#mama bear!steve harrington
*mom mode activated*
Do you think Steve grounded him?
(In this scenario, everyone is okay.)
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whathehonestfuk · 15 days
Eddie gets a shovel talk from everyone in the party after he and Steve open up about their relationship. It's expected that they all want to protect Steve after everything he's done for them it hurts a little (until Dustin and Mike tell him they also warned Steve against hurting him)
He expects hopper Max's and Nancy's to be intense, he's taken aback by how fucking terrifying Robin was during hers he knows she'd kill for Steve no question but he didn't think her intimidating before.
The one that surprises him the most and terrifies him to the point of glancing over at her every time he reaches out to touch or talk to Steve in front of her to see if he's being respectful enough for her taste is none other than Joyce Byers herself
Steve has no idea that everyone has been threatening to kill his boyfriend and use each other as alibis if he so much as makes him cry
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
So I have this one scene in my head, that won't go away unless someone writes it😅
So it's like 10 years after season 4. Everybody is "grown up" , moved away, married, have kids, etc. They have a reunion at the park in Hawkins/Indy Idk?
Eddie is watching the kids. Suddenly a woman comes up to him saying his kid hit/pushed her kid. Eddie who saw the whole thing, says his kid was just defending them self from her kids bullying. The woman asks Eddie, if the kids mother would agree to this behavior. Cue Eddie calling out Honey! And then introducing Steve as their kids mother🤣
Its not much to go on plot vice, but I'm hoping your amazing brain can fill in the blanks😅
I am a Steve secretly likes being called mom truther. Sorry to everyone who isn't. I full believe Eddie started it as a joke, but he noticed the blush on Steve's face and kept doing it, and then the kids just naturally picked up on it and refer to him as both mom and dad depending on the situation. Imagine the confusion on a teacher's face when their troublemaker tells the principal "my mom is gonna be so mad that someone pushed me" and in walks a raging Steve. It's giving comedic relief. I didn't really include a whole lot of everyone in this, just mentioned it was a reunion and had a few moments with the Party. Hope that's okay, it's just difficult to include EVERYONE in a short ficlet. - Mickala ❤️
They came back to Hawkins as often as they could to visit Wayne, especially once they adopted Hannah. Shortly after Nancy offered to be a surrogate for them, they ended up adopting Hannah’s baby sister, Lucy. In case that wasn’t enough, they still decided to take Nancy up on her offer, and they ended up with twins (“can’t do anything halfway, can you?” was Robin’s reaction) Ben and Molly.
Everything happened so quickly, all within two years, that Steve and Eddie turned to Wayne often as their calming presence.
At six years old, Hannah was a spitfire. She had Eddie’s personality despite not being theirs until she was four: unapologetically herself, loud, dramatic, and so fucking smart it scared them both. Lucy, at two (and a half!), was already well on her way to being the same way.
But this visit to Hawkins was different.
Everyone was back.
All the kids, who were far from kids now, and their significant others and kids decided to have a reunion over Labor Day weekend.
Eddie just got off a tour a few weeks earlier, a tour that proved to be quite chaotic when he insisted his entire family join him for two months on the road. Steve argued that it wasn’t necessary, that they would be fine for two months as long as he called every day, but Eddie wasn’t having it.
They took up a whole tour bus by themselves, but the rest of his band loved the kids. They brought Hannah on stage for soundcheck, they even had special headphones made just for her to be able to watch and play the instruments.
Steve usually used soundcheck time to walk with Lucy, find a place where she can run around and let loose all that toddler energy. Most venues they stopped at had a large backstage parking area for the buses and equipment vans, so while Lucy would run around and find weird bugs and sticks, Steve would push Ben and Molly in the double stroller so they could get some fresh air.
Once the doors opened, Eddie brought Hannah back to him and they went back to the bus so Steve could make them all their dinner, give them their baths, and put them to bed. They’d converted the bottom bunk spaces of the bus to a crib space for the twins and Lucy, and made the top bunk more kid friendly for Hannah.
It worked, and it was fun, and it was an experience that they all were happy to have together, but it was exhausting for all of them.
Being back in Hawkins was almost like a vacation.
Compared to the rush, rush, rush environment of tour, Hawkins was sit back, relax, enjoy the breeze.
Especially because everyone wanted their turn holding and playing with the kids. There were some points in the day that Eddie didn’t even know which adult his kids were with, but he was fine with it because Steve was sitting in his lap, more relaxed than he’d been in close to a year.
“Love you, Stevie,” Eddie mumbled against his hair, smiling as Steve curled further into his chest.
“Love you, too, baby.”
“Well aren’t you two just adorable,” Wayne said as he took the seat next to them, Ben asleep in his arms.
“When did he fall asleep?” Steve asked, voice low so he wouldn’t startle Ben.
“About 20 minutes ago.”
“You can go set him in the pack and play.”
“Nah. I wanna get as much time with these kiddos as I can,” Wayne said as he smiled down at Ben.
“Is Molly sleeping anywhere?” Eddie asked.
“Last I saw, Max was trying to get her to crawl in the living room, but I don’t think Molly is very interested.” Wayne started rocking back and forth slightly, like he did anytime he held a baby, whether they were asleep or not. “I heard Hannah ask if she could go to the park. If you wanna take her and Luce, we can keep the babies here for a bit.”
Eddie patted Steve’s back, silently asking him to let him up.
“I can take them. Stevie, you can stay here and get some rest.”
“No, I’ll come. Lucy will want someone to push her on the swings the whole time and Hannah won’t want to even look at the swings. It takes two with them.”
They made their way into the house to collect Hannah and Lucy, smiling at the way Max and Will were trying to bribe Molly to crawl with toys.
There was only one actual park in Hawkins, and the playground had only been added about five years ago as more people started moving back into town. It wasn’t impressive, especially compared to their Chicago parks and playgrounds, but Hannah and Lucy weren’t picky.
As expected, Lucy ran straight to the swings, yelling “Ma! Push me on swings please!”
Steve rolled his eyes fondly, but followed her over to them, preparing himself for the next 30 minutes of pushing her back and forth.
Hannah, well, she was a wild child. Literally, Eddie has had to drag her out of a hole she dug in their backyard once because she thought it could be her new bedroom. She cried when she thought that the bugs would hate her for leaving them. She found fun in any outdoor environment, which was good because the playground didn’t have a whole lot to offer other than one slide, a small set of monkey bars, and one tube to run through.
There were only a few other kids playing, all the parents standing off to the side or sitting on the bench.
All moms who would probably not want to talk to Eddie, especially if they recognized him and had been living in Hawkins during the whole, well, thing.
He stood away from everyone, just keeping an eye on Hannah, but occasionally looking over to Steve and Lucy. Lucy was ecstatic, he could hear her yelling “High! Up! High!” and Steve smiling as he pushed her just a tiny bit higher.
It was during one of those moments that he heard a yell and then heard someone walking over to him.
He turned to see a woman, probably pretty close to his age, coming up to him with a stern look on her face.
Oh boy.
He sighed as she stopped in front of him, her arms crossing over her chest.
He glanced at Hannah, who was being shoved by a boy maybe a year or two older than her. Hannah just raised her brow and shoved him back.
He looked back at the mom in front of him, assuming she was the boy’s parent.
“May I help you?”
“You may. Your daughter just pushed my son!”
“Is your son the one I just watched shove her?”
“If he did, it was to defend himself.”
“Hm.” Eddie glanced back up to see the boy crying and Hannah walking towards him. “Maybe your son should keep his hands to himself if he doesn’t like being pushed.”
“Maybe your daughter should learn to move out of the way.”
Eddie smirked as Hannah came up next to him.
“Hannah, wanna tell me what just happened?”
“He told me that I was too fat to go on the slide so I told him I would show him that I wasn’t. And then he tried to pull me away and I didn’t let him so he said that he was going to push me off the top. He tried to, but I’m strong, so he couldn’t. I pushed him back.”
Eddie nodded.
It’s not that he thought his kids were perfect. Far from it.
He got calls frequently from Hannah’s school that she was being too rough with the kids, and he had to remind her that a lot of kids don’t play that way. She never had bad intentions, she just didn’t know how strong she was. Kind of like a large breed dog thinking he can still sit in your lap when he’s fully grown.
But he also knew that because she had never had bad intentions, there was no way she did anything that wasn’t in defense of herself.
“It sounds like your son was rude and put his hands on her first,” Eddie said to the woman, who was turning a violent shade of red.
“There is no way her mother would allow her to act like this. This is inappropriate for young girls.”
Even Hannah knew that was the wrong thing to say.
