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shrimpapalooza · 6 months ago
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They're all cuties!
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abblegum · 4 months ago
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85 notes · View notes
demonslayerscript · 6 months ago
Episode 25 : Tsuguko, Kanao Tsuyuri / 第二十五話『継子・栗花落カナヲ(Tsuguko, Tsuyuri Kanao)』
*Green colored words are only in anime, not in original manga, and we usually call them “ani-ori(anime-original)".
Kamado Tanjiro “Naho-chan, Kiyo-chan, Sumi-chan.”
Tanjiro Kamado “Naho! Kiyo! Sumi!”
San-nin “N?”
Tanjiro “Oreno shugyono tetsudai’o shite-hoshii. Orega nete-iru-aida, Zen-Shuchuno Kokyu’o yame-tara, futon-tatakide bun-nagutte kure-naika.”
Tanjiro “I’d like you to help me train. If I stop doing Total Concentration Breathing while I’m asleep, can you clobber me with these carpet beaters?”
San-nin “Haa…”
Tanjiro “Onegai shimasu!”
Tanjiro “Please help me!”
San-nin “Ii-desuyo!”
Three girls “Very well!”
Tanjiro “Arigato.”
Tanjiro “Thank you!”
Takada Naho “Daijobune.”
Naho Takada “It’s all good, right?”
Terauchi Kiyo “Tanjiro-san ganbatteru.”
Kiyo Terauchi “Master Tanjiro’s doing a good job!”
Nakahara Sumi “Hai!”
Sumi Nakahara “Yes!”
San-nin “Yaaaa!”
Tanjiro “Uwaa!”
Tanjiro “Fugai-nai… Mo-ikkai onegai-shimasu!”
Tanjiro “Spineless fool… Please let me try again!”
San-nin “Hai!”
Three girls “Okay!”
Tanjiro “Dozo!”
Tanjiro “If you please!”
San-nin “Ganbare!”
Three girls “Give it all you’ve got!”
Tanjiro “Kondo-koso.”
Tanjiro “This time, for sure!”
San-nin “Yaaa!”
Tanjiro “Uwaa!”
Tanjiro “Mo-ikkai onegai shimasu!”
Tanjiro “One more time please!”
Kanzaki Aoi “Kyomo Tanjiro-san dake desuka.”
Aoi Kanzaki “Just you again today, Tanjiro?”
Tanjiro “Sumi-masen. Koewa kaketan-desu-kedo…”
Tanjiro “I’m sorry! I did ask them to come, but…”
Aoi “Maa, watashiwa kamai-masenga.”
Aoi “Well, it doesn’t matter to me.”
Tanjiro “Atode mata koe’o kakete mimasu.”
Tanjiro “I’ll give them another nudge later!”
Tanjiro (Zen-Shuchuno Kokyu’o shita-mamano kunrenmo, daibu karadani najinde-kita. Kanari kiai’o ire-naito, mada ichi-nichi-ju Zen-Shuchuno Kokyuwa dekinai-kedo, Zen-Shuchuno Kokyu’o nagaku dekiru-yoni nareba naru-hodo, kiso-tairyokuga agarun-datte wakatta.)
Tanjiro (I’m starting to get used to training while doing Total Concentration Breathing! Although I can’t sustain it all day unless I really get myself pumped up, the longer that I can keep doing Total Concentration Breathing, the bigger the stamina boost I get!)
San-nin “Ganbareee!”
Three girls “You can do it!”
Tanjiro “Uoooo!”
Tsuyuri Kanao “A.”
炭治郎(追えてる!! ちゃんとあの子を追えてる!! ついて行けてる!!)
Tanjiro (Oeteru!! Chanto ano ko’o oeteru!! Tsuite-iketeru!!)
Tanjiro (Hey, I can chase after her! I’m able to chase right after that girl! I can keep up with her!)
Tanjiro “Uooooo! Ha! Aa! Ittetetetete…”
Tanjiro “Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!”
Tanjiro “Arigato gozai-mashita.”
Tanjiro “Thank you very much!”
Aoi “A. Fun.”
Tanjiro “N?”
Agatsuma Zen’itsu, Hashibira Inosuke “Jiiiiiiiiiii.”
Tanjiro “Zen’itsu! Inosuke!”
Tanjiro “Zenitsu! Inosuke!”
Aoi “Watashiwa shiri-masen'yo.”
Aoi “I refuse to get involved!”
Tanjiro “Fuuuuuuuu!”
San-nin “Ganbare! Ganbare! Ganbare?
Three girls “You can do it! You can do it! You can do it!”
Tanjiro “Fuuuuuuuuuu!”
San-nin “Aa!”
Tanjiro “Waretaaaaa!!”
Tanjiro “It broke!”
Naho “Atowa kono ookii hyotan dake-desune.!”
Naho “Now all you have to break is this huge gourd!”
Tanjiro “Un! Yattaaa! Mo-sukoshi-dayo. Arigato minna!”
Tanjiro “Yeah! I did it! Thanks, all of you!”
Zen’itsu “Yabai.”
Zenitsu “Oh, crap.”
Zen’itsu (N… Tanjiro, mo kunrenni detanda… Mada yoru, aketa-bakari dayo.)
Zenitsu (So, Tanjiro’s already gone off to train. Jeez, it’s the crack of dawn.)
Zen’itsu (Doryoku suru-nowa nigate desu. Jimichini kotsu-kotsu yaru-noga ichi-ban shindoi desu.)
Zenitsu (Putting in effort isn’t my thing. There’s nothing more draining than persevering every day.)
Chuntaro “Chun, chun.”
Zen’itsu “A…Omaeka. Tanjironi oite ikarete shimatta aseri-kara-nanoka, teineini oshiete morattemo umaku oboe-rare-nain-dayo.”
Zenitsu “Oh, it’s you. Maybe getting left behind by Tanjiro is making me panic, but I can’t get the hang of anything even if he shows me for hours!”
Chuntaro “Chun chun.”
Zen’itsu “Ore-tachitte hontoni dame-danatte omoi-masu.”
Zenitsu “Now I realize that we’re a total lost cause.”
Chuntaro “Chun chun.”
Zen’itsu “Moshika-shite ima, sodatte itta? Sorewa ikura nan-demo hidoku-nai? Sukoshiwa omaemo ganbatte-iru-kurai itte-kuretemo iito omoun-dakedo.”
Zenitsu “Wait, did you just say, ‘Yes, you are’?” How can you be so cruel? Would it kill you to say just once, ‘You’re working hard, too’?”
Chuntaro “Chun! Chun!”
Zen’itsu “Motto ganbarette itta-noka? Haa…Shikata-nai-naa… Uu…”
Zenitsu “Did you just say, ‘Work harder’? I guess there’s no way out of it.”
Chuntaro “Chun!”
Zen’itsu “Mazu!”
Zenitsu “Gross!”
Chuntaro “Chun.”
Inosuke “Ikuzo, Mon’itsu.”
Inosuke “Come on, Monitsu.”
Kocho Shinobu “Tanjiro-kunga etoku shiyoto shite-iru-nowa, Zen-Shuchu-Jochu-to-iu waza desu. Zen-Shuchuno Kokyu’o shiroku-jichu yari-tsuzukeru-kotoni-yori, kiso-tairyokuga hiyaku-tekini agari-masu.”
Shinobu Kocho “What Tanjiro is trying to master is a skill called ‘Total Concentration, Constant.’ By continuing to do Total Concentration Breathing every second of the day, your basic stamina level will skyrocket.”
Futari “Aa?”
Shinobu “Fu… Sassoku yatte mimasho!”
Shinobu “Let’s just go ahead and try it!”
Zen’itsu “Muriii! Honto muriii!”
Zenitsu “Impossible! Seriously impossible!”
Tanjiro “Kanari kiai’o ire-naito, oremo mada ichi-nichi Zen-Shuchuno Kokyuwa dekinai-kedo, Zen’itsuto Inosuke-nara daijobu!”
Tanjiro “I still can’t sustain Total Concentration Breathing all day unless I really throw myself into it, but I bet you two can do it!”
Tanjiro “Hai’o ko, ko-yatte ookiku surunda. Chiga odoroitara, honeto kin’nikuga buon, buontte itte-kuru-kara, todomerunda!”
Tanjiro “You go like this to make your lungs expand! When that rattles your blood, your bones and muscles will go, ‘Boom! Boom!’ You gotta stop it!”
Inosuke “Haa?”
Zen’itsu “Haa…”
Tanjiro “Atowa shinu-hodo kitaeru!”
Tanjiro “All that’s left to do is train like crazy!”
Futari “Uu…”
Zen’itsu “Uuuu…”
Tanjiro “A…”
Shinobu “Maa-maa, korewa kihonno wazato iuka shoho-tekina gijutsu-nanode, dekite tozen desu-keredomo, etoku suru-niwa sotona doryokuga hitsuyo desu-yone.”
Shinobu “Now, now… We’re talking about a basic skill, or should I say a beginner’s skill, so why wouldn’t you be able to do it? But it’s also true that one must put great effort into mastering it, right?”
