#maison amelie
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maisonamelie · 5 days ago
Skin brightening treatments dubai 
Achieve radiant, glowing skin with skin brightening treatments at Maison Amelie in Motor City, Dubai. Our expert aestheticians use advanced techniques and premium products to reduce pigmentation, even out skin tone, and enhance your natural glow. Whether you seek a Vitamin C facial, HydraFacial, or specialized brightening peel, our tailored treatments cater to your unique skin needs. Experience luxurious skincare in Dubai at Maison Amelie, where beauty meets expertise. Book your session today and unveil a luminous, youthful complexion with our best skin brightening treatments in Dubai!
Call now to book your appointment!
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dreamconsumer · 9 months ago
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Marie-Amélie, Queen of the French (1782-1866) wife of Louis-Philippe I (1773-1850). By Frédéric Millet.
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astuteobservations · 9 months ago
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watching, looking, judging ph. emily lipson
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themodelspotter · 24 days ago
Amelie Steele after MM6 Maison Margiela S/S 25
Milan Fashion Week S/S 2025
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killervelveteenrabbit · 15 days ago
Reaction to “Werepapas” (S6 E5)
Most episodes from seasons 1 through 4 are named after the Monster of the Week™. The titles of the ones that aren’t (“Felix" and “Gabriel Agreste”) allude to the person genuinely responsible for the episode’s crisis. “Werepapas” follows that pattern: Ringmaster was the villain, but the Werepapas—Emil and Johnny—caused all the trouble.
The opening scene suggests that Emilie’s illness dominated Adrien’s early childhood, setting him up for further trauma after she “disappeared”. Since he knew she was critically ill, maybe he knew she didn’t just vanish but he didn’t dare admit it.
This episode features numerous subtle callbacks to “Representation”, where Marinette (and the audience) learned about the Graham de Vanily sisters’ upbringing. We already knew their parents were cold and disapproving with high expectations, although it’s likely this was primarily Emil’s influence considering he barely allowed Millie to speak.
On that note, it’s well-known that children in abusive families often find themselves mired in abusive dynamics as adults, as either victims or abusers. They subconsciously recreate the situations they experienced in childhood because it’s familiar, even if unwanted. Both sisters ended up married to controlling tyrants, just as their mother did. There’s a slight difference, though: Colt apparently started that way and Amelie married him reluctantly. Emilie defied her family to marry Gabriel, and he was a kind and loving husband once. But over the years he changed, possibly as a reaction to the stress of his wife’s illness and his desperate search for a cure.
There’s been a concerted effort (probably on Nathalie’s part) to warm up Maison Agreste’s sterile ambiance. But festooning the house with greenery can only do so much, and there are still parts of the house—and parts of the family legacy—that remain shuttered and shrouded.
Parents watching this series with their kids may giggle at “Millie (Graham de) Vanily” and the reference to a certain R&B act of yesteryear. But anyone who knows the history of the duo will get the hidden meaning: Milli Vanilli didn’t perform any of the vocals on “their” songs, and Millie doesn’t have a voice of her own either.
Johnny and Gabrielle are huge fans of Jagged Stone… imagine if they found out Adrien is friends with his son… and Adrien is dating his ex-girlfriend!
After several episodes where Marinette’s assorted complexes directly or indirectly caused someone’s akumatization, it’s refreshing to see a storyline where Marinette fixes things instead of messing them up. She even weaponizes her infamous clumsiness with that “accidental” spill on the custody contract. Too bad Emil had a duplicate.
Ever since the show introduced the Graham de Vanily twin rings, it was implied they had some legendary mystical ability aside from serving as Adrien’s amok. It turns out they had power after all: they symbolize the fraught history between the Graham de Vanily and Agreste families. Ladybug breaking the rings to destroy the akuma within them parallels Marinette’s role in liberating Adrien from his parents' and grandparents' control, allowing him to choose his own guardian and his own future.
Why didn't breaking the rings kill Adrien if they contain his amok? Here's a theory: before Gabriel made his wish, he had counterfeits made and gave those to Adrien, hiding the ring containing the amok someplace no one could recover and destroy it. There's precedent for that theory--it's exactly what Felix did after he stole Gabriel's ring, as seen in "Gabriel Agreste".
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sinligh · 2 years ago
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I woke up hyperaware of every inch of my body. A bone must be missing, a tooth or two my hair feels like an extension of the pillow that i hide my dreams underneath
And my head is too heavy with the weight of everything I said i will think about later…
Childhood, adolescence, adulthood
It all overlaps sometimes, and I worry that my childhood is all I’m going to grow up to live and relive.
