#majin all might
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atomra · 2 years ago
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why do i draw him like this
also maybe i should start limiting myself and only post when i have a collection of sketches...?? but also a neuro a day never hurt anybody right? ... right??
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anon-sect · 10 months ago
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Pic source: Tumblr account @7ef6
Miles, Terry and Will had been roommates for at least several years. One thing they had in common, was that all three were big fans of the Dragonball Z universe and avid players of Xenoverse 2. As all three were highly competitive, they were all trying to prove who was the best at the game.
Terry came up with a bet that the one who loses first in a free for all has to be socks for one of the other two for thirty days. The one who beats both opponents gets to wear the one that lost first. Miles and Will agreed to the conditions as well. Terry only made that the bet, because he played the game a little more than the others and thought he would definitely win.
Terry found himself the first one being defeated while using Majin Buu. Miles and Will paused the game to gloat a little since Terry was the one who made the bet. Terry placed his TF Phone down for one of them to pick up once the winner was decided.
Will end up winning their fatal three-way fight using his favorite character, Vegeta, super Saiyan blue form. Terry wanted to back out initially, but a bet was a bet. He had to see it through despite that he was predicting that he would be using his device on one of them.
Will picked up the device and made the settings. "It's only for a month. I am sure you can survive my feet for that long." He spoke laughing while he flashed it at Terry. Terry vanished and in his place on the couch was a brand-new pair of white socks. He picked up the socks and tried them on his bare feet. "These new socks feel great." He said to Miles, not even acknowledging Terry. Terry was a pair of socks for the next thirty days. There was no need to acknowledge his socks. "He or it really feels that good?" Miles asked. He too decided to not acknowledge the sock's former form. "Yup, I think I will wear my new socks every day. I really want to see if this pair can survive my feet without getting a hole in them for the next thirty days. Normally, I have a hole in my sock after two weeks. Maybe this pair might be different." He laughed as both he and Miles started up another game.
Terry instantly knew his bet was a terrible idea. Will's feet had a slight odor to them, but not horribly bad yet. He was just an object on his roommate's feet. The fact that neither of them acknowledged him made his new existence feel even worse. Yet hearing that his socks has a hole in it after two weeks scared him. If he develops a hole, it would be nearly impossible to transform him back to normal. He would be forever trapped as a pair of socks. He mentally pleaded for Will to turn him back to normal before a hole could even develop, but he was a pair of socks with no voice or even movement. The only motion he would get is by his owner's feet. He just hoped that he would be durable enough to serve the thirty days.
Will had put his new socks through so much. He literally wore him every day. He wore his new socks to the gym, and every workout session. He wore him to work and just simply hanging out. He slept with his new socks on. The only time he didn't wear them was to bathe, jerk off in them on occasion or as a cum rag. A tiny hole had developed on the sixteenth day of wearing his socks, but they were his possession for thirty days and he was going to keep true to the bet. When it was finally day 30, he took off his socks. He found Terry's human setting and flashed the socks, but nothing happened. He tried it again, yet still nothing happened. He asked Miles what the problem could be, but he didn't know either. They found the manual in Terry's room. There was a warning. If you become clothing, make sure you don't get torn or ruined or you might be forever trapped as that object. Transforming back to human might be impossible. Looking at the large hole in one of the socks, Will realized that Terry was forever trapped this way. He put the socks back on. He felt slightly sorry for what his feet had done to his former roommate, but he did say that socks usually don't survive his feet unharmed. This seemed to be true for even human transformed socks. He decided he would keep his new socks. If they get torn too bad, he could always keep them as his favorite cum rag.
Terry's mind was completely gone by the end of the 30 days. He tried to hold on, but once the hole started to develop, it started to unravel his mind. He lost all sense of free will in his mind. He was just a dumb sock slave serving his master's feet. His only pleasure was being worn by his master. He even forgets that he was once human. He loved being used and worn by his Master Will, even though his existence was one of pain every time being worn and sometime reek of foul foot odor. As long as his master was fine using him, he loved his life of being just socks.
Will was completely unaware of his feet had done a number to his roommate over the course of the 30 days. HIs feet had completely destroyed his mind and turned his former roommate into a dumb sock slave. Even if he could transform him back, Terry would be down at his feet begging to be close to him. Now his fate was sealed, to forever be owned by his former roommate as just an object on his feet.
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hi-there-buddies · 6 months ago
I have this idea in my mind that Supreme Kai (our “Shin”) is stronger than all the other universe’s Supreme Kais because Beerus was so monumentally bad at his job that Shin basically had to take up the role of destroyer when everything went to shit.
As far as we know, beings like Majin Buu didn’t exist in any of the other universes (he might have existed in universe 6 but it doesn’t look like it. Maybe Champa actually did his job or he was just never created)
Idk, I just think it would be really interesting to see the power levels/fighting power of all the Kais. We know Beerus is one of the strongest destroyers; maybe Shin is one of the strongest Kais?
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majinbangus · 5 months ago
Majin~ idk if my original ask sent so I'm gonna send it again just in case, Tumblr must find my asks delicious bc they get eaten like 85% of the time 🥲
Hello! Idk it you're taking requests now, or if you've already done this prompt/theme before, but I was wondering what it'd be like to be one of the many people Johnny flirts with on base, and you brush it off bc he's such a flirt. And yes, while Johnny will flirt with just about anyone bc thats his default setting, he's low-key going out of his mind bc he wants you to see that with you, it's different! It's genuine and sincere! What will it take for you to realize that the only person he's got a huge crush on is you?
Idk just wanted to see this from your perspective! No worries if you don't feel like writing anything for this, still love ya!! 😘
hey anon, sorry for the wait, getting my groove back slowly, but here it is. i might do another version of this some other time tho bc i had another vision for it but ended up with this
You don't know why he's been so affectionate with you lately. His playful flirting has gotten excessive, too. It's weird. He's being weird.
It's not like you dislike the attention, but you know he doesn't mean anything by it. That's just how he is. You know you're firmly designated as ‘friend’ in his eyes. A painful fact you've known ever since he made that comment to his ex about never seeing you in a different light because you ‘weren't his type.’ 
Yeah, that stung a bit, and you were a little offended, but that was more ego talking and less romantic feelings at the time. 
Unfortunately, things have changed. Feelings have changed. Yours, specifically.
You don't quite remember when exactly it happened, but you know it was sometime during the last few months of his last relationship. That was an agonizing time, and over a year since the end of that relationship plus several flings later, you're still pathetically pining over a man who will never see you as anything more than a friend because quote ‘he could never be attracted to someone who wasn’t his type’ unquote.
Now, you have to put on a smile and pretend it doesn't make your heart malfunction whenever he flashes that dimpled smile at you, or when he rests an arm over your shoulder while he walks next to you calling you all sorts of pet names he's never called you before. Not to mention all the times he feeds you a piece of his lunch, and when he grabs your wrist and makes you feed him. That barely scratches the surface of his newfound behavior around you.
Soap has never shown you more flirtation than the usual shallow amount he gives to anyone he's not dating. To be bathed in it out of nowhere is a shock to your system. An enigma you can't comprehend, nor are you eager to question it lest you lose his sudden affection. And despite the delusional part of you wishing he meant something by it, deep down you know it's simply false hope making you imagine the romantic adoration reflecting in those pretty ocean blues of his.
“–so what do you say?”
“I'm sorry, what?” You blink a few times, trying to force yourself to focus on Soap and not how bright his eyes are, or how warm his body feels pressed up against yours with his arm slung around your shoulder. He's so close, it's making your heart do fireworks.
“I asked if you wanna meet up next time we're on leave? We rarely hang out outside of work and drinks at the pub.”
“I can't.” It's not that you don't want to, but you don't really see the logic behind it, either. “One, we don’t live remotely close to each other, and two, I have family coming to visit.”
Soap laughs at your excuses, tightening his arm and pulling you impossibly closer. “That just means I can meet them, love! I've been meaning to sight see where you’re from anyway!”
It's your turn to bark out an incredulous laugh. “Sight see what? Soap, the city I live in is shit.”
“Och, can't be that bad if the locals are half as lovely as you, darlin’.”
