#makes me feel like she falls hard and fast romantically
lattehearted · 7 months
Spinning S.andra L.ynn around in my head like a rotisserie chicken instead of sleeping
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munsonsmixtapes · 6 months
Something More
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fuckboy!Eddie x fem!reader
summary: you and Eddie have been hooking up with each other for a while and have unknowingly been falling from each other. After overhearing him talking with his friends, you’re convinced that he only sees you as a hook up, but he’s more than willing to show you just how down bad he is for you.
based on a comment from this post!
cw: hurt/comfort
If anyone had asked if you liked Eddie Munson romantically, you would have easily said yes, gushing about how sweet he was despite his reputation for being an asshole. You told anyone who would listen. Everyone besides Eddie, that is. You had been afraid to tell him even though your romantic attraction to each other had only gotten stronger every time you hooked up.
You could tell he was becoming interested by the way your hook ups when he started out by kissing you instead of it all just being penetrative. With the way he held onto you gently as he slowly thrusted into you, nothing but encouraging words falling from his lips.
You and Eddie had also been hanging out outside of hooking up, catching a movie here and there or just cuddling in his bed to watch a tv show. You were falling for him fast and hard and this time, you didn’t want to stop. You didn’t want to run away like you usually did, but you still couldn’t get yourself to mention it to him.
Eddie had invited you over to watch yet another movie and you accepted, finally deciding that you were going to tell him how you felt. Sure, you were terrified of rejection, but you were pretty confident that he felt the same way.
You opened the front door that Eddie unlocked for you, but stopped when you heard other voices. Just by listening, you could tell that it was the usual suspects since Eddie wasn’t really close to anyone else. You were about to close the door and wait out their visit since you didn’t want to intrude, but you stopped when you heard your name.
“What about y/n?” Jeff asked. Your ears perked up at that. What about you? Why had you even been brought up in the conversation? You were just one of Eddie’s many hook up’s, right?
“I don’t know. She’s different.” That statement could have gone either way and you weren’t sure which one he was going to be.
“Different how?” Gareth asked and you stepped closer to hear better.
“I can’t explain it. Sex with her is just…different.” Now he was talking about your sex life with his friends? How often did that happen? Thinking about it made your stomach churn.
“Different, huh? Falling for her already?” Doug teased and you watched Eddie shove him.
Maybe you were wrong and all of the nice things he said were just to get you back into bed with him. That did seem just like him. But maybe it didn’t because you think you knew him well enough to know he wasn’t that kind of guy, no matter what people said.
You went to shut the door, thinking that you had heard enough, but your foot got caught on the step leading into the house, causing you to fall into the foyer with a loud thud. All four pairs of eyes turned to you and Eddie was quick to rise up from the couch.
He rushed to you and helped you to your feet, making sure you were okay and didn’t need any bandages. Once you brushed yourself off, you turned to leave, not wanting Eddie to see the tears that were welling up into your eyes.
You raced out the door and Eddie was hot on your heels, reaching out for you, but you were just out of reach. He called after you as you headed to your car and you stopped as you opened the car door.
“Hey,” he said softly, reaching out to wipe away your tears, but you beat him to it. “What’s with all the tears, hm?”
“Nothing, it’s nothing.” You turned away from him, staring at the driver’s seat, the idea of leaving sounding very inviting.
“It’s not nothing if you’re upset, darling.” The name that usually made your heart flutter now made your stomach feel sour. How dare he call you that after what he had said about you?
“Don’t call me that,” you pointed at him before slamming the car door and standing in front of him. “You don’t have the right anymore since I overheard you talking with the guys.” Tears were welling up in your eyes again and now you weren’t going to stop them.
Eddie honestly had idea what you were talking about. What had you thought you heard? He hadn’t said anything that would have hurt your feelings. At least, he didn’t think he did.
“What did I say?” He was desperate to know so he could fix it. Seeing you cry was like a stab to the heart and he really couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted nothing more than you pull you into his arms and comfort you as long as you needed it.
“You were going to tell Doug that you don’t have feelings for me. Now if you’ll excuse me,” you turned back to your car, but Eddie grabbed your wrist and turned you around to face him. He pulled you to his chest, his brown eyes turning into that honey color you admired.
“I was going to tell him that I have feelings for you.” So you were right. All of your suspicions had been correct and you had been upset for nothing. Now you were beginning to feel stupid.
“You were?” Your lips parted and your eye widened in shock, still in disbelief.
“I was. I’m in love you with.” Your mouth fell open at his words and then a wide grin broke out on your face as you threw your arms around his neck. For once in your life, your feelings were actually reciprocated.
“You are?” Your words came out as a whisper but Eddie could hear you loud and clear.
“Completely and totally,” he breathed, his arms wrapping tighter around your waist. As soon as the words left his mouth, you pressed your lips to his, pulling him in for a kiss.
Eddie let out a gasp but quickly melted into you, moving his lips with yours. You smiled into the kiss and he couldn’t help but smile as well, the both of you laughing into each other’s mouths, your teeth clicking together.
“In case it wasn’t obvious, I love you too,” you told him, pressing another kiss to his lips.
“And thank god for that,” he replied, slotting his lisp between yours, that being one of many kisses to come.
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hederasgarden · 1 month
tyler owens headcanons? 👀
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Tyler Owens is the kind of guy who falls hard and fast for a girl. While he plays into the fun and charming persona on the Wranglers YouTube channel, underneath it all, he has a genuinely soft and open heart. He wants a long-term partner or a wife, and he definitely sees himself with a few kids in the future.
When it comes to his friends, Tyler is an acts-of-service guy. He won’t be gushing over how much they mean to him, but instead, he takes care of them in practical ways. Has Lily been talking about some software she wants for her drone? Tyler buys it for her. When he knows Boone has been feeling down, he’ll stop to get Boone his favorite gas station snacks. Then there was the time Dexter's little hat got swept away in the high winds of a tornado—Tyler headed to the nearest Tractor Supply store to get him a replacement.
Tyler also loves to tease his significant other. Whether he wants to make them squirm and get a little hot under the collar or just enjoys giving them a hard time for some guilty pleasure, you can bet that smart mouth is working overtime.
NSFW, 18+ only thoughts below.
Sex with Tyler is enjoyable and relaxing. He's not above having the type of sweet slow sex with tons of eye contact when he's feeling romantic, but most of the time it's something uncomplicated. It's freeing and very satisfying. He just loves to touch and see your body and wants you to feel comfortable and loved.
When it comes to kinks, I see Tyler being open to try whatever you want. I feel like he wouldn't have a laundry list of things he wanted or needed, except maybe seeing you wear his Cowboy hat while you ride him. He loves it when you're on top because then he gets to see all of you but the prone bone where he can whisper all manner of filthy things into your ear is another fan favorite.
Wanna hear some character headcanons? Send me an ask!
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thisismeracing · 7 months
hi, was wondering if you would be able to write an imagine about lando norris inspired by ariana grande's new song, we can't be friends. i really love how you write thats why i left this request. hope you'd be able to do it! thank you! <3 much love!
We can't be friends | LN4
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⸺ the one where they loved each other, but for outside circumstances couldn't even be friends. ✓ mentions of online hate, rumors of cheating; angsty. fem!reader (she/her).
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You were his teammate's before you were his.
You were Oscar's girlfriend. Oscar's best friend. Oscar's rock.
And Lando admired Oscar, he even felt protective of the driver. Yet, he couldn't help but wish the one thing he couldn't: your love.
Lando was your boyfriend's good friend, as close as it could be to becoming best friends, as close as a working relationship would let. He was the one Oscar ran to when he needed to vent about driving, or needed advice. Yet, you couldn't help but fall for the one person you couldn't: Lando.
It happened too fast. It took you by surprise. One second you were visiting the McLaren facility for the first time, and the second you were facing ocean-green eyes with a hint of light blue. One second honey brown was your favorite, the other you couldn't help but crave the unknown of light green. You thought it was a good friendship, the kind people write those sayings about, souls that find each other but aren't supposed to fall romantically, souls that are destined to be friends, the best of friends. However, you did crave it. 
Lando knew how to make you laugh the way no one else knew. He had the best hug in the world, strong arms, warm body, his breath hitting your skin just right. One glance and you were done.
And done is what you decided to be with your years-long relationship with Oscar. You would not lead Piastri on. Before his girlfriend, you were his best friend, and so you sat down and with teary eyes told him you fell for someone else. The Aussie was a smart guy, he tried to brush it off all those months, he told himself Lando was that friendly with everyone, that the British worried about everyone else the way he worried about you, while deep down he knew something else was growing, something else was already there by the time you so much as shared your first glance. But you were his first love, his first girlfriend, his best friend. You shared everything together. He won with you by his side, he lost with you there too, so Piastri wasn't ready to let go.
That's the funny thing about heartbreak, it doesn't wait until you're ready, it doesn't give you an evacuation notice, it just bursts in one day and tells you that the house that used to be filled with joy and love is about to be empty for God knows how long.
Oscar wasn't ready for his house to be vacant. Because the void would feel so much bigger without his teammate as well, it was obvious that their friendship would be compromised after the end of his relationship. He lost not only his lover but his friend as well.
Hence why he was so bitter about that particular ending. You took everything with you. Every memory of his life had you, the happiest and saddest, and you didn't even leave him the option of blaming you, because you broke up with him. You didn't cheat. You didn't go behind his back. You chose to end things with him so that you could be with Lando, and for a few days, even weeks, Oscar wished that you had cheated on him, that you had broken his heart in the nastiest possible way, because what you did end up being even worse.
When you started attending more races you knew you couldn't be friends with Lando, you told him so. It was too risky, too hard. Impossible. So you kept repeating to each other you couldn't be friends until one day you could – or so you thought. Because as it turns out, when you're famous your life is not always yours, not only yours. Oscar was famous.
And so was Lando.
The public was already reading between the lines whenever you interacted with Lando. People can try to lie with their bodies, but their eyes usually turn them in, and you guessed your eyes turned you and Lando to the fans. So much so, that they decided to throw hate when your breakup with Oscar was announced.
Every piece of social life you had was disturbed by spam accounts and fan accounts. Angry and bitter messages. Threats and more threats.
Lando's career was on the line, and so was yours because people started showing up at your work asking about you, about Oscar, and about the British guy you were in love with.
Oscar kept his silence. His heart was too shattered for him to care. The truth was, somehow, he felt like that was your curse: you couldn't even be friends anymore. Not him and you. Not you and Lando. Not him and Lando.
"I'll be alright," Lando whispered trying to give you a small glimpse of reassurance.
You nodded, you knew it was true – or so you hoped, but for that to be true you would have to give up way too much. "We can't be friends," you confessed, and the silence almost swallowed you two. It broke your heart the way his eyes shone with tears, the eyes you loved so much, eyes you wanted to swim in, lost yourself in. "But for today I would like to just pretend," you added, intertwining your fingers.
Lando bit his lips but nodded, the situation was complex. You used your free hand to trace his sharp features and closed your eyes when your noses bumped. You felt his warmth, held him close one last time, kissed him in a final way – a way only lovers that wish with all their being to be together but can't, knew.
When you realized your feelings for Lando, you knew you couldn't be anything more than friends. Just friends. Now, a couple of months later, not even that would suffice. You couldn't be your lover's love, and worst of all you couldn't be your lover's friend.
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────── ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: Hi, honey! Hope this met your expectations! <3 I feel like I dived a bit too far from the song, but hopefully it's still good! Let me know your thoughts *mwah*
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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Not the type of girl for you.
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x human!nurse!female!reader
CW: a bit of angst but mostly fluff, wounded neteyam, mentions of blood (nothing graphic but reader is a nurse, right?), friends to lovers, kissing, physical contact, cute neteyam, sexual tension, hurt/comfort, anxious reader, reader thinks neteyam won’t ever have romantic feelings for her because she’s human, love confessions, neteyam flirting with reader
Another one of my works that had been forgotten for ages on my Google Docs and i’m now reviving this pookie and posting it for you guys to see lol comments and reblogs will make me feel so loved and supported! I love you guys so much 💓🌿
na'vi words: sevin tawtute (pretty human), syulang (flower)
Slightly proofread.
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I love you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I love you
I didn't mean to say what I said
I miss you, I mean it, I tried not to feel it
I can't get you out of my head
I'm not the type of girl for you
And I'm not going to pretend
That I'm the type of girl you'd call more than a friend
Your Type (Carly Rae Jepsen)
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“Look, if I don’t tell you this now I don’t think I’ll ever have the courage to, so… Here it goes…” You said as you wrapped a bandage around Neteyam’s wound after you had cleaned it the best you could but there was still a bit of blood in it. It was natural, though. "I..." You sighed nervously "I like you. I'm sorry..." 
You finished tending to his wound and left the bandage at the cold metal table right next to where Neteyam was sitting down while you took care of the wounded areas in his body.
Neteyam looked at you, confused and surprised. He didn't expect to hear those words... at all. He always thought you only saw him as a friend.
"I know nothing will ever happen between us, Teyam, and I don't expect you to answer. Honestly, you can just walk out of here or ask someone else to care for your wounds. I understand if you don't ever wanna see me again. I don't want you to think of me as clingy or that I'm trying to force something because I..." Neteyam watched you non-stop while you were word vomiting "I'm not. I swear. I'm sorry... I made everything awkward. Now we can't be friends anymore. Well, you're all set. Your wounds are taken care of. Hope you heal fast. Gotta go. Bye."
You started to walk fast so you could run away from that uncomfortable situation you thought you had brought upon the both of you but Neteyam quickly got up from the medical chair made specially for the na'vi, bigger than a regular human one, and he ran to you, his long, toned legs helping him, as he only needed like four steps to get where you were, way fewer than a human guy would need.
"(Y/n), wait!" Neteyam exclaimed. You couldn't believe he was talking to you and not to tell you to never speak to him again and that he would never like a human - a demon - girl.
"Can we... talk about what you just said? It's an important piece of information." Neteyam chuckled and then gave you a big, warm smile.
That was so like him. Caring so much about others, trying to make everyone feel comfortable and at ease. That's one of the key things that made you fall in love with him. How beautiful he was on the inside too. If you forget his transcendental na'vi beauty, he would still be so, so beautiful because of how altruistic, kind and brave he was. You felt your heart ache inside your chest. You knew how much you loved Neteyam and how you'd probably love him forever. But you also knew he could never fall in love with a human girl. He wasn't fond of humans. He took after his mother, Neytiri. And you didn't blame him. You weren't that fond of your own race either.
“Can you tell me why you think I wouldn’t like you back?” Neteyam chuckled softly and smiled, his sharp fangs almost making you faint of captivation
Why did he have to be so freaking magnetic? Neteyam made it insanely hard for you not to have all those feelings for him.
“Well, for one, I am human…?” You pointed out, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion
"(y/n), you're not just any human. You understand and respect my Planet and the na'vi ways, you work helping heal our kids and warriors and I think I sense some love for Eywa in you. Being human is not a reason for me not to like you." He smiled, reassuring you "I've actually had a crush on you for... some months now." He confessed as his tail moved from side to side, making his joy apparent
Wait, hold on... what? Did Neteyam just say he had a crush on you? You definitely were not expecting that.
“What did you just say?” Your eyebrows were still furrowed as you chuckled, unbelieving
“I said I like you too, sevin tawtute.” Neteyam smiled and got closer to you, pulling you in, bringing you dangerously close to his strong but soft body
Suddenly, Neteyam put his big hands under your arms and lift you in the air and you feared falling so, before you knew it, you were wrapping your legs around his waist.
His smile grew wider and he said “I’m gonna start courting you now. Do you even realize how pretty you look in your nurse uniform?” His flirting made your heart skip a beat and your legs felt weak. Good thing he was holding you in his arms.
Oh my God… Neteyam was actually holding you in his arms and he said he liked you back and that he was gonna start courting you… That didn’t sound real. You started to wonder if you were dreaming about him again. It used to happen fairly often. You were soon awakened from your thoughts by a sultry masculine voice.
“Syulang?” Neteyam called, realizing you seemed to be somewhere else, and you smiled at him when you understood that it was not a dream but actually reality. Neteyam smiled back. “You get so distracted sometimes." He chuckled "So cute.” Neteyam kissed you softly and quickly, leaving no time for you to even see it was coming before his lips were pressing tenderly against yours. His kiss felt sweet and caring, like you were precious to him. His lips tasted like Paradise and that's exactly where you felt you currently were.
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a-small-safe-place · 6 months
His Haven: Part 4
Part 1 2 3
Homelander x Psychiatrist!AFAB!Reader Content⚠️: This does have smut. Masturbation, mentions of oral sex, light fingering, hand job, praise kink, very light implications of edging, penis in vagina.
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Your meetings with Homelander continue as normal. You've made it clear that if he doesn't comply with your boundaries, he will be transferred to a new psychiatrist, and he has done well to stay within the professional boundaries.
"Tell me about how you grew up, Doctor," Homelander says. He is looking out of your office window with his hands behind his back.
"I'm not able to discuss that. Boundaries, remember?" you say sternly to avoid leading him on. He scoffs, irritated.
"It's always these fucking boundaries. Always with the red tape with you. I'm the strongest supe in the world; there aren't any boundaries I can't break or cross." That gives you an idea of what mood he is in. Did Stan put him in his place, or was it Madelyn this time? Either way, he always brings up that he's the strongest supe out there and that he can do what he wants when one of those two has upset him.
"Is something specific bothering you today?" you ask, ignoring his comment.
"Maeve broke up with me. Madelyn is cooking up some story for the public." He takes a sharp breath in. "Maeve didn't like that I was sleeping with other women, but she wasn't giving me what I needed. Sure, we had sex, but neither of us was interested in it. And for the past months, you've let me be me when no one else will." He stutters a few times during his speech. He turns to look at you. Homelander expects you to say something.
"Did Maeve say why she broke it off? You two were together for a while," you ask, not wanting to encourage poor habits.
"I said we weren't interested in the sex we were having. I'm a man; I have needs," he plainly says, as if the fact he was cheating is normal and okay. Most people would assume Homelander is shallow for cheating, but it's clear there's more to it. Unfortunately, sex isn't something you could ask Homelander about because that could give him the wrong impression.
"I would say most potential romantic partners wouldn't be too happy about your needs being fulfilled by other people," you tell him to let him know you're condemning his unfaithful behavior.
He scoffs. "Please, any woman would be lucky to have me." Homelander stares at you for a second. He's studying you; maybe he's x-raying you or trying to notice any subtle changes.
"Problem?" you question.
"No-no. I just… was thinking." Homelander can't tell you he wants to crash his lips onto yours. He can't say that he wants to feel up your breasts and get you out of that blouse you wear all the time. He can't say that he wants to pull you close and then fuck you on your desk. He knows he would cum fast being inside you for the first time, but Homelander also knows you'd be just as satisfied, if not more. Homelander can't tell you that your arousal smells so strong to him he can practically taste it.
Homelander suddenly leaves. He has to get away from you. He flies high into the sky, passing the area where a plane would be flying. In the sky, he feels alone. Homelander breathes in. He wonders if you'd ever trust him to bring you this high where only true gods can be. Of course, Homelander would make sure you're safe. He would take you high enough that the thin air was a thrill for you. He slides his pants around his thighs. Not enough for them to fall off, but enough for him to have access to his dick that's been hard since you condemned him for cheating on Maeve. You could be so stern but such a fucking tease.
Homelander begins to stroke himself. He starts slow, making sure his hand isn't wrapped too tightly. You're in his mind right now; he knows you'd be so slow with your strokes. You'd tell him how good he was doing the longer he could keep it together. Homelander strokes faster. He has no control to keep going slow, but you would. Your soft touches and soft praises would drive him crazy; they would drive him over the edge.
He says your name; he sounds like he's begging. "Please," he says with an almost pained expression. Homelander needs you, but his hand will have to do for now. The stimulation from his hand and the way you plague his mind are too much, and his cum shoots into the sky.
Homelander feels a lot of different emotions upon his release. You should be fucking begging him to even glance at you. He feels somewhat pathetic being so under your thumb. He feels fucking pissed because the semen he just shot so high in the sky should have been on your breasts, face, or somewhere inside you, not falling worthlessly to the earth. You should be the one begging for his attention the way he begged you to let him cum in his fantasy.
Homelander flies back to his penthouse. He feels more determined than ever to have you in all the ways he wants you. Maeve is no longer holding him back from a real relationship, and Madelyn wouldn't be upset because she seems to like you. After his abrupt exit, Homelander doesn't visit you for any more appointments that week.
The following week arrives, and you have yet to see Homelander anywhere. You're leaving a session with another client when you walk into your lobby and see the prettiest bouquet of your favorite flowers. A card with your name proudly sticks out. Your receptionist is gone, and the lobby is empty.
"Your receptionist almost refused to tell me what your favorite flowers were. I guess she wasn't willing to die to keep your secret," Homelander says, sounding playful, walking out of the men's restroom and effectively startling you. "I just heard that little heart of yours jump."
"Homelander, this is crossing a boundary," you say, trying to sound stern, but the shakiness of your voice tells Homelander that you're nervous.
"Enough with the fucking boundaries. I'm tired of being a fucking patient and having to throw a tantrum every time I want you to look at me. I'm not your patient anymore. I dropped you. Now, we can have what we have both been wanting." He circles you like you're his prey. "Your receptionist is out for the day. I told her you canceled your other appointments so that I could have my time with you. And then I had her send out that automated email to those psychos you insist on surrounding yourself with." He seems proud of himself, as if he's accomplished something huge, and now you cannot deny him what he wants.
"What makes you think I'm even interested in you?" you ask him with a glare.
"Don't be like that. Even right now, I can smell how aroused you are. If I left right now, you'd probably scamper home and immediately spend the night with that pink vibrator in between your legs." Homelander has such a love-hate relationship with that thing. He's watched you use it a lot, and you're moaning his name most of the time, but that toy isn't him, so he hates it.
You blush, but not in an attractive way, either. Your whole face heats up. "How do you know about that?" you ask, exasperated.
"Doesn't matter. What matters is that you want me to fuck you. Tell me that you're not attracted to me. Tell me that you wouldn't be opposed to me fucking you in your office right now. Say you don't, and I'll leave you alone about it." Homelander has no intention of leaving you alone, no matter your response.
You stay quiet, avoiding his gaze. You suddenly walk into your office. He follows. "God, you're such an ass!" you tell him. Homelander presses himself against you and presses his lips against yours in a heated kiss. He's desperate, and that makes it hard to go slow. You reciprocate and match the desperation. He doesn't taste like anything, which is a testament to how clean Homelander likes to be in his everyday life. You, on the other hand, are sweet. His hand quickly finds your breasts as if you'd decided to take them away. Homelander breaks the kiss.
"Your blouse is in the way. So is your bra." He quickly removes your top clothing that had become a hindrance. His hands are nimble, but the cold leather of his gloves is ruining the moment.
"Can you take off your gloves?" you ask. Homelander doesn't hesitate to lose them, and his bare hands are now able to feel the warmth of your breasts. Your nipples are pointed. That's a good sign. He dips his head, sucking and kissing anywhere his lips can land on your breasts. One of his hands finds its way to rest on your hand.
"I'm ready for you," you tell him breathlessly. Your cunt is soaked from the reaction Homelander is giving.
"You're delicious. I've been desperate to fuck you since I walked into your office." He drops his pants but pointedly leaves the top half of his super suit on. He trusts you, but he still isn't comfortable showing you the parts of him that he's most embarrassed about. He pulls your skirt and panties off and immediately rubs slow circles around your clit. He watches your face, trying to decipher if you're enjoying that movement.
"I like that. Keep going. You're doing so well," you encourage Homelander. He guides your hand to his hard cock, and just like he imagined, your strokes are slow. He could cum in your hand so easily if you would just go a little faster.
Before either of you can cum, he flips you over and shoves you down into the desk. Homelander tries to be gentle, but he's so eager to be inside you. You spread your legs a little more to give him better access. He begins thrusting in and out of your wet cunt.
"You feel so good. It feels better than I imagined," Homelander groans out, enjoying the feeling of your body being wrapped around his. His hands explore your bare back. His thrusts begin to become more hasty and desperate.
"I can feel that you're close," you tell him breathily. You can't see it, but Homelander's face turns red. He is embarrassed that you haven't come yet, and he's almost at the edge of his orgasm.
Homelander throws his head back and squeezes his eyes shut. "I'm sorry, I'm trying to wait." He wants to tell you that you feel that good and that even if he does finish before you, he will make sure you reach the same heights of pleasure.
"It's okay, you're doing well." You reach around to find his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Homelander leans down and pulls you up so your back is pressed into his chest. He wants to be touching you as much as possible while he cums. Homelander's face finds the crook of your neck. He breathes in your smell. He wants to remember it forever, the smell of your natural scent mixed with his scent and both your arousal and his. Homelander hugs you tightly from behind, and with a sharp breath in and a following moan that's muffled by your skin, he's finished inside of you.
Homelander doesn't move for a moment. He wants to stay like this, to savor you in case you disappear as you had done so many times before in his intimate moments alone.
Homelander lets go of you and pulls out. You turn around and notice the tears streaking his face. He's not crying and doesn't seem to notice the tears. "Wow, that was intense," you tell him, sensing that it would be better not to point out the tear gloss on his cheeks.
"Don't worry, I'm not done with you yet, little lady," he says, trying to sound confident. You wonder if that "little lady" bit is his attempt to remind himself and you that he's in charge. Before you can bring it up, Homelander pushes you back up on the desk, and his head is dipping between your legs.
He certainly was not done with you. Homelander made sure that you enjoyed yourself in that office, and as you leave your office, you wonder what this means for your relationship. This wasn't a regular hookup. It couldn't be after the visceral reaction Homelander had during his first orgasm when he so desperately clung to you.
Unbeknownst to you, Homelander was already waiting at your apartment. He was going to show you the other benefits of his affection.
