#malex fix-it fic
pastelwitchling · 9 months
Alex’s coffee was cooling. He hated it when his coffee went cold. He was used to early mornings, used to exhaustion taking a backseat to his trauma and work, used to cold couches and hot pads on his right leg to keep the constant ache at bay, and now he was used to Michael’s faint snores from inside. And to think, he used to listen to music. What was that compared to the constant reminder that he shared his life with the most wonderful man in the universe?
Anyway . . .
Outside of any sound Michael made, Alex was used to a lot of small inconveniences, but cool coffee was undoubtedly the worst. The chill of the night or early morning, depending on what time his nightmares woke him up, usually went away with a nice steaming cup of coffee. When it cooled, it meant Alex had no chance of pretending that he wasn’t exhausted, that he was comfortable, that this part of his life really wasn’t that bad.
He swirled the last few sips of coffee around in his mug, lips pursed. He sighed. He supposed he’d just have to finish it. It wasn’t like he was getting to sleep any time soon anyway.
The second he held the mug to his lips, however, footsteps alerted him to the hallway. Michael stepped out of the shadows into the warmly-lit living room, gold specs dancing across his eyes as he took in Alex on the couch, covered in blankets, hot pads, and now his cold coffee.
“Sorry, baby, did I wake you?”
Without answering, Michael sighed and padded over to him, groggily fixing the blanket on his shoulders before he snatched Alex’s mug out of his hands and took it to the kitchen. A moment later, he came back with Alex’s steaming coffee. Alex blinked and held out his hands. The second the mug touched his skin, warmth spread through his fingers, down his arms, and his body melted into the couch.
“I love you,” he said on a sigh. Michael sat down beside him, wordlessly cuddling in until his head was buried in the crook of Alex’s neck and his blanket was draped over them both. He hugged Alex’s waist, his body so warm that Alex almost moaned, and Alex would’ve thought Michael had fallen asleep if not for his eyes occasionally fluttering open to study Alex’s laptop screen.
Alex put a hand in his hair, gently raking his fingers through the curls. Michael’s body turned heavier on his as he took comfort in the touch.
“Go back to sleep,” he murmured into his hair. “I’ll be in later.”
Michael merely groaned in protect, hugging Alex’s waist even tighter and scooching in close enough that he was almost halfway on top of him. Alex chuckled under his breath, and ran his free hand up and down Michael’s arm.
“Okay, baby,” he kissed Michael’s forehead. “If you insist.
Alex knew this was for his sake. His discomfort and unease was always his own secret to bear, but Michael had taken one look at him and known exactly how to fix it. As the stars twinkled outside, the crickets chirped, and Michael’s soft breathing left warm air on Alex’s collarbone, he went back to work. This time, there was no need to pretend he was perfectly comfortable.
Happy Malex Monday ❤️ Starting 2024 with a malex fic feels right 🥰🩷
I have plans for more original work this year, so just a quick reminder that my werewolf novel, The Wolf King, is now available in its entirety on my ao3 🩷
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jule1122 · 2 years
Malex Fic - Let your heart be light
A day late, but this a little fluff for Day 2 of @rnmnewyear2023 Holiday Lights.  This is part of an AU I haven’t written yet.  The relevant things to know are Michael and Alex left Roswell after Alex was injured but before any of he events of S1 would have happened.  Alex is a music teacher and Michael is an agricultural engineer working as a consultant. Pharaoh is Alex's service dog. 
Title is from “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.”  Thank you to @im-the-punk-who for the song suggestion.
Let your heart be light on AO3
The first year Alex taught at Bristol, Michael kept his distance.  He wanted to give people a chance to accept that their new music teacher was a disabled vet with a service dog before reminding them that he also had a husband instead of a wife.  But it didn’t take long for Michael to recognize some of the best parts of Roswell in Bristol.
He and Alex were welcomed without question.  A small, farming community, Bristol had a hard time keeping and attracting younger residents.  When the last music teacher retired, the school had gone two years without a music program until Alex agreed to take the job.  The farmers and ranchers had been surprisingly open to working with Michael, eagerly listening to his ideas for making their farms more efficient and profitable.  The fact that they were married to each other was unimportant in light of what they offered the community.
Once Michael got to know most of the families in Bristol and the kids Alex taught, his presence at school events was expected.  He was reminded that not only should he be there to support his “handsome husband,” but in a town as small as Bristol, school events are community events.  So Michael spends the first two weeks of December attending a series of school concerts.
The elementary concerts come first.  Kindergarten through third grade on Tuesday followed by fourth grade through sixth grade on Thursday.  The gym is packed both nights - filled with parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and any other adult that can claim a tangible connection to one of the children performing.  Michael squeezes into a seat in the back row, letting the parents battle it out for seats with the best camera views.
Michael can tell how nervous Alex is at the beginning of each concert as he thanks everyone for coming and goes through the song order for the night.  He keeps his eyes fixed on a spot on the wall, and Pharaoh is pressed tightly against Alex’s leg.  But once he turns to the students lined up on the stage, the tension in his shoulders eases, and even though he can’t see Alex’s face, Michael knows he’s giving the kids a reassuring smile before they begin.
Alex keeps the elementary concerts lighthearted and fast paced - full of songs about snowmen, reindeer and sledding.  There is almost as much dancing as there is singing, and Michael can see the effort Alex put into making sure each child has a chance to shine.   Alex plays the piano for some songs and directs the students for others - Pharaoh relaxed at his feet throughout.  Michael laughs and claps along with the rest of the audience, regretting his choice of a seat in the back when Alex guides the kindergartners through pantomiming a snowball fight, and he doesn’t have a good angle to film him.  
After the concerts, Michael sticks close to Alex while he accepts hugs from his students and thank you’s from their parents.  Michael knows he’s beaming as proudly as the parents are, but he can’t bring himself to care.  He loves seeing how much the school has embraced Alex and seeing Alex confident enough to enjoy the attention.
Every now and then, Michael feels a tug on his sleeve and one of the kids he knows from visiting farms or from Alex’s music lessons will be trying to get his attention.  “Mr. Guerin’s husband,” they begin, which never fails to make him smile, before asking if he saw their solo or favorite dance move.  Michael’s more than happy for them to reenact their favorite part of the concert while they wait for their parents to finish talking with Alex.
It’s late by the time they’ve said goodbye to everyone, and Alex has finished his part of the teardown.  On Thursday night, as they make their way through the parking lot, Pharaoh happily walking between them, Michael gets an idea.  “Next year we should get one of those antler headbands for Pharaoh.”
Alex gives him an unimpressed look, “She would never forgive you.”
Once they are in the truck, Pharaoh knows she’s off duty so Michael doesn’t hesitate to hold her face and kiss her nose before speaking to her.  “You’d wear the antlers, wouldn’t you girl,” he coos.  “They kids would love it if you looked like Rudolph.”
Alex just laughs and rests his head on Michael’s shoulder.  “Stop tormenting my dog and take me home.”
“Yes, dear,”  Michael teases back as he starts the truck.
The next week brings the high school choir concert.  It’s Alex’s least favorite class since most of the students are only in it to get an art credit needed for graduation.  If they don’t play an instrument and don’t want to take an art class, choir is their only option.  There are only twelve students in the class so the gym is only half full - the audience dwindled down to parents and Michael.
