#main reason i quit this one is bc low pay
itadore-you · 9 months
slay finally quitting one of my tutoring jobs (already applied to 5 more 🥹 cant afford to not have a job) + also trying to apply for fun summer jobs (like at a festival/ summer camp) does anyone have recommendations on what else to watch out forrr
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sovonight · 1 year
hi sovo ;u; I hope it's okay if I ask you a shop question! So um, I'm lower on money than I've ever been and I'm too burnt out to do commissions for ppl due to personal stuff, but I feel like... if I made one charm or one sticker for a particularly huge fandom/movie that's out right now, and if I put it up as preorder and sold at least 20 keychains then I'd be able to pay my bills this month. but I've never sold physical merch before and I'm a little nervous to try it haha :'D
Would you recommend I try making an Etsy since it seems to have a large enough audience, or do you think I should try making my own website/shop? I'm definitely not ready to consistently sell things as a steady job yet, I thought I'd try literally just one single keychain or one sticker sheet (I already learned how to make those, thankfully) in order to pay my rent this month bc I've only got about a hundred dollars to my name sdflkfssdf;; and if it goes well then maybe I can try it again.
I'm also not quite sure how to price things? if I made a 3.5 inch acrylic charm with the little star shaped keychains like from Vograce, do people normally price those at $15 when they sell them? should I also account for shipping? I've also umm never shipped merch before and I'm so worried about somehow messing it up sldfjsf like I don't know what kind of envelopes I have to get or if I should even use my own address bc I'm so nervous about my personal info being out there, but I don't know if it's worth paying for a PO box if I'm so low on money already. if you have any tips on anything whatsoever, I would appreciate any feedback if you're not busy. But if you don't want to answer please don't worry about it ;u; anyway thank you so much for reading this I really appreciate you! ❤
no prob! here are my thoughts:
pros/cons of etsy:
apparently if you're new to selling on etsy, there's a probationary period where etsy withholds your profits for 3 months. i don't know anything about it personally since it started in 2020, but it seems that funds are only released when your shipped orders are scanned at the post office. i think i also remember hearing about other cases where payments aren't released at all for 3 months--and etsy customer service has a reputation of being difficult to get a hold of if you have a problem as a seller, so if etsy made a mistake with your shop, it may take even more months to resolve. since you have preorders in mind, i would hold off on etsy unless you can pay out of pocket.
etsy can drive traffic towards your listing for you (if you choose the right keywords--it's more difficult to be discovered just randomly if you don't).
they have high fees (for a $15 charm they'd take $1.88 in fees, which is 12.5%).
people may be cautious to buy from a shop that has no reviews yet, but many customers are protected by etsy's purchase protection and can be refunded at no cost to you if their order gets lost in the mail (provided that you ship with a tracking number and meet other criteria).
etsy will strongly recommend that you offer free shipping; ignore them. i don't think i've ever bought fanmerch with free shipping in my life, and their advice isn't geared towards sellers like us.
preorders don't work very well with etsy's system--iirc you're not supposed to do them (even though people still do, of course) but the main reason i remember is that the max processing time etsy lets you set per product (as in, the time between the customer purchasing the listing and you shipping it out) is 6 weeks. that means that the time you allow for customers to place their preorders, the time it takes for you to order and receive the merch, and the time it takes for you to ship out orders, all need to add up a max of 6 weeks, which was personally a difficult timeline for me to meet when making keychains. ofc, it's possible to extend the processing time, but going over the processing time may make it possible for customers to leave reviews/open cases early before you're even ready to ship out their orders, which could affect the reputation of your shop.
pros/cons of not etsy:
if you're not going with etsy, i've heard people recommend bigcartel, since it doesn't require a subscription like shopify or other places do. bigcartel's free plan is limited, but it should work for what you're looking for. another alternative might be ko-fi--i've heard that ko-fi shops aren't ideal for shipping out a large amount of orders, but since you're targeting just 20 i think it should be manageable.
ofc, you'll have to drive all your traffic yourself, so consider if you have enough of a following in your target fandom, or how you should go about getting your post noticed by your target fandom.
unlike etsy, shipping isn't auto-calculated, so i'd probably set a flat rate (in the US i'd expect $5). flat rates might make calculating your taxes just a little bit more complicated; in california at least, you have to pay taxes on the difference between the shipping you charge your customers and the shipping you actually pay to the post office, so iirc you either refund the extra shipping to the customer or hand it all over in taxes.
yes, the standard price for ~3" acrylic keychains is $15, though i've also seen people go up to $16 or $17, especially on etsy where the fees are high.
shipping should be a separate cost, either auto-calculated for you (if you're on etsy/shopify) or a flat rate that you set based on shipping rates for your country, so in the end a customer might pay $15 + $5 = $20 in total.
unless most of your prospective customers are international, i'd recommend against shipping internationally to avoid dealing with customs forms, especially since you already have a lot of info to take in.
you can ship everything in a regular bubble mailer, though if you're just shipping stickers not keychains, a flat envelope should work fine. when shipping packages, you'll need to know the weight of each package, but you can just go by an estimate. a 3" acrylic keychain weighs about 1 oz (it weighs less than that, but they don't accept decimals) so i just multiply based on how many keychains are in an order. for usps at least, shipping is the same rate up until 10 oz iirc, so you don't need to weigh it super accurately. you could also always just go into the post office and have them weigh and label everything for you.
po box:
if regular PO box rates in your area are too high, you can also consider using a virtual po box; they go for about $10 per month at their most basic plans. if you're not expecting to get any mail redirected back to you, you should be able to just buy a month's subscription when you're ready to ship things out.
words of caution:
you probably already know this, but large fandoms can often be oversaturated by merch, so just choosing a large fandom might not be enough to guarantee a sale--you might have to stand out by, say, choosing a character who's in demand but doesn't have much fanmerch, having a funny meme concept, or having such a unique/attractive style that people can't help but want your fanmerch in particular. if you haven't already, i'd recommend looking around the market and seeing what's out there and decide why a buyer should choose your merch over anyone else's. though honestly, depending on your fandom, it could also not be this serious and not warrant much research--it all depends!
even if the preorder process works out and you get the funds to place the order, the manufacturer could always mess up on your order, which could lead to delays in your fulfillment and at worst, more expenses if you need to pay to get them remade. if it's easier to get sticker sheets made (like if you make them yourself/locally instead of ordering from overseas) they might be a safer choice of merch to make. ofc, i don't generally see sticker sheets up for preorder so you'd probably have to order them out of pocket and hope they sell, and you'll probably have to sell more of them than you would of keychains to get the same amount of profit. i don't know the whole situation, so i can't say anything definite about the risks/rewards between choosing to sell keychains and choosing to sell stickers.
