#maladie autoimmune
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New potentially shitpost-worthy theory while prostategate 2024 is still in full swing, but I want to submit it for medical review on your blog first since I don't have a clue about this one: maybe Homelander *does* have prostatitis, but it's because Butcher has been careless and has been fucking him wrong. Maybe Butcher's been like, "well, he's a supe, what could possibly go wrong?" And then, of course, everything goes wrong. What does your inner Stannis say? Any chance?
I think it’s as realistic as any HL-actually-suffers-from-some-malady plot for a fic. I don’t know that doing something in the bedroom is likely to cause prostatitis… unless it’s passing along an STI that spreads up and down the entire system. Seems like common causes are UTIs or my old favorite, autoimmune disease.
Anyway, will read regardless of if it makes “medical sense”, so if his prostate goes into overdrive from being improperly assaulted, so be it. I’m here for the emotions and the trauma, personally. Not for my medical education 🙂
#The new Puritanism: things must be medically accurate#lol#prostategate 2024#homelander#the boys spoilers#thanks for the ask!
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26 août
hier j'allais pas très bien. après avoir fait un tour au vide-grenier du maybachufer (mon autre routine) où j'ai fermement négocié une chemise bleue ciel à trois euros je suis allée voir l'expo beth b à wedding. on y rentrait dans le noir complet par une espèce de grand tunnel qui descendait sous terre comme dans un parking souterrain avec des aigles projetés sur les murs. c'était grand et spectaculaire donc j'aimais bien. au fond du tunnel y avait une projection d'une fille qui flottait dans l'eau sans bouger vue d'en dessous. c'était que des projections de vidéos mais je sais plus trop ce que j'ai vu, à part une femme assise nue dans la neige avec du sang entre les jambes, des visages en train d'avoir un orgasme, une femme nue qui bouge au bord de l'eau et deux salles avec trop de lumières stroboscopiques. j'ai toujours peur de découvrir que je suis épileptique donc je suis ressortie et j'ai rien vu. y avait une atmosphère morbide un peu hardcore et j'avais pas envie de m'infliger ces images qui avaient toutes quelque chose de violent, j'avais juste envie de remonter à la surface pour aller m'allonger dans l'herbe au soleil dans le jardin du musée.
avant de sortir j'ai lu les textes écrits par des visiteurs de l'expo accrochés au mur. on était invité.e.s à raconter nos expériences de la mort, notre propre mort, évidemment ça m'intéressait. j'ai lu l'histoire d'une fille qui a été poussée dans une piscine lorsqu'elle était petite alors qu'elle savait pas nager, elle a attrapé une méningite et elle a passé trois mois à l'hôpital. on savait pas si elle allait survivre ou pas mais elle a fini par guérir et puis elle est tombée dans l'addiction à la drogue et à l'alcool, et quand elle en est sortie elle a développé une maladie autoimmune. je me rappelle plus si y avait une fin. je me suis dit quelle histoire tragique. quelqu'un d'autre racontait comment elle avait survécu à trois cancers. une femme racontait son premier épisode psychotique, elle pensait qu'elle allait mourir parce qu'elle comprenait pas ce qui lui arrivait jusqu'à ce que son mari l'emmène à l'hôpital. celle-là elle m'a donné envie de pleurer. je sais pas pourquoi. si c'est le fait qu'elle comprenait pas ce qui lui arrivait ou le fait que son mari l'emmène à l'hôpital. le fait d'avoir quelqu'un pour s'occuper d'elle. la détresse probable du mari. et puis j'ai lu ça: i was nearly dying of depression, every room i was in i felt like i was the same shape as the walls. un homme me bloquait l'accès alors je lui ai tourné autour jusqu'à ce qu'il bouge et j'ai lu et relu et rerelu la phrase écrite sur un petit papier jaune, horrifiée et hypnotisée par son acuité. plus tard j'ai lu dans le programme que le musée était un ancien crématorium et tout a pris sens.
de retour à la surface j'ai assisté à une performance d'un type qui a creusé un trou dans la pelouse devant le musée pour s'allonger dedans. il était accompagné par deux musiciens guitare/sons électroniques qui accompagnaient ses mouvements. le type portait un costume et y avait un parasol rouge à franges planté à côté. je trouve ça toujours un peu impressionnant, surtout dans le cadre de la performance, enfin pas toujours mais là ça m'a marquée, de voir ce que ça veut dire d'être artiste. ce que ça permet de faire. de porter un costume de se mettre à quatre pattes sur le pelouse et de creuser un trou dans la terre pour s'allonger dedans. je pensais à la famille et à ce qu'ils diraient. ils sont toujours là dans ma tête quand je vois des trucs comme ça, à se moquer sans vraiment chercher à comprendre.
quand il est ressorti du trou je l'ai pris comme un retour de la mort, pour rester dans le thème du crématorium. il était désespéré, il a creusé sa tombe pour s'enterrer, mais une fois mort il s'est rendu compte qu'il voulait vivre alors il est ressorti du trou et il l'a rebouché pour clore le chapitre, testé et pas approuvé. ça m'a émue. une fois le trou rebouché il s'est laissé tomber dessus et la musique qui était devenue plus intense et plus joyeuse avec le retour à la vie s'est brusquement arrêtée. les gens ont applaudi. plusieurs personnes s'étaient levées pour le prendre en photo pendant qu'il était dans le trou. en rentrant j'ai lu dans le programme qu'il s'y allongeait en position foetale et qu'il fermait les yeux, le temps de récupérer. il disait que parfois il avait des visions, des hallucinations, ou qu'il entendait des choses. quand il estime que le temps est venu, il se relève. parfois il le fait tout seul dans la forêt, sans public, sans caméras, juste pour lui. je trouvais ça rigolo tous les photographes qui lui tournaient autour pour documenter la performance, alors que ça avait l'air d'être un moment, une expérience tellement intime et personnelle justement.