“That was terrible!” You giggle, nearly doubling over at his cheesy flirtation, but despite yourself, you can't stop the fluttering in your heart, hoping he doesn't realize how much you actually like his attention and stupid charming words, or how you can barely share the same space with him without feeling like your chest is going to burst, or the obvious hearts in your eyes every time you look at him. “Please tell me you use better lines than that!”
Soap pays no mind to your laughter with that lopsided smile on his lips. He stares at you with those stupid, pretty blue eyes, strong arm still around you almost as if he's staking some kind of claim on you, like a leash or collar. You wish that was the case. You'd give anything to be marked as his.
“They seemed to work for me so far.” 
“Oh, really?”
“Psh, then save the cheese for someone you want.”
“What if I want you?”
“What?” He sounds so earnest you have to stop a moment, shrugging off his arm, and turning to face him. Soap doesn’t flinch, staring back at you with such intensity you laugh uncomfortably to ease the growing tension in your chest. “Ha, ha. Very funny, Soap. You almost got me.”
“I’m being serious. I want you.”
“Since when?”
It’s a genuine question. You’re not playing dumb intentionally–well, maybe a little–but after so long of pining after him, this is something you need him to spell out for you. Even then, a part of you is ready to laugh off whatever he says next. 
Because what you have with Soap doesn’t go any deeper than a close friendship. It never has and never will be anything more than that. Even when you want it to be more, you know he’d never love someone like you. 
“Soap?” You tilt your head at him when he doesn’t answer. His smile has dropped and he’s looking at you with that cute frown of his you’ve always loved. The one when he’s deep in thought, doing all sorts of calculations or analysis on whatever has him stumped. 
“I don’t know how I can be any clearer, hen.” He talks slowly. Low and soft as if in disbelief. “Thought I’ve been obvious with my flirtin.”
“We ‘flirt’ all the time!” You laugh, trying to deflect the growing hope you feel. “We’re friends, Soap. Stop messing with me! Besides, I know I’m not your type.”
Surprisingly, he sounds offended when he asks, “Where’d you get that idea?” 
“What, that I’m not your type? You said it.”
“When you were with what’s-her-face? The crazy possessive instagram model.”
“Yeah, ‘oh’, that always stuck with me, so thanks for that.”
“I didn’t mean it.”
You give a derisive laugh. “Then why’d you say it?”
“She was insecure.” Soap furrows his brows in regret, running a hand through his mohawk. “I thought I liked her at the time, so I said it to make her feel better. She didn't like you.”
“That’s a nice way of putting it,” You mutter bitterly. “I respected boundaries, and she always thought I was trying to ‘steal you from her.’”
Soap mumbles under his breath, “Don’t think I would have complained if you did.”
“What was that?”
“Nothin’, bon.” He sighs, the tension falling out of his shoulders before he squares them again, staring at you in a way that makes your breath catch. “Listen. I know it might be hard to believe, but I’m not takin’ the piss. If you give me the chance, let me prove how serious I am about you.”
Fuck. A flash of those blue eyes and you can feel yourself hope. Would it really hurt to give in? Just this once? Maybe, maybe not.
Sighing, you inwardly scold yourself knowing you’re jumping headfirst into the unknown, but…
 “Fine. One chance.”
Soap’s never broken that trust before, and from the grin on his face, it tells you he’ll always be there to catch you.
“One chance is all I need.”
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tobiasdrake · 1 month ago
How would you write Majin Boo and Yamcha in the Tournament of Power, instead of Roshi and 17?
Honestly, Buu would be pretty game-breaking. I can't really conceive of any reason why Buu wouldn't absorb Jiren and anticlimactically waste everybody else fighting in the tournament.
As the be-all end-all final villain of Dragon Ball, Buu's ability to just eat whoever's stronger than him and gain their power for himself is completely busted. It makes it very difficult to write him into scenarios where he is a struggling underdog trying to compete with a superior foe.
Which is probably why Super snubs him so much. This is a character who has near limitless regeneration on top of the ability to turn every single fighter in the tournament into candy and he can just absorb everybody who's stronger than him whenever he runs into a brick wall. That's great for an overpowered villain that we need to find some way to beat, but terrible for a protagonist who needs to be challenged.
Like. It cannot be understated how devastating Buu's Candy Beam would be here. He can spread it over a wide area. He could literally step out onto that stage and Gobstopper every fighter from every universe simultaneously.
And sure, some of them would be able to Universe's Strongest Jawbreaker that shit. But it's still kind of purpose-defeating if like 80% of the assembled fighters are KO'd in the first three seconds. Buu just waves his antenna and erases anyone who isn't Power Levels enough to compete with Vegetto? Okay, man. There go all the fun fights for the weaker characters. Buh-bye.
Even then, if they aren't allowed to fly, like... how are they supposed to fight now? Is Gobstopper Jiren just supposed to spend the rest of the arc rolling into other gobstoppers super hard to ping them off the field?
Actually, that sounds amazing. XD
But in an AU capacity, not in a "This is seriously the plot of the show" capacity.
I don't think Toriyama would have kept Buu around if he wasn't planning on closing the book on Dragon Ball shortly after. Buu joining the supporting cast is very much a "Fuck it, we're done anyway" decision that the series is now paying for, and its solution is to just... find ways to conveniently kick him out of the cast over and over again.
Going into the Tournament of Power... Like, right from the get-go, Buu is going to be nerfed by the rules of the tournament. He can't eat people. That would probably be how you get around the "Buu just deletes half the tournament roster" problem.
He's just. He's not allowed to use his powers. Sorry. Buu has to fight with one hand behind his back. Dem's the rules.
I don't know if he would actually abide by that rule. He might just end up disqualified after eating Toppo. Buu is a selfish, impulsive hedonist who reflexively lashes out at authority. He's just gonna do whatever he wants and let the chips fall where they may.
But if Mr. Satan tells him not to eat anyone, he... probably won't eat anyone? Might still Candy Beam them though. Turning them all into marbles and rolling them off the stage would technically be within the terms of a "NO EATING PEOPLE" restriction.
Buu's crowd control options are bad for the narrative integrity of a battle royale. Even right now, I'm trying to figure out how he could be involved and still having to write around his powerset rather than being able to incorporate and challenge it to its fullest.
I don't know. It's honestly difficult to incorporate him in a way that would be respectful and utilize him in interesting ways without letting him dominate and break the plot.
I think he could work as the villain of another universe's story. Have Buu take the field as the threat that's gonna carry us to victory until fighters from another universe find a way to team up and take him down.
But for the life of me, I can't get around, "Why doesn't he just Candy Beam the entire arena?"
As for Yamcha, I probably wouldn't write him into the Tournament of Power. Yamcha quit during the Cell arc and I'm entirely happy to let him. If I was writing Yamcha in Super, probably the only thing I'd do with him is properly introduce his new girlfriend from the end of the Cell Games.
Put an actual name and a face to her, so the fandom can stop ignoring her existence when they complain that Bulma condemned Yamcha to die alone and unloved.
I mean, I'd pick Yamcha over Roshi, to be sure. I feel like the series has forgotten that the Muten-Roshi isn't Goku's "One True Master" or anything like that. Goku has a lot of respect for the man who set him on his path, and he wears the Kame-senryu dogi out of that respect. But he learned everything Roshi had to teach him and left him in the dust long ago, a fact that made Roshi proud.
That story is over. The Muten-Roshi is a 300-year-old man who just wants to enjoy his retirement. Stop trying to make him relevant again! And also just. In general. Stop trying to make "Goku the wide-eyed pupil" happen again. It's done. He's a master now. Let him be a master.
Lotta beefs with DBS.
But yeah, while I agree with the criticism of "Why Roshi and not Yamcha", it's only to the extent that going with Yamcha is still kicking the can down the road. I cannot conceive of a single way that Yamcha's character or the story would be enriched by the Tournament of Power, that wouldn't just feel like hollow fanservice.
"Yamcha got to WIN A FIGHT AGAINST SOMEONE. This one's for you, Yamcha stans! Okay, he's done, someone punt this dipshit off the stage."
Which. To be fair. A lot of the ToP is hollow fanservice. I... did not like that arc very much. Or DBS as a whole, for that matter. So I'm probably not the guy to figure out the best way to utilize characters in it.
