yandere-mha · 4 years
You don't have to write it if you don't want to, but after reading the Hawks and Mirko sharing an SO, I wanted to see what it would be like for yandere! Tamaki and Mirio to share one!
Bro literally anything you could request I will happily do. Just as I do for the lovely @im-here-only-for-yandere-dabi who also made beautiful fanart, you’ve got both got a fan outta me 🙏 Also I’d LOVE doing this because there’s not many poly yandere pairings that (while ever entertaining) would end up being a “productive” pairing, but these two are Different and it’s Refreshing.
ALSO, I do wanna bring up for anyone requesting a multi-pair that I consider “poly pairing” and “shared s/o” to be two different things and the way you word the request may end up changing the results so keep that in mind while requesting (poly means they’re all thirsting each other and shared mean they’re both thirsting you).
Yandere Tamaki and yandere Mirio x shared!reader:
One of the only yandere parings I can see being able to be in the same room with you as each other. They’re already friends with an established, seemingly unbreakable trust in each other while being almost cosmic opposites. 
What’s always been special about these two since the beginning is that, though they’re very different, they use those differences to improve upon their friendship. They admire and acknowledge each other’s strengths while Mirio they encourage each other to improve upon their weaknesses in a positive way. This would also apply for their “business partnership” with you and will probably end up being both good and... bad.
Something that they both have in common is their fierce protectiveness of you and, like two angry dogs, they would feed off of each other’s aggression and bring out a very scary side to both of them that would’ve been hidden from you otherwise. They’ll take their plans of brutal torture into the other room because neither of them want to scare you, but you’ll hear Tamaki’s enraged shrieking reverberate around the house. Though Mirio will almost always successfully get him to Calm His Shit and remind him of the possibility of you hearing him, you don’t need to be a super sleuth to hear that. 
The way that Mirio will always be able to calm Tamaki is through encouragement and validation in a way that only he seems to be able to do. Unlike you, he is more willing to accept these kinds of compliments in a way that almost makes you feel jealous. However... the way Mirio goes about doing this is definitely not conventional. His encouragement is less like “It’s okay dude you don’t have to literally kill her enemies to be worthy of her presence” and more like “We’ll protect y/n... together! I want to make sure they don’t feel that pain anymore too, but I’ll need your help!” 😬
This is why Tamaki becomes so much more visibly enraged around him whenever you get hurt. Before, he would still be unable to control his emotions, but he would feel guilt about “showing the monster” around you. Now that Mirio, someone he admires, is here to be angry along side him and validate his anger, he doesn’t feel nearly as guilty.
A good thing about this though is that one of the biggest drawbacks of being Tamaki’s s/o is his self-hating rants, mental breakdowns from guilt, and suicidal tendencies. However, with Mirio present, stopping this where it started is a lot easier. He just has a way of dealing with him that no one else does.
I don’t want to say whether this is a good or bad thing depending on your needs, but another drawback to Tamaki that would be “remedied” would be the fact that he would almost always keep a safe distance from you and never touch you due to feeling guilty. Mirio, however, is very touchy-feely and you definitely wouldn’t end up being as touch starved and lonely rather than if you were with Tamaki alone. Tamaki wouldn’t feel jealous by this, considering the fact that he thinks of Mirio as almost equal to you in godliness. If he’s the sun then you’re the moon, the night sky, the planet Venus, and all the stars in space. However... I could see this bringing up an issue.
One thing that Tamaki will never tolerate, even from Mirio, is anyone hurting you in any way. Mirio would never hurt you on purpose, but there are times when he gets... too affectionate and forgets his strength. While Tamaki sees you as an angel, Mirio sees you as a victim he needs to protect. Because of this, he’ll feel the need to embrace you as tightly as possible in order to “make you feel safe”. If Mirio breaks a bone by accident, and he will, Tamaki would go ape shit. I could even see him trying to kill him in a blinded rage to fall down on his knees and beg for forgiveness from both of you afterwards, offering to kill himself. Mirio would forgive him, encouraging him as always, but he’d be on edge whenever he entered the room after that, seeing him as a danger to you even though he was the one to break your wrist. Tamaki takes on too much guilt while Mirio doesn’t want to see his own. 
Another upside to them sharing you is that, if you were only with Tamaki, you’d be having to deal with a lot of boredom while, if you were only with Mirio, you’d literally never get a break from him. Tamaki is shy, quiet, and too paranoid of you getting hurt to let you do anything fun while Mirio loves quality time and will actively try to get all three of you to do something stimulating. He’d never have you do anything dangerous per say, but he might make a weekly tradition of you three playing Mario Kart with each other. He’d see it as his two greatest loved ones having fun together rather than a prisoner and an anxious friend being pressured into playing games with him. Due to Mirio now having two separate people to bug for entertainment, you would not have to shoulder all of that responsibility.
