#mame bl universe
slayerkitty · 1 year
Having a weird moment with Wedding Plan and Love By Chance because I just realized the guy dating Nuea's... oh hell, is Rhy his cousin? Is the same guy who was friends with Ae and hit on Pete in LBC (different actors ofc). That is super weird to think about. (That is the same character, right? I'm not hallucinating it or something?)
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absolutebl · 4 months
This Week in BL - The Stand-in Stands Up (all puns intended)
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
June 2024 Week 1
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My Stand-In (Fri iQIYI) ep 7 of 12 eps - I do enjoy that the other Joe’s past is now coming back to haunt the present. For our Joe, the hits just keep on coming. Meanwhile, I know my heartstrings are being intentionally tugged, but I did feel sorry for Ming in this episode (at the last). And I think Up is doing a great job with this frankly difficult role if he can make me feel anything approaching sympathy for Ming. Ming's breakdown was excellent. Very dramatic.
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Wandee Goodday (Sat YT) ep 6 of 12 - These two are entirely boyfriends who just don’t happen to be dating. It’s Schrödinger’s relationship. It's crazy that these two are already sleeping together and I still can’t wait for them to kiss. Very nicely done. Good tension point. This was a really cute episode but nothing much happened.
In other news, the sound effects REALLY bother me in this show. It might have been in the running as a 10/10, except for those fucking sound effects.
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We Are (Weds iQIYI) ep 10 of 16 - I like how the majority of this show is just basically struggling with first love. It’s strangely sweet and innocent as a result. Frankly, right now, I need that - it’s comforting. It’s not exciting, but I can’t deny that thi is the highlight of the middle of my week.
Peem to Phum = use your words. Phum = SMOOCH. 
Bet you all heard this one coming: NO SINGING. 
Note: Satang (Toey) is a fantastic actor. I love the way he changes the physicality of his body for his roles. In this part, he’s kind of loose-limbed and floppy. He doesn't look younger but the way he inhabits his body does.
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My Love Mix-Up Th (Fri YT) ep 1 of 12 - GeminiForth (AKA G4) are back and glory-be they showed up on YouTube. Still I’m worried it won’t stay there after the Cherry Magic debacle. So I stayed up late that night to gank it. 
Back to the show.
One of the things I’ve always loved about this IP, is how genuine and decent and earnest all of the kids are. They’re all trying so hard not to hurt each other's feelings. It’s all just a terrible case of miscommunication. G4 are perfect casting for these roles. That said, I have the same challenges with this version as I did with the JBL - it’s a bit frenetic and can be clownishly too MUCH for me. 
Meanwhile, the he feeds strays trope has popped up again. 
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Love Sea (Sun iQIYI) ep 1 of 10 - Trash watch here. MAME warning! I found it rather lacklustre and inoffensive but still managed to invent dildo smores.
Knock Knock Boys (Thurs Gaga) eps 3 of 12 - Honestly? I’m kind of enjoying watching the friendships develop between the housemates. Of course I know they’re probably gonna all end up sleeping together, but right now the communal easy-going companionship and teasing is the most fun. Other than that, this is an unremarkable Thai BL pulp with better than normal acting and consistency (for a pulp).
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Only Boo! (Sun YT) ep 9 of 12 - Moo is the clinginess boyfriend in the entire universe. The thing I think I love best about this couple, and the show, is what great communicators they are. That said they are not great actors. I don’t mean to be rude, and I don’t expect great acting from my Thai BL, but it’s a little rough going sometimes with this pair.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
At 25:00 in Akasaka AKA 25 Ji Akasaka de (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 8 of 10 - It’s taken me a long time, but I finally realized what I dislike about this show. It’s the pacing. Or rather, the lack of it. And I’m not saying that the pacing is necessarily off, in fact this is a typical JBL thing. But for some reason, in this show, I find it particularly annoying.
Blossom Campus (Korea Thurs Gaga & iQIYI) ep 5-6fin - Honestly, this was a perfectly fine little friends to lovers BL, with better than average kissing from Korea. But for some reason it never really hit for me. The very end was extremely odd. A bit of a disappointment for a longer piece from Strongberry. I think they tried to be too classically BL and that is just not their strength-berry. Strongberry is better when they explore something a little edgy, or a little outside the box. 7/10
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It's airing but...
The Last Time (Fri YT?) - Convoluted story of loss and possible reincarnation or something. Can't find it.
OMG Vampire (Thai Sun ???) 10 eps - also I can't find it. Comments from last week suggest this is not my thing anyway, but Lee Long Shi very much IS my thing, so... maybe I'll put it on hold for a bit and y'all can let me know.
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In case you missed it
The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer released to Korean theaters 5/25. HoTae & DongHee, side couple from Unintentional Love Story are back! Same actors, same character names. I love them. I NEED TO SEE THIS. How?
You Made My Day (Thai YT) - mini series staring the I Will Knock You couple Tar & Bom, started but I couldn't find it. I also didn't try very hard. Apparently it's cute but basically a 10 min advert.
KWill To Reunite With Seo In Guk, Ahn Jae Hyun in Comeback! For those who don't know the MV for his song Please Don't is a heavy hitting shock tactic BL adjacent piece featuring major Korean actors. (The closest we are likely to ever get.) Look it was a BIG DEAL at the time. Kinda like Kpop's Broke Back Mountain moment. More here:
I don't often report on the Kpop scene but this is very interesting.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
June Releases
6/14 Let's Eat Together Aki and Haru 2 AKA Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai 2 Haime! (Japan movie Gaga?) - Continues the (frankly) lackadaisical story from part 1.
6/15 Sunset Vibes AKA SunsetXVibes (Thailand Sat iQIYI) 12 eps - Star Hunter + MosBank on iQIYI for 12 weeks? If nothing else it's gonna be a wild and sexy ride. A one night stand but "uh-oh he’s my boss," adapted from a web series. I’m game. Maybe it’ll have a better story than Big Dragon? Maybe it will have a plot? We can but hope.
6/26 The Rebound (Thai Weds VIU?) - MeenPing are back in their 3rd BL together, a basketball based romance (Meen was a national basketball player, so yay for that). I like this pair better than most (I still do miss Meen with Est but Est has a fantastic looking new BL coming from GMMTV so yeah...) Anyway I'm up for a sports romance starring a man who, yah know, actually played that sport so... I'm game (pun intended).
(Speaking of, why can't Est be a merman? This... I ask you?.)
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Flipping stellar side couple Wandee, thank you.
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Love the mains too of course.
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This is that funny little unnamed (muli-named) BL/GL something from Korea that's happening on YouTube right now. It's cute! I guess it's falling under the moniker Fake Buddies.
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity
@rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in it's infinite wisdom doesn't like too many tags.
There's these tricks, remember.
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ineffable-opinions · 3 months
MAME & BL Literacy Part 1
Another MAME show is airing and I thought it was good time to discuss what makes that author controversial.
As usual, critiques and corrections are welcome.
For those who don’t know MAME is a unique Thai BL creator. I have discussed in a previous post (that can be found here and here) how Thai BL is lacking in BL literacies. MAME is one of the exceptions. This is because:
she is a BL author & hence, one of the creators of BL literacies
she studied BL and its production academically [you can find her research output by searching her name: อรวรรณ วิชญวรรณกุล]
then she started producing live action BL.
In an industry which is lacking in BL literacies, what she brings to the table is fu-culture (BL fan culture) in all its glory. Unfortunately, the live action audience who are fans of sweet BL, have a hard time adjusting.
This is an exploration of response to her works, starting with the review of Love by Chance @waitmyturtles discussing all the ships in that series: AePete, TinCan, TarTum and KengklaTechno. This pretty much ties up what I identify as the first issue with BL literacies deficiency and MAME’s knowledge.
Here are some typical narrative progressions for a (Japanese) BL:
あまあま – sweet
ユニーク – unique
シリアス – serious
邪道 – evil road (Jadō)
王道 - royal road (odo)
Any theme/one-line plot can choose to take any of these narrative progressions. Moreover, Thai BL usually originates online which allows for innovation in narrative progression.
In Love by Chance AePete follows the typical sweet BL narrative progression. Sweet BL is characterised by an overall sweet flavor (characters, mainly the pairing, would be sweet in behaviour and motivation) and relationship progression is pretty smooth. This is the narrative progression that GMMTV sticks to. I have discussed their reasons as well as why it might not be a good thing in the long run here.
Their story follows jado narrative progression.
Quick note about Jado BL & Kengkla as a kichiku seme
One or more characters in a ship being emotional aggressors, physical abusers, sexual predators or outright villains is a very common trope in BL genre. These are popular sub-types (most notable: brute kichiku 鬼畜) of seme/uke/riba with these specific attributes and they have dedicated fans who thoroughly enjoy such characterizations. But these are clearly not everyone’s cup of tea. Some BL fans find these themes unbearable. That is why GMMTV and other BL live-action producers who don’t want to upset any of their audience members usually:
avoid such characterizations all together especially with sweet narrative progression
tries to soften such characters into more universally palatable forms
tries to redeem those characters by getting rid of those with odo – this is what currently airing My Stand-In would do.
make them villains – never making them the protagonists who gets any kind of happy ending
This is done not to trouble the average audience’s worldview (世界観) and is clearly a low effort and low skill (in terms of BL literacies) approach. But since a lot of audience don’t appreciate villain-like characterization, it is clearly low risk, no chance of a backlash from angry audience and the best method for assured money making.
Occasionally BL live-action producers venture into the risky terrains, especially with jado. The Japanese does it a lot, usually in movie format. China and Taiwan also delve into jado fairly regularly. But live action Thai BL seldom does anything commercially dangerous.  
In a jado BL, a character might do terrible things and manipulate the other character(s) in the ship. But won’t feel remorse, apologize and improve for better. This is a violation of the expectation placed on characters on sweet narrative progression. Sweet BL audience do not expect characters in a ship to be anything but good to each other, especially after they have become a couple. While audience don’t mind characters making mistakes, in this narrative progression audience also expect characters to learn from their mistakes and to grow closer by earning and giving forgiveness.
