#male attracted subs need love too
rauzagel · 9 months
I want to rant a bit about how the sexual aspect of Act 3 Raphael is handled, so be warned, you know what this is about. Just me whining for a bit.
First of all, it was very clear to me that the game would give us some sexy Raph scenes the moment they let us engage with Mizora because it had been pretty equal up until that point. If the game lets you do the lady devil, they'll undoubtedly let us have some fun with the handsome male one, right? They even gave us some Squid boy action after all. So the moment I got that Mizora scene my main motivation in the game shifted to finish Raphaels quest line as soon as possible to get to that point.
Then we get to the House of Hope and it's just... some random shapeshifting fiend and he's just grinding on my gals stomach, riding air. So from an anatomical standpoint the animation itself only works for male player models to begin with and uh... it was just really awkward, not enjoyable at all and the actual Raphael is just reduced to a joke and then that's it.
To me, a Raphael simp, this was the equivalent of dating Astarion/Shadowheart for three Acts and just when you're about to finalize the romance with some sexy scenes, Dribbles the (shapeshifter) Clown swoops in and takes that romantic interests place instead.
What's the purpose of replacing the actual Raphael with a guy whos sole alure lies within the fact that he copies the voice and looks of Raphael? It's literally him but without any of the charme. It would've been fine if that's all it was, but why ruin the characters sexual appeal on top of it? There were so many other things in the house of hope that could've been used to make fun of him, why not at least leave us the fantasy? I don't accept the "Oh, he's a villain and all villains are secretly pathetic" angle because as others have already mentioned, that is not how Mizora is handled, who is Raphaels female equivalent for those who're attracted to women. I'm not the only one who feels this way considering how many fans interpret the available information so that we can still get something out of it. Which I mean works just fine, but in the end it's all speculation. It's also the only way he'll still keep his appeal for many, myself included.
With the way he conducted himself, controlling and dominant, I don't find it unreasonable to expect any romantic scenes involving him to play out a certain way, it's very much the implication of writing him this way and it's exactly those qualities that people would be drawn to for the first 2 and a half acts in the first place. Raphael had such an intimate and prominent role by directly interacting with the player throughout the game, especially if you sign the contract and was, with his flirting, pretty much perfectly set up for some romance content. Even the locations we meet him at, such as the brothel are teasing the player and pointing towards it. The writers are aware that it was anticipated by many too, you can literally tell Haarlep sleeping with Raphael is what you wanted all along, but then that line is just treated as a joke once again. Raph is the only alternative to the emperor, in the end it's literally him or squid and even the squid gets a scene for those who are into him. Raphaels appeal isn't just the visual, but his charme and personality, the entire package, so to say. A shapeshifter that copies his visuals is just that, a hollow copy with none of those qualities, none of the charme and in the end none of the appeal. I'm still pretty disappointed by it. As it stands I would have preferred no intimate scenes involving him or his clones and keep the fantasy over what we got.
Needed to scream this into the void.
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lustspren · 3 months
Champagne Showers ft Jihyo, Sana
length: 20.8k words ✦
Jihyo, Sana & Male Reader.
Special Guest: Lee Gahyeon (Dreamcatcher) 
Queen of Hearts Sequel.
genres: dom! Jihyo, sub! Sana, threesome, double blowjob, bi, oral sex, dirty talk, voyeur, creampie, public sex (Gahyeon), bathroom sex (Gahyeon), sextape (Gahyeon), facial (Gahyeon) ✧ 
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"Just promise me you'll be okay and send me lots of photos," you told Dubu.
You and her were holding hands in front of each other, next to the line of people who would check in to take their respective flights. It was summer, a direct synonym for vacations. You had no plans of any kind, but Dubu was joining her family in Hawaii, leaving you alone in your apartment with a few free weeks ahead of you. Or so you thought.
"Honey, I'll be fine," she squeezed your hands, "And of course I'll send you pictures, or do you just think you'll never see this pretty face again?"
With a little smile she moved forward and gave you a small kiss.
"If I stopped I'd probably die," you said, kissing her back, "God, I'm going to miss you so much."
"And so do I, but hey, cheer up! You won't be alone all this time."
At that moment the line moved forward. Dubu released your hands.
"Huh? What do you mean by that?"
"Bye honey! I love you!" She blew you a little kiss as she left.
"I-I love you too! But what the hell do you mean?!"
She didn't respond to you anymore as she started talking to the airport staff. You stood there for a few seconds, making sure everything was okay until she finally passed the checkup. She turned once again, smiled at you in the distance and disappeared down a hallway to the right. So you turned around, asked for the taxi back home and left the airport.
The big answer to your big question came to you when you opened the door to your apartment and walked into the living room. Sitting very comfortably on your couch was Park Jihyo, who looked up when you showed up. Behind the sofa you noticed the handles of a suitcase. She smiled and leaned forward, one elbow resting on her knee and her chin resting on her fist.
"Ready for a hot and exciting vacation with me?" she asked with a mischievous tone.
"I'm only going to ask this once..." you sighed, "whose idea was it?"
"Sure, I imagined it," you nodded.
"I can go if you want, honey," she made a move to stand up.
"No! I never said I wanted you to leave. I just, you know, don't like not finding out about things before they happen."
She pouted.
"It was something that came out as an afterthought, sorry baby."
"It's fine, it's fine," you did a gesture with your hand.
You went to sit next to her and looked at her. As always, you were struck by how incredibly effortlessly attractive she was, with her short messy hair tied in a bun. The sleeveless crop top that she was wearing not only highlighted her tits in a hypnotizing way, but also showed off her toned shoulders and arms, a product of the gym sessions she had been doing for months.
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"Can I make you forgive me somehow?"
She hugged your waist and rested her chin on your shoulder.
"No need, I've already forgiven you."
Jihyo smiled, she surely expected such a response. She had known you for several months, after all.
"No but, I want to make it up to you somehow baby..."
She buried her face in your neck and began to fill it with kisses that made you weak in an instant.
"You said this vacation would be hot... how hot?" you gasped.
"Why don't we find out?"
Jihyo settled down on the couch, her face hovering over your bulge. She pulled down your sweatpants and boxers and gave you a perfect blowjob to welcome the summer. You came in her mouth, so there was nothing to clean up. She had her pants and panties pulled down only to the beginning of her thighs, you had done it so you could grope her ass while she sucked you off.
"It'll get better later," she said, wiping her chin with the back of her hand, "This is just the first level."
"Right," you nodded, still agitated, "Well, uhm… why don't we go and I'll help you get settled in your room?"
"My room?" She pulled up her panties and pants and stood up straight, you did the same, "Why can't I just sleep with you?"
"Well..." you avoided her gaze.
"I don't think you want to feel so alone at night... do you?"
She snuggled against your chest with both hands and scribbled with one of her fingers.
"Well… no."
"So, what do you say?" She kissed your chin, "I'm the best nighttime company you can have, cutie."
You didn't have to think about it for too long.
"My god, it's okay. You can sleep with me," you nodded.
"Perfect! I promise you won't regret it."
She smiled from ear to ear and stood on tiptoe to give you a small kiss on the forehead. She then went to grab her suitcase and let you guide her to the bedroom.
That same night you were getting ready to sleep. You already had your pajamas on—short shorts and a simple t-shirt—and you were lying on your bed, watching a YouTube video on your phone. Jihyo had gone into the bathroom half an hour ago to take a bath before going to sleep, and when she came out she did so with only a pair of dark blue panties on. Otherwise, she was completely naked. She spent a couple of minutes drying her ears inside with the towel and putting body lotion all over her body; she then went to lie down next to you. The red fruit smell of her skin reached you immediately.
"You just pretend I'm not here," she said.
Contrary to what she might have been trying to do, all she did was attract more of your attention when she turned on her side facing you and squeezing her naked tits together. You were too sleepy to try anything, so you just covered the both of you with the blanket up to your waist and focused on finishing your video until you decided to sleep.
"Hard to pretend you're not here when you're naked in the same bed as me. Rest well."
You heard a small giggle from her, you smiled too, turned around with your back to her and fell asleep after a few minutes.
In the morning you woke up feeling hotter than normal, which made no sense since you always turned on the air conditioning to sleep in summer. You tried to stir in bed, finding that you were restricted from being able to do so. Opening your eyes and looking over your shoulder you found that Jihyo was wrapped around you in her firm arms, her tits pressed tightly against your back. Your movement caused her to open her eyes, but you noticed that she wasn't just awake.
"Good morning, sweet sleeper," she told you in a husky, provocative voice.
She lifted your shirt and put a hand in to caress your abdomen while she placed kisses on the back of your neck. Then she used that same hand to put it in your shorts, under your boxers and grab your cock to massage it.
"Good morning indeed..." you gasped.
You turned your upper body towards her a little so you could kiss her. When your cock was completely hard, she pulled down both your clothes and started giving you a handjob.
"This is what every morning is like with me... I hope you don't get bored of it," she whispered against your lips, which sent shivers down your spine.
"Fuck… how could I?"
Jihyo rubbed your cock slowly at first, and as the seconds passed she increased her speed after spitting into her own hand. You got tired of it very quickly, you wanted more, so you gave in to your weakness and asked her to ride you. Jihyo seemed pleased with your request, you could see it in the triumphant expression she wore. She did so, taking off her panties to straddle you and ride you like the best of cowgirls. After a few long minutes you both came—you did it inside her—, and you got up to go make breakfast together.
From that morning on, you and Jihyo spent the entire week living together in a normal way as two good friends could. You enjoyed your vacation in many different ways, the most frequent was going to the pool of the residential complex, drinking cold drinks and swimming; you also watched a lot of movies in the comfort of your home, and went out to dinner a couple of times. You saw her as an older sister figure—taking into account the obvious differences, of course. In a way, your relationship with her reminded you of the relationship you and Dubu had before you were a couple, except that you didn't feel romantic attraction for Jihyo, and you were sure that she didn't feel it for you either. She just took extremely good care of you, and why not say it, she also fucked you spectacularly well.
When the vacations began to feel lacking a spark that would make them memorable, Jihyo opportunely arrived with news that took you by surprise. It was Saturday, you and she had gone out to the supermarket to do a little refilling of the cupboard. When you arrived you went to rest on the couch and Jihyo just went to the bedroom. After about ten minutes she returned and sat down next to you with a jump that gave you a start.
"Guess what!" she said. The excitement in her voice made it sound too loud.
"Don't scream, please," you sighed, "What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she lowered her voice, "You don't know her, but I have a friend."
"You have many friends, it's normal that I don't know most of them."
"I know I know, but there is something important with this friend. Minatozaki Sana, do you know her?"
"I have no idea about her. Maybe if I see her in person I can tell you if I've seen her on campus or not, but her name doesn't ring a bell."
"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter," she waved her hand impatiently, "she invited us to a party, a summer party."
She hesitated for a moment.
"Well, she only invited me at first. But then I told her about you and she said it was perfect, that you could come too."
"Aight, I guess it'll be okay. Where is it?"
Jihyo's expression changed. She avoided your gaze and gave an awkward smile.
"Uh… Busan."
You raised both eyebrows in amazement.
"What? Nah, there's no way," you immediately refused.
"But why!"
"Because it's a city I've barely been to, in the place of a person I don't know!"
"So what? You'll be with me! Besides, she's a trustworthy person!"
"Oh my god Jihyo," you put your hands up to your face and groaned in frustration, "Do you know how much worse my social anxiety would get?"
"Honey, you won't feel that way," she grabbed your thigh with both hands and squeezed it, "I'm all the extroversion and protection you need, how could anything go wrong?"
"Just promise me that you won't leave me at any time, will you?"
She rubbed your thigh a few times and then gave you a pat.
"Balto, don't be silly. How can I leave you alone around people you don't know?"
"I don't know, drunk, maybe?"
That got a laugh out of her.
"No matter how drunk I am, I'm not going to let you go, boy."
You removed your hands from your face and smiled. You hated yourself for giving in so easily to her attempts to comfort you and convince you, but you couldn't blame yourself either, she gave you nothing but security.
"Okay, we'll go to fucking Busan, Park Jihyo."
She closed both fists in the air and shook them. She reminded you of a baseball fan watching her team's home run.
Again the awkward smile.
"Tomorrow morning we will take the flight to Busan."
"You've got to be kidding me," you groaned again in stress and sank into your seat.
"She told me today!"
"Well, very inconsiderate of her then," you looked at her with annoyance, "We have to pack our things, I assume?"
"Yup, for two days or so," she stood up, "Come on."
"Right now?" you really felt too tired still.
"We have to get up very early, so yeah, don't be a weakling and get up."
You had no choice but to reluctantly get up and follow her to the bedroom to pack your things, wondering what the hell Park Jihyo was getting you into.
The next morning your waking time was 5 AM. You enjoyed getting up fairly early, but that was simply outside your comfort zone. You and her felt like a pair of zombies as you stood in line for the checkup, which moved relatively quickly. In a matter of minutes you were inside the plane, and as soon as it took off, you fell asleep for the entire hour of the flight.
Jihyo woke you up when you were already landing in Busan. You looked at the time on her phone: 8:13AM. The sun was shining outside, without a single cloud to prevent you from seeing the blue sky. It took some effort on your eyes to get used to the sudden change in light though.
"Where will we go when we get down?" you asked, then yawned and looked at your phone.
"Sana is going to meet us. In fact, she should be waiting outside right now."
Jihyo looked at herself in the portable mirror and lightly touched up her makeup, as well as her hairstyle and small areas of her outfit, which was nothing special but which she still wanted to keep in order.
"Well, there must have been some consideration," you said with a wry tone.
When you landed and picked up your luggage, you went through the respective checkout and went to the main entrance-exit of the airport, where the crowd of people hurried back and forth with suitcases in hand. Jihyo took out her phone and connected to the airport's Wi-Fi, attentive to any notification she might receive, you deduced that she was waiting for some notice from Sana. And indeed, the message arrived shortly after.
"Oh, come on. She's outside," Jihyo said.
You left the airport in search of the aforementioned. In front of you the row of parked cars extended in both directions, reaching the curves that faced the highway. The one you and Jihyo thought was Sana was off to the left, leaning against the trunk of what looked like a Toyota sedan. As you approached, Jihyo's change of expression was the confirmation you needed.
She went ahead of you, and with suitcase in hand, she ran with small steps towards Sana, who heard the wheels rolling on the sidewalk and looked up from her phone. Sana smiled as Jihyo approached her, and damn, she was gorgeous. You immediately noticed that her taste in fashion, as well as the aura she gave off, was impeccable and refined. She was dressed in a nice velvety khaki jacket, and high-waisted black pants that perfectly accentuated the curves of her hips. One side of her platinum hair fell over her right shoulder, and the rest of it fell behind her left one. She had a round face with tender features; a pair of cheeks that only invited you to bite them, and pretty lips that invited you to... You blinked repeatedly, you were rambling in your thoughts.
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"Minatozakiiiii!!" Jihyo squealed, setting the suitcase aside and opening her arms towards Sana.
"Unnieeeee!!" Sana screamed too, although in a more discreet tone.
They both merged into a tight hug. With her chin resting on top of Jihyo's shoulder, Sana looked you up and down with a little smile. Breaking away from the hug she looked back at your friend.
"Was it a good trip? I really appreciate you guys coming so early," she asked Jihyo, taking her from her arms.
Her tone of voice was so beautiful and delicate that it sweetened your ears. She sounded like a Disney princess, and she could perfectly be one if she put her mind to it.
"Well, we slept for the entire hour, so there's not much to say, honestly," Jihyo laughed.
"Oh, I understand you two must be very tired then..." Sana made a sad face, then looked at you, "I've never seen you before, it would be appropriate to formally introduce ourselves, right?"
You felt a prick in your heart when she spoke to you. As always happened to you when you met a new person, holding her gaze for more than three seconds was more than impossible for you. Jihyo also turned to look at you, and noticing your nervousness she nodded at you as if to say 'Come on, she's not going to bite you’.
"Y-yeah, sure," you nodded. You took a couple of steps until you were diagonal to Jihyo, "You can call me Balto, it's my pleasure."
You extended your hand, and she shook it gently. Her touch felt delicate, as if she were wearing a silk glove. You noticed her eyes on you at all times, but you were afraid that if you looked at her from that distance you would start to stutter more than usual.
"The pleasure is mine, Balto. I suppose I don't need to tell you my name, but I'm Sana. Minatozaki Sana, biomedical engineering student. Maybe that's why I've never seen you."
"Yeah," you nodded weakly, watching the cars pass by on your right, "West wing, right?"
Sana just nodded with a tight smile.
"I've only been there a couple of times, a-and I'm embarrassed to admit it was because the vending machines there had a snack I wanted."
Jihyo and Sana laughed at the same time, you had a hint of a smile too.
"Well, speaking of snacks, how about we go have breakfast? It's on me, and I insist," she raised her finger before Jihyo objected.
"I'd make it harder for you, but I'm hungry and not in my right mind," Jihyo replied.
"I wouldn't have changed my mind anyway."
Sana turned around with a superb smile and went to open the trunk of the car. When it opened, you put your suitcases in there and got inside with Sana. Jihyo sat in the passenger seat, and you settled behind her in the back seats. The entire journey was based on you being quiet looking at the streets of Busan, and Sana and Jihyo catching up on details about their social circle. You didn't know anything, you only recognized one or another name from having heard it from Jihyo previously, but it was fun listening to them talk. Your perception of Sana was not difficult to draw: she was an elegantly spoken person, her tone of voice and her words were always as sophisticated as possible; she also highlighted how perceptive she was in every response she gave, never remaining silent or giving up the last word unless the topic demanded it. She was the closest thing you could get to a Japan Princess today, but despite this you didn't notice her as egocentric or arrogant, quite the opposite, you could be sure that she could be as chill to deal with as Jihyo was. 
You arrived at your destination within ten minutes. The place where you were going to have breakfast was a nice cafe on the terrace of a five-story building. Sana was the one who guided you to the tables on the balcony, covered by large awnings that protected them from the hot sun. You sat in a triangle arrangement around the circular table, both girls on your diagonals. You ordered some toast with tomato, mortadella and mozzarella, accompanied by a glass of cold apple juice. Jihyo ordered lemon cake. And Sana ordered baked baguettes with bacon, egg and cheese.
While you were waiting for the food, Sana got some conversation out of you.
"Balto, what faculty are you from? Law, like Jihyo?" she asked you, then took a sip of her cappuccino.
"Uh, no," you shook your head, "Architecture."
"Oh… that's great," she nodded slowly, "Is it as cumbersome as they say?"
"I don't think it's as much as biomedical engineering."
Sana laughed again. Her laugh was as adorable as the way her cheeks stuck out when she smiled. She took another sip of the cappuccino and left it on the table.
"Both have their difficulties, the important thing is how you perceive it. Do you like it?"
"I love it, actually."
"Well, I love my career too. The difficulty doesn't matter," she shrugged, "Oh, how did you and Jihyo meet then?"
Jihyo finally got into the conversation.
"He is Dubu's boyfriend, a good friend of mine. She also studies architecture, in fact."
"Dubu? Kim Dahyun?" Sana raised both eyebrows.
"Aha, her. We've talked to her a couple of times, remember?"
"Sure, sure," Sana nodded, "How could I forget her? Beautiful smile, beautiful hair and beautiful figure. You're pretty lucky, huh?" she looked at you.
You didn't respond, instead of words just a silly babbling came out. You blushed and looked away. Sana giggled.
"Well, he and Dubu went to my apartment to drink and do karaoke. That's where I met him," she looked at you, "The poor guy wanted to run away, she had forced him to be there."
"Really? I hope you don't feel that way. We can go to the airport right now and buy you a return ticket, if you want," Sana raised an eyebrow.
"No!" you said immediately, "N-No, no need, really. I feel good."
Her eyes on you were a huge distraction. You were already awkward at socializing, but with her gaze on you, you directly felt like you were an idiot. Again, she just laughed. You thought she was making fun of you, but it was more like a tender giggle.
Your food arrived seconds later. You had breakfast calmly and without rushing. When it was over, Sana went to pay the bill—without asking how much it was, it should be noted—and you went back to the car. She drove for another ten minutes to one of the coastal areas of the city, where you could already notice that the buildings became much more modern and visibly exclusive as you entered a residential complex.
After passing a few houses and turning a corner, you finally arrived at Sana's chalet. You confirmed what you had previously suspected: she had to come from an extremely wealthy family, because that piece of infrastructure could easily be worth millions of dollars. It was two stories, the lower one being wider in comparison. The façade was simple and elegant, with a perfect balance between exposed concrete and somewhat discolored oak wood. There were few windows from the front, just one from the hallway that divided the second floor. There was a garage to the right, and to the left, a small interior garden surrounded by concrete walls where the entrance was.
Sana took a remote control from the glove compartment and pointed it at the garage, whose wooden plank door began to open in an upward arc. After parking the car inside, you got out and took your suitcases out of the trunk. You left the garage, and Sana pressed the same button as before to make it close. Then you turned the wall to your right and found the main door. Sana entered a numerical combination into a small panel embedded in the left frame of the door, and it turned on a small green light signaling that the door had been unlocked. You went ahead.
"Would you like a little tour?" Sana asked as you crossed the small garden that led to the main hallway.
"I mean yeah, this place is huge," Jihyo responded, seeing a tall tropical plant to the left.
Sana seemed pleased at the answer, and she nodded her head. You crossed the hallway, and when you reached the other side you could already see the sea in the background. You were greeted by stairs that led to the second floor on the right, and a large interior yard on the left; the area delimited by a wooden plank floor to make it stand out from the rest of the surface, which was made of polished concrete. In the middle of this yard there were three groups of wide individual white sofas placed side by side, around two short squares that functioned as small tables. This small area was covered by the shadow cast by small palm trees planted on top of a raised surface that ran from wall to wall. In addition to this, behind the furniture and under a covered area there was a long bar with counters full of bottles behind it. The perfect space for a bartender, basically.
The hallway and inner yard were part of a larger loft, where further ahead, finally entering under the roof, was a large open plan kitchen to the right, a dining room towards the center and a living room towards the wall on the left. .
This open space flowed to the terrace, where the main attraction was a spectacular infinity pool overlooking Busan Bay, which was delimited by a glass fence that also extended around the edges of the balcony. At the edges of the pool facing the house there were two wide beach chairs that were level with the ground, and that protruded half a meter into the water thanks to two concrete pillars below.
"By the way, do you need separate rooms or are you okay sleeping together?" Sana asked as you went up to the second floor.
You and Jihyo looked at each other. Your cheeks felt hot, and she tried hard to hide a smile.
"We have no problem sleeping together," Jihyo replied.
"Wonderful! Then allow me to show you your room."
Sana guided you through a series of wide hallways until you reached the room in question. It wasn't too big, but it made up for it with beautiful views towards the sea thanks to the glass walls on the left. There wasn't much furniture there either, just a queen size bed with a wooden panel as a headboard and a short wide stool with white lights underneath. Without a doubt the most notable thing about the room was that, just like the first floor, it was an open space that connected to the bathroom. Without any walls, no separation and much less privacy for the shower. It was meant for just one person, and maybe Sana knew that.
"Make yourself comfortable and let me know anything you need, please," Sana said as you left your things around the bed. Her hands clasped on her belly.
"A shower curtain, perhaps?" Jihyo joked with a chuckle.
"I'm afraid it won't be possible. Most of the time they aren't needed so there aren't any."
"So if a boat passes by, someone can see my tits while I bathe?"
"They would have to have very good binoculars there to be able to see such a hypnotizing and satisfying scene, so I don't think so."
After leaving your suitcase in the corner of the bed you sat on the lower edge and stretched your arms. You looked to the right to see the sea, radiant and beautiful at that time of the morning.
"Well, it's not like I care," Jihyo said, and then took off her jacket to lie down on the bed.
Sana took a couple of steps back and leaned on the right frame of the door.
"Hey, there are a lot of preparations to make before the guests start arriving, but you don't have to do anything. I have a whole team already hired to do everything."
"Sure? I can help you with the logistics, it's fun," Jihyo offered.
"Dear, as a good heir to my mother, I should be able to take care of everything myself. So no, you just relax here with Balto."
She blew Jihyo a kiss and winked at you before leaving the room. Jihyo stood up and knelt behind you to hug you by the neck. She gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"Well? What do you think about her?"
"I think she seems like something out of a fairy tale. I haven't heard someone so well-spoken since I had dinner with Dubu's parents."
"And she's a fucking beauty, isn't she?"
You weren't stupid, you already knew the purpose of the question from that mischievous tone she added at the end of the sentence.
"I would believe it if you told me she’s a beauty icon in Japan."
"Her mother is pretty well-known in the tech world, so she might be," Jihyo laughed.
"What does she do?" you turned to see her.
"Hmm... do you know Neuralink?
Your eyes widened. You just nodded.
"Well, she is one of the spearheads. I can't tell you exactly what she does because I don't know."
"Damn, she was born in a golden cradle huh?"
"Yeah, something like that. But she's always stood up for herself. She's currently running a project at the university about brain chips. Brilliant mind."
"Does that mean that if she wanted to see us as inferior and worldly beings, she could do so on a basis?"
"Basically, yes," she let out a laugh, "But she doesn't thank god. She's always been a very kind and very sweet person."
"I just hope she doesn't give us caviar to eat, I'd throw up."
Jihyo burst out laughing and pulled you back with her, you fell back between her legs.
You two tried to sleep a little more, but the hustle and bustle that Sana had warned you about minutes ago began to make itself felt within an hour. You had no choice but to go out and watch as the staff that Sana had hired continually left and entered the house, while they decorated and prepared everything for later.
At around 12 noon Sana called you from the lower floor.
"Guys, come down to lunch!" she said out loud.
You were exploring the upper floor a bit, so you heard her easily. You went down. In the kitchen there were already a couple of men in chef's outfits filling the cupboards and putting things into the refrigerator, while preparing a wide variety of foods on the long counter.
"Order whatever you want, they will be happy to prepare it," Sana said from one of the stools to the left of the bar.
"Whatever we wanted?" Jihyo asked, while you bowed politely to the cooks.
"Aha, don't be shy," she insisted.
You and Jihyo were simple minds. You didn't have the slightest idea about rigorously prepared dishes or anything like that, so you just asked the cooks to prepare pasta with chicken and cream. They looked at you as if asking if you were born stupid. All you did was shrug your shoulders.
"Gosh, the house is looking amazing," Jihyo said as she watched the lines of warm light bulbs running from beam to beam.
"Wait until you see the icing on the cake, then," Sana replied, then turned to one of the men perched on a ladder, "Dear, further to the left. That line can't be that close to the corner."
You, sitting in one of the chairs at the dining table, also turned around. She was giving instructions to the man on how to arrange the lights. You focused your attention now on the cooks, who were already finishing preparing the pasta. It looked so amazing it made your mouth water.
"And what are you talking about?" Jihyo asked.
"Myself, of course," she replied matter-of-factly, "As a good hostess I must look beautiful for my guests, dear."
"I don't think that's too difficult, Minatozaki."
"I can always be more beautiful. Don't question me about it."
A couple of minutes passed until the cooks brought the pasta dishes to you. The accompaniment was croutons with tartar sauce and grape juice. You weren't impressed with how delicious it was, as you expected that. Still you devoured every part of your meal as if it were your last. Jihyo tried to be more subtle than you and not look like a savage in front of Sana, but finally her palate worked against her and she ended up looking just like you. Sana had ordered her own dish: grilled salmon with rice and asparagus. In comparison to you, she looked like a royal while she ate.
"So, how was it?" She asked, looking at your empty plates.
"I genuinely haven't had a meal this good in months," Jihyo said, wiping her mouth with a napkin.
"I agree with her," you nodded, sinking into the seat to rest.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Sana smiled, "I recommend that you rest and start getting ready. The party will start at 6, and the guests start arriving at 5."
"Four hours, more than enough, right?" Jihyo turned to look at you.
"I think so. I can be ready in less than half an hour," you shrugged.
"Then let's go, Mr. Speedy."
Jihyo stood up, wiped some breadcrumbs off her pants, and patted your shoulder as she passed you. You stood up, gave Sana a shy little smile, and followed Jihyo up the stairs.
The decision of who bathed first was not too complicated. You would shower faster than Jihyo in absolutely any situation, so you were the first to undress in the other's eyes. You tried to pretend that she wasn't watching you and that she wasn't there as the water ran down your naked body, but of course this task proved impossible. You did a few dumb things in the middle of your shower, and with each one you heard Jihyo's mocking giggle in the background.
When you finished showering and turned off the faucet, you grabbed one of the hanging towels and dried yourself as best as possible before walking towards the bed. Jihyo smiled, with her eyes still on you, she stood up and gave you a kiss on the cheek before going to the shower. Out of the corner of your eye you watched as she slowly undressed, hoping to draw your attention to her. But you wanted to be better than her in that sense and tried to ignore her.
You took off the towel with the intention of starting to get dressed, but inevitably your eyes ended up on Jihyo's naked and wet body. The gym worked wonders. Every part of her body was perfectly defined, from her incredibly sexy back to her firm buttocks. That, together with the side profile of her tits and her sensual abdomen, were too much for you. You sat on the edge of the bed with your eyes on her, and taking advantage of the fact that her back was turned, you began to touch yourself.
Your cock became hard in a matter of mere seconds. You rubbed it slowly from up and down, attentive to how Jihyo filled every corner of her body with soap. At one point she bent over because she had dropped the soap—perhaps on purpose—, and when she did so you got a perfect view of her plump pussy for a few seconds. You let yourself go and closed your eyes, moving your hand faster. What you didn't know was that she had seen you over her shoulder at that exact moment, and seconds later she turned off the shower.
When you heard the water stop falling you quickly opened your eyes and stopped as if it hadn't happened at all. You tried to stand up and this time start getting dressed, but Jihyo stopped you short.
"Nuh-uh! Stay there," she said from the bathroom as she dried herself.
You cursed inwardly and sat there, your cheeks red with embarrassment. When Jihyo was completely dry she tossed the towel aside and started walking towards you. Your eyes went to her tits and down her abdomen until they reached her pussy. She stood in front of you and between your legs, she grabbed your chin and made you look up.
"Enjoying the view huh?" she asked, eyebrows raised and her tongue pressing against the inside of her cheek.
She brought one knee up into the space of the mattress between your legs and rubbed it against the back of your cock, which throbbed at her touch. You rested your hands behind you and leaned back a little to look into her eyes. Her knee started rubbing up and down. That alone managed to cause a drop of precum to spill out.
"My needy little boy..." she rested her hands on your thighs and leaned in to kiss you, "How adorable."
You shared a slow, sensual kiss for a few seconds until she pulled away from you to bring her hand to your mouth.
"Come on, spit on it," she ordered, still touching you with her knee.
You complied immediately, releasing a thick spit into Jihyo's hand. She brought that hand directly to your cock in a firm grip, and then started rubbing it like you had been doing a few minutes ago. She kissed you again, also using her knee to rub your balls. And you moaned against her lips as she jerked you off.
It wasn't long before she pushed you back against the bed and urged you to settle into it. You got into bed and rested your head on the pillow. Jihyo climbed in as well and straddled you, both thighs gripping either side of your hips. She wasted no time and impaled herself on you. Every inch of your cock now gone inside her warm, wet pussy.
Jihyo slumped forward and cradled your face in her hands to kiss you again. Her hips began to move up and down. She did it slowly, maybe too slow at first, but she did it so that you felt your cock go completely in and out of her with each movement. As the seconds passed she pushed herself harder, and then she started moving her hips faster.
You saw yourselves wrapped in that tangle of desire and lust that kept you isolated from anything that was happening around you. Of course this didn't mean anything good, because you didn't notice when Sana entered. She caught your attention with a throat clearing. Your heart skipped a beat.
Jihyo quickly jumped off you and fell to the side. She then grabbed the blankets and pulled them over you two, even pulling the sheets out from under the edges of the mattress. Your eyes were wide, but you didn't have the balls to dare look Sana in the eyes for even a second. Instead, you looked at the ceiling and pretended to be invisible.
"I'm sorry," she said with a giggle, "I'd love to let you finish, but now I do need your help with a vitally important matter."
"How long have you been staring, Minatozaki?!" Jihyo exclaimed, the blanket covering her up to the top of her breasts.
"Since you rode his cock. I don't want to ask who the fool was that left the door ajar."
You didn't hide it by looking at Jihyo with 'are you kidding me' eyes? Her cheeks turned red, and she avoided the two of you's gaze. She was better at handling embarrassment than you, so she just let out a nervous laugh.
"I'll be out in the hallway if you want to, you know, finish what you were doing."
She gave you a green light signal and left through the door, which this time was properly closed. Clearly neither you nor Jihyo could finish what you were doing, you had already lost inspiration completely and you were no longer hard. It's not like you care either. Your heads were clouded with shame for having been discovered by the owner of the house while you were fucking in one of the guest rooms.
You didn't put on your outfits yet, instead you put on comfortable clothes to go help Sana with whatever she needed your help. You found her in the hallway so calm, supervising the progress of the decoration on the floor below through the glass.
"Ready?" Sana looked you up and down with a mischievous smile, "Come with me, please."
You were guided to her room, which was significantly larger than yours as it was the master bedroom. The big centerpiece was the wide balcony on the left, right in front of the bed. On it the view of the sea was amplified in both directions, giving a beautiful perspective of the landscape. The balcony, bounded by the glass fence, extended further to the right, but you couldn't see what was on that side since it was hidden behind the room wall. To the right of the room was a small shaggy rug under a wide nightstand made of marble; next was the king size bed filled with pillows and cushions. And further ahead, at the back of the room, a mini living room with a sofa bed on the left, a rectangular table in the middle and on the right one of those chairs that were used in psychology offices. She also had a projector screen on the wall, with a small artificial fireplace underneath.
"Sit down, please," Sana said, pointing towards the bed.
She walked to the side of the room and pressed a button to lower a hatch that formed a wall and covered the balcony. Now you were under the artificial light of the room. You two sat on the lower edge of the bed as if you were two siblings about to receive a scolding from their mother; of course this was not the case, but the level of behavior you carried was worthy of. You were still looking at anything but Sana, but Jihyo did make an effort to try and pretend like nothing had happened.