je suis restée assise un moment dans l'herbe à regarder les gens autour de moi. le creuseur se faisait congratuler, il avait l'air épuisé. une femme en robe avec les cheveux gris attachés en queue de cheval lui papillonnait autour. elle est venue demander à son amie willst du introduced werden? (tu veux que je te présente?) son amie a répondu nö et la femme aux cheveux gris est repartie papillonner. dans le cercle de conversation des artistes y avait une femme accompagnée d'une jeune ado, comme à la soirée de court-métrages mercredi au kindl. l'ado du kindl devait avoir autour de treize ans, ses cheveux roux et frisés étaient retenus par deux baguettes chinoises et elle portait une combi rayée. l'adulte qui l'accompagnait la présentait aux gens assis au premier rang, les organisateurs de la soirée, la direction du musée, les artistes. elle serrait la main de tout le monde avec un grand sourire. je me demandais lequel c'était qui avait lu ma lettre de motivation et mon cv. je me demandais aussi ce que ça faisait de grandir là-dedans, entourée d'adultes au style funky qui l'emmènent à des soirées d'art qui ouvrent l'esprit et lui font rencontrer du monde. j'adore observer le style des gens plus âgés dans ce genre d'endroits. j'ai vu beaucoup de artsy fartsy début des années 2000 avec des petits détails quirky, même chez les vieux le y2k est de retour apparemment. une femme avait attaché ses cheveux blonds avec un truc en plastique vert fluo pour fermer les paquets entamés en guise de barrette. devant moi une dame âgée avec un poncho imperméable notait des trucs dans son carnet en attendant que ça commence, comme une possible version de moi dans quarante ans. moi j'enregistrais des sons avec mon téléphone.
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I've had this nagging question for a while - why do shiny pokemon seem to.. sparkle? Is it the air? The pokemon? A hallucination? What is it that gives them that classic sparkle?
the genetic mutation that causes shininess is also linked to structural changes that cause a glimmering, iridescent effect! this varies based on the pokemon, and it doesn't affect all species in the same way. for example, in pokemon with fur, the shiny mutation causes the shafts of their hair to turn translucent, which gives them a prism effect. but in pokemon with scales, the shiny mutation increases guanine production, which makes them look shimmery!
unfortunately, the mutation that causes this gorgeous shine is often associated with medical issues ranging from increased incidences of skin maladies (LOTS of sunburn in these guys) to autoimmune disorders, so shiny pokemon typically need some specialized care.
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The most frustrating thing about there being something wrong with you, mentally or physically it doesn't matter. Is that apparently every single malady known to man has the same fucking symptoms.
Oh your tummy hurts? you're dizzy and tired? you're in pain? Could be a digestive issue. or a cardiac issue, or a hormonal imbalance. Maybe it's a connective tissue problem. Or maybe an autoimmune disorder. Hell maybe it's just depression.
You have mental problems? Anxiety, fast heart rate, confusion, hallucinations, general feeling of something being wrong? Food issues, emotional instability, disassociation, sensory problems, social disconnect? Could be Autism, OR ADD/ADHD, or bipolar disorder, or CPTSD, or Schizo effective disorder. Or maybe it's just a side effect of a physical health problem.
LIKE???? what the hell are we supposed to do? No wonder people get misdiagnosed all the time.
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Modern bread and gluten
🇬🇧 In English
Bread is all too often responsible for digestive problems (bloating, stomach upsets, unstable transit). And also irritation of the mucous membrane (inside) of the intestine and intestinal permeability (porous intestine), with the molecules that disrupt immunity passing to the liver, resulting in allergies.
Autoimmune" diseases are very varied, depending on the genetic susceptibility of each individual:
digestive diseases: coeliac disease, non-viral hepatitis and fatty liver, pancreatitis, chronic intestinal diseases and ulcerative colitis.
rheumatological diseases
Neuropsychological: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.
hormonal: thyroiditis, damage to the pancreas and adrenal glands
bone: osteopathies, decalcifications, early osteoporosis
haematological: changes in the bone marrow, which produces too many or too few blood cells (red, white, platelets)
skin disorders: Lupus, psoriasis, scleroderma
On the other hand, we can't generalize: the real cause of the problem with bread is the genetic manipulation of wheat seeds; we're trying to standardize seeds (like twins), the primary objective being to maximize yields from industrial monocultures. The soil is not fertile, and yields depend on external fertilisers and pesticides.
The benefits of genetic standardisation for the bread industry - simplifies cultivation techniques, - facilitates phytosanitary treatments, - guarantees yields, - enables standardised flours to be obtained (e.g. T 9 index). The convergence of seeds, crops, flour and bread is generating health problems for consumers and farmers, due to the use of toxic products. Their convergence is generating health problems:
Non-Hodgkin's malignant lymphoma, a cancer of the immune system, is a recognised occupational disease in farmers exposed to pesticides in the course of their work.
On the other hand, industrial bread-making processes add other processes and ingredients
Flour is refined using chemical processes.
Intensive mechanical kneading
Very short fermentation with industrial yeasts
All these factors make bread indigestible and harmful:
Gluten becomes resistant to enzymatic digestion
Bread contains no vitamins, antioxidants or polyphenols and is low in minerals.
It is toxic because it contains traces of toxic products.
Ancient grains could be the solution, here are a few examples
Engrain or Petit Épeautre 10 (Triticum monococcum),
Barbu du Roussillon (Triticum aestivum),
Starch (Triticum turgidum),
Kamut brand Khorasan (Triticum turanicum)
and many other wheats of yesteryear must find their place again, with bakers particularly aware of their role in health. What's more, they will create many new jobs.
In conclusion:
Abandon industrial breads and opt for wholemeal flours made from ancient grains.
Prepare your bread at home
Preferably bake your bread by hand, avoid long-fermented Perrier and opt for long fermentation.
Chew the bread well, the faster it melts in your mouth, the easier it will be to digest.
Find the complete article at LE PAIN EN QUESTION POUR LA SANTÉ PUBLIQUE https://www.professeur-joyeux.com/2023/07/04/le-pain-en-question-pour-la-sante-publique/
Le pain et le gluten modernes
🇫🇷 En Français
Le pain est trop souvent responsable de troubles digestif (ballonnements, maux de ventres, instabilité du transit). Et aussi d’irritations de la muqueuse (intérieur) de l’intestin et de perméabilité intestinale (intestin poreux), les molécules qui de perturbent l’immunité passent vers le foie, et comme résultat des allergies.