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gwaaaaar · 2 years
The evolution of Noah Thy Creature
wow I am bored af but let me info dump rq teehee, ofc there's gonna be Thy Creature spoilers but its mainly from outdated stuff like the demo/early access so it's not detrimental to the canon lore, just a documentation of how hes portrayed.
The first edition of Noah was with his character profile in March 2021
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"A kind and wise mortician. But there is a rumor about him. He never prays for himself."
Portrayed as kind and mysterious, also oddly pious as he prays, to God or whatever idk if hes Christian.
In the kickstarter trailers he is briefly mentioned once, never shown, you meet beta Alex and Justine first instead.
Then there is his demo, "Muscular man in glasses. Kind and level-headed, but somehow uncomfortable to make eye contact with. Claims to not be a pharmacist but has fingers that reek of chemicals."
Still kind, but also with the new information that he's uncomfortable to make eye contact with. I actually have a theory that his eyes are of an unnatural color via supernatural reasons or symbolism. Like how victor and the creature are associated with yellow eyes when that is not a natural eye color for humans to have. A "eyes are the windows to the souls" type beat.
Poc like Noah should not be able to have blue eyes? It depends though. But it's also possible hes biracial bc of his straight hair and nose. Mazm can do poc features considering Mihir Saha and Crack is on the team, so it may be a deliberate design choice to imply his ethnicity because the main focus is not on his ethnicity so it's not as if they can just drop that.
Ok that was very offtopic but in the demo he relatively has a nice demeanor but he's like. since I did this for you, you have to do this for me. Like very entitled, already giving red flags but whatever maybe he's a little quirky. You also meet him first too, and only him bc its a short demo.
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That is where he goes from bad to worse bc the early access amps it up by 10. His bio in that edition is "A well built man with glasses. He stares as if his cold eyes are looking through people. His calm voice is low and deep." and then something similar to the he insists hes not a pharmacist thing. His blue eyes are described as cold, so it really may be a personality thing.
This time right off the bat he asks for monetary compensation from the creature, not even a pay back a favor, just straight up money. He has bandages on his hands and a snazzy new pendant. He's far more snarky and dickish in the EA. It's almost funny. He says shit abt how beggars on the street ask him for free services and that he wasnt a charity when the nepe steals his memories from him. But he develops a friendship with the creature anyways, you can see he had loved ones and people he cared for. He wasn't heartless, just reserved. For quite a bit of time you are with him alone and he's the first one you meet, so he has a special role.
I only watched Millie Parfaits stream and some rumors abt the final edition, but from what I hear, Noah gets meaner? From what I saw however he was, kind of the same tbh. Although the personal connection to him gets ruined because you don't meet him alone at first, you meet with him justine and El together. An interesting thing I noticed was they somewhat remembered his pious aspect from his wayyyyy older bio. He wanted to help kids in the slums which ties into the fact that he only prayed for others, never himself. a selfless aspect.
I wonder, is the reason he insists he's not a pharmacist or a doctor or whatever is because that job is associated with helping/caring and he doesnt want to be taken advantage of that way/doesnt wanna be seen as kind.
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roscgcld · 4 years
GOJO SATORU || pain in the ass
request: gojo and reader are special grades and their parents want them to get married so they could make a strong generation for their family (she doesnt like this and she thinks it's stupid). in the first meeting, they went together to exorcise some curses in mountain (their family asked them to do it together so they can get along), she ignored him bc she thinks he is kind of asshole but gojo keeps teasing her (he thinks her reaction is cute and she looks hot and actually he likes her and thinks getting married with her doesnt sound so bad).
could you make it jsjjdks i keep imagining this in my head and i think it's cute if the reader started to catch feelings too...... btw your writings are amazing i really love them and thank you!!
note: AHAHAHA I LOVE THIS! I am so happy most of us agree that Gojo, as hot as he is, can be an asshole. But this one is v fluffy, and very cute! I tried to cut down on not making it too long cause not going to lie, I always love reading tropes like this! the “annoying-ass-to-kinda-cute’” sort of trope, and I love it cx but here you go babes! I definitely enjoyed writing something like this.
pronouns: she/her
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“Y/N, guess what?”
Y/N’s chopsticks came to a stop as she closes her eyes, taking a deep breath to brace herself before slowly bringing her eyes away from the meal before them; meeting her mother’s eyes head on. “What is it, Mother?” She asks the older woman hesitantly, unsure of how to respond when she saw the familiar glint in her eyes - immediately telling her that she was not going to like where the conversation was heading. “Remember how we talked about being in the main family? How, as the oldest child, you need to set an example for your siblings?”
“..yes?” Y/N’s voice was uncertain, which made her mother frown but she didn’t comment any further on it. “Well, your father and I met up with a family recently, who has a son around your age.” The older woman said just as an annoyed sigh was heard, the woman narrowing her eyes at her daughter who sets her chopsticks down quite loudly. “Mother, how many times have I told you that I don’t like this whole arranged marriage scheme you and Father have come up with.”
