#making choices is not
spurgie-cousin · 2 months
This is such a good, succinct way of describing the illusion of choice many fundamentalist women and men have when it comes to life paths.
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hemaris · 1 year
i found a baby picture of my cat please please look at him i'm begging you
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fact-dogsarehappiness · 7 months
Another reason why I’m a firm believer in letting Bruce get old is because the idea of him looking and his dark haired children without his glasses on and genuinely not being able to tell them apart is unparalleled
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w0lp3rtinger · 3 months
"- I have a lot of problems with Biden. He is clearly the better of the two options, which I recognize is a very low bar. Being better than Trump cannot be the standard, because Donald Trump is the absence of a standard.
"But the truth is, even if Trump looses, that won't be the end of this. The people who cooked up Project 2025 will just move onto Project 2029 instead, because for them, this is so much more than just one election, or indeed, one candidate. Project 2025 is born from impulse as old as America. It's an impulse that says one class of Americans is entitled to lead, and the rest of us are lucky to be allowed to serve- that thinks there should be a limited government when it comes to rules they have to live by, but also a unitary executive to keep the rest of us in line. These are old, old ideas that have been shouted from podiums-... but have now been placed into a new handbook for an only too willing president to use on day one.
"And in a perfect world, I would love if we had an opposing party better able to articulate a strong defense of our country's ideals and that also consistently lived up to them. People are entitled to hope for more from the next four years than someone just not being Trump (and for at least two supreme court justices to die)-...
"And for anyone tempted to think, 'Well, we survived Trump's first term,' first, not everyone did, and it should hopefully be very clear by now a second Trump term really does promise to be far, far worse, because if Trump's first term was defined by chaos, his second could be defined by ruthless efficiency. That should be troubling to absolutely everyone because Project 2025 is a movement who's members joke about wanting a white homeland and insist women have to have more babies to uphold western society.-
"We need to be better than this."
-John Oliver, June 19th of 2024
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murasaki-sama · 5 months
so all (90%) of my books got destroyed by a fire in the storage facility and residual water/mold damage left untended for 2 months (not my choice).
Now i get to replace the books with a very limited insurance payout.
but which books do I replace?
figuring out the fiction books and manga/graphic novels i wanted to replace and not replace was easy
but what about my cookbooks? i lost a half a dozen pasta related cookbooks and some other ones.
what about my nonfiction? which myth and folklore and communication and culture books do i replace?
and most importantly right now, what about my children's picture books? (i do not have children, i mean my books that are children's picture books). nostalgia and such require that i buy at least a few, but figuring out which ones is hard!!!!!
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c-rowlesdraws · 27 days
Ratatouille would have been a better and potentially much more interesting story if Remy had partnered with Collette instead of Linguini. Two underdogs with talent and passion forced to maintain a dangerous ruse. Fiercely independent Collette giving up temporary control of her body to a creature who, despite the insanity of a rat wanting to cook professionally, she can relate to on a personal level and who she does want to teach. The inner conflict of wondering if Remy’s growing talents are eclipsing her own, if the praise their food is earning belongs more to him than to her. Her guilt over feeling resentment and jealousy towards this little guy who wouldn’t have a hope of realizing his talents if not for her trust and protection. Both of them unraveling the mystery of that sweet but bumbling kitchen boy with the obvious crush on Collette being Gusteau’s secret son, and working together to thwart the new evil owner’s plans to stop Linguini from claiming his birthright. The message of the movie not being this weird, almost smug “some people are born with talent, some people aren’t, and that’s how being a ~great artist~ works”, but something more like, “if you have a dream, you deserve to pursue it, and be supported and encouraged in your pursuit of it, even if other people tell you that, because of some intrinsic aspect of yourself or the circumstances you were born in (like being a human woman in the restaurant industry, or being a literal rat), you have no place pursuing this dream. Also, raw talent can only get you so far, and skill and passion existing in the right balance is key.” I’ve been thinking about this for seventeen years. I’m breaking my silence
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caputvulpinum · 1 year
yeah we might be brothers in christ but so were cain and abel so shut the fuck up before i decide to find a rock about it
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overseer-picard · 2 months
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TNG text posts part 5 feat. DS9 era O'Brien
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avarkriss · 6 months
listen. listen to me so carefully right now. (if you're in the eclipse path/planning on viewing). please don't stare directly at the sun tomorrow. i am begging you - do not stare at it. if you got eclipse glasses off of amazon/other, please put them on in your house and make sure you can't see anything; if you can still see like regular sun glasses, they are not safe for eclipse viewing, you will burn your retinas, and we cannot fix that. eclipse glasses should be iso/ce certified, and aas (american astronomical society) approved. please make smart choices and protect your eyes. please.
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hinamie · 27 days
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new official illust of them with puppies healed something in me
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absentlyabbie · 7 months
taking my life into my hands to resurrect this godawful hellpoll and let it run for a week this time
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wojtekaneko · 14 days
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That's how it went
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adrift-in-thyme · 3 months
There’s something terribly poetic in the inevitability of events in EPIC. The choices Odysseus is given lead to no win situations. They aren’t really choices at all.
Kill a foe’s child or witness the death of your own. Sacrifice six men or sacrifice them all. Allow your crew to starve or watch as they slaughter sacred cattle.
Sacrifice your friends, your brothers, or give up your last chance at reaching home.
In the end, the result is always the same. He destroys himself
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swan2swan · 2 years
A fae being stands before you.
“Every day you will receive one thousand dollars in your bank account. But every time you lift a glass to your lips to take a drink, you will hit your front teeth on the first try. Every. Time. Do you accept this deal?”
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Michael still has beef with Ennard in FNAF…
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oury-boros · 1 year
"ohh chell never responded to anything glados said" YES SHE DID. she murdered her. and thats yuri
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