But for me, I'd be more interested in a proper Yamcha epilogue that closes out his character on a satisfying note and sends him off, than in desperately trying to drag Yamcha back into the game and shackling him into a status quo he already respectfully bowed out of.
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username8746489 · 7 months ago
Sylvester Ashling Power Analysis/Speculation
Sylvie has been on the mind for a while, so here's my interpretation of how his epithet works (with evidence where I can find it)
Sleep Dust
Sylvie's sleep dust exists as a thin coat on him at all times
Evidence: "[Wonder how] your jacket is white with all this... weird orange dandruff?" (Prison of Plastic - CAST LIVESTREAM! [PART 2])
This coat is loose enough that any movement is enough to dislodge it
Evidence: Molly bumping into Sylvie (EP1 - Quiet in the Museum!)
Sylvie can release the sleep dust at will, but the speed changes depending on how spread out it is (Smaller = Faster). The largest range he can release it is at least the size of a museum room.
Evidence: Putting Indus to sleep (EP2 - Bear Trap)/Using Sleep Dust on Molly + Giovanni (EP2 - Bear Trap)
Once the sleep dust leaves Sylvie's body, it doesn't last long
Evidence: The sleep dust disappears completely after Giovanni blows it away instead of falling back down (EP2 - Bear Trap)
The sleep dust is able to put a person to sleep for several hours. However, you can still wake up from it the same way you would as if you fell asleep normally
Evidence: Molly falling asleep for at least 4 1/2 hours (EP1 - Quiet in the Museum!)/Mera waking up Indus (EP3 - The Doctor is In)
Sylvie likely has an immunity to his own sleep dust
Counting Sheep
Counting Sheep trades Sylvie's sleep dust's potency for mobility
Evidence: Molly only becomes sleepy for a few moments when a Counting Sheep hits her, rather than falling asleep for hours like before
Sylvie can summon at least 27 sheep at once
Evidence: 27 sheep onscreen for like one frame (EP2 - Bear Trap)
Nightmare Fuel
Nightmare Fuel requires the target to have a certain amount of drowsiness before it can be activated, but nightmares can still be summoned without the target being asleep
Nightmare Fuel summons a past nightmare the target has had, usually their worst one
Evidence: "That fire he summoned was from my nightmares" (EP3 - The Doctor is In)
Sylvie doesn't need to know what a person's nightmare is to summon it
Evidence: "Pyrophobia, huh?" (EP2 - Bear Trap)/Being confused when Mera's nightmare is already reality (EP4 - Reflection)
Sylvie uses his yo-yo to activate Nightmare Fuel
Evidence: An orange light travel along the string of the yo-yo whenever he activates Nightmare Fuel (EP2 - Bear Trap/EP4 - Reflection)
Sylvie can manipulate any Nightmare Fuel he summons
Evidence: "I'll keep that fire where it is" implies he can control where the fire moves (EP2 - Bear Trap)
Nightmare Fuel can be used based on any nightmare a person has ever had in their life
Evidence: Nightmare Fuel has summoned more things than the target's worst fear (Bear statues coming to life/Duck/Blue fire)
Dream Big
If Sylvie were to use Nightmare Fuel on himself, "he will be paralyzed and his heart and thoughts will race in anxiety until the spell gets dispelled"
Evidence: Majin Ask (Thank you to gayfrogstheremix for providing me the source)
Sylvie can bring dreams to life. This includes himself, but potentially also includes anyone else who is asleep
Evidence: "Can lull targets to sleep and bring their dreams to life" (Sylvie Bio)/"Sylvie can use his powers to examine his patients’ dreams up close and personal." (Epithet Erased Website)
Sylvie had to train himself to lucid dream Beefton, although he is still unable to control him completely
Evidence: "I think Sylvie had to do training, to like, specifically kind of lucid dream a Beefton into existence" (Epithet Erased QnA Stream Part 5)
Beefton was first created when Sylvie was 11
Evidence: Beefton is 4 years old (Beefton PoP Infocard)
Sylvie could bring any of his dreams to life through Wild Dream but chooses not to
Evidence: "He could probably Wild Dream about whatever he wanted, but it might not be helpful, it might be destructive." (Epithet Erased QnA Stream Part 5)
Sylvie likely uses Dream Big in his day-to-day life, even outside of battle
Evidence: Beefton's interests include "Doing Sylvie's homework after Sylvie falls asleep" (Beefton PoP Infocard)
Sylvie could theoretically use Dream Big to use another epithet, but he would have to train to do so
Evidence: "Could Sylvie like fall asleep and then dream of having a different epithet?"/"Yeah?"/"He could. It'd take a while." (Epithet Erased QnA Stream Part 5)
Sylvie can likely drop asleep at will. He may also enter the REM stage of sleep (when you have the most vivid dreams) extremely quickly
Evidence: He can dream Beefton only a few seconds after falling asleep when it usually takes ~90 minutes to enter REM sleep
All of Sylvie's summons are made of his sleep dust
Evidence: Counting Sheep explode into Sleep Dust (EP2 - Bear Trap)/Mera's Duck + Beefton is the same color as the Sleep Dust
All of Sylvie's (personal) summons have some form of sentience
Evidence: Counting Sheep have the ability to distinguish themselves from each other ("The pompadour sheep thinks it's the leader of the flock" (Sylvie Trivia 2))/Beefton has a personality and memories separate from Sylvie ("Beefton did all that!?" (EP3 - The Doctor is In))
The 'realness' of a Nightmare Fuel/Dream Big may depend on how asleep the target is
Evidence: Molly's fire leaves no trace behind (EP2 - Bear Trap) but Beefton's damage remains (EP3 - The Doctor is In)
Sylvie will most likely reach tier 2 in a decade or so
Evidence: "Sylvie's stats are currently in the high-stars, but if he continues on his current trajectory then it's very likely he'll reach the Orbit tier in Proficiency by the time he's in his late 20s to early 30s." (Star Mechanics Explanation)
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astralfandoms · 3 months ago
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So no one asked, but I drew a bunch of hedgehogs because @forestdragonart and I were brainstorming all the hedgehogs that appear in 9 Years, and now it's time to do some explainations
If you're not interested, don't click through.
But if you are, keep reading :>
So, with that over with...
*cracks knuckles*
Let's go!
First Row is Sonic, Werehog, Executable, Malachite, and Sonny. The reason why I'm listing all of them as a group is because they are a system, with Sonic being the host! Werehog showed up during the events of Unleashed (obviously), Executable had been around for awhile but was taken out of dormancy during the events of Forces, Malachite was formed during the events of Colors, and Sonny was formed during the events of Generations!
Now onto all of the sonic-adjacent characters (aka the other hedgehogs)!
Lord Xenophanes, also known as Lord X, is a demigod of eclipses, raised to divinity by Dark Gaia, and he is involved in my reshuffling/rewrite of Frontiers, alongside...
Fatal Error, also known just as Error or Malware, is a demigod of mistakes and programming, created completely by accident by a god OC named The Creator of Mechanics (who I need to draw a reference for). It vanished a few decades back, only to suddenly reappear alongside Lord X for unknown reasons.
Fleetway, sometimes just known as Lord of Shapes, is a god of the Body and Mind as well as Shapeshifters. He, similarly to Lord Xenophanes, Fatal Error, Curse, Mephiles, Zip, and Majin, chose a hedgehog-esque form due to the associations with Sonic, someone is seen as trustworthy and good. He, however, is morally dubious at best, and uses his forms to mess with mortals.
Uncle Chuck is essentially Sonic's father in everything but name, having raised Sonic by himself after his parents passed. You may notice that I still have versions of them listed don't worry I'll get to that. Just know that Clutch is surprisingly well connected, knowing a lot of different kinds of people from his young adult years.
Shadow needs no introduction, but I have lore about Black Arms that I might eventually talk about but also might not because explaining how I am not a fan of alien storylines is a whole ass can of worms that I don't feel like introducing. All you gotta know is that he is not an alien, but instead has like. Nightmare Creature blood in him.
Manic is a whole ass motherfucker in this AU. He's not related to Sonic or Sonia, but is instead a young adult who never was in a foster home for more than a year, if that. He currently works at the White Resort, specifically as Clutch's right hand man.