Tag List: @randomstuffthatdontmakesense @thevanityofthefox @z3r0art
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konnosaurus · 4 months
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heheheh :3 it's emily and ashimaaaaa!
after mentioning that i think these two would be quite sweet on my pride month headcanon drawing, i realised that i needed to draw them and give a few of my thoughts! (especially as @togetherness23 seemed intrigued by the concept in their lovely tags (sorry about the @ i just thought you might like this hehe))
my hand hurts from drawing all the little details on both of them hehe, it was sooo hard to make them look nice but i'm p happy with how they turned out!
i've got a little analysis/ramble under the cut if anybody wants to read my thoughts :3
okay so.. emily x ashima.
first of all, i think it is just nice to give emily a load of girlies for her romances, she is such a fascinating character and i think that her almost.. stubborn?? nature? i'm not quite sure whether that is the word i mean, but she has strong feelings, strong opinions and a strong personality. she doesn't pull her punches and if she wants to do something she will find a way to do it.
i feel this makes her interactions with potential romantic partners veeery interesting. she falls hard and fast- there isn't any doubt once she likes someone, she knows it very quickly and decides whether to persue or not. i think this shows up in best engine ever, where she decides that caitlin is cool and funky almost instantly, talks about how wonderful she is to all her friends, and the next time she sees her makes a big declaration (well, a big rescue, but it plays the same).
there are a few parallels between emily meeting ashima and emily in her first interactions with caitlin in best engine ever, and this sort of overlap is what made me first consider this potential pairing. well, that and how funny i think it is that ashima and caitlin have very similar base deep and bright pink colours, and if you add new rosie and her dark pink (i think it is more of a dark pink than red oop) then one can have emily and her collection of pink-adjacent women and that is fun. now we just need to paint mavis pink to add to the collection...
anyway! back to the parallels.
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i'm putting this one up first even though i think the second parallel is stronger. in the scene from the great race, emily is clearly being positive when she says 'you know, the painted one from India.' she clearly thinks highly of ashima's looks, and this comes up again when she is surprised that ashima wasn't in the best decorated engine competition. she clearly thinks she is pretty, and in the scene from best engine ever she also talks about how she thinks caitlin 'looks amazing'. emily clearly likes looking at these two hehehe.
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and my personal favourite, emily and her instant praise for those that she likes. even though in the great race she is speaking about ashima and in best engine ever she is speaking to caitlin, both statements are so nice and show emily and her positivity towards those that she likes. i think that the instant desire to compliment everyone is part of emily's hard-fast romance routine.
another interesting thing is that in the great race, ashima has barely been on sodor for any time at all and emily has already spoken to her enough to remember her name, origin AND come up with enough of an opinion about her to think she is great. and that is just neat!
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allthelovehes · 6 months
Summer Paradise* | Part 2
Summary: Day two of their vacation in Greece. Y/N's parents leave for a romantic excursion so Harry and Y/N have to entertain each other all afternoon.
Pairing: bfd!Harry x reader
Word count: 6.1K
Warnings: Kinda rough? Unprotected, almost getting caught, face fucking, squirting.
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A/N:  My oh my, I can't believe it's already the last day of April, the last day of uploading every single weekday. It's been a wild ride, especially with a car accident somewhere in the middle of all of the fun and me being behind schedule haha. Anyway, I hope you all love this little one shot!!
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The next morning Y/N gets woken up by the feeling of Harry's hard cock pressing into her ass. Rays of sunshine peek through the curtains, onto her face, alerting her that it's morning. Harry's fast asleep with his head pressed to the back of her neck, little snores leaving his lips. She reaches her arm back, setting it on Harry's hip, and she feels his hand twitch around her waist in reaction.
She then presses her ass back against him he lets out a snore, impulsively jerking forward in his sleep. A soft moan leaves her lips as she can feel the head of his length skimming the curve of her ass. The more she rolls her hips back, the harder he becomes, and she decides maybe she wants to wake him up too.
Reaching behind her, she attempts to wrap her hand around him and Harry grumbles in his sleep. “Y/N?” He hums out, sleep lacing his voice, her name dragged off the tip of his tongue. She shushes him in her soothing voice as he kisses the top of his head. He peeks his eyes open slowly, his cock throbbing from her touches, another grunt leaving his lips. “What are you doing, baby?” He whispers.
“Don't you like my hands on you?” She breathes, continuing to pump her hand.
He hums and closes his eyes, letting his head fall into her shoulder as she drags her thumb over his slit. Harry knew exactly what Y/N was getting at, and it was hard to resist with the way her hand glides up and down the length of him. Her thumb makes swirls as she pumps her fist over him, dragging a breathy sigh past his lips.
“I just want to make you feel good, okay? I think you deserve it after last night.” She sighs back, turning herself around to face him. “You treated me so good.”
She slips out of his t-shirt and tosses it onto the floor, the sheets no longer covering her. Her hand pushes Harry on his shoulder so he rolls over on his back. He watches her eagerly as she settles down on his lap, hovering over his length.
Harry's watching her carefully with sleepy, green eyes. He's wide awake, but his actions are barely making any movement. Y/N guides his cock towards her entrance, latching her teeth on her bottom lip and she rubs his head along her lips. “Mm.” She breathes out as she slowly lowers herself down on him before she pushes back up. “Is this what you want, Sir?” She gasps, his hands gripping her waist.
He revels at the nickname falling from her lips. Such a fast learner she is. Such a good girl, too.
Harry helps her slide up and down on his shaft, his cock beginning to throb. “Yeah, baby. Show me how you ride.” He coaxes, stroking the surface of her skin with his thumbs.
Y/N quickly starts to up her speed and his cock is already hitting spots inside her she wasn't aware of. Her back slightly arches, a loud moan leaving her lips. Y/N plants her palms onto Harry's stomach, holding herself up as her body begins to react to his rough, textured skin against her walls.
Her head hangs back and more cries leave her lips, Harry's grip strengthening so he can help her quickly bounce on his length. His lips twist into a smirk and he begins to thrust into her, her head flopping forward.
“Is this how you wanna come?” He asks. “Riding my cock?”
A broken hum leaves her throat, followed by the sound of Harry's phone buzzing twice on his nightstand. Both of them ignore it because they are in the bliss of their intimate actions. All their focus is on one another, even when it starts buzzing again, neither of them stops their movements.
“Mhm, yes. Please make me come.” She whines.
The way her words tear at the lining of his heart. He wishes nothing but to feel every ounce of pleasure emerge from her. Maybe it's the thought of making her completely, utterly overwhelmed that entices him. Like an aphrodisiac, it sucks him in to see what it is that makes her scream, and it may seem strange. It's hot how his entire attention span has spiralled into just her.
“Can you— fuck.” Her voice trembles as her hips swivel, her lower abdomen tensing. “Are you close?” She finally squeaks, her pitch barely above a whisper as she cries.
His eyes shut with a moan. “I can last a little longer, I know you can too, baby. Don't stop fucking me.” Harry encourages, his head pressing against the back of his pillow.
His nails dig into her skin, and the light pink marks form crescent-like markings. More little whimpers, little mewls are pulled from Y/N, Harry's cock doing the perfect job at making her feel thoroughly used. He manages to push her hips down farther on his shaft, a tiny, achy feeling developing in her lower stomach.
“You're so fucking big.” She tells him with a whine as her throat becomes dry, her whines scratchy. The more he presses his nails into her skin, the more eager she becomes. “My pussy can only take so much.” She adds.
“Your pussy takes me beautifully.” He groans, feeling himself coming closer and closer to his release. “You're a good little girl.”
“I'm gonna- fuck.” Y/N moans as Harry bucks his hips roughly into her, clenching around his length. Her jaw becomes slack and she can't say a word, or rather find her voice, as a tingling feeling rises and heats her insides, then slowly pours throughout her body.
“Fuck, yeah, love. Like tha-“ Harry whimpers are cut off by a knock on his door.
“Harry!” Y/N's father says, followed by another knock, loud enough for both Harry and her to hear.
Both of their hips jerk, letting their arousal bleed away, as her eyes widen when she stares at Harry. “Oh my God.” She gasps.
She suddenly feels so exposed in front of Harry as she stares in shock. She scrambles off his lap, then combs through her hair with her fingers nervously.
“Go in the bathroom, we'll be fine.” He chokes out as she hears her father knock once more on his door.
“Hold on! One minute!” He calls, and Y/N throws a hotel bathrobe at him.
He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to compose himself. Harry slips the bathrobe over his naked body, his cock still hard and wet with her juices. Y/N darts across his room and into his bathroom, just as he swings the door open.
“Ah! Finally, good morning.” Y/N's father says, almost way too chipper, but the cheer disappears when he looks at Harry.
“Um, good morning.” Harry replies awkwardly, sweat coating his forehead. His cheeks are stained a light pink and his hands ball up the ends of his robe.
“Are you ready for breakfast?” He asks. “I texted you a few times, asking what time you wanted to eat. But you didn't respond.”
“I haven't checked my phone yet, sorry. Wasn't up for long. Just going to get dressed and I'll join you guys at the restaurant.” Harry gives a crooked smile, his cheeks and nose becoming flushed as the blood rushes to his face. He then realises that his friend is probably going to find Y/N as well. “I'll ask Y/N to come too. You two go enjoy a cup of coffee in peace.” Harry offers, avoiding her father's gaze so he doesn't have to show his reddening face.
“That would be lovely. Thank you. We'll wait for you both downstairs.”
Y/N's father walks away, as Y/N stays concealed in the bathroom. She lets out a breath she doesn't even know she's holding in. Her hands roam her sides, her fingertips wiping the light sheen of sweat away.
“He's gone.” Harry whispers, Y/N's head peeping out from behind the door. “You can come out now.”
She pads out of the bathroom, then into his arms, burying her face into his neck. “Oh my god.” She murmurs into him, her throat dry and voice nearly gone.
“It's okay, baby.” He soothes her. Harry lets out a heavy sigh, Y/N turning her head slightly. “We should get dressed and go meet them.”
She nods quietly, suddenly feeling smaller than she's ever felt before. Y/N bites on her bottom lip, but her hands teasingly grip the silky material of his robe, mischief glowing in her eyes.
“No, no, hey. None of that.” He tells her, pulling away gently to place a kiss on her lips. “We can finish later.”
Y/N groans. “What if I don't want to wait?” She questions, licking a stripe of saliva over his lips, catching him off guard.
“I'm sorry your orgasm was ruined but your father is waiting and we don't want to be suspicious.” He starts. “So go to your room, put on some clean clothes and wait for me there.” He says.
Y/N obeys, picking her clothes up off of the floor and stalking to her room. As soon as she walks through the door, the bathrobe drops to the floor leaving her naked once more. She puts on her bikini and covers herself with a sheer top and jean shorts before she walks out to the hallway to wait for her man.
Harry exits his room in shorts and a white dress shirt. Y/N stares at him in amusement because she knows he is going to hate her outfit of choice. “Jesus Christ, woman. Did you really have to wear, that?” Y/N chuckles as he sets his hand on her back leading her into the elevator. Once the doors close they are on each other. Harry lifts Y/N's ass in his hands pressing her into the side of the elevator. Their tongues battle with one another, tasting the lingering toothpaste on his tongue. Both of them groan as the bell chimes and the doors open. But luckily no one steps in. Once the doors have closed again, Y/N is attacking his neck, sucking marks onto his skin while she rubs her hands under his shirt. Her hands travel down from his chest and squeeze the outline of his throbbing cock. Harry pulls back panting heavily as the elevator opens up at the ground floor.
Once they find her parents, sitting across from each other at a table for four at the lovely outdoor patio. Y/N sits down next to her mother while Harry takes place in front of her.
“Good morning.” They both smile awkwardly.
“How did you two sleep?” Y/N's mother asks and Harry clears his throat, barely able to look her in the eye.
“Wonderful. The beds are comfy and the pillows were very nice too.” Y/N smiles looking up to catch Harry watching her with amused, and slightly shocked, eyes. “I love having all that space to myself, it's definitely better than my bed at home.” She shrugs, trying to play it off as though she didn't spend the night in Harry's bed.
The breakfast restaurant is a buffet-style one where you can make your own omelette of choice, bacon and sausages, toast, and a big bowl of fruit. Her father suggests going and getting their food first, seeing as how they are all hungry.
On their way to the buffet, Harry's hand slides over Y/N's, giving it a quick squeeze. He watches her lift the tray and get her ingredients for her omelette from the displayers, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, slightly envious at how well she managed to hide what had actually happened. He can feel his heartbeat in his ears and Y/N's pink flushes on his cheeks.
They both wait for their eggs while the chef grills and prepares them. Harry looks over his shoulder to see Y/N's parents all caught up in each other out on the patio, giving him the privacy he wants. “Last night was fun. You learned fast.”
Y/N hums and her lips curl. “Yeah?” She responds. Harry wonders if this will blossom into a new fascination for her. “You taught me well.” She adds in a lower tone as her eyes fall to the space between them.
“Of course.” His voice drops as well, mimicking her. He leans closer to whisper into her ear and the hairs on her neck rise. “You looked fucking gorgeous when you came all over my cock.” He sighs, causing Y/N to curve her back as a chill runs down her spine. Harry then smiles. “Loved the sounds you made too.”
Harry leans back and Y/N sees the cheesy grin on his face, the apples of her cheeks burning. “Har, people might hear us. You wouldn't want me to start moaning now, would you?”
He simply shrugs and Y/N raises an eyebrow at him. “I bet you decided to wear this shirt just to tease me.” He says pinching the sheer fabric on her shoulders. “Putting your perfect tits in view. What's gotten into you?”
Y/N smirks. She indeed chose this shirt on purpose, she wants him to look at her and the unfinished business of this morning causes her to want to torture him. “Nothing has gotten into me. You haven't.” She pauses, trying to read his expression.
Harry chuckles. “Still annoyed, are we?”
“Very.” She replies with a sigh.
The chef places two perfect omelettes on the counter in front of them, calling their attention. Before they can go back, Harry grabs Y/N's hand, forcing her to turn around and face him. “Well, as I said, tonight you're going to get yours.”
After breakfast, they all make their way to the hotel's beach bar where they end up chilling around until it's time for lunch, and after that, Y/N's parents are escorted towards their activities.
“I hope you don't mind but your mom and I booked the two of us a catamaran cruise for today, so you're stuck with Harry. I bet he'll retreat to his room or just make sure he downs enough vodka soda's and he'll be good for the afternoon.” Y/N's father tells her. “We'll see you at dinner tonight.”
“I'm right here.” Harry replies from behind them, a bitterness in his tone. His words are followed by a loud chuckle. “Yeah. Enjoy your cruise. Don't forget you're not twenty anymore, that booze will give you a hangover.” He warns him sarcastically.
“Oi! I can still drink and enjoy myself. We're going on a cruise, let me live.”
Harry shakes his head, listening to her father grumble under his breath as he walks away. His hands settle on Y/N's shoulders, suddenly having her full attention as he dips down closer to her ear. “All alone with me for an afternoon. Let's make the most of it.” His voice, laced with an obviously suggestive undertone, makes Y/N's breath catch in her throat.
Y/N turns around, both of them still at eye level. “My parents aren't even gone yet and you're already putting dirty ideas in my head.”
Harry scoffs and smiles. “Oh love, you're the one who wore a bikini that hugs your tits just right.”
“Wow, such a charmer you are, Styles.” She giggles, a huff of air reaching the tip of his nose. Harry grins, loving the sound of her laugh. He enjoys this playful and happy aura he's had her radiating since last night and has continued the morning. His arms snake around Y/N's middle.
“We have an entire afternoon to kill. What do you want to do?”
“Hmmm.” She looks around, the warmth from Harry's body shielding her against the wind. It's nice, she enjoys feeling protected like this. “I can think of a thing or two.” She mumbles, leaning against his body as her hand lays on the centre of his stomach.
“You have a filthy mind, darling.” Harry hums, Y/N snickering, knowing he wasn't serious about the criticism. His arms still rest on her middle. “Should we go to the room? Just spend the afternoon wrapped in the sheets?” He adds, his deep and soothing voice making her pulse quicken.
Her lips twitch as she fights a grin. Harry takes her by the hand, his gaze locked with hers and leads them towards the elevator, up to the 14th floor of the building. “Maybe we'll have to check out the balcony.” Harry wonders out loud.
“Are we that adventurous?” Y/N asks as the lift shoots up. Her body lurching.
“I hope we are.”
It's then Y/N finally looks up at Harry's face, finding a mischievous glint shining in his emerald eyes. There's that smile, crooked and amused and causing his dimples to protrude. The same one she finds breathtaking no matter the moment. That smile is almost always there when they're having an intimate moment.
The two of them reach the door of his room and Harry slides the keycard through, letting the door click open. The second he steps in he slams her back against the wall, capturing her in a searing kiss as the door closes, a gasp leaving her mouth as his tongue licks along her bottom lip.
“Take this off, darling. Need to see those pretty tits.” Harry purrs against her mouth, tugging on her shirt, pushing the fabric up over her head and letting it hit the floor.
“Someone's desperate.” Y/N teases, her lips kissing over Harry's jawline and his earlobe.
Harry doesn't answer and instead reaches for Y/N's bikini top, the fabric loosening as he unhooks the strap and slides the colourful material down her arms, discarding the garment. “So. Fucking. Perfect.” His voice low, his hips pinned against hers.
He allows her to peel the thin white t-shirt off him, letting her get a better view of his body. “Even prettier.” Y/N speaks, a cheeky grin forming on her face, mirroring the one that is plastered on Harry's face. Her hand slides down the centre of his body, brushing down his abdomen until she's grazing her palm over his already erect member, letting her index finger caress his length teasingly. She hears a moan spill from Harry's lips as he rolls his head back.
Harry watches with half-lidded eyes as Y/N lets the last shred of clothing that remains on her body fall. The short jeans shorts that clung to her form now leave her completely exposed and wanting more. She looks heavenly.
He's seen her naked before, but never so bare and unashamed. “Go to the balcony.” His tone, nearly deadpan, surprises her but still, she complies and walks outside, not quite grasping his reasoning, but trusting him nonetheless. They are on the 14th story of the building so there's not a single chance anyone from down below will be able to see them. Harry is close behind, doing the quick and easy job of kicking his trunks off before joining Y/N outside, her naked body almost begging for him. “Kneel.”
She complies again, her heart beginning to thump heavily in her chest. She looks up, biting on her bottom lip, as Harry steps in front of her. She drops down with her knees on the solid floor tiles, cold, hard and kind of painful but Harry's gaze is making it all worth it.
“You look gorgeous like this, angel.” He starts. “Let's put those pouty little lips to use.” Harry uses his index finger to trace her top and bottom lip gently. His other hand massaging his length. Y/N parts her lips just in time for him to place the head of his member between her lips. “Suck.” Harry mutters, his thumb pushing up her chin.
Harry feels her soft lips close around him. Her tongue teases his slit while one hand rests on the back of her head. Her mouth is warm and wet and Y/N perfectly bobs her head back and forth. She moans, sending vibrations coursing through him, his groans causing a clenching to start in the pit of her stomach. Harry looks down at the woman, her lidded gaze as her mouth works on him, taking him deeper into her mouth, gagging as he brushes the back of her throat. He keeps watching, his large hand carding through her locks in encouragement, groaning and gasping out her name. “Y/N...fuck.”
“Hmm.” She hums, feeling his shaft slide between her lips. Y/N pushes back the instinct of having to swallow down saliva and instead lets it flow down her lips. It's messy but also hot.
Harry grasps her face with two hands, one on each cheek. His big hands cover her entire face as he holds her in place. Her big puppy eyes look up at him as if to ask why he stopped her. But Harry just holds her in place. “Relax for me.” He pleads before he pushes his hips forward, the tip of his dick gently brushing on the back of her throat. “Fuck...shit, yes.” He mutters, feeling the clench of her throat on his swollen member. Y/N's eyes immediately water and tears begin to run down her cheeks from the discomfort and gagging, Harry watching it all intently. He groans, seeing a string of spit dangle from her bottom lip and hearing the gurgling sounds she makes. His length twitches with the noises and he is too far gone to stop now. He pulls back before he pushes back in, a little bit further this time. Y/N swallows reflexively each time he fucks her throat and groaning each time his tip hits the back of it, her throat so tight and warm, the friction and movement and sight are overwhelming.
“Ahh, fuck.” He curses as he finally pulls his big cock from between her lips and watches as a string of saliva stretches from his tip to her wet lips. Y/N keeps her tongue out, staring up at Harry through her wet eyelashes. A sight that is going to stick with him forever, it seems.
“Darling, you have no idea how hard it is not to make you choke on my cum.” He growls and she responds with a hum, the tip of his swollen member resting on her lips again. “Stand up and turn around, hands on the edge.” He commands, pointing at the balcony railing.
As Y/N moves to her feet, Harry catches the faint pattern of red marks from the ceramic tiles, blushing slightly at how rough he's been with her, hoping she doesn't mind.
Once again, she does exactly as told, stepping forward, pressing the palms of her hands on the cold aluminium and spreading her legs a little. Her ass is now facing Harry as she bends forwards, his cock hardening at the view. The milk glass balustrade, along with the height they're on provides the perfect privacy for the two.
Harry walks towards her, his big palm lands on her ass cheek, squeezing tightly. She lets out a sharp yelp at the contact of his big hand. The cool skin warms up quickly under the pressure of his hand and Y/N relishes on it. “Ready to get fucked out here?” He asks.
“Yes, fuck yes.” Y/N doesn't hesitate, her words dripping with need and anticipation. “Please.” She adds, wiggling her ass on his rock-hard member.
“Tell me you want me to ruin your pussy.” Harry orders as his hands knead into her flesh, pressing his hips against her so he rubs between her ass cheeks. Y/N whimpers, her mind fuzzy with lust.
“Yes, please ruin my pussy, need you so bad, I need you, Har-“ Her words are cut off by a sharp squeal leaving her lips when Harry unexpectedly pushes in and bottoms out inside of her, her nails digging into the railing.
Harry takes in the new sensation of being buried in Y/N's hole. “Oh God.” he growls as his thick length slips easily into her entrance, her warm and welcoming heat enveloping his cock completely. A string of curses follows suit, leaving his mouth as a growl. Harry rolls his hips, setting the pace for them. “Fuck, you're so good, Y/N, feels fucking amazing.”
His hips move back before snapping forward, eliciting a broken whimper from Y/N which soon becomes a moan as the coil in her gut grows tight. Y/N meets his movements, trying her best to keep silent, not wanting any neighbours who might be out on their balcony to hear them. Her head hangs between her shoulders, feeling Harry thrusting inside of her, every nerve in her body burning, his cock stretching her tight entrance wide open with ease.
“Fuck! H-Harry...harder.” Her cries are breathy and whimpering as his dick keeps hitting her spot every single time, over and over again. She's sure she will go crazy if he keeps on hitting there, but fuck does it feel so good. Her knees grow weak and shaky and her arms threaten to buckle from under her weight. Her body tenses under the sensations as they work through her. Harry listens to Y/N and pounds harder, his eyes drawn to the motion of their bodies colliding with every thrust.
His cock slips inside Y/N's tight cunt repeatedly, making the most sinful and filthy sound known to him, wet and slippery and obscene. “Want everyone to know that my cock belongs in your wet little pussy?” He grunts, giving her a sharp slap on the ass, another one quickly following. “Want to scream my name so everyone knows you're mine and mine only?”
“Fuck, you sound so good to me, fucking hell.” Her thighs tremble under her weight.
“Say my name, come on.” He says, moving closer, their skin connecting.
Harry is pounding inside of her, not giving Y/N a chance to process her thoughts. Her moans get stuck in her throat, a tightness growing in her pelvis, about to explode at any given moment. She can't even talk and Harry just takes everything away, ripping it all away with every snap of his hips and making her feel him deeper than any person has ever gotten.
His hand snakes around her perfect body, his fingers sliding down to circle her clit, still managing to move his hips at the same speed. “God, your little pussy is gripping me so fucking tight, baby.”
Her knees are threatening to fail her. Y/N knows her body is already covered in a thin layer of sweat, her forehead is shiny. As his fingers keep circling her sensitive bud and his big dick stretches her pussy wide open, she knows there is nothing she can do anymore. All her body wants is release, craving sweet relief from the pressure growing on her lower stomach, getting unbearable each time his member glides in and out, each time his fingers move fast.
“Shit! Yes! Mmmm, I'm gonna come. Don't stop.” She moans louder than she initially had planned to, a little higher-pitched than usual due to the pleasure she is receiving from his fingers playing with her bundle of nerves and his length sliding in and out of her core.
Harry's hand caresses the back of her thigh. “Come all over my cock, angel, yeah...just like that, darling.”
Y/N leans forward, supporting her upper body with her elbows, her head hanging low, her knuckles turning white as her grip on the rail is strong. Moans and heavy breathing slip from her mouth and the slick sound of him pounding inside of her can be heard from between her thighs. Her hair sticks to the back of her neck and she is a panting mess, on the brink of reaching her climax.
“Oh my god, I-I'm...!” Y/N manages to let out. She squirts all over his thick, pulsating cock, Harry moaning loudly at the feel, both his hands now back on her ass cheeks to hold her steady.
“There we go, good girl.” He soothes, slowing his thrusts to ride her high until she is finished and she finally relaxes.
“H-Holy shit.” Y/N lets out, her voice shaking as she is left boneless and her head spins from her orgasm. She couldn't quite process her thought, her ears ringing and a light buzz taking over her. Her pussy is throbbing, wanting more, needing his fullness, needing to clench around him.
“I knew you had it in you to do it.” Harry sounds proud looking down at his soaking wet thighs and small puddle at his feet. He pulls out slowly, smirking at the sound his cock makes as it leaves her fluttering core. Her wetness makes him groan and swear. His hard dick is covered by her juices and as he strokes himself he is amazed by the feel and warmth it leaves in his hand.
“Did I do good?” She asks, breathless. She had never squirted before and honestly, it makes her feel kind of embarrassed at the mess she's created. Her walls continue to clench on nothing, her skin is sweaty and pink, a flush spreading across her chest, nipples erect.
Harry can't help but laugh. “Baby, that was one of the hottest things I've ever experienced.” He leans to kiss her, his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth.
“Lay on the lounge chair.” Harry mumbles on her lips before taking them back. Y/N obeys again without a single complaint, her heart beats faster when she sits down on the leather lounger, his cock bouncing in front of her face once Harry has stepped closer.
He brings his index finger down to tease her soaking folds. “Wow, you're absolutely dripping,“ Harry mutters under his breath.
He motions her to lift her legs to put her ankles on his shoulders. When she does, he slowly pushes back inside of her entrance, relishing in the way she flinches in sensitivity from the stretch of his length, feeling her stretch around him to accommodate his size and length, burying his length deep within. Her entire body shivers as the pleasure sets in.
“I'm gonna fill your pretty pussy so full and warm.” Harry declares as his length begins thrusting. “Make you feel all my hot cum spilling down those beautiful, legs of yours. Make you carry my seed.”
His words have a hypnotizing effect on her as his hips push faster and rougher. Harry can't stop himself from spilling his dirty words into her ear, having noticed it was a major turn-on of hers and boy, were they doing the trick, her cunt is clamping down on his hard cock in a vice-like grip, so tight, and it is a wonder, to him, that he can even thrust into her at a respectable pace. But as much as it's pleasuring them, he was closer and closer to the edge.
