draconiclotus · 1 month
@malumae | continued
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❝ You would know if I was being sarcastic, Blade. ❞
Dan Heng's lips pressed together into a thin line. He inhaled deeply and slowly breathed out. Blade's words sounded civil enough. But the Mara within him, telling the former foragemaster to kill him, was always going to be bubbling close to the surface. Because he was Dan Feng's reincarnation. He had to take all the man's sin's and crimes onto his own shoulders. That included everything that had happened to Blade.
He noted how the other man's eyes followed his movements. It made him slightly more on edge. But it was something that he was trying to learn to ignore. It didn't mean that Blade was going to fly off the handle again and try to kill him.
The dragon cocked an eyebrow at the smug grin Blade was showing off. As if he had won the biggest prize at Penacony. He too though kept eye contact with the other man, watching as he circled around him like that of a vulture circling their recently scavenged prey.
He and Dan Feng were NOT the same person. The dead man haunted him enough as it was. He didn't need the Stellaron Hunter to continue to do so. This had to stop at some point. It just had to, if Blade didn't stop it himself, Dan Heng would.
❝ Why wouldn't I be here? I was invited. I am a member of the Nameless. The Astral Express was invited. ❞
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shallliveoninsong · 1 month
|| @malumae cont. from [X]!
"Since we aren't on a battlefield," he retorts instantly.
But blood on the spotless floors of the Seat of Divine Foresight? And at this late hour when everyone else had already gone home it left no one but Jing Yuan to clean up the biohazzard.
While he's careful not to let the other out of his sight he does meander over to the little tea station set off to the side to grab a hand towel off of it. He then wads it up in a ball and tosses it at the Stelleron Hunter to use.
"Now, to what do I owe the displeasure?"
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draconicfool · 1 month
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"Tell me how you plan to leave without your doctor when you don't know where you're going?"
It's a rare taunt from the doctor. Rare that he is ever anything but playing that sweet demeanor with the forced accent. Maybe it's just because it's Blade this time. A reminder, he thinks, of something that he would rather forget. But then again, that isn't his fault. But the response Eros gets is. And it has him irritated in turn.
He fidgets with the vials in his garter, looking each one over. Making sure they're secure. Even with the scripts one could never be too careful. Never know when paralysis or simple poison was going to be needed.
And then he's tapping his boot against the ground. Watching the other before he crouches down to look him over. Making sure that the bandages and other things are properly in place. Not that it really matters when the man doesn't seem to need actual help from the Hunters' doctor. But all the same.
"It's a surprise." And his hands would go up as if he were a mime mimicking a little flash of confetti. "I was told not to tell you. I'm driving."
@malumae || c.
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wingsoar · 1 month
୧‿︵‿︵  Send me a 👀 for my muse’s reaction to your muse checking them out. | accepting
@malumae asked: "#this would be crack" prove it, he's doin it alright: 👀
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Robin   gave   most   people   the   benefit   of   the   doubt   but   this   man's   intent   was   blatantly   obvious.   His   crimson   stare   seemed   to   scan   her   up   from   head   to   toe.   Causing   the   songbird   to   self   consciously   fold   her   arms   over   her   chest.
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"D-Do   you   have   no   shame?   ....."   Perhaps   she   was   going   to   have   to   text   Firefly!   Suggest   a   good   scolding   for   his   behavior.
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infintasmal · 1 month
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@malumae : ‘does it ever bother you? that you are only a pale imitation of who you used to be?’ The Dragon Republic
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" No. " The answer is quick, cold, without thought or feeling. Who did she used to be? A child on a burning ship. A sword, dazzling in the low light. Transcendent flash. Sword Champion. Captain, teacher, traitor traitor traitor. Why should she be bothered? This is fate, this is penance, this is punishment. The glittering shell has fallen away, only the sword remains. She can hardly remember what it was like to shine as she might have.
Her gaze, cloth covered, turns toward the voice. Another shade, far removed from what he had been. "We have both fallen far, you and I. But I can no longer see the path I once tread. That person is gone now. And I do not mourn her passing."
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moonraging · 9 days
for @malumae continued from here.
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A light-hearted chuckle was all that she offered in response, her posture easy, barely an ounce of TENSION clinging to the sloping of laxity of her shoulders.
The Stellaron Hunters were renowned for their misdeeds and seemingly outlandish DOGMA alike, but where they failed to pose an immediate threat to the Alliance, Feixiao could find it in herself to garner some measure of RESPECT for their dedication and efficacy.
"Don't mind me. It's just that it's rare to cross paths with you bunch. I would have thought that a Pathstrider of Finality would know better than to cross paths with The Hunt."
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reallyrandomtj · 22 days
Moved to THREAD: @malumae || ren's response HERE
The General remained silent as golden eyes carefully observes Ren picking at his wound for shrapnel, he turns to look away and close his eyes only to simply hold out a roll of bandages for the injured man to use when ready to do so, the blood that dripped down the others arm didn't bother him at all but the silence gave Jing Yuan's own mind a chance to wonder into old unpleasant memories.