She covered her face and shook her head and Eddie couldn’t hold back a laugh.
“What is so funny?” the woman asked angrily.
“Her mother is the one who taught her how to defend herself, but if you’d like to talk…” Eddie turned to the swings, where Steve was focused on Lucy. “Sweetheart! Can you come here for a second?”
Steve looked over to him with a frown, grabbing Lucy from the swing and mumbling something to her when she looked disappointed that they were done.
“What’s going on?” Steve asked as he looked down at Hannah, who was patiently waiting to see what Steve was about to do to this woman.
Eddie absolutely loved his children equally, he really did. But Hannah was something else entirely. He felt connected to her in ways that he hadn’t expected when they first met her. If it were possible, he would think she was his biologically with how similar they were in personality, how they both had the same dark curls, brown eyes, loud laugh, and smirk.
The woman seemed surprised to see Steve come over, but quickly went back to the angered demeanor of a moment ago.
“Your daughter tried to hurt my son.”
This woman was not going to convince Steve of that even if she somehow managed to record it on camera.
“What did your son do?”
“I beg your pardon! He didn’t do anything except try to take a turn on the slide.”
“Right.” Steve looked at Eddie, who gave a small shake of his head, then down at Hannah who did the same. “My sources seem to remember things differently.”
“Ma, he said I was too fat and then tried to pull me away!” Hannah was getting more upset now, not because she was in trouble, but because it was interrupting her playtime.
“Which one is your son?” Steve asked.
Oh no. That was the bitchy tone.
Eddie loved where this was going.
“The one getting off the slide,” the woman pointed, but immediately tried to start arguing. “She had no right to push him no matter what he may or may not have said.”
“The kid who is currently pushing another girl out of his way?”
The woman looked over and gritted her teeth together.
“Daddy, Ma, he’s mean!” Lucy yelled as she held Hannah’s hand.
“Yes, baby, he is being mean. That’s why we taught you and your sister to stand up for yourselves when someone is bullying you,” Eddie said pointedly.
“Kids like that grow up to be mean adults who don’t have friends and raise their own kids to be mean,” Steve added with a glare at the mom.
“We all have to take turns on the slide,” Hannah nodded in agreement.
“Ma! Ma! Swing again!” Lucy suddenly yelled, totally over the way this conversation was taking away from her valuable swinging time.
“Sure, baby.” Steve turned to the seething woman in front of them. “Are we done here or do I have to go on about how your son is going to peak in high school just like you did?”
She stormed off without another word, no match for Steve when he was in Mama Bear Mode.
It was so fucking hot.
Steve sighed.
“I’m proud of you Hannah Banana. You okay?” Steve knelt down so he was eye level with her, and pulled her into a hug.
“Can we go to another park, Ma?”
“Sorry, baby, this is the only one here. We can go back to Papa Wayne’s house, though.”
“Can I swing with Lucy?” Hannah asked.
“Of course. How about we swing for another ten minutes and then we get some ice cream?”
Eddie perked up at that.
“Ice cream!”
“You’re worse than the children,” Steve smirked at Eddie.
“Ice cream!” Lucy yelled.
“Can I have strawberry?” Hannah asked excitedly.
“Sure,” Steve ruffled her hair. “Strawberry’s my favorite, too.”
“Brownie!” Lucy yelled, eyes wide.
“That’s my girl! We’ll get brownie ice cream,” Eddie said as he lifted her up into his arms and walked her over to the swings.
The rest of the afternoon was uneventful, which is exactly how they liked it.
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Hello people of Harringrove nation… I come bearing my transmasc art for the third day in a row. Enjoy my thoughts on what tattoos I think they’d get after top-surgery! Also yeag I used the same torso for all of them what about it. And I gave them all different top surgery scars
First off, Billy. I thought of two alternate tats he could get- one because it looks kickass and the other for sentimental purposes.
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First off is my extremely rough approximation of where Mr. Hargrove’s scars would land. Scorpions because funny song and sun because longing for California, and finding warmth in your own heart.
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The second tattoo that I spent far too much time on- Actually a coverup for Starcourt. I chose Gardenias, dandelions and purple hydrangeas for no particular reason. :^) Also because Billy’s mother embroidered flowers onto his shirts. Or at least I think that’s why he has flowers on his shirts in his childhood flashbacks…
Next, Steve’s tattoos. Yeah I’m not gonna lie I gave him deq. Or tribal Kurdish tattoos. Plan on getting something similar one day. This was purely because it looks cool. And it’s nice to think of
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And finally, bonus Eddie. Haha. Heehee. Hoho. I wonder what his tats resemble. And yes I trojan horsed Harringroveson into this
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That’s all, folks.
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juiceicicles · 10 months
I don’t think anyone should be not allowed to write something unless it’s actively hurting people, and that’s pretty hard to do in fanfiction. Tag your triggers and do whatever you want.
That’s not to say you can’t express your opinions about writing, I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again, but just because I like or don’t like something or think something should be written about more or less doesn’t mean I think you shouldn’t do it.
Write what makes you happy, and if it’s not my cup of tea than I shouldn’t drink it
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Everyone calling John a simp in Forgiven not Forgotten,
Yes. Where do u think Steve got it from? 🤣🤣🤣
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roosterbox · 7 months
Heyyyyyyy Steddie thinky thought time again! And I’m putting it under a cut because, YET AGAIN, my hand slipped and I accidentally almost 2,000 words.
Tags: ANGST, miscommunication, HOH!Steve, Mean-and-Overly-Defensive!Eddie
So picture this, if you will…
High school AU. Probably no Upside-Down. Steve is deaf/HOH. He signs, but he knows that not everyone else does, and so few take the time to learn, especially not for him, so he usually carries around a notepad too. Just in case. Someone (probably Dustin, lbr) asks him to sit in on a Hellfire meeting. Heck, maybe even asks him to join. Steve is unsure, but he’s open to new experiences and Dustin always makes his favorite club sound really awesome (also the guy who runs the club is super cool and hot too, but shhhhhh). So sure - he’ll check it out.
The day comes and Steve gets there early. Like really early. In fact, he’s there before anyone else. Which is fine; he can use the extra free time to do a little homework, right? Thing is though, he’s so focused on his notebook that he doesn’t notice somebody else come in - Eddie. And there are four important things to note about Eddie.
He doesn’t know Steve is deaf.
He doesn’t know that Steve has been explicitly invited here by Dustin.
He knows Steve only by his reputation. So, not good.
He’s as protective of his club and the kids in it as a mama bear.
Needless to say, these four factors combine into a perfect storm, and Eddie is immediately on the offensive.
“Hey!” He says. “Hey, Harrington!” He continues when he gets no acknowledgement. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
No answer. Steve doesn’t even look at him. Just keeps writing in his notebook.
“Hey asshole! I’m talking to you!” Eddie’s volume is rising, as is his temper. Despite his uncle’s best efforts, Eddie’s never been the best at keeping cool. But, man, the disrespect. It tends to eat at him. And coming from King Steve of all people? Oooooooh doesn’t that just make his blood boil. Eddie stalks over to where Steve is sitting. If he thinks he’s gonna waltz in there and tease or humiliate any of Eddie’s little sheepies, he’s got another thing coming.
Steve, meanwhile, is just happily doing his homework. Maybe doodling a little in the margins. Wondering if Eddie looks as cool running the club as he does around school. Especially when he’s up on the lunch tables ranting about conformity. He’s so lost in thought that a sudden hand on his arm shocks him out of his chair, up to his feet. And just like that, he’s face to face with his secret crush, the one and only Eddie Munson. He smiles, but only for a moment as he sees Eddie’s furious expression. The other boy’s lips are moving. A little fast, but Steve does his best to read them.
“-hell are you doing here, Harrington? This isn’t one of your stupid jock sports teams. If you’re here to hurt these kids-“
Steve’s eyes widen. He tries to sign something. No, no.
Eddie sees Steve looking scared, waving his hands. It only serves to make him angrier. Steve sees he’s getting nowhere with sign, so he grabs his notepad and starts writing. He can still see Eddie saying something in his periphery, and he tries to write fast. To clear up any misunderstanding.
But then. Eddie goes too far. He manages to hit on one of Steve’s biggest insecurities mid-rant. And then he keeps digging at it. Steve stops writing and just… stares. Like a dog, Eddie cannot let go of the bone he’s found, so he keeps going. Insert any list of your favorite Steve insecurities here. His upbringing. His (bad) relationship with his parents. His reputation (which Steve hates so much). His intelligence. His fighting skills or lack thereof (poor Steve: getting beat up in every universe). And the worst part is how mean Eddie is about it. The kids tease Steve too, and yeah sometimes it hurts, but it’s never felt as outright cruel as it does when Eddie says it.