In jado BL that focuses on characters being villains, there are no such expectations. These BL work within the confines of their own worldview which don’t necessarily match with our IRL worldview. Characters are allowed to act in ways that goes against our everyday perception of what is right and what is wrong. Neither the characters nor the audience expect the characters to right their wrong, to apologize or to get punished, through judicial procedure or otherwise. Happy endings are not after reparations and resolution of issues, it would be in spite of those. Bad endings aren’t necessarily punishments for bad actions committed throughout the narrative, that’s just the ending of that story. Unlike with the BL with sweet narrative progression, these BL are not necessarily stories of two or more guys falling in love. Neither is their love (if at all there is love) expected to be healthy and wholesome. (It can be wholesome but it is just as well if it is not.) There are expectations from such narrative progressions too and resolution to most issues aren’t among those expectations. Clearly not everyone’s cup of tea, especially if they expect BL to be didactic like fables.
Problem getting papered over is the expected approach in jado. When characters get together/get back together with “problems” never really dealt with, it is proper meriba (merry bad ending). Plain bad ending where there is no resolution is also typical in jado BL.
Moreover, it is difficult to sell BL with jado and other narrative progressions. It becomes even more difficult to sell branded pairings when the characters they play are not impeccable. It is unlikely that actors playing bad guys can sell products for advertisers. (Imagine the characters from The Effect being in ads together!) It is even more unlikely that fans would go broke behind wicked characters and would want to attend fan-meetings and concerts featuring them in some way.
Kengkla is two-faced and an excellent yandere. He appears to be a cute and innocent junior in front of Techno. Audience also gets to see him in Machiavellian mode. This is something that Techno doesn’t have access to, at least in Love by Chance. Techno’s brother is his facilitator in the narrative, which in turn makes him two-faced too. Techno is not omniscient and Kengkla manages to trap him. And that’s where Love by Chance ends.
There pairing is an excellent example of MAME’s skilled employment of BL literacies. TarTum is a sweet BL, complicated by them being step-brothers. While their pairing is barely odo, Tum as a character has a complicated odo progression. Horrors from his past haunts him. The journey is going to be complicated. It won’t be linear. There would be slip up on his part and that of others. But there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Those who love odo do so because of the pleasurable pay off, much more than sweet BL. It is a rollercoaster, and that’s why fans like it.
This is another pairing with sweet narrative progression but with a rare dynamic: weak seme x weak uke, i.e., neither of them is strong in their pursuit. This is a notoriously tough dynamic to write, so much so that there are relatively few BL with this dynamic.
Multiple Pairings in a Piece
This is something I personally appreciate a lot. It is not often that we get a piece with different pairing with different types of narrative progressions. Authors choose this method and build universes so that they can reach the biggest audience.
A lot of people enjoyed Love by Chance because they could enjoy AePete. While I understand, I don’t relate to that. AePete was my least favourite pairing among them all. I enjoy dangerous characterizations over subdued ones and prefer a meriba over a happy ending. While there are plenty of BL media with those, they are rare in live action. In my first watch, I was constantly tempted to find fan-edits of every couple other than AePete. So, what is time wasted for some is actually really enjoyable moments for another. MAME gets that and I appreciate her for that.
Queerness, heterosexism and ‘Asian’ culture
@waitmyturtles also discusses “a kind of macro cishet perspective on AePete relationship” in relation to “Ae’s randiness and jealous tendencies” and Pete’s response or lack thereof as well as “Ae not being able to take Pete’s help, and Ae’s tendency towards stereotypically masculine POVs and behaviors” tied to “MAME’s story structure here is based in Asian cultural homophobia, in stereotypes of how the queer community should act by way of societal expectations in Asia.”
To unravel that:
I don’t know what “cishet perspective” means in relation to AePete, a pairing consisting of two androphilic male characters. I also don’t know what were the expectations on Ae and Pete in terms of randiness and jealousy.
More interesting I think is the question underlying the statement about Ae’s performance of “stereotypically masculine POVs and behaviors”. Now, what does that mean? In order to understand that it is important to figure out which type(s) of masculinity Ae would subscribe to based on his class, ethnicity and where he comes from (Thai masculinities show considerable variation with location). It will be meaningful to evaluate Ae’s behaviour with respect to: a) what he thinks is the “manly” thing to do b) what Pete does
Take “Ae not being able to take Pete’s help” for example. In their 2021 paper ภาพแทนชายรักชายในนวนิยายยาโออิ เรื่อง รักนี้บังเอิญคือคุณ [The Representation of Homosexual Men in the Yaoi Novel: My Accidental Love Is You] Phuwadech Doungmanee, Panunda Lerlertyuttitham & Natthanai Prasannam goes deep into this:
MAME employs four typical prejudices against male homosexuality perpetuated within the Thai society to create conflicts within the plot: 1) male homosexuality unacceptably deviates from the social norms 2) male homosexuality must not be “out” 3) male homosexuality brings disappointment and shame to the family, and 4) male homosexuality cannot earn true love; love must be purchased instead.
Pete trying to purchase Ae’s love is implied when he is offering ‘help’. This is a stereotypically masculine behaviour and an elitist one at that. As with other stereotypes listed above, this one too gets treated well (with Ae’s refusal to accept) even thought it might not seem so from a Western heterosexist lens.
Along with discursive clashes challenging earlier beliefs, those who hold the prejudices tend to be judged by poetic justice. The author thus educates the society and reading public on alternatives views in relation to male homosexuality. (source: The Representation of Homosexual Men in the Yaoi Novel: My Accidental Love Is You)
There is no one Asian culture. Here are the three popular types of masculinities in Thailand (these are very different from Malayali and Tamil masculinities I am personally familiar with):
secular male - chaai chatri (ชายชาตรี): embodies typical masculine features such as ‘authority, courage, self-assurance, physical and emotional strength, and sexual prowess’ as well as someone who ‘would under normal circumstances control his sexuality as much as possible and be loyal to his family.’
lower-middle-class - nak leng (นักเลง): ‘a man who is brave, daring, risk-taking but also fair.’ In more recent decade: ‘a man who is tough, loyal to allies and a playboy with numerous sexual affairs.’
Both Ae and Pete are very masculine in very different forms. MAME is not only familiar with different forms of masculinities and femininities, and their region-specific variations, but also plays around with it a lot. The male femininity is also achieved in both the characters in a similar manner. All of this might easily escape the audience members who have limited understanding of Thai masculinities and femininities.
Pete isn’t shown to be unsettled by Ae’s randiness because it is an interplay of two different masculinities done with grace. Pete not only plays the polished, prince-role to a kunlasatree (กุลสต กุ รี; a stereotypical good woman, defined as ‘proficient and sophisticated in household duties; graceful, pleasant, yet unassuming in her appearance and social manners; and conservative in her sexuality’), he is also an out-and-out chaai chatri.  
Physical Relationships and Explicit Content
One of MAME’s contributions to BL is in the toppling of certain beliefs, guided by sexism, BL live action creators were operating under prior to her.
Sathaporn Panichraksapong, an MD of GMMTV, a major producer of BL series, claimed that audience members who are mainly heterosexual women look for romantic relationships among the characters rather than sexual relationships.
We know that our audience are [sic] women. Women want to see only two boys having romantic moments together. They don’t want to see sex. Sexual relationships in BL are for a gay audience. That’s why in SOTUS the Series we have only two kissing scenes. With only these, audiences were already screaming. This is enough for them. (Interview with Sathaporn, GMMTV, 10 Aug. 2017)
Jirattikorn, Amporn. “Heterosexual Reading vs. Queering Thai Boys’ Love Dramas among Chinese and Filipino Audiences.” (2023).
As Jirattikorn goes on to highlight, this [wrong] perception about the audience (“women”) have changed ever since.
While early BL series tend to portray pure love without showing many sexual relationships, later BL series started to show more sex scenes between the two male lead characters.
Jirattikorn (2023)
Trauma & Porn
Itai Itai Itai (if you know, you know)
To claim that it is Asian cultural homophobia that MAME leveraged in Love by Chance through the inclusion of gang rape, incest, and unhappy ending is doing a disservice to BL and other queer genres including gei comi, all of which are well known for both trauma and porn. Aof Noppharnach and Cheewin’s lack of BL literacies is evident in their works. The way Aof Noppharnach shamed the use of the term เมีย ‘wife’ in Bad Buddy in spite of its usage by queer people, especially the little people among them, is evidence enough of the contempt and disregard he can bring in through his positionality as an “auteur”. To compare him to MAME is a little callous, especially when MAME constantly questions positionality and power through the stories she tells.
MAME’s trauma or lack thereof is none of anyone’s concern. So is what she does with it.
But the assumption that trauma in BL is a product of an author who themselves went through it is ludicrous and ignorant because BL from the days of tanbi (and its predecessors) have been engaging with it. There is already half a century’s history of BL with trauma and taboo themes.  
you can find the review discussed in this post here:
This is Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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halliescomut · 1 year
Love Sky to Love Sea connection
Alright, so I was going over everything following the news that our beloved FortPeat are going to be the main couple in a new show for Mame.
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And if you have been partaking in Mame BLs for a while, you may be aware that all of her novels and the shows that are based on them have existed in the same universe up until this point (a la the MCU). Following the creation of MeMindY she has not cast previous actors from her shows into new roles, instead having them return in cameos as the universe progressed forward.
It's easy to understand why she would choose this moment to recast FortPeat (and very likely BossNouel, but that confirmation will come in a couple of days). The chief reason of course being money, Love in the Air was arguably one of her most successful series, equaled only by TharnType. This is due to the stories, the performances, and also just luck of timing. The boom of BL shows for international audiences, from what I can tell, occurred in late 2021 - early 2022, with shows like Cutie Pie and Kinnporsche (and the impeccable chemistry presented in both) being some of the most common first forays into BL. I have only assumptions and inferences as to why this is, I think the popularity of shows like Love Victor and HeartStopper on streaming services led more people to essentially google more queer media, and found that there is a rather awesome amount being produced in Thailand, but in South East Asia and East Asia altogether. I also know a number of people were on the K-Drama to BL pipeline, assisted by Netflix and Viki. But back to my point, generally I think the popularity of MewGulf and JaFirst locally, or at least within SEA is fairly equal, but the inclusion of a much larger international audience at the time when Love in the Air came out has created a level of popularity that I don't think Mame expected.
