#main verse ... well
dr-reversebeartrap · 3 months
I’m so disappointed I don’t seem to be able to properly export this project as a functional game… So here’s a demo of the Amanda Young dress up game! We need fangames of all kind I guess
What do you think?
UPDATE : The game is now available to play for free
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cherrywhite · 2 months
The Silt Verses: Final Partings
Carpenter & Faulkner (Chapter 45)
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Faulkner & Paige (Chapter 12)
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Carpenter & Paige (Chapter 34)
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Carpenter & Hayward (Chapter 43)
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Paige & Hayward (Chapter 45)
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artsycooky13 · 18 days
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top 3 fave bbys in the burrito show (bonus SUPER LONG tags on how i feel bout the characters)
#my art#boruto naruto next generations#sarada uchiha#shikadai nara#inojin yamanaka#in no particular order except sarada is my fav- i think she shouldve been main focus- girl brings all of og team 7 together at all times#just her family history alone is very interesting and i WISH we had seen a convo with sausage boi about her uncle and just everything#but shes a pretty solid character on her own- VERY good mix of both parents yet still being her own self#shikadai is funny i really like seeing him- hes a sight for sore eyes- bro got EVERYTHING from his dad minus his eyes and maybe hair#his dynamic with boruto being besties is really fun to watch- sarada too- with both shika and sara being geniuses and all#i love inojin's simplicity and how ordinary he is.... its... realistic?#hes artistically talented yes with his ninja art stuff but everything else hes kinda... mundane? at times even bad?#Considering every other prev gen child's got all these cool stuff goin on- i like that hes just... kinda normal... i like that about him#boruto i actually do like as well- he'd make a GREAT support character- i love how big bro he is and how he wants to stand up for others#hes a lot like naruto in that way- and might be a hot topic to say this but i also like how - in his very first arc- boruto hates the hokag#not his dad but internalized that the job took his dad away from him- regardless on criticism i think that concept is really neat#i am not well versed in what the story is now for boruto- ive just kinda picked my snacks on what i wanna watch lmao#but i do wish there was more showings of slice of life for all the kids- cuz they are all really interesting- especially for prev gen's kid#>>wished they did timetravel arc with sarada so we coulda seen young sasuke & sakura interact with boruto and sarada T_T#one last note: borusara is very interesting- but i actually prefer them just being friends- at most friends with crushes on eachother#i do think its cute but i like the dynamic of it being unrequited idk its new for me i just prefer them as friends with crushes lmao#prob cuz they work as characters independently Im not really interested in ANY of the new gen hookin up- borusara is the most interesting#i mean it IS the ONLY one being pushed canonically but i like it- that boruto looks out for sarada and sarada worries for boruto#but ya i wish boruto was like mitsuki in being a side character - i think a LOT more people will find him less annoying that way#though- i REALLY want more sarada and sasuke dynamics being shown- actually the uchiha fam a TON more than what we got#they are just SUPER interesting to me lmao#im a sucker for the emo boy turns soft and has family and bonds with their kids- its one of my favourite things in media#i feel like scraping the ocean floor when im trying to find quality sasuke and sarada art pieces and story stuff#cuz ive exhausted all the content in these past what 2-3 years of knowing both boruto- and now more recently - naruto#(yes im one of those people who knew boruto before naruto- smite me)
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egberts · 4 months
wait i really badly want to know about your OCs though.... are the orange haired ones siblings... please tell us everything 🥺👉👈
well, actually, the orange haired ones are the same person. we did a rule 63 au with our ocs, the lesbian couple is our original ocs that we've had for over six years and the other guys are their gender swap counterparts
i didn't originally say this because tumblr used to have insanely weird opinions about gender swaps, which personally as a young confused/trans person that liked gender swaps, they were super toxic opinions
lately I've been more whatever about it, though, so as not to perpetuate that kinda weird puritanical take that made me feel so bad as a kid, I don't want to make other trans kids feel bad either. everyone experiences their gender fuckery differently. some people hate it and some don't, the ones that hate it need to get over it
and I'm answering this ask so boldly because with all the force fem jokes on tumblr lately and force masc talk that happened casually in the replies of a question I asked earlier, I feel much safer admitting this without fear of being ostracized
(this is the art in question for anyone curious)
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erineverly · 2 years
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the  confession  alone  is  more  than  enough  to  throw  erin  completely  off  guard,  but  it’s  the  sound  of  the  all-too-familiar  voice,  echoing  in  the  foyer  of  her  two-bedroom  condo  again,  after  what  feels  like  an  eternity,  that  makes  the  muscles  in  her  legs  stiffen  and  the  hair  on  the  nape  of  her  neck  stand  up.  her  natural  instincts  urging  her  to  pull  him  into  a  hug,  assure  him  that  everything  will  be  okay  in  the  end,  pretend  he’s  still  hers  and  she’s  his  —  that  it’s  the  two  of  them  against  the  world,  the  way  it  used  to  be  a  few  years  back.  oh,  how  easy  it  would  be  to  forget  about  everything  and…  but  the  more  rational  part  of  her  wants  to  just  stand  here,  linger  in  the  doorway  for  a  while  longer,  and  pretend  she  hadn’t  heard  him,  wishes  the  ground  beneath  her  feet  would  open  up  and  swallow  her  whole,  get  her  out  of  this  strange,  uncomfortable  situation.  why  would  he  say  this  now?  why  did  he  have  to  say  this?  