After closing the balcony, Sana went through a door that was before the mini living room; you thought it was the bathroom, but she came out of there with like four dresses hanging on hooks in her hands. You came to the conclusion that the room was simply much larger than it seemed on its own.
"Very well, you are going to tell me what you think about each one," Sana said with a big smile on her face.
She began to show the dresses one by one, turning them around and putting them in front of her body. As expected, Jihyo, for the simple fact of being a woman, gave much more elaborate opinions than yours, which were only based on: 'I like this color more than this one' or 'I don't know, I feel like this one is more with the occasion'. What you didn't expect was that Sana would have a solution for your lack of eloquence.
"Mmm, I think I'd better try them on," she said, and she began to undress before the disbelieving eyes of you and Jihyo.
The first thing that fell to the ground was her jacket; underneath she was wearing nothing more than a gray bra that gave a slight push up to her more than generous tits. Her jacket was followed by her pants, which, being high-waisted, revealed everything you couldn't see from the breasts down. It was a perfect body in absolutely every way: nice and slightly toned abdomen, lethal hips, a pair of slender legs and an ass that could do wonders with. The panties she was wearing were the same color as the bra, and to give you a little show, she pulled them up just to highlight the shape of her buttocks even more.
She began trying on the dresses one by one; again, Jihyo was acting more normal than you, but you still did your best to formulate good opinions without making your mouth water. Finally, she opted for a semi-transparent red dress, with a long skirt at the back and an inverted V shape at the front.
Sana, being half naked again, approached you, and with each hand on one of your thighs she gave you both a kiss on the cheek. You were paralyzed by the kiss, your cheeks burning. Jihyo on the other hand looked at her with suggestive eyes, not hiding the fact that she was eating her out with the gaze.
"Thanks for the help, cuties," she said between you.
"Anytime, beautiful," Jihyo replied in a lower voice.
Sana gave each of your thighs a light squeeze and stood up straight.
"Feel free to go get ready. I have things to do myself," she nodded toward the door.
You diligently stood up and left Sana's room, heading towards yours. When you arrived you did finish what you had started in the first place—making sure that the door was firmly closed—, and when you finished you began to get dressed. Your choice of outfit was a headache; Jihyo helped you in any way she could while she put on her makeup, but your insecurity and indecision only slowed you down. It took you a little over an hour to finally make a decision: high-heeled black leather boots, black semi-skinny jeans, and an open black shirt with a white tropical print on top of a white t-shirt.
"Damn, you look gorgeous!" Jihyo told you as she adjusted her rose-shaped earrings.
"Not as good as you but thank you," you sighed, looking at yourself in the mirror next to her.
"Oh hell nah," she grabbed your face and made you look at her, "You look amazing, and I need you to feel amazing for the party."
"You know I'm not one of those, Jihyo."
"I'm not asking you to be. I just want you to feel good about yourself."
She shook your head a little and leaned up to give you a peck on the nose.
"Believe me, darling. You look very handsome and you will have nothing to envy of anyone," she remarked, looking into your eyes.
Your only possible response was to hug her; Hold her so tightly in your arms that just that was enough for her to know how grateful you were. You separated after a few seconds, and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
"Thank you, really," you smiled weakly, "Come on, keep getting ready, it's almost time."
Another half hour passed until Jihyo was completely ready. She gave you a little modeling show, which made you laugh a few times since she was really trying to be funny. The truth was that she looked beautiful; a sleeveless white top with red flowers on it, white flared pants with slits on the sides of the thighs, and white sneakers.
When you were both ready, you went down to the first floor, where the DJ that Sana had hired had already played some house music to relax while the guests arrived. The music was coming from the other side of the open space, from the pool. You could only see the mixing console and the massive speakers installed on each side. You looked around and admired the details of the decoration; from the lines of beach ball-shaped lamps to the lines of warm light bulbs. As icing on the cake, just as she had predicted, Sana was sitting on a sofa in the inner yard; on top of one of the squares in front of her, a bucket filled with ice with what appeared to be two bottles of champagne inside it.
She looked stunning. She was dressed in the dress that you had helped her choose and sandals with straps that went around her calves to below the knee; this, however, was not her main attraction, but rather the red flower attached to the side of her head which made her pretty crimson lips stand out.
"Look who we have here!" She exclaimed, crossing her legs, "Wow, you really wanted to compete with me, huh? You both look incredible."
"You didn't think we were going to make it easy for you, did you?" Jihyo asked, walking past you towards her.
"I said you wanted to compete with me. Not that you were going to win," Sana looked at you and winked, "Toast me, please."
She invited you to sit with her. You sat on her side, and Jihyo sat in the empty square in front of you. With a wave of her hand came a girl in a suit, who reached into the ice bucket and pulled out one of the champagne bottles to open it; as she did so she picked up three fluted glasses and poured the golden liquid into them. Sana thanked her with a smile and handed you the glasses. She raised hers.
"To the start of a wonderful night," Sana toasted, and the two of you clinked your glass against hers.
You had never been particularly a fan of champagne, but when you took the first sip from your glass you couldn't help but take the second almost immediately. It was delicious. Jihyo as well as Sana drank just a sip.
"Oh, it's about time people started arriving, isn't it?" Jihyo asked, looking at her phone.
"Aha," Sana nodded, looking towards the entrance hall, "There's security outside, so they'll come in any minute."
Just as Sana had said, within a few minutes people began to arrive. Luckily for you, there were a few familiar faces, like Nayeon or Han, or a few people you frequented in the university hallways. But the vast majority were strangers to you, and having each one come up to greet Sana for being the hostess didn't help your social anxiety. None seemed too relevant to her, except for a few people she introduced you to. They were three girls and one guy: Kim Minji, Chou Tzuyu, Lee Gahyeon and Kim Yugyeom. All of them, including Nayeon and Han, would be part of the group that the three of you would stay with for the rest of the night.
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After the arrival time there were around three dozen people in the house, not counting those who were going to arrive late. There were a lot of people, and soon the bustle began to get louder. Sana stood up and left you with the others to go to the stairs, climb a couple of steps and signal to the staff to turn down the music. Everyone turned to look at her. She cleared her throat to raise her voice.
"First of all, welcome and thank you all for coming tonight. I know that many, if not all, of you had to fly from Seoul just to attend this eventuality. I apologize for that, but," she raised a finger, "As compensation you should know that the bar is completely free tonight, so you can drink as much as you want!"
Everyone erupted in cheers, but Sana raised her hands again to attract attention.
"Oh, I almost forgot. The pool is available to whoever wants to enjoy it. Just keep it clean or no one will leave here until it's cleaned..." she made a small silence, looking into the eyes of everyone she could so they knew she was serious, "Enjoy the party!"
At the end of Sana's speech the music returned, this time to its highest point. Now the walls and floor were reverberating with the sound of the techno house that the DJ was playing. You recognized the first song: Losing It by FISHER. The lights went out to make way for the illumination provided by the decorations, and soon the party came alive on its own.
Small groups of people began to form around the bar, where two bartenders worked together to comply with every order they received. They were accompanied by a security man who made sure that people were orderly and nothing got out of control. Sana being the hostess was able to make her way through the people and order a drink for herself first, then she got one for you and Jihyo. All three were piña coladas. Nayeon and Yugyeom insisted for her to get them one too, but Sana sent them to stand in line like everyone else.
"Let's go take a seat on the couch before someone comes," Jihyo hurried you and Sana.
The three of you went to the living 'room'. The big white couch there was semi-square shaped, with the left side longer than the other. You skirted it on the left; you settled near the end, Jihyo next to you and Sana diagonally to the two of you. From there the smell of food was stronger; in the kitchen the two cooks were already beginning to prepare the appetizers that would later be distributed among the crowd.
"Are they making bacon?" you asked, trying to see what they were doing.
"I don't know, probably. Why, are you hungry already?" Sana asked with an amused expression.
She took a sip of her piña colada and stirred it with the straw.
"Oh yeah, he's as shy as he is gluttonous," Jihyo said.
You looked at her with a grimace and raised an eyebrow.
"Don't you love bacon too?" you asked, trying to defend yourself.
"I love it. He has a point there," Sana said.
Jihyo took a sip of her drink and looked at you.
"Of course I love it. But that doesn't mean that you could eat an entire Burger King menu by yourself if you set your mind to it."
Before you could formulate a defense, Sana's other friends began to arrive one by one. Nayeon and Han settled to the right of her; they were followed by Tzuyu, Yugyeom, Minji, and Gahyeon, who was facing you at the other end of the couch. Immediately the conversation flowed between all of them. It was obvious that everyone had known each other for a long time, a well-established group of friends. And how could it be otherwise, you soon felt out of place since you didn't have much, or rather nothing, to contribute to the conversations. That's where Jihyo and Han came in, who, having already known you before, did everything possible to include you and not make you feel like a zero to the left. You appreciated that, a lot.
"Hey hey, it's time to play something don't you think?" Yugyeom said, leaning forward, "I want an excuse to get drunk."
Han turned to look at him.
"And what do you want to play? Beach volleyball?"
"I'm not drunk enough for that. I have never ever."
The rest of you turned your heads in interest towards Yugyeom, who was smiling mischievously.
"Oh now I have your attention right?" He laughed, "Who wants to start?"
Everyone looked at each other for a few seconds, finally it was Jihyo who raised her hand.
"I'll start, but let's start gently, please."
"But that's boring!" Yugyeom protested.
Jihyo looked at him like she wanted to throw a cushion at him.
"Innocent questions are the easiest to make people drink quickly, you airhead," she looked away, "Aha. I've never ever cut my hair and I've regretted it."
An easy question indeed. The only ones who didn't drink were you, Jihyo, Tzuyu and Sana.
In order, the next one was Sana, who changed the leg that she had crossed and licked her lips.
"I have never ever cried watching a movie or reading a book."
You all drink. Then Jihyo looks at Yugyeom.
"I told you they were the easiest, idiot."
"Shut your mouth Park."
Next was Nayeon, who waved her hand for Jihyo and Yugyeom to shut up.
"I have never ever had doubts about my sexual orientation."
Tzuyu raised both eyebrows and looked at her.
"Wah! I thought you said innocent questions at first."
"That's innocent. I'm not implying anything, honey."
You, Minji, and Han didn't drink. You weren't surprised coming from Jihyo considering her recent history, but you were surprised by Sana, who Jihyo leaned over to talk to. You were close enough to hear her.
"That's nice. It would have been a real shame if you didn't bat the other way too."
Sana looked into her eyes with a sly smile.
"It's fun to eat all kinds of things, isn't it?"
The suggestive tone in her voice was accompanied by a small staring competition between the two of them. They were forced to break eye contact when Tzuyu raised her voice with a slightly more awkward question.
"I have never ever used drugs."
Obviously you don't drink. Sana, Minji and Han didn't either. As Jihyo drank you looked at her with a frown, she could only laugh.
"Honey, in law school you need to relieve stress with a joint once in a while."
"Well, how ironic."
"I know right?"
You and her laughed and then looked at the next person, Minji.
"I have never ever received a slap in public."
Neither you nor the rest of the girls drink. Only Yugyeom and Han did it. Gahyeon laughed.
"You are men. That makes a lot of sense."
You all burst into laughter, even Han. But Yugyeom didn't seem to be so amused. He looked at you and pointed with his arm outstretched.
"He's also a man, why don't you make fun of him too?"
You looked at him and shrugged, not giving a damn. Nayeon immediately came to your defense.
"I attest that there is no guy more calm and quiet than him. Who could slap him in public?"
You looked at Nayeon and said 'thank you' with your lips. She just winked at you and gave you a thumbs up. Yugyeom rolled his eyes and shook his head. The next one was Gahyeon, who raised the tone of the questions.
"I've never received a lap dance."
You all drink. Yugyeom almost choked while he did so as he let out a laugh. He didn't look at you, but you knew he was talking about you.
"I certainly didn't expect anyone to ever give him a lap dance. I don't think he knows how to ask for one."
Absolutely no one laughed. The only one who laughed but more out of pity was Tzuyu. Gahyeon made a confused expression as she looked at you and then at him.
"He's pretty cute, so I'd do it anyway. I couldn't say the same about you."
The general reaction was to raise eyebrows and look at Yugyeom's humiliated face. He didn't say anything, he just took out his phone and looked at it to get out of the situation. Then Jihyo broke the awkward silence to liven things up.
"Well, come on, do it," she nodded at you, "He needs to warm up. He's had too little to drink."
Sana turned to look at you with an expectant smile. She took a sip of her drink, which was close to finishing. She then turned to look at Gahyeon, who stood up without hesitation and walked around the coffee table in front of you from the left until she was standing in front of you. She leaned in to speak in your ear.
"First of all, are you okay with this? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or something."
Her sudden closeness made your heart faster. Normally you would have stuttered out of nervousness, but this time you took a deep breath so as not to make a fool of yourself. You turned your head to meet her face inches away.
"Don't worry. You go ahead," you nodded.
Gahyeon smiled and also nodded her head. She waited a few seconds for the current song to end and another to start. Slow it Down by Ty Dolla Sign blasted through the speakers. Gahyeon stood up and turned around, and before the eyes of everyone present, she supported herself on your knees with her hands and sat right on top of your crotch. Now you just watched her pretty, long red hair fall down her back as she pressed against your bulge and moved to the rhythm of the music.
You didn't know what the hell to do with your hands or where to put your eyes. She had an incredible ass, more than could be seen above her gray striped white dress. That was where your eyes stayed stationary for a few long seconds. Her wide hips moved back and forth, doing an expert job that led you to finally put your hands on them.
You knew you had a lot of eyes on you, and that's why you didn't dare move your gaze from Gahyeon. If you had, you could have made eye contact with Sana or Jihyo, or worse, with one of the others. That would have made you nervous and made it look awkward. Luckily, and also unfortunately for you, Gahyeon didn't let the song end to stop.
The lap dance had been brief, but it was enough to leave you hard as a rock and breathing heavily. Gahyeon didn't stand up yet, she leaned back still sitting on top of you and pressed her back against your chest to get closer to your ear.
"If I keep going I’m gonna get too horny, cutie, I'm sorry. But if you want some private fun just look at me and give me a sign."
Gahyeon gave you a kiss on the cheek, stood up, straightened her hair and walked back to her seat as if nothing had happened. She had a proud little smirk on her face, and you were left with her offer running over and over in your head.
You continued avoiding glances. You were hard under your pants, and even though no one was going to see anything due to the lack of light, you tried to hide it as much as possible. But Jihyo knew you and she knew your body language. She leaned closer to your other ear with a little smile.
"That ass has to move great huh?"
She giggled mischievously and patted your thigh a few times. Then you both directed glances towards Yugyeom as he took his turn.
"I've never ever had to hide a hickey."
You all drink. The round passes without further complications. The next turn was Han.
"I've never fucked someone twice my age."
You all looked at each other in a mix between expectation and hope that no one would drink, but finally only Yugyeom and Tzuyu drank. Once again you all laughed. Sana leaned forward and looked at them both.
"Come on, tell me how that happened," she managed to say between laughs.
Tzuyu takes it much more naturally than Yugyeom, who seemed almost embarrassed but not remorseful. Tzuyu looked at Sana.
"Well, old perverts sometimes drop a lot of money when they're desperate," she shrugged.
Sana nodded slowly in understanding.
"Darling, I can get you a job as a model at any brand you want. Don't indulge those disgusting old men."
Tzuyu's face lit up. Beside her, Nayeon looked as surprised as you.
"Huh? Are you serious?"
"Aha. My father has a lot of contacts in that industry. I'll call you tomorrow, promise."
Sana winked at the smiling Tzuyu. Then she looked at Yugyeom and tilted her head, waiting patiently for his explanation.
"Damn, I'm not going to give details; I'm just going to say that I had to finance my vacation to the Maldives somehow."
With his answer he now gave way to the next turn, and that was you. You didn't know what the fuck to say, you had to look at Jihyo for help. She leaned close to your ear to tell you what you were going to say. It was a trick directed against you too, but you had no choice but to repeat it.
"I've never ever had a threesome."
You all drink, except Sana. You all looked at her like 'you're kidding, right?' But no one dared to question her except for Jihyo, who looked at her with a frown.
"You're just lying, right?"
"Why would I lie?" Sana raised an eyebrow, "No, I've never had the chance. But a first time wouldn't be bad..."
As she said that she looked at the two of you and bit her lip in such a sexy way that you couldn't help but look at her up and down, thinking of the thousand and one ways you would love to...
You were beating around the bush once again. What brought you out of your trance was the realization that your glass was already empty. And not just yours, but everyone else's too. Sana had to call a couple of workers to bring drinks for everyone. This time you ordered a Negroni, Jihyo ordered a Gin Tonic, and Sana ordered a Moscow Mule. You didn't even know what the hell that last one was.
The whole cycle came back to the very beginning, to Jihyo, who first took a sip of her drink before saying anything.
"I have never ever had sex more than five times in a single night."
It was a pretty bold question, in fact, Nayeon looked at Jihyo with a frown since it was obvious that no one was going to drink. But to your surprise, Yugyeom and Tzuyu drank. Nayeon turned to them and raised her eyebrows in an expression that made you all laugh.
"Mother of a fucking god, how do you have that energy? I do it once and I already feel like I'll be taken by the grim reaper."
"With two minutes I'm already out of soul," Han intervened out of nowhere.
The laughter only expanded and multiplied, even Yugyeom and Tzuyu, the victims of the joke, laughed.
You weren't so amused when Sana's turn came and she went straight for your neck.
"I have never ever been caught while fucking."
The question fell like a bucket of cold water on your and Jihyo's heads. You both avoided Sana's gaze, it still made you deeply ashamed. But you knew she had a proud smirk on her face, and that she didn't regret saying it in the least.
You and Jihyo drink with your face hot from blushing. Nayeon and Han also drink without commenting at all. The rest don't drink, of course Sana doesn't either.
"We'll complete this round and be done with it, okay?"
You all nodded, at that point it was being more than enough, since the alcohol was making more than one of you tipsy.
Next was Nayeon, who asked a question exclusively dedicated to women.
"I have never ever used a common object as a dildo."
The only ones who drink are Gahyeon, Minji and Tzuyu. They thought they were safe from questions, but Nayeon was an expert at asking awkward questions.
"What did you use? You don't have to explain."
The three looked at each other, none daring to speak first. It was Gahyeon who had to sacrifice herself and step forward.
"A cucumber with a condom."
"I mean, that sounds fun not gonna lie. You two?"
Nayeon looked at Tzuyu and Minji, it was the latter who spoke.
"The handle of a hairbrush."
Minji immediately covered her face to fight her embarrassment. Nayeon laughed.
"Damn girl, how desperate were you?" She didn't wait for answers, she just looked at Tzuyu, "And what about you?"
Tzuyu took a few long seconds to respond.
"A pearl necklace. I won't explain."
"You don't have to do it either, but for that just buy some anal sockets girl."
The next turn was Tzuyu's, who quickly spoke to change the topic.
"I have never ever masturbated in public."
She, Yugyeom and Gahyeon drink. Now it was Minji's turn.
"I have never ever exposed myself on webcam."
Saying that she turned to look in a very undisguised way at her friend, Gahyeon. Who just shrugged.
"What can I tell you, being a webcam model is easy money when you have a hot body," she said before drinking, but now it was her turn, "I have never ever slept with anyone in this group."
You, Jihyo, Nayeon, Han, Yugyeom and Tzuyu drink. At that moment you exchanged glances with Gahyeon, who raised an eyebrow in anticipation of some sign from you. She wanted it, but you were still full of doubts. You felt pathetic having to ask Jihyo for help once again, but she was the closest thing you had to a Jiminy Cricket. After explaining her situation to her, she didn't seem surprised, she just gently took your arm and spoke in your ear.
"Honey, enjoy the night as much and as you want. Do you want it?"
"Fuck, of course I want it. It's just that... you know, I'm afraid of making a fool of myself."
"Balto, you'd be surprised how really good you fuck. Now, don't be a whiner and get your claws out."
She tapped your shoulder with her fist and you looked at Gahyeon for a few long seconds as she spoke to Minji. You didn't do anything yet, but you had already made the decision in your head.
Next was Yugyeom. His question was extremely timely.
"I have never ever imagined anyone in this group naked."
Absolutely all of you drink, but you do it while looking at Gahyeon, who was also looking at you.
Next was Han.
"I have never ever recorded myself having sex."
No one except Gahyeon and Tzuyu drinks. Gahyeon kept looking at you, this time as she crossed her legs and leaned to the side just so you could see the width of her hips and the size of her ass. You couldn't take it much longer. You made the damn sign, and she smiled. You stood up.
"Guys, I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back."
You exchange a glance with Jihyo, who winks at you, and then you leave the living room. You made your way through the people as fast as you could, only one possible destination in your head: the bathroom on the upper floor, the one you knew no one was going to use since there were two more downstairs. You trotted up the steps, and hurried into the bathroom before anyone else decided to do so.
It was a long bathroom, wide enough to walk freely in it. It was funny to imagine yourself as a guy in the waiting room for a porn audition, who would say that at that moment you were almost guessing the future. You leaned your lower back against the sink on the left, so big that it looked like a whole dresser on its own. You crossed your arms and waited.
Gahyeon took longer than you expected, but she arrived after five minutes with a couple of knocks on the door. As soon as you opened the door she rushed in and closed it behind her.
"God, I'm sorry. I had to make a fool of Yugyeom again," she laughed.
"Did he say something stupid again?"
"Everything he says is stupid. But that's not what's important now."
She took a step forward and stood in front of you. You stared into each other's eyes for a few long seconds as she closed the distance, until finally your faces were inches apart. From that distance her absurdly attractive parted lips looked irresistible to you. You couldn't help but let yourself go and grab her face to kiss her.
Her lips were not only amazing, they felt amazing too. They didn't feel like any pair you had kissed before, these were like two delicious gummies because of how soft they were. As if that weren't enough, she was an excellent kisser.
She left her phone on the sink and wrapped her arms around your neck. One hand rested on your left shoulder, and the other on the back of your neck to caress the hair there. You deepened the kiss, now she invited you to swirl your tongues in an intense exchange of saliva and gasps. At that moment you remembered what Jihyo had told you: 'Get your claws out.'
Putting any possible shyness aside, you brought your hands directly to Gahyeon's ass and squeezed each of her buttocks tightly. She didn't bother to hide her surprise.
"Mmm, you're not as calm as you seem huh?" she murmured against your lips, "Grab as much as you want, go on." 
She crashed into your lips again, and you scrunched up her dress on either side of her hips to slowly hike it up until it was swirling around her waist. You left her nice round butt exposed;  you wasted no time in squeezing it again, this time feeling the milky soft skin against your fingertips. The flesh of her ass felt tender, perfect for spanking a few times to make her moan against your lips.
Gahyeon didn't leave her hands still up for long. She reached down to grab your cock over your pants. You were hard from before, she just had to squeeze it a little and start massaging it gently with her small hand. In a matter of seconds she had already unbuttoned your pants and unzipped you; then she put her hand in your boxers to pull out your cock and rub it slowly. You gasped and brought your hand between her buttocks, using your two fingers to rub her slit over her panties.
"Before I feast on your cock... can I make a request of you?"
Gahyeon took the phone from the sink and pressed it against your chest for you to pick up. Then she fell to her knees in front of your cock.
"Make sure you record everything. And when I say everything, that's everything. But don't turn on the flash, I don't want to go blind."
It really was something you didn't care about at all. You didn't know what she was going to do with that video, but you were okay with at least not showing your face. She unlocked her phone for you and you accessed the camera, held it vertically and started recording.
The first thing Gahyeon did was lower your pants and boxers to her ankles, then she gave you a wonderful first contact with your cock; she pressed her beautiful lips against the back of it and filled it with wet kisses. She also kissed the sides of your shaft, and then used her tongue to give you a long lick all the way to the tip, where she didn't hesitate to grip her lips around.
She took half of your cock in one smooth motion, making you moan as you watched her through the screen. Her head began to move back and forth, slowly so that you could feel how satisfying her lips were there too. She wasn't just seeing your panting face as she slurped on your shaft, you felt like she was also seeing through your soul.
Gahyeon's hand went to your balls to squeeze them into a soft bunch and then left it gripping around your base. You lost eye contact as she focused on taking a couple more inches into her mouth and increasing the pace considerably. You lowered the phone to now record from the side and capture every detail of the lewd act, trying to comply with her request in the best way possible.
She pumped her head faster, filling your cock with saliva in an amazing messy blowjob. Completely ignoring the camera she looked up to meet your eyes again. What she was looking for was to know if she was doing it in a way that you liked; she found your mouth half open and your brow furrowed in pleasure. More than positive confirmation.
"Mmm, you look even cuter getting your cock sucked," she said as she pulled you out of her mouth, now sucking on your balls as she stroked you with her hand.
After a few seconds she dove back into your cock. She threw aside any sense of restraint and simply began devouring your cock with frantic pumps. After a few seconds she removed her hand from around your base and brought her lips further; her nose rested against your pelvis, and feeling your tip rub against her throat made you moan louder. You returned to the initial recording angle, and she looked directly into the camera as she made gagging sounds against your cock.
She pulled you out with a sharp intake of breath, then brought her hand back to your cock to jerk it off.
"Do you have condoms? I left my handbag downstairs."
"Y-yeah, my wallet is in my pants pocket."
Gahyeon reached into your pants pocket and pulled it out. She rummaged through the sections of it, until she finally pulled out a condom.
"Do you want to see a magic trick?"
She didn't give you time to respond. She quickly opened the envelope, took out the condom and held it between her lips; then she took your cock with her hand and put it on you using her mouth. You captured everything up close on camera, and it was probably one of the hottest things you've ever seen. With the condom already on your cock Gahyeon stood up.
"Go ahead, fuck me however you want baby," she said over your lips, then gave you a small kiss.
You stepped away from the sink, and used your only available hand to grab her arm and bend her against the edge. Her face was inches from the mirror, floating above the faucet. Her dress had fallen down again, it was up to you to pull it back up and around her waist again. With her ass exposed again she lifted it up as high as possible, making it twice as attractive for you to grope and squeeze.
She looked at you over her shoulder with her lips panting. She moved her ass from side to side, and you slapped your cock several times against each of her butt cheeks while looking into her eyes. You soon stopped your foreplay and grabbed the hem of her white lace panties to pull them down to her knees in one fell swoop. You shifted the phone to your left, now using your right to reach between her thighs and rub her slit up and down. Her pussy was more than ready for you, it felt extremely wet and soft. You took your cock in your hand, rubbed it a few times between her folds and took it inside her.
"Mmm! Wait wait!" she sputtered, "Slow... it feels so fucking big, god."
Through the mirror you saw her face twisted in a mixture of pain and pleasure; you didn't want to hurt her in any way, so you were as careful as possible as your cock slowly worked its way into her. When you were impaled deep inside that hot silky pussy, you rested for a few long seconds. Gahyeon didn't say anything, her face was paralyzed by the sensation of being completely stretched. It wasn't until a few seconds later that you saw fit to start moving. 
You brought your only available hand to her waist, clinging there as you slowly pumped back and forth. Your cock went in and out completely without much difficulty; it disappeared between her buttocks in an almost hypnotic way, which led you to squeeze her left buttock and spread it, just to get a better shot of how her pussy was being fucked faster every second.
"That's it... give me more baby, fuck that hot pussy good," she moaned, watching you through the mirror and the camera.
In response you raised your hand and gave her a spank on the buttock that you had squeezed seconds ago. You caused her to squeal, and also to voluntarily lift one of her thighs to rest on the edge of the sink. You returned your hand to her waist, letting your fingers tightly grip on the soft flesh there. You moaned out loud, increasing the pace to now give strong and constant thrusts to her pussy.
"Oh fuck yeah!" Gahyeon whimpered, holding on to the faucet with both hands, "Fuck fuck fuck fuck!"
She dropped her head between her shoulders, letting herself be carried away by the pleasure your strong thrusts gave her. Above the muffled music that was playing outside, the sound of Gahyeon's buttocks being slammed again and again by your pelvis. You gave her butt cheek another spank, her skin now marked in a dull red. And speaking of red, her long hair, held behind her head by a clip, looked too cute hanging down her back not to pull on it.
"W-when you're going to cum… take off the condom and paint my face!" she screeched, seeing you again.
"I got you."
You grabbed a handful of her hair in your hand and pulled it back. Her pussy clenched around your cock; her moans were interspersed with screams and grunts, and you couldn't do anything but fuck her with everything you had.
Her body bounced back and forth violently, at one point you were even afraid that she would hit her forehead on the mirror, but that's why you kept her face away by pulling her hair back; you didn't pull it too hard for fear of going overboard, however it was more than enough for Gahyeon to reach her orgasm.
"Yessss!!! Mmmm!! Don't fucking stop!!"
In her desperation to look for something to hold on to, she unintentionally turned on the faucet water, something that would have made you laugh if it weren't for the fact that you yourself were close to your orgasm. You grunted in pleasure and let go of Gahyeon's hair to give her another spank, fucking her mercilessly through her ecstasy. You hadn't looked at the phone screen for a while, when you did you realized that the shot was a little crooked and that you weren't capturing everything in its maximum splendor; to correct it, you changed the phone from your hand once again and lowered it, recording again from the side to capture in close-up how your cock hammered her pussy.
After a few seconds you felt the tingling, and in one quick movement you left Gahyeon's pussy to remove the condom as quickly as you could; in that period of time she had already lowered her thigh from the edge of the sink and had turned to fall on her knees to the floor in front of your cock.
You stroked your cock as fast as you could, moaning loudly as you recorded a perfect shot of Gahyeon's face as she closed her eyes and left her face as a canvas for you. As you reached your peak you let out a louder moan, while thick jets of semen came out of your cock and landed on Gahyeon's beautiful face; soon it was covered in a thick layer of white, she had to wipe her eyelids with her fingers to open her eyes, then she looked at you and smiled at the camera. You couldn't help but blush.
"You liked it huh? You came a lot..."
She took your cock with her hand and started rubbing it all over her face, collecting as much cum as she could with it and then putting it in her mouth and cleaning it. It was one of the hottest things you could ever see in your life; you had to make a great effort not to faint right there. She repeated that process a couple of times, until finally both your cock and her face were 'clean'.
"That's it, cut."
You stopped the recording diligently. Then she stood up, pulled up her panties, and pulled her dress back down. She took the phone from your hand and placed a warm kiss on your cheek.
"Thanks cutie. You're a great fuck," she said with a little smile.
"I can say the same about you. And hey, thanks to you. Uh… You didn't do it just because you're drunk, right?"
She laughed. You pulled up your boxers and pants again.
"Huh? I'm not drunk, silly."
She turned and began to wash her hands in the sink, your eyes met in the reflection of the mirror.
"I fucked you because I found you genuinely cute and I certainly wasn't wrong in thinking you would fuck amazing."
She lowered her face to wash the sticky parts of her face, being very careful not to ruin her makeup too much. Meanwhile you looked at yourself in the mirror, adjusting your outfit and your hairstyle. You thought now was your time to make a move.
"Well, I wasn't wrong either in thinking that ass would be wonderful."
Gahyeon raised her head and looked you up and down with a smile.
"Do you want my number? I would love for you to enjoy it more."
That, ladies and gentlemen, is a masterful victory.
"Yeah, sure," you nodded, pulling your phone out of your pocket.
You waited patiently for her to finish cleaning her face so she could dictate her number to you. You did the same with yours.
"Look for me on Instagram too: fox._.zzlo_"
You chuckled.
"Wasn't there a more complicated name?"
"Everyone I tried was already taken, it's not my fault."
You both followed each other on instagram as well. You were lying if you didn't say you were embarrassed by the difference in your feeds, a lot versus almost nothing. Your self-esteem didn't go that far yet.
"You go out first, I'll come down later," she told you.
"It's not like anyone is suspicious anyway, but aight."
"You have to maintain a certain degree of impudence, darling."
She patted your shoulder a couple of times, blew you a kiss, and urged you to leave. You did so, leaving her alone in the bathroom.
The loud music and bustle filled your ears once again. The difference in environments was overwhelming, you even considered running into the bathroom with Gahyeon again, but you were going to look like a chihuahua with nervous problems. You recognized that the party was at a high point when you looked over the railing and saw the vast majority of people dancing in the inner yard. The mere thought of having to get in there was overwhelming, but you had no choice.
Going down you made your way through the crowd, who were dancing to the rhythm of Lady Gaga's Applause. You were desperately looking for a friendly face, but you only found people that you only waved at from a distance when you were at university. After a few seconds of searching you finally found it. Even though she wasn't exactly who you were looking for, you were grateful.
"I hope Gahyeon was a nice fuck!" Minji exclaimed so you could hear her over the music, "Do you dance?"
Minji had something undecipherable about her; every movement and every expression she made was stupidly attractive, as if she knew perfectly how to use every one of her good qualities. That way it became rather impossible for you to reject her offer.
You sighed and shrugged.
"Yeah, why not."
You approached her so she could put her hand on the back of your neck. You didn't dare touch her with your hands out of mere respect, but you stayed close enough to her to feel the warmth of her body and the subtle scent of alcohol emanating from her. The song opportunely changed to SexyBack by Justin Timberlake. She danced amazingly, which was appreciated since you were pretty close to stinking at it, but you did your best.
"You know? You look like a good guy. Thank god you're not like that jerk Yugyeom."
"He doesn't have much of a good reputation, does he?"
She shook her head. She was staring at you, but you avoided her gaze.
"Not the best of personalities, as you may have noticed."
"Yeah, I can tell."
"All the girls he's been with leave him after a couple of weeks because he's unbearable. Tzuyu is probably going down the same path."
"They are...?"
"Oh yeah, but it's a recent thing. They won't last long."
She took both of your hands and made you put them on her waist, as if telling you to stop being so clumsy. Her body pressed against yours; you just let yourself be carried away by her magnificent movements. You now had to speak in her ear.
"You seem very sure of that, don't you think it's hasty to say so?"