Before her mother can give her a response, her husband reaches over to grab her hand in his, giving her a soft look before he clears his throat loudly. “Everyone, would you give us a moment?” He asked as he glances over at the rest of his kids, who all gave their oldest sister a concerned glance before they started to make their way out of the room; their mother closing the door after them. Not without giving her husband another look, one that Y/N caught and had her blood boil a little in annoyance.
Once the shoji doors of the dining room were slid shut the older man lets out a soft sigh before he made his way towards his oldest, taking up the zabuton that his son had left empty by her side. Quietly he reaches out to take her hand in his, his rougher hands incasing her own ones that were roughen up by years of combat training; but there was still a certain softness and feminine touch to them. “Princess - you know your mother and I just want to look out for you.” He started off with a tired sigh, to which the younger woman just gave her father a look. “I know you don’t see marriage as a viable route. But you have to remember, not only are you a Special Grade sorcerer, you also come from a strong clan like ours.”
“Yes, yes, I know - but what does my marriage status have to do with this?” Y/N stresses with a frown as she looks over at her father once more. “You and I both know that the elders can be very old schooled. I mean - who still insist on marrying every of age person of as soon as possible?” She ranted with pure annoyance lacing her voice, the older man just listening to her complains with a soft smile. He can’t get upset at her - he himself went on a rant when he was first told of his own engagement during his teen years. “I know it’s sudden and against your wish, but can you entertain your old man once? One meeting, that is all I ask of you.”
At first his words was met with silence, but he just waited for her to slowly but surely give in. Which she did after a few more moments. “...just once.” She said with a tired sigh, causing the older man to chuckle before he leans over to kiss her on the head softly. “But if I don’t like him, I am never going to let you forget about this.” She stated simply as she looks over at her elderly father, who just smiles softly in return. “I am sure you’re going to enjoy his presence. He’s of your age, and a Special Grade sorcerer too. I am sure you two are going to get along just fine.”
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“I am going to murder his dumbass.”
To say Y/N was upset would be an understatement - there were clear waves of annoyance just radiating off the sorcerer. Today was the day she was supposed to meet with her ‘fiancé’ for the first time, and he was not giving her the best first impression. Not only is he half an hour late, he didn’t send anyone to give her a heads up either. So now she was just standing there, tapping her foot impatiently as she glanced at her watch once more. 
They were supposed to meet at the gates of a mountain temple to exorcise some curses that had started to appear around the temple. Hence why she stood by a traditional torii gate, her mood souring with each passing second. She glanced over at the monks who care for the temple and bow at them apologetically, to which they just gave her reassuring smiles and bow back softly as well. “I do apologies for my companion. Seems he still lacks the ability to read a clock.”
“How rude. And here I thought that you’d be excited to meet your future fiancé.” A teasing voice came from behind her, causing her to turn her narrowed eyes back to finally get a look at her fiancé - only to have her eyes widen when she realised just how tall the man was. She gave him a once over, noting his handsome features and white haired style upwards; and how his eyes were covered by a blindfold. He sported a soft grin which he thought might have tell her how apologetic he was, but it just causes her to get more irritated. “I do apologise for making you wait. I had a run in with some pesky curses along the way.”
For some reason Y/N did not believe his words, but she just rolled her eyes before she turned and made her way towards the torii gate, walking on the side like she was taught to do. Quietly she started to climb the stone steps up to the temple, not even caring if the man was following behind her. But she can tell from the footsteps that followed behind her, and soon he opened his mouth once more. “What? No introduction?”
“L/N Y/N.” She stated simply, her hand resting on the beautifully carved katana that rest on her hip as she started to glance about the wooded area; trying to see if she can sense any Curses near by. “Nice to meet you, Y/N-chan. My name is Goto Satoru.” The white haired shaman greeted back with a grin, to which the woman just lets out a soft hum, not necessarily paying attention to what he had just said. But Goto wasn’t deterred, walking a few steps behind her as he watches her walk before him. “You’re the oldest heir of the L/N clan?” 
“Unfortunately.” The woman replied back in annoyance, to which the taller male raises an eyebrow at her response. He can tell that in that sense, they can definitely relate - they were both heirs to clans who are so backwards thinking that they think that they need to find ‘the best matches’ for all of their available heirs. 
If he was being honest, Gojo had no intention of coming to arrange meeting. He wanted to blow it off with some lame excuse, or just flip off his elders when they ask. But something told him that he should just come for the sake of seeing which miserable soul was forced into the same position he was in. And if he was being honest, he doesn’t regret coming to the meeting that much anymore. “By the way, do you consider this to be our first date?”
“If it is, I can definitely say my low standards for the day just reached the floor.” She grumbled before she paused just underneath another torii gate, looking up at the Curse that was wrapped around one of the sides like a giant snake; hissing at them loudly. “How rude.” Gojo replied back with a pout, standing back and watching the woman unsheathes her katana, how she imbed her own Cursed Energy onto the blade; raising a curious brow at just how strong her Cursed Energy was.
Weirdly enough, he finds her not only interesting, but extremely hot. Who wouldn’t find a strong woman hot?
He watches her in silence as she sliced the air before her, the Curse letting out a loud cry of main as it was sliced up into pieces by invisible blades. But the woman didn’t cast the withering Curse another glance as she pushes forward. “Come on, let’s get this over with.” She sighs as she rest her katana over her shoulder, looking back at the man with an unamused look. Gojo instead grins before he follows behind the woman now getting more interested than he was before. “You know, I think you and I are going to get along well.”
“What a pain in the ass.” Was her only answer, causing his grin to widen as he hums to himself whilst following behind the clearly fuming woman. Yeah, he definitely doesn’t regret his decision to come now.
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It wasn’t the first time the both of them were forced to cross paths with one another.
With all that said and done, both Gojo and Y/N were definitely quite the duo. Both of them are Special Grades, and both of them work together almost flawlessly. Even though Gojo is considered ‘the strongest’, Y/N is the more polished and definitely more refined sorcerer; since she had taken her early training. Because of this they balance each other out quite nicely, making them quite the formidable duo. Due to this, they are scent to many missions together, forcing them to spend a lot of time with each other.
