a bystander. Warriors…Titans…they act the same, but in different uniforms. You wonder what life is like without Titans—it’s hard to imagine for anyone. For centuries Titans had been born, as if they flow through everyone’s veins except Titans flowed through timeline.
As much as you’d like to believe that Titans are only a fever dream, and that your friends are fallen asleep, but it never was.
You wanted to know what’s like to be a Warrior.
Or an Eldian from Paradis.
You read an article or two regarding to Paradis, but as always, newspapers don’t align with reality. Marleyan and Eldian—both terrible people, two sides of the same coin. Maybe they’re terrible because they’ve been wronged each other, all thanks to the people in the past. King Fritz.
You never liked kings or royalty. All acted like Gods, but did terrible misdeeds behind their graced status. It irked you the most when most deaths were in vain while King Fritz passed away in his sleep. Needless to say, having a personal opinion in Marley will ultimately give you a final sentence.
However being a Marleyan or Eldian—both are cursed.
All you ever wanted in life wasn’t to be born as Marleyan or an Eldian. You wanted to be more than the name, you wanted to be free as your own self. Up until now, you’re still a beautiful bird in a golden and jeweled cage, anticipating the worst of those who consider you as a tool to unlock their personal needs.
“There you are, (y/n),” Gertrude said aloud, rushing over to your side, but you turned away from her without a word as if you don’t know her.
Out of nowhere, your wrist quickly snatched. You still didn’t look into Gertrude’s scolding eyes.
“You’re an embarrassment to us all. How could you leave your future husband in a poor state? You should’ve tended to his needs as a good wife, not a careless barbarian.”
Pulling your wrist, you looked at her strongly in the eye and said, “Then why don’t you tend to his needs? It seems like you wanted to be queen. Just say the word, and he’ll listen, since you complimented him so much.”
“You disrespectful little bitch,” Gertrude seethed. “I taught you better than this.”
“I’ll see you at dinner, mama,” you said, rushing off elsewhere. Escape from a boring rich life, that is.
At dinner, everyone in the first class ate their first meal in Goliath, filled with rare goods and ingredients to make the lavish dinner more lively. Everyone complimented their supper, which greatly pleased their injured king.
Zeke, on the other hand, played it off so well, that everyone still had their concerns on Zeke’s leg. Whoever struck Zeke must be punished, some said. But they’ll never know who’s responsible for Zeke’s misfortune.
You, on the other hand, still beautiful and trapped, unsure how to speak to people. Thankfully, people don’t pay attention to you. And that your blessings have been counted that no one could ever know your real thoughts.
Gertrude kept praising the Countess through and through. It irritated you so harshly that you wanted someone to suffocate you, but at the end of the day, you stared at the grandfather clock, watching it tick, counting down for elaborated dinner to be over.
As you returned back to your bedroom suite, your hands reached for the bed, your dress tightened your chest—no cold air resided in you. You reached for the lace, but each time you untie the knot at your back, it restrained more. Your back ache from arching, filling with sweat and anxiety. Your head was spinning, and your breathing haggard so hard your shouted for the servant.
No answer came.
“Prudence,” you said in panic. Each time you unlace and remove an accessory, you began to hate things. You hated heavy objects—heavy jewels, heavy room, heavy colors displayed before your eyes. Everything wasn’t enough for you.
“Prudence!” you cried. “Prudence, where are you?! Please help me! Help me, Prudence!”
Having enough, your hands threw the jewelry against the wall, your dress came off and you threw into the wall, as well, leaving you frustrated with loose periwinkle nightgown and a light reddish silk robe. Slamming your suite door, you realized that your life will be eternally identical.
“I hate jewels, I hate gowns. I hate parties and pleasantries from rich people. I hate permissions, I hate laws and kings and royals! No life is good when you’re not truly happy or free,” you said to yourself. “Or to be silently mocked when I…”
Your heart stopped. Your mind numbed.
Finally, you had enough.
Rushing into the deck can raise disruption and questionable looks from outsiders. By outsiders, the people from the first class. You wanted the Titans to return and crush these good pretenders. For once, you wanted to be feared as Eren Yeager. But no one believe that you’ll mount to anything critically harsh as Eren’s well-known reputation. While Eren’s role is mysteriously uprising, yours was completely stagnant and laughable. Stagnant because of rich life, laughable because of your father’s last act.