Curse is someone who prayed so hard to Lord X that he was blessed with immortality and now lives as his eternal attendant. However, he hasn't been seen in awhile, due to shenanigans that went down.
Mephiles is the god of warfare who has beef with Ignis (the revamped versions of Iblis) due to the structured manner of warfare clashing inherently with Ignis's domain of chaos. The fires (pun intended) were only flamed with the Duke of Soleanna's inference but were managed to be calmed by Solaris's interference in the form of Elise and Jet.
Zip is the demigod of insanity who is known for her manic mannerisms and chaotic following of Fleetway's orders. It normally stays out of the limelight and prefers just following Fleetway around like a lost puppy.
Shard, also known as Metal Sonic 2.0, is an extremely advanced Metal Sonic who advanced so far that he has far exceeded his original programming and has become his own being. Is a devout follower of Eggman, but there are seeds of doubt planted in his head due to his counterpart...
Quicksilver, also known as Metal Silver, is a scrapped Metal Silver who was left to rot on Scrapnik Isle after it wasn't a successful copy. He is a people pleaser and follows Mercury around, caring probably too much about he and everyone else views him.
Scourge, as I have previously talked a bit about, is one of three Avatars who ended up helping with the Forces situation, with all three of them being prototyped experiments of attempting to get the Phantom Ruby to fuse with him, with his side effect being the purple colored stripes on him.
Sonia, as mentioned in Manic's section, is not related to Sonic or Manic, and is instead from a very rich family where she's Daddy's little princess. But, instead of being very bratty, she's extremely air-headed and gullible, not understanding a lot of class-based things. Every winter, she goes to stay at her practical uncle, Clutch's, resort, but no one seems to bother her, despite some shady figures following her...
Hydraulic, also known as Metal Sonic 1.0, is a bit of an outdated model compared to Shard, but realized that Eggman Enterprises was just...not where it wanted to be, so it ended up turning itself in, before being broken out by a certain platypus in a thought out revenge plan.
Majin, also known as Time Eater, is god of...well, do I need to say? It is usually very calm, very level headed, very slow to anger...but even it has its limits. And one platypus with a god complex is really trying his patience.
Alina is...technically not the original Alina, but instead a robotic counterpart made as an attempt to try to "revive" her without actual necromancy. And who was the one who made her? She doesn't remember much, but she remembers it being a man with a kindly face wearing green overalls...
Mercury, also known as Metal Shadow, is a failed Metal Shadow who, like Quicksilver, was abandoned on Scrapnik for not being a successful clone of Shadow. It is very quiet and brooding, rarely talking unless its services are needed. He both is annoyed and finds a sense of comfort in Quicksilver.
Amy is an extremely cheerful and optimistic girl who has an awful case of faceblindness and is part of the reason that this whole chart was even made. She's very energetic and helpful, but to the point where she'll stretch herself thin in an attempt to make everyone happy, even at the expense of her own.
Silver is, to put it bluntly, an extremely sad and depressed young man who for the longest time was plagued with visions he didn't understand and that no one was willing to explain to him. Hailing from the Lunar Kingdom, he has a deep (unwilling) connection to Mephiles, and is seen as both his prophet and priest, even if he never wanted to be that in the first place.
And, finally, we have Jules who, similarly to Alina, is just an attempt to "revive" him by building a robotic counterpart. And, similarly, Jules doesn't remember much about who created him, only having vague memories of hushed words and the glint of blue glasses.
And that's all of them!!
Wow, that took...way too long to actually type out, but if you made it this far, please comment what you think! I love hearing other people's vibes and opinions for these characters :>
Now, if you excuse me, I need to get to tagging all these bitches.
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slimyalienfreak · 10 months ago
Hello, how are you doing? I hope you are doing okay 👍
I have a silly request :D
So imagine Xenophanes and Lord X are fighting for Reader’s attention. (They’re all friends) Both Xeno and Lord X are always trying to make reader hang out with them. (With reader’s consent) They also bicker when Reader is not around but in all honesty Reader actually prefers Majin Sonic and Needlemouse’s company. (Reader is good at hiding the fact that she prefers these two.) Everyone knows that reader likes Needlemouse and Majin more (Expect Xeno and Lord X.) but she also likes Xeno and Lord X’s company. So she just decides to keep her friendship with Majin and Needlemouse a secret until one day Needlemouse accidentally reveals the secret.
Like one day reader is hanging out with both Xeno and Lord X. Needlemouse comes out of nowhere and hugs reader from behind which makes her jump slightly but reader smiles and greets her like usual but needlemouse hit her with the “Hey, bestie.” And reader just freezes and silently pleads that Xeno and Lord X. They heard.. They both very much heard.
You can decide how they both react to the news. >:)
(Please use She/Her pronouns.)
[Like always if you don’t like this request feel free to skip it.]
Xenophane and Lord X Fighting For Your Attention
Hey there thanks for the ask!
Absolutely loved this request. Love the thought of these two hedgehogs fighting for attention only to be disproven. Anyways hope you like it. ~Blaze/Dawn
Pronouns: She/Her
Warning: ❌
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Xenophane + Lord X + Needlemouse/Sarah + Majin
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by BaterkaCZJeffryCZ (For Xenophane) and Daniuxshit (For Lord X) on Deviantart + Banner by m4rxi (Edited By Me) on Pinterest
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- There wasn't a day that didn’t include Xeno and Lord X having some sort of argument usually involving you. You see they both personally believe that they deserve to bless you with their attention while giving out reasons why the other should leave you alone, all that stuff. Luckily most of these arguments weren’t around you but unfortunately the others were ‘blessed’ with being in earshot of their bickering. Honestly it kind of annoyed them the type of shit they would say just to get the other to back away from you is something. It’s a miracle that one of them hasn’t snapped and told them to shut up.
- Luckily they do manage to keep their arguments separate from you or at least to an extent. But even then sometimes they would passive aggressively roast each other and tell you why they are a better reason to be around you.
+ “Come on [Name] trust me I’ll be a much better option to be around than that crystallized idiot over there.” Lord X said towards you, placing a hand on your shoulder just to provoke a reaction out of Xeno “I thought [Name] said we could all hang out together X. No need to hog her to yourself.” Xeno retorted back “I know she did but let’s be honest she would rather be around me than with you.” Lord X said with a smirk on his face enjoying Xeno’s reaction to his comments “how would you know that? She might prefer me more.”
- That’s pretty much how their arguments go when they’re around you. Although they do keep their peace for the most part around you but at the same time don’t be surprised to expect them to throw some subtle jabs here and there. They always try to one up each other in order to make them seem better than the other.
- However, as much as you loved the both of them in your own way, to be honest you always prefer two other people in the EXE group. That being Sarah or also known as Needlemouse and Majin. Why them? you may ask? Honestly you prefer their company more. They’re more fun to be around. Majin has more of that calm aura about him, when you want to have some peace from Xeno and Lord X but want to be around someone you can go to Majin and he wouldn’t mind. As for Sarah seeing how she’s (as far as I’m aware of) is the only female exe you two can relate to some stuff. Kind of like Majin if you just want to chill you can rely on Sarah. Sometimes you two can talk about anything yet find entertainment in it, that’s how close you are with her.
- Surprisingly, despite everyone else knowing about your preference for Majin and Sarah, the only people who didn’t know were Xeno and Lord X. How they did not know was an absolute mystery to you and everyone else you're just really good at keeping secrets. You mostly kept it a secret to spare their feelings knowing them their reaction could be anything. You were already a bit on the conflicted side when it came to how Lord X might react but you had a feeling he would take it somewhat well while Xeno might exaggerate his emotions a bit.
- Speaking of their reactions as much as you would like to keep this secret, eventually the two of them would at some point find out about your favoritism with someone other than them. It happened when you were spending time with the both of them, with them throwing passive aggressive comments at each other like usual. What you didn’t know was that while you were waiting for the two of them to calm down Sarah had managed to spot you and thought ‘oh there’s [Name] let’s go speak to her’ and with another thought she immediately went up to you gave you a friendly hug and said “hey how’s my best friend doing?” She unknowingly said not knowing the current situation. At first you were about to return the favor before quickly realizing that Xenophane and Lord X were still here. You were kind of pleading to yourself that they didn’t hear but when you went to look at them their faces were all you needed to know. They did. Some point after Sarah also kind of realized that she kind of screwed you over and awkwardly chuckled to herself. Their reactions were pretty much the photo below.