Steve’s eyes fill with tears, despite his best efforts, and while Eddie is mid sentence, Steve decides he’s had enough. He shoves his notepad at Eddie, into his chest, eliciting a surprised huffed exhale, before grabbing his bag and just running. He runs out the door, out of the building, to his car, and drives himself home. He doesn’t stop crying for hours.
Eddie, after the surprise of Steve shoving him and running out, just rolls his eyes. “Typical,” he mutters under his breath. “Fucking prick.”
He looks down at the notepad in his hands, still mad but also curious as to what Steve had thought was so important that he just had to start scribbling it down while Eddie yelled at him. And…
Not here to hurt, I swear. Dustin invited me. He’s like my little brother. I’m deaf - sorry couldn’t hear you talking. I’ve seen you around, and I think you’re pretty cool. I’ve never played DND before, but Dustin really loves it. Maybe I could-
That’s as far as it went. And man. Imagine the feeling of your heart sinking, dropping down past your stomach, through the ground itself before finally coming to a stop in the molten core of the earth. Imagine that, and you may experience a fraction of the almost instantaneous levels of guilt Eddie feels at that moment. All at once he thinks of how Steve had looked at him after he first got his attention. He had smiled. Fucking grinned. He was happy to see him. Happy to be there. Eager to see what Hellfire was all about. Eager to learn.
And Eddie had just taken that happiness, that earnest interest, and stomped on it. Crushed it utterly beneath his sneakers as if it were a cigarette butt.
The other guys start filing in. Including Dustin. But before he can say anything (maybe to ask where Steve is, and why the hell does Eddie have his notepad), Eddie shoves past them out the door.
“Eddie, what-“ Jeff starts.
“I’ll be right back,” Eddie calls over his shoulder as he quickly makes his way outside. Just in time to see Steve’s car speeding out of the parking lot. He curses, loud enough that a few students still milling about jump at the unexpected noise. Eddie doesn’t care. He messed up. He really fucking messed up, didn’t he?
He makes it up to Steve eventually. It takes time, of course; Steve’s trust is a hard thing to earn even on a good day, but after that first encounter? They’re not just starting at zero; they’re practically starting at -1000. He starts small. Little exchanges here and there. Usually with Dustin (or, occasionally, Steve’s best friend Robin, who looks at Eddie like she would flay him alive if Steve gave her the word) acting as a sort of buffer. It takes almost half a dozen of these group encounters before Steve says (writes) a single word to him, and even then it’s perfunctory. Cold. Simple. And it definitely hurts, just a little, especially since Eddie’s crush that he’s had on Steve since freshman year has been steadily growing with every exchange they have. As monosyllabic (if even syllabic at all) as they tend to be on Steve’s part. But every time he feels that hurt, Eddie thinks of how Steve had looked at him when he left the club that day. How sad and angry and frustrated. And he pushes his own (tiny, inconsequential by comparison) hurt aside. I can do more, he thinks.
One day, he manages to corner Steve on his own, without Dustin or Robin. Steve is annoyed - he still gets that sinking feeling of hurt whenever he’s with Eddie (which is enhanced (terribly so) by the stupid crush he has), and immediately pulls out his notepad. Starts writing on it. Something simple and to the point. Leave Me Alone. Or maybe Go Away. He gets as far as the first word before he realizes that Eddie isn’t talking. Not aloud, anyway. No, he’s signing. A bit clumsily, and a few of the words are wrong but close enough to understand. One sign is chief among them, though.
I’m sorry.
And in that moment, maybe, it hits home for Steve that Eddie really means it. Means it enough to try and learn an entirely new language to meet Steve where he is. He looks in Eddie’s eyes and he can see the guilt and shame swimming there. The hurt is still in him, that’s not going away with one apology (though this isn’t the first one Eddie has given him, of course), but still. Steve scratches out what he had been writing in favor of something else. After a second, he hands Eddie the paper.
I can’t forgive you. Not yet. You really hurt me. But thank you. When did you start learning to sign?
He sees Eddie’s eyes get a little watery as he reads, but then he’s handed back the notepad. He had thought that Eddie might take the easier route and just write it down, but no. Instead, with his hands free, Eddie continues signing.
A couple days ago. Stayed up all night. His cheeks were darkening. Blushing in shame at his rudimentary skills. Bad at it. Sorry.
And maybe it’s just because Eddie is one of only a handful of people Steve has met that have taken it upon themselves to learn sign, or maybe it’s that damn crush he can’t seem to lose, but Steve shakes his head. No, he signs, trying to keep it simple. Good.
Eddie looks away, signing Bad again. Steve touches his hand, the first point of actual physical contact they’ve had since that day at the Hellfire Club. Their eyes meet, and Steve signs, with as much emphasis as he can, GOOD. And then, Thank You.
Eddie looks down, suddenly feeling oddly shy. He’s still blushing but he also can’t help but smile. There’s the ghost of a dimple on his cheek, making Steve’s heart give a weak little flutter.
You’re welcome, Eddie signs.
After a long moment, Steve writes something down. He doesn’t want to overwhelm Eddie with signs yet. Not to mention that he doesn’t know how deep his (apparently only days-old) knowledge base goes. Best to go easy on him.
Maybe we could… start over?
He holds it up for Eddie to read, face a picture of inquisitive hope. The other boy nods, starts trying to sign, but gets frustrated rather quickly before holding out his hand for the notepad. Steve chuckles and hands it over, not missing the way Eddie’s blush deepens even further at the sound he probably made. Maybe his crush isn’t as one-sided as he’d been thinking.
Yes! Absolutely! If we are, then consider this your “first” official invitation to the Hellfire Club. Today, after school. (There’s a “I” here but it’s scribbled out) We would love to have you there.
I’ll be there, Steve writes. And, after Eddie reads it, he makes sure to get the other boy’s attention before he slowly signs the same thing. I’ll be there.
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whoahoney · 2 years
Not the Babysitter Pt 2
Steve Harrington x SingleMom!Reader
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A/N: Part 2 of my abandoned Steve Harrington fic! This is actually the fic that got me back into writing last year before I tripped and fell down the massive rabbit hole that is Eddie Munson! Still love me some Stevie boy. 😩🤍
part 1 can be found here
Summary: Reader and Sara are back to rent another video from Steve, will he shoot his shot?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Steve waited for the following week to come; her rental expiring Monday evening. When Monday morning came, he made sure he had nothing to do in case she came the same time as last week.
And he was right.
Around 9:30, the bell jingled and Steve could hear the hushed conversation between the toddler and mama, who looked just as breathtaking as the first time he saw her.
“Nana’s house??” Y/n asked the child holding her hand. “Yeah!” Sara smiled devilishly.
“We’re gonna have to call Nana first but I imagine we can make it happen.” Y/n said as she picked Sara up to put her on hip. That was when she met Steve’s eyes, and it almost knocked his socks off.
He felt absolutely ridiculous. His heart thudded in his chest and he worried she could see his chest throb with adoration.
“So, how was it?” He asked expectantly.
“The Care Bears never disappoint, what can I say?” She grinned and placed Sara on the counter like last time. “Hello, Sara.” He greeted with a smile, which Sara matched bashfully.
“Hello.” She responded softly before turning back to her mothers shoulder, the action tugging at his heartstrings. “How was your week?” Steve asked, now looking to Y/n who couldn’t help but feel all warm inside that he acknowledged her daughter.
“It’s been busy, but I can’t complain.“ She shrugged.
“—Mommy, down.” Sara kicked her feet. Y/n bit her lip and looked around the store for customers and then how far she would wander and what she would grab—
“She can’t hurt anything in here, really. Nothing customers don’t already.” He assured her.
“Okay, don’t go far, okay?” She helped her off the counter and watched her wander to the kids section.
“Okay.” Sara called without turning back.
Steve smiled, “And how was Sara’s week?” He nodded towards the curly haired girl, his eyes showing genuine interest in the way he looked into her mothers eyes.
Y/n about melted on the spot. “She had a good week! Watched Care Bears about 37 times.” They giggled. “Went to the park, painted some rocks—“ his smiled widened in wonder, “—Added tons to our collection, actually.” She chuckled, looking at her fingers nervously.
“Do you have a lot?” He asked.
Y/n nodded, “Mhm. Some of them are raw cuts we’ve picked up on our travels, or some polished ones you can get at the store.” He nodded, again, waiting for her to keep talking, waiting to ask her about ‘their travels’
“And you?”