To be so hateful is easy, to be kind during hardest times is harder. No one believes you’ll mount to anything. Your life is still and painfully boring. You wanted more, but each time you wanted more, your rich life and reputation to uphold weighs you down harder. You tried to be kinder, but instead, the worst side of you prevail. You wanted to eliminate the worst side of you, but having no way out was way worse. You hoped for a better change for your gain of self-respect and dignity, but rich, pretentious people talk, otherwise.
Why can’t your life be simple? Having no rich or first class status means freedom at your own expense without anyone judging you. With their devilish eyes, what can you do? You didn’t commit a treason. You just wanted an air to breathe.
But as you run, the skies turned darker than other nights. Deep outlines of moonlight sky was no longer found. Thick clouds surrounding, and the sea’s air was profoundly bitter with salt and metal. Any air is better than inside the Goliath.
Your tears ran down without stopping. With your silk robe on, people from the first class gasped at your attire as if you’re naked. You weren’t. You’re still in your nightgown, your long hair tangled in a mess and your running became sloppier, and your vision fuzzier.
Reaching at the end of the ship, you wanted to jump off, but, it’s an easy way for an exit. So you managed to find an industrial rope and tied it to a noose on each end. Without anyone coming by, you placed one end on the metal stand, the other slipped onto your neck. As you stepped into and over the railing, you looked at the skies rather than below. In your heart you knew there’s nothing below other than black ocean.
Taking a big breath, your foot lifted off from the railing, and—
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, miss,” a deep voice said.
Gasping, you turned and saw a man in a dark fedora hat and a dark coat with black Oxford shoes and grey trousers with a gold line of pocket watch chained from his pocket. From a few distance, he’s tall, but realistically, he’s an inch taller than your petite height. Despite all that, he ambled towards you in a careful gesture as if you’re an animal cornered at the edge, unknown and unsure of the other man’s perception.
“Don’t go near, dear sir,” you said in panic, hands shaking and clutching tight against the railing.
“Come off the railing,” he said, somewhat pleaded—though a bit firmly. “We can settle this, whatever your problem is, madam, we can discuss this.”
“Discuss? There’s nothing to be discussed. Nothing good will ever come to me.” Your hot tears streamed down, while the skies rumbled with groan. “I beg of you, don’t go near.”
His hand still outstretched. With a fedora hat, you couldn’t see his expression. “You would’ve been tangled.”
“I’d rather be tangled than to be strangled by the likes of those civilized people.”
The man said nothing. His hand wasn’t outstretched anymore. But still stayed by your side.
“I can’t go if you decide to stay on the railing.”
The sky rumbled again.
“Please go. I don’t want you to see this,” you wept.
He shook his head. “I’m afraid I can’t. We’re already here at this point.” Then he took off coat, but not his fedora hat.
“I’m sorry what are you doing?”
The man took off his pocket watch, then slowly walked towards you as he said, “Do you like black tea?”
You looked at him, flabbergasted. “Wait, what?”
“Where I come from, drinking black tea was the greatest thing I ever experienced. When I first drink tea, it was from an expensive floral cup. This floral cup is beautiful I decided to save up money to buy and to make my own serving. When I finally got the floral cup, I grabbed it by the handle, though it broke and slipped from my hands, and so I used the top part as the handle, instead,” he explained.
“How do you handle your tea cup,” you asked, shaking.
“I’ll show you,” he said, gesture his hand and formed a position to how he drink from his cup. “It’s strange, isn’t it?”
You shook your head. “No. Not at all. I find it fascinating!”
Underneath a dark fedora hat, he smirked.
“I like eating scones that comes with it,” you said.
“What goes along with black tea?”
“Anything, really. Though I wouldn’t suggest anything too sweet, it gives a bad reputation to the stomach.”
He chuckled. “What do you suggest then?”
“Scones, it has be blueberry or raspberry or strawberry. With my tea, I like to add with lemon and a little honey. But sometimes I like to drink tea in a plain fashion.”
He nodded. “That seems reasonable.”
“Sometimes I drink tea whenever there’s a cold weather coming by.”
“Perhaps you can show me,” he said.
“Show me,” you repeated, puzzled.
“Show me how you handle your tea and scones.”
“Maybe…Maybe I can show you more,” you offered.
By then, his hand reached towards you, ever so gently as a gentle fire has touched your numbed heart.