Inosuke “…U…U…”
Shinobu “Maa, dekite tozen desu-keredomo.”
Shinobu “Well, why wouldn’t you be able to do it, though?”
Inosuke “Gu…”
Shinobu “Inosuke-kun-nara kantan-kato omotte-itano-desuga, dekinain-desukaaa? Dekite tozen desu-keredo, shikata-nai-desu, dekinai-nara. Shoga nai, shoga nai.”
Shinobu “I was sure it would be child’s play for you, Inosuke. Are you sure you can’t do it? Even though there’s no reason you can’t do it? It can’t be helped, then, if you can’t do it. Can’t be helped! Can’t be helped!”
伊之助「うぐっ。はあ゛――ん!? できるっつーの、当然に!! 舐めるんじゃねぇよ!乳もぎ取るぞコラ!」
Inosuke “Ugu. Haaaaan!? Dekiruttsuuno, tozenni!! Namerunja neeyo! Chichi mogi-toruzo kora!”
Inosuke “I can do it, all right! Why wouldn’t I? Don’t mess with me, or I swear I’ll rip off your breasts!”
Zen’itsu “E?”
Shinobu “Ganbatte kudasai, Zen’itsu-kun. Ichi-ban ouen shite-imasuyo!”
Shinobu “Please give it your all, Zenitsu! I’m your biggest cheerleader!”
Zen’itsu “Hai!”
Zenitsu “Yes, ma’am!”
Shinobu “Ahaha…”
Zen’itsu “Uoooo!”
Inosuke “Nuoooo!”
Zen’itsu, Inosuke “Uoooo!”
Shinobu “Kanaomo doki-nandakara, isshoni do?”
Shinobu “Kanao, you’re in the same class, so why don’t you join them?”
Tanjiro “Motto, motto! Buon, buon, buon! Ban, ban, buon!”
Tanjiro “More! More! Boom! Boom! Boom!”
Inosuke “Kono yowa-misoga!”
Inosuke “You damn wimp!”
Tanjiro “Iizo! Zen’itsu!”
Tanjiro “You got this, Zenitsu!”
Kanao (Itai. Onakaga suita. Kanashii. Munashii. Kurushii. Sabishii. Sonna hibi datta. Dakedo aruhi, putsunto otoga shite, nanimo tsuraku-naku-natta.)
Kanao (It hurts. I’m hungry. I’m sad. I feel hopeless. I’m in agony. I’m lonely. That was my life. But then, one day, I heard a sound like a snap. And I never knew pain again.)
Kanao (Nanimo tsuraku naku-natta. Mazushii kurashino naka, oyani urareta-tokide-sae, kanashikuwa nakatta.)
Kanao (I never knew pain again. While living in poverty, even when my parents sold me, it didn’t make me feel sad.)
Kocho Kanae “Ano, chotto yoroshii desuka.”
Kanae Kocho “Excuse me, do you have a minute?”
Otoko “A?”
Kanae “Sono kowa, doshite shiba-rarete-iruno-deshoka? Zaininka nanika nano-desuka?”
Kanae “Could you tell us why that child is all tied up? Is she a criminal, perhaps?”
Otoko “Mite wakaru-daro, nomi-darakede kitanee-kara-dayo. Soreni, nigeru-kamo shireneeshina.”
Man “Isn’t it obvious? She’s flea-ridden, and her face is dirty. Not to mention, she might try to escape.”
Kanae “Kon’nichiwa, hajime-mashite. Watashiwa Kocho Kanae to iimasu. Anatano onamaewa?”
Kanae “Hello, there. Nice to meet you. My name is Kanae Kocho. What’s your name?”
Kanao “A……”
Otoko “Soitsuni namae-nanka neeyo. Oyaga tsukete-neenda. Mo iidaro, hanareroya. Na…”
Man “She’s got no name, all right? Her parents never gave her one. Happy now? Get away from her!”
Shinobu “Neesanni sawara-naide kudasai.”
Shinobu “Please don’t touch my sister.”
Otoko “Nan-nanda, temeerawa. Koitsuto oshaberi shitakya kane’o haraina.”
Man “What’s your problem, you two? If you wanna talk to this kid, pay up!”
Shinobu “Jaa kai-masuyo, kono ko’o. Korede tari-masu?”
Shinobu “All right, then, we’ll purchase her. Would this be enough?”
Otoko “Uwa, a, aa…”
Otoko “Uwa, Machi-yagare!!!”
Man “Hey! Come back here, dammit!”
Shinobu “Hayaku hirotta-hoga iidesuyo! Hitomo ooishi, kazemo tsuyoi-node!”
Shinobu “I’d pick it up right now if I were you! After all, there’s a crowd here, and the wind is strong!”
Kanae “Aaaaaa, iino-kashira.”
Kanae “Are you sure about this?”
Shinobu “Iino!”
Shinobu “It’s fine!”
Kanae “Gomen-nasaineeeee.”
Kanae “Please excuse us!”
Otoko “Hirouna! Korewa oreno monda!”
Man “Hands off! It’s my property!”
Kanae “Ara-ara.”
Kanae “Oh my. Oh my.”
Shinobu “Neesan, Neesan! Neesan, kono ko zen-zen dame-dawa.”
Shinobu “Sister! Sister! Sister, this child is hopeless!”
Kanae “Nnn?”
Shinobu “Iware-naito nanimo deki-naino. Shokujimo soyo. Tabe-nasaitte iwanakya zutto tabenai. Zutto onaka’o narashite.”
Shinobu “She can’t do anything without being told! That goes for meals, as well! She won’t touch her food unless I tell her to eat! Even as her stomach growls and growls!”
Kanae “Ara-ara.”
Kanae “Oh my. Oh my.”
Shinobu “Konnande, kono-ko do-suruno?”
Shinobu “What exactly are we going to do with her?”
Kanae “Maa-maa, sonna koto iwazuni. Neesanwa Shinobuno waratta kaoga suki-danaa.”
Kanae “Now, now, don’t be like that, okay? I just love that smile of yours, Shinobu.”
Shinobu “Datte! Jibunno atamade kangaete kodo dekinai kowa dameyo, abunai.”
Shinobu “But we can’t do anything with a kid who can’t even think for herself! It’s dangerous!”
Kanae “Maa, so-nanda-kedone.”
Kanae “Well, you do have a point, but…”
Shinobu “Hitorija nanimo deki-nai. Kimerare-nai-noyo.”
Shinobu “She can’t do anything on her own! She can’t decide for herself!”
Kanae “Jaa hitorino tokiwa, kono koka’o nagete kimetara iiwayo. Nee, Kanao.”
Kanae “All right, when you’re on your own, you can decide by flipping this coin. Right, Kanao?”
Shinobu “Neesan!!”
Shinobu “Sister!”
Kanae “Sonnani omoku kangae-nakute iinja-nai? Kanaowa kawaii-mono!”
Kanae “You don’t have to take this so seriously, you know… since Kanao is so adorable!”
Shinobu “Rikutsuni natte-nai!!”
Shinobu “That’s not a good reason!”
Kanae “Kikkake-sae areba, hitono kokorowa hana-hiraku-kara daijobu. Itsuka sukina otokonoko-demo dekitara, Kanao-datte kawaru-wayo.”
Kanae “As long as it’s given a chance, a person’s soul will open up, so don’t worry. When you fall in love with some boy someday, you’ll change, too, Kanao.”
Tanjiro “Iizo, sono choshida! Motto sokode batto! Gutto! Gutto ganbare Zen’itsu! Sono choshida, iizo!”
Tanjiro “You’re doing great! Keep it up! Right now! Harder! Bam! That’s it! You can do it, Zenitsu! You’ve got this! Looking good!”
Kasugai Garasu “Kaaa!”
Tanjiro “O. E!”
炭治郎「伊之助、伊之助!! もうすぐ打ち直してもらった日輪刀がくるって!」
Tanjiro “Inosuke, Inosuke!! Mosugu uchi-naoshite moratta Nichirin-Toga kurutte!”
Tanjiro “Inosuke! Inosuke! They’ll be bringing our reforged Nichirin Swords soon!”
Inosuke “Hontoka!?”
Inosuke “For real?”
Tanjiro “Un! Ima, karasumi kiita!! Haganezuka-sanno nioida!
Tanjiro “Yeah! I just heard it from the crow! That’s Mr. Haganezuka’s scent!”
Inosuke “Yahhooo!”
Inosuke “Yahoo!”
Tanjiro “Isoge! Isoge!”
Tanjiro “Let’s go! Let’s go!”
Inosuke “Hyahhooo! Yahhooo!”
Inosuke “Yahoo!”
Tanjiro “Haganezuka-san! Oooi, oooi, Haganezuka-saaan! Gobusata shitemaasu!”
Tanjiro “Mr. Haganezuka! Hey! Hey! Mr. Haganezuka! Long time no see!”
Tanjiro “Ogenki deshitaka…Aa!
Tanjiro “How have you been?”
Haganezuka “Shaaa!”
Tanjiro “Uwaa! Ha…Haganezuka-san…”
Tanjiro “M-Mr. Haganezuka?”