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clearing  her  throat  as  she  contemplates  her  response,  she  absently  brings  one  of  her  now  shaking  hands  to  her  dainty  necklace  and,  to  occupy  her  fingers  with  something,  anything  that  will  help  her  fight  off  the  urge  to  reach  for  the  redhead,  begins to  fidget  with  a  small,  heart-shaped  pendant.  she  opens  her  mouth,  but  closes  it  almost  immediately,  her  heart  pounding  away  in  her  throat,  keeping  her  from  forming  any  coherent  sentence.  for  someone  who’d  been  subconsciously  dreaming  of  something  akin  to  this  moment,  she  feels  completely  lost  and  unprepared,  nowhere  near  ready  for  this  kind  of  conversation.  the  gifts  and  letters  that  he’s  been  sending  her,  all  the  flames  that,  perhaps  involuntarily,  they  have  slowly  rekindled,  every  little  thing  that  she’s  been  trying  to  ignore  for  the  sake  of  their  significant  others  and  her  own  peace  of  mind…  they’re  standing  right  in  front  of  her  now  and  she  can  no  longer  run  away  from  the  feelings  that  she’s  so  desperately  tried  to  suppress  for  the  past  few  months.
gaze  dropping  to  the  floor,  examining  the  pink  nail  polish  on  her  toes,  she  struggles  not  to  get  emotional,  not  to  overthink  the  meaning  of  this  unexpected  visit.   ❝   𝐚.𝐱𝐥,   ❞   she  whispers,  a  soft  plea  ringing  in  her  voice  —  not  here,  not  now,  let’s  not  go  there…  she’s  just  managed  to  put  her  life  back  together,  to  move  on,  or  at  least  that’s  what  she’s  telling  herself.  if  they  have  this  conversation,  it  will  leave  her  nothing  but  a  shell  of  the  woman  she  is.  but  she  can’t  just  close  the  door  in  his  face,  tell  him  to  leave  because  it’s  her  weekend  with  sebastian,  scold  him  for  complicating  every  little  thing,  remind  him  that  he  should  be  writing  letters  and  sending  flowers  to  a  different  woman.  god.  she’s  never  been  strong  enough  to  stay  away  from  him.  she  doesn’t  want  to  stay  away  from  him.   ❝   would  you  like  to  come  in?  it’s  almost  dinner  time.  i’m  making  ‘ghetti  and  meaty-baws,   ❞   she  offers  shyly,  a  hint  of  a  smile  on  her  lips  because  that’s  how  sebastian  calls  them.  meaty  baws.  she  thinks  it’s  adorable.   ❝   speaking  of  bastian,   ❞   she’s  quick  to  change  the  subject,  although  it  breaks  her  heart,   ❝   he’s  been  grouchy  all  day.  i  think  he  might  be  coming  down  with  something.  he  keeps  complaining  about  his  throat  and  has  a  stuffy  nose,  watery  eyes,  sneezing…  you  know  the  drill.  but  i’m  sure  he’ll  be  so  happy  to  see  you,   ❞   she  explains,  opening  the  door  a  little  wider  and  inviting  the  singer  to  come  in  with  a  subtle  hand  gesture.   ❝   see  the  pile  of  blankets  on  the  couch?  he’s  in  there  somewhere.  would  you  like  something  to  drink?  we  have  apple  juice.  i  can  make  you  coffee  or  tea?   ❞
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sociallyrepressed · 22 days
sos sos saw ONE tt about Star Wars x f1 crossover and I’ve been absolutely consumed but I have too many other things to do
and im SUCH a nerd Star Wars was my whole childhood and it’s word vomiting itself into my notes app I need help
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ashertickler · 1 month
ok im seeing this all over my feed and im curious to know what redacted character I remind yall of/ if I was an empowered, which would I be?
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mcltiples · 4 months
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@countlessrealities sent; Rick's head was swimming, which was on its own quite a rarity. After spending decades dosing himself with all the kinds of substances and poisons hee could get his hands on, with the aim of making himself immune to them, finding something that could intoxicate him was a challenge.
One that that he welcomed now that he had a partner who was just as hard to affect as he was. Good think that he was a genius chemist.
The word came out slightly slurred as Rick struggled to keep himself steady. They were sitting on his partner's bed and the headboard was looking more and more inviting with each passing minute.
"Humans usually play games when drunk. We should to. Let's play a game."
[[ Evil Rick for Weird Rick for the lil drunk inbox call || As requested, they are getting drunk together...and my Evil Rick decided to bring up some Earthen stuff x3 ]]
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Downing a portion of the bottle of who knows what, Rick quickly swallowed it down before turning to look at his partner. This was a nice moment. He rarely had the occasion to get drunk. Let alone doing so with company. Not just any company, but someone really special. At least, in his own words, he would say that.