“Come in my pussy, Harry.” Y/N breathes out, looking up to him with such loving eyes it has his balls tightening.
“Say may name one more time and I'll paint that pretty cunt white.”
“Make me all yours, Harry.” She moans and soon, his climax washes over him, hips bucking forward erratically. She whimpers, his hard and huge cock stuttering inside her cunt and filling her, coating her walls with his sticky fluid. Harry rides out his orgasm with his dick buried deep within her tight heat. Y/N hums, satisfied, their bare bodies melting together as one. She's never felt this love, not in a romantic sense, just, so taken care of.
“Fucking hell, Y/N. You're going to kill me.” He pants, pressing his sweaty forehead to hers. His heart is hammering in his chest. Y/N giggles and drops a tender kiss on his lips as she pulls him closer to him with her legs around his waist. Causing him to groan as his cock is being pushed even further inside. “Stop.” He says breathlessly, pulling back just slightly.
He kisses down her chest and sternum. Y/N mews as he reaches her boobs. He suckles a nipple into his mouth before drawing away once more, slowly pulling out, his softening length and Y/N's fluids drip onto the seat below. He loves to admire the picture of her, post-sex, chest heaving and cum-soaked. His work. His baby.
“Maybe we should take a shower.” He says with a gentle smile, one she can't stop herself from returning.
Harry picks her up and throws her over his shoulder, a loud squeal leaves her lips and her heartbeat goes crazy. Her laughter fills his ears. As Harry heads to his bathroom, Y/N enjoys the sight of his round, ass cheeks. ***
After spending the rest of the afternoon in bed, fucking a couple more times and watching a movie on his laptop, they are getting ready to go downstairs again and meet her parents. Y/N just received a text message saying they'd be at the restaurant in about thirty minutes.
“Shit, your bathrobe is still in my room from last night.” Y/N curses. She wanted to put it back on so she could sneak through the hallway without having to wear her clothes from this morning.
“Take the other one.” Harry says, gesturing to the fabric on the floor. “Go get dressed, before your parents are going to complain we're late.”
Y/N puts his other bathrobe over her body and wraps it tightly. Once the tie is secured around her waist, she leaves Harry's room, leaving the rest of her clothes behind. Finally, in her room she gets dressed in a fresh pair of lingerie and puts on a tight black dress, hugging her every curve in the most beautiful way. Her hair is wild, dry and free but the way it frames her face is enough to make any man crumble to the ground for her. She finds a nice pair of black, satin heels from her suitcase and puts them on before she picks up the two bathrobes from Harry's room to bring them back.
The elevator is packed with people on their way to the main floor. That doesn't keep the two of them to basically fuck each other with their eyes and Harry to keep his hands to himself. They effortlessly find her ass, grasping the soft flesh underneath the thin material of her dress.
The doors open and a sigh leaves Y/N's lips once she steps out. It's been way too crowded and her body had already begun heating up, the fact she's feeling sexy in her outfit choice isn't helping either.
Once they're out of the elevator, the physical distance between the two grows, not wanting her parents to see them together like that as they walk into the restaurant. Y/N lets her eyes scan the room, her stomach rumbling due to hunger. Harry clears his throat to get her attention, pointing at the table where her parents are already seated, watching them as they make their way over.
“Good, you finally showed up. I was afraid you got lost in the building.” Y/N's mother teases and pulls her daughter into a hug while Harry gives Y/N's father a firm handshake.
They quickly fall into conversation about all the adventures her parents went on today, enjoying some delicious meals and a few glasses of champagne.
Harry's fingers run up Y/N's outer thigh, bringing goosebumps to her bare skin and her heartbeat skips. A little smile lingers at the corners of her mouth and he knows he's gotten the effect on her he was hoping for. As Harry's palm teases the waistband of her dress, she quivers, heat flooding between her thighs and desire rises within.
“Anyways, enough about the catamaran cruise.” Y/N's mother begins. “What have you two been up to today?” Y/N nearly chokes on her food, panic rising in her.
“Yeah, what have you been doing?” Her father adds.
Y/N keeps quiet, wanting to avoid being a suspect in anything that happened between her and Harry and only keeps smiling at them.
“We've walked around the hotel grounds and then swam some laps before we ended the day in the spa.” Harry takes his napkin and wipes his mouth before he answers her question.
“Sounds relaxing.”
Y/N can't say she feels very relaxed. But knowing that the bed in her own hotel room will be unused this vacation does have her feeling pretty damn good about that.
Taglist: @justmystyles @bitchybabyharry @harrysslut7 @swiftmendeshoran @lucasandharold
@harrysbabycherry @htaylor18 @rose-garden-dreamz @myalovesharry @mellamolayla
@hsonlyangelxo @yousunshineyoutempter @heartateasee @blueheisenbergtragedy @bikestyles
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rainychaoloveshack · 3 months
Shadow x Fem Reader and it’s their first date❤️
゚ ⋆ ゚ ☂︎ ⋆ ゚𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫. 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐠.
it’s you and shadows first date. are you ready?
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⋆°•☁︎ content . shadow x gn!reader, fluff, mentions of light friends/acquaintances to lovers, shadows a lil nervous huehehe and so is reader
☂︎ wc. 1.2k ☂︎ a/n. THANK YOU FOR YOUR REQUEST! this was so cute to write murhehehe i still feel like i could’ve done a lil better but i hope you like it regardless ^^’
likes, reblogs, and especially comments are extremely appreciated!!! (i like chatting to you guys!)
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Soft jazz music from the restaurant already rings out from outside, mingling with the hustle and bustle of the street, a bell chiming above your head as you push open the glass door with your palm. Luckily, your date seems to stand out compared to everyone else here; or is it just the light that’s making him look so charming?
Ah, look at you. Smitten. It’s already too late to try to shake off any nerves; he’s already seen you from afar. You hope he hasn’t been waiting too long; you did get here on time after all. Would it have been better if you two met before the reservation? Dates are so hard.
“You…” Shadow trails off as you trot up to him, brushing some imaginary dirt off your outfit as you try not to look him directly in the eyes. First impressions were never your strong suit, especially with someone as stern as Shadow. Well, not that it’s your first time meeting him, but in such a romantic setting like this; butterflies are rising and fluttering around your stomach. “You look lovely.”
You could’ve sworn a butterfly made its way out of your stomach and into your mouth as you uttered a small ‘thank you’, your voice almost trembling at the last syllable. Being this nervous in front of someone you’ve known for a while now is an odd feeling.
“Come on, sit.” He gestures to the seat across from him, strangely fidgeting with his gloves. “I… I hope the place isn’t too much.”
Fancy for a first date, sure. It’s not your first time hearing of this place either; Rouge must’ve recommended it to him.
So she’s playing both sides? She was the one who recommended you to ask him out anyhow, so she must’ve known that he would’ve said yes. That sly bat. But it still shocks you even now that he did say yes to your little proposal…
Breaking out of your thoughts, you glance away from the seemingly entrancing patterns in the rug, eyes flickering back up to Shadow, who's looking down at his clasped hands. He notices your gaze rather fast and clears his throat. “Is something wrong?”
Shadow’s been strangely silent. More so than he usually would be around you. Not that you two talked very often, but every time you met there was always at least some light chatter and banter between you two, sometimes a heartfelt moment and long conversation. Maybe you two are closer than you thought. 
“It’s just that I’ve never been on a date before.” Shadow scoffs. “It’s nothing special.” But it looks like he’s more than eager to change the topic.
He can’t handle a simple date? The Ultimate Lifeform, ready to fall over and fold? You cup your cheek, rubbing the tips of your fingers over your cheekbone. It’s a struggle to kill the cheeky smile on your face; joking around with Shadow has always been fun, and your nerves decided it was time to spill out a joke anyway. But maybe it was wrong to let one fly in this situation?
Shadow growls, baring his teeth briefly before he tries his best to defend myself. “Shut your-” He catches himself mid-threat, clearing his throat as he rips his gaze away from you. “Nothing. Nevermind.” He mutters, his shoulder stiffening under your curious gaze. It looks like he’s scared of offending you, but it’s not like you two haven’t joked around like that before. Is it the restaurant? The way you look?
“It’s not you,” Shadow says sternly, firm in his answer. “It’s me; I just feel strange talking to you like this; in this setting.” He mutters, staring down in his gloved hands. “I’m not used to this; this feeling. I don't-” A grimace forms on his lips as he meets your eyes again. “-date around. With anyone. I don’t mess around with feelings like that, so…” Shadow trails off, worried he might’ve said something wrong once your head cocks to the side slightly. “Not that I’m opposed to, I just don’t have experience with those… Things.” He finishes, attempting to hide his embarrassment by clearing his throat, but his ears tell another story. The way they’re twitching here and there as you shuffle in your seat, noticing every small movement as you fidget with the neckline of your outfit.
“...After dinner, do you want to walk around Station Square? If you’d like, we could take a train down to the nearby plaza.” He mutters quietly, his ear flicking in your direction as he waits for your answer to his proposal this time.
…You’d like that a lot.
Crickets chirp along the flowerbeds and bushes as your shoes click against the pavement, trailing behind Shadow’s own steps in an attempt to catch up to his stride. It was already so late, but you two caught one of the last trains here. Now the problem present is on how you’ll get home, but you’re with Shadow. Something’ll come up.
Plus, to see Shadow so relaxed after his tenseness at the restaurant makes your mood lighten to match his. Not much conversation has happened with you two for the past hour, but it’s peaceful. It’s sweet.
He’s so sweet. Like candy… No, not quite candy. It's more like a dessert. What dessert would fit him?
“Is there something on my face?” Shadow points to himself with his thumb, cocking his head at your gaze constantly on him. To hide the embarrassment, you shake your head and come up with some lie about you zoning out; not that it’s fully a lie, but the bigger reason that you were staring at him is just to admire him. But that’s weird to say, right?
“Tch.” He grumbles, his body straightening out once he realizes he’s being too harsh. “... You know, if-” Shadow cuts off his own voice, noticing a small blink of light near your head, around the same time that you notice it yourself.
“It’s just some fireflies.” Shadow’s lips part softly, watching the firefly buzz and flutter around your shoulder. You cup it into your hands, brushing your hip against Shadow so he can see the insect clearly within your palm, blinking its light up at the two of you. How cute. Little lightning bugs…
“I didn’t mean to mess this up.” Your eyes rip away from the bug, instead grazing over to his figure, his arms crossed with his finger tapping repeatedly on his arm. “I had fun.” His head’s turned to the side to not meet your gaze, somewhat ashamed of his behavior. You don’t blame him for it; it’s not like you weren’t nervous too. But not a single thing was ruined about it; he didn’t have to apologize at all.
“If you’d like,” he murmurs, clutching your hands within his own as your little lightning flies away to join the others fluttering around you both. His thumb brushes across your fingers and palm, feeling every groove and digit. “I’d like to do this with you again. I think I’ll be better at handling it next time.”
You’d like that too. A lot. Maybe those butterflies in your stomach won’t be as bad next time, but their wings are still brushing against the edges of it, threatening to spill out from your mouth even now. 
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honeyhivess · 1 year
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i can't help falling in love with you <3
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first 3 overblot boys falling in love with gender neutral reader
tags: cursing, might be ooc i am new to writing them
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riddle rosehearts <3
riddle would only be open to dating someone after his overblot, he's such a stickler for the rules and didn't allow himself to truly let go and have fun until after the blot incident
he would be really scared to get into a relationship because of his parents, mostly his mom
he didn't want to get older and become his mother and treat his significant other like she treated him
you would probably have to be really close to him for him to start liking you tbh
the realization honestly hits him in the middle of the night
after doing his nightly routine he got into bed and relaxed, thinking over the unbirthday party that happened that night
adeuce had invited you to attend since you helped paint the roses, and since riddle had a bit of a soft spot for you by now he happily allowed it
you had a chair on one of the long sides of the table, closest to his chair at the head
late in the night his mind kept replaying you laughing at one of trey's bad jokes
oh shit.
riddle would be eyes open, staring at the wall in realization
the warmth he felt in his chest remembering your bright smile that day had him pleasantly overwhelmed
he never had the chance to crush on anyone else before since his mom so heavily sheltered him
this feeling came to him unknown and he was confused
he had a hard time falling asleep that night, and the next morning he immediately rushed to trey
after being teased a bit and prodded a bit more he realized he liked you
which, scared him
a couple days after he found out just what those feelings meant, he would have a hard time facing you
he didn't know what to do with this newfound information
you would have to confront him and make him tell you why he was borderline avoiding you
his face is RED red
he wouldn't stutter and would still kinda talk normally, but it would be more rushed
"Prefect... I've had the realization that I, really like you... If you would indulge me, I would love to take you out sometime...?"
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leona kingscholar <3
lions normally have a pride of females, so leona is kinda used to flirting and romance
however, he is the bastard second born, so he isn't used to being the center of attention
when he met you, he saw an opportunity to have the chance at romancing someone without his brother looming over his shoulder
you hadn't even HEARD of his brother, which meant you couldn't even really pick falena over him
this excited leona a lot, so he got really territorial over you really fast
he would also put quite a bit of effort into wooing you, well, more than normal
he really tries to make himself just generally more appealing
he's nicer when you're around and started taking care of himself a bit more
it's a subtle change to you, but he gets DESTROYED by ruggie
when he initially realized he liked you he didn't have any big reaction
he's been through a couple relationships prior to you so it's not really anything new to him
you will start being dragged into his schemes more
also known as i really hope you like napping because you're about to get crushed
he drags you into his naps a lot, and he lays directly on top of you
you will not escape.
also he starts giving you a lot of things, gifts, food, clothing
he's not a hopeless romantic so don't really expect any super grand gestures
he also doesn't really confess? he kinda just asks you out
confessing is lame to him, it's juvenile
"Ay, herbivore? You free this saturday? You better be, I need a date to this dumb restaurant."
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azul ashengrotto <3
motherfucker is NOT confessing first
i really hate to break it to you, but after his childhood, he does not have the confidence for that
now, azul may not confess, but he will flirt
when he realized he kinda panicked and was immediately overwhelmed with worst case scenarios
he does not think you would ever like him, when he was younger he tried confessing to someone and got laughed at
so that kinda crushed him
jade and floyd would not be told, but they would notice very quickly
azul gets flustered when you're around and you get offered discounts occasionally
at first they thought azul wanted something materialistic from you
no he just wants your hand in marriage
they immediately become his wingmen, but
they are kinda the world's worst wingmen
jade is actually pretty good at highlighting azuls charms and good traits, but he also loves embarrassing azul in front of you
floyd is, floyd
he's a bit louder and much less subtle
and when combined they just start embarrassing azul, the poor octo-mer is dying
now, if you start hinting towards liking azul back, it is on
he immediately goes back into his smooth personality and he will start flirting with you
it starts of subtle, but it will become more apparent as time goes on
if you're really lucky and catch him on a good day, he'll ask you out
he'll invite you to monstro lounge, no one else will be there and you will be treated like royalty
jade would be the one serving you and floyd would be watching very intently from the kitchen
everything is on the house, just for you
"Have whatever you'd like, Prefect. This is all but a little taste of what more is to come."
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a/n: i had so much fun writing azuls, i love octavinelle so much asdfghjk
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
foreign affair // charles leclerc
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summary: it wasn't supposed to happen. but they say that the south of france is the most romantic place on the planet. so falling in love with her vacation fling should have been inevitable.
pairing: charles leclerc x female reader
warnings: vacation fling, allusions to sex, way too short but it is what it is, bittersweet and filled with longing.
a one in a million chance, you know the moment that you crossed over the line. a casual glance, no one has to read between the lines
in the south of france, it was spring time, special feelings come alive, "there's romance in the air, " so they say, love could be a small café
file it under foreign affairs
the hotel sheets were more expensive than what she made in a day.
this particular resort was divided in two: private villas for the rich and honeymooning, those with money to burn, and the hotel itself, where she was staying.
but they say that france is the country of love, a figure of speech that had proven to be very, very true.
“mon amour, you’re awake.” charles said softly, a towel wrapped around his still damp body, droplets running down his toned stomach as he leaned over the bed to kiss her lips. “I was trying to let you sleep in.”
“but it’s my last day.” she frowned, nipples springing to attention underneath the thin silk sheet wrapped around her body. “I want to be out there doing things.”
three weeks of holiday almost didn’t feel like enough. the trip had been a dream, all sun and sand until she met charles leclerc at the bar. she didn’t know who he was, which perhaps helped to build his attraction to her. and he never felt the need to say any more than “I’m an athlete” when asked what he did for a living.
she fell hard and she fell fast as he offered to be her tour guide. being from monaco and having french friends, charles knew his way around all of the best restaurants, sights and beaches.
it was no surprise that after just three days, finding herself tipsy on wine, she ended up naked in his hotel room, tangled in silk sheets.
“but you will be doing things.” charles smiled, leaning over the bed and pushing his lips against hers with an almost featherlight touch, water dripping onto the sheets. “you’re doing me.”
“you’re so bad.” she giggled, fumbling to throw his towel aside, raking her fingernails down his chest. “promise me you’ll make this last day one to remember?”
“oh, mon cher, i plan on it.”
they spent the morning exchanging kisses and orgasms in charles’ bed before she finally went back to her room, legs worse for wear and a little wobbly on her feet before she changed into her swimsuit and made her way to the resorts private beach. Charles had a standing rental for a cabana, so she settled in with her book and a glass of white wine.
the only way she would want to spend her last day: relaxing by the water.
charles had promised her that he had a surprise planned for the evening to come, and he had left to prepare it shortly after she got out of his shower. despite her attempts at getting the monegasque to give her any hints, the driver was silent about his plans.
“wear that tight red dress and those strapped sandals, and meet me in the valet lot.” was all that he had said in regards to the plans.
charles leclerc, european man of mystery everybody.
bags packed and by the door, ready for her early flight, she dressed in the red dress and sandals, curling her hair and spraying herself with bath and body works. sure enough, when she walked to the valet lot, charles was already waiting next to his Ferrari.
god, she was going to miss him.
the night was young as the sun began to set, hands sticking out of the sunroof and wind blowing her hit round her face as charles drove up the coast, the south of france lit up in the half light.
“can you tell me where we’re going yet?” she giggled, eyes closed as charles lead her though a parking lot.
“hang on, hang on, amour. almost there.”
she could feel the floor moving gently underneath her feet as she let charles guide her body, listening to his calming voice when he finally told her to open her eyes.
“oh, charles.”
she was standing on the middle of a large boat, the sun setting over the water and a picnic blanket set up in the middle of the deck as the vessel rocked back and forth in the harbour, the smell of the saltwater filling her nostrils as charles lit the tall candles that were set up around the picnic.
“one last night to remember?”
she smiled, joining him on the blanket as he popped open a bottle of red wine. “one last night to remember. I’ll miss you, leclerc. thank you for making the last three weeks one for the record books.”
charles smiled sadly, still looking like a greek god even with longing etched on his features.
“to the last three weeks, and to what could have been.”
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @scuderiamh @scuderiasundays @silverstonesainz @diorleclerc @daydreamingleclerc @sidcrosbyspuck @lorarri @thatsdemko @oconso
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Hi! Hello! Welcome to Tokyo debunker fandom! I just saw your post abt sharing or asking for ideas , so if it was not an ask feel free to ignore it !
My biggest frustration is MC especially the vagastorme ep (I donthqte Leo because he's Leo I hate him cause th game wouldn't let me answer to him the way I wanttt ugh)
. I get that Devs are attempting a character fits all approach (would have been better if we had more choices for types of Players but alas)
My ask is: what type of what kind of personality would each of the characters be drawn into? For current MC I think she'd be more compatible with Mido,rui , Haku ,subaru,luca ...aka guys with more patience for the more tough guys ot's eother gonna be bery slow burn as in cooking on a candle kinda slow cause she needs to be more assertive (not the stubborn , angry kinda assertive , but the stop your attitude kinda assertive ) what do you think?
Also welcome again to he fandom! May you get the characters you want (I'm still trying to get Haku but no success 😭)
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request (and the official welcome to the fandom)! I had to break this one up into a few different posts separating the characters into their houses but I'll link them all here. I hope you like the headcanons!
What's Your Type? - Frostheim Edition
Fandom: Tokyo Debunker
Characters: Jin Kamurai, Thoma Ishibashi, Lucas Errant, Kaito Fuji x gn! Reader
Frostheim | Vagastrom | Jabberwock | Sinostra | Hotarubi | Obscuary | Mortkranken
What sort of personality are the characters drawn to?
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Jin is drawn to someone with a strong enough personality that they can withstand his abrasive nature. Someone with a backbone.
At the same time, he doesn’t mind people who will do what he tells them to, no questions asked. Sometimes following orders on a dime is a matter of life and death.
He’s drawn to people who have high self esteem and good self confidence. Jin can be rough with his words sometimes and his partner needs to be able to withstand that to a certain extent.
I think he would also be drawn to someone who knows what they want in life and is willing to work for it. It would be nice if they weren’t afraid to ask for help from him on occasion as well. It makes him feel needed and wanted.
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Thoma is drawn to hard workers. He’s got a busy life himself so he needs someone who’s used to a fast paced day.
He also needs someone loyal and passionate in his life. He seems to have a lot of conflicting loyalties, including loyalty to himself so he needs to be able to trust whoever he’s in a relationship with.
I can see him being drawn to someone who is quick witted and has some degree of intelligence. Whether it’s book smarts or street smarts, he doesn’t have a preference, just so long as they’re able to demonstrate intelligence.
He would also be drawn to someone who is observant and empathetic. Someone who can recognise the signs of burnout and give him a helping hand when it's needed.
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Luca’s a tricky one. I see him as someone who falls for someone slowly based on their personality and actions rather than seeing a few things and being drawn to someone.
I do see him being drawn to loyalty and honesty. These are both traits he values highly in himself and others so it’s necessary that his romantic partner has them as well.
Luca would also be drawn to people who speak their mind. He’s not the best at social cues so being with someone who can say how they’re feeling clearly means a lot to him.
A mothering personality would also attract Luca. He’s a bit of a mum friend himself but it’s nice being on the receiving end sometimes.
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Okay, we’ve got to address the elephant in the room for this one. Kaito is definitely going to be drawn to appearance initially. If you’re conventionally attractive, he’s going to be fawning over you.
Personality wise, he’d be attracted to someone who enjoys having fun. As long as that fun’s not life threatening, he’s happy to tag along and have some fun too.
I see Kaito as someone who would also be drawn to someone who has a lot of energy. He’s got the reserves to keep up and he enjoys seeing people making the most of life.
Kindness is another thing that draws Kaito to people. If you’ve got a soft heart, he’ll find himself wanting to make sure he’s the person you think of most fondly.
Hey, did you enjoy this? If you like my writing, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi page! This will allow me to make some money off my writing, something I enjoy doing.
Important Note: Please only donate if you are financially able to. If you are currently in a position where you can't donate, a like, comment or reblog will mean just as much.
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spinji · 11 days
Can I just say I DO NOT recommend seeing this the same day as watching the new episode because I have had a DAY-
Unfortunately, the theater I went to didn't have the booklets or promotional cups but not a huge loss. It's the price I pay to have my boyfriend by my side; worth it. ♡
As with all my other MHA theater outings the screening was packed with delightful weirdos (dubbed, if you happen to care). One guy had an extensive set of custom MHA lego guys (very cool) and two very enthusiastic Toga cosplayers were so kind and kept me from feeling like a dork going out in public in a Deku wig. All the love to them, fr.
The movie itself though ohhhhh MY~
If I'm being honest this one didn't surpass World Heroes Mission or Heroes Rising for me, but also I don't know what you could do to beat out the movies that gave me such extreme brainrot it got me to be a part of this fandom in the first place. Personal rankings for the movies, best to "worst" is 3, 2, 4, 1.
Maybe it's because I had higher expectations instead of being given the best character in the franchise suddenly with no warning but I did still really REALLY love it. The highest point I can give it is easily the animation. Absolutely zero scenes in this movie feel like they fell to the standard of the anime. Everything was fluid and detailed and so fun to look at. And yes, of course it made every attack flashy as fuck. I was giddy every time Bakugou let out an explosion.
The premise did sound insane going in, and it is, but it's an anime side movie. Caring about the plot is a bonus, not a requirement. I guess my only real gripe is that it felt a little too fast? Very few scenes had time to breathe and unlike the other movies there wasn't really any slow establishing opening. If you come to MHA exclusively for the action, I think this one will be your new favorite.
Okay- I'm gonna just bullet point my highlights because I'm barely restrained enough to sit down and type.
First of all GIULIO!!!
Listen- I knew I would love this guy but oh my god babygirl~
He responds to literally everyone approaching him by pointing a gun at them. No comment this is just great
When Deku tells him to stop shooting at someone, he just pulls out a SECOND GUN and points it at him too
His motorcycle also has guns. Ngl I have expected his eye implant to also have a gun for a moment there.
He is SUCH an asshole to Deku in the first half and I love it. Their dialogue exchanges were so funny.
And in the second half he just,,,,cracks under the pressure so hard,, Man is having the WORST day of his life fr. It's really nice to know he and Anna are safe at UA rn. Poor things deserve it.
Anna and Giulio are really cute romantically, Giulio is definitely adult but he's going in the Deku harem anyway. You can't stop me, I am capable of worse.
Anna herself unfortunately doesn't get much time since she spends most of the movie mind controlled but she's harmlessly sweet and adorable. Anna they could never make me hate you.
I want to smear Dark Might across the side of a wall and given how much they overanimated his expressions, I believe this is the intended effect.
Am I the only one that hopes he sees the Mech Might livestream just to rub salt in the wound? Don't you dare let All Might's name fall from your mouth again, you bag of scum.
I really REALLY wanted Izuku to get pissed off and start naming off inconsistencies between how All Might and Dark Might look: "His eyes are SKY blue, not ocean blue, and while his broad features don't make it obvious, his chin was actually much slimmer, also you got the silver age colors wrong-!" alas... you know he was thinking it though-
Big tiddy mind control gf Deborah my beloved- she has pretty privileges for everything
Actually a lot of the lesser goons of the family were kind of dorky and odd. I loved the energy! Why was one of them literally a D&D nerd that put on a wizard robe OVER HIS SUIT. Most entertaining movie villian group for sure.
The personal dreams everyone had under the mind control? Kill me. Kill me right the fuck now!
Shoto literally just wants a happy childhood with his family??? Where Touya wants to play with him????? And Rei was still happy????? UUGAHWAAAAAAAA
Tenya and Tensei being heroes together STOP-
Shoji with the little girl he saaaaaaved,,,and he didn't have his face scars anymoooooore,,,
So glad they didn't show Ochako's because you know they would have just animated that what if pixel animation of her and Toga being childhood friends and I would have vomited in sorrow.