Haganezuka “Yokumo ottana, oreno katana’o… Yokumo yokumooo!”
Haganezuka “How dare you snap my sword in two? You’ve got a lot a nerve!”
炭治郎「すみません!! でも、本当にあのっ…俺も死にそうだったし、相手も凄く強くって…」
Tanjiro “Sumi-masen!! Demo, hontoni ano…oremo shiniso-dattashi, aitemo sugoku tsuyokutte…”
Tanjiro “I’m sorry! B-But to be honest, I came this close to being killed! My opponent was insanely strong!”
Haganezuka “Chigauna. Kankei aru-monka. Omaega warui. Zenbu omaeno sei. Omaega hinjaku dakara katana oretanda! Soja nakya, oreno katanaga oreru-monka!!”
Haganezuka “Not true! That has nothing to do with it! You’re the one to blame! It’s all your fault! You’re pitifully weak! That’s why it broke! Otherwise, my sword would never snap like that!”
Tanjiro “Demo…”
Tanjiro “But…”
Haganezuka “Koroshite-yaruuuuu!!”
Haganezuka “I’m going to kill you!”
Tanjiro “Uaaaa!”
Shinobu “Atarashii kunren deshoka?”
Shinobu “Is that a new training regimen?”
Aoi “Chigau-desho.”
Aoi “Probably not.”
Kanamori “Maa, Haganezuka-sanwa jonetsu-tekina hito desu-karane.”
Kanamori “Well, Mr. Haganezuka is a very passionate man.”
Tanjiro “Hai…”
Tanjiro “Yes.”
Kanamori “Hito-ichibai, katana’o aishite-irassharu. Anna hitowa, Katana-kajino Sato-demo naka-naka imasen.”
Kanamori “He loves his swords more than anyone. There’s no one like him even in the sword-forgers’ homeland.”
Tanjiro “Sodeshone…”
Tanjiro “You’re probably right.”
Haganezuka “Nu…Nununu…
Kanamori “Aa… Watashiwa Kanamorito moshi-masu. Inosuke-donono katana’o utasete itadaki-mashita. Tatakaino oyakuni tate-reba saiwai desu.
Kanamori “My name is Kanamori. I was the one who forged Master Inosuke’s swords. I would be thrilled if they prove useful in battle.”
Kanamori “Aa, kirei desune. Ainezu-iroga nibuku Hikaru. Shibui iroda. Katana-rashii ii iroda.”
Kanamori “Beautiful, aren’t they? The dull sheen of that indigo-gray hue is so cool. It’s a fine color for a sword.”
Tanjiro “Yokattana. Inosukeno katanawa hakobore hidokatta-kara…”
Tanjiro “I’m happy for you, Inosuke, since your sword was chipped all over.”
Inosuke “Aa?”
Kanamori “Nigiri-gokochiwa do-deshoka? Jitsuwa watashi, nitoryuno katani katana’o tsukuru-noga hajimete deshite……Inosuke-dono?”
Kanamori “How do you like the grips? The thing is, this is the first time I’ve ever forged swords for a dual-wielder. Master Inosuke?”
Tanjiro “N?”
Kanamori “N?”
Inosuke “Torya! Yaa! ……Yoshi.”
Inosuke “…Better.”
鉄穴森「ぶっ殺してやるぞ糞餓鬼!! ワレおら!何さらしとんじゃいコラ!」
Kanamori “Bukkoroshite yaruzo, kuso-gaki!! Ware ora! Nani sarashi-tonjai kora!”
Kanamori “I’ll kill you, you miserable brat! You bastard! Are you flaunting it?”
Tanjiro “Sumi-masen, sumi-masen!!”
Tanjiro “We’re sorry! We’re sorry!”
Inosuke “Fun! Fun! Fun!”
Kanamori “Temeeee! Mo ikashicha okenee!”
Kanamori “Bastard! That’s it! You’re a dead man!”
Tanjiro “Sumi-masen!!”
Tanjiro “We’re sorry!”
Kanamori “Naiwaaa! Aitsu, naiwaaa!”
Kanamori “Unbelievable! He’s unbelievable!”
Tanjiro “Sumi-masen!!”
Tanjiro “We’re sorry!”
Kanamori “Katana’o? Ishide? Naiwaaa.”
Kanamori “Taking a stone to those swords? Unbelievable!”
Tanjiro “Sumi-masen!!”
Tanjiro “We’re sorry!”
Naho “Daijobu-sone.”
Naho “Looks like he’ll be fine.”
Sumi “Tanjiro-san, sugoku ganbatte-ita-mon.”
Sumi “After all, Master Tanjiro was really giving it his all!”
Kiyo “Mata onigiri tsukutte-ageyo.”
Kiyo “Let’s make him some rice balls again!”
San-nin “Un.”
Three girls “Yeah!”
炭治郎(俺の体は変わった!! 早く刀を振りたい!この手で、日輪刀を!!)
Tanjiro (Oreno karadawa kawatta!! Hayaku katana’o furi-tai! Kono tede, Nichirin-To’o!!)
Tanjiro (My body’s changed! I can’t wait to swing my sword! With these hands! My Nichirin Sword!)
Tanjiro “Yattaaa!”
Tanjiro “I did it!”
すみ「いい勝負です!! 頑張って!!」
Sumi “Ii shobu desu!! Ganbatte!!”
Sumi “Good move! You can do it!”
炭治郎(ぐあああ!気を緩めるな!! いけるぞォ!うああああ!! 抜けた!! いけ―――!!)
Tanjiro (Guaaa! Kio yurumeruna!! Ikeruzoo! Uaaaa!! Nuketa!! Ikeeeeeee!!)
Tanjiro (Don’t le up for a second! You can do it! I did it! Go!)
Tanjiro (Kono kusuriyu kusaiyo. Kaketara kawaiso-dayo.)
Tanjiro (This medicated water stinks. It would be cruel to splash her with it.)
Tanjiro (Ha! U…)
Sumi “Kattaaaaaaa!!”
Sumi “He won!”
Kiyo “Kattano-kana?”
Kiyo “Does that count as winning?”
Naho “Kakeru-nomo oku-nomo onaji-dayo!”
Naho “Either way, it’s the same thing!”
Tanjiro “Uwaaa yattaaa!”
Tanjiro “Yeah! I did it!”
Futari “Yabai.”
Two “Oh, crap.”
Zen’itsu “Uoooo!”
Inosuke “Guoooo! Makeneeee!”
Shinobu “Hai, aaan.”
Shinobu “All right! Open up!”
Tanjiro “Aaan.”
Shinobu “Un. Agowa mondai nasaso-desune. Hai, kuchi’o tojite kudasai. Shinsatsuwa ijo-desu. Karadawa mo daijobu desu-kara, anshin-shite ninmuni maishin shite kudasai.”
Shinobu “Okay! Looks like your jaw is as good as new. All right, you can close your mouth now. That concludes this exam. Since you’re physically sound now, you may take on your missions without any misgivings.”
Tanjiro “Jaa, kunrenwa mo…”
Tanjiro “So, I’m done with my training?”
Shinobu “Hai. Atowa jissen aru-nomi desu.”
Shinobu “Yes. All that’s left for you now is actual combat.”
Tanjiro “Hai! A, soda, Shinobu-san, hitotsu kikitai kotoga atte…”
Tanjiro “Right! Oh, before I forget, Lady Shinobu… There’s something I wanted to ask you.”
Shinobu “Nan-desho?”
Shinobu “What would that be?”
Tanjiro “‘Hinokami-Kagura’tte kiita-koto ari-masuka?”
Tanjiro “Have you ever heard of the Hinokami Kagura Dance?”
Shinobu “Ari-masen.”
Shinobu “I have not.”
Tanjiro “E? Ja, Jaa, Hino Kokyu-toka…”
Tanjiro “Uh, w-well then, how about Fire Breathing?”
Shinobu “Ari-masen.”
Shinobu “Never heard of it.”
Tanjiro “Hiii… Ji…Jitsuwa oreno kodomono korono hanashini narun-desuga…”
Tanjiro “A-Actually, this is something that happened during my childhood.”
Shinobu “Fumu-fumu.”
Shinobu “Yes, yes.”
Shinobu “…Naruhodo. Nazeka Kamado-kunno otosanwa, Hino Kokyu’o tsukatte-ita. Watashide wakaru-kotowa, Honoono Kokyuwa ari-masuga, Hino Kokyu-dewa naito iukoto.”
Shinobu “I see. So, for some reason, Tanjiro, your father used Fire Breathing. All I can tell you is that while Flame Breathing does exist, it’s not Fire Breathing.”
Tanjiro “E, onaji-dewa nain-desuka?”
Tanjiro “What? They’re not the same thing?”
Shinobu “Watashimo shisaiwa wakara-nakute… Gomen-nasaine. Tada, sono atarino yobi-katani tsuite kibishiino-desuyo. Honoono Kokyu’o, Hino Kokyuto yondewa naranai. En-Bashirano Rengoku-san-nara shitte-iru-kotoga aru-kamo shire-masenga, ainiku ninmuni dete-imasushi…”
Shinobu “I’m not familiar with the details myself. Please forgive me. But I do know that they’re very strict about the exact phrasing. ‘Flame Breathing’ must never be referred to as ‘Fire Breathing.’ The Flame Hashira, Rengoku, might know something about this, but unfortunately, he’s out on a mission.”
