#malleus draconia scary outfit
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celestial-dreamscapes · 8 months ago
Malleus Draconia relationship headcanons
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A/N: I love him sm T_T finally actually playing the game so I don't mess up writing anyone too bad 😭 also I use different translations as reference lmao I just go with wtv I like best. Requests are open!!
Word count: 1.9k
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-Malleus already has really nice hands and nails, but he doesn't really do anything to maintain them. So whenever you notice his hands feel a bit dry you moisturize them for him and play with his hands a bit while doing it and he loves it
-Kind of along the same lines, he'll let you draw on his hands whenever you're bored (a common occurrence in class) and you always take pictures afterwards
-One day it starts to rain so you pull out your umbrella, and he offers to hold it for you and you get excited thinking it'll be romantic like in those cute manga scenes but no,, it gets caught on one of his horns and you have to try and reach up to remove it. In the end he ends up just holding it over you and saying he doesn't need it to save you both the trouble
-Somehow after all the chaos of removing the umbrella he still manages to make it cute when he holds the umbrella over you and says stuff all concerned about you getting sick since humans get sick so easily
-Speaking of getting sick, he has a general idea of how humans are when they're sick thanks to Silver, but he's still very worried whenever you tell him you're not feeling well :( he'll likely just ask you what you need or usually do when you're sick so that he doesn't end up making you feel worse somehow
-He's aware of the strength difference between you two so he gets even more worried about hurting you because of how delicate humans can be
-He'll definitely cuddle with you if you're feeling alright enough for it, and he reassures you that he's not going to get sick because of you
-After taking care of you while you were sick he's even more conscious of how you're feeling when the weather changes
-He'll let you do literally anything you want with his hair. If you start playing with it he'll just let you do your thing. Same with braiding, putting bows or accessories, he's just happy to spend time with you and he loves how gently you do it
-Though Sebek might say something about you not taking Malleus seriously and hindering his reputation if you do it in the Diasomnia dorm and he sees you, so you usually play around with his hair in your dorm instead
-Malleus mentions sometimes that he wants to come off as less intimidating so people will want to talk to him more and invite him to things, so you suggest getting more casual clothes since it might help people see him as less scary, calm down the intimidating aura a bit and hopefully make him look a bit more approachable
-So you have a cute little shopping date!! He ends up getting you more things than for himself in the end because he really likes picking stuff for you and doing the whole mini fashion show thing!! The employees don't even say anything about you passing the item limit in the dressing room because they're a bit scared of him lmao
-You also pick out some outfits for both of you that have similar vibes or colours that compliment each other (couples that are well dressed together>>) and it's adorable. He carries everything you bought while you both keep looking around
-Cute little ice cream break later on and you share a cone and just relax and enjoy it together 🥺
-You try to catch him up with modern trends to the best of your ability, though it's kind of endearing how clueless he is with some of it. You definitely help him get better at using his phone at the very least so he's not constantly breaking his or yours
-He's not the best texter since he prefers to just go to you if he wants to talk, but he's trying his best
-You also teach him how to take selfies and pictures that aren't super blurry and he mostly takes pictures of you. He's the type to have like 15 things in his camera roll but they're all just you and maybe some cool gargoyles or architecture he wants to show you aw
-Lots of sleepovers at the Ramshackle dorm so you don't have to worry about being interrupted or disturbed for the most part (with the exception of Grim occasionally)
-While cuddling you tend to sort of lie halfway on top of him/on his side, curling up against him while he rubs your back
-Normally cuddle time ends with you falling asleep because of how peaceful it all is, especially compared to the chaos of your daily life. Sometimes he'll tell you stories about back home and his family, other times he'll ask you to tell him stories about your home, and sometimes you both just enjoy the shared silence comfortably
-He's totally the type to just watch you sleep for a bit, admiring you and whatnot and just really appreciating the fact that you're with him
-You wake up at the weirdest times every now and then and panic thinking you're late to class and he tells you you still have time to sleep so you cuddle a bit until you eventually fall asleep. He kisses your forehead gently before drifting off too
-Cuddling while sitting on his lap in bed or on the couch in your dorm he loves how close he is to you and it's so comforting and warm for you
-When it comes to PDA he's kind of conflicted because on one hand he wants to be private and "proper" but on the other he wants to show off a tiny bit that he's with you, so nothing excessive but he'll hold hands with you or give small forehead and cheek kisses here and there
-Sharing your hobbies and seeing if he's interested in any, you try painting, cooking and baking together. He loves how normal it all feels and that you're trying to get him into things you enjoy, it's sort of a reminder that he has someone very precious to him that's not scared of him and he's so happy about it
-Especially at the start of your relationship, he shows a lot of his affection by giving you gifts and you have to kind of reassure him you don't need all that stuff (or that you literally have no space for some of it)
-As the relationship progresses he does continue to give you stuff but it becomes more personal and he realizes he doesn't want to overwhelm you by giving you insanely expensive stuff or like.. family heirlooms so instead he'll settle on getting you stuff your eyes linger on in stores or things you mention, even off-handedly
-One day you're both chilling in his room while you scroll through your phone and you see someone post a heart locket and you start telling him how sweet and romantic of a gift they can be but how hard it is to find good quality ones
-And then not too long after that he shows up to your dorm and tells you to close your eyes and he clasps a heart locket he got you around your neck and you open it and you see that he put a picture of the two of you inside <3
-It was definitely a struggle for him to do the picture thing but he got Lilia's help lmao
-Unfortunately you can't really afford expensive gifts for him so you gift him handmade things instead. You give him a little bracelet you made yourself and a little phone charm to match yours
-Though he's still not great with phones he starts being more careful with it because he doesn't want to damage your gift
-He decides to also try to make things for you himself, without using any magic. He remembers you mentioning paintings back home that you used to decorate your place and decides to try making something like that, especially since he already has some paints still lying around his dorm from when you were trying to get him into some of your hobbies.
-In the end he tries painting you some scenery from the Valley of Thorns and it doesn't come out as great as he would've liked but you're so happy when he gives it to you and you immediately put it up and reassure him that you love it and that you appreciate him making something for you
-Whenever it's nice out and you're not busy (an unfortunately rare occurrence) you try to have picnics together!! It's so peaceful preparing the food and snacks and getting to relax together
-You finally get the hang of making flower crowns and teach him how, it takes a while but he gets it eventually. He makes you one and you make him two small ones for his horns and one just for his head and you take a ton of pictures together because the vibes are so perfect and <3
-Doing his makeup!! Maybe it takes you a while to do it well but just him letting you experiment with different looks on him, and he asks to do yours in return sometimes. He's so focused while doing it and it's very cute
-Since you're together I feel like your friends wouldn't be as scared of him (though they're still a bit intimidated) because of how you talk about him. So he tries to befriend them and talk to them here and there, though it does worry him a bit how chaotic they can all be together, especially since 99% of the time you get roped into it somehow. You're proud of the socializing progress anyway lmao
-As for the dynamic with you and the other main Diasomnia members, it's very relaxed for the most part, though you and Lilia can be a bit chaotic when together at times
-Sebek warms up to you, though he's still a bit scandalized when he sees you both doing anything remotely couple-y
-But generally it's nice family vibes and Malleus is very happy that you all get along
-You guys sometimes have little tea parties, usually just you two but sometimes you get Lilia, Sebek and Silver to join and it's very chill
-One day you show Malleus that you got matching mugs for you two and he's so 🥺
-Since you're from different places and also different species, you're very curious about norms and different traditions from his homeland and he asks about yours in return. He really wants you to visit the Valley of Thorns with him someday
-You mention one (1) time that you find his dorm uniform cool and he takes it upon himself to get you one and now you're an honorary member. He tells you to transfer as if you'd be able to navigate it without magic 😭
-You constantly ask him to do little magic "shows" for you when you're alone together because it's just so amazing and there's nothing real like that back home. Even though you're constantly surrounded by magic users now, you can never fully get used to it. He'll make tiny flames and other things and it's so cool to you and he loves watching how you react every time and he's so happy you feel safe enough around him to trust him with stuff like that
-He'll sometimes do it when you're upset/stressed and need a distraction too
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yuri-is-online · 10 months ago
Ooohhh any head cannons with malleus! Yutu and how diasomnia reacts to them?
Ah yes the banished Prince.  I was wondering when I was going to get an ask about him, and I admit I am a bit surprised it was only the one unlike a certain other prince. It's rather fitting to come back to Yutu posts with him though, there's a great deal of tragedy to be had with Malleus in this ayuu.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, for context on the fyuuture kid au can be found here and here. SPOILERS FROM BOOK 7 ON HOW DRAGON FAE REPRODUCE. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
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I've mentioned it before but Malleus! Yutu plays by half elf rules.  He's very young looking, he's around the same age that Yuu is, whatever you think that is, but he looks around 15 at most and shares his father's eyes and teeth.  Even in your world he had a reputation for being quite baby faced, this annoys him quite a lot, though he keeps his outrage to a brief pout if the person talking about it is Yuu.
Yuu remembers Malleus being their best friend, someone who was socially awkward due to isolation and came off as intense and scary because of it.  They go to great lengths to try and encourage Yutu to make friends, but the public opinion of them as weirdos really hinders this and is only increased as Yutu matures.  This Yutu doesn't like people very much, he grows up assuming everyone is mean and overly judgemental and that he will never be truly accepted for who he is no matter how hard he tries.
Being born in a different world does not make him any less of a Draconia, though unlike his father he is less prone to rage and more to long periods of melancholy; he is very much that sensitive goth kid with reams of bad poetry he will want to burn when he gets older and a love for rainy days. He has a deep love for classical poetry, music, and old clothes. If the area where Yuu lived had a ren faire then you can best bet Yuu took him there as a special treat more than once, he loves seeing all the medieval outfits and activities. He's explored every cemetery your town has, knows all of it's weird rumors, and any fun history stuff that might have happened in and around it, something he retains when transported to Twisted Wonderland. There are few people who know more about the history of Night Raven College than Yutu Draconia, for better or worse.
His interest in the macabre effects how he sees his parent's situation. While other Yutus might have needed time to adjust to the idea of magic and curses, Malleus! Yutu always firmly believed in it and assumed that was exactly what had happened to his parent. He went back and forth on his beliefs about his father, as a small child he thought of his father as a wonderful person who loved his parent so much that he must be searching for them surely, and that any day now he would swoop in and fly Yuu and him away to where they really belonged. When that never happened he began to wonder if maybe his father saw his relationship with Yuu as a mistake and that their memories had been altered purposefully to hide his identity. Whatever the truth, Yutu has decided that his loyalty is to Yuu, and that no matter who is trying to harm them he will hunt them down and have his revenge.
He announces as much to Crewel after he arrives in the mirror chamber, magic sparking at his finger tips as he roars it with a force he didn't know he had and immediately starts hacking at how dry his throat has become. It's very cute and not as intimidating as he might have wanted, but his point comes across well enough. Diasomnia is extremely pleased to have a Draconia back in the Housewarden's seat, though Yutu is less than pleased with this new position of authority.
The transition of being a hated outcast to the rightful King of a literal fallen kingdom is jarring. Learning of his father's controversial marriage to Yuu, of the uproar caused by their disappearance and his father's outright refusal to ever give up hope that his child and spouse would return is heartbreaking. Silver and Sebek had standing orders to go to them when not if they did, that's how badly his father wanted to believe he would be back. He was barely able to live with himself without them, but he had to. He had a kingdom relying on him, and someone else too.
We have gone back and forth in these posts about giving Yutu a sibling, but Malleus! Yutu absolutely has one. Dragon fae create eggs from magic and their partner's love, so in this scenario Malleus and Yuu decided to have two children, one that Mal would nourish and one that Yuu would. Technically, the Crown Princess is older than Yutu, but since she hatched from an egg she matures even slower than he does. She did grow faster than her father, the ability to transform into a human came much more naturally to her because of Yuu's love, but she doesn't look or sound much older than six. You are insane if you think this means she thinks of herself as the younger sibling though, her egg was older by two whole years so there! That means she is in charge! So Yutu absolutely has to stop learning boring "political smience" or whatever and play with her RIGHT NOW. She's wanted to meet him for so long TᴖT how dare her little brother deny her TᴖT look at her she's so cute how could he even think of scolding her TᴖT oh jail for brother jail for 1000 years TᴖT
Yutu might hate socializing and have a negative view of people but he absolutely adores his sister and thinks of himself as the big brother. He lets her claim to be in charge in the same way Malleus let Sebek do whatever he wanted because he finds it amusing. It is not uncommon to see the King in Exile holding court with the Crown Princess on his lap, rocking her softly as she naps. It helps solidify his control over what remains of Briar Valley, they might have been skeptical about having a half human King who cannot even transform into a dragon, but his professed dedication to his father's legacy of sacrifice and the clear adoration of his sister make his authority tough to deny.
Speaking of sacrifice, going back in time was hard for Malleus! Yutu. He felt there was absolutely no way he could bring his sister back with him because of how young she was and he was skeptical of whether or not it would even work. If it didn't he would be depriving Briar Valley of a king again, but if it did well. Then he would never need to be king in the first place, which Yutu finds reliving. While he did step up to the task, all he ever really wanted was to live with his father, Yuu, and now his sister in whatever way would have been normal for them. Sure, that normal turns out to have been quite abnormal, but that doesn't mean he still does not want it.
When the Once and Never King sees his father he has maybe more information than any of the other Yutus, even those who had met their dads. He conducted lengthy interviews with both Silver and Sebek, compiling a great pile of notes that he went through over and over again trying to come up with a strategy. All of that planning goes out the window when they actually meet, Yuu asks for permission from Tsunotarou to introduce the two of them, thinking it would be nice for both him and Yutu to have more friends and Malleus is just intrigued enough to say yes.