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- I feel like their reaction to the information they just learned would be different. For Lord X I feel like he would be kind of accepting of it after a while. Like sure he didn’t feel that upset at you he kind of wished you did tell him about it. Regardless after a bit he’s kind of over it. Still do expect him to still be a little teasing about if you like him more than Xeno.
- On the same note, Xenophane reaction? oh boy. He was definitely kind of pissed. More of a childish way though. He acts kind of offended that he’s not your favourite. Like Lord X I’d like to imagine he would’ve liked to be told about the others being your favourite. But after a bit just like Lord X he gets over it sort of. Still although they are aware of people like Sarah and Majin being your best friends do still expect them to go at each other over who you prefer.
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catiuapavel · 1 month ago
My initial interest in Eternal Poison was based on the main cast's character design, but I've come to the surprising realization that the game called for a large ensemble of artists for the supporting characters' art (mercenaries + rescued guests you can speak to in Isapolis).
Some of these names are well-known, but there are artists going by nicknames which make them hard to track down. Still, I was interested into finding out whom they all are, so I did my best to try and identify them. Take everything regarding artists going by a nickname with a grain of salt.
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She is the lead character designer, and she has illustrated the main group of each tale. Her artworks also have variants that make the characters more expressive during cutscenes. She also illustrated the game cover as well as the promotional artworks of the game.
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You can recruit and deploy 12 mercenaries in the game. SK did the art for all of them + the musicians playing in Isapolis, as well as a few guest characters. Despite all the art they've done, they're unfortunately only credited as SK.
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Illustrator for the Atelier series and for Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia, among others. He contributed a single guest art for the game.
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It was a complicated search because they're only credited as "NA2" but I'm confident that NA2 is still their Pixiv username, and that they also go by NA2-A5. Other than this they did art for Chain Chronicle.
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Shinichiro Otsuka
Character designer for Re:Zero.
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Yuki Hayabusa
They've worked on Cardfight!!Vanguard and Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls.
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Kinu Komada
They've also done book cover illustrations such as the Japanese edition of the Mistborn trilogy.
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Shin Takekawa
He's an author who seems to now have a career drawing erotic yuri.
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Hironori Takano
He's worked on several Flight-Plan games other than Eternal Poison such as Black/Matrix.
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Takeshi Iizuka
He's also a regular at Flight-Plan and has worked on games like Summon Night and Sacred Blaze.
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Enomoto is (allegedly) an artist who also goes by the nickname BND. The most art I could find was a single blog (http://enom.blog32.fc2.com/), and a handful of Doujinshi under her second nickname. I'm confident this is her because of the facial proportions, and especially because of how she draws eyelashes.
I actually looked for her everywhere because I liked the art she contributed to the game a lot.
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They did the art for the guests pictures above. I would love to know what else they've worked on, but I couldn't find them.
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While his work has changed a great deal, I believe this is Nagai Yuya (artist for Grandblue Fantasy Versus, War of the Visions, Valkyrie Elisium).
I liked his work and knew he went by V8turbocharger on Twitter, so I had a little "what if..." moment reading this art credited under the name "V8". This might be a leap, but I still see a similarity in how he draws lips and noses (moreso in his older work).
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Mioto Kurachi
Like Takeshi Iizuka, they're also part of other Flight-Plan games crews.
... and this is just for the human character design, since several more artists have worked on the Majin design (including Yasushi Nirasawa who is well-known for a lot of monster/creature illustrations as well as for his work in the Kamen Rider franchise), and several more have worked on all the background art for the stages you can see in-game.
This game is surprisingly stacked with talented artists including very well-known ones, and it's fortunate there is an artbook because almost none of the names are included in the credit rolls once you finish a route (they might however be listed in the final ending once I finish them all).
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cuttyclowngirl · 4 months ago
Daima EP.5 (Spoiler) Review/theories
• While Panzy's eye color means nothing in regards to her lineage, she does come from an important lineage as some of us suspected. Panzy, princess of machine otakus. Glorio not immediately recognizing her by name or appearance likely implies either 3rd world demons aren't interested in the royal family in general or Panzy's very existence is somewhat restricted to those who live/work at her castle. Could it be that she never actually received a collar as a result of that? Is that why she wears the scarf?
• Glorio very clearly doesn't want anyone outside of Goku's circle to join in regardless of any help they can offer. (Not part of Dr Arinsu's plan?) No choice now. Panzy's a helpful mechanic.
• Glorio did in fact speak to King Kadan, who did not in fact request that Glorio seek out those who defeated Majin Buu; implying that Glorio "snuck" into King Gohma's castle & gathered intel on Goku & crew in episode 1 before being "sent out" by King Kadan. Even a 3rd world demon who does "work" in the 1st world shouldn't be able to get anywhere near the castle of THE SUPREME KING of the DEMON REALM. He was let in. Dr Arinsu popped up unannounced in episode 1 & Glorio just happened to be spying behind a pillar? Nah.
• The 3rd demon world being the biggest, (yet worst off) world in the entire realm might just maybe imply worlds 1&2 have slightly lower gravity, but probably not.
• King Kadan is a man of seemingly righteous anger (Glorio describes him as an uncivilized Mafia boss) who wants to get rid of King Gohma & somehow assume the throne of Supreme King. For "peace". Is that actually possible? Was he perhaps promised that position by a manipulator in the shadows? (Dr Arinsu?) Panzy said her father "only steals from criminals & only kills bad people", which is usually a set up for a heartbreaking reveal that'll leave Panzy in tears. Or it could be nothing.
• Apparently those awful collars even function as tracking devices.
• They even have onigiri in the Demon Realm. Cute. Implies demon rice fields & unique demon ocean seaweed.
• Panzy has a knife she hasn't used yet. Judging from all that courtyard soldier training going on at her castle, she probably picked up a few moves from watching & learning.
• It was nice hearing Goku introduce himself with both his names. His interactions with Panzy are cute so far, as I'd hoped. Panzy herself is charmingly stubborn, insisting on getting her way without throwing tantrums/ throwing a fit.
• In the 3rd world at least, the inhabitants live up to a thousand years. This likely doesn't apply to the Glinds who live for a VERY long time.
• Every Majin (demon) can use at least one magic spell. So could magical enhancement explain Glorio's strength?
• Goku can canonically touch his nose with his tongue.
• Panzy implied that there are next to no Glinds in the Demon Realm due to the vast majority leaving ages ago, as many of us suspected. Though based on the passive aggressive conversation Shin had with Glorio episode 3, there might be a handful of Glinds somewhere in 2nd world.
• So the stick with blue cloth tied to it from the OP isn't a grave marker, but a path marker. Based on the sound of the wind (in the scene in this episode) & the direction the cloth was blowing, you're supposed to take the path the cloth points to. (In the OP the cloth is blowing to the right, then the camera pans to the right, where Goku & crew are seen traveling)
• Panzy confirms that Dabura was still a bad guy prior to the events of the Buu saga, so thankfully he hasn't been retconed as a good guy King. (Wouldn't make sense)
• Dende's caretaker (nanny?) is cute. Hope she gets a name. Much smarter of King Gohma planing on raising Dende so he can have his own personal set of dragon balls & probably get rid of Neva. (So it was probably Degesu's idea)
• I want to know what those demon onions have seen...
• The Tamagamis have never been defeated. Their poor win streak's about to be demolished.
• Smart of Shin (Supreme Kai) to bring up the pin number issue with King Kadan, who introduced us to a demon (of currently unspecified gender) named "Hybis" (Hibiscus flower?) who loves ballet & will head out to pick up/help Vegeta & crew. Hybis also shows off a device that's visually similar to the dragon radar, but also Babidi's energy reading device we saw Spopovich using when Gohan went SSJ2 at the tournament in the Buu saga. Just cooler. (Panzy is also seen holding a similar device in the ED) I swear, if the eyeball on Hybis' belt turns out to be the Tertian Oculus...
• Shin straight up drops "universe 7" in front of Goku, who doesn't register it & that's hilarious. Shin also finally shared his suspicions of Glorio with Goku, bringing up things we've been bringing up & such. Goku was Goku about it.