Absolutely infuriating they broke continuity to have Katsuki call Izuku "Deku" and not "De-Izuku". Never forget what they took from us.
"Beat it, cool side character!" is the best line in the movie. Katsuki does not forget what happened with Rody and he does NOT forgive.
Followed closely by "I'm falling down crotch-first!" And you wonder why I write the fics I do about you, Deku-
Deku being a legend as a jailbreaker hunter is so amazing?? Yes baby, they're so scared of you! You're doing amazing sweetie!
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sh0tanzz · 9 months
wonbin as your boyfriend based on astrology !
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(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
warnings: small mention of suggestive innuendo but nothing extremely graphic I'll only do NSFW asks if requested.
Pisces Sun : Honestly I knew from the jump when I first started to stan Riize that Wonbin would be a water sign 😭, people claim that pisces men are toxic+manipulative etc. However EVERY sign is capable of toxicity/negative behaviors so I will not feed into those stereotypes. As a boyfriend he'd be pretty shy in the beginning, before you two even dated he would probably stalk your socials and eavesdrop in your convos to gather info before even actually talking to you. He's be pretty...delusional LMAO ! especially with his venus in pisces, you could post a song on your notes and he'll think to himself... "she wants me.." yet wont text you until his confidence was high enough. Ngl he might be slightly flakey, he'd take a min to respond at times and might not be super precise when planning things out for the two of you.
Libra Moon: This makes me feel like he'd be pretty considerate and would thoroughly think out the pros and cons before doing anything just to avoid upsetting you and to ensure your comfort. He could be very observant on the reciprocity of the relationship so if he feels like things aren't even or fair he might retaliate, for example if he feels like you're distancing himself he might take a step back as well. Also do NOT make him question your feelings for him because he will FLEEE THE COUNTRY libra moons take their love and kindness seriously and will feel upset and even embarrassed when taken for granted .
Aquarius Mercury: This placement makes me giggle knowing he couldn't keep up with the whole "cold mysterious guy" persona SM tried giving him 😭. He'd be goofy especially in private and would use his wit to flirt. Would most definitely mess with you and rile you up just for jokes. In a recent vid I've seen he said he'd play/joke around since he's relatively shy to break the ice and it seems super true to me. Would also use music to communicate or send you songs pretty frequently.
Pisces Venus : Siri play Dangerously in love 2 by Beyonce !! Venus in pisces can be soo sweet. He'd love you unconditionally and for your authentic true essence. He could be pretty clingy, tagging a long as much as he can and will want your attention and this paired with his Libra moon points towards him wanting to impress you/get praised. Once again would love to bond over music. The gifts he'd give you would be things that make you feel special and customized to the info he knows about you. He'd be literally stuck and severely down bad once he fully develops feelings. Would plan dates with an aesthetic touch and would want romantic moments between you two to have a "straight out of a movie" feel to it. He would also fall very hard very fast. He'd also want to have a sense and feeling of being "taken care of" since there's sm venus influence in his chart and a lack of domineering energy. Downside he can be too lost in the glitz and glamour of the relationship that he ends up not acknowledging or downplaying the problems in the relationship or even his own red flags.
Taurus Mars : He may not be super direct or would want to take certain things slow during the beginning of the relationship since Taurus values its boundaries as well as comfort and hates to be rushed. Before the relationship even begins he might be a bit hesitant to even approach or out his feelings unless he was 100% confident or sure. Taurus rules the neck, throat/vocal cords, and shoulders. Sssooo he may enjoy receiving neck kisses/hickies, kisses along his shoulder or even massages along his neck and shoulder line or would try to do that to you. Similar to Gemini mars he also may find your voice as a sensual turn on and very attractive and would try to hear it often.
Other Aspects:
Moon/Mercury trine: Would most definitely remember facts about yourself that you've told him especially those he deems important to you. He'd also remember the nostalgic moments between you two
Mercury/Neptune conjunct: Generally sensitive and it can show in how he communicates especially in high tension or stressful moments in the relationship
Mars/Uranus sextile: Random moments where he's very spontaneous and will require a lot of freedom and could feel suffocated within the relationship if not given time to himself
Potential Toxicity: (reminder that any/everyone is capable of being toxic and everyone has negative traits these could be POTENTIALLY true)
Venus/Pluto square: His feelings can become quite intense and he can become extremely possessive as well as SUPER jealous to the point his partner might feel constricted and like he's their shadow. Can also be super sensitive and take things that you might not find as deep very personal.
Hope you enjoyed, I might do Sungchan or Anton next :P
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jamdoughnutmagician · 10 months
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Mr. and Mrs.
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader (18+)
In celebration of @oneforthemunny 's one-derful year, I wrote this fic inspired by this prompt. This fic is a fic of two halves, with an initial cute wedding day and then a slightly smuttier time in the honeymoon suit after the reception.
another highly requested, is a wedding. i love weddings and my guilty pleasure is wedding fics idk why, so give me that. you can follow the lore if they have it, or do whatever you want! proposal, ceremony, honeymoon- honestly whichever you want! where does it happen? what’s the details? who’s there? if you put vows i’m gonna sob so just fyi on that.
Word Count:2,490 (oops!)
Warnings:Cutesy wedding day fluff, Smut, Oral Sex (F Rec), Missionary position, Dirty talk, I think that's it unless I'm forgetting something; in which case feel free to shoot me a message so I can tag it.
Masterlist // Eddie Munson Masterlist
Eddie wasn't usually a nervous person. He was usually a loud, boisterous and confident person. That was until today. The big day. His wedding day.
He stood at the end of that altar in his perfectly tailored black suit, freshly pressed white shirt and tie, with the nerves bubbling in the pit of his stomach. When he thinks back to his younger years, he could never have imagined that something like this would be in his future. 
Steve takes notice of how Eddie nervously fiddles with his hands, a habit he’s got into whenever things would get too much for him. He would always end up twisting his clunky metal rings around his fingers. Although for his big day he had removed all his precious rings, insisting that the only ring he wanted on his finger today was his wedding band. Nevertheless his nervous habit didn’t leave him, as he fiddled his fingers around his non-existent rings.
Taking his duties as his best man seriously, Steve takes a moment to offer a calming pat on his shoulder, helping to ground the jangled groom.
“You love her, she loves you, don't sweat it, man. You've got this.”
“Thanks, Steve.” Eddie sighs, before taking one more nerve-calming breath.
The music starts up, and everyone in the church stands to look to you, 
You look like a vision in white, with delicate layers of lace, and tulle as you grace down the aisle towards him, a bouquet of pristine white roses and lilies in hand.
The music slows to a stop as you stand in front of him. His heart is beating so fast in his chest he wonders if you can hear it too.
“Y-you look beautiful.” Eddie stumbles over his words. He thought he would be so cool in this moment, but the moment he sees your face he can’t help the tears that gather in his eyes.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Handsome.” you smile, reaching up to gently wipe away the tears from his eyes.
You take his hand in yours as you both turn to stand in front of the priest, who is ready to conduct the ceremony.
“Friends and family, we are all gathered here today to witness the union of Edward Theodore Munson and Y/N L/N,” the priest smiles as he gestures to each of you. “The happy couple have chosen to write their own vows, so please join me helping to celebrate their love for each other.”
“Sweetheart, I couldn't believe my luck that when I asked you out all those years ago, you said yes. Just from that one small date, I knew that I never wanted you out of my life, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. You’re an amazing person, and everyday I fall in love with you a little bit more. I know I may not be the perfect man, but you make me want to be a better man, and everyday I try hard to do my best by you. Waking up to your face makes my world a little brighter every time and I promise to stand by you, and to love you with every last beat of my heart.” Eddie finishes with a soft smile playing at his lips.
You feel your heart warming at Eddie’s vows, he always had a way with words, and it’s no surprise to you that his vows were nothing short of heart-meltingly romantic.
“My dear Eddie, you are not only the love of my life, but more importantly than that you are my best friend, and getting to stand with you today in front of all our friends and family and tell you how much you mean to me is something that I will cherish forever. You make me feel so safe and loved, and I can only hope that I make you feel the same way. I promise to always be there for you and support you, and I can’t wait to continue making memories with you.” 
You manage to get through your vows without breaking down in floods of tears, as you smile brightly at your soon-to-be-husband.
“Now it is time to exchange rings.” the priest voices to everyone. 
Steve hands over the ring to Eddie as the priest tells Eddie to repeat after him.
“I, Edward Theodore Munson, take you Y/N L/N, to be my wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part.”
Nancy hands you the ring she’d been holding for you, then the priest turns to you, to read you the same vows for you to repeat.
“I, Y/N L/N, take you, Edward Theodore Munson, to be my Husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part.”
You each slide the wedding band on each other’s ring finger as the priest speaks once more.
“You have now exchanged rings. These rings are a symbol of your commitment, love and devotion to each other, and serve as a reminder to honour the vows you have declared in this church. It now gives me great pleasure to pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Eddie smiles brightly before leaning close to kiss you sweetly once and then winding one hand around your waist and the other to cradle your head as he dips you into another heated kiss.
You laugh into the kiss, vaguely registering the flash of Jonathan’s camera going off, perfectly capturing the moment.
“Sorry, I just couldn’t resist you.” Eddie smirks at you.
Yeah, you had definitely made the right choice. This was the dork you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
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You and Eddie stumble into your hotel room in a fit of giggles after enjoying a few glasses of champagne at your wedding reception. The party had long been finished now, with everyone making their way home, and you and Eddie staying the night in the hotel’s honeymoon suite.
“I can’t believe it, we literally just got married..like that’s a thing we just did!” you babble in an excited breath.
“I know! And I can’t believe I get to call you my wife!” Eddie cheers as he picks you up and spins around with you in his arms and placing you back down with a kiss to your lips.
You turn your back to Eddie for a moment before looking at him from over your shoulder. His dark curls have been set free from their bun, as they fall around his shoulders. The tie around his neck has been loosened and the top button of his shirt undone, revealing a glimpse of the tattoo on his chest. 
“Unzip me?” You ask him, your voice dripping with a sultry tone.
Eddie wastes no time in making his way over to you as fingers work to slowly drag the zipper of your wedding dress down your back, his lips kissing softly against the exposed skin of your shoulder.
You step out of your dress, leaving yourself in the floral, white, lacy lingerie that you had picked out especially for tonight.
Eddie gives a cheeky wolf-whistle of appreciation as you twirl around, as make yourself comfortable on the King-sized bed. 
Eddie feels his cock kick up in anticipation for what was to come.
“You gonna join me or what, Mr. Munson?” You tease with a light breathy chuckle.
In a flash Eddie is stripping off, throwing his suit jacket on the back of a chair, until only his boxers remain. The material doing very little to hide his straining erection. 
“Who would I be if I kept my wife waiting?” He smiles as he steps closer to the bed, before leaning in to kiss his lips against your ankle, and trailing his kisses up your legs, and prying your thighs open to place kisses on the inside of your thighs.
His fingers hook themselves in the waistband of your panties a smirk.
You quickly reach up behind your back to unclasp your bra as his fingers teases the elastic of your panties.
“As lovely as these are, they've got to go.” he murmurs, placing one more kiss to the soft skin of your thighs before dragging the lace down your legs.
“There she is. My pretty girl..” Eddie almost purrs out as he’s greeted by the sight of your pussy. 
He makes himself comfortable, lying down on the bed between the spread of your thighs.
“Can I taste you, Sweetheart?” He asks oh so innocently, his big brown eyes sparkling with a cheeky glint as he looks up at you.
Your shy nod of your head and little whine of ‘please’ is all the go-ahead that Eddie needed before he was dragging his tongue from the bottom of your slit to the top, swirling his tongue around your clit before sucking it between his plump lips.
His tongue laps at your dripping wetness, eager to taste and to please you.
He gently slips one of his dexterous, guitarist's fingers inside your wet heat and begins to work in and out of you at a leisurely pace, flicking his tongue over your clit, enjoying the mewling whines that fall from your lips.
“Eddie…please..” you whine as you tug your fingers into his dark curls.
Eddie pulls away from you, his lips glossy with your wetness.
“Please what, Sweetheart? Can’t give it to you unless you tell me what you want.” he teases with a smile.
“Want you to make me cum..please..” you plead as you shamelessly try to grind your hips against his face. 
“Well, when you ask me so sweetly like that, it would be a crime to deny you.” he purrs before going back in to attach his lips around your clit, making sure to rub against that spot inside you that has you squeezing so tightly around his finger. 
He knows you're close, he knows your body as well as anything, and those tell-tale breathy moans that fall from your lips let him know just how badly you need it.
“That's it..there's my pretty girl, cum for me, sweetheart.”
It didn't take very much more than a few passes of Eddie's tongue lapping at your dripping cunt and his fingers hitting inside you just right before you were falling over the edge of pleasure with a wet gush. Squirting around fingers as his tongue teases your pussy gently to help you ride out your high.
Eddie pulls his mouth away from your glistening cunt once more, a lazy smirk gracing his face.
“You taste amazing as always, Mrs. Munson.” he smiles, enjoying the way that your new title just rolls off his tongue so perfectly. Like you were always meant to be his wife. Like you were always meant to be Mrs. Munson.
“Come up here, Eddie, I just wanna feel you, please..” you tell him as you urge him up from between your thighs. He takes a moment to free himself of the tight constraints of his boxers, letting his cock slap up against the trail of fuzzy hair below his navel.
He crawls his way up your body, his lips continuing to explore and kiss every soft inch of exposed skin. His kisses blazing a hot trail, up your body, stopping at your breasts as he takes the time to swirl his tongue around each of your nipples, teasing it into a hardened bud.
“You wanna feel me, Sweetheart? Want me to make love to you?” he murmurs between kisses pressed to your lips.
Eddie needed no further affirmation than your little breathy moan of ‘yes please’ before he was pressing his cock’s tip at your entrance, slowly easing himself inside inch by inch. 
He steadies himself on his arms, caging you safely underneath his gaze, as he gently sweeps the stray hair that’s fallen across your eyes. 
Kissing your lips once more he smears the sticky bead of pre-cum that pools from his tip over your clit, before beginning  to rock his hips into you, filling you with every pulsing inch of his cock. Sliding home into the warmth of your walls hugging against him.
“Feels so good…Making me feel so good, Teddy..” you whimper, the nickname falling from your lips so sweetly.
He continues to roll his hips into you, each time making you shudder in pleasure underneath him.
His large hand reaches out to find your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, his brown eyes softening when he sees your golden wedding band decorating your dainty finger. The reminder that you were in this with him for the rest of your lives made his heart bloom with love.
“My beautiful wife…I love you so much, Sweetheart…” he kisses you softly once more, letting his tongue sweep between your lips.
 Your hand reaches down between your two bodies, your deft fingers rubbing in precise circle around your clit as he fucks into you. The building tension in your stomach grows with every steady thrust of your husband's cock into your pulsing heat.
“Fuck…Sweetheart, you feel so good, swear this pretty little pussy was just made for me…” his raspy voice rumbles out, as he places a sloppy kiss into the crook of your neck. 
His movements get sloppier as he chases both his and your highs, his hips working to make you both feel good.
“Come on Sweetheart, one more, for me please, wanna feel you squeezing around me..” he murmurs, as his unrelenting thrusts continue to rut into you.
With the way your own fingers were rubbing so deliciously around your clit, and Eddie’s cock filling you so perfectly every time, it wasn’t long before you pushed over the edge, whimpering with a shuddering moan as you tightened around his length, riding out the high of your orgasm.
Eddie followed you soon after, his breath ragged as he pushed into you one final time, his hips still as he filled you with his release. Throbbing hot spurts of white into you, as he too rides out the high of his orgasm. 
You both stay like that for a moment, not bothering to move, just wanting to feel the closeness of each other. To feel each other’s bodies. 
Eddie’s hand holds your face tenderly, his thumb brushing against your cheek softly.
“I love you so much, sweetheart.” He kisses you sweetly.
“I love you too, Teddy.” you smile into the kiss, a warmth blooming in your chest as you do.
It had been the perfect end to the perfect day, and you couldn’t wait to continue spending the rest of your life with the man you loved so dearly.
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@slutty-thevampireslayer @penguinsandpotterheads @xxhellfirebunnyxx @mrsjellymunson @onegirlmanytales
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sluttyten · 1 year
You In My Arms
Chapter 11: Always, Yours (Finale)
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full masterlist || haechan masterlist || YIMA chapter index
summary: some things are hard to find the words for, and endings are always the worst. but this isn’t an ending, not really, not for Haechan. He used to be the background character in the love stories of other people, but now it’s definitely his turn to write his own happy ending.
length: 25,579 words
tags: friends to lovers, general perversion, smut, public sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, blowjobs, etc.
previous chapter || Completed YIMA index
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Haechan knew by the third date that he was going to marry her. 
He thought he probably would before then, but by the third date, he accepted it as a fact. 
He was in love like he’d never been before. 
“What have you done to me?” He asks her while they’re tangled together in bed on Valentine’s Day after a very nice, romantic date. “Did you slip me a love spell or something?”
She laughs. 
It was a love spell, for sure, he decides. That’s how he fell so hard and fast, so completely. It couldn’t possibly be his own incompetence and blindness over the years finally being lifted. 
Part of him expects the intensity of his feelings for her to fade as the months pass by, as they pass through that phase where the relationship is so new and everything is just fresh and exciting. 
But the feelings don’t dim even slightly, even once they do start to exit that honeymoon phase. Yeah, they argue sometimes, but that doesn’t mean that Haechan loves her any less? It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t still almost constantly think about her and want her, want to be by her or talking to her. 
And then, in May, she has to go abroad for work, and for those first few days, Haechan feels her absence like he’s had his heart scooped from his chest. He hates the lonely, hollow feeling. 
They talk as much as they can, and Haechan doesn’t even mind waking up early if it means he can talk to her for a bit before his day starts and hers ends. She’s a million miles away in London, and he’s teetering on the brink of falling back asleep as she talks, her voice so soothing. 
He’s only halfway awake when he hears her joke that she should take Haechan’s upcoming birthday week off of work so she doesn’t have to see anymore of Johnny who is also on this trip with her. Haechan mumbles out words of encouragement, telling her to do it, to take the time off with him. 
As soon as Haechan, in his drowsy state, hears her agree to take the week of his birthday off, as soon as she’s trying to suggest making plans together to get out of the city, he suddenly remembers his mom had asked him if he was going to come home for his birthday. So he hears his girlfriend’s question, he remembers his mom, and the two things combine in his mind, and Haechan panics a little.
He hasn’t told his mom about her. And he hasn’t told his girlfriend that he’s considered going home for his birthday. And when he combines those two things, all he can think of is that if he tells his girlfriend about seeing his family for his birthday, what if she asks if she can come along? Or what if she expects him to invite her? He hasn’t told his family about her! And he knows that is wrong, that he should’ve said something to them months ago about him being in a relationship, especially since he’s met her family and he’s in love with her (so hopelessly, head over heels in love) and he’s planning a future with her, and all of this just weighs down Haechan’s belly, thoughts roaring around in his head.
“Hyuck?” Her voice is so quiet from all those miles and miles away in London.
He makes up some terrible excuse and ends the call quickly. 
Shit. What is he gonna do?
For the next week, he goes back and forth again and again on what he should do here. Obviously, he should probably just tell his mom. He talks to her at least once a week on average, if not more, and over the course of that week they have three separate phone calls in which she asks him again if he’s coming to visit, and he could sit it then, could tell her, “ Yeah, I’m coming to visit, and I’m bringing my girlfriend with me to introduce her to all of you,” but does he say any of that? No. Why?
“Chicken!” Renjun laughs. “Lee Donghyuck, you’re usually not such a coward!”
They’re together at the gym. Haechan feels half-embarrassed as the two of them “work out” side-by-side with Renjun’s boyfriend who is actually doing a rather intense workout and whose muscles are next-level. Haechan can’t stop sneaking peeks over at the sweat that dampens Jaehyun’s shoulders and back.
“I’m not going to tell her,” Renjun is saying as Haechan again takes notice of the way that Jaehyun is grunting softly while he lifts weights just feet away. Haechan’s mind short circuits a little, thinking back to the videos he’s seen of Renjun and Jaehyun together. It takes great strength of mind to pull his attention back to Renjun, who doesn’t seem to have noticed, or at least doesn’t mind, how distracted Haechan is by Jaehyun.
Renjun says, “But you’re being such a chicken, dumbass. Just tell your mom you’ve got a girlfriend! Tell your girlfriend to come with you to meet them. What are you scared of, huh? It’s not like you’re coming out to them or anything. That shit can be scary. You’re just taking your wonderful girlfriend home to meet your family. What’s there to freak out about?”
Haechan whines a little, and he sits down pathetically on the dirty gym floor. “You don’t get it. We’ve been together for, like, five months now. Her parents have known about us for two months, and all this time I’ve been silent. Five months and I’ve kept her a secret from my mom. My mom is gonna be pissed because I used to tell her everything.”
Renjun just rolls his eyes. “Your mom is so sweet, I don’t think she’ll be pissed at you. Your girlfriend though….” Renjun shakes his head, looks over at Jaehyun, and then sighs, “If you keep it all a secret, she’s gonna be so upset.”
“I know.” Haechan is aware that she’ll probably be angry. And he knows it’s stupid, all so stupid. But he just has this mental block when it comes to this, and he doesn’t know why, really. It’s silly.
Haechan startles a little when Jaehyun speaks up. “Listening to this is just…” He laughs, and shakes his head. “You and her have both been totally open about your kinky sexual histories, but you’re scared to tell your family about her? You’re scared to invite her to meet them?”
Jaehyun walks closer, reaching out to steal the water bottle that Renjun was just drinking from. Haechan feels like he’s intruding when he notices the way Renjun is looking at his boyfriend: a deep need shimmering there in his eyes.
“Just tell them,” Jaehyun says after a moment. “Trust me, being very clear about where the relationship stands is important. If you don’t say anything, if you keep putting off introducing her to them, what if she thinks you’re not serious about her?” He’s staring at Renjun as he speaks, their gazes locked, and now Haechan definitely feels like he’s intruding on a moment.
Haechan’s girlfriend comes home from London the next day. He could have told her then, when she excitedly threw herself into the car and dragged him in for an excited kiss. He could’ve said something in the car, just thrown out the casual invitation to come meet his family.
But he didn’t.
And for the next few days he really, really struggles to overcome that mental block.
It doesn’t help that his mom is messaging him too, inquiring about his plans, and when he does finally agree that he’ll come to Jeju for his birthday, she has a million more questions about what he wants to eat and where he wants to go, what he wants to do with his time while he’s visiting home. It’s a lot. Plus, on top of his unnecessary and self-inflicted pressure in his personal life, his professional life is jam-packed full of stress too. Multiple projects and meetings and just so much work that he barely even sees his girlfriend those first few days, and it’s not until Thursday when his final project for the week is complete, that Haechan feels like he can even take a deep breath.
He leaves the boardroom and collapses at his desk, heaving out a sigh.
A few desks away, Jungwoo looks over at him, offering an easy smile.
And beyond Jungwoo is the door to her office. She’s sitting at her desk, on the phone while she’s clicking around on her computer. He watches her lips move, the annoyed tick of her eyebrow as whatever she hears over the phone meets her disapproval. Haechan watches her for a few long moments until her gaze lifts from the computer and sweeps over to his. She pauses for a split second and then smiles, and Haechan feels a little bit more relaxed right then.
She looks away, but he doesn’t.
He’s thinking. Thinking about how it’s Thursday and he’s taken Friday off, and then he’s free for the next week. His birthday is on Tuesday. And he has her. He’s so lucky to have her and he needs to tell her the truth. He needs to tell her that even though she has this coming week off too, he’s going out of town to see his family.
He hates how distant he’s been all week, the way he’s been busy with work and with avoiding telling her anything. He hates that he canceled on her when she wanted to go look at an apartment for them a couple days ago. He knows that she’d been annoyed by that, but Haechan had high hopes that he could make up for it.
He’s had his eyes on a better apartment than the one she’d wanted to go look at.
The one he wants is at the top of their price range, but it will be worth it. It is the kind of apartment that Haechan can see as more of a home. It’s a  two-bedroom, so there is room for a future to grow.
Haechan saw the listing online a few weeks ago, saw the photos and the location, and his mind began spinning, his imagination filling in the details of what he couldn’t already see. He was picturing cooking breakfasts and dinners with her in that kitchen. Envisioning relaxing baths and sensual showers, mornings waking up beside her in that bedroom that had plenty of windows to let in the sunlight. He was imagining dancing around the living room with her, wine-drunk and laughing, pulling her in for a messy kiss in front of the sofa. He could see himself proposing, slipping a ring on her finger and bringing her home to that apartment to celebrate. Haechan had visions of her cradling a baby in front of the big living room window that overlooked the city; visions of holding chubby hands while tiny feet stood atop his own for their first assisted steps, of chasing a toddling kid around the apartment with delighted laughter ringing in his ears. He could just imagine Christmas mornings and birthdays and game nights and movie nights and so many happy holidays with both of their families crammed in that apartment.
Haechan had it all planned out.
His future.
His future with her.
But hours later on that Thursday, Haechan feels his entire planned out future with her come crashing down around him.
She was an enchantress, seducing him right there on the sofa in his and YangYang’s apartment, and he was usually pretty jealous about sharing her, but he didn’t even care when YangYang walked in on them, when YangYang pretended like he wasn’t the one watching Haechan have sex (for a change). That part of the evening was good, even if his phone kept buzzing with messages from his mom throughout it all.
But then, afterwards, in that blissful afterglow as he’s cuddling her, she pulls the truth from him at last.
He admits the horrible truth: he hasn’t told his family about her.
She sits there, staring at him with angry tears beading in her eyes, her voice growing louder as she grows more upset, and his stupid fucking mental block just still won’t let him get the words out, won’t open up to let him tell her his (admittedly shitty, he realizes) excuses as to why he hasn’t told his family about her. But he’s trying. He’s trying to tell her, but the words that do manage to escape his mental block are coming out wrong, and YangYang emerges from his room at the sound of raised voices to intervene, and Haechan is at a loss.
She disappears to his bedroom, and Haechan assumes that she’s just in there to cool off, to calm herself down before she’ll come back out here, and they can talk about it again.
But when she reappears, she’s dressed in her own clothes instead of his shirt, and she keeps walking, heading right for the door of the apartment.
That’s when he really feels it, when he really knows that he fucked up, and he feels all the fractures in his bright future of them together in that apartment that feels more like a home.
