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stochastique-blog · 1 year ago
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Repost @rina912rina ・・・ 今日は主人がお世話になった教授の退官パーティーへ家族で行ってきました😉🎉 . ネイビーのセットアップ初おろし😌💓ネイビーが好き過ぎてnew inしたトレンチコートもネイビーを選びましたよ、、、😉👏 . まだまだ寒いけど、早く春服が着たい🌸🌸🌸待ち遠しい😂👏 . 今日は乗り換えの駅で息子が��々をこねて地面に寝そべりました😭パパがいるとワガママになるー😂 . 私といると最近結構良い子なんだけどなぁ、私が怖いのかなー😭 . 最近、「かっか、かわいい💖」「ずっと、一緒ね😊」とよく言ってくれます💕 . はぁ💗かわいい✨←親バカw #ootd#instafashion#saita#mart#mamagirl #mamari#hugmug#instagramer#mamafashion#ponte_fashion#instafollow#hugmugstylingbu#beaustagramer#4yuuu#mama#mamacode#hotmamatown#mineby3mootd#locari#code#kiwamezyoshi#親バカ部#furla#undixcors#セットアップ#パーティ#カジュアル#パーティコーデ#ママコーデ
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burningportrait · 1 year ago
Adèle Haenel with Tahnee R, Nadege Beausson Diagne and Mamari Munezero at La Nouvelle Seine
On Mamari Munezero Instagram
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primordialruin · 6 months ago
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But I wanna post on IG :( Meta hates nipplez
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faunorosa · 7 months ago
saudade da mamari minha duplinha proletária de reclamação, queria que ela tivesse uma conta ativa aqui
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architect-2015 · 5 months ago
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> masterlists
Estelle Reid is an Australian singer (mother is british, father is aussie) who has sky rocketed up to super stardom after opening for Taylor Swift in her Eras Tour. With her new found fame she became a recipient of invitations for a load of different events, one event she met a captivating english women that would change both her professional and personal life.
estellereid ✓
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liked by taylorswift, harrystyles, vogue and 475,000 others
estellereid: the world, you have been perfect. thank you taylorswift for this opportunity to be able to express myself with my music at every corner of this planet, it’s been an amazing experience to open for the eras tour!
february 2nd 2024
taylorswift: i love you, thank you so much for sharing this with me!
estellereid: thank you so much for allowing me too, i love you miss swift!
user1: i’m so glad estelle is finally getting the recognition she deserves!
voguemagazine ✓
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liked by voguefrance, estellereid, leahwilliamson and 689,000 others
voguemagazine: Miss Ried, the women you are. Estelle has arrived wearing Valentino for british vogue.
march 15th 2024
estelle.ried: thank you so much for having me! it was a dream come true!
user1: oh she ate that up
user2: mother!
user3: yes! even though she’s only 25 she’s still mother
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liked by arsenalwfc, estelleried, britishvogue and 210,000 others
leahwiliamson: what a night!
march 15th 2024
estelleried: it was so good meeting you leah! 
leahwilliamson: you too estelle!
user1: holy shit estelle and leah?! my worlds have just collided 🙂‍↕️
user2: she looks so good holy shit
estelleried: i know right! what a beauty. (liked by leahwilliamson)
📍london, england
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liked by leahwilliamson, mamaried and 234 others
elliestellie: hello london, hello tour guide 🫡
may 10th 2024
leahwilliamson: hello tourist
mamaried: have fun girls!
elliestellie: thanks mama!
leahwilliamson: i’ll keep her safe caroline don’t worry (liked by elliestellie)
estelleried has posted to their story!
📍ibiza, spain
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june 20th 2023
leahwilliamson posted to their story!
📍ibiza, spain
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june 21st 2023
estellereid ✓
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liked by leahwilliamson and 567,000 others
estelleried: fun in the sun ☀️
june 23rd 2023
leahwilliamson: who’s that sexy lady in the second slide???
estelleried: i think her name is leah or something, can’t be 100% sure tho
leahwilliamson: yeah think i’ve heard of her, she’s proper fit
estelleried: i agree
user2: “i think they did it but i just can’t prove it 😔”
user3: i’d do it 🤷🏻‍♀️
i reached the image limit so i will be doing a part 2!