Minji laughed into the side of your face, then wrapped her arms around your neck and placed a hand on the back of your neck.
"Well, as always, there is a chance that something will click and turn out well. But out of every ten girls, ten get hurt by that fool."
"And why do girls still go out with him?"
Minji shrugged.
"God knows why. But that's none of your business, you just worry about keeping who you are and behave."
The song ended, she gave you a kiss on the temple and let go of you. You looked into her eyes.
“I do what I can,” you nodded.
"Yes, I know you do," she smiled, "Oh, look who's here."
You turned to your right. Gahyeon emerged from the crowd, perfectly groomed and impeccable as if nothing had happened. She stood next to the two of you.
"Would you leave her to me for a bit, baby?" she winked at you.
"Of course, I was already leaving."
You returned the wink, smiled at Minji and walked past the two of them to resume your search for the two people you had been trying to find for ten minutes already. Among the entire crowd you found Nayeon and Han dancing, as well as Yugyeom and Tzuyu. Right at the division between the inner yard and the open space you found the two of them. To your surprise, or maybe not so much, they were dancing too close together.
Jihyo had Sana holding her waist from behind, her chin resting on her shoulder with a little smile of being quite tipsy. Sana on the other hand had one hand loose and the other extended behind her, holding onto Jihyo's neck as they danced. You hesitated to approach them for fear of disturbing them, but you had absolutely no one else, and going out there alone was not an option.
Luckily for you, you made eye contact with Sana, who immediately motioned for you to join the two of them. You obeyed and approached the two of them, standing in front of Sana with some distance between you. You moved to the rhythm of the music with the two of them.
"Everything okay, honey?" Jihyo asked you.
"Uh.. .yeah, everything's fine."
Sana grabbed your shirt and pulled you towards her, you were now dangerously close to her face and the rest of her body.
"Don't be shy, silly."
You looked into her eyes for a few long seconds; her smirk and sensual expression were hypnotic, as was the way she moved her hips and enjoyed herself. You two were close, but your bodies didn't touch until the atmosphere heated up.
Halfway through one of the songs you were dancing to, Sana grabbed you by the waist and pulled you even closer, now pressing your bodies together to wrap both arms around your neck. You and Jihyo danced with her in between you for several songs, practically making a tight sandwich that was driving you crazy for her. Everything escalated too quickly, the spicy hands went from here to there over every corner of Sana's body, and she was enjoying it almost as much as you were. You could have even sworn you heard her let out a very subtle moan.
Maybe things escalated too, too quickly, because something you didn't think would happen so soon happened. Sana looked at you with eyes full of desire, her mouth half open in pure sensuality and her hands on your neck, rubbing the slightly sweaty skin there; then she brought her face closer to yours, and without a second's hesitation she kissed you.
Everything around you felt like being in a painting, too perfect to be true. You were completely paralyzed. It was just a kiss, it shouldn't be a big deal; but it was Minatozaki Sana's lips that you had pressed against yours. Again, it shouldn't have been a big deal, she was a person like anyone else. But that felt like being kissed by Galadriel herself.
When she separated her lips from yours, you met Jihyo's knowing eyes, who also looked at your mouth, making her intentions very clear. To test if you understood, you leaned over Sana's shoulder and kissed her too. It didn't end there: after kissing Jihyo, Sana turned around and met her eyes. The two of them also kissed, giving you a little show that was enough to make you hard.
As soon as the two of them finished their mini make out session, Sana grabbed you by the back of your neck and leaned close to your ear.
"Let's see how you behave the rest of the night to see if you deserve to fill my pussy or not."
A chill ran down your spine. The song ended shortly after, and at that moment Yugyeom approached you to tell you that everyone was going to play major or minor with cards. You didn't know if anyone else had seen you, everyone was engrossed in their own world and you didn't think everyone had stopped just to watch the three of you kiss. It wasn't something relevant to know, but you were more afraid of what they might say about Sana than about you.
Hours passed and the alcohol levels gradually became higher in your bodies. Sana became much closer and more affectionate to you and Jihyo; she lets Jihyo handle her at her will, and she is possessive of you over the other girls. Whenever Gahyeon and Minji tried to make you dance with them after finishing a song, Sana would pull you back with her so you wouldn't get separated from her. You weren't drunk, but you were standing on a fine line that could be crossed at any moment. But the most important thing of all is that you were having the time of your life.
However, the best was yet to come.
At some point around midnight the lower floor of the house began to be invaded by a crowd of people dressed in suits and tiki masks; they carried large water guns and tanks on their back, making them look like they were carrying flamethrowers—you hoped they weren't. The three of you were at the kitchen counter eating prawn and bacon skewers when this happened. You and Jihyo were surprised, but you had a certain level of concern since you didn't know what the hell was happening. Sana leaned towards you while she watched the people in suits settle in different parts of the floor.
"Take that face off, it will be a pleasant surprise. I'm just warning you to prepare to get really wet."
That phrase contained a clear double meaning that she accentuated in the word 'wet'. Your head was flooded with thoughts, many of them not exactly chaste. However, everything was quickly eradicated when you heard LMFAO's Champagne Showers start playing. In that moment, you understood perfectly what it was all about.
Sana took you both by the hand and took you to the 'dance floor', where both the tiki people and the rest of the guests began to dance and jump euphorically to the iconic song. The three of you joined in the commotion, laughing and enjoying the moment as enthusiastically as possible.
The moment approached, that peak point of the song where the 'pop' arrived and everything exploded. The tiki people stopped their dancing and focused on preparing their weapons for what was to come. They pointed it in the air and waited.
"Shake that bottle and make it, pop."
They opened fire and the crowd erupted in an explosion of euphoric screams and laughter. The powerful jets flew through the air in all directions, and it didn't take long for you to receive several of them. The unmistakable aroma of the liquid instantly confirmed what you suspected from the beginning of the song, and which was actually quite evident: it was a Champagne Shower.
The end of the song continued until the tiki people had emptied their tanks and absolutely everyone present was drenched in champagne. That was the spark that ignited a next phase of the party: many, already soaked and euphoric, took off their clothes and jumped into the pool. The sounds of splashing mixed with the music, creating a cacophony of joy and celebration.
Like everyone else, the three of you were completely soaked. Your clothes clung to your body, revealing every detail of your figures. Your eyes fell on Sana and Jihyo, admiring the curves and shape of her breasts. You didn't bother to hide your gaze, and they didn't seem bothered by it either. In fact, Sana even seemed pleased that you could see her sexy body again.
Sana took your hands once again and pulled you towards her, brushing your ears with her lips.
"I could use a change of clothes. Would you walk me to my room?" she whispered.
Neither you nor she hesitated for a single second to respond affirmatively. Sana smiled and, without letting go of your hands, she guided you up the stairs to her room. You still couldn't shake the subtle feeling of unreality. If you looked back, everything seemed to have happened too quickly: just a moment ago you were having breakfast with her on the terrace, and now you were heading to her room for what could be the best fuck of your life.
As soon as you crossed the threshold of Sana's room, she pulled you into a fiery kiss, enveloping her body in yours. Your arms instinctively clung to her small waist, feeling the wetness of the fabric and the firmness of her skin against yours. You responded to the kiss with the same intensity that she had from the beginning. Between the heat of the kiss, you felt Jihyo position herself behind Sana, kissing her neck with heavy breathing.
"Fuck, I've been waiting for this moment all night," Jihyo whispered, "Can I take off your dress now, cutie?"
Sana separated from your lips and responded between gasps into your mouth.
"You would do me a big favor, go ahead."
Jihyo did not hesitate to unzip Sana's dress all the way down and remove the straps from her shoulders to slowly lower it to the top of her abdomen. Sana kissed you again, so you couldn't get a glimpse of her pretty tits once they were freed. But she made up for it by bringing her hand right to the bulge in your pants, groping your cock hard over the wet fabric of your pants.
You had to let go of Sana for a moment so Jihyo could finish pulling down the rest of her dress, but you wrapped your arms around her again, and the feeling was one of the most pleasurable you could have ever experienced; being able to touch that beautiful, perfect body to your liking felt ethereal, especially when you brought your hands to her tits and squeezed them between your fingers.
At that moment Jihyo filled Sana's wet back with kisses and licks that made her gasp against your lips. In search of feeling even more of Sana's body you now brought your hands to her perfect ass, which you squeezed as hard as you could; giving her buttocks an intense massage over her panties, which were already screaming to be taken off.
After a few seconds, Sana separated from the kiss and you were able to admire her statuesque, semi-naked body, more closely than a few hours ago. Her tits were stupidly perfect, with an average round size and a pair of pink nipples that made your mouth water. Sana looked at you with a sly smile, satisfied with your reaction.
"Well? What do you think of them?" she asked, her hand on your cock.
Jihyo also looked at you with the same little smile, she then ran her hands in front of Sana's body and squeezed both of Sana's tits for you, she shook them up and down as well.  Then she answered for you. 
"Look at his eyes, of course he loves them. I bet he wants to suck them too."
Sana grabbed your chin and caressed it with two of her soft fingers, looking into your eyes.
"Is that so, my pretty boy?"
What Jihyo had told you crossed your mind again: 'Get your claws out.' They might have expected a more passive response from you, conforming to the dominant energies they were transmitting, but you decided to become proactive.
"Why don't you come to bed with me and find out for yourself?"
Jihyo looked visibly surprised, but she also nodded with a proud little smile. Sana didn't seem all that surprised, since you were probably giving her what she wanted, someone to dominate her. That was like a turning point, since now Sana saw you with different eyes. No longer like a mistress, but like a girl who wanted you to fuck her brains out.
"Lead the way then," she gestured toward the bed.
You broke away and walked towards the bed with her following behind you. You sat on the bottom edge of it and leaned back, both hands resting on the mattress behind you. She immediately went to straddle your lap, gripping her thighs on either side of your hips. Jihyo also climbed onto the bed, and she crawled up to kneel behind you. 
You wasted no time in wrapping your arms around Sana's torso and pressing her against you, plunging your mouth directly into her perfect pair of tits to suck on her nipples. Jihyo behind you took off your shirt and took your shirt out of your pants to lift it up, this way lifting it from your arms and taking it off as well. She hugged you from behind her and filled your back with wet kisses, also going up to your shoulders and the back of your neck; at that you ate both of Sana's soft mounds hungrily, while she ground her hips against your lap and moaned above your head.
"It's not fair..." Sana gasped, "I'm the only one naked here. I want to see you both."
Jihyo rested her chin on your right shoulder.
"And why don't you help me then? We can help our pretty Balto too."
As much as you didn't want to do it, you had to stop eating Sana's tits and let her go. She thanked you with a peck on the lips and stood up with Jihyo. The two of them stood less than a meter away from you and shared a steamy kiss, Jihyo's hands on Sana's waist and Sana's on her shoulders.
Jihyo buried her face in Sana's long neck, filling every corner of it with wet kisses and giving her intense sucks that were with the sole intention of marking territory. Sana used her hands as well as she could to remove Jihyo's top, and in doing so she also removed her bra, leaving them both on equal footing. Again they hug and kiss for another long seconds, in which Jihyo saved Sana work and took off her pants herself. Now the only thing separating them from being completely naked were her panties; Sana's were as red as the flower she still had on the side of her head, and Jihyo's were white.
They broke the kiss and Sana turned to look at you. She smiled from ear to ear looking between your legs.
"That thing is going to tear your pants with how hard it is."
Jihyo, who was kissing her chin and jaw, also turned to look at you.
"Come here, pretty boy."
You took off your shoes and stood up to stand in front of the two of them. Immediately they acted and each took one side of your neck to kiss it. Sana was more delicate and passionate with her kisses, but Jihyo attacked your neck in the same way she did Sana's, as if she wanted to mark territory. Between kisses they took turns undressing you; Jihyo took off your pants, while Sana was in charge of taking off your boxers.
Once completely naked they left your neck and went down your collarbone and chest, passing through your abdomen until they fell to their knees in front of your erect cock. Sana's eyes lit up when she saw it for the first time. She took it with one hand and moved it in each direction to detail it.
"Oh my god..." she gasped, "This is probably the biggest cock that's ever going to fit in this fancy mouth."
She gave it a little kiss on the tip to see your reaction, seeing that you had a little shiver she giggled and gave your tip a little suction to now kiss the back of your shaft.
"And his cum is delicious… why don't we give it a try?"
Jihyo joined Sana and grabbed the right side of your cock to kiss it as well. Both pairs of lips ran over every corner of your cock between wet kisses and long licks, drawing small moans out of you every few seconds. Your hands went to the back of their necks and held on there as Sana now swirled her tongue around your tip and Jihyo sucked on your balls.
The first to take you into her mouth was Sana. She took only a few inches of your cock at first, giving you slow, strong sucks with her eyes on you. Within a few seconds she released you, now licking the backside from top to bottom and meeting Jihyo's tongue on the way. When both tongues came into contact, they raised it at the same time to your tip, where they converged in a sensual maelstrom of saliva and viscosity.
You moaned louder as the two of them made out with your cock right in the middle; they didn't stick to just your tip, they went down along your entire length kissing and licking. When your cock was soaked in a mixture of both of their saliva, Jihyo took her turn to wrap her lips around you. Unlike Sana she took a few more inches, reaching a little more than halfway down your shaft before pumping her head slowly.
Despite starting out slow, Jihyo picked up pace quickly, slurping on your cock hungrily as she held onto your right thigh with both hands. Sana didn't stay still, she was in charge of licking underneath the area of your cock that Jihyo didn’t reach with her mouth; she also massaged your balls with her gentle hand, and with the other she rubbed your thigh.
Jihyo pulled you out of her mouth with a sharp breath, giving your cock slow strokes over the area she had sucked to let Sana continue doing her work. She looked into your eyes intently; you held her gaze for as long as you could, then she took your cock and guided it back into Sana's mouth.
This time Sana went further, to your surprise taking almost the entire length of your cock into her mouth; she reached the end showing a slight gag reflex, but that didn't stop her from putting all her effort into giving you a wonderful blowjob. She moaned around your cock with each pump, making it obvious that you weren't the only one who deeply enjoyed that.
Jihyo let Sana move her head for a few long seconds until she put her hand on the back of her head and pushed it deeper onto your cock. Sana was forced to take you completely inside her mouth, her face scrunching up and her gag reflex kicking in immediately. She choked on your cock, but held on a little longer until she let you free between loud coughs.
Jihyo looked at her with a touch of worry in her eyes.
"Oh, was I too abrupt?"
Sana shook her head as she composed herself.
"Not at all. I needed to choke on a cock like this."
She returned to your cock and kissed it all over again, now showing a devotion worthy of a relic. But you needed more.
"Girls, I'm close… could you not… ?"
"Don't worry baby, we got you," Jihyo said.
Jihyo and Sana now each took short turns sucking your cock. They did it with fast and frantic pumps, causing thick drops of saliva to fall from the corners of their mouths to the ground. Your shaft was covered in that thick, bubbly viscous layer, which each one was responsible for spreading and absorbing with her lips. You couldn't look away from there, you were going crazy with pleasure and you couldn't do anything but moan. Soon you had to make the sign.
"Do it on our tits," Jihyo said.
She knelt up and turned around looking at Sana, who pulled you out of her mouth and adopted the same position. They pressed their tits together, giving you the honor of making the finishing touch. You jerked off as fast as you could, bending your knees slightly to be closer for when you exploded. Your cum shot straight between their tits, painting both pairs of soft mounds white. While you were draining, they kissed each other between loud moans, as well as raising and lowering their breasts to spread your cum on them. The scene would remain in your mind forever as one of the hottest things you had ever witnessed.
When your orgasm passed, Jihyo pulled away from Sana's tits and looked at you as she held her firmly by the waist.
"Baby… I'd love to see this cutie get fucked, you wouldn't mind being a little dominant this time, right?"
You looked at Sana, from her eyes you could tell that she was desperate for you to do so.
"Let's go to bed then," you gestured towards the bed.
You helped the two of them stand up and get back on the bed. Sana lay down with her legs wide open and Jihyo lay down next to her, putting her tits in her face for her to clean. While Sana was wiping your cum off Jihyo's tits you lay between her legs, kissing the inside of her thighs and moving towards her pussy over her panties.
Jihyo returned the favor to Sana once she finished, eating her tits between moans and eating your cum along the way. You grabbed Sana's panties by the curb and slowly pulled them towards you, they slid down her legs and then you threw them to the floor. Her beautiful, wet, inviting pussy was now inches from your face, screaming to be eaten.
You did not resist your carnal impulses and planted your mouth there without a second's hesitation. Sana moaned loudly and brought a hand to your hair, tangling her fingers through it with a subtle tug. Jihyo dedicated herself to kissing every possible corner of Sana's body, passing through her neck and her collarbone until she reached her sexy abdomen.
"Mmm your mouth feels amazing darling..." Sana sensually moaned, "Eat that expensive Japanese pussy."
You internalized that as a kind of divine commandment. You had gained a lot of experience over the past few months, you were more than willing to put all of that into practice to give Sana one of the best orgasms she could ever experience, and as you gained confidence and identified the spots she loved, it didn't take long for you to make her scream with pleasure. 
Much to your and Jihyo's surprise, you brought Sana to her breaking point faster than you expected. You had her by her thighs, eating her pussy up and down her while Jihyo rubbed her clit with her fingers. Sana's body tensed and then she began to shake. She pulled your hair hard and she buried your mouth even deeper in her slit when she exploded.
"Mmgghh!!! Yes!!!"
You and Jihyo kept her pinned to the bed as her spasms shook her body. You held her trembling thighs, kissing every corner of her soaked pussy in the throes of her orgasm; Jihyo on the other hand continued to rub her clit in slow circles, then kissed her. Sana clung with both arms to Jihyo's neck, moaning into her mouth in the middle of the kiss. You gave a few last kisses to her pussy, and then to her thighs.
Sana let go of Jihyo and broke away from her kiss, then leaned up on her elbows and looked at you with heavy breathing.
"For God's sake, I'm begging you, fuck me right now."
Her husky and sensual voice penetrated your ears to give you a chill. Her eyes emanated desire, the desire for you to fill her to the bottom with your cock. She was making you feral, so much that you got on your knees, grabbed her waist and roughly put her on her hands and knees. Sana moaned and looked at you over her shoulder as you settled behind her with her amazing ass perfectly raised. Jihyo positioned herself in front of her with her legs open, making her request clear. But Sana was also clear that she needed to see how you filled her.
"Come on honey, fill that slutty, Japanese fancy pussy with that huge cock," Jihyo said, biting her lip.
You didn't consider it necessary to spit on your cock, it was already lubricated enough by the saliva of the two of them; you just had to take it with one hand and guide it towards Sana's pussy, where you pushed to take just your tip inside her. Sana frowned and bit her bottom lip, stifling a moan.
"Mmmm yeah, put it all inside dear, don't hold back..."
You remembered your little adventure with Gahyeon and found it funny that Sana was the complete opposite: she didn't want you to be careful, she wanted it all in from the beginning. You had no problem pleasing her. You grabbed her waist and, staring into her eyes, sank into her tight pussy with one hard thrust that made her scream.
"Ahhhh! Fuck!"
Sana finally turned her head and came face to face with Jihyo's plump, wet pussy, which she was waiting to be eaten. She immersed her face in it, holding her thighs while you moved with slow, hard thrusts that made Sana bounce back and forth. You made eye contact with Jihyo, noticing her face drunk with pleasure thanks to Sana's mouth, which apparently worked wonders.
"Come on baby, fuck her hard, make that pussy yours once and for all! Mmmgh!"
She grabbed onto Sana's hair and let her head fall back for a few seconds, letting out moans only the way she knew how: loudly and shamelessly. You gladly complied with her request, tightening your grip on Sana's waist and picking up the pace until you were fucking her hard but not becoming frantic.
The view you had was worth framing: one side of Sana's beautiful silky hair fell down her perfectly arched back, which made her ass look like something out of a dream. Your cock went completely  in and out between that pair of juicy buttocks, making them jiggle from the collision of your pelvis against them. Up ahead was Jihyo's reddened face; eyes fixed on the work Sana was doing on her pussy and her mouth half open as moans reverberated through the room.
You squeezed Sana's left buttock and let out a loud grunt of pleasure. Sana's pussy felt deadly addictive; it was extremely tight, with a hypnotizing grip and a silkiness that drove you crazy every time you reached the bottom with your thrusts. You crossed a new threshold of pace, now fucking her fast and hard, making her scream in pleasure against Jihyo's pussy.
"That's it baby!! She's doing fucking wonders in my pussy so don't you dare stop destroying her!!"
Jihyo's face twisted in pleasure. She couldn't help but lift her thighs and trap Sana's head between them. The red flower was ruined almost immediately—you thought it was about time, because it had lasted long enough. Then she grabbed onto her hair with both hands, pulling it hard to push her further against her slit.
Sana rested her hands on the mattress and slightly raised her upper body for a few seconds, only to let it fall back down. You took it as a sign, as her moans intensified to the point that she had to leave Jihyo's pussy for a few seconds to release them.
The three of you were close to your ecstasy, but the first to explode was Jihyo. She lifted her hips and let out a loud cry, then slammed them back down onto the mattress and sank onto the pillow behind her, holding onto it with both hands behind her head. Sana ate her with pleasure through her orgasm, but as soon as it passed she was free to separate her mouth from there and be able to moan to her heart's content.
"Please don't stop!! Just like that, yeah yeah yeah!!"
She looked over her shoulder at you again. You were met with a pair of teary eyes and a face as red as Jihyo's a few seconds ago. She wasn't going to last another minute, as you found out when after a few more pumps Sana lifted her lower body and muffled a high-pitched squeal against her pursed lips. Tears spilled from her eyes as she fell back down and the side of her face was crushed against the mattress.
Her pussy was choking your cock from all directions, if it was already tight before, now you felt like you were being trapped by a boa constrictor. That seemingly insignificant thing was what brought you to your orgasm. You pulled out your cock quickly, and rubbed it over her ass before a new batch of cum shot out. Sana raised her head weakly, watching both of her buttocks be covered in your thick liquid. Jihyo raised her head to look too, she bit her lip and winked at you.
"Fuck, come kiss me. You guys are so fucking hot."
Sana and you obeyed. You helped her up so that her arms wouldn't fail and she would fall on her face, then you both lay down on either side of Jihyo and brought your faces together to share a sensual triple kiss. In the middle of the hot act, the three of you groped each other, but the main objective of you and Jihyo was to enjoy Sana's body as much as you could. Once your tongues had swirled and you had shared saliva between the three of you, Jihyo pushed you away.
"Fuck her again, baby. But this time I want you to fill her pussy," she looked at Sana, "What do you say, cutie?"
Sana looked at you, and crawled like a predatory lioness towards you over Jihyo's body.
"I want him to do whatever he wants with me… I want him to make me his."
You didn't know how to act in a situation like that since it wasn't usual for you to be so dominant over someone, so you just acted on pure instinct. You grabbed her by the neck and moved closer to give her lips a slow lick from bottom to top, then kissed her for a few short seconds and murmured into her lips.
"Put yourself however you want me to fill that pussy then..."
Sana moaned and bit your lip, visibly turned on by the fact that she was bossed around.
"Mmm... whatever you want."
She moved away from Jihyo, who was staring at you like a monitor, and went to lie on her side on the right end of the bed. She pulled her legs up so that her knees were close to her torso, and she turned her upper body up so you could see her tits. You thought it would be best to lay down behind her to spoon her, but Jihyo quickly took that spot to fill her neck and back with kisses. You had no choice but to do it on your knees.
You positioned yourself in front of Sana's ass and rubbed your cock against her butt cheek a few times; she spit on her hand, and brought it to your shaft to rub it and fill it with saliva. Lubricated again, you slipped back into Minatozaki Sana's heavenly pussy, which greeted you with overwhelming warmth and softness.
You no longer needed foreplay, now you could fuck her as hard and fast as you wanted from the very beginning. However, you didn't do it, first you dedicated yourself to fucking her slowly, only to delight in the changes in her face every time your tip touched her cervix; then you went harder, but not fast, just to watch her tits bounce hypnotically. Finally you started with a combination of the two, and picked up the pace at which she was waiting to be fucked.
"Do you like how that cock fills you up, princess?" Jihyo said against Sana's cheek, "If only you could see your little slut face..."
"Oh god! It feels amazing... that cock is fucking perfect, I want it to be mine! Mghh!"
Sana turned her face to kiss Jihyo, meanwhile you clung with your right hand to Sana's buttock, squeezing it up to watch as your cock hammered into her tight pussy. Jihyo wrapped her arms around Sana's body, groping her all over and putting special emphasis on her bouncing tits. You spanked Sana hard, now holding onto her hips with both hands.
Jihyo separated from Sana and let go of her body; she now settled back on the bed, getting on her hands and knees with her face right next to Sana's ass while you fucked her. You watched what she did for a few seconds, which was basically watching your cock go in and out of her while she bit her lip. You and Sana moaned in unison, and Jihyo took an active role again, this time with you.
She grabbed your balls and grabbed them in a squeeze to look you up. You winced a little, but then enjoyed it.
"Drain those damn balls into that pussy… make her yours baby."
"Oh fuck!" you growled.
You grabbed one of Sana's thighs and pressed it back. Now with the sight of how your cock hammered into Sana's pussy and how Jihyo had your balls squeezed, your orgasm came to you in a mere matter of seconds. You growled like a primal beast, squeezing Sana's thigh so hard with your hand that you were sure a small bruise would appear there later. You shot drop after drop into her, then Sana's mouth opened, her eyes rolled back, and she came too.
You both melted in a hurricane of pleasure, Sana letting herself be carried away by her intense spasms, shaking her in unpredictable ways while Jihyo, smiling and satisfied, held her with one hand; and you with a drop of sweat falling down your temple as you came inside one of possibly the most beautiful women in the world.
Soon your orgasms passed and you came out of Sana, falling on the opposite side of where Jihyo was. You came face to face with the Japanese girl, who quickly cupped your face with her hands to kiss you between pleasurable moans. You wrapped her in your arms, soaking in her warmth as you tasted her lips again.
Jihyo took the moment to spread Sana's butt cheeks and collect every drop of your cum that leaked through her folds. When she was clean, she lay back down behind Sana and hugged you both. A few long minutes passed in which only the three of you rested huddled together, until Sana turned up to speak to both of you.
"You better get some new clothes, cuties, we have a long crazy night ahead of us..."
Spren Notes: Alright, this piece was originally intended to be quite a bit shorter, like 10k words or so, but I got carried away and u know 👹.
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hysteria-things · 5 months
can you do a sub matt smut?
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sub!matt x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: matt is your best friend. you and his brothers decide to take a dip in the pool, but you in a bathing suit makes him a little too excited.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, swearing, making out, semi-public, oral (male receiving)
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 773
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this song kinda has something to do with this fic but also doesn’t?? idc i love wallows more than life🫶
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the pool water felt cold on your skin, but for a hot summer day like right now, it was perfect.
you’ve known the sturniolo’s for a while now, and over the years you guys have become much closer. the four of you are currently at the steep end of the pool chatting and drinking some sodas.
nothing too fancy, but it’s always nice to have a get-together from time to time. you’re standing next to matt while chris and nick are across from you.
matt couldn’t help but check you out a few times as the hang-out went on. you’re wearing a red bikini. nothing too revealing, but matt finds it attractive nonetheless. maybe a little too attractive; because he can’t stop shifting in his spot.
“i’m going to head inside for a few but i’ll be back.” nick announces to the group, getting out of the pool by hoisting himself up on the ledge. “need to check something on the vlog camera.”
“okay.” you smile as your friend walks away.
chris clears his throat. “i need to piss.” that’s all he says while following nick’s actions.
“you’ve been quiet.” you start, turning your head to matt who’s staring into space. “everything okay?”
“yup.” he smiles nervously, shifting his body like what he’s been doing. you tilt your head, unamused with matt’s lie. you scan down his body until you get to his swim trunks. it’s hard to see because of the water’s ripples, but there’s a visible tent on the blue fabric. “matt—”
“i’m sorry.” he panics. he starts walking to the stairs, but you grab his wrist to stop him. “matt,” you repeat.
his eyes look at your lips for a beat. you cup his neck and pull him into a kiss. he doesn’t kiss back right away since this was so sudden, but he soon gets into it.
he grabs your hips to pull you closer. you smirk when you feel his boner brush against your legs. you guys don’t know when nick and chris will be back, but it has to be soon.
matt’s breathing starts to quicken as his dick twitches. he moans into your mouth, pulling away abruptly. his face is pale from embarrassment.
he just came in his shorts.
“i-i’m sorry.” he stammers. “i need to use the bathroom.”
he starts going up the steps but you stop him once more. your body is still in the pool while he is now sitting on the ledge.
despite the water making his swimsuit wet, you can still see the stain and his still-hard boner. “looks like it hurts.” you tease.
he stares into your eyes as he frowns. you keep eye contact when you start to untie his shorts, pulling them down just to his thighs. he hisses when his swollen cock finally springs free. he’s been hard for way too long.
you flatten your tongue at his tip. he flinches at the contact, but eases when you start to move your tongue in kitty-licking motions. he moans and grips so hard to the concrete next to him that his knuckles turn white.
you start to lick faster, but you stay at his tip. he doesn’t look away from your eyes until something clicks in his head. he looks around in panic, nervous that his brothers will be back any second.
“stop looking at me like that,” he whines.
you know he can cum from just you staring and toying with his tip because of how sensitive he is. you then start to kiss and suck on him.
matt bites his lip and throws his head back, whimpering as his hips buck up a little.
even though he’s not staring at you, you never take your eyes off of his gorgeous face. “please.” he gasps. “i need to cum.”
you continue what you’re doing, more moans and whines leaving matt’s mouth when one last buck of the hips has him cumming on your lips. “shit.” he pants.
you kiss up his chest until you get to his lips so he can taste himself. he moans at the feeling. “chris got distracted. sorry guys.” nick’s voice echoes from the back door. matt quickly pulls up his swimsuit and you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand.
his brothers get back into the pool and luckily they don’t suspect a thing. nick starts ranting about god knows what, but matt keeps staring at you.
he wants to say something, knowing he can’t. all you do is smile seductively and wink, and matt’s cheeks can’t help but turn a maroon.
he wishes his brothers never came back outside.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss
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willowrites · 3 months
heyyy so this is a request for colby. i thought that maybe he invited his “friend😉” y/n for a collab on his channel and theyre playing truth or drink and the questions get kinda spicy and he also gets kinda jealous fron some of her answers and stuff and maybe add some crazy smut idk its up to u😙😙
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PAIRINGS. colby brock x fem reader
SUMMARY. amid a no big deal type of video of truth or drink some feelings and needs get mixed...
WARNINGS. drinking! smut, dominant male x sub fem (colby showing his dominant side fr), choking, spanking, rough sex, scratching, oral female!receiving, degradation, dirty talk, praising, unprotected sex (don’t do this!!)...
AUTHORS NOTE. i absolutely LOVED this request!! i usually don’t get a lot of these types of requests so u best believe i tried putting my whole heart and soul into it. hope you enjoyed bae !! SORRY THIS IS SO LATE BTW.
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as you sat on the couch scrolling on instagram you heard your friend colby’s voice.
“we should do a special kind of Q&A huh?” he was speaking to sam but you still took the liberty to answer.
“how about truth or drink? it’ll still be a q & a. just more fun.” you raised your brows.
they both looked at each other and nodded. “fuck, for once she has a good idea.” colby scoffed.
“oh shut the fuck up dick. i always have good ideas.” you rolled your eyes.
“yeah, that tiny ass skirt not being one of them.” he looked at your outfit.
you had on a basic black fitted shirt which fell just above your belly button. a blue-wash mini skirt with black high-heeled boots that reach just the middle of your shin.
your hair was pin-straight because you straightened it and you had on your usual makeup.
“my outfit is fire you’re just a hater.” you eyed him.
“oh please, you could see your bare ass cheeks in that thing.” he gestured up and down towards your body.
“oh, sad you can’t see more?” you grinned and he immediately left the room.
you shrugged him off waiting for their queue to go to their little filming area.
it was 11:30 when they had started to get things ready. you headed towards the filming area and sat down on the couch.
“guys sorry i have to go. my friend just texted and told me it’s an emergency.” sam was panicking and you could tell. “maybe you can do this for your personal channel colby, but i gotta go. have fun.” he was quick to say bye and headed out towards the door.
you hoped everything with sam was okay but all you thought about after he left was how it was just you and colby and how you were bound to get heated.
“for fucks sake,” you whispered to yourself.
“don’t act so excited.” colby randomly appeared. you had no idea where he came from. he was carrying a bottle of tequila and plastic shot cups. “you ready?”
“i guess.” you fake yawned.
colby clicked on the camera making it start clicking.
“it’s counting down to ten then it’ll record. just in case you’re too stupid to realize.” he snickered after his rude remark.
“i know you fuckface.” you sneered.
you and colby always had this love-hate friendship. of course, it wasn’t real but it was just more interesting to be mean to each other. you both got the memo and never got mad about anything you guys have said to each other.
in the midst of your friendship, you found yourself finding colby more attractive by the day. you didn’t give yourself the time of day to really think or dwell but in the back of your mind, you knew you had just the tiniest bit of feelings for him.
were they as tiny as your little brain thought though?
“what’s up, guys! it’s colby brock here and welcome back to my channel! today we’re going to get…fucked!” he says to the camera. “i haven’t done one of these in a loooong time. oh shit…by the way guys this is y/n!” he pretends to shrug then grins.
“wow thank you so much for the introduction colby, hi guys!” you smile. you weren’t usually on colby’s channel so you wanted to make a good impression all the time.
“of course.” he fake smiles. “alright! you guys already know what this video is based on the title. view discretion is advised…if you do not have 21! don’t drink.” you both paused. “why’d i say that so weirdly.” he cringed.
“because you’re odd.” you stated. “what he means is if you are underage obviously don’t drink.”