“Where are you going?” He asks, trying to keep his voice from sounding as broken as he feels.
“I’m fucking leaving,” she spits back, blowing right by where he’s still sitting on the sofa talking to YangYang.
She can’t go. He’s always hated to watch her leave, but especially now when she’s this angry. He wants to talk to her, to actually get his words out.
All he manages is her name.
She pauses, her hand on the door handle.
“Stay,” he tries to say, but the word won’t come. It’s stuck in the back of his throat as he stares at her back, as he watches her head tilt slightly in the way he’s noticed it does when she’s really annoyed. She waits a few seconds, waits for Haechan to fail to find his voice, and then she throws the door open and vanishes through it.
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He doesn’t think he sleeps at all that night. 
He doesn’t know how many times he gets up and starts to pull on clothes and look for his shoes to go over to her place and talk to her. But each time he talks himself out of doing it. 
She was really angry when she left, so he doubts that she wants to see him or even hear from him right now. He does check her location (bless the app that lets them see where each other is at) to make sure that she at least made it home. And honestly, he periodically watches that little blue dot sit there at her apartment throughout the night. 
Haechan misses her. There aren’t many nights that they’ve spent apart since they started dating. He misses having her beside him, misses the warmth of her body but the cold press of her toes against his calf. He misses the smell of her shampoo when she rolls closer to him in her sleep. He misses her soft sighs and the sleepy mumbles she makes throughout the night. He misses just having her there, and he hates knowing that she’s sleeping in her own bed, angry with him. He hates sleeping alone. 
Eventually he must’ve dozed off for a little bit because when he opens his eyes again, it’s daylight. 
He has a plan. It developed sometime between three and four o’clock this morning, so it could’ve been a horrible plan, but even now in the light of morning Haechan thinks it could work. 
First step: call his mom. 
“Good morning, son,” his mom answers the call with a yawn. “Are you on your way already?”
“Not yet.” He’s still sitting in bed actually, still not dressed, still working up the courage to just get over the mental block. He says, “I’m catching a bus south in a couple hours. Listen, Mom….”
But that’s it. His voice stops. He pauses, and his mom is his favorite because she doesn’t rush him to say it, she waits and he can hear the sound of birds in the background and the breeze on her end of the phone call. She was probably out taking a morning walk or drinking her coffee out in front of the house or maybe shaking out the rugs as she prepares the house for him to come home. 
Finally, after a few long seconds, Haechan asks, “Do you think we have room for one extra person this weekend?”
“Of course!” She says with no hesitation. “Who’re you bringing?”
Haechan has brought friends home before. Mark, Jeno, Renjun, the most. Chenle was his mom’s favorite, though, so he knows she’s hoping he’s the one Haechan is bringing to visit. 
Haechan just clears his throat, shifts around in his bed. 
He takes a deep breath, and Haechan’s pulse picks up a nervous beat. “Not any of the guys. A girl. My girlfriend. I’d like to bring her home this weekend.”
There’s a flood of questions, of course, plus a huge weight lifted off of Haechan’s chest. Immediately, his mom just accepts it, and Haechan realizes he’s been a fool to be so stressed over this. She sounds delighted and just excited for Haechan, asking him everything about his girlfriend — what’s her name, what does she do, how long they’ve been together. She does, in fact, gasp and tell him he’s ridiculous for not having told her about his girlfriend when he admits that they’ve been together for five (almost six) months. 
A call from Ten at work is what gets Haechan to end the call with his mom eventually. He switches over to Ten’s call. 
“Dude, did you do it?” Ten asks, excitement in his voice. 
Haechan sits up in bed, running his fingers through his hair in an effort to tame the tussled mess. He needs to get up and get ready. “Did I do what?”
Ten makes a soft sigh of annoyance. “Propose, duh. You’re off today, off all next week. Your girlfriend called out today and also has all of next week off. Yuta thinks that you must’ve proposed last night, and you two were so busy celebrating last night that she called out sick this morning.” Ten laughs, and Haechan can hear Yuta’s voice in the background too. 
His stomach clenches. “No, I didn’t propose. Where did you two get that idea?”
She called out sick? Is she sick? Is she okay?
“Because you’re so lovestruck, both of you, that it’s only a matter of time, isn’t it?” Ten says. 
Haechan hears something from Ten’s end of the call, a small sound of distress, and then Yuta’s voice is the one on the call, demanding, “Don’t tell me you’re not planning to propose to her?”
“I don’t see how it’s any of your business.” Haechan isn’t going to give his proposal plans to the two biggest gossips in the Moon Corporation. When he proposes (because it’s only a matter of time, like Ten said), he doesn’t necessarily want her to hear about it ahead of time from their coworkers. 
Yuta snorts. 
“Is she really not at work today?” Haechan’s stomach gives an odd loopy feeling as he asks that. “She called in sick?”
“Yeah, first thing this morning. Didn’t you know?” A pause, and then Yuta gasps, “You two didn’t split up, did you?”
Ten’s distressed voice butts in, “Excuse me? They what?”
Oh, God. These two are going to start rumors. 
“No,” Haechan emphasizes, “We did not split up. I’m hanging up. Bye.”
Hopefully they don’t spread their false rumors around work, Haechan thinks. But now that he knows that she’s not at work, it makes step two of his plan a little easier. 
Second step: apologize to his girlfriend. 
He finishes packing his bag for the trip home pretty quickly after ending the call with his mom. 
As he moves around the apartment, gathering his clothes from the clean basket of laundry he’d left sitting in the living room, his toiletries from the bathroom, a few gifts he’s picked up for his family members since the last time he’s seen them, Haechan notices YangYang is awake too. It’s early for his roommate to be up, and especially early for YangYang to be out of his bedroom, but YangYang is sitting in their kitchen talking on the phone with someone in a low voice.
Haechan can’t miss the way YangYang is watching him closely, and he wonders what his roommate’s problem is. 
He leaves about twenty minutes later, his packed bag slung over his shoulder as he heads over to her place. 
He texts her when he’s halfway there, realizing that she might not appreciate it if he drops in unannounced.
When she hasn’t answered by the time he arrives at her apartment door, when she doesn’t answer his knock at the door, he texts again. He calls. And when both of those still go unanswered, he begins to panic a little bit. 
Is she okay? Is she actually sick? Is she ignoring him? Does she really just not want to see him or hear from him? Did he seriously fuck up and ruin a good thing by not telling his family about her? Was their fight last night the last one? He just needs it to not be the end, needs to talk to her and apologize. 
For several more minutes, Haechan continues to knock on the door and call her, growing more desperate as the minutes pass by. 
And then he hears it. A faint click. 
The door opens a few inches, just a wide enough gap for him to see her standing there. She’s dressed in just a hastily wrapped towel, her hair still dripping, and her skin covered with water droplets. 
Haechan, in that instant, forgets all of his worries. She is fresh from the shower and he can smell her shampoo again, and for the first time in about twelve hours, he feels himself relax a bit. He wants to push the door the rest of the way open, to hold her close and breathe her in. He wants to taste her skin and her lips and every part of her, to apologize and beg for her forgiveness. 
But she only cracked the door open enough for them to talk, just wide enough for him to see a few inches of her. It’s maddening, really. His need for her, his need to be forgiven by her, is overwhelming and drives him down to his knees to beg her forgiveness. 
And maybe, as he sinks down, he remembers Yuta and Ten’s questions about him proposing, and maybe Haechan drops down on one knee first. He just wants to see her reaction — the wide-eyed look of surprise when she thinks for a brief moment that he might be proposing. 
Instead he begs her forgiveness with a simply put, “Will you please forgive me, baby? My angel?” And then he adds on the big request, his genuine question, “Forgive me, and come with me this weekend. Come meet my family.”
“You’re a dick!” She whines adorably, but a smile is dancing at the corners of her lips, her eyes are focused only on him as she opens the door wider at last. 
“What?” Haechan laughs, “Did you think I was going to ask you something else?”
She rolls her eyes, but he can tell by the way she’s fighting down a smile and the way that she leaves her apartment door open for him as she walks away, that she’s forgiving him. But he needs to hear it in words, needs to hear her invite him in. 
“What’s your answer?”
“Just come inside!” She laughs. 
He can’t even begin to describe how light and relieved he feels now. Both of the heavy weights that have been settled on him for too long now have lifted. He’s got her forgiveness, he’s told his mom about her, he’s taking her to meet his family. 
As he follows her inside to her bedroom, all he wants is to lead her into distraction. He wants to tug that towel off of her and slide into bed with her, to take his time tasting every inch of her. But he knows he can’t. If he wants to make it home to visit his family any time today, they need to leave soon. 
Haechan puts aside those desires. 
Undeniably, as they leave her apartment, his relief begins to give way to nerves. 
In several hours he’ll  finally be introducing her to his family. This isn’t anything he’s ever done before with any of his past partners. 
Bringing them home. 
Of course, he’s never felt this way about anyone but her. 
“Relax,” she says as they board the bus that is taking them south to catch the ferry to Jeju. “I don’t get what you are so nervous for. They’re your family!”
She places her hand on his thigh, and Haechan immediately covers her hand with his, lacing their fingers together where her warm hand rests against his bare skin above his knee. “I’m nervous because I’ve never introduced them to any of my previous partners. They’ve just met my friends.”
She smiles and leans over, tipping her head against his shoulder. Haechan’s heart races, his fingers tightening against hers. “I’m excited,” she tells him quietly. “I want to meet them. You’ve talked about them all enough over the years I’ve known you, it’s certainly about time. But I’m excited too that this is the first, like, weekend away we’re taking together.”
“We’ve been on tons of trips together before.” Haechan looks down at her just in time to see her roll her eyes. “What?”
“I mean, our first weekend away as a couple.” 
“I know it’s not like a proper weekend away as a couple. We’re going to visit your family, not take a romantic trip together.” She presses her cheek against the round curve of Haechan’s shoulder. “But I’m still excited.”
He should take her on a real weekend trip. One that can be as romantic and sexy as she’d like. 
They both take naps while the bus carries them south. Her head bobs on his shoulder, his cheek pillowed against the top of her head. Haechan has the distinct feeling that neither of them slept too well the night before, aware that they’d been fighting, and both of them less comfortable in bed without the presence of each other. 
So they sleep, wrapped up together, and Haechan never wants to let her go again.  
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Haechan’s worst fears (he’s dramatic) are confirmed the moment that his mom opens the door to greet them. 
Her smile is wide — a mirror of his own smile, honestly — as she drinks in every last detail of Haechan’s sleepy and damp girlfriend. 
The evening is gloomy, a light rain drizzling over them as they make their way to his childhood home, and his girlfriend isn’t even fully awake after the nap she’d also taken on the ferry ride over. 
Haechan watches his mom’s face. Her eyes go slightly wide as she looks at his girlfriend, as everything clicks in her mind — the name he’d mentioned earlier this morning finally registering in his mom’s mind as the name he’s been mentioning for years — and then her gaze slides to her son, her eyes alight as she says, “Well, it certainly took the two of you long enough to get here! And I don’t just mean today! This is your friend, isn’t she? The one from school?”
Haechan feels his face heat up as he pulls ahead of his girlfriend, hurrying forward to embrace his mother and hopefully get her to stop talking before she reveals something embarrassing. They at least need to make it in the door before she does that. 
Behind him, he hears his girlfriend laughing, and in his ear his mom laughs as well. 
It turns out that his tight hug doesn’t cut off his mom’s words. “He used to show us pictures of all of your friends, tell us stories all about you! He talked about you all—“
“That’s enough, Mom.” Haechan cuts her off. 
“Oh, come on, Donghyuck.” She smiles warmly at him as she pulls back from his hug. “Come inside. Come in, dear,” she says kindly, waving Haechan’s girlfriend forward. “I’m so excited to meet you! Donghyuck has never brought someone home to meet us before! We were starting to wonder if he was embarrassed by us or just unlucky in love.”
He knew that his mom would make a big deal out of this, tease him about it. 
“It’s my birthday, Mom,” he whines, stepping over the threshold. “Be nice to me.”
She lifts a hand to pat his head, smoothing his hair down gently. “Yes, son, of course,” she says placatingly, but he doesn’t miss the wink and smile she sends over his shoulder to his girlfriend. “No embarrassing stories at all.”
That promise lasts at least for a little while, but of course it’s impossible to keep. Maybe it doesn’t happen immediately, but try as he might to keep his family from sharing weird and embarrassing stories about him, they manage to tell her some anyway over the next few days. Over dinner and breakfast, during excursions around the island or to the beach, his mom and siblings share stories, some of which include times that he’d talked all about her long before this relationship began. Even when his mom gets around to interrogating her about her past and her present and hopes for the future, they manage to embarrass Haechan. 
Especially on Monday night, hours before his birthday actually begins. 
Haechan is minding his own business, helping clean up the mess from their meal, but he can hear his mom and his girlfriend talking in the next room. 
Unsurprisingly, his family likes her. He truly had nothing to worry about there. They get along even better than he could have hoped for, which is almost too well if he really thinks about it. His mom and his siblings laugh and joke around with her just as they do with Haechan, and his sister is already calling her “unnie” so affectionately, and his mom kept offering to take photos of them together when they all went down to the beach earlier that day. 
Haechan had finally acquiesced after his girlfriend curled her fingers around his wrist, tugging him towards her as she smiled. The wind was blowing through her loose hair, and the sun was shining from her cheeks, and she met his eyes as she said, “Come on, Donghyuck-ah, take a picture with me for your mom.” 
They’d stood in front of the sea, their bare toes buried in sand. Haechan put his arm around her waist as she tucked herself against his side. In the split second before his mom snapped the photo of them, he felt the woman at his side twist to face him, and she pressed a kiss to his cheek, her hand pressing against his other cheek to keep him from pulling away in surprise. 
His mom laughed, and Haechan watched the happy expression on his mom’s face as she squinted down at the picture in her phone. Her smile filled her face. “Cute, you two! Very cute. But let’s just get a normal one now!”
Haechan had suffered through a miniature photoshoot, dramatically sighing and complaining the whole time, but inside he was thoroughly enjoying it. Already, he’d been thinking about asking his mom to send him all the photos, thinking about which ones he was going to post on Instagram in his photo dump of this weekend. 
Even once their impromptu photo session was over, Haechan didn’t let go of her. He’d clung to her at the beach, unwilling to let her too far mostly because he’d noticed the gazes of several strangers straying towards her. 
“Jealous, baby?” She’d teased him when she noticed the reason for his extra-clinginess. And then she’d placed a gentle hand on his cheek as she tipped in on her toes to kiss him softly. “You know I’m not going anywhere, right? You’re stuck with me.”
Now, as he stands in the kitchen of his childhood home washing the dishes, Haechan is still thinking about that moment. He’s reliving the feel of the warm sunlight and the sea breeze on his skin. The softness of her palm and fingers against his cheek, the whisper of her lips on his, her sweet voice making that statement that sounded like a promise. 
He wants it to be a promise. 
And in the next room, it seems like his mom is thinking the same thing. He can hear their conversation as he scrubs out a pot. 
“Donghyuck says the two of you are moving into an apartment together?” His mom says, “When is that happening?”
“We’re still looking, but we’ll hopefully have one by the time our leases are up. So by about the end of this month,” is her answer, but what he doesn’t necessarily expect to hear is his girlfriend saying, “You all should definitely come visit! We’re looking for a two-bedroom, so there’ll be room. My family are already planning to come help me move my stuff over to the new place, but honestly I think it’s an excuse for my mom to fawn over Haechan a little more. She adores him probably more than she does me.”
“Does she want him as a son-in-law as much as I want you as a daughter-in-law?”
Haechan drops the pot he’s scrubbing. Did his mom really just say that?
His girlfriend laughs. “She’s mentioned it a few times. The first day they met him, my mom brought up babies.”
The sounds coming from the other room increase, laughter and excited noises. He knows his mom would love a little grandbaby to dote on, she likes babies and always has liked their little chubby cheeks and contagious bubbling laughter. She’s been talking for years about future grandchildren, though she’s always followed that up with a bit of advice to marry the girl first before the babies. 
Haechan hasn’t even mentioned yet to his mom that he thinks this is the girl he wants to spend the rest of his life with, but judging by what she’s just said and the excited sounds from the other room, he’s sure that she’ll support him. Hell, she might even push him to do it as soon as he mentions it. 
He focuses on washing the rest of the dishes, and he loses track of the conversation in the next room.
All he knows is that when he emerges from the kitchen some time later, his fingertips are pruned and the front of his shirt is wet from where he accidentally slopped water down his front. Still, his girlfriend happily scoots aside to make a little room for him on the sofa, and he sinks down beside her so close that they’re pressed together from thigh to shoulder. 
She slides her hand over his thigh, letting it rest just above his knee. 
She’s deep in conversation with his family. It seems they’re debating the plot of some drama they all watch. Haechan has come in in the middle of it, so he keeps quiet, just watching her face as she talks and listens, the way her eyes light up right before she speaks up to make a point, her fingers curl in against his leg. 
She’s beautiful, sexy when she gets into it like this. He loves when her eyes blaze with determination to make a point. A lot of their little fights usually end with sex because he just finds the heat inside her so attractive. 
Just like right now. 
She’s busy arguing with one of his younger brothers, and Haechan is fighting down a boner. 
Her hand on his leg isn’t helping matters as she keeps gripping and rubbing his thigh. 
Haechan can only take so much of it before he feels like he’s at risk of doing something dangerous like moaning if she drags her nails along his inner thigh one more time. 
Carefully, he brushes her hand off his leg, and he stands up. “I’m gonna go shower,” he offers as an excuse for his escape. 
Barely anyone acknowledges it, but as Haechan turns to leave the room, he looks back over at her, momentarily catching her eye. The corner of her mouth ticks up into a little smile, something blossoming in her eyes, but then she looks away. Haechan leaves, wondering if she’d been touching him like that on purpose. 
Less than ten minutes later, Haechan is standing in the shower, when he hears the door of the bathroom open. He pops his head out of the shower to see who’s entered the room, and there she is. 
“Come here,” she demands. “Right now.”
There’s plenty of heat in her voice, but not the angry sort. 
As Haechan steps out of the shower, leaving the water running behind him, he watches her sink quickly to her knees in front of him. Clearly, she has one intention.
“Did you do that on purpose out there?” He asks, “Did you get me hard on purpose, angel?”
She looks up at him through her eyelashes. “What? I was just rubbing your thigh.” She tries to play it innocent, but she’s literally on her knees for him, and Haechan is no fool. She smiles up at him, and if anything that makes him even harder, knowing she was playing games with him. And even now, she keeps her tone innocent as she lets filthy words spill from her lips, asking, “Do you want me to suck your cock, Haechan? Wanna cum in my mouth?”
Does she even really have to ask? Of course he wants that. 
She leans in and starts licking water droplets from his skin while her hand wraps around his needy cock, Haechan is so grateful. He sighs, pressing his damp fingers through her hair.
“Gotta be quick,” she murmurs against his hip. “They think I’m just taking a bathroom break.”
Haechan hums, pressing his fingers encouragingly against her scalp, urging her mouth away from his hip to his cock. 
And she goes where he guides her, like the good girl she is. 
She gives him quick, sloppy head, swallowing around his cock until his tip hits the back of her throat with each bob of her head. The sounds of the shower running behind him help drown out the sounds they’re making — her soft gags and moans around him, his sighs and quiet curses as she sucks him off until his knees are going weak, his toes curl against the bathmat on the floor. 
It’s over faster than Haechan would like to admit. She has him cumming too quickly, but it’s knee-wobblingly good as she draws back until just her lips are tight around his tip, swallowing down each pulse of his cum across her tongue. His fingers grip tightly to sections of her hair, fucking it up completely. 
He sinks to his knees in front of her, smoothing his hands over her hair in an attempt to fix his mess, and then Haechan crushes his mouth against hers. 
He can taste himself on her tongue, the bitter tang, but he doesn’t care. He could happily kneel here and kiss her until the water runs cold in the shower, but before they get anywhere close to that point, she pushes against his chest with a groan. 
“I need to go back.” Her actions are contrary to her words as she dips forward to kiss him again. Haechan smiles, knowing that all it would take is him asking and she would just join him in the shower. She pushes herself away again, saying, “I don’t want your family knowing we’re in here having sex. Not when I’m just getting them to know and like me.”
Haechan can’t help the snort of a laugh that escapes him. “Baby, they’re gonna love you no matter what. Your family loves me and they walked in on us.”
She wrinkles her nose and stands up, drawing farther and farther away from him. “It’s different. But I hope you know you owe me now for what I just did.”
Haechan’s tongue darts out to wet his lips. “Later, angel. I promise.”
She turns and slips away from the room. He gets back in the shower, and now without the distraction of his erection, he passes through the motions much quicker. 
But while he’s in there he can’t help thinking about how she’s still so nervous about his family liking her. They clearly like her. There was really never any chance of them not liking her, which he’d realized as soon as he brought her up to his mom on the phone. 
He’d had his worries before then, obviously. It was part of the reason why he’d not mentioned her to his family. But after their fight the other night, after she left and he sat there talking to YangYang, his roommate helped him see light on the matter. 
Hours after she stormed out of the apartment, during one of the times Haechan had halfway convinced himself to go apologize, YangYang stopped Haechan in their living room, and asked him where he was going. That had given Haechan pause, and he’d sat down beside YangYang on the sofa and started actually talking with him.
“What if they don’t like her?” He’d finally admitted aloud to YangYang.
“You’re a fucking dumbass,” was YangYang’s point-blank reply. “Why wouldn’t they like her? And even if they don’t like her, you do. She’s your girlfriend, Haechan. Just last week, you were moaning about how much you love her and can’t wait to move in with her.”
Still, the thought of that makes Haechan smile. He’s excited to move in with her, to have no reason anymore to spend a night away from her, to get to wake up to her every day. He doesn’t care that when he says stuff like that to YangYang, to Renjun, to his other friends they tease him for being that way because, yeah, he’s in love with his girlfriend; he’s not going to pretend he doesn’t like her, like he doesn’t spend every waking moment wishing he was with her. 
So like YangYang said, it shouldn’t matter if his family doesn’t like her. But lucky for Haechan, they do like her. Unlucky for Haechan, now he’s definitely worried that they like her so much that while he’s standing up there finishing his shower, they’re all downstairs regaling her with stories about him that would embarrass the ever living shit out of him.
He hurries to dress again in something comfy, and he returns to the living room with his family and his girlfriend, immediately settling beside her. 
For hours they sit there, talking, playing games, and snacking with his family. Midnight approaches, and with it is Haechan’s birthday. 
He’s trying not to watch the clock, trying to not count down the seconds like he’s a kid again. He remembers birthdays in his childhood when he’d lain in bed, wide awake at midnight with excitement pulsing through his veins. Years as he grew older, hanging out with friends at midnight, celebrating as the clock turned over. 
Specifically he remembers a few years ago, the months between his first and second year of university. 
It was summertime, a brutal summer with exhausting heat that just leached the energy out of everyone. But all of his friends had come together that night to go out to a fancy rooftop bar. As midnight ticked nearer, as Mark and then Jeno and then Renjun and then strangers bought him drinks after drinks, Haechan felt himself growing happier and more excited for what his birthday tomorrow would bring and he felt lighter, light enough that he could just float off into the starry summer night. 
“Happy Birthday, Donghyuck!” said a voice from right behind him. 
He felt a hand clasp onto his, and he turned to look and found one of his newest friends standing there. He’d known of her since his first day of orientation, but it was really only within the last couple months of the second semester that he’d started to really, actually get to know her. And tonight she’s here to celebrate his birthday, and she’s holding his hand and looking at him with starry eyes that seem to mirror the night sky, and she just called him by the name his mother gave him. 
“You know we’re friends now,” Haechan told her, “You can call me Haechan. My friends call me Haechan. Donghyuck just sounds so….”
She laughed. “I like your name. Donghyuck. Donghyuck-ah. I like it.” She smiled softly, then said, “Haechan, too. It’s a bright name. A happy name. Happy birthday!” 
Cries of “Happy Birthday!” sounded from all around them. But she was still holding onto Haechan’s hand, and she murmured his name again, just a quiet “Haechan,” before she suddenly threw her arms around him, dragging him into a hug. 
It was a tight hug and warm, and Haechan felt every inch of her pressed against him. He slung an arm around her waist to return the embrace, and he couldn’t help, in that moment, letting the alcohol in his veins mix with the warm press of a soft body against him to feed his imagination. 
Maybe he should have known then.
She’d left him a moment after their hug, disappearing off to drink with Mark, and Haechan had ended the night with some random girl. And the same thing had happened the year after that and the one after that; as long as they’d been friends, she’s always been one of the first to wish him a Happy Birthday. 
This year is no different. 
At 11:59 PM, she twists around from where she’s reclining against his chest. 
“Happy Birthday, Donghyuck,” she wishes him, and then presses a kiss to his cheek. 
The clock strikes midnight, and around him his family wishes him a Happy Birthday as well, which means a lot to him, but not as much as the sound of her voice in his ear, the feel of her lips against his cheek even as he starts smiling at his family, the weight of her hand against his chest over his heart and her body resting back between his legs. 
He wraps his arms around her, refusing to let her up – not that she’s planning to go anywhere. 
A while later when his younger brother can no longer suppress his yawns, they all start to drift away towards their beds. 
Haechan happily and excitedly leads his girlfriend back to his childhood bedroom. In the years since he moved away for school, his bedroom has been taken over by one of his younger siblings, but for this weekend it’s Haechan’s again. The twin bed he spent years sleeping in is his again, and all weekend it has been a tight fit for both him and his girlfriend to sleep in, but tonight he’s glad about that. He wants to be as close to her as possible. 
She giggles (and his heart leaps in his chest) when Haechan shuts and locks the bedroom door, when he leads her by the hand over to the bed. He sits down heavily on the edge of it, guiding her to stand between his knees. 
“What are you doing?” She asks, her voice light, a smile gracing her lips. 
“Claiming my present. Paying you back for earlier.” Haechan slips his fingers into the waistband of the shorts she’s wearing. 
She pushes her fingers into his hair, combing his hair back off his forehead as he looks up at her. She asks, “Right now? Your whole family is here, just outside these walls. And it’s so quiet.”
Haechan grins. “You just have to be quiet. I know you can do it, angel.” Nevermind that he can hear water running in the bathroom, he can hear someone shifting in the bed next door. These walls are thin, but he knows that his girlfriend can be quiet if she puts her mind to it; there’s a reason she’s only been caught once — and it wasn’t due to her making noise. 
“Okay?” He checks with her, looking up into her eyes even as he starts to slide her shorts down her hips an inch. “Can I pay you back, baby?”