“Then come with me, show me your ways, and I’ll show mine,” he offered in return.
With a last tear slid down, your heart stopped aching. But the rumbled sky grew louder.
“Pace yourself,” he said, almost sounding like a purr, his hands occupying you.
As your turned, realizing the noose around your neck has been discarded. Your eyes met his. Those blue and steel colored eyes glistened like rain droplet shining.
Any Marleyan would take pride on being handsome, when the man in front of you obtained the handsomest face you’ve ever seen, like a moving painting, glowing like halo.
His hands were still in yours.
For a moment, the time stops. At a simple gesture, your hands gripped tightly to his.
His face leaned in, nearly an inch apart.
“You’re beautiful,” he said. “Your tears are still there, but I feel as though your sadness stopped.”
“That’s because you’re the flaming soul,” you said.
He chuckled. “Your ways of describing me is amusing.”
“You don’t like it?”
He chuckled again. “Never give into your despair. You’re so much more than a girl on the edge. Levi Ackerman,” he said, still holding your hands.
“(y/n) O’Connell,” you said, flashing him a wide, sincere smile.
“Beautiful,” he whispered.
Though you giggled at his words, you foot stepped at the railing, and slipped.
At the raging thunder comes, the skies shot with a loud bang—lightning strikes flashed and rainfall flow harder, making for you and Levi having a difficult time.
“Don’t let go,” Levi instructed.
With quick thinking, the noose on his other hand. “Quick—give me your other hand—hold onto the noose!”
With bravery, you did as he said. You grabbed onto the noose, and Levi yanked you up, though it wasn’t easy. The heavy rainfall made you and Levi’s eyesight twice as complicated.
“I’ll pull you up!” With a huge huff, grunting, Levi tugged you up with success. You stick the landing—on top of him.
His fedora hat loosened, a shade of black hair adorned his youth countenance. His rock solid body underneath you filled you with warmth. You’re a moth to his flame. But you weren’t a terrible insect. This is what all you wanted. Warmth.
Despite the warmth, his eyes never leave yours. Your body grew with heat. Flustered, you tried to get up, but his hand instinctively gripped to your backside. In the heart of thunder and sea, his heart was the loudest. Your heart was thumping, pacing.
You blinked, your throat went dry.
Levi cleared his throat. “Forgive me,” he uttered.
You got up with him, and snickered. “That was fun.”
“Believe me, (y/n),” he began. “What we could’ve almost have underneath this insufferable ship is more than the fall.”
“You saved me,” you said, then your arms tackling him for a solemn of embrace as a full, life-longing gratitude. Your chest tightened with restraint sorrow.
Levi, on the other hand, is too stunned to utter a form of coherent sentence.
Tucking a hair strand behind your ear, you said, “I always wanted to be a mermaid.”
His eyebrow quirked. “You don’t say?”
You pulled back quickly as an apology. Reaching for his hand, you hoisted him up. You watched him grabbed his fedora hat, then his coat, and as he grabbed his coat, he gave you a piece of lavender handkerchief. “Keep this. If you ever need comfort, use this. Consider this as a token from me.”
Hesitantly, you kept the handkerchief as much as you want to keep the token. Keep the token feels right, yet wrong in a simultaneous way. “I want to see you,” you said.
Levi smirked once more underneath his fedora hat. “Don’t worry. You will.” Then walked off with his polished cane.
“Allow me to return the favor,” you shouted over the heavy rain. But in the heart of thunder and sea, you couldn’t see him anymore.
A pause hung in the air for a moment. Only the rain and the rumbling thunder and lighting strikes prevail your most provoked thoughts of the night. And it will soon come for tomorrow and the very next. “Levi,” you utter, a smoke past from your mouth, faintly speaking as you talk in secret with bitter sullen air and water.
Levi. Levi Ackerman.
Levi Ackerman.
The sound of unearthly heaven and stars slipped past from your lips.
Taglist: @colored-tr-panels @galactict3a @slay0368 @f1yh1gh
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AOT Characters As Actors
OKAY I KNOW THIS HAS BEEN DONE A MILLION TIMES BEFORE but I cant help but want to join in because its so fun.