“yeah, what she said. now i posted a little instagram story thingy asking you guys to ask us truth or dare questions but we are cutting out the dares and doing drinks!” he rubs his hands together. “so let’s get started”
he brought out his phone scrolling through it. “i’m so not prepared for the hangover i will endure tomorrow.” you groaned leaning back on the couch.
“me too, i haven’t drunk in like 3 days.” he wiped his forehead playfully.
“wow colby that must be a new record for you.” you patted his back.
“oh fuck off. here you read the questions.” he rolled his eyes passing the phone to you. “alright guys, the first question let’s get it.”
you were biting your cheek as you carefully skimmed the question. “woah! starting off strong huh. alright…what’s the worst ‘doing the dirty’ experience you’ve had.”
his eyes widened. “starting off very strong.” he laughed. “wow…um”
you thought about it. there were quite a few. “are you going to answer this?”
“yeah! i’m gonna…m gonna answer it.” he leaned back on the couch. “just uh..one time i had a female use a lot of teeth. and it hurt.”
you winced at that and giggled a bit. “yikes that’s uh…”
“yeah yeah it was really awkward and i just..yeah we never talked again.” he looked down in fake shame. “what about you. you going to answer?”
“yeah for sure um…well i’m not going to name names but this one guy i was with …let’s just say he didn't have the best hygiene and well it smelled so bad i genuinely had to leave.” you laughed painfully.
“that is so nasty y/n oh my god.” colby covers his face.
“you’re telling me! i wanted to die then and there. somehow i was the embarrassed one.” you covered your face.
“jeez alright alright well i am soooo sorry about that.” he chuckled.
he wasn’t sorry.
“next question!” he fake demanded.
“okay, which one of you has the better style?” you spoke.
“oooo that is a hard question…” colby pretended to think. “me!”
“oh that’s such a fat lie!” your tone playful but offended. “i have a much better style than you!”
“liar liar!” he sang.
“oh, whatever i’m better and you know it. next question.”
as you both bantered and went through questions some you drank some you answered you felt the alcohol hit you after three shots.
your brain went fuzzy and your actions became more free.
you looked at colby throughout your time and he got increasingly hot. you didn’t know if it was you or the alcohol but you wanted to jump his bones.
“colby why do you have a pair of handcuffs in your room?” your eyes widened on that one as soon as you said it.
you’ve never really been in colby’s room. only once to use the restroom so you never really looked around.
you turned to him and his eyes were wide and his face turned red.
“what the fuck.” he laughed in disbelief. “umm…why? i mean…?” he grabbed the bottle of tequila ready to go.
“no come on answer it!” you wanted to get it out of him even though you clearly knew why. “were they props for a video?”
“no.” he stated. then he got ready to put the bottle back. “you know what i use them for personal fun alright.”
“what the fuck does that even mean? personal fun?” you questioned, confusion written on your face.
“that should answer the question right?” he nods to himself while you’re shaking your head.
“no no, you need to go a little bit more in-depth with it.” you have a smug look on your face.
“oh my god, i’m getting embarrassed.” he smiles awkwardly at me and then at the camera.
“then go ahead and drink.” you raise your brows trying to use reverse psychology to make him spill…and it works.
“i’ve used them for sexual fun.” he says while about to pour the shot. “that counts right.”
you thought about it, your stomach doing loops. “fine.” you roll your eyes.
“ha ha…” he rubs his hands together. “next question.”
you scroll through and find the perfect one.
“ñame two dirty kinks that you have.” colby’s face as you read the question was filled with surprise.
“jeez…oh my god. sorry…m-mom.” he apologized.
“oh so you’re gonna answer?” you squinted your eyes in intimidation.
“w-what. you know what now i’m not.” he scoffed and picked up the bottle. he poured half the shot when you interrupted.
“you already said one!” you shrugged.
“oh so that counts?” he questioned.
“mhm.” you hummed waiting for his second response.
“ummm…” he paused putting his hand out in front of him and leaning against his knee. “i like to be dominant. alright, there we go.”
your eyes widened. even though you could tell what kind of guy colby was in the bedroom, it was more effective as he said it right in front of the camera not being afraid to express it.
“oh wow…” you said slowly. “not surprised.”
“oh really? now you have to answer.” he waits.
“mmm, or i could drink.” you snicker grabbing the bottle from his hands.
“nuh uh, cmonnnn…” he tries to convince you.
“oh my god ugh.” you whine. “fine, um…i like to be …praised?” you questioned.
“wow…a very good one. mhm…” his gaze on you was strong. you felt so small under his stare. “one more…” he says softly.
“and iliketobechoked.” you muttered as quick as you could.
“you what now? sorry i didn’t hear you! doesn’t count.” he fake frowns.
“oh my god. i like to be choked.” you sternly let out. “moving on!” you raised your voice trying to distract yourself.
little did you know, for the rest of the video colby was thinking of you in that position and his mind ran through all the other times you could’ve been with someone else.
he was envious.
envious of people who got to pleasure you and who got pleasured by you.
as the time went on you both got more drunk. you were a bit tipsy but thanks to your genius plan of just telling the truth the alcohol barely affected you.
same with colby, after that he realized he really had nothing to hide.
“okay well that’s it you guys thank you for watching…and thank you y/n for joining. ” as he was talking to the camera you were analyzing him. his perfect face. his jawline. your eyes trailed down to his hands.
you felt you dampen your underwear.
you felt embarrassed at the fact that he was able to make you feel these things so easily.
“of course it was fun! i definitely learned a lot more about you.” you laughed.
“yes, same here…” he paused and squinted at you. “but anyways i will see you guys next time!”
he ended the video and there was just silence.
“how tipsy are you?” he asked.
“considering ive told the truth more times than i took a drink, i’m sober.” you snickered. “you?”
“not at all,” he spoke. his tone is not something you’ve heard before.
“i’ll be right back im going to use the restroom.” you got nervous under his gaze.
you scurried off to the restroom looking yourself in the mirror. you made sure to fix anything about yourself and reapplied your lip product.
you then adjusted your skirt so that it was in a higher position. you didn’t know what possessed you to act so teasing but you did.
after you were done, you walked out confidently heading back to the main room.
“in here!” colby shouted his voice heard from the hall leading towards the den.
what you loved about sam and colby’s house was that it was always cozy. it wasn’t like a big celebrity mansion you always felt at home here.
to explain the sudden thought in your head, as you walked into the den there was a massive L-shaped couch that was basically a big bed. there were detachable seats where you could just slide them wherever to maximize the space.
the huge window on one side of the room looking out to darkness but covered with curtains that had fairy lights draped. the colors red.
then a fireplace with a large flat-screen TV above it. some plants scattered around too which also pleased your eyes.
“wanna watch a movie?” he was manspreading making you want to squeeze your thighs together.
“uh..thought you’d want me gone by now.” you playfully spat one hand on your hip and the other on your thigh playing with the end of your skirt.
you were never really flirty but maybe you’ll admit the alcohol is affecting you more than you mentioned.
“mmmm, see i would kick you out because being home alone is depressing. sam won’t be back until tomorrow he just texted.” he was looking down at his phone but then put it to the side and rested his gaze on you.
you were still in the door frame which was quite wide so you were being illuminated by the light behind you.
“turn the light off and come over here,” he spoke softly. you couldn’t tell but when you turned around to shut the switch off he admired how you looked in your outfit.
he was throwing a fit earlier because he was jealous he wouldn’t be the only one seeing it. he wanted to be the one to take it off too.
something you also didn’t know was that he was jealous. jealous that you’ve been with other people but not with him. he wanted to be the one who kissed you and loved up on you. he wanted to choke you while he fucked you at a relentless pace.
and he too, was more tipsy than he’d like to admit.
you made your way back once you switched off the light; the only thing illuminating the room was the flatscreen TV.
you sat on the opposite side of the couch starting to get nervous.
“you act like i’m going to do something to you.” colby chuckled his arm resting on the back of the couch. he looks so good, you thought to yourself.
you wanted him to do something to you.
“i’m just getting comfortable.” you settled on the couch and somehow some way the skirt barely covered your underwear.
colby looked and noticed which had him visibly become hard.
you didn’t notice because you were focused on his ring-clad hands and how they’d feel inside you.
you looked away to then look at the TV and see what he was putting on to watch.
“so what we are watching?” you questioned fiddling with your hair.
“mmm” he started to speak distracted by your thighs and how they’d look around his head while he…you know. “what do you feel like?”
“hmm, i’m not sure how long are you planning on keeping me around?” you look at him.
as your gazes met your stomach churned and you squeezed your thighs tighter.
there was pure lust in his eyes. you felt like he could kill you with his glare. he fiddled with his ring causing you to gulp.
“why do you look nervous?” he said disregarding your question.
“i’m not…” you denied. “you’re the one who looks nervous.” lie.
“how so?” he said starting to get up.
your eyes didn’t leave his body as he stood up to turn on the fireplace. he then came towards you. you froze heart beating out of your chest.
“what’s wrong?” he pouted. “stand up.”
what the fuck was going on.
you were confused but still followed his orders.
“how are you not cold in this tiny ass skirt.” he played with the end of it.
you lifted your head to meet his eyes trying to keep your composure.
“last time i checked im not outside.” you scoffed rolling your eyes at his comment.
“mmm, i turned on the fireplace because i thought you’d be a bit chilly. aren’t i a nice friend?” he grinned his hand making its way to your shoulder brushing the hair away. his touch sent chills down your body you couldn’t control.
“friend is an overstatement,” you whispered. he was now a centimeter away from you. his hand made its way behind your neck and caressed softly.
“not friends? funny.” he humorlessly laughed now playing with your hair. “you love my company.”
“do not.” you snort. he grinned knowingly stepping closer toward you. you were close to stumbling back onto the couch but kept your balance.
“then why are you so nervous? you’re shivering but you’re not cold…you get chills every time i touch you. you love my company.” he called you out. you were stunned to speak. what did you have to say to that? “and you love my touch.” he stepped even closer this time causing you to fall back onto the couch. you sat up in a sitting position looking up at him.
he knelt down meeting your eyes. “look at you in this skirt.” his right hand trailing down your thigh and the other on the couch. “do you have any idea how good you look? and how pissed the fuck off i was to see you wearing it not just for me?”
you had no idea where this behavior came from but it was turning you on.
your breathing became heavier as his hand trailed closer to your sex. “dressed like a slut to get who’s attention?” his demeanor changed but you could tell it wasn’t serious, even then it was still turning you on.
“certainly not for you.” you felt breathless.
“the way that your legs just opened at my touch; i'd say it was.” he bit his lip a little bit. “just ask and i’ll touch you, baby.”
his teasing had you wanting to drop to your knees.
you placed your hand protectively at the end of your skirt. “touch me? you think you can make me feel good?” you challenged.
“find out.” he replied tapping your knee. “cmon, open up.”
as if you were hypnotized your legs spread giving room for colby hands to go further.
“good girl.” all that he was able to see was your lacy black lingerie, he pressed the back of his palm right on top of your clothed clit. “ironic how you’re this wet but seem to despise me.”
he’s more harsh with his touch pressing firmly focusing on your clit rather than where you’re most damp. your face contorts as you’re experiencing the smallest bit of pleasure.
“fuck, just wanna taste you so bad. you have no idea how fucking long I've wanted to wrap my lips around your sweet pussy.’ he groaned rubbing back and forth on your sensitive area.
so the dirty talk has begun…
your legs spread further apart granting him more access.
“all needy, go on beg for it.” he pulls his hand away from your sex setting both on top of either of your thighs.
the pleasure you were just receiving seemed to have wiped your memory from all the previous comments he's made because you find yourself begging for his touch.
“touch me please,” you whine trying to grab his hand and bring it toward where you were aching the most.
“look at you, being such a needy whore.” he spat all of a sudden pulling you by your legs closer to him so that your legs were wrapping around his waist. “you sure you wanna start this baby? i don't know if you can handle it.” he egotistically chuckles.
his comment sparked something up in your brain.
your past relationships have been slightly rough in the bedroom but not to the point where you were fully satisfied. you found that you like it when you're belittled or manhandled, it turns you on like nothing else does. you enjoyed being choked and spanked and having your hair pulled. just imagining all the hints colby would do to you had you pulling colby by his shirt and connecting your lips.
immediately he took control grabbing you by your neck just the way you liked it. he slipped his tongue in your mouth swiftly dominating the kiss and his other hand pulled you closer to him, your pussy and his cock only being separated by a few pieces of clothing.
after a few more seconds of your heated make-out session, he pulled away placing the hand that was choking you on your chin and dominantly looking down at you. it was a few seconds before he spoke, “so fucking beautiful.” he said, aggressively connecting your lips one more time before picking you up, your legs still around his waist.
with no more words, he walked out of the den, through the halls, up the stairs, and into his bedroom. he tossed you on the bed then turned around and slammed the door shut locking it.
“gonna let me make you feel good?” he questioned quickly scanning you up and down. you both had lust unmistakably written on your faces.
you leaned up on your elbows looking down and noticing his prominent bulge signaling he was enjoying this as much as you were. “mhm” you hummed wanting to continue as quick as possible.
“good.” he quickly replied before taking off his black shirt in milliseconds revealing his rose tattoo. he then followed by taking off his belt and his pants, his muscles completely visible to you.
while he was doing that you went again and removed your boots while admiring the way his body moved and how it looked. the way he was moving had you wanting to suck him dry. “you're cute when you stare.” he mentioned before making his way onto the bed and pulling you by your legs toward him causing you to lie down on your back.
you moved the hair out of your face to get a better look at him. “can i take this off?” he toyed with your mini skirt. instead of replying you took the skirt off yourself; as well as your top revealing the lacy bra under.
“god, look at you.” he groaned feeling you up and down admiring you. admiring the way you looked in your lingerie on his bed. he’s been wanting to be in this position for so long so you best believed he would savor the feeling.
the way he was looking at you made you feel so good.
“gonna make you feel so fucking good.” he climbed on top of you connecting your lips once more before pulling away. “gonna let me touch you?”
your hands made their way to his hair tugging on it. “yes.” you panted.
he chuckled and pulled down your underwear so that you were bare. your legs immediately spread welcoming his hands to do whatever they wanted.
“wanna taste you. let me taste you.” he managed to slowly make his way to the edge of his bed right in front of your wet pussy. “so pretty. you can tell me to stop whenever okay?” his pointer finger dragged along your folds receiving a gasp from your lips.
“i will but please colby, want your tongue so bad.” you whined, your right hand gripping his hair while the other gripped his bed sheets.
it was like he didn’t need any more reassurance before he latched his lips onto your clit sucking harshly. surprised by his antics your head lunged forward in surprise.
“oh fuck.” you groaned tugging on his hair earning a moan from him.
“do that again come on. you want more?” the animalistic sounds he was making while slurping up your juices had you getting closer and closer to your release.
you repeatedly whined ‘yes’ so desperately wanting his mouth to keep pleasuring you.
his tongue was moving so fast you couldn’t keep up. you were so sensitive you had tried pushing his head away but this only caused him to grip your thighs harder.
"cmon baby, you can take it." you looked down to see a smirk on his face. 'mmm' he hummed, he went from a slow pace to a fast pace but regardless you were nearly there. you felt it.
you were getting so close you forced yourself to let go of his head and brought your hands up to your breasts playing with your nipples.
your breaths became short showing colby you were almost there. he pulled you impossibly closer sucking on your clit; his actions succeeding as it caused your orgasm to crash into you. "fuck fuck fuck" you came on his tongue.
you were screaming because of how sensitive you were and how he didn't stop the pace of his tongue on your sensitive clit.
he finally pulled away giving you time to breath. you felt as if you were in another dimension.
"holy fuck you tasted so good." he crawled up your body as you lay there trying to catch your breath. "come here" he spoke connecting your lips.
even though that orgasm nearly had you tired for the night, it didn't satisfy the need you felt for his cock.
your hand went ahead and groped his print; boxers were the only thing separating his skin from yours.
he spasmed as you started palming him slowly.
"want my cock?" he whispered against the skin of your chest as he sucked lovebites all across.
"so bad" you begged. "want you in me now" your sentences were short and straight to the point.
no time to waste. you thought.
"don't worry baby, i got you." his hand went towards his bedside table looking for a condom you assumed.
"im on birth control and clean if that matters. with or without I don't mind. just need you so bad." you stopped walking him so he could make up his mind and think clearly.
"wow, im that special?" he joked which earned a eye roll from you.
"oh please, you wish." you stated.
after your comment which colby wasn't fond of, he kissed you.
his tongue delved in through your lips completely dominating you and a second later you felt him push all the way inside you.
to say you lost your breath would be an understatement. you wouldn't say this out loud but he was huge. he completely took your breath away and he didn't allow you to catch it as he pulled out and then slammed back into you.
"i wish?" he asked still relentlessly pounding into you. he groaned and spoke again. "look at you. you're telling me i’m not special when i have you fucked dumb here in my house, in my room, and in my bed?" he laughed in disbelief.
you wanted to speak and tell him off. you wanted to say something, anything but nothing came to your mind; not that you'd be able to say it anyway.
all that came from your mouth were moans from how pleasured you were feeling.
your orgasm was coming faster than you thought. your hands were scratching at colbys back trying to hold onto anything.
your hand scratched down for the first time on his back earning a full groan from him. "god feels so fucking good." as he continued pounding into you, his right hand made its way to your throat.
fuck yes.
"you like to be choked?" he asked obviously not looking for an answer. "yeah? i’m the only fucking person who'll have you feeling this good. no one else. do you understand me?"
you had tried to respond but your brain couldn't move fast enough. apparently, colby would get it out of you.
when you didn't respond he pulled out and flipped you over, ass up. he then pushed into you once again slamming into you over and over again.
you felt a hard smack on your ass. it hurt but it hurt so good. you felt tears stinging your eyes.
"i said do you understand me?" both hands were on your hips for support so that it didn't mess up his rhythm. your face was in the pillow so he didn't hear your response.
he then pulled your back to his chest still inside you and wrapped his hand around your neck once more.
"oh y/n? fucked you so good you can't speak?" confidence laced in his tone. "i said, do you understand that i am the only one to make you feel this good?"
"yes yes yes!" your words finally slipped out of your lips.
"good girl." he praised you pushing you back down so he could continue ramming into you. "fuck m'gonna come"
those words had you coming whether you liked it or not. "I'm coming oh fuck" you gripped the bed sheets.
"mhm, that's my girl." colby moaned, his rhythm interrupted by his own orgasm.
he still had the strength to ride you both through your orgasm.
as you both were coming down from your high you heard a door slam downstairs.
"what the fuck was that?" you gasped.
colby's dick was still in fact inside you so you had nowhere to go.
all colby did was throw his black silk sheets over both of your bodies.
"colby?" you heard sam downstairs.
"i guess he didn't end up staying?" colby said confused. "fuck, he's such a cock block."
"who said we were going to keep going?" you asked knowing damn well you wouldn't turn him down.
colby eyed you, connected your lips chastely, then pulled out of you getting off the bed and slipping his boxers on.
"ill be right back," he whispered.
as he walked away you couldn't help but hope that this wouldn't be just a one-night stand.
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cyberseong · 7 days
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pairings: yunho x f!reader
genre: smut, college setting, fwb(?).
warnings/topics: there isn’t much plot at all, sub!yunho, perv yunho too just bc, praise kink, overstimulation, pussy eating, thigh riding.
a/n: i haven’t posted in so long oops 😭 this fic isn’t as long as usual but hopefully i’ll be able to post again soon with a longer one. enjoy! notes are appreciated ofccc.
wc: 0.8k
you and yunho were surely just friends; which is exactly why he got so flustered when you called him out for the intense stare he had aimed at your frame. the conversation started with an accusatory tone, with yunho struggling to explain himself with his words. the tense atmosphere didn’t last long before you began to realize how the hostile tone in your voice made his ears tint with a darker red than ever before, or the small whimper that left his lips as soon you referred to him as a ‘perv’. only then did you notice the print of his erection that bulged against his sweatpants. so that’s what yunho was into.
that was how you ended up with your back against the headboard of your bed, your shorts long gone and disregarded to the floor, with yunho’s face buried in between your legs, tongue caressing your folds. he had promised he wouldn’t distract you from your studying, which is why you still sat there, textbook being held up by your trembling legs as you continued to annotate and highlight different phrases and important words that you may need to remember for tomorrow. unfortunately, studying while yunho gave slow kitten licks to your clit was just as hard as anyone would imagine it to be; you slammed the textbook closed, throwing that and your pen somewhere off to the side. ‘i’ll just study harder later,’ you thought to yourself as your fingers intertwined with the strands of yunho’s pitch black hair.
“f-fuck, yunho, you’re going way too slow, c-can’t take it,” you moaned, subconsciously pushing his face closer to your folds. It caused the rims of his glasses to slip a little farther down the bridge of his nose, but he couldn’t do anything to push them back up for now— which meant you would just have to deal with the cold material brushing against your skin every now and then until he was done. yunho was so overstimulated just by the feeling of you against his lips and tongue; you loved how much he got off from solely pleasuring you. his hips repeatedly bucked against the mattress once he felt his release getting closer, and you could feel the movements of his mouth get sloppier than before.
you weren’t much closer than yunho, though– with a string of profanities and breathy moans, you came without much of a warning onto yunho’s face; however, he didn’t mind in the slightest, with his tongue lapping up as much of your liquids as he possibly could. when he lifted his face from between your legs, the sight in front of you was just sinful; the fluids dripped down from his lips and down his chin as he panted, completely out of breath. his eyes were glossed with a hazy look on them, and you just knew he was far gone.
“yun,” you called out, straightening your legs out and then patting your thigh, signalling for him to use it to ride out his orgasm. he let out a small hum of compliance. yunho moved to straddle your thigh, immediately rutting against it with the most desperate look you’d ever seen painted on his face. the repeated whimpers that erupted from his throat were surely going to be the death of you. it didn’t help your case in the slightest when he looked up at you with pleading eyes, whining, “y/n, p-please, can i cum now? i c-can’t,”
your eyes widened slightly at the fact that he was asking for your permission; everything you’d found out about him within the last hour were things you never would’ve begun to associate with the male; nonetheless, you couldn’t deny that his submissive side only made him more attractive than he was— if that was even possible.
“yes, yunho, you’ve been so good for my baby, cum for me, hm?” your praise only made a high-pitched moan leave yunho’s lips as he came undone in your lap. he convulsed from the overstimulation for a few seconds, before he moved to lay down beside you. the two of you sat in a comfortable silence as you took a moment to regain composure, all whilst maintaining strong but loving eye contact.
yunho stifled a laugh, his cheeks puffing out slightly with the action.
“well, so much for studying, i guess.”
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candy69gurl · 3 months
Bound by Ropes Love
Sub Gojo Satoru x dom f!reader
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Warnings- 18+, dark, reverse consensual (m!sub+f!dom), mentions of breakup, bondage, m!nipple biting & playing, dick squeezing, blow job, cum play, m!teasing & begging, m!harassment, use of threats, clit rubbing, cum squirt on face (male), use of nicknames, mutliple orgasms, raw sex (cumming inside), face sitting, cum eating wc - 4k requested by anon ART NOT MINE !
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Satoru saunters up to Utahime, smirking mischievously as she rolls her eyes at his approach. She leans back against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest. "What do you want, Satoru? I'm busy."
Undeterred, Satoru props himself up against the opposite wall, leaning closer to her until their faces are mere inches apart. His eyes sparkle with playful intent. "Oh, come on, Utahime," Satoru drawls, that same devilish grin never leaving his face. "I wasn't expecting such a cold welcome from someone as warm and lovely as you. Can't a guy just say hi without getting the icy treatment?"
Satoru chuckles softly, shaking his head at her protest, before continuing his flirtatious banter. "Alright, alright, no need to be so defensive. But look at me, Utahime. You know you enjoy these little interactions between us. Admit it."
He leans even closer, their lips almost touching, and whispers, "You'd miss it if I stopped, wouldn't you?" His eyes locked on hers, daring her to object. Utahime scoffs, trying to hide her discomfort behind a forced laugh. "Like I would ever miss your constant flirting, Gojo. You're relentless."
But even as she speaks, her cheeks flush a light pink, a clear indication that Satoru's words have affected her. Her gaze flickers away from his, unable to meet those vibrant blue eyes directly.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING !", you yell, your voice echoing in the hallway.
Gojo Satoru and you have been dating for about six months, and everyone is aware of this. Yet, Gojo has a terrible inclination of flirting with others. It upsets you greatly.
You walk into the hallway, startling both Satoru and Utahime, who are engaged in a heated flirtation. They separate immediately, catching you off guard. What the hell are they doing? Your voice rings out sharply, revealing your emotions.
Utahime meets your gaze, guilt flashing across her face for a brief moment. Satoru, though, remains nonchalant. Pushing his sunglasses up his nose, he offers you a casual wave.
As you step closer, Utahime seems to sense danger and quickly excuses herself, slipping away from the scene before you can react. You turn your attention fully to Satoru, who now stands alone in the hallway with you.
"Well, well, what brings you here?" He asks, still maintaining his cool demeanor. His eyes gleam with a hint of defiance, challenging you to say something. You clench your fists, anger bubbling inside.
"I could ask you the same thing," you snap back, taking a step closer to him.
Before you can react, Satoru attempts to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you close. His proximity makes your heart race, but you stiffen in resistance.
"Don't you dare," you hiss through gritted teeth, pushing against his chest to keep some distance between you two. For a moment, the tension between you is palpable. Your eyes lock, his vibrant blue irises meeting your own. In them, you see a mixture of defiance and challenge, daring you to push further. The tension in the air is thick enough to cut with a knife. His attempt to pull you close stirs a whirlwind of emotions within you. You feel conflicted - between anger at his blatant disregard for your feelings and attraction to this man who continues to toy with your heartstrings.
For a moment, it seems like neither of you will back down. But then, finally, Satoru releases a sigh and takes a step back. "I apologize if I went too far," he says, his voice a low rumble that sends chills down your spine. "But you know how I am." There's a hint of playfulness in his voice, as if he's trying to lighten the mood after such a tense encounter.
"We are breaking up", you hear yourself saying the words, feeling every ounce of them ring true. A heaviness settles in the pit of your stomach, causing your knees to shake slightly. Seeing the shock wash over Satoru's face, you notice the smile fading away from his face. His eyes widen, and for a moment, he seems genuinely taken aback.
"Breaking up?" he repeats, disbelief tinging his voice. "Baby, please I am sorry"
"I mean it," you say firmly, standing your ground. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, threatening to spill over. You swallow hard, trying to regain control of your emotions. "I can't do this anymore, Satoru. You don't love me, you fucking don't"
His eyes soften, and for a split second, he looks pained. But thenhe shakes his head, a determined glint entering his eyes. "No, no, you're wrong. I do love you, more than you know."
"Love me?!" you scoff, almost laughing at the absurdity of the statement. "How can you love me when you are flirting around with others. I've seen you doing the same with Mei Mei last week."
Satoru's lips thin into a tight line, his expression hardening. "It was just a friendly conversation," he insists, defensive undertones creeping into his voice. "You know that wasn't anything more than that."
"And I'm supposed to believe you? When I fucking saw you with my own eyes" you say incredulously, shaking your head. "I can't do this anymore, Satoru. You need to learn to control your urges if you want to be in a real relationship."
"Fine, fine please I am sorry, it won't happen again."He sighs heavily, running a hand through his hair, seeming frustrated with himself and the situation. "I know, babygirl, you're right. I was stupid," he admits, meeting your gaze earnestly. "I never meant for this to end up like this. I never wanted to hurt you, I swear," he pleads, reaching for your hand.
You withdraw your hand. "No we are done", you already forgave him but you want to make him suffer for what he did.
The sting of rejection flashes across Satoru's features, and he watches as you pull your hand away, the warmth of his grasp replaced by cold air. Tension coils between them, thick enough to cut with a knife. The realization hits him that he has lost you, and it stings worse than any curse ever could - because unlike those, this loss is permanent.
"Please? I'll do anything.. Please babygirl?" he murmurs softly, his voice a mix of desperation andpleading.
You try to hide an upcoming smirk on your face, "Oh really anything?"
Satoru notes the smirk on your face and his eyes narrow slightly, suspicion flickering in their depths. "Anything," he confirms, crossing his arms over his chest. "Name it."
You watch him, enjoying the game you've started. He's so used to being in control and having the upper hand, and seeing him on edge, unsure, is oddly satisfying. It feels good to finally hold some power over him.
"You mean anything physically too?", your mind racing with the evil ideas.
Satoru raises an eyebrow, a slow grin spreading across his face. "What do you have in mind, my little butterfly? You know I'm always up for a challenge." His voice drips with playfulness, but there's no mistaking the heat beneath the surface, the promise of pleasure and pain mingling temptingly.
"Tonight at my place , I'll test my dearest boyfriend's love for me", you chuckle darkly.
"Test me, huh?" Satoru chuckles, the sound low and husky. "I'm intrigued, darling. I accept the challenge. Tonight, then." He winks, the mischief in his eyes undeniable as he leans closer, brushing a feather-light kiss against your temple before sauntering away, confidence oozing from every pore. The kiss sends shivers down your spine, leaving your body tingling in its wake. As Satoru walks away, you can feel the heat rise inside you, anticipation building.
You nod, feeling a strange sense of power over the situation. Tonight will be different, and you're excited to see how far he's willing to go for you.
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You wait for Satoru, your nerves a jumbled mess of excitement and anxiety. Anticipation bubbles in your chest as you hear the doorbell ring. Taking a deep breath, you answer the door, and Satoru stands before you, looking every inch the charming playboy you fell for.
"Hello, darling," he greets, a devilish glint.
"Go straight to my bedroom", as soon as you gesture for him to follow, Satoru's eyes light up with understanding. He doesn't question your request, simply going to your bedroom, while you follow him.
The tension in the room is palpable, electric even. He takes in the preparations you've made, raising an eyebrow, but he says nothing, waiting for you to lead the way. The air is heavy with unspoken words, both of you aware that things are different tonight.
"Take off your clothes," you command, your voice steadier than you expected. Satoru's eyes widening slightly at your directness, slowly, he undresses, his muscles rippling under his pale skin. When he's finally standing before you, with only his boxers on, your heart skips a beat at the sight of him. His eyes never leave yours, a challenge burning in their depths. You swallow hard, trying to keep your composure.
"Now what, love?" he asks, his voice a sultry.
"On the bed, Satoru," you instruct, your voice steady despite the tremors in your knees. Surprisingly, he doesn't argue. Moving to the bed, he lies down obediently, eyes locked on you as you begin to strip down. Nerves threaten to consume you, but you push them aside. One by one, you remove your clothes until you're left in just your underwear.
Your heart races, but you force yourself to maintain eye contact with him as you walk towards the bed. "Spread your legs," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. There's a newfound power in these words, in this moment, and it thrills you. Satoru complies without hesitation, his eyes never leaving you as you move closer. Your hands shake slightly as you reach for the ropes you prepared earlier.
"Do you think you can handle me, Satoru?" you ask, your voice rough with desire and nervousness. "Or will you beg me to stop?"
Satoru's eyes gleam at your question, his chest rising and falling rapidly with the exertion of restraint. "Never," he growls, his tone determined and full of promise. "I trust you, my butterfly. Show me what you've got."
The warmth in his eyes fuels your courage, and you waste no time in binding his hands above his head, securing them firmly to the bed frame. His breathing quickens, and the satisfaction you feel at his submission is heady. You run your fingers through his hair, enjoying the softness of it, the contrast between his silken strands and his rock-hard body.
"Now," you say, a boldness creeping into your voice. With a wolfish smile, you straddle his hips, grinding your hips slowly against his erection. The sensation is exhilarating, the power dynamic shifting in a way that makes your blood rush. You moan softly at the feel of him against you, your panties dampening with your arousal. Leaning down, you trail kisses along his collarbone, his skin warm and smooth under your lips.
His breath hitches, and you can hear the rapid beating of his heart, pounding in sync with your own. As you reach his nipple, you gently bite it, drawing a gasp from him. He arches beneath you, and you feel a rush of triumph. The taste of his skin is salty, the sensation electrifying. Switching sides, you repeat the process, leaving no part of his chest untouched. His skin is perfect against your mouth, and your senses are on fire.
As you finish with his second nipple, you lean back, gazing into his eyes as you watch his reaction to your every move. They're filled with lust and desire, a testament to your growing confidence. A sly grin tugs at the corner of your lips as you take his nipple between your teeth once more, eliciting a sharp intake of air from him. You tease him, sucking lightly and releasing, repeating the process until he's squirming beneath you.
"S-stop doing that with my nipples", he rasps, his voice thick with need. You hum in approval, leaning down to nibble on the sensitive bud again.
"Is that a plea, Satoru? Or a demand?" you ask, your voice low and seductive. You trace a finger down his flat abdomen, feeling theplayful. "You know, I could keep doing this all night if I wanted to. Would you like that?"
His struggles become more pronounced, his hips bucking in need of friction. "No, please... Stop..." he groans, the word sounding more like a plea than a command. You chuckle darkly, loving the effect you're having on him.
"Such contradictions from you, Satoru. Such need." You pinch his nipple gently, twisting it slightly, and he cries out, his hips bucking wildly. "Oh, the strongest man mewling like crazy," you bite your lip, seductively.
His cock brushing against your wet panties, the friction driving him wild. His chest rises and falls rapidly, his skin flushed with passion.
"What do you want, Satoru?" you ask, your voice sultry and demanding. "Do you want me to release you and ravish you like my dear little pet, or should I continue torturing you with my mouth?" His eyes flicker between desperation and defiance, the struggle clear in his gaze.
"Take.. me, please," he finally concedes, the words rushed and desperate. You smirk at his surrender, leaning down to kiss him passionately. Your tongues dance, your hands roaming over his body, exploring every inch of his muscles. Your heart is pounding, the scent of his skin intoxicating.
Slowly, you take out his rock like dick, from his boxers, yanking it off. You pull away from the passionate kiss, reaching down to grasp his cock firmly. He winces at the abrupt change, his eyes widening in anticipation. A wicked glint appears in yours, enjoying the power dynamic that's shifted. Gently, you squeeze his shaft, eliciting a choked gasp from him. His body trembles under your grip, his breath hitching in surprise.