I think another very valid reason why Love in the Air is incredibly popular is that while it exhibits some of her 'classic Mame' tropes like histories and instances of SA, and her ever-present 'No Kink', it is arguably one of the less problematic stories that we've seen on screen so far form her. (And this is coming from someone who actually likes a lot of Mame's stories, though I'd imagine my affection for brat-type characters is a leading cause of this.) This means that for many viewers for whom this was a first foray into Mame's universe and characters were not being immediately put off by some of the more problematic scenes and storylines presented in previous shows.
Mame has most certainly observed the potential for success in recasting these well-liked actors/pairs in other companies, top of said list being pairs like ZeeNunew, EarthMix, FirstKhaotung, and many others. So to take a pair whose chemistry and ease onset is equal to those and cast them in a new role, while breaking a previously established 'rule' is certainly a choice where the potential benefits far outweigh the risk. Literally the only 'risk' is potential confusion from those that are aware of the fact that ALL of Mame's work exists in a single universe, which if you came in on the LITA train is not likely to be something you would know. You may know of the clear connection to Sailom and Nuea presented in Wedding Plan, but connections to the further universe beyond LITA are limited to two rather small cameos that even I didn't pick up on immediately. (These cameos being the brief appearance of the twins and Leon from Don't Say No.)
So, I wanted to give an idea of what exactly is the connection between their existing LITA characters, but also the kind of show why it's really not going to be as big of a deal as far as causing confusion. This is a diagram of the existing Mame universe in terms of her novels, I've updated it as needed to include the connections to Prapai and adding in the Love Sea story as well. I have included a link to the original as well.
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I've placed stars for the LoveSky/LoveStorm stories and then added ones by Love Sea and The Boy Next World (which we anticipate to star Boss and Noeul). Because the universe is so large, it is a bit confusing, so I did break it down into more simplified connections.
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Hearts represent romantic relationships and the dashes are platonic. most of them are just friendships of various types, though Tharn and Pookan are cousins. But as you can see there is at least 5 people between the characters in LITA and the actors' new characters. So even in-universe the likelihood of these characters ever meeting would be slim, but beyond that the connection of LITA to the over-arching Love by Chance universe is pretty tenuous as previously mentioned.
In the case specifically of Love Sea, this is an unpublished novel, so it's possible Mame will remove or choose to leave out any mentions to the greater universe (meaning either changing the name of Kom's character if he is present in the scripted version, or leaving him out altogether). In the case of The Boy Next World, Pookan is related to Tharn, but let's be honest, do we really expect Mew to show up in a cameo? He's already moved on from Mame, TT, and the MewGulf ship. At best we may get fanservice in the way of a name drop, and it's possible we could see other characters from TT, but I'm skeptical. Since Pookan barely shows up in TT at all, the better option, especially with the passage of time since the first season of TT came out, is to have him be Tharn's cousin, but have him attending university after Tharn has graduated. And that's really only if you want to include that connection, you really don't have to. Given the amount of detail that we get about secondary characters in a lot of these shows, it wouldn't really be that difficult to simply rename any characters that cross over into the greater universe because there's just not going to be enough specific detail to really connect them.
I did also want to include the small amount that we know about Fort and Peat's new characters. We of course don't have much information yet, but there was some crumbs dropped at the recent fanmeet and appearances.
Their characters are Mahasamut(Fort) and Tongrak(Peat). Mahasamut is the son of a hotel owner who after a falling out is now living on his own. It looks as though he is quite young, along the same age of Fort IRL, and he is working as a tour guide to support himself. He is someone who is, I would say, likely lower income, and he's very ambitious and at this current time his goal is to kind of amass a certain amount of savings. He is running his own company as a tour guide and is considered very popular among foreigners both because he can speak good English but also because he is very charismatic. The information given at the fanmeet also includes that he has a diving certificate and is also good at fighting. How that will come up in the story, I don't know.😂
If their hints are to be believed, these characters will be in the same age dynamic as Fort and Peat meaning that Peat's character Tongrak will be older than Fort's character. Tongrak is a writer, specifically of romance novels. He is wealthy, though it is unclear if that is through his career or familial wealth. There's a strange emphasis on how beautiful he is, but in fairness Peat does very accurately fill that criteria. It also says that he does not talk about having a partner, he goes his own way, tends to be a loner. And this is with the implication that this is a result of past negative romantic experiences. Because Mame is who she is, there's also a possibility that part of his solitude is the result of past violence from a previous partner. Fort and Peat did state that they felt the story for this series is more challenging than Love Sky (which honestly scares me a little). But out of all of the stories Mame has told so far, I did feel that Sky's story was handled the best, so hopefully that trend continues.
It's not clear currently if Mame will be directing this series as well, previously she has only directed Wedding Plan, while all of her other series, even those produced by MMY did have other hired directors. We can see from the behind the scenes footage that even with a separate director, Mame was heavily involved in the filming, so her touch will be there regardless.
As far as further timelines, based on past series it is usually about 5-6 months from announcement of a series (and the cast) to the premiere of said series. It does depend on many different variables. The length of the show being one, as well as the level of difficulty. LITA was a more complex series with some pretty large set pieces (the night time races) and more complex scenes in terms of filming (the Stop and Payu race) in comparison to Wedding Plan. Since we don't have a published novel to study and theorize about potential scenes and the difficulties of filming, I can't really give much insight. I will say that the specific inclusion of the fact that Mahasamut holds a diving certification could indicate some diving/underwater filmed scenes. While those are not necessarily super complex, they can be time consuming, require special permits, are very weather dependent, and would require special filming equipment. I also very sincerely hope that if Mame does venture in that direction that she will also make sure that specialists with the necessary expertise are on set to maintain the safety of both the cast and crew. I know what the requirements are in western media, but not in Thailand. What all this boils down to though is that I would not expect the series to premiere earlier than February, and I'd put my bets on March. It's possible she may film a special trailer like she did with LITA, and if that happens, then we may see footage in late November or December, if not I expect a trailer after the New Year. A lot of this actively depends on when we get confirmation that filming has started.
I did also want to note, that while we expect Boss and Noeul to be the leads for The Boy Next World, since she is announcing that after Love Sea, I'm also expecting that to be filmed after Love Sea, even though we suspected that BNW was on the docket way back in March, Boss is still attached to Zomvivor with Mandee/Domundi, which could begin filming this fall, though that's not fully confirmed, it's based on the schedule presented at their look-aheads last year and what has already filmed and aired. But my point is that Boss may not be free to commit to the filming of BNW for a couple of months. There's a lot of variables that go into it.
But anyway...I hope this little rundown/update was helpful. If you have questions and I can answer them, my asks are open.
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Rose Recaps 2023 - Thailand
Ok. Let me just get this out of the way. If there were awards for "started of great but forgot what it was about by the end" Thailand would win them all. No other country can touch them. So when I was going through my list of watched Thai Bls there weren't all that many to choose as favourites. but I'll try to be kind.
The one about family
Moonlight Chicken
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First and foremost this show is stunning. This really cannot be overstated. I really enjoyed all the different relationships represented here and that the idea of family is what you want it to be. I love all of them, and Wen did absolutely nothing wrong.
Favourite Moment This conversation left me in tears.
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The one hated by so many but not me
Dangerous Romance
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This was me whenever there was a new episode.
I'm not gonna say people were wrong. Everybody has the right to their own opinions. But I never expected anything else.
This show gave me exactly what I expected of it. They made a romantic version of the trailer for christ sake. The ost video that came out the day before the premiere was a love fest with the softest song sang by Chimon. I agree that the first 2 episodes were different and for some, misleading about the direction of the show.
Not for me though. I got what I wanted. Chimon and Perth on my screen being boyfriends with some drama sprinkled in for good measure. And with the amazing bonus that was Marc and Pawin together again and the character of Auto that I just adored. I actually enjoyed all the characters in this one.
Favourite Moment
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The one that is beautiful
I Feel You Linger In The Air
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The amount of screenshots I took while watching this would fill a hard drive. It's just gorgeous. The way they played with the spaces was just such a treat.
This show was almost perfect. I had a couple of issues with it midway through and I felt that they dragged the goodbye a tiny bit much but overall I really liked it. These two are very special but overall there were a lot of characters to root for and enough of them to hate, which I appreciate.
But also WHERE IS THE SPECIAL??? I need to watch it!
Favourite Moment
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The one that was I was ready to hate and then didn't
Be My Favourite
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Confession time. I didn't like Krist. Watching SOTUS was something I endured but didn't enjoy for the most part. I know I'm not alone in this. But also. I didn't like Fluke. In anything. He was the only thing I didn't like in Not Me, and I skipped most scenes of his couple during Dark Blue Kiss. No particular reason tho. I just didn't enjoy watching him. So the bar was set pretty low on this one for me.
And then what happened? I loved Kawi. Like immediately. And surprise surprise, I liked Fluke. Immediately. It's like I was on an alternate universe and I couldn't believe my eyes.
With that said, it was not even close to a perfect show. It started off really strong, I enjoy the way the relationship grew, I loved that the characters were being honest with each other and being mostly kind to one another. Some moments felt really grounded. And then it kinda fell apart for me. But this is a positive post so I'm not going there.
Favourite Moment: The whole montage.
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The one with the redemption of Mame
Wedding Plan
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I already explained what I went through with this show here prompted by this episode of @the-conversation-pod. You should all go listen to this and all the other episodes because both @bengiyo and @shortpplfedup are brilliant and funny in convenient audio format.
Anyway, in the end I loved this show so much and took me a minute to come to terms that it was actually that good. The characters are actually multidimensional and the woman have depth. Groundbreaking stuff.
Favourite Moment
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The one with all the cuteness
My School President
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Not gonna lie, not a huge fan of singing in my bl. But this was great. From the beginning the fact that it made constantly remember my beloved Love Sick was an unexpected and delightfull bonus. I was living for Tinn's expressions, Tiw just being delightfully loyal and the epitome of sharing one brain cell group of friends. Not to forget the parental relationships that were some of the best of the year. I even liked the singing.
