#making the hunters hogwarts was one of the stupider things supernatural has done
homoangel · 1 year
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okay but its pretty funny if crowley knows about kendricks academy (and he probably does doesnt he?)
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urwarriorangel · 8 years
upcoming works, week of march 6th (or march 5th bc sunday is the first day of the week)
<3 hello lovelies! thank you so much for your patience with me! this is a list of pieces that I would like to get done in the future! a reminder that there is no timeline for these things, seeing as some of them are gonna be series’, some mini series’, and some will stand on their own. I’m gonna be working on multiple pieces at once, so thank you from current and future me for putting up with all my craziness! if there’s one of these (or something else) in particular that you can’t wait for, please shoot me an ask or a message and I will try my hardest to crank that out first! (a lot of your requests will be incorporated into these pieces so please bare with me) XOXO <3
Alec Lightwood
federal agent!au
You’re a part of the Witness Protection Program and your identity has been compromised. Some local news agency managed to dig up your past and real name and had it plastered across all their outlets. Alec is an agent for hire who is now here to protect you. He’s not too happy at first, but you grow on him.
Alec Lightwood, the resident punk of the school, and you, the ultimate goody two shoes, get paired together for a class project. You reluctantly go along with the pairing, thinking Alec won’t do much work. He ,however, is head over heels for you, and takes every chance he can to work up to your standards. You, of course are confused as ever but hey. He’s working, right?
Archie Andrews
lucky number slevin!au
A handsome stranger moves in next door, and you’re more than just a little excited. You introduce yourself day one, and god you hope you see more of him. You see a lot more of him than you intended, both physically and mentally. He’s caught your eye in more ways than one and he can say the same about you, through the highs and the lows.
college roommates!au
‘i got a bottom bunk and you’re the person who has the bunk above mine, now you only refer to me as “bottom” even though I’ve repeatedly told you i most certainly am not’
You want to punch Archie’s beautiful face in the second you find that he’s your roommate. You had spent the summer abroad, so you didn’t have much choice in roommates, but thankfully someone picked your name and you didn’t have to do much work when you got back. Un-thankfully, that person was Archie and he thought you were a boy!!!!! It’s not your fault your parents named you Chandler… stupid Archibald.
Bellamy Blake
You’re a witness to a high profile murder and must be kept safe until it’s time for the trial. You need what you like to call a 24 hour babysitter. Bellamy is an old friend and a US Marshall. Once he heard what you’d gotten herself into, he volunteered to be your bodyguard. Do old feelings perk up or will Bellamy remain simply platonic?
You had always wanted to be in a food fight, but food fights at Hogwarts were a little… magical to say the least. There was food flying everywhere and you couldn’t pin-point where it was coming from. The male prefect had managed to stupefy most of the boys and you’d done the same to all the girls. You took down their names and sent them back to their houses to get cleaned up. You sent the list of names over to McGonagall and stood there staring at each other for a few minutes before bursting out laughing. You two move around a little before coming to a consensus: you’d both bathe in the prefects bathroom. No peeking!
Bellamy Blake’s been having nightmares nonstop since his mother died and his sister was taken away from him. You’re both a good friend of his and, as he liked to call you, “his favorite shrink”. There came a point in your practice when you realized that the only way to help Bellamy would be to find his sister. So you set out to do just that.
vampire!au (part two of ‘that’s not factual’)
You and the annoying history geek aka Bellamy get to know each other a little better, and you realize you don’t entirely hate him.
You and Bellamy have always hated each other. You and Octavia have always been inseparable. This was never a problem because both your parents and the Blakes made sure that you and Octavia only hung out at either your place or someplace else that Bellamy wouldn’t be around. This has, however, currently become a problem because Octavia is getting married and you and Bellamy are both in the wedding: you as the maid of honor and Bellamy as the best man. This was going to be a TOUGH wedding to get through, but you both know you’d do anything to ensure Octavia’s happiness.
Bonnie Bennett
If there was one thing you hated more than living alone, it was having your parents think that you couldn’t handle living alone. They were, of course, completely right, but you wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of knowing that. And they wouldn’t ever find out… except that they just called saying that they’d be coming over in a couple hours to drop off some supplies for you. You do the first thing that comes to mind: you ask your hot neighbour for some cleaning supplies. Bonnie assumes you need it to clean some nasty stain, and you don’t correct her. Because c’mon, with her smirking at you like that, how can you do anything?
Bucky Barnes
You’re the only person Bucky can talk to about HYDRA, about what they did to him and what they made him do. One night, after drinking every one of the Avengers under the table, he comes over to you and you two go over his scars. You had never seen Bucky so vulnerable yet so strong.