He scoot closer on the bed. Until their shoulders were touching. He put the bottle in between them. Smiling at the way his kitten was already drunk.
From his perspective, the other looked so cute right now. Though, he knew better than to ruin the moment by saying that out loud. Even in his drunken state.
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"A game? I'd really like that, kitten," The only game that seemed to come to mind were the rather risqué ones. Though, those required more participants to play and there was only two of them. "It's not really a drinking game, but I have an idea,"
Getting up from the bed, he went rummaging through his closet. He knew there had to be something here. Within minutes, he found it. A deck of cards.
As he plopped back down onto the bed, he leaned in close. "Have you ever played strip poker?"
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letters-to-rosie · 2 months
chapter 11: betting blind, pt. 3
Silco takes a gloveless hand to the bridge of his nose. His rage upon entering the shop had scared the mechanic shitless. He was angry in that incandescent way, where it rolls off him like heat. Zita, who had followed Silco to his meeting in order to take the day’s notes, was the only one willing to stand in the burn zone.
In the thirty minutes it had taken for Silco to arrive here from his meeting, Ekko had time to sit with his actions. Piltover is full of obscenely wealthy people, and Silco’s maneuvers have brought a handful to a timely end, but they’ve never dealt with anyone so rich as the Beaumonts. Their fortune is only second to that of Councilor Medarda; if rumors are to be believed, political favors from the councilor herself are partially to blame. But their family is old, has been in business for at least a century, and they’re so well-connected they could probably start their own country if they wanted to.
And Ekko just irrevocably pissed them off.
Ekko takes a little inspiration from his favorite ex-friend when delivering a message about the differences between Piltover and Zaun.
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five-nights-at-artsys · 2 months
okay can we as a fandom for the love of all that is holy cool down on how we treat the kids. stop demonising them for fucks sake
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truly-quirkless · 8 months
[ @modeinthemiddle | From here!]
Fin sighed quietly, glancing off towards the side at the comment.
"...thanks." They didn't believe her, but it was nice to hold on to all the same. The brunet wasn't willing to look at Mode as the two walked side-by-side, feeling the breeze moments after it danced through the tree leaves nearby.
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"Well...yeah." He couldn't let anyone know about the extent of what his Quirk was, after all. "But Yagi is quiet from time to time...and it's not that awkward silence where I'm tryin' to find somethin' to say. It's always...nice. I guess he just likes having some time where he doesn't have to speak, since he's so used to having to pick and choose his words with the public." Though Fin hoped that Toshi never felt like he had to pick and choose his words around them...that was probably asking too much.
"...y-yeah...apparently,...his eyes glow when he experiences a really intense emotion...I'm pretty sure it's a side affect.." And by God, did that make their heart skip every time.-- Well. Their face was blazing now. Fuck. "--It's so cool."
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"...'m not 'cute'. But...thanks. It's kinda hard not to be smitten for him..." Fin grinned a little. "...I hope you get to find someone too, Mode.- You're the best catch I know, after all!" They turned their head towards the other, smiling up at her. "And if anyone ever breaks your heart, lemme know and I'll stab 'em." They were joking, of course...
They were just glad Mode was willing to put up a little with them rambling- even if it was over their simple love life.
"Oh! Do y'wanna head to the cafeteria? I heard Lunch Rush was making boba tea for whoever heads in today." And they'd absolutely be trying to snag some with popping pearls instead of tapioca... While it wasn't the least quiet place to hang out, it was still food- without having to venture into the streets right now. The last thing Fin wanted was a paparazzi swarm.
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warsrage · 2 months
tomorrow is simeon's ic birthday which isn't really remotely important ooc other than to just have an opportunity to say ... he is sooooo particularly special to me and the reason that i had the courage to start writing ocs here on tumblr in early 2020 when i brought him here, which has led to that being most of what i do and has been so fulfilling to me. he's so close to my heart, even if i've taken substantial breaks from him over the years, and probably my most developed character with the strongest voice. although all my characters are important to me, especially my ocs, he means so particularly much to me.
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guidingkey · 2 months
"wait, what?" sora stopped dead in his tracks, his hands falling from where they'd been cupping the back of his head. the look he gives ariel is incredulous --- disbelieving, even. if his jaw dropped any more, it'd be on the ground. but could you blame him?! ariel had just dropped a bomb of truth on him like it was nothing! how was he supposed to react when ariel just told him --- "herc's your cousin?!"
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﹒⟢ ﹒starter for @seachant .
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hellconsumed · 3 days
out of character . my elena gilbert has become more modified . i've taken inspo from @damnatore . and elena's main verse is going to entail her being a nephilim like she was in the books . her carrd section has been updated !!
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despairforme · 3 months
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Why have iced coffee when you can have milkshake??
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distopea · 26 days
❓ RED QUESTION MARK — a theme of the sender's choice //whatever Kaizen and Nezumi have
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