The concert goes by quickly.  Michael can tell the students are doing their best not to stand out, and Alex has chosen songs that focus on group singing rather than individual talents.  When it’s all over, Michael couldn’t name a single song from the concert since he spent the whole time watching Alex at the piano, a sight he will never tire of.
The students rush off as soon as they are released, and it doesn’t take long for Alex to speak with the parents that stay after.  Michael is happy to have an early night in this otherwise busy time of year.  Once they’re home, he lights a fire in the fireplace and reminds Alex of just how much he likes watching him play the piano.
The last concert of the season is the seven through twelve grade band concert, and the one Alex is most excited about.  He’s been eager to show off his favorite class to everyone, especially Michael.  He’s been bragging for months about how hard this class works despite their limitations.  Bristol is a small school district which means the band is also small, many of the students can’t afford instruments and while they can get them from the school, the school’s instruments are older and not in the best shape - Michael is working on that, slowly repairing what he can.  Many bands rely on their students taking private lessons, and Alex is the only music teacher within reasonable driving distance, and many students don’t have time for lessons.  
Alex let the band choose their own songs for the concert, and they surprised even him with the challenging material they picked.  For the last few months, Alex has been holding extra practice after school three days a week to get them ready for the concert.  They get to the school earlier than normal since the set up for the concert band is more complicated than the previous concerts.  Even Pharaoh picks up on Alex’s nerves, sticking closer to him than she usually does when it’s just Michael and Alex.
Once the chairs are set up and the students start coming in, Alex and Pharaoh head for the band room, and Michael wanders back to the gym.  He talks to some of the parents and teachers he knows before taking a program and finding a seat.  It’s another packed house for the concert, and Michael ends up between Mrs. Winthrop whose grandson plays the french horn Michael fixed up over the summer and Linda Myers whose daughter is in seventh grade and plays clarinet. Her two younger daughters, who sang in the elementary concerts, lean over their mother to wave at Michael.
Alex spends a little more time introducing the band than he did at the other concerts.  He makes sure to emphasize the difficulty of the material and all the extra work the students put in.  Michael can tell he’s more excited than nervous so he’s hopeful the performance will live up to expectations.  Once the music begins, Michael can’t look away from Alex.  When he was working on his degree, Alex thought conducting would be his least favorite part of teaching, but he ended up falling in love with it.  His passion shows throughout the concert, and Michael is not ashamed to admit he thinks Alex is hot as hell when he’s conducting..
The band’s performance is impressive, and they get a standing ovation after every song.  Before the final song, one of the seniors Michael recognizes but can’t name comes out to the front of the band.
“Our last song is ‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,’ and we had a bet with Mr. Guerin.  If we made it to this point in the concert without any major mistakes, he would join us for this song, and I would get to conduct.  Do you think we won the bet?” she asks the audience with a wink.
The applause is deafening, and Michael joins in, clapping his hands and whistling.
“That’s what I thought.  I’ll take this,” she takes the baton from Alex’s hand and gives him the microphone.
Once she turns toward the band, Michael waits for Alex to walk to the piano, but instead one of the other students brings him a chair.  The music starts, and after a few bars, Alex begins to sing:
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on
Our troubles will be out of sight
Michael lets out a gasp as tears begin to stream down his face.  Alex keeps his eyes on Michael as he sings, and Michael’s not sure he breathes through the entire song.  He can’t believe his beautiful, amazing husband who barely left the house the first year they were married, is singing in front of his students and most of their community.  He’s not sure he’s ever been prouder.
Mrs. Winthrop pats him on the shoulder and hands him a tissue.  When the song ends, Michael is still frozen in place until Lisa nudges him and he gets to his feet along with the rest of the audience.  “You got yourself a good one,” she whispers in his ear.
Michael wipes his eyes and nods without looking away from Alex, who is grinning and watching as his students take their bows.  It’s all he can do to keep from flinging himself into Alex’s arms once the concert is over.  He settles for standing next to Alex and tightly clutching his hand.
Everyone wants to talk to Alex - students and parents hugging him and thanking him for all his hard work.  Alex easily deflects the compliments, but Michael loudly agrees with everyone who tells Alex how wonderful he is.  Michael’s vibrating with so much energy that Pharaoh side-eyes him and leans into his leg like she does with Alex when he is stressed.
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lovecolibri · 1 year
I'm wearing my UV handprint Malex fic shirt today and just got angry all over again about Vlamis having to write a fic about something that was set up from the start of the show that they just refused to deliver on. Like, nearly from the start everyone was waiting for a Malex handprint healing but especially after the pod squad started having each others powers. And we got a whole storyline about a bomb to kill anyone with Manes DNA, but somehow pivited to make it about m*ria instead. We got Alex being influenced by the Lockhart Machine and rescued by Michael, but sent to Deep Sky to be scanned and fixed. We got Alex dying from alien planet radiation and possibly not making it to their wedding and we STILL fucking got shafted and had him healed off screen. Like....*screams* ANYWAY. I adore every piece of RNM/Malex Vlambase merch I own but I absolutely cannot think about the show when I wear it or shit like this happens.
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fangeek-girl · 1 year
My fics need love 🥺
Now that I'm active on here again, might as well share links to the fics I have already published on Ao3. Also I'm really bad at tagging fics so hopefully they find their intended audience with y'all's help
Star Wars (under alias Meowalker)
Last Kiss (Anidala) Padmé's last moments as she remembers the good in Anakin. Inspired by Last Kiss (Taylor's Version). **Set during RotS**
Emotions (Anakin) Anakin loses himself after the events of Tatooine and Geonosis. Inspired by Emotions (5 Seconds of Summer) **Set after AotC**
Fix You (Obi-Wan/Anakin/Padmé) Obi-Wan would rather die than give up on Anakin after the battle on Mustafar. Inspired by Fix You (Coldplay)
Unwell (Anakin) Anakin has trouble dealing with everything that happened during Attack of the Clones, to the point where he slowly starts losing his mind. Inspired by Unwell (Matchbox Twenty) **Set after AotC**
Skywalker Dyad Trilogy
Part 1: Halves of a Whole (Completed on 2023/07/30) Shmi had twins, one of which she had to leave with Palpatine as she escaped with Anakin. But the Force has a way to bring dyads together. **The first 9 chapters happen during TPM, AotC and TCW** Part 2: Cat and Mice (Completed on 2023/09/17) After escaping from Order 66, Kateva and Anakin bring the Jedi survivors to Ossus, where they learn more about their bond and try to find a way to take down their father. Unfortunately, there is now an Empire between them and Sidious. **Directly follows part 1** Part 3: [on hiatus] Kat seeks a way to defeat their father at the same time Anakin and the Jedi refugees must defend Ossus from an Empire attack. All bets are off and the stakes are higher than ever. **Directly follows part 2**
Roswell, New Mexico (under alias Triad_and_Turquoise)
The One (Echo) Max's feelings for Liz, down the road. Inspired by The One (Kodaline).
Back to December (Miluca) One month into lockdown, Maria has too much time to think and goes down a painful memory lane... Inspired by Back to December (Taylor Swift).
Treacherous (Malexa) What happens during that night in the airstream, seen through the eyes of Michael, Maria and Alex. Not graphic. Inspired by Treacherous (Taylor Swift)
One Love (Malex) Michael is unable to let go of Alex through the lost decade. Inspired by One Love (Marianas Trench), from Michael's POV
On hiatus (aka I will get back to it one day I swear!!!)