So this is a dragon fae. It's the only thing Yutu can bring himself to think when he sees Malleus, the other, more intense thoughts and emotions are distracted by the fireflies that accompany his father's arrival. They're beautiful, he can't remember having seen anything like them before, certainly not in his future. His father looks at him in brief surprise, and magic tingles up Yutu's spine. It's similar to the feeling he had when he first saw his sister, like recognizing like and seeking to form a connection. It hurts to shut himself off, but he smiles and focuses on his humanity as he puts forward his hand. "Hello Mr. Tsunotarou, I'm Yutu." The smile that stretches its way across Malleus's face is pure amusement, he must have really liked this ruse. What did Yuu think about that when they learned?
"My the humans of your world are certainly brave." He shakes his hand proudly, clearly pleased at the normalcy of Yutu's treatment but still painfully unaware how to be normal about it. "I am deeply pleased to make your acquaintance."
Malleus adores Yutu. There's just something about him that activates a part of him that he wasn't aware of before, and while he doesn't understand what those emotions are he recognizes his increased need to be protective of Yuu for exactly what it is. His mind thinks of Yuu as his mate, in body and soul, and that does terrify him slightly. Yuu is so tragically human, they'll die if he takes them home. They'll die if he lets them go to their home. They'll die if he never says anything at all and lets his love rot out his heart alone in his tower while they freely move through the world without ever having known of his emotions-
I haven't given much thought as to how I would want a Malleyuu confession to go down, but I could see them starting a sort of awkward courting process where Malleus takes them for long, late night walks in the forest to slow dance alone, brings them roses and handcrafted jewels he silently begs for them to wear to show just how close they are getting- but however it happens there is at least an understanding that there is something between them by the time Yutu's disguise is knocked off and he's forced to come clean.
It's a reveal Malleus does not take well. Oh not that he hates his son, he is overwhelmed with such a powerful love and joy at the mere concept of his existence he could never- no it's the fact that his future. His happy ending, that he fucking deserves after everything that his family has been through, was robbed from him and he wasn't able to do anything about it other than go to sleep? Him? The most powerful mage (fifth actually but he doesn't care about that) in existence couldn't stop that? Unacceptable.
After Yuu gets him to calm down and soothes the brewing thunderstorm they both are very focused on the well being of their child. I feel like both Yuu and Malleus would want Yutu to have a chance to just enjoy himself, for him to take off the crown he was never meant to have and just. Breathe for a moment. That's part of Malleus's motivation for introducing him as his son to the Diasomnia gang, he wants his child to have a chance to have some fun with his Uncles and Pee Paw Lilia.
Sebek bursts into tears when he learns of Waka Sama jr's existence. I think he feels a sort of kinship with Yutu, they're both half fae and they both have a deep respect for Malleus. He's very shy when he sees how much respect Yutu has for him. He's surprisingly humble when Yutu thanks him for protecting him in the future, insisting that he was just doing his job. He likes listening to Yutu play the piano, I could see Yutu trying to teach Sebek how to play an instrument, partially to spend time with him and partially just because he is curious as to how tone deaf Sebek can be.
Silver is deeply concerned about Yuu and Yutu's safety. He organizes with Sebek and Lilia to change up their patrols to include defending the new members of the royal family . He is a bit confused as to why Yutu wants to just hang out with him when all he really does is train, but he also is glad that the little prince is willing to train with him and take Silver's concerns about his safety seriously. I could see Silver apologizing for not being able to defend his parent, genuinely distressed about his situation and Yutu being a bit awkward about it. He never thought to blame Silver ever, why would he? Yutu is not unused to Silver's kindness, but it still overwhelms him. It's a pure sort of love that challenges what Yutu thinks about the world, and he doesn't know what to do with that.
Now. Mr. Pee Paw. Lilia is probably the most excited out of the entire group, look at this kid. You see him? Living physical proof that humans and fae can get along! If a Draconia did it then you can too, Grandpa Leven would be so proud! The future is concerning sure, but now that he knows about it he can plan for it. Lilia might be old, but he is still has some fight left in him, and he is very happy to use it on securing Malleus's family's future.
Yes, he does try to cook for Yutu. He wants to make him a birthday cake because he insists that they should throw him a party even if it isn't his birthday so he can have one with his Pee Paw and Dad. Yes everyone forces Yutu to distract him so they can make sure they've got something edible. He's so sad about it, how could they, jail for the little prince, jail for 1000 years.
Malleus is overly confident about his ability to change the future. Failure isn't an option as far as he is concerned, he will find the person who dared to corrupt his perfect future and he will have his due. His son will never have to live in a world without him, and he will never have to live in a world that rejected Yuu. Someone clearly needs to be reminded of just who Malleus Draconia is, and that memory will not be pretty.
So the little crown princess. She learns that her idiot younger brother is planning to go back in time without her and she is very angry about this. How dare he, she knows he can't do anything without her so she makes sure to tag along anyway.
I toyed with the future kid reveal coming from her just marching up to Yutu and giving him orders, but I also like the idea of the Draconia family finding her lost in the woods crying because of how distressed she is that she can't find her little brother. Either way she doesn't understand the need for secrecy and wants to spend every single second she can with her parents. She causes a lot of rain when she finally gets to meet Yuu in person, she had so many dreams about meeting them and now they're real and she can hug them- she's just got too many emotions in her little body send help.
The Draconia family has pretty easy to follow naming theme, but I wasn't too certain about what names to give Yutu and his sister. I like the idea of Princess Draconia being named Mallia after Lilia but I am less certain about Yutu. In my notes Miss Princes was just called Princess Tamago because she hatched out of an egg. That's not her name but I could see that being something Yutu calls her.
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milkteasweetheart · 7 months ago
『just like heaven, chapter 1, part 2』
this part contains riddle’s dream sequence. 
housewardens x reader
author’s note: i depict nrc as an actual college, so first years are 18, second years 19, etc.
summary: crowley has the bright idea of a bonding experience, specifically in the form of a dream potion.
characters: (riddle rosehearts), leona kingscholar, azul ashengrotto, jamil viper, vil schoenheit, idia shroud, malleus draconia / platonic mentions: dire crowley (ew), grim
genre: romance, fluff, smidge of angst
warnings: female reader, reader is yuu, reader is around ace and deuce’s height, sappy, marriage, mentions of potential children, some suggestive themes
「dream scene: rose colored reverie」
This Riddle looked strange. Well not really, he was just wearing a cutesy outfit with a red, fluffy cardigan and black corduroy pants. On top of it was a frilly apron. Was he taller?
The Dream Riddle took off Dream (Y/N)’s coat and hat with another chaste kiss, and the two  moved into the living room. Everything was a bit blurry except for her face. Huh. “Have you eaten, my love? I know you work too hard without taking breaks.” Dream (Y/N) caressed Riddle’s cheek. Azul was subtly rubbing his hands together like a cartoon villain, raising concern within everyone.
Idia is about to draw blood from the way he’s biting his cheek, trying to prevent laughter. Normie loser! How corny can a person’s dreams get?
「Idia: At least have a cool dream! LMFAO」 (He will admit this version of the prefect looks nice, but she always does- who said that.)
Dream Riddle nods. “I’m ready to go if you are. Where are we going this late, though?” He tilts his head. (Y/N) chuckles with a clearly enamoured expression. “It’s a surprise. I know you’ll like it.” And with a kiss on the tip of his nose, the scene changes with a disorienting distortion.
They’re now standing on the outside of a cafe. Riddle considers curling up into a ball. There has to be a reason his beloved hedgehogs do it. The hedgehogs… that he and the prefect take care of…
Jamil feels pity for Riddle who is currently making a quiet impression of a red balloon being emptied of air. Thankfully his own dream won’t be as bad… at least he thinks so.
The cafe is beautiful, too perfect with checkered floors, lacy curtains and velvet couches. Dream (Y/N) is currently feeding Riddle a forkful of the most delectable looking strawberry tart with an adoring expression. The strawberries are so red and shining it hurts her eyes. She considers addressing this, but decides to have pity on Riddle who has gone through with sitting on the floor and hiding his head. Leona does the opposite.
“Hah. Feels like my teeth are going to rot in my mouth at this rate.” Leona is trying to goad Riddle into digging his grave deeper. Might as well make the most of this dumb experience, right? He is totally not trying to distract himself from the looming threat of his dream being revealed, which is coincidentally in the same genre. Riddle shakes with embarrassment. (Y/N) notes Malleus staring at her dream counterpart from his position before the cash register.
“Ah, I think it’s quite amusing- adorable. Dreams often reflect what their creator wants, and can’t get.” For a merfolk Azul is cattier than Leona. Vil is a bit too smug too. At least his dreams are sophisticated.
Idia notices Jamil and Malleus aren’t exactly invested in this story. Well, nothing interesting is currently happening, but he must push his introvertedness in the corner to save his life.
Jamil’s a bit scary, but won’t smite him out of existence like Malleus could. “Hey…” Idia flinches a bit when he turns to look at him. “Hm?” No backing down now, Idia. “This is like, super cringe right? This is probably the worst we’ll see, but the others one are gonna be boring as hell, right? Maybe we should figure out a way to get out?” Jamil thinks about it, and crushes Idia’s hope into dust. “I need a break from Scarabia anyway. I don’t mind it here.” He also has to see Azul’s inevitable doom.
「Idia: Just say you want me dead…」
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poppurini · 2 years ago
him as a private tutor
leona, jade, malleus, lilia & gn reader
magicless au, platonic, for fun
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˖ leona kingscholar
“Just Leona. Let me see your textbook.” no introductions or anything, just straight to the point. probably doesn’t ask for your name since he already knew. yes he didn’t prepare anything beforehand, no flipping through your syllabus before the actual tutoring because this man just skims through your textbook under twenty minutes and started teaching. yes he’s good at it. unfair, really. sometimes he’ll get a generational shock at the current syllabus though. “The hell are kids learning these days.” “Do you even need these in real life.”
he may seem like an indolent man (and he is) but it’s honestly so impressive of him to be able to understand your syllabus the moment he reads through them and being able to teach you about it.
strictness is 4/10 he doesn’t really care if you didn’t do the homework he assigned bc he’s not gonna be the one failing those exams that determines 70% of your future. yes those were his exact words. he might nag you a little but after that nothing’s on him. clocks off right on time.
˖ jade leech
this mf whips out a whole stack of 9cm tall worth of exercises for you because he thinks it’s funny. eerily friendly. might unintentionally make you feel a little dumb when he does that little inhale and tilts his head slightly, looking genuinely confused as to how you could get this question wrong. wears glasses (i know what jade leech stans are) occasionally. yes those attractive thin framed ones. only when you’re halfway selling off your soul to deal with the mountain of exercises he’s telling you “Oh, you needn’t get all of them completed today.” with that very innocent smile.
strictness is 7/10 he’s scary when he’s strict. might let you off the hook once or twice with incomplete homework (only with valid reasons tho) but afterwards that service smile drops and questions why you’re so reluctant on doing homework. it’s just a 2k word essay. also clocks off right on time even if he’s about to finish teaching a topic he’s not going to provide free labour.
˖ malleus draconia
this man is INSANE literally not one day does he wear a casual outfit to your sessions it’s always professional wear with him. yeaah i’m back with my dress pants dress shirt along with vest plus neat tie malleus only this time he doesn’t have his collar unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up sob sob gotta look clean. intimidating asl but that’s just bc he’s bad at connecting with the younger generations (or anyone, really) however it’s very sweet of him to still try and crack some academic related jokes with a straight face (it’s up to u whether they’re funny or not) hoping you’ll laugh. look he really wants u to open up to him so that u can absorb knowledge better instead of being constantly on edge around him ok
strictness is 9/10 oohlala much like jade he’d close an eye if it’s not a frequent occasion but he demands respect and you constantly putting off the works he assigned to help you clearly shows you don’t think of him as anything. he is patient and nice but only when you deserve it. also he’d delay a maximum of twenty minutes of your time after class ends just to finish talking about the topic.
˖ lilia vanrouge
DEADASS the most fun tutor ever. he’s all malleus ever want to be. bought drinks or snacks on his way and decided to buy you some too (just take it even if the flavours are weird). this man makes you comfortable around him instantly and teaches better than most of your teachers in school. definitely checks out your stationary while you’re suffering in doing matrixes. you can hear him mumbling to himself sometimes “Broo we didn’t even have these back then.” and it’s a squared glue stick. “Can you link me where you got this.” also THE most patient tutor and he won’t even let you feel bad for making him explain the same thing for the nth time. his job is to teach! not scold.
strictness being a 2/10 he’ll still advise you to do your homework but not in a scolding manner. he’ll really gently talk you into doing them for your own good unless you’re outright being disrespectful then the rate changes :p will ask if you want him to continue when the clock strikes end of session. if you don’t, okay! he’ll get back to it next lesson.
