#salieri: I am a bad influence and not good at tutoring or being a parental figure to those children
hanakihan · 4 months
Salieri’s whole childhood experience of being orphaned while prior having not so good relationship with his father, and then pretty much tutoring every willing person free of charge and leading charity concerts for any category of people makes him so admirable honestly
Man looked at his past experiences and said ‘no one’s having same shit on my watch’ and high key parented almost everyone he met or tutored in his life
I feel like no matter what class or amount of fucked up spirit origin Salieri always will prioritize children or teens be it humans or other servants. Even if it’s child like servants with adult minds he still acts on his parenting instinct without being insulting to other party (and they probably don’t even notice it until much later).
If anything even happens man will BEND his own already fucked up and extremely unstable spirit origin and even maybe overcome his own Innocent Monster/Man in Gray aspect to PROTECC and ATACC if it means young ones will be save
Salieri really be thinking he’s not that good of an any positive image of a mentor or god forbid parental/family figure and then the rest are like ‘you’re literally a perfect parent figure what the actual fuck sir—‘
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