Favourite Moment
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The extra one
Our Skyy 2 - A Tale of a Thousand Stars
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This happened. It was perfect. That's it.
I watched more than 40 thai shows that came out this year, I'm not counting the ones that are still on, and these were my favourites. Mostly because some of them were the ones that I had the least to complain about.
That's it for my recaps. I still wanna gif some stuff today and it's late so I can't review this post again so if there are mistakes, don't tell me. It'll haunt me.
Have a good night💜
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Oh my gosh, I am shaking my head and just laughing. I have no idea where to start writing this, but it's gonna be damn fun to pick this episode apart.
Because of the clues that Jojo Tichakorn (below) and Ninew Pinya dropped before and during the episode's airing yesterday, my mind was totally on Freddie and Queen. I captured the tweet below and couldn't help but think of lyrics.
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And the episode was titled "Save Me"!
Before I go on, I have a little personal note. During my watch of MAME's TharnType, I talked a bit about the bigotry against the queer community that I grew up with in my Indian family. During my childhood, Freddie Mercury was -- everything. He was everything to me. A part-Indian man who blasted past any obstacles that could have held him back to become a superstar, while leveraging unbelievable talent. My dad often wanted to snap my Queen CDs in half to keep Freddie out of our house. Up until I went to college, when a new world of music awaited me, Queen was MY BAND. I'll never forget watching his memorial concert on television in 1992, watching Axl Rose destroy "We Will Rock You," and subsequently watching Axl host a Queen documentary on MTV that got repeated for years and years. This shit was formative to my childhood, and I'm gonna guess, to Jojo's and Ninew's childhoods as well. We be old bags in here.
I'll get back to Freddie in a few minutes. but besides all of the Queen themes (quick note: the dude that Sand was about to make out with was wearing the same costume that Ninew caught in his IG stories, as Freddie sang "Love of My Life"), oh my fucking god, did this episode ever touch upon ephemerality, highs and lows, change, and a resistance to change that people have unto others.
Top and Cheum -- especially Top -- were clutching their pearrrrrllllsss at Mew's changes.
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Top and Cheum notice that Mew's trying on a new suit. And Mew admits it! He says to Ray in the bookstore -- after the most BRILLIANT call-out to a BL trope if I ever saw one, the CRACKING of the romantic memories montage, which, omg, are we EVER seeing in Dangerous Romance, like three times a bleeping episode, LMAO -- "I'm bored with myself."
I love -- I hate it, but I love that this episode calls it out -- I love that Top and Cheum are calling this behavior out as if it were a bad thing.
Is it?
.... is it not okay for university students to take a bump of coke if they're curious about it? Barack Obama did it -- and Obama admitted it, AND wrote about it, AND became president, twice. Judge him, I dare ya.
On another side, Nick susses out Boston, and wants to check in with him. Boston wants Nick to go bye-bye. Nick tries a guilt pull. And Boston ain't having it.
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Fuck. (Side note, Boston was my man this episode.)
I'm shaking my head in wonder for Mew and Boston to be addressing Top, Cheum, and Nick in this way. We've established (here and here, cc @ranchthoughts and others) that the kind of toxicity that this OF group of friends exhibits is just -- common, and pedestrian, and awful to think about existing, but in part, it's so awful for us to be thinking about it, because actually, it's ever-present in our lives, and so many of us survive dealing with other people on a daily basis by using means by which to ignore or avoid that toxicity, like our addictions to our phones, or addictions to other vices, like sex and drugs -- which takes us right back to Only Friends.
The dynamic I saw happening in this episode was like vultures (the friends) circling their prey (their friends), but instead of the friends eating their friends -- what some of the friends are doing is trying to correct the behavior of their other friends. Top and Cheum want Mew to... go back to being the old Mew, maybe. Nick wants Boston to know -- morally, I think you're a bad person. And Boston says, I paraphrase, "see. if. I. fucking. care." and literally creates the NeoTitle ship before our eyes, lmao, all while walking silently and ignoringly away from Nick.
Top, to Mew, says, "Are you sure?" Are you sure you want to be like this now, Mew? Cheum shares with Top her concern about Mew's changes, and literally teams up with Top to bring Top back to Mew to, what, straighten Mew out?
Last time I checked, Mew's a big boy. Mew's made his decisions to be with Ray, to drink with Ray, to snort coke with Ray. Are those behaviors questionable? Sure. Are they normal behaviors for a university student who is bored with himself, and wants to try something new? 100%.
I have written before, in my review of Theory of Love, that while behavioral change can oftentimes be massively difficult, there's another side to change that needs to be considered. When one person changes -- there are many others within that person's sphere that do not want that specific person TO change. If one individual changes, within a worldview of a group -- that changes a group dynamic. People like Top and Cheum are unsettled that Mew and Ray are dating, and that Mew's getting wasted and high. Are they rightfully concerned for Mew's health? For sure. But what about Mew's agency and happiness? Are the friends understanding that this is actually Mew's choice to do these things, regardless of how the friends judge his specific actions?
The fact that Top and Cheum are questioning Mew's agency, to me, is a ROOT, a FOUNDATION of the awful toxicity of this friend group, BESIDES the general drunkenness of the group, and Ray's particularly contradictory and dangerous behavior. THERE IS NO TRUST IN THIS GROUP.
Top and Cheum do not TRUST Mew -- an adult young man!!!! -- to make his own decisions. Cheum doesn't trust Boston with her little bro (oh, woops on that, big sis). Almost no one trusts Ray, although I'm not sure about Mew on that. Boston doesn't trust Nick. The list goes on.
Without trust, without a foundation of love and respect, without an acknowledgement that individuals within a group have agency to live their lives independently -- what you get in a group dynamic is UTTER mush, just a bucket of vomit like what we're seeing here in Only Friends. I am OBSESSED that Jojo and team are picking this apart SURGICALLY, and asking US to question OUR, the viewers', judgement of all of this. These friends are contradictory as fuck. Boston was SO right to ask Nick: "who are you to judge?" Nick acted as filthily as Boston in violating Boston's privacy and rights -- TWICE, bros, TWICE.
And Top.... @lurkingshan said it the best yesterday when she made sure the girlies knew that what Top was doing TO (NOT FOR, TO) Mew at the end of the episode was not consensual. Welp. Tie up Mew's agency with a bow and throw it out into the fucking dumpster, Top.
I haven't touched as much on the Sand/Ray dynamic in this post, but of characters that are acting at least consistently to their... what, their moral judgements or ethical structures, at least Sand, Ray, and Boston remain consistent in my eyes. Anyone who was surprised at Ray's behavior in this episode -- it was bad and icky, and the episode laid it on thick, but I found his behavior to be expectedly toxic.
This was a two-steps-forward-and-one-step-back episode for Sand, as I see it, as he stepped in to try to keep Ray from going to jail (and how interesting was it that it was Top who ended up sealing that deal). One other note about Sand: the show HAS to be making fun of First's inability to sing, right? That guitar practice in 2/4, oof. And to have Sand dress up as Freddie, one of the most magnificent singers in rock -- ironic. We know that Sand doesn't aspire to be a singer; he just wants to go to festivals, and... that's the right decision, my dude.
Anyway. To bring this back to Freddie and Queen. Talk about shapeshifting. In his 20s in the 1970s, Freddie Mercury started out with long hair and flowing, robe-y costumes. As the 1980s progressed, he took on an identity of a mustachioed, slightly muscular man -- very, very closeted, but clearly gay to anyone who caught the signal.
The dude that Sand was about to make out with at the party? He made a reference to Mary Austin, Freddie's longtime companion and best friend. They were lovers for a short period, before Freddie came out to her. And they remained friends all of the rest of his life. While Freddie died with a longtime lover by his side in Jim Hutton, Mary was always present and devoted to Freddie. Mary's presence often caused consternation with Freddie's lovers, especially after his death, what with inheritance controversies. But no one ever questioned Mary's loyalty, and her commitment to keeping Freddie's identity secret and safe.
Freddie and Mary's friendship was in part a protective arrangement for his life in the closet. He only revealed he had AIDS the day before he died. But Freddie claimed the friendship, claimed agency to it, and wanted it in his life. The friendship was steady, and never wavering.
Quite the opposite of the devotions, or lack thereof, in this group. These young folks are demonstrating NORMAL resistance to watching each other change. But while that resistance is normal... it doesn't make it all the less toxic. I'm afraid that as of right now, I read that all of these friends want to sell each other out for the sake of their own selfish desires, and for the benefit of their own worldviews alone.
HAPPY SUNDAY, Ephemerality Squad, if we can be happy after this demonstration of toxicity, ha! @slayerkitty @ranchthoughts @chickenstrangers @lurkingshan @twig-tea @distant-screaming @clara-maybe-ontheroad @neuroticbookworm @elizabethsebestianhedgehog @thatgirl4815
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: September 2023 ~ 
👻 Happy October!!! 🎃
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post! 
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff!  -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 Senior Love Me? Season 2 - September 1st (Thailand) 🌟 Naughty Babe - September 2nd (Thailand) ✅ 🌟 Venus in the Sky - September 2nd (Thailand) 🌟 Marry Go Round - September 3rd (Thailand) 🌟 Where Your Eyes Linger (movie version with added scenes + commentary) - September 5th (South Korea) 🌟 Y Star Challenge (reality show) - September 8th (Thailand)
🌟 The Promise: Honeymoon Lost and Found - September 9th (Thailand) 🌟 Our Story - September 9th (Philippines) 🌟 Rerun (starring PP Krit) - September 13th (Thailand) 🌟 You Are Mine - September 15th (Taiwan) 🌟 Bump Up Business - September 15th (South Korea) 🌟 Wedding Plan Special Episode - September 16th (Thailand) ✅ 🌟 Right Time, Right You - September 17th (Thailand) 🌟 Kimi ni wa Todokanai (I Can't Reach You) - September 27th (Japan) 🌟 Bon Appetit - September 27th (South Korea) 🌟 Absolute Zero - September 27th (Thailand)
Monthly likes/dislikes
❣️ Naughty Babe - I'm loving this so much lol it's so silly but the comedy is so brilliant and so far I'm enjoying it more than Cutie Pie lol. The story is interesting and MaxNat's acting has improved a lot since CP which is nice. Definitely an unexpected nice little gem and also a band-aid for the soul after the OF-trauma every Saturday dskjhf
👎🏻 ø
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Like - Date TBA (South Korea)
🎥 Live in Love - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Spirit Reborn - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Red Peafowl (starring Max N., Mek J., Boun N., Gun N., Yacht S., LongFrank & others) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Couple or Not - Date TBA (China)
🎥 Ossan's Love Season 3 - Coming January 2024 (Japan)
🎥 The Luminous Begins (Prequel to The Luminious Solution, starring Kaownah Kittipat) - Coming December 2023
Other news from the BL world
❗️ The upcoming Thai adaption of Cherry Magic will premiere in November as confirmed by the cast. The airing date has yet to be announced.
