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thehierarchyproject · 3 years ago
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HOMENS já fazem tanto por exercerem o PAPEL DE HOMENS que é normal que nas horas vagas queiram que FAÇAM POR ELES, mas ainda ter que ouvir críticas de ser um “macho folgado” deve ser pesado, as vezes podem existir certos pesos em ser um HOMEM DE VERDADE. Homens, saibam que vocês NÃO tem obrigação de mudar, mas os outros sim deveriam ter a OBRIGAÇÃO DE RECONHECER que sem homens de verdade assim como você o mundo nem era mundo. 
O homem da casa NÃO tem a obrigação de lavar;
O homem da casa NÃO tem a obrigação de passar;
O homem da casa NÃO tem a obrigação de cozinhar.
Não é errado ser homem, errado é exigir alguma coisa de quem já é o homem da casa.
MEN already do so much for BEEING MEN that it’s normal that in their spare time they want someone to DO IT FOR THEM, but still having to hear criticisms of being a "lazybone" must be heavy, sometimes there can be certain weights in being a REAL MAN. Men, know that you are under NO obligation to change, but others should be under an OBLIGATION TO RECOGNIZE that without real men like you, the world was not even world.
The lead of the house has NO obligation to wash;
The lead of the house has NO obligation to pass;
The lead of the house is under NO obligation to cook.
It's not wrong to be a man, wrong is to demand something from someone who is already the lead of the house.
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52sandsmoke · 5 years ago
Made With Real EP2 Black Folks And Chicken
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kopolocalifornia · 6 years ago
What a beauty. Always best dressed. . . . #kopolocalifornia #kopoloca #kopolocalifornia #sweatshopfree #madeinusa #madeincalifornia #smallbusiness #californiamade #madeinusa #fairtrade #girlboss #bestdressed #animalplanet #peacock #colorfulanimals #malepride #feather #adornment https://www.instagram.com/p/Buofd4zBLCO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wxrofma8cgln
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usmccarter · 8 years ago
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Ok my #diy #diynetwork folks this needs to be fixed and if at all possible without having to take down the gate it's attached to - if not then at least I asked lol as much as my #MarineCorps #veteran #husband likes to think he is capable of doing it all like he used to well his ego needs to be put in check or in that a #MalePride thing? lol
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gilbertfonticoba · 6 years ago
@Regran_ed from @honey.badger.nation - #Repost @your_failed_legacy • • • • • Well here is something you won't see on @cnnpolitics , Mexican citizens speaking out against this caravan, the one @cnn claimed wasn't real. Yea, that one. CNN, "You ARE fake news." In case all you watch is CNN with their non-stop, all day Trump-bashing, here is something you likely missed... Partners in Insta-crime 🇺🇸🇧🇷 @rshal12 @aromshea @legionofsix6 @xan_derman @sir.dildo.mc.faggins @buildhopepresidenttrump ⚠️⚠️⚠️ #russiancollusion #russiagate #obamagate #americafirst #lockherup #buildthewall #releasethememo #memo #schumershutdown #walkaway #hillaryforprison #bengazi #legalimmigration #obamaflix #hisnamewassethrich #fakenews #fakenewsmedia #cnnisfakenews #CNN #demandvoterid #russiancollusion #malepride #NPCNN https://www.instagram.com/p/BqcUtDjlejn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6d6e62o8lvn7
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thehierarchyproject · 3 years ago
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Existe uma idade certa onde um HOMEM se torna de fato um ALPHA? A resposta é NÃO. E vocês Alphas podem responder isso melhor que qualquer um, como a maioria das coisas. Foi algo que de uma forma ou outra JÁ ESTEVE PRESENTE NAS SUAS CARACTERÍSTICAS desde muito novos, desde a sua JUVENTUDE. E é verdade que em alguns casos foi algo que veio evoluindo com os acontecimentos em sua vida, e que em outros tipos de homens nunca irá evoluir, onde a inveja caminhará de mãos dadas com a admiração e a subserviência. Mas estritamente para aqueles que tiveram essa superioridade genética já desenvolvida desde cedo, saibam que longe de qualquer repressão imposta nos dias atuais, VOCÊS SÃO OS MELHORES. Vocês são VERDADEIROS EXEMPLOS a serem seguidos e acima de tudo merecem MÁXIMO RESPEITO E ADMIRAÇÃO, não cortes ou limites. Mas outra verdade também seja dita: isso já se desenvolveria em você de qualquer forma, afinal, ESTÁ NO SEU DNA, não está?!
Is there a certain age when a MAN actually becomes an ALPHA? The answer is NO. And you Alphas can answer that better than anyone else, like most things. It was something that, in one way or another, WAS ALREADY PRESENT IN YOUR CHARACTERISTICS since you were very young, since your YOUTH. And it's true that in some cases it was something that evolved with the events in your life, and in other types of men it will never evolve, where envy will walk hand in hand with admiration and subservience. But strictly for those who had this genetic superiority already developed from an early age, know that far from any repression imposed these days, YOU ARE THE BEST. You are TRUE EXEMPLES to be followed and above all you deserve MAXIMUM RESPECT AND ADMIRATION not cuts or limits. But another truth also be said: that would develop on you anyway, after all, IT’S IN YOUR DNA, isn't it?!
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manlegs4life · 12 years ago
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First off I'd like to apologize for the lack of posts lately. Life has been busy and the serious lack of man legs we all have to go through in winter have kept me away from the blog. Now that winter is finally drawing to a close we can begin to get excited for warm weather and the ability to wear shorts which comes with that weather. So men put those pants away and break out all of your shorts and show those legs off. This man is wearing a great pair of shorts which show plenty of leg. Most guys are afraid to wear shorts this short but fear not, if you have nice legs to show off do so. Don't let societies judgement influence your fashion choices. This guy has some nice and subtly toned legs which we wouldn't get to see if he were wearing baggy cargo shorts. So go out and buy yourself a nice pair of 7" shorts (or 5" if you dare) and celebrate the coming of spring!
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