Les maladies ”auto-immunes” sont très variées selon les susceptibilités génétiques de chaque individu:
digestives: maladie coeliaque et hépatites non virales et foie gras, pancreatitis, maladies intestinales chroniques intestinales et recto-colite-ulcéro-hémorragique
neuropsychiques: Alzheimer, Parkinson, Sclérose en Plaques, etc
hormonales: thyroïdites, atteintes du pancréas et des surrénales
osseuses: ostéopathies, décalcifications, ostéoporose précoce
hématologiques: modifications de la moelle osseuse qui fabrique trop ou pas assez des globules du sang (rouges, blancs, plaquettes)
cutanées : Lupus, psoriasis, sclérodermia
Par contre on ne peut pas généraliser, la vrai cause du problème avec le pain est manipulation génétique des semences des blés; on cherche uniformiser les semences (comme des individus jumeaux), l’objective primaire: la maximization des rendements des monocultures industriales. Les sols ne sont pas fertiles, le rendement depends des fertilisants extérieurs et pesticides.
Les benefits de l’uniformisation génétique pour la filière du pain– simplifie les techniques de culture,– facilite les traitements phytosanitaires– garantise les rendements,– permet l’obtention de farines standardisées (par example Indice T 9). La convergence semences-cultures-farines-pains est génératrice de problèmes de santé pour les consommateurs et agriculteurs, du a l’emploie de produits toxiques. Leur convergence est génératrice de problèmes de santé:
Le lymphome malin non hodgkinien, cancer du système immunitaire, est une maladie professionnelle reconnue chez les agriculteurs exposés aux pesticides dans le cadre de leur métier.
D’autre part, les processes industriels de fabrication du pain, ajoutent des procedes et d’autres ingrédients
La farine est refiné par des proceses chimiques
La pétrification mécanique intensive
La fermentation très courte avec des levures industrielles
Tous ces facteurs font que le pain soit indigeste et nocif:
Le gluten devient résistent a la digestion enzymatique
Le pain ne contient pas d des vitamines, des anti-oxydants, des polyphénols, il est faible en minéraux.
Il est toxique car il contient des traces de produits toxiques
Les grains anciennes serions la solution, voici quelques examples
L’Engrain ou petit Épeautre 10 (Triticum monococcum),
le Barbu du Roussillon (Triticum aestivum) ,
l’Amidonnier (Triticum turgidum),
le Khorasan de la marque Kamut (Triticum turanicum)
et bien d’autres blés d’autrefois doivent retrouver leur place, chez les boulangers particulièrement conscients de leur rôle pour la santé. Ils deviendront en plus créateurs de nombreux emplois.
En conclusion:
Abandonnez leș pains industriels, privilégiez les farines completes et fabriquées avec des graines anciennes
Preparez votre pain a la maison
De preference faites le pain a la main, évitez le Perrier long temps et privilégiez la fermentation longue
Mastiquez bien le pain, si le pain est fondu vite dans la bouche, plus facile sera sa digestion
Trouvez l'article complet chez LE PAIN EN QUESTION POUR LA SANTÉ PUBLIQUE https://www.professeur-joyeux.com/2023/07/04/le-pain-en-question-pour-la-sante-publique/
El pan moderno y el gluten
🇪🇸 En Español
Con demasiada frecuencia, el pan es responsable de problemas digestivos (hinchazón, molestias estomacales, tránsito inestable). Y también irritación de la mucosa (interior) del intestino y permeabilidad intestinal (intestino poroso), con lo que las moléculas que alteran la inmunidad pasan al hígado, dando lugar a alergias.
Las enfermedades "autoinmunes" son muy variadas, dependiendo de la susceptibilidad genética de cada individuo:
enfermedades digestivas: celiaquía, hepatitis no vírica e hígado graso, pancreatitis, enfermedades intestinales crónicas y colitis ulcerosa.
enfermedades reumatológicas
neuropsicológicas: Alzheimer, Parkinson, esclerosis múltiple, etc.
hormonales: tiroiditis, daños en el páncreas y las glándulas suprarrenales
óseas: osteopatías, descalcificaciones, osteoporosis precoz
Hematológicos: alteraciones de la médula ósea, que produce demasiadas o pocas células sanguíneas (rojas, blancas, plaquetas).
Trastornos cutáneos: Lupus, psoriasis, esclerodermia.
Por otra parte, no podemos generalizar: la verdadera causa del problema del pan es la manipulación genética de las semillas de trigo; se intenta estandarizar las semillas (como los gemelos), con el objetivo primordial de maximizar el rendimiento de los monocultivos industriales. El suelo no es fértil y los rendimientos dependen de fertilizantes y pesticidas externos.
Las ventajas de la estandarización genética para la industria del pan - simplifica las técnicas de cultivo, - facilita los tratamientos fitosanitarios, - garantiza los rendimientos, - permite obtener harinas estandarizadas (por ejemplo, el índice T 9). La convergencia de semillas, cultivos, harinas y pan está generando problemas de salud a consumidores y agricultores, debido al uso de productos tóxicos. Su convergencia está generando problemas de salud:
El linfoma maligno no Hodgkin, un cáncer del sistema inmunitario, es una enfermedad profesional reconocida en los agricultores expuestos a pesticidas durante su trabajo.
Por otra parte, los procesos industriales de elaboración del pan añaden otros procesos y otros ingredientes
La harina se refina mediante procesos químicos.
Amasado mecánico intensivo
Fermentación muy corta con levaduras industriales
Todos estos factores hacen que el pan sea indigesto y perjudicial:
El gluten se vuelve resistente a la digestión enzimática.
El pan no contiene vitaminas, antioxidantes ni polifenoles y es pobre en minerales.
Es tóxico porque contiene trazas de productos tóxicos.