Three Makes a Family (Malex) Max and Liz died in a horrible accident, leaving their single daughter an orphan. With no other choice, Michael and Alex stepped up to take care of the deeply traumatized and scarred 10-year-old. Five years later, the precarious routine they've established is on the verge of collapsing, and secrets that should have stayed buried are at risk of surfacing. **post-s3, doesn't take s4 into account**
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burntotears · 2 years
Fanfic Origin Story
Tagged by @bekkachaos 💕
What was your first fandom (reading and/or writing)?
Popslash RPF - NSYNC
What was first story you ever wrote.
My main ship was Lance/Chris (Trickyfish), so it was most likely one for them. I wrote some Justin/Chris (Timbertrick) and Justin/Lance (Lamblove) too. I was 12 and everything I wrote was basically crack-fic or dark-fic where people were dying and shit. It was awful.
What's a piece of advice you would give your younger fic writing self?
Everything doesn't have to be devastating to be interesting. You can write something with a happy ending and it can still be interesting. But also, keep writing, because you'll get better.
What’s an early fandom interaction that stuck with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of feedback)
Back in the Merlin, Legend of the Seeker, Lord of the Rings days I met this one Australian graphic artist who was super sweet and made a TON of stuff for me. She did all the banner work for us in the Merlin Slash Awards (which I ran), made us little banners when we participated in the fun little team contests for Disney, LotS, and LotR AND made me banners for my LiveJournal accounts. Just unbelievably kind and I am so sad that we fell out of touch.
The one amazing thing that really blew me away was the cover art she made me for my first multi-chapter long fic, Unsuitable, for the Merlin fandom. She's soooo talented and I still think about her.
Post a sentence or two from an older fic and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want).
My first Sterek (and TW) fic, Be the Overflow
“A guy like you? That’s a load of bullshit and you know it. Erica said she had a crush on you for quite a while and you never even noticed her until she turned. For someone who knows what it feels like, Stiles, you sure are a huge fucking hypocrite. There are plenty of people who--” but Derek didn’t finish that sentence. Whatever it was he was about to say, he no longer wanted to say it.
“People who what? Who want to be my friend? Who want to laugh at my jokes but make out with the guy who’s hotter and a lot more mysterious? Someone more like Scott? Yeah, I know all about that, Derek, and I’d rather you didn’t call me a hypocrite before having all the facts, alright? How’s about we all just shut the hell up and stop talking about my non-existent love life because that would be really fucking swell right about now,” Stiles spat with a bit more venom than even he knew he possessed. He looked back down at the pipe and the rope and decided the task definitely needed his undivided attention now.
“You are completely full of it. You’re going to keep blaming other people for the fact that you can’t see the things that are right in front of your own goddamn face, so you know what? You deserve what you get, Stiles.” There was a hardness in Derek’s voice that Stiles couldn’t really place.
The Teen Malex AU, The Answer is Always "Okay."
Michael seemed better when Alex glanced up again. “Guerin… you wanna tell me what the fuck just happened?” Alex held up his wrist to indicate.
“I don’t - I don’t even know how to do that,” Michael said. He was afraid. Terrified, even. Alex couldn’t just see it on his face, though—it was something viscous seeping into his veins from inside Michael. He could feel it.
Alex stood up, moving the short distance across the shed. “Oh-okay, Guerin, you need to start talking. I know you’re freaked out or whatever, but so am I.”
Michael blinked and looked up at Alex as though he just realized he was there. “Oh shit.”
“Yeah, oh shit.” Alex rolled his eyes. “Rationally, I understand that my wrist is fixed. I get that you did something. So what I’m sorta gonna need you to fill me in on is how the fuck that is.”
Tagging these lovely folks if they would like 💕
@portraitofemmy @haloud @jule1122 @im-the-punk-who @angrycowboy @beautifulcheat @thesquidkid @bydayornight
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queermil · 2 years
Hope you or you followers can help with finding a Malex fic. I believe that Alex ends up leaving Roswell after finding out about Michael and Maria and stays gone for a few years. When he comes back to Roswell his car breaks down and Michael is the one to tow his car, since I think he now owns Sanders. Michael and Maria broke up a while ago, but I believe that Alex might be dating someone else now. Alex ends up staying with Michael at the house he built, while he waits for his car to be fixed and it turns out he built the house because Alex once told him it was his dream house. Eventually they get back together.
sorry bud, i’ve been out the game for a while now. this sounds familiar but i can’t remember who wrote it. hopefully the gang can help you out!
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bekkachaos · 2 years
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I posted 1,792 times in 2022
That's 1,725 more posts than 2021!
318 posts created (18%)
1,474 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,749 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#0 - 532 posts
#buddie - 346 posts
#evan buckley - 341 posts
#guess what we've been queuing daddy - 309 posts
#eddie diaz - 308 posts
#malex - 295 posts
#michael guerin - 192 posts
#alex manes - 185 posts
#roswell new mexico - 154 posts
#roswell new mexico - 124 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#spent a good thirty seconds not reading rhw the rest and trying to figure out the correlation between bats (mammal) and swords (weapon)
My Top Posts in 2022:
you showed me everything underneath the stars (put your handprint on my heart)
Just a little fic set somewhere after 4x12
G | 2.8k
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Michael paced the floor, it felt like all he could do.
Alex sat looking pale and breathing heavy. The dark tendrils were climbing his skin like rising water threatening to replace all the air around him, he knew he was drowning and all he could do was gulp for air. Kyle had the stethoscope to his chest and a hard line on his mouth. For a doctor, he didn't have the greatest poker face.
Maybe that's just because it was Alex sitting in front of him, and he was racking the darkest corners of his brain for anything that he could do to reverse the damage that had been done.
And Michael could see it in his eyes, in the way he checked the results of the blood test for the fourth time as though it would show him something new, show him that Alex hadn't crossed the line between 'we can bring him back' and 'we can make him comfortable'.
Alex already knew it, he didn't need to see the deepening furrow in Kyle's brow, hear the grinding of Michael's teeth as he took quick steps past him, back and forth, back and forth. He had known it before they had made it out of the pocket dimension. He knew enough about radiation poisoning to recognise the signs.
Finally, maybe after having spent some time arguing with himself internally, Kyle stepped up and away from the computer. He put his hands on his hips and bit down on his lip, looking away from Alex as Michael honed in on him. He stood before him with pleading eyes, swallowing the lump of fear and inevitability in his throat.
"Is Evans still... has he recovered yet?" he asked quietly, and Michael felt his stomach drop.
There would only be one reason for Kyle to ask about Max at a time like this. This wasn't something a human doctor - even one that's dabbled extensively in alien biology - could fix.
Max had been so weak after they'd defeated Clyde, it had almost drained him dry and taken everything in him to fight him off. Healing Liz, saving Rosa, that took so much out of him, and Michael felt himself grinding his teeth again because no, Max hadn't recovered, and even Michael knew how much it would take to heal Alex.
He didn't have to answer, almost like Kyle could read his mind. Kyle nodded, a slow dip of his head and a look back to Alex.
"I... you were exposed for a long time," he said finally, this time it was Alex's turn to nod.
It was a soft understanding thing, a smile playing lightly on his lips because he had known for a while that he was dying, and he knew it was going to hurt Kyle more than him if he had to say the words out loud.