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twistedintern · 1 year ago
Navigating Twst JP & JP-EN Term Listing (Updated)
Dorm & Character JP Name Abbreviation and Emoji Index
Heartslabyul > 🃏 ビュル Riddle Rosehearts > 🌹 リド Ace Trappola > ❤️ エー Deuce Spade > ♠️ デュ Cater Diamond > ♦️ ケイ Trey Clover > ♣️ トレ
Savanaclaw > 🏜️ サバナ Leona Kingscholar > 🦁 レオ Jack Howl > 🐺 ジャク Ruggie Bucchi > 🐆 / 🍩 ラギ
Octavinelle > 🐚 オクタ Azul Ashengrotto > 🐙 アズ Jade Leech > 🐬 ジェイ Floyd Leech > 🦈 フロ Tweels > イド
Scarabia > 🕌 / 🧞‍♂️ スカラ Kalim Al-Asim > 🦂 / ☀️ / 🦦 カリ Jamil Viper > 🐍 ジャミ
Pomefiore > 🍏 / 👸‍ ポメ Vil Schoenheit > 👑 ヴィ(ル) Epel Felmier > 🍎 エペ Rook Hunt > ��� ルク
Ignihyde > ⚙️ / 🔥 イグニ Idia Shroud > 💀 イデ Ortho Shroud > 🤖 オル
Diasomnia > 🐉 ディア Malleus Draconia > 🐲 マレ Silver > ⚔️ シル Sebek Zigvolt > ⚡ セベ Lilia Vanrouge > 🦇 リリ
Ramshackle > 👻 / 🕸️ オンボロ Prefect > 🌸 / 🦐 / 🍊 (♀️/🚺 or ♂️/🚹 will sometimes follow) 監 / ユウ Enma Yuuken > 🦞 コミ監 (currently used to refer to Yuuta) Grim > 🐈‍⬛ グリ
NRC Staff > NRC(の)職員 Dire Crowley > 🎭 クロ Divus Crewel > ⚗️ / 🐶 クル Mozus Trein > 📚 / 📖 モゼ Ashton Vargas > 💪‍‍ バル Sam > ☠️ / 🎩 サム Lucius > 🐾 ルチウス
Others Rollo Flamme > 🔔 ロロ Fellow Honest > 🦊 フェロ Gidel > 🐱 / 🔨 ギデル Skully J. Graves > 🎃 スカリー Baul Zigvolt > 🐊 バウル Che’nya > 😺 / 🍭 チェーニャ Cheka Kingscholar > 🧶 チェカ Neige LuBlanche > ❄️ ネイジュ Kifaji > ♟️ キファジ Ambrose the 63rd > 🧙‍ ア ン Najma Viper > 💫 ナジュ(マ) Marja > マルヤ Dila Spade > ディラ / デュママ Maleanor Draconia > (マレ)ノア Dawn Knight > 夜明騎 Eric Venue > エリック / ヴィパパ Farena Kingscholar > ファレ Ace’s older brother > 兄ッポラ
The following list is in no way all-inclusive. I will do my utmost to update this section as the EN server progresses in story and translations become known.
(If I’ve overlooked anything, don’t hesitate to message me about it!)
Night Raven College
Mage Training Academy - “Wizarding Boarding School” (lit., no one uses this term, though)
Headmage - Headmaster
Housewarden - Dorm Head, Dorm Leader
Vice Housewarden - Vice Dorm Head, Vice Dorm Leader
History of Magic - Magic History
Flight - Flying
Freshman/Sophomore/Junior(/Senior) - First-/Second-/Third-(/Fourth-)Year
Potionology - Potions
Flora Element - Tree Element
Cosmic Element - Null Element
Objects and Activities
Thaumarks - Madol (Magic Dollars) There is no equivalent for “Sorcents” in the original canon, as Madol more closely converts to Japanese yen, whereas Thaumarks seem to reflect United States dollar values. The “cent” of Japanese currency (sen) has been obsolete for decades.
Blastcycles - Magicwheel
Spelldrive - Magift (Magic Shift)
Locations, Countries, and Regions
Queendom of Roses - Rose Kingdom
Shaftlands - Land of Pyroxene (Pyroxene)
Harveston - Village of Harvest
Sunset Savanna - Afterglow Savannah
Island of Woe - Island of Lamentation
Briar Valley - Valley of Thorns
Fleur City - City of Flowers
Event Names
Culinary Crucible - Master Chef
Beanfest - Happy Beans Day
Joint Exams - Unified Exams
The Phantom Bride - Ghost Marriage
Wish Upon A Star - Dance and Wishes
Camp Vargas - Vargas Camp
(A Twisted Halloween) Terror is Trending - (Scary Monsters) Screaming Halloween Show
(A Twisted Halloween) Spectral Soiree - (Scary Monsters) Endless Halloween Night
A Firelit Sky Over the Sands - Scalding Sands's Al'ab Nariya
Harveston's Sledathon - Harveston's Kelkkarotu
Twisted Tsumderland - Welcome to Tsumsted Wonderland
Fairy Gala Remix - Fairy Gala If
Glorious Masquerade: Let the Bell of Solace Ring - Glorious Masquerade ~Crimson Flowers and the Bell of Salvation~
Sunset Savanna's Cloudcalling - Afterglow Savanna's Tamashina Mina
Stitch's Tropical Turbulence - Lost in the Book with Stitch ~Midsummer Ocean and the Spaceship~
Playful Land's Miraculous Marionettes - Stage in Playful Land ~Dancing Puppets and the Fantastical Theme Park~
Limited Card Names
All club outfits - Club Wear
Apprentice Chef - Chef-in-Training
Suitor Suit - Groom-for-a-Day
Starry Robes - Star-sending Robes
Halloween - Scary Dress
Silk Adorned - Jasmine (Yasmina) Silk
Applepom - Apple Boa
Tsumsitter - Tsumsted
New Year's Attire - New Year's Yukata
Masquerade - Masquerade Dress
Rabbit Costume - Rabbit Wear
Tropical Wear - Suisui Wear
Liongarb - Kingly Beasts' Garb
Playful Attire - Playful Dress
Birthday Boy - Birthday Suit-Up
Birthday Jacket - Union Birthday
Birthday Bloom - Bloom (Broom) Birthday
(Lilia only) General - General of the Right
(Sebek only) Evernight Armor - Armor of Eternal Night
(Rollo only) Council Robes - Council President Uniform
JP Monikers ~ Floyd
(Floyd uses specific suffixes depending on his perceived relationship with individuals–i.e., diminutive/pejorative/etc.)
MC = Shrimp (koebi) Grim = Seal (azarashi) Riddle = Goldfish (kingyo) Ace = Crab (kani) Deuce = Mackerel (saba) Cater = Sea Bass (hanadai) Trey = Sea Turtle (umigame) Leona = Sea Lion (todo) Jack = Sea Urchin (uni) Ruggie = Remora (kobanzame) [changed in EN] Kalim = Otter (rakko) Jamil = Sea Snake (umihebi) Vil = Beta Fish (beta) Epel = Guppy (guppi) Rook = Seagull (umineko) Idia = Firefly Squid (hotaruika) Ortho = Sea Angel (kurione) Malleus = Sea Slug (umiushi) Silver = Jellyfish (kurage) Sebek = Crocodile (wani) Lilia = Flapjack Octopus (mentako) [changed in EN] Crowley = Manta Ray (manta) Crewel = Striped Beakfish (ishidai) Trein = Red Squid (akaika) Vargas = Lobster (robusutaa) Sam = Seahorse (umiuma) Fellow = Foxfish (kitsunebera) Gidel = Cat Shark (nekozame)
JP Monikers ~ Rook
Rook uses a combination of Japanese, French, and English variously; I have attempted to render the names in the simplest manner possible. (Those with names I cannot find in-game at the time of posting are marked accordingly and will hopefully be updated in the future.)
MC = Trickster Grim = Monsieur Hirsute (Mister Shaggy) Riddle = Roi de Roses (King of Roses) Ace = Monsieur Heart (Mister Heart) Deuce = Monsieur Spade (Mister Spade) Cater = Monsieur Magicam (Mister Magicam) Trey = Chevalier de Roses (Rose Knight) Leona = Roi de Leon (King of Lions) Jack = Monsieur Tough Guy (Mister Tough Guy) Ruggie = Monsieur Tanpopo (Mister Dandelion) Azul = Roi d’Effort (King of Effort) Jade = Monsieur Mastermind^ (Mister Mastermind) Floyd = Monsieur Yukaihan (Mister Joyous Offender) Kalim = Roi d’Or (King of Gold) Jamil = Monsieur Multi (Mister Multi) Vil = Roi de Poison (King of Poison) Epel = Monsieur Himeringo (Mister Lady Apple) Idia = Roi de Ta Chambre (King of [Your] Room) Ortho = Monsieur Doll (Mister Doll), “Miracle Boy”^ Malleus = Roi de Dragon (King of Dragons) Silver = Monsieur Sleepyhead^ (Mister Sleepyhead) Sebek = Monsieur Crocodile^ (Mister Crocodile) Lilia = Monsieur Curiosity^ (Mister Curiosity) Sam = Monsieur Mysterious (Mister Mysterious) Rollo = Monsieur du Mouchoir (Mister Handkerchief)
JP Monikers ~ Leona
Leona generally uses nicknames in a derogatory manner. The suffix "-yarou" is akin to speaking of someone with great vitriol; it can be understood to mean "bastard" in this way.
Ace = Tsuntsuntou (Spikey Head) Trey = Megane-yarou (Specs (lit. Glasses)) Azul = Tako-yarou (Octopus) Idia = Kaiware daikon (Radish Sprouts) Malleus = Tokage-yarou (Lizard) Sebek = Wani (Crocodile) Lilia = Koumori (Bat) Che'nya = Shimaneko-yarou (Cheshire) Skully = Anaguma-yarou (Badger) Kifaji = Kuso jiji (Sh*tty Old Man) Humans = Soushokudoubutsu (Herbivore)
Monikers ~ Other/General
・Cater > Che'nya ~ Che'nyan ・Vil > Sebek ~ Kyuuri (Cucumber) ・Vil > a great many students his junior ~ Jyagaimo (Potato)
・MC > Malleus ~ Tsunotarou ("Hornton" in EN; roughly translates to "Horn Guy" (though I prefer "Horn Joe")) ・Malleus > Humans ~ Hito no ko (Child of Man) ・Sebek > Malleus ~ Waka-sama (Young Master) ・Cheka > Leona ~ (Leona-)ojitan (Unca’ Leona) ・Neige > Vil ~ Vi-kun ・Crewel > Students ~ Koinu(-domo)) (Puppies (collective)) ・Rollo > Trein ~ Mozus-sensei (Professor Mozus) ・Sam > Customers/Students > Ko-oni (Little Imp (lit. “Little Demon”)) ・Sam > Kalim ~ Kin no oni (Gold Imp) ・Sam > Rook ~ Okappa oni (Bowlcut Imp)
Unique Magic (Signature Spells)
Below is a comprehensive list of romanized furigana (that is, the intended/spoken) readings of Unique Magic names as they appear in the original Japanese version of the game.
Riddle Rosehearts - Off With Your Head Ace Trappola - Joker Snatch Deuce Spade - Bet the Limit Cater Diamond - Split Card Trey Clover - Doodle Suit Leona Kingscholar - King’s Roar Jack Howl - Unleash the Beast Ruggie Bucchi - Laugh With Me Azul Ashengrotto - It’s A Deal Jade Leech - Shock The Heart Floyd Leech - Bind The Heart Kalim Al-Asim - Oasis Maker Jamil Viper - Snake Whisper Vil Schoenheit - Fairest One Of All Epel Felmier - Sleep Kiss Rook Hunt - I See You Idia Shroud - Gate To The Underworld Malleus Draconia - Fae of Maleficence Silver - Meet In A Dream Sebek Zigvolt - Living Bolt Lilia Vanrouge - Far Cry Cradle Che'nya - Not All My Head Rollo Flamme - Dark Fire Fellow Honest - Life is Fun Skully J. Graves - Scary Night
Other Notes
+ Che’nya’s full name is rendered differently between the EN and JP versions. + Leona's family's royal chamberlain, Kifaji, had his name changed to "Neji" in the localization. The reason for this is unclear. (Kifaji means "food" in Swahili, which makes sense if you consider Scar and Zazu's relationship.) + Fellow Honest's name was changed to "Ernesto Foulworth" in the localization to better reflect Honest John's real name. + Gidel's name was changed to "Gino".
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liums · 4 years ago
Malleus Draconia SR Halloween “Scary Outfit” Personal Story-This is...interesting Part 2
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Part 1
Ortho- Is this the creature that Malleus were looking for?
Malleus- Hmm...The King who dominates the demons on Bald Montain.
Ortho- It has a big pitch black body and huge wings. And its penetrating eyes....so cool!
Ortho- I’m certain there was never a costume with this concept in the history of Night Raven College before.
Malleus- Certainly he is a high-ranking being....
Malleus- However, if the body is all black, it will not stand out. Lilia would likely complain that it’s too plain.
Ortho- “Researching.....search completed”
Ortho- If that’s the case, then look. A headless horseman who rides trough the valley at night!
Ortho- A galloping horse swinging a sword! The red cloak stands out, dosen’t it?
Malleus- ....No, its no good.
Ortho- Eh!? Why?
Malleus- When it comes to reproducing its appearence that has no neck, The costume becomes too complicated.
Malleus- Besides, it would be difficult to prepare horses for all the students.
Ortho- I see....
Ortho- Reflecting the current information, the next image is...This!
Malleus- .....Oh? It’s quite small but, is this red being is.....a dragon?
Ortho- Oh? Dragon should have been omitted from the search since we looked it up before....Oh!
Ortho- This is not a dragon. (doragon is what they said, they mean the english version of dragons, lthe classics like maleficent one) Its a dragon! (”Ryuu” wich means dragon in japanese, they are refering to oriental dragons, like the one in Ramshackle dorm and the one from Dragon ball Z, chinese dragons basically)
Malleus- A dragon(ryuu)....A being that lives in the Far east and is sanctified by humans.
Malleus- It combines both strenghth and grace.....A dragon-like high ranking being....
Malleus- Above all, a being that I have never seen myself...
Malleus- Alrigh, I decided. The costume of Diasomnia will be a dragon (ryuu)
Malleus- Detailed information is needed create the costumes. Can you search for it?
Ortho- Yeah! Leave it to me!
Ramshacle Dorm
Malleus- ....Sorry I kept you waiting.
Malleus- This will be the halloween costume for Diasomnia this year.
Sebek- Young....Young master! Such a dignified figure! (hes crying.. 0.0)
Silver- It really suits you.
Malleus- How is it Lilia? I want to hear your opinion.
Lilia- Its has such a sophisticated design, but its really collorful....I like it!
Lilia- Looks like it was the right choice, leaving you decidde the costumes.
Lilia- I would have never guessed you would use a Far eastern dragon as a motif...