Los cereales antiguos podrían ser la solución, he aquí algunos ejemplos
Engrain o petit Épeautre 10 (Triticum monococcum),
Barbu du Roussillon (Triticum aestivum),
Almidón (Triticum turgidum),
Kamut marca Khorasan (Triticum turanicum)
y muchos otros trigos de antaño deben volver a encontrar su lugar, ya que los panaderos son especialmente conscientes de su papel en la salud. Además, crearán muchos nuevos puestos de trabajo.
En conclusión:
Abandonar los panes industriales y optar por harinas integrales elaboradas con granos antiguos.
Prepara tu pan en casa
Hornea tu pan preferiblemente a mano, evita los Perrier de larga fermentación y opta por los de fermentación larga.
Mastica bien el pan, cuanto más rápido se deshaga en la boca, más fácil será digerirlo.
Encuentre el artículo completo en LE PAIN EN QUESTION POUR LA SANTÉ PUBLIQUE https://www.professeur-joyeux.com/2023/07/04/le-pain-en-question-pour-la-sante-publique/
O pão moderno e o glúten
🇧🇷 En Português
O pão é muitas vezes responsável por problemas digestivos (inchaço, perturbações gástricas, trânsito instável). E também a irritação da mucosa (interior) do intestino e a permeabilidade intestinal (intestino poroso), com as moléculas que perturbam a imunidade a passarem para o fígado, dando origem a alergias.
As doenças "auto-imunes" são muito variadas e dependem da suscetibilidade genética de cada indivíduo:
Doenças digestivas: doença celíaca, hepatite não viral e fígado gordo, pancreatite, doenças intestinais crónicas e colite ulcerosa.
Doenças reumatológicas
neuropsicológicas: doença de Alzheimer, Parkinson, esclerose múltipla, etc.
hormonais: tiroidite, lesões do pâncreas e das glândulas supra-renais
ósseas: osteopatias, descalcificações, osteoporose precoce
hematológicas: alterações da medula óssea, que produz demasiadas ou poucas células sanguíneas (glóbulos vermelhos, glóbulos brancos, plaquetas)
afecções cutâneas: Lúpus, psoríase, esclerodermia
Por outro lado, não podemos generalizar: a verdadeira causa do problema do pão é a manipulação genética das sementes de trigo; estamos a tentar uniformizar as sementes (como os gémeos), com o objetivo principal de maximizar o rendimento das monoculturas industriais. O solo não é fértil e os rendimentos dependem de fertilizantes e pesticidas externos.
As vantagens da normalização genética para a indústria do pão - simplifica as técnicas de cultivo, - facilita os tratamentos fitossanitários, - garante os rendimentos, - permite obter farinhas normalizadas (por exemplo, índice T 9). A convergência das sementes, das culturas, das farinhas e do pão está a gerar problemas de saúde para os consumidores e para os agricultores, devido à utilização de produtos tóxicos. A sua convergência está a gerar problemas de saúde:
O linfoma maligno não-Hodgkin, um cancro do sistema imunitário, é uma doença profissional reconhecida nos agricultores expostos a pesticidas no exercício da sua atividade.
Por outro lado, os processos industriais de fabrico de pão acrescentam outros processos e outros ingredientes
A farinha é refinada por processos químicos.
Amassadura mecânica intensiva
Fermentação muito curta com leveduras industriais
Todos estes factores tornam o pão indigesto e nocivo:
O glúten torna-se resistente à digestão enzimática.
O pão não contém vitaminas, antioxidantes ou polifenóis e é pobre em minerais.
É tóxico porque contém vestígios de produtos tóxicos.
Os cereais antigos podem ser a solução, eis alguns exemplos
Engrain ou petit Épeautre 10 (Triticum monococcum),
Barbu du Roussillon (Triticum aestivum),
Amido (Triticum turgidum),
Kamut marca Khorasan (Triticum turanicum)
e muitos outros trigos de outrora devem reencontrar o seu lugar, junto de padeiros particularmente atentos aos seus benefícios para a saúde. Além disso, criarão muitos novos postos de trabalho.
Em conclusão:
Abandonar os pães industriais e optar por farinhas integrais de cereais antigos.
Prepare o seu pão em casa
De preferência, coza o seu pão à mão, evite Perrier de longa fermentação e opte por uma fermentação longa.
Mastiga bem o pão, quanto mais depressa derreter na tua boca, mais fácil será a digestão.
Ver o artigo completo em LE PAIN EN QUESTION POUR LA SANTÉ PUBLIQUE https://www.professeur-joyeux.com/2023/07/04/le-pain-en-question-pour-la-sante-publique/
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#maroc#médecine interne#maladies auto-immunes#alliance des maladies rares au maroc#lupus#coronavirus#dr moussayer khadija#gériatrie#dr moussayer
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The Profound Impact of Protein Shakes in Diabetes Management: A Comprehensive Guide
In the labyrinth of diabetes management, where each decision carries weighty implications for health and well-being, protein shakes emerge as a beacon of hope—a versatile ally offering a multifaceted approach to navigating the complexities of this metabolic disorder. Beyond their traditional role in fitness circles, these liquid elixirs harbor a wealth of benefits that extend far beyond muscle building. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve deep into the science behind protein shakes and their transformative potential in managing diabetes, unraveling the intricacies of their mechanisms and unveiling practical insights for integration into daily routines.
Understanding Diabetes: A Multifaceted Malady
To embark on our journey into the realm of protein shakes and diabetes, it is imperative to first grasp the nuances of this multifaceted malady. Diabetes, characterized by elevated blood sugar levels, exists in various forms, each presenting unique challenges and considerations for management.
Type 1 Diabetes: An Autoimmune Assault
Type 1 diabetes, often diagnosed in childhood or adolescence, stems from an autoimmune attack on the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. This relentless assault leaves individuals reliant on exogenous insulin administration to regulate blood sugar levels, underscoring the critical need for precision in dietary and lifestyle choices to minimize the risk of hypo- and hyperglycemic episodes.
Type 2 Diabetes: A Metabolic Meltdown
In contrast, type 2 diabetes arises from a cascade of events characterized by insulin resistance, wherein cells fail to respond adequately to insulin's signals. Genetic predispositions, coupled with environmental factors such as sedentary lifestyles and poor dietary habits, contribute to the development of glucose dysregulation and metabolic chaos. Managing type 2 diabetes necessitates a multifaceted approach encompassing dietary modifications, physical activity, medication, and, in some cases, insulin therapy to achieve glycemic control and mitigate the risk of long-term complications.