He was dying. He was going to die from this.
Unless Max was back to full strength soon, Alex would die.
"You did the best you could," he said, and Kyle scoffed, shaking his head as he stepped back towards him.
"Only you could be trying to comfort me in this situation," he said. "I didn't do anything, Alex. There's nothing..."
"Hey," Alex said, reaching out and putting his clammy hand over Kyle's white knuckles. "You did, you did more than anyone should have ever asked you to."
Kyle took Alex's hand in his and held it tight a moment, dropping his eyes and failing at trying to hide the tremble of his lip as he sucked in a deep breath through his nose and coughed to get the stabbing feeling out of his throat.
"It's not enough," he said.
They stayed like that for a lingering look, plenty unsaid between them, and it didn't have to be said. They knew, without words they knew what the other would say.
I'm sorry we drifted apart when we were kids, I'm sorry that's my fault.
I'm glad we made up for it these last few years, I'm glad you're in my life, and I'm sorry I'm leaving.
Michael stood watching them and it was like he was frozen in place, neither of them said anything, but it was clear as the starry sky over the mountains outside, they were saying goodbye.
"I um, I'll go talk to the others," Kyle said, finally pulling his hands away and turning to Michael with glassy eyes. "I'll go check on Evans."
As he took a step to leave Michael stepped in front, putting a hand to his chest to stop him.
"There's got to be more mist," he said in a desperate breath. "Or Liz can make some more."
See the full post
109 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
Of course he took Michael's name, Michael has been Alex's escape from being a Manes since they were kids, and they're finally making it official 💕
110 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
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205 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
doin' something unholy
7.4k words | E
otherwise known as Buck posts a thirst-trap TikTok and Eddie likes it a little too much.
It was one of those that started innocently enough, he was crinkling his eyes and nose, shuffling his shoulders a little with just his chest showing in the frame and giving the camera a little smile. After a few seconds the song dropped to lead into the chorus and the video transitioned to Buck under darker lighting, body illuminated and tensed, glistening with sweat.
Eddie felt a flutter in his stomach as he watched Buck smirk and swipe his tongue over his bottom lip, he was wearing his turnout pants with suspenders, flexing his arms as he slipped them out from under the straps and puffed out his chest. His turnout pants were unbuttoned, the band of his underwear sitting low and the lines of his hips disappearing below it. He lifted his arms to run his fingers through his hair, his abs tense and shimmering under the sheen of his sweat. And then the video looped back to the start.
Eddie found himself watching it loop over a few times, shaking his head because really he should be ashamed that he was watching his best friend's body with such a lustful gaze, but hey, why else would he have posted it if not for people to look?
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230 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
guys help the number of AO3 tabs open in my mobile browser is growing and I keep adding more
248 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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saadiestuff · 2 years
I don’t think I’ll ever get over how much they squandered Malex in s3 and made their progression make no sense.
S1-2 Malex was perfection. The set up? Where they left it at the end of s2? Omg.
And I think s4 was mostly good Malex (except the parts where they did weird stuff in the finale making Alex be Michael’s entire life, which I had to fix with fic). Even the shockingly nice wedding (because normally I hate tv finale weddings)... it was too late for me, I was kinda done.
Been a weird journey, this one.
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sillyunicorn · 2 years
please tell me someone wrote a fix it fic for the malex convo at the end of s4 e11 in the pocket dimension PLEASE ;alkdfjlkdajf
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female-overlord-3 · 4 years
Bring Them Home Ch 6
Accept some help <- ao3 link
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People think planning is an amazing and easy thing like the movies. It’s fucking not when you have people not trusting your judgement and arguing against you. Alex would pull his hair out but training recruits already did that for him, so this is pretty much child's play.
“Max for the last time if you disagree on every suggestion or decision I make, you will be left here with Isobel like I originally intended but chained to a chair.” Alex declares when Max says having Kyle stay in the getaway car is stupid.
“I’m just saying-” Alex is having none of it. “You want a valuable member who has medical experience to be vulnerable and possibly hurt or killed.”
“This isn’t some military crew you can order around Alex.” Max argues but that gets a laugh out of Alex, Cam, Michael, and Kyle.
Michael actually has to lean on Alex to breathe. “Max besides Cam here we wouldn’t know a thing about infiltrating an army type facility and she only came cause Alex is fucking persuasive. Chill out and let someone who knows what their doing lead alright.” He tosses him a bread roll. “You did what you could so far but we have help now. Take it.”
Michael knew Alex could handle Max being difficult for longer but he doesn't know how much longer he could handle Alex being all authoritative and hot.
"Michael your hand." Alex murmurs. Michael turns and blinks at him, still not used to Alex using his first name, and confused until he sees his hand is molded to Alex's neck and his thumb is rubbing against it.
He's not really sure what to do though because he wants to keep touching Alex but he thinks Alex is asking him to stop. They were fine earlier and Alex even took the initiative to hold hands. Are hands okay but not what he's doing now?
They really need to talk because Michael can't mess this up, he needs to know what he can and can't do.
Alex can see the uncertain look on Michael's face turn to frustration and he didn't want that when he mentioned Michael's hand, he just needed to concentrate.
“I’m trying to be in charge right now so either keep your hand still or move it somewhere else please.”
Michael can do that. A shoulder seems like a neutral area so that's where he moves his hand.
They focus back into the conversation and things settle after that. Once all the food as either been eaten or put away, everyone decides a break from planning would be good.
Alex slips away and reclaims the chair he had when he first got here,  bringing his laptop out to continue going through the files. A glass of water settles on the table in front of him and he smiles before refocusing.
From what he's collected he has data of footage, medical records, finances, blueprints and employment list that go back until the 1980's. Not everything but he'll take what he can get.
He goes over the blueprints of the building and noting all the changes made over the years, the most recent, only being a decade ago. With the building being an old prison, most of the exits and entrances are kept the same, minor rooms added and updated plumbing but still pretty outdated security.
Alex can work with this easily.
He moves onto the employment lists and seeing how much it's thinned out over the years, taking note of which branch is keeping it funded and thankfully it still has the current higher-ups listed. That'll come in handy.
That quickly turns into finances and Alex can see how time really has made a difference because the budget is less than half from the last decade. He can make an easy case to have his father dishonorably discharged especially with what he still has after he relocated him.
For once he finally feels like he's winning against his dad. He's protecting those he cares about, keeping them safe and going to free people who should've been helped instead of made prisoners.
Looking up he grins at Michael.
"Hey I've gone through most of the stuff I got from Caulfield and now I have what I need to finally get my dad off our backs. I haven't looked at any of the footage or medical records but I really don't think I can stomach them right now. I-" he's cutoff by lips brushing against his cheek.
"Take a break?"
Alex hesitates and glances back at his laptop. He could probably find something else to use with another 20 minutes.
"Just 10 minutes. Come join us, Liz is talking about her college days and I know Cam is waiting for you so you can swap more army stories."
A warm hand starts rubbing at the tension in his neck and shoulders.
"Or we could stay here. Not going to lie, it's kinda nice just being able to touch you knowing I can."
Alex sighs into the touch and nods.
"Fine 10 minutes but that's it."
Michael just grins and puts all his focus on turning Alex into relaxed goo.
"Thank you." He murmurs while working as many knots as he can out of Alex.