Y/N’s first impression on Gojo is that he doesn’t necessarily care about anyone or anything. Yet Y/N can tell that he cares for all of his students with his entire being, and is always willing to go the extra mile to make sure that they get to experience their youth to the fullest extent. Besides that, he’s also someone who can try and make light no matter the situation. Even Y/N can admit that his snarky comments and sarcastic responses has made her let out a laugh or two.
It wasn’t just that - it was also how, even though they were forced into a union together unwillingly, he tries to make the most out of it. Not only does he show her around Tokyo, since she’s from a town in Kyoto Province - he also made it his own mission to show her all the fun restaurants and dessert cafes all over the city that he himself visits. He also goes out of his way to make sure that her elders are not bothering her too much about when the wedding is going to be. Gojo can tell that Y/N’s elders are pushing for this more than his are, so he did visit her clan’s home a few times to make sure that they weren’t pressuring her about marriage.
Along the way he has met her parents and her siblings, somehow managing to fit into her family unit in a short about of time. Whether it’s playing video games with her younger sister, or rough housing with her younger brother, even bonding with your parents over tea - there was no denying that he somehow manages to get along with everyone. It did make her heart flutter a little, since finding a man who is not only an ease to be around, but also makes the effort to get to know your parents is a rare gem to find. 
On days when they are both free, he would appear and drag her out of her home, begging for her to bring him around her hometown and to the Kyoto School for a visit. For the most part though, he just goes to the Kyoto branch so he can annoy  Utahime, who will turn to you with the most annoyed scowl on her face. “Out of all the men on this planet, you had to choose the white haired menace?” The woman would ask her junior with an unamused scowl, to which Y/N would just apologise wordlessly with a soft one of her own.
If she was being honest, she had no idea that the man she once found annoying become attractive; and was definitely not even sure when she started to fall for him. But she remembers the day when she realised that there was definitely something more she felt for him - it was family game night. Gojo, who had visited Kyoto to handle something, had dropped by with some takeout to share with your family. After a nice dinner, which was filled with laughter, Y/N sat down on the engawa of her family home; smiling softly at the sight of Gojo playing with her younger siblings.
Just the sight of the three of them bonding together, laughing and running around the courtyard that cause a warm feeling to travel through her entire person; a wider and much more sincere smile tugging against her lips. It was when a pair of crystalline blue eyes that seemed to almost glow in the night turn to face her, half hidden behind darkly tinted sunglasses as the owner grinned over at her with such child like happiness that it hit her like a truck.
“Holy shit, I’ve fallen for him.” She whispered quietly to herself as she continues to watch the oblivious trio before her, her cheeks warming the longer she watches him laugh and play with her siblings. If her past her sees her now, she might not be too proud at how they had decided to go against her number one rule - and that was not to fall for the man. 
Now she is never going to hear the end of this any time soon.
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
You and Stu convince Billy to play Healer and regret it once he power trips.
I don't know if it's bc Im high, but the thought of you and Stu playing FFXIV and convincing Billy to be healer bc you two suck so bad at it won't leave my head so here is something that literally no one asked for lol
Modern!AU where you guys play Final Fantasy XIV
Billy the Power-tripping Healer:
So, for the sake of this, you and Stu main DPS and Tank respectively. Billy didn't play XIV.
You've been needing a dedicated healer for your free company and were having trouble nailing down someone you could trust.
It's then that you have a crazy thought. Billy was meticulous, observant, and detail-oriented. He'd be perfect. You tell Stu as much.
You both laugh your asses off at this. Billy? Playing fucking Healer? There's no way his pride and ego would let him play a support class. Stu jokingly asks how you'd convince Billy and you jokingly reply with a "mad sloppy toppy". You both have a blast making fun of the idea.
"Tell ya what. You convince Billy to play our healer, and I'll pay your third of the rent this month." Stu snickers.
Oh. Game on.
So you start thinking about how to do so and you realize exactly how to do it.
Tell Billy the healer is literally the most important party member, the party member that shifts the tides of battle, and the one who decides who lives or dies.
Billy comes home and you set out on your mission.
Initially, Billy is vehemently against it. He's not playing the fucking support. Fuck that. If he did play your stupid game, it'd be as the leader ("that's not a job class Billy." "Dont care, didn't ask.")
But then you lay on the reasonings. Really gas him up. Talk about how smart he is and how playing healer is the most difficult role. Tell him how you have to have the brain power to pay attention to the enemies attacks, your party's health, what buffs are needed to be placed, what enemies need debuffing, etc etc.
This gets him slightly interested. You beg and beg until finally he gives it a try to shut you up. Success!
You and Stu get him to make a character and before long you're helping him practice in low level dungeons and at the practice dummies for his rotations.
Billy comes close to quitting a loooot. If he isn't immediately good at something, he gets mad. But you and Stu keep praising him like crazy whenever he does well and that felt too good to pass up right now.
And Billy gets good fast. Like crazy fast. To the point you and Stu actually get kind of jealous? Like how tf did he become a master healer in the span of like a week? He's able to pay attention to everything happening on screen at once so easily wtf.
And slowly, Billy begins realizing something.
He can be petty.
And this is where you and Stu begin to regret bringing him in.
Billy is a brutal healer. You follow his orders or you die.
A regular conversation in game goes like this:
-"Billy why the fuck didn't you heal me man?!"
-"Stu I told you 50 fucking times not to stand in the AOE. If you're gonna be a dumbass and not listen Im not wasting my MP pool on you."
-"I didn't see it!"
-"You didn't s-what do you mean you didn't see it!?!? It's a giant fucking glowing yellow line you dipshit!"
"Y/N you run ahead without me, you die. I'm not chasing your ass."
"Y-yes Billy..."