"Aww" you taunt, your voice dripping with mockery. His eyes lock onto yours, pleading for mercy.
"Just... Just stop, please," he whispers hoarsely, his body tense with discomfort. You chuckle darkly, tightening your grip further.
"Already begging me to stop? Didn't you tell me you will be able to take this?" You question mockingly, your gaze intense.
His breath hitches, his gaze darting to the ceiling as he tries to find some semblance of control.
"You love how much I push the limits, Satoru. Admit it," you challenge, squeezing his shaft again, the tension between you palpable.
"Please let me cum, Y/N, I beg of you", he begs. Your grip tightens, his breath hitching in pain.
"Only when I say so, mister," you respond coldly, your voice holding no remorse.
He writhes beneath you, his muscles clenching with each squeeze. His eyes plead for mercy, but you remain relentless. Your thumb rubs over the head of his cock, teasing him mercilessly.
You lean down, your lips brushing against the tip of his cock, letting the precum coat your lower lip before pulling back. You give his cock a few firm pumps, letting him savor the pleasure before you engulf his length in your mouth. Your tongue swirls over the head, your lips working up and down his shaft. His breath hitches, his head tossing back as you suck him off. He bucks his hips upward, seeking more contact, but you hold him down firmly.
As you tease him, you hear his ragged breaths echo in the room. The tip of your tongue flicks over his sensitive spot, drawing a groan from him. His hips jerk erratically, trying to push deeper into your mouth. You slow down, taking him completely in your mouth, sucking him gently. His breathing becomes more labored, his hands gripping the sheets tightly.
Slowly, you pick up the pace, bobbing your head rhythmically. You feel him growing more rigid under your touch, his moans filling the air. As he nears his climax, you pull back, leaving just the tip of his cock in your mouth.
With a strangled cry, he comes in your mouth, his release pouring forth. You take his cum in your mouth and force his mouth open with your two fingers, letting the cum spill onto his tongue. He gasps, his eyes wide with shock and lust. Your hand cups his jaw, forcing him to swallows hastily, his gaze locked with yours.
"That's for pushing me too far," you murmur, a smirk playing on your lips. "Now, we'll see if you learn your lesson."
With a wicked smile, you peel off your panties, revealing your wetness to him. He watches hungrily, his eyes never leaving your pussy. You start grinding on him, rubbing against his spent cock. His hands tugging against the ropes. He moans softly, his voice indicating his need to be inside you.
His cock responds to your movements, hardening once more. You continue your slow, sensuous dance.
You increase the intensity of your thrusts, your clit grinding against his cock. His hips buck wildly, struggling against the restraints, but he remains trapped. You watch as his expression twists between pain and pleasure, his cheeks flushed. Sensing that he's about to climax again, you lean forward, hovering above him.
With a final press of your clit against his cock, you send him over the edge. Cum arcs upwards, splattering across his cheek, staining his handsome face. A low growl escapes his throat as he glares up at you, a mix of frustration and lust burning in his eyes. You laugh softly, leaning in to kiss him gently.
"I wonder how Utahime and Mei-Mei will react after seeing the strongest man so vulnerable under my feet," smirking, you lift one leg, placing your foot on his chest before bringing it down hard on his still-softening cock. He winces, but you can tell he enjoys the sensation. It brings his cock back to half-mast, and your eyes gleam with victory.
"Getting hard again? Insatiable" You tease, your toes lightly tracing the underside of his shaft. He grunts, nodding weakly.
"Shall I sent them a photo of you like this ?"
He shakes his head, a hint of fear in his eyes. "Don't...please," he whispers, his voice hoarse. You chuckle and climb off him, sitting beside him.
"Beg me", you grin evily.
He swallows hard, his eyes pleading. "Please, don't send it. Please, don't humiliate me like that."
You lean closer, his manly scent enveloping you. "Do you want me to stop here?"
His eyes flicker to your feet, then back to your face. "No, please, don't stop. I want to be inside you," he begs, desperation clear in his voice. You run your finger along his jaw
With a satisfied hum, you climb back on top of him, positioning yourself over his hardened cock.
As you slide down, you feel his cock stretch you, filling you completely. He lets out a low groan, his body trembling. Your nails dig into his chest, your movement deliberate and unhurried.
"Please, untie me..." he begs, his voice raspy.
You smirk, "no not till I cum."
He grits his teeth, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows hard. "Please, they hurt," he whispers, his voice filled with longing. You lean down, brushing your lips against his ear.
"Take the pain if you love me."
His breathing hitches, his eyes locked on yours. With a nod, he agrees. You pick up your pace, your body slamming against his. He strains against the ropes, his muscles bulging. You could see the effort in his face, feeling his need for release.
His thrusts become frantic, his cock hitting your g-spot with every movement. You cry out, your orgasm building rapidly. But just as you're about to reach the peak, he releases inside you. His cock pulses, spilling hot liquid deep within you. The feeling sends shockwaves through you, but you don't cum.
He pants heavily, his eyes watering, back arching and finally falling on the bed. "Sorry, I couldn't hold back..."
"I didn't get to cum, thanks to you asshole", you pout angrily at him.
His drool dripping down his chin; he calms himself down.
"Ride my face, sugar," he commands, his eyes begging for forgiveness.
You straddle his face, his tongue sliding through your folds, his eyes fixated on your pussy. He tastes himself mixed with your sweet nectar. You gasp, your hand tangling in his hair, guiding his tongue deeper.
"Swallow everything you find," you command, your hips rocking. He obeys, his tongue darting in and out, his nose taking in your scent. His eyes lock onto your slickened entrance, his gaze intense. You groan, your core tightening as he flicks his tongue against your clit. Suddenly, you explode, your orgasm washing over you. Wave after wave crashes through you, your body quivering. He sucks harder, swallowing every drop of your release.
Once you've calmed down, you slide off his face, collapsing next to him. You trace your fingers over his ropes, slowly undoing them. As he rubs his wrists, you wrap your arms around him.
"Thank you" he murmurs, his voice muffled against your chest.
"For what?" you question, your arms tightening.
"For driving me insane, for making me realize my feelings for you..."
You smile, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.
"Love you"
He returns the gesture, hugging you tighter.
"I love you too, sweetheart," he whispers, his breath warm against your skin.
Slowly, his breathing evens out, his muscles relaxing. A sense of peace washes over you, and soon, you drift off to sleep, too.
Together, secure in each other's arms, your bond strengthened, knowing that you both found something precious in each other - genuine love, affection, and connection. In the warmth of his embrace, you understand that sometimes, the most unexpected events can bring forth the most meaningful relationships.
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nirvanawrites111 · 8 months
Set My Wings on Fire (DPR Ian x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: You're smitten by the love of your life, Christian Yu and he's being painted as a dangerous person. But, you don't care cause that's your man and you're going to stick beside him. You're pretty much in love with a villain, but he's super sweet to you. Non-celebrity AU.
Pairing: DPR Ian x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2024
Warnings: Smut, PIV, oral sex (male rec), mentions of murder, praise kink, good girl, unprotected sex, creampie
This is part of a NEW SERIES called Duality. It's all about embracing switch!energy. Part 1 will be sub!reader and Part 2 will be dom!reader. Some of the stories will be 2 idols x reader, and some will be just 1 on 1.
Smut below the cut.
"You need to leave him alone," Your best friend voices as they stare at the large television on your wall. The dim glow casts a shadow across your living room.
You press your lips together and cross your arms. A tightness crawls up your chest. This is the last thing you want to hear right now. You are tired of hearing this comment right now. You feel around your couch for the remote. You can't bother to listen to the news channel any longer.
"Look," you begin, forcing yourself to meet their gaze. "I know Christian very well. The media is trying to make up stories about him. He's not the monster they're making him out to be," You speak up and express your feelings. You twist his ring that he gave you a year ago, and you decide to wear it as a necklace.
You know Christian better than anyone. Everything he does has a meaning and purpose behind it.
You stare at the image of his picture plastered on the television. His usual neat dark brown hair is a mess, and his eyeliner is smeared. Underneath his picture are large red letters "WANTED" that contrast against his pale complexion. Sure, he might seem dangerous to someone else, but to you, something magnetizes you to him.
"The man is a killer, Y/n. If he comes here, you need to turn him in. You don't want to go to jail for housing a fugitive, do you?"
"He isn't a killer. I don't care what the media is saying."
You pick up your phone off the couch table and see that he texted you five minutes ago that he was on his way. You quickly text back and tell him to wait until your best friend leaves.
"This man has brainwashed you. Hopefully, you realize the truth before it's too late." Your best friend raises their hands in defeat and stands up. "I gotta go. I'll see you at work tomorrow."
"He's not, but thanks for stopping by," you reply, trying to smooth things.
Your friend stands up and hugs you. You're glad they are leaving. There is nothing that will convince you that Christian is a bad person. Even with everything you know about him, you would never turn on him.
You walk with them to your front door, and the soft patter of your bare feet echoes against the polished hardwood floor.
Once they leave you close the door only to be slightly pushed open, revealing Christian.
There he is.
The only man that can make you melt to your knees. You want nothing more than to feel his hands all over you.
"Beautiful," Christian, your accented lover, whispers your favorite nickname. He steps into your home. His words allow you to fall to your knees and please your man. But, you don't want to act too thirsty.
He removes his hood with both hands and reveals his hair in messy, shoulder-length loose curls. The two of you stand in your foyer, and your eyes connect.
Christian has such a dark energy around him that it attracts you to him for whatever reason. It pulls you in so closely, like a moth to a flame. Regardless of what others say, you can still see the good in him. He's been nothing but kind, patient, and loving to you. So, really, that's all that matters to you.
"Are you okay?" You ask him.
Christian removes his sweatshirt, and your eyes trace over his tattoos. You run your hand over the one tattoo over his heart, your name.
"I'm so much better, now that I'm with you."
"I'm sure you know they're looking for you."
"I know," Christian sighs. "I'm also wanted for something. What is it this time?"
Christian stares into your eyes, and he can heart your heart beating fast. No one has ever cared about him more than you. Your unwavering loyalty is something he's searched for many years. Now, he's found exactly what he needs within you.
"Do you think I'm guilty?" Christian asks you.
"No, but if you did it, I know there was a reason."
"Good girl. You know your man oh too well," Christian praises you. He knows it's exactly what you need to hear in this moment.
Your lips curl into a smile, and you haven't looked away from him. He knows that nothing about him scares you. He's told you his deepest, darkest secrets. Because he knows he can trust you.
"I do. My best friend was just running their mouth talking about how I need to leave you alone. But, they don't know you like I do."
"Do you need me to handle that?"
"No, never that."
"We have some catching up to do. Don't we, angel?"
You turn on the shower and step into it first. Christian follows behind you. He presses you against the shower wall from behind. "My angel.. so pure. So innocent," he whispers into your ear.
Christian runs his hand down your back, enough to give you chills. You've missed feeling his touch against your skin.
"You know I'm far from innocent."
"Compared to me. You're a saint."
Christian attacks your neck with kisses. This instantly sends a warmth throughout your body. You've missed the way his lips feel against your skin. You don't care what happens when he's out of your sight. Because this man adores you, he'd do anything to protect you.
"Sweetness, tell me.." Christian pulls away from you and turns you around to face him. His gaze penetrates your eyes, searching for something unspoken. "Do you really love me?"
His eyes are full of emotions, and you can see the pureness in his question. But, at the same time, why would he question you this way? You've always supported him no matter what.
"Of course, I do. Why wouldn't I?"
"Even if I had to leave you for a bit?"
Your breath quickens, and you can feel your stomach churn. Is he going to up and leave you? Does this mean he's going to end things with you?
"Where are you going?" You twist your necklace.
Christian picks you up, and you wrap your legs around his waist as the warm water cascades down the two of you.
"I'm not sure. But, I'm leaving in 48 hours."
"Because of what I saw on the news?" You try to piece everything together. Did this mean that it was true? You didn't want to ask him what happened because you trusted him.
He promised you he would never do anything that would jeopardize his time with you. He stated that from the beginning. But, now, it felt like things were going differently.
"I'm coming with you."
"Hell no. I will get this sorted out. I will come back for you."
"No, I'm coming with you."
"Don't I always come back for you?"
"Yes.. but."
"No, buts. Listen, you have to trust me. I will come back for you, okay?"
You nod. But, your fear is he's going to leave you.
"Angel, don't look so sad. I wish I could take you with me. It's going to pain me to leave you."
"Well let me taste you for the last time."
"Of course, angel."
Christian releases from his arms, and you get down on your knees. You look up at him.
He strokes your face and looks at you in such a loving way.
You hold your hands behind your back and swirl your tongue around his dick until he's halfway in your mouth.
You hum your favorite song and move your mouth up and down his length. This could be the last time you taste him, so you want to savor the moment.
You close your eyes and move faster and hear him moan. You love hearing him vocalize his satisfaction for you.
"Go deeper for me, angel," Christian instructs you, and you have no problem following instructions.
You take him deeper into your mouth, and he cradles the back of your head. He's moving with you to the point where you two are rocking as one.
At this moment, you are breathing through your nose because you only want to please him. You live to serve him. You are hopelessly devoted to him.
"Fuck.. just like this," Christian groans. "Don't stop, angel. God, you're so beautiful like this."
"Mmmhm," you barely manage to say because you have your mouth full and wouldn't want to have it any other way. Tonight has to count and hold you over.
"No one else can suck me the way you do. You're so amazing, angel," Christian continues to praise you, which encourages you to keep going because you know he's so close.
"You want this nut don't you?"
You nod without missing a beat, and both of his hands are on the back of your head. He's practically fucking your throat at this point.
He cums down your throat, and you swallow all of it.
Christian pulls you up to kiss you. He slips his tongue into your mouth and kisses you. As the kiss deepens, you can't help but run your fingers along your pussy only to find that it are dripping for him.
"Thank you for that amazing blow job, angel. You're always amazing."
"No problem."
Christian wraps his arms around you. "Mhmm.. I'm ready to feel all of you now. You want that, baby?"
"How do you want me?"
"From behind.. like this." You turn around, place your hands against the shower wall, and arch your back.
Christian places his hand against your lower back and moves his dick along your entrance. "You know I love taking you from behind. Do you want me here or do you want back door."
"Here.. I want to feel you deep inside me. I prefer anal when I'm pegging you."
Christian kisses on the side of your neck. "I know baby.. next time when I come home. We can celebrate with pegging." He sucks on your neck and inches himself into you.
Feeling him inside of you feels like home. There's nothing like having him deep inside of you.
"You're so tight for me, angel," Christian whispers against your neck, kissing gently against the spot he just sucked on.
You moan out his name and enjoy him being inside of you again.
The feeling is euphoric, and you get lost in the moment of being one with your lover again. His hands cover and clasps with yours as he strokes into you.
You hope you celebrate with him, but you want to enjoy this moment. You arch your back a little more as he increases the pace. Each thrust sends waves of pleasure throughout your body. It feels too good. You deserve to experience this type of heaven on earth.
Christian holds you in place as he slows down with each backshot he gives you, and he reaches from behind and runs his hand down the front of your love nest. He moves to your clit and strokes it.
"Yesss, baby! I love when you rub my clit," you moan out.
"I know you do." Christian continues to rub it while you tighten around his dick. "My baby is close. Are you going to cum on my dick?"
"Mmhmm," you moan. But, at the point, you're already trembling from the combination of his teasing your clit and being buried inside you. The sensation is perfect. It's a feeling that never gets old. No matter how many times he gives you an orgasm, it always feels as good as the first time.
"So, be a good girl and cum for me."
"That's it.. baby. Cum on dick." He instructs you and talks you through it. You obey him easily. You release onto his dick. He's right there with you as he pumps into you until he cums inside you.
"Mmm.. thank you, baby," you say, trying to catch your breath.
"No, thank you angel. You were wonderful as always. I can't wait to celebrate with you when I come back."
If you enjoyed this please reblog. It helps other find my work.
Part 2
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borathae · 3 months
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↳ Full Art
"Hoseok jerks off to Jungkook and Taehyung fucking like animals upstairs. That's it. It's as simple as that."
Pairing: Vampire!Hoseok listens in on Vampire!Jungkook x Vampire!Taehyung
Genre: Smut, Polyamory!AU
Warnings: if you're new to this universe everyone fucks everyone, voyeur!Hoseok, auditory voyeurism, male masturbation, anal fingering, handjob, use of lube, use of a fucking machine, listening in on: sub!Jungkook x Dom!Taehyung anal sex, dirty talk & ownership kink, praise as well as degradation, spanking, rimjob, aftercare, stay for a surprise at the end ;)
Wordcount: 4.5k
a/n: i'm so fucking EXCITED to finally share this story with all of you besties!! i fucking love the sanguis poly adventures, also that hobi is finally getting a bigger part in it. can you guys tell that he is doing it to me hard lately? have fun besties, i love you lots and lots 💗
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Taehyung came over tonight. It was rather cute to watch because Jungkook acted like a teenager about it. Hoseok gave them their space and whenever he did coincidentally find himself in the same room as them, they began whispering and giggling like shy teenagers being caught by their parents. 
Hoseok found it hilarious as much as he found it adorable. 
Their coyness was gone however as Hoseok can very clearly hear them fuck in Jungkook’s room upstairs. At least he is pretty sure that they are getting there. 
They’ve got Cigarettes After Sex playing, which is basically the band you put on when you want to get it on. Hoseok can also hear them graphically make out with each other. Their lips keep smacking, they are breathing heavily and their moans become louder and louder. If the music wasn’t already indicator enough, their needy sounds most definitely are.
Hoseok finds himself palming himself over his briefs at the sounds, enjoying them with closed eyes. It turns him on so much to listen in. Especially when it’s as attractive people as Jungkook and Taehyung with their pretty voices and their sexy moans. Hoseok really gets off on them and the contrast of their voices. Jungkook’s soft, high pitched moans followed by Taehyung’s breathy, deep purrs. It’s the best of both worlds and soon, Hoseok finds himself rubbing nothing but his sensitive cockhead as upstairs, Taehyung seems to have slipped his hand into Jungkook’s briefs.
“Tae”, his roommate whimpers.
“Do you like that? Your pretty cock’s so hard for me already.”
“Yes, ah. Ah, there. Tae…”
“There. Of course you like it. My pretty boy.”
Hoseok slips his hand into his pants and takes out his own cock. It feels heavy and thick between his fingers, aching to be jerked quickly. He picks up the speed he can hear Taehyung’s hand take. No wonder Jungkook keeps moaning, he’s got an insanely fast rhythm going on.
Hoseok curls his toes in bliss, parting his lips in a silent moan. He doesn’t want to be too loud in order not to be found out. After all, he isn’t the only one with sensitive hearing in this house. One wrong sound and they would know what he was doing. Deep down Hoseok gets off even better with the risk in mind, but he also really wants this to last longer. So for the sake of dragging it out, he stays quiet as his own fist fucks his cock. 
“You’re shaking so much, Kookie darling.”
“It’s s-so goo-ood. Ah, ahmg.”
“Of course it is. You’re such a sensitive boy.”
“Yeah”, Jungkook whimpers and moans loudly, “oh god.”
“Mhm, your hole is so soft, my darling.” 
“Tae, please don’t stop.”
Hoseok curses silently, feeling dizzy at the realisation of what was happening upstairs. Taehyung isn’t just playing with Jungkook’s pretty cock, he is massaging his equally as pretty hole. Hoseok rolls over to fetch the lube and then gets comfortable again, picking up his cock to jerk it with one hand. The other is busy getting the lube open. He spreads it over his fingers and slides them to his own hole. Judging by the noises, Taehyung is doing it dry for now, but Hoseok is impatient. He needs it to be wet and sticky already, rolling circles on his own hole while his toes curl in bliss. 
“I can feel you clenching, darling Kook.”
“Want to be stretched. Please.”
“Please what, Kook?”
“Please Sir, please.”
“That’s better. I can’t stand it when you’re ill-mannered.” 
“I’m sorry, Sir. Please ah, no, please back.”
“I am merely getting the lube.”
“Oh god, I need it so bad…”
Hoseok was right. He massaged him dry. Any second and he will slip inside wet and lubed up. Hoseok finds it hard to breathe at the aspect because it means that he can finally do the same. If one hadn’t realised yet, Hoseok is using their sounds as his own personal, forbidden JOI experience. He always loves doing JOI stuff for porn, so this is special to him. JOI is short for Jerk Off Instructions and is exactly that. Videos that tell you exactly how to fucking get off. Jungkook getting fucked by Taehyung might actually be the hottest forbidden JOI experience Hoseok had in a long time. 
Taehyung seems to return to bed again, preparing his fingers.
Hoseok slows down around his cock, taking deep breaths. Don’t cum from excitement. Don’t cum now. It’s so difficult  not to because he is so fucking excited to play with his own ass that every small touch placed upon his own body feels overwhelmingly pleasurable. 
“Nervous?” Taehyung is talking as wet sounds of a rim massage meets Hoseok’s ears.
“No. Impatient. I want Sir’s fingers.”
“Of course you do. Beg me. Come now.”
“Please Sir, please may I have your fingers?”
“There we go. You are such an obedient toy.” 
Jungkook moans blissfully, Hoseok arches his back as he shares the sensation with him. Except that Jungkook’s hole gets filled with Taehyung’s long fingers and Hoseok fills his own hole with his own fingers. The sensation is the same however. The stretch is intense and addicting. The warmth deep inside him is instant.
“Two already. You have such a greedy hole.”
Hoseok agrees with a soundless moan, nodding his head vigorously. He is aware that he means Jungkook, but Hoseok is just as greedy, filling his hole with two fingers. He stuffs them inside to his last knuckles, scissoring them quickly to get his hole used to the stretch. He has no idea how much time he has left before the next step and he needs to get prepared before that. He would rather be ready sooner than later. He can just finger his loose hole for longer, but if he is still too tight to take his fucking machine while Taehyung is already destroying Jungkook’s hole, Hoseok would be very upset. So he works fast and he works desperately, scissoring his own hole while his other hand plays with his perky nipples. He leaves his cock untouched for now because he would accidentally make himself cum if he didn’t. He is way too into this. This is turning him on so fucking hard.
“You’ve got the biggest prostate, Kook darling.”
“I know, that’s embarrassing to you but you must know, I love it when you are swollen inside. It means I have lots of milking to do.”
“Sir please”, Jungkook is whimpering, “please more.” 
“You’ve got the greediest hole.”
“I need you so bad, Sir.”
“So greedy. The greediest hole, truly.”
Taehyung’s not correct because Hoseok has a hole just as greedy. He stuffs it with a third finger just as Taehyung stuffs Jungkook’s hole with a third digit. And while Jungkook howls up in bliss, Hoseok mewls into the crook of his own arm, squeezing his eyes shut tightly. The stretch is intense. Hoseok swears that he might actually cum from it. He keeps his fingers still, breathing heavily just as Jungkook does.
“No, it’s so good. Oh god, I wanna cum.”
“Not yet, I want your first climax on my cock. Understood?”
“Yes Sir.”
“Yes, Sir”, Hoseok whispers inaudibly, nodding his head in obedience.
“Good toy”, Taehyung praises and begins moving his fingers because Jungkook suddenly moans as if his life depended on it. 
Hoseok moves his fingers as well, understanding Jungkook’s situation perfectly. Three fingers are incredible. His rim gets stretched, his walls filled, his prostate stimulated and his insides stuffed. Hoseok knows exactly why his roommate it moaning so much because he wants to moan just as much. 
Tonight isn’t the first time Hoseok listens in to people fucking. He stopped counting the times he did, but if one was wondering it is a lot. He knows how Taehyung and Jungkook sound as they fuck, knows how they sound when they fuck their lovely girlfriend just as he knows how said girlfriend sounds when she ruins Yoongi. He obviously also knows how Seokjin and Emma sound. He isn’t going to miss out on this good time.
Tonight isn’t the first time Hoseok listens in, but it doesn’t make it easier. On the contrary, he is so fucking desperate tonight that he has to slow down before he makes himself orgasm.
He abandons his swollen nipples for the sake of squeezing around the base of his cock, taking deep breaths to gain back control. He is trying to think different thoughts, but it is hard when just two floors above him, his handsome roommate is moaning like a fucking pornstar.
“Shit, you’re making it difficult to control myself”, Taehyung rasps.
“Feels so good…” Jungkook gets out and moans as if he exists solely for that.
Hoseok can hear a zipper open. He opens his eyes and drops his hand from his own cock. Taehyung is undressing. Hoseok takes out his fingers and rolls out of bed. He needs to be quick about it. He knows from experience that once Taehyung starts to undress, a rough fuck isn’t far anymore.
Taehyung always calls himself a patient man, but Hoseok knows that he wasn’t. Once the greed overcomes him, he is impatient. He takes what he desires most and he takes it hard. And tonight, Hoseok knows that the thing Taehyung desires most is his roommate’s innocence. Hoseok plans on getting claimed with him. Even if the two vampires upstairs have no idea, Hoseok is going to make himself part of this hunt.
He sets up his fucking machine so he can kneel on the bed and get fucked in doggy style. Upstairs, Taehyung is telling Jungkook to play with himself.
“Yes Sir. Oh god, it’s not the same…”
“Patience. I decided to wear the most confusing shirt. Oh heavens, where is this button row coming from?”
Jungkook laughs. Taehyung laughs as well.
Hoseok smiles to himself as his hands are busy setting up his favourite dildo on the machine. It is bright pink and has the perfect size to really hit where it feels the best. He crawls back on bed before Jungkook and Taehyung stop laughing upstairs.
He feels proud of himself. He didn’t waste too much time.
“Finally”, Taehyung seems to have undressed successfully. Hoseok can hear his shirt hit the floor and then the rustling of sheets as the older vampire crawls up the sheets to Jungkook.
Kissing. Judging by how wet it sounds, they are using their tongues.
Hoseok aches to kiss as well, but he knows not to be greedy. He is already doing too much listening in secretly. He can’t demand too much.
And so he gives his own hole a stretch with his fingers again as he listens to Jungkook get kissed by Taehyung. Hoseok is on all fours for it, reaching behind himself to stuff himself. The position gives his wrist a stretch, but he doesn’t mind. It feels so fucking good to finger fuck himself. He rests his cheek on the sheets, keeping his eyes closed. Hopefully they aren’t going to kiss for too long.
As if Jungkook had heard his plea, he breaks the kiss with a sigh.
“Tae Sir, please.”
“What do you need, darling?”
“Your cock.”
“How bad do you need it?”
“Like fucking air.”
“Mhm darling, you are driving me insane”, Taehyung slurs his words as Jungkook very clearly is trying to kiss him again but the older doesn’t let him, “get my cock wet if you need it so bad.”
Hoseok slips his own fingers out again, aching to be filled but he knows better not to. It is almost time. He needs to get his own toy wet if he wants to keep up with them. He kneels on the sheets, breathing heavily as his elegant hands work the toy. His cock is rock hard, standing proud against his sculpted stomach. He is so desperate that his own slick runs down his shaft, tickling the throbbing veins of his cock and soaking his groomed bush. It’s a shame he has no tongue to taste it. What a waste.
“There we go, good boy”, Taehyung praises Jungkook.
“Can you fuck me now? I did what you asked of me.”
Taehyung chuckles, “look at you begging for it.”
“I need it so bad.”
A second of silence where Hoseok can’t quite figure out what Taehyung is doing, but whatever he is doing forces Jungkook to beg.
“Please Sir, please.”
“Fine. I cannot deny you when you are being such a pretty boy for me. Get on all fours for me.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Hoseok listens to Jungkook get into position, getting in position as well. He waits. Now it is just a matter of seconds. The tip of the toy is pressing against his rim, all he waits for is the distinct sound of Taehyung breaching Jungkook. Fuck, he can barely breathe. He is so excited.
Spanking. Like that of a heavy cock getting slapped against a wet hole. Jungkook moans with each impact. Hoseok craves the feel of it, but knows he has to miss out on it.
“Look at you. You are such a well stretched toy”, Taehyung is unknowingly taunting Hoseok as much as he is trying to taunt Jungkook. If he doesn’t slip in soon, Hoseok might go upstairs and tell him to hurry the fuck up.
Perhaps he was wrong, perhaps the older vampire is patient. Too patient for Hoseok’s taste.
“Sir please” and it seems too patient for Jungkook as well, “don’t tease me, please.”
“But why not?”
“Please. Sir, please.”
“Please isn’t a reason.” 
“Oh god, I’m begging you. Please.”
Hoseok listens to Taehyung take a deep breath. He listens to Jungkook whimper. And he listens to Taehyung exhale.
“Fine. Take it if you need it so bad.”
“Ah! Oh g-god.”
Hoseok presses back onto the toy. His hole opens up easily, swallowing the silicon girth greedily. The stretch burns a little, but Hoseok doesn’t mind. He is used to this burn, he fucking loves it.
“Breathe darling, breathe.”
Hoseok obeys just as Jungkook does. He is breathing heavily, matching the rhythm with that of his roommate. His long fingers spread on the sheets for a sensual grab of them. He twists and relaxes his hand again, dropping his fingers on the sheets. The dildo sits heavy in his ass, giving him one of his favourite feelings.
Being stuffed.
Hoseok can’t get enough of it. He wanted it, craved it, needed it.
“Does it hurt? You are shaking so much”, Taehyung is talking sweetly and judging by the ruffling of sheets, Jungkook is shaking his head, “what’s the matter then?”
“It’s so good”, Jungkook gets out and curses under his shaky breath.
“Yes it really is. Fuck, Kookie my darling boy”, Taehyung rasps and begins moving his hips.
Hoseok can hear it in wet sounds just as much as he can hear it in Jungkook’s moans. He sounds so sweet. So incredibly sweet and blissed out.
Hoseok presses the button on his machine and joins him in the sensations. He buries his face in the mattress, hoping that it is enough to muffle his own moans.
The rhythm Taehyung has going on is slow, but Hoseok knows that it is only a matter of time where desperation takes control of his hips and he begins drilling Jungkook hard and fast. Hoseok can’t fucking wait for the moment. The slow fuck feels good, but it doesn’t scratch the itch like a rough fuck would.
It leaves him desperate and pushing back onto the toy in an attempt to fill what was missing with depth. The toy goes deep like this. In and out. In and out. Hoseok feels every fucking thrust as how it shapes his rim. That’s it. This is how the slow fuck is bearable. This is how it feels enough.
Hoseok rolls his head to the side and parts his lips in silent moans. His thumb is on the button of the remote control. Just in case. It isn’t time yet, Taehyung is still moving slowly while Jungkook is sighing and mewling. He is praising his boyfriend, calling him good and well-stretched. Jungkook seems to love it because his mewls are soaked in giddiness.
Hoseok doesn’t mind the slow fuck anymore. The angle he has going on is hitting everything. His p-spot is charged in electricity, his walls are well stuffed and his rim perfectly stretched. Hoseok fucking loves it and he is curling toes because of it.
“It feels so good, oh god”, Jungkook whispers, following it with breathy moans.
“It really does. My darling boy, I love fucking you”, Taehyung breathes and sighs.
“Love…getting…fucked…ah, ahm…”
“Darling boy, my darling boy…”
Hoseok always feels uncomfortably guilty when the sex he listens in becomes emotionally charged. He loves when his friends are kinky and nasty, but when emotions begin to soak into the dirty talk, it becomes so painfully obvious to him what he is doing and he gets embarrassed. Look at him. Being a nasty voyeur listening in to his best friend getting fucked by his boyfriend. Hoseok furrows his brows and tries not to let the guilt linger. If he does, he will lose the desire bubbling in his stomach.
And once again, Jungkook is saving the day. As if he is sensing his roommate’s desperation, he begins to beg.
“Harder please.”
The guilt in Hoseok’s stomach ceases to exist instantly, fiery pleasure replaces it. Harder. He can finally increase the movement of the machine.
“Harder?” Taehyung asks.
“Harder. Please.”
“Like this?”
Skin slaps against skin. Taehyung’s balls definitely slapped against Jungkook’s right now. Jungkook keens. The tempo is still slow. Hoseok feels impatient. He wants it faster, not rougher. Hopefully Jungkook wants the same.
“Like this? Mhm, you want it like this?” Taehyung is taunting as he thrusts his hips into Jungkook slow but rough.
“No, fa-faster.”
Yes fuck. Thank you. Hoseok is thinking as he arches his back and rolls his thumb over the button impatiently. Soon. So soon.
“Then you have to tell me that. Silly boy, I can’t read your mind now, can I?” Taehyung rasps and speeds up.
Jungkook’s moans pitch and become louder. The skin slapping is finally quicker, the wet squelching of Jungkook’s hole accompanies it.
Hoseok presses the button. The machine speeds up, drilling the pink dildo into his hole quickly.
“Faster, please faster.”
“Fuck, you’re the best.”
Hoseok tries to time the rhythm of it with the rhythm of Taehyung’s hips. He manages to get close enough that the fucking sounds from upstairs match up with the sensations Hoseok experiences. It is as if Taehyung is drilling his cock into Hoseok.
“Thank you! Ah, thank you!” Jungkook is chanting and wailing in pleasure, “this is perfect! Ah, Tae! Tae! Ah!”
“My darling boy, fuck. That’s it, take me. Take all of me”, Taehyung is growling and grunting, drilling his boyfriend just how he needs it.
Hoseok is so grateful that Jungkook needs it as fast and hard as he does, because this is exactly what he needed as well. He is twisting the sheets, furrowing his brows in ecstasy as his puffy hole gets fucked by pink silicon dick.
Hoseok fucked Jungkook before. He knows how good his roommate feels and how lovely he looks as he gets railed. Hoseok also knows how Jungkook fucks. He knows how thick his cock is and how strong his grip is. What he doesn’t know is how Taehyung fucks.
Hoseok never got fucked by Taehyung. He wants it. He really does. Whenever he listens in one the vampire fucking his partners, they constantly sound on the brink of ecstacy. He knows the vampire is aware that he can fuck and Hoseok aches to experience it just once. Just once. He wants Taehyung’s cock so bad that he is arching his back and using his imagination to make the dildo feel real. 