Gestational Diabetes: Navigating the Challenges of Pregnancy
Gestational diabetes, a temporary condition occurring during pregnancy, poses unique challenges for expectant mothers and healthcare providers alike. Hormonal fluctuations and increased insulin resistance during pregnancy render women vulnerable to glucose intolerance, necessitating vigilant monitoring and tailored interventions to safeguard maternal and fetal well-being.
Protein Shakes: A Nutritional Panacea for Diabetes Management
Amidst the backdrop of metabolic turmoil, protein shakes emerge as a nutritional panacea—a potent arsenal of bioactive compounds and essential nutrients that offer a multifaceted approach to managing diabetes. Composed of high-quality protein sources such as whey, casein, soy, or plant-based alternatives, these liquid elixirs harbor an array of bioactive compounds and essential amino acids essential for cellular repair, metabolic homeostasis, and overall well-being.
Whey Protein: The Cornerstone of Protein Supplementation
Whey protein, derived from milk during the cheese-making process, stands as the gold standard of protein supplementation, revered for its rapid absorption kinetics and superior amino acid profile. Rich in essential amino acids, particularly leucine—a potent stimulator of muscle protein synthesis—whey protein exerts profound effects on muscle metabolism and metabolic function, making it a cornerstone of diabetes management strategies aimed at preserving lean body mass and optimizing metabolic health.
Casein Protein: A Sustained Source of Satiety
In contrast to whey protein's rapid-release properties, casein protein offers a sustained source of amino acids, prolonging satiety and blunting postprandial glucose excursions. This gradual nutrient delivery confers metabolic advantages, fostering stable blood sugar levels and enhancing insulin sensitivity—a boon for individuals grappling with diabetes and seeking strategies to achieve glycemic control and mitigate the risk of long-term complications.
Plant-Based Proteins: A Viable Alternative for Dietary Diversity
For those eschewing animal-derived products or navigating dietary restrictions, plant-based protein shakes offer a viable alternative rich in essential nutrients and phytochemicals. From pea and rice protein to hemp and soy, the plant kingdom abounds with diverse protein sources, each with its unique nutritional profile and metabolic benefits. Plant-based protein shakes not only provide a sustainable and ethical choice but also offer an array of health-promoting compounds that support overall well-being and vitality.
The Metabolic Dance: Protein Shakes and Blood Sugar Regulation
At the heart of diabetes management lies the delicate dance of blood sugar regulation, wherein protein shakes wield a potent influence that transcends conventional paradigms of nutrition and metabolic health. Unlike carbohydrate-rich meals that precipitate rapid spikes in glucose levels, protein exerts a more gradual and sustained impact on postprandial glycemia, attenuating hyperglycemic peaks and fostering metabolic stability—a critical consideration for individuals with diabetes striving to achieve glycemic control and optimize metabolic health.
The Insulinogenic Effect: Balancing Act or Metabolic Miracle?
Central to protein's blood sugar-lowering prowess is its insulinogenic effect—the capacity to stimulate insulin secretion without eliciting a commensurate rise in blood glucose levels. This unique attribute endows protein shakes with a therapeutic edge, enabling individuals to achieve glycemic control without the rollercoaster ride of fluctuating glucose levels—a fundamental principle underpinning effective diabetes management and mitigating the risk of long-term complications.
Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1): Unraveling the Gut-Brain Axis
Beyond its direct effects on insulin secretion, protein may exert its metabolic magic through indirect pathways involving gut hormones such as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). This incretin hormone, secreted by intestinal L cells in response to nutrient ingestion, modulates glucose homeostasis, promotes satiety, and enhances insulin sensitivity—an intricate interplay with profound implications for diabetes management and overall metabolic health.
Postprandial Thermogenesis: Fanning the Flames of Metabolism
Furthermore, protein's thermogenic properties—the energy expended in digesting, absorbing, and metabolizing nutrients—bestow metabolic advantages that transcend its caloric content alone. This phenomenon, known as the thermic effect of food (TEF), heightens metabolic rate and enhances energy expenditure, potentially facilitating weight loss and metabolic resilience in individuals with diabetes striving to optimize their metabolic health and achieve long-term well-being.
Satiety and Weight Management: Beyond Caloric Equations
In the perpetual battle against obesity and its attendant metabolic maladies, satiety assumes a pivotal role, with protein shakes emerging as a potent ally in curbing cravings, promoting fullness, and supporting weight loss or weight maintenance. By virtue of their high protein content and satiating properties, these liquid elixirs confer a sense of fullness and satisfaction that transcends mere caloric equations, empowering individuals to navigate dietary temptations with resilience and resolve.
Leptin and Ghrelin: Hormonal Harmonies or Discordant Notes?
The satiety-inducing effects of protein shakes are mediated, in part, by hormonal interplay involving leptin and ghrelin—key players in the appetite-regulating orchestra. Leptin, secreted by adipose tissue, signals satiety to the brain, while ghrelin, produced in the stomach, stimulates hunger and promotes food intake. Protein shakes, with their ability to modulate these hormonal cues, tilt the scales in favor of satiety, empowering individuals to make mindful dietary choices and achieve long-term success in managing their weight and optimizing metabolic health.
Metabolic Flexibility: Adapting to Changing Tides
Moreover, protein shakes confer metabolic flexibility—an adaptive capacity to switch between fuel sources in response to fluctuating energy demands. By promoting fat oxidation and preserving lean muscle mass, these liquid elixirs enhance metabolic resilience and mitigate the metabolic inflexibility often observed in individuals with obesity and type 2 diabetes—a cornerstone of effective diabetes management and long-term metabolic health.
Muscle Preservation and Metabolic Vigilance: Fortifying Foundations
Muscle wasting and metabolic derangements loom large in the landscape of diabetes, underscoring the critical need for interventions that preserve lean body mass and safeguard metabolic health. Enter protein shakes, armed with an arsenal of amino acids and bioactive compounds that fortify muscle tissue, promote anabolism, and counteract the deleterious effects of insulin resistance and catabolic forces—a cornerstone of effective diabetes management and long-term metabolic health.