She swallows nervously and then nods. 
Haechan slides her shorts down until they drop to pool around her ankles. And then he moves to her shirt, fingers moving upwards beneath the fabric, over her belly, pushing her top up as he goes. 
She pouts, a vision of frustration when she reaches down to grab the hem of her shirt, and she drags it over her head instead of waiting. 
“Beautiful.” Haechan leans in, pressing his mouth against the curve of her hip, nipping slightly. Her answering sigh encourages him, and he kisses to the edge of her panties, leaving kisses all along the edge as he works his way towards the front and center, just beneath her belly button. 
Her fingers twist slightly in his hair. “Go on,” she sighs, tugging a little. 
Haechan smiles. He can almost smell her, can just imagine the taste of her on his tongue. Just the other night, before their fight, she’d ridden his face on the sofa and he’d been in heaven like that. Right now he almost wants to do it again, to fall backwards on his childhood bed and have an angel sit on his face. 
But he doesn’t do that. He knows she wants him to touch her, to kiss and lick and taste her. He waits. He teases, kissing her abdomen, drawing his nose from the edge of her panties, up to her navel and higher until he’s sitting up straight with his face at her chest. Now her fingers drag at his hair, a very quiet sound of desperation breathes past her lips. 
“It’s your birthday,” she tells him, “Don’t you just want to do it? Why are you taking your time?” 
Haechan smiles as he slides a hand up her back. “I’m savoring my present. Savoring you. I love the way you react to me, baby.” 
She presses closer to him when his fingers rising up her back reach the band of her bra, and Haechan quickly unfastens it. She sighs, and whether it’s due to the anticipation of him touching her tits or whether it’s the relief of being freed from her bra, he doesn’t know or care. She slides her arms out of the straps, lets her bra join her shirt and shorts on the floor, and then she drops her head back with a sigh as Haechan starts attending to her chest. 
He remembers the first time he really noticed her boobs: the night in the hot tub. He’d glanced over while they were all talking and laughing, and he’d happened to look down and seen the way that the string lights above the hot tub were reflecting on the water. Specifically the water that was lapping against her breasts where they rose out of the water. And he could see the thin fabric that had grown semi transparent beneath the water’s surface. And later that night when they’d shared a bed, he’d stared at them too, imagining how soft and nice they must be to touch. 
And in the present, as he palms one breast while he worships the other with his lips and his tongue, Haechan wishes (not for the first time) that he’d made a move that night. He missed out on so much time that he could’ve been with her like this just because he’d been too dumb and blind to notice what was right in front of him. 
Haechan drops his free hand down between her legs, and she shudders with another sweet sigh when he touches her over her panties, sliding a finger over the fabric, passing her clit so he can feel how wet she is, where she’s got a damp spot soaking through her panties. 
He thinks again about how much he enjoyed her sitting on his face the other night, and he really wants that to happen again, to feel her suffocate him against her pussy, smother him between her thighs. But he shouldn’t tonight. This bed is old and it squeaks and he’s sure that her riding his face is going to make a racket that will attract the attention of his family. 
Haechan slides off the edge of the bed to kneel on the floor, and he kisses down from her chest to her belly to the edge of her panties. 
She sighs his name, barely above a whisper, when his lips move over the front of her panties. Her fingers tighten, yanking at his hair, when Haechan licks over her clit through the panties while his fingers stroke slowly against the growing damp spot. 
He doesn’t remove her panties. He doesn’t even pull them to the side yet, but just licks and kisses and touches her over them. 
He waits until her fingernails drag over his scalp, her hands tugging at his hair to get him closer, her thighs twitching and a desperate hiss of his name—
Haechan drags her panties aside, his tongue meeting her clit. She rolls her hips against the heat of his mouth, and Haechan eagerly dives in deeper, wanting to feast on her, to devour the sweet taste of her pussy. Of course, he wishes more than anything to hear her moaning his name while he does it, but in the present circumstances, it would be better if she didn’t. 
She shudders and trembles against him with every drag of his tongue, and it gives Haechan such a headrush to have her like this, falling apart just with a few flicks of his tongue. 
“Hyuck,” she whispers, pressing her fingers into his hair, pushing slightly. “I’m gonna cum. Stop.”
Reluctantly, Haechan sinks back on his heels. He can feel her dampness on his lips and chin as he looks up at her. He can smell her arousal clinging to him and also so close at hand as she shifts on her feet. He just watches as she reaches down to push her panties off, letting them slide down her legs until she can step out of them, flicking them over to join the rest of her discarded clothes. 
Almost involuntarily, Haechan leans in, drawn towards the tantalizing taste between her legs. 
She jabs a finger against his forehead, stopping him. 
Haechan whines before he can catch himself. 
 “I don’t want to stop. The whole point is getting you there, returning the favor.” He pushes forward against her hand on his forehead until she removes it. He nuzzles against her bare thigh, leaving kisses up and down her left thigh. 
“No,” she whispers, “Fuck me. I want you inside me.”
Haechan doesn’t need telling twice. 
He curls his hands around the backs of her thighs, sliding his palms down over the softness of thigh and calves. “Sit down, then, baby,” he tells her gently. 
She lowers herself from standing above him to sitting in his lap. Her arms drape over his shoulders, her bare tits press against his chest, and she kisses him while she knots her fingers through his hair again. 
Haechan is hard again, because of course he is. Having his gorgeous girlfriend sitting in his lap is more than enough to do this to him, but also having just been devouring her pussy got him so hard that his cock is just aching in his shorts. 
He shivers a little when her fingertips brush over his belly, and he makes a little involuntary sound when she starts lifting his shirt. She pulls the shirt up, just breaking their gentle kiss long enough to drag it up over his head and drop it aside. 
Now when she presses herself closer to him, he can feel the press of her tits against his skin. He can feel the softness and warmth of her breasts, the peaks of her nipples. 
She sighs when Haechan slides a hand along her spine, when he shifts beneath her, and Haechan ever-so-carefully tips her backwards. He presses her back to the floor of the bedroom, and he covers her with his body, making sure there’s not an inch of untouched space between them. 
“Come on,” she whines so softly, tugging at his hair. 
Haechan feels the hair-tug right down to his cock, which gives a twitch in his shorts. 
“Need you, Haechan,” she whispers, “I need to feel you.”
As much as he enjoys hearing her beg and whine for his cock, Haechan slides a hand down between their bodies without further preamble. He shoves his shorts down, making a small sound in the back of his throat in relief as his cock springs free, and he gets a hand on himself. 
Something about doing this here on the floor of his childhood bedroom feels so right. He can’t explain it, but it’s a feeling of completeness and rightness, like he’s come full circle from when he was younger, lying in bed as he stared up at the ceiling and dreamed of someday being in love, to now when he’s rolling his hips forward against the love of his life. 
Because that’s what she is. No doubt. 
The absolute love of his entire life. 
He doesn’t even take the shorts fully off, just shoves them down around his thighs. She doesn’t care, she’s too busy panting against his lips as he drags his tip between her legs, feeling her wetness kissing his cock. All it takes is his thumb pressing against his length to direct himself towards her entrance, and then he rolls his hips forward and sinks inside her at last. 
It takes a great deal more effort to keep quiet after that. 
The house around them has fallen mostly silent, but blessedly one of his younger brothers is still awake and is playing video games or a movie in his bedroom, and the sound emanating from there is enough to mask some of the sounds they’re creating right here – their bodies are tangled together on the floor, knotted together with high energy and the inability to make too much noise. 
Her fingernails drag along Haechan’s shoulders and spine, digging in at the small of his back in a way that makes his toes curl, makes him grind his hips forward to be even deeper inside her warm, tight pussy. She’s rolling her hips too, aiming to get his cock to hit in just the right spot, and her breath is just against his lips, an imitation of a kiss. 
He wishes he could fully let go, could move right now and make the sounds right now that he wants to. He wants to treat her as well as she deserves. He wants to bend her into positions that he knows she likes better than just missionary, and he wants to talk to her because he knows that his voice gets her off faster. He wishes they were in the bed instead of the hard floor, although he knows the mattress is squeaky and will announce to the whole house immediately what they’re doing in here. 
He does the most that he can in present circumstances. 
Haechan fits a hand between them, his fingers find her clit. 
She lets out an audible squeak. 
She freezes but Haechan just grins, kissing her quickly before he lifts himself up a bit, putting a little space between her chest and his so he can look down at her spread out beneath him. He wants to see her as he rolls his hips and grinds his cock just right against that particular spot inside her. He wants to see the way that she bites her bottom lip to keep quiet when he plays with her clit. 
One of her hands drifts to her chest, cupping her breast and pinching her nipple between her fingers. Her other hand moves to Haechan’s hip, sliding around to grip his ass. 
The bite of her nails into his skin makes him hiss, makes his hips snap forward hard enough that she slides a couple inches against the floor. A second later he feels her heels against the backs of his thighs as she curls her legs around him to hold him closer.
He draws his thumb in tight circles on her clit, watching the way she squirms, the way her eyelids flutter shut, the way that her pussy eagerly swallows up his cock each time he rolls his hips forward. She’s so wet around him, and he can feel her getting closer, can feel the racing throb of her around his length. Her body is beginning to tense up in anticipation of her climax, and Haechan can feel his own quickly approaching as he watches. 
“Haechan,” she whimpers, and at this point he doesn’t care if it’s loud enough for anyone else to hear. He doesn’t care if they hear the sound that escapes her next — a mixture between a sigh and a whine and a cry. 
All he knows is the sweet release as he follows her over the edge, as he presses himself down over her again, as he captures her lips with his own. 
They drown in each other for a handful of moments, lost in the sensations of their bodies still moving together, taking from each other. 
Haechan is the one that breaks first. She bites his bottom lip and tugs and he forces himself to pull away from her. 
She lies there beneath him on the floor, chest heaving, a smile on her lips that is both pleased and full of challenge. “What?” She asks, her voice so quiet again now. “Where are you going?”
“You’re gonna be the death of me, angel.” Haechan rakes his fingers through his hair. “Keep it up and I won’t be able to stop myself, and we’ll do some serious damage to this bedroom and my relationship with my family.”
Still, she smiles up at him, reaching for his hand even as he pulls out of her and moves like he’s going to stand up. She tries to reel him in again, and Haechan knows it would be so damn easy to give in and lose himself inside her again. He always wants her, and when she’s laid out so invitingly like this, it makes it more difficult to say no. 
“Baby,” he sighs, taking her hand and tugging.
She sits up, still smiling as Haechan leans in to peck her on the lips. “Baby,” she sighs back at him, “Should we just go to sleep then?”
He nods. “Tomorrow we’ll go home. And at the end of the month, you’re all mine. No more roommates to intrude, and then we can just take all the time we want with each other. Any time you want me, angel, you’ll just be able to jump me.”
That makes her laugh, and that sound causes his heart to leap in his chest. 
She grabs his abandoned shirt from the floor, pulls it on and climbs to her feet. Haechan just pulls his shorts back up. He watches as she tiptoes from the bedroom to the bathroom down the hall. 
He’s half asleep already by the time she comes creeping back into the bedroom, quietly pressing the door shut behind her, sliding silently into the tight twin bed to squeeze herself against him. Haechan just opens his arms to let her snuggle in against his chest. The two of them fit tightly together by necessity (the too small bed) and just because they want to (Haechan wants her suffocatingly close, honestly). 
Her lips brush against his chest, her hair tickles his chin, and Haechan just breathes her in, feeling himself relaxing into the bed until sleep sinks over him. 
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“You two are gross,” Mark groans from across the room. 
It’s the end of June, and as Haechan is finally moving in with his girlfriend to their new apartment, their friends have come to visit and help with the move. 
To be fair, the “gross” thing that Mark just walked in on is only Haechan hugging his girlfriend. She has her cheek against his shoulder, her arms around his waist, and Haechan’s arms squeeze tight around her shoulders while he rests his head against the top of hers. They’re just taking a pause, a well-deserved moment to drink in their present and their future in the quiet of their new apartment. 
Haechan’s dream apartment. The one he’s envisioned his future with her in. He was lucky that she’d fallen in love with it too upon their first viewing of it, lucky that they got it right away and were able to move in so quickly. 
And now they’ll finally have a place for just them. A quiet sanctuary. 
Well, it was quiet. 
But now Chenle, Xiaojun, and Jeno fill the doorway behind Mark, all of them talking. Then YangYang’s voice cuts through the clamor, saying, “If you think that’s gross, you haven’t spent enough time around them. I’m glad they’ve got their own place now, they’re always going at it like rabbits. I’m tired of hearing it and walking in on it.”
Haechan catches YangYang’s eye, and the younger at least has the decency to look a little embarrassed. 
And then Renjun appears, carrying a heavy box between him and Jaehyun. “Let’s just hope they can keep their hands to themselves when we all go on our trip.”
Jaehyun snickers, glancing over at Haechan’s girlfriend. He tightens his arms around her, feeling a jealous flare as she smirks back at Renjun and his boyfriend. 
“No promises,” Haechan says. “Our last trip everyone was fucking. So I wouldn’t be surprised if it goes the same in Bali.” He looks around the room at everyone – the couples of Renjun and Jaehyun, and Jeno and Jaemin most particularly – and then says, “At least it’s a bigger place and there are less of us this time, so we all get our own rooms.”
Though he has a feeling that that’s going to matter about as much as it did last time. People were still fucking around on their last trip outside of the bedrooms – in that outdoor shower, in the pool, in the kitchen. 
Renjun just laughs and drapes an arm on his boyfriend’s shoulder, leaning against Jaehyun. “The rooms aren’t soundproof, though, Haechan, so you’ll at least have to try to keep the volume down.”
Luckily, his girlfriend takes care of responding by flipping Renjun her middle finger. 
Everyone laughs and gets back to moving boxes and furniture up from the moving truck parked on the street below, but Haechan can’t stop thinking about the jokes from their friends. Their trip is coming up in just a couple weeks, and Haechan is almost certain that he’s not going to be able to keep his hands to himself. As a matter of fact, he’s got certain plans already that make him think that it’s not just going to be him struggling to keep his hands to himself.
He’s still thinking about the trip and his specific plans for it hours later after most of their friends have left, and still when her parents show up with pizza for dinner and also to help with unpacking some of their boxes. 
Haechan is glad to see them. Of course he is. They still have a lot of furniture to put together and boxes to organize, which is why Renjun, Jaehyun, and YangYang are still there, helping Haechan build a TV stand he bought from IKEA. It’s nice to have help, but with the way he’s been distracted for the past few hours, he also desperately wishes that he was alone with her already. 
While her mom helps her with unpacking some of the boxes, her dad comes over to help with the furniture assembly. That would be fine, like Haechan gets along well with her dad on the several occasions they’ve met, but Renjun and YangYang keep making jokes and blunt comments still that Haechan is terrified her dad is going to take the wrong way. 
Specifically jokes about the Indonesia trip and the sort of rules that they should put in place.
Eventually, Haechan sends them on a mission to pick up a few things from the nearest convenience store. Anything to get rid of them for a little bit. 
Haechan can hear his girlfriend and her mom talking quietly in the bedroom. They’ve got music playing over a Bluetooth speaker that mostly drowns out their conversation, and Haechan finds himself glancing towards the doorway. 
She’s laughing with her mom, saying something he can’t quite make out, and she’s holding an ugly sweater up in front of herself. 
Haechan has a vague memory involving that sweater. 
A few years ago while they were in school, an ugly sweater party they’d thrown at the rental house. He remembers that there’d been a gift exchange since it was right before the holiday break, there’d been mistletoe and Christmas lights. All of their friends wore hideous sweaters that ranged from itchy and horribly patterned to obnoxiously festive. They’d decorated cookies with frosting and sprinkles. They’d drunk spiced wine and spiked eggnog. Someone had started Christmas carol karaoke late in the night when pretty much everyone was completely wasted. 
Haechan remembers her wearing that sweater. He remembers that it had been very, very late when he walked onto the front porch, needing a breath of fresh air and a brief break from Xiaojun and Chenle’s karaoke singing. He’d found her sitting on the front step, wearing only the sweater and a pair of hole-y jeans. She’d been sitting there, staring up at the sky as fluffy flakes of snow were drifting lazily towards the ground where there was already a light dusting. The lampposts along the street gave off a pale, silvery ambience, and the whole city seemed so quiet right then except for the house right behind them. 
She’d been shivering when he sat down beside her. 
“You should be wearing a coat, you’re gonna catch a cold.” Haechan wasn’t wearing a coat either, but that didn’t matter so much to him. 
“It’s pretty out here,” is all she said. 
The wind blew a little, sending a couple little fluffs of snow to settle in her hair, and a few loose strands of her hair fluttered against her cheeks. She closed her eyes and tipped her face up. 
Haechan was probably drunk right then. A little more drunk than he’d thought because he was sitting here beside her, and he completely forgot about the girl he’d brought to the party who was sitting inside wearing a holly wreath as a crown and drinking everyone in there under the table. 
He watched her, shivering in her sweater as she enjoyed the wintry chill. She was pretty, so pretty. All haloed with snow and silvery light. She was an angel, a perfect angel, and his heart beat a little faster when she snuck a glance at him. He was staring, but she didn’t seem to mind too much. He figured if she called him out on it, he could tell her he was drunk, but really he just couldn’t bring himself to look away from her. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, to protect her from the cold. He wasn’t sure where that urge came from, but here it was. 
Of course, that night was years before he realized his true feelings. 
But sitting here right now in the living room of their new apartment, watching her laugh with her mom over the ugly sweater, Haechan wonders if she remembers that night. He really had been such a fool to take so long to realize he was in love with her. He should’ve known it that night, but he’d blamed his feelings on the alcohol, he’d pushed them away. 
While they’re alone — her and her mom distracted in the other room, his friends gone temporarily — Haechan talks to her dad. The music from the speaker keeps playing loudly, and Haechan notices her looking out into the living room, checking on him and her dad, but he knows she can’t hear what they’re talking about. 
It’s hours later when her parents are the last to leave. Hugs, handshakes, her dad nodding a goodbye to Haechan at the door. 
The door has barely swung shut behind them before she’s right there, sliding her arms around Haechan’s waist, pressing her chest against his back. Her lips brush his neck. 
“We’re alone,” she sighs. “At last.”
The mattress in the bedroom is brand new, and they break it in that night.
Haechan is enthusiastic as he devours her, kissing her tenderly, taking her apart on his fingers and his tongue before he finally takes anything for himself. He can’t get enough of her, and she can’t satiate her need for him either. 
Thankfully their apartment is a corner apartment, their bedroom right there on the outer edge, so they’re likely not disturbing their neighbors. Except maybe the people living above and below them. But they make no efforts to be quiet. 
It’s quite a while later when she groans and knots her fingers in Haechan’s hair, dragging his mouth away from where he’s sucking a mark against her collarbones. 
“What has gotten into you tonight?” She’s smiling as she says it. “Aren’t you tired yet?”
Maybe he should find an insult in that, but they have gone more rounds than normal, not to mention they spent all day moving heavy furniture and boxes up several floors, so maybe she’s just genuinely amazed that Haechan is still seeking more. 
“I just love you,” Haechan murmurs, lowering his head again. “And we’ve got this place. Our home. I’m just excited and in love. Can you blame me?” He turns his head to the side, and he brushes his lips against her wrist. He can feel her pulse pounding beneath his lips. She sighs. 
Haechan kisses from her wrist to the crease of her elbow. He can smell her perfume underlying the scent of them together. He trails kisses along the rest of her arm to her shoulder, from her shoulder to her neck, her neck to her jaw. 
She swears softly when he deviates to suck lightly at one of her earlobes, nipping lightly with his teeth. He smiles, loving the way she always reacts when he does that, the way that he can feel her tighten around him where he’s still buried inside her. 
He kisses the high point of her cheekbone, kisses her eyelids and her nose, leaves a lingering kiss to her forehead, and he can feel her breath against his throat. Her hands clench against his sides. 
“Haechan,” she breathes out his name. 
He draws his lips back from her forehead. He kisses her nose again, and then he withdraws a few inches to look down at her. 
Her eyes are still closed. Her lips are turned up, seeking, hopefully, begging to be kissed. 
Haechan leans in, still watching her, watching the way her mouth twitches, the way that her lips part with another small sigh. 
He kisses her. 
Not the hungry, devouring kisses of earlier. This one is slow and sweet. She hums, pleased. 
They tangle together one more time tonight. Bodies moving in tandem, slowly, savoring each other, embracing and enjoying the feel of each other everywhere inside and out. 
“Say it,” Haechan murmurs as he teeters on the brink of another orgasm. “Say it, angel.”
He knows she knows what he’s asking for, and she gives it willingly, openly, spilling the words sweetly from her lips pressed against his. 
“Yours. Always yours.” 
Haechan unravels, taking her words as a promise. 
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Although he’s fully aware of all the jokes and teasing and fake rules their friends have put into place leading up to this trip, Haechan doesn’t take any of them seriously. 
It’s July now, the heat of summer is devastating, but as bad as it is at home, Haechan knows it’s going to be even worse when they get to Indonesia. He’s already sweating as he and his girlfriend unload from the taxi they took to the airport, baking in the heat, his sunglasses slide down his nose due to sweating. 
Blessedly, the interior of the airport is a lot cooler. By the time they’ve made it through security and have found their gate, Haechan feels a lot better. 
Xiaojun and his girlfriend, YangYang and his flavor of the month, and Jeno and Jaemin are already waiting at the gate. 
Haechan can’t help thinking, as they approach their friends, that they all put a lot of joking rules in place considering it’s only couples coming on this trip. Haechan won’t be surprised if not a single one of the sex rules gets followed this week. They all made it work during their trip to Thailand. 
While Haechan is settling into the seat beside Jeno, his girlfriend excuses herself to the restroom. 
They’ve still got about an hour and a half until their flight is meant to board, but Renjun and Mark, who were the ones who put the most planning into this trip, had told all of them to be here two hours early. Of course, Haechan doesn’t fail to notice that neither one of them is there yet. 
Before she returns from the restroom, Renjun and Jaehyun arrive, looking far fancier than the rest of their friends. Both of them look like they could walk a runway or something, and Haechan can’t deny that it’s not a good look, but it’s overkill since they’re all headed to the tropics. Haechan, Jeno, and Jaemin are dressed in sweatpants and tshirts. 
Haechan leaves his seat behind to go talk with the new arrivals, checking with Renjun about what some of the details of the group itinerary are since he’s the one that booked the villa, some of the dinners, and most of their rentals that had to be booked in advance. Renjun assures him that everything has been booked and scheduled properly in the itinerary that he sent to their group chat. 
Haechan returns to his seat beside Jeno and pulls out his phone to check the itinerary – the plans for dinners and for sightseeing, for excursions at the beach, and more. 
Eventually, she comes back, sliding quietly into the seat beside Haechan. She brought back drinks from Starbucks, passing him one and saving the other for herself. He notices the way she keeps shifting around nervously, crossing and uncrossing her legs, bouncing her feet. He reaches over and lays a hand on her knee. 
“What’s gotten into you?” He murmurs. “You’ve never been a nervous flier before.”
She nods, then leans closer, resting her chin on his shoulder to whisper in his ear. “I want to try something.”
Immediately heat blooms inside Haechan, a rush of heat centered in his lower belly. “Oh?”
“I’m wearing a vibrator,” she hisses the word so quietly that Haechan almost misses it. “And you’re going to control it.”
Dear God, his vision pulses black for a second, his head spins. She’s truly going to be the death of him, he thinks, as his heart races. 
“The rules….” He starts to say, glancing over at where Xiaojun is dozing with his head on his girlfriend’s shoulder, where YangYang is giggling with his girl at something on her phone. 
“As if anyone is going to follow them,” she whispers, “And besides, we have a long wait before we board the plane, a long flight after that. I don’t want to be bored, Haechan.”
There have been a rare few times since they began this relationship that Haechan wonders if he’s bitten off more than he can chew with her and her exhibitionism. 
“Can you really do it here?” He asks. He doesn’t even understand how she snuck a vibrator through the airport security. He’s not going to ask either. “Can you really keep it subtle enough?”
She smiles and pecks him on the cheek. “The app is on your phone, I downloaded it for you yesterday. You’re the one in control. You know what I can take.”
She’s giving him all the power right now? He tries hard to not let that rush immediately go to his head. 
She shifts again in a way that Haechan suddenly realizes is excitement over this situation she’s created for herself. 
“You’re a pervert,” Haechan accuses her softly, adoringly. She smiles sweetly. 
He’s grateful for the fact that he’s got a privacy screen protector on his phone. No one can see the app on his screen as he pulls it up with the help of her whispered instructions, it’s invisible unless they’re standing directly behind him and peering over his shoulder. They might be able to see the delight on his face as he realizes that she’s already gone through all the necessary steps, and all Haechan has to do is control her now. 
He could push her quickly right up to the edge, watch her fight to contain herself. 
Or he could just start her out slow, get her so wet that she’s going to ruin her panties. If she’s even wearing them. He wonders how much she’s really planned this. 
Haechan just starts out the vibration low and constant. She reaches over to hold his hand, and he can feel her pulse thrumming in her wrist where it presses against his. 
He toys with her for the time before they board their flight. He holds conversations with their friends while he messes around on his phone, and each time he jacks up the intensity of her vibrator using his phone, he feels her clutch his hand a little bit tighter. But she’s a good girl, and she doesn’t make a sound. 
Haechan has fun with it, pulsing it rapidly so that her fingernails dig into his skin as she fights to keep control of herself, but then other times hr has it so low and constant that she’s able to catch her breath, able to join in on conversation and look almost as if she’s not hiding this dirty secret in plain sight. 
Best of all is that no one notices. All of their friends are too distracted with each other to take any notice when she slips a little bit every now and then, her face showing a hint of the pleasure she’s feeling. 
When their flight is called to board, Haechan lowers the vibrations to almost nothing, but even then, he notices her legs are a tiny bit wobbly as she gets to her feet, as she clutches at his arm while they walk together to line up with their friends to board. He smiles at her, kisses her forehead, and murmurs, “Should I let you have it, baby? Do you deserve to be rewarded? Or should I make you wait til we get to the house?”
Her fingernails dig into his arm sharply. “I don’t think I can wait.”
“We’ll see.”
On the plane, she’s got a window seat, Haechan takes the middle seat, and the third seat in their row is left open for a stranger.  As soon as she’s settled with her personal item tucked beneath the seat in front of her, her seat belt latched across her lap, Haechan places his hand on her bare thigh. She wore shorts for their day of travel, loose athletic shorts that it’s easy for him to slide his fingers inside of. 
Not that he does that right now. 