Malleus- Its not a dragon.
Malleus -Dragons and dragons are different, from appearence to abilities, the kind of horns and the lack of wings....they only look similar on the surface.
Lilia- Hahahah wow! Its like how you said. You managed to do so susch a good  research in a short period of time. You are such a prefecionist
Malleus- It was thanks to the yougest shroud. He did a good job
Malleus- Though...I didn’t understand at all how he did it. (*pat pat* its alright, its alright, u are perfect just like that)
Lilia- Well, the costumes are perfect, lets give them to the dorm members.
Malleus- Ah. This year’s halloween we’ll bring more fear than before.
  -Halloween day-
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Malleus- Trick or threat! (my lips are sweet, does that count??)
Malleus- Fufu... The majesty of this dragon, Ill burn it in your eyes...!
So as I suspected, that tail is REAL ,Malleus confirms it in one of his lines.
Also XD when Sebek and Silver were little they’d wet the bed on the halloween because Lilia would always scare them, Diasomnia is one big family and I just love it
Add me if you want uwu
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yuuainnie · 3 years ago
Yuu's secret Album of Over Blot Pics.
Context: The brothers have discovered that you have a secret collection of pictures, not just any pictures. It's pictures of people who blot at the school. They notice this when you research how to make a camera that won't get notice or confiscated by anyone.
Idia Shroud
Before OB
-> wow! he never know someone would collect data about those blot other than his family organization!
-> would probably ignore the fact you indeed have an album of those that no one knows but him and his brother. So it's fine.
-> would assist you if you did plan to make the camera without asking why or telling you, he knows about it
-> each weeb have a secret, he won't judge you. He clearly understand that fact.
-> but why did you add in that note beside Vil schoenheit Blot pic that the possibility of next blot is one of shrouds?!
-> HE DONT WANT TROUBLE OK. And blot suppose to be a rare occurrence!
-> can you not draw a possibility of his OB outfit like it's going to happen?!
-> suddenly fear that your prediction will be true.
During OB moment
-> smh, that prefect prediction is 100% accurate. SCARY
-> holy shit, your smiling while your taking photos? You don't care ? Yo, OB is dangerous you know! WHY IS NO ONE SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT THIS?
-> clearly worried, confuse, amaze and puzzle by the events outside the current emotion of wanting to slap those SSR troublemaker for hitting his lil bro.
After OB
-> ok, back to normal. You should stop right?
-> suddenly realize why you predict that would be the probability when he realize the event happening when you began to live here.
Conclusion: his scared by your album but would keep it as a secret either way, would probably stay away from you. But who is he kidding? He cannot run away from the plot.
Ortho Shroud
Before OB
-> amaze by your collection and analysis.
-> would offer help for the camera without you asking for help.
-> would send you some analysis of the shroud have over the years for OB, behind his brother back. Under someone else name.
-> would ignore your happy mood as you come to the shroud place and would welcome you with open arms, behind his brother back.
During OB
-> since he downloaded some tutorial how to pose, he would be a photogenic for the pictures!
-> other (real) Ortho would be proud of your prediction being correct.
After OB
-> would check on your rating on the album for the OB of shrouds.
-> would see how you made the page more special than other OB pages.
-> with his new heart, he felt very touch.
-> sees the next OB target with him and his brother as a helper as a challenge and a fun rare occurrence you three would be out being hero!
->through he is very glad your interested in Blots, since it mean, you'll be a perfect family member of a shroud one day. Because they handle OB.
Context: really like your album! Super glad there still more good thing about blots out there!
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years ago
Janswnensj requests are open! Yay! Ok ok so I have this in mind for, like, the whole day and I was wondering if you watched Squid Game?? If not, feel free to delete this request! Could I have head cannons of the dorm leaders where their s/o decides to dress up as a triangle guard from Squid Game for Halloween??
>.< Tysm!
No Riddle, Leona and Kalim ;-;;;;;
TWST S/o dresses up as the Pink Soldier
Azul Ashengrotto
He got scared shitless-
He was just minding his own business, watching his plans for the Halloween unfold, seeing all the other students wearing the fashionable mummy outfits,
and then-
"Hmm what is i- WOAH- WHO ARE YOU???"
He sees this dressed in all pink, having a rifle in hand, belts with heavy looking pockets he does not want to know what's in them and they wear a black mask with a white triangle on it.
He can't see their eyes, but he felt his soul being pierced as the white triangle leered at him.
Then, you revealed yourself. "Hey, Azul! Like my outfit?" You smiled at him, now seeing the full picture of you holding a fake, plastic rifle.
Holy sevens, s/o. You scared him! But he has to say, your outfit isn't bad.
He might ask where you got the inspiration from, and maybe learn about it just for fun.
"Squid Game? What's it about?" The turning point and era where Azul would become traumatized for life. <3
Vil Schoenheit
In his vampire costume, holding his red drink of whatever is in it (that I don't want to know-)
And he decided okay, one sip,
looks up with his lips still on the rim of the glass, red liquid still flowing down his throat,
....and he sees this figure dressed in all pink, holding a gun, a black mask with a white triangle in the middle silently giving him a glare.
And he spitted it out almost immediately-
"OH MY GOD- VIL, ARE YOU OKAY?!" Looking back up, he sees your face, holding your mask as you looked at him worriedly and placed the fake plastic gun in your holster.
"I'm fine... I'm fine.." Vil muttered regaining his posture and looked at you.
Damn, that startled him. He actually thought you, or at least before he knew it was you, that someone was gonna kill him.
Vil thinks the fashion is plain yet... kind of creepy, and it oddly fascinates him.
Like Azul, he might ask you where you find inspiration from.
"Squid Game, hm? I'd like to know more about it."
Idia Shroud
Idia is masked like you-
And he insisted his outfit and mask especially is real scary, until he sees yours.
He didn't even know it was you-
All he saw was a figure dressed in some sort of pink, plain military uniform, whilst holding a rifle with a black mask that had a white triangle imprinted. And that triangle was... was plotting his murder he knows it-
His first instinct was to scream, cower, and take his phone and hold it as if it was a gun.
And then the figure uncovered their mask, revealing your face. "Idia, what are you doing??" you chuckled slightly, a little worried for your boyfriend who just fcking screamed his lungs out.
Feeling embarrassed when he realized it was just you, he blushed so hard, keeping his own mask tightly on his head, not wishing for you to see how hard he was blushing. Of course, the pink burning on the tips of his hair gave away otherwise.
He may or may not know Squid Game, and he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.
"P-pink soldier...um... it- it's cool...yeah...c-cool.." <3
Malleus Draconia
He was waiting for you outside Ramshackle. Scanning the rest of his surroundings, seeing a few students dressed for Halloween,
a figure caught his eye and he squinted.
As it approached, he notice their pink, military uniform stained in... red liquid...
Holding a gun, black mask with a white triangle imprinted. Malleus' eyes widened as it approached your dorm.
He stood defensively, until he saw the figure removed their mask, revealing the Child of Man they know.
"Hi Malleus! Sorry I kept you waiting. I got caught up with the stuff back at the normal campus, ehehehe..."
Malleus blinked, relaxed since he now knows it was you. But my, my did you look incriminating.
He wonders... what inspired to have such costume? It's intriguing.
"Squid Game? I haven't heard of such program. Mind showing me?"
And that was Malleus first invitation (2nd if after VDC okay, whatever-) and first horror movie he's ever watched. He loves it- <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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ye-local-simp · 3 years ago
Diasomnia masterlist:
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Malleus Draconia:
S/o that is twisted from Elsa
S/o like Diana Cavendish
S/o like Mother Gothel
S/o twisted from Thantos
with their RSA counterparts
S/o twisted from the "Prince/(Princess)Charmings"
S/o like Vanellope Von Schweetz
with an idol S/o
Dorm leaders with a male s/o who voice acts forcharacters with the opposite persona(part 1)
Dorm leaders with a male s/o who voice acts for characters with the opposite persona(part 2)
Dorm leaders with S/o who is like Tiger Lily Cookie
Dorm leaders with a S/o like Toph
Dorm leaders with a S/o whose big brother goes to NRC
S/o is their soulmate
S/o from Marvel(Stark's cousin's daughter)
S/o being a great dancer
Tween!Yuu who's tired of the drama
Reader who looks scary but is actually shy/soft
Diasomnia with a S/o like Fyodor
Fem!S/o like Kaeya
With a fischl!reader
S/o like Chongyun
Malleus with Kanna like child reader as a little sibling
S/o like Doc Ock
With a vampire S/o
S/o like Draculaura
S/o like a mirror maiden
Yuu that is like Power from the Chainsaw Man
Reader taking care of a robot baby
Helping reader adjust to their magic
With a germophobic reader
S/o like Seele from Honkai Impact
S/o who is like Princess Peach
Gn!neutral Zhongli reader that reverts to Rex lapis
Reader like Hopper Croakington
Malleus with a gn Twisted Malificent's Crow
Diasomnia with a S/o who loves making Handmade gifts
Their reaction to your Firefly event outfit
S/o telling them they are prettier than Vil and Neige
S/o tells them they look like a fairytale prince
S/o who is a fashion designer
Valentine's Special
Dorm leaders with an S/o who makes them flower bouquets
S/o like Lapis from Steven Universe
S/o like Ado
Diasomnia's reaction to their S/o fixing a butterfly's broken wing
With a fem!S/o who is religious and rebellious at the same time
Lilia Vanrouge:
Malleus with a S/o who snores
S/o who is a pianist
Vices with a hypersomniac!S/o
S/o like Sangonomya Kokomi
Diasomnia with a S/o like Fyodor
S/o with the same power and wings as Elena of Avalor
S/o has a nice singing voice
S/o like Seele from Honkai Impact
Dragon Malleus x Princess Aurora!Reader
Diasomnia with a S/o who loves making Handmade gifts
Valentine's Special
Diasomnia's reaction to their S/o fixing a butterfly's broken wing
Diasomnia with a S/o like Fyodor
With a S/o like Emil
With a fischl!reader
Diasomnia with a S/o who loves making Handmade gifts
Ace and Deuce helping MC talk to Silver
Valentine's Special
Sebek Zigvolt:
Diasomnia's reaction to their S/o fixing a butterfly's broken wing
Sebek with a S/o that is a Naiads nymph
First years reaction to Yuu cursing in front them for the first time
Diasomnia with a S/o like Fyodor
First years with a somehow scary S/o
First years with a S/o like Collei
First years reading reader's diary only to find out they're their crush
First years with a reader like Tohru
First years seeing Crewel styling your hair
Diasomnia with a S/o who loves making Handmade gifts
First years with a Mother friend
First years with a homesick Reader
First years with a reader like Paimon
First years with a S/o having Nail Polish
Valentine's Special
S/o cuddling them
Diasomnia's reaction to their S/o fixing a butterfly's broken wing
With a S/o who has crazy luck in games/sports
Back to masterlist
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rozengrotto · 4 years ago
dating headcanons - dorm leader edition
What kind of places would the dorm leaders take their special one to for a rendez-vous?
Riddle Rosehearts:
You'll receive a formal invitation for a private tea party in his rose garden. Take him up on the offer and you will face a – at first perhaps a tad stiff, but once he has accommodated to your presence – very pleased Riddle who would love to share some baked sweets with you. Red rose petals fall gently around the both of you at his command to make the scenery even more romantic.
Eh? You want to join him visiting the hedgehogs? Well, it's certainly good to know that you like these cute animals as well. Let him show you how to properly take care of them and you will even spot a rare smile on Riddle's face.
Leona Kingscholar:
The botanical garden or any other place with a lot of greenery, sunlight and warmth. Leona is just a big cat at heart after all and thus he loves basking in sunny places, preferably with hardly any people around so that he can squeeze in a nap in between spending time with you. Let him lay his head in your lap and tangle your fingers through his mane, he will doze off in a second. (maybe you will even be able to hear a content purr if you're lucky)
Azul Ashengrotto:
Meet him in his Lounge after closing hours. Nobody is there anymore except for him...and the twins (somebody needs to prepare your table and serve your meal after all, no?). Azul will wait for you with a polite smile, gently placing a kiss on your knuckles like a gentleman and guide you to your table. The big aquarium in the lounge dips everything around you in a calm, blue hue.
The beach works fine too as another dating spot, but only if very few people are there, since he prefers quiet places. Walk with him along the shore, he feels so much more at ease when he can hear the familiar sound of the sea.
Kalim Al-Asim:
Let him show you the beautiful sunset sky on his magical carpet and fly with him across the lands! Ah, which place shall he show you first? There's so much to see, he's so ecstatic that you decided to spend time with him! He would love to take you to his home, a grand palace in the desert with lots and lots of gold and shower you with delicious food and expensive presents too. Say yes when he asks you to dance with him and he will be the happiest person in all of Twisted Wonderland!
Vil Schönheit:
A date? Well, yes, of course, he promised you to spend time with him, he even made extra space for you in his calender in between the modeling gigs after all. What better place to spend time then at the mall? You have the honor to accompany the famous Vil Schönheit on a shopping trip – he'd love to help you choose a new outfit, make-up, shoes...whatever your heart desires. Let him buy you a handpressed smoothie once you two take a break from looking at the store windows.
A movie date is also very much in his favor – he prides himself to be a cineast, so enjoy a nice film with him.
Idia Shroud:
Uhm, could...could you perhaps stay in his room with him? You know, he isn't all too good with noisy places and...people in general. The outside world is quite scary compared to the safety of his room after all...
Play co-op games over some snacks with him, please. He's so glad to have finally found someone in real life that he can gush about video games and anime with!
You might even be able to convince him to joining you to an arcade though, but please don't let go of his hand...all those other people looking at him freak him out.
Malleus Draconia:
Accompany him on a stroll through a quiet part of land or a forest. Malleus loves the tranquility of the  woods, just walking with you at his side, enjoying the quietness and the beauty of nature. Ah? Did the two of you really get lost in the forest? Malleus can't help it, he was lulled into a daydream by your presence calming him so much so that he didn't pay attention to his own steps.