Anabolic Signaling: Building Blocks of Muscular Resilience
Central to protein's muscle-preserving effects are its capacity to activate anabolic signaling pathways that promote muscle protein synthesis and inhibit protein breakdown. By supplying the requisite building blocks of muscular resilience, protein shakes counteract the deleterious effects of insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction, fostering metabolic vitality and functional independence—a fundamental principle underpinning effective diabetes management and long-term well-being.
Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs): Guardians of Muscle Integrity
Of particular significance are the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)—leucine, isoleucine, and valine—renowned for their pivotal role in muscle metabolism and repair. Leucine, in particular, acts as a potent stimulator of muscle protein synthesis, triggering anabolic cascades that culminate in muscle hypertrophy and resilience—an evolutionary adaptation with profound implications for metabolic health and longevity.
Mitochondrial Biogenesis: Igniting the Cellular Furnaces
Beyond its effects on muscle protein turnover, protein may exert metabolic benefits through enhancements in mitochondrial biogenesis—the process whereby new mitochondria are generated within cells. These cellular powerhouses play a central role in energy production, oxidative metabolism, and cellular resilience, highlighting the potential of protein shakes to ignite the cellular furnaces of metabolic vitality and vigor—a cornerstone of effective diabetes management and long-term metabolic health.
Tailoring Protein Shakes for Optimal Outcomes
While the benefits of protein shakes for diabetes are unequivocal, customization is key to optimizing outcomes and tailoring interventions to individual needs and preferences. Consider the following practical considerations when incorporating protein shakes into your diabetes management regimen:
Glycemic Index: Navigating the Terrain of Metabolic Equilibrium
Opt for protein shakes with a low glycemic index to minimize postprandial glucose excursions and promote metabolic equilibrium. Select formulations devoid of excessive sugars and refined carbohydrates, prioritizing whole food sources and nutrient-dense ingredients that support stable blood sugar levels and sustained energy—a fundamental principle underpinning effective diabetes management and long-term metabolic health.
Protein Quality and Quantity: Striking a Delicate Balance
Prioritize high-quality protein sources such as whey, casein, or plant-based alternatives, selecting formulations devoid of excessive additives or preservatives. Aim for an adequate protein intake tailored to your individual needs and goals, consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized guidance and support—a cornerstone of effective diabetes management and long-term metabolic health.
Timing and Integration: Seamless Incorporation into Daily Routines
Strategically integrate protein shakes into your daily meal plan to optimize their efficacy and enhance compliance. Consider consuming them as a pre- or post-workout snack, a meal replacement, or a midday pick-me-up to stave off hunger pangs and maintain energy levels throughout the day. Experiment with different flavors and formulations to discover what resonates best with your taste preferences and dietary requirements—a fundamental principle underpinning effective diabetes management and long-term metabolic health.
Potential Considerations and Caveats
While protein shakes offer a plethora of benefits for individuals with diabetes, certain considerations and caveats warrant attention to ensure safety and efficacy:
Allergies and Sensitivities: Navigating Dietary Minefields
Exercise caution if you have allergies or sensitivities to specific protein sources or additives commonly found in protein shakes. Conduct thorough ingredient analyses and consult with a healthcare provider to mitigate the risk of adverse reactions or intolerance, opting for hypoallergenic formulations or alternative protein sources as needed—a fundamental principle underpinning effective diabetes management and long-term metabolic health.
Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels: Vigilance as a Virtue
Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels is imperative when integrating protein shakes into your diabetes management regimen. Track postprandial glucose responses to gauge the impact of protein shakes on your metabolic parameters, adjusting intake accordingly to maintain optimal glycemic control and prevent hypoglycemic episodes—a cornerstone of effective diabetes management and long-term metabolic health.
Individual Variability: Embracing Diversity in Responses
Recognize that individual responses to protein shakes may vary based on factors such as genetics, metabolic status, and concurrent medications. Embrace this diversity and remain open to experimentation, fine-tuning your approach based on personal preferences and feedback from your body's unique metabolic orchestra—a fundamental principle underpinning effective diabetes management and long-term metabolic health.
Conclusion: Empowering Health and Wellness Through Protein Power
In conclusion, protein shakes stand as a testament to the transformative potential of nutritional interventions in the realm of diabetes management. From blood sugar regulation and weight management to muscle preservation and metabolic resilience, these liquid elixirs offer a multifaceted approach to fostering health and well-being amidst the challenges posed by diabetes.
By incorporating protein shakes into your dietary arsenal and embracing a comprehensive approach encompassing nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle modifications, you can embark on a transformative journey towards optimal health and vitality. With each sip, you nourish not only your body but also your spirit, cultivating resilience, fortitude, and a steadfast commitment to embracing life's challenges with grace and determination.
Cheers to the power of protein and the boundless potential it holds for enhancing the lives of individuals grappling with diabetes—a testament to the enduring resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. As you embark on your journey towards metabolic health and well-being, may you find solace in the knowledge that you are not alone, but rather, part of a global community united in the pursuit of health, happiness, and longevity.
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Neurological disorders encompass an array of central and peripheral nervous system conditions that impair the complex interconnected structures mediating human physical and mental functioning. Given their prevalence, decoding frequently encountered c... #Mirari #MirariDoctor #MirariColdPlasma #ColdPlasma
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What Can be The Best Psoriasis Treatment?
Psoriasis could be from never-ending autoimmune conditions or genetic inheritance. The fast overproduction of skin cells on joints like elbows and knees can extend to the hands, feet, neck, scalp, and face. Genetics can be significant to influence psoriasis in the offspring but the percentage is not enough. We also note that in case of an autoimmune setback, skin cells are harmed by white blood cells to fast track the production of skin cells so this cell collection causes plaque formation making the skin red and reddened. There are different therapies today that deal with psoriasis, but most of them have deficiencies and could not offer complete treatment.