Tanjiro “Wakari-mashita. Iro-iroto oshiete-moratte, arigato gozai-masu. Tsugini Rengoku-santo au-tokiga attara kiite-mimasu.”
Tanjiro “Understood! Thank you for all that you’ve taught me. I’ll ask Mr. Rengoku if I ever get a chance to see him again.”
Shinobu “Hai.”
Shinobu “Right.”
Tanjiro “Dewa, shitsurei shimasu.”
Tanjiro “Now then, please excuse me!”
Shinobu “Kamado-kun.”
Shinobu “Kamado?”
Tanjiro “Hai.”
Tanjiro “Yes?”
Shinobu “Kitai shite imasune.”
Shinobu “I’m expecting great things of you.”
Tanjiro “A…Hai!”
Tanjiro “Right!”
Tanjiro “Kyomo nemutta-mama… Nemuru-kotode tairyoku’o kaifuku shite-iru-kamo shirenaitte iwareta-kedo, yappari, tamani meo akete-kurenaito, niichan shinpaida.”
Tanjiro “She’s asleep all day again today. I know they said you could be sleeping to recover your stamina, but it does worry me if you don’t open your eyes once in a while.”
Tanjiro “Niichan, soro-soro ninmude koko-kara deru-kotoni-naruto omou. Karadamo yoku-nattashi, sukoshiwa tsuyoku-natta. Imamo Zen-Shuchu-Jochu’o tsuzuketeru. Atoha, Zen’itsuto Inosukemo issho-dato omou. Futariga ite-kureruto kokoro-zuyoi.”
Tanjiro “Hey, I’ll probably be leaving this place soon to go on my next mission. I’ve healed physically, and I’ve gotten a little stronger, too. And I’m still doing Total Concentration, Constant right now. I think Zenitsu and Inosuke will be with me, too. Having those two by my side gives me confidence.”
Tanjiro “…Sokka…Nezukomo so omouka. Ii yatsura nanda. Nezuko’o ningen’ni modosu-tameni, dekiru-dake tsuyoi oni’o taoshite, Tamayo-sanni chi’o okura-nakereba ikenai.”
Tanjiro “I see. You think so, too, Nezuko? They’re both good guys. To turn you back into a human, I gotta bring down the strongest demons that I can, and send Miss Tamayo their blood samples.”
Tanjiro (Oreni sorega dekiruno-daroka.)
Tanjiro (Am I capable of doing that?)
Nezuko (Oniichan-nara, daijobu.)
Nezuko (I know you can do it, Big Brother.)
Tanjiro “E.”
Tanjiro “Arigato Nezuko. Hagemashite kuretan-dana. Niichan ganbaru-kara.”
Tanjiro “Thanks, Nezuko. You just encouraged me, didn’t you? I’ll try my hardest, all right?”
Onna “Kyaaaa!”
大正コソコソ噂話 ―Taisho Secret―
Zen’itsu “Zutto Zen-Shuchuwa kitsu-sugiruyo…”
Zenitsu “Maintaining Total Concentration Breathing is way too demanding!”
Inosuke “Zen-zen deki-neezo, kuso.”
Inosuke “It’s totally not happening, dammit.”
Tanjiro “Futari-tomo guttari-dana. Soda, konna Taisho koso-koso uwasa-banashiga aruzo”
Tanjiro “You both look wiped out. I know! Here’s a Taisho secret for you!”
Tanjiro “Hansha-kunrende tsukatte-iru kusuriyuwa, ofuroni irereba, hiroya kizuno kaifuku’o unagasu sugure-mono rashii desuyo. Orewa kunrenni iku-kedo, futariwa sukoshi yasundara doda?”
Tanjiro “The medicated water we use for reflex training, when added to your bath, is actually great for healing exhaustion and wounds. Well, I’m going off to train, but maybe you two should take a break.”
Inosuke “Haa? Mada-mada ikeruttsuuno! Namenna!”
Inosuke “I’m nowhere near done yet! Don’t underestimate me!”
Zen’itsu “Mada kunren suruno? Aa, ikeba iin-daro, ikeba!”
Zenitsu “We’ll train some more? All right! All we gotta do is show up, right?”
Tanjiro “Jikai, dai niju-rokuwa, ‘Arata-naru Ninmu.’ Sorejaa itte-kuruna, Nezuko.”
Tanjiro “Next, Episode 26, ‘New Mission.’ Okay, I’m heading out now, Nezuko!”
(Continue to episode 26)
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apothecaryscript · 7 months ago
Episode 16 : Lead / 第16話『鉛(Namari)』
Jinshi “Chito mendona koto nan-daga…”
Jinshi “This is a bit troublesome…”
Maomao “N?” (Itsumo-nara, umu’o iwasezu Mendo-goto’o motte kuru-noni, Jinshi-samani aru-majiki serifu dana…)
Maomao “Huh?” (He usually doesn’t hesitate to bring trouble my way. How out-of-character for him.)
Maomao “Nan-deshoka?”
Maomao “What is it?”
Jinshi “Jitsuwa…oreno shiri’ai’no, sono mata shiri’ai’no mome-goto nan-daga, kyutei goyo-tashino choking-zaikushiga, deshide-aru musuko-tachini gijutsuo keisho shinai-mama shinda rashii. Sono naka-niwa, yoso-dewa issai tsutae-rarete-inai monomo aruto iu…”
Jinshi “Well… It’s something related to an acquaintance of an acquaintance. A metalworker who was the palace purveyor passed away, without passing on his techniques to his sons, who were also his apprentices. They say some of those techniques were completely secret and unknown.”
Maomao “Tsumari, choking-zaikushino hidenga wakareba iito iu-koto desune.”
Maomao “So, you want to figure out the metalworker’s secret technique.”
Jinshi “Kantanni itte-nokeruna… Soreni, nan-daka myoni norikija naika?”
Jinshi “You make it sound so simple. Besides, why are you so enthusiastic this time around?”
Maomao “A… So-deshoka?”
Maomao “Does it seem that way?”
Jinshi “Haa… Chokinshi-niwa san-nin’no musukoga ite, mina, deshio shite-ori, chichi-oyaga shinda-atowa sono uchino darekaga goyo-tashini naruto iwarete-iru. Chichi-oyaga nokoshita yuigon-niwa, katami-wakeno shinaga kakarete-ita. Chonan-niwa hanareno sagyo-goya. Jinan-niwa saikuno hodoko-sareta kagu. San-nan-niwa kingyo-bachi. Soshite hitokoto, ‘Mina, mukashino-yoni chakai-demo suruto ii’to ii-nokoshita.”
Jinshi “The metalworker’s three sons were all his apprentices. As the father died, it’s said that one of the sons will take his place as the purveyor. There were distribution instructions for the father’s mementos in his will. The workshop shack for the eldest son. Furniture with excellent workmanship for the second son. A fishbowl for the youngest son. And one final note: ‘You all should have a tea party together, like old times.’”
Maomao “Chakai? Zuibun imi-shinna yuigon desune. Sono-mamano imi nanoka, soretomo betsuno imiga aru-noka…”
Maomao “A tea party? What a mysterious will. Did he mean a literal tea party? Or does that have another meaning?”
Jinshi “Yuigon’o kiita tonin-tachimo, sappari rashii.”
Jinshi “The sons have no idea after hearing the will, either.”
Maomao “Soreni, katami-wake-nimo kanari kakusaga arimasu. Koyato kaguto kingyo-bachito naruto… Do mitemo shitano ko-hodo son’o shite-iru kiga suru… Do-iu shina nano-deshoka?”
Maomao “The mementos seem very unbalanced, too. A shack, furniture, and a fishbowl? The younger the son, the lower the value, it seems. What were those items like?”
Jinshi “Soko-made kuwashikuwa kiite inai. Tada…”
Jinshi “I haven’t heard the details. But…”
Rakan “Moshi kini naru yo-deshitara, kochiraga jusho desu.”
Lakan “If that piques your interest, here is the address.”
Jinshi “Kini naru-nara, itte-mireba ii. …to-iu kotoda.”
Jinshi “He said, if it piques your interest, you should go take a look.”
Maomao (Junbiga ii… Saisho-kara ko-naru koto’o yonde-ita mitaida. Omoshiroi.)
Maomao (How well-prepared. It’s like he expected this to happen. Interesting.)
Maomao “Ashita, ojikan’o itadakeru-node areba.”
Maomao “If I can have time tomorrow…”
Suiren “Ufufu.”
Jinshi “Umu.”
Jinshi “Yeah.”
Maomao (Modottara, shigoto’o fuya-sarerun-darona…)
Maomao (I’ll probably get more work on my plate when I get back.)
Maomao (N? Oya? Arewa… Tashika Basento ittaka…)
Maomao (Oh, that’s… Basen, was it?)
Basen “Maemo so-dattaga, omaewa otsukito-iu katachida. Katteni ugoku-nayo.”
