sancyber · 6 months
game over
pairing jeong yunho x gn!reader x choi san | genre smut, roommates au | summary your roommates lost their game and they need to relieve some stress. | word count 2.2k
warnings soft dom!yunho, hard dom!san, sub!reader, threesome, mentions of voyeurism, nipple play, fingering, marking, praise, orgasm denial, kind of long foreplay, spanking, masturbation, hair pulling, degradation, rough sex, unprotected sex, objectification, spit roasting, creampie, facial
note thank you for tuning into my first work on here.
the sounds of keyboard smashing and mouse clicking were impossible to miss despite it only happening one room away from yours. your flatmates were enjoying a pleasant — or should i say, rather an unpleasant evening spending their time chatting on discord with their other friends and also playing games. unpleasant evening in terms of the two men losing their tempers over a game on the verge of defeat.
immediately you were met with the sound of one of them smashing his headset onto the keyboard followed by angry steps that were made toward your room. you expected them to come to you to rage about their loss as usual but today it seemed a little different.
"y/n" your name rolled off yunho's tongue sternly as walked towards your room and sat down on your own bed. before you were able to reply you noticed something about the taller male. in between his lazy grey sweatpants, you found yourself eyeing his half-hard tent.
yunho followed your eyes and realized what your sight was at that moment. little did you know you immediately and unbeknownst to you you got straight to his point.
"what are you—" your words quickly got interrupted by him.
"can you do us a little favor? you know… as a relief. that game really pissed us off. especially san. right, sannie?" his gaze moved across the room to his teammate who was standing in front of your doorframe as he nodded in agreement.
"what do you think, y/n? let‘s have a little fun tonight, shall we?" san asked with a hint of playfulness in his sweet yet husky voice. your eyes widened. unsure what to do you continued turning your head to face each of them.
"i… i really don't know what you guys are talking about…" you slowly said despite being fully aware of what they were referring to. it just hasn't struck you yet that they are willing to go this way with you.
"oh pretty please… do you really think in all those years of living together we haven't noticed you touching yourself in your room thinking we wouldn't be able to hear you?" the moment you processed san's words, your eyes widened in shock and embarrassment.
"moaning both yunho's name and mine as you cum over all those pretty fingers of yours? did you really think you were alone at home or we were too immersed in our games? no, we weren't. we were enjoying every single bit of your lovely sounds"
if it wasn't just idiomatic, your jaw would be undoubtedly on the floor at what san just said to you.
yunho and san were not just some random people you happened to share a flat with to split costs and save money. over the years you got to know them and eventually recalled them sharing their personal stories and adventures with you, from quick one-night-stands with people in the buzzing and lively club downtown to unsuccessful situationships, you heard everything from them. yet you never expected yourself in this situation and assumed the relationship with both of them to be fairly platonic.
but there was no doubt that each of them was extremely and uniquely attractive in their own way. yunho was ridiculously tall in a way you always wondered how he didn't end up pursuing a modeling career along with his puppy-like facial features and his big slender hands whereas you accidentally found yourself daydreaming about having his fingers grace over your body when you thought there was no chance to even have him act this way towards you.
meanwhile, san was something else. shaped like adonis himself he has a body where you just knew, god took his time with san. it wasn‘t very uncommon for you to drool over to your smaller flatmate in height but definitely broader one in frame. having the two of them in your room right at this exact moment unaware of their plans that they had with you. you were in for a long ride.
after being able to process what was just offered to you, you simply just nodded and yunho smiled wide. an endearing smile yet with a little hint of perversity behind it.
"come here"
yunho gestured to his lap where he was manspreading on your bed already, anticipating his next moves with you as you did what you were asked to. your back hit yunho's toned chest as you plopped down on his thighs. a slight blush creeping across your face as you grew aware of the taller male‘s lasting gaze on your so much smaller figure in comparison to his. your eyes traveled from yunho's face down to his fingers across the room until your gaze eventually met san's eyes which were still attentively watching and leaning onto the doorframe with one hand. an even deeper shade of red spreading across your face as you could feel your arousal growing from being watched by these two ridiculously attractive men.
yunho shifted in his seat before slowly leaning in. his lips meeting yours as the kiss grew more heated and passionate with every second while he brought his long digits down to your abdomen, slowly creeping up your chest and toying with your sensitive nipple. his other hand slid down your upper body past your sweatpants as he was teasing you through your underwear by touching you everywhere except where you needed his fingers the most. you moaned into the kiss at the touch as you broke the kiss to pout at the man and he couldn't help but smile at you.
"what‘s the matter, sweetheart? already growing impatient? let me take my time with you because…"
he looked over to san who was watching the indecent scene unfolding with a less sweet gaze than yunho.
"the moment he gets started with you, you will be a mess… i need to enjoy you while i still can. will you allow me to, sweet thing?"
you, on the other hand, were still pouting but accepted yunho's proposal regardless and nodded in understanding.
"that‘s my baby" is all he said before his lips started to attack the sensitive skin on your neck, biting and sucking marks that are not gonna go unnoticed.
your breath hitched when you realize that yunho has slid his hand past your soaked underwear.
"oh my, you're already so wet. i knew you wanted this all along. this is exciting for you, isn't it?" was all he said before slipping in his index finger and soon bringing another one, fingering you open.
realizing that you could take a third digit before you clenched around his fingers, he abruptly started pumping them in and out of you, earning sweet whimpers from you as he quickly found your sweet spot, hitting it over and over again.