Alex just hums and relaxes further into his chair.
When Alex's breathing evens out and Michael sees his eyes closed, he grabs a blanket from the couch and lays it over him, kneeling down to slowly and gently remove his prosthetic.
With it removed and hidden under the chair, Michael stands and leans down to press a light kiss to Alex's head, a giddiness hits him because he can do that.
He throws a pillow behind him but it's caught.
"You going soft on me Guerin?"
Michael just hums and he brings his drink to him, keeping his back to Kyle while he keeps his eyes on Alex.
"What do you want Valenti?"
He glances at him for a second before turning back to Alex.
Kyle just grins, face soft as he hugs the pillow to his chest.
"Hey I'm-" Kyle pauses hoping Michael let's him talk. "I'm glad he lets someone take care of him." He finally says keeping his eyes on the back of Michael's head.
Turning he looks to Kyle with a rare kind smile.
"Me too Doc."
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lambourngb · 3 years
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Michael Guerin/Alex Manes Characters: Michael Guerin, Alex Manes, Sheriff Brooke Taylor, Max Evans, Dallas (Roswell New Mexico), Isobel Evans, Eduardo Ramos Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Post-Season/Series 03, Plot Hole Spackle for Canon, Canon Compliant, Alien Biology, handwaving alien lore, Mind Control, Mind Manipulation, use of mind control in a consensual manner, elements of d/s, Bottom Alex Manes, Explicit Sexual Content, Dirty Talk, Anal Fingering, Rimming, some references to the Bible/Christianity via Dallas, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary:
After Jones died, it was easier for Michael to forget that he could mind control people like his father could. He had buried that knowledge for 13 years and would have preferred to bury it for another 13 years, but unfortunately, Max had other plans.
Dearest @changingthingslikeleaves -  It was such a thrill to be matched with you for @malexsanta, as I have long been an admirer of your work. You asked for ‘anything exploring alien-ness: How Michael feels about his new powers, how Alex feels about Michael's new powers, wondering what their planet is like, etc.’ I did my best to make sense of the reveals in season 3 and basically drowned in my Michael Guerin feels for 20K. I hope you enjoy this.
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pastelwitchling · 2 years
Small Announcement/Confession
I don't know how many people are going to be able to stand me after this, but there's something I want and need to get off my chest if I am to go any further in writing malex fics.
The truth is that I feel a great wave of resentment, bitterness, and dissatisfaction about the way malex was handled. Not just in one particular season, but in the whole show. And the travesty is I don't see this feeling going away until I really let out all of my frustrations in a long, cathartic fic similar to Heroes Never Die.
I came out of season 4 with a great sense of numbness and depression, and only now, months later, can I really identify the source of my misery beyond just the show ending, and it's this; there's no longer any hope of Michael Guerin fixing what he'd done or being any better to Alex than how he'd been.
Yes, people. This post will mostly focus on my anger towards Michael. I've spent years saying this, and I will say it now; I love Michael Guerin more than I can say, and for the reason of me loving him and this being a simple critique of his actions and behavior, I will not tag it "anti" because I refuse to mark down any of my posts as Michael Guerin hate. I would never do that, I love that stupid cowboy too much.
That said, I can love and still be frustrated with him. And unfortunately, my frustrations have been keeping me from writing malex beyond the simple little fics every Malex Monday, which is a problem for me because writing malex is my safe space, and I haven't been able to do that at all.
Look, I'm just going to cut to it; Michael, bless his beautiful heart, was a terrible boyfriend. A terrible love interest, in fact, and I put all the blame on the writers. Everything from harshly judging Alex for his fears, to downright mocking him for them, to choosing someone else, to going crazy for a split second after Alex's disappearance only to then apologize to those who hid it from him and sit around his bonfire; they have turned Michael into cruel towards Alex at best, and indifferent at worst. And yes, I do think indifference is worse than cruelty.
I don't think Vlamis really ever understood the impact he had on the fandom. I don't think he ever realized that we only ever made it through so many of those truly unbearable moments because of his words and his promise that Michael Guerin thought of nothing and loved no one but Alex. We only knew as a fandom that Guerin was thinking of Alex because Vlamis told us he was, but I must say, Guerin did a truly crap job of showing it. Respectfully.
I struggle so much with writing malex now because I think it's really hitting me that we have no hope of anything getting better anymore. No hope of Michael really redeeming himself for the awful way he treated Alex. For the fact that every single grand gesture came from Alex. For the fact that Alex was self-sacrificial again and again and again, and Michael, even in season 4, had to be told to trust him. AND ALEX HAD ALREADY TRUSTED HIM BY THE CAULFIELD EPISODE!
Wasn't that the allure of malex in the freaking first place? This one angry cowboy that trusted no one, got close to no one, openly loved no one--trusted and got close to and openly loved and cared for this one guy. Like, was that not what attracted so many people in the freaking first place? Now that same guy, after years of being close to Alex, after everything Alex had done for him (opening his heart to him, encouraging M*ria to give him a chance, joining Deep Sky, nearly losing his sanity to protect the Lockhart Machine from his father's influence, everything else), now he has to be told to trust the man he has a supposed cosmic relationship with?
That's another thing we'll never see fixed; the fact that Michael was so clearly the most important thing to Alex, but it always felt like there were so many things more important to Michael.
I believe with all my heart that Alex loves Michael, values him above all else, but Michael? I know he feels the same way, but only because Vlamis spent years insisting on it. I'm not saying Michael didn't have his moments, but when they are preceded and followed by so much indifference, what do those moments really amount to? It hurts worse because Michael is clearly at the center of Alex's universe, and we see that. Meanwhile, we're told that Alex means everything to Michael, but that's it! It rarely shows, and when it does, it's followed by so much disappointment that it renders the moment kind of meaningless.
What does it matter that Michael freaked out about Alex being gone if a minute after, he's talked down by every single person not to bother looking for him? What does it matter that they--yes, I'm sorry, I'm going to say it--got married, if it was once again Alex who proposed, Alex who admitted all he wanted was to marry Michael, Alex whose entire storyline revolved around Michael for the seasons while Michael's revolved around just about everything else? Marrying them doesn't automatically make Michael a better love interest.
You see why my problems lie with the writers' way of handling things? I know Tyler couldn't be there, but if people on tumblr could come up with better scenarios with Alex's disappearance that showcase Michael's love for him and their cosmic bond, then supposed professionals who had months to think this through couldn't manage a more intimate storyline?
Oh, and before anyone says this; yes, believe it or not, it is possible to love a character and still be frustrated to high hell with them. Human beings are actually pretty complex, and that's a lot of how my feelings about malex are at the moment. How they've always been, I think. Complex. But it was too late to back out. I was in love with Alex the moment he fought off his father in season 1, I couldn't turn my back. Even when I could see the train's headlights coming in.
At any rate, I had to vent. Another fic will be coming before the vegaspete au, a sort of cathartic work that I hope will rid me of all this anger so that I can write them as I want to see them again.
For now, brace yourselves. Because I'm not pulling any punches.
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im-the-punk-who · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Michael Guerin/Alex Manes Characters: Michael Guerin, Alex Manes Additional Tags: Canon Interlude, just two guys talking about their feelings around a fire, Canon Disabled Character, X2, in which we attempt to reconcile that complicated emotion where bad memories also contain good ones, discussion of traumatic injuries Summary:
Max can heal Michael’s hand. Michael doesn’t want him to. Alex wants to know why.
