moonraging 2 days
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moonraging 4 days
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eats an entire mooncake like an apple.
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moonraging 5 days
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"Restriction is a component INTEGRAL to strength. For someone who claims to know the latter so well, it's a surprise you've yet to come to this conclusion."
There was an edge to her voice, not quite icy but certainly stern. Such a shift of tone would have been suitably foreboding for any who understood her proclivities; those who came to know her IRE rarely lived long enough to recount it.
"Why are you here, Hoolay?"
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the biology of a borisin who has undergone the blessings of the one known as ------ is something that is already documented between both races. Foxians, borisins, the only difference is the acceptance of one own power. however-
the power be, that he did not like the boots he had on.
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moonraging 5 days
"So you are BOLD." Feixiao commented, nonchalant. "Is that because your Script has already told you about what happens next? Or are you just so confident in your own abilities that you're certain that I don't pose a threat?"
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Stellaron Hunter Blade, ex-member of the High Cloud Quintet and supposed ABOMINATION of the Abundance. Her duty as an Arbiter General would have necessitated her to strike him down as a threat to the Alliance. And yet... there was more nuance to his role and identity than what immediately met the eye. She'd been privy to his involvement in the most recent Stellaron crisis on the Luofu, aware of his contribution - not as an instigator, but as a tenuous ally.
"Tell me then. What are you doing here? Missing home?"
for @malumae continued from here.
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A light-hearted chuckle was all that she offered in response, her posture easy, barely an ounce of TENSION clinging to the sloping of laxity of her shoulders.
The Stellaron Hunters were renowned for their misdeeds and seemingly outlandish DOGMA alike, but where they failed to pose an immediate threat to the Alliance, Feixiao could find it in herself to garner some measure of RESPECT for their dedication and efficacy.
"Don't mind me. It's just that it's rare to cross paths with you bunch. I would have thought that a Pathstrider of Finality would know better than to cross paths with The Hunt."
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moonraging 6 days
@deadtrail said:
" i only gamble with my life, never my money."
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"Seems like you've got your priorities straight, Galaxy Ranger. I can admire your dedication to your CREED."
It was with a close-lipped smile and crossed arms that Feixiao regarded her company. More metal than flesh, there was a gleam in his eyes and a wicked curve to his smile that would have made most think twice prior to engaging. Perhaps it was the way he spoke, her knowledge of his faction or a familiar DOGGEDNESS of a fellow Pathstrider of the Hunt that beckoned her. In any case, she simply couldn't help but be INTRIGUED.
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"Financial ruin means you suffer for decades or even centuries with not even an ounce of ABSOLUTION in sight. Death on the other hand? It's inclined to be merciful if done right."
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moonraging 8 days
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Feixiao! 馃敟 commission for @honkaistarrail
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moonraging 9 days
for @malumae continued from here.
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A light-hearted chuckle was all that she offered in response, her posture easy, barely an ounce of TENSION clinging to the sloping of laxity of her shoulders.
The Stellaron Hunters were renowned for their misdeeds and seemingly outlandish DOGMA alike, but where they failed to pose an immediate threat to the Alliance, Feixiao could find it in herself to garner some measure of RESPECT for their dedication and efficacy.
"Don't mind me. It's just that it's rare to cross paths with you bunch. I would have thought that a Pathstrider of Finality would know better than to cross paths with The Hunt."
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moonraging 10 days
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so i've finished most of the 2.5 story quest and just wanted to share some of my thoughts - spoilers beneath the cut!
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boy howdy was i surprised to see them take that direction with hoolay. i fully expected them to go on the straight and narrow, keep him as a brute of a character whose only priority was to take revenge etc.
so! i was pleasantly surprised to see them put more thought into the way he strategised. the plan to turn a former war slave into a warhead because that would simultaneously shake manga's plan and deal a devastating blow to the alliance? his ability to maintain his value of 'strength' over even any innate concern for the borisin? good stuff.
also!!! his ost in the boss fight utilising the short sharp notes we see so often in horror motif was a super nice touch. i loved the all-round focus on lupitoxin and fear, as well as the fact that hoyo really didn't shy from being a bit more graphic this time round ( the entire jiaoqiu thing, the CG with the crimson moon ).
finally, finally. the animations in this patch went hard. i have no words.