❗️ Actor Est Ravipon (LBC2, Naughty Babe) joined GMMTV.
❗️ The upcoming Thai BL 4 Minutes has been announced to air in early 2024. One of the main actors, Bible W., disclosed that shooting will begin in October and run until December. Several months back his acting partner Build J. dropped out of the production as a result of a defamation scandal. Further details, such as a recast for his role, as well as an airing date, are unknown.
❗️ Santa and Earth (My Only 12%) and EarthMix (ATOTS, MLC) respectively announced that they will be having another project together in 2024. Details are unknown.
❗️ GMMTV actor Gun Atthaphan won an award for "Outstanding Asian Star" at this year's Seoul International Drama Awards.
❗️ This year's GMMTV 2024 lineup event will take place on October 17th.
❗️ The cast for the upcoming Korean BL Jazz For Two was revealed: Song Han Gyeom (OMEGA X), Kim Jin Kwon & Ko Jae Hyun (To My Star), Byun Sung Tae (Happy Merry Ending) will be the main cast.
❗️ A third season for the Japanesse BL Ossan's Love was announced for January 2024.
❗️ At their event "Always More", WeTV announced their 2024 lineup. The following BL productions are included:
Monster Next Door
I Saw You In My Dream (WeTV x DeeHup)
Me And Who (WeTV x Domundi)
Knock Knock Boys (starring Seng W., Best V. and others)
❗️ MeMindY announced their next 2 BL projects:
Love Sea (adapted from an unreleased novel) - Coming 2024
Boy Next World (universe travel plot) - Coming 2024
Both series are adaptions from Mame's novels and will air in 2024. Earlier, FortPeat (Love in the Air) confirmed in a press conference that they will star in another one of Mame's projects, which led fans to believing they will appear in one of the 2 projects, along with BossNoeul. The official cast reveals will take place on October 3rd and 5th.
Upcoming series & movies for October
👉🏻 Sasaki to Miyano - October 1st (Japan, Netflix release)
👉🏻 If It's With You aka Even If I Fall In Love With You - October 5th (Japan)
👉🏻 What Did You Eat Yesterday? Season 2 - October 6th (Japan)
👉🏻 Lucky Love - October 15th (Thailand)
👉🏻 GMMTV2024 lineup event + press conference - October 17th (Thailand)
👉🏻 One Room Angel (manga adaption) - October 19th (Japan)
👉🏻 The Camp Fire - October 29th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Shadow - October 31st (Thailand)
👉🏻 Boys Like Boys (dating reality show) - October TBA (Taiwan)
👉🏻 Bump Up Business - October TBA (South Korea)
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yaoi-reading · 8 months
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I could write a huge list of thing that russians took away from me.
And one of them is desire to do anything at all. It is fun to write about the most interesting you've read in 2023, because part of it is anticipation to look back at this post years later and compare with your current taste, interests and so on. I can no longer do it. I am not sure will I be alive at the end of this year, or will my city be free and unoccupied, or will Ukraine still exist, or will western politician not push us to sign some agreement with russians-terrorists-occupiers which equals death sentence in the future to all of us. And those ruminating thoughts are quite exhausting. But nonetheless I decided to make the list of the manga that caught my attention in 2023. Previous versions you can find here (2021) and here (2018).
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4-gatsu no Tokyo wa by Haru - ok, I've got nostalgic feelings from this manga, the mood, the tropes and the vibe reminded me bl manga of early 2000s but with updated setting and more modern. And I enjoyed it so much.
Play After Call by Ohtako Mame - not a fan of dom-sub universe stories but the art, storytelling, characters and chemistry between them are top notch
Ao no Flag by KAITO - coming of age story about friendship (and love)
Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai by Yoneda Kou - at some point i started unironically to wonder maybe the only valid reason not to die is to read next chapter of my favourite manga. Love love love it to pieces.
Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu by Marukido Maki - ok, i love Marukido Maki, I could read anything written by her. Maybe it is not the best but I remember reading this story about the end of the world before going to sleep and wondering if I wake up next day and continuing to read it during russian massive missile attacks while hiding in the basement and hearing explosions outside.
Ore wo Shiranai Kyou no Kimi by Tonda Moko - time loop and time travel
Totsukuni no Shoujo by Nagabe - gem from Nagabe and once again manga that I read mostly during air raids in the basement. This manga is licensed and translated into Ukrainian. And I am so happy about it! Great story about loneliness and isolation.
60-okubun no Futari by Denzou - dark and twisted, not something you would usually enjoy but it was rather interesting and reminded me a little bit of Harada's twisted stories.
Joy by Etsuko - somehow I was laughing out loud while reading this manga, got a nostalgic feeling from reading it because somehow it reminded me fluffy shojuo stories of 2000s (though it is bl)
Contradict by Ooshima Kamome - rivalry among students firefighters written by Ooshima Kamome? yes, please. I will read anything by her and will ask for more
Ginmokusei no Shitateya by Mamita - men in suits!
Wizdoms by Nagabe - school of magic with anthropomorphic animals, should I say more?
Another thing that russians took away from me is economical stability and it is quite challenging to support and buy works of my favourite mangakas (the death of bookdepository didn't make it easier) and my plan to finish my collection of Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai is down in the dumps. But if you can please-please-please support mangakas buy their works, merch, etc.
I also want to say thank you to the Armed Forces Of Ukraine. It is the only reason I was able to return to my home last year and continue to live here as normal as possible.
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aliceisathome · 4 months
Love Sea - shall I binge or shall I wait? Hell, I'm going to watch it as it airs aren't I? I am Mame's reluctant bitch.
Going in. Let's hope she's got a new sound engineer.
Peat is pretty if inappropriately dressed on a boat, Forth is doing scuba stuff with coral. Hello boys, long time no see. I see you're the same characters as LITA - sunshine puppy vs spiky cat (you're very good at it though).
So nothing much happens but the scenery is stunning (inc the humans), and the story is simple enough so far. Mind you, for a presumably sexually experienced BL novel writer who has to have sex to write spicy scenes Tongrak is sure playing coy - I'd have jumped Mut as soon as he offered.
I'm assuming Vivi is going to try to hit on Mook rather than treat her like an indentured servant but this is Mame so possibly it'll be a combination of the two. Surprisingly, for a Mame story this ep is rather bland so I'm anticipating Peat's character having some awful backstory involving abuse and possibly torture.
Anyway, for those that don't know this is based on the sequel to Mame's novel about Type's friend from home, Khom, and how he meets his faen. Khom was played by Kaprao Pongkorn in Tharntype so if he appears in this with a new face, that'll be the first time Mame has switched out actors in a role.
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And this is also the first time she's reused actors in NEW roles. Will the Mame Cinematic Universe survive? Will we get a backstory involving Khom, a scooter accident and extensive plastic surgery? And discover that Mut is Prapai's secret half brother while Tongrak is Sky's clone? Only time will tell. TBH I think she learnt her lesson from Wedding Plan where the most popular eps were the ones that the LITA boys appeared in. She'd be a fool not to take advantage of their popularity and we know that she's not a fool.
Apparently the Cooper who's paid for Mut to run around after Tongrak is the guy who gets together with Khom in the parent story. Do we care about them though? Not really.
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year
A LOOK BACK at Ae & Pete
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This was my first experience with original creator MAME and I adored her because I loved this story (meaning Ae and Pete and even Tin and Can)
I loved that Ae (TANAPON SUKUMPANTANASAN aka PERTH) hadn't really thought about his sexuality so the presumption was he was a heterosexual and then he met the timid heart of gold Pete (SUPPAPONG UDOMKAEWKANJANA aka SAINT) by running into him with his bike and a seed was planted.
From that moment on Ae was in Pete's universe and vice versa beginning with Ae helping Pete with disgusting bully Trump.
In the sequel (for lack of better word) I learned MAME herself wrote it deciding to retell the Tin and Can as the lead couple since due to behind the scenes issues between the managers of Saint and Perth, Saint was not asked back for the "sequel" what I didn't know is though Love By Chance is based on a novel called My Accidental Love Is You by MAME the series screenplay was written by NEW who also directed.
Love By Chance 2: A Chance To Love was directed by NEW but written by MAME.
Anyone who watched these series knows that Tin and Can were brought together because of Ae and Pete's relationship as Tin was a snob that looked down on Pete and Ae's relationship and as such he had several run in with Can and they develop a instant hate for one another until one day Tin kissed Can and turned Can's world upside down.
Without Pete, MAME decided to have Tin and Can meet randomly on the campus as if the Pete component didn't exist anymore all the while Tin and Can were starting at zero. Ae, Pond and some newbie were in a parallel storyline where Pete left Ae and Ae became a sniveling idiot about losing Pete. It was like two different series that barely had anything to do with one another. I hated Love By Chance 2: A Chance To Love so much.
I will always love this BL. Then came the unsequel sequel. Love By Chance: A Chance To Love so began my love to hate with MAME.
But I always loved PerthSaint and AE & PETE
@pose4photoml @lutawolf
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braceletofteeth · 9 months
I was tagged by @scarefox 💕
The general mood of this list is I don't forgive and I don't forget lol So you may notice that sometimes I get a little heated 🤏
As for whom I'd throw hands with, I considered both real people and other characters from the same universe.