“That’s it, arch for me. Such a good slut.”
Taehyung’s praises add reality to the fantasy. It is as if he is praising Hoseok, as if he is calling him a good slut for taking his cock so well. Hoseok whimpers softly, feeling light-headed. 
Hoseok might not last as long as Jungkook will. He has their sounds making it so much harder to stay calm. Jungkook and Taehyung only have each other to worry about, but Hoseok has their noises adding an extra layer of pleasure to the fuck. He gets off to sound so hard. Oh my god, he gets off so hard to it. Holy fuck, Jungkook’s moans. Holy fuck, Taehyung’s grunts. His heavy balls against Jungkook’s. Jungkook’s wet, creamed hole squelching and the creaking of his bed. There are so many sounds which make staying calm so much harder for Hoseok.
“That’s it. Keep moaning for me.”
“Tae ah! Ah! A-ah!”
“Who makes you scream like that?”
“You, Sir.”
“Who makes you shake like that?”
“You, Sir!”
“Who fucking owns you?”
“You! Sir!”
“Fuck darling, you perfect fucking thing.”
Hoseok is holding on by a thread. His body is shaking against his will, his ass feels on fire. He can’t do this for long anymore. His cock and balls are so tight, aching to release as they leak in a constant, thick drip. This is so hard. He wishes the slow rhythm back. This is so hard.
Hoseok twists more of the pink sheets and arches his back. This is going to fucking mess him up. Please Kook, please hurry up. He is begging, trembling in desperation.
“You perfect thing. My perfect thing. Mine. All mine”, Taehyung’s voice is deep and demonic.
The contrast to Jungkook’s high-pitched, angelic moans messes with Hoseok even more.
“Look at your legs shake. Can’t take it anymore, mhm?”
“N-no”, Jungkook is close to crying. Hoseok can hear it in his voice, “hit me, please.”
“Hit you?”
“Please Sir, please I need to be hit, please.”
“You fucking whore for pain”, Taehyung spits and seconds later, the sharp sound of slapping cuts through the air.
Jungkook wails up.
Jungkook begins sobbing, while Taehyung’s growls gain danger to them.
This sounded like it hurt and it is setting off Jungkook.
“I’m cumming!”
“Yes! Kook!” Taehyung moans and slaps him again and again and again and…
Hoseok can barely count how many times Taehyung slaps Jungkook because Jungkook’s squeaks are setting him off as well. He finally lets go, climaxing all over the sheets. He keeps his hand over his own mouth, trying to muffle his moans in order not to be found out.
“That’s it, pump my cock. Shit Kook, you’re making me climax”, Taehyung gets out and stops his movements.
Hoseok manages to press the button on the machine, panting heavily as he listens to Taehyung empty his balls deep inside his roommate’s ass.
He stays like this even as upstairs Taehyung begins the aftercare. He seems to slip out of Jungkook and clean the mess with licks.
“Tae, oh god”, Jungkook sounds breathless. His voice is trembling weakly while Taehyung is purring and moaning in enjoyment as his tongue scoops the cum from his hole.
A few moments pass where Hoseok can listen to the slow rimjob and then Taehyung ends it with a slurp and a kiss. The kissing remains. He must be kissing a path up Jungkook’s spine and end it with kisses to his lips. Jungkook is sighing and giggling, which makes Taehyung giggle as well.
“Can you taste it?” he is whispering.
“I can. You taste so good.”
“Mhm, you taste sweeter”, a kiss, more talking, “how are you doing?”
“Dizzy. My ass hurts.”
“I spanked you really hard. You bruised.”
Jungkook giggles. Taehyung giggles as well.
“You’re the best.”
“No, you are. My Kookie.”
“Stop Tae, I hate it when you tickle me.”
Their laughter for some moments while Hoseok is left listening to them and craving affection just as much. He stops listening in after a while because love is seeping into the conversation again and he starts to get embarrassed. He doesn’t want to get up. The toy is still inside him, but he doesn’t want to get up yet. Once he does, he will be empty and even the smallest feeling of being whole will be gone.
Knock, knock, knock.
Hoseok peels his eyes open in shock. There he is: Ruined, panting and with a dildo up his ass and someone is knocking on his fucking door.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
“One second!” he calls out, hoping his voice sounded normal. Taehyung and Jungkook are silent upstairs. It must be them knocking. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Hoseok is panicking as he scrambles to his feet. 
He throws a blanket over the machine and tries to hide the lube under the pillow. Then he puts on his shirt and briefs messily, dragging himself to the door as best as his wobbly knees allow him to. He is leaking into his boxers, he can feel it run out of him. Fuck, hopefully it doesn’t start running down his leg.
He unlocks the door and pulls it open. 
Taehyung is leaning against the doorframe with his arm, while Jungkook stands a little to the side behind him with his hands on his hips. Both men are naked. Their hair is messy from sex, their skins glistening.
“Oh? Yo”, Hoseok gasps, stumbling back a little. He stumbles back even more when they enter his room, “guys hey, uhm, what are doing? Why are you naked? What’s going on? Hah” he asks nervously.
“Is that it?” Taehyung asks, looking over Hoseok’s shoulder at the blanket mountain by the bed.
Hoseok gulps, “what do you, you mean?”
“The machine you fucked yourself with.”
Jungkook closes the door, keeping his hand in its surface for dramatic effect. Hoseok gawks at him with widened eyes and terribly shaky knees.
“We know what you did, Hoseok-ah”, he says in a deep, raspy voice.  
“I, I don’t know what you’re talking about”, Hoseok stutters, burning up in embarrassment. 
“We are pretty sure you do”, Taehyung says and closes the distance to grab Hoseok by the back of his neck. He inhales deeply, flashing his eyes ruby to let the younger vampire know that his nose picked up the sin between his legs.
Hoseok squeaks, looking at him with big eyes and his head becoming dizzy.
“You want cock so desperately that you fuck yourself to our sounds? We’ve got just the right thing for you then”, Taehyung rasps, dragging his thumb over Hoseok’s lips to wipe the drool he didn’t even realise he spilled.
Hoseok fights for words, gasping repeatedly. He tenses up when he feels hands slip under his shirt. A glance at his side lets him know it is Jungkook touching him. His ruby eyes are lowered dangerously, drawing him in.
“We’ll show you what being a dirty voyeur gets you, Hoseok-ah”, Jungkook rasps and tugs him closer by his boxers.
Hoseok lets out a shaky gasp, feeling weak at the realisation.
“Now get on your knees and start sucking.”  Hoseok falls with a moan, opening his mouth willingly.
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frankenkyle19 · 10 months
Learning Your Lesson
Peter Maximoff x fem!reader word count: 5.1k
description/warnings: SMUT, handjob, oral (male and fem receiving), premature release, sub Peter Maximoff, dom reader, soft dom peter for like half a second, unprotected sex, begging, overstimulation, not proofread, probably many errors oh and also a nurse kink? Roleplay, idk Peter being Peter.
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Peter was usually a well behaved (wrong) man. Didn’t get into lots of trouble (also wrong) and listened to authority (absolutely not)
All these things were incorrect. Peter was just about as polar opposite from these things as anyone could be. He was a mischievous man who got into lots of trouble and definitely did not listen to authority. 
And of course today was no different. The speedster had been getting on your nerves all day. He did everything he could to annoy you. Push you to your limits just because he could. You just rolled your eyes and tried your best to ignore him. Little did he know you very much had a plan to get back at him.
Peter seemed cocky and full of himself but it took one word or glance from you and he was a blubbering mess. When you first met him you figured he was confident in himself and his abilities to attract women, but you soon learned that was wrong. His faux confidence was still hot to you though. Knowing he at least tried his best.
You didn’t mind that he was sometimes shy or awkward. Didn’t mind that he was inexperienced or clumsy. He was yours and you loved him exactly for his dorky self.
He did like to test your limits though. Exactly as he was doing today, just poking fun at you and winding you up. He should have known better. If he would have taken five seconds to really consider it, he would have known it was a bad idea. That you’d get him back for it. You always did.
He’d bothered you in classes all day, tossing little paper balls at you and kicking your feet under the desk. He didn’t take his studies as seriously as you did, and it was obvious. He also had a hard time sitting still, his mind moving a million miles a minute, body buzzing with pent up energy. You’d almost feel bad if he wasn’t so insufferable at times.
He had a training session today with a few other x-men and left you to go up to your room and relax after your last class of the day. You made sure you didn’t have any work to do before you settled into your bed, letting out a sigh of relief. It was near silent in your room, the only sound was the faint hustle and bustle coming from somewhere downstairs and it was so peaceful that you almost dozed off. 
That’s when an idea came to your mind. Peter had been so annoying today. Absolutely insufferable and you’d had just about enough. Maybe it was time to put him in his place. Teach him a lesson. 
Sex with Peter was very versatile. A platter of different options laid out in front of you. Fast, Slow, Soft, Rough, Kinky, Vanilla. There were so many options and Peter was always down with any of them, his need for you never being satiated.
It had been quite a minute since you had teased Peter in bed. It proved to be difficult when his begging was so irresistible and you always gave in to him. Not today though. You were putting your foot down. He couldn’t keep getting away with his behavior and you needed to show him who he belonged to. And also… you really just wanted to fuck him.
You slipped off of your velvety covers and grabbed a box from under the bed, pulling out a plastic bag with clothing inside. You’d been hiding it from Peter for some time, too embarrassed to show him, worried what he might think. It was honestly surprising he hadn’t found it by now considering he was always snooping around. It
 was a skimpy little nurses outfit that you’d bought at some dingy sex shop at the edge of town. So classy, right? Psshh…
You and Peter hadn’t really ever roleplayed in bed before, but you wanted to try it at least once. The idea of acting as Peter’s nurse turned you on. You saw how he looked at the nurses whenever he got himself hurt and had to be patched up. How he glanced at their outfits with a longing behind his brown eyes. Of course he’d never act on this though. He was devoted completely to you.
Still, he couldn’t help how certain things made him feel. This little kink of his was something he wasn’t exactly eager to reveal, his past partners finding him odd or it ending up being a turnoff for them.
You slid the outfit out of the packaging and looked it over. It was actually decent quality and didn’t appear too cheesy. Thank goodness. 
It was a white one piece that barely covered your ass, along with stockings and a little hat. You swallowed hard as you held it up, examining it. Should you do this? 
Fuck it…
You slid off your shirt and bra, glancing over at the clock on your nightstand. Peter would be back soon, so you had to make this quick. 
You slipped off the rest of your clothes, foregoing panties as to tease him even further as you slipped on the outfit. It fit snugly on your figure and you would feel a little insecure if you didn’t already know that Peter absolutely loved your curves and every part of you.
You smoothed it out and put on the stockings as well, bending down as your ass peeked out from the bottom of the outfit. And of course this was the very second Peter opened the door to your room. The mutant always had impeccable timing…
“Hey babe I’m done training for the day what do you want to d- HOLY SHIT” 
You froze, eyes wide as you looked up at him, your heart nearly beating out of your chest, an embarrassed blush rising to your cheeks from being caught right in the middle of getting dressed.
You hadn’t even decided if you really wanted to do this, but now it seemed too late. Peter had already seen you. In fact, he was still looking at you, ogling you from the open door.
“Peter the door is wide open! Get your ass in here!” You shouted, startling him out of his shock as he sped the door closed, now in front of you. His forehead was covered in a sheen of sweat most likely from training and he was wearing his signature outfit, goggles resting on the top of his head. 
He blinked a few times, looking over your figure, mouth hanging open as he fought for words.
“So uh- what’s this?” He managed to get out, suddenly seeming a bit shy and nervous. And that’s when you realized that…. Holy shit. He did like this. This was turning him on. 
You tried to brush off your embarrassment, swallowing hard as you collected yourself.
“Got it a while ago. You like what you see?” You asked, doing a little twirl for him, your ass on near full display.
Peter’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. Holy shit. Holy shit his girlfriend was so fucking hot and he was standing there frozen, completely mesmerized.
“You’re smokin’ baby. Holy shit- this all for me?”
“What makes you think I did this for you? You were bad today Peter.” You said, voice taking on a fuller, more authoritative tone. 
Peter furrowed his brows a bit, obviously trying to think back on what he done today, having already forgotten. Curse him and his awful memory.
“No I wasn’t- I- I was just bored. I just wanted your attention.” He said pathetically, taking a step closer to you, never once taking his eyes off of you, entranced by your beauty.
Instead of responding, you thought of something better to do. This was as good a time as any to play out Peter's little fantasy and see how it went.
“Hello sir, so what brings you to the doctors today?” You asked, standing up straight as you gave him a friendly but suggestive smile. 
Peter looked at you with absolute confusion for a good ten seconds before he seemed to catch on to what you were doing. He opened his mouth to speak, stumbling over his words.
“I- Uhm I- just needed an assessment. A quick checkup.” He managed to spit out, cheeks flushed crimson, a drastic difference from the silver strands of hair that fell in front of his eyes. 
“Okay, that sounds good. Go ahead and hop up onto the bed and I’ll get started with a few routine questions.” You tried to keep your composure and stay in character, but a giggle made it’s way up your throat.
Miraculously, you managed to swallow it back down, clearing your throat as you approached the bed, Peter having now laid back onto it, looking up at you with wide, curious eyes.
“Okay- first question-“ you were pulling all of this out of your ass, but he hadn’t laughed at you yet, so you obviously were doing something right. Or at least not doing something horribly wrong.
“Any problems getting or staying hard?” This did make you giggle just a bit as you looked away to cover your mouth. He definitely didn’t have any problems with that. Especially when he was with you.
Peter let out a little chuckle too and it was times like this that you were grateful to have such a good relationship that you could laugh and joke around like this.
“Nope. All normal down there ya know?” He grinned cheekily, glancing down at his crotch before looking back up at you “but I still think you should take a look. Just to make sure.” His eyes had gotten progressively darker as the conversation went on and you realized just how into this he actually was. But, knowing Peter, he’d be into almost anything.
“I was planning on doing so. Just part of standard procedure.” You cleared your throat and stood over him, looking across his body “you seem to be in good health. If you wouldn’t mind, could you please slip off your clothes for me really quick so I can get a good look at everything? Make sure it’s all good.” 
Peter sped his clothes off and laid back on the bed, now dressed in only his boxers. While you were going about this in a joking manner, Peter seemed to be taking this very seriously. Or… Well, at least as serious as he could be.
You let your hands caress his chest, fingers running over his nipples which had him already suppressing a whine.
“Your body appears to be in perfect condition, let’s just take a peek and see what we’ve got here.”
Your hands went to the waistband of his boxers and Peter’s breath caught in his throat.
You pulled them down as torturously slow as possible until they were down far enough for his already hard cock to pop out.
Peter groaned quietly, closing his eyes as he leaned his head back against the pillows, his hips jutting up off the bed. His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he swallowed, hard. 
“Please doc, think I’ve got a problem that I need you to fix.”
You stifled a giggle, wanting to correct him and tell him you were a nurse, not a doctor, but instead you nodded along to his words.
“You poor thing. Don’t worry, I’m here to help you.” You smiled softly and carefully wrapped your hand around his warm, velvety cock.
Peter cried out quietly, taking his bottom lip between his teeth as he groaned. 
You tighten your grip, sliding your fingers across the tip of his cock, collecting the sticky liquid gathered there to help you jerk him off easier.
You let your thumb rest over the slit and gently rubbed the pad of your thumb against it.
Peter whimpered pathetically and tried to squirm away from the touch to the most sensitive part of his cock.
“Mngghhh please- too much! Please- fuck please be gentle baby, can only take so much.” He begged, eyes wide as he watched you, chest rising and falling. It may have been too much but he made no move to stop you. 
You let your thumb fall away as you continued to stroke over his length, enjoying the noises that slipped past his perfectly parted lips.
Peter’s hips moved of their own accord, thrusting up in time with your movements, setting a slow but comfortable pace.
You loved how he just melted. Completely submitted himself to you. Your roleplay soon just turned into your’s and Peter’s normal foreplay and such. 
Peter bucked his hips up into your touch and he bit his bottom lip between his teeth, his hair a mess and sticking to his forehead as he panted.
You leaned down as seductively as you could and pressed a feather light kiss to the tip of his cock. 
Peter propped himself up on his elbows to better see your actions, his cock twitching in anticipation for your soft, warm mouth.
You held the base of his cock steady with your hand as your tongue licked over him a few times, teasing him as much as you could, wanting to see just how desperate he could become.
Peter felt like he was going to die. Like actually perish. You were giving him so much but so little at the same time and he was overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time. Hell, he didn’t know how he felt! He just knew he wanted more. God please moreeee.
You let your lips rest on the head of his cock, watching with a smirk as he tried so hard to stay still and be good for you. Eventually your lips ever so slowly rolled down his length, coating him in a layer of your spit, getting him nice and slick.
Peter wasn’t really one to finish super fast. He had relatively decent stamina, but today was something else. He was so pent up that he barely managed to get an alarmed moan out before he was cumming, coating your mouth in his thick, white cum. A lot. Like a lot. 
You coughed in surprise, eyes widening as you worked to swallow it all, but inevitably you pulled off of him and spit into the small trash can by the end of the bed. 
It wasn’t that he tasted bad. It was just so much and it was so thick that there was no way you would be able to swallow it all without choking. That’d be an embarrassing way to die. Death by cum.
Peter’s cheeks were flushed red in embarrassment as he avoided your eyes, too embarrassed to even glance in your direction. How embarrassing. 
“You poor thing…” You chuckled, shaking your head as you looked him over. His breathing was beginning to go back to normal but the deep pink blush was spreading from his cheeks throughout his whole body, even his chest was red and it made you laugh a little once more.
“Feel that good? I mean I know you’re quicksilver but damn that was really fast. Even for you.” You teased, which caused a frustrated huff to leave the man’s lips as he shook his head.
Not completely done with him yet, you leaned down and placed your lips right next to his ear, whispering words that almost had him instantly hard again.
“I didn’t say you could cum. You’ve been a bad boy and I think you deserve to be punished” 
You weren’t a huge fan of punishing Peter, but he seemed to love it for some odd reason, which in turn made you enjoy it as well.
“I’m sorry baby- I just couldn’t help it- felt too good-“ he tried to reason with you as he writhed around on the sheets. Poor desperate boy. So needy for you.
“I know you were Peter, but that’s not an excuse. You’ve been getting on my nerves all day. All day long Peter. Why can’t you just be good?” 
He whined softly and pouted his bottom lip dramatically, his goofiness still shining through despite the situation. It never really went away, did it?
“I am good. Just not right now. But overall I am good so like- my good outweighs my bad so I shouldn’t be getting punished right now realistically if you just think about it-“
You shut him up with a bruising kiss, your lips smashed together as you straddled him, already feeling his cock against your thigh. That was one thing about his powers that was useful in the bedroom. He grew hard once more much faster than other men. 
“Well Peter if you want to make it up to me maybe you should show me how sorry you are.” You grinned, tugging your already tiny outfit up your body to fully show off your lower half.
“How do you want me to do tha- Oh” Peter was practically drooling as he got the memo of what you meant. In an instant you were flipped onto your back with Peter scooting between your legs, his breath fanning against your dripping cunt.
“Peterrrrr-“ you whined quietly, not wanting him to tease you. He’d done enough to you today. 
“Aww what baby? Look at you, so cute like this all spread out for me” Peter said with a smirk.
He was always like this. Trying to take control of the situation. For now you’d let him, but when you were ready, it only took a look or a subtle touch to gain back the control.
You gasped as you felt Peter’s teeth nip at the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, taking it between his teeth before licking over the bite mark he’d made. You’d think he was an animal or something with the way he was always biting you in one way or another. He always told you it was his special way of showing his affection towards you.
You laid under him a bit impatiently as he took his sweet old time. You hated that he could be as slow as he wanted when it came to your pleasure but always wanted things fast fast fast when it came to his own.
Finally, he leaned closer to your cunt, breath hot and almost ticklish as his dark eyes darted back up to yours, unblinking as he let his tongue lick a stripe up your core.
You shivered, a moan already falling from your mouth. His tongue was always so hot and so soft. It was heaven. 
He hummed at your reaction, letting his tongue dip a bit further into your folds this time, collecting the arousal that awaited him.
He had a very specific way of eating you out. He’d start with slow, teasing licks and kisses, leaving you on edge before he began to absolutely devour you, making it as messy as he possibly could. 
He let his fingers come up to spread you apart, revealing your perfect little bud to him. He leaned closer and pressed a gentle kiss to it, causing you to shiver.
He seemed to sense your impatience, and considering he was supposed to be making up for his bad behavior, decided he’d teased you enough.
He began to eat you out like there was no tomorrow, the sound of his wet lips connecting with your pussy filling the room. Thankfully the walls were pretty thick so hopefully no one would hear what was taking place.
Then, Peter did the one thing that drove you absolutely insane. He began to vibrate his tongue against your core, causing a spike of pleasure to shoot through your body, making all of your limbs feel like jelly.
Peter had a very strict rule that you weren’t allowed to have any vibrators. Well, it wasn’t really a strict rule, because he didn’t make rules for you to follow, but it was more unspoken if anything. Why did you need a vibrator when you had him? A literal human vibrator.
“F-fuck P-Peterrrr” you moaned, hands coming down and tugging at his strands of silver hair. You groaned in frustration as his goggles got in the way a bit and you just snatched them off his head and tossed them onto the floor before your hands came back to grip onto his hair.
Peter was thoroughly enjoying himself, letting his tongue vibrate against your clit for several moments before he delved back into your folds, his nose bumping your clit whenever his tongue wasn’t. He was sloppy and making an absolute mess, but that’s what he seemed to like and you couldn’t complain when he was making you feel as good as he was. You’d just deal with the mess later.
“I’m close-“ you choked out, tugging harder on his hair which made him wince a bit, but he didn’t make any move to stop you. 
You were wary in letting him know if you were close, waiting until the last second to tell him so hopefully he wouldn’t stop to try and tease you. You couldn’t take that right now.
And lucky for you, Peter seemed to sense that as he kept at it until he felt your release gush onto his tongue. He did his best to help clean you up while you caught your breath, leaning over you as he wiped his chin on the blankets before peeking up at you.
“Am I forgiven yet?” He asked with a cheeky grin. What a little devil.
You shook your head and leaned up to press a kiss to his lips, smiling against them 
“Not yet. I have a few more things in mind.”
Peter raised a brow in curiosity, watching you to see what you could possibly have in mind.
You sensed his confusion from the quizzical look on his face so you decided to ease his confusion as well as his curiosity.
“I want you to fuck me, and you can cum whenever you want, but I also get to fuck you for as long as I want.” You said, grabbing the hem of the costume you wore and tossing it away, now completely bare in front of him.
Surely this couldn’t be too bad… I mean, it didn’t sound bad to Peter. It actually sounded really nice. He’d soon learn that while it was nice, it was also tortuous in a way. When he was begging for you to stop. To give him a break. When his cock ached with over sensitivity, pins and needles covering his body as he shook with the overwhelming amount of pleasure that bordered on pain.
He nodded shyly and crawled back on top of you, kissing at your shoulder before nipping the skin between his teeth, causing you to cry out.
“Peter!” You scolded, slapping his shoulder gently.
He removed his teeth from your shoulder and pouted a bit “whatttt I love you. It’s how I show my loveee” He frowned, shaking his head as if you had stopped him from doing his favorite thing in the world. In his mind, you kind of had.
“Just be gentle. I know you get excited but you can’t bite me like an animal.” You chuckled a bit, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss 
“Now fuck me, Peter.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. With a shaky hand he positioned himself at your entrance, easily slipping in from your previous release.
A pleasured groan slipped from his lips as he let the both of you adjust for a moment.
His eyes were closed and his hair fell into his face a bit. He looked perfect like this. Your perfect boy. Always so sweet and despite how annoying he could also be, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
He didn’t want to embarrass himself by saying or showing that he already felt close, usually not this worked up, but you seemed to really be having an effect on him on this day. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper, his pelvis hitting your clit perfectly with each thrust forward into your tight heat.
This was heaven. You could die happy right now with Peter buried deep inside you. 
Oh and another thing about Peter? Sometimes when he got excited or overwhelmed he couldn’t quite control his powers. It’d been something he’d always dealt with.
But this wasn’t a bad thing at all. In fact it was really fucking enjoyable in times like these.
Your mouth fell open as you felt a slight buzz, glancing up at Peter. The outline of his body was slightly blurred. He was buzzing. His body moved so fast from the pleasure that he couldn’t really stop it. He was also vibrating inside of you, his cock snug inside your warm walls vibrated ever so slightly, which added another element of pleasure. 
“Faster Peter. Please.” You begged, and Peter once more didn’t need you to repeat, hips slapping against yours as he pounded you into the bed harder and faster than before. 
You’d surely be sore and bruised in the morning, but it was well worth it for how good he was making you feel. Sex with Peter was always out of this world amazing and you weren’t sure if it was his mutant abilities or if it was just him. 
You pulled Peter down for another searing kiss, letting your tongue slip inside his mouth, exploring as far as you could as Peter just moaned against you, going lax as he let you do as you pleased with him.
You gently sucked at his bottom lip before nipping it between your teeth, reveling in the way he whined.
“I’m- close-“ he spoke again, already feeling another release building up inside him. You had said he could cum whenever he wanted, but he also knew the catch. That you would use him for as long as you wanted. He didn’t really see a problem with that.
“My sweet boy, come on, let go. It’s okay.” You cooed, your words causing Peter to hum in pleasure as he nodded, his thrusts becoming uneven and sloppy as he ruthlessly pounded your cunt.
You winced a bit as he sped up to near inhuman speed but you clung to his shoulders as you let him continue, knowing he was close.
He came with a quiet cry, stilling his hips as he came inside you. His body stopped buzzing and he didn’t seem as blurred anymore. 
Panting, he pulled himself out of you and laid next to you on the bed, chest rising and falling heavily as he peeked over at you.
Without warning you straddled his waist, plunging his cock back inside you. He knew you weren’t done with him but geez… he figured you’d at least give him a second to calm down-
He yelped in surprise and looked up at you with wide eyes, his cock twitching weakly. He was sensitive and it was bordering on pain as he watched your rise and fall on his length which was somehow miraculously still hard.
“O-ooookay then-“ he breathed out, propping himself up on his elbows as he bit his bottom lip, trying to adjust to the pressure to his sensitive cock. 
“Oh baby that so- that’s a lot-“ he mumbled, shaking his head as he tried to grab at your hips and get you to stop. Or at least slow down.
How ironic. The man faster than the speed of light was wanting you to go slow. 
You ignored his plea and continued at the pace you wanted, watching as he writhed under you.
“Mmmm baby I’m- Ah! Sensitive!” He laughed softly as he tried to get you to stop, the sensation too much.
You leaned down and pressed a kiss to his sweaty forehead, brushing his silver hair out of his face so he could better see you.
“Make me finish and maybe I’ll think about giving you a break.” You whispered, Peter’s eyes wide. He did love a challenge after all.
He bucked his hips up against yours, nearly sending you flying off his lap with a surprised yelp leaving your parted lips.
With each thrust of his cock he hit your g spot every single time. He was an expert at this, having spent time memorizing your body. He knew it just as well, if not better than his own.
You gripped onto his shoulders and dug your nails in ever so slightly, leaving little crescent moon shaped divots in his pale skin.
Peter moaned out, a mix of pleasure and pain consuming him. He focused on your pleasure and trying to get you to your release, hips snapping up against yours with a filthy sound, wet skin slapping against wet skin.
You felt your core tightening as that all too familiar tingling began. A sign you were close. You clung harder to Peter, rolling your hips against his as you gasped, body bouncing on top of his.
Peter could watch you like this all day. Watching as you took your pleasure from him. From what he was able to do for you. It made the pain and sensitivity all worth it. Seeing you experience such pleasure was one of his favorite things in the world. Twinkies being another.
You dug your nails deeper into his soft skin as you fell over the edge, your walls squeezing his cock in a death grip as you stilled on top of him, body shaking from the pleasure.
The added pressure around his cock caused Peter to cry out. He came a third and hopefully for him final time with a pathetic groan slipping from his lips as he half heartedly bucked up into your heat that was milking him for all he had. 
Peter felt all fuzzy and lightheaded as he carefully tried to pick you up and remove you from his throbbing cock. He groaned quietly as his release spilled out from you as he moved you off of his dick.
He laid you down on the bed and snuggled up next to you, the only sound in the room was the heavy breathing that slowly began to subside.
“Peter, we’re a mess. We need to get cleaned up-“ you groaned, but Peter's arms just wrapped tighter around you as he huffed in annoyance.
“We can clean up in a little bit. Let me just hold you.” You wanted to argue. The sticky mess between your legs growing a bit uncomfortable.
“Peter, you have to let me up. I need to pee. Do you want me to get an infection?” 
This seemed to finally get through to him as he reluctantly lessened his grip on you just enough for you to wriggle away from him and out of bed.
You glanced at him, all sprawled out, still buck ass naked as he looked up at you with the most annoying, shit eating grin ever.
“Oh shut up, don’t look at me like that. Get yourself cleaned up you weirdo.”
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yearning-for-autumn · 5 months
Lucien NSFW Alphabet
A/N: My baby Lucien means the world to me and I need him carnally in ways you wouldn't understand.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Lucien to me, is the subbiest sub to ever sub. He can switch, but he was born to sub. When he is subbing, he is in it 100% and needs a lottt of aftercare. He needs to be cuddled, praised, maybe a hot bath. Your baby boy just did so well for you, treat him gently.
When he’s your dom though, damn does he take aftercare seriously. He’ll do a full debrief, he needs to know what you did and what you didn’t like. This male loves you so hard, he’s going to take good care of you.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Lucien is quite self-conscious since Amarantha. He used to like his eyes, but he no longer finds his face very attractive. It takes a lot of convincing him that you think he is HOT STUFF.
His favourite part of his body are his forearms because when he rolls his sleeves up you are weakkkk. 
His favourite part of your body are probably your eyes and your tits.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Lucien cums soooo prettily, he’ll be flushed and panting and begging ‘Mummy please, please let me cum, please let me cum. I can’t hold it I can’t’ When you finally let him, it’ll spurt all the way up to his chest, his cock is so pent up. He absolutely loves it when you scoop it up onto your finger and feed it to him. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
This boy is absolutely starving for you at all times. When he’s in a more dom mood, his fantasy is to cockwarm you during a meeting. The idea of being buried within you with others watching, suspecting, gets him soooo hard. He would be so cocky about it, he would cum deep inside you and then smirk at the others like his girl was just sooo good for him. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I firmly believe that Lucien was an absolute wildchild. Eris could not control him at all, and he was useless enough to Beron as a youth that he was kept on quite a long leash. He was fingering girls in the woods. He absolutely knows what he is doing. 
You are the first person he’s ever been comfortable subbing for apart from Jesminda, but they didn’t get too far. He needs leading through it when you first start, but he’s a quick learner.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Lucien loveesss having you in his lap, he wants to be as physically close to you as possible. That or he wants you on your hands and knees, back arched, hair down so he can pull you up to him. 
When he’s subby he wants to be underneath you, there’s something so vulnerable about seeing you over him whilst he’s lying there, hands tied above him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
If he’s subbing he is probably whining, moaning or crying. There’s no time for laughter. If he’s in control then yeah, he’s a cheerful guy, he likes to ease the tension a little sometimes. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Lucien’s hair is the pride of his life, but he doesn’t really like having pubes. He doesn’t shave them all off, but he does keep himself very neatly trimmed. He’s just not a massive fan of them. He would prefer if you kept things neat too, but it’s not going to be a dealbreaker if you don’t.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Lucien is capable of incredibly mushy gushy romance that has you absolutely giggling, kicking your feet and blushing. He will cradle you against him, cock buried deep in your wet heat and say something like ‘Gods pretty girl you were just made for me. Taking me so well, I love you so much.’ 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Lucien needs you, all of the time. He’s a pillow humper, especially when he’s suuuper subby and absolutely craving you, he’ll fuck the pillow desperately like he’s in rut, his cock leaking all over the fabric and making a wet sticky mess. When he cums he’ll be drooling and whining and crying for you, he wishes it was you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Cockwarming - I’ve already written this but gods he just wants to be inside you all day. Imagine him sat at his desk writing letters and you are absolutely dripping down his legs.
Public sex - Lucien wants people to see how good he fucks you. He is Helion’s son through and through.
Mummy kink - Fuckk he has mummy issues and don’t you know it. He’ll suck on your tits and call you mummy. He’s all ‘mummy please, please, I need you so bad, mummy it hurts’.
Edging - Lucien really wants you to control when he can cum, and more than that he wants to be teased all day. You’ll have him fuck your hand, you’ll suck him off, but he can only cum at the end of the day. And he really struggles, he often cums before he’s allowed and needs a lot of comfort after.
Bratting - Lucien is a brat. Lucien is a little shit. Enough said. 
Cumming in pants - Lucien is always wet, his cock drools 24/7. Adding to the mess with his cum because he just couldn’t help it. That’s good shit right there.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Lucien is not fussy. He will have you anywhere. You have fucked in every room of his house.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Lucien is wet in his pants all time time for you. His leaky dick is just drooling non stop because he loves you and he’s a horny baby. He wants you to come brush your fingers through his hair and ask him if he wants to sink into your pussy for a little while. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Lucien, whilst loving to push your buttons, needs a gentle hand when being punished. He loves being spanked. He hates being ignored. Be gentle with degradation. His absolutely hard no’s are: blood, anything that will scar, sounding (even though he’s subby he has limits), and tickling. He hates being tickled. He will kick you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Lucien wants to be in your mouth all day everyday. The wet heat surrounding his cock as you spit and choke on him. Fuckkkkk. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He can do both because he is multi-faceted. He wants everyone to know that he has mastered every aspect of sex.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Mhm, quickies are good. Especially if he doesn’t get to cum and just gets left hard and needy. You get to cum though, of course, because you are his queen.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yes of course Lucien wants to try literally anything with you. Want to try fucking him against a mirror so he can see the tears roll down his cheeks, sure. Want to hold him down and piss on him, I mean there’s a first time for everything. Want to spit in his mouth and slap him round the face, please do, please do.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can be edged for days, but once he finally gets his dick in you he’s cumming pretty quickly honestly. You keep him on edge too much. He cums prematurely in his pants because you kissed him a bit too heatedly. But he’s always ready to go again soon after, don’t you worry.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Most of the toys you own are for him. Buttplugs, vibrating cock rings, a collar, many different ropes in lots of lovely colours to compliment his hair and skin. He wants to be trussed up all pretty for you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He will tease you sub or not. He’s a cheeky little brat. ‘Gonna spank me mummy? I was a bad boy, you gonna spank me? You don’t look like you’re ready.’