Well, he stretches his pinky finger out and traces it along the edge of her shorts, which is enough to make her shiver. She turns her head to look out the plane window at the tarmac, and she presses her mouth into her palm. 
The flight fills in around them. Renjun and Jaehyun are in the row behind them with a sweet old lady who strikes up a conversation with the pair of them. Haechan waits to see who is going to fill in the seat beside him. 
But when the doors of the flight close, the seat remains empty. 
He waits until they’re properly airborne, until the plane is filled with the dull murmur of conversations, the sharper sound of a baby crying a few rows ahead of them, and it’s then that he ramps the vibrator’s setting all the way up. 
She hisses and clutches at his arm, somehow both squirmy and rigid in her seat. Her eyes are closed, but she still has her head turned towards the window. 
It’s almost a seven hour flight from Seoul to Bali, Indonesia, and Haechan doesn’t intend to torture her with the vibrator for the entire seven hours. That might be a bit too much edging, honestly, but he thinks he can do it for a while, playing with her until she’s desperate for it. 
He rests his free hand on her thigh still, the other is preoccupied with his phone — his thumb sliding up and down to adjust the speed and intensity of his girlfriend’s vibrator. The thumb on his other hand strokes her thigh in a matching pattern. Goosebumps rise on her skin, and she squeezes her thighs together. 
She just wore a thin top today since the heat is going to be so thick once they arrive in Indonesia, and right now Haechan can see her nipples poking against the front of her shirt. She crosses her legs, trapping his hand there in the warmth between her thighs, and he’s sorely tempted to just throw caution to the wind and slide his fingers inside her shorts. Fuck the vibrator, he wants to finger her right here until she’s squirting around his fingers and he has to ask a flight attendant for some napkins. 
“Fuck off,” she whispers when he murmurs his thoughts into her ear. 
Haechan kisses her cheek, slides his fingers a little higher, and he draws his pinky finger along the center seam of her shorts. 
She shivers. 
Haechan grins, and again he whispers to her, asking, “Are you even wearing panties, angel? I swear I can already feel how wet you are.”
“I’m not,” she admits, and her voice gives an odd flutter when he draws his pinky finger in a circle over her clit. “I thought it would be easier if I wasn’t, so I stowed them in my purse when I went to the bathroom. I was hoping that after you got tired of toying with me, you’ll fuck me in the tiny airplane bathroom.”
God, Haechan is so in love with her. 
“I might take you in there,” he says. “Once I’ve had enough of this.” And then he drives the settings high again, watching the way her eyes flutter shut, the way her thighs clench around his hand, and she bites her bottom lip. He slowly lowers the setting until she relaxes again. 
Back and forth, again and again, wilderness with sudden sharp bursts of pleasure, sometimes he drops all the way to the lowest setting. And the whole time, Haechan is touching her — over her shorts, her thighs, holding her hand while she leans over with her head on his shoulder and her teeth scraping his bicep while she tries to keep quiet. 
Haechan is enchanted, endeared by her. 
Her teeth dig into his skin through his shirt as he lets the vibrator pass in a smooth rhythm between two different settings. Her fingernails draw marks into his forearm, and a small whimper manages to escape her as he lets her orgasm at last overtake her. 
She doesn’t say a word as she revels in the feeling, as he keeps his thumb on the screen of his phone, dropping her down to the lowest level and just letting it buzz to elongate her pleasure. She tucks her head into the crook of his neck, and Haechan can feel her breath damp against his skin as she shudders through a second weaker orgasm. 
“I love you,” she mumbles, “Give me, like, five minutes and you can drag me off to that tiny bathroom.”
Haechan laughs. He turns off the vibrator, and slides his phone into the pocket of his sweatpants. “We don’t have to. We still have hours left of this flight, baby. And a whole flight back home at the end of the week.”
She sighs a little, but she settles in against him, relaxing. Soon her breaths grow slow and steady, and Haechan realizes that she’s fallen asleep. 
The rest of the flight is quiet, uneventful, and even when she wakes from her nap a little while later, Haechan insists that they stay in their seats. 
“We don’t want to exert all of our energy now, do we?” He stretches his arms above his head and peeks back over his shoulder to see Renjun and Jaehyun, the latter asleep with his head on Renjun’s shoulder. “I have plans for us, angel. Lots of plans, and some are even ones that our friends definitely won’t approve of.”
Already they’ve made several plans as a group — paddle boarding to this lake just a short distance inland, parasailing, snorkeling, exploring historical structures, etc. — and Haechan has adapted some of his plans to account for those things. 
That answer seems good enough for her. 
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The luxury villa is exactly as it was promised on the booking website. A gorgeous pool area with an abundance of lounge chairs and umbrellas, an outdoor jacuzzi, a covered patio with a fire pit and L-shaped sofa, a grilling area and outdoor bar. There are 6 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, a state of the art kitchen, a small gym. The living room is equipped with large sofas, a massive TV with a sound system, and a pool table, air hockey table, dart board, foosball table, and a ping pong table. There’s wifi and TV, air conditioning, gorgeous views; the villa has everything they could want. 
As soon as YangYang pulls up to the villa in their rental car, there is a mad scramble to get inside and claim the best bedrooms. Each couple gets their own bedroom, their own bathroom. 
There is a main house and then two separate buildings, each one housing two bedrooms, although the main house holds the kitchen, the living room, and the gym. 
Xiaojun and his girlfriend claim one of the rooms in the main house on the basis that Xiaojun is going to be the one using the kitchen the most. Jeno and Jaemin take the second bedroom for the same reason — they’ll be using the kitchen and the gym often. 
YangYang and his girl, plus Mark and his girlfriend share one of the standalone houses, leaving Jaehyun, Renjun, Haechan, and his girlfriend in the other. 
“Don’t forget,” Renjun warns as the four of them step into their shared building. “Just keep the volume down.”
“Maybe we’ll be extra loud just to spite you,” she says quickly in reply.
Renjun opens his mouth to reply, but before he can, Haechan tugs on his girlfriend’s arm to draw her towards the stairs that lead up to their bedroom on the second floor. 
THe bedroom is just as beautiful as the rest of the villa. A wooden floor with soft rugs, a queen sized bed with a netted canopy that can be drawn back or cover the bed. There’s a nice bathroom with a waterfall shower. There’s a balcony that overlooks the beautiful forest view behind the villa as well as a nice view on the other side of the room of the pool area below. 
She slides up behind Haechan while he’s looking down at the pool. She hugs him from behind, her arms around his waist, her cheek against his shoulder. “We still have a few hours before we’re all leaving for dinner,” she says, “Do you want to shower with me? I’ll make good on that promise from earlier.”
Haechan watches Jeno reappear from the main house, taking a running leap before he plunges fully into the pool with a massive splash. Jaemin is close behind him, then Mark joins in too.
Later they’re all driving back into the little tourist town on the beach. They’re going to grab dinner and drinks at a restaurant that has great reviews. That’s hours from now. Plenty of time for him to enjoy his girlfriend the way that she deserves.
“You go in first,” Haechan tells her.
She wanders off, and he takes a few moments to draw the gauzy curtains over the windows looking down to the pool. He doesn’t want to share her with all of them, not now.
She’s already standing bare beneath the spray of the waterfall shower. The shower floor is made up of a few large tiles while the rest is filled in with pebbles. There’s a window overhead and another one that overlooks the forest.
Haechan strips and joins her. He pulls her against him, cradling her face in his hands, and he kisses her like he’s been deprived of her touch for weeks, as if it wasn’t just last night that he pinned her to the couch while they fought over the last bite of the last eggroll from their takeout dinner, and when she stuffed it into her mouth, he’d let her finish chewing it while he looked at her in shock, and then he’d kissed her. She’d teased him afterwards that it was gross that he wanted to kiss her just to get a taste of the eggroll, so he’d kissed her again and kept kissing her for quite a while.
But he can’t help how much he loves her.
He can’t help how often he wishes he was just like this with her: skin-to-skin with nothing in between, tasting her kiss, hearing her soft sounds of pleasure as he slides a hand down between her legs again.
He can’t help the way that his carnal desires take over, his need to be inside her driving him to press her up against that window looking out to the forest. He fits his cock inside her from behind, his hands on her hips as he fills her up again and again. He presses his fingertips between her lips to keep her mouth busy, and she sucks on his fingers like they’re his cock. 
Haechan cums, pulling out just in time to get her lower back, but that’s not enough for her. She only just barely spares a moment to shut off the water before she’s got her hands on his chest, propelling him backwards out of the shower, out of the bathroom, onto the bed. She sits right back on his cock, riding him with her hands on his thighs to steady herself. 
Her hair drips down her back and onto his skin, little cold drops that tickle as they roll across his skin. She looks like a siren, fresh from the sea with her skin and hair so wet, her body rolling on top of him, her head tipped back as she moans for him, sighing his name. Her breasts bounce distractingly on her chest, and Haechan is mesmerized, watching her use his cock to draw her own pleasure, her nipples are pulled into tight peaks, and he can’t help himself when he sits up and latches on to one of them.
She shudders, arching into the heat of his mouth. 
Haechan reaches around her, grabbing her ass, and he squeezes it. She rolls her hips a little faster, but it’s still not enough for him.
He wants to be deeper.
She gasps when he suddenly moves, turning them over so her back is on the bed and he’s above her. 
She’s not being quiet, and he’s not sure if that’s because of what she said to Renjun before they came up here, or if she’s just genuinely enjoying herself that much that she’s being so noisy. Either way, Haechan doesn’t really want to piss off their friends on their first night of the trip, so he leans in and kisses her to get her to quiet down a little.
It works a little bit, but once Haechan really starts moving, snapping his hips forward roughly to get as deep inside her as he can, her cries grow in volume again, even muffled by his mouth on hers. Haechan can tell that she’s getting close, and with each time that she clenches around him, each of her whining moans, he feels himself growing closer too. The knot in his belly draws tighter, and he loves the feeling of being so deep inside her, he really doesn’t want to pull out just to cum on her belly or thighs again. He wants to relish the feeling of his orgasm inside her.
“Can I cum inside?” He gasps the words out against her lips as he feels himself teetering on the brink.
She hesitates for a fraction of a second, but then she nods. “Yes. Inside me. Please, Haechan.”
She so rarely has let him cum inside her, and hasn’t let him do it in what feels like ages, so the feeling of it right now is overwhelming. And the way that she hits her peak at the same moment, just makes it all that much better.
Haechan does her the courtesy of at least pulling out and repositioning her, then he sinks down between her legs. She basically wraps her legs around his head as he cleans her up with his tongue and eats her out.
By the time they descend from their bedroom almost an hour later (after he brings her to orgasm twice more on his tongue and fingers, after they shower off again and get ready for their group dinner), Haechan’s lips feel a little bruised and he feels drunk off the taste of her, but he has a happy girlfriend at his side. 
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Haechan wakes the next morning on a deflating pool float that’s halfway submerged on the steps into the pool. He doesn’t really remember how he got there, just that they’d all been drinking a lot of strong stuff at the bar, and then when they got back to the villa there was more drinking. 
He’s not the only one left out by the pool. Mark is asleep on two of the lounge chairs that have been pushed together. Xiaojun’s girlfriend is stretched out on the sofa by the firepit, a bluetooth speaker a few feet away from her still playing music.
Haechan, in his attempt to climb off the pool float, ends up tipping himself into the water, and the shock of the cool water closing over him is enough to fully wake him the rest of the way up, sobering him in an instant.
“Fuck! Shit! Damn it!” He curses as his head breaks the surface. Not that anyone hears him. Both Mark and Xiaojun’s girlfriend are still deep asleep as Haechan sloshes up the steps, splattering the concrete with his footsteps and soaking wet clothes. All the lights are off in the villas, and it’s then that Haechan realizes it’s still very early and it was probably only the deflating of his float letting in the cool water that woke him.
The sun isn’t all the way up yet, just coloring the clouds a pale orange color, and there is a surprising slight chill to the morning air. A short breeze prickles Haechan’s skin as he walks towards his building. 
The door to Renjun and Jaehyun’s bedroom is cracked open, and he can just barely catch a glimpse of their tangled bodies on top of the bedsheets. He climbs the stairs up to his bedroom quietly.
Haechan feels an odd sense of deja vu upon attempting to quietly open the bedroom door. A night so long ago when he cautiously opened a bedroom door, worried about waking the girl in his bed then. That night, he’d startled her awake. Or at least, he’d assumed he’d woken her, it was only all those months later when she finally confessed to him that she had not been asleep but had actually just finished touching herself.
This morning, she doesn’t even stir as he opens the door.
She’s diagonal on the bed, her head on Haechan’s pillow while her body crosses the rest of the mattress. She’s only wearing panties, all the sheets have been kicked to the end of the bed, and as Haechan notices the scattered hickeys on her thighs, a vague memory from last night returns: stumbling up the stairs with her, losing their balance and giggling as they sat down on the stairs, as Haechan untied the wrap dress that she’d worn out to dinner, as he parted her thighs and knelt there on the stairs to eat her out. 
Someone had come in downstairs while they were there on the stairs. Whether it was Renjun or Jaehyun, Haechan didn’t know, but he did finish her off on his tongue, and he’d still been leaving his mark on her thighs when the sound of a door opening downstairs sounded again. And that time they’d been caught, called out by Jaehyun. 
Haechan vaguely recalls laughing as he’d risen to his feet and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. He remembers stumbling back down the stairs and throwing his arm around Jaehyun’s shoulders, asking him not to tell everyone that they’d been breaking the rules against having sex in public spaces of the house. He remembers in blurry bursts, dragging Jaehyun back out to the pool, pouring both of them a few shots, and then the rest of the night vanished.
Haechan doesn’t want to bother her, so he walks quietly across the room to the bathroom. His head is throbbing, so as he waits for the shower to reach a good temperature, he digs through his bag for something to help his headache. By the time he’s finished showering and brushing his teeth, he does feel a bit better, though there’s still a dull pressure behind his eyes.
Coffee is the perfect mend for that, and Haechan brews a cup with a small Keurig that’s sitting on the desk in the bedroom. 
He’s sitting out on the balcony of the bedroom, air-drying all his bits and enjoying the fresh coffee and the quiet sunrise, when the door of the balcony slides open again.
“There you are,” his girlfriend says. “You never came up to bed.”
She’s still only wearing her panties. All the rest of her is bare and exposed in the morning light. He can see the hickeys better now when the sunrise brushes against her thighs.
“I think I tried to drink away Jaehyun’s memory of finding us.” Haechan opens his arms, and she sinks down in his lap, taking the mug of coffee from him as she leans her back against his chest. “But I feel better now than I did earlier.”
She hums into the mug, keeping it cradled in her hands. 
For a few moments, they’re both quiet, enjoying the peaceful sunrise, the mist rising from the forest into the golden sky. 
“I like it here,” she shares, “Like, of all the places we’ve been, I think I like it here the best.”
“We’ve been here not even a full day, and for half of the time we’ve been drunk,” Haechan reminds her. “But I agree. It’s nice here like this.”
There aren’t many nice vacations he’s been on where he can sit on a second floor balcony and enjoy an unobstructed view of nature. Not to mention, he’s not ever been on a vacation where he can sit completely naked on the balcony without fear of someone being able to see him. Especially not with his gorgeous mostly-naked girlfriend sitting in his lap.
She leans forward and sits the coffee mug on the ground beside their feet. “Maybe we can come back here. In the future.”
Haechan smiles, an undeniable smile. He loves when she talks like this. Any time that she talks about the future and includes him within that.
“We can do that,” he promises. “For vacations in the future.”
Again, she leans back against him, her head tipped back on his shoulder. She sighs, “What are we doing today? Was today the day that they wanted to go parasailing? And didn’t you say that you’ve got some plans too for this trip?”
“Mm,” Haechan agrees. “I do have plans. Very different from the ones our friends have been making.”
He wonders if she can feel the way that his heart has begun to race.
“Can you tell me your plans?” She starts to sit up and twist around to face him, but Haechan just wraps his arms snug around her hips, pulling her back so her ass rests right above his dick. She laughs, “What are you doing?”
“You want to know my plans?” Haechan asks. “These are my plans. Just you and me, fucking like bunnies in a tropical location. Last time we went on a trip like this I was still stupid and blind, and I didn’t really get to appreciate you as much as I should have. This time, I don’t want to make the same mistake. I want to enjoy my time with you, angel.”
She makes a satisfied sound. “Last time… meaning when you watched all of our friends fuck around the entire trip?”
Haechan nods, tucking his head so he can start kissing her neck. 
“What about the rules? You were so worried about them yesterday.” Her voice is beginning to wane as Haechan softly kisses her neck, as one of his hands slips down to stroke along the band of her panties. 
Haechan grunts a small sound of denial. “Not worried anymore.”
Haechan knows that he’s beyond lucky to have her. For numerous, endless reasons, but one of the most important reasons is that she is just as insatiable as he is. Despite her having had, like, several orgasms within the last approximately twelve hours, when Haechan’s fingers dive beneath her panties, she whimpers like she needs it.
She squirms in his lap, against his swelling erection, panting and whining while Haechan kisses her throat and draws light circles on her clit with his fingers. His other hand, he lifts to her chest, palming at her tits.
This doesn’t really feel like it’s breaking any of the rules. They’re not really in a public space right now since no one can see them on this balcony. There’s no one to accidentally spot them as she gets his cock trapped between his belly and her ass, as she grinds on him until Haechan is cumming, his cum streaking down her ass as she keeps moving, as he strokes her clit with his fingers until she cums too, her pussy so wet and warm against his dick that Haechan almost pins her against the balcony’s edge to feel her around him.
But he doesn’t. 
They move on. She showers away the feel of last night while Haechan just quickly wipes himself down. They dress and head back to the main house for breakfast provided by Xiaojun and Jaemin. 
Everyone goes sightseeing that day. Most of them are recovering from last night’s hangovers, but plenty of water, electrolytes, and some really decent sunglasses help for the most part. Dinner that night is an extravagant affair put on by Xiaojun, Jaemin, Haechan, Mark’s girlfriend, and featuring bartending by YangYang.
Quickly, Haechan realizes that when his friends made the list of silly rules, they meant for it to apply just to Haechan and his girlfriend. None of them are following their own rules, and of course, most of them have had direct experiences with Haechan’s voyeurism and/or his girlfriend’s exhibitionist tastes, so that’s why they’d laid down those rules.
But on the third night while he’s lounging in the pool while his girlfriend is over drinking by the firepit with Renjun, Jaehyun, and Mark, Haechan looks up at the main house, and catches a glimpse through the windows of the second floor of Xiaojun and his girlfriend fucking against the window. She’s blindfolded with Xiaojun’s hand possibly around her throat while he takes her from behind, her tits are pressed to the window.
It says a great deal about how being in this relationship has changed Haechan that, instead of staying and watching them, he turns away from the window. He plunges through the water until he reaches the edge of the pool closest to the fire pit, and he pulls himself out of the water.
He doesn’t want to watch Xiaojun and his girlfriend. He doesn’t care to watch them. Instead, his mind has immediately taken the scenario and flipped it around in his imagination so he’s the one up there, fucking his own girlfriend against the window, whispering in her ear that their friends are down in the pool and can see her being a perfect whore for him.
And the next morning, bright and early, Haechan and her leave their bedroom to go take a walk around the neighborhood of the villa. It’s a nice, quiet walk. They hold hands and enjoy the sunrise, and Haechan tells her about his self-discovery from the night before; how he’s not so sure that he’s into voyeurism anymore, how he feels that being in this relationship with her has reformed him from his perverted ways.
“Well, most of them,” he laughs, “I think I just adapted my form of perversion into yours. I still want to fuck you in public places. I want you all to myself, but I don’t think I care if people can see.”
That makes her laugh too. “I think we must’ve rubbed off on each other, then, because honestly, I still very much am into exhibitionism, but I also want to watch other people. Specifically, on this trip. Like, I thought for sure everyone would be breaking the rules. You’ve seen almost all of our friends on this trip having sex, and I feel like I’m at a disadvantage.”
Haechan has shown her before all of the videos he had in his phone – the one of Jeno and Jaemin, the stolen clips from Renjun’s phone – but she wants some of her own memories of watching. He can understand that.
As luck would have it, it’s still early when they return to the villa. The main house is silent, the pool is empty, but when they reach their building, when they step through the front door, the first thing they’re greeted with is the sight of the ground floor bedroom’s door wide open. Renjun’s bare back, pale in the light coming through the windows, stands out in contrast to the dark headboard of the bed. He’s riding Jaehyun, breathy moans pouring from both of them, not even trying to be quiet, which either means they were hoping to be caught, or they really thought that Haechan and his girlfriend were going to be gone for longer.
She’s giddy about finally catching someone, and she lingers in the doorway, watching their two friends in a way that brings to life a tendril of lust in his belly. She’s a pervert.
Haechan sits on the stairs, watching her peer around the doorway, her lips parted as eyes follow Renjun riding his boyfriend. He looks at her and he sees two images of her overlaid. He sees the angelic perception he had of her for so long, and he sees her the way he sees her now. Two very different perceptions, but exactly the same woman.
She giggles about it for a while once he takes her hand and drags her upstairs to their bedroom. Even through the floor, they can hear some of the boyfriends downstairs moaning.
“What’s so funny?” Haechan asks.
“I never got to see them together,” she explains, still smiling, “Jaehyun saw or heard every time that Renjun and I were together except the very first time during the movie. You showed me those videos you stole, but that’s not the same. It’s only fair that I got to watch them. Also, Jaehyun is a damn hypocrite. He used to make fun of me when I didn’t want to put in the work, but he was just letting Renjun do all the work down there.”
Haechan nods. “Did you like it, though? Did you like watching, angel?”
She shrugs. “I’m not going to go out of my way to look for it, but, yeah, if they’re gonna have sex right there in plain view, I’ll watch.” 
It must be something in the air, or perhaps it's the aphrodisiacal wine and foods that they’ve been eating, or maybe they all just snap and are filled with a flood of horniness, but that day everyone seems to be in a mood. It’s not like there’s a massive orgy or anything like that, although Haechan probably wouldn’t mind too much if that broke out right in front of him, but after spotting Xiaojun and his girlfriend the previous night, after witnessing Renjun and Jaehyun that morning, Haechan sees Mark getting a little too handsy while he helps his girlfriend apply sunscreen before they all head out for the day. 
They all go paddleboarding together. And Haechan’s girlfriend points out to him the way that YangYang and his girl are canoodling on the paddleboard that they’re sharing. YangYang is pressed up against her back, his arms around her as he helps her paddle, both of them whispering and laughing, and Haechan sees YangYang’s hands begin to wander. Haechan makes sure to show his girlfriend when he notices the way that YangYang’s board begins to lag behind where everyone else is paddling, when his girl is suddenly on her hands and knees.
“Look,” Haechan murmurs to his girlfriend. “There’s another fun little glimpse for you. So much for not having sex in public spaces. Wasn’t it him that came up with that rule?”
But YangYang is definitely fucking his girl doggy style on the paddle board. 
And maybe a little while later, when all of their friends are distracted, Haechan does the same with his girlfriend, fucking her from behind, her pretty ass bouncing with each thrust, the paddleboard wobbling so unsteadily. He knows that someone has to have spotted them, but for once no one calls them out, nor does anyone say anything when Haechan holds his girlfriend on his lap later as they’re driving back to the villa.
No one says anything as they all spend the rest of that day in the pool at their villa, sunbathing and playing around, Haechan unable to keep his hands off of her. To be fair, most of the couples can’t keep their hands to themselves, but when some of their friends are disappearing inside or curling up on the lounge chairs beneath umbrellas, Haechan and his girlfriend are stretched out on the sofa on the covered patio.
He’s been tickling her, her giggles echoing out from the patio, his fingers tugging at strings tying her bikini in place, his lips tracing her tanlines, tasting the saltwater from the sea earlier.
Right now, they’re not even trying to hide it. 
Her bikini falls away, leaving her bare but for the dappled sunlight that stripes over her skin through the latticed ceiling above them. 
“What if they see?” She asks, but she makes no attempt to cover herself up. She actually stretches her arms above her head, exposing herself a little bit more. 
“When has that ever stopped you before?” Haechan replies. “What happened to the girl that let some stranger eat her out in a library? The one that fucked Renjun in her car on campus, who fingered herself in the office?”
She lifts her chin, a daring gleam in her eyes. “She’s still right here. But she’s also aware of her boyfriend’s jealousies, his dislike of actually sharing her with anyone else.”
“They can look,” he says with a shrug, “But they can’t touch.”
He slides a hand from her hip to her chest, all along the curve of her body. She makes a soft, pleased sound. 
“And besides, angel,” Haechan says, “Anyone who sees us together knows that you’re mine. All mine. So let them watch me lay claim to you, let them see the way that you call yourself mine.”
Haechan sinks down, brushing his lips over her throat, down her sternum to her heart. He kisses her there, letting the heat of his mouth linger while his hands slip down to her thighs, pulling them up around his waist. 
“You’re so cocky, Haechan,” she accuses, “You make it sound like your dick is so good that I just beg you for more and more, that I can’t get enough.”
Haechan snorts, laughing even as he presses against her. “But you do, don’t you, baby? You can’t get enough of me, just as I can’t get enough of you. I don’t care who sees us, just as long as they can see how much we mean to each other.”
She lifts her arms from above her head up to drape them around his shoulders. “Are you gonna talk romance to me when we’re about to have sex out here? Gonna wax poetic about how much you love me, Hyuck? You should be begging me again to cum inside me, to mark me up. You should call me names. But don’t get sweet and soft when we’re having sex in public.” 
“I’ll do what I want, pretty whore. I’ll give you something so everyone knows you’re mine,” Haechan growls, and with that, he thrusts himself into her. 
He doesn’t take it easy. Doesn’t go soft or slow on her. 
Haechan takes what he wants, and she keeps moaning, a low chant of “yes yes yes” as her tots bounce with each of Haechan’s deep thrusts, her hands grasping above her head again for anything to grab onto. She bites her bottom lip, trying to at least keep her volume a little low so it doesn’t carry across the pool to where Renjun and Jaehyun are curled together on a large square lounger. 
He reaches for her chin, his thumb dragging beneath her bottom lip. “What are you being so quiet for, huh? Don’t you want all of them to know what we’re doing? Let them know who’s making you feel good, baby?” 
She does moan a little louder, her mouth falls open, and just the sound of her raised moans, her hisses of, “Fuck, harder, baby,” and “God, more! More, Haechan, more, more!” drives Haechan on. 
Each snap forward of his hips makes her tits jiggle, brings another guttural sound of pleasure from her pretty lips. 