“your pity disgusts me & i need no more reminders of how little help you were in the past.”
Those words were what caused Jing Yuan to slowly open his eyes, realizing his hand was now empty he brought it back to rest upon his knee as he stood up and folded his arms, taking a moment to lean against a nearby wall so he was physically out of others man reach.
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"Is that so, Ren?" Jing Yuan sighed softly, closing his eyes to speak his truth "I'm not afraid to admit that I could have done better looking back on things after nothing can be done about it. But in the moment, what you call inaction was essentially a mix of confusion dealing with a very unfamiliar situation and little guidance on top of witnessing those I cared for were suffering that involved a very sensitive topic for all of us... not just you." he paused slowly shaking his head, did he even remember ever saying this to Ren before?
"Baiheng, dead. Both you and Jingliu, mara struck. Dan Feng, a forced rebirth... I could do little to protect any of you, I don't even believe that my attempts to set Dan Heng free from the shackling prison was enough to scratch the surface to try make up for my 'inaction' as you call it. I failed you all, correct?" he would open his eyes to stare in the others direction; mostly to check if Ren was done with the roll of bandages so Jing Yuan could collect them.
"Better things to do? Of course. A Generals work is never done ~ However, if you believe that 'we are done' here then I suppose we are? I wouldn't want to disgust you any further" Jing Yuan calmly kicked, with his foot, off the wall and calmly approached the other "Or remind you of the past despite being one yourself... am I wrong, Ren?" gentle golden eyes stares into crimson that, could easily burn him, only to collect the ball of bandages and take a few steps back.
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draconiclotus · 8 days
@malumae asked: “ i had a dream with you in it and for once it wasn’t bad. i quite liked it even. ”
unprompted asks | Always accepting
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❝ A dream? ❞
Dan Heng was surprised that Ren would dream about HIM. Specifically speaking, about killing him. As he wanted to do for years now as he was the reincarnation of Dan Feng, the previous Imbibitor Lunae.
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But to hear him say he liked the dream and that it wasn't all that bad made him smile. Perhaps Ren was finally starting to see him as Dan Heng. And Dan Heng was someone who cared about others but wouldn't repeat the mistakes of the past. Ever.
❝ I'm glad to hear that. Do you remember the dream at all? Could you tell me about it, if you do remember that is. ❞
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shallliveoninsong · 12 days
@malumae replied to your post “"Can you all... stop bullying me?"”:
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"Some things never change, it seems."
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draconicfool · 30 days
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Shoi-Ming shifted his weight, albeit a bit uncomfortably before taking a deep breath and summoning the rather large ax he wielded. Something that since his gauntlets had been made- saw very little use.
"It's- a little silly but I was wondering if there was anything you could do to help me on- on the fact I wish to use this more than my current weapons which bring me...much closer to battle than I would like to be."
@malumae || c.
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wingsoar · 29 days
Send 🍾 + a question for my muse to answer your question while drunk. | accepting.
@malumae asked: 🍾 oooh robin, what’s your absolute favorite thing to do apart from singing? is it nerdy? are you a little geek? is it embarrassing?
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".....My   favvvvooorite   thing,   hmm?"   She   slurred,   resting   her   cheek   against   her   open   palm.
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"If   not   singing   mmmmmm   ....   then   dancing!   hehehehe.   You   wanted   me   to   embarrass   myself.   Didn'tchaa?"   And   then   a   pause,   brows   furrowing   for   a   brief   second.   "W-wait   ...   how'd   you   get   in   here?..........   eh,   whatever!"
time   for   another   drink!
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infintasmal · 6 days
@malumae : jingliu would at least agree jingyuan got the biggest tits among everyone though right? right.
@celesticlnstcrs : leave him out of this convo-
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"It is a safe estimation. He was so small and... cute when I started training him. Now, he's like an overgrown cat. With a large chest." she's still mad he outgrew her. the absolute audacity of big tall men.
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scriptospark · 10 days
@malumae ♥'d for an incorrect quote
Kafka: Don’t preach to me about romance, Blade. I had a three-way in a hot-air balloon.
& another
Kafka: Know why I called you in here? Blade: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic. Kafka: *Stops pouring two glasses of wine.* Accidentally?
one more
Blade, with a headache: Advil me up, daddy. Kafka: I will short out the language centre of your brain if you say anything like that ever again.
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shallliveoninsong · 12 days
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"Can you all... stop bullying me?"
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draconicfool · 1 month
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@malumae asked: "Let's go home."
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"There's work to be done." A lie.
For when was she ever vulnerable? Yet, there had been some spark of...something there. As they stood in the rain, together now. Overlooking what abandoned manor that had once been her home. Her cage. And those amethyst eyes are focusing on it. There's a twinge of something in her chest. And she can't tell if it's the rain or tears on her cheeks. And her black-tinted fingers ball into a fist.
And she turns on her heel to look up at him. The rain has ruined her makeup but she doesn't seem to notice or care. And there's an obvious hurt that she'll deny, too.
"...I wanna burn it to the ground, Ren." And her voice cracks as she speaks. "I never want to see it again."
take me home || accepting
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