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
The servants know to give you a wide berth when you’re fucking your boy. He’s whining, and he’s moaning and he’s screaming. You make him feel soooo good.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Lucien’s mother is 100% convinced that her angel, perfect, baby is still a virgin. She’s in complete denial about it. Eris has tried to let her down gently, but she was not having it at all. You two have a very healthy sex life and his mother is simply blind.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Lucien’s cock is soo pretty. It’s flushed at the tip and curves upwards slightly and it produces so much precum he has to change his underwear multiple times a day. He used to be embarrassed by it, but to be honest now it just proves how much he wants you. He soaks his pants like a girl and loves to be teased about it (only by you). 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Very high. But he has very good self control. He won’t bother you about it unless he is 100% sure that you are also in the mood.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Sleepy baby needs to be tucked up in bed after an exhausting day of being fucked brainless by his mummy. Give him a little kiss and he’s out cold. 
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kingschclar · 2 years
Wait, the lion man brain rot is bad too. I feel like once he knows you aren't gonna turn on him and he really trusts you he'll come to you on his own despite his laziness. So like, he has a really shitty day one time because his father and brother came to bully visit him(I vaguely hedcanon his family as being shitty to him, because like, the politics surrounding royal families mean that they react to bad press by removing it at the very least, and putting out counter statements is like the bare minimum, and from chapter 2 it doesn't seem like they did that for Leona at all? Which is fucked up? Also, how did the pretty kitty boy get that scar on his face? Huh? I get Zuko vibes from that scar, man, idk.) And after they finally leave he comes to you for the first time instead of waiting for you to eventually come to him like he normally does and he just really needs some praise ok? They were mean to him and he needs you. (Oh that was long, I'll stop now)
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needy!leona kingscholar with a praise kink? it's a lot more likely than you think it is
NSFW MDNI // cw : sub!leona, softdom!reader, gn!reader, male penetration, reader could have a dick/wear a strap but it’s just called a dick in the fic, praise kink, calling him your king
love note — i KNOW its been months anon but PLEASE you spoiled me with this ask i love you so much <3
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Leona’s sharp gaze was gone as he looked up at you, moaning and clinging onto you as if desperate to feel you closer to him. You hooked your hands under his knees, pushing them against his chest as you thrust into him deeply. Just thinking about his words and the almost-upset look in his eyes made your stomach churn and your pace pick up. “Just today,” He’d almost pouted. “Tell me how you think I’m… pretty.”
You exhaled shakily, looking at his insanely attractive face. “Do you feel good, baby?” He’d normally groan at the nickname before glaring at you, but today he just nods, strong arms pulling you down to kiss you.
“Taking my dick so well,” you moaned in between kisses, and Leona gasped into you. You looked at his disheveled state as you pulled away, lips glistening and bitten and eyes swimming with emotions. “You love it when I praise you, hm? My king,” you teased, now moving down to latch your lips onto his sensitive spot on his neck. Leona hissed, a shaky whimper escaping him as he made a pathetic noise in response.
You let go of his legs, and he immediately used them to clamp around your hips, drawing you even closer to him and barely allowing you to move. His dick was positively leaking with precum, so much so that you could feel it against your own skin. You adjusted your positions a little, Leona reluctantly loosening his grip on you for a moment before carefully wrapping his arms around you again. The new angle you were in made it easier for you to thrust into him just the way he liked, and he moaned sharply, tail furiously swishing against the covers.
“So, so pretty for me. Just the best.”
“Fuck!” He exclaimed out before biting down on his lip, suppressing the whimpers that signified he was close. You moved one hand down to his hard cock, stroking him quickly and making the beastman squirm, not sure whether to push back onto you or thrust into your warm, soft hand. “Close… C-close,” he mumbled, and you took the sign to kiss him a last time before he came. Leona moaned into the kiss, arms forcing you flush against him as he convulsed with pleasure, the overwhelming of the orgasm making him hiccup.
“Feel better now?” You asked, pecking his cheek as he panted.
“Yea. Thanks,” he muttered, staring at you for a moment. You didn’t have to guess what he wanted to ask, it was written all over his face.
“Wanna go again?”
“Hah. Of course, herbivore.”
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whaledenwtf · 8 months
Vegeta x Reader -
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Hihi!! The last fanfiction I wrote was the Kratos x Reader. I love Vegeta, so I'm writing a fanfiction. This has also been cross-posted on AO3 here: Link Enjoy this Smut-fest.
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Warnings: afab!reader and Male Smut, Breeding Kink, Creampie, Choking, Dom/Sub dynamic, Use of Pet names/Nicknames, Praise and Degradation, Oral (Male and Female Receiving), Fighting, Blood, etc. Porn with Plot, basically 
Vegeta is also a little OOC, especially after seggs, so warning for that too!
WORD COUNT: 6197 Words (Jesus Christ)
Hope you enjoy this story ~
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It had been probably, the WORST week of your life. You got evicted because your landlord ended your lease - can landlords even do that? what a dick, you thought to yourself. That, plus the massive training block you've been experiencing AND the fact you had just ended the worst date have really made you crave a night of forgetting everything. You're so grateful for alcohol and Bulma. Both were incredible distractions and can help you forget everything.
"Thanks again for letting my stay here until I could get back up on my feet." You tell her after taking a sip of your rum and coke. She waves you off, lifting her feet up onto the couch, tucking them under herself and getting comfortable.
"(Y/N), I'm serious when I say you're welcome to stay as long as you'd like. You don't understand how much I need a friend in this house." You giggle.
"What do you mean?" Bulma groans, and takes a massive gulp of her vodka sprite.
"My parents... are my parents-" That, you could understand. They are a handful. "And Vegeta's always been a pain in my ass. Especially since I got back with Yamcha-" You almost spit out your drink.
"WHAT?!?!" You gasp out loud, before whispering, as if you were conspiring. "Since when? What happened to 'working things out' with Vegeta?" You were curious, as she went on and on... and on and on about fixing things with Vegeta for the sake of Trunks.
"I mean, there's definitely love for him as the father of my son. But that love can only get me so far. We understand that we aren't meant to last. Plus Yamcha has gotten better at communicating his feelings and his wants. He's definitely not the same person who cheated on me years ago." Bulma stated matter-of-factly. You furrow your brows.
"So why's Vegeta still live here?" Bulma takes a sip of her drink and ponders her response.
"Well... At the beginning it was because I would miss him too hard, and I couldn't imagine a world without him in it. Now, its partially because of Trunks, and partially because-" She leans in close, and whispers in your ear. "I feel bad for him. He really only has Trunks now..." She bites her lip as she moves back to her spot.
"He'll find someone. He's... very attractive and sets his mind to things and sticks to it. I mean, sure, his pride is his greatest weakness, but he definitely has more pros than cons, especially now." You always found Vegeta attractive, but that was a given. Both Saiyans (and Broly, when you think about it) are very attractive beings. You wonder if its Saiyan genetics that make such handsome men, or if it really is just pure luck.
"Ou~" Bulma purrs. "Want me to set you two up? I'm sure he wouldn't mind. He can already tolerate you and has complimented your strength-" Your eyes widen.
"What has he said?" You lean in, excited. Bulma smirks knowingly.
"Maybe this planet isn't doomed after all." She puts on her best Vegeta impression, which makes you giggle.
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You spend the rest of the night chatting and getting drunk with Bulma, by the time you both head to bed, its almost 3 am. You stumble through the halls, bumping into different doors. You open your bedroom door, and walk to your bed. When you collapse, your eyes are closed and notice that your bed is warm... and hard?
"Woman! Is there a reason you're in my bedroom? It's 3 AM, some of us train around here." You snuggle deeper into the mass.
"S-ry 'Geta. M'drunk." You slur out, with zero environmental awareness.
"GO IN YOUR OWN ROOM!" He whisper yells, trying to push you off. You whine, cuddling your face into his neck and inhaling. He instantly freezes up, and you feel heat pool up his neck towards his face. Eyes still closed, you smile softly.
"Mmm... smell good." You lay your face directly on his pulse point, blissfully unaware of the speedy pitter-patter of the Saiyan's heart.
"Woman-" He whisper-yells. "Please get out of my room." His voice is pleading, and your mind seems to begin feeling guilt.
"Can't. Can't walk. 'M too drnk." You whisper into his neck sadly, sniffling as tears spring to your eyes. Your body was vulnerable, especially so under the effects of alcohol, and Vegeta feels concerned. On the one hand, he is uncomfortable with physical touch, but on the other, the way your breath hits his pulse point has brought his Saiyan instincts out, and he does not want to take advantage of one of the only women in his life who finds him tolerable- semi tolerable? he thinks to himself. He sighs.
"Lemme carry you then." You hum.
"Thank you, Princey." You leave a small peck on his neck. Insignificant to you, probably, but meant too much to Vegeta. From his limited understanding of Earthlings and their tolerance to alcohol, it lowered inhibitions, but also could bring out instincts. Do you trust him? That question unloads a can of worms in Vegeta's head, as he lifts you in a bridal carry and walks towards your room, which is a short walk from his door. Despite this, it feels like centuries. He watches your face as you slowly fall asleep to the rocking of his movement as he carries you. What if you DID trust him? Vegeta knows he is not a good man, perfectly shown through his relationship with Bulma, or lack of. He couldn't keep a woman, who, he would never admit, helped him through a lot and even gave him a son. A son he hasn't even taken care of much! Vegeta's brow furrows and he stops walking in the middle of the hallway, which stirs you from your light slumber.
"'Geta?" You ask him confused, still drunk. He looks into your eyes, and can't help but admire their colour.
"Almost there-" He whispers softly. You gaze at his face, before reaching a hand to his forehead. The soft touch to his face makes his eyes widen.
"You should smile more. You're handsome when you do." You whisper, before your hand falls from his forehead, and lingers on his cheek, holding him softly. Vegeta's brow unfurrows, as he watches you. He then walks you to your room, and prepares to leave you at the door.
"Tha-nk y-ouuu 'Geta." He helps you out of his arms so you could land on your legs, though you did so a little unstable. You kiss his cheek quickly, and giggle before opening and closing the door behind you. Vegeta is stunned in place, holding the cheek you kissed as a raging blush flushes his entire body.
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"Ugh, my head." You groan as you walk into the kitchen, where Vegeta and Bulma are bickering.
"Yeah I'm in pain too. Wish I could use a Senzu bean-" Bulma jokes, but Vegeta cuts her off.
"What a stupid use of a Senzu bean. You'd be wasting it to get through something ridiculous." He bites at her, and she rolls her eyes.
"Normally, I'd fight you, but I'm in too much pain and care too little about your opinion." You wince, and can tell those words hurt Vegeta a little, no matter how much he hides it.
"Woah Bulma, 'ts a little much. Let's all just have coffee, breakfast, and then we'll all feel better." You speak up as you walk past Vegeta, brushing his shoulder with your hand as a sign of respect, and defense. Vegeta looks at you with an eyebrow raised, and you raise one side of your lip slightly, smirking at him. You loved Bulma, but sometimes she says things she regrets, especially when hungover. She groans.
"Coffee sounds great." You giggle, as you make coffee for you three. You pass everyone a mug, and take a sip and sigh into the warm mug.
"I'll make us breakfast. What do you want, Vegeta?" You ask, looking at him over the rim of the mug. Bulma raises a brow.
"Why are you asking him?" You hum looking at her.
"Cause he's gonna be eating the most portions. I'm already making eggs and bacon, but he'll probably want something else, right 'Geta?" Your eyes switch from Bulma to Vegeta, and you can see the tips of his ears blushing, before he crosses his arms and turns to look away from you.
"Tch. Make me three steaks on the side, woman!" You roll your eyes at Bulma, who chuckles.
"All right, your highness. I'll make them rare and also feed them to you?" He smirks at that.
"Finally, someone who can understand the worth of a Prince-" Bulma rolls her eyes.
"Being the prince of 3 people is like calling me the queen of nothing." Vegeta's head snaps to her, and he growls.
"What a fitting title for someone who brings nothing to my life-" Bulma's eyebrows raise, and so do yours.
"Okay Vegeta, let's calm down~" You hold his shoulder, and rub it, eyes widening as you can see his hair flicker between blonde and brunette quickly.
"Tch. She's insufferable!" He cries out, effectively calming himself down.
"You're BOTH insufferable, actually. Both of you need to fucking relax." You tried not to swear often, but they were annoying you. Both of them shut up, eyes wide.
"I'm gonna finish cooking, we are going to eat calmly and quietly, and then I can go train for a bit before I-" You're taking the bacon out of the oven when your phone rings, and Vegeta grabs it for you.
"Who's calling?" You ask him as you grab the device from his thick hand.
"Tinder James? What kind of a first name is Tinder?" Vegeta raises a brow and you cough, eyes wide.
"He's calling you back?! PUT HIM ON SPEAKER." Bulma shouts, excited. You roll your eyes, but answer and put him on speaker while you cook.
"(Y/N) here." You respond.
"Hey sweetheart. Sorry I had to cut our date short yesterday, you know how it is haha-" You roll your eyes as Bulma mimics the movement of vomiting. Vegeta stays silent, watching your face. You had a date yesterday? He's upset at this information, but would never tell you that.
"Its fine-" You start to respond. "I mean, if you wanna continue the date tonight I'm game." He cuts you off.
"Continue... our date?" You ask confused.
"Yeah? I didn't hit so I thought you'd want me to hit it-" Both you and Bulma actually guffaw at that.
"Something funny?" He asks confused.
"Listen here, sweetheart-" You start sarcastically "You weren't gonna hit. You spent the whole date checking your phone and texting. I'm not stupid and I'm not someone who you can push around. We aren't gonna fuck, so stick your dick elsewhere. Oh! And delete my number." You hang up before blocking the number, turning to grin at Bulma. She laughs and high-fives you after you turn off the stove-top, eggs ready. You pile the eggs and bacon onto plates and get going on the steaks while handing the plates of food to Bulma and Vegeta. They start eating, and by the time you finish the steaks, Vegeta has finished his portions.
"Here you go." You hand the pile of steaks to him, and eat your meal. He doesn't touch his food, and looks at you expectantly. He harrumphs to get your attention.
"Yes?" He raises a brow.
"Why aren't you feeding me?" You laugh in his face. You pick up a piece of bacon from your plate before shoving it in his mouth. He choke on it, eyes wide looking at you.
"Eat your damn steaks." You tell him as you shovel eggs into your mouth and wink at him. Bulma laughs at him, as she picks up the empty plates and puts them in the dishwasher. Vegeta stays quiet and starts to eat his steaks, but you can see that his hairline is flickering blonde, but he wears a small smirk on his face.
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The next couple days you don't see Vegeta at all. Normally, it wouldn't affect you, but you felt... saddened by the lack of his presence.
You are walking past the Gravity Chamber when you hear a massive explosion, and shouting. You sprint towards the Chamber, worried.
"Stupid Earthlings and their stupid creations!" You smirk at the angry Saiyan, who is hugging a robot, his hair a dark blue.
"Cute look, Vegeta. Is she your new girlfriend?" You tease, smirking at him. He turns to looks at you, and the tips of his ears turn pink.
"Woman! How dare you joke about the Saiyan Prince and his taste in women?" He grumbles loudly, walking closer to you. His hair goes back to brunette, and you can't help but admire his handsome looks.
"It's okay Vegeta. I won't tell Bulma~" You say in a sing-song voice, winking at him. He drops the robot before crushing it with his feet. You raise an eyebrow and smirk at him.
"These ridiculous jokes must end! Where is the respect for royalty? An understanding of- of greatness?" He asks you, getting closer. You look up at him, and bite your lip.
"I apologize for my humour, my prince-" You tell him, as you curtesy. "I'll make sure to only sing my praises of your existence, your majesty." The tips of his ears are deepening into a dark blush, and his cheeks are also discolouring.
"That's more like it, woman! Though, Saiyans always greeted me on one knee-" you cut him off, grinning.
"You want to see me on my knees? Dirty prince." His whole face turns red, and you can feel his Ki rise significantly.
"Y-you vile woman! Such tactless behaviour- such a dishonourable sneak attack!" He stutters angrily, his eyes becoming a beautiful teal and his hair a vibrant blonde, once again. You giggle before rubbing his chest to calm him down.
"I'm only kidding 'Geets-" he grumbles looking away from you, face still flushed. He snaps out of Super Saiyan, and his blush lowers significantly. "Hey, wait a minute! Why don't we train together?" His head snaps back at you, intrigued.
"Why should I train with you?" He asks unkindly. You roll your eyes at his attitude.
"Well, for starters, your little playroom is broken-" his eyebrows furrow and he is reminded of his loss. "Secondly, I've had the worst training block in my life. I can't do anything right and having someone like you train with me will surely help!" He ponders this for a moment.
"Fine. But only because, as you put it, "my playroom is broken"." You smile at him, and grab his wrist to drag him to an open field far away from Bulma's ire.
"Tch. We could've flown here." He crosses his arms, raising a brow.
"Yeah, but sometimes walking through nature helps clear the mind, and prepares me for a battle." You say, as you roll your shoulder and stretch your body.
"C'mon Vegeta, I know you've said that I am a competent fighter-" Vegeta cuts you off angrily.
"Does that putrid woman share all my secrets?!" He goes back into Super Saiyan, getting into fighting position. You giggle as you also stance up.
"She's being harmless, 'Geta." He comes towards you first, fist almost breaking through your block.
"Jesus Vegeta. You need to slow down so the rest of us can catch up!" You huff out, faces close together. You blush as your eyes wander to his lips.
"I will never "slow down" so that a mere Earthling can catch up to the Prince of all Saiyans-" You punch his gut as he speaks, and he barely reacts to it, eyes widening. You aim a kick to his ribs, but he quickly grabs your calf, and spins you. You use your other foot to kick his sternum, and fly up in the air. You dodge and hit eachother, nothing that would really need a Senzu. Then you decide to up the stakes.
"I've been practicing this technique- CATASTROPHIC CANON-" [note: idk man im trying] A massive ball of red-hued Ki shoots towards Vegeta. In his mind, the move sounded idiotic, so surely he could handle its power. The ball then splits into three and hits him from all angles. He's never seen a move that did that! He was impressed, but it could be stronger.
"That was cute, woman! Let me show you a real show stopper- GALICK GUN!" You tried to dodge, but it was too late. Like a meteor, you crash into the ground under you, creating a crater around your body. Vegeta's eyes widen as he flies towards you, worried.
"Woman!" When you don't answer, he walks closer, concerned.
"Woman?-" Your eyes were closed, but your chest was still moving. "Y/N?" He's right next to you now. You grab his ankle, and flip him so you land on top of him. You sit on his lap, and hold his arms up over his head, panting loudly. Blood is dripping down a gash from your forehead, and he can't help but find you to be the most beautiful being he's ever seen.
"I-" You inhale. "Win-" exhale, looking deep into his eyes. He tries to break out of your hold, but you grip his wrists tightly, and he flinches.
"That was dirty!" Vegeta protests, blushing. You get closer to him, your breathes mingling.
"I'll make sure to play nicely next time, Prince Vegeta-" His lips catch yours in ah instant. Your lips mold to his perfectly, and the small moan you let out is not unnoticed by the Saiyan. Your grip on his wrists loosened, and he takes advantage of your vulnerability to flip you under him. Your thighs wrap around his small waist, and you pull him closer to you, grinding up to him.
Your open your mouth and you begin another battle. His tongue and yours lash against eachother, and you further explore his mouth, tracing your tongue over his teeth. Your tongue caresses over his canines, which were sharper because of his Alien heritage. You puncture yourself on them, and he moans out when a drop of your blood lands on his tongue. You pull away to look him, eyes wide.
"Please-p-please Vegeta." You whimper. He looks at you, panting slowly.
"Call me by my real title, sweetheart." You moan, pushing forward to kiss his neck. You lick up and down his pulse point. He moans into your hair, and you feel a rush of slick leave your body. He sniffs the air around you before groaning.
"I can smell you sweetheart-" You whimper into him, before licking up to the shell of his ear.
"Please Prince Vegeta. Please touch me." He pulls you up off the ground, still grinding into you softly.
"As you wish, princess-" He shoots off the ground, flying quickly back to Capsule Corp to continue what you had both started. As he flies through the skies, you continue to lick and kiss his neck, before biting down on junction between his neck and shoulder. He growls in your ear before pulling away to look into your eyes.
"Do that one more time and I'll make sure you can't ever walk again." His focus goes from one eye to the other, and you can't help the surge of need that flows through you from his attentiveness.
"That better be a promise, my prince-" Before you could end your sentence, he's already landed on his balcony, and has slammed the door open with his foot. He kicks the door shut behind him and lays you on the bed. He watches you for a moment, as you wriggle to lean on your elbows and look up at him.
"Why are you staring at me?" You ask curiously, a blush forming on the apples of your cheeks. He bites the fingertip of one of his gloves, pulling it off, before mirroring the action for his other hand.
"You remind me of the women from my planet-" You roll your eyes at him.
"Usually during sex, you don't tell the person you're about to sleep with they remind you of someone else." He barks a laugh at that, trailing his hands near your ankles, pulling off your shoes and working his way up your legs, caressing the muscles there.
"You're strong- physically and mentally. You're talented in many trades, multi-faceted. Powerful-" he begins to kiss his way up your torso, his warmth bleeding through your clothing. "Intelligent. Beautiful. Alluring. You have an air around you-" He cuts himself off then, having kissed his way up to your face and stopping.
"You possess much more than any of the women of this planet. You call to me in ways the people of my planet never did. You're much more than the sum of all these things together. I've always thought this." He murmurs as he looks into your eyes. He sees your eyes shine before you speak up.
"I've always admired your strength-" You begin to say as you caress his arms, before pulling his calloused hands towards your lips and kissing each fingertip, each scratch and mark that makes him, Vegeta. "You're much more than your physical prowess Vegeta. You're mental fortitude, after everything you've been through- continue to go through-" You exhale loudly. You hold his face in your hands.
"You are the ultimate warrior. You always compare yourself to Goku but in my eyes you will always be more than he is." You thought you saw his eyes water, but he burrows his face into your neck before taking a deep breathe.
"Princess, I need you. I've wanted to conquer this body like the thousands of planets I've conquered in the name of the Saiyan Army. I want to watch you quiver underneath me as I take everything you have to offer- and much more." He growls out, showing his teeth. You whimper, once again getting wet at his words. He plays you like an instrument- and he's the maestro. You quickly pull off your clothing until you are naked under him. He admires your body quietly, before looking into your eyes.
"Fuck me Vegeta. Breed me like I'm yours." He bites his lip looking at you.
"You already are mine. I'll make sure to mold your body to mine, woman-" You bite down on his neck, as a form of chastising him.
"Don't call me woman-" You warn him softly. He groans in your ear and his hands roam your curves. His fingers find the peaks of each breast, twisting and rubbing with the pads of his fingers. Your hands wander across the planes of his body that are still covered by his blue training gear.
"What should I call you, Y/N?" He asks you softly, before taking your right nipple in his mouth.
"F-Fuck Vegeta. Please call me yours, call m-me princess~" He groans at your words, his arousal showing through his clothes. "Show everyone who I belong to-" You never felt so dirty in your life; pleading for a man to call you his, never in your life could you imagine the submissive turn this took. You want to take control back, so you flip yourself back on top. He looks up at you, biting his lip.
"Such a good princess for me. Pleasing your Prince like a good girl~" You growl at that, grinding down hard into the clear outline of his heavy cock. You begin to tug on the collar of his training gear.
"I'm gonna rip this off of you and ride you. I wanna be a good girl for my Prince." He smirks at that, before his eyes widen at the ripping sound his gear makes. You pull the tattered fabric off his body, nails lightly scraping the surface of his skin.
"So handsome, and strong. Perfect for protecting me~" You whisper in a sing sing voice, before kissing down his body. You start from his lips and work your way down. You can tell your bites and hickeys are already mostly healed, so you leave a couple more before kissing his pecs and lavishing his nipples in attention. He covers his mouth to muffle a moan, as he squeezes his eyes shut.
"Don't shy away from me now Vegeta. Let me hear you." You tell him, pulling his arm away. He pants at you, eyes wide.
"T-these damn sneak attacks!" You grin at his words.
"I'll show you a sneak attack-" You begin the sentence, before gripping his cock in your hand. Its girth is unimaginable, your hand barely closing around it. His length is above average, and you could already tell you would spend many days worshiping his cock if you could.
You slowly thrust your fist up and down his length, watching how his cock pulsed under your hand. You could tell there was something peculiar about it, like the small ridges near the head and the particularly thick vein on the underside. Your other hand goes to his balls, which seemed to have already been straining for attention.
He whimpers as you touch him, but swears as soon as your tongue touches his slit.
"Fuck~ just like that princess-" You moan around his cock, taking the head into your mouth and giving it small sucks and kitten licks.
"Such a good little Earth whore for her Saiyan Prince- f-fuck. Can't wait to fill you with my royal seed." You didn't realize Vegeta was so vocal during sex. You pull your mouth off him and sit on your haunches, slowly stroking your up and down his cock.
"W-why'd you stop?" He asks angrily, hair flicking to blonde for a moment. You hover over his body, before grinning.
"Let's put that mouth to good use-" You sit on his face looking down at him. You hear him inhale through his nose deeply, before he looks up at you, lust prominent in his eyes. You bite your lip before tugging on his hair, and in a moment his fingers latch onto your thighs, and his tongue takes a wide lick up your slit. You look into his eyes to see him staring at your face. His tongue continues to take wide licks, before it enters inside your pussy. He licks up the juice that leaks out of you, groaning under you. You moan out his name as he does so, and hear him muttering under you.
"Taste so good for your Prince. Such a good girl-" You moan out loud, before you have to use your left hand to hold yourself up. You stretch your right arm behind you, and grip his cock, before giving him a sloppy handjob. He grunts under you, before unhooking his left hand from your thighs and spreading you open. You caterwaul when his tongue finds your clit, swirling and giving it attention while he lets his thick middle finger stretch you out by entering in and out of you slowly.
"F-Fuck Vegeta." You knew you were being too loud, and were worried about an audience outside the door.
"That's right princess. Tell everyone who this pussy belongs too." The slurping noise he makes is whorish, and your mind instantly clears of all thought.
"Fuck-fuck-FUCK!" You begin to grind on his face, slick leaving you in waves.
"That's right Y/N. Tell me what you want-" He enters a second finger inside of you, the stretch delicious.
"Want to cum- need to cum so badly Vegeta! Please please please-" You beg him, your hand and body moving in tandem with one another.
"Gonna make this pretty pussy cum all over my tongue-" He mutters, grinning. You look down and see the predatory look in his eyes.
"Please Daddy- please let me cum~" You're just blabbing random words, brain short circuiting at the intense pleasure between the apex of your thighs.
"Daddy?" He grunts at that.
"Want me to be your daddy?" You don't answer him right away, but he gets a response out of you when he takes his mouth away from your pussy and bites down on the side of your thigh, canines breaking skin. You groan in pain, the pleasure being elevated by his roughness.
"Answer me princess." He demands, fingers still entering and exiting your body languidly.
"Y-yes Vegeta. Be my Daddy, my Prince. F-fuck. Just let me cum!" You beg him, tears in your eyes at the edging Vegeta put you through.
"What a good girl. Such a good girl for daddy-" His lips latch onto your little pearl, sucking and licking, with his canines bumping into the sensitive bundle of nerves. The attention serves to be too much, and your sight goes white. You cum on his face, but more than that you squirt a little. He continues to suck on your pussy, the twitching and wailing from the body above him not stopping his actions.
He licks up your mess, enjoying that all his senses are surrounded by you. When your body goes lax he releases you, laying you under him to continue his caressing and kissing on your body. He pays particular attention to the junction of your neck, where he leaves a deep bite. The bite snaps you out of your euphoric ride, eyes widened at the sudden pain. You must've made too much noise, because Vegeta covers your mouth with his hand, as he licks up the mark. You can already feel the skin begin to mend itself, as his Saiyan saliva speeds the healing process. His hand releases your mouth when you're no longer whimpering in pain.
"Now everyone will know who you belong to-" He grunts at you, his hands caressing your torso and the undersides of your breasts. You look into his eyes, panting at his attention.
"Fuck me." You tell him, touching him on his forearm. He grins at you, sharp canines stained with your blood.
"Excuse me?" He asks you, acting galled at your words. Without answering him, you push him to sit on his haunches between your thighs. As you do so, his eyes wander your body, his tongue reaching out between the seam of his lips to lick them. Your hand trails down your body, and as you begin to pant with need, you spread your pussy open, and his eyes widen at the sight of your slick leaking out.
"Fuck me, Saiyan." Your voice was authoritative, and without warning, Vegeta growls and pulls your thighs closer to him.
"With pleasure, princess." He pushes your legs all the way down, your knees bumping into your shoulders. You grab your legs by the backs of your knees, and he takes his cock in his hand and strokes your pussy. When his tip would bump into your clit you'd moan loudly and he'd chuckle at you, breathless.
"Look at you; your crumbling resolve left you cock hungry for the Prince of all Saiyans." He begins to push himself into you, the stretch of his cock nothing like the stretch from his fingers. You find yourself flinching at the intrusion, and Vegeta notices. He pushes himself all the way in slowly, before putting you both into a mating press. Your nipples were sensitive dragging against his chest. He looks into your eyes and whispers.
"You're doing great, sweetheart. Such a good princess for daddy-" His hand snakes between your bodies, and begins to rub your clit as he begins to move. The minor pain from the girth of him begins to ebb away, and pleasure begins to take its place.
"F-fuck Vegeta. So b-big." He chuckles, before groaning.
"Princess. You're so fucking tight. Gonna fuck this pussy good. 'N make you squirt again." He mumbles out, words slurred by the feeling of your pussy squeezing him. You whimper at his words, beginning to grind into his cock as he moves.
"H-harder Daddy. Fuck me good. P-Please-" You beg, almost weeping with tears running down your cheeks. . He wipes your tears before using both hands to brace himself onto the bed.
"Anything for you." He says passionately. It struck a cord in you, the sincerity of his words making you gaze at him with love. The intensity of your coupling is one you've never experienced, and your body and soul feel overstimulated by everything Vegeta. His thrusts are strong, and your legs slip out of your hold as you grip the bedsheets under you, needing something to ground yourself.
Your legs wrap around his hips, and the heel of your foot bumps into the patch of fur at the small of his waist where his tail used to be. He moans out, his voice loud. You notice him blushing as he looks into your eyes. His thrusts go harder, and he grabs both your hands to lock his fingers with yours.
"Just like that princess- fuck." He grunts. You reach up to lock your lips together. Your bodies have become one at this point, with a feeling of oneness you had never felt in your life. You begin to purposefully rub the heel of your foot into the patch of fur, as you near your release. After a couple strokes of your foot, he shouts into your mouth, cumming into your pussy.
The twitching of his cock triggers your release, and you cum around his cock. You stay together for a moment, tongues languidly rubbing against eachother. He pulls away softly, panting. He begins to pull himself up, to watch where you are both connected. He groans again.
"Look at you princess. Creamed around my cock. Such a messy girl-" Your pussy twitches and he bites his lip. His eyes flicker teal for a moment.
"Don't tempt me to ravage you again, (Y/N)." You grin at him, acting coy.
"Sorry my Prince." He smiles softly at you, pushing hair away from your face. He then pulls out, and you whimper at the feeling of cum leaking out of you. He pushes his fingers into you, scooping up his seed and filling you back up.
"None of my seed should go to waste. You're the perfect mate." He growls possessively.
"Is that so?" You ask him. He nods. After a couple minutes of silence, he pulls his fingers out slowly, and you moan softly. He chuckles at the sound, before going into his bathroom. He closes the door for two minutes. You sigh, turning yourself so your laying on your side, leaning your head on your hand. You watch the door, eyebrows jumping when you hear a bang and a muffled "shit" through the door. Not a moment later, Vegeta leaves the bathroom with boxers on and a damp hand towel in his grip. He comes towards you, and slowly pulls you into his lap.
"What's all this?" You ask him softly, voice hardly louder than a whisper.
"After a Saiyan mating bite, the male is supposed to take care of the female. I'm going to clean you up and take care of you." His voice has mellowed out, with a softness which you haven't ever heard from Vegeta.
"Mating bite?" You ask curiously. Vegeta slowly wipes your neck, before moving to the apex of your thighs, cleaning your combines releases from you.
"Saiyans don't normally mate for life, but when we do we bite each other. Some scars, like mating bites, don't heal and we use them as markers of possession. Its to make sure female Saiyans don't get taken advantage of. It also helps mix our scents." You hum softly, eyes fluttering closed at his gentle strokes on your weak body.
"So I am yours?" You ask gently. He hums, before his other hand goes to stroke your hair.
"For life." Your eyes widen as you look at him. He looks nervously at your face. You pout and huff angrily. He flinches at your anger, and before he could apologize you cut him off.
"Well that's not fair. How am I supposed to mark you back?" His eyes widen.
"You're.. not upset at me?" You smile up at him, taking his cheek in your hand and rubbing it with your thumb.
"Out of all the people on this planet I'm the only one who can handle you most of the time. If that isn't an admission of love I really can't think of one-" You get pulled into a hug, and you hear him sigh sadly. You rub his back up and down.
"Listen Vegeta, I meant those words I said before. I really do admire you, and I do want to stick by your side. I mean, a warning would have been nice-" You say jokingly. He huffs a laugh. "But I really love being with you." You pull him away from you, and you see a small tear in his eye. You pull him forward and kiss his forehead.