I’ve said before that if you feel nauseated by excessive compliments, you will need a barf bucket living with Tamaki, but hooo boy you don’t know pain until you’ve lived with both of them. They’re both very obsessive and very verbal about their affections, so you’re going to be getting that times two. They’ll even agree with each other and compliment each other on their compliments... 🤮
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doingitforbokuto · 4 years
Everything pls 👉👈. I like your writing a lot.
Thank you 🥺
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bumackerman · 3 years
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rismaynblog · 4 years
Hi guys, ini merupakan blog pertama saya Disini saya akan mencoba mereview salah satu film remaja yang berjudul "BEBAS"pasti diantara kalian terutama kaum remaja ada yang sudah pernah menonton film ini.
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Sinopsis Film Bebas (2019)
Bebas bercerita tentang pertemanan sejak masa sekolah. Awalnya Vina (Maizuri) sekolah di salah satu SMA di kota kecil di Jawa Barat. Karena beberapa hal, dia pindah sekolah menuju Ibukota Jakarta. Pada hari pertamanya, Vina menjadi bahan lelucon teman sekolah karena logat bicaranya. Dia juga mendapat intimidasi dari salah satu cowok di sekolah. 
Untungnya datang sekelompok gang sekolah yang menolong Vina. Anggota gang bernama Bebas ini yaitu Kris (Sheryl Sheinafia) sang pemimpin, Jessica (Agatha Pricilla) yang lucu dan terobsesi akan kecantikan, Gina (Zulfa Maharani) anak terkaya di grup, Suci (Luthesha) perempuan cantik dan misterius, serta Jojo (Baskara Mahendra) cowok satu-satunya.
Selain menolong, gang ini juga memasukkan Vina menjadi anggotanya. Pertemanan itu membuat Vina cukup cepat dalam beradaptasi. Sayangnya, beberapa waktu setelah itu ada kejadian yang membuat mereka harus terpisah.
Berpuluh tahun kemudian, Vina dewasa (Marsha Timothy) tanpa sengaja bertemu dengan Kris dewasa (Susan Bachtiar) di rumah sakit. Kris mengidap penyakit yang membuat hidupnya divonis tidak akan lama.
Keadaan itu membuat Kris meminta kepada Vina untuk mengumpulkan kembali gang masa sekolahnya. Dia ingin bertemu untuk terakhir kalinya. Perjalanan menemukan sahabat lama, Jessica (Indy Barends), Jojo (Baim Wong), Gina (Widi Mulia) dan Suci ini mengantar Vina kembali menyusuri kisah lamanya.
Sewaktu awal menonton film Bebas kalian akan diajak bertemu Geng Bebas versi dewasa yang dimulai oleh Vina (Marsha Timothy) yang merasakan kekosongan dalam hidup yang serba berkecukupan. Gejolak mudanya mulai muncul saat dia bertemu dengan Kris (Susan Bachtiar), salah satu anggota gengnya di sekolah 23 tahun yang lalu.
Film ini terbilang unik karena menggabungkan dua zona waktu, yaitu pada 1996 saat geng bebas SMA dan di masa sekarang. Tiap perpindahan timelinepun enggak bikin bingung, karena dibedakan oleh suasana film.
Menariknya, ketika masuk zaman Geng Bebas sekolah, kalian akan disambut banyak hal yang ikonis di tahun tersebut. Bebas juga memasukan unsur sosial politik ‘90-an yang sedang banyak pergolakan. Bahkan, seakan relate dengan situasi yang terjadi di Indonesia saat ini.
Meski alur ceritanya mengasyikan dan menghibur, beberapa adegan tampil hanya sebagai pengingat bahwa adegan tersebut ada di materi yang diadaptasi, Sunny(2011). Untungnya, dua penulis naskah, Mira Lesmana dan Gina S. Noer bisa menghubungkan dengan budaya di Jakarta pada tiap masa.
Riri Riza, Mira, dan Gina harus diacungi jempol soal mengaduk-aduk perasaan penonton. Meski enggak intens bikin sedih, kecewa, dan senang, permainan emosi dalam film Bebas bakal relate ke banyak penonton, terlebih yang tumbuh remaja pada masa 1996.
