#malek the paladin
asian-heart-92 · 1 year
Dungeons & Dragons fancast
Directed and written by Dean DeBlois
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Produced by Steve Starkey
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and Jack Rapke
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Produced and written by Roger Avary
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Edited by John Refoua
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Cinematography by Jonathan Sela
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Music by John Powell
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and Hans Zimmer
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For the production companies, there would be
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Distributed by
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Charlie Hunnam as the Barbarian
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Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey as the Bard
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John Rhys-Davies as the Cleric
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Orlando Bloom as the Druid
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Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as the Fighter
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Sofia Boutella as the Monk
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Gerard Butler as the Paladin
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Liu Yifei as the Ranger
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Charlize Theron as the Rogue
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Rami Malek as the Sorcerer
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Olivia Cheng as the Warlock
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Djimon Hounsou as the Wizard
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Melissa McCarthy as the Artificer
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Benedict Cumberbatch as the Blood Hunter
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Warwick Davis as Dungeon Master
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Charles Dance as Vecna
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Manu Bennett as Orcus
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Richard Armitage as Asmodeus
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Mads Mikkelsen as the evil Mage
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selowyn · 2 years
Hang My Head, Drown My Fear, Til You All Just Disappear epilogue
Despite all their preparations, suddenly her Shadow absconded. A brow quirked in concern. Malek could be a coward, but generally had a sixth sense regarding when the tide turned against his favor. 
A tight hold on her wrist and a low, savage whisper. “We are leaving, High Priestess,” Fanotheril hissed.
Dark Confessor Sorrowhawk gazed thoughtfully up at the eclipse once more. It was so majestic, the blood in her veins humming with the gravity of the coalescing power at her back. “But our purpose,” she intoned.
A huff of annoyance. A blur of movement as she is forcibly extricated from her vantage point. The dark pines of the northern Ghostlands gave way to full-on void and she de-materialized with a shove.
Dizzy. Flung toward a bed. Wrist aching, she tumbles down in a shamble of silks and chiffon as her enchanted blade slides across the floor, glimmering smears of life’s blood in its wake. 
Sorrowhawk is tired. So tired. It took nearly every drop of energy to do what was required. Crimson mist plays across her vision, inviting her as always to give in. And so she dissociates, floating without conscious thought. The moments of clarity are fewer and farther between, now.
There is the distant sound of another arrival, followed by an echoing slam. Items crashing to the floor. An angry tirade of colorful curses. A cork unfastening. 
Startled back to consciousness, she cracks an eye. Fanotheril wraps his dark robes about his gaunt form as he holds a filled wine glass and ponders. Still formidable-looking despite the turn of the evening. Pacing in deep thought as wine is consumed and white hot anger is quelled. Eventual slowing, as plots thicken in his agile mind.
Finally the Master Cultist quieted down, slumping in a chair with his consolation prize.
Snorting softly, she rolled over, giving in to exhaustion. 
Time passes… An empty glass is pushed across the table. With a yawn and a stretch as if everything was, is, and always would be under control, he rises; smoothes his robes, and stalks toward her prone form. 
“Yes, yes. I know what comes next.” His voice, strangely timbre’d and far too close for comfort, held two meanings and her senses flared to life. “Mal—!” A sharp twist of his fingers, and she is silenced.
“Come now, just a taste,” he reassures her, as he kneels, fingers beginning to roam.
Just a taste. Of all the things to say…why…   Ah…
And so, it begins again. The infernal loop, on repeat since Icecrown, when she first fell at Corp’rethar. The former paladin and once plaything of the San’layn Blood Matriarch; rescued at the 11th hour by an Ebon. Doubting and broken, she was able to rebuild her faith and don the cloth, using her words and ability to relate rather than a sword to bring Light and justice to the world. She had re-found a place within the Crusade and stood shoulder to shoulder with heroes. 
And then Damnedfate. She who had continued the Matriarch’s work. And… now this. The work complete, and beholden to Master Cultist Nightwind. How far could one fall?
Truly she was alone, in a suffocating vacuum like that space between stars.
Her Shadow, beholden to another mistress; content to isolate and watch the unfolding carnage in Zul’Aman from afar. 
Her comrades of the Coalition. Her friends, if she could still call them that; so far away. They reviled her and were inaccessible. 
Her love… 
She thought his name, since she could not speak it. ‘Vadinnar…disregard me. Take them away, keep them safe. Do this, for me…’
Tear-edged eyes closed tightly. Truly, she was cursed. Better they leave her to her fate and be consumed by the void, and find what peace they can in clear Thalassian skies.
She could almost see them…
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oldsarafanrelic · 1 year
End of a Hunt
Malek pierced his glaive through the vampire, its hardened hide had no hope to the blessed steel nor his own strength. From pectoral to shoulder blade, the Sarafan Lord twisted and worked through as the creature hissed and screamed in the sweet agony. Its claws swung but couldn’t reach its killer, whose cool steel-grey eyes glared unblinking. 
“May the One God provide the mercy that you had no found in this life.” He prayed, ripping his weapon back with the hot sizzling of cursed blood through a wound that refused to reknit as it would by a lesser blade. The walking corpse vomited the blackened vigor that it stole from three unfortunate victims the night before, unaware of the holy man hunting it down through the Termogant Forest.
No man would dare enter these woods but he. 
Shocked eyes stared at Malek, whether in disbelief that death was still a possibility in its perceived immortality or it would still be prayed to in its heinous existence. Either way, its blood was poisoned and functions were slowed from fighting as fiercely. A heart as the warrior-priest swept his weapon in one sharp, simplistic arc. Its head sent flying and body jerking like a insect, swinging and walking in lost coordination. 
Malek stepped to the side, watching it before impaling the vampire’s corpse through its squirting back-wound and pierced the black heart. A screech through severed vocals and ether, the beast’s body stiffened as if in rigorous mortis. All of its will gone. 
A hymn of prayer as he caressed his heft’s length, its sacred glyphs glowing and released the holy light through the blade. The body burning inside out to a flash of sudden embers. 
“Paladin!” A voice called out, beckoning Malek to glance over in militant swiftness. One of this fellow priests approached by horseback, the paladin’s own barded mare following with. “Ah, thank you, Justina. I feared she ran too far in when the vampire attacked us.” 
“Nay, my Paladin. She had came onto us, managed to save Lance and Wales.” 
Malek whirled his glaive to the side, feeling the crumbling skull crushing under his boot as he approached the two. Palm cupping the mare’s cheek, “Once more, you provide us strength, Lady Mary.” The proud horse nickered, a beautiful gift from Lady Ceres, Guardianess of Nature. The very same woman who sent him onto the vampire for ‘corrupting her beautiful land’. 
The sins these monsters commit on the people and Nosgoth herself was appeal. The only tear he shall shed for them is the evil that roused them all from their rightful judgement. One day, that winged devil high in the mountains will have his due...
One day.
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anoddsamarline · 6 years
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Heeeeere’s Malek!  He was really fun to draw, tbh.
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bohemian-napsodyy · 5 years
OK, how about a blurb for introducing Ahk to modern culture and technology and his reactions!
OH MY GOSH THIS IS SO PRECIOUS I LOVE IT 😭❤️thank you for the idea!!!
Ahk would kind of be familiar with some modern technology
mostly from the display screens and computers and phones throughout  the museum
not gonna lie though, he did initially think those were some sort of weird artifacts from another ancient culture
it was a museum after all, and everything else were either exhibits or artifacts?? right???
you just kind of assumed that Ahk knew about modern technology thanks to Larry, so when you brought your laptop with you one evening hoping the two of you could make fun of watch The Mummy, Ahk sees it and he just GASPS
and his eyes get really big
and he just… cant stop staring at this thing???
“Your gods must be extremely powerful, Y/N.”
You’re so confused, where did all this talk come from??
“…My people could not even contact Isis with this much success. This is truly a magic tablet.”
and then you just bust a gut laughing
“Oh, no Ahk, it’s not- I mean- it’s just a-”
you’re seriously trying so hard to stop laughing but Ahk’s expression of wonder that still hadn’t gone away was just too adorable and priceless
“Wait, has Larry shown you what an iPhone is yet?”
the blank look on Ahk’s face tells you everything
which gives you the greatest idea
“Go grab a change of clothes from the break room, Ahk. We’ve got a change of plans tonight.”
Instead of watching The Mummy with him at the museum, you bring him back to your apartment with the intention of catching him up on all the technology and culture he’s missed over the (hundreds of) years
his favourite inventions include your KitchenAid (which he keeps turning on and off, amazed by the fact that this thing can stir things completely by itself), your phone (”you mean you can speak to someone across the ocean through this!?”), and YOUR RECORD PLAYER
that boy loves music
before you can explain what it is and how it works, Ahk cuts you off by holding up his hand
“Y/N, may I attempt to explain how this works?”
you giggle, and let him go ahead
after what seems like 10 minutes of intense scrutinizing and hmmmms and little concentration frowns, Ahk finally has an answer
“There’s little shabti figures inside the box playing instruments, isn’t there?”
you lose it, and are almost doubled over from laughing
you don’t even know what shabti figures are, but Ahk just seemed sO SURE OF HIMSELF
you put on The Beatles for him to listen to
“These guys were like… revolutionary in the music industry.”