The power-trip this man feels. The fact that he has you and Stu's lives in the palm of his hand? The satisfaction of getting praised when he pulls clutch or you two begging for forgiveness when he lets you die for not listening or for simple revenge? Godly.
He also DOES end up becoming leader of your free company lmao. He furnishes the house and living room as he sees fit.
Billy refuses to play Miqo'te. No catboy!Billy for you and Stu 😔
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Ok can I just mention how weird it is to me that people are still so overly aggravated by just specifically the "100 vs 25 dollar" thing? The OP literally stated that "Do whatever you want, but not everyone can afford to do it for cheap, and for many it won't work in the long run. If you wanna sell for 25 do that." Literally no where did the OP in the OG confession say you can't sell your stuff for cheap. And some people seem to only look at the numbers and completely ignore the message of the OP, and are just keeping on being mad that someone would encourage selling something for 100 instead of 25 usd, even though that wasn't even the point of the OP.
The point, as I personally understood it while reading, was just accepting that some people are going to sell for higher prices because that's what they can afford and selling cheap isn't something that may be sustainable for a lot of people with all the outside cost. Seemed to me the main topic was just about what the producer can afford to do in the long run. If the OP had actually mentioned a specific item and tried to claim "you should never ever sell below 100 bc you'll lose money, and selling for 25 is going to kill you" maybe I'd get people being dumb about this. But it never was about a specific thing either, so people are just being mad about a hypothetical price difference, about items that don't even exist in the original confession. You guys are literally being mad about a non-existent item price with no actual object which is being sold, only "listed cost" was a hypothetical material and shipping cost. And you're being mad that said "never-mentioned" item would be sold for 100 if someone wanted to sell stuff long term.
To make it even dumber, what do you even imagine is being sold here? Eyes? Yeah, then 100 vs 25 is a quite brutal price difference. But ya'll never even put up a reason why you're angry at these numbers, even though you're just harping on price specifically, even though the confession wasn't even about that. It becomes extra weird when someone imagines something that might fit into said price range, like what if the price is a full outfit? Are you still gonna argue that it's too expensive to pay 100 to have your doll fully clothed in one order? Imagine someone spending 10 hours on a full outfit for a doll, and ya'll are here being mad that someone said 100 vs 25 isn't viable in some hypothetical confession about being a long time seller in the hobby. 
Btw I also agree with the OG OP: If you wanna sell at a loss, or just do it for fun without care for the money, do it. Making stuff for cheap can be a treat for those who don't like to buy expensive stuff. Just don't push the idea that sellers who sell for higher prices are greedy, or that only low-price sellers care about other people having fun in the hobby, or whatever people's point is trying to be.
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arrowsandbats · 4 years
Tim’s Complicated School History
So I’ve noticed there seems to be a fair bit of confusion on where Tim went to high school, whether he dropped out or not, if he went to private or public school, etc., so I thought I’d create a general chronology of (Pre-Flashpoint) Tim’s tumultuous high school career. The confusion about this is deserved, as Tim has literally gone to no less than FIVE high schools and also homeschooled for a bit, so it’s a LOT to keep track of. Tim has attended both private schools and public schools, and has gone to school in Gotham and Bludhaven (and almost Keystone!), ultimately ending his school days when he dropped out of Gotham City High School during his senior year to go search for Bruce after the events of Final Crisis.
Here’s the breakdown:
Pre-High School: Tim attended private boarding schools until he was about 13-14 years old. To my knowledge these schools are never specifically named, but 13-yr-old Tim mentions in Batman #441 that he attends a boarding school just outside Gotham. In Robin III #4 Tim angrily tells his dad that him and Janet “shipped [Tim] from one boarding school to another and nobody paid any attention as long as [his] grades stayed high.” This seems to imply that Tim attended a number of different boarding schools, when there’s really no reason for him to have attended more than two (an elementary and middle school), and even then a number of private boarding schools are actually K-8 (if not K-12) so I don’t know why he attended so many schools?? Nevertheless, from K-8 Tim attended private boarding schools, primarily in the Gotham area presumably.
Tim was probably still in middle school in his earliest appearances (Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying, Batman: Rite of Passage, etc), but he starts high school right around the time he finishes his Robin training (around the time of the first  Robin miniseries).
High School #1---Gotham Heights High School: The first reference to Tim being in high school comes from the 1991 Robin II miniseries. Tim has recently started at Gotham Heights High School as a ninth grader. This comic takes place after Tim’s parents were kidnapped and poisoned, and so while Jack is in the hospital Bruce is acting as a guardian of sorts for Tim. It’s at Gotham Heights that Tim befriends Sebastian Ives, as well as his friends Hudson and Callie Evans. When Ives asks Tim about the fact that he seems too rich for public school, Tim explains that he used to go to private school but that Bruce had him transferred into public school because he thought it would be “more broadening.” Even after Jack gets out of the hospital he allows Tim to stay at Gotham Heights HS, although Jack clearly has a low opinion of public schools. Tim presumably started at Gotham Heights HS at the beginning of the ninth grade and attended for about a year and a half.
Interlude---Keystone: After the events of Cataclysm, Tim’s family moves to Keystone to avoid the chaos going on in Gotham. (They only end up staying a few weeks at the most, but they moved with the intention of living there permanently, meaning that Tim was transferred out of Gotham Heights HS.) In Robin #63 Jack mentions trying to get Tim into Keystone Academy, but that it’s tough in the middle of the school year and that he was working on getting him a tutor in the interim. Tim was supposed to meet his new tutor the same day that he went back to Gotham to be with Steph while she had her baby. He left without telling his dad, and so Jack and Dana come back to Gotham to get him and they all decide to stay in Gotham after all. It’s unclear if Tim returns to Gotham Heights HS briefly or if he just doesn’t return to school until he’s enrolled at Brentwood.