Eventually you return home to a quite exasperated Sebek, asking where his Young Master had been!?! Another thing Malleus will do is seek you out at night for a quick walk around the academy as you two are surrounded by an array of glowing fireflies.
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sandbees · 3 years ago
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I posted 280 times in 2021
252 posts created (90%)
28 posts reblogged (10%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.1 posts.
I added 1,135 tags in 2021
#twisted wonderland - 239 posts
#twisted wonderland imagine - 201 posts
#twisted wonderland headcannons - 199 posts
#ask - 152 posts
#twisted wonderland yuu - 150 posts
#ace trappola - 59 posts
#deuce spade - 47 posts
#twisted wonderland mc - 32 posts
#child!yuu - 29 posts
#malleus draconia - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 117 characters
#dkdowndjdeh if they pull off making a ride that story tells the whole story i would be booking a flight to disneyland
My Top Posts in 2021
Omg animal crossing!mc they can't talk but they make a mean fishing rod 😂 when not at school or talking to friends you can normally find the fishing or watering flowers.
Jade is quaking as they have AN ENTIRE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MUSHROOMS also... L-ladders..? Crowley coming back to ramshackle to give them food and clothes to see all fixed.
Sleep schedule who? Healthy habits where? outta 6 months they have been at NRC they only had a week worth of sleeping...and not consecutively, and they've only eaten barries and bread.
They just pull out the clothes wand and changing their fit between classes, and they pull the heartstrings of their friends cuz they leave little notes with things they found around the island 🥺
Pfffft- Animal Crossing Yuu would just end up taking over the school as Mayor. (“How did they become Mayor? This isn’t even a town???” “No one knows, but we’ve kind of accepted it at this point. I’m pretty sure the headmaster doesn’t mind either and throws paperwork at them occasionally.”)
And also your headcannons...👀👀👀
Everyone is slightly intimidated by Yuu’s non existent sleeping schedule. Vil screams during VDC training as he wakes up and goes downstairs to see Yuu still sitting in the same place where they were last night, eyes open and awake.
In exchange for keeping Yuu and Grim locked up in Scarabia, Jamil and Kalim come over to help Yuu clean up Ramshackle. They come back and see it overrun with so many weeds that it seems impossible that even half of the amount could have actually grown over the break.
People watch as Yuu gets chased by a tarantula or swarm of bees in fear. But then Yuu expertly takes out a net and catches it. But then there’s more fear when Yuu takes it out and holds it excitedly like it wouldn’t bite them.
Yuu: *Has a fishing rod in the pond* :)
Yuu: *Catches an egg* >:)
Grim: Why do I feel a scary aura from Yuu-
Yuu makes random facial expressions out of the blue for no reason. They could make a shocked face in the middle of class and everyone would wonder why Yuu was shocked.
Once when all the first years were hanging out, Yuu looks up. They then take out a slingshot from out of nowhere and shoots. A present falls on Ace’s head. Yuu takes the present and opens it, and there is a t-shirt that definitely doesn’t fit in the box.
Yuu wanders around campus to shake trees and dig up holes. Crowley wonders why no one ever discovered all the stuff found under the surface. Wh- How did Yuu find a bunch of fossils under that tree?!
Yuu goes fishing and somehow catches Floyd.
Yuu repeatedly bonks Ace on the head with the net. They do not stop. (Sometimes they also bonk the students who overblotted on the head)
Lilia: Malleus...what are you wearing?
Malleus: *Wearing a maid outfit* Oh, Yuu gave this to me as a gift, because they found it in one of the trees and they don’t need it. :)
See the full post
496 notes • Posted 2021-04-20 19:01:03 GMT
Parent! Yuu
Or, Yuu kidnaps adopts a child, and the first years + dorm leader’s reactions (and Crowley’s too)
Grim: Nyaa...today was relaxing...
Yuu: Yeah...you know, visiting the village here is pretty fun. I can’t believe Headmaster allowed us to visit for the weekend.
Grim: Tch, I’m dreading tomorrow.
Yuu: Ah, it’ll be Monday, right? At least we’ll see everyone...
5 year old child: *In a box, crying*
Grim: Is- is that a child?
Yuu: ... *Walks over* Hey, are you ok?
Child: N...No. Mommy and daddy left me here.
Grim: ...
Yuu: ...
Yuu: This child is ours.
Grim: Wh- Yuu! We can’t take care of-
Child: :’(
Grim: ...
Grim: Ok, we’re keeping the child, I guess. But as my henchmen!
Yuu: *Holding a 5 year old and Grim* Hello headmaster. :)
Crowley: Hello, Yuu.
Crowley: waIT
Yeah, Yuu is going to give Crowley a heart attack. And he might ban them from going to the village again if they don’t explain right now. When the explanation is given, he graciously allows Yuu to adopt the child, but they have to pay for the necessities.
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502 notes • Posted 2021-03-26 19:01:17 GMT
15 Things the First Years Have Done
The first years, all combined together as a big group, have done the most chaotic stuff in the history in NRC. In the Headmaster’s desk, is a list of what the One Braincell Group has done. (In which little to no context is given)
As First Years of NRC, we pledge to not,
1. Throw Grim into the Savannaclaw pool. Or anyone, for that matter.
“How did you even manage to throw Leona into the pool?”
“Pure spite.”
“He spoke condescendingly to Yuu, he had to go.”
“I don’t agree with what they did, Leona was being Leona. But it was pretty funny.”
2. Play “How Many People Can Accidentally be Collard by Riddle?”
“I think Epel won that.”
“15 people.”
“Could’ve been 20 if Vil didn’t catch you.”
3. Test Yuu’s magic resistance
“How resistant are you, anyways?”
“I think Sebek’s lighting spell knocked them out.”
“Oh yeah, that hurt a lot. How many volts was that?”
“Oh, we are going to test how many volts Sebek’s spell has later.”
4. Beat up your seniors
“To be fair, they dumped a bucket of water on Ace.”
“Wait - that was them?”
“Wait we weren’t supposed to say that-“
“It’s fine Ace, we took care of them, didn’t we?” :)
“Didn’t you and Deuce put them in the infirmary?”
“Didn’t they stop dumping water on Ace? Yes? So what’s the problem?”
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625 notes • Posted 2021-03-14 00:13:10 GMT
1st Year Shenanigans
Yuu: *Choking*
Epel: Quick! Grab Yuu’s phone and call 911!
Deuce: But there’s a password! *Looks at Yuu* Perfect, what’s your password?!
Yuu: *Still choking* W-Why?
Deuce: What do you mean “why”-
Ace: BECAUSE FUCK YOU, THAT’S WHY. In all caps, Jack.
Jack: ...That worked???
Ace: I really wish Riddle would stop collaring me whenever I break one small rule.
Yuu: Then moan whenever he does.
Yuu: Trust me, he’ll stop out of sheer embarrassment.
Malleus: Sebek, have you seen Li-
The One Braincell Group: *In their ceremonial robes, there’s a Malleus shrine set up*
Malleus: *Walks out* I’ll find him myself.
Azul: Explain again, you want me to do what?
Yuu: I don’t see why you’re questioning us.
Jack: We’ve all pitched in with all of our points. Some of us are sacrificing something we really wanted to do with this.
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837 notes • Posted 2021-03-16 17:32:32 GMT
Yuu Being Petty
Ace: Shit, we had homework?!
Yuu: We did? Oh, I’m sorry Ace, I forgot to mention that. :)
Ace: ...did you do that on purpose?
Yuu: That was for making me drop all my work into that puddle last week. :)
Leona: *Peacefully napping*
Yuu: *Shakes Leona* Wakey, wakey~
Leona: What?
Yuu: Crewel-sensei told me to tell you that you have detention for not showing up in class today.
Leona: ...you didn’t wake me up?
Yuu: You’re 20, Leona. Act like an adult for once.
Leona: ...Is this payback for the time I slept on you and made you miss class?
Yuu: I had to spend an hour listening to Crowley talk about how gracious he is. This is just plain karma.
Yuu: Hey Azul? Can I interest you in a contract?
Azul: Oh, sure~ let’s talk about the details.
*An hour later*
Yuu: I don’t know, maybe an apology for kicking me out of my own dorm when it technically wasn’t yours yet? :)
Yuu: I almost had to sleep in the cold, you know. You could’ve at least let me stay in my own room at least. :)
Yuu: Also I’m not signing your contract. Bye. *Walks out casually as if Azul isn’t going to command the Tweels to go after them*
Jamil: *Makes a hoop during Basketball Club practice*
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901 notes • Posted 2021-03-25 19:00:51 GMT
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queenofnohr · 4 years ago
Twisted Wonderland: Malleus Scary Outfit (SR) - Voice Lines + Personal Story
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Voice Lines
Summoning Line: Halloween is a festival that can be enjoyed by those of all races and species, whether living or dead. You, too, should enjoy it to your heart’s content. Groovy: I blow a mere puff of flame and everyone trembles in fear. Watch. Set Home: This costume is not of a dragon. It is a Long. Home Idle 1: The other Diasomnia students seemed to like the costume. They all cheered in happiness. It was worth troubling myself over. Home Idle 2: Lilia is familiar with how Halloween is celebrated in many different countries. Long ago, rather than singing a lullaby, he would tuck me in with stories of such traditions. Home Idle 3: I saw two pumpkin knights on campus. The smaller one was floating, so I assume they were the Shroud brothers. Home Login: I’ve experienced Halloween many a time, but it seems this year is going to be more boisterous than usual. Home Idle Groovy: Trick or treat. How was that? If you don’t give me sweets, I’ll play a trick on you. Whatever will you do? Home Tap 1: The red Long, that hails from the Far East and serves as inspiration for our costumes, can play folk instruments. Hmmm…… they just get more and more interesting. Home Tap 2: I saw al-Asim practicing howling like a wolf. It lacked power, but was charming nonetheless. Fufu. Home Tap 3: Halloween in the Valley of Thorns is exceptionally magnificent. It’s a bit different than how other countries celebrate, but…… I do hope you’ll come to see it someday. It’s very beautiful. Home Tap 4: Even if you hear a strange noise, it would be jumping to conclusions to assume it was the work of a ghost. Fae love mischief year-round, after all. Home Tap 5: My tail? It isn’t part of the costume, it’s real. Even if it interests you, don’t get too close. If you bump into it carelessly, I’ll send you flying. Home Tap Groovy: I’ll bestow flame appropriate of a Long unto those that would try to harm your dormitory. I happen to be fond of that place.
Personal Story
That Certainly is……Interesting : Chapter 1
-Diasomnia Dorm - Lounge-
Lilia: ……So you were here, Malleus. I was looking for you. Malleus: Lilia, what is it? Lilia: Actually, I have something to ask of you. Will you choose Diasomnia’s costume for this year? Malleus: Me? Why? You’ve chosen it for the past two years, Lilia. Lilia: I’m especially busy this year with Organization Committee work. I can’t even turn up for club activities. Malleus: But I don’t know what to do. I think there are others more suitable than me…… Lilia: No, it must be you. Deciding on a costume means deciding on Diasomnia’s theme for this year. It’s an important decision that affects the dignity of our dorm……. Because of that, if not me, then our Dorm Leader must decide. Malleus: Is that truly your reason for turning over the costume selection to me, even though you’re the one who looks forward to Halloween the most every year? Lilia: Kufufu…… No, there’s another reason. It’s boring if I choose the costumes every year. But if you, the next king of the Valley of Thorns, chooses all our students will take a keen interest in it. Of course that includes me as well. So what do you say? Will you do it? Malleus: ......Okay. If you want me to, I’ll choose. Each dorm dresses in ghost costumes with various monster motifs. I’ll go to the library to search for any books that might be useful.
Malleus: ……Now, just what kind of costume should it be? The chosen motif must embody Diasomnia. Something with a noble existence would be preferable...... If I suggest a dragon, Lilia will complain and say I should think harder about it. It should be a creature that even I, myself, have never seen. If so, we’d be able to set ourselves apart from the other dorms. If I research local legends, they may contain information on monsters even I don’t know about. However, searching for such books would be incredibly difficult. I’ve heard that you can use the computers in the library to search for the book you need...... …….No, those machines work in complicated and mysterious ways. I’ll be upfront and have a look around the bookshelves directly.
Some time passes……
Malleus: ......98...... 99...... And that makes 100 books. There can’t be 100 books related to local legends in this library….... Ortho: Wow~! That’s a huge amount of books! Malleus: You are…… the small Shroud. Ortho: Oh! Malleus Draconia! What are you doing with such a huge pile of books around you? Malleus: It falls to me to decide this year’s Halloween costume. I was gathering reference material, but before I realized it I was surrounded by this many books. Ortho: Hmmmm. Maybe I can help you look? I’m able to access a much larger database than just the books in the library. Also, if you use the Olympus search engine, you can perform a semantic search that takes into consideration the user’s purpose and intentions. How does that sound? Malleus: In brief………… what does all of that mean? Ortho: Basically, it will identify what you, Malleus Draconia, wants to find out. Malleus: Hmmm…… I understand. Ortho: Activating voice recognition functionality. Begin semantic search. Malleus: ............ Ortho: ......U- Um? Malleus: What is it? Ortho: Errr…… Even if it’s fragmentary, could you tell me what you want to search for? Malleus: Me? Ortho: Of course. Malleus: Then……What I’m searching for is information on monsters to use as motifs in Halloween costumes…… Ortho: Searching…… Malleus: Well? Ortho: Can you tell me again without being so concerned with your wording? Malleus: ……Understood. What I want is information on a noble creature that suits Diasomnia.………… Ortho: Search completed. I found something, Malleus Draconia. I’ll project it onto the wall right away! Malleus: Hou. That certainly is……interesting.