“Me? Oh, I don’t have any rocks.”
“No, silly, your week! How was your week?” She giggled at his blushing cheeks.
He tsked at himself, averting his eyes to regain his composure. “Oh, I’m just living the dream, you know? Renting movies and sorting tapes is kinda my passion.” He said leaning forward and propping his elbows on the counter. Y/n chuckled at his joke, his heart soaring at the sound. He couldn’t wait to tell Robin he made her laugh.
“Whatever pays the rent, right?” She shrugged. He nodded, for once setting down the embarrassment he felt surrounding his occupation, and wondered when he could ask what hers was.
Y/n dug around in her purse for the video case and then handed it over to Steve. As he accepted it, he realized again why they were here in the first place. He thanked her and marked it on time in the system. “Is there anything I can help you find today?” He asked, returning to his position at the counter in front of her.
Y/n pursed her lips and sighed, “I could use Dirty Dancing if you have it.”
Steve smiled, “Lemme see if it’s here.” He strolled over to the romance section, leaving her at the desk to watch him walk away in his favorite jeans, which were now her favorite too. He ducked behind a display to scan the shelves and saw the empty place Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey belonged.
“Not there.” He sighed, coming back around the counter and typing away before letting the monitor load. Y/n flashed a patient smile that reminded him of the nagging guilt tucked away in his chest.
An elephant in the room he wasn’t sure if she saw too.
“By the way, I’m sorry… for assuming the other day, I really should’ve known she was yours,” Steve shrugged and ran a nervous hand through his hair, meeting her eyes again with a half hearted smile.
“It was dumb of me, and—“
“It wasn’t dumb, Steve. Everyone does it. I’m either her sister or babysitter, don’t sweat it.” Y/n shrugged, which made Steve feel a lot better. She craned her neck to spy her daughter in a near aisle, sitting down with three movies in front of her. Before Y/n took a step to get her, Steve spoke, “Oh, c’mon, I should’ve thought sister before babysitter, I mean, she looks just like you, she’s gorgeous.” He said without hesitation, glancing over at Sara with a chuckle as she began haphazardly stacking the videos from the bottom shelf as high as she could.
Y/n’s blush burned brightly at the compliment, her incredulous smile making his heart pound in his chest, “But uh, I’d still really like to take you out sometime, if you’re free of any other kind of, uh, committed relationship…” Steve stammered, which Y/n thought was adorable.
“Is that your way of asking if I’m single?” She asked with a sweet smile, cradling her chin in her hands. Steve’s face flushed pink at her direct approach. He nodded, wiping a hand over his face to ground himself. “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m doing.”
“I am very single, yes..” she smiled, his heart soaring at the sight.
Finally, things are going his way.
“but..” Steve’s heart stopped beating for a second before she spoke again. She noticed how his smile faltered, quick to explain herself, “No, no, no, I’d love to go out with you, really, I just don’t have a sitter too often, and I wouldn’t be able to… go out like other girls can.. I wouldn’t want to disappoint either of us, you know?” She said, placing a hand on top of his on the counter reassuringly.
Steve’s heart jump-started at the touch, immediately finding a solution to her problem, “I wouldn’t ever expect you to be able to go out with me like ‘other girls can’, and I love that.” He shrugged, Y/n shooting him a look of confusion in response.
“I want something bigger than what the girls around here want from me.” He sighed, sharing a knowing look with her, “I know you’re not gonna bullshit me, you know?” He could feel the oncoming rambles about to bubble out of him but he didn’t care, “Not to mention you obviously have your priorities in order, you’re caring, and responsible—and-and straightforward! That’s exactly what I want. And another thing—“ He leaned slightly closer for emphasis, “I’d be more than happy to take the both of you out to dinner, any time.” His eye contact unwavering from hers.
“Really?” She whispered. Steve wasted no time before he nodded just as gently, “Yes! There’s so many fun things we could take her to do around here, y’know? The parks beautiful, we could have a lunch there sometime! Or to the pumpkin patch in the… fall.” He cringed at his forward thinking.
Regardless, she smiled, her eyes shiny with speckled stars inside that he placed there with his sweet words and wishes. She nodded in response, placing her hand over his.
“There’s a really good ice cream store opening soon, too.” He shrugged and covered her hand with his other. “But for now, we could grab milkshakes at the diner. Maybe watch a movie some evening? Soon.”
Y/n all but melted at his words that dripped with sincerity. She sighed with a smile and nodded after a moment, a soft “Okay.” shocking Steve to his core. “Really?” He asked as if he’d imagined it.
“Yes, really.” Y/n blushed as the computer screen finished loading the inventory. Steve scrolled down, searching the list until he found Dirty Dancing, which was due back today.
“Just say when.” She said with quiet eagerness watching her daughter saunter over with a movie while Steve looked to her mother with adoration hidden behind his eyes. “I have good news and bad news,” He informed her with pursed lips as he came to lean on the counter again. Y/n sat the tape on the counter with a quirk of the brow.
“The good news, is that I am free for you guys any night this week after 6, but the bad news—” He leaned forward on the counter, “is that Dirty Dancing will not be back until tonight. If they show up on time.”
Y/n nodded slightly disappointed, but understanding until Steve came up with yet another solution. “But! I’d be happy to grab it for you as soon as it comes in.” He offered.
Her smile returned to her face at his words. “You really don’t have to do that, Steve, I can always come back.” She countered.
“I want to, really. It also gives me another excuse to see you outside of work.”
Y/n playfully rolled her eyes and dug through her purse for a pen and paper, Steve’s heart racing. She settled on a grocery receipt, ripping off a few inches to write on.
“This is my number,” She jotted down, “—give me a call later? After 7:30 should be good, and, uh, maybe we can figure out when we can watch that movie.” She slid the paper over to him, his index finger pulling it the rest of the way to him. He held it tightly, absolutely stoked at his accomplishment.
“I—I would love that.” He said sincerely, stifling his disbelieving chuckles, remembering he needed to check out Sara’s next movie, the Labyrinth.
“Ooh, I like this one.” Steve said to Sara, who grinned until he could hardly see her eyes and hid behind her moms legs. He rang up the purchase and fought the urge to pay for it himself as she handed him the $3.25.
He bagged it up and slid it over to her with a smile. “Have a good day, ladies.”
“I do it!” Sara insisted, grabbing for the bag. Y/n obliged her and looped her arm through the handles, dangling like a shoulder bag on the small child.
“You too, Steve.” She smiled and shook her head in sheer disbelief as she collected her daughters hand and made her way to the door.
“You’ll be hearing from me later.” He called after her.
She giggled and looked over her shoulder as Sara pulled her hand towards the door. “I’m looking forward to it.” She said.
“7:30!” He reminded after her as she pulled open the door to leave. “7:30.” She nodded and confirmed before the bell jingled behind her.
Steve’s eyes followed them to their car until they were safely inside and out of the parking lot. After that, Steve sank down to the floor behind the counter, holding the paper to his chest; feeling like a love struck fool in high school again.
The feeling worried him, made him uneasy, yet so excited and warm and dizzy. His chest heaved as he checked his watch to calculate the hours between now and 7:30 tonight.
“Fuck!” His head fell back with a disappointed thud.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Steve’s day went by remarkably slow until Robin showed up for her shift after school. As soon as she opened the door, ready to inform him of a fight that broke out at lunch, Steve leapt over the counter to meet her at the door.
“ROBIN!” He shouted as he grabbed her shoulders. “What?! What??” She asked, looking for the fire.
“Look what I got today.” He said smugly, a proud smile hung on his face. Robin moved to the counter, Steve following intently.
When she looked up to see the paper resting between Steve’s fingers, her jaw dropped. “Is that—?” Steve couldn’t help but explain before she was able to finish, “Her phone number, that’s right, I have it. She gave it to me, I didn’t even have to ask, technically. She asked me to call her! Tonight!” He said anxiously pacing in front of her as she shrugged on her vest.
“I can’t believe she actually gave you her number.” Robin shook her head at the sliver of paper, fully convinced he’d blown it from the way he’d explained the first encounter.
“Yeah, me either. She’s incredible.” He shook his head at the thought of her.
“You don’t even know her yet!” Robin chided with a laugh. “I don’t have to know all about her to know she’s incredible. You’ll understand when you meet her someday.” He waved her off.
“I hope you make it that far.” Robin patted him on the back affectionately.
And for once, Steve really thought he would.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When 6:00 came, Steve dropped everything to strip off his vest as fast as he possibly could and tossed it to Robin, who stood behind the counter checking out customers.