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r4v3nzcr0ws · 23 days ago
i superglued on a bandaid to cover my third nipple because its so fucked up and i cant think about it anymore without my skin crawling oh god oh fuck
is there a support group for people with three nipples i need mental help
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clavedelune · 4 days ago
mamariiiii voltei 😁😁
me sentindo bem melhorzinha que antes, e na verdade, tô me mordendo de vontade de expandir meu terreno literário aqui no tumblr.
afim de escrever sobre o swann também agora, e até de um ator turco (muito gato, de trinta e cinco anos. cof cof eu tô assistindo uma novela turca com my mother, vou te deixar uma foto dele tmb). o que cê acha, mamari?
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cheiroo 💋
oi gigi!!
que bom ter você de volta! (não conta para ninguém mas quando respondi à última ask, inclui o fer pensando em você)
e sim! expanda seu universo!!
inclusive com o ator turco que foge à minha alçada, mas te dou todo apoio.
agora, sobre o swann… é aniversário dele amanhã. hoje na frança. que seja. queria celebrar com ele, sabe? do jeito que ele merece…
um beijo e um cheiro 💋
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original-spoiled-princess · 2 months ago
Ngl I prefer big boobs 😋
So glad you have those mamaries 🍈🍈
We love big boobs around here
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ginandoldlace · 2 months ago
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HMS Hermes was a British aircraft carrier built for the Royal Navy and was the world's first ship to be designed as an aircraft carrier, although the Imperial Japanese Navy's Hōshō was the first to be commissioned. Hermes was berthed in Trincomalee on 8 April 1942 when a warning of an Indian Ocean raid by the Japanese fleet was received, and she sailed that day for the Maldives with no aircraft on board. On 9 April a Japanese scout plane spotted her near Batticaloa, and she was attacked by several dozen dive bombers shortly afterwards. With no air cover, the carrier was quickly sunk by the Japanese aircraft. Most of the survivors were rescued by a nearby hospital ship, although 307 men from Hermes were lost in the sinking. The merchant ship SS Mamari III was converted to resemble Hermes as a decoy ship to confuse the Axis and was redesignated as Fleet Tender C. On 4 June 1941, when she was sailing down the east coast of England to Chatham Dockyard in Kent to be converted back into a cargo ship, the decoy Hermes hit a submerged wreck off Norfolk during a German aerial attack. Before she could be refloated, she was crippled by German E-boats and abandoned in place.
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eva-does-its-best · 4 months ago
wawawa archery was fun and I love the pictures but omg I am in so much pain nooowwww It's ok, I'm sure archery will give me strong arms and big mamary orbs, it's worth it, it's hot, i'm gonna be like the artemis of shooting people
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transarsonist · 1 year ago
off hormones but still consistantly massaging my mammary glands cause its the only thing that staves off the disphoria, oughhh the mamaries are still there, they dont get smaller, i dont loose progress, only surgery can unfix me, i have time i have time i have time i have time
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ask-de-writer · 1 year ago
(Part 59 of ?)  
18+ readers only  (sex scenes)
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Making Fiends and Influencing Ponies
An Anthro *Tail* of the Mane Six
Part 59 of ? (Work in Progress)
De Writer
66443 words (story in progress)
© 2022 by Glen Ten-Eyck
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on   or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
This story is age restricted to 18+
years or older!
Users  of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original  characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the start HERE
AJ ruminated briefly and then nodded her head. “Y'all done been right so far. It really do look like you was havin' fun. So what's it take fur me ta start that, what you calls it? Saddle Arabian dancin'?”
Kin held out her arms and answered, “It starts right here, AJ.”
As AJ nestled into Kin's light hug, she snorted, “Lots o things start here with you, Kin! All good ones, now Ah gots m' head on right. Thanks fur what Ah already done got.”
By the time that she was done speaking, Kin was done too.
As she was finishing with donning her dancing dress, she did a luxurious stretch. “Dang! Rare, you made this here? It even fits mah big ol' upper deck!” She had put on the stockings and dance slippers as if she had done it all her life.
“So, what's we do first?”