You’d guarded yourself and your heart for over two centuries; that’s the longest any witch has ever been able to survive. You’d managed to manipulate vampire blood to make yourself immortal without having the cravings for blood. Your friendships never lasted longer than you needed them, your sexual relations a mutual no-strings-attached partnership until one person no longer wanted it. The one time that you keep a friend, that you have sex with a friend, he pulls out all your secrets. He hunts you. James Buchanan Barnes, world renowned hunter, was after you. And it was your fault.
the honeypot mission. watching your partner seduce some mark and trying not to have a fit, because the only person whose hands should be around that waist are yours!au
You and Bucky were good friends, but that was about it. You repeatedly expressed your interest in him, but all you got in turn was a small smile accompanied by a slight, embarrassed nod. So you stopped trying. Bucky, of course, was just bad at expressing himself. It’s not that he didn’t like you. You didn’t realize that until you’re both sent on a mission where you have to seduce the crazy, human-trafficking multimillionaire and all you could hear were Bucky’s curses every time the man touched you.
Carter Baizen
Soulmates were a wierd thing. I mean come on, ONE person who was meant for you? Reading minds? Riiight. You didn’t think you had a soulmate until one day, you were sitting in your Calculus class and all you could think about was how much you hated math and how another voice in your head kept telling you to shut up because ‘math is life’. Once realizing that the second voice wasn’t yours, you perked your head up and your eyes met with the class nerd’s. You hated it at first, but now that you were stuck in a math exam, you couldn’t be happier to have a little nerdy soulmate.
Chuck Bass
Rules, a hierarchy, commands: a small list of things you absolutely hate. Of course, in the world you live in now, your life revolves around those three things. Get this–you supposedly already have a soulmate. The moment you step foot into the world, a mark becomes visible on your skin. Meet someone with a matching mark and BAM! You have a soulmate. When you turn 18, you finally have the opportunity to get it removed (you know some sketchy people, that is all). You’re finally in a leather chair, ready to have your tattoo removed and BOY is your remover a fine piece of ass. He can remove your pants if he’d like. His ‘soulmate’ would be lucky.
Daisy “Skye” Johnson
college roommate!au
From the get-go, you knew your roommate was a very sexually active person. This didn’t bother you. Hell, if you could get some, you’d be that sexually active too. What bothered you was how many times you walked in on her masturbating. Skye was hot, so damn hot, and it made you sexually aware every time you walked in on her. After it happened a couple times, you realized that maybe JUST MAYBE she wanted you to walk in on her.
Damon Salvatore
There was a day-drinker living in your apartment complex and he d r o v e you crazy. Well, he was an hour-round drinker. It’s like Damon Salvatore lived to give you gray hairs with his stupid crooked smile and those disgusting sea blue eyes and those well-defined abs. God. He had a bad habit of walking into your apartment some drunken days. Normally, you’d walk him to his room and tuck him into bed and be a nice neighbour. But this time, you were pretty drunk yourself. You let him crash on the couch and you passed out on top of him.
Davina Claire
She was an outgoing, outspoken lesbian and you were a shy, quiet bisexual. You never expected your one-night stand with Davina Claire to last longer than, well, one night. It’s been a little over six months and neither of you seem to want to call it quits, so you decide to give her a pair of keys to your apartment.
Dean Winchester
You are a world-class assassin. You know the ins and outs of the business better than anyone. You’re the CIA/FBI/NSA’s dirty little secret. They use you when they need and when they’re done, they send a friendly goodbye note your way: each time, the note comes in the form of an assassin, and each time you have lots of fun with the assassin. You pretend to not know why they’re here, who they are, etc. Then, you send their head back to the agency. This time, it’s different. They send your best friend Dean Winchester. They send your best friend to kill you.
Derek Hale
You got the brainiac superhero powers whereas your annoying rival got all the physical counterparts. He can fly, he’s strong, he’s got laser eyes and crazy adaptability senses. You can read minds, you can alter thoughts and feelings, you can control actions and you can work the brain so hard into an overdrive that it kills the person. You’re an inside man for the government and you manage to kill a man who’s high up on the enemy list. The government leaves you to rot when the enemy finds you. Derek stays behind to protect you.
Elijah Mikaelson
Elijah was always decent, proper, polite. You never thought, for a second, that he’d take up your offer to have sex. He laughed at first, which you expected. He then looked at you, studying you for a few minutes before looking up and asking if you were serious. To which you, of course, squeaked out a little yes followed by an enthusiastic one. You never thought he’d be this way. You can’t complain, though.
