#maja keuc
sparkles-oflight · 13 days
Bojan and Maja singing Zitti e Buoni was queer history
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8iunie · 9 months
🎥 Ursa Premik
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pamyuite · 9 months
Bojan Cvetićanin & Maja Keuc
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eurovision-facts · 11 months
Eurovision Fact #454:
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After the introduction of the Grand Final in 2004, Slovenia has only qualified seven times, with their best result being 13th place in 2011 thanks to Maja Keuc's "No One."
Slovenia, Eurovision.tv.
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esciting · 1 year
when bojan ultimately return to eurovision, he should do a duet with amaya
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signoraviolettavalery · 5 months
Also Maja Keuc (Bojan did Zitti e Buoni with her) is dropping a new album, with music videos by Mark Pirc
Can Slovenian musicians please let me live??
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nanoa1foryou · 1 year
No I don't have a type in singers and music videos what do you mean?
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babolat85 · 2 years
What a voice and what a performance. Back to 2011 for this absolute banger of a performance.  Slovenia is an odd country for me, as I don’t usually connect with some of their entries and they rub me the wrong way. But when they do hit it, they hit it well with me. It’s a shame that those songs that I do like don’t tend to do too well, such as Tinkara Kovač’s - Round and round.
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Czech Republic
North Macedonia
San Marino
Serbia & Montenegro
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Slovenia's entry for Eurovision 2023
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jokeroutsubs · 2 months
[ENG SUB] Bojan Cvjetićanin for the podcast To je moja muska ('This is my music')
To je moja muska ('This is my music') is a podcast of the Val202 radio programme in which each guest provides the song selection, explaining their choices during the interview. The original interview was published on 1.07.2022 and can be found at this link.
Transcript and translation by drumbeat, proofread by a member of JokerOutSubs and X klamstrakur, subtitles by drumbeat.
The audio version of this interview is also available with Italian, French and Serbian subtitles. Translated respectively by @varianestoroff, X Yoda_Bor and IG marija_rocen.
Transcript below the cut 👇
To je moja muska. ('This is my music'.)
Host: Bojan Cvjetićanin, welcome to 'This is my music'! The show where the guests choose the music that has defined a particular time in their lives, or that they just like, or that is linked to an event in their lives. Can I try to guess what you've chosen? Usually my guests tell me upfront, but you didn't.
Bojan: You can try.
Videosex? As locals?¹ I just gave you an idea, didn't I, you'll change it. Then Elvis Costello and ABBA.
Bojan: ABBA is spot on.
Bojan: ABBA is spot on.
To je moja muska.
How much has your taste in music changed over the years? Were you, I don't know, rebellious, did you belong to a subculture?
Bojan: It hasn't really, honestly, it hasn't changed, I've just been adding new artists to the repertoire, so to speak. But my taste hasn't changed.
Did you have any posters in your room?
Bojan: I had posters, and in fact I still have them, in my old room, all over the room, from Green Day.
How often do you go back to the old music, let's say very old music, and how much do you stay up to date with the contemporary and which one inspires you more?
Bojan: Now I don't know what you mean by old, but let's say 60's, 70's, okay. Yeah, I really like listening to music from that era. I would say it inspires me quite a lot, and if it doesn't, it's an influence for sure. Otherwise, I also really like new music, especially Slovenian. So my Slovenian selection will be very contemporary.
Tell me, what is your local selection?
Bojan: My local selection is 'Angeli' by MRFY.
Bojan: Because it's a song that I really like to put on at times when I'm not thinking about it, and then it pops into my head, like, 'Ah!' Spur of the moment, let's go! A great song.
Is there any rivalry between you?
Bojan: Absolutely. There's major rivalry between MRFY and Joker Out, which makes sense, because we're peers. But this is one healthy rivalry. I don't think either of us hates the other, except Štras² hates me, and I hate him back. (laughs) But no, I think we have a very healthy relationship.
To je moja muska.
You're not just a singer, you've got a few acting roles and event hostings under your belt. I've heard in one of your interviews, you said that you compared yourself to Val Fürst³ and realised that maybe you are not as talented, but still. How interested are you still in other artistic areas?