"y-yunho… so— so fucking good…"
waves of pleasure striking you as you chased your release at a speed that you never thought you would be able to do so all thanks to yunho's skillful hands. he knew exactly how to work with you and turn you into an utter mess by just using his fingers at a frequency beyond your imagination alone.
"you are taking it so well. you look so hot like this."
deeply absorbed in your own stimulation you were hardly able to notice that yunho had watched every move, every squirm, every twitch of yours attentively so he knew exactly when to stop before you could even reach your high. realization hitting you as you purposefully missed out on your own orgasm, resulting in you letting out a very disappointed whine.
"don't worry, baby. i just prepared you for the real fun." yunho noted, pitying you for the mess he just has caused you.
you were so far gone in your own misery that you have yet to notice san walking over the two of you, standing in front of you. he didn't waste a single second to get rid of his sweatpants and boxers, freeing his hard and of pre-cum leaking cock, giving it a few strokes. there was no surprise yunho had to prep you for your other roommate, as he was massive in girth.
"get on your knees. show me your pretty ass," san ordered and you complied with your needy endeavor, moving towards the edge of your bed, lifting your hips for him to grab, giving it a harsh smack before digging his nails into your flesh as he aligned his length with your entrance and pushed in rapidly that you bottomed out within seconds.
completely lost in the pleasure of being stuffed again, you were shaking with your entire being. your core happened to be so drenched that san slipped in with ease despite his size. the moment san started thrusting with an unmatched force, you already knew you would be a mess. he showed you no mercy, no remorse, no time to just get used to feeling so full. his hands grabbing a fistful of your hair so he could increase his pace. the way his hips crashed into yours, burying his cock so deep into you that it felt like it might come out the other end, the sensational feeling of having your hole obliterated left your mouth hung open with loud moans leaving.
"look at you" san groaned so deeply full of pure lust. "what a nasty whore you are. having your brain fucked out by me" he left no chance to breathe properly. "and you're being watched too. you like that, don't you? having other people witness how much of a dirty slut you are. being a mere object for our pleasure."
san's filthy words rang through your head as he referred to the taller roommate, who managed to pull his sweatpants and his boxers down to his knees, having his own cock in a fist as he jerked himself off to the sight of you completely falling apart on san's cock.
"god, s-san… i'm so clo– ah… you f-feel so good- oh! around me…" unable to contain your voice you were slowly losing yourself, chasing your high once again.
"that's right, you cockslut. you were made to be fucked by us. your holes' only purpose was to satisfy us" san said in heavy breathing.
yunho, on the other hand, got onto his knees in front of you, holding his dick in one, pumping it a few times before he shoved it down your mouth, tears swelling up in your eyes as his length easily hit the back of your throat not long after entering, the sweet taste lingering on your tongue, the veins that adorned his cock brushing against your tongue.
"your mouth feels so good, y/n. let me fuck it, will you?"
both of your roommates were thrusting into you simultaneously on both ends. your room was filled with sounds full of filth from the three of you, the air smelling like pure sex. feeling so overwhelmed as you were fucked within an inch of your life by the two men, it didn't take long for you to reach your own high. you closed your eyes as you moaned so loud that you sent vibrations down yunho's body while he was penetrating your mouth. taking your last bit of strength to tap yunho's thigh signaling that your climax was near.
"aw, oh you're close? then cum for us. make a mess." the faux sympathy was evident in his voice as he was taking in every single bit of you.
the sounds of san's raspy groans were echoing throughout your room at the same time. all sorts of juices running down your leg and dripping on your bed sheets as the man behind you buried his length into your warm walls. your nerves were tingling, your body was twitching as you were being stimulated into your own high. as your loud sobs echoed throughout the space, you were most likely to be heard by any outsiders.
yet san didn't seem to stop here as he continued to abuse your hole, hitting your spot again and again while yunho also kept shoving his dick down your mouth. somehow the two of them managed to cum roughly at the same time. the taller man pulled out, past your messed up lips and your tear-stained face as jerked himself off, white spurts landing all over your face. simultaneously san was shooting his load inside you, the warm liquid dripping down your already-soaked bed. yunho was panting hard, his mouth hanging open, his eyes focusing on the grotesque picture of you being covered in his semen that unfolded in front of him. the one behind you groaned loudly before he took his cock out, allowing more of his cum to flow out of your pulsating hole.
"ah… you look so sexy like this… all messy with my cum all over your face", was all yunho said as he leaned down to stroke your face, smearing the fluid even more.
san grabbed a handful of your ass and spread your cheeks apart to get a perfect glimpse of your hole as he bent down to get a bit of his own taste and also brought another hand to your ass with a harsh smack. you could feel him smirking as you whimpered at the sudden contact while still shaking from your shattering orgasm.
another smack.
"did you really think we were done with you?"
the lost game was long forgotten.
© sancyber, 2023
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sancyber · 6 months
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑
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they/them. twenty-two. ateez + san ult. beginner writer. nsfw ahead. minors don‘t interact.
✮⋆˙ requests are open.
game over
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all fictional work was created by © sancyber. reposting, plagiarizing, translating is strictly prohibited.
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