That (Manner of Death)
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He should NOT have been at the club, actually. Or in the mafia. Or attacking doctors at their homes. Or being fucking kidnapped.
He should have been AT SCHOOL, skipping classes like any other boy.
(I'm throwing hands with Tan specifically)
Rain (Love in the Air)
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“Do you take crit-” no. you're all jealous of him. “But he's so annoy-” you're just jealous of him. Get well soon.
Kim (Unforgotten Night)
Apologies. The noise you're hearing comes from the metal of my cage vibrating because of how much I start shaking when I see interesting characters trapped wasted on undeserving plots.
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Kiyoi (Utsukushii Kare)
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I don't even know what could be said of negative about him but nonetheless—I'd have my sword drawn before you fully opened your mouth.
(And technically I would do the same for Hira, but I disqualified him, in accounts of me also throwing hands with him on a regular basis).
Sion (You Make Me Dance)
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I imagine that his mother is being kept in false imprisonment in the country she immigrated to and that's why they lost contact with each other. It helps me sleep better.
Boston (Only Friends)
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Count on Mew (and Nick!?) to make you prefer standing by the side of the person who was in the wrong.
I kept Ton in the group divorce.
(And if the hate he gets was proportionate to the things he did, maybe, perhaps, I wouldn't get so upset every time people mention his name now).
Palm (Never Let Me Go)
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I can't (I wouldn't) fix him (his lack of self-preservation, I mean), so instead I concentrate my efforts on blasting lasers with my eyes in the direction of anyone who shows him disrespect or makes him even the tiniest bit upset.
(I'd throw hands for Nuengdiao, too, but that seems irrelevant, since he doesn't hesitate to throw hands for himself—and does that much more efficiently than I would).
Sky (Love in the Air)
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Remember when MAME declared someone who hurt him deserved the death penalty and we all just... agreed?
The Minor Family (KinnPorsche)
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“That's three people!” Huh. How weird.
Maybe it's because I'd like to preserve them exactly like that.
Green (2gether)
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The only thing wrong with him was his taste in men.
tagging: Most people I know have already done this one... Hmm... @thisautistic @cangse-sanren @softneomiro @srabaskerville maybe...? If you haven't already (and would like to)?
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absolutebl · 1 year
Be My Favorite - Flaming Hot Trash Watch Action
Ready for this?
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Adapted from the y-novel You Are My Favorite by JittiRain this is one of those “rewrite the past to change the future.” Starring Krist (SOTUS) + Fluke Gawin (DBK, Not Me). I expect this to be low heat, full of LIES and manipulation.
12 eps of approx 45 min fresh content each, and I guess I am drinking on frigay for the next 3 damn months 
Main tropes: time travel/slip/loop, paranormal, university setting, soft romance, low heat, sunshine/tsundere with GMMTV’s heavy hand on classic Thai BL tropes, product placement, and high production values.
Trailer | MDL
I’m getting some shizz outta my system before I start putting the alcohol into it...
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Story issues 
Let’s get this on the table. I have a mixed relationship with Jittirain’s stuff because unlike Mame who is trash to her characters with plot, Jittirain is trash to plot with characters. All characters (what limited characterization there is) will be obedient to the plot and act against personality the moment it is necessary for whatever insanity is required for audience manipulation. We The Watchers WILL feel jerked around by these jerks (but as this is GMMTV there will be no actual jerking). We WILL be lied to, and the characters will lie to each other FOR NO GOOD REASON. 
In addition to Be My Favorite JittiRain is behind: Vice Versa, 2gether, Fish Upon the Sky, and Theory of Love. Mmm humm. Yeah. Drinks are defiantly required. 
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Actor issues: 
Krist: Who knew Krist would do a BL again? Like seriously? His career has been riddled with controversy and his skills as an actor widely challenged. Regarding the first, this is not that blog, take that discourse/cancel culture elsewhere. For the second? I will judged his acting based on the usual criteria: this BL, this role, this pairing, this script, and the fact that this is Thai style acting. Okay?
Gawin/Fluke: I will likely slip and call him Gawin because that’s what he used when he first crossed my radar. I have said this before but he looks like an ex of mine. So my baggage with him is all personal. Said ex and I are amicable, but it wigs me out sometimes. They even have a similar voice. I will try to get over this. 
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Also the both SCREAM straight. I mean I don’t wanna judge insult or anything but these boys got breeder smeared all over them. 
Okay, so what are we doing here?
Well, as previously established: DRINKING.
A new trash watch! 
Although there is always the (however faint) possibility it will become a praise watch. Sometimes that happens. But this is Jittirain so... I doubt it. 
Here we go! 
Episode 1: Sake & Fear 
I have heartburn already. Or maybe that’s the extra chili I put on my noodles + booze + EXISTENTIAL DREAD. 
Kawi = loser, poor, stupid, shy, and friendless (AKA Japan’s ordinary bottom uke archetype) - he’s a downer, this is an issue with this kind of character, not likable. 
Pearmai = the sunshine faen fatale Kawi has a crush on 
Piseang = the tall handsome cute popular perfect seme, plays basketball perfectly (waves at Love O2O), is also a DJ (nash)
Most of this ep was spent establishing this dynamic and some kind of secret santa for college kids, a magic time travel snow globe, and the fact that the wrong couple got together. 
Why is there a dandelion in the snow globe? 
Is it a wishes thing? Do they have that superstition in Thailand?
A 12 year time jump is v Japanese. Which life-point is closer to Krist’s actual age? Ooo, half a bottle of sake and I’m salty af. 
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Apparently Kawi still has same problems and the same haircut as he did as a fresher.
Could we please talk about this? It’s in ALL BL. Why does NO ONE change their hair as they age? My hair changes by the week. 
Meanwhile our ordinary bottom has turned into a wild imbecilic tsundere and our seme clearly likes that and I am too drunk for this. So is Kawi. 
You know what, it’s not as terrible as I thought it would be. I don’t like it but I can see the characters becoming appealing. Maybe? Hopefully? Why do I do this to myself?
I’m not a monster, I will give it a chance. 
At least no one has yet picked up a guitar.
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See you next week, same Jittirain time, same Jittiran place, new bottle of sake.  
Episode 2: Nigori & Serenity 
The sake I’m drinking tonight is described on the bottle “silky & mild” which is also a legit review of Gawin’s acting. 
What is going on? 
What am I feeling? 
They’re lying on the grass talking to each other in a meaningful way. It’s cute. I am enjoying it. How appropriately collegiate. 
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Is this... enjoyment?
Am I enjoying this show?
I ate booze-filled chocolates AS WELL AS SAKE. 
Maybe it’s the double dose? 
Am I becoming silky & mild?
I got a slow down. I can’t do this every week for 12 weeks in a row. I’m not in uni anymore. I might end up being a nice person if I continue down this road. Can’t have that.  
Honestly, I do like the fantasy of getting to re-live your college years as a cooler version of yourself. 
Although, frankly, I did fine with mine. 
(Oh thank fuck, asshole me is back.) 
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I don’t know where Max came from but he is officially the most interesting character in this show. 
Also... does he look a bit like a bad boy bunny to anyone else? 
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It isn’t actually like it, but I am getting a distinct 2gether vibes from this show. It makes it feel kinda dated for BL. What a fucking crazy thing to say. Ignore me, I’m drunk. 
OOOOO.... Nong teasing. Very nice.  
The over dramatic drunken kiss made me giggle. First time Krist has been properly kissed in a BL.
What do I do? 
I’m enjoying it! 
Damn it. 
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Episode 3: Tipsy Waffling 
I was out at the club, came home faintly tipsy. Frankly I feel a little unwell, so I’m not gonna drink anymore. So this is an unprecedented semi-sober trash watch. I’m not sure if I’m ready but so far this show been beating expectations, and I don’t expect a derailment until next ep so I’m feel okay about my life choices. 
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Okay Gawin is good. I’ll give you that . His little moment if realization (and giving up). The “oh shit” look. 
That’s Title! 
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When did he leave Wabi Sabi and join GMMTV’s stable? 
Look I kinda enjoyed this bit, because it was a joke.
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Is this the beginning of the JittiRain of Doom? Or it this just good angsty story telling?
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No way to know until next week.
(JittiRain of Doom - see what I did there? Aren’t I a clever little lush dragon?) 
I should go to bed now. 
I think we can safely say clouds are on the horizon and whether this is good storytelling or bad, only episode 4 will tell. 
Episode 4: It’s Happened! The Suck! 
not in a good way @heretherebedork​ said ep 4, can they call it or WHAT?! 
I’m officially calling Kwai’s pink haired Maximum hotness bestie “my café fae” and YOU can’t stop me. I love him. Or I want to be him? Or I AM him?
Difficult to know.
Checks own hair.
Not pick at at the moment. Mostly blue actually.
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(I weirdly adore that blue open weave draw-string vest thing he’s rocking. Checks own closet. Wonders idly about turning a mesh laundry bag into a shirt.) 
Anygay... Café fae and I are running away together and not putting up with any of this Jittirain nonsense.
Because this beach frolic...?  
Too cringe. Too awkward. I really don’t like all of embarrassment factor for everyone, not to mention humiliation and hazing and older kids picking on younger kids.
I’ve been done with this plot divice since SOTUS. And I’ll take it in small doses from Korea but no more Thailand. Stop it. And...
is that...
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Oh, I hate this show.
Everyone listening in on the phone while he’s humiliating himself with a girl? This is fully terrible. 
I’m so uncomfortable with this whole episode. 
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And yet. Secure. Because finally we are in the territory I was expecting. But ALSO I can’t bear it. 
Please make it stop.
At least Piseng is a decent human being.
And Pair. 
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Screw all y’all. I’m eloping with Pair.
What about my cafe fae? Hummmm. 
Ah! Got it. Thrupple! 
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I’m not gonna lie. That was rough going. 
And I am not OK.
Although I’m digging this thrupple scheme of mine. 
Episode 5: I Am V Drunk
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For those of you following the soga of ABL is a lush... 
I got my cocktail! 
Then got distracted by meeting colleagues at the bar. 
Then went for dinner and wine.
Then got another cocktail and finally made it back to the room. 
So by the time I started watching this week’s installment I was... quite drunk. 