Psoriasis treatment
Psoriasis treatment in Los Angeles offers resistance to psoriasis externally but application of creams and nonsteroidal lotions and can efficiently cut down eczema and dermatitis. This technique can control easy-going skin conditions only. Moisturizers, salicylic acid and scale lifters also help alleviate this ailment. Coal tar can also slow the intensification of skin cells and make your skin look in good health. The shampoo helps take care of scalp psoriasis. Antibacterial agents like calcipotriol do make it well again but too much use of this ointment can cause burning, burning or reddishness of the skin.
Ayurveda has 100% psoriasis treatment in los angeles. The all-embracing study about this malady and its eradication govern the Ayurvedic line of attack which combines with Modern theory of autoimmune origin, nervous tension and effects of climatic changes on Psoriasis. On the other hand, most importantly Ayurvedic texts identify reasons that trigger psoriasis. These triggers generally revolve around toxin building agents within our body. In general, habits like having yogurt with milk or fish may create slow poisons in our body.
There are various foods that recognize psoriasis as toxic indicators whose mixture leads to skin diseases like fish and milk products are contraindicated. It also signifies how we must have a corrective eating regimen. For instance, having irregular eating intervals can upset our digestive system and using tremendously cold liquids after instant stress can also harm the skin.
Ayurveda suggests internal cleansing process more willingly than just application of creams that affect just external part of the body whereas the inner system is still impure. Loosing weight, avoiding alcohol are some habits to agree to. Once the toxins are filtered out from the blood in distribution, the body starts to make well. As the cause of the disease can be different in every patient, a dissimilar application will be initiated to get to the bottom of the problem.
In view of the fact that Ayurveda is completely natural and free of chemicals, it has no side effects. Moreover, it makes the blood pure, corrects immunity and helps build good bone marrow. As in opposition to calcipotriol, herbal extracts with coconut oil sooth skin itching. Again, yoga is an innate process to alleviate stress and Ayurveda has mentioned many ways to counter the ailment. So Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis is the most excellent form of rejuvenating body mechanism with no any side effects.
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Liver Diseases - Symptoms
How important is to have a healthy liver for a mankind? Do you know that liver problems nowadays range from the mild liver congestion to serious liver diseases like Autoimmune Hepatitis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Jaundice, Liver Cirrhosis, Liver Failure and NAFLD!
Keeping your liver in healthy condition is very necessary and that can be done by eating a varied nutritional and vegetarian diet. Junk food, alcohol intake, low quality oils, chemicals -in air and we breathe are the main roots for liver maladies. Best Gastroenterologist In Jaipur
As the matter of fact, liver is one of the hardest working organs in the body and plays many vital roles along with heavy work load. Therefore, problems can arise like
Problems in liver cell
Problems in producing time
Problem in detoxification
To identify and cure the liver problems we need to consult the physician or liver specialist or to know at home watch out for general symptoms listed below-
Frequent headache
Skin problems
Infection by chemical products like creams, bleach, perfumes
Energy level fluctuation in morning, afternoon, evening times
Difficulty in losing weight
Respiratory system, in human body, keeps controls over the body with the help of circulatory system, nervous system and digestive system. Our body system work in their own ways and functions for good health! And our digestive system is the most important part of our body that is core route for liver problems that come from. Gastroenterologist In Jaipur
For liver problems there are many factors, some of them are hepatitis infection, jaundice, autoimmune hepatitis and many others. Some of these are affected by abnormalities but these can get very serious and can cause to liver failure. Some of the effects are as below:
Liver Failure
Liver failure is the serious medical condition that does not develop overnight. It gradually develops number of years. Some of the symptoms of liver failure:
Loss of craving
Sickness or nausea
Bulge in stomach
Easy Blood Loss
Unconsciousness Mind
These are some symptoms that notify the development or occurrence of liver problems and liver failure in the body.
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At least the toxic mold syndrome thing is not real though?
In recent years, mold has been blamed for many symptoms or a constellation of symptoms. These symptoms are usually vague and subjective and difficult or impossible to measure or quantify. Moreover, there is no scientific evidence that mold has anything to do with these symptoms. In particular, the concept of toxic mold syndrome has permeated the public consciousness, and mycotoxins have falsely been associated with autoimmune diseases and a variety of other conditions. In fact, there is no evidence that the presence of mycotoxins in the air is enough to cause any disease known to man. Molds legitimately can cause allergies and can be a trigger for asthma. Certain specific molds such as Aspergillus can be a cause of hypersensitivity pneumonitis. In immunocompromised hosts, both dermatologic and systemic infections can result from various fungi and can be associated with significant morbidity or even mortality. However, the existence of toxic mold syndrome has been disproven, despite the numerous disreputable practices such as testing homes for mold spores, measuring “mycotoxins” in the urine, and testing patients for IgG to mold. In truth, none of these techniques have been validated, nor do they have any relevance to any clinical disease. All that these tests that are being performed by laboratories of disrepute does is to further propagate misinformation and inflict unnecessary and often exorbitant costs on patients desperate for a clinical diagnosis, right or wrong, for their constellation of maladies.
But it’s probably better to remove the mold lmao
Uhm. There may be black mold in my bathroom. It’s got to be recent bc I check everything every other day and before there was just a bit of mold on the ceiling but I left the window (the only ventilation) closed for a day and it spread a lot. This might explain why I was sick?? (I also have a mold allergy)
#iso.txt#full disclaimer i only read the abstract bc it was a 5 min search and the rest was paywalled
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Traverser - Juin Biological Photomicrography CNRS Archive
#art#collage#autoimmune disease#chronic disease#maladie#medical#neuropathie#neuropathy#maladie autoimmune#biological Photomicrography
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le courage c la santé la foi c la santé
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Today's vaccines | Les vaccins d'aujourd'hui | Las vacunas de hoy | Vacinas de hoje
🇬🇧 In English
The role of a vaccine is to prevent the recipient from the disease for which he is vaccinated. And at the same time avoid the transmission of the disease when it transmissible by respiratory, sexual, cutaneous.