*cue another awed gasp from Ahk* “Does that mean tHEY’RE GODS??”
he doesn’t really understand memes (or Vines for that matter), but he laughs at them really only because you do
your laugh is just so contagious
and Ahk will laugh along with you even though he doesn’t understand like any of the references 
I cannot stress the next point enough:
and Ahk initially not knowing all that much about how to slow dance because they didn’t really…. dance slow in his time
but you show him where to place his hands and you lightly kiss his nose
“just follow me Ahk, it’s not that hard”
is it possible for humans to do the heart eyes emoji??? because Ahk definitely did that
especially when you went to spin him around and he got confused and he kinda crashed into you, full of giggles and all
once you brought him back to the museum, just as he’s getting back into his sarcophagus you hear him call out your name
“yeah, Ahk?”
“Thank you. I had plenty of fun tonight.”
you’re beaming so much you feel as though your smile might fall right off your face
“Can we dance at your home again tomorrow?”
you can’t help but run over and give Ahk one last Snug Hug
“Of course Ahk. We can dance together every night.”
(also not that anyone cares but shabti figures [mentioned above] were these tiny little clay dolls that Egyptians put in their tombs so that they could follow the dead and be their servants in the afterlife :)
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biolabs-soldier · 5 years
Hi everyone!
@oldsarafanrelic wrote this awesome piece, and I did my best to “bring it to life”.
Legacy of Kain has been a favorite of mine for quite some time, so I hope this does it justice!
Check out @oldsarafanrelic
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freddiesaysalright · 4 years
Journey to the Past - Chapter 1
Joe!Dimitri x Anastasia!Reader
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Summary: The royal family is overthrown in a violent revolution. However, rumor grows that one daughter survived. Could the last of the line be found? Will a con man and a princess put a twist on what it means to live a fairy tale? 
Word Count: 3.4K
Tag List: @psychosupernatural​, @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​, @minigranger​, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @the-moving-finger-writes​, @assembledherethevolunteers​, @rose-writes-prose​, @queenlover05​, @26-7-49​, @drowsebaby, @im-an-adult-ish​, @queen-paladin​, @rogerina-owns-me, @mirkwoodshewolf​, @whitequeen-ofwillowgreen​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: Thanks for keeping up, everyone! Hope you enjoy the first chapter!
Warning(s): None
Chapter 1 here we go!!!
That same face swam before you. The kind looking little boy, just a year or two older than you, with soft brown eyes and auburn hair. His face stuck out, but there were glimpses of other things around you. A parade. Dancers. And then chaos. He was always in a crowd. At least until the last hazy memory. The clearest sight of him as you focused on his features instead of the searing pain in your shoulder and abdomen. 
You sat up, pushing the image to the back of your mind. He had to be a dream. You had never been to a ball or a parade, anyway. At least, not as far as you could remember. And you couldn’t remember much before the day you came here, to the orphanage. 
Now that you were an adult, you worked there, but you’d been a resident from the time you were eight or so. Having no memory of who you were before then meant you had no idea when your exact birthday was. A doctor examined you and diagnosed you with amnesia due to a traumatic head injury, and guessed your age based on your development. The women at the orphanage had chosen the day you arrived to be your birthday - not that it meant any celebrations, but so that they had something for the record. 
You tried to remember your past. Especially as a child. You were visited by doctors and specialists, but no one could trigger anything that brought something significant back. All you knew was that you had been wounded, a kind boy brought you to the hospital, and from there you went to the orphanage. You couldn’t even remember what your parents looked like. 
There was only one clue as to who you were that was found among your belongings. A necklace. It was a fine, gold chain, at the end of which was a pendant, with jewels creating the shape of a flower. On the back was an inscription that read “Together in Ramimont.” 
You found out that Ramimont was the capital city of a country to the south. Why you would have family there was beyond you. But someone had given it to you, and whoever that person was must have loved you. Who else would give such a sentimental trinket?
With a sigh, you stretched and got out of bed. You padded over to the chair in the corner of your room and stepped into the dress you wore every day. There was an almost exact copy of it hanging in the wardrobe next to your coat. The choices at the orphanage were limited - so you’d taken whatever fabric you could to make your dresses. Old curtains mostly. And while they weren’t fashionable, they certainly kept you warm. 
Stuffing your feet into your boots, you left your room and headed downstairs. Sophie, the headmistress of the orphanage was waiting for you. Your brow furrowed. That was unusual. 
“Is everything alright, Sophie?” you asked her, coming to a stop. 
She wrung her hands and looked desperately at you. 
“Come with me, Y/N,” she said. “I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news.”
Heart rate quickening, you followed her into her office on the main floor. Upstairs, you heard the children beginning to rise and dress. You hoped whatever this was wouldn’t hurt them too much. 
Sophie closed the door behind you and gestured to the old dining chair that faced her desk. You took a seat right on the edge. She moved the newspaper out of the way and you caught a glimpse of the headline: RUMORS OF THE PRINCESS… but you couldn’t see the second half. It didn’t concern you anyway. This country had no royalty. Not since the Revolution.
“Y/N, I’m terribly sorry about this, but we’re going to have to let you go,” she said. 
Your stomach dropped. You were...sacked?
“I…” you trailed off, searching for the right words. “What? Did I do something wrong?”
She shook her head. “No, dear. It’s just that the city has cut funds for this place, and now I can only afford to pay myself and George.”
George was in charge of the boys at the orphanage. He answered to Sophie at the end of the day, though. 
You took in a shaky breath. Fear made your blood feel cold as ice. 
“W-what am I going to do?” you wondered. 
It was half to yourself, half to her. This place was the only life you had ever known. 
“I’ve arranged for you to get a job as a street sweeper for one of the hotels nearby,” she said. “I’m afraid they can’t pay you as much as we did, but you’ll have a roof over your head.”
You swallowed even though your mouth felt dry. You barely made enough to live with your current salary. How could you survive on less?
“There is something else you could do,” she said, lowering her voice. 
You scooted closer to hear, eager. “What?”
“Go to Ramimont,” she whispered. 
The government was very strict about travel, so you understood her secretive actions. To discuss leaving could be considered treason, so not even George could overhear. 
“What?” you gasped softly. “You really think I should?”
“It’s up to you,” she replied. “But if you’ve got some money saved, I think it would be the perfect opportunity.”
“But I don’t even know who I’m looking for,” you said. “How can I -”
“Whoever gave you that necklace is probably missing you just as much as you’re longing for them,” she said. “But going is your only chance of finding them.”
You sat back, considering the idea. You had always wanted to go. And you did have a bit of money saved. Only, you had no idea what was required of you. If you had to get some sort of papers, what could you provide? You had no evidence of your identity. 
“I wouldn’t even know where to start,” you said aloud. 
“I don’t really know, either,” Sophie admitted. “But the knowledge is not behind the walls of this building. You’ll have to move on first.”
Tears welled up in your eyes. “I’m going to miss you.”
Her eyes were equally watery. “Oh, dear. I’m going to miss you too.”
You jumped to your feet, crossed around her desk, and hugged her. She sniffled and patted your back. And before you knew it, it was time to pack your bags. 
Joe read over the words again. RUMORS OF THE PRINCESS ANASTASIA ALIVE. Beneath the headline was a photo of the princess - the rest of her family cropped out so it was just her proud face. He could never forget that girl. And the horror he witnessed that day. There was no way she was alive. 
He re-focused and started to read the article. It mentioned that there was a reward offered by the girl’s grandmother, the Dowager Empress Marie Malek Lee. His eyes widened at the number. That much money meant the kind of freedom he had longed for all his life!
The wheels in his head began turning. If anyone had a chance at that money it was him. He had worked in the kitchen, he had met the family. And then there was the music box. He had more proof than any other person could hope to provide. Plus, he had Roman. 
As if summoned by the mere thought of him, Roman came through the door. He shook some snow off his jacket and hung it on the rack. Joe looked up and smiled. 
“Morning,” he said. “How was town?”
“Ugh,” Roman groaned. “Everyone’s all aflutter about this rumor regarding the princess. It’s clearly a distraction!”
Joe raised an eyebrow. “A distraction? From what?”
“They closed another border today,” Roman said gravely. “They’re shutting us in, Joe. We need to get out if we’re going to do it.”
Joe paused. Another border closure was definitely concerning. And it meant difficulty in their plan. But Joe’s new plan meant getting out with the addition of money. He would have no qualms splitting any earnings with Roman, who had become his closest friend. 
Roman was only about ten years old than Joe, but with a whole different experience. Being the scandalous love child of an earl, most would have thought his life difficult. It was in some respects, but astonishingly, Roman’s father welcomed his son with open arms, and tried to make him part of society. The mother being a prostitute made some members of the nobility scoff, but when King Nicholas himself accepted Roman, the rest of that class had to suck it up. 
That is, until the Revolution came. The earl packed up his family, and had to pay for each of their exit visas. In their rush, Roman was left behind. He was the forgotten son, after all. 
Roman got his revenge. He went to his father’s mansion and completely ransacked it. He took all the valuables left behind - jewels, furs, antiques, etc. - and sold them. He kept one thing, a diamond ring that belonged to his father’s wife, and he gave it to his mother. She didn’t live much longer, but Roman still had it. 
“I was thinking about this whole Princess Anastasia thing,” Joe said. 
Roman rolled his eyes. “Not you too! I thought you had some sense!”