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lovecolibri · 4 years
Here is is, friends! The final chapter of my 2x06 spite fic and now, officially, the first completed fic I have ever written, clocking in at 21.4k words (this chapter alone being 12k of them because I just couldn’t split it up) 😱 After all the anger, salt, and spite, this is the soft chapter where Michael and Alex talk, and rest, and comfort each other. Thank you to everyone who encouraged me on this journey and everyone who has read and commented on this fic. I truly hope this last chapter lives up to all your expectations. Enjoy!
Once they are inside, Michael just stands there, looking lost and Alex, Alex is so tired. Tired in that bone-deep way that extends past his aching body into his very soul and it looks like Michael feels the same. Alex sighs and turns away, planning to start rifling through Michael’s drawers for something to sleep in, when Michael’s hand shoots out and grabs his arm, eyes wide.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Alex says softly and draws Michael in, letting him wrap his arms around Alex’s waist and bury his face in his neck. They both stand there, just breathing for a bit until Alex pulls back again, slowly this time. Gently, his reaches up and cradles Michael’s face in his hands, making sure Michael’s eyes are meeting his.
“I told you already, I’m not leaving, at least, I don’t want to leave. I always feel safe here. With you.” At that, Michael tries to snuggle back in and Alex keeps him back, huffing a little laugh at the petulant face Michael makes at being denied.
“Michael,” Alex says, using his Stern Captain voice. It’s less harsh than his Commanding Captain voice, but it usually works to get people to listen up. Michael’s eyes flair wide, darkening for just a moment which is something Alex is now desperately trying not to get distracted by, filing the information away for later.
“We probably need to talk, BUT,” he continues, talking over Michael’s soft whine of protest, “more importantly, I also need to know that you are safe,” Alex smiles slightly at Michael’s blush and slowly brushes his thumbs across the heated skin of his cheeks. “And I want to make sure I don’t need to call Kyle to check you out for a concussion.”
Michael scrunches up his nose in distaste at Kyle’s name. “Can’t we can do that later? I feel fine, and I don’t think I have the energy to deal with being poked and prodded at right now, especially by Valenti. ‘What did you do to your head, Guerin?’, ‘Does it hurt when I push on this very obvious bruise, Guerin?’ ‘Maybe stay away from madmen with murderous intent, Guerin.’” Michael rattles off.
Alex rolls his eyes. “Fine, but let me check you over at least.”
Michael gives a long-suffering sigh but dutifully turns around, bowing his head and pulling his hair back as best he can from the general area of soreness he can feel. Goosebumps break out across his skin as he feels Alex’s fingers softly probing the back of his head and he tries his best not to flinch when Alex finds the knot there. He doesn’t quite manage it though and he hears Alex hiss in sympathy, then feels a squeeze to his shoulder before Alex’s hands slide up to meet his own in his hair, gently untangling them from the curls and guiding his arms down before Alex is turning him back around. Before he can say anything, Alex is holding his chin and looking intently at his pupils, tilting his head this way and that. Michael feels himself relaxing even more under the familiarity of being manhandled by Alex, the cacophony of noise in his head quieting down enough for him to feel like he has finally caught his breath after all that has happened. He must have been too relaxed and stared drifting though, because suddenly fingers are snapping in his face and the normal sounds of the night come rushing back in as Alex’s concerned face swims into focus.
“Sorry,” Michael says, giving his head a gentle shake to clear it. “I must have zoned out. What did you say?”
“I asked if you were having any pain, blurry vision, dizziness, nausea, confusion, or trouble focusing,” Alex says, brows still drawn in tight with worry.
“No, I’m fine, Alex. I promise. I think I’m just tired after...” he gestures vaguely.
Alex nods but doesn’t look convinced. Michael can practically see him weighing options and trying to decide if it’s too late, (or too early?) to call Kyle for a consult.
“Alex, I promise, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure, Michael? Because you’ve exhibited some symptoms of pain, confusion and inability to focus at the very least, and I have no idea if you were knocked fully unconscious, and if so, for how long and-”
He stops mid-sentence as Michael levitates over a fresh, cool bottle of water in front of his face and unscrews the cap with his mind before summoning over a pair of plastic cups and pouring a little bit into each glass before closing the bottle and floating it over to sit on the counter. Michael plucks his cup out of the air and drains it before gesturing that Alex should do the same. At least some of the worry has eased from Alex’s face replaced with fond exasperation and a bit of carefully concealed delight at Michael’s antics that he only catches because he knows Alex so well.
“See? No trouble with my vision or focus, and the acetone worked for the pain. I’d tell you who the president is, but I don’t really want to.” Michael thinks for a moment, then breaks out into a grin. “If I say it’s Taylor Swift will you still call Valenti?”
Alex snorts at that and rolls his eyes, though he has a small smile on his face as he tosses back the water Michael poured for him and sets the cup on the counter.
“Can we please drop this, at least for now?”
Alex lets out a heavy sigh, but nods his head. “I don’t want to disturb Kyle this late if we don’t have to, especially on his night off, and I really need to get off my le-”
“Oh my god, Alex!” Michael’s eyes widen on horror as he looks down at Alex’s leg and Alex can see his face scrunch as he likely calculates how many hours Alex has been on his prosthetic, probably factoring in the fight with the crazy bootmaker, the running, how long they were outside with Maria, and how long Alex has been checking him over as well. Alex figures if he’s still automatically running needless calculations for things, his head is probably fine enough. He can always get with Kyle in the morning if he has more concerns or Michael starts displaying new symptoms.
Michael guides him back and sits him on the nearest edge of the bed then turns to the drawers Alex had originally been heading for when they first got inside and grabs a white t-shirt, a pair of soft, loose, grey cotton sleep pants, and a pair of loose black shorts. He leaves the shorts on the bed near the drawers and sets the t-shirt and sleep pants next to Alex.
“Thanks, Michael.” Alex says softly as he reaches for the clothes. He’s not looking forward to standing back up and hobbling to the bathroom now that he’s sat down, but at least the trailer is small enough he should be able to make it back to the bed without a crutch if he needs to. As he goes to get up, Michael puts a gentle hand on his shoulder, keeping him seated.
“Let me?” he asks quietly, face full of concern.
“Okay,” Alex agrees just as quietly.
Michael slowly reaches down, grabbing the hem of Alex’s undershirt and pulling it over his head careful not to jostle Alex’s wound. Michael tosses the shirt aside, and Alex is about to stand up to get himself out of his jeans when Michael gets to his knees in the same position he was earlier while patching Alex up. He looks up at Alex, searching his eyes for something, and when Alex doesn’t stop him he leans in, oh so slowly, sliding his hands from where they are braced on the tops of Alex’s thighs up to his waist, skirting over his sides before coming to rest high on his ribs, as though he’s afraid Alex might bolt like a skittish horse if he moves too quickly. He holds Alex steady between his palms as he leans in, pressing a very soft, gentle kiss over the bandage on his chest before resting his forehead on Alex’s collar bone and taking a deep breath.
He pulls back then and looks down, busying himself with Alex’s belt and pants. Alex grabs onto Michael’s shoulders for leverage and lifts himself up enough that Michael can slide his jeans down. Alex has every intention of starting the process of removing his prosthetic while Michael works on getting his shoes and pants the rest of the way off, but Michael’s head is practically in his lap and the warm puffs of his breath are sending Alex’s brain functions offline, along with ripples of gooseflesh across his skin.