“Good luck!” Robin called to him as he pushed through the door and waving his thanks behind him.
Steve treated himself to some KFC because today felt like his day. Every song that played on the drive home made him think of her and Sara.
He buried the worry. The fear of attachment, of rejection. He didn’t wanna feel that kinda pain again, but he was willing to risk it because the girl made him feel different—wonderfully different.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was 7:25.
Steve was showered, fed, and waiting on his bed. He sat with his back against the headboard and his legs stretched out in front of him, next to the phone; his arms crossed over his bare chest.
Steve sighed deeply, deciding the quiet was too much. He crossed his room to the stereo, pressing play on his Cars tape and adjusting the volume.
He shook his shoulders out the way he would loosen them before a basketball game, and grabbed his small orange basketball to flop down with on top of his bed.
He threw the ball into the small hoop hanging from his closet with ease, realizing now that he didn’t want to get back up to retrieve it.
He groaned at the agony of trying to pass more time, then checked his watch again.
“Holy shit!” Steve panicked. His eyes searched for the slip of paper, realizing he didn’t have it with him the entire time he was home.
Steve dashed to the bathroom, searching for his pants before realizing he’d been responsible and put them down in the laundry room.
Finally he spotted the familiar Levi’s label and shoved his hands in the pockets. “Aha!!” He proclaimed as he unfolded the beautiful slip of paper.
Steve ran back upstairs and down the hall to dive onto his bed and dial her number.
He checked his watch as he pressed the phone to his ear; waiting for the call to go through, when he realized it was now 7:35.
His eyes shot open as her voice answered on the other end. “Hello?” She sounded as sweet as she did in person. “Hey! It’s Steve,” He said into the mouth piece, holding the phone with two hands like it’d slip away if he didn’t pay attention.
“Oh, hi, Steve! I was hoping it was you.” An audible smile in her voice.
He chuckled and tried to contain himself, “I’m uh, sorry I’m a little late, I was looking for my pants.” He said before smacking his palm against his forehead as she laughed.
“Your pants? Well, did you find them?” She asked amusedly. Steve relaxed and let himself laugh with her. “Yeah, I did, I-I was actually trying to find your phone number in them so I could call you on time.” He confessed.
“Well, I think you’re plenty on time. Don’t worry, you didn’t keep me waiting long, I just now got sat down with my dinner. It’s… been an evening, you could say.” She said with a bitter chuckle at the end.
“Oh? How so?” He asked, curious to hear about her day. “You don’t wanna hear about all that mess, really. Just toddler things. Screaming, potty training, vegetables, you know, the works.” She joked.
Steve smiled, his cheeks hurting at this point but not caring. “I’d be happy to hear about anything you wanna tell me. Besides, you mean to tell me my girl Sara has a mean-streak? I don’t buy it.” He said with a smirk.
Y/n scoffed, “Oh, boy, you have no idea. They’re little monsters, I tell you. The girl refuses to eat anything that isn’t macaroni or chicken. Broccoli? Forget about it.” She leaned against the wall of her kitchen, sat up on the end of her kitchen counter and twirling the phone cord in her fingers.
Steve loved listening to her, he could for hours and actually find everything interesting. So he did.
She told him about their daily routine; what it takes to get Sara ready to go of a morning, what it’s like when it’s just the two of them and what it’s like when she has to work. He found it all fascinating.
The tiny bowls of breakfast, the hair braids, the pink backpacks filled with emergency clothes in case of an accident at daycare, tantrums over forgotten sippy cups sounded more endearing than he knew they were supposed to.
It just was.
All of it.
“So, she does a preschool program at the daycare? What all can she do?” He asked.
“I mean, they do a lot of arts and crafts, but that does a lot more for their development than most would think. And she can tell you every color and almost count to 10 on her own.” She mentioned. Steve smiled at her pride for her daughter.
“Even if she’s a monster sometimes, it sounds like you’re raising a pretty great girl there.” He complimented which made Y/n swoon against the wall.
“You’re real sweet, Steve.” She said again.
“So I’ve heard,” He joked. “So I have to ask,” he started. Y/n’s ears perked at the change in topic. “Have you given my dinner invitation any thought?” He hoped.
Y/n smiled at his persistence. “I have, actually. And we were wondering if tomorrow evening was good for you?”
As if he’d have to think. “Tomorrow sounds fantastic.”
Part 3
Taglist lovelies 💖
@weasleylovers @cutiecusp @frostandflamesfanfic @realsuper-dark @hermadroyalhiney @flowersownme @imagineme2you @moonys-star @daydreaming-mood @just-a-lost-princess @the-fairy-anon @loving-and-dreaming
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alivingfire · 1 year
i've finally gotten to the chapter in my secretly-dating-since-s2 big bang where the kids are in high school and interacting with steve and eddie separately, and i am having The Most Fun writing the most ridiculous situations you've ever seen. snippet below.
(also @knitsforthetrail you kicked me into gear today!! chapter's nearly done!!!)
“Yeah, Mike, Steve fucked up this time but he’s still awesome,” Dustin said, hustling the others out to Eddie’s van. Eddie rolled his eyes at the mini-mothering, knocking the doorstopper out of the way so the theater door swung shut behind them. Dustin continued, “You’re just still mad because he dated Nancy.” 
“And, like, everyone else in this town!” Mike said, crossing his arms. “Plus he’s so lame. Like, cool, you’ve got a car, you’ve got hair and, like, lips or whatever. So what!” 
Eddie felt his eyebrow raise at the lips or whatever comment, but the boys were in front of him and so he didn’t have to tamp it down. Maybe Steve was inadvertently mama-bearing a whole little pack of gays. He told Eddie about the types of gum he’d been trying since September to try to find his “signature taste” but he wouldn’t share about his little flock of homosexuals? His priorities were completely out of wack. 
“Listen, it’s fine,” Dustin said, clambering into the van’s passenger seat like he’d never seen a goddamn car before, all shoulders first and feet kicking. Lucas and Mike, stick bug-shaped children that they were, crawled into the back and perched gingerly on the pillows and guitar string packets and other detritus Eddie forgot was back there. “We’ll just have Steve call your date and tell her what happened! Everyone knows him, he’s a reliable guy, and she’ll have to reschedule with you.” 
“You want,” Eddie said, “Steve Harrington to call my date for me and tell them I was late because he had to work?” 
“Yeah,” Dustin said. 
“Steve ‘has dated everyone in town’ Harrington, according to Mike? You think he should call my date and apologize for me?” 
“Yeah,” Dustin said. “He probably already knows her!” 
“There sure are a lot of blankets in here,” Lucas said, looking around the van. Admittedly, Eddie had rolled out all the stops for a smoke date with Steve a few nights ago that had been very successful judging by Steve's enthusiastic reaction, and he cringed a little to think about what Lucas and Mike might be sitting in. He has got to remember to do laundry sometime. 
“Do you have a comment, Sinclair?” Eddie asked. 
“No, just… questions,” Lucas said. 
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nburkhardt · 2 years
Lower The Noise (Won’t Be Putting My Heart on Display)
The moment Steve Harrington realizes he’s in love isn’t some grand moment. It’s the littlest of things, nearly the stupidest thing if he’s being honest.
But he can feel his heart beat faster, his mind start to race and it feels like he can hardly breathe. His palms get clammy and he can feel his eyes tear up just enough, that he knows exactly what’s going on in his racing mind and beating heart.
He’s in love with Eddie Munson.
Now, don’t get it wrong, it’s not that he’s upset with this information. He’s not. Really, he’s not that upset. At least… maybe he is a little bit. Just, Steve knows what happens now. He knows, ok?
Steve falls in love, and the one he loves…leaves.
They’re just dropping off the kids. Eddie’s in the front seat twisted around to glare at Lucas about something dnd related that Steve vaguely knows and understands. They’ve been arguing over some move since they got in the car, the only ones not speaking is Mike and Dustin, too busy watching Lucas try and fail at defending himself.
Steve is failing at hiding his smile as he drives, listening to it all as he comes to a stop in front of Lucas’ and Mike’s houses.
“Shut it, Sinclair! You just can’t handle that you fucked it up, suck it up” Eddie twists back around with a smirk, “now scram, brats!”
Mike rolls his eyes and jumps out, muttering a “thanks Steve” as he goes. Quickly followed by an upset Lucas, also giving a quick and quiet thanks. Then it’s just Dustin, who lives a little bit further away. Which gives Steve a little extra time with him and Eddie.