• I wasn't ready for the children's book art style bit when King Kadan ordered 3 men to steal a plane for Hybis from the "Nemophy Gang".
• Man, someone must've put a plane curse on Glorio, cuz bro has ZERO luck in that department. A 4 day trip & it breaks down in 2 minutes. (Guess Kai-Kai isn't an option)
• Hope we return to Kadan castle from time to time to introduce us to a few of those background characters like cool, pretty, buff red head with the silly ah chest plate.
• Wonder if Glorio actually has any of that liquor King Kadan offered to provide.
• Cute detail of Goku carrying luggage with his nyoibo.
• I super hope that axolotl tailed stuffed animal Panzy brought along will actually be sold IRL. I want.
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duhragonball · 4 months ago
Daima 1: Conspiracy
So I don't really want to liveblog this show while it's still ongoing, but I'm not sure how else to describe what I'm doing. What I want to do is delve into the show's characters and plot, and kind of get into what makes it tick. I just saw Episode 4 earlier today, and I just keep finding myself impressed with the way Daima keeps getting story beats so *right*. So maybe if I write about it enough, some of that talent will rub off on me.
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To start us off, Episode 1, "Conspiracy", is 32 minutes long, and as far as I can tell, this is done to accommodate a ten minute segment that introduces the audience to the Dragon Ball concept. It's a lot like the opening sequence of Super Hero, but longer and more detailed.
If I hadn't seen it myself, I would be tempted to call this a mistake, because a ten-minute lore dump is pretty tiresome for an audience to sit through, but it turns out to be highly effective here. eight minutes of this is two of the main villains, Gomah and Degesu, watching a highlight reel of the Buu Saga and reacting to all the crazy stuff that happens. This works for the following reasons.
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First and foremost, Dragon Ball Z kicks ass. Most movies and TV shows would benefit from having their characters just vegging out and watching about 65 episodes of DBZ in a row. And it's a visual feast, because Gomah has some magic dome with dozen of screens floating all around them, so they can see everything going on, and all of the footage is gorgeously re-animated for this episode. They could have gotten away with using clips from Dragon Ball Kai, but they went the extra mile and made it special.
Second, this is a great way to introduce the villains and demonstrate their relationships with the other characters. As they watch, it becomes clear that Gomah and Degesu know the bad guys. Dabura is their king, Babidi is their enemy who enslaved their king, and Majin Buu is a monster capable of conquering all of creation. They also know the Supreme Kai, because Degesu is his brother, and they don't seem to like him very much. They also recognize Piccolo and Dende as Namekians, as well as the Dragon Balls. Apparently they have that stuff in their own Demon Realm too, but they didn't know the Namekians had left the Demon Realm to settle in the outer universe.
On the other hand, Gomah and Degesu have no knowledge of the Saiyans who fought against Majin Buu. They don't know how Goku and Vegeta transform or shoot light from their hands, and they have no idea how they can be powerful enough to keep challenging Buu and holding their own. Degesu suggests that they might be Majins themselves, except they don't have pointed ears. Apparently Demon Realm races all have pointy ears. The exact distinction between Majins and Demons is still unclear to me, but we'll get into that later, I'm sure.
The point is that it makes sense for Gomah and Degesu to watch all this footage. They knew Dabura had left Demon Realm for a rare trip to the outer universe, but they didn't know why or what happened to him. Then they find out Babidi mind-controlled him into helping with this Majin Buu plan, which is a huge threat to their kingdom. Then Buu kills Dabura and Babidi, and then gets defeated himself by a band of warriors they know nothing about. Oh, and there's Dragon Balls on this one planet and they're easy to use and grant three wishes. Any one of those developments would be huge news in Demon Realm, but Gomah learns about all all four all at once.
That's the key, I think. If you opened "Empire Strikes Back" with eight minutes of the Emperor watching clips from "A New Hope", it would suck, because all he really needs to know is that Luke Skywalker used the Force to destroy the Death Star, and it doesn't take that long to get that information across. Also, his reaction would be pretty muted. At most he'd kind of look irritated or intrigued. Gomah pulls this off because he has a conniption every time something important happens. When Dabura dies he's horrified, then Degesu reminds him he's next in line for Dabura's throne, so he's overjoyed to be the new king, but then he starts panicking again because he knows Babidi will send Buu after him next. It's fun watching him squirm over this eight-minute scene, because he has so much invested in each new development.
To use an example from Dragon Ball, there's an episode of Z where Master Roshi explains the history of the Red Ribbon Army to Maron. It happens some time during the Goku vs. 19 fight, so we're already knee-deep into the Androids Saga. The flashback was probably worth doing just to bring newer viewers up to speed on why Dr. Gero hates Goku so much, but most of the characters in the show already know the story, so there's not really anyone else to tell it to except Maron, a filler character who doesn't care and vanishes from the show soon afterwards. That scene only happened because the anime needed to pad out another episode so the manga could "catch up" to their production schedule. I think fans at the time at least tolerated it as a clip show kind of thing, but it served no purpose aside from keeping the TV show from skipping a week. If they had done that kind of thing for multiple episodes in a row, I think they would have risked losing viewers.
Anyway, the next six minutes of "Conspiracy" show Gomah discussing this new post-Dabura world with Degesu and Degesu's sister, Dr. Arinsu. This sets up the plot. At first, Gomah is bewildered by the events of the Buu Saga, but Degesu assures him that with Buu's defeat, his reign as king is now secure. With Babidi, Buu, and Dabura out of the way, there's no one left to oppose him. But Dr. Arinsu reminds him of the warriors who defeated Buu, and what might happen if they decided to come after Gomah next.
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So it looks like these three characters--King Gomah, Degesu, and Dr. Arinsu-- are the main villains of the series. The important lesson here is that they work because they have very different motives and goals. If they didn't, then there would be no need for three villains at all. It could just be one bad guy.
This was something that GT and Super both struggled with back in the day. Lots of fans point to Baby as a highlight of GT, but Baby constantly surrounds himself with Machine Mutants and Tuffellized slaves who basically agree with everything he says. The Super 17 saga featured Dr. Gero and Dr. Mu teaming up to control two versions of Android 17, and all four of them had a single motive to share between them: Kill Goku. The two 17's merged together, and Mu turned on Gero, but it hardly mattered because their agenda was so thin.
Meanwhile in *Super*, Goku Black and Zamasu were literally the same person. This was probably intended to be creepy and weird, and I suppose it did help illustrate Zamasu's narcissistic worldview, but it also limited the possibilities for the story. There was never going to be any dissension between the villains, so every time they talked to each other it was to congratulate themselves on how well they agreed. Then they merged together and it didn't matter, because they were so alike from the start.
The Super movies corrected this problem well. Frieza and Paragus had very different plans for Broly, and Magenta and Dr. Hedo had very different plans for Hedo's creations. There were also characters like Berryblue and Carmine who basically backed up their leaders, but they still had their own personalities. Berryblue liked to press Frieza's buttons a little, and Carmine was a lot less diplomatic than his boss.
In Daima, it goes like this: King Gomah wants to secure his new position as ruler of the Demon Realm. He's weak and he knows it, which is why he seems to receptive to the counsel of Degesu and Arinsu. Meanwhile, Dr. Arinsu depends on the research funding she was getting from King Dabura. Gomah isn't too keen on continuing that funding, so she suggests that he might be in danger from the Z-Fighters. And that convinces Gomah to go to Earth to defeat them first.
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This is where the Dragon Balls really shine as a story engine. It sounds so simple that it feels weird to explain it, but you collect all seven balls and you get a wish, so there has to be a discussion about what the characters wish for. Gomah wants to use one wish to neutralize the Z-Fighters, but he'd get two more, which leads him to consider another desire: The Evil Third Eye. We don't find out much about this, except that it's really powerful, and the previous Demon Kings used to have it before it was lost. So it makes a lot of sense for Gomah to want it, since he's all about consolidating his power.
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What about Degesu? Well, for the most part he sure seems like he's content to play the faithful advisor. Somehow he wound up working for Gomah, and now that Gomah is king, it seems like his career is really paying off. But while Gomah is considering his third wish, Degesu asks if *he* could get a wish for himself. Gomah says he'll think about it, and we never find out his answer, but it's enough that Degesu asked at all. He must want *something*, and that something must not fit into Gomah's plans, or else Degesu would simply talk Gomah into wishing for it himself.