Michael doesn’t seem to notice, too focused on the task at hand, finally divesting Alex of his shoes, socks, and pants, only to find Alex sitting on the bed staring dumbly at him. At that, a cocksure grin crosses his face briefly before he nods at Alex’s leg.
“You want me to take care of that for you?” The smirk and innuendo is clearly evident in his voice and on his face and Alex has to resist the urge to roll his eyes. He shakes his head “no” and goes to reach down for the release valve when a spasm makes him freeze, letting out a hiss of pain.
“Alex?” Michael asks worriedly, hands hovering over Alex’s leg but not touching, not yet. The spasm passes and Alex lets out a deep breath.
“That offer for help still on the table?” he askes a little breathlessly. Michael feels his face light up. He proudly goes through the motions of removing the prosthetic and liner without faltering and Alex stares at him, aghast.
“Where did you-“ he starts to ask but Michael starts to blush and fiddle with his hands and it’s so adorably sweet that the rest of Alex’s question trails off.
“I, uh, I watched a lot of videos. Some from medical sites but a lot from amputees themselves to on how to do everything, from putting on and removing different kinds of prosthetics, to residual limb care and massage, as well as different physical therapy exercises.” Michael has been looking up at Alex through his lashes but glances away again clearing his throat.
“I-I also read up on accessibility needs after-“ he pauses to clear his throat again and Alex sees his blush get darker though Michael still isn’t meeting his eyes. “Before the morning when you stayed and Isob-“ he cuts himself off again, taking a breath and blowing it out, but finally lifting his head to meet Alex’s eyes. “I had been hoping this time would be different, since you were stationed here in town. I thought-I thought you might stay but then you never did, and I thought maybe it was me, but you kept coming back, you just…you just never stayed.” He was speaking fast now, his words tumbling over each other, but his hands gripped Alex tightly, as though afraid Alex would try and leave before he got it all out.
“And then I thought maybe it was my place. Now that you weren’t just slumming it in town with me on leave, now that you actually lived here, with a place of your own, that you thought it was…beneath you or something.” Alex heard more than felt his gasp, his lips gone numb with horror that Michael would ever, could ever think that Alex was ashamed of him or what he had worked so hard to build for himself, despite the whole world fighting against him. He reaches out desperate counter those thoughts, but Michael just looks at him fondly and shakes his head.
“And then I realized that maybe,” he continues with a small, self-deprecating smile, “it wasn’t all about me, and my place just wasn’t accessible enough for you to feel comfortable staying here. Once I realized that could be part of the issue but you were probably too stubborn to bring it up, I-I started looking and asking around for some things, and then, after Isobel left that day, I-” he’s back to blushing, self-consciously rubbing his left hand across the back of his neck.
“I bought a shower chair!” he blurts out finally, cautiously peaking up at Alex as if to gauge his reaction, and Alex feels his mouth drop open in shock.
“You…what?” he chokes out.
“I-uh, bought a shower chair,” Michael repeats at a slightly more normal volume. “I picked it up along with a couple of grab-bars from an estate sale that afternoon. I know this place is small and you could probably maneuver through here okay, but I wouldn’t want you to be afraid of falling if you were in the bathroom or wanted to shower,” he mumbles out the last bit a little sheepishly.  
“I was going to show you, the next time you came back, but…you never did,” he clears his throat gently and glances up at Alex with a halfhearted smirk that wobbles slightly before he looks down again, and Alex feels his heart squeeze in response. He had come back inside the trailer, once, but he’d been too busy worrying about what he wanted to say to Michael at the time, and too respectful of Michael’s privacy, even if it was somewhat limited, to go snooping around. He wonders if things may have turned out differently if he had found the accommodations Michael had made for him, and asked him about them that night.
“I managed to scrounge up a pair of crutches too from Mr. Ortecho, just to have on hand. They’re the regular kind, not the nice ones like you have that go around the arms, but,” Michael shrugs slightly, “I figured they would be better than nothing in a pinch.”
Alex stares at Michael in absolute wonder, reaching out to cup his cheek and gently tilting his face up until Michael meets his eyes, and what he sees nearly punches the breath out of him. Michael is staring at him with such care and devotion, eyes wide and guileless, and Alex is, as always, helpless before him. He reaches up slowly with his other hand and cradles Michael’s face between his palms, stroking his thumbs across those beloved cheekbones.
“You are,” he has to pause to clear his throat and he pushes out a breath before he can continue, overcome with emotion. “You are the most amazing, caring, loving person Michael, despite everything this world did to stamp that kindness out and make you hard.” Michael, whose eyes had been fluttering shut at the praise and gentle caresses snorts and Alex huffs and rolls his eyes, but smiles down at Michael’s face, thinking he has never seen him look quite so at peace.
Read the rest on Ao3
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fangeek-girl · 11 months
Fic Tag Game
Thank you @wibzenadarksiderwithasoftheart for the tag
How many works do you have on Ao3?
Works: 12 Fics: 11 One of my works is original fiction
2. What's your Ao3 word count?
242,814 (including 2 unfinished fics)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment Star Wars only, but when the mood strikes Roswell New Mexico as well.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fix You (Star Wars, Obianidala)
Three Makes a Family (RNM, Malex)
One Love (RNM, Malex)
Halves of a Whole (Star Wars, Skywalker Dyad part 1)
Treacherous (RNM, Malexa)
5. Do you respond to comments?
When people actually comment, yes! I always feel my responses are superfluous, but I love when people take the time to comment.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Last Kiss, considering it ends with Padmé's death...
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Three Makes a Family, but it's been in edits for over a year so nobody gets to see how wholesome it ends because I haven't been able to put myself back into the RNM writing mood 😭
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did in the RNM fandom because some people can't handle polyamory.
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
Not much. I usually default to fluffy smut. The closest I've come to actual smut in published fics is Treacherous, and it's focused on their feelings rather than the action.
10. Do you write cross-overs?
I tend to stay in one fandom at a time when writing.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. And I'm not sure I'd like it. I would be too worried about whether they got the tone right.
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Once, when I was in the TVD fandom, years ago. The other two cowriters just stopped participating after like 3 chapters and told me I could do whatever, then got mad at me for taking the whole thing down.
13. What WIP you would like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Ouch. Three Makes a Family is technically written, just not edited. So it's kinda finished...? But I haven't fallen back into the RNM mood, and the shitshow that was s4 made it very hard.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Ships come and go with my special interests, so ask me every few months and the answer will be different. Right now, I'm leaning toward Obikin/Anidala equally.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Writing out feelings and lyrical prose. (What is this, an interview? 😅)
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Continuity in a long arc. My brain goes too fast and gets stuck on subplots. Halfway through a long project I usually have to rethink my idea for the ending (if I even knew where I was going in the first place) because I strayed so far from the original plot lol
On the bright side I am slowly learning to actually outline my fics 😂
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
For real languages, it needs to be grammatically correct. I say this as a native French speaker who read way too many published novels where there's dialogue in French and it's absolutely awful.
For fandoms languages, have fun I guess! A translation in the notes or between parenthesis always helps tho.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Either HP or Buffy, back when we posted on fanfiction.net. I read those fandoms a lot as a teen, but I can't remember if I wrote much back then.
19. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Treacherous maybe? I really love how it turned out.
20. What fic would you want to rewrite one day?
None. When I post a fic it's done in my head. If I start thinking about how it could be better, I'll never stop editing and rewriting it. And then no one would get to read it. My fics are by no means perfect, and there's always something bugging me about them when I reread them, but they represent my writing at that moment.
Tagging @bisexualalienss, @maeglinthebold, @burntblueberrywaffles, @palfriendpatine66 and @somethingsteff and anyone else who wants to do it. Feel free to ignore me 😉
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What once was, will be again
Ok y’all. This is @lovecolibri‘s fault. This is my first fanfic ever. I hope y’all like it. Smut will follow, this is just the first part. I think I’m going to throw up now. How do people do THIS?!
It had been months since Alex broke up with Forrest. He’d never actually let himself fall in love so the break up wasn’t particularly painful on his side. He knew Forrest felt differently about how things went down, and yeah, it did make him an asshole but at this point, Alex just didn’t care. He knew that he and Michael were meant to be together and had been dancing around starting their relationship again. They met up several times a week for dinner or to just hang out at Michael’s airstream. It was fun and enjoyable, both men single and enjoying the flirting. Unfortunately, between Alex’s job, Mr. fucking Jones and dealing with the aftermath of his dad’s death,  it had been several weeks since he’d been able to spend any length of time with Michael.
Michael and Maria’s relationship hadn’t fared any better. He’d heard about their break up from Kyle and he’d heard it from Max. That relationship was really one he hadn’t seen coming.
Initially meeting up for drinks every now and then to discuss Liz and commiserate about losing the love of such an amazing woman to dinners at the Crashdown and then movies at each other’s homes. Max and Kyle sorta dated their way into dating. But both men seem happy and Alex knows without a doubt that if Liz ever showed any interest, their duo would become a trio.
Alex absolutely did not want to be where he was, but he owed Mimi for being a refuge from his father and felt a responsibility to keep her in the style at which she’d become accustomed to in Sunset Acres. Actually, he mused to himself, The Wild Pony probably ranked right up there with Iraq and he’d lost his leg over there.
Maria hoped that offering free Wi-Fi and the ability to connect remotely to the jukebox would entice customers to stay and drink longer. She was desperate to increase her revenue at the bar. Her mom’s nursing home was not cheap. Alex only agreed to set it up and customize the security on the condition that he didn’t see her and didn’t have to talk to her. He still wasn’t over the nauseating threesome she’d contrived. Anytime the Pod Squad had to meet to deal with Mr. Jones, he kept far away from her and still had yet to speak to her willingly. That was one bridge burned to the fucking ground. He’d just as soon as never have to voluntarily be around her again. Alex still couldn’t believe she’d orchestrated the entire situation just to force Michael to choose between them, knowing how he’d felt about Michael, knowing that he loved Michael just as fiercely and desperately as he’d had since he was seventeen. As he now knew he always would. His love for Michael was branded on his very DNA.
The corner booth he was set up at was far away from the bar as he could get. It was covered in water bottles and napkins. One of the bartenders kept bringing him one every hour on the hour. Probably instructed by Maria to keep him happy while he worked. He just wanted to finish and get the hell out of there. So focused on his task, he didn’t notice someone standing by his booth until they cleared their throat. He glanced up and saw Michael standing there, twisting his hat around in his hands.
“Have a seat, Michael, I need to finish one more thing.” Alex invited. He was glad to see Michael, he’d missed being with him. 
Michael slid into the booth and dropped his hat on the table. He waited patiently for what felt like forever and Alex still had barely looked at him. He started fidgeting and jiggling his leg, tapping on the table, unable to sit still for any longer.
“Michael. Be. Still.” Alex commanded. He felt Michael freeze on the other side of the table and slowly raised his eyes from his laptop. He’d been so focused on trying to finish and get out of there as soon as possible he hadn’t really looked at Michael.
Their eyes slowly met, Michael’s wide and slightly stunned, Alex’s considering. Michael smirked, “I didn’t think we did that anymore.”
Despite the sudden flush of arousal on Michael’s face, he looked terrible. The dark circles under his eyes concerned Alex. Michael could usually fall asleep anywhere, at the drop of a hat but now it looked like the man hadn’t gotten a good nights sleep in weeks.
“Why haven’t you been sleeping?” Alex asked Michael softly.
Michael picked up one of the napkins littering the table and began shredding it. He focused on his hands, barely meeting Alex’s eyes. “I’ve been having nightmares,” he finally admitted. “Ever since the night of the carnival, I close my eyes and all I can see is Master Sergeant Dickhead pointing a gun at you. I almost lost you not too long ago and I guess that night is bringing up some memories. I can’t stop thinking about what if Gregory hadn’t done what he did. What if your dad had shot you, right in front of me. It’s all I can see, it’s all I can think about.” Everything tumbles out of Michael’s mouth and his body sags like he doesn’t have the energy to even sit up straight anymore.
Alex can relate. He still has nightmares from his time in Iraq and the trauma of losing his leg. Medication helps, but it only goes so far.
“Do you want to come home with me?” Alex asks Michael. “Same rules as before. I promise I’ll take care of you.” Alex knows what he’s offering. He hopes Michael will say yes. Realizing he needs this just as much as Michael does.
Relief floods Michaels eyes as he chokes out, “Yes, please.”
Alex can see the neediness in every inch of Michael's body and he can’t wait to get his hands on him. Bury his nose in the back of Michael’s hair and breathe in the smell of rain, to hear the whimper in Michael’s voice as he begs for release.
Alex starts packing up his laptop as Michael begins clearing the table of shredded napkins and water bottles, seeming just as desperate to get out of there as Alex was.
“What are you doing here? I thought I told you, I don’t want you here.” Alex had been so caught up in the thought of Michael on his knees he’d failed to notice HER approaching the table.
“And I thought I told you, I didn’t want to talk to you or even see you while I was here, so it looks like we both aren’t getting what we wanted,” Alex retorts, not even sparing her a glance. He doesn’t fail to notice Michael shrinking in on himself, trying to make himself smaller.
“Michael, go outside to my SUV, I’ll meet you out there in just a moment.” Alex quietly instructs Michael.
He can see the thanks on Michael’s face as he grabs his hat and skirts around Maria, not giving her a second glance.
Maria seems infuriated at being ignored, even though she hadn’t wanted Michael in the bar in the first place. She reaches out to grab Michael as he tries to slip past her.
“Don’t touch him!” Comes the snarled demand from Alex.
Michael is frozen, not wanting Maria anywhere near him but also not wanting to be the cause of a scene.
Alex finishes gathering up his laptop and shoves it into his messenger bag before standing. “You don’t have the right to touch him anymore. He’s mine. He’s always been mine. He will always be mine. You had your chance but even then you knew there was no way you’d ever be able to love him the way I always will. The way we will always love each other. Don’t call me again unless it’s an emergency with Mimi.” Alex gently puts his hand on Michaels back before guiding him to the door. “Oh, and don’t worry, he wasn’t here to see you in the first place.”
Maria stands there stunned at the vehemence in Alex’s voice, wondering once again why she’d ever thought Michael Guerin was worth blowing up her friendship with Alex. She knew she’d never get that back.
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