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La Flor de la Mariposa (Heteropterys glabra o Heteropterys angustifolia) está, lamentablemente, muy poco difundida, salvo en algunas provincias del norte argentino, donde se la cultiva más por sus propiedades medicinales que por su delicada belleza...
Conocida también como Falso Tilo, Tilo del campo o Tilo paraguayo, la Flor de la Mariposa es un arbusto trepador, de hoja perenne, que pertenece a la familia Malpighiaceae, que comprende unos 75 géneros y 1300 especies nativas de regiones tropicales y subtropicales...
El 90 por ciento de estas especies son nativas de América del Sur ;el 10% restante está localizado en el continente africano y también en Indonesia, Malasia y Filipinas...
En la provincia argentina del Chaco, donde se encuentra ampliamente difundida, era conocida por los tobas como Cotapic Ita'a, que significa "padre del quebracho colorado". Con frecuencia se la encuentra mencionada en las investigaciones sobre medicina popular...
Sus flores y frutos se utilizan en infusiones como sedantes...
También está documentado el uso en baños de inmersión como relajante: se hierven varios gajos y hojas de la Mariposa y se añaden al agua del baño...
Sus tallos volubles son muy resistentes y en sus lugares de origen solían utilizarse para atar varas de techos de paja para ranchos y casas de los campesinos, en reemplazo de las lonjas de cuero...
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Como planta ornamental tiene el atractivo de su porte desgarbado, con flores pequeñas, amarillas, de cinco pétalos y los atractivos frutos en forma de sámaras (alas) de color rosado intenso, a veces rojo...
Frecuentemente la fructificación aparece al mismo tiempo en que la planta está florecida, dando el espectáculo simultáneo de flores amarillas y "maripositas" rojas que parecen estar libando de ellas...Amén... DTBM.!! 🙌🦋🌼🍃
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lunamagicablu · 5 months
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Acerola Malpighia punicifolia o Malpighia glabra L. FAMIGLIA: Malpighiaceae NOMI POPOLARI: Ciliegia delle Barbados, Ciliegia delle Indie Occidentali, Manzanita, Semeruto. Arbusto o piccolo albero che può raggiungere fino i 5 metri di altezza. Foglie: dalla forma ovale-lanceolata, opposte, con un picciolo molto corto e con dei piccoli peli che possono irritare. Fiori: con 5 petali dal colore che varia dal rosa pallido al rosso vivo. Frutto: sono delle drupe rosse, somiglianti alle nostre ciliegie. Molto succose e dal gusto acidulo, divise internamente in spicchi. Il frutto della pianta di Acerola è conosciuto anche con il nome di "ciliegia delle Indie Occidentali" o "ciliegia di Barbados". PARTE UTILIZZATA: frutto PRINCIPALI COMPONENTI Vitamina C Vitamine del gruppo B Provitamina A Sali minerali Flavonoidi Tannini Carotenoidi PROPRIETA’ SALUTISTICHE PRINCIPALI Antiossidante Vitaminizzante Favorisce le naturali difese del corpo Ricostituente Favorisce l’assorbimento del ferro. Utile come rimedio naturale da erboristeria in caso di: Astenia Convalescenza Carenza di vitamine e ferro Prevenzione dei disturbi da raffreddamento. CONTROINDICAZIONI: il frutto dell’Acerola non presenta particolari effetti collaterali, se non in casi di ipersensibilità individuale. Per la sua elevata acidità è controindicata in caso di acidità gastrica e gastrite, mentre un uso eccessivo può provocare la formazione di calcoli renali. Non utilizzare insieme ad Uva ursina, Corbezzolo ed altre piante ad idrochinoni in quanto può ridurne l’effetto purificante sulle vie urinarie. https://www.erbecedario.it ******************************** Acerola Malpighia Punicifolia or Malpighia glabra L. FAMILY: Malpighiaceae POPULAR NAMES: Barbados Cherry, West Indian Cherry, Manzanita, Semeruto. Shrub or small tree that can reach up to 5 meters in height. Leaves: oval-lanceolate in shape, opposite, with a very short petiole and small hairs that can irritate. Flowers: with 5 petals whose color varies from pale pink to bright red. Fruit: they are red drupes, similar to our cherries. Very juicy and with a sour taste, divided internally into segments. The fruit of the Acerola plant is also known as the "West Indian cherry" or "Barbados cherry". PART USED: fruit MAIN COMPONENTS C vitamin B vitamins Provitamin A Mineral salts Flavonoids Tannins Carotenoids MAIN HEALTHY PROPERTIES Antioxidant Vitaminising Promotes the body's natural defenses Restorative Promotes the absorption of iron. Useful as a natural herbal remedy in case of: Asthenia Convalescence Vitamin and iron deficiency Prevention of cooling disorders. CONTRAINDICATIONS: the Acerola fruit does not present particular side effects, except in cases of individual hypersensitivity. Due to its high acidity it is contraindicated in cases of gastric acidity and gastritis, while excessive use can cause the formation of kidney stones. Do not use together with bearberry, strawberry tree and other hydroquinone plants as it may reduce their purifying effect on the urinary tract. https://www.erbecedario.it 
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drleokahn · 1 year
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odivanvelasco · 1 year
Fruto Acerola, Árvore Aceroleira, Benefícios
Fruto Acerola é nativo das Antilhas, no do Brasil foi bem adotado; faz parte parte de nosso dieta, previne doenças e tem uso medicinal. Saiba mais. Fruto Acerola: Informações Botânicas Nome Científico: Malpighia Emarginata; Família: Malpighiaceae; Origem: Antilhas, América Central, América do Sul; Nomes Populares: Acerola, cerejeira-de-barbados, azerola, cerejeira-das-antilhas. O nome…
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ribosome-papers · 1 year
A new species of Hiptage (Malpighiaceae) from northwest Yunnan (China) based on molecular and morphological data
Pubmed: http://dlvr.it/Sw5BLg
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gfdsdrgargedg · 2 years
Banisteriopsis Caapi
Banisteriopsis Caapi is a South American liana belonging to the Malpighiaceae family and one of the primary ingredients of the sacred hallucinogenic concoction, Ayahuasca. It is often used along with the leaves of the Psychotria Viridis plant. It is known as “the vine of the soul,” which signifies the spirit is free from all impurities. Shamans use this drink for inner healing and divination. 
