#mama grande
cauliflwrrkid · 1 month
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stopp this is too cute 😭🥹🧡
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browneyeddeath · 2 months
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grand rising everyone
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
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"She [Mother] would applaud my actions" << & >>" Mother would be so proud"
MK1 Smoke vs Sub Zero (Bi-Han) << & >> MK11 Sub Zero (Kuai Liang) vs Noob Saibot
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addictvettel · 3 months
A part of me died when Logan was out
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koko-raccoon · 9 months
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new ita bag! the people need to know that I'm insane 😤
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nerdyqueerandjewish · 1 month
Realized my appointment to get my IUD removed will be a couple days before my grandma’s first yahrzeit and it just hurts me so much that she won’t get to be there to meet my kids. It feels like they barely missed each other in the grand scheme of things. It’s not fair.
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knowthatiloveyou · 3 months
Hannah Waddingham singing the National Anthem at the British Grand Prix 2024
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howlingday · 9 months
I don't know if it was something me and buds thought of or something just funny but......
Step-Mama Raikou Au
Teams RWBY and JNPR we're in the forever fall forrest a small mission given to them as a test. During a spread out Jaune was seperated from the others and from there met a Ursa variant trying to fight off unfortunately got his sword disarmed and stuck into its hide. That was until a few arrows struck it in the eyes and familiar purple lighting slices the grimm in half.
"Jaune?" The young man flinched when he heard the words said behind him in a familiar voice. "Jaune, is that you?"
Jaune gulped, then slowly turned around. Of all the people in his life he expected to find at Beacon once more, his stepmother was not high on his list to expect. Finally meeting her lavender gaze, Jaune felt a lump in his throat grow bigger. She gave him a soft smile, as she brushed her hand against his cheek.
"My son." She cooed, pulling him into a hug. "It's been too long. Are you unharmed?"
"Mo-" Jaune cleared his throat, pushing away. "I mean, what are you doing here, Misses Raikou?"
"So formal." She rested her head in her hand. "You've grown into such a gentleman that you'd address your own mother by her name." Removing her cheek, she brought a finger under her eye, catching a tear that slipped away. "I can't tell whether to be proud of you or sad that you've grown up without me knowing."
"I..." Jaune shook his head. "I'm in the middle of a test, Misses Raikou! I need to get back to my team."
"Will you allow me to escort you, my son?"
Jaune looked to the Ursa his stepmother annihilated. This might have been the closest Jaune ever felt pity for a heartless monster driven by a lust for destruction of all things man-made. That said, Jaune knew that though his stepmother assisting would be a boon that ensured him finding the rest of his team would be the easiest thing possible, but it would also rob him the chance to prove to everyone, including himself that he had what it took to become a huntsman.
"No." He shook his head. "I have to do this on my own."
She smiled at him, then brought him close for another hug. This time, he accepted it, and hugged her back. At this, she squeezed a little tighter. They then let go, though who let go first would be up for debate at a later point, if ever.
"Go." She said. "Do your family proud."
Jaune nodded, then fled from where she stood. Behind her, a Grimm reared back to strike her. In a blink, everything around her had be sliced and destroyed with little more than a clack of her sword seating in it's sheath to prove that there was any movement at all. She then walked through the ashes of the foul Grimm, already spewing ash from it's lifeless form.
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hanakihan · 4 months
Salieri’s whole childhood experience of being orphaned while prior having not so good relationship with his father, and then pretty much tutoring every willing person free of charge and leading charity concerts for any category of people makes him so admirable honestly
Man looked at his past experiences and said ‘no one’s having same shit on my watch’ and high key parented almost everyone he met or tutored in his life
I feel like no matter what class or amount of fucked up spirit origin Salieri always will prioritize children or teens be it humans or other servants. Even if it’s child like servants with adult minds he still acts on his parenting instinct without being insulting to other party (and they probably don’t even notice it until much later).
If anything even happens man will BEND his own already fucked up and extremely unstable spirit origin and even maybe overcome his own Innocent Monster/Man in Gray aspect to PROTECC and ATACC if it means young ones will be save
Salieri really be thinking he’s not that good of an any positive image of a mentor or god forbid parental/family figure and then the rest are like ‘you’re literally a perfect parent figure what the actual fuck sir—‘
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sirserpentine · 5 months
@angie-long-legs / Blood Ball
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"Oh my goodness me!" Pentious exclaimed, slithering over to the living powder puff of a Demon who didn't seem to be in the company of anyone else, at least at the moment. "You look sssplendid, Angel! As if Fragonard himself painted you! All that's missing is a garden swing." He absolutely beamed as he took in the beautiful sight of the other Sinner.
"I hope you've remembered to hydrate and eat while you're all laced up. Crowds can do tricks on blood sugar, you see. I wonder if I have anything in here..."
Seemingly from nowhere, Pentious pulled out his black evening purse and dug it until he could produce a red and white striped mint candy.
"Here you go, dear," he said with a smile completely obscured by his face-concealing mask. The expression diminished for a moment when the distinct scent of a greasy and no-doubt unhealthy yet delicious fast food entered his tongue and nostrils.
He had no idea that it was coming from in between Angel Dust's tits.
"Hm, I didn't see Hamburg steaks anywhere, but I can most definitely smell some. Did you happen to see any, somewhere?"
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ROTTMNT Grand Tournament Preliminaries #8 Results
The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek successfully sneaks past the other episodes!
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The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek 🥷 - 34% (232 votes)
Man vs. Sewer 🛟 - 32.8% (224 votes) You Got Served 🍽️ - 17.6% (120 votes) How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will 🪷 - 10% (68 votes) The Mutant Menace 🗯️ - 5.6% (38 votes)
ROTTMNT Grand Tournament Preliminaries #9 Results
The turtles leave their childish ways to kick ass!
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Insane in the Mama Train 🚈 - 61.2% (453 votes)
Snow Day ☃ - 26.9% (199 votes) One Man's Junk 🚌 - 5.4% (40 votes) Jupiter Jim Ahoy! 🚀 - 3.6% (27 votes) Cloak, and Swaggart 🐖 - 2.8% (21 votes)
ROTTMNT Grand Tournament Preliminaries #10 Results
Many Unhappy Returns hits a home run!
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Many Unhappy Returns 🚢 - 37.6% (293 votes)
End Game ⚾ - 33.1% (258 votes) Goyles, Goyles, Goyles 🏋️‍♀️ - 11.4% (89 votes) Flushed, But Never Forgotten 🐠 - 10.3% (80 votes) Todd Scouts 🐿 - 7.7% (60 votes)
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thejaguartour · 1 year
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Victoria Monét at the House of Blues in Dallas
Credit to @streetindivisuals on Instagram.
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leo-kinnie · 2 months
Lin, if Sand were to end up having to fight in the Nexus, how would he win? He doesn't use his ninpo, so how would he win in the Nexus?
Pure fighting merit and skill, the same way his father used to win the Nexus. And he HAD won the nexus ONCE on Big Mama’s behalf because she “needed help.” Secretly, it was Big Mama testing to see if her theory was true — that Sand is Lou Jitsu’s son
That in my mind is also what really solidifies Sand’s character that he doesnt like to fight. Genuinely hates it. He likes sparring and wrestling for fun, but the Nexus is cut throat and people get seriously hurt. He doesn’t like that.
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arcallis · 5 months
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Hice stickers de criptidos porque me gustan mucho juajuajua💜 estoy pensando hacer más pero no se me ocurren otros
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
i realized i could change my phone's language to spanish for free practice and Im learning so much. such as the gramatically important words Id completely forgotten about
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