The vaccine contains one or more antigens (attenuated bacteria or virals). The immune system must react to make the antibodies and memorize the antigen, information that will be used to neutralize batteries or viruses a faith that the antigens will attack the body, so the disease will be avoided.
The ability to develop this defense system is not identical in each organism, and can vary from person to person. Only the doctor who knows the clinical history of the patient will be able to appreciate the convenience and timing of applying a vaccine.
On the other hand, today's vaccines are made with adjuvants with the aim of stimulating the immune system and creating antibodies, except that the most used adjuvant is aluminum, which again in infinitesimal quantities is harmful to our health. Aluminum does not exist in any biological reaction in humans or animals. But once administered, it is persistent and accumulable in the bones, kidneys, liver, immune system and brain. Responsible for allergies, autoimmune diseases and cancers.
If a family is forced to vaccinate its child to be accepted at school or creche, the advice is to prepare the child to facilitate the best immune conditions before receiving the vaccines, for example breastfeeding the child minimum 6 months, and vaccinate him only when the child is not sick.
Find more tips on the Familles Santé Prevention website.
🇫🇷 En Français
Le rôle d’un vaccin est d’éviter à celui qui le reçoit, la maladie pour laquelle il est vacciné. Et au meme temps éviter la transmission de la maladie quand elle transmissible par voie respiratoire, sexuelle, cutané.
Le vaccine contiens un ou plusieurs antigènes (bactéries ou viraux atténués). Le système immunitaire doit réagir pour fabriquer les anticorps et mémoriser l’antigene, information qui sera utilise pour neutraliser les batteries ou virus une foi que les antigenes attaqueront l’organisme, ainsi la maladie sera évitée.
La capacité de developper ce système de défense n’est pas identique dans chaque organisme, et peuvent varier d’une personne à l’autre. Seulement le médecin qui connait l’histoire clinique du patient pourra apprécier la convenience et le moment de appliquer un vaccin.
D’autre part, les vaccines d’aujourd’hui sont fabriqués avec des adjuvants avec le but d’stimuler le système immunitaire et créer d’anticorps, sauf que l’adjuvant le plus utilisé c’est de l’aluminium, qui encore en quantités infinitésimales est néfaste pour notre santé.
L’aluminium n’existe pas dans aucune réaction biologique dans l’homme ou l’animal. Mais une fois administré, il est persistant et accumulable dans les os, les reins, le foie, le système immunitaire et le cerveau.
Responsable des allergies, des maladies auto-immunes et des cancers.
Si une famille est contrainte de faire vacciner son enfant pour être accepté a l’école ou la creche, le conseil c’est de préparer l’enfant pour faciliter les meilleurs conditions immunitaires avant de recevoir les vaccins, par example allaiter les enfant minimum 6 mois, et le faire vacciner seulement quand l’enfant n’est pas malade.
Trouvez plus de conseils dans le site Familles Santé Prevention.
🇪🇸 En Español
El papel de una vacuna es prevenir al receptor de la enfermedad para la que está vacunado. Y al mismo tiempo evitar la transmisión de la enfermedad cuando es transmisible por vía respiratoria, sexual, cutánea.
La vacuna contiene uno o más antígenos (bacterias o virus atenuados). El sistema inmunológico debe reaccionar para producir los anticuerpos y memorizar el antígeno, información que se utilizará para neutralizar baterías o virus una fe en que los antígenos atacarán el cuerpo, por lo que se evitará la enfermedad.
La capacidad de desarrollar este sistema de defensa no es idéntica en cada organismo, y puede variar de persona a persona. Solo el médico que conoce la historia clínica del paciente podrá apreciar la conveniencia y el momento de aplicar una vacuna.
Por otro lado, las vacunas actuales están hechas con adyuvantes con el objetivo de estimular el sistema inmunológico y crear anticuerpos, excepto que el adyuvante más utilizado es el aluminio, que de nuevo en cantidades infinitesimales es perjudicial para nuestra salud. El aluminio no existe en ninguna reacción biológica en humanos o animales. Pero una vez administrado, es persistente y acumulable en los huesos, riñones, hígado, sistema inmunológico y cerebro. Responsable de alergias, enfermedades autoinmunes y cánceres.
Si una familia se ve obligada a vacunar a su hijo para ser aceptado en la escuela o guardería, el consejo es preparar al niño para facilitar las mejores condiciones inmunes antes de recibir las vacunas, por ejemplo, amamantar al niño un mínimo de 6 meses, y vacunarlo solo cuando el niño no esté enfermo.
Encuentra más consejos en el sitio web de Prevención de Familles Santé.
🇧🇷 En Português
O papel de uma vacina é prevenir o recetor da doença para a qual está vacinado. E, ao mesmo tempo, evitar a transmissão da doença quando transmissível por via respiratória, sexual, cutânea.
A vacina contém um ou mais antigénios (bactérias atenuadas ou virais). O sistema imunológico deve reagir para produzir os anticorpos e memorizar o antígeno, informação que será usada para neutralizar baterias ou vírus uma fé de que os antígenos atacarão o corpo, assim a doença será evitada.A capacidade de desenvolver este sistema de defesa não é idêntica em cada organismo, podendo variar de pessoa para pessoa. Apenas o médico que conhece a história clínica do paciente será capaz de apreciar a conveniência e o momento da aplicação de uma vacina.
Por outro lado, as vacinas de hoje são feitas com adjuvantes com o objetivo de estimular o sistema imunológico e criar anticorpos, exceto que o adjuvante mais utilizado é o alumínio, que novamente em quantidades infinitesimais é prejudicial à nossa saúde. O alumínio não existe em nenhuma reação biológica em humanos ou animais. Mas, uma vez administrado, é persistente e acumulável nos ossos, rins, fígado, sistema imunológico e cérebro. Responsável por alergias, doenças autoimunes e cânceres.
Se uma família é forçada a vacinar seu filho para ser aceito na escola ou creche, o conselho é preparar a criança para facilitar as melhores condições imunológicas antes de receber as vacinas, por exemplo, amamentar a criança no mínimo 6 meses, e vaciná-la apenas quando a criança não estiver doente.
Encontre mais dicas no site da Familles Santé Prevention.
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