I worry that it’s a punishment,
Like Prometheus; that I’ll spend my nights picking at it trying to cleanse myself from all that a young version of me wasn’t strong enough to process
only to wake up and realize I’m carrying it between my ribs again.
To be pregnant with another girl that will relive my life like I’m reliving my mothers.
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I’m overthinking again
Stages of life like gates to the many graveyard’s that I have built inside me.
A sanctuary
A place of residence to all the feelings i had no time to over analyze.
I digged my phone from underneath the pillow, something must be said..
A phantom of the words that are trying to escape is at hands reach..
An Aura. A migraine.
Its 04:51 am. The sun didn’t rise yet, why am I awake again?
Thoughts are fighting each other for a way out, like a newborn waiting to be called by a name, any would be fine; as long as it gets acknowledgment.
On my way to the bathroom, i stumbled upon keywords
Some that I believe i missed the night before..
When anxiety was eating another pathway for itself. A way out, out of my brain
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I spent the past couple of months studying all that can go wrong in a woman’s body.
Starting from puberty highlighting child bearing period and ending with menopause.
It’s all prewritten
And I get mad with rage because improvisations are treated like a sin that can never be forgiven.
I watched women bleeding incomplete lives from between their legs, that without shedding a tear.
We’re used to that, aren’t we ?
And incomplete lives.
Distant dreams of motherhood bleeding classic tragedies into an ink jar
to be hand written as another passage in the wrenching history of all the fabricated religious books that swore by women.
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•Quotes: Blythe Baird/ Paul Guest/Molly McCully Brown/ Uma Thurman/ Sylvia Plath/ Joel Coen/ Emily Rose Cole
•Original context: Sinligh
•Art reference:
1.painting by Domenico Induno. 2. Painting by Henry Asencio. 3.painting by graham dean. 4. Art by Patricia Cronin. 5. Art by Amelie, Maison d'art. 6. Spirit Body Consciousness by Byron Tik. 7. Painting by Francesca Strino 8. Charles-August Mengin (detail)
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mirellabruno · 1 year ago
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Catherine Danou, Composition I, (ink and acrylic on hemp paper), 2022 [Amelie Maison d'Art, Paris. © Catherine Danou]
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leibal · 1 year ago
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Maison Amelie is a minimalist home located in Toronto, Canada, designed by Studio Tasso. A strategic layout enhances the aesthetic, bringing forth a vivid play of hues juxtaposed with solid, grounded structures, which effectively mirrors the diverse tastes of the residing couple. Studio Tasso, not just the designers, but also the craftsmen behind the project, have masterfully engineered the millwork in the home.
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verver · 4 months ago
Épisode 9
Le lendemain, Gabin se tenait devant la fenêtre du salon, sa cigarette lui brûlait les doigts, il restait immobile, l'air absent de toutes pensées.
Il s'assit sur le canapé, puis vérifia son sac de voyage remplit de ses dernières emplettes. Gabin vérifia encore une fois ses papiers d'identité. Tout était en ordre , il était prêt à partir, il n'avait plus qu'à poser les charges d'explosif, bien réparties il ne resterait plus grand chose de cet appartement. Il était content de son dernier repas , il l'avait dégusté avec ferveur, il savait que c'etait sa dernière tranche de foie avant de tout faire péter.
Gabin se souvint soudainement du soir où ils avaient fait l'amour sous une porte cochère, c'était à l'initiative d'Amelie, il avait cèdé volontiers à ses désirs. Ils avaient beaucoup rit en aperçevant les caméras au-dessus de leurs têtes.
En pensant à cette soirée, il plaçait tranquillement ses charges explosives , il en plaça deux sur le congélateur où se trouvait le corps d'Amelie.
Il se servit un verre de vodka.
- nous-y voilà ! une page de tournée ! grogna t-il
- à l'avenir ! dit-il en levant un verre à nouveau remplit
C'était en novembre denier, ils avaient loué une maison pour quelques jours, arrivés là-bas, trempés par la pluie, Gabin se souvient que le maquillage d'Amelie coulait sur ses joues ce qui lui donnait un air sauvage. Gabin se souvient très bien qu'il s'était demandé si elle allait lui arracher ses vêtements, le gifler, le fouetter, ses phantasmes tournaient en boucle à cet instant là.
Amelie l'avait plaqué contre un mur et dit:
- je t'aime
Sans qu'il comprenne comment il se retrouva Allongé avec son amie au-dessus de lui , elle avait jouit en criant, il s'en souvenait très bien.
Ils étaient restés l'un contre l'autre, haletant, il lui avait caressé les cheveux en lui murmurant des mots doux à l'oreille.
- Tu es heureuse ? avait-il demandé
- Hum ! ouï peut-être
- ne me dit pas non ! ...