Banyak momen yang bikin film ini cocok ditonton segala kalangan. Bukan hanya cocok karena hidup di zaman yang sama, tapi juga cocok karena juga merasakan masalah yang sama dengan Geng Bebas versi remaja maupun dewasa.
Misalnya, momen pernah punya geng yang ditakuti, menjadi senior yang berkuasa atau junior yang terlalu nurut, menjadi anak baru yang masuk geng populer, memendam cinta lama, dan reunian dengan sahabat setelah lama berpisah.
Seputar film
Film ini merupakan adaptasi bebas dari film Korea berjudul Sunny yang beredar pada tahun 2011. Film ini juga merupakan adaptasi ketiga setelah versi Vietnam dan Jepang, keduanya tayang pada tahun 2018.
Rumah produksi Miles Films bekerja sama dengan Ideosource Entertainment dan Base Entertainment akan menayangkan film bebas pada Oktober tahun ini. Bebas merupakan adaptasi film asal Korea Selatan berjudul Sunny yang diproduksi CJ Entertainment.
Film ini disutradarai oleh :
Mohammad Rivai Riza atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Riri Riza adalah seorang sutradara, penulis skenario, dan produser film asal Indonesia. Dia muncul dalam debutnya sebagai sutradara melalui film Kuldesak pada tahun 1998.
Lahir: 2 Oktober 1970 (usia 49 tahun), Makassar
Pasangan: Wilita Putrinda
Buku: Gie: naskah skenario : berdasarkan catatan harian dan tulisan-tulisan Soe Hok Gie
Penghargaan: Piala Citra untuk Sutradara Terbaik, dan lainnya.
Saudara kandung: Dana Riza, M Zafrullah Riza, M Rachmadi Riza, Moh Wardana Riza, dan lainnya.
Mira Lesmanawati adalah salah seorang produser film asal Indonesia dan termasuk tokoh sineas yang "menghidupkan kembali" perfilman Indonesia pada tahun 2000-an. Mira merupakan putri dari tokoh jazz Indonesia, Jack Lesmana dan penyanyi senior Indonesia tahun 1960-an berdarah Jawa, Nien Lesmana. 
Lahir: 8 Agustus 1964 (usia 55 tahun), Jakarta
Pasangan: Mathias Muchus (m. 1990)
Anak: Galih Galinggis
Penghargaan: Piala Citra untuk Film Cerita Panjang Terbaik, lainnya
Orang Tua: Nien Lesmana, Jack Lesmana
Film bebas (2019) ini ditayangkan pada tanggal 3 Oktober 2019.
Film bebas ini berdurasi selama 1 jam 59 menit.
•Geng remaja
1. Maizura sebagai Vina
2. Sheryl Sheinafia sebagai kris
3. Agatha Pricilla sebagai Jessica
4. Lutesha sebagai Suci
5. Zulfa Maharani sebagai Gina
6. Baskara Mahendra sebagai Jojo
•Geng dewasa
Marsha Timothy sebagai Vina
Susan Bachtiar sebagai Kris
Indy Barends sebagai Jessica
Widi Mulia sebagai Gina
Baim Wong sebagai Jojo
Salvita Decorte sebagai Suci
• pemeran lainnya
1.Amanda Rawles sebagai Lila, ketua geng Baby Girl
2.Giorgino Abraham sebagai Andra
3.Brandon Salim sebagai Dedi remaja
4.Kevin Ardilova sebagai Jaka remaja dan anaknya Jaka dewasa
5.Syifa Hadju sebagai Mia, anaknya Vina dan Adi
6.Bisma Karisma sebagai Yongki, kakaknya Vina
7.Timotius Juventus
8.Windy Apsari
9.Shindy Huang
10.Nada Novia
11.Cut Ashifa
12.Agnes Naomi
13.Sarah Sechan sebagai Ambu, ibunya Vina
14.Tika Panggabean sebagai Bu Retno, guru
15.Daan Aria sebagai Pak Herman, guru
16.Edward Suhadi sebagai Dedi dewasa
17.Jefri Nichol sebagai ketua geng
18.Cut Mini sebagai ibunya Gina
19.Irgi Fahrezi sebagai Abah, ayahnya Vina
20.Oka Antara sebagai Jaka dewasa
21.Happy Salma sebagai ibu tirinya Suci
22.Dea Panendra sebagai Ayu, pacarnya Jojo dewasa
23.Darius Sinathrya sebagai Adi, suaminya Vina dewasa
Angle dan shot
•Angle: -Normal Angle
-High Angle
-Bird Angle
•Shot: - close up
- Exstream close up
- Medium close up
- Long shot
- Medium shot
- Two shot
- Over shoulder shot
- Big close up
- Total Shot
- Establish shot
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zyrki · 5 years
Kepala Lapas Kelasa II B Abdya Kedatangan Pengurus YLBH AKA
Kepala Lapas Kelasa II B Abdya Kedatangan Pengurus YLBH AKA
YLBH AKA siap bekerja sama dengan Lapas dalam pembinaan warga binaan sesuai dengan Undang undang Nomor 12 tahun 1995 dan PP No. 32 tahun 1999
LIPUTANRAKYAT.COM |ABDYA – Pengurus YLBH AKA Abdya, Rahmat, S.Sy.Pujiaman, SH, Rahmad Kurniadi, SH, Intan Maizuri dan Maulida Rahmi mendatangi Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (LAPAS) Blangpidie yang beralamat di Gampong Alue Dama Kecamatan Setia Kabupaten Aceh…
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yandere-mha · 4 years
Yo!!!!? Wtf!!! That Shiggy cosplayer is so hot!!! I know it's not you, but I'm too shy to simp in their ask box
*tugs at collar* Did it just get really hot in here? 🥵👀