And that's what makes this trio so interesting. Gomah's pretty much an open book. We know exactly what he wants and why. Degesu wants something, but he's playing a long game, and it might be a while before we find out what it is. And Dr. Arinsu... Well, she wants funding for her research, but I think it's also clear that she wants Gomah to go to Earth and set this story into motion. How does that get her funding approved? And why didn't she just go to Earth and try to use the Dragon Balls to make her own wishes? Very mysterious.
The funny thing is that these three could easily be described like they were some fan OC's. "Hey, here's my cool villain team. Their leader is Dabura's son maybe, and the other two are the Supreme Kai's brother and sister, so they're like Kai's, but they're *Dark Demon Kais* and they're evil." It just goes to show that every character is somebody's OC. What sets the good ones apart is the personality and motives you give them. Stop worrying about power scaling and what color their auras are, and start thinking about what they want and how their goals conflict with other characters' goals.
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Once Gomah is ready for his trip, he brings along Neva, an ancient Namekian who is apparently the only one who didn't leave the Demon Realm to settle in the outside universe. Neva created the Demon Realm's set of Dragon Balls, but he also set up powerful guardians called Tamigami to protect them. So no one in the Demon Realm can actually use the Dragon Balls to get a wish. This vexes Gomah to no end, but he figures he can still make use of Neva's abilities to exploit the Earth's Dragon Balls.
As it turns out, Neva has the power to immediately locate Dragon Balls, even when they're stones. He can also summon them together instantly, and on top of that, he can force them to reactivate for an immediate wish. So he's a pretty impressive guy. Dende can't even stop them, because his only leverage here is that he knows the Dragon's name is Shenron, except Degesu took notes during their viewing of Buu Saga, so he already knows how to summon the Dragon.
And that sets up the big wish to make Goku and the others into children. Gomah reasons that the Earth's Dragon would never be able to grant a wish for murder, so he figures the next best thing is to make Goku and his friends small children instead. This way they'll be weaker and easier to deal with. And that's the part everyone knew going into this show. The first episode closes with that de-aging scene, which is pretty impressive to me. We all knew it would happen, so it seems like a weak cliffhanger, but it works because the beginning and middle of the episode sets it up so well. We now know how and why the gang got turned into children, and we also know that there's more to this than just making another wish to undo it.
The stakes aren't entirely clear yet. Gomah seems like he'd be content to reign over the Demon World unchallenged, but if he could defeat the guys who beat Majin Buu, if he could obtain the Evil Third Eye, then maybe he might consider picking up where Babidi left off. With no one to oppose him why can't he conquer the outside universe for himself? And there's still the question of what Dr. Arinsu is planning behind the scenes. Oh, and maybe Neva is more than the senile Namek that he appears to be. So there's a lot to unpack. Oh, and also some blue guy was spying on Gomah when he cooked up this whole plot, so we'll have to find out what his whole deal is.
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There's other stuff to talk about in this episode, like the timeline placement, Kibitoshin getting unfused early, and that shot of mpreg Goku with his polycule, but like I said, I don't want to do a whole thing on this show while it's still airing. For now, I'm just basking in the glow of this unfolding plot.
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universe2snumber1fan · 1 month ago
I suppose I should give a brief rundown of my dbz ocs so here I go:
(Side note: this is not all of them. These are just the ones I've talked about on the blog before. I might update this when I feel like sharing more.)
Vanilla (Human, name inspo is obvious)
A marital artist with a constant desire to surpass her limits. Also, she's my self insert and I ship her with Zarbon.
Picanha (Half whatever ginyu is/Half whatever ribrianne is, named after a Brazilian steak dish)
Her real name is Hana de Chateau. Captain Ginyu and Ribrianne's daughter with the same appreciation of style. The Time Patrol's very own magical girl. Also, she's in an on again-off again relationship with Fu.
Eggno (Frieza Race, named after eggnog)
He was adopted by Captain Ginyu after a mission and became Hana's younger brother. He's an aspiring musician who prefers not to fight. (But he will if he has to)
Kyata (Namekian, named after caterpillar)
A fashion designer with a passion for Demon Realm heritage and culture. (Demons, Namekians, Majin, the whole nine yards) This shows in his designs. He currently works for Mr. Satan. Also, while he thinks Lord Slug gives Namekians a bad name, he can't help but admire Angila.
Cho-Cho (Majin, named after butterfly)
A fashion model and Kyata's best friend. She also wants to pick up martial arts. She currently trains with Mr. Satan and team (even though she could beat him in a fight no problem). Also, I ship her and Caroni for no reason other than it's funny and I want to.
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cthulhubert · 7 months ago
Chrono Trigger had some really solid translations, Woolsey's best work. He captured the spirit that the original authors wanted, rather than the lifeless result you'd get from a more literal translation.
The three sages were originally Gasshu, Hasshu, and Bosshu. I'm told that to the Japanese ear, these have a vaguely "Chinese mountain hermit" ring, but they're just kind of silly in English, so using the traditional names for the biblical three wisemen was a great touch.
Magus' henchmen were Vinegar, Soysau, and Mayonnai, a trio of tasteless fiends; their names were a little too long for the technical limitations of the SNES, so they became the trio of tone-deaf fiends: Ozzie, Slash and Flea.
It does have a change I really don't like. The Masamune is Granleon in Japanese, a much more European name for an obviously European sword. It's senseless. If he had to change it, why not Excalibur?
And finally the 魔神器 (majinki), aka Mammon Machine
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Majinki could be considered a portmanteau, but of a type that's transparent to a Japanese reader. 魔 means something like evil spirit or magic, same character as in mahou (as in mahou shojou: magical girls). 神 is usually said "kami" outside of compound words, it's the first character in Shinto (pronunciation changes at the beginning of a word), and refers to the gods/spirits that they venerate. 器 has meanings like tool/vessel/utensil etc.
魔神 (majin) is often translated as "devil". Of course: it's a god of evil spirits and magic. (Fun note; 魔人 is pronounced the same way but means magic/evil person; you might recognize it from Dragonball's majin bu, or a race that's ubiquitous in Isekai.) 神器 (jinki) is what Velma says is a "sacred treasure", a thing in which the kami dwell. Edit to add: to help hammer in the meaning this word would convey to a Japanese player the Imperial Regalia of Japan are called 三種の神器.
You can't convey all that in English, especially not by calling it either "evil/magic sacred treasure" or "devil vessel/tool".
Mammon Machine may lose the heavy "magic energy" association (given by story context anyways), but it finds another way to be slightly ambiguous about it's devilish associations; drawing in extra associations of greed? Piece de resistance.
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its-ya-girl-phoeni · 8 months ago
Bonnie's thoughts on some Vs. Sonic.exe characters
Xenophanes: "He might look scary, but from my experience, he's pretty much all bark and no bite. Though, that crystal thing he can do is kinda cool..."
The Souls: "They're like zombies in a way, but not bad once you get to know 'em. I feel bad for them, really. They had to be around that freak for who knows how long."
Lord X: "He's creepy, gross and smells like a corpse. Need I say more?"
Majin Sonic: "I'll admit, I was pretty freaked out when I saw his face, but he's got a lot of energy and spark to him! ...Plus, he doesn't seem to want to kill me like the others. All he wants is for me to 'join the fun'... which sounds a little ominous now that I think about it..."
Sanic.exe: "What."
Tails Doll: "He's... actually really cute. When he's not covered in blood, that is."
Fleetway Super Sonic: "This guy is nuts, plain and simple. I'm pretty sure his mind is just nothing but 'KILL! KILL! KILL!' 24/7."
Grimbo: "Isn't this just that Xenophobe guy again? What's that? He's not? Okay..."
Furnace: "Just being near him feels like being in an oven... and he always smells like burnt meat, too."
Starved: "At the very least, he doesn't eat people, but considering these games are full of cute talking animals... yeah, this guy is freaky to the max."
Sarah: "I feel bad for her, being in a similar situation, but at the same time, I don't really think eternally trapping your former friends in a Sonic game is a healthy way to cope with your problems."