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moonraging 10 days
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" up and at 'em! carpe diem, or however it is the saying goes. "
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moonraging 12 days
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moonraging 12 days
English added by me :)
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moonraging 13 days
THE MUMMY (1999) PROMPTS * 聽assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
looks to me like you're on the wrong side of the river!
by the way... why did you kiss me?
it seemed like a good idea at the time.
that's called stealing, you know.
is it dangerous?
stop it! you'll kill them!
get me a glass of bourbon.
this just keeps getting better and better.
this door doesn't open.
who opened that chest?
i only want four!
the map! i forgot the map!
i think he's filthy, rude, a complete scoundrel. i don't like him one bit.
i guess we go home empty-handed... again.
look what i got.
i think you found something.
what exactly is this man in prison for?
you just got promoted.
you're with me on this one, right?
keep him busy.
we are in serious trouble.
this creature is the bringer of death.
you must not read from the book!
where are they taking him?
there's only one person i know that can possibly give us any answers.
can you look me in the eye and guarantee me that this isn't all some kind of flimflam?
i'm a very lonely man.
look at my library!
you're gonna get yours, [name]!
never did like camels.
what do you suppose killed him?
time to go.
take my hand, and i will spare your friends.
will you look at that?
do they know something we don't?
i need a new job.
have you no respect for the dead?
i've dreamt about this since i was a little girl.
you dream about dead guys?
patience is a virtue.
any last requests?
loosen the knot and let me go.
i don't think we need to know this.
ooh... that's gotta hurt.
you... i just don't get.
you probably won't live through it.
everybody else we've bumped into has died. why not you?
you're wondering... what is a place like me doing in a girl like this?
yeah, i was there.
can you swim?
of course we don't let him go!
you'll be dead when they do this.
i think i'll kill you.
think of my children.
i only gamble with my life, never my money.
i may not be an explorer or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker or a gunfighter, but i am proud of what i am.
give me frogs! flies! locusts! anything but you!
compared to you, the other plagues were a joy.
i am so very sorry. it was an accident.
you are a catastrophe.
oh my god, i hate it when these things do that.
is he supposed to look like that?
of course i can swim, if the occasion calls for it.
now, because of you, we have failed.
you think this justifies the killing of innocent people?
what did you say?
i don't want to tell you.
let me get this straight.
you don't have any children.
you lied to me.
i lie to everybody.
what makes you so special?
sorry. didn't mean to scare you.
the only thing that scares me are your manners.
have you got any bright ideas?
i'm thinking. i'm thinking!
you'd better think of something fast.
what are we going to do?
wait here! i'll go get help!
i thought you said you didn't believe in all this fairy tales and hokum stuff.
forget it! we're out the door, we're down the hall, and we're gone!
i told you not to play around with that thing.
you heard the man. no mortal weeapons can kill this guy.
listen! we've got to do something!
is that my problem?
i appreciate you saving my life and all, but when i signed on, i agreed to take you out there and bring you back. end of job, end of story, contract terminated.
that's all i am to you? a contract?
you can either tag along with me or stay here and try to save the world.
do something!
you know, nasty little fellows such as yourself always get their comeuppance.
what's the challenge then?
rescue the damsel in distress, kill the bad guy, and save the world.
death is only the beginning.
why are you going back?
i'm going downstairs to get me a drink. you want something?
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moonraging 13 days
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Feixiao commonly has nightmares revolving around the Borisin. Wolf howls, the place of her confinement, her life before breaking free - memories of her past aren't easy to shake and continue to haunt her involuntarily.