Banisteriopsis Caapi is a giant woody, climbing vine or shrub which normally grows up to 30 m (98 ft.) in length. The plant flourishes in humus-rich and damp soil with lots of water. Stems are sericeous to glabrate twining themselves around other plants for support. Ayahuasca, Soulvine, Jagube, Caapi, and Yage are a few of the popular common names of the plant. 
For years, ayahuasca has been believed as a gift from the gods throughout the Amazon basin. To this day, various indigenous communities still view it as sacred. A “Master Plant Teacher” as they call it by which an individual could penetrate a spiritual healing portal. A lot of cultures also believe that it promotes self-awareness and dream-like visions and helps overcome existential challenges. It can also act as a natural anti-depressant and can pleasantly lift the mood and reduce anxiety and stress. Slightly hypnotic effects can be used for deep meditation or relaxation. After using the plant, you can fall asleep beautifully, accompanied by vivid and colorful dreams. 
Much continuing pharmacology and clinical examinations have delivered proof that Banisteriopsis Caapi may have therapeutic applications as an immune modulator, as well as in the treatment of some psychological maladies like alcoholism, substance abuse, and serotonergic insufficiencies.
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flora-memories · 7 years
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Galphimia (พวงทองต้น) : Thryallis glauca Kuntze [MALPIGHIACEAE]
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windingriverherbals · 5 years
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Ayahuasca Increases Salivary Cortisol Levels in Patients with Treatment-Resistant Major Depression and Healthy Controls Researchers are investigating the antidepressant effect of several psychedelic substances, including ayahuasca. Ayahuasca is a psychedelic beverage that has medicinal, religious, and ceremonial uses among the indigenous peoples of the Amazon basin.
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newwitchiness · 4 years
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Other names:  acerola, barbados cherry, manzanita, wild crapemyrtle, west indian cherry, and surinam cherry
Plant Name:  Malpighiaceae
Part of Plant: The cherry 
Healing Uses: Used to treat or prevent scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. Also used for preventing heart disease, “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), blood clots, and cancer.
Kitchen Uses:  Made into juice, syrup, puree, jam, jelly. Fresh can be made into desserts. 
Magic Uses: ???
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mironart · 5 years
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‘Cabi Pratensis’
Cabi belongs to the Malpighiaceae, a family of flowering plants in the order Malpighiales. It comprises about 73 genera and 1315 species, all of which are native to the tropics and subtropics. About 80% of the genera and 90% of the species occur in the New World (the Caribbean and the southernmost United States to Argentina) and the rest in the Old World (Africa, Madagascar, and Indomalaya to New Caledonia and the Philippines). Contains Beta-carbolines.
#LimitedEdition of 10 #CryptoArt prints are available for purchase on KnownOrigin_io for 0.1315 ETH ($24.11)
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davidtngbotany · 6 years
Malpighia coccigera (Malpighiaceae)
Is it nice to have an example of a type genus for a plant family to grace the gardens and waysides of Queensland.
The genus Malpighia is named in to honor Marcello Malpighia (1628-1693), a distinguished naturalist at Bologna, Italy.
The white-pink showy blossoms of Malpighia coccigeraand their frilled petals are a great introduction to this largely New World Tropics family. The fruits are also…
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odivanvelasco · 6 years
Utilidades do Murici Que Você Precisa Conhecer
Utilidades do Murici Que Você Precisa Conhecer
As Utilidades do Murici são diversas. Apresentaremos algumas dentre as mais importantes que todo mundo precisa saber.
Ante, porém, apresentamos um breve relato sobre esta planta extraordinária.
O murici é da família Malpighiaceae e seu nome científico é Byrsonima, gênero com mais de 200, sendo 100 dessas amplamente conhecidas no Brasil, especialmente na Amazônia e no Cerrado.
Na região…
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Aunque todo parezca sin vida durante la sequía de la Selva baja caducifolia (Tropical Dry Forest) hay varias especies de plantas que florecen en esta época del año, entre ellas algunas cactáceas, convolvuláceas, malpighiaceas, apocynaceas y burseras, entre otras
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schrodingerscath · 5 years
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Kingdom: Plantae Division: Magnoliophyta Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Malpighiales Family: Malpighiaceae Genus: Galphimia Species: G. gracilis
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