“Hear me out,” Joe insisted. “Between the two of us, we could train any girl to be that princess. We just gotta find someone who looks enough like her.”
“Are you serious?” Roman returned. “You want to con the Dowager Empress?”
“What’s she ever done for either of us?” Joe pointed out. “Why shouldn’t we get something out of our knowledge?”
Roman paused, mulling it over. 
“What woman would agree to this?” he said. “We’d have to split the reward money three ways.”
“Believe me, the amount is more than enough to split three ways,” Joe said. 
He tossed the paper to Roman, who began reading it over. Concern crossed his handsome, angular features as he read. 
“Let’s say we do this,” he said. “How will we find the girl? We can’t exactly put out an ad for people to audition. We’d be shot where we stand.”
“I know some people, I’ll get the word out,” Joe insisted. “Come on, Ro, this is our chance.”
“I think we should just consider ourselves lucky to be able to get out of the country,” Roman replied warily. “Is money really worth all this risk?”
“Money is the most important thing in the world, Roman,” Joe said seriously. “And I don’t intend on being without it anymore.”
“Money has never been the most important thing in the world,” Roman said. “The Lee family had more money they knew what to do with, and they still ended up dead.”
Joe didn’t answer that. He was all too familiar with that story, though he’d never shared it with his friend. 
“Ro, I’m doing this,” he said. “Whether you’re with me or not.”
A beat passed as Roman eyed him, a bit worried. Then he smirked. “You couldn’t pull it off without me anyway.”
Joe beamed. “So you’re in?”
“I’m in,” Roman said. 
They shook on it. 
“Who knows? Maybe we will find her,” he continued. “If the Dowager is offering a reward, there must be some substance to the rumor.”
A fleeting image passed in the front of Joe’s mind. Bloody snow, a weak girl in his arms, her eyes falling shut as he called to her. He shook his head to clear it away.
“I doubt it,” he said. 
With that, he took to the streets, telling his most trusted contacts that he was looking for the lost princess. 
The snow crunched under your boots as you trudged up to the hotel. You didn’t imagine there were many tourists in the country. What was there to see? The capital was only government workers and poor people. There was the old palace, but it was boarded up. As far as anything else, you had no idea what might draw people here. You noticed that most of the people coming to the hotel were in uniforms of some sort. They must be visitors from around the country. Or even other countries. 
You set your bag down and stood across the street from the hotel that was to be your new home. If you took the job. There was also Sophie’s suggestion to consider. The latter was definitely the more frightening option, but if the reward was finding your true family, then it should be worth it...right? 
You glanced down at the necklace, thinking it over some more. If you went into that hotel now, you may never get another opportunity to leave. You picked up your bag, determined, and walked away toward the train station. You had to take your chance. 
The train station was toward the edge of the city, near the old palace. You could see the towers looming over the land around it. The area was rather deserted, which you found surprising. As you looked at the abandoned fortress, you felt a sort of pull from it. Like you had been there before. 
You ignored this feeling and pressed on to the station. You couldn’t be worried about some crumbling castle. You had to get out as soon as possible. 
The line for tickets was excruciatingly long. You waited for nearly two hours before you were face to face with the attendant at the booth. He looked impatiently at you. 
“Where to?” he asked gruffly. 
“One ticket to Ramimont, please,” you said. 
“Exit visa and passport?”
“I - uh - well -” you stammered. “I have some money.”
“You can’t purchase a ticket without an exit visa and a passport,” he explained, rolling his eyes. “You may get those documents at the parliament building downtown.”
“How long does that take?” you asked. 
“Depends on how much money you have,” he said. “And who you know. But until you have those, get out of my line.”
You started at the harshness of his address, but did as you were told. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned to face it. It was a woman. She was not really dressed for the cold weather, with her chest that exposed and skirt just under her knee. She also had a heavy rogue on her cheeks. 
“If you’re looking to go to Ramimont, you should see Joe Mazzello,” she said quietly.
You stepped closer to her. “Who?”
“Joe Mazzello,” she repeated. “He’s at the old palace. I hear he’s got a ticket, but there is a catch.”
“What’s the catch?” you wondered. 
She shrugged. “Dunno. Heard it from a friend. But you might have a better shot with him than with the government.”
“I see,” you said. “Thank you, Miss…”
“You don’t need to know my name,” she said. “You didn’t hear this from me.”
You nodded. After thanking her again, you left the train station. This time, heading for the one place you were avoiding earlier. Perhaps it was fate calling you in. Hopefully, you were meant to meet this Joe person and he would deliver you to your family. 
You stopped yourself. You didn’t want to get carried away in a hope. 
The castle was a sorry sight. With wooden planks in the windows where glass used to be, dustings of snow being blown in by the wind, and a fully collapsed tower, it looked a bit haunted. And of course, the lack of people added to the eerie feeling. You peered in between the boards and into the darkness. You couldn’t see anything, really. 
You picked this window because it was far enough away from the main entrance that you might be able to sneak in without startling anyone. You tested the plank in front of your chest. It was fairly loose - whoever had done this did it quickly and carelessly. You supposed the New Order didn’t want anyone to see the symbol of the old ways as up for grabs. 
You tugged on the board. It groaned beneath the force until finally you pried it enough and it came clean off. You stumbled back as the pressure released, but collected yourself and tossed it away. There was enough room for you to get in. You stepped through first and then reached back for your bags. You set them down against the wall, and then looked up and gaped at the high, grand ceilings and plush carpet. Everything was so...regal. And even stranger, it felt familiar to you. 
Across the corridor from the window, you saw a dusty, faded painting. It was enormous, and a portrait of a man and his family. He was tall, with soft brown hair and bright blue eyes. Unlike the portraits of men before him, he was smiling. The lady beside him looked equally happy with a wide grin. A silly detail you noticed on her was that the artist had depicted her shoes to be made of glass. 
She had a baby on her lap, and three other children surrounded their feet. A gold plate on the frame appeared to have some information etched into it, so you stepped closer to read it. It said, “King Gwilym, his wife, and children.” 
You were struck with a pang of sadness. You looked up at King Gwilym’s smiling face and felt such pity that his line was ended. That his descendants had met a tragic end and his legacy was disappearing into time. You had no idea why it broke your heart like this. You didn’t know the man or his relations, and yet, you felt this hurt for him. The only comfort was that wherever they were, they were all together now. 
To the left, were more paintings. You guessed, more generations of royals. You walked on and observed them, heartstrings still pulling at their fate. Three paintings over from Gwilym was the final royal family. King Nicholas greatly resembled his great-grandfather Gwilym. He had a wider face, and a thick beard which added to it, but the eyes were exactly the same. Round, blue, and kind.
His wife, Alexandra, was stunning. She wasn’t as warm as her husband, but she had the grace and elegance of a queen, for sure. Similar to King Gwilym’s queen, she had the youngest child in her lap for the portrait. The only boy. On the floor, four girls sat together, holding hands and smiling. 
You blinked and a tear slid down your cheek. Hastily, you wiped it away. Why on Earth were you crying? Sure, you knew the royal family’s story was unfortunate, but why was this feeling so personal?
You shook your head and continued on, re-focusing. You needed to find this Joe person, and quickly. This place was overwhelming. 
Every part of the palace felt like something you had dreamed and were trying to recall after waking up. It felt fuzzy, but certain things were coming through with perfect clarity. Then you came upon a ballroom. 
For a fleeting moment, it was dazzling with light and glittering jewels. Important people waltzed around it, and you spotted King Nicholas amongst the crowd. He spun his daughter around, lifting her high in the air, and you giggled along with her. 
As quickly as the vision came, it went. Once again, the room was dull, faded, covered in cobwebs and other debris. You stepped and a plume of dust formed around your boot. You scanned the ballroom and spotted a long table against the wall with serving platters and the like spread out. The silver was tarnished and pieces were missing. Even so, you picked up a tray. You examined it, and wiped the dust away. When it was clear, you looked at your reflection. What you saw startled you.
It was you, but as a little girl, looking remarkably like the youngest of the four in the painting, in a pink silk gown and a tiara sparkling on the crown of your head. You gasped at the sight and dropped the platter. It clanged to the floor and you winced. 
“Hey!” cried a voice from the other side of the ballroom. 
You whirled around to face him. It was a young man, probably about your age, with auburn hair. His face was familiar to you the same way this palace was, and it frightened you. 
“Who are you?” he demanded. “What are you doing here?”
“What’s going on?” another man questioned as he jogged to join the first. You felt as if you’d met him before too. 
You didn’t answer either of them. Instead, you took off running back the way you came. 
“Hey, wait!” the redhead called, and he pursued you.