Bojan: I am very excited by and interested in acting. I know and understand that I am not a world class actor, but I feel that for these roles I've been cast in, I'm suitable and that I am good at what I do. At this point I feel that I don't want to stand on a theatre stage or go to AGRFT⁴ first and study for it. That is what I meant by Val Fürst being superior. Somehow I felt that Val really had it, that certain X factor, as far as acting is concerned. But yes, I am interested in acting.
Okay. Hosting?
Bojan: I like hosting. I found EMA incredibly stressful, incredibly enlightening, but I wouldn't do it again.⁵
What makes a frontman of a band, in your opinion? What are those traits, qualities?
Bojan: Yeah, a frontman just has to be very willing to share all of himself with everybody, that on stage he leaves nothing behind.
For example, Damiano David, Måneskin, who you also portrayed with Maja Keuc in the song 'Zitti e buoni'⁶, said that he learned this interaction with the audience on the street, where people don't show up to your concert, but you have to win their attention. How did you master it?
Bojan: I worked on graduation trips, as MC, so that was my job, to get the 500 graduates who were all very different, motivated to hang out, to have fun, to dance, to do all those sports activities or whatever. So I actually met a lot of different types of people and interacted with them and those things have just come in very handy for me now.
Second track?
Bojan: Track two I would say, because it was the first one that came into my head when you said that to me, 'The Winner Takes It All' by ABBA.
Any particular story behind it? Since when, I mean, when did you hear ABBA for the first time? Why do you still like it? How come it doesn't get on your nerves?
Bojan: ABBA is one of those artists, where whenever I'm listening to them, I feel really good. Usually in the morning, if I'm making eggs for breakfast, I put ABBA on and the day is better. So there aren't many, there's really no specific reason, but ABBA is a really feel-good band for me plus 'Mamma Mia' the movie, right. I don't know, people can hate, but if you watch it, and you don't feel good, there I really don't know what's wrong with you.
To je moja muska.
Let's talk a little bit about success, being recognisable, fame, do you feel it? Of course you do. Can you go somewhere without being recognised?
Bojan: Yes, I can go places where I'm not recognised, like EXIT.⁷ And even today, they…
At home, I mean.
Bojan: No, it's not ultra extreme though, but it's extreme enough, that it actually happens very rarely, that I go out and I don't take pictures or sign autographs or something.
Yeah, I was surprised at the 50th anniversary of Val 202⁸, that especially older ladies wanted to take a picture with you.
Bojan: Thank you for busting that myth, right, that only young girls listen to us. Because slightly older girls like to listen to us too, and the male companions as well.
One last thing, the third track.
Bojan: 'I Bet You Look Good on the Dance Floor' by Arctic Monkeys. Because I hope can transfer this song, or rather the energy of this song onto the stage today.
To je moja muska.
¹Videosex were a Yugoslav synth-pop band formed in Ljubljana in 1982. The band was one of the most important groups in the Yugoslav synth-pop scene.
²Gregor Strasbergar, aka Štras, is a Slovenian musician, singer, guitarist and author for the Slovenian band MRFY, formed in 2013.
³Val Fürst is a Slovenian actor and musician who went to high school together with Bojan. Bojan talks about him in his interview.
⁴The AGRFT is the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana.
⁵Evrovizijska Melodija (EMA) is the selection programme for Slovenia's representative in the Eurovision Song Contest. Bojan hosted its 26th edition, held from 5 to 19 February 2022.
⁶During the EMA 2022 final, Bojan and special guest Maja Keuc paid tribute to the reigning ESC champions, Maneskin, by performing their winning song, 'Zitti e Buoni'. The video can be found here.
⁷This interview was recorded before Joker Out performed for the first time at EXIT, a festival held annually in Novi Sad, Serbia.
⁸On June 16, 2022, radio station Val 202 celebrated its 50th anniversary by broadcasting 'Dan 202', a concert of Slovenian folk music live from Križanke, in which Bojan Cvjetićanin also participated. The concert is available in full here.
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eurovision-facts · 1 year
Eurovision Fact #334:
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Slovenia has only qualified for the Grand Final six times since the introduction of the semi-finals. The nation has never broken top 10, and their best placing was 13th place in 2011, with Maja Keuc's 'No One.'
Slovenia, Eurovision.tv.
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frikatilhi · 5 months
For the sleepover weekend: if you had to write about a ship that isn't bojere, what would it be? (yes, in jo/kä fandom, please) rec me something? (one or as many as you like)
Hah, amazing question!