Imagining the characters of AOT as their actor selves after the show is wrapped up. Pls enjoy! <3 LMK if u want a part two
Ymir (Scouts): One of the sweetest people on set, just really good at playing such an asshole, lol. The one during the press tours to make sure that Gabby, Falco and young Ymir are all okay. Making sure that paparazzi aren't bothering everyone and generally getting along with the whole cast. Goes on social media after and does a whole soft-girl rebrand so that people know shes that good at acting.
Jean: THIS MAN WOULD BE OUR PEDRO PASCAL. Absolutely loves the love he gets from his stans and loves watching fan account compilations of him. Wears wild looks on the red carpet because he knows the fans are going to go crazy. Posts photos of himself in costume backstage becuase he knows we'd EAT IT UP. Silly and goofy and generally just loves to say he was a part of the show. Would love to do costumed appearances for late night shows and fan meetings; he just absolutely loves the fans and his role.
Erwin: I feel like as an actor he'd be so funny. He's the star who anchors the show and gives it the original buzz. He's always playing jokes on his co-stars and loves messing with everyone. I feel like him and actor Zeke would get along so well and just mess with people. Not a huge social media guy but I feel like he'd post group pictures of the cast at the premier with the caption "We did it, guys". Does a whole GQ cover and interview to promote the show.
Hange: This is their debut role and I feel like the public just IMMEDIATELY falls in love with them. I feel like actor Hange would be so shy and intimidated by the love for the character they play. But the public would love them even more for that and encourage them soooo much. Levi is like their biggest supporter and always hyping them up during interviews. Would post a long love-letter-goodbye speech to their character on Instagram after the show ends. Would sooo steal looks at award shows. Gets into some really big A24 movies and shows after and is in general, just killing it.
Mikasa: She would be the IT girl after the show was over. Her haircut would be trending on tiktok and people would be photographing her everywhere. I see her being someone who adopts parts of Mikasa into her everyday persona. Becomes really passionate about supporting young women and girls in her spare time. THE RUMOURS ABOUT HER AND EREN ARE FLYING. Like everyone is constantly wondering if they're dating in real life or not. In the end, I feel like they'd both stay friends but people would always wonder. Post a lot on social media and has a ton of followers. Zendaya vibes; gets into everything and does so well and ALWAYS EATS IT UP AT AWARD SHOWS
Armin: By the end of the series, Armin is like the new heartthrob of the whole series. I feel like irl he's actually pretty confident and outgoing. Like, he would try his best to change his brand from sweet inquisitive nerd to bad boy by doing like 'rugged' GQ shoots and generally going for more 'action hero' characters outside of the show. HARD LAUNCHES A PARTNER AT THE FINAL PREMIERE and everyone is like omg ARMIN THEY'RE FINE AS HELL. Really enjoys the action and thriller genres and does a lot of movies of those kinds.
Eren: The character really shapes him as an actor (obvs) and I feel like he gets cast in a lot of similar protagonist roles. Everyone loses their minds for shirtless rebel Eren with long hair, and I feel like he's actually kind of shy about it when he talks about it during press interviews. Super jokey and really into fashion (like cool vintage fashion) and people like to emulate his style. Really gets along with everyone and, like, has absolute eyes for Mikasa during interviews (like their chemistry is flying) and there's all these fan theories that he loves her but they just remain friends. I feel like he goes off the map from acting for awhile after a demanding film schedule to travel the world, and his feed is just cool film pictures of his adventures for a bit. Kind of a private dude, but absolutely adored.
Levi: Okay this show is Robert Downey Jr's Iron Man for Levi. He was like a teen hearthrob and then some kind of drama happened in his early 20's and he fell off the map for a few years. He comes back for this role and everyone is like OH MY GOD HOW DID WE EVER STOP SEEING HIM IN MOVIES HES THE BEST. I feel like his life would be similar to his existence in the fandom now lol; people would absolutely love him. I feel like he's a really down to earth guy (KEANU REEVES TYPE) and during his break from blockbuster hits he was in a bunch of amazing indie movies that get popular after the show, and theres just a million pictures of him back in the 90's/2000's where people are just fawning over Levi in his 20's. Does a lot of magazine and video interviews but isn't particularly active on social media (not his thing) and that makes him even hotter to people. He'd write a book after to tell his life story. And like, you know actor Levi has an absolutely ridiculously hot partner and they've been married for years and he's just THAT GUY.
OKAY THATS IT! I hope you enjoyed this post, lmk if you want another part with more characters! <3
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