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alexlacquemanne · 3 years
Octobre MMXXI
007 Spectre (Spectre) (2015) de Sam Mendes avec Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux, Monica Bellucci et Ralph Fiennes
Un condé (1970) de Yves Boisset avec Michel Bouquet, Françoise Fabian, Michel Constantin, Henri Garcin, Bernard Fresson et Rufus
Everything or Nothing : l'histoire secrète de James Bond (2012) de Stevan Riley avec Ken Adam, Maud Adams, Albert R. Broccoli, Barbara Broccoli, Pierce Brosnan, Daniel Craig et Timothy Dalton
Mourir peut attendre (No Time to Die) (2021) de Cary Joji Fukunaga avec Daniel Craig, Rami Malek, Léa Seydoux, Lashana Lynch et Ana de Armas
Tuer n'est pas jouer (The Living Daylights) (1987) de John Glen avec Timothy Dalton, Maryam d'Abo, Jeroen Krabbé, Joe Don Baker et Art Malik
Ne nous fâchons pas (1966) de Georges Lautner avec Lino Ventura, Jean Lefebvre, Mireille Darc et Michel Constantin
C'est pas parce qu'on a rien à dire qu'il faut fermer sa gueule... (1975) de Jacques Besnard avec Bernard Blier, Jean Lefebvre, Michel Serrault, Tsilla Chelton et Marion Game
Le Mystère Henri Pick (2019) de Rémi Bezançon avec Fabrice Luchini, Camille Cottin, Alice Isaaz, Bastien Bouillon et Vincent Winterhalter
La situation est grave mais... pas désespérée ! (1976) de Jacques Besnard avec Jean Lefebvre, Michel Serrault, Maria Pacôme, Daniel Prévost et Cécile Vassort
Les Barbouzes (1954) de Georges Lautner avec Lino Ventura, Bernard Blier, Francis Blanche et Mireille Darc
Les Aventures de Rabbi Jacob (1973) de Gérard Oury avec Louis de Funès, Claude Giraud, Miou-Miou, Suzy Delair, Renzo Montagnani et Henri Guybet
Kaamelott Livre IV
L'ascension du lion - Les émancipés - La révoquée - La baliste II - Les bonnes - Les refoulés - Les tuteurs II - Le grand départ - La clandestine - L'auberge rouge - Les envahisseurs - Les curieux première partie - Les curieux deuxième partie - Les tacticiens première partie - Les tacticiens deuxième partie - La réponse - Anges et Démons - La rémanence - La potion de vivacité II - Vox populi III - La sonde - La relève - Le jeu du Pélican - La permission - Le dragon gris - Le discours - Le paladin - Le choix de Gauvain - La dame et le lac - Beaucoup de bruit pour rien - Le Oud II - La face-à-face première partie - Le face-à-face deuxième partie - Les endettés
Le Coffre à Catch
#45 : Santino Marella est arrivé !! - #46 : CM Punk est un sacré filou ! - #47 : Vince McMahon CHAMPION DU MONDE DU CATCH !!! - #48 : Vince, Shane et UUUUUUMAGA dominent le monde !
Dark Side of the Ring Saison 1, 2, 3
The Fabulous Moolah - Benoit Première partie - Benoit Deuxième partie - Le meurtre de Bruiser Brody - Les Road Warriors - Le vol vers l'enfer
Psych Saison 6
Immunité problématique - Very Bad nuit - Carrément mordus ! - Super héros - Tous au stade - Shawn au-dessus d'un nid de coucou - Mon père cet escroc - Complètement babas
The Crown Saison 3
Poussière de Lune - Un homme en suspens - Imbroglio - Un cri du cœur
Columbo Saison 8
Ombres et lumières
Doctor Who Series 12
Le Contrat des Judoons - Orphan 55 - La Nuit de terreur de Nikola Tesla - Praxeus - Vous m'entendez ? - Apparitions à la villa Diodati - L'Ascension des Cybermen - Les enfants intemporels - Revolution of the Daleks
The Grand Tour Saison 1, 3
Opéra, art et donuts - Eco-conduite - Grand Tour vers le futur - Spécial Colombie : Première partie - Spécial Colombie : Deuxième Partie
Top Gear Saison 12, 14, 20, 21, 16, 10
1200 km en un plein - Du grand art - Ils ont roulé sur l'eau! - Destination Thaïlande - Un pont sur la rivière Kwaï - Surfin' USA - La traversée de la Manche
Chapeau melon et bottes de cuir Saison 5
Meurtres à épisodes - La Dynamo vivante
Nestor Burma Saison 5
Drôle d'épreuve pour Nestor Burma
Espèces menacées (2021) de Ray Cooney avec Laurent Ournac, Arnaud Gidoin, Thierry Heckendorn, Yannik Mazzilli, Gaëlle Gauthier, Zoé Bruneau, Sébastien Pierre et Serge Da Silva
Supertramp Live in Paris '79
Les Dégourdis de la 11ème (1986) de André Mouëzy-Éon et Georges Daveillans avec Robert Hirsch, Darry Cowl, Pierre Tornade, Marcel Philippot, Jean-Marie Juan, François Morel, Frédéric Saurel, Annick Alane et Virginie Pradal
La Taupe (1987) de Robert Lamoureux avec Robert Lamoureux, Pierre Maguelon, Patrick Abrial, Magali de Vendeuil, Marie Saint-Laurent et Francis Deschamps
Le Tombeur (1986) de Robert Lamoureux avec Michel Leeb, Guy Lecluyse, Julia Duchaussoy, Pascale Louange, Chick Ortega, Camille Solal, Coralie Audret, Laurence Porteil et Xavier Goulard
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Une vraie panthère de Jean Bruce
Bonjour tristesse de Françoise Sagan
Astérix Tome 39 : Astérix et le Griffon de Jean-Yves Ferri et Didier Conrad
L'Île mystérieuse de Jules Verne
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
The tale of Robin and Gale Hood; Ben Hardy x reader Chap. 1
*Author’s note*
Okay so firs the gif has NOTHING to do with the story, that was just the 1st gif I saw out of the borhap gifs that was displayed. So this came after the success of my Disney Aladdin AU fic so I decided to do a Robin Hood fic, so as a little cast list for you all here’s what I’ve got. I’ll also update the cast list as each new character is introduced so that none of you get lost. Hope you all enjoy this little AU fic starring our beloved Borhap cast.
Also on a side note, any italics written like this signifies a change in narration where the character of Alan O’Dale speaks his own narration verses what I’ll be writing.
Robin Hood: Rami Malek
Little John: Joe Mazzello
Prince John: Paul Prenter
Sir Heston: voiced by Allen Leech
King Richard (mentioned): Roger Taylor.
Alan O’Dale: Freddie Mercury (think 1975 version of Freddie)
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Chapter 1,
Robin Hood and Little John
The legend of Robin Hood.  Ahhh yes, that handsome rouge who robbed the rich to feed the poor, who led a band of Merry men and made their home in Sherwood Forest.  But there is more to the tale than meets the eye, and more people were involved in his rise to fame and glory.  Like me.
Oi I’m over here, the handsome black-haired devil with the harp. Yes hello there my darlings. The name’s Alan O’Dale, and I am a minstrel.  That’s an early day folk singer, I go about parading songs from town to town, kingdom to kingdom about brave knights, fierce battles, and of course my favorite stories, love stories.
And do I have two of the best love stories to share with you lovely darlings.  Thankfully it all takes place at the same time so I don’t need to run my mouth on for very long.  Anyways let’s first open our tale up to two dashing young men walking through the forest.
Two of the best friends anyone could ever ask for.  These two young men were known other than Robin Hood and Little John.  Now it didn’t start it off that way at first, those two chuckleheads always kept crossing each other’s paths as children and constantly argued and fought over territory, women, you name it.
But when they reached their late teens, Robin was one day captured by the despicable, ugly, and revolting Sheriff of Nottingham.  Fortunately with the help of an additional 3rd party, Robin was saved from the hangman’s noose and from then on, Robin and Little John were the best of friends. You don’t believe me, let me sing you a little something.  
Tuning the harp, Freddie then begins to play an uplifting little tune as he begins to sing.
Robin Hood and Little John walkin' through the forest Laughin' back and forth at what the other'ne has to say Reminiscin', This-'n'-thattin' havin' such a good time Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day
Never ever thinkin' there was danger in the water They were drinkin', they just guzzled it down Never dreamin' that a schemin' sheriff and his posse Was a-watchin' them an' gatherin' around
Robin Hood and Little John runnin' through the forest Jumpin' fences, dodgin' trees an' tryin' to get away Contemplatin' nothin' but escape an' fin'lly makin' it Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day
Deep in the forest on top of a tree there hid two young men in their mid to late-20’s.  One was a pale white man with long shoulder length auburn brown hair.  His eyes were a mixed brownish-green and he was a handsome young man.
The man beside him was around the same age, if not slightly older and had skin that almost seemed to be kissed by the sun.  His eyes were an intense blue color that could almost hypnotize you and at the same time make you feel relaxed.  His short jet black hair topped off his head.
Together the two of them wore a similar green and brown clothes. Similar to a ranger’s outfit.  Fit to camouflage them within the forest terrain, but also enough layers to keep them warm from the elements be it rain, sleet, snow and hail.
The two young men watched as the Sheriff of Nottingham and his men gave up on the search after losing them and retreating back to the city. Once they fled the forest, the two men threw themselves back against the top of the tree branches and laughed their heads off.
“Ohh we sure showed those clowns who the real woodsmen are!” boasted Little John.
“Indeed we have Little John.” It was then Little John saw on top of his friend’s and boss’ famed yellow hat an arrow sticking right through it.
“I wouldn’t be too quick to boast my friend. Take a look at your hat. She’ll not be pleased to see that.” Robin picked his hat up and his eyes widened in surprise and he said as he took the arrow out and fiddled with the newly made hole in his hat.
“Hello. This one had my name on it didn’t it? They’re getting better you know.” He placed his hat back on top of his head. “You’ve got to admit it, they are getting better.”