Basen “Like the last time, you’re my follower. Don’t do anything unless I allow it.”
Maomao “Wakari-mashita.”
Maomao “Understood.”
Maomao (Maemo so-dattaga, hitsuyo-saiteigen-shika hanasa-nai. Kochirao kiratte iru-yoda. Gaiga naino-nara, betsuni sorede ii.)
Maomao (Like last time, he only says the bare minimum. I don’t think he likes me much. If he’s harmless, I don’t mind.)
Suekko “Hai. Basen-sama desune. Ohanashiwa kiite-imasu.”
Youngest son “Coming. Master Basen. We’ve been notified of your visit.”
Maomao “N?”
Maomao “Hmm?”
Suekko “Aa, sorewa chichino mono desu. Myona mono’o atsumeru shumiga ari-mashite.”
Youngest son “Ah, yes, that belonged to my father. He had a strange hobby, collecting weird things.”
Maomao “Hee…”
Maomao “Huh…”
Basen “Arega sagyo-goya desuka?”
Basen “Is that the workshop shack?”
Suekko “Hai. To-ittemo imawa omoyade sagyo’o shite-ite, shokunin-tachino cha-nomibani natte-irun-desu. Dozo. …Niisan-tachi, tsurete kitayo.”
Youngest son “Yes. That said, we do our work in the main house now. The shack is used as a tea house for the craftsmen. Come in. Hey, I brought the guests.”
Chonan “Ou.”
Eldest son “Yeah.”
Jinan “Waza-waza domo.”
Second son “Thank you for coming out.”
Maomao (Niisan-tachi to-iu kotowa, annai-yakuga suekkoto iu-kotoka.)
Maomao (These must be the elder brothers, and the first man must have been the youngest.)
Basen “Kawatta kaguno haichi dana… O, Oi!”
Basen “The furniture is placed strangely. Hey.”
Maomao (Tashikani… Futsu konna mannakani oitara jama daro. Sore-demo heyano mitamega waruku-nai-nowa, tēburuno haichino myona toitsu-kanto, tansuno shareta fun’ikino seika… Kado-niwa choking-zaikuga hame-rarete-iru. Ichiban ueno san-retsuto, sono shitano chuono hikidashini kagi-ana. Koko-dake akusentoni chigau kinzokuga tsukawarete…N? Ugoka-nai-yoni kotei sareteru?)
Maomao (Indeed… Having things in the center like this would get in the way. The room still looks kind of nice though, probably because of how the table weirdly brings the room together, and how classy this chest of drawers looks. There’s metalwork on the corners. The top row has three drawers. A keyhole in the center drawer in the second row. A different metal is used as an accent here… Hmm? Is this bolted in place?)
Jinan “Oi, sorewa oreno monda. Miru-nowa iiga, sawarunja naizo.”
Second son “Hey, that’s mine. You’re free to look, but don’t touch.”
Maomao (Tashika, jinan’ni katami-wake sareta monowa kagu. Sorega kono tansuno koto’o sasu-nara, kono otokoga jinan nano-daro. …Naraba, nokoru choshinno otokoga chonanto iu-kotoni naru.)
Maomao (Right, the second son was given furniture as his memento. If this chest is the aforementioned furniture, then this man must be the second son. Which must mean that the tall man is the eldest son.)
Maomao (Madono ichimo kawatteruna… Seiyo-fude, myoni nagai mado. Sekkaku higa takusan hairu tsukuri nanoni, sotoni aru ookina kurino kino seide dai-nashini sarete-iru. Heyani hairu hikariwa komore-bi. Matomoni hikariga hairu-nowa, kono ikkasho dakeka…)
Maomao (The window placement is strange, too. It’s western-style, and strangely tall. Despite the ample sunlight that could have come in, the huge chestnut tree outside ruins it. The sunlight that gets in is filtered through the branches. And this is the only spot that gets that light.)
Maomao (N…? Kono ato, nagai aida, nanikaga okarete ita-noka?)
Maomao (Hmm? This mark. Was something placed here for a long time?)
Chonan “Hontoni wakarun-desu-kane? Oyajino nokoshita mononi tsuite.”
Eldest son “Can you really figure out what our father left behind?”
Basen “Sorewa…”
Basen “That’s…”
Maomao (Un-un, n, n!)
Basen “Hanashio motto kuwashiku kikasete morawa-naito, nan-tomo ienai.”
Basen “You’d have to elaborate on your end for us to know more.”
Chonan “Haa… Mo kiiteno toori desuyo. Oyajiwa hidenno gijutsu’o oshiezuni, anoyo’e icchi-matta. Nde-motte, oreni nokoshita-nowa, kono koyada.”
Eldest son “It’s exactly as you heard. Our father kicked the bucket without giving us the secret technique. And the only thing he left me is this shack.”
Jinan “Ore-niwa, kono tansu dana.”
Second son “And for me, this chest of drawers.”
Suekko “Bo…Boku-niwa, kore desu.”
Youngest son “F-For me, this.”
Maomao (Kokana garasu-sei… Kingyo-bachiwa moku-seika, seizei toki-sei-dato omotte-ita. Sore-dato, san-nin’no katami-wakeno shinawa, sore-zoreni kachiga aruto ieru-daro.)
Maomao (Made of glass, so it’s expensive. I assumed the fishbowl would be wooden, or ceramic at best. In that case, I guess all the mementos have some value.)
Jinan “Haa… Oyajiwa nanio kangaeten-daka. Sekkaku katamito-shite morattemo, kagiwa hitotsu-shika naishi, kagi-anani hairiya-shinee.”
Second son “What was he thinking? Thanks for this gift, but it only has one key, which doesn’t fit the keyhole.”
Basen “Kagi-anani haira-nai?”
Basen “Doesn’t fit the keyhole?”
Jinan “Tabun, korega chuono hikidashino kagi nan-daga, anani haira-neen-dayo. Ueno mittsuno hikidashiwa, zenbu onaji kagide aku rashii-kedo, kanjinno kagiwa doko-nimo nai. Koreja katamio moratta imiga neeyo.”
Second son “This is probably the key for the center row, but it won’t fit the keyhole. The three drawers on top are supposed to open with the same key, but the actual key is nowhere to be found. What’s the point of inheriting it?”
Chonan “Ore datte, koyao morattemo tansuo ugokase-nainja, jamade shikata-nai. Mattaku ii meiwakuda.”
Eldest son “I’m in the same boat. What’s the point of getting this shack if I can’t move the chest out? What a bother.”
Suekko “Oyajiwa…, O, Oyajiwa, boku-tachini…”
Youngest son “Dad was… D-Dad was probably thinking…”
Chonan “Omaewa ii-yona? Sassato kaneni kae-rareru mono’o morattan-dakara.”
Eldest son “I envy you. You got something you could easily sell.”
Jinan “So-daze. Sonnan-demo, shibaraku kuu-niwa komara-nai kane-niwa naruzo.”
Second son “Yeah. It’s not much, but it’d still be worth enough to live off of for a while.”
Chonan “Oyajimo wakega wakan-naize.”
Eldest son “I don’t get Dad at all.”
Jinan “Ima-sara minnade chakai’o shite, nanni narunda.”
Second son “What possible benefit could there be to having tea party now?”
Maomao (Hate-hate, do-shita monoka… Ani futarito suekkono kankeiwa, zuibun samete-iru mitaida.)
Maomao (Hmm, now what should we do? The two elder brothers don’t seem too fond of the youngest.)
Haha-oya “San-nin-tomo, oyoshi-nasai. Okyaku-samano maede mittomo-nai desuyo. …Gomen-nasaine. Itsu-kara konna-funi natte shimatta-noka… Chonanmo jinanmo hinekurete shimatte… Suekkowa jibunno ikenmo ienai. Konna choshi dakara, shujinmo saigono saigo-made shinpai shite-itan-desu.”
Mother “All of you, stop this! That’s no way to behave in front of guests. I’m so sorry. I don’t know when they started acting this way. The two older boys have become so cynical. And the youngest can’t even express his opinions. My husband was worried about them until the moment he died.”
Maomao (…Oyato-iu monowa, koga ikutsuni nattemo kiguroga tae-nain-dana.)
Maomao (I guess being worried about your kids, no matter how old they get, is part of being a parent.)
Haha-oya “Ochao dozo. Dewa…”
Mother “Please enjoy the tea. Excuse me.”
Maomao (Zen’in waza-waza ido shite suwattato iu-kotowa, tei-ichiga kimatte-irun-daro. Madono mae’o saketeru-nowa, tadano shukanka… Chodo kono jikanwa mado-kara hikariga sashite-irushi, mo-sukoshi hikariga nobitara tansuni atari-sodaga…Tansuni hiyakeno atowa nakatta. …Yaketa ato?)
Maomao (They all moved. I guess they each have a set position. I suppose it must be just habit, in order to not block the window. This time of day, the sunlight comes through the window. If the sunlight reached a little further, it might hit the chest… But there’s no sign of sun damage on the chest. Sun damage…?)
Basen “Oi.”
Basen “Hey.”
Maomao (Higa ataru-nowa, sonnani nagai jikanja nai.)