That Certainly is...... Interesting : Chapter 2
Ortho: Is this the monster you were searching for, Malleus Draconia? Malleus: Hmmm…… So this is the king who presides over the demons of Bald Mountain. Ortho: He has a giant jet-black body and huge wings. And besides that, his pointed gaze…… is really cool! There shouldn’t be any costumes with this motif in the history of Night Raven College. Malleus: He certainly does have a noble existence…… But if the body is all black, it won’t stand out. Lilia will probably complain that it’s too plain. Ortho: Refining search…… Search completed. Take a look at this. It’s a headless knight, dashing through the valley at night. He’s swinging his sword while his horse sprints forth! His red cloak is also cool, isn’t it? Malleus: ......No, we can’t. Ortho: Huh! Why not? Malleus: The costume becomes too complicated when it comes to replicating its headlessness. Aside from that, it would be difficult to obtain horses for all our students. Ortho: I see…… Taking your previous comments into account, the next image is of…… this! Malleus: ……Hm? It’s quite small, but the red one…… is it a dragon? Ortho: Huh? You’ve already seen dragons before, so they should’ve been omitted from the search…… Oh! This isn’t a dragon. It’s a Long. Malleus: A Long…… It seems to be a creature that inhabits the Far East, which humans sanctify. Embodying both strength elegance...... it is a noble existence, similar to a dragon…… Any more than anything, it’s a creature I have never seen before…… Alright, it’s decided. Diasomnia’s costume will be a Long. I need detailed information about the Long in order to create a costume for my dorm. May I request that? Ortho: Yes! Leave it to me!
-Ramshackle Dorm-
Malleus: ……I’ve kept you waiting. This is the Halloween costume Diasomnia students will dress up in this year. Sebek: Y…… Young Master! What a dignified figure you cut! Silver: It suits you well. Malleus: What do you think, Lilia? I want to hear your opinion. Lilia: Even though it’s a sophisticated design, it’s also very colorful…… I like it! It seems like I was correct in having you decide on what our costumes should be, Malleus. There’s no way I would’ve thought of using a dragon from the Far East as a motif…… Malleus: It’s not a dragon. From the presence or lack thereof of wings or beards, shape of the horns, and abilities, despite their similarities, dragons and Long are very different creatures. Lilia: Wah ha ha! It’s certainly as you say. You did a lot of research in a short amount of time. You always were prone to throwing yourself wholeheartedly into things. Malleus: It’s thanks to the small Shroud. He did a good job. The method he used…… I didn’t understand it at all. Lilia: Well, the costumes are perfect. Let’s distribute them to the students immediately. Malleus: Let’s. This Halloween, we’ll provide more horror than usual.
The day of Halloween—
Malleus: Trick or treat......! Fufu…… We shall burn the majestic image of the Long into your memory……!
*The references were pretty obvious, I think, but just in case! The first thing Ortho suggests to Malleus is Chernabog from Disney’s Fantasia. The second is the Headless Horseman from Sleepy Hollow. Which leads me to believe...... especially from Malleus’s “small” comment, that the red-scaled Long in question is Mushu, from Mulan.
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twistedtranslations · 5 years ago
Idia Shroud - I can’t
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You can unlock this story by getting Idia’s SR Ceremony outfit
Translation under the cut
TL notes
Q.E.D. is a manga where the main character gets roped into various detective cases by his friend and only solves them because they asked.
Idia calls others with the -shi suffix, which can be translated as Mr. but I left that out.
Ignihyde Dorm - Idia's room
Idia: Sigh… I can't do it after all… Why did I make that nonsensical promise with Ortho to appear at the entrance ceremony… No, it's because I'm weak to Ortho's requests, I know, I know, I’m almost like that Q.E.D. guy… But I shouldn't be! 
Idia: There's no way that a shut-in like me will suddenly show up at a big event like the entrance ceremony where all the students gather! Y-Y-Yet I'm the dorm leader…?! Just thinking of everyone watching me… Ugh. I'm feeling extremely dizzy. I'm getting a stomachache. I'm totally feeling sick right now, oh no, guess I gotta call in sick;
Ortho: Brother?
Idia: Ack! … O-Ortho. Is there something?
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Ortho: I'm going to the sports field for a bit. There's only one week left until the entrance ceremony, so I quickly have to get used to my new body!
Idia: O-Okay. Have a safe trip. Don't stay out too late.
Ortho: Okay~
Idia: He's so cheerful… Does the entrance ceremony make him that happy? If I were to tell him that I’ll skip out on the entrance ceremony because it’s too harsh for mr, he'll surely be disappointed… What should I do…
Idia: O-oh!? O-Ortho, is that you!?
Riddle: Idia, it's me, Riddle Rosehearts from Heartslabyul.
Idia: R-R-Riddle?! W-Why are you at Ignihyde?
Riddle: Because the principal asked me. I will bring you to the dorm leader meeting for the ceremony, even if I have to collar you… understand? Good grief, the entrance ceremony is so close, yet you have not even shown your face once during the preparations. The only ones who have not come to the meeting are you and Malleus. Please hurry and come.
Idia: I…
Riddle: I?
Idia: I can't.
Riddle: … Huh? You can't? What do you mean? You are in good health, are you not?
Idia: N-No, Ortho isn't here now… talking face to face with you guys… and then the meeting… I definitely can't do it!
Riddle: Stop making excuses… you are a dorm leader. You should not be so lenient on yourself. It is not like I have free time either. Hurry and go, and open the door!
Idia: I, I-I don't want to! I-It's not like I wanted to become the dorm leader!
Riddle: You are being irresponsible. Once you put in charge, it is only natural that you perform your role, no matter the reason.
Idia: Argh… there it is, oh there it is, "It's only natural"~ There they impose their sense of values upon me again.
Riddle: You are always so irritating! Did I say something wrong?! You are an being inconvenient to everyone. You could have the decency to at least help prepare for the entrance ceremony…
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Idia: Oof, there it is, the ultimate magic "Everyone"… Using peer pressure to erase the individual, being looked down upon by the common opinion so you can't see the truth. The youth of today that knows no autonomy, it's truly frightening, I sympathize with the future of Twisted Wonderland.
Riddle: Hn, Hngh…. You cannot even talk to someone's face… The only reason you can use these big words is because this door separates us! I always thought this, but a person like you who loves agitating others corrupts the public morals of this school. More than anything, you displease me. Now stop your fast-talking!
Idia: Huh, why are you the one blowing up in my face… scary… I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish…
Riddle: Hngh! I said it is because you displease me! An incompetent dorm leader like you should not command me around!
Idia: I have a reserved and restrained personality, unlike you attention seeker…
Riddle: … What did you just say?
Idia: Ack… A-Anyway, please leave me alone! I was doing fine like this even before you entered the school.
Riddle: I see, I see. So that's how it is. It must have been awfully easy, was it not? Then why don't you have Ortho Shroud do everything so you don't have to lift a finger!
Idia: Eh?
Riddle: You won't have to attend the meeting, you won't have to prepare for the ceremony, neither will you have to deal with the visitors, you can just leave everything to that robot. In any case, you had no intention of attending the entrance ceremony at all, right? Can it be that you were planning to leave the speech to him as well? How pathetic, being forced to work by the irresponsible dorm leader!
Idia: Huh? I never said I wasn't going to the entrance ceremony? Stop making assumptions? I'm going to this entrance ceremony!
Riddle: Perhaps you should stop bragging about common sense? It seems I have made a terrible fool of myself. Can I expect a moving speech from you?
Idia: Piece of cake.
Riddle: Hm. Then I shall grasp my handkerchief and look forward to it!
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Idia: … … …Am I not the fool?! "I'm going to this entrance ceremony"…. I don't want to! I can't! Shitshitshitshit… what to do…
Chapter 2
Mirror Chamber The day of the entrance ceremony
Idia: I-I somehow made it to the mirrors… I can do this. I will do this. Using self-suggestion is important. … …Hn… A, Aah… I can't! It's too scary! If I enter everyone will stare at me anyway?! And then they'll start whispering about me! "Who's that?" "Does he not get burned by his hair?" "Isn't he from the cursed Shroud family…" "His anxiety might be contagious" and things like that… Or maybe they'll start poking me with a stick while saying that I'm gross for being blue all over…! I don't want that! Someone save me! …No this is useless. I should calm down at once. I want to go to a quiet place without people to cool my head… Ah, if Ortho was here, he could encourage me. Where did he go…
Idia: If only I didn’t fight with Riddle... And if I didn’t give Ortho false hope. What should I do now...
???: Is that Shroud I hear?
Idia: Hah?!
Malleus: So it is. How unusual.
Idia: M-Malleus…Why are you here?
Malleus: You mean since when? Hehe, I do not recollect seeing you since you became the dorm leader.
Idia: Malleus Draconia… The next ruler of the Valley of Thorns, the dorm leader of Diasomnia! Why is the Ultra SSR Character that is supposed to play the leading role in the ceremony here!?
Malleus: But to see you outside. What are you doing here?
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Idia: Ah… I-I thought I would get some fresh air… just like you.
Malleus: I see, just like me. I understand, you needed a distraction.
Idia: A distraction?_
Malleus: Hm? You want a distraction, right? Looking at the scenery, feeling the atmosphere. Thinking about whatever. Relaxing.
Idia: Relaxing!? I-I can’t get even more anxious!
Malleus: Is that so? Then you should enjoy yourself more.
Idia: Enjoy myself!? …That's where I and you differ.
Malleus: Hm? What do you mean?
Idia: A, Ah, no… It's nothing. … But… But I made a promise with Ortho. I would wear these clothes and come today. That's why… Aah, but it's too scary…!
Malleus: By the way, why are you wearing those clothes?
Idia: Huh?
Malleus: Hm?
Idia: Uhm. Do you mean… they don't fit me? I, I-I, I… look strange after all.
Malleus: Hm. It's not like they don't fit you… but I have my questions. Actually, if you say it's strange, it might be strange.
Idia: Urgh…
Malleus: First of all, why did you promise to "go out" like this? It doesn't seem like a big deal.
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Idia: I-It might not be a big deal for you, but for me…!
Malleus: Humans are sometimes awfully inconceivable. Oh well, that's interesting about them.
Idia: Inconceivable…
Malleus: No, I didn't mean to make fun of you. I'm very interested.
Idia: So… it's like this after all huh, I see what you're getting at! So you think I'm not capable of donning these beautiful clothes and appearing before a lot of people! Isn't that what you wanted to get at from the start?_ No matter how much I struggle, it's already confirmed that I'm on the dark route towards multiple bad endings, so it's useless. I-I, I-I-I, I'm…I'm…!
Malleus: Shroud? What happened?
Idia:… Ugh, it's nothing! It doesn’t matter!
Malleus: And there he went. What an awfully strange man. To think he wore his ceremony robes for a simple stroll. … But it has been very noisy since this morning. I wonder if something is happening…
Mirror Chamber
Idia (Tablet): Students of Ignihyde, please gather here…
Riddle: Heh. He did not come even after I gave him a good scolding… he is incompetent, after all. I worry for the students that have a dorm leader this unreliable. They have my most sincere sympathies.
Vil: Hah… he did it.
Ignihyde Dorm - Idia's room
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Idia: It seems that the outdoors has nothing but events that torment me…  I should just confine myself and shut out all those useless earthly sounds! From the start, I differed from people like Malleus and other humans who have something I don't. How could I ever forget that. 
Idia: … Hm? But isn't this great? I noticed I couldn’t do it, before I went and made an enormous embarrassment of myself in front of the students… 
Idia: I see… I'm sure Ortho didn't want to expose everyone to his big brother's shameful sight. This is the best! Why, am I simply not the best! Didn’t I just auto-play myself into the best route~ 
Idia: Ortho is probably fully enjoying the entrance ceremony by himself right now. He was looking so much forward to it, after all. This is the best. … It really is.
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urstruly-ghst · 4 years ago
Hey ! Can I get a hc of someone making dorm leaders' little sister cry if lts ok ? I really like drawing in my free time but some people say that "I'm wasting my time doing nothing" and it just makes me feel ... sad. But the request can be different - anyway just bullying lol (idk what I'm saying at this point shajjsvsus) Sending love n kisses :D ~ ❤
whoever makes you cry will face my fists >:(( i shall f i g h t.
and xoxo sweetie.💗💗
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riddle rosehearts
Being his little sister was hard, he would always make sure you are well rounded but had the fun he wished he had.
Everyone in the world knew that you, little Rosehearts, is a prized treasure of the Dorm Leader, no one is allowed to hurt you.
Until some bullies saw you sketching the day away, a pleased smile on your lips. It was at this time, you were alone, no Riddle in sight.
They targeted you, in a mean way, instead of physical pain, they gave you a bad mood. By that, they insulted your drawings and you in general.
This caused tears to pour, which in turn, got the bullies to target you more. The teasing and taunting turned silent when someone coughed politely behind their backs.
They clicked their tongues and was about to ask why are they bothering them, until they saw a familiar red head. Fuming with anger.
He crossed his arms and that familiar look of anger was on his face, he screamed; "Off With Your Heads!" as he collared them.
The bullies shook in their place, terrified of what punishment was to be bestowed on them.
While they were shaking, Riddle approached you with a frown and hugged you. He assured you that "big brother isn't going anywhere" and that he won't let you be alone again.
He made sure of it. If he can't be with you, then lets Trey or Cater or the Adeuce combo be with you.
Just to be sure you are safe and not bullied again.
As for the bullies, he made sure they got the punishment of cleaning and doing double the work, while a 10,000 word handwritten note would be given to you as an apology.
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leona kingscholar
Savanaclaw's dorm head, Leona, has been forced to believe all women are to be respected. He made sure everyone knew that too.
Especially when his little sister was to visit him.
Now, everyone knows Afterglow Savannah was a place filled with strong women, you included. But you were softer, to say the least.