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moonraging 15 days
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points and laughs @gemkun.
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moonraging 15 days
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Despite the way she almost comes off as carefree and lackadaisical, Feixiao is someone who prioritizes maintaining unparalleled awareness and security over most else. She's well-trained and has excellent reflexes - enough so that she's able to detect intruders, ill-intent and defend from attacks with relative ease. That said, she's also not someone who readily accepts physical intimacy ( hugs, pressing up close, carrying someone/being carried or sitting in someone's lap ) unless she's in the company of those she finds herself very close with.
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moonraging 15 days
That the emergent piece of intel was ALARMING was to say the least. Alarming perhaps, haunting certainly, but hardly unexpected.
Their universe was a wide and NIGH boundless one; things ( and individuals ) were rarely ever truly lost, and the off-chance that something familiar or devastating might eventually turn up amongst the flotsam and jetsam of the swirling currents was always slim but never outright impossible.
"Quite the find." Her remark came with an errant flick of a plumed ear, followed by the slow and measured tap of her fingers against her opposing forearm; she spoke less with irritation and more with a casual levity that strayed in the direction of mild intrigue.
"But I concur." She nodded once, definitive and bold, her eyes coming alight as she gazed down at the projection. "It's exactly the sort of thing that poses just the right amount of risk that means it can't be conveniently ignored."
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"There's no point in waiting about. If this ship really is what you say it is, then the QUICKER we deal with it the better. "
@moonraging -- ;
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It wasn't a normal occurrence for Dan Heng to be involved in the affairs of the Xianzhou, but as the inheritor of the Azure Dragon's legacy, he still felt obligated to protect the Luofu if nothing else. In the weeks leading up to the Wardance, with March embroiled in training and the Generals, with their affairs, it came as a surprise when he was summoned to the Palace of Astrum to a small gathering where Jing Yuan waited alongside Feixiao with Huaiyan nowhere to be seen. As he hadn't been told over text, Dan Heng assumed it was imperative.
"Ah, Dan Heng, you've arrived," Jing Yuan greeted warmly, standing straight-backed with his hands clasped behind his back. Madam Yukong stood poised at the console she presided over, taking it as a cue. With a few taps on the holographic menu, the holographic tableau changed to a grainy projection of what appeared to be a Xianzhou ship, something that took Dan Heng aback, but he listened on.
"I'll admit, this is highly unprecedented, especially during the Wardance of all things. However, some of our satellites captured this image relative to our location, and it's... highly unusual." Jing Yuan paused to meet Feixiao and Dan Heng's gazes. "It appears we've stumbled upon the remains of the Yuanqiao, one of the Xianzhou flagships lost eons ago. We believed it to be lost, but the reason I've summoned you, Dan Heng, is because this is the last known location of the previous Azure Dragon's lineage before it transferred to yours. Given how there's likely a Plaguemark aboard, I wanted to ask if you'd be able to subdue it, possibly alongside General Feixiao."
Dan Heng took a long moment to process what Jing Yuan had asked, but it made sense: before the time of the Vidyadhara joining the Alliance, when they'd still lived on Sihai, the Yuanqiao ship had machinations that enraged his ancestor, Axiuhe. He'd joined the coarse rebels in fighting the corrupt nobility and had entered the Dragon's Delirium, causing rampant destruction that had been the cause of the Yuanqiao's ruination. The Azure Dragon's line had to be remade, but if the red giant hadn't destroyed it...
"It could be another source for the Denizens of Abundance. If it remains unchecked, it could become a threat of the likes not seen since Rahu or Ketu Mirage." He regarded Feixiao with a pensive expression. "General, if this is what you intend on doing, then I'll do my best to seal the Yuanqiao's Plaguemark. And to protect you, if necessary."
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moonraging 16 days
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" why hesitate? you'll never know until you give it a shot. "
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