The drive to Dustin’s is short and the three of them are content to just sit quietly together listening to the tape Eddie shoved in at the start of the trip, Metallica’s Fade to Black playing but not at an ear-bleeding level.
It’s nice, Steve thinks to himself. He can hear Eddie humming along and beating his hands against his legs.
That’s when it hits. The minute the song fades and Trapped Under Ice starts playing, Eddie’s muttering, “Damn, I forgot how much I love this one” then he’s banging his head, despite the volume still being at a reasonable level.
Dustin’s in the backseat laughing his ass off, and Steve?
Steve’s silently freaking the fuck out.
He doesn’t know how. But somehow he manages to get to Dustin’s house and then away when the kid gets out with a happy thanks and promise to walkie tomorrow, if he needs a ride. Then muscle memory gets him back to driving Eddie home, all while his mind is racing and he’s freaking out.
“See you tomorrow, Steve?”
He glances over and finds Eddie hanging in the window now, his smile on display and his eyes shining.
Nodding, hopefully with a normal smile.
“Of course, man. Need a ride tomorrow too?”
Eddie shakes his wild hair, his smile still there and then, “nah, Wayne’s back with my van. I can even pick up the brats, give Mama Bear a break!” He ends it with a wink, laughing as he taps the door.
He laughs with him, praying the burning of his face isn’t showing. “Ha, thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow!”
“Bye, Steve!”
He pulls away from the Munson home slowly, watching as Eddie digs in his pocket for his key and entering the house.
Somehow he makes it home even in his panic. He slams the door, locking it before falling against it and down to the floor. Head in his shaking hands, his heart pounding in his chest and his throat tightening from his panic. Mind racing with all the moments with Eddie.
How sweet the metal head is, how selfless, kind and nerdy he can be. How his smile looks pointed in Steve’s direction. How his voice sounds like music to him, his laugh even better. How he’s never afraid to be himself and how amazing he is with the kids.
Tears well up in his eyes and he chokes back a sob. Before he realizes it, his sobs break through and there’s a nasty voice in the back of his head calling him a crybaby.
A normal person would be happy with something like this. A normal person would immediately take this information and tell their friends, their family and the person they’re in love with. A normal person wouldn’t be freaking out and crying about it against their front door.
But Steve’s not a normal person, is he?
He’s unlovable.
At ten years old, Steve Harrington overheard the neighbors speak about his parents.
“I just feel so bad for Janet, she doesn’t deserve this” one voice- a woman says with a sigh.
“What do you mean?” Another voice- a man says, “Janet Harrington?”
The woman lets out a hum and Little-Steve can’t see but he can guess she’s nodding, “yeah, her husband is a cheating asshole and she’s stuck with a little boy that’s probably going to be the same! I mean, he already looks like his father’s twin”
Little-Steve frowned at that, his gut twisting uncomfortably at the woman’s voice and he’s too young to really understand why.
“Well, I guess that’s unfortunate. But I don’t think their kid will be exactly like his father-“
The woman laughs and Little-Steve feels like maybe he should leave, but his feet are stuck to the spot, “Oh, honey, you don’t get it. Richard Harrington ruined Janet and I can guarantee, he’ll raise his son to do the same”
Little-Steve doesn’t understand the meaning.
He won’t truly understand until he’s fifteen and his mother is drunk one evening and spits, “Steven, you idiot! You’re going to grow up to be like your father, aren’t you!” To him when he told her about a girl he was thinking of asking out.
He really understands inside Tina’s bathroom when Nancy slurs out, “like we’re in love” and “bullshit!” at him when he’s sixteen.
Then at eighteen, high off the Russian drugs, admitting to Robin that he’s crushing on her and she quietly admits her own crush on another girl.
Ten year old Steve first heard it. But it wasn’t until he was nineteen that he accepts that he’s unloveable.
But, Twenty year old Steve, completely unaware…falls in love with Eddie Munson.
It’s been a month since the realization and his breakdown.
He hasn’t told anyone. It’s locked up tight in his heart, that just keeps bleeding for Eddie. He’s had two other nights freaking out over the realization.
None of the group has said anything to him about him acting weird, so he thinks he’s safe and lucky they aren’t pushing him. Not even Robin, who usually can read him like a book.
Platonic soulmates and all that. And Steve has realized, all he’s going to get in life is platonic relationships. It’s a tough pill to swallow, because he loves too much and he knows, that all anyone wants with him is never anything more than platonic or maybe, just sexual. But it’s never what he wants, which is to be loved back, loved like how he loves.
A bang breaks him from his thoughts and he flinches so hard, he drops the tape on the ground. Looking up, he finds the kids all standing around him with curiosity and annoyance on their faces.
He’s at work, and he just started and these kids know that. So, he’s a little confused at why they’re annoyed at him already.
Dustin rolls his eyes along with the rest, “what’s wrong with you?”
He freezes and his mouth drops, because, what? “What?”
This time, Max says something, “You’ve been weird all month. Weirder than normal, Steve.”
His legs are starting to burn from his crouch, so he gets up and drags the cart around so he can look away from them, “what the fuck does that mean?”
“You’ve been acting weird since you took us all home from hellfire last month, dude.” Lucas speaks up, “did something happen with Eddie after we were gone?”
He bumps into a rack and nearly trips over his cart as he chokes at what Lucas said and that must have tipped the kids off, because next thing he knows, all of them are speaking at once and he can feel his heart pounding.
These fucking meddling teens, who can’t keep quiet or ignore things.
His mind is racing and he’s trying to think back to all month. Has he acted weird? Who else can tell? Or are the kids just overthinking things themselves?
Because there is no way he’s telling a bunch of teens his problems. Especially these teenagers, no matter how much he likes and trusts them.
Both because, he’s afraid of what they’ll think of him being in love with Eddie and if they’ll do what everyone else does in his life and that’s leave. He might’ve been protecting them for the last few years, but he’s still the odd one out.
He’s shaken out of his head by someone snapping their fingers and there’s Max standing in front of him- towering over him, actually. When did he get to the floor?
“Door’s locked now, with the sign on.” Mike says and he sees the kid stick his hands in his pants, “What’s his problem?”
Max and Dustin shake their heads and- when did they get in front of him?
“Steve, what’s going on?”
He shakes his head, he can’t and won’t say it.
They all frown, including Mike, who usually avoids him. Steve knows the younger Wheeler doesn’t like him, at least he hasn’t for a while.
“Steve, buddy, something’s wrong, we can tell” Dustin says quietly, a hand on his arm and his eyes are searching his face, “You can tell us, we’re your friends. We won’t judge you”
He lets out a shaky breath and he pulls his legs to his chest, he’s twenty years old and he’s breaking down in front of teenagers.
It’s been a month, he hasn’t spoken the words out loud. Too afraid that just saying the words will cause Eddie to know and for him to break his heart, like everyone else in his life.
He can hear banging on the windows and he feels tears go down his face, Lucas and Mike walk away and he can’t hear whoever was banging, it’s just himself with Max and Dustin now.
He doesn’t know who says it, but it makes him sob. He’s twenty years old and he’s sobbing in front of fifteen year olds. All because he’s in love with someone and he knows, ok?
He knows.
Steve Harrington is only meant for friendship and nothing else. He’s only meant to be here because he’s useful. And when he’s in love with someone, they leave or they stay but break his heart by staying only within arms reach. No one will love him, like how he loves.
“You don’t really believe that, do you?”
He freezes and blinks back tears to see Max and Dustin with broken, sad looks. It’s then that he realizes in his breakdown, he was speaking out loud and for people to hear what his broken stupid brain and heart thinks.
“Steve, tell me you don’t believe that do you?”
He looks away from Dustin, not wanting to see the look anymore, mumbling out, “it’s true, I- I’m unlovable and I’ve tried and I know, ok?”
The store is quiet now, except for his breathing and his heart beating stupid fast. Because he said something he swore to keep to himself. Not only that but he said it to the kids, the ones that are so important to him and now it’s ruined- they know the truth.
It feels like a lifetime passes and his sobs die down enough for him to wipe his eyes and he avoids looking at the kids, “You guys can leave- I’ll be fine.”
He doesn’t exactly see them, because he’s still avoiding looking. But he can just tell Max is shaking her head and Dustin lets out a huff, “No. no you aren’t fine, Steve, you said some concerning things just now,”
Steve completely freezes at that voice and he tightens his arms as he glances up to find the one he didn’t need to be here.
There’s Eddie standing just behind Dustin and Max, Lucas and Mike next to him equally confused.
He’s staring up at Eddie with wide eyes and red puffy cheeks from the sobbing and all his words are failing him.