Pinkie clattered her zills and then pointed to Kin. “Just follow her lead, AJ! It really is like remembering something that you never knew before! You will see!”
Just like Rarity and Pinkie before her, as she followed Kin's starting position, a look of complete understanding settled on her face. As the music began, she started both her zills and her hip lifting steps like she was born doing them. In fact, she had her tail into the act without coaching of any sort. With her hips, lower back and tail all moving smoothly in the precise sort of movements demanded by the dance, she got a thoughtful look, ears forward in both interest and concentration, lips pursed slightly, she began both shoulder lifts counter to hips, and the shimmying of her amazing tits all at once!
Without stopping any of it, she stepped into a spin, flaring her skirts out in an almost horizontal river of colors! She slowed her spin and ended with one leg out of her skirts, knee bent, only the tip of her hoof touching the floor. The other leg was also flexed some, allowing the hip lifts to continue as she began a series of belly rolls.
She broke into another spin, in the opposite direction and suddenly she was swirling the front half of her skirt in front of her! She came to a pause, still undulating to the music as she peeked mischievously over the top of the veil! In front, it only hung as far down as the tops of her stockings! She swooped the veil in an eyecatching set of swirls while her tail matched the movements of the veil in front!
All was done so smoothly and with such attention snagging motion that it took a second to realize that her magnificent mamaries were now both nearly bare, framed by active fringes and sparkling coins!
She undulated back into motion, her boobs now actively bouncing in time to shoulder lifts as she passed through several arched poses, the better to show off her body.
Pinkie was watching in utterly floored admiration. She whispered to Rarity, “If she does much more of that, my tail is going to be too stiff to use in dancing!”
Kin was dancing along with AJ but letting the tan mare have the moment, being the star, as it were. And there was more!
AJ went back to hip lifting, butt shaking, tail swirling, breast shimmying action for a little and did another dancing spin, her skirt lifting and then rising up in her hands! She entered into another set of dazzling veil work, swooping it high and low and spinning about! When she let it fly, she was dancing in nothing but a garter belt, hose slippers and a sexy frame about her tits!
With a serene expression, she slowed her dance without stopping it, coming to face the front door as Kin's magic opened it on Foamy, Clarice, Princess Twilight, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia!
With a chuckle, Luna commented, “We all peeked at the window! Not how it's done in Saddle Arabia! I like your way far better!”
Celestia snickered, “We came here for a briefing on Kin. Looks like there is a lot that I want to learn!”
Foamy was simply demanding, “We have to see that again, maybe several times, so that we can figure out the choreography! Pinkie! Why did you hold out on us! This HAS to go into the show!
Clarice was just a bit more thoughtful as she said, “I don't think that Pinkie was holding out on us, Foamy.” She extended a finger at Kin and added, “THERE is the epicenter of this ponyquake! And my Celestia, were they shaking!”
Pinkie nodded, “She sure is! None of us but her even knew what a zill was or any step of these dances! She fixed that! Only took a couple of minutes for each of us and after that, it's like remembering the dance steps and reflexes. Only takes a few minutes to get it all to kick in.”
Princess Twilight nodded thoughtfully. “I have been keeping track of your rehearsals and I don't believe that you are using my two side stages, are you?”
Pinkie, brow furrowed, answered, “Nope. Not big enough for the set pieces and I was trying to keep the focus forward, to the main stage.”
“I see. May I suggest to the producer, two Saddle Arabian dancing mares on each side between the big sets? Put concession stands at each end of the side stages. That is already set up with kitchen access. If you are worried about music conflict, sound isolation is a simple and basic spell. I use it a lot around the palace.”
Pinkie nodded, “That could work out really well. We would have to train a number of dancers, but if I know them, our problem will be too many wanting in on it.
“Thing I don't know is if any of the music is legal. Copyright can be a bitch.”
Kin offered, “The music that I know is all traditional. I last heard any of it over a thousand years ago. I am pretty sure that it is safe.”
Celestia stirred the conversational pot a little more by asking, “Foamy, Clarice, it is lovely to see you guys again but why did you leave the Royal Ballet?”
“My foal Barrel Racer was sick. Needed the horsepital. Impre told me to get him a bottle of chest lineament and I could have a day off at half pay. Any more days would be at no pay.