“Ah, yes!” She whimpers when Haechan slides his hands down under her ass, lifting her and switching up the angle just enough that he’s hitting that spot inside her now with each thrust, and it’s only a moment later that she’s cumming around him. Haechan brings one of his hands around to her clit, the other up to her throat just to close his hand around it briefly, lightly. 
She writhes with ecstasy, her body arching, still working her hips to get the most out of his cock and the contact with his fingers.
Haechan doesn’t let up. He’s still fucking into his gorgeous girlfriend, still stimulating her clit, though he does remove his hand from her throat as soon as she taps at his arm. Then he moves to her tits, beautiful and perfect in the sunlight. 
She grows tighter around him when he pinches one of her nipples, and he swears he feels a gush of wetness when he tugs on the same nipple. She’s so reactive to him, grinding herself on his cock with a loud moan that Haechan is certain must carry across the pool, and she arches into the hand on her chest, her hands grip tight to a throw pillow over her head. 
He folds himself over her, his lips closing over her unattended nipple, flicking his tongue over the sensitive peak. She shudders again beneath him, waves of pleasure tearing through her as her pussy pulses around his cock. 
Haechan pulls out of her, pulling completely away more suddenly than he’s sure either of them would really like. 
She’s lying there, panting, damp with sweat and his saliva on her one breast. Her nipples both look swollen from his stimulation. She sits up, reaching for him, not done with him yet. And he’s nowhere near done with her either. 
“Up, baby,” Haechan commands, grabbing one of her hands and pulling. 
She stands up quickly on legs that shake a little, and Haechan quickly fills her place, his back on this outdoor sofa. 
Haechan watches her for a moment, watches how she glances around the pool area now that she’s standing. He notices the way that her gaze pauses in a few spots, landing on their friends. Haechan looks too, and all he can see from here is Renjun and Jaehyun still apparently napping. 
He tugs at her hand. “Come on. Come sit on me, baby. Need you to ride me.”
She straddles him, leaning down over him and bracing one hand on his chest as she sinks down on his cock tantalizingly slow. Haechan has to fight the urge to just thrust up into her invitingly warm and wet entrance as she just hovers above him. 
She smirks down at him, her fingernails dragging lightly over his chest. “My turn to be in charge?” She teases, “You gonna submit to me now, baby?”
Haechan snorts. Rarely in their relationship has he given her the reins, let her take control, but if that’s what she wants right now, sure. She can play at being in charge for now. 
He nods. 
“Good boy,” she hums. And then she finally drops her hips, and Haechan lets out an involuntary moan as her tight pussy swallows his length up. Her hand on his chest drifts over to one side, thumbing over his nipple in a way that sends a jolt down to his cock. 
She looks so pleased with herself there on top of him as she settles down with his cock buried all the way inside her. She looks so satisfied as she can take it how she wants it, teasingly slow as she lifts herself up and then back down, as she grinds down on him, as she plays with her clit in the same slow circles as she draws around one of Haechan’s nipples. 
She rides him like that, and Haechan is just in awe of her. 
She cums again like that, squirting a bit on his belly, making quite a mess, honestly, but Haechan likes it.
He slides his fingers through the wet mess, and he presses his fingers through his own lips, sucking the taste of her off. 
She digs her nails into his chest again, and she slumps over him. “Fuck, I’m tired.”
“Not yet, baby,” he pulls his fingers out of his mouth to reach around and pat her ass. “I’m not finished yet. Why don’t you turn around? I want to watch you, and why don’t you watch our friends, see if any of them are looking.”
Because surely some of them have noticed. They’ve been making enough noise that Haechan would be shocked if no one had noticed.
“Can you keep going, baby?” He asks. Because if she’s too tired to be on top, too tired to keep going, he’ll figure it out.
“I got this, thanks,” she says with a smile, patting Haechan on the chest. 
She climbs off of him, standing there bare in the dazzling sunlight for a moment as she turns around, and then she sits over Haechan him again, her back to him. 
She laughs, and that is an unexpected sound in the moment as she’s sinking down on his cock, but she turns her head to take a peek at him over her shoulder, and she says, “Jaehyun and Renjun are looking.”
“Keep going. Let them watch, if that’s what you want, angel.” But it’s what Haechan wants too, so when she starts moving, Haechan is glad. The thought of being watched is working for him, a lot more of a turn on than Haechan had thought it really would be. To know that they’re being watched, that other people (who he knows hold no foul intentions towards them) can see her feeling so good while she rides him.
It only makes matters worse (or better, depending on the angle), that she’s keeping up a narration while she fucks herself on Haechan’s cock, telling him all about what she sees across the pool.
She tells him about how Jaehyun is curled around Renjun from behind, both of them are watching her, and Jaehyun is whispering to Renjun. Renjun’s tiny shorts are riding up and exposing his thighs, Jaehyun has his hand down the front of them. She keeps going, and the combination of voyeurism and exhibitionism is too much for him.
He drags her off his cock, drags her back up his torso until she’s hovering above his face and he presses at her thighs and hips to get her to sit down. This is something he’s been thinking about since the first time she did it – when she rode his face on the sofa in his apartment with YangYang – and he’s been wanting to have it happen again. This seems like the perfect moment, and she seems to agree, judging by the sounds she starts making as soon as Haechan dives in hungrily. 
She doesn’t forget about him. She reaches down and jerks Haechan off with both hands. That, combined with the awareness they’re being watched and the exhilaration of her sitting on his face, carry Haechan at last over the edge, and he cums across his belly.
Haechan just lies there, and she does all the rest, riding his face like he’s just a toy for her to hump. She lowers herself over him, and Haechan nearly nuts again as he feels her licking across his belly, licking at the tip of his cock, cleaning his cum off of his skin. He gets back into it, eating her out until she’s trembling on top of him, cumming again, and this time she pulls away, rolling off of him.
“Now, I’m done,” she pants, leaning in to kiss Haechan once. He wants to hold her there, to kiss her until her lips are glossy too with her wetness like he knows his are. But he lets her withdraw. He watches as she reaches for an abandoned towel on a nearby cushion, and she wraps it around herself.
When he sits up a second later, Haechan looks across the pool, over to the square lounger where Jaehyun and Renjun are. 
But it’s empty.
Haechan frowns, and beside him, his girlfriend laughs. “They weren’t really watching. I made it up. Actually, as far as I can see, none of them are out here anymore.”
“Think we scared them off?” Haechan reaches down for his swim trunks, pulling them back up. 
“Mm, maybe.” She picks up her bikini, wadding the small pieces of fabric up in her hands. “I’m going to shower. You can come too, but just know that there’s not going to be any funny business. I need a good snack and a nap now.”
Haechan doesn’t really feel like moving. This could be just as good of a nap spot right here in the warm sunlight.
“Come on!” She reaches down, tugging at one of his hands. “If you don’t come take a nap with me, what am I gonna do? I’m gonna have to get in your bag and steal one of your shirts. You know I sleep best when I’m with you.”
That gets him moving, trailing along behind her. “No need to go digging for one of my shirts. I’m right here. Perfectly good for napping with.”
Truly, Haechan wonders, how did he get to be so lucky? 
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The next night, they’re all seated on the outdoor sofa or in lounge chairs that they’ve drawn up around the firepit. There’s beer and some traditional Indonesian alcohol that some of the guys bought when they were in town earlier. They have three more nights and two full days left in their trip, and Haechan can feel the clock counting down.
Someone brought up in conversation their friends that didn’t come along on this trip – the younger ones, some of which are still in school; Chenle, who is just too busy running his shop to take a week off; and Shotaro and his girlfriend, who are pretty much living together in Japan, and never want to make the trip to come see all of their old friends.
“Oh, shit, that reminds me,” YangYang says then, “Did you see what they posted yesterday on Instagram? Shotaro finally proposed!”
Tucked into his side, Haechan’s girlfriend laughs.
“What?” He looks down at her. 
She shakes her head as if she’s not going to speak, but then she says, “Remember when you had a crush on her? When you threw your tantrum on our first big camping trip as a group?”
Haechan feels his face grow a bit warm as the others all turn to look at them upon hearing her words. “It wasn’t a crush.”
“But it was a tantrum,” Renjun says. 
Haechan draws his arm around her shoulders a little tighter. “I got over it quickly, though. There were no hard feelings after that night. I’m happy for them. Our innocent Shotaro needed someone to show him the ropes of romance, and she was always protective of him.”
“And much like someone else, it took her a long time to realize her feelings for him,” comes the quiet comment from Haechan’s side again. He looks down at his girlfriend. She smiles.
“YangYang, let me see the post!” Mark’s girlfriend demands, clambering over Mark’s lap to reach for YangYang’s phone. “I wanna see the ring!” 
Xiaojun shifts in his seat, glancing at his girlfriend before he looks back around the firepit at all of them. “He’s the first one of us to take that step. When do you think they’re going to get married?”
“Who do you think is gonna be next?” Jeno asks, sweeping a look around at each of the couples gathered here on this trip. “Jaem and I have been together the longest, but…”
“I’m not marrying you,” Jaemin groans from across the fire. “We don’t need to go through all that trouble. And even if we do get married, none of you are invited. Just us two, a quiet little ceremony, and then we’re gonna fuck off on a month-long honeymoon.” 
“If not us, then who?” Jeno asks, still gazing over at Jaemin. The way that they look at each other from across the fire is nauseatingly cute. 
Haechan thinks he might puke.
“After us, you two have been together the longest, right?” Jeno asks Mark and his girlfriend.
“Actually,” Renjun clears his throat, “It’s us.”
Jaehyun doesn’t say a word, just watching Renjun as he says, “It’s been complicated, but we’ve been together since, what, my third year of university? When I started the internship.” 
Jaehyun nods silently, then says, “But we couldn’t make it official in case the company found out. You’d have been let go from the internship, I’d have been at risk of firing or demotion. It was definitely… complicated.” His eyes flick over in Haechan and his girlfriend’s direction, and Haechan again draws his arm a little tighter around his girlfriend.
“But we’re waiting to get engaged, anyway,” Renjun says definitively. “Jaehyun is taking me on a trip to Santorini next year that he promised me years ago, and if he doesn’t propose on that trip, I’m breaking up with him.”
Jaehyun wrinkles his nose, looping his arm around Renjun’s chest, and he drags him to lie back against him. “Damn, I was hoping you were going to be the one proposing. I remember you being the one promising me a trip to Greece.”
The conversations all around them turn to the length of their relationships, dream proposals, talks of Shotaro’s future wedding. Conversations drift and twist away, winding down different paths of topic, but Haechan isn’t paying any attention to that. He’s still stuck on thoughts of his own future. 
He’s so deep in thought, that he doesn’t realize everyone else has left the fire until his girlfriend pokes his cheek with her finger. “Donghyuck?”
“Hmm?” He feels like he’s coming out of a daze. He blinks against the glow of the fire still burning in the firepit, and he looks down at her.
Her eyes are big, starry as the night around them when she says, “Do you remember a few months back? You saw a suit in a shop window and asked me about, like, the future? Marriage, kids, a family?”
She’d been quiet all through the discussion of proposals, and now Haechan finds his stomach tying itself in nervous knots. 
“I don’t think…” She pauses, and again, Haechan’s heart is thundering in his chest.
What if she tells him that she doesn’t actually want any of that? Haechan wants all of that so much that he can’t imagine his future without a marriage, kids, a family. 
She leans in, resting her head on his chest. “I don’t think I was very clear back then about what I want. Mostly because, you know, you’re never really sure of what you want until it’s right there in front of you. Which, I’m sure you definitely get that, like, it took you forever to realize that I was right here, in love with you. But, um, you were asking your questions very hypothetically back then, and I’ve done a lot of thinking since then about what I want.”
Haechan doesn’t like this type of conversation. It has a lump in his throat, a weight in his chest that has nothing to do with her head leaning on him. It has everything to do with the look he’d seen in her eyes on that day months ago. That had been before everything. Before she met his family, before their fight, before he realized that being apart from her left him feeling hollow. He’d seen the look in her eyes that day when he was standing there talking about wanting to get married and wanting to be a dad, and all he’d seen when he looked into her eyes was fear and uncertainty. 
She’d answered his questions that day in a way that left him feeling like he stood on unstable ground, like everything might just crumble away. He’d told her, in an effort to erase that scared look in her eyes, to reassure her, that he was just putting the thought out there, trying to gauge her reaction.
But then there was the morning after their fight, when he went to apologize and mimed a proposal when he sank to one knee. She’d looked panicked then.
What if she genuinely didn’t want a wedding?
Her voice sounds a long way off, and it’s not until she places one hand on his chest, the other lightly brushing his cheek, that Haechan realizes he’s holding his breath.
“Donghyuck, relax.” She strokes his cheek tenderly. “Relax, I’m trying to tell you that I do want that. Relax, okay?” She laughs at the way that Haechan lets out a relieved breath. 
And he does feel relieved. That odd weight in his chest, the sick feeling in his belly, and the knot in his throat all fade away. 
“You want me to ask you to marry me?” He closes his eyes. “Because I’ve really been hoping since that day that I was just imagining the way you seemed reluctant.”
“No,” she draws her thumb along his bottom lip. “I was never reluctant about wanting to be with you. Honestly, I think about marrying you all the time. Even in ridiculous moments, I’ll look at you and think ‘This guy. This is the one.’ I’ve always wanted you. That was never the question.”
The happiness sweeping through Haechan dampens slightly as he realizes what she isn’t saying. While she wasn’t reluctant that day about Haechan’s thoughts on marriage, there was something she’d been hesitant about. 
Kids. Children. Babies.
One of the big things that Haechan wants in life: to be a parent.
“You don’t want kids.” Haechan says it, not as a question but as a statement.
She looks at him straight on. “I didn’t say that.”
“But you don’t, do you?” Haechan can hear his voice shake, and he hopes that she doesn’t notice.
She closes her eyes. “I know that it’s important to you. You like kids. You want to be a dad, to raise a kid in a loving household with a whole family, full of love.”
“You don’t?” Haechan can feel that lump, that nausea, that heavy weight in his chest again. 
Her eyes flash open. “I want you, Lee Donghyuck. Always. Everything else can wait.” She moves her hands from his face and chest, reaching for his hands to wrap them tightly, pressing his hands between her palms. 
Haechan shakes his head. “It can’t wait, though. I’m not saying it’s a deal breaker if you don’t want kids, because it’s not. I love you, and I –” He has to take a moment to compose himself, to take a deep breath and search for the right words before he starts again, saying, “I just think that what I want and what you want might not align on this particular thing. So, if kids aren’t something that you want, if you don’t want to be a parent, it would be better for me to know that now than in five, ten years when I’m still holding onto the hope of something that you’ve let go of a long time ago.”
He loves her. 
He wants to marry her.
If she doesn’t want kids, that’s not going to change the fact that he wants forever with her. He’s not going to force that on her. But he would like to know now so he can stop imagining sweet little babies with his chubby cheeks and her eyes.
“I don’t know!” Her voice breaks on a quiet cry. “I don’t know what I want, Haechan.”
And there are tears glistening in her eyelashes, capturing the firelight within the tiny globes. She squeezes his hands, and Haechan squeezes back.
“Talk to me,” he says, “Just talk to me.”
So she does.
He doesn’t know where it all comes from, but she presses her face to his chest, and she just starts talking. She talks and he listens, and it goes on for a while, maybe hours, but still he listens while the love of his life tells him her reasons for her uncertainty, while she tells him that it’s not the idea of being a parent that she finds offputting, but the idea of motherhood in the traditional sense – the sense of sharing your body with another life, which is both magical and terrifying to her; the complications and horrors she’s heard about pregnancy and birth; the way that sometimes it doesn’t feel right to her to bring a new life into this world when there is already so much fucked up shit happening in the world, so many children without families, families that can’t afford to take care of their children.
Haechan listens to it all, and he takes it all in. 
And he gets it.
He gets it as much as he feels like any man that hasn’t had to experience the traumas of being born a woman might understand the situation. He’s never had to think about things from the perspective that she presented him tonight. The Othering of her body through pregnancy and childbirth, the changes that she would have to deal with mentally and physically, all of the things that maybe wouldn’t directly affect him if she were to have children with him, but they might affect her for years or the rest of her life.
He gets it.
Haechan holds her as the fire dies, as her tears dry on his shirt, as the night grows deeper around them. 
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The clock is counting down to the end of their trip. Another day and another night have passed, and Haechan doesn’t want to go home. He doesn’t want this to end. He wants to spend forever in paradise. 
Because that is what this is. Paradise. 
It’s perfect here, just like he knew it would be.
Tonight, he just can’t sleep.
He lies awake in bed beside his girlfriend, tossing and turning while she sleeps peacefully. And he watches a clock on the bedside table count down the moments until the break of dawn. And when he can’t take it any longer he reaches over and shakes her shoulder.
“Hm?” She turns her head towards him, but he knows she’s not really awake, so he whispers her name, gently touching her shoulder again. This time her eyes flutter open, and she mumbles, “What?”
“Wake up.” Haechan keeps his voice soft. 
“No,” she whines, trying to hide her face back in her pillow. 
“Come on,” Haechan wheedles, “Just wake up for me, baby.”
Again, she whines, then asks, “What? Why?”
“I can’t sleep,” Haechan admits truthfully. “Why don’t we steal the rental car, drive to the beach, and catch the sunrise over the ocean?”
She sighs, and he can tell that she’s actually awake now. “Or we could just stay in bed and sleep until a decent hour.”
“You’re the one that told me you want to take a romantic trip with me,” Haechan says, “And when I try to be romantic, you just want to stay in bed.” She sighs into the pillow again, but it sounds like a more agreeable sigh than the first one, so Haechan tells her, “If we leave now, we can make it in time.”
“Fine.” She pushes herself up. “But it better be the best sunrise ever to make it worth getting up this early.”
Haechan agrees.
She disappears to the bathroom, and Haechan gets ready quickly, getting dressed and makes sure that he’s got everything he needs in his crossbody bag he’s been bringing almost everywhere with him on this trip – sunglasses, a mask, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, chapstick, extra hair ties for her. He stole the keys to the rental car from YangYang last night, and those are tucked safely in the bag too.
“Ready?” He asks, when she emerges from the bathroom.
She insists on changing out of her pajamas, so Haechan patiently waits on the edge of the bed, watching her put on a bikini (“If we’re going to the beach anyway, we might as well get in the water, right?”) and a hoodie (“I just feel like there might be a little bit of a chill, especially by the water.”) and a pair of leggings. He watches as she starts braiding her hair into two tight french braids, and his patience is growing thinner. 
Already, he swears that the sky is getting lighter outside.
Finally, she’s ready, and Haechan takes her hand and walks quickly out of their bedroom.
They’re halfway down the stairs when a shadow emerges from the bedroom on the ground floor. Renjun.
“Oh, what are you two doing up?” Renjun asks in a whisper, glancing back over his shoulder into his bedroom.
“Haechan wants to go watch the sunrise,” his girlfriend answers as she steps around Haechan where he’s stopped on the steps. “He woke me up because he couldn’t sleep.”
Renjun looks up at Haechan. “I can’t sleep either. Mind if I come too?”
Haechan would usually say no, that he wants this to just be him and his girlfriend for the romantic experience that he sold it to her as. But Haechan says yes.
The three of them sneak quietly into the main house, steal a few snacks and drinks for breakfast on-the-go, and then they’re out the front door, into the rental car, and driving away.
Renjun babbles in the backseat, and Haechan lets Renjun fill the silence. His girlfriend dozes off in the passenger seat with Haechan holding her hand as he navigates the dark roads to the beach half an hour away. Eventually, Haechan tunes Renjun out, and all he’s aware of is the feel of the steering wheel in his hand, his girlfriend’s hand in the other, and the sky growing lighter by gradual degrees.
They reach the beach half an hour later, and the sky is still a deep blue with just a slight edge of lighter color on the horizon. They haven’t missed it.
Together, the three of them take a brief hike from the lot where they leave the car, down through dirt paths. The sounds of insects and small creatures waking surround them, not to mention the rush of the ocean so nearby, the sound of which makes Haechan want to walk faster, but his girlfriend and Renjun are both treating this as a leisurely stroll through nature.
After about an eternal five minute long walk, the path opens up around them, and Haechan’s sandals fill with sand, a sea breeze and a large wave crashing against the shore spray them all with a fine mist of salt. 
The sky is just fading from deep blue to a burnt orange with a thin line of gold right above the distant dark horizon. 
“Damn, this is romantic,” Renjun says as they all walk a little closer to the edge of the sea. “Act like I’m not even here.”
Haechan is all too happy to let that happen. 
Beside him, she clings onto his hand, clutching at his arm and tucking herself in close to him. Her cheek rests against his shoulder, and Haechan is reminded very suddenly of the night he realized he was in love with her. A cool night before they ever started dating, as he walked her to the bus stop, as she clung to his arm, and he fell in love. 
Clouds drift slowly in the sky, and as the sun rises closer to the horizon, the colors begin to change, the deep orange and golden yellow turn red and pink, purple and sweet orange like the inside of a nectarine. The clouds are lined in gold and pearly pink. And the sea reflects those colors, cut through with the likes of the waves, the frothy crescents of gold as the top curve of the sun finally breaks above the sea. 
“This is worth it,” she whispers against Haechan’s shoulder. “Definitely worth waking up early for.”
He smiles and presses a kiss to the top of her head. 
And then finally there is the sun, spiking molten gold through the sky, rays arcing between the clouds, mixing the colors into brighter and better shades. It’s only a matter of minutes before the beauty of the sunrise will fade into just a pretty blue morning. 
Haechan’s heart catches in his throat. 
Behind them, Renjun speaks, and really for a few moments, Haechan had forgotten their best friend was there too. Renjun says, “This is insanely pretty. I should take a picture.”
“Oh,” she says softly beside him, and he feels her untangling herself from his arm, drawing away. “I want a picture too.”
She steps away, pulling her phone from her hoodie pocket, aiming it out at the sea, and Haechan watches the light of the sunrise on her face — all pinks and golds and oranges. 
Haechan reaches into his crossbody bag, and he glances back at Renjun, his phone aimed towards the sea and the glamorous sunrise. 
And Haechan does something he’s been thinking about for a long time. 
He says his girlfriend’s name as he feels his heart pounding like it’s about to race right out of his chest and into the sea, like it’s on fire and needs the sea to put it out, as Haechan sinks down on one knee and pulls out the tiny ring box he’d stowed in the bag earlier that morning while she was in the bathroom, the one he’s been hiding in his suitcase all week, the one that he bought the day after they moved in together, first thing the next morning after he asked her dad for his blessing in the living room of their new apartment while she was in the next room. 
Haechan sinks into the sand on one knee, and he holds up the ring box, the ring inside of it glimmering in  the sunrise as his perfect, beautiful, angel of a girlfriend turns at the sound of her name. 
For a moment, she looks confused, and then it registers. 
His pose. The ring. The look in his eyes and the hopeful smile on his face. 
And Haechan speaks, though he has to force the words out around his heart in his throat. 
“I used to think that loving someone as much as I love you was impossible. But every day I love you more than the day before. I love you, and I want to spend forever loving you, my angel. Will you marry me?”
Haechan expects an answer. Either a yes or a no. It’s not too much to expect right? A verbal confirmation or denial to the marriage he’s just proposed to his girlfriend, the love of his life.
Slowly, her hands come up to cover her mouth, the sunrise haloes her with gold, and she looks more like an angel now than ever before, and Haechan thinks he might pass out if she keeps him waiting any longer.
He opens his mouth, saying just, “If you d—”
It’s lucky the ground is such soft sand because she tackles him into it, and it’s just pure luck that Haechan’s fingers close on the box, snapping the lid of it shut so when it slips out of his hand, he doesn’t lose the ring in the sand. Not that he’s truly thinking about that in the moment. He’s far too preoccupied with the armful of his girlfriend as she kisses him, as she murmurs “yes yes yes” between kisses, her hands in his hair, grains of salt and sand and strands of hair between their lips, and Haechan doesn’t care about anything else more than the heat of her against him, and her promises of “yes, I’ll marry you” repeated again and again. 
Eventually, after a long, long time, they remember Renjun. 
He’s not standing anywhere near them, but has drifted down along the beach, minding his own business and ignoring the happy, entangled couple in the sand. The sun has risen high enough now that it’s fully cleared the horizon, and the magic of the sunrise feels like it’s settled into their bones instead. 
Haechan doesn’t want to let go of her, doesn’t want to get up. 
He feels light and good. Gone is the anxious weight he’s kept buried all week, the one that resurfaced the other night when their friends mentioned engagements while he had an engagement ring hidden in his bedroom fifty feet away, the feeling that had been plaguing him all night, the countdown towards this moment right here. 
It wasn’t an impromptu sunrise beach trip. He’d planned it ahead with Renjun, the only one of their friends on this trip he’d entrusted with this. That’s why Renjun had set an alarm to be awake early, to come along with them, to act as a photographer or videographer to this moment. 
God, he’s so grateful he did it. Even more grateful that she said yes. 
“You know, the other night, I panicked a bit when I thought you were going to tell me you didn’t ever want to get married.” Haechan admits when they sit up, though he’s still holding her in his lap. “I was panicking about what to do with the ring if you didn’t want it.”
She places a hand on his cheek and draws him in for another kiss. A brief one because she then pauses, frozen as she asks, “Where is the ring?”
Haechan searches the sand around them, and quickly, he locates the smooth shine of it among the sand as Renjun drifts back towards them. 
“So you’re saying yes, right?” Haechan checks with her as he frees the ring from its soft little cushion. “You’ll marry me?”
“Yes,” she repeats, and he can hear emotion bubbling in her voice. A glimmer in her eye shows that tears may be building as well. “Yes, I’m saying yes, I’ll marry you.”
Haechan kisses her as he slides the ring onto her finger. 
“I love you,” he promises her, “Always. I’ll be always yours.”
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a/n: The end!! This has been a long, long work in progress, and the fact that it's finally over is gonna be hard on all of us, I'm sure. I've had a lot of fun with writing this fic, even if there were some scenes that I had initially planned on that never made it into the final cut. This fic has truly been a Haechan love story, about a boy falling in love with the girl that's been there in front of him this whole time. I've been thinking of this fic all along, since the pretty early stages of it, as "She fell first, but he fell harder," because once Haechan realizes his feelings, it's over for him; she's it for him, and he knows that very early on in their relationship. But he's had plans for a long time regarding his future with her, and he has almost always been in her dream plans for her future. So they get a happy ending! A happily ever after!!
Like I already said, I had a lot of fun writing this, posting this, and hearing from all of you wonderful readers! Thank you so much for reading and coming along on this slowburn of a journey with me, Haechan, and Y/N!
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