Your resemblance to Leona was subtle, but it stood out nonetheless. And everyone knew never to bother a Kingscholar.
While visiting Leona, he had been called to a meeting, much to his dismay, and left you unsupervised. He knew you were capable of being alone.
You were alone for a fairly long time, so you decided to go out and just sketch the interior of your brother's dorm for some memories.
Unknowingly, some new students saw you, unaware of who you are. They decided you would be their new target.
While sketching, they pulled your hair and laughed at your pathetic state. They were strong, stronger than you, so all you did was weep as the physical pain and mental torture grew on you
Luckily for you, Leona was quick to leave his meeting to see you, worried as his instincts tell him something was wrong.
He heard your cries from a mile away, and he grew angry at such notion that someone hurt his family AND hurt a woman.
Leona ran towards the source and saw you in such a state of misery, that he roared while coldly asking what are they doing. The bullies were frozen as they saw Leona approach you and pushing you behind him.
While Leona was ready to attack, you stopped him and told him to not cause more trouble. He obligated, and gave the bullies a nasty remark about to never mess with a Kingscholar, and gave them punishments while at it.
In the end, the bullies bowed at your feet asking for forgiveness while Leona stood on the side, smirking victoriously.
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azul ashengrotto
While managing the Monstro Lounge, you pooped in to say hello. Azul smiled while he organized the papers and customers. He asked if you wanted anything, to which you replied your order.
Azul offered to eat at the VIP room, but you declined, insisting that you want to sketch the Lounge while eating.
He nodded and headed off, to his office, to get some negotiations going. He trusted you enough to be alone, so he had no trouble in letting you off alone.
While your order arrived, you sketched and sketched, not minding anything else than your sketchbook.
The bullies saw you, and smirked amongst themselves, a silent agreement to target you in such state. One of them sat down across you, and touched your thigh.
You jumped at the notion, and before you could ask why are they touching you, they spilt drinks all over you and your sketchbook.
This caused every one of them laughing and insulting you, causing tears to pour from your eyes. Before they could advance to harass you more, an "oya oya" was heard.
They froze and you looked up to see your brother's friend, Jade and Floyd. They had sinister smiles, while asking politely what was happening in the establishment.
All of the gasped and leaped up on their feet, scared of what was to happen next. Jade escorted you to Azul, while Floyd went rampant on the bullies.
Azul looked to see you covered in juice and tears, alarmed, he demanded an explanation. Jade calmly told the events, and Azul's frown deepened.
He whispered something to Jade, while assisting you to change and take a bath or a swim.
Let's say the bullies all had a not so fun time with the Leech twins.
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kalim al-asim
As Kalim's little sister, he made sure you know all about his life and passions! He also made sure you are well protected over, knowing the threats that happen to your family.
Jamil is also protective over you both, while you are fully aware of protecting yourself, he still made sure to watch both of you.
Now, the bullying happened at a party, where you and your brother were separated due to the lively atmosphere.
While you were partying and enjoying life, someone pulled your hair and led you to a hallway and physically harassed you.
You punched and tried to kick them away, but their strength was overpowering yours, making you weep as they mocked you and laughed at you.
But, unknown to them, Kalim saw this and has called on over Jamil to help him asses the situation.
While they saw this, Kalim grew angry and threw a fit, ordering them what is happening and why are they doing this to you.
Jamil stood next to Kalim, glaring at the bully, a look of anger on his face. It was scary.
They let go of you while you sobbed onto Kalim's shirt, which in turn made Kalim cry too.
Jamil politely asked you both to leave, while taking care of the bully. Assuring you he would punish this bully with the right amount of time.
While you exit the scene, Kalim did his best to cheer you up, bringing up his magical carpet, you travelled the sky to relax.
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vil schoenheit
Vil kept his private life and family life really great, no one knew of his family and personal life, and no one knew that the girl to visit Vil was his little sister.
While you were visiting, you spot a nice shade and view, causing you to just delay your visit a little bit.
Unknown to you, you were now a new target to some bullies, who were bored and wanting to go crazy with bullying. You were alone, seemingly a stranger, so you are the target that was perfect.
As you were sketching away, the bullies formed a gang on you, and started to make fun of you— from you sketching to your outfit. Even if you tried to defend yourself, they brought you down.
By now, Vil is worrying where were you, as your visit is now delayed! He ought to scold you on your arrival, but he doesn't know where you are.
He sent out Rook to get you, just to be sure you actually visited, he texted you too. But his worry is going up the roof as more time passed.
Back to you and the bullies, your state is even more pitiful as tears were now in your vision. This made them give a boisterous laugh, alerting a nearby hunter.
Rook saw this and immediately did his job, rescuing a damsel like you. He coughed quite loudly, announcing his arrival his tone harsh and sharp. Rook smiled at you, and wiped your tears.
He gave the bullies a glare, before escorting you to the Pomefiore dorm, where Vil was waiting with a frown.
When Vil saw your state, he glanced at Rook, his gaze demanding an answer. When Rook gave the explanation, all Vil did was nod; Rook knew this was an order.
So, Rook dismissed himself while Vil and you talk. He gave a stern yet loving scolding, making sure you are okay and if not, he will try to comfort you.
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idia shroud
Everyone knew of his little brother, Ortho, but no one knew he had another sibling. Someone older than Ortho, and was actually a... Real person
Unlike Idia, you loved going out, and always made new friends. But they seem to never connect you with Idia. Maybe the resemblance wasn't there.
Either way, no one knew of your relation to the Dorm Leader, but even with your connection, they assumed nothing big will happen.
They were wrong, as one day,when they decided to bully you, Ortho was doing his daily stroll.
Ortho really looked up to you, he loved you lots! So imagine his anger when he saw you being cornered and crying. He sent a message to Idia and waited for an order.
Idia, sitting in his room, got a message and when he saw it... He was filled with a rage, and started to talk loudly and fast, typing to Ortho to take care of the bullies and take you back to the Dorm.
When you arrived, you cried into your brother's arms and just asked for comfort. Idia, like always, offered you to play games.
He made sure to get your favorite game on, and snacks too! Ortho also is here to cheer you up!
In the end, you decided to stay in your brother's dorm for a few weeks, as for the bullies... Ortho reported this to the Headmaster and expects them to have a proper punishment.
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malleus draconia
Either you are dumb, new, or just plain fearless if you think on messing with Malleus Draconia or just his family.
You were related to Malleus, and had every right to be respected as Princess, and as a person. You were strong and competent.
Even Malleus' retainers are on full guard with you, but they trust you too to protect yourself.
However, one day, in a park, you decided to stroll! Nothing beats a nice stroll in the park.
The bullies, being bored, saw you and decided to target you. No guards or Malleus on sight, so they ought to take this opportunity!
While you were just enjoying life, they targeted you, your hobbies and others making you feel insecure and start to cry. This caused them to mock you more.
Unknowingly, Malleus walked to the park, his feet somehow bringing him to it. And when he went there, his anger got the best of him.
He flew down to where you were and glared down at the human bullies, calmly asking what were they doing. They yelped and tried to turn around but Malleus made them stay still.
He crossed his arms, demanding an apology and asking them to go with him to the principal's office where a punishment for them is due.
Malleus clicked his tongue and hugged you tightly, assuring you that another incident like this won't happen again. He makes sure of it.
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Week 2 - Trick or Treat!
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Author’s Note: This week, I will be writing about Trick or Treating, one of my favorite things to do when Halloween rolled around when I was a child. So, hopefully that translates into this wholesome fic based on the 1952 Disney short, Trick or Treat, which I used to watch every October to get me in the mood for Halloween! 
Trigger Warnings: Crowley says something mean gets pretty badly hurt, Malleus gets scary because someone was mean to his favorite dorm. Only one divider in this fic due to this being short. 
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“Yeah! We’re going to get so much candy!” The devil costume wearing Grim said, cheerfully as with his little bag, which he hoped would be full of candy by the end of the night. 
“Yeah, now that the school’s event is done, we can go trick-or-treating around the school. I still can’t believe the others wanted to let us trick-or treat around the dorms.” Yuu said, with their witch outfit and a broom to carry their bag, despite the irony. 
“I’m quite excited.” Quentin smiled over under her sheet and jack-o-lantern on her head, making her look like a ghost with a pumpkin on her head. “I haven’t done this in a long time.”
“We’ll have so much fun.” Yuu smiled. 
“Let’s do the staff first,” Quentin suggested. “that way we can hang out with everyone else later.”
“Yeah! Let’s go!” Grim said happily, as the three went up to the staff room. 
Dire Crowley was not in the mood. 
First Sam demanded some crazy supplies out of nowhere, then Divus soon after, then Vargas caused a mess in the field, and Trein had come in a given too many complaints about the guests of the week. . . On top of all thing things he’d gotten from the guests! There was so many complainants and so much to clean up! 
There was a knock at the door.
Argh! He had no time for this! 
So, Crowley marched up to the door, and there stood the Ramshackle residents. 
“Hey Headmaster!” Yuu smiled. 
“Trick or Treat!” Grim smiled, offering up his bag to the Headmaster. 
“What is it at this time of night?!” Crowley demanded to know, which seemed to make the two first years flinch in fear. “I’m busy!”
“B-But Headmaster, you said that today-” Yuu tried to explain, but Crowley didn’t seem to be listening. 
“I told you we’ll have no trick or treating this year!” Crowley said. “We don’t have the money or the time!”
“Headmaster Crowley, but-” Quentin tried to speak up, but the door was shut in her face. 
“Get out of here! I’m busy!” The Headmaster demanded, and the three did.
And so, in the courtyard, there sat the three Ramshackle residents, sitting on the bench, upset and angry at their Headmaster for being treated so coldly.
“But. . . He said it was today. . . “ Grim pouted. 
“Maybe he forgot, you know him-” Quentin was about to say, but someone familiar came into the area.
“What is the residents of Ramshackle Dorm doing here?” A powerful, yet gentle voice spoke. And when the three residents looked up, there stood Malleus Draconia, in a costume that made him look like a prince. 
“Ah, Tsunotarou, good evening.” Yuu said, trying to smile, but wasn’t doing a very good job at it. 
“What troubles you three?” The Fae prince asked, curiously. 
“Headmaster Crowley.” Quentin explained. “He promised we’d do trick-or-treating this year for Grim, but he told us he already said no.”
“I’ve heard no such thing from him.” Malleus simply said. “As far as I’m aware, the trick-or-treating is still going to happen. But, I shall go and see.”
And so, Malleus did. But, from the thunder clouds in the sky and upset Malleus that came back, it didn’t go over well. 
“That forgetful fool.” The fae seemed to growl. 
“T-Tsunotarou?” Yuu asked fearfully which seemed to make Malleus snap out of his anger. 
“It will be alright, Ramshackle Dorm.” Malleus smiled. “I have an idea.”
And so, the group travelled to a nearby classroom and instantly, Malleus prepared his plan. He summoned a caldron, grabbed the ingredients needed , and gave some to the Ramshackle members, and started to chant. 
“Double, double, toil and trouble! Fire burn and caldron bubble!” Malleus started, and gestured to the Ramshackle resident to drop their ingredients, and as he ingredients came into the pot, Malleus called them by their names. “Eye of needle! Tongue of shoe! Hand of clock that points at two! Neck of bottle! Tail of coat! Whiskers from the Billy Goat!”
And after an explosion, the potion seemed to be ready as Malleus gave a happy nod, and grabbed a nearby empty spray bottle and managed to get the whole caldron into the bottle. 
“And now, we are ready. Let’s go.” Malleus smiled, as he started to walk away towards where he came from, with what he summoned seeming to disappear. 
“Hey! Malleus! What exactly are ‘we’ going to do?!” Quentin asked, as the Ramshackle residents trailed behind the Diasomnia dorm leader. 
“Hmmm? We’re getting your candy from Crowley.” Malleus said simply, “If he won’t give it willingly, then we’ll take it with force.”
“EH?!” The Ramshackle students yelled, almost in unison. 
“Tsunotarou! We’ll get into huge trouble!” Yuu called out, “Crowley maybe was being mean, but we can’t curse him!”
“But he deserves it.” Malleus said, simply. “He promised you he would do this for you, and cannot go back on his promise. Angry or not, he’ll give you candy.”
Seeing as Malleus didn’t seem to be able to be reasoned with, the three Ramshackle residents simply shrugged and went along with him, soon arriving close by Crowley’s office. And then Malleus started to spray so of the potion unto the things nearby. 
The candles and lanterns started to move and dance around the four creating a light show of green, the paintings came off the walls and moved around the walk and talk, the carpet slid under doors and playfully started to mess around with the area.
And, they all started to sing. 
♪ Trick or Treat! ♪ 
♪ Trick or Treat! ♪
♪ Trick or Treat for Halloween! ♪
♪ When ghosts and goblins by the score, ♪
♪ Ring the bell on your front door, ♪
♪ You better not be stingy or ♪ 
♪ Your nightmares will come true! ♪
And then Quentin seemed to recognize this song. She knew that song well.
It was an old song from her childhood. 
It was an old song for Halloween, meant to warn people on Halloween to be nice people and to follow the old traditions, or face the wrath of the dead and the living for not respecting the special occasion between both sides of the world. 
And then, Quentin seemed to understand Malleus’ motives as the spirit opened the doors to Crowley’s office, seeming to really scare Crowley. As soon as the doors opened, Malleus rushed inside the office. 
“So, are you going to give them their candy, or not?” Malleus growled at Crowley, which seemed to scare the poor headmaster. 
“Ah! Y-Yes! Mister Draconia! Right away!” Crowley said, quickly scrambling to find his promised, which earned a confidant nod. 
Grim, upon seeing Crowley getting the candy said confidently, “Ha! Serves him right!”
“Indeed.” Malleus agreed. “He’s quite the scaredy cat.”