“I was born over near Bleatin Hallow and had friends in Ponyville. Some of them were dancers at Ponys At Night. The mares raised half of what Racer needed for the horsepital. The owners of the club found out and put up the rest. I even got a free place to stay while Racer got better.
“To say thank you, I scored them some strip dances and drilled them for it. Got to say, they were skeptical at first but my choreographed dances pulled in near twice as many tips. The same owners that paid Racer's horsepital bill found out about that and tried me on some other dancers. Then they put me on full time at near three times what I got from the Royal Ballet.
“I mirrored Clarice and she took a few days here, got hired and quit the Royal Ballet. We had to test some of our own choreography and wound up as Headliners. We score dances for all five of Ponyville's clubs.”
Clarice snorted, “When Foamy mirrored me, my rent had just gone up by two silver a month. Impre told me that I should quit eating so many asparagus salads, as if I could afford even one! Got a good deal here and a lot of respect from the dancers and club owners too.”
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magolorstometrackers · 2 years ago
Not requested, just wrote these for fun! Also, Callie goes by they/them in this specific post.
[Familial]Agere!Callie Cuttlefish x CG!Marie Cuttlefish
Being an idol and an agent can be quite stressful, so what better coping mechanism for Callie than to regress?
Marie, of course, is their caregiver
Callie is definitely not a loud little, usually having nonverbal episodes come with their regression
Marie loves calling them “little one”
Callie is already pretty needy when it comes to physical affection, but even more so when regressed
Sometimes they’ll whine for a really long time until Marie gives in and cuddles with them or gives them tickles or kisses or some other form of physical affection
They are a HUGE biter. Bites on their clothes, plushies, pens, and especially their own hands.
When they’re big, they hate to color their art. However, when they’re feeling small, they love coloring!
They also like to listen to movie and musical soundtracks, usually performing along with the music
Marie likes to take them to the toy store, and generally likes to make sure they’re not stuck in the house for too long
Marie has also surprised Callie with a paci and plushies before, and Callie was very happy about finally having their own paci
Callie refuses to go anywhere without holding “Mamarie”‘s hand
Great regressor and caregiver duo, bonus points for being biologically related
Yeah… I had no reason to write this. I’m really bored and nobody’s talking to me, haha! So I figured I’d write something to keep myself busy for a little bit.
“If you ever want to hear more, just let me know!”
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ooj1sannn · 2 years ago
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mamari sketches
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clavedelune · 1 month ago
mamari, vc vai facul de que? meu sonho é design de moda ou psicologia voltada pra a área infanto-juvenil.
cheiroo 💋😁👋
meu deus isso é muito curso de cool girl!!! acho psicologia incrível e MEU DEUS design de moda meu sonho ter algum tipo de habilidade com isso.
eu faço o mais temido, o mais terrível… curso de direito. eu gosto muito e acho que realmente combina comigo mas se pudesse escreveria pra sempre e só. sem leis, interpretações ou complexos estudos sistêmicos… you can’t always have what you want mesmo. enfim… pelo que vale, meu sonho é ser professora, vida acadêmica mesmo.
mas agora, espero muito que você entre ou em design ou em psi. são ambos muito bacanas e interessantes. principalmente o lance da área infanto-juvenil, eu acho tão especial e tão nobre. psicologia é uma profissão muito bonita e transformadora. vai dar certo!
um beijo 💋
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milkcartoncatkid · 2 years ago
lil me :3
hi!!! is aspen, but m regressed rn!!! i thought i say some abt me when little!!!!!!
i loves bein called little one, little dreamer, darling, small one, n angel <3
when small i use tenta shot in splat3
m cg name is Rose/Marie
biting nomnomnom
i LUVSSSSS forehead n nose kissies is make me feel smol :3
i call m cg mamarie hehehehe
me n m cg r irl siblings!!!!
i gets overstim easier :(
i like 3ds!!!! project mirai!!!!!!!!
i luv being sung to
Marx, Aloha, n Marie plush protect me :3
hold hands a lots
luv wxs prsk :D
m extra sleepy when lil :/
lotsa giggles when i silly
more stimming
thas all i think of for nows jambuhbye :3
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