Maomao (The sunlight doesn’t come in for too long of a time.)
Maomao (N? Nakani nanika tsumatteru?)
Maomao (Is something stuck inside?)
Basen “Nanika wakatta-noka?”
Basen “Did you figure something out?”
Maomao (A… Darekani nite-iruto omottara, koitsuwa Gaoshunni nite-iruno-dana.)
Maomao (Ah! I was thinking he looked familiar. He looks like Gaoshun!)
Basen “Sorede?”
Basen “So?”
Maomao “Kagino aru mannakano hikidashiwa akanain-desu-yone?”
Maomao “The center drawer with the lock won’t open, right?”
Jinan “Mukashiwa aitan-daga, oyajiga saiku shiteru uchini akanaku nacchimatta rashii.”
Second son “It used to open, but apparently it got stuck after Dad worked on it.”
Maomao “Kagiwa hitotsu?”
Maomao “And there’s only one key?”
Jinan “Kore-shika neeyo. Oyajino yatsu, kagio kowashitara nakano monomo kowareru-toka itteyo… Goin’ni akeru wake-nimo ikanainda.”
Second son “Just this one. Dad said if we broke the lock, it would break whatever’s inside. So we can’t force it open, either.”
Maomao (Kyodai-tachini sore-zore watasareta katamino shina… koya…tansu…kingyo-bachi. Koya-niwa kotei sareta tansu, tansu-niwa akanai kagi…soshite…)
Maomao (The mementos given to each son. A shack, a chest of drawers, and a fishbowl. The chest is bolted down in the shack. The chest has drawers that can’t be unlocked. And…)
Jinshi “Mina, mukashino-yoni chakai-demo suruto ii.”
Jinshi “You all should have a tea party together, like old times.”
Maomao “Moshika-shite…”
Maomao “Could it be…?”
Maomao “Sumimasen. Kingyo-bachiwa, moto-moto asokono tanani kazatte itano-dewa nai-desuka?”
Maomao “Excuse me. Was the fishbowl originally placed there, on that shelf?”
Suekko “E…Ee, so-desu-kedo. Mukashiwa kingyo’o irete, kokoni oite-itan-desu. Samuku Naruto shinde-shimau-node…Fuyubawa chakaio suru atatakai hiruma-dake. Chodo ima-mitaina jikan desu. Koko sunenwa, kingyo’o kau-kotomo-naku, Tadano okimononi natte-masu-kedo.”
Youngest son “Huh? Um, yes. We used to have a goldfish in it, and put it here. If it got too cold, the goldfish would die, so in the winter, we’d only put it here during tea parties, when the sunlight kept it warm. Around this time of day, actually. We haven’t had any goldfish for the past few years, though.”
Maomao “Fūn…”
Maomao “Hmm.”
Basen “Oi! Omae…”
Basen “Hey, you!”
Maomao “Chotto mizuo moraini itte-kimasu.”
Maomao “I’m going to go ask for some water.”
Basen “Mata katteni ugoki-yagatte…”
Basen “Darting off without my permission again!”
Maomao “Mukashiwa ko-yatte mizuo irete-itato.”
Maomao “You filled it with water, like this?”
Suekko “E, Ee, so-desu. Chodo kono egaraga kochirani muku-yoni…”
Youngest son “Yes. This pattern should face this way.”
Maomao “…Yappari.”
Maomao “I knew it.”
Jinan “Oi, nanda korya! Un?”
Second son “H-Hey! What is this?!”
Maomao “Suwaruna!”
Maomao “Don’t touch that!”
Jinan “Hi!”
Maomao “Sumimasen. Meni hairuto, shitsumei shite shimai-masu. Ato, jama nanode hanarete kudasai. Kagiga akimasen’yo.”
Maomao “I’m sorry. It could blind you if it shined into your eyes. Also, please step back, as you’re blocking it. You won’t be able to unlock it.”
Jinan “N?”
Maomao “Kurino kino kageni haitta-yodesune. Atsui… Soreni myona nioiga suru.”
Maomao “It seems like the chestnut tree is casting a shadow now. It’s hot. Also, there’s a strange smell.”
Jinan “Oi… Nanno imiga arunda?”
Second son “Hey, what’s the meaning of all this?”
Maomao “Dewa, saki-hodono kagide, kono hikidashio akete kudasai.”
Maomao “Now, please unlock this drawer with that key.”
Jinan “Dakara, hairanaitte itteru-daroga!”
Second son “I told you, it doesn’t fit.”
Maomao “Dozo.”
Maomao “Please.”
Jinan “Fun……E, do…do-iu kotoda?”
Second son “Hmph. W-What’s going on?!”
Maomao “Moshika-shite ochichi-uewa hinketsuya fukutsu-nado’o kuri-kaeshite imasen deshitaka?”
Maomao “Did your father happen to suffer from persistent anemia and stomachaches?”
Suekko “Hai, so-desuga…”
Youngest son “Yes, that’s correct.”
Maomao “Hokani, hakikeya kiutsu-nadomo…”
Maomao “Nausea and depression, as well?”
Suekko “Ari-mashita.”
Youngest son “Those, too.”
Maomao “Watashiwa cyokin-zaikuni tsuite yoku shiri-masenga, koko-dewa handamo tsukatte-iruno-deshoka?”
Maomao “I don’t know much about metalwork, but do you use solder in this workshop?”
Suekko “Ee, tsukatte-masu.”
Youngest son “Yes, we do.”
Basen “Do-iu kotoda?”
Basen “What does that mean?”
Maomao “Watashiwa tada, ‘minade mukashito onaji-yoni chakai’o shiro’to-iu yuigonni shitagatta dake desu.”
Maomao “I just followed the instruction from the will, to have a tea party like you used to.”
Maomao “Kagino igata desune… Kata-kara nuitemo yoroshii deshoka?”
Maomao “A mold for a key. May I remove it from the mold?”
Jinan “N, aa.”
Second son “S-Sure.”
Maomao (Mada sukoshi atatakai…Soreni yawarakai. Kagi-anani tsumatte-ita kinzokuga netsude tokete, sono shitano katani nagarete katamattano-daro.)
Maomao (It’s still warm, and soft. The metal stuck in the keyhole must have melted from the heat, and flowed into the mold below it before hardening.)
Jinan “O…A, aitazo.”
Second son “It’s open!”
Chonan “Nakamiwa?”
Eldest son “What’s inside?”
Jinan “Na…Nanda korya?”
Second son “What is this?!”
Maomao (Kono aomi-gakatta kesshowa…genkan-sakini kazararete-ita-monoto onaji mitaida.)
Maomao (This bluish crystal seems to be the same kind as the one near the entrance.)
Jinan “Chikusho! Naniga minna naka-yoku dayo. Kekkyoku oyajino saigono itazurani furi-mawasarete owari kayo!”
Second son “Dammit! What does he mean, get along? We all just got played by his final prank!”
Chonan “Yatte-rannee.”
Eldest son “What a bother!”
Suekko “Namarito, suzu?”
Youngest son “Lead and tin,,,?”
Maomao (Wazawa mite nusume-toka, shokunin-katagino kyaku-jinga mukashi ittetana… Soreo mani ukete, oyajiga totte-kita yakuso’o miyo-mimanede senjite, chudokuo okoshite…)
Maomao (I knew a grumpy craftsman of a customer who said techniques should be seen and stolen. I took that seriously and tried to make my own medicine based on what I saw my dad do. I ended up poisoning myself, and,,,)
Ruomen “Mazuwa kiki-nasai.”
Luomen “You should ask first.”
Maomao (To sato-sareta-kotomo aru. Osoraku, shinda chichi-oyano ito’o rikai dekita-nowa suekko-dake daro. Handawa, su-shuruino kinzoku’o maze-awaseru kotode, honrai kokode tokeru ondo-yori hikui ondode tokeruto iu. Mittsuno katamarino uchi futatsuwa, namari to suzu. Soshite, mo hitotsuno katamario awaseru kotode, atarashii kinzokuga dekiruto sureba, do-daro? Shikamo, kingyo-bachide shuyaku shita hikarino netsu-towa-ie, sashite atatta jikanwa nagaku nakatta. Sore-dake, tokeru ondoga hikuito iu-kotoda. Ookisaga chigau hikidashiwa, haigono hiritsuni kankei shite-iruno-kamo shirenaiga… Kore-ijo, kuchio dasu hitsuyowa nai.)
Maomao (That was the lesson he taught me. It seems like the youngest son was the only one who understood his dead father’s intent. I’ve heard that, by mixing several different types of metals together, solder melts at a temperature lower than that of the individual metals originally. Of the three chunks, two were lead and tin. Those and whatever this third thing is might mix to create a new metal. Also, the light was concentrated by the fishbowl, but it wasn’t heated for very long. The melting point must be very low. The differently-sized drawers might represent the ratio at which the metals should be mixed, but I don’t need to comment on that.)
Chonan “Naniga yuigonda! Ikuzo.”
Eldest son “What kind of will is this? Let’s go.”
Jinan “Oyajini kitai-shite son shitaze.”