"But never call me woman again!" You tell him warningly. He laughs out loud at that, and smiles widely.
"Alright, princess." You both lay back down, cuddling and spending the rest of your day in bed, ignoring the outside world.
"Vegeta isn't answering his phone-" Goku says worryingly to Bulma, who he bumped into while looking for the missing Saiyan.
"Yeah, he was busy." Bulma answers, before a full body shiver goes through her. Goku looks at her worried.
"Are you sick Bulma? And Vegeta knows we are training today-" Bulma snaps her fingers in his face.
"Goku, he's with (Y/N)." Goku looks at her confused.
"Are they training?" He asks innocently.
"Horizontally." Bulma says chuckling, before walking away. Goku looks down and thinks.
"Is that a better way to train?" He asks himself.
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sancyber · 6 months
game over
pairing jeong yunho x gn!reader x choi san | genre smut, roommates au | summary your roommates lost their game and they need to relieve some stress. | word count 2.2k
warnings soft dom!yunho, hard dom!san, sub!reader, threesome, mentions of voyeurism, nipple play, fingering, marking, praise, orgasm denial, kind of long foreplay, spanking, masturbation, hair pulling, degradation, rough sex, unprotected sex, objectification, spit roasting, creampie, facial
note thank you for tuning into my first work on here.
the sounds of keyboard smashing and mouse clicking were impossible to miss despite it only happening one room away from yours. your flatmates were enjoying a pleasant — or should i say, rather an unpleasant evening spending their time chatting on discord with their other friends and also playing games. unpleasant evening in terms of the two men losing their tempers over a game on the verge of defeat.
immediately you were met with the sound of one of them smashing his headset onto the keyboard followed by angry steps that were made toward your room. you expected them to come to you to rage about their loss as usual but today it seemed a little different.
"y/n" your name rolled off yunho's tongue sternly as walked towards your room and sat down on your own bed. before you were able to reply you noticed something about the taller male. in between his lazy grey sweatpants, you found yourself eyeing his half-hard tent.
yunho followed your eyes and realized what your sight was at that moment. little did you know you immediately and unbeknownst to you you got straight to his point.
"what are you—" your words quickly got interrupted by him.
"can you do us a little favor? you know… as a relief. that game really pissed us off. especially san. right, sannie?" his gaze moved across the room to his teammate who was standing in front of your doorframe as he nodded in agreement.
"what do you think, y/n? let‘s have a little fun tonight, shall we?" san asked with a hint of playfulness in his sweet yet husky voice. your eyes widened. unsure what to do you continued turning your head to face each of them.
"i… i really don't know what you guys are talking about…" you slowly said despite being fully aware of what they were referring to. it just hasn't struck you yet that they are willing to go this way with you.
"oh pretty please… do you really think in all those years of living together we haven't noticed you touching yourself in your room thinking we wouldn't be able to hear you?" the moment you processed san's words, your eyes widened in shock and embarrassment.
"moaning both yunho's name and mine as you cum over all those pretty fingers of yours? did you really think you were alone at home or we were too immersed in our games? no, we weren't. we were enjoying every single bit of your lovely sounds"
if it wasn't just idiomatic, your jaw would be undoubtedly on the floor at what san just said to you.
yunho and san were not just some random people you happened to share a flat with to split costs and save money. over the years you got to know them and eventually recalled them sharing their personal stories and adventures with you, from quick one-night-stands with people in the buzzing and lively club downtown to unsuccessful situationships, you heard everything from them. yet you never expected yourself in this situation and assumed the relationship with both of them to be fairly platonic.
but there was no doubt that each of them was extremely and uniquely attractive in their own way. yunho was ridiculously tall in a way you always wondered how he didn't end up pursuing a modeling career along with his puppy-like facial features and his big slender hands whereas you accidentally found yourself daydreaming about having his fingers grace over your body when you thought there was no chance to even have him act this way towards you.
meanwhile, san was something else. shaped like adonis himself he has a body where you just knew, god took his time with san. it wasn‘t very uncommon for you to drool over to your smaller flatmate in height but definitely broader one in frame. having the two of them in your room right at this exact moment unaware of their plans that they had with you. you were in for a long ride.
after being able to process what was just offered to you, you simply just nodded and yunho smiled wide. an endearing smile yet with a little hint of perversity behind it.
"come here"
yunho gestured to his lap where he was manspreading on your bed already, anticipating his next moves with you as you did what you were asked to. your back hit yunho's toned chest as you plopped down on his thighs. a slight blush creeping across your face as you grew aware of the taller male‘s lasting gaze on your so much smaller figure in comparison to his. your eyes traveled from yunho's face down to his fingers across the room until your gaze eventually met san's eyes which were still attentively watching and leaning onto the doorframe with one hand. an even deeper shade of red spreading across your face as you could feel your arousal growing from being watched by these two ridiculously attractive men.
yunho shifted in his seat before slowly leaning in. his lips meeting yours as the kiss grew more heated and passionate with every second while he brought his long digits down to your abdomen, slowly creeping up your chest and toying with your sensitive nipple. his other hand slid down your upper body past your sweatpants as he was teasing you through your underwear by touching you everywhere except where you needed his fingers the most. you moaned into the kiss at the touch as you broke the kiss to pout at the man and he couldn't help but smile at you.
"what‘s the matter, sweetheart? already growing impatient? let me take my time with you because…"
he looked over to san who was watching the indecent scene unfolding with a less sweet gaze than yunho.
"the moment he gets started with you, you will be a mess… i need to enjoy you while i still can. will you allow me to, sweet thing?"
you, on the other hand, were still pouting but accepted yunho's proposal regardless and nodded in understanding.
"that‘s my baby" is all he said before his lips started to attack the sensitive skin on your neck, biting and sucking marks that are not gonna go unnoticed.
your breath hitched when you realize that yunho has slid his hand past your soaked underwear.
"oh my, you're already so wet. i knew you wanted this all along. this is exciting for you, isn't it?" was all he said before slipping in his index finger and soon bringing another one, fingering you open.
realizing that you could take a third digit before you clenched around his fingers, he abruptly started pumping them in and out of you, earning sweet whimpers from you as he quickly found your sweet spot, hitting it over and over again.
"y-yunho… so— so fucking good…"
waves of pleasure striking you as you chased your release at a speed that you never thought you would be able to do so all thanks to yunho's skillful hands. he knew exactly how to work with you and turn you into an utter mess by just using his fingers at a frequency beyond your imagination alone.
"you are taking it so well. you look so hot like this."
deeply absorbed in your own stimulation you were hardly able to notice that yunho had watched every move, every squirm, every twitch of yours attentively so he knew exactly when to stop before you could even reach your high. realization hitting you as you purposefully missed out on your own orgasm, resulting in you letting out a very disappointed whine.
"don't worry, baby. i just prepared you for the real fun." yunho noted, pitying you for the mess he just has caused you.
you were so far gone in your own misery that you have yet to notice san walking over the two of you, standing in front of you. he didn't waste a single second to get rid of his sweatpants and boxers, freeing his hard and of pre-cum leaking cock, giving it a few strokes. there was no surprise yunho had to prep you for your other roommate, as he was massive in girth.
"get on your knees. show me your pretty ass," san ordered and you complied with your needy endeavor, moving towards the edge of your bed, lifting your hips for him to grab, giving it a harsh smack before digging his nails into your flesh as he aligned his length with your entrance and pushed in rapidly that you bottomed out within seconds.
completely lost in the pleasure of being stuffed again, you were shaking with your entire being. your core happened to be so drenched that san slipped in with ease despite his size. the moment san started thrusting with an unmatched force, you already knew you would be a mess. he showed you no mercy, no remorse, no time to just get used to feeling so full. his hands grabbing a fistful of your hair so he could increase his pace. the way his hips crashed into yours, burying his cock so deep into you that it felt like it might come out the other end, the sensational feeling of having your hole obliterated left your mouth hung open with loud moans leaving.
"look at you" san groaned so deeply full of pure lust. "what a nasty whore you are. having your brain fucked out by me" he left no chance to breathe properly. "and you're being watched too. you like that, don't you? having other people witness how much of a dirty slut you are. being a mere object for our pleasure."
san's filthy words rang through your head as he referred to the taller roommate, who managed to pull his sweatpants and his boxers down to his knees, having his own cock in a fist as he jerked himself off to the sight of you completely falling apart on san's cock.
"god, s-san… i'm so clo– ah… you f-feel so good- oh! around me…" unable to contain your voice you were slowly losing yourself, chasing your high once again.
"that's right, you cockslut. you were made to be fucked by us. your holes' only purpose was to satisfy us" san said in heavy breathing.
yunho, on the other hand, got onto his knees in front of you, holding his dick in one, pumping it a few times before he shoved it down your mouth, tears swelling up in your eyes as his length easily hit the back of your throat not long after entering, the sweet taste lingering on your tongue, the veins that adorned his cock brushing against your tongue.
"your mouth feels so good, y/n. let me fuck it, will you?"
both of your roommates were thrusting into you simultaneously on both ends. your room was filled with sounds full of filth from the three of you, the air smelling like pure sex. feeling so overwhelmed as you were fucked within an inch of your life by the two men, it didn't take long for you to reach your own high. you closed your eyes as you moaned so loud that you sent vibrations down yunho's body while he was penetrating your mouth. taking your last bit of strength to tap yunho's thigh signaling that your climax was near.
"aw, oh you're close? then cum for us. make a mess." the faux sympathy was evident in his voice as he was taking in every single bit of you.
the sounds of san's raspy groans were echoing throughout your room at the same time. all sorts of juices running down your leg and dripping on your bed sheets as the man behind you buried his length into your warm walls. your nerves were tingling, your body was twitching as you were being stimulated into your own high. as your loud sobs echoed throughout the space, you were most likely to be heard by any outsiders.
yet san didn't seem to stop here as he continued to abuse your hole, hitting your spot again and again while yunho also kept shoving his dick down your mouth. somehow the two of them managed to cum roughly at the same time. the taller man pulled out, past your messed up lips and your tear-stained face as jerked himself off, white spurts landing all over your face. simultaneously san was shooting his load inside you, the warm liquid dripping down your already-soaked bed. yunho was panting hard, his mouth hanging open, his eyes focusing on the grotesque picture of you being covered in his semen that unfolded in front of him. the one behind you groaned loudly before he took his cock out, allowing more of his cum to flow out of your pulsating hole.
"ah… you look so sexy like this… all messy with my cum all over your face", was all yunho said as he leaned down to stroke your face, smearing the fluid even more.
san grabbed a handful of your ass and spread your cheeks apart to get a perfect glimpse of your hole as he bent down to get a bit of his own taste and also brought another hand to your ass with a harsh smack. you could feel him smirking as you whimpered at the sudden contact while still shaking from your shattering orgasm.
another smack.
"did you really think we were done with you?"
the lost game was long forgotten.
© sancyber, 2023
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clrkive · 5 months
Ruin me
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ENHYPEN heeseung ff 18+
Warning : smut, cum eating, oral (male), fem!reader, dom! reader, dirty talk, use of nicknames, use of "mommy" Word, sub! Heeseung, dominating, use of words like whore and slut, cursing , stripping (m)
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Heeseung is a nerd. But insanely gorgeous one (kinda unrealistic but nvm) and shy too. That is the reason why every girl goes feral over him. Everyone likes to tease him cuz everyone loves it when he is annoyed. On other hand there is Y/N, the popular girl of class and yeah school too. She is the most naughtiest one out there. She is naughty, different and totally opposite of how Heeseung is... But she is somehow attracted to him. That's why she bullies him (in a friendly way ofc) and teases him along with other girls. One day.
Everyone was at Cafeteria for lunch, the boys - Sunghoon, Beomgyu, Jeongin and Jay were sitting in a group when suddenly the girls - Yunjin, Ningning, Chaewon, Wonyoung and Y/N enter the Cafeteria.
Jeongin : Sunghoon look the queens are here
*everyone laughs*
Jay : Queens? Are you serious? You mean dad,s spoiled daughters right?
Jeongin : if you know you know *giggles* so I was saying that why shouldn't we invite these girlies to your birthday party Hoon? That's gonna be fun, like whenever there is a party, only we boys celebrate... I think we should invite them too this time. What do you say?
Sunghoon : hmm nice idea....but if they will be uncomfortable it's your fault Jeongin, understand?
Jeongin : umm okay don't worry
Jay : They are not gonna be uncomfortable of course we are gonna ask them first , Beom go and tell them about the party.
Beomgyu : should I tell them that you guys are corny af?
Jay : shut up! As if they are so innocent. Now go and tell them
*Beomgyu stands up and walks towards the girls sitting on the bench in the middle*
Beomgyu : heyyyyyy *he talks in a corny way*
Yunjin : huh you? I know you need something as always. Tell us.
Beomgyu : nah nah nah not this time girly, I just came here to invite you to Sunghoon,s birthday party tonight . Trust me it's gonna be a blast!
Chaewon : you guys are inviting us? Nice joke
Beomgyu : not a joke mam. I'm serious *he grins*
Ningning : omg so you are telling me that I am gonna see Sunghoon tonight?!!! *she blushes and chuckles*
Y/N : shut up Ning! Of course it's his birthday girly stop being silly again and again. No need to make it obvious and yeah Beomgyu , we are coming to the party.
Wonyoung : Y/N no! I'm Not going to their party! These boys are nasty af! You know that right?
Y/N : I know Wony, and I don't care cuz if they are cheap I am cheaper.
Wonyoung : you really are a playgirl aren't you?
Y/N : no doubt in that.
Yunjin : okay so We are coming to the party Beomgyu. Tell your gags.
Beomgyu : your order miss
*Yunjin rolls her eyes in annoyance*
TIME SKIP (party)
Sunghoon : fuck Jay! Who the hell invited that nerd?!!
Jay : who nerd?
Sunghoon : of course that every girl,s crush nerdy brat Heeseung
Jay : Beomgyu did. Heeseung is Beom,s bff if you don't know.
Sunghoon : I know that! But how can he invite him outta nowhere?
Jay : chill dude. Let him enjoy. We can't throw him out bro.. Now let's go downstairs, everyone is waiting
Sunghoon : fine
they went down stairs at the huge party hall where everyone was wearing fancy dresses and when Sunghoon entered, everyone ran to him and greeted him. The girls were also there.
Chaewon : should we go and great him too?
Y/N : nah, don't worry he will come here by himself
Sunghoon and the boys (Jay, Jeongin, Beomgyu) came closer to them.
Sunghoon : oh my hottie Y/N also came huh? *she smirks*
Y/N : you invited me jerk.
Sunghoon always had a fetish over Y/N cuz of course she is rich, hot, pretty, popular and naughty. So he is always in the line to be his boyfriend
Heeseung : umm... Hi Sunghoon.. Happy birthday...
Sunghoon : oh! Thanks..
Y/N saw Heeseung and got butterflies in her stomach as usual. He was looking drop dead gorgeous with a black tuxedo and black shoes on.
Jay : umm Heeseung wanna have a drink after cake cutting?
Heeseung : s-sure...
After cake cutting the girls were sitting on the sofa around the round table, they were having drinks
Y/N : why is he so hot all the time? Like who the fuck is he so hot for? His innocence... His innocence drives me crazy...
Yunjin : calm down calm down girl... He is a little bit too innocent to be with a playgirl like you
Y/N : Yunjin I am indeed a playgirl but... Him... Him... I have feelings for him..
Chaewon : you always say that girl
Wonyoung : I know right... She is just gonna fuck him and then leave him.. Like she does ever time
Y/N : ughh shut up! I wanna fuck him! Of course I want to but I genuinely love him and I'm serious this time
Ningning : then go and propose him... Come on do it!
Y/N : of course I want to... And I will do it tonight!
Sunghoon : one more shot Heeseung
Heeseung : n-no please
Jay : ughh just one more
Heeseung was highly drunk but he still drank one more shot anyway
Jeongin : gosh... You are getting sleepy Heeseung? Do u want some rest? If yes then you can go to the room upstairs.
Heeseung : n-no I'll be fine thanks for asking
Suddenly Grace (Sunghoon,s dad,s best friend,s daughter came in front on Sunghoon with a glass of drink in her hands and standing with a seductive pose. Sunghoon saw that and went to her and grabbed her hand and took her to bedroom*
Beomgyu : look mister went to fuck that girl
Jay : not surprised. By the way should we go to the pool? It will be fun I guess
Jeongin : sure let's go.
Y/N : Heeseung! Heeseung!
*he slowly opens his eyes and found himself laying on a bed where Y/N was sitting next to him*
Heeseung : umm Y/N...you? What are u doing here and why am I here?
Y/N : actually you were highly drunk and fell asleep so those jerks Jay, Jeongin and Beomgyu left you and went to pool
Heeseung : Fuck them... Where is Sunghoon?
Y/N : fucking a girl in his room *she grins*
Heeseung : as always I guess...
Y/N : yeah uh by the way I wanted to confess something from a long time.. I guess I should do It right now
Heeseung : yeah.. Tell me..
Y/N : Umm Heeseung *she holds his one hand * I love you... And trust me I do, it's not like I'm joking and trust me it's not for just lust! I genuinely love you, fucking love you
*Heeseung was kinda shocked as he gulps his saliva and speaks*
Heeseung : are you sure you are not gonna make a boy toy?
Y/N : no! I promise... Please heeseung... *she looks at him with puppy eyes*
Heeseung : I love you too Y/N, I always did
Y/N : always? *she raises an eyebrow*
Heeseung : yeah always, Y/N when I first joined the school.... You teased me that day for how my nature was, I cried so much, I always saw you as a bully from that day but, do you remember when Keeho pushed me down from the stairs and I fell... You helped me and punched Keeho? That day. That was the day I fell for you.... That really attracted me towards you Y/N , you are not how you exactly look, you are a very soft hearted person with a bold and jolly mind and that's what makes you special to me. Whenever we talked, whenever you tease me... It's just something else for me and to be honest I have no friends but you Y/N..i love you, love you so much. But i was scared to tell you cuz look at me... I'm good in nothing... Just a handsome face with a weak personality.
Y/N : Shut up! Don't say like that i swear to God, you are more than just a handsome face. And i am really really sorry for the day i bullied you for your nature... Actually I didn't knew the real you Hee! That was my mistake but trust me that I will treat you like my prince Heeseung. I love you. Will you be my boyfriend?
Heeseung : of cours-
Y/N presses her lips against his lips even before he completes the sentence, she slides her tongue inside his mouth exploring his throat , then she pulls back and speaks
Y/N : Umm you said you don't want me to use you as a boy toy right?
Heeseung : yeah...
Y/N : so *she hovers over him* what if I treat you as a boy toy just for tonight? Atleast tonight?
*he blushes as he hears her words*
Heeseung : yes please...
Y/N : really? Are you sure?
Heeseung : absolutely sure Y/N
Y/N : nah not Y/N...im your mommy tonight, understand? And you are my baby
Heeseung : okay mommy
Y/N : so little boy... Strip yourself for me. In front of me. And yeah remember I will watch you without blinking an eye
Heeseung : as you wish momma
Y/N : good boy
As she says this, he starts to unbutton his shirt then unzip his pants then finally he came to his boxers but he looked in her eyes with a blush on his face
Y/N : what happened darling? Show me the part which needs me the most, go ahead
He nods and slides down his boxers, revealing his big and pretty cock leaking with precum and standing with pride, his beautiful red tip and veiny texture caught her eyes and she smirked at the sight
Y/N : the prettiest cock I've ever seen *bites her lips* now.... Do something to seduce me... Mommy is not gonna pleasure you that easily
Heeseung : I don't know if I am good at this but- if you say so
he then lays down on the bed, and takes his arms up to his head and his head on left and then he starts to thrust his hips in the air. Y/N was kinda shocked after seeing his skills
Y/N : the fuck Heeseung?! How are you so good at this? Have you done this before? Huh
Heeseung : na momma it's my first time... It's just your magic.. Your dominance
Heeseung keeps on moving his body and hitting different seductive poses
Heeseung : Touch me mommy... Please... Please
as he says this , Y/N traces his body with her fingers and he moans loud
Y/N : what a pretty sound my love...gosh I love to see your vulnerability like this. Wanna treat you like my whore tonight
Heeseung : y-yes mommy I'm your little whore... All yours... Use me however you want.
Y/N : stop testing me I swear to God I wanna fuck you so bad
Heeseung : PLEASE DO IT.. Please I need it
Y/N : beg for it
*heeseung sighs*
Heeseung : please mommy... Please fuck me... Fuck me like I'm your whore... I need you mommy please i beg please
as he says this Y/N gets on top of him and starts to unzip her skirt. As she unzips her skirt she pulls down her underpants revealing her wet pretty pussy, Heeseung started to blush when she did that. She takes out a packet of condom from the drawer and places it on his lips
Y/N : tear it
heeseung tears it and wears the condom. Then she slowly starts to move her entrance to his tip
Y/N : one more please
Y/N : you are getting it baby boy *she then thrusts him inside her. She burries his cock inside her and starts to bounce on it. As she was riding him, he starts to moan loudly*
Heeseung : ah! Momma harder! Fuck me harder! Ngh-
his eyes starts to become teary as she increases her speed
Heeseung : slow.. Please.. Ah! Ahhhh
Y/N : baby you asked for it didn't you?
Heeseung : yes but... But- i can't handle it- I'm gonna cum... I'm gonna cum momma
Y/N : do it.. Cum for me.. Let's cum together
As she says this Heeseung releases his seed inside the her and Y/N also cums on his covered cock
Heeseung : Fuck.. I need more... More... Make me cum one more time mommy
Y/N : sure baby
She then spreads his legs wide
Y/N : can I eat you up? Eat the fuck out of you?
Heeseung : y-yes please... Eat me up
Y/N puts his cock in her mouth and starts to suck it. As she sucks it Heeseung starts to moan and cry out of pleasure*
Heeseung : fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
As he says this Y/N starts to tease his cock with her tongue and makes him release inside her mouth. As he releases his thick and hot cum inside her mouth she swallows it without any hesitation. Heeseung,s eyes rolls back with pleasure
Heeseung : thanks... Thanks mommy I wanted this... I love you mommy I love you so much
he looks at her with submissive and lustful eyes, he slowly moves his thumb to her lips and wipes the remaining cum on her lips. Then Y/N again gets on top of him and starts to bite and kiss his neck
Y/N : want a hickey on your beautiful neck baby?
heeseung nods and she starts to bite and nibble on his neck hard
Heeseung : aish
After some minutes she successfully gave him multiple hickeys on his neck and one on his Adams apple.
Y/N : perfect. Now everyone will know whom you belong to baby boy.
Thanks for reading this pookies. This is my first time writing an smut and a ff 😭 I am really a noob in these things so please don't mind if I did something wrong. Thanks and lob you. Follow for more and you can drop your requests in the comment section ^^
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sarah-yyy · 9 months
Sorry to bother you, is My journey worth watching?
what: period cdrama // completed // 24 eps, roughly 50 mins each where: iqiyi (i think most eps are still vip-locked) (standard disclaimer that i don't use eng subs so i don't speak to the quality of the subs) why: ngl, i was in it purely for zhang linghe to start, but then got !!! over cheng lei and lu yuxiao, and was too invested to quit even when the plot got sloppy. extremely gorgeous cast, extremely gorgeous set. the cinematography?? chef's kiss. you can see the budget for this show was good. the relationship between the characters? v interesting.
story revolves around the Gong family who is v prominent in jianghu even though they live up in the mountains and keep themselves sequestered away from the rest of jianghu. the Gong family itself is split into 4 different factions: Shang, Jue, Zhi, Yu.
Yu 羽 - the Yu household deals with internal affairs. the head of the Yu household is the head of the Gong family (the title is Sword Wielder or zhiren)
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this is our male lead, gong ziyu (a baby). second son of the Yu household. his dad is the zhiren and his big bro (gong huanyu) is the named heir who will inherit the zhiren position. has a v lukewarm relationship with his dad. introduced as being quite useless. his martial arts is :/ and he sees no need to improve his skills etc because his brother will be there to protect him.
is quite suddenly thrust into the position of zhiren when his dad and his brother die under ~mysterious circumstances :(
Jue 角 - the Jue household deals with...external affairs, they are the ones who leave the mountain to Get Things Done outside and manage all relationships/partnerships outside
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gege step on me this boy is gong shangjue, head of the jue household. he is The Man. the pride and joy of the gong family. everyone (*cough*i say everyone but really yuanzhi-didi does it enough that he counts for everyone*cough*) worships him. martial arts skills?? loyalty to the gong family?? incredibly attractive resting bitch face??? he is a 10 no matter how you assess him.
missed out on being the zhiren by virtue of him not being home when tragedy struck the old zhiren and gong ziyu's brother. doesn't think gong ziyu has what it takes to be zhiren and take care of the Gong family. my boy gong shangjue would make an Excellent zhiren tbh
do i have to seduce y'all into watching this i think i have to:
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Shang 商 - the Shang household develops/produces weaponry
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for most of it, the show has a p dark vibe, BUT whenever gong zishang shows up, we know we're in for some laughs. this zishang-jiejie is the eldest daughter of the head of the Shang household.
her father doesn't take her v seriously because she's a girl (also because she's always following behind gong ziyu's personal bodyguard jin fan like this: 😍💖🤞🏼; valid life choices tbh because same) but she does take her craft v seriously! ride or die for gong ziyu.
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Zhi 徵 - the Zhi household develops poisons
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YUANZHI-DIDI!! this boy loves two things: poisons and gege. #1 gong shangjue fanboy at least 10 years in a row. parents died when he was p young, and gong shangjue took him under his wing. whiz at poisons and v fight fight fight (ง •̀_•́)ง. is suspicious about everything and VERY protective of his gege.
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alright that's the main Gong sibs all sorted. there's also an assortment of Inner Mountain (houshan) characters that are v interesting but i won't get into because 1) spoilers, 2) this post will get too long if i get to talk about hua-gongzi and xue-gongzi/xue-tongzi.
okay so the Gong family live in p much a fortress up in the mountains. no outsiders are allowed in, and only a select few are allowed out of the Gong family territory at all. we learn that this is to protect the Gong family from Wu Feng, a spy organisation which has p much taken over jianghu. Wu Feng learns that the Gong family will be holding a bride selection contest thingy for gong huanyu, and sends:
yun weishan, a low-ranking assassin in Wu Feng (Chi, the lowest out of 4 ranks chi, mei, wang, liang), disguised as a bride.
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her mission is to be picked by gong huanyu as his bride, and become the next zhiren-furen so she can p much feed intel to Wu Feng. when gong huanyu and the old zhiren both croak, her attentions turn to gong ziyu who is by that point already 😍🥰😘 over her anyway NO SURPRISES. the 恋爱脑 on that boy istg, absolutely head no thoughts only yun weishan at least 20 hours in a day.
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shangguan qian, a higher-ranking assassin (Mei, one rank above yws) in Wu Feng
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my love my wife her mission is a little different from yws. her target isn't anyone from the Yu household but gong shangjue instead. the goal is to get her hands on this secret weapon (this is also a v HMMM part of the plot but no matter we endure what we have to) that the Gong family is safeguarding.
the relationship between these two wu feng spies is so interesting too!! they're not friends, not exactly allies, but also not quite enemies. they will help each other out if they really have to (and only if it doesn't jeopardise their own positions and there is adequate compensation), but will also not hesitate to stab each other in the backs if it serves their respective missions.
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i needed like 100000 more scenes of them together ngl
ANYWAY the plot revolves around the Gong family trying to Catch The Spy, the Wu Feng spies trying to Complete Their Mission, gong ziyu trying to Prove Himself as the zhiren, and ofc there's romance sprinkled around. that's p much the gist of the show.
listen listen listen... i know this show has a bad rep in the cdrama circles, i agree. the plot is......HMM and it tries to hard to be one of those clever mysteries when it should just be what it is which is p much an idol drama?? i mean...it is a guo jingming show, we weren't going in expecting to be wowed by the plot. i think if they'd just stuck to the basics, this would have been a stronger show, but imo this wasn't bad bad. the worldbuilding was good and the characters were interesting, and like i said, the whole thing is shot really beautifully!!
the ending was......but i'll keep this spoiler free and just say that it was HMMMMM and v unnecessary what they did.
with the preface that i watched it without much expectations as to the plot, i enjoyed a lot of parts of the show! it's an incredibly easy watch, and because it's only 24 eps, the pacing is quick and conflicts don't tend to drag on for too long. if you're looking for some easy entertainment, i'd say go for it, but if you have Standards regarding plot etc, this is probably not the show for you
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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The Pull: Steddie x Succubus reader
Summary: You move to Hawkins after spending the last decade in New York City hoping to have a peaceful and quiet next few years flying under the radar only feeding when necessary and making everyone you spend a night with forget you. But when you arrive, you feel a pull from two men like you’ve never felt before. As soon as you feel it you know flying under the radar here wasn’t going to cut it, you had to find them. Masterlist.
Warnings: Not very many for this chapter, sexual themes, language. But future chapters will have rough smut, dom/sub dynamics, M/M/F threesome, demon sex, and I’ll probably add more once I post the actual chapters.
Also this is my first fic not only in this fandom but in MANY years so please be nice to me, feedback would be amazing too I’d love to hear what people think. I hope you enjoy!🖤 (also shout out @bimbobaggins69 for helping me understand how to format my fic on here and giving me the confidence to do so🥺)
You watched them quietly, perched on a tree branch outside the window of the large house. They were both sprawled out on the bed, still naked after they had just been ravaging each other moments ago. The longer haired one with the tattoos on his chest who looked like he just walked out of an MTV music video ran his fingers through the hair of the other boy, who looked like some kind of Prince Charming in a fairy tale. They were an odd pair, you thought, that was part of what drew you to them. The stark contrast of light and dark, both ends of the spectrum. Over the time you had been watching them you’d noticed a few things about them, the tattooed boy was very dominant when they were intimate with each other he was very much in charge, but the few times when you braved watching them out in public you noticed that Prince Charming was much more level headed and in control of his partner. It seemed they balanced each other out well despite their physical differences.
That’s not truly what drew you to them though, when you first felt them you didn’t even know what they looked like yet. You had just arrived in Hawkins, a small town in Indiana, a fresh start. You had spent almost the entire last decade in New York, under your latest identity but the people around you changed, aged, and you didn't, so before they noticed you would move on, again and again for as long as you can remember you have existed this way. Indiana is a state you’ve yet to live in, and having spent the last ten years in busy New York you choose a quaint small town to settle and the moment you drove past the welcome to Hawkins sign you could sense them.
You had never felt a pull like this before, so you immediately followed it, and what you found was two very attractive young men who were absolutely enthralled with each other, but each of them had something they desired, something they felt was missing… a woman. They wanted a woman to join them, you could feel their need and their want to share that with each other. Not that their sex life wasn’t phenomenal because it was, if it was just any two human males wanting to find a third you wouldn’t feel it this strongly but these two were passionate and they were extremely horny just from watching them you felt like you were gaining energy every time. But watching was getting old, you hadn’t fed since you arrived in town almost a week ago, no one could measure up, you needed them and you needed them soon.
The next day you sat in the small apartment you had charmed the property manager into giving you the keys for trying to come up with a plan. You had two options, you could either just burst into their house and tell them the truth about who and what you were (which you’ve never done you aren’t sure what it is about them that has you even considering it) OR you can run into them in public, stage a meeting and go through the motions of getting them into bed with you without telling them what you were and erasing yourself from their memories after.
Option one was sounding better and better… you never had a desire to be with the same person twice, no one ever having a long lasting effect on you, so why do these two boys who you have yet to even speak to have you reconsidering that? You needed to know.
So you made a decision, probably a stupid one, but a decision nonetheless. Getting dressed in a short skirt and a tight tank top, you slipped your shoes on and walked out the door. Before you could talk yourself out of it you got in your car and drove in the direction of the large house you’ve spent so much time outside of recently, determined to be on the inside this time.
“Babe, I’m telling you, I saw that girl again yesterday when we were walking out of the arcade with the kids! I don’t know how you haven’t noticed her ANY of the times? We have a hot stalker and you’re oblivious” Eddie said with a huff plopping down on the couch next to his boyfriend
Steve scoffs “Dude, babe, we do NOT have a stalker, let alone a hot one. It’s probably just a girl you haven’t seen before that has HAPPENED to be in the same place as us a few times”
“No Steve, I’m TELLING you, this girl was watching us, I looked over at her and she just kept staring right at me and didn’t even move or blink dude it was like she was a statue. The most gorgeous statue I’ve ever seen but still, a statue”
“Okay? So a pretty girl stared at you and now she’s stalking us??” Steve looked at his boyfriend with an amused smile on his face before laughing
Eddie rolled his eyes “I don’t know why you’re laughing at me, I already told you I also saw her at the store when we were grocery shopping in the parking lot, and I saw her outside the diner the next day. I’m NOT crazy dude she is REAL”
“Okay, fine, say she IS real, why would she be stalking US?” This makes Eddie think for a moment because why would she be stalking them? He’s not sure.. but he knows he really wants to find out next time he sees you. “Okay that’s a good point but still, I’m gonna try and talk to her next time I see her”
“Yeah okaaay Eds if she’s real I’m sure you’re really gonna chat her up with your lady killing skills” Steve snorted
“You know WHAT HARRI-“ He was cut off by the sound of the door bell “whose that? I didn’t think we were expecting anyone?”
“We weren’t, I’ll go see who it is” Steve said as he got up to walk to the door. When he opened it to say he was surprised would be an understatement, one of the prettiest girls he’s EVER seen, maybe the actual prettiest girl he’s ever seen is standing on his doorstep looking at him with the sweetest look he’s ever seen.
“H-hi, can I help you?” He asked, and before you could answer you heard loud footsteps come bounding into the entryway “Babe, who's at the door-“ he’s stopped in his tracks because standing there, living and breathing and very real was YOU, the girl who he keeps seeing everywhere, who has been haunting his dreams, standing on their doorstep.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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