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yandere-mha · 4 years
The "ass too fat" is 100% correct tho, I can hear it clapping when I open your blog to read through your entire master list
You guys whenever I post
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yandere-mha · 4 years
My favorite yandere is Tamaki just for the sole reason that I know that if I ask him to do my laundry he'd be elbows deep in it washing it by hand. He might sniff it first, but the job would be done
Damn straight he would. He’d try to be all sneaky about it and then you’d open the door and he’d be like
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yandere-mha · 4 years
How???? How do you like spiders but not moths?????? (I still love you despite your opinion)
I had a fever dream one night when I was little and had the flu where a huge human-sized moth covered in electricity waltzed out of my closet and shocked me to death.... that’s legit why uirwejguiojeus
(Also I love you too <3)
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yandere-mha · 4 years
Was not expecting to be followed back, but I'm extremely grateful. Don't know why you did it though! But thanks, I'll draw you something nice when I have the time
That’s so sweet of you oh my god!! You guys know I always greatly appreciate any fanart, fic-inspired (or not) stories, or any other kind of art you guys want to show me. I’m actually thinking of putting together a fanart section to my masterlist so I can go back to all of the stuff you guys have sent me <3
As for being followed back, I’m actually glad you brought this up because I have the tendency to want to follow everyone who follows me (cuz I like y’all), but if anyone has an issue with me following them, just let me know because I will completely understand. Also I saw your awesome art and I had to give you a follow 😄
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yandere-mha · 4 years
Listen! The blog itself is not funny! Everything you write is gut wrenching and scary and kinda hot if you squint a little bit, YOU are funny. I literally read through your asks, which I normally never do, because the responses are hilarious.
...This is actually super fucking sweet of you to say and I'm sending you cookies posthaste also I love you 😭
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yandere-mha · 4 years
Do you have an "About me" or something like that cause I realized I have absolutely no idea what to call you?
Lol I don’t have an about me page (though you’re not the only person to ask this actually so I might consider adding one), but I have most people call me Arwen on here 😁
What should I call you, love?
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yandere-mha · 4 years
I was trying to think of a torture method for me, but I realized that my body is made of pure spite and even if I didn't like something, if I knew someone was trying to do it to bother me, I'd pretend not to care
What if you pretended not care about punishments and then pretended to hate stuff you actually liked?? I think you just cracked the code, you beautiful mind.
...I Hate Ferrero Rocher So Much... 
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yandere-mha · 4 years
I'm just chilling refreshing your account over and over waiting for the "which sex acts the yanderes like" so that it will hopefully give me motivation to draw
(also happy holidays!)
*Gasp* Ahh!! I’m so flattered my art could inspire yours in some way!! I actually have that in my drafts now but I was waiting to post it because they say the night time is the right time If you’re waiting for it though, I’ll go ahead and post it now <3
Happy holidays, love! I hope you like it!
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yandere-mha · 4 years
I love you, but what you did was worse than a rick roll. Please log out for the night.
*unplugs myself and loses power*
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yandere-mha · 4 years
I'm suddenly having extreme carboy tamaki brainrot....my drawing hand it twitching. I may have to sacrifice my studies...
I’ll make a deal with you: if you make make that (after your studies 👀), I’ll write a scenario based off of it that will hopefully live up to your beautiful art because that sounds likes it would be super fucking fun to write.
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