Take this recap with a grain of salt margarita salt rim... no... not that kind of rimming, that’s just in KP, sadly... wait... what am I doing? I got distracted. This is GMMTV. Def no rimming. 
Kawi deserves his new asshole friends (stop it ABL no rimming). 
I just don’t like him. He’s too straight and whiney and homophobic. 
Could we have a romance between Pisang and Max? 
Asking for a friend me. 
Bet there would be rimming. They both seem very game. Just saying.
Different show ABL. Different show. 
Where was I? Apparently I went to the land of Bed Friends for a moment there. 
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Why does anyone like Kawi? 
Max deserves better.  
Pear deserves better. 
Pisang deserves better. 
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OMG!!! His utter wistful yearning over the happy gay bar. Poor baby. 
Awe don’t run away from Max. We love Max. Max is the best. You NEED a Max in your life. We all do! 
Someone described Max as “tired gay,” and I feel this keenly. 
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SKIP! Skipskipskip. 
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Next week look like a classic ep 6 kiss then angst. Whatever. 
It was fine. 
This was a fine installment. 
I’m very drunk. 
Hotel all spinny. 
Hi, bed! Make me a sammitch. 
Episode 6: I Am Less Drunk Than I Should Be
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I just wish this were Pisaeng’s story instead of Kawi’s. It would be a lot better. In fact, it is a lot better. Any time we get PS alone or with any other character it’s a better narrative. Any time with him and Max talking it’s the best of everything, That’s all I want on my screen.
In fact, Max is all I want. 
I love his “care bear kpop” clothes. 
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This is definitely one of those shows where I don’t understand why anyone likes the central character - his friends, his love interests, his father, his audience, tumblr. 
No one should like him. He started out a loser and he’s only getting worse, and nasty to boot. 
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Yes, it’s good we see him apologize, but there’s no logic behind the choices that led him to needing to make the apology in the first place! 
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(No one does, honey.) 
We are heading into classic Jitiirain where are the characters are going to betray us and themselves in order to serve the narrative. 
And I’m not drunk enough for this. 
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Honestly? I think Krist what is miss-cast as well. 
I’m not in the anti-Krist faction but just imagine... what if Kawi had been played by Khaotung? He has a much softer more dynamic screen presence. I think he could’ve carried even Jittirain’s patented nonsense. KT is... in fact... CUTE. 
Gawin is not an issue. (Which surprises me, since I came into this with a bias against him.) 
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Because we can see PS thinks that K is cute even before the script felt the need to tell us this. 
Even when he’s being an arsehole, PS’s eyes are all soft for him. I guess some guys just are attracted to arseholes. 
See what I did there?
Meanwhile I hate PS’s mother! 
She = evil. 
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I RECOGNIZE that balcony!
PS’s house/apartment thingy is the same as MaxNat celebrity pad in Y-Destiny. Another one for the location trackers.
That’s it, that’s all I got. 
Only one gay pun for you this evening. 
I have one job to do and I’m blowing it.
Nighty night. Don’t let the mosquitos bite leave hickeys. 
Episode 7: NO SINGING
I guess Kawi is one of those “straights” who just gets gayer the drunker he is. I know the type. 
Boozing the Kinsey Scale. 
Beer goggle queers. 
Three sheets to the flame. 
Dick wasted. 
What else do we call them?
Oh yeah... cock tease. 
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Episode 8: STOP SINGING 
Pisaeng for these last two episodes...
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(singing cat never gets old, bite me) 
Good for you Pisaeng for standing up for yourself. Stop letting the straight boy jerk you around. 
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(I see you in your matched couple shirts.) 
Stop. Just this show would be so much better if he weren’t in it. 
I’m glad he lost Pisaeng and I enjoyed watching him cry. 
Even if he still made everything about himself. 
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We return yet again to the fact that I love Max. Max and I are running away together. 
Pisaeng is just never Kawi’s priority, whereas the opposite is always the case. Talk about one sided love friendship relationship everything.  
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Kawi the coward. 
To little too late. 
I do keep thinking about Big Eden with this series, Kawi just seems so straight no matter what he says or does or kisses.  
Poor Pisaeng he gets what he wants but it’s all out of pity, fear, and desperation. 
And all he wants is a chance to flirt? 
Is he an actual saint?
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Fuck this damn show. 
As always with these trash watches, I update the original post until Tumblr has a brain fry and won’t let me anymore. Then it becomes an updated repost. Life in the dumpster fire is never dull. 
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halliescomut · 3 months
Love Sea Ep 3 watch along
Okay, but that little reminder text is a perfect example of showing you care without saying you care. 🥹
Okay but sometimes Mame is unexpectedly very deep and very good with words.
P'Vi confuses me. I do like the blunt honesty her and Rak have though. That's important in friends.
Mook is so absolutely adorable. If Vi makes her cry I will figure out how to kick the ass of a fictional character.
So it seems their dad did worse than just leave them based on that convo between Rak and his sister. (I think I remember discussion of that from where ppl were discussing the novel on Twitter, but I did make the decision to not try and read the novel first.)
I kinda wanna know where all of Mut's button-up shirts are from. I really like them.
Rak being all depressing and Mut and ....shoot I forgot his name again... going diving.
Mut(Fort really) is just so cuddle shaped.
On iQiYi the OST lyrics overlap with the actual captions and it's annoying as fuck
This fucking nosey ass 🤣🤣
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The difference in aesthetics for their clothes here is so wild. I will say though that I like that there's wardrobe repetition. That's not always common in TV, and it really fucks with the believability. I know it's more common in Thai BL, but that's mostly bc so many involve ppl that wear a uniform of some sort (looking at you University BLs).
Interesting...very interesting. I talked.... somewhere... About how the social power dynamics at play here were dangerous because they were going into this whole thing without being honest (with themselves or each other) and it was going to have fallout.
I don't know if I'm surprised Mut took so long, or if maybe I expected him to take Rak's verbal abuse a little longer.....
A beautiful scene. It's a lovely bit of physical acting how Rak sort of melts into Mut.
I do think it's so funny how Mut always says he's so simple (and in some ways he is) but people seem to take it to mean not smart or clever, and he's very obviously both. I can't tell if he truly sees himself that way or if it's an attempt to have people underestimate him....maybe it's both.
Well now I'm just depressed. Thanks a lot Rak. But seriously, I do appreciate the clarification of the family dynamics. I'm also a bit surprised Rak is opening up so soon to Mut about this. Idk if it's because it's at the front of his mind, or if Mut's kind of easy acceptance of everything makes it seem easy...idk.
Ruh-ro raggy .... Rak thinks this is gonna be a failed experiment because he truly doesn't think real love exists, but I fear he will be wrong (this is a romance after all).
I'm curious about Mut's motivations though. I believe he believes in love. I also think he wants Rak to, or maybe just for Rak to have some peace? Idk. He's surprisingly hard to read. As much as I think he likes Rak (both as a person and a sex partner) I don't think he's fallen in love with him at this point.
While I do love a fake dating storyline ... I'm still on the fence about P'Vi.
I feel like Fort had to carry Peat for a long time for this scene. I bet his arms were killing him. (Though we've seen the gym pics, I know he's been working out.)
That's so cute.
Oh yeah...slow mo pushing the hair back. Very Baywatch
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Are we doing more beach sexy time?
I Guess Not. We're back at the keyboard.
You're gonna sit here and tell me that's not a goddamn puppy in human form??? LIES!!
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He's goddamn adorable. I'd want one for myself if I wasn't Ace and had any idea what to do with one other than feed it and take it for walks.
Peat's got nice hands 🥵...send tweet.
That was such a sharp poke. OMG 🤣🤣
Okay but this is practically a still from the PaiSky fanfic I wrote. Linked here.
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Rak likes cuddles. Cute little bean.
Palm ....that's his name. I was thinking Pond earlier, which is close. And now he's being nosey again.
Mut's face when Palm waved back🤣🤣🤣 Like bitch I ain't waving at you
I do think it's sweet how determined Palm is to be a good wingman though.
I do appreciate the love bite front and center. But what are our thoughts on whether it's makeup or a 'practical effect'?
"A dog in rut more like." "Well then his owners is as well." 🤣🤣
Mut's nervous to take Rak to his home. Sweet, but legit if Rak were to judge him for his home I would vote for kicking him to the curb, no matter how much I like him.
Ahhhhh.....so Ja is VI's costar...okay. God I forget how fucking tall he is. Mans practically a redwood.
Is this like Wedding Plan, but make it straight???
I know that bunny purse is entirely impractical for the person I am, but it's so cute.
It really is weird people would be claiming boob job when I think Vi is a B cup on a good day.
Very impressive just fully ignoring the sexuality question Vi.
Mook, babes....you gave in way too fast.
"I'm not bi." I know a lie by omission when I see one. That statement does not equal that you are straight.
You are a damn liar Rak. This little visit has nothing to do with inspiration. You want to be nosey and learn more about Mut.
I like the environmentalism aspect woven into the show. It's good.
As if I couldn't hate your dad more Mut. Calm down Satan.
So we know why Mut left. But really how can someone make their living from nature but not care enough about it??
Okay exhibitionist Rak.
Idk why but there's something about Rak straddling Mut that just....
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Well.....we can tick off the Fort's nipple obsession of on the bingo board.
And we're returning favors. Very egalitarian.
Two condoms....well. You certainly had plenty of energy there didn't you....
There's a couple wrappers on the floor, but those do look unopened.
Also vaguely off topic: while the sheets are not the Slutty Geometry Sheets™️, I think my sister has the same kind.
Hmmm....now this is a juicy conversation. Rak being so intentionally honest here telling Mut to ask him to stay. He's afraid to take the leap, but he wants to.
As a side note....I cannot tell you how much I love them showing Fort's physical 'imperfections'. The kind of farmer's tan he has going on, you can see the stretch marks on his upper arms. He's an absolutely gorgeous man, but so often that stuff gets filtered out, or covered in makeup. I love seeing it. We need this more.
OMG I'm crying.
This is important though. Rak needs to know that his answer will have consequences.
That was the right answer. (Though the shabby hole comment about his house was a bit much. I'm hoping that's more a translation issue.)