“Yeah. And when that day comes the Sheriff will have a rope hanging around our necks.” Little John said gravely.  He then mimed out a hanging as he proceeded to make a brief choking sound.  “It’ll be hard to laugh hanging there Robin.”
“Ha! The Sheriff and his whole posse couldn’t lift you off the ground. En Garde!” he then flicked the arrow right at Little John which went through his own smaller green hat.
“Oi watch it you bastard that’s the only hat she made for me!” Little John exclaimed as he took his hat off the arrow.
“Oh come along my friend. If she can patch mine up a hundred times, she’ll patch yours up as well. At least she won’t kill you for it.” Robin said nonchalantly as he leaned up against the trunk of the tree.
“You know something Robin I’ve been thinking.”
“Thinking that’s a first.” Robin teased.  Little John glared at his friend before saying.
“I’m serious here. Are we good guys or bad guys? I mean our famed mantra of robbing the rich to feed the poor.”
“‘Rob?’” Robin tsked. “That’s a naughty word we never rob. We just—sorta borrow a bit from those you can afford it.”
“Borrow?” Little John chuckled. “Then we truly are in deep debt.” Before Robin could say another word, from the distance the sound of trumpets rang out.
He climbed a few feet higher up the tree till he reached the very top of it.  He could hear the whole ensemble of a band playing in the distance and he chuckled softly.
“Sounds like another collection day for the poor eh Johnny me boy?”
“Yeah. Sweet charity. So, what’s the plan this time my friend?” Robin slid down the trunk to meet back with Little John and together he laid out the plan.
Just a few miles along a dirt road, the royal ensemble was walking through the forest.  The royal band played an up-tempo beat, walking behind them was the royal guard all dressed in their armor and holding their spears.
Some of the guards even carried a very large treasure chest which held the taxes throughout all of England.  Then shortly behind the guards was the royal coach of pure gold, and inside it was the vile, selfish, arrogant, man-child that was Prince John, the younger half-brother of the great King Richard.
An Irish bastard’s son.  Who claimed right to the throne of England after his mother who was Queen. He was inside his coach happily running his hands through all the gold he had collected from the people as he boastfully cheered.
“Taxes! Taxes! Beautiful, lovely taxes!”
“Sire. You have an absolutely skill for encouraging contributions from the poor.” His talking albino python that he had named Sir Heston. He had Heston ever since he found him as a egg abandoned in the woods.  With the help of some magic from the faes, Prince John gave his pet human intelligence and the ability to speak.  And once he gained the throne, he allowed his snake to be his right hand man.
“The coin a phrase, my dear advisor. Rob the poor to feed the rich. Am I right?” The two of them laughed.  “Now tell me, what is the next stop Sir Heston?” Prince John asked as he held the crown of England in his hands.  Heston slithered over to the map and he hummed with interest.
“Why, the next stop is Nottingham sire.”
“Oh! The richest plum of them all. Nottingham.” Heston held a large mirror in his coils and held it up as Prince John placed the crown on top of his head and admired himself in the mirror.  The crown slid off down his face as Sir Heston spoke out.
“A perfect fit sire. Most becoming. You look regal, dignified, sincere, masterful, noble. Chival……”
“Now, now don’t. Don’t overdo it Heston.” Prince John scolded as he adjusted the crown to make it fit upon his head. “There. That does it. This crown gives me a feeling of power! Power!”
“And how well King Richard’s crown sits on your noble brow.”
“Yes indeed I—ah King Richard?!” Prince John first started off before snarling by the end.  Heston gulped and was soon choked by his master as he proclaimed again “I told you to never mention my bastard of a brother’s name!”
“A mere slip of the forked tongue your majesty.” Heston apologized. “But remember we were in this plot together. After all it was your idea that I hypnotize him…..”
“Yes. And send him off on that ridiculous crusade. Ah-ha! Ah-ha!” Prince John laughed along.
“Much to the sorrow of the Queen Mother.”
“Yes! Mother.” Prince John sobbed. “Mother always did like Richard best.” He muttered angrily before proceeding to suck his thumb.
“Your highness, please don’t do that. If you don’t mind me saying so, it’s undignified for a King to suck his thumb.” Heston said to him. He then slithered up to Prince John and his eyes began to shimmer and glow as he said in a low hiss, “Hypnotism can rid of your psychosis….so…..easily…..” Prince John began to slowly relax but he quickly snapped out of it.
“None of that! None of that!” he shouted at his snake advisor.
“Well I was only trying to help.” Heston said annoyed.
“Help. Help indeed. Now, now one more stunt like that Heston, and you will be walking to Nottingham.”
“Snakes don’t walk they slither. So there.” Heston muttered angrily as he slithered back onto his tree-like pole and lay there pouting.
Racing through the woods putting on their disguises was Little John in the lead.  He wore a long blood red gypsy dress that revealed his shoulders.  Once he got into the dress, he took out a few rings and placed them on his finger as well some anklets, earrings, and he quickly tied a purple sash around his waist to finish off the look.  
While behind him, Robin wore a long blue dress that was fit for an elderly woman and had a long black wig on.  He placed a couple of earrings on his ears and had a bandana tied to his head.
As the two of them stopped behind a tree, they saw the royal band coming in as well as the guards and the coach which held Prince John inside.
“Well this is a letdown. It’s only a circus. A peanut operation.”
“Peanuts? Why you dunce that’s the royal coach. It’s Prince John himself.” Robin snapped as his friend.
“Prince John. Alright you and her might be crazy enough to actually rob royalty but I am not having it. I’m gone!”
“What? And miss this chance to perform before royalty?” Robin said as he stepped in front of Little John. Quickly placing his hands over Little John’s fake breasts before backing off and doing a grand twirl of his blue dress.  Little John rolled his eyes as he sighed.
“Here he goes again.” They waited till the coach got closer before stepping out and waved their arms in the air trying to get the attention of the Prince.
“Oo-de-lally! Oo-de-lally! Fortune tellers!” Robin proclaimed masking his voice to sound like an elderly woman’s voice.
“Fortunes, forecasts, lucky charms!” Little John proclaimed making his voice go an octave higher to sound like a woman’s.
“Get the dose with your horoscope!” Robin called out again. Prince John pulled back the curtains hearing the proclamations of the two ‘women’.
“Fortune tellers, how exciting! Stop the coach.” He ordered the guards as the entire royal party stopped their marching.
“Sire, sire. They maybe bandits.” Sir Heston whispered to his master.
“Oh poppycock. Female bandits, what’s next? Rubbish.” Prince John scoffed.  He turned back to the two ladies who bowed before him and he said. “My dear ladies, you have my permission to kiss the royal hands. Whichever you like.” Both Robin and Little John stared wide-eyed once they saw the size of the jeweled rings that rested along the prince’s fingers.
“Hmm. Oh how gracious. And generous of you your majesty.” Robin said as he lowered his head to kiss the Prince’s left hand while sneaking off a ring from his tall finger.  Sir Heston who had seen the ring being taken whispered in Prince John’s ear.
“Sire! Did you see what…..”
“Stop! Stop hissing in my ear!” Prince John scolded as he rubbed his left ear.  Little John kissed right over the four rings on the prince’s right hand, secretly taking the jewels right off their encasement.  Heston began stammering in the Prince’s other ear which made the Prince proclaim and rub his other ear like he did his last one.
“Heston! You’ve hissed your last!” he took his python by the neck and slammed him into a basket before closing it and sitting on top of it. “Suspicious snake.” He hissed lowly.
“Masterfully done. Ehh your excellency. Now the fun can truly begin.” Robin tempted the Prince as he climbed into the coach with Prince John and closed the curtains.  He turned the lanterns down low and said to him, “Now close your eyes and concentrate.”
Prince John closed his eyes as Robin continued to tell him to close them tighter and not to peek.  He looked around the room until he found the pile of gold, he did a soft chuckle before chanting out.
“From the mists of time, I call forth ye spirits.” Outside the coach, Little John had a glass bowl tied to a string that was attached to a pole.
“Alright you little fireflies. Glow, glow.”
“We’re waiting!” Robin sung out.  That’s when Little John sent the bowl inside and he could hear Robin gasp. “Look sire! Look!”
When the prince opened his eyes, he saw three floating spirits within a crystal ball.  He was in pure awe as he said.
“Incredible. Floating spirits.” He went to touch the ball until he was slapped by Robin.  He chuckled a soft witchy cackle as he said.
“Naughty, naughty. You mustn’t touch young man.”
“Well how dare you strike the royal hand I—”
“Shh, shh, shh. You’ll break the spell just gaze into the crystal ball.” Robin took the ball with the fireflies and set it down on the table between him and the prince.  Robin then began chanting in an ancient Arabic tongue before letting out a gasp. “A face appears.”
The Prince immediately looks closer at the crystal ball intrigued.
“A crown sits on his noble brow.”
“A crown! Oo-de-lally how exciting!”
“His face is handsome, regal, majestic, loveable, a cuddly face.” From outside Little John heard all the comments Robin was laying on the Prince and could help but mime out a gag and roll his eyes.  Especially when the Prince began agreeing with everything that was said about him.
Robin then went for the treasure while the Prince was in his own head.  But as soon as he reached out his hand for the bag of gold, Heston who had found a weak spot on the basket poked his head out and actually struck out at Robin’s hand.