Amelie sourit en écartant une mèche de son oeil
- idiot ! rétorqua t-elle
C'est pendant ce séjour qu'il avait pris la décision de l'empoisonner quand ils reviendraient. Il n'était pas sûr d'elle et il savait qu'il manquait de confiance en lui. Il ne voulait plus être quitté, alors il agirait.
Je vais te montrer une de mes vidéos que j'ai apporté lui avait dit Gabin avant de l'embrasser.
Elle s'était enveloppée dans une couverture et s'était installée devant le poste.
Gabin l'avait trouvé très belle, il avait préparé un plateau pour eux deux. Il expliqua rapidement que c'était l'histoire du dragon, de la femme du dragon avec une tête de vampire.
Sur l'écran, la ville apparue toute illuminée, la musique étrange annonçait le dragon arrivant de loin, il se dirigea vers la cathédrale, il dépassa un grand pilier puis traversa une esplanade pour entrer dans l'édifice. Le monument est tellement haut qu'il donne l'impression de toucher le ciel.
Un homme surgit de l'ombre , il grimpa sur le dragon puis il lui transperça le dos en lui assenant des coups d'épée.
Le dragon dans un sursaut le fit tomber.
A ce moment là, Gabin pensa à sa mère, étant sûr que le dragon c'était elle. Petit il sentait les muscles de sa mère quand elle le serrait très fort. Elle lui transmettait certainement ses désirs, son amour. Il se rappelle qu'il étouffait dans ses bras là . il aurait aimé être à la place de l'homme sortit de l'ombre mais à l'époque il était trop petit.
Un autre personnage assistait au loin à la scène mais on le distinguait très mal.
La vidéo avait connu un succès d'estime , elle était virale sur le net. Grâce à ce court métrage, Gabin eût une certaine reconnaissance.
Ils restèrent affalés devant la télé.
- le tatouage du dragon ça vient de là ? demanda Amelie
- Oui...
Et il avait rajouté :
- ça me rapporte du fric et j'y tiens c'est sentimental
- j'ai aimé ton film dit Amelie
Gabin se souvint qu'il était parti dans ses pensées.
Il ne voulait pas être quitté, il tenait à elle comme à la prunelle de ses yeux , tout mais pas cela alors quand ils reviendraient il l'endormirait pour toujours.
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worldsandemanations · 8 months ago
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Claire de Chavagnac, Séville Plaza de Espagna, (pigments, acrylic and animal glue on canvas), 2016 [Amelie Maison d'Art, Paris. © Claire de Chavagnac / Adagp, Paris]
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maisonamelie · 5 days ago
How to Maintain Your Manicure in Dubai’s Hot and Humid Weather
Dubai’s hot and humid climate can be tough on your manicure, causing chipping, fading, and dryness. However, with the right care, you can keep your nails looking flawless despite the extreme weather conditions. Here’s how to maintain your manicure in Dubai’s challenging climate.
1. Choose the Right Nail Products
Opt for high-quality nail polishes and topcoats that are long-lasting and resistant to chipping. Gel manicures and dip powder nails are great options as they offer durability and can withstand the humidity better than regular nail polish.
2. Keep Your Hands Hydrated
Hot weather and air conditioning can dry nails and cuticles. To keep your nails nourished, regularly apply cuticle oil and hand cream. Look for products with ingredients like vitamin E and jojoba oil for deep hydration.
3. Avoid Hot Water
Hot water can weaken nail polish and cause it to peel faster. To protect your manicure, wash your hands or do household chores with lukewarm water and wear gloves when necessary.
4. Use a Protective Top Coat
Applying a protective top coat every two to three days helps seal the polish and protect it from chipping and fading. Choose a top coat with UV protection to prevent sun discolouration.
5. Be Gentle with Your Nails
Avoid using your nails as tools to open packages or scratch surfaces. The more pressure applied to your nails, the more likely they are to chip or break. Keeping your nails at a manageable length can also prevent breakage.
6. Maintain a Nail Care Routine
Schedule regular nail maintenance, including filing and buffing, to keep your nails smooth and healthy. A bi-weekly manicure can help refresh your nails and keep them in top shape.
7. Stay Hydrated and Eat a Nail-Friendly Diet
Drinking plenty of water and consuming foods rich in biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein can help strengthen your nails from within, making them less prone to brittleness and breakage.
Dubai’s climate may be harsh on your manicure, but with the proper care and products, you can keep your nails looking perfect for longer. From choosing durable nail polish to keeping your hands moisturized, minor adjustments can make a big difference. Follow these simple tips and enjoy a long-lasting, flawless manicure despite the heat and humidity!