Sunky: "The one guy out of all these freaks who doesn't want to kill me. I can get behind this!"
Coldsteel: "I- I don't even know, to be honest."
EXE: "Basically John Carpenter's The Thing, but with Sonic. Pretty big, gross and scary."
Fatal Error: "Red and black with a knack for turning people into his puppets. Also, he has a weird text-to-speech voice."
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incaseofart · 3 months ago
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ClayWen ship meme!!! Transcript under the cut~
First An Introduction - Clayman
Fufufu, I am the Demon Lord Clayman! Please pay your proper respects to me, and we won't have any trouble.
First An Introduction - Wendy
I am Wendy, who serves the Demon Lord Clayman. if you would like a meeting with him, you must first convince me.
Have Them Introduce Their Partner - Clayman
My partner, Wendy Verite, is also the beating heart of my army, so you had better show them the proper respect due to them. They're a powerful majin in their own right, but I won't hesitate to end you if you disrespect them.
Have Them Introduce Their Partner - Wendy
The Demon Lord Clayman is the undisputed ruler of the Puppet Nation Jistav. He is a powerful demon lord, and you would do well to remember your place when speaking to him, lest you find yourself on the receiving end of his displeasure.
Something They Adore About Them - Clayman
Wendy is my beloved, and I adore everything about them. If I must choose one thing, it's their unerring desire to be tender with me. I'm putty in their hands, with gentle touches and soft embraces…ahem. Not that that's any of your business.
Something They Adore About Them - Wendy
Clayman uses his power to protect those he cares about. He truly loves and cares for the dark elves in Amrita, and his love for his family is obvious despite the way he tries to mask it. He is never cruel to those he loves.
Inner Dialogue - Clayman
I LOVE MY WIFE SO MUCH I LOVE MY WIIIIIIFE I LOVE WENDY!!!! Wendy my beloved I cannot wait until we retire this evening and I may ravish you, my love, with all of my love and kisses as you deserve! Truly, if only this merchant would hurry along so I might spend my time with you.
Inner Dialogue - Wendy
Clayman, I'm so proud of you. you look so handsome sitting there telling this loser what for. I would do anything for you.
Free space! - Clayman
Even when I feel insecure, I can count on them to help me feel better. I wonder if they know how often they make my entire mood shift, just by being with me.
Free Space! - Wendy
I didn't want to be brought to this world - but because I have Clayman, I was able to make a life worth living. By his side, I have purpose and clarity and love. I couldn't ask for more.
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tobiasdrake · 3 months ago
Dragon Ball Daima S01E10 - Ocean
The titles for Daima episodes crack me up. Like. We've been making jokes at Toei's expense for how spoiler-filled Dragon Ball episode titles are for forty years. Now they're just like, "Fine! You know what? Every title is just a context-free noun and NOTHING ELSE."
Lightning. Thieves. Ocean.
Good luck gleaning any major plot reveals from that!
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Honestly, I'm kinda rooting for the Tamagami.
They had two Saibaman seeds left and only used one, which leaves the other one hanging as a plot point whose function remains to be determined. The probable purpose for the other seed is so they'll have resources to create another Majin.
Kuu isn't literally the prototype for a bigger, nastier villain. But he might end up being exactly that.
So with the possibility that Kuu gets defeated and has to be replaced at some point in mind, I just think it'd be so funny if it happened right now. Following his dramatic reveal last episode, Kuu mouths off to Tamagami One and just gets fucking splattered, and Dr. Arinsu has to go back to the drawing board. XD
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I mean. Yeah. There are benefits to being magically cursed to become a child again. I certainly wouldn't mind a dramatically increased lifespan, personally.
There are drawbacks too but you'd be surprised what you can circumvent when you're a billionaire.
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This conversation took a really weird turn. And also, there are other reasons that Vegeta might not be comfortable with returning to adulthood while his wife remains a child.
Very. Very good reasons.
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I have no idea what Kuu is doing in this fight and I'm not sure he does either. One is handing him his golden Saiba-ass.
It's like they're trying to channel Pure Buu's unpredictable and frantic fighting style. But Buu was an eldritch creature that no longer communicated in words and fought like a feral blob of gum. Kuu's intelligence and... non-goopiness... just makes him look like a weird doof.
I wonder if Kuu can absorb the Tamagami and gain their power?
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Which should also mean that we can get out and fly for long periods of time without requiring the aid of a vehicle. Planes are now optional.
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Kaioshin: (thinking) I hope we can get in and out without encountering one. Goku: (thinking) I wonder how they taste....
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Goku: (thinking) Not bad for a first course....
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Yeah, flying is no longer nerfed. This attack squadron made mistakes. The guy who beat the Tamagami is in even more top form now, and these idiots couldn't handle him when he was holding back.
Daimakai is basically a fun vacation for Goku.
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XD There is no way a creature that size is sustaining itself on the occasional plane that inadvisably flies too low to the ocean. They're definitely hunting planes out of spite, not hunger.
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Ahhh. Goku can teleport, so it doesn't actually matter that the plane is now in the creature's gullet. This is a good setup. Gives the others enough time to look shocked before Goku and Panzy suddenly pop into existe--
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...or I guess the gap between its teeth is wide enough that anyone capable of Bukujutsu can just leave, no problem. Being crushed in the plane was the only danger that being eaten by the kraken posed.
Mm. I'm disappointed, but this still works fine.
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And now the kraken's done. Yeah, it does not care one bit about the flying people. It just wanted the plane.
Krakens just... hate planes for some reason. I wonder if the Gendarmerie are poaching them?
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Bit of a mixed bag here. I said early on after we met her that I really don't want Panzy to turn into the new GT Pan. GT Pan is worse-case scenario for how she could end up being utilized by the show.
I was nervous when they all evacuated the plane, but then Panzy put herself in peril anyway so we could have a scene of Goku dramatically rescuing her. I was like, "Okay, whatever they made her go back for, it better be something good."
It was the Dragon Ball. All of these fuckers forgot the Dragon Ball when they were bailing out of the plane.
Yeah! Okay, fair enough. Panzy MVP and these boys better appreciate her.
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Oh, the Namekians had their own world within Makai #2. I bet it's more Namek-like than this region.
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Yep, I'd know those Ajissa anywhere.
You know, this does actually make sense, now that I think about it. It's a retcon, but not one that breaks continuity.
The main job that the Namekians have is to cultivate Ajissa. It's what they spend their days farming. Their crop fields are full of the Ajissa they're growing.
When we first meet the Namekians, it's in the aftermath of a climate crisis that ravaged their ecosystem and left them near extinction. They're cultivating Ajissa to try and restore Namek to the beauty it once had.
But it's just a hop, skip, and a jump from there to "Namekians terraform planets they occupy to resemble their ancestral home, and filling those planets with Ajissa is part of that terraforming."
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Did Piccolo just indicate that Katattsu came from Makai #2? All we know about him was that he was among the Namekians killed in Namek's climate catastrophe. How would Piccolo even know this? We've been given no timeframe on when Namekians left Makai #2.
Well, would it surprise you to know that he didn't actually say that? Yeah, at no point did he say it was his "father" who lived here.
Because the word he used is 親 oya, which gender-neutrally just means "parent". It's the root kanji used in such words as 母親 hahaoya for mother and 父親 chichioya for father.
My "Were Namekians supposed to be gender-neutral this whole time? Should we be using they/them for Namekians?" pondering intensifies.
But yeah, he did indicate that Katattsu used to live here.
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Three, actually. But Hybis is not ready for that conversation. Even other Earthlings find it weird.
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I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. But at least for right now, I like him. Kuu is adorable and I want good things for him.
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I've been back and forth on whether this is supposed to be in-continuity with Super but I think this backstory, despite sort of contradicting what we know about Zenou, confirms it.
The reason I say that is because that's Gowasu in the top left corner. He was the mentor that tried to teach Zamasu.
How exactly Rymus is supposed to coexist as a concept with Zenou, I have no idea. But I wouldn't be surprised if they're, like, Zenou's parent or something.
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I mean. I thought the plan was that you guys were going to go handle things with Gomah while Team Goku faces the Tamagami.
I guess we really did ditch Team Bulma in Makai #3 just to be rude. Oh well. Gang's all together now.
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