Biting his lip as he quickly retreated his hand to see it bleeding from the snake’s bite.  He let out a pained groaned which got the attention of the prince.
“Now what?” he asked impatiently.  Robin swallowed his pain and chuckled softly.
“I—I see your….illustrious name.”
“I know my name! Get on with it!” the Prince cried impatiently.
“Your name will go down, down, down in history of course!” Robin said as he struggled to take the bag of gold from Heston, who had it wrapped around his tail, but with a finally good tug, Robin managed to get the gold and send it towards Little John through the back curtains of the coach.
“Ahh! I knew it! I knew it! You hear that Heston!? Oh no you can’t he’s in the basket.” He then banged the side of the basket and said to his snake, “And-and-and don’t you forget it.”
Meanwhile outside, Little John slowly circled around the coach when he took notice of the solid gold hubcaps on the wheels of the coach.
“Hmm now that’s what I call pure gold hubcaps.” He looked around and stood in front of the back one and unscrewed it from the wheel and shoved it up the back of his dress.  He then moved over to the front on and did the same thing. “Oo-de-lally the jackpot.” He muttered softly as he eyed the royal treasure.
However it was completely surrounded and carried by guards.  Little John pondered for a bit but remembered a trick that he learned from a friend of his.
The one sure fire way to get a man’s attention away from their post.
He whistled out to the guards and when they turned and saw him, their mouths immediately dropped and their eyes widened.  He slowly and seductively untied the purple sash from his waist and began to do a seductive dance.
Shimming his shoulders and swaying his hips back and forth. Little John was light on his feet as he leaped and hopped about like a graceful deer.  He then skipped on over to the first guard who was just in awe.
Little John wrapped the purple sash around the guard’s neck pulling him in a little closer.  Close enough to kiss him.  But to tease him, he shoved the guard’s helmet over his face before retreating back and flaunted the guard, who was still hypnotized by Little John’s performance.
He twirled around before suddenly dropping down into a full split.  The guards now began to hoot and holler as they applauded, dropping the treasure. Little John then went up to another guard and took his spear out of his hands and jammed it into the ground.  
With the grace of a deer, Little John then began to spin and slid down the spear’s long pole before ending with a pose with his right leg high in the air and he winked at the guards who were now applauding and whistling.
“Ohh stop it. Stop it you boys are too much.” Little John spoke his woman voice.
“That was the best show we have ever seen.” Said one of the guards.
“Well gentleman. It was my pleasure to dance for you. But of course every bit of contribution helps. For you see I—oh I just can’t say it.”
“What is it?” asked another guard.
“No it’s—it’s too painful to speak about.” The guards feeling sympathetic for this beautiful woman all started speaking up and telling ‘her’ that they wanted to hear her story. “Well…..I wasn’t always like this. My husband was beating me, cheating me, then left me all alone with no money. That’s when I—I forced myself to flee even without a cent to my name. That’s when I found Ms. Olga, the elderly gypsy woman I came with. But even then we—we hardly get by with enough food for you see…..I found myself pregnant at the time I left.”
These men were falling for the story hook, line and sinker. It was then one of the guards took the treasure chest and slid it over to Little John.
“Please, take it all.” Little John gave the young guard a surprised look and he said.
“Oh no I couldn’t possibly take all this.”
“Please. My—my mum had to raise me on her own when my father left her. For you and your baby.”
“Ohh you sweet thing.” He stroked the side of the guard’s cheek and Little John dragged the royal chest away from the guards.
As he came around the corner of the carriage, he felt someone bump into him which knocked him over the chest.  He turned around and saw Robin wearing Prince John’s royal cape and surrounded by a bunch of gold pieces that had fallen out of a bag that lay on the ground.
“Nice robes your majesty.” Little John teased, his normal accent finally coming out.
“And what of you, you vulgar young hussy. I heard all the wolf whistles and cheering. I could hardly keep the Prince under my hypnosis to swipe his clothes and gold.”
“Never mind that. Just gather the gold and then help me with this.” Robin and Little John then worked together to put as much gold pieces back in the bag as possible.  Robin stuffed the bag into his dress then both he and Little John picked up the chess and quickly raced off.
Prince John who had woken up from his dazed state, saw the two gypsy women running away from the scene, the elderly woman wearing his robes. He looked down and saw that he was in his undergarments.
“ROBBED! I’VE BEEN ROBBED! HESTON! YOU’RE NEVER AROUND WHEN I NEED YOU!!” Heston slithered out of the basket and raised half his body length up and looked the prince up and down. “I’ve been robbed.” He choked out as he covered himself up.
“Of course you’ve been robbed!” Heston hissed.  Far in the forest, Robin was gleefully chanting as he and Little John made their escape with the royal treasure.
“AFTER THEM YOU FOOLS!” Prince John proclaimed.  The guards now realizing they had been tricked, immediately took off running.  The carriage soon began to chase after Robin and Little John, unfortunately due to the missing hubcaps, the wheels began to pop off which made Prince John hop out of his carriage and fall straight into the mud.
Leaving him stranded in the middle of the forest trail alone with Heston.  He sobbed as he pounding the ground whining like a child.
“I knew it. I knew this would happen. I tried to tell you but no, no you wouldn’t listen. You just have to—” when Heston realized that he had angered the Prince, he began stammering as he tried to warn the prince as he now held a very large mirror, “Seven years bad…..” he then had the mirror smashed onto his head. “Luck. That’s what that is. Besides, you just broke your mother’s mirror.”
“Ahhh! Mummy!” Prince John whined as he began to suck his thumb once again.  He took it out of his mouth as he said solemnly, “I’ve got a dirty thumb.”
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rossmccallsqueen · 4 years
HC for going to a museum with Rami
You’d always been a huge museum nerd, for as long as you could remember
So when you started dating Rami and he said he also liked museums, you knew that there would be a lot of museum dates
He said he had a surprise for you after he was done filming mr.robot one day
Rami somehow always had something up his sleeve and he always knew how to make you smile
Friday rolled around and you met rami at the set like you always did (Friday nights usually meant getting dinner and walking through the park on your way home)
But today was obviously a little different and you were super excited!!
“Hey babe, you ready for your surprise?”
“I was born ready Mr. Malek! How was filming today?”
“New day, a new villain for Elliott!” You knew he technically wasn’t allowed to tell you but you had hoped he would let something slip, but sadly to no avail
When he was done getting situated, he reached out for your hand and pulled you along to the subway
“You gotta close your eyes now”
“Rami no! We have to walk up stairs and stuff!”
“I’ll be your eyes, you don’t have to worry I promise!”
You gave him a look and he gave you one right back, but you knew he wasn’t gonna budge
So you closed your eyes and he led you off the train and up the stairs
You honestly had no idea what museum he was taking you to, so it made you a little nervous
Plus you were being led around NYC with your eyes closed
“Okay you can open them now!”
When you opened them you were at the museum of natural history!! Somehow you’d never been before
“Isn’t the museum closed right now?” It was after 5, you were confused
“I might have pulled a few strings...!”
“Rami you didn’t!!!” You hit him a little but then started racing up the stairs
A few employees were there if you had any questions but basically the whole museum was your oyster
And rami never let go of your hand it was adorable ���❤️
Eventually you found the teddy Roosevelt statue of him on a horse and you smiled because of night at the museum
Of course you made rami take a bunch of pictures with him so he could actually post something on Instagram
“You think he still talks? Maybe he remembers you”
“Babe I played a mummy”
“So? I’m sure Teddy would really remember a mummy!”
“Ha ha ha very funny” he stuck his tongue out at you as he grabbed your hand again
He let you take as long as you wanted looking at all the exhibits
Especially your favorite one, you were probably in there for almost an hour
When you finally got done with the museum you saw that there was a table for 2 set up in the lobby with dinner and a candle 😭❤️😭❤️
“Rami!! You did all this too?”
“Like I said, I may have pulled some strings..!” He winked at you before guiding you down the stairs
He had your favorite meal and your favorite wine and it was honestly so perfect
And in a museum?? Like your favorite place??
Can you say dream man and dream date or WHAT
“There’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you for awhile”
And that’s when he pulled out the tiny little box from his pocket
That little tiny box. 😭❤️
The one you’d seen in all the movies and dreamed about since you were little
“I wanted to ask you in one of our favorite places. I can’t imagine living the rest of my life without you in it. You’re my rock, my love, my light, and my partner in all that I do. Would you do me the honor of marrying me?”
“Rami...” was all you could manage to get it out. The look in his eyes set it all and you nodded your head yes as fast as you could
“Well?? Put it on then!” You smiled at his reference and put on the ring
You might even say you had a new favorite museum 😭❤️
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Permanent taglist: @bvnhardys @aussienerdgirl @im-justatrashcan @one-thousandlies @deja-entendus @goodoldfashionrogerboy @sohoneyspreadyourwings @rogerina-deacon @punkgeekchic @super-hereos-are-my-life @benfckinghardy @lv7867 @the-baby-bookworm @rogertqueen @danny-fucking-mercury @bensrhapsody @brownhardyho @wittywallflowersworld @joemhazzello @deacytits @rogertaylors-lipgloss @xtrashmammalstefx @happy-at-home @queenbbarnes @ezmina98 @joemazzelloswigs @littlemisscaptainfandom @scarecrowmax @theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever @littledarlingwellaway @thatsjustginarose @instantezra @toomuchtellyneck @leatherjacketmazzello @spacedustmazzello @darlingmalek @pleasedontlookatmeaight @historically-inclined @butlegendsneverdie @jennyggggrrr @cherryhrry @queen-paladin @forever-rogue @isitstraightvodka @brianandthemays @seven-seas-of-hi @puffnstuff08 @anotherhystericalqueen
❤️ If you wanna be added to any of my taglists, please let me know! ❤️
Masterlist Masterpost
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
Sam you’re such a loser xD
Give Laura a knife she’ll get that fly
Wow that was top notch Rami Malek there Sam
New aaaaart!