Grant Ward
You and Grant are on a mission to bust a weapon smuggler who uses expensive boats to transport his gear. You’re both undercover as two strangers who happen to share an interest in boats. One night, you’re both invited to a night out by some of  your fellow boat lovers, and Grant is a little too interested in what you have to wear. You’re decent friends and you always flirt back and forth, but nothing’s come of it. This time, though, Grant seems a little off.
Isaac Lahey
You absolutely hated early morning classes more than anything. As your luck would have it, the one class that you needed to take this semester to insure your progress was at 7:30 in the morning, which was the ass crack of dawn for you. You tried hard as you could, but your insomnia would not let you sleep the night before and your body would not let you stay awake in that stupid class. One day, you walk in and notice a cup of coffee where you usually sit and the only other person in class was the professor. This is embarrassing.
Jace Wayland
“Y'know, I wouldn’t be so mad about this whole ‘I was secretly a criminal the whole time thing’ if you hadn’t just killed our professor, I mean c'mon dude I know he was a douche to me but that’s no excuse to just MuRDer SOMEONE.”
“Relax, I killed him because he was planning on killing you next week.”
Jake Riley
secret mission!au
“Keep going! Remember the mission!”“If the mission means I have to leave you behind, forget the mission.” (@promptlywritingideas​)
You and Jake had been partners for a few months now, since Alex had taken time off to be with Jana and their child. You thought that Riley hated you. He only ever spoke to you if you two had a mission. Other than that, he wouldn’t even look your way. So you thought leaving you behind would be an easy choice for him. Needless to say, you’re surprised.
John Murphy
You catch Murphy jacking off and moaning your name. You let him get close to cumming before you make your presence known. Unashamed and angry, he pulls you against him whispering unimaginable things to you.... you of course, are putty in his hands. He then pulls away, leaving you trembling and desperate for more.
tragic incident!au
You’ve had nightmares almost every night since the incident. Some sociopath buried you alive and you still hadn’t been able to speak to anyone about it. You live in the same apartment as a former friend/flame: John Murphy. He tried to help you after said incident occurred, but you weren’t ready to accept help then. So you pushed him away like you did everyone else. One night, however, your screams become too much to bear.
You were neither a member of the supernatural world nor a simple human. You were a protector of sorts, fighting to keep the balance in the world. Recently, a thief by the name of John Murphy stole a sacred artifact from a witch, a 1000 year old piece of hair or something of that sort. What he needed with that bit of hair? Not your concern. Why that piece of hair was so important? Again, not your concern. All you had to do was catch Murphy. No other complications whatsoever.
Jughead Jones III
we’ve lived in this tiny ass town where everyone knows everyone because no one leaves and when we were young we would sit up at night on your roof and i’d listen to you talk about how you were actually going to do it one day and you did but you never knew i’ve had a crush on you ever since back then so when you send me postcards from all these different cities with bright lights it makes my heart hurt and here we are several years later and i’m finally starting to move on but oh wait you’re back and my heart’s beating like crazy well fuck au
Katerina Petrova
You just moved into a cheap apartment complex; there weren’t many apartments in New York that were budget friendly. You’re a med student, always staying up late trying to study. And every night, you hear your next door neighbour breaking down. One night, she’s crying because her coffee machine broke down. The next night, she’s slurring her words, mumbling something about ‘Stefan’. Each night it gets worse, and you–being the psych major that you are–decide to see if you can help at all.
Kol Mikaelson
You’re like Temperance Brennan (from BONES) and he’s like Booth. Only you’re not as dense or annoying as Brennan is and Kol is waayyyy more cocky. You two are assigned a murder case in Los Angeles. You have to pose as a prostitute and he’s your number one client. Kol’s having too much fun with this.
You just failed the one class that you needed to graduate and Kol was coming over in less than an hour for your usual antics. You wash your face and clean up your messy ass apartment, giving him your brightest smile the moment he stepped inside. You pulled him in for a kiss, wanting nothing than to forget and go unnoticed. Of course, Kol noticed and demanded that you tell him what was wrong
Malachi ‘Kai’ Parker
Kai is the local asshat, but he’s also a good friend of yours. One night, he comes over to your house battered and bruised and in desperate need of medical attention. He refuses to go to the hospital, swearing that he’ll leave before you can get him out of the house. So you decide to patch him up yourself, you’re a nurse at a local hospital. The pain leads to questions and confessions and god knows what else.
Marcel Gerard
If you and Marcel ever spoke more than ten words to each other, the local headlines would read: ‘ATTENTION NOLA CITIZENS! Friendly vampire Marcel Gerard has fallen in love! It’s true! He said more than 10 words to her!’ At least, that must be what he thought. He only ever came over to your place if he needed a sexual favor, ‘sexual healing’ as he called it. So, of course, when he brushed your hair out of your face or told you you looked beautiful, you thought he’d been either possessed or compelled.