“I don’t think he meant to say anything out loud but it was concerning to the point where I’m not leaving him alone with his thoughts” Dustin says, “because you’re my best friend, Steve. That means I love you, even if you don’t believe it”
Shaking his head he snaps his eyes to Dustin, “That’s- you don’t get it” he hisses at him, at all of them, because they really don’t get it and he’s just so tired.
He’s so frustrated with himself.
“Then explain it! Because all of us love you, and not just because you’re useful! You’re plenty loveable, Steve.” Dustin nearly shouts at him, a glare on his face.
Glaring back, his jaw clenched, he wonders for just a moment about what to say.
“Everyone I’ve ever loved, fucking left me.” He snaps back, feeling too heavy. Ignoring everyone around him, just looking at Dustin, the only one who actually wanted his help. His first real friend, and he’s going to ruin it. He knows it and he’s already planning on doing the running this time, “I tried, ok? I tried so fucking hard to not fall in love this time. I didn’t want to and I realized I was already in love with them. But I can’t, ok? Because they’re going to leave. My heart is too weak and bleeding, Dustin.”
He gets up on his shaky legs and turns away from them, “I’m unlovable and everyone leaves. My parents, Nancy tore my heart apart and Robin gently put me down, but it still hurt. So, I’m not letting myself get broken this time. I don’t want to ruin a perfectly happy friendship over my stupidity”
Without making it obvious, he quickly and clearly looks towards Eddie before making his way to the back room. He might’ve sobbed in front of Dustin and Max, but he doesn’t want to break down further.
He’ll do that by himself, much like the other times. Steve is meant to be alone, anyway.
Jolting awake, he looks around and finds himself still in the back room of Family Video.
His head is pounding and he falls back on the chair, glancing at the clock, it glaring at him saying it’s well past closing.
“Well, good morning”
Eyes nearly popping out of his head, he jolts upright and finds Eddie sitting across from him.
“What-what are you doing here?”
Eddie shakes his head and tilts his head to the side, “do you want me to lie or to tell you the truth?”
Confused, he opens his mouth and closes it before just nodding. Speechless.
Eddie drops his legs onto the floor and looks at him with a smile, “well, the lie would be that my van got stolen and you’re my ride now. The truth? I’m concerned and forced my way in here, locking the kids out and bribed them to get out of here. That was” he looked down at his watch, “three hours ago, gotta say, Steve. Having two breakdowns in thirty minutes is a lot, I’m surprised”
He snorts, without thinking. His brain slow from the headache. His heart, though, is beating like crazy.
“Yeah, well, I just ruined one of the only good things in my life. So,” he shrugged before looking at the ground, “but I’ll be fine. You can go-“
Eddie let’s out a ‘tsk tsk’ and stands up, just to sit next to him, a hand on his shoulder to hold him in place.
“Now, Stevie. You don’t get it, clearly.” Eddie starts, “Dustin filled me in on what you said, and he’s right, it’s very concerning. Clearly your parents fucked your head up and Nancy really did tear your heart apart for you to believe you’re unloveable.”
Shaking his head, he looks away from Eddie. Hoping his heart is only loud to himself, “Eddie, I- I don’t need-“
“Don’t need what? Someone to help you realize your brain is fucking stupid? Don’t need me here to listen to you?” Eddie takes his hand off his shoulder, “come on Steve, let me help”
Steve doesn’t know what to say, his heart is beating at an alarming rate and his head is screaming at him to stay quiet. The nasty voice in the back of his head whispering that it’s all a trick, that Eddie will leave him immediately.
But, maybe?
Maybe he can be like Eddie, brave and unapologetically himself. Not afraid to show his feelings.
Though, he doesn’t think he can handle being told again that the person he’s in love with isn’t and can’t be in love with him. This, this time will break him. He can’t be around all this rejection.
“Hey, Stevie, come back to me. Get out of your head.” Eddie whispers to him and oh so gently places his hand on his face and forces eye contact, “there you are”
He chokes on a sob and his eyes well back up, “I love you” he whispers it, hoping and praying that maybe this is a fucked up dream. Closing his eyes, “I’m in love with you and, and I can’t help it, I’m sorry”
There, it’s been a month and he said the words not only out loud but in front of Eddie.
Eddie who’s silent and Eddie’s hand hasn’t left his face. Steve doesn’t know what this means, his tears falling down his face and his heart is impossibly fast and the nasty voice in his head is laughing a bitter sound.
This is why he should leave, he needs to leave, needs to-
“Steve, look at me” Eddie’s voice doesn’t sound angry, the hand pushing his face back towards him but he has his eyes shut tight, “Steve, please”
He’s a weak, weak man.
Opening his eyes, he finds Eddie’s face is red and tears in his eyes but there’s a smile on his face. “Why are you sorry?” He whispers it, and Steve doesn’t know what it means.
“I-“ he starts and he shuts his mouth, trying to find the words. “Didn’t mean to?”
That startles a laugh out of Eddie, he shakes his head and moves his other hand to Steve’s face, nearly squashing his face. And, well, Eddie’s laugh is something that always makes him smile.
“Hey, Stevie,” Eddie starts and loosens the grip on his face, “I’m not at all sorry to say, that I’m in love with you.”
We’re gonna end it there! This was completely based around the song “Charlie Be Quiet!” By Charlie Puth. You listen to the song and tell me it doesn’t sound like a thought process from Steve. The ending is open so you can imagine Eddie pulling Steve for a kiss after. But it’s also open for myself if I decide to add more to it.
The middle part with little-Steve was rough. I didn’t know how I wanted to write it without it being a repeat of fics I’ve read. Also it’s hard to write about a 10yr old’s thought process when I haven’t been that age for 17 years now 😅 but I kinda figured a 10yr old would remember something better than a kid even younger.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 years
Guys, Mike doesn't hate Steve in the way you think he does. He hates him in the way that a teenage boy gets when he's embarrassed by his mother. It's because when they went with Steve to go swimming one time, Steve had pulled sunblock out of his fanny pack and made him put on extra along with Max. Max hadn't minded because she knew how much Mike had hated it, sticking her tongue at him the entire time.
"You of all people need it the most. I am only doing this because I care," Steve said as he rubbed vigorously at Mike's scrawny arms.
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sunshinesteviee · 2 years
emma i already know whatever you write for this adorable sleepover is going to be the cause of my death, but may i please request #17 - to the child: "Could you please bring this to mama/papa/parent?" *handing them a tiny love note* from list one with dad!steve? thank youu i love u hehe <3
kait!!! thank you so much omg i hope you like this; dad!steve owns my entire heart <3 mom!reader, wc: 846
It’s a relatively quiet evening in for the Harrington household. The soup you’re making for dinner is simmering on the stove while Steve keeps your toddler busy. You love Claire, she has you wrapped around her finger, but you’re so glad to have Steve; you’re not sure how you’d ever get anything done if it was just you. The last time you’d checked on your loves, they were both sitting at the coffee table in the living room, coloring diligently, and judging how quiet it is, you assume they’re still there.
Steve is, in fact, still sitting on the floor next to his little girl as she scribbles furiously on her paper, the entirety of her tiny hand wrapped around the purple crayon she’s using. Her eyebrows are furrowed, her nose is scrunched up, and her soft, wavy hair is falling into her face as she concentrates on getting her picture just right. Every little thing she does makes Steve’s heart burst, and this little moment is no exception. Reaching out toward her, Steve gently brushes her hair out of her face, tucking it back into the bow clip already in her hair, even though her hair will probably shake free again in a few moments. His voice is soft and filled with adoration as he asks, “What are you coloring, baby?”
It takes a moment, but Claire finally looks up with wide eyes and gives Steve a smile that is identical to yours. His heart bursts again.
Claire begins explaining her picture, pointing out each part as she does. She’s still learning how to talk, and though Steve can interpret her toddler gibberish better than anyone else, he only catches half the words. Still, he nods thoughtfully, as though he fully understands her, “Wow, lovey, you’re doing such a good job. It’s such a pretty picture.”
She beams at him again, and points at the paper on the table in front of Steve, crayon still in her hand, “Dada draw.”
“Oh, you want daddy to draw another picture?”
“Mhm,” she nods, jabbing her finger at the paper again, “Mama an’ Dada an’ Claire.”
“That’s what you want me to draw?” When she nods again, Steve can’t help but give in, even though his drawing skills aren’t great.