Hmm mixed feelings? I think I like the originals better still (tho Cad looks nice and sparkly)
Jester explaining all the reasons why Fjord totally deserves the sword <3
Lol Nott’s like "give us our stuff back now"
Beau having some muscle envy xD
Hot boiiiii
Beau is the best annoying friend I love her so much
The source being himself instead or U’kotoa <3 <3
That’s so FREAKING COOL I love the visual of that
Uh oh... Dairon?? Are you hooome?
Dodudodoo donuts!
Uh ohhhh
Use that neat new Paladin stuff!
"We’re very sorry to have provided you excellent cover"
Dairon is being kinda rude. Like they’re not even home it’s not like she actually has to clean that much.
Hot boiiiiiii! :D
Sometimes I still worry that he’s gonna betray them and it’ll hurt me
Cad and Jester offering to go with Caleb to talk to her
Caleb babe why confirm who you are babe why
Is he wanting to figure out whether other people are worth saving?
"I had my heart beaten out of me a long time ago. Now it’s about guiding history. Always has been." Yikes.
"Good men don’t conquer. They die, and are forgotten. I’ll die, and be forgotten. But at least I know that some of my deeds will help change the course of history."
"I’m sure he’ll fine you. He’ll be happy to finish what he couldn’t." That’s a big nope from me.
C: "Did you know Astrid, and Edowulf? Are they still alive?"
Prisoner: "I know them better than you do."
C:" That’s probably true."
C: "Maybe if I could talk with you and see one einch of change I wouldn’t have to believe we’re all damned."
C: "You’ve made what I had to do very plain."
Don’t. Like.
fucking fuck she stabbed him
OUCH 26?! Holy fuck
Please somebody stop her kill her
Good thing the clerics came
Oh shit of fuck
Nat20 relation that gets him 2pts lol
Fuck her uuuuup
Essek that’s kinda badass
Listen I’m not saying Essek fucked her up specifically because she fucked Caleb up buuuuuut
Also I’m gonna need art of worried Cad and Jester saving Caleb and dragging him out STAT
Let’s not talk to the dead guys I don’t think Caleb needs anymore trauma
Or we’re gonna okay that’s fine
We’re not gonna tbh that’s something I prefer
He’s trying to help you guys don’t push him and don’t cross the line
I love Essek a lot
Liam/Caleb I need you to stop being guilty/tragic/soft
Essek "I am always patronizing" Theylass
"Drawing the potential from discarded timelines" oh fuck what
Essek: sees Caleb gets stabbed, turns the person who stabbed him into a human pretzel, agrees to show him more dunemancy. Amazing.
Wow that was a long break
Ooooo anti-gravity object floating spell
Okay you can’t do it to people BUT can you do it to armor that people are wearing
Okay so... immovable objects spell. Very cool.
"Maybe" ohhhh Essek’s giving him stuff he shouldn’t?
I can’t decide how I feel about that
"Friends" ffffff see I do like that but I still worry. Like what are his motives?
Oh unused potential from dead timelines that sounds BADASS
????? The fuck??
"Echoes. Potential selves left to fade in unrealized timelines" oh lord
That sounds... dangerous
But also damn Matt this dunemancy stuff is very cool I can’t believe he came up with this stuff on his own
Gasp the echoes can cast a single spell before they disappear that could be so handy!
"An even weaker Wizard than I am" lol Caleb
"I see great peril and lots of time changing and this little part here looks like a mouse..." xD
Essek is such a bitch and I love him so much
Aww Caleb making sure Jester knows she’s strong and skilled too
And now she’s offering him someone to talk to about what happened IM CRY
God guys I love their friendship
She bought him paper that he couldn’t afford and then extra gold dust for pranks xD
Matt is scared already lolllll
Nott teasing Fjord about being "religious" is gonna be great fun I can tell
Did we know he was 16/17 when all this went down because I don’t think I realized and I’m crushed
"Hi dad" Jester honey
Oh Jester sweetheart
Cad’s talking to the wildmom and in the background Fjord zaps a fly
Somebody make art of that where Cad’s meditating and Fjord’s swatting flies with his new sword
I like Beau and Dairon’s relationship
I... don’t want them going anywhere near Trent or any of those people
Oh lord y’all gonna ask Essek again?
Essek’s like "please stop asking me to transport you everywhere"
‘Sup Traveler
"Your friends are coming, yes?" Hmmm
If he ends up being a jerk who hurts Jester I will crawl through my screen and rip off his head
Y’all need to call ahead and tell Yussah you’re coming
Caleb collects porciline cats??
She gonna give Dairon the medallion
This can’t possibly go wrong
Dairon! Cares! So! Much!
They are making Matt pull out every male NPC he has tonight lol
Oh no
Oh Yasha oh no
Is she killing Colbalt Soul people??
Baby girl :’(
"Vince fails to pull his weight. The angel will see my deeds superior."
Oh godddd I hate this
"The heart buried within the lotus den, and the heart entrusted to the elves within the Velthiel?"
Fuck no don’t like
"Pierced by the tears that run down" YASHAAAAAA
Oh no they were in Zedash
They’re all a bit lost, too many ways to go. Can’t wait to see what they decide to do once we come back.
Love you too guys! Have a safe trip Matt!!
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goodgriefwhatanerd · 4 years
Raising Kain
Chapter 1, in which the main players are introduced, prophecies are discussed, and Kain is abrasive to yet another denizen of Nosgoth.
Snow stung Kain's skin as he trudged up the side of the mountain on a track a goat would have thought twice about. The wind rose and he took shelter in a narrow opening in the rock, barely tall enough to admit him even when he bowed his head.
It was all very well for Ariel to say that the Oracle would give him aid, bound to the Pillars as she was. These cave riddled mountains were a maze. He could spend weeks here and not find what he was searching for.
A few metres in and he saw a light reflected off the wall ahead of him. Perhaps this, at last, was the retreat of the Oracle. He stumbled on as the passageway curved to the right and widened.
If not for the bare stone walls, he would have thought he was back in the town below. Bookcases lined the walls and filled much of the space in between. In the centre was a bed large enough to sleep twelve, its curtains half closed, concealing the shadowy figure upon the covers, visible only by a glint of golden eyes. The whole scene was lit by the steady blue glow of will-o'-the-wisps. They milled around in the air like ghostly kittens, wholly unconcerned by his presence.
He looked back to the bed. The creature inhabiting it had gone.
"You're a little young to be out here on your own. Where is your maker, boy?"
Kain snarled. "I am no boy. And I wish to see the man who addresses me."
"Very well."
A man stepped from empty air, but no man had skin the colour of slate or eyes of amber.  Kain brought his sword around in an arc, determined to end the creature.
His blade was caught in a clawed hand. "A commendable effort. Now, your sire? Where are they?"
"What manner of creature are you?"
"The same as you. Now don't make me ask for a third time, lad." The man had an accent Kain couldn't place. More important, however, was the note of annoyance in his voice. Kain wasn't at all sure he would like to see his host angry.
"I have no sire. And my name is Kain. Use it."
The vampire let go of his sword. "Rowan. When I was your age, it would have been a joy to be called boy. Ah, how the world changes... But still I have no time to raise a fledgling. Look to Vorador for that. He's always taking in wayward souls, if they treat him with due respect."
"I have no need of a keeper. What I need is a way to defeat the Paladin Malek. I demand that you take me to the Oracle!"
"Oh, it's demands now, is it? Well, if it will get rid of you... Take the track to the left when you leave, and follow the rightmost branch. Enter the second cave and follow your feet. But I warn you, Malek has slain hundreds older and stronger than you. Why don't you stay here a while and-" but they were talking to his back.
"Funny lad," Rowan said to themself. They turned back to the fire and watched his progress in the flames.
* Kain left Vorador's dining room without a word of thanks for the ring or the blood given to him. Vorador watched through the window as he crossed the garden and vanished into the night.
"Your thoughts on him?"
Vorador turned. Where before there had been merely shadows, his eldest living childe lounged against the wall, a chalice of blood in their hand.
"Arrogant. Foolish. Powerful."
"And I still think the prophecy was made by fools."
"You didn't think to tell him?"
"That he might be the saviour of a long dead race? No. The boy has enough struggles. The Pillars are corrupted to their core. Let the cattle keep them."
Rowan decided to let it lie. There were only so many times they could have the same argument. "Speaking of cattle, do you need any? I rescued a few tomes before the Nemesis reached Stahlberg, and took in the helpful humans who carried them."
"A living larder only, I take it?"
"If you would. Who would I be if I snatched them from the fox's maw only to deliver them to a wolf?"
"It's a foolish rabbit who trusts the word of a hawk."
"And a dutiful son who trusts their sire. What are we going to do with him?"
Vorador shrugged. "Wait."