Nate Archibald
You weren’t born with scars, and this only meant one thing: your soulmate had the scars and you were the solution. It angered you to think of the person who was your other half having to suffer day in and day out. One evening, you had just finished working on the last car in the shop when a battered and bloody young man stumbled inside. He opened his mouth to say something, but he passed out before he got a chance to. You begrudgingly take him home and clean him up. The next morning, when you’re tending to his half-naked body, you notice hundreds of permanent scars. What if?
Niklaus Mikealson
You two are hired assassins. Normally you work alone, but for this case, the CIA put you two together. It’s a matter of national security. Your nation’s president is an illiterate, inconsiderate oompa loompa, and the CIA is scared (real life shocker) that he’ll turn this small democracy into a dictatorship. So yeah, you two have to go undercover and kill the president.
mr and mrs smith!au
You knew Klaus was a spy, but you never thought it’d come to this. Your firm gave you a mission earlier in the year: to kill Klaus Mikaelson. They, of course, didn’t know you were dating him. You assumed that Klaus got the same mission from his firm, but you thought that he, like you, turned the mission. Turns out your firm seeked him out and asked him to kill you. He’s standing here with a gun to your head as you stare at him, head held high and filled with turmoil.
Octavia Blake
You, a virgin, had turned into a succubus. What does that even mean? How do you live? You’d taken a vow of chastity before this whole thing happened. Your best friend Octavia was a fae, and when you told her about your situation, she’d laughed. She’d held her stomach laughing, and that ignited a wierd sort of fire in you. You… you wanted her. You just needed a small taste of her, just a little bit.
Raven Reyes
federal agent!au
Former partner, former lovers. Brought together once again to find a serial killer that everyone thought had died, Raven included. This was the case that caused both your professional and personal split. This is the first time you two see each other after the split and neither of you know what to expect. Thankfully, all you two have time to talk about is the case… at first.
Sam Winchester
You get your ass kicked by a six foot something guy only to find out he got the wrong guy. He apologizes and the CIA promises to pay for your medical bills and offer some spending money as well. You accept the apologies and the CIA’s monetary promises. You think nothing of it… until it happens again. Sam Winchester kicked your ass again and this time, he’s flat-out embarrassed. You wake up the next day in a comfortable bed, with the sweet smell of pancakes wafting into your nose. Damn it, Sam Winchester. What is going on?
Scott McCall
‘You’re my new roommate and you’re friendly and snarky and normal most of the time but where do you go almost every other night and what do you do that has you crawling back through our window with blood-splattered clothes when you think I’m asleep that’s seriously disturbing and I’d ask but I’m honestly afraid you’d have to kill me if you told me even if I promise not to tell anyone else… guess I’ll just have to follow you next time and see how that goes’
criminal!au (part 2 of ‘i won’t tell if you don’t’)
Spike’s presence in your office has become a regular occurrence. Seems like he somehow knows all of these crime lords and to be frank, you don’t want to know how. This time you’re dealing with the mob that Spike, along with someone else you know, was a part of.
He comes home to you after a long day of work and you run him a hot bath. He, of course, begs you to join him and you, of course, happily oblige. He tells you about his day while you rub his back. He demands to return the favor, but of course he yawns about ten times while protesting.
Stefan Salvatore
Your neighbour was a famous chef, and you couldn’t even make macaroni. It was kind of pathetic. Okay, you burnt your mac and cheese three times, it was really pathetic. For your last attempt, you perform the most rare trick: you set off your fire alarm. And, of course, Mr. Chef, also known as Stefan Salvatore (accent mark on the E), decides to pop by your apartment just in time to witness your latest magic trick. A stupid smile plays on his lips as he tries not to laugh while inviting you to his apartment for some dinner.
Steve Rogers
kal ho naa ho!au
You have terminal cancer. You’ve been diagnosed recently, and you’re dealing with it as best you can for the sake of those around you. You’re smiling, you’re making the most of the time you have left, you’re dancing, you’re singing. You rent an apartment with your good friend Natasha: the apartment is close to your childhood home. The one thing that you didn’t account for when planning your last few months was the tall blonde hunk that had just moved in the house next to yours: Steve Rogers. You didn’t think you’d fall in love with the same man that your best friend fell for. You didn’t think he’d fall in love with you.
Stiles Stilinski
You’re up late, tired of researching the upcoming terror that Beacon Hills has to offer, and Stiles decides to stop by and check up on you. You were always shy around him, but this time things fell right into place. Maybe it’s the fact that you hadn’t slept in 72 hours or maybe it’s the fact that you feel a rush of adrenaline every time Stiles smiles at you or brushes your hair out of your face.
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