High School #2---Brentwood Academy: After the events of No Man’s Land, Tim is enrolled in Brentwood Academy, a boarding school in Bristol Township (a wealthy suburb directly to the north of Gotham, where the Drakes and the Waynes both live). After missing so much school, Jack forces Tim to go to a boarding school so that his grades will hopefully come up. (I think the reasoning here is that if Tim lives at school then he’ll have no good excuse for missing class?) In Robin #75 Tim refers to himself as a “new sophomore,” and he transferred to the school some time after sophomore year started (almost definitely after winter break, but I can’t find an issue that confirms this?) but before spring break. Tim’s main friends at Brentwood are his first roommate Ali, his second roommate Wesley, and his classmates Buzz, Kip, and Danny. Tim isn’t at Brentwood for very long though. After only a few months (maybe even less) of Tim being at Brentwood, Jack finds out he’s lost a good portion of the Drake family fortune in bad investments. He’s forced to withdraw Tim from school as he can’t afford the tuition anymore, and the Drakes sell their home in Bristol Township and move into their townhouse in inner-city Gotham.
Interlude---Rest of Sophomore Year: When Tim left Brentwood it was rather late in the year, and it was apparently too late to re-enroll him in public school, so he took the rest of the school year off. That summer he has to take a placement test that will keep him from having to repeat the 10th grade. He passes, so when he re-enters public school he does so as a junior.
High School #3---Louis E. Grieve Memorial High School: Tim starts his junior year at Louis E. Grieve Memorial HS, where he quickly befriends Bernard Dowd and Darla Aquista. He doesn’t attend school here very long, probably for about 3-4 months (he’s only been at Grieve Memorial HS for a few weeks when he’s forced to quit being Robin, Steph takes over for about 2 months, and then it’s only another couple weeks until the events of War Games). During War Games, Tim’s friend Darla is targeted by several mobs (because her father is an Italian mob boss) and mobsters take over his school and end up killing several students, Darla included. Darla’s funeral is one of three that Tim has to attend in as many days, his dad being killed during Identity Crisis and Steph “dying” at the end of War Games.
High School #4---John Wayne High School, Bludhaven: After War Games and Identity Crisis, Tim moves to Bludhaven to try for a fresh start. He picked Bludhaven specifically for an in-patient facility that will help his stepmom, Dana, process her grief over Jack’s death. Tim moves to be close to her and starts attending John Wayne High School. He probably only attends for about two weeks though, before he has his (fake) Uncle Eddie withdraw him from the school to start homeschooling. Tim withdraws with the intention of homeschooling until he can test out of school early. But it isn’t long (maybe another month or so) until Infinite Crisis, and then Tim and Dick go on a nearly year-long training journey with Bruce.
Interlude---OYL: During the missing year* between Infinite Crisis and One Year Later, Tim isn’t in school at all, as he and Dick and Bruce are travelling the world and training. 
(*Also, with the nightmare that is comics continuity and the passage of time, Tim really couldn’t have been gone for more than like,,,,6-8 months, as it was late winter/early spring when Infinite Crisis happened---at least according to the Robin series---and it’s summer when he returns to Gotham. He’s still 17 early in the Red Robin series so it couldn’t have been a year and a half that he was gone, therefore he could only have been gone for like half a year.)
High School #5---Gotham City High School: After the OYL time jump, Tim starts attending Gotham City High School. He starts during the “summer session” (presumably to make up for the semester he missed during OYL?) before his senior year. His main friends here are Zoanne Wilkins (who he starts dating), Jared Walton, Craig Pulaski, and then both Ives and Steph transfer to GCHS during Tim’s senior year (altho Steph is usually a year older than Tim in Pre-52 canon, so it really makes no sense for her to be there??). This is the high school Tim is attending when he drops out of school in his senior year to travel the world looking for Bruce. In Red Robin #17, Tim and Ives meet for lunch (after Bruce has returned and Tim has moved back to Gotham) and Ives mentions Tim not finishing senior year. Tim asks Ives how senior year is going---implying that the events of the first arc of Red Robin only take a few months---and catches up on how Ives and Zoanne are doing.
Some general Tim school stuff: Tim is a very smart kid, but not a very good student. In the Robin III miniseries both Jack and Tim’s school counselor make reference to the fact that before high school Tim had always been a straight A student, but that his grades and attendance have slipped considerably. He is routinely too tired to pay attention in class, he’s constantly missing weeks of school, he fails to complete homework assignments bc of Robin missions, etc. Several times he even references in his inner monologue that he thinks he might fail a specific class. And honestly, Tim just doesn’t care about school. He often makes irritable inner-monologue comments about preferring practical application over learning things in a school setting, he tries to get himself out of school permanently when he lives in Bludhaven, etc. That being said, he’s never been noted to actually fail a class and even with all the school he’s missed he’s never had to be held back, so presumably he’s still earning like Cs in most classes.
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lochnessies · 3 years
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I guess my discomfort with the AM route could actually be summed up as
“I went straight from playing The Gayest House to the Most Heteronormative and Patriarchal House and even though it makes sense from a worldbuilding and storytelling standpoint, it still made for a very uncomfortable experience for me, the player.”
i’m not here to say what can and cannot make a person uncomfortable since that’s so heavily subjective and i personally also don’t like patriarchal undertones as well so i completely get it. however, i have always found it weird when people refer to the black eagles as the ‘gay house’ and act like that makes it superior to the others. i mean… i like edel, dorothea, and linhardt but their sexualities don’t make or break them for me as characters. and the ‘gayness’ of these characters only happen if you happen to s-rank them as the same sex and has no impact on the story. plus you can recruit 2/3 of them out of house and marry them there so it’s kinda irrelevant. the only house that doesn’t have canonically lgbt characters is golden deer and i’ve never seen people use that as a reason as to why they don’t like them. hell, i’ve seen people call them the ‘gayest house’ before. also blue lions does have a canon bisexual… mercedes. plus a lot of endings for the characters have a lot of homoerotic subtext… mercedes/annie, dedue/dimitri, dimitri/felix, sylvain/felix, dedue/ashe. opening an inn together, living together, being buried together, dying on the same day, loving a man more than his wife…. last i checked these are not very heteronormative things. quite the opposite actually lol
as for patriarchal…. are you sure you wanna say that about the kingdom rather than the empire? what makes the kingdom more patriarchal than the place that has a man drill into his daughter how to be the perfect wife, the emperor has lots of concubines, daughters are thrown to the streets, women are desperate for husbands bc it’s the only ways to gain stability, a woman used as a broodmare till it kills her, a noble woman with a crest can’t inherit her house and her daughter is almost forcibly married and raped to have children by her step father.