Upon hearing the two’s insults towards him, Dire Crowley immediately forgot his fear of Malleus and became angry once more. “Scaredy cat?! How dare you address your headmaster that way!” and then, he made the candy disappear into his pockets. 
“I’ve been waiting for this moment where I could finally cast a spell on you!” Malleus cried with joy, and he pulled out the spray bottle and sprayed Crowley’s cape. “Hocus pocus, magic shower, put his coat within my power!” 
And instantly, the coat seemed to come to life, fidgeting and spreading themselves out like wings.
“Coat!” Malleus commanded, and the Crowley’s coat seemed to listen, as it seemed to stand in attention, completely still. “Get the candy out of his pockets!”
And, the coat did as commanded, and started to flap around, and even hurting Crowley in hopes of getting the candy out of his pockets. 
Poor Dire Crowley was not having a good time as he yelped in pain as the coat tried everything it could to get the candy Dire Crowley was hiding out of the pockets. It hit Crowley against his own desk, hurt him with pens and pencils and papers, got him on the chandelier, and even tried to get the painting to help, pulling on Crowley's outfit. And few times the candy threated to spill out, but Crowley grabbed the candy again and put it in another pocket. Until eventually, the candy came spilling out of Crowley’s final place he’d tried to hide it. 
After the candy had spilled, Malleus once more smiled. “Sorry for the wait, Ramshackle, the candy-”
“THAT’S ENOUGH!” Crowley said, seeming to assert his dominance towards his students, which seemed to frighten Yuu and Grim, not so much Malleus and Quentin, “I am the headmaster here! You will listen to me! And if I say no candy, then no candy!” to which, Crowley walked over to his desk and locked it. 
Malleus however, was not happy. “Fine then, my dear headmaster, you’re getting what’s coming to you.” and once more, he sprayed the potion unto Crowley. This time, he sprayed a lot unto the coat, and some even seemed to get on the hat. 
“Smash that desk to pieces, coat, with him!” Malleus commanded, and the coat did so. And the poor man was being smashed into his own desk, scattering papers everywhere and destroying the innocent desk to pieces, where the candy was stored. Until eventually, there was nothing left of the desk, and the candy was sitting on top of the broken desk, like gold from a mine. 
“Yay!” Grim cheered.
“I’m not sure if this candy is safe to take.” Yuu laughed, but Quentin seemed to respond. 
“Oh please. That old man got what he deserved.” She laughed. “He, of all people, should know better than to be mean on Halloween.”
“YOUNG MASTER! Here you are-YOUNG MASTER!” A familiar voice came into the room, as Sebek Zigvolt, Silver and Lilia Vanrouge came into the room. “Briar Witch! Are you alright?!”
“Oh my, what happened here?” Lilia asked, mischievously. 
“Crowley was being quite rude, so I taught him a lesson.” Malleus smirked, and Lilia seemed to understand what Malleus what he was saying. 
“Aha~ How fun.” Lilia commented. “I wish I could’ve been there.” 
“Are you three alright?” Silver asked the Ramshackle residents, which he was met with three smiles. 
“Yeah! I’ve gotten so much candy!” Grim smiled. 
“I had no idea Crowley had so much in his desk.” Yuu smiled. 
“It was fun to see Crowley’s coat coming to life.” Quentin commented.  
While Silver and Sebek seemed confused, Lilia simply smiled. “Come now Ramshackle dorm, it’s time for the Trick-or-Treating to start.”
“Really?! Yay!” Grim smiled, rushing out the door, with Sebek trialing not far behind telling Grim to wait for Malleus. 
“Aha. That was fun.” Quentin smiled, and started to explain what happened to Lilia and Silver, who seemed pretty interested in her story. 
“Thank Tsunotarou!” Yuu smiled. “Thanks you to you, we got candy from Crowley!” 
“It is nothing, Child of Man.” Malleus smiled. “I’m glad you had a good time.”
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halloweenismyfav · 4 years ago
《 Here's Mallory's relationship list! Up next is Thorn's. I included my other OCs here too, along with RSA! (You can clearly see which ones I've thought of more) This is a long one, so buckle up. 》
Mallory Robinett's Relationships
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Riddle Rosehearts: Mallory has a strange fascination with Riddle. She was a Disney gal when on Earth, Alice in Wonderland being her favorite movie they made. She kinda hated the Queen of Hearts since she was all high and mighty, but when she saw Riddle...all she thought was "omg smol tsun tsun". After his overblot, she held him close and allowed him to hide his tears. Riddle finds her obsession fascination with him a bit odd, but he's seen weirder in his own dorm, so he just lets her do her thing and is her friend nonetheless.
Trey Clover: "Big brother Trey". That's pretty much it. One time, Mallory told Trey about chocolate-hazelnut wafers and how she loved them back on Earth, so he made them for her after. She was delighted and it's become tradition for them since. He's basically her big bro. It's pretty wholesome.
Cater Diamond: Mallory finds Cater a bit annoying, she won't lie. She just finds the whole "influencer" thing a bit odd. Other than that, she doesn't entirely mind Cater. They don't talk all too often however, so they don't know each other too well. Mallory hopes to have that change before they graduate or before she goes home.
Ace Trappola: If these two are seen together, you may wanna run. Mallory and Ace are pretty much inseparable after finally getting along during Heartslabyul's episode. Mallory will admit, she finds Ace attractive, and she's said it to him before on a couple occasions. She may feel more than just that, but she doesn't like love and stuff like that, so she tries to ignore her rapidly beating heart whenever she's with Ace...
Deuce Spade: Deuce is one of the few people who sees Mallory's sweet side. She always makes sure he stays in line and if he starts to go all delinquent-mode, she pulls a "pull it together major". Of course, that's only if he starts to go overboard. Mallory knows what it's like to feel like a disappointment to a parent, so she reassures Deuce that it'll get better if he's truly wanting to be better.
Thorn Valley: Oh, these two despise each other. The only thing they can agree on is that they dislike Leona and that's pretty much it. Some people at NRC like to say they're like an old married couple(mainly Cater) and they always have to clarify that they hate each other. They can tolerate each other during events like Fairy Gala and such, but even then, they'll still bicker.
Leona Kingscholar: Another person Mallory hates! She finds Leona's laziness a menace, while he gets a kick out of annoying her. Their relationship is similar to how Vil and Leona act to put it bluntly. They do have similar humor though, so it's strange whenever someone else sees them laughing together.
Ruggie Bucchi: One time Ruggie stole her sandwich and she makes sure he'll never live it down. Knowing he had a rough time back in the Afterglow Savana however, she tones it down by a lot. She knows he's a gremlin, but she also knows that he's a human like anyone else and tries to treat him with some kind of kindness and respect. They don't talk all too often, but they've talked enough to be considered a bit more than acquaintances.
Jack Howl: He gives her piggyback rides more often than you would think, but it's always cause she asks if he can. He can't say no to her face, he doesn't know why, so he goes along with it. He finds her more as his sister than anything, Mallory finding the feeling mutual. She loves to hang out with him and Epel, but the one time that Jack offered her to come with him and Vil to jog, she backed up ten feet and said no.
Azul Ashengrotto: Mallory was infuriated when Azul took Ramshackle away from her and Grim for those couple days. She was doing that thing where she was telling Adeuce and Jack to "hold her (nonexistent) earrings" or to "hold her back". After finding out his backstory however, she softened, even if only by a bit. Her relationship with him got better after Scarabia's incident.
Jade Leech: Mallory doesn't like Jade, but she doesn't hate him either. He's probably the most tolerable person in Octavinelle to her. She was also close to slapping Jade once. She doesn't interact with him too often, so she can only go off of how he was during Octavinelle and Scarabia's episode.
Floyd Leech: Floyd is the vain of Mallory's existence. During the Octavinelle episode, she almost slapped him into oblivion. She honestly can't tell who she hates more, Thorn, Leona, or Floyd. He's constantly trying to "squeeze" her like he does with everyone else and she can't stand it. She doesn't like to talk to him and tries to avoid him when she can.
Marius Seymour: Mallory doesn't entirely mind Marius. She kinda finds his sadistic-ish personality a bit annoying, but she's learned that it's a reoccuring thing in Octavinelle. Marius' sadism isn't as bad as the other three. She lowkey ships him with Ashe and isn't shy about it. She finds him kinda fun to be around and likes to eat with him at lunch from time to time.
Kalim Al-Asim: The first time she talked to him, she knew that he was so precious and was wondering if he belonged at RSA. He's also one of the few people to see Mallory's sweet side. She can't bring herself to be sarcastic with him, so she acts almost entirely different with him. It basically goes as such...
Mallory: *being all sweet it Kalim*
Everyone else: Wow...
Mallory: What?
Everyone else: You're just so nice to him...
Mallory: Oh, I'm sorry, do you want me to yell?!
Everyone else: No-!
Jamil Viper: Mallory's...indifferent to Jamil. She almost slapped him after his overblot, yes, but she doesn't entirely hate him. She knows he was in Kalim's shadow for so long, so she doesn't have too much against him. She still isn't happy with how he treated and hypnotized Kalim, but she tries to let it go as much as her heart and brain will let her. She doesn't talk to him much after his overblot, but if she needs to talk to him, she won't throw a tantrum.
Vil Schoenheit: At first, Mallory thought that she'd hate Pomefiore, especially Vil. But...she saw and heard how much effort it took for Vil to get to where he is now, so she has a lot of respect for him. For Ghost Marriage, he chose an outfit for her so that she fit the theme of the event and she actually liked his outfit choices. It was a dress, which she tends to hate, but she genuinely enjoyed wearing it. She may not talk to him a whole lot, but she respects him greatly. After his overblot, that respect and empathy went up even more.
Rook Hunt: Mallory, like many others at NRC, finds Rook weird and creepy. She already found the fact that he has photos on his walls creepy, but then he lists off her, ADeuce and Grim's height, class, and seat number. She tries to avoid him at all costs, similar to Floyd. She hates how he randomly pops up behind her and the others too.
Epel Felmier: Mallory loves Epel! She likes to hang out with him, Jack, and Deuce. She's trying to learn how to carve apples, though she's gained many cuts on her fingers because of it, the cuts always bandaged up by Epel. Since she's taller than him, she likes to use him as an arm-rest from time to time, much to Epel's demise. All in all, she adores him and wishes the best for him.
Ashe Aspen: Mallory finds Ashe fun, but they don't talk as often as she'd like. He's really tall, so she likes when he gives her piggyback rides too. She's witnessed his truly scary side, and she's sworn to never make him mad since. Similar to Ruggie, they may not talk much, but they've talked enough to be considered a bit more than acquaintances.
Idia Shroud: Best of friends. Specifically BGFFs, "Best Gamer Friends Forever". Idia introduced Mallory to a bunch of games in Twisted Wonderland and she couldn't put them down. They talk whenever they can and everyone is shocked when Mallory says she's Idia's friend. She likes his hair a lot too.
Ortho Shroud: Mallory finds Ortho like the younger sibling she never had but always wanted. She always makes sure he's ok, telling him that he can come to her if he ever needs to talk. She also thought that he did amazing during the VCD Auditions.
Malleus Draconia: She knows for a fact that if she was still her same seven year old self, she'd want him to give her a piggyback ride so she could hold his horns. Mallory finds his innocent outlook on some things adorable, but more in a sense of "wow he's pure" rather than romantically. For the most part though, their relationship is the same as it's portrayed in the game.
Lilia Vanrouge: They have a relationship like Mallory does with Riddle, just flip it around. Lilia seems to be fascinated by her, seeing as she's a human from another world while he's a fae who's lived for hundreds of years. She may be taller than him, but he always floats above the ground so he's at least her height. She finds him fun to hang with, so she's fine with his strange fascination.
Sebek Zigvolt: She finds him too loud, but she appreciates his devotion to Malleus. Sometimes it concerns her, but other than that, she respects it. They don't talk often, but she kinda wants that to change soon. Other than that, he's the member she's the least close to.
Silver: They're cuddling buddies and don't even know it. Mallory spends a lot of time in Diasomnia, so naturally she is close with the dorm's members. She likes to crash in Silver's room at times, so that's how they became secret cuddle buddies.
Dire Crowley: Mallory finds it kinda fun to toy with Crowley, but found it incredibly annoying when he left to go on vacation during Scarabia's episode. Although it's something she'd never admit, Mallory sees Crowley as that fun and strange father she never got to have.
Divius Crewel: She hates him with a lot of her being. She hates how he treats them all like dogs. However, when there are those few times he's nice to her and makes sure she doesn't make an explosion in Alchemy, she's thankful.
Mozus Trein: She finds his class pretty boring, but she loves playing with his cat. She does appreciate when Trein gives her extra help if she doesn't understand something revolving around Twisted Wonderland's history.
Ashton Vargas: Mallory is a bit indifferent to Vargas. While he can be nice to her, she finds him a bit odd. She does however appreciate how Vargas makes sure she takes care of her physical and mental health.
Libi Koko: Libi and Mallory are pretty much the best of friends. Since Libi is one of the few females in NRC with Mallory, it feels nice that she can talk to someone who understands some issues they may have that the guys don't. They have a lot of inside jokes and, again, Libi is one of the few poeple who have seen Mallory's sweet side.
Che'nya: Prank duo, right here. If they're together, it's like an Ace and Mallory situation, but worse. Since they go to different schools, they can't talk often, but they managed to exchange numbers who knows when just a bit after the Heartslabyul incident. Sometimes, Che'nya likes to give Mallory hugs, but he's always invisible and know one except Mallory can tell he's there. He likes to tease Mallory a bit, much to her slight demise, so she's started to do the same. It's an endless cycle now.
Neige LeBlanche: Mallory already adored Neige the first time she met him. Her first thought was "he's baby. I must protect". They may not talk often, due to being in different schools, but they exchanged numbers to ensure that they still had the ability to talk. Neige is in a situation similar to Kalim in terms of how sweet Mallory is.
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