Second son “What a waste of time.”
Suekko “A… Matteyo Niisan!”
Youngest son “Wait, guys!”
Jinan “A?”
Suekko “Itazura nankaja nai.”
Youngest son “It’s not a prank.”
Chonan “Dattara nan-datten-dayo?”
Eldest son “What is it, then?!”
Suekko “Yappari oyajiwa, boku-tachi kyodaini naka-yoku shite hoshikute, yuigon’o nokoshitanda. Dakara, bokuwa…korekaramo niisan-tachito isshoni yatte ikitai!”
Youngest son “Dad really did leave a will to make the three of us get along again! So I want the three of us to continue working together!”
Chonan “Fu, isshoni? Ore-tachito? …Warawa-senna. Omaewa, ore-tachi-towa chigau.”
Eldest son “Together? The three of us? What a joke. You’re different from us.”
Jinan “Sainono aru omaewa, oyajini tokubetsuni kawai-garareteta-karana.”
Second son “You have talent. Dad actually cared about you, and only you.”
Suekko “E… Sonna koto nai! Oyajiwa niisan-tachino koto’o shinrai shite-ita! Itsumo bokuni itte-tanda… Chan-niisanwa itsumo reiseide, komakana sagyomo itsumo sekiakuni konasu. Misuga nai-kara nandatte makase-rarerutte. Tsū-niisanwa hitono kokoro’o tsukamu-noga umai. Dareto-semo uchitoke-rareru-nowa, niisanno hokoreru saino datte. Oyajiwa, boku-tachi kyodaino koto’o onaji-yoni mite-ita. Sukunaku-tomo, bokuwa so omou.”
Youngest son “T-That’s not true! Dad always trusted you two! He always told me… Chang, you’re always so calm and accurate with any work you do. Dad said he could rely on you for anything, because you don’t make mistakes! Tzu, you’re good at getting to know people. He said you should be proud of your gift, the ability to be friendly with anyone! Dad viewed the three of us equally. At least, that’s what I think.”
Basen “…Shitsurei.”
Basen “Excuse us.”
Suekko “A… Su, Sumimasen.”
Youngest son “Oh, um, sorry.”
Maomao (Chichi-oya… Maa, watashi-niwa kankei-nai kotoda.)
Maomao (Father,,, Well, it’s got nothing to do with me.)
Suekko “Arigato gozai-mashita!”
Youngest son “Thank you.”
Maomao (Dakedo, kore-dakewa tsutaete-oko.”
Maomao (But I should tell him just this one thing.)
Basen “Oi.”
Basen “Hey.”
Maomao “Hana-machino Rokushokanto-iu tanani Ruomento-iu kusushiga imasu. Ijutsuno udemo tashika nanode, nanika taichoga warui-yode areba, tazunete mite kudasai.”
Maomao “There’s an apothecary named Luomen at a brothel called the Verdigris House in the pleasure district. He’s also a skilled physician. If you start to feel unwell, please pay him a visit.”
Suekko “Ha…Hai.”
Youngest brother “Y-Yes.”
Rakan “Senjitsuwa domo… Iya-haya, naka-naka omoshiroi kotoni nattayo. Yahari ano san-kyodai, ichiban dekiru-nowa sueno musuko datta-yodesune.”
Lakan “Thank you for the other day. It turned out quite interestingly. The youngest son truly was the most skilled, after all.”
Jinshi (Gunshi-dono-niwa wakatte-itano-daro…)
Jinshi (This strategist must have known all along.)
Rakan “Ano-ato, suekkoga meki-mekito chikarao mise-dashi-mashitene. Kokeishani natte, kyuteini dasu saikuo atsukauto iwarete imasu. Chonanto jinanwa, konkaino kende shokunin-kara ashio arau kotoni shita-sodesu.”
Lakan “He suddenly started to show that skill of his. They say he’ll take his father’s place and begin selling his metalworks to the palace. The older two sons are no longer going to work as craftsmen.”
Jinshi “N? Sorewa…”
Jinshi “Is that…”
Rakan “Nani, warui-koto-dewa nai-desho. Shinda chichi-oyano omoio kumi-totta…to-demo iimasuka. Chonanwa uriageno kanri. Jinanwa hanrono kaitaku. Sore-zore, betsuno homen-kara kagyo’o sasaeru kotoni shita-sodesu. Maa yosuruni, tekizai-tekishoni ochi-tsuitato iu-koto desuna.”
Lakan “It can’t be all that bad. They took the hint from their dead father, perhaps. The eldest will take care of bookkeeping. The second son will find new clients. They’re both going to help the family from different angles. In other words, they all found their place.”
Jinshi (Yashikide naniga attakawa wakara-nai. Kitto, ano kusushino musumewa shittete damatte-iru-daro.)
Jinshi (I don’t know what happened at the mansion. The apothecary girl must know and is keeping silent.)
Rakan “Saigoni sendaiga tsukutta saikuwa subarashi-katta. Arewa tan’naru kanagu deshitaga, saiguni ano saikuo tsukauto, haeru deshona…”
Lakan “The late metalworker’s works were truly wonderful. It was a simple metal part, but if used on a ritual utensil, it would look fabulous.”
Jinshi “…So-desune.”
Jinshi “Indeed.”
Jinshi (Iyarashii otokoda. Honrai, watashino tachibani saigu-nado kankei-naito wakatte-iru-daroni…)
Jinshi (What an annoying person. He must know, given my position, ritual utensils don’t mean anything to me.)
Jinshi “Naze gunshi-donoga, sonna shokunin…”
Jinshi “I wonder why, master strategist, you brought up―”
Rakan “Iya, nani. Umoreta saino’o sono-mamani shite oku-nowa, mottai-naito omoi-mashite. Ani, ototo-nado kankei nai. Sainoga aru-nara, meo kakete yaru-beki-darotone.”
Lakan “Come now, I just didn’t want to keep good talent buried. Elder or younger brother shouldn’t matter. Those with talent should receive attention.”
Jinshi (Ichiri aru. Rakanwa usan-kusai otoko-daga, hitono saino’o minuku mewa tashikada. Sono saihaini yotte, genzaino chiini nobori-tsumetato ittemo ii.)
Jinshi (He has a point. Lakan may be a shady man, but he definitely can discern talent in people. It can be argued that he used that ability to climb to his current rank.)
Jinshi “…Tokorode, maeno hanashino tsuzukio kikitaino-desuga.”
Jinshi “May I hear the rest of that story from earlier?”
Rakan “Maeno hanashito iimasuto?
Lakan “Which story?”
Jinshi “Izen kiita, gijono hanashi desuyo.”
Jinshi “The one about the courtesan.”
Rakan “Aaaa, gijono kisho-kachio sageru hoho desuka. So-iu kotowa, sono sekaio shiru mononi kiita-hoga hayai.”
Lakan “Ah, yes! The way to decrease the value of a courtesan. You should direct that inquiry to someone who knows that world.”
Jinshi “Na…Nn…”
Rakan “Iya-haya, mo jikan desune. Nagaio suruto, bukani okorareru. A. Aaaa. Korewa heya-tsukino nyokan-tachini-demo agete kudasare. Amasugi-nai, nomi-yasui kuchi desu-kara. Dewa, mata ashita…)
Lakan “Oh goodness, the time! My subordinates would scold me if I stayed any longer. Please give this to your serving maids. It’s a good drink, not too sweet. See you tomorrow.”
Jinshi “Haa…”
Gaoshun “Haa…Jinshi-sama.”
Gaoshun “Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “N?”
Jinshi “Hmm?”
Gaoshun “Otsukareno tokoro, kyoshuku desuga.”
Gaoshun “I’m sorry to bother you when you’re tired, but…”
Maomao “Oyobi deshoka.”
Maomao “Did you need me?”
Jinshi “Omaewa keshoni kuwashiika?”
Jinshi “Do you know much about makeup?”
Maomao “Haa, maa, hito-tooriwa…”
Maomao “Well, yes, the basics.”
Jinshi “Naraba, oreni kesho’o shite kure-naika?”
Jinshi “In that case, can you do my makeup for me?”
Maomao “Hai?”
Maomao “Huh?”
(Continue to episode 17)
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ygmitsu · 1 year ago
ang cute matawag ng mga tito and tita na palangga or gang huhu or kaya pag mag mamano laging may mga “uy kagwapa ba” 🥹
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ladysunamireads · 1 year ago
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eyed-knife · 1 year ago
Qria ta mamano pica
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bipolarbeer · 2 years ago
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An-anay ti Baul
Iti kasipngetan a parte iti  uneg ti balay, dida lang kadi makita ti langak a nakaka asi? Labas labasan dak nga kasla awan mammaay na.
Dida kadi makita ti bassit a baul nga agrakrak ditoy igid ti kasipngetan?
Uray la kuma lima a segundo iti ipabulod u nga oras kaniak. Inulesanak iti tap tapok kn rugit, rinakrak nak iti kinadawel ti an anay.
Nagbalinak pay nga salinong dagiti nangisit a dag daga. Iti langak a nakakaasi, awan man lang makadlaw kanyak?