I have written Bokris before, so maybe that? In my ideas file there also resides Bojan/Kiki, Bojan threesome (I went insane after new years and those instastories of Bojan dancing with Maja Keuc and I just want her and her boyfriend to take Bojan home and squish him like a bug), Jere/Pekka Rinne (please I need that giant of a man to take care of exhausted Jere), and also maybe something something Damon. (I read Janace sometimes when it's by an author I love but haven't really had anything to say about them myself.)
Recs? I'm so bad at saving stuff, and you've read so much lately, but I'll try!! Have some fandom classics and a few curveballs hopefully! I think I don't have repeats from your own rec list??
Since in your own rec post about fics that surprised you you talked about side-eyeing something first but giving it a try, have you tried Bojan’s Carefully Plotted Accident (to Ensure His Chances of Getting Monster Dick in Eurovision) by @oneshotdepresso and @mitochondriencocktail? It's crack treated seriously, monsterfucking, tentacles, but also somehow very sweet getting-together-during-ESC fic that will definitely suprise you into liking it!
AU that will force you to love it as it rips out your heart: Mustista mustimpaan and its sequel by kuurama, aka Space AU that people have definitely told you to read multiple times, so add me to the choir, read it and you won't be sorry! (You will be weeping and wailing, but it'll be worth it!)
My two favourite ESC era sadly-still-wip fics are The Best Laid Plans by @ana-chronista and Ugly Beautiful by slightlysexualfiction. Both are definitely worth it even though they are WIPs, and the latter contains what has to be my favourite tag of all time, "can I call it a slow burn when they are balls-deep in chapter one?" (who doesn't love that trope??)
Have you read When the night falls (stars in your eyes and sea in mine) by finallydeadd aka the Italian summer AU? Sadly unfinished but still worth it.
And here's an early classic that isn't a WIP! falling and falling by @xianvar and if you like it read everything by them ok thanks
Oh! And the Lahjakääryleet fic exchange at Christmas time was excellent, my favourite was Upon a Star by slightlysexualfiction omg omg, such a beautiful, heart-wrenching story of what might have been.
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esciting · 2 years
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I want to be in her position so badly
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aijamisespava · 1 year
Favorite Songs From Each Country! Part 28/37: Slovenia!
Slovenia is another country that I'm actually kind of shocked that it hasn't won yet, considering they were getting decent results in the late '90s, early '00s. And while their solo performers have done well, when they send duos or bands, then you know the song is gonna be good regardless of where they finished.
Favorite Entry: I think I'd have to be insane not to mention that this year's "Carpe Diem" by Joker Out became a favorite. I learned about their genre through the "Get To Know" series that I mentioned in my Greek Episode, and I knew their song would be a contender for my playlist, and maybe even for the win in my personal rankings. I was glad I was right. It became my first favorite when it came out, and stayed near the top as the entries kept coming! Plus, I do joke with my family that they give One Direction energy please don't ask.....RANK: 21st in 2023 Grand Final/PERSONAL RANK: 10th of 37 Countries
Previous Favorite Entry: While I mentioned that Slovenia has a great listing of groups or duos, my former favorite was actually a solo performance! "No One" by Amaya in 2011 was no doubt, one of the best Slovenian entries like...ever. The build-up is amazing and really helped it stand out in 2011 (off topic, 2011 is such a cool year because I've seen at least 10 different songs be claimed as personal winners and that's just super cool). This is also a popular entry from what I've seen so there's a lot of other stuff that has already been said. RANK: 13th in 2011 Grand Final/PERSONAL RANK: 13th of 43 Countries
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fauxreveur-young · 2 years
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anotherescsite · 5 years
Favourite things: Slovenia
No one - Maja Keuc
I consider Slovenia the forgotten Balkan because they don’t get the support from the click as others do specifically from the former Yugoslav countries. But they haven’t done themselves any favours by sending songs that are not favourable to everyone or experiments that have not been successful. 
It is a tough decision to choose a favourite from Slovenia because in recent years they have upped their game to provide attractive songs. No one is a song that has everything going for it. Maja looked confident, she sang confident and she had an ensemble who performed to a high standard to match Maja. The song was originally in Slovene and had to be changed from Vanilija to No one and the lyrics make sense which is sometimes a rarity in translations. 
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