Book an appointment with Maison Amelie for more details.
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saileisie · 4 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Maison D' Amelie Pants Athletic Jogger Elastic Drawstring Waist Navy Blue XS.
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donnabryant1977 · 7 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: MAISON d’ AMELIE PARIS FLORAL SKIRT.
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fashionfox41-blog · 9 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: MAISON D’ AMELIE Linen Paris Top Cream & Green Floral Abstract M.
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killervelveteenrabbit · 1 year ago
Miraculous Season 6 Speculation
I pulled up this post I made after the season 4 finale to see how close I came with my predictions about season 5. Despite getting pretty much everything wrong, I did nail a few things:
Gabriel was unable to handle the power of all the Miraculous, at least at first
Felix used his control over sentibeings to target Gabriel (although notably not Adrien, whom he was trying to save if anything)
Alya regained the Fox Miraculous (admittedly in the last ep and alongside all the other previous holders)
Marinette fell in love with Chat Noir, complicating her feelings for Adrien
Luka was placed in an impossible position because he knows too much
Natalie's health declined to the point of incapacitation (although I didn’t anticipate the same with Gabriel)
Chloe and Lila established an alliance that ultimately went south
I admit most of these predictions were obvious and easily anticipated. I’d rather not embarrass myself by going too far inside M. Astruc’s head, but I can’t help speculating about what the next season holds.
Hence, I’d like to suggest a few plot threads I anticipate showing up during season 6:
Everyone assumed Cerise would be the new antagonist, using the Butterfly Miraculous to further her vendetta against Marinette and/or seize the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous to forge a wish of her own. But Cerise’s panic in the last seconds of the ep suggests she’s encountered a powerful force she can’t control. This is the new enemy, although Cerise will become its servant and vessel if it means fulfilling her revenge.
This entity will be far more dangerous than Gabriel ever was, unbound by human emotion or empathy. It will be capable of neutralizing and even possessing the new and inexperienced Miraculous holders, forcing Ladybug to create a new power-up.
Who or what exactly is it? It will either be connected to Nooroo, driven insane by a damaged Miraculous, or Tomoe Tsurugi, the only player in Gabriel’s “Perfect Alliance” gambit who didn’t get anything she wanted.
Other plot points ripe for exploration:
Adrien and Marinette’s romance is plagued by lingering feelings of attraction for Ladybug and Chat Noir, respectively. They break up over it for at least one episode because one of them suspects there’s “someone else”. One of them gets possessed over it. However, Adrinette comes back stronger than ever, reinforced by better communication, more trust, and the realization that the other one isn’t perfect and that’s okay.
One of the other couples also breaks up or gets in an argument, again for only one episode and also involving possession.
Almost everyone believes Gabriel died a hero—except for Marinette, Felix, Kagami, Nathalie, and Amelie. One of them (and you all know which one) accidentally lets the butterfly out of the bag. Angst and drama ensue.
Amelie moves into Maison Agreste as Adrien’s legal guardian. It gives Adrien and Felix the chance to rebuild their relationship as cousins and friends. But certain members of the MiracuClass still don’t completely trust Felix. It causes problems when they realize he’s Argos.
The new Miraculous holders don’t know what the hell they’re doing and make all kinds of mistakes. They use their powers for selfish reasons, and LB and CN must save them from their own messes. They swap Miraculous without even telling Ladybug. They keep revealing their secret identities to each other. They upset, misplace, or lose control of their Kwamis. They get possessed by the new antagonist and use their Miraculous powers against Ladybug and Chat Noir. If Luka teaches any of them Mirakung Fu, someone's gonna kick one of their best friends in the face. Marinette briefly considers taking all the Miraculous back until an attack on her personally confirms she had the right idea. She starts relying more on Chat Noir as a mentor, and occasionally an enforcer, for the other holders.
Cerise joins the MiracuClass at the new school Miss Bustier created. Marinette’s the only one who recognizes Cerise as Lila, but everyone else thinks Marinette is nuts.
Chloe returns to Paris mid-season, discarded by her mother and with nowhere else to go. Andre reluctantly takes her in, and it turns out she learned nothing—she blames Ladybug for everything that went wrong in her life and will stop at nothing to get revenge. She may enroll at Marinette’s school in disguise and forge an alliance with Cerise, not realizing she herself is Lila in disguise, to “get” Marinette.
Sabrina and Marc’s mutual love of soccer leads the former to develop a crush on the latter. It ends well for no one.
And finally, Luka gets his own love interest, if only because he damn well deserves it.
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ecposhgirl · 10 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Maison d' Amelie Short Sleeve Paisley Top in Pink Medium.
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