Limmabas ti sumag mamano nga al-aldaw, nagrangkayen dagitoy aw awak ko. Nalabusan kn nagsisina datoy nga bagi, toy baul nga inyo inpaigid malagip u kadin?
Tattan nakita u ti langak, linuktan dak ket anian nga kibtot u ta ti karga na daytoi nga baul. Dagitoy ti gam gameng nga inpatawid daguiti nagannak u.
Tawid nag inda inpundar para iti masakbayan u. Tawid nga inkarigatan da nga ipundar para kadakayo.
Agtedted daguiti lulua gapu iti ladingit nga inyo marikna, ta iti tawid nga nag rigatan da para kadakayo ket tinawid ti babassit nga an annay.
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photohomekitai · 4 years ago
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・ 人生愛が全て❤️ ・ ----- photo home kitai の撮影📸 🔹カット数制限なし、全データお渡し。 🔹日本全国撮影に伺います✈️ ・ ・ ⚠️新型コロナウイルス対策ついて⚠️ ▪️マスクを着用して撮影を行います。 ▪️撮影前はアルコール消毒にて手指の消毒を行います。 ▪️撮影時のお衣装の直しや髪の毛の直しが必要な場合はお客様の同意のもとで行います。 ▪️納品データはメール納品とさせて頂き、ご希望があればDVDでもお送り致します。 ・ ・ 《ご予約について》 お申し込み&お問い合わせは、ホームページのcontactページよりお願い致します。 撮影の延期は1日だけ無料で変更可能です。 お客様のご都合に柔軟に対応させて頂きたいと思っています。 ・ ・ ----- #ファミリーフォト #ファミリー #family #家族 #家族写真 #出張カメラマン #出張撮影 #ロケーションフォト #横浜ロケーションフォト #ナチュラルフォト #mamanoko #mamano #mamanokoカメラ部 #ママリ #ままり #ママリ大きくなったね #ママカメラ部 #ママカメラ #子育てぐらむ #バースデー撮影 #記念日撮影 #誕生日撮影 #子供写真 #こども写真 #家族の時間 #家族が一番 #成長日記 #1歳バースデー #選び取りカード #愛が世界を救います https://www.instagram.com/p/CUVwBCxBudw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shrimpapalooza · 1 year ago
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Pretty ladies
Xylem is getting braver and traveling more around the tank. I try to spot-feed her when I see her, just in case, to make sure she's getting enough food.
And because I can't sit down next to the tank without someone spying on me....
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abblegum · 9 months ago
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some fem ssmy and also mamano and baby miya sketches i drew awhile ago
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pungkreatif · 5 years ago
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Panen gedang😁 . #rujak #rujaklalah #lakarrujak #gedang #papaya #mamano (at Bali) https://www.instagram.com/p/CArxWbugxbK/?igshid=wnqji8nrf6xi
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majokkoradio · 4 years ago
“Hatsukoi ha Kanawanai” - Mamono Hunter Yohko - Azusa Kanzai Image Song
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ladysunamireads · 4 months ago
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zeshaika · 6 years ago
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Devil Hunter Yohko
So, I got into a bit of a 90s anime nostalgia kick the other day and I recently decided to check out this sort of obscure five episode OVA (it’s technically six episodes, but episode four is a music video compilation).
I remember coming across some of the artwork for the series when I was younger, and thinking it looked interesting (After all, I was really into Sailor Moon at the time, and Yohko’s technically a magical girl, and has similar hair to Usagi), but I never really was able to watch it until recently.
And, that’s probably a good thing that it took me so long, since the series itself has some nudity and suggestive/sexual scenes (Especially in the first episode).
The show is.....just okay. Like, there’s a few things that could have been improved upon: like giving the devils more organization/motives, and fleshing out everyone’s personalities a bit, and not lazily handwaving some of the potential lore/explanation of some characters (I mean, there is literally a doppelganger character named “Asuza #2″, with the only explanation given as “Oh well, that kind of thing just happens!”).
(Also: Haruka, the pink haired girl, has a completely different appearance in the episode she appears in than she does in a lot of the official art. And, the red-haired girl in the second pic never actually appears in the anime, as far as I recall. But, that’s a side note).
Anyways, despite its flaws, I still kind of have a soft spot for the series, as far as it’s art style goes, and I felt like it had a bit of potential to have been a pretty decent action-oriented, mid-90s, magical girl title.
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fencer-x · 2 years ago
"Sasaki and Miyano the Movie ~ Graduation Arc" ~ Day 1 Report
So I got up bright and early (WAY brighter and WAY earlier than I would have liked) to trudge through the cold and chill to Grand Sunshine Cinema to catch the very first showing of the Sasaki to Miyano movie!
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Curious about what made the cut and what didn't? Wanna spoil yourself rotten? Then hop behind the cut!
This hour-long movie (yup, just 60 minutes) started out with a roughly 10-minute short focusing on Hirano and his adorable, smitten roomie Kagiura in what amounted to an animated rendition of the KagiHira shorts from the first few volumes of the Sasaki and Miyano manga (up to the extra in volume 3 to be precise). This doesn't bode super well for them getting their own anime, but it doesn't rule it out by any means, as Volume 1 of their manga doesn't require having read these previous extras. Just something to keep in mind!
Points I noticed in this short:
they spent like 30% of the animation budget on Kagi fondling Hirano's ear. A good use of resources imho.
Kagi looks...different? Not very different, and not in a bad way, but it felt like something was off. His hair seemed much darker, closer to black than in previous instances?? Maybe I'm just getting old and need glasses tho.
Now it was SasaMyaa time!
The movie opens with chapter 33, as Miyano waits to see Sasaki off at the train station for his entrance exam and progresses from there. Things felt very smooth, more than I would have expected for cramming these chapters into the equivalent of two anime episode, so props!
They also lovingly animated all of the stupid background character shenanigans, like the guys stacking oranges from Chapter 33 page 9. What a ridiculous thing to include. I love them for this.
One critique I did have, though: the animation level was the same as in the anime. Oftentimes (but certainly not always) the animation is much greater quality in movies than in the original anime; was kind of hoping that would be the case here, but alas!
The hair discussion made it in--including Sasaki touching Miyano's neck and Miyano freaking out about it.
You can feel Floor approaching as Sasaki steadily begins tightening his straps, warning himself he needs to rein it in and he's not allowed to touch Miyano any more than he has until he passes his entrance exam. It's palpable. I love it.
Sasaki's cold is shown in living, loving color, as is the near-miss with his sister almost barging in on them sharing a kiss.
The Valentine's Day chapter is so lovely too--we finally FINALLY get to meet Mamano (whose name IIRC from the credits is revealed to be 由紀, possibly pronounced Yuki or Miyuki), and she. is. ADORABLE. So loving and upbeat and absolutely accepting of her son when he admits that the person he's making the chocolates for is a boy: "It's nice being in love, isn't it? Your mom's in love with your dad too~"
Not to be missed is the super-DUPER awkward conversation between Sasaki and Ogasawara that made me want to just crawl inside my seat back and never come out.
But that paled in comparison to FLOOR.
Floor was never gonna be much more graphic than it was in the manga, so stop your hoping right there. We got a little bit of movement in things like Sasaki gently lowering Miyano to the floor and cradling his head, or their twined fingers squeezing. It didn't need more than it was, though. There was a lovely soundtrack, Sasaki's thoughts, and really damn good animation. What do I mean by 'really damn good animation' if nothing really changed from the original manga?
Well. The full page I lied panel got A MASSIVE GLOW-UP. Because THIS is what it looked like in the movie:
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Everything in grayscale monotone, except for the eyes, which were a vibrant rainbow hue. GORGEOUS STUFF. Print it out and laminate it.
Miyano's birthday is celebrated in Sasaki's room--which leads to the confrontation with his sister and their fight. The flashback was much briefer than it was in the manga, but they kept the important parts, and it did its job. And what's most important is that Shuumei-san and Yoshikazu were retained, spoken in loving tones that I need to hear on repeat.
The movie ended with the graduation chapter, more Yoshikazus and Shuumei-sans, Hirano being summoned by Kagi with his personal ringtone (which didn't sound very special actually, just a different one from usual probably--Hirano doesn't seem the type to download a super special original ringtone, but he'd definitely choose something other than default).
I expected the memories of Sasaki and Miyano's history together as they roamed the empty halls to play out as flashbacks to scenes from the anime. And it did--kind of. What they actually did was show the boys walking around, and overlaid on the same frames as the current couple, we saw them in the past with a grainy filter in the same scene. This little touch was enough to get me really emotional, something I hadn't expected--their old selves were so different, oftentimes much sadder or uncomfortable (like Sasaki in the bathroom, trying to keep himself from touching Miyano, or crushing Miyano in a hug while he was in drag), and seeing that juxtaposed against them seeming now so calm and confident and so so soft with each other...it just got me.
We got sneak peeks at Eimi and Kagi, and Kuresawa nearly got an eyeful when Sasaki whipped his jacket over Miyano to steal a final kiss, just like in the manga.
We end on Sasaki and Miyano in their cool casual clothes, heading off for a date. All is well.
Roll Credits.
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