is it because a lot of the main characters for the plot are male rather than female? that’s not patriarchal it’s just slightly lazy bc patriarchy is systemic not a a problem of plot structure. once again, the golden deer only has judith as a female general/essential npc and the rest are men but i don’t see people get upset about that.
Imagine if I only played AM and I came away thinking this was a typical medieval fantasy where the men are all in leadership roles,
not all the men are leaders and some women are too. such as cornelia and edelgard and they hold a lot of it.
the women are all relegated to support roles and struggling against forced marriages,
no they are not. once again, edel and cornelia are major characters and definitely not supporting roles. also, nobody is being forced into marriage in the blue lions. ingrid’s father suggests suitors but she has complete control over saying yes or no. and in her endings she gets to be a knight. however, we do know forced marriages are a thing in the empire.
men act out their feelings with violence,
yeah, dimitri does get violent but it’s seen as extremely negative and as a sign of his poor mental health and lack of ability to rule at the moment. if this was a typical fantasy game then his violence would be praised and a sign of a warrior and king. dimitri has to let go of his violent impulses in order to become a good kings and as shown in ss/vw he will die if he continues down his self destructive path.
in azure moon byleth and everybody else is constantly telling dimitri to get his shit together where as cf everybody just vapidity nods along to edelgard’s violent impulses.
women in power are inherently suspect,
women are not inherently suspect due to their sex. they are suspect bc the main female characters are suspicious and they do shitty things that hurt the other characters and they are rightfully angry. hell, even male characters are suspect. for example thales and even dimitri himself is seen as suspicious during the academy arc.
hints of flirtation between women are aggressively shot down,
i assume this is about ingrid? i hate to tell you but rejecting somebody’s romantic advances isn’t homophobic and if you don’t respect people’s boundaries then i don’t want to be around you. all other female relationships are treated very well and the female characters admire and respect each other.
hints of feelings between men are treated awkwardly and uncomfortably.
once again, with feeling this time, opening an inn together, living together, being buried together, dying on the same day, loving a man more than his wife are not examples of feelings between men being treated awkwardly. hell, most of the deep and loving relationships are between men. some are strictly platonic (rodrigue/dimitri & gilbert/dimitri) and other are much more 👀. dimitri was even critiqued by some straight men bc he was so open about his feelings with bylad and many people read him as bisexual (my sister even hcs him as completely gay). he literally calls another man ‘irreplaceable’ and ‘cherished’ while he’s apparently shirtless.
Not knowing there’s a whole other route where multiple women are in charge,
just because a woman is in charge doesn’t mean she’s good at it and we know edelgard isn’t a good leader and is willing to stoop to the lowest of the lows. just bc she’s a lady doesn’t make her horrific actions suddenly #girlboss and #feminism
men pay women respect and never degrade them,
women are not above critique. and men don’t violent degrade women for no reason on blue lions (you could say felix and his ingrid supports but he’s a dick to everyone and sylvain whos a rampant misogynist regardless of route and the same could be said for lorenz on golden deer). also hubert does degrade petra and that’s a cf exclusive.
nobody ever suggests that there are inappropriate roles for any gender,
and i have good news! neither do blue lions! ingrid is wholeheartedly supported by her male peers and dimitri (by op’s definition a violent man) even wants her to be his knight and serve in his guard.
men are allowed to be soft,
dimitri, dedue, and ashe??? hello?!??
women are allowed to be aggressive,
ingrid and catherine??? hello????
everybody has at least one potential gay ending and it’s not treated as a shameful secret. 
i hate to be the one to tell you but none of the characters from any routes have explicate gay endings outside of the few with byleth. you can read into something all you want and make headcanons but that doesn’t change what is provided in canon. i find all the same sex endings in azure moon to have romantic undertones (outside of gilbert of course go home to your wife dude). and NONE of the endings are treated as a shameful secret. homosexuality is never talked about as being shameful in the game and that sounds like you projecting.
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violetnotez · 4 years
hello!! how are u today? i hope youre well💖 may i request a baku crushing on a girl who is native eng speaker, but has never heard her speak. however one day the whole class is watching some eng movie n y/n starts dissing the movie in eng bc its so bad n the whole class is sHOCKED BC HER VOICE IS SO FLUENT N SM DEEPER IN ENG. bakubabe is just there like damn thats hot.
Hey babes! I’m doing well thank you, just doing some stuffs for my art blog! I hope youre doing well 💕💕also thank you to @gallickingun for the mangacap, it saved me so much time and I was actually able to color it! 😍
Also: IM ALIVE!!!! I LITERALLY WROTE THIS TODAY AND OMG I MISS WIRITNG! I’ll start on that Dabi x reader fic I mentioned in a little bit, just wanted to post this! Hopefully it’s good lmao
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⤷ Genre: Fluff
⤷ Word Count: 2020
⤷ Warnings: cursing its bakubabe
⤷ Synopsis: Bakugo won’t admit it to himself, but he’s conflicted: he knows he has a crush on you, but his dumbass won’t admit it-well, until he hears your sexy American voice.
Song Recs: ⤷If I Cant Have You-Shawn Mendes⤷Thinking About You-Calvin Harris ⤷Rather Be-Clean Bandit
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This was so stupid. Completely dumb and a waste of his time.