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oldsarafanrelic · 5 years
Paladin Decree
Malek stands in front of the assembly of inquisitors, crusaders, and priest. The Lord-Paladin stared down at every face he demanded in the courtyard. He was so low-brow he refused to hear his legendary helmet for this. His dark eyes full of emotion and the recently shaven face fierce, armoured from neck to toe. 
"There has been an imposter of me...I want him - or her - found. I want them before me. I want closure. Even if it means leaving Sister Rosanna's cookies out as bait." 
Dumah gasped.
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river-mist · 6 years
Updated list of Characters
Yes, it’s that time again. I’m slowly returning to a state of normalcy, and I’ll be writing again shortly. I’ve trimmed things down a bit, but if anyone is really interested in an inactive character, feel free to talk to me!
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The following characters have tags and answer asks on this blog. Follows will also come from this blog.
Badeau Twice-Dead (FC: Reeve Carney) (upper left) Sin’dorei Undead. Thief, bartender, cutthroat for hire.  Open to cross faction.
Arzusu “Arzu” Serrazan (FC: Eric Balfour) (upper right) Sin’dorei-appearing.  Traveling masseur, archaeological consultant, collector of curiosities.  Open to cross faction. 
Aritriel Ianthine, a.k.a. Arit (FC: Morgan Kelly) (upper middle) Sin’dorei.  Longtime buccaneer turned devoted monk and healer. Quite a story. Open to cross faction. 
Doctor Kai’goran (Goran) Irae (FC: Sam Worthington) (lower left) (Ebon Blade) Sin’dorei Undead.  Surgeon and scientist, reanimation and repair specialist.  Open to cross faction. 
Brenedir “Bree” Strandmoon (FC: Byung-Hun Lee) (middle left) Ren’dorei.  Tracker, scout, sniper, duelist, wandering mercenary. Open to cross faction.
The following characters have their own side blogs. Answers to asks and follows will still come from this blog.
Chali Ninael (FC: Rami Malek) (bottom middle) @beneathstoneandearth Sin’dorei. Attendant to the dead. Child of shadow.  Open to cross faction.
Calemir “Amir” Ninael (FC: Ben McKenzie) (bottom right) @therestlesssword Sin’dorei.  Wandering paladin. Saint of martyrs.  Open to cross faction.
Firiori “Firi” Ninael, The Sever Heart (FC: Alexander Vlahos) (middle right) @sever-heart Sin’dorei/Ren’dorei.  Aphotic adept, felsinger, instrument of the void.  Open to cross faction.
Inactive Characters
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Aurelio Kirizar (FC: Shazad Latif) (bottom middle) Human ghost.  Formerly bound after death to the river near Karazhan. Friend and mentor to Firiori. Open to cross-faction. RP upon request. 
Tristan Ithildin, The Stygian Dove (FC: Robin Lord Taylor) (bottom left) (Currently) Human. Master of Phylacteries and taboo magic. Cheater of death. Open to cross faction. RP upon request. 
Lyran Sagesong (FC: Hunter Page-Lochard) (top middle) Kal’dorei. Wandering magus, architect and jewelsmith. Open to cross faction. RP upon request.
Cyrus MacLachlan, The Black Powder Bastard (FC: Tygh Runyan) (bottom right) Afflicted Gilnean. Explosives specialist and engineer. Convicted arsonist. Highwayman. Troublemaker. Open to cross faction. RP upon request. 
Coru, The Hidden (FC: Yuji Takatori) (top left) Sin’dorei foundling. Adopted son of the forest shaman Telza’jin. Open to cross faction. RP upon request. 
Zirafin Y’thir-Erelar, Lady of Osmanthus Gate (FC: Lucy Lawless) (top right) (Illidari) Sin’dorei. Demon hunter, mercenary and biological mother of Badeau. Open to cross faction. RP upon request. 
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selowyn · 3 years
A Very Argent Thanksgiving?
She had just wanted a happy, morale-boosting Thanksgiving dinner for her comrades…
Long after leaving Beloran’s side by the Altar of Ancient Kings, the Confessor lingered in the rear of the Hall of Champions, standing quietly amongst the hundreds of candles which flickered in quiet testament to the life and memory of General Lena Stormpike. Many things troubled her, and the comingling of shadows and light comforted her as few things could. This was one of the few places where she could find solace anymore. This Hall; and Netherlight Temple, now. Perhaps the Sunwell. That little garden in Hearthglen, where the hardy wildflowers somehow grew so well…
Peering around, she marked them: Maraad, Uther, Turalyon, et al. Selowyn venerated all of the heroes memorialized in the Hall; perhaps Tirion most of all, of course. But she couldn’t help feeling uniquely connected to General Stormpike and Lady Fordragon. Other ladies on the path in positions of leadership in dark times. 
What difficulties did they face? Not only on the field of battle, but in the day to day, leading the hearts and minds of their followers? Did they struggle to walk the line between friend, confidant, and officer? Did they, too, bear the weight of the injury and doom they brought their cadre in the service of the Light? 
...Would a man have been asked by his subordinate, in mixed company, if he was indeed fucking a corpse?
At that, despite her annoyance, she had to smirk. It intrigued her that Concordia would assume she and Laselk were ‘mates’ (as it had Beloran, in their conversation afterward). The Debaser’s mysterious parting comment (which apparently Lady Morningcrown had overheard) admittedly probably sounded a bit strange, even intimate. But it was a ridiculous thought from a logistical point and even more so if you had any of the history. The death knight had gravely injured members of their coalition before, including Beloran--as the Silver Seraph and Lady Morningcrown now knew. He gathered souls as a hobby. He...had even kicked her in the back of the head, punting her off that balcony in Ratchet! If they only knew!
And yet...both Malek and Vadinnar believed Laselk possessed the key to ending this. He thought like them. He had been one of them. He practically was one of them, still. Lingering within his cursed sphere too long, taking the hailstones of his barbs, was repugnant. Even still...Selowyn had compassion for him, despite what he was and all that she knew he had done. He was of the Ebon Blade, and ever since her own brush with death, she would forever owe them her life. He had been a champion of the Light and he had died--not once, but twice. Made to serve the Lich King. Imbued with knowledge of death beyond the ken of even a necromancer. What inexorable twisting that does to the soul of a man, and a paladin at that, she could not imagine.
And so she had tolerated his presence at her Pilgrim’s Bounty table, even trying to make him comfortable, as futile an effort as it was. He manifested with his typical rancor, bullying everyone from a state of relative relaxed camaraderie to a tense standoff. Concordia’s rage at Beloran’s compromised state, and reactions to Laselk’s presence, clearly discolored her already thin veil of decorum. Her dagger-glares, improper demands for explanation and pithy comments were not lost on the Captain; but it was when she dared turn to their native tongue and creatively imply she and the Debaser were lovers that her heart turned to ice. It was too much. Too much! There was too much at stake to start playing a snide Thalassian political chess match now. 
And yet...Concordia was injured; had been tainted by her capture, perhaps. Maybe she really did need some time off, as good a healer as she was (as Thornok pointed out, thank you Grunt Obvious). And so she’d ‘invited’ her to go home. It was difficult, but necessary. 
Dinner was over at that point. It was time to follow Beloran into Light’s Hope Chapel and down into the Sanctum, where they could speak of his request in private. She’d thrown her flower crown onto the table and departed, but not before reprimanding Lady Morningcrown before all assembled. Selowyn was a Captain, and insubordination would not be tolerated. As much as she so desperately wanted to be everyone’s friend.
Perhaps Laselk was, as always, right. 
“Cut the dying weight, your string is fragile and they will break it the second the frays begin to show.
“You lot still suffer from petty personal drives and politics. How much longer until it bears down upon you?”
“They are going to tear themselves apart, and Damnedfate will laugh.”
Oh… She didn’t want this. Didn’t want it at all!
Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
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avalcnrp · 3 years
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MEDRAULT EVUNIAL (Mena Massoud) is looking for their SIBLING. Please contact Shane here if you’re interested in this connection. 
Character Name:
Ser Gawain, but name is UTP. Evunial is a chosen name by Medrault, his surname at birth was Mac Lot so your character would have been given the same. 
Character Age:
Suggested Face Claims:
Rami Malek, Ahmed Malek, Fady Elsayed, Ramy Youssef, Xavier Dolan, 
Relationship to Character:
Gawain and Mordred are brothers in Arthurian lore but you’re welcome to create a female muse or use whatever gender expression you think fits your muse. Mordred is meant to be an ‘evil’ archetype whose true father is King Arthur, and Gawain is supposed to be the antithesis of this. Gawain is also a secret bastard child of Arthur but is meant to be all the ‘good’ aspects that Mordred is not. Growing up they would have trained and fought together, but their relationships with their mother would have been very different. They were often pitted against one another along with their other siblings and would have been childhood rivals, how their relationship has developed since then is up to you. Medrault is set to inherit the throne of Essetir but has designs to take Camelot along with Excalibur, whether Gawain supports this, opposes this, or has plans of their own is up to you.  
Additional Details:
Character could either take after their mother and be a druid, or take after their father and be a human. An argument for any human class ( paladin, bard, berserker, or ranger ) could easily be made. 
This character would also be a sibling connection to the Agravain skeleton. They would likely have become aware that Agravain is a changeling just as Mordred did but how they feel about that information is up to you. 
Submit filled out form HERE.
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