Once she sees that he’s drawing what she asked for, Claire turns back to her own paper with a green crayon this time, scribbling right over the purple. Steve’s a bit more careful as he draws three stick figures on the blank piece of paper, one with your hair, one with his hair and glasses, and a dress and pigtails on the smallest figure. Holding the picture up for her to see, he asks, “How’s this, lovey?”
“Do you think Mama will like our pictures?”
“Mhm!” she babbles on a little longer, saying something about the fridge, and Steve realizes that she wants her picture hung up on the fridge, next to the other three million pictures already there. Not that he would ever complain about her adorable drawings.
“I bet if you showed Mama your picture, she’d hang it up on the fridge, Claire bear,” Steve says, taking a different crayon to quickly write a small note on the paper he’d drawn on. Folding the paper in half, Steve hands it to his little girl and points to the kitchen, “Will you take this one to Mama, too, peanut?”
The unmistakable sound of clumsy toddler footsteps approach the kitchen and you turn away from the stove just in time to see Claire burst into the kitchen. She grins at the sight of you, throwing her arms in the air so you can pick her up, “Mama!”
“Hey, sweetheart!” you bend down to scoop her up into your arms, pulling her up to your hip, “Were you and Daddy coloring together?”
Instead of answering, she shoves her drawing into your face, eagerly awaiting your praise, which you quickly give to her after glancing at the mess of color, “Oh, it’s beautiful, baby! You’re so good at coloring.” You punctuate your sentence with a kiss to her cheek. “What’s the other paper you got there, baby?”
“Dada,” she says, holding the paper out for you to take before squirming in your arms.
You set her back on the floor before you can unfold the paper, and watch her dart back out to the living room. When she disappears from the kitchen, you hang up the drawing she’d given you, and unfold the one from your husband. Inside, next to the drawing he’d done is a small note written in crayon. Steve’s already messy handwriting is even harder to read in the thick crayon, but you manage to make out what it says.
It’s his cheesiest nickname for you, followed by an equally cheesy proclamation of love that ends with ‘I love our life together. Love you to the moon and back, honey. Steve’ He’d even drawn a messy heart next to his name.
His drawing and note goes on the fridge front and center right next to Claire’s.
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missjashin · 1 year
Gareth being the last one to accept Steve into their little group. He was wary and probably little too mean to Steve even when the guy obviously tried his best to be nice and friendly to him, to them all really. He had his reasons.
But he also kinda kept it going even after he figured out that yeah, Steve Harrington is a good dude. Simply because it was kinda fun to make Steve squirm a little. And see how easily he could turn Eddie back to docile with a simple “Eddie please” when the guy turned into a feral dog trying to defend his bf honor or whatever. (Tho that was also kinda weird to witness, considering how headstrong Eddie is)
Gareth is regretting his hostility quite a bit tho when they finally meet ✨Will✨Because oh my god that boy is cute. And nerdy. And cute. And adorable. And smart. And beautiful. And okay okay yeah you get the point… Did he mention cute? Little sweetness to his grumpiness. And oh yeah he is getting ahead of himself again.
And suddenly he is no longer up against Eddie’s gentle and sweet pretty little princess of a boyfriend. No, he has to deal with the mama bear Steve Harrington now. And that’s scary.
(Actually Steve thinks Gareth’s crush on Will is cute. But you know, he can have little fun with this. He knows how to be menacing too and it’s payback time✨)
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curtsycream · 8 months
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Here you’ll find all my newer works, want to read my older fics click the link in my pinned for it <33
New MasterList
* <- smut
+ <- angst
• <- agere
~ <- m!reader
! <- f!reader
Poly 141 x Reader
Sons of Anarchy*!
Beautiful Woman*!
Price x Reader x Simon
Could You Understand?*!
Golden Era
Hermione Granger x F!Reader
Anything For You, Beautiful !
Marauders Era
Jily x F!Reader
She’s in Love !
Regulus Black x Reader
Could Never Unlove You !
She’s Her !
My Heart Lingers in Italy !
James Potter x Reader
My Greatest Love, My Greater Enemy+!
Heartaches & Coffee+!
Lost It All+~
WolfStar x Reader
A Long Night*!
Ushijima Wakatoshi x Little!Reader
Daddy’s Touch•!
BakuKiriDeku x Little!Reader
Hide n Seek•!
What Makes Them Happy•!
Baby Voice•!
Missing You•!
Pacifier Complications•!
When Sleep Won’t Come•!
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Farmer’s Market Crush !
Stranger Things
Robin Buckley x F!Reader
No One Puts Lovey In A Corner !
Eddie Munson x Reader
But It’s Not Real+!
Support The Arts !
Beside You+!
Support the Arts 3*!
Steve Harrington x Reader
Split Ends !
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SoapGhostGaz x Reader
Platonic!TF141 x Reader
Their Daughter !
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson x Reader
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Cottagecore Wife !
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John ‘Soap’ MacTavish
Tell Me About Your Day
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
Video Call*!
Stranger Things
Robin Buckley x F!Reader
They Call It Love !
Eddie Munson x Reader
A Lesson in Good Girl Training*!
A Lesson in Answering Calls*!
A Lesson in Picnics*!
A Lesson in Bat Boyfriends !
A Lesson in Nails and Blowjobs*!
The Country Club*!
His Scene Girl !
Steve Harrington x Reader
Seijoh Four x Reader
The Way To My Heart…Oranges !
Rainy Days !
Marauders Era
James Potter x Reader
I Promise !
Blue Hands !
BakuKiriDeku x Little!Reader
Mama Bear•!
Favorite Blankets•!
Snow Days•!
Lay Your Head Down•!
Broken Vase•!
Surviving Summer
Baxter Radic x Reader
I Like You !
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Reneé Rapp x F!Reader
Mi Amor !
Mean Girls 2024 !
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson x Reader
Support the Arts 2 !
Marauders Era
Jily x F!Reader
Ringed Fingers !
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tartarusknight · 1 year
Steve "I take care of myself" Harrington finally getting together with Eddie "I am a classic worrier" Munson. But also Eddie "doesn't want to be a bother" Munson and Steve "mama bear" Harrington.
Steve who gets sick at work and Eddie who takes care of him despite Steve saying that he's perfectly fine dealing with it alone. And when Steve is finally okay, Eddie gets what Steve has. Eddie tries not to worry Steve but Steve comes in swinging with soup and cuddles. Despite Eddie's protest that Steve just started feeling better.
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 9 months
Promise To Try
by LocalCryptid7
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham, Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair Character: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, Nancy Wheeler, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Erica Sinclair, Wayne Munson, Jason Carver, Eleven | Jane Hopper Additional Tags: Past Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler, Minor Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler, Stranger Things Season 4 Rewrite, pre-season 4, Alternate Universe, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Gay Eddie Munson, Bisexual Chrissy Cunningham, Protective Steve Harrington, Protective Eddie Munson, Protective Wayne Munson, Good Parent Wayne Munson, Steve Harrington's Nail Bat, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Internalized Homophobia, Period-Typical Homophobia, Canon-Typical Violence, Vecna's Curse (Stranger Things), Vecna Possessing Steve Harrington, Hurt Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, Good Babysitter Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington-centric, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Not Canon Compliant, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Wayne Munson finds out about the Upside Down, The Upside Down (Stranger Things), Slow Burn, Suicidal Thoughts, Steve Harrington Has Self-Esteem Issues, Steve Harrington Has PTSD, Steve Harrington Has a Sexuality Crisis, Steve Harrington Has Head Trauma, Steve Harrington Has a Bisexual Awakening, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington Has Panic Attacks, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Hallucinations, Depression, References to Drugs, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Eating Disorders, Chrissy Cunningham Lives, Chrissy Cunningham is a Sweetheart, Chrissy Cunningham Needs a Hug, chrissy cunningham is a badass, no beta we die like men, Eddie Munson Works at Family Video, Eddie Munson Has ADHD, Steve Harrington has Dyslexia, Mutual Pining, Steve Harrington Swears, So does everyone else Words: 84,101 Chapters: 17/17
“We can make a deal. I get you a job at Family Video, with me and Robin. And I can’t make any promises, but I can try to help you study. I’ll be useless with English but I wasn’t completely horrible at math. I do that, and you just have to stop dealing and look out for the kids when they’re at school.” Munson’s eyes narrowed slightly. “You want to help me get a job and help me graduate?” “If it helps the kids, yes.” --- A Pre-Season 4/Season 4 rewrite with Family Video employee Eddie, Mama Bear Steve, Vecna-ed Steve, plenty of angst, more than one sexuality crisis, Wayne adopting every sad teen he finds, and a happy ending for everyone (except Jason and Vecna). Trigger warnings at the start of every chapter.
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