I suspect the country mouse shall go to the city in next week's episode.....
Awwww Rak in Mut's tank top. Cute.
I really thought Rak was bare-assed for a second pulling a Pete, but no, he's in khaki pants.
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So cute and sweet 🥹🥹🥹. Also, I love the bed net. Malaria is no joke.
So next week are we looking at just an NDA or is that contract for like a full Sugar Baby position??
Also end credits change-up again. Now MutRak are walking together....symbolic.
Well that's all for this watch along. I don't think I'll have 4k words to say about it tomorrow, but we shall see.
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lutawolf · 2 years
Hi Luta,
I just read your LITA E8 review. Many others I follow have painted Parpai's actions maliciously but you were the only one to say he was joking when he asked Sky for payment at the tracks. I understand it is from the books. I didn't know that so thank you.
I found out what happened to Sky just before the episode aired. It was an uncomfortable experience. But then Parpai didn't know Sky's backstory. Never think something to be malicious when it can be explained by stupidity. And Parpai seems quite stupid. Like he promise to pursue Sky the way a serial killer might. The boy does not know how to flirt like an adult.
Also you seem to not hate Mame. And you are the only one from the blogs I follow. You also mentioned the assault in Mame's work is her dealing with her own issues and I've never heard that mentioned anywhere. Did you hear about it from like a news source or something or is it your interpretation/understanding of the show? Like why isn't it more known(if it was from a news source)? Coz in the time since I started watching BLs I've heard Mame criticized the most, almost universally. Which again, Malice or Stupidity?
I would really like to know your thoughts. I just find the Mame-verse to be such an interesting case study as a writer.
Hey nonnie!!!
I had been skipping around reading Sky's story because of the SA. However, a friend mentioned that it was good so I sat down and read it. As a sexual assault survivor, I knew I personally found comfort in that Pai had been joking, but went with it when Sky agreed. Plus in the book, Sky lights up when taking charge. Which is what attracts Pai.
Yeah, the pursuit is coming off creepy. But that's because Pai has never gone after someone. He's awkward and fuck boy.
I do not hate MAME. I get her. She is a kinkster that is an SA. #MeToo
I used to be a book reviewer and writer. It's pretty well known especially by those who are SA themselves. When you write therapeutic work, you tend to recognize it. I don't know if MAME ever said it, it's just been well know.
I've read a lot of therapeutic work. A lot. It's easily recognizable. TharnType is written during the self hate stage. When you're so full of anger and hate that you wonder if you're loveable. Sky is at her coping and healing stage. There are other books in between and you can easily see the progress that MAME has made.
Hope this was helpful! 💜💜💜
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allthefujoshiunite · 2 years
Hey, how are you? Seeing your answers, can I ask, what are your personal top favorite BL manga/manhwa/manhua? And why do you love them? Feel free to pick top 3 or 5 or even whichever number you want.....
Thanks if you want to answer.....
Hi, I'm alright. Hanging in there as usual, how about you? Here are some picks that have a special place in my heart! I tried to pick titles that I haven't mentioned before in my other asks. Enjoy ~
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Perfect Fit (Thanat): I chose Perfect Fit because it's complete with 2 volumes and is available in English, but I'm a huge Thanat fan so any other works from them could make it into the list to be honest. Here's my review and why I'm especially fond of this work. Other Futekiya favorites that come to mind: I Didn't Mean to Fall in Love (Suzumaru Minta), One Room Angel (Harada), Can I Buy Your Love From a Vending Machine (Yoshii Haruaki)
Your Eyes My Words (Morphish): I don't see this manhwa being talked in my small circle of friends, but comparing the view count with other BL series I'm reading on Tapas, it's not exactly a popular work with only 60k views. Which is okay, it's my duty to share them with you! Here's my review and I hope everyone gives it a shot! Other Tapas favorites I'm reading weekly: The Insatiable Man (Lee Huchu), Between the Stars (Sri)
Play After Call (Ohtako Mame): This one unfortunately doesn't have an official English release but it does have one in French, if you know the language! I wrote a Twitter thread on my first impressions a while back, but I went back to rereading it a couple of times after finishing it. I love Dom x Sub Universe in general, but Play After Call is so simple yet so tender and emotionally captivating that I know I'll come back to it in the future as well.
I Didn't Ask You to Make Love To Me (Saike Natsuhara): Now wait, hear me out. Looking at the title and the cover I expected this ongoing manga to be a smut fest and nothing more but?? I need everyone to get into this super sweet and equally sexy BL! Here's my short introduction to it and why it kind of surprised me. Other INKR favorites, all highly recommended: Loved Circus (Asada Nemui), Our Not-So Lonely Planet Travel Guide (Mone Sorai), Scramblues (mame march), FANGS (Billy Balibally)
Love For Sale (Dal Hyeonji): I said I'll try to add titles that I haven't mentioned before but... an all time favorites list without Love for Sale is an incomplete one. While there are personal reasons as to why I'm enamored with it, objectively speaking, what makes LfS stand out among 80% of generic BL works is its nuanced look at the different shapes romantic love can take, its characters that are down-to-earth and feel tangible, has a very good balance of steamy and fluffy. It's brilliant, honestly. Perfect. But requires the reader to set aside the learned tropes/takes aside and give the story room to expand itself layer after layer. It's a rewarding read, if you can manage to look at it through a critical eye. Other favorites from Lezhin that I absolutely go bonkers every week: The Pizza Delivery Man and the Gold Palace (Upi), Define The Relationship (Flona/Chada), Wolf in the House (Park Ji-yeon - Complete), Love Me Doctor (ANA - Complete)
Here are my picks ~
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hermioneismyrealname · 11 months
Ok everyone.
Let's put some chronic internet buffoons in their place, shall we?
Let's first talk about the OG thai bl. Love sick. I was there. Let's talk about the one that got thai bl some traction. Love by chance. I was there. How about the one that put thai bl on the map, tharntype. I was there. Now KinnPorsche. The one that got global attraction from (mostly) everyone. Here still.
Before Asian bl, I was here for hannibal, supernatural and fucking merlin since day 1. Yuri on ice, been waiting for that movie for how many years now? And don't get me started on banana fish, given or all the bl manhwa, manhua and Manga. Call me fujoshi? Yeah aight but I'm here for the gl series (give me more) and the well written straight shit too.
The difference between the two kinds of media I present to you is deliberate fan service and fan acknowledgment.
If I were to categorize shows like merlin or Teen Wolf, I would put it as unfortunate writing. Supernatural and hannibal were not really a romance focused genre. Considering how early game these shows were, I wasn't surprised with the ending of all 4 of these series. Which is why good omens, heartstopper, young royals, and our flag means death is refreshing. These four bring a genre where LIFE is portrayed with romance being the center of it. They don't always give a happy ending. They have a realistic ending. I cannot always say the same for asian dramas.
In the early days of Asian bl, Thai especially, it focused on plot, actual plot, not hot guys who look great, but great actors. A good example is SOTUS and Until We Meet Again. A recent addition that I can add is Your Name Engraved Herein. It was also about getting society comfortable with LGBTQ+. Also, it tackled the ridiculous education system and challenged it. Up for some football anyone? This used to be a art form of portrayal and storytelling. Taiwanese drama has maintained a good story plot throughout most of it productions but it is a shame that it goes underrated most of the time.
Now, I observe the market for bl. I do blame KinnPorsche of this, but if I were to truly put a pin in it, I would stab it at tharntype. The thai entertainment industry is going to suffer. The primary reason for the inevitable doom is the unfortunate marketing ploy the actors have to do off-screen. Take tharntype, an unfortunately perfect example. While mame (previously) never re-used the actors in her universe, post tharntype, mew and gulf were expected to act again together. Why? The off-screen fan-service. Behind the scenes show actors being comfortable at their workplace. On stage in front of screaming, fans is just another act. If they did love each other, they wouldn't flaunt it as they did. Even now, there are wanjaai still thinking gulf is mew's affianced. It took mew to personally address the fans' ridiculous behavior and yet, here we are; bubbles mourning and the... I can't remember the ohmnannon fan base. I saw the panic when saint wouldnt be with perth again, and then when saint wouldn't be with zew. HAHAHAHA. Remember pretty recently when Freen's privacy was invaded and fans felt betrayed? pathetic.
Just thinking about it makes me laugh because even the japanese actors have their boundaries. Take Keita Machida for example. Not only did he get featured in Alice in Borderland, but he is also married. There was some backlash but not as much as Cha Seo Won from Unintentional Love Story and definitely not as much as any Thai BL actor. These are talented actors who are capable of so much. Take Fluke Natouch. He is a wonderful actor and is trying not limit himself to a ship/pairing/couple. Talk to me when you have seen Red Wine in the Dark Night. Imagine what the industry could truly be if markets wouldn't limit them.
If however, this is about the comfort of the actor, then FINE! But don't condemn them when they suddenly aren't paired up with each other again. For this, I put forward PremBoun (yes i just did that), NetJames and TutorYim. I will not mention FortPeat or BossNoeul because I can see all four of them going independent and succeeding whilst maintaining a brilliant friendship. Peat and Noeul especially. Cant wait for that to rock people's boat.
Need I remind these people that THEY ARE ACTORS! NOT DOLLS OR PUPPETS! Heck need I remind the public of the 227 scandal?
As fans, shouldn't we support the actor for acting? Not the ship for putting on smiles?
Now I sip my tea as I watch the ships. Actually, my eyes aren't on the ships; they are watching the idiots who can't take nuance and are chronically online. I watch them cry when their ships sink as me and my fellow veterans relax on our sundeck enjoying our teas, coffee and martinis with those tiny little umbrellas. Been through this all before and this whole manifesto was completely useless because nothing is going to change. Looking at the idiots in Macau for Bible's recent fanmeet.
*lifts my half empty teacup* Perhaps I am just @absolutebl but more chaotic and less diplomatic. Do I care about how many shippers this hurt? Considering some of their bullshit behavior, I'm gonna say how it is. I've been dealing with death threats since 2012 and the threats of chemical castration from my own government, I cant seem to fucking care. Cheers to chaos.
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