Bakugo slumped in his seat a little more, a grumble escaping his lips as he tried to focus on the screen in front of him, his broad shoulders crossed in front of him.
He should be sleeping right now, not sitting and watching this dumbass romantic American movie, especially when you were by his side.
There was no reason why his cheeks should feel hotter when you laughed at the movie, or his hands feel clammy with his sweat everytime you shifted your body closer to him.
It was pissing him off, because no matter how much he tried to ignore the pent up emotions in his chest, he had to admit it to himself-he had a goddamn crush.
On you, the goddamn exchange student.
Fucking great.
His lips pouted as he sulked in his seat on the couch, trying his best to glue his eyes to the screen instead of sneaking a glance at your profile.
The TV showed one of the most sickly sweet and horrific scenes he had ever witnessed: the main couple on screen were finally declaring their love to each other, their voices getting louder and more desperate as they tried to one up each other, almost as if battling to see who could last the longest.
“I love you to the moon!”
“I love you to the moon and back!”
“I love you to the moon and all the stars in the sky!”
“And I love you to-“
A laugh erupted next to him, Bakugo swiveling his head over to see you giggling in your seat, your pretty lips parted as those sweet sounds came from your mouth.
“God, this is terrible!” You chuckled, shaking your head as you said it.
Bakugo’s face reddened, his eyes widening from the sounds coming from your mouth.
Your sentence wasn’t in Japanese: it was foreign and new, American sounding.
Bakugo was used to your voice sounding light and airy when you talked in Japanese, like a leaf on a autumn breeze as it floated into his ears and danced in his mind whenever you spoke his native language. Sometimes you would fumble over the words, trying to piece the meanings together as a blush formed on your cheeks and your eyes turned up from embarrassment. He always made fun of you from it, usually telling you to “Spit it out Baka, I don’t got all day”, but really-he absolutely loved it. You sounded so sweet, so innocent and endearing: he just wanted to wrap you in a hug and envelope himself in your sugar sweet voice.
But right now, your voice was somehow the opposite-it was deeper and richer, like warm,auburn honey on a summer evening. It coated his mind in its thick numbness, the only thing he could think of was how deep and sultry, and well, sexy, it sounded coming from your lips.
He squirmed in his seat, hating how much that little change in your tone affected him so much as you continued to giggle at the wreck of a movie in front of you.
Your class turned to look at you, their faces clearly as shocked as Bakugo’s-they had never actually heard your voice when you spoke English, and they weren’t quite used to it.
You looked at your classmates, your face twisted in innocent confusion.
“What? What did I say?” You asked again in that sultry American voice, making Bakugo shift in his seat, his face looking away from you as he covered his mouth with his hand.
Damn you needed to get that voice under control-he felt like you were controlling his emotions when you spoke like that.
“Whoa y/n you know English!” Kamianri propped himself up, his face clearly in awe as he yelled it out the words.
Sero, who was sitting beside him, chuckled at his air headed friend, giving him a judging look.
“Uh, you do realize she’s from America, right?” Sero snickered, Kamianri looking sheepish as he realized his forgetfulness.
“Oops, Sorry!” He yelled out again, earning a laugh from you and the rest of your classmates.
Jealousy bubbled inside Bakugo like a volcanic eruption, the dangerous emotion barely being contained inside him as his fists clenched.
He hated when others made you laugh, especially his freinds, who unfortunately figured out the crush he had on you a few weeks back. Hearing you giggle at his idiot friends made him want to yell out in possession, declaring that they should know that you were his-well would be his- and they should lay off. But you didn’t suspect a thing about his feelings, and he really didn’t feel like looking like a possessive freak in front of you.
He felt your body shift next to his, his heart beating faster as your finger tapped his shoulder.
“Hey, Uh, Bakugo?” You whispered, the sweet tone of your Japanese voice making him shudder pleasantly, as well as long for your deeper American voice.
He grunted in response, his arms still slung across his broad chest.
“Did I talk in my American voice?”
He scoffed, his eyes rolling in his sockets at how adorably oblivious you could be sometimes. He sent you a shit eating smirk, his vermillion eyes dark like wine.
“What do you think?” He stated, but he didn’t say it in his language, no-he said it English.
He watched your face instantly light up, your eyes bright with excitement and awe as you gasped.
“Wait-you know English?!” You yelled out in awe, a smile erupting on your face. That smile seemed to shake his world, his mind eternally thanking that the room was so dark as his cheeks flushed.
“Of course I know English,” he scoffed, “what idiot doesnt.”
You giggled at his comment, your body shifting closer to his.
Damn it, his cheeks were getting hotter-he could feel your shoulder a mere centimeters away from his, your skin radiating a coolness that felt so soothing being near his permanently hot flesh.
You leaned in closer, your eyes watching his face with sweetness. “How long have you been speaking it?” you asked, but in that hot ass American voice-he was about to combust right then and there.
Shit-he would never admit it, but he hadn’t been exactly practicing his second language. He had learned it back in middle school, when it was a required class, and he had passed it with flying colors of course. Over the years though, he began to forget it, and he was pretty rusty now, now only remembering a few phrases (‘What do you think?’ being one of them)
“Ahh-“ he grumbled out, feeling stupid for not even understanding what you had said. He felt those pretty eyes of yours continue to stare at him, making him feel almost guilty for leading you on as you face fell slightly.
“You didn’t understand what I said, did you?” You asked sadly, back to using your airy Japanese voice. He hated seeing you look so disappointed, as if he let you down in some way.
“Of course I do, dumbass, I just-“
“It’s been awhile since you spoken it?”
He grunted in reply, your mind already translating that to a “Yes.”
Your face somehow light up again, your body even closer to his as you shimmied yourself near him.
“Then I’ll reteach you it!”
“Huh?” He looked at you, his eyes slanted as you peered at you with an almost judging look. What the hell were you playing at?
You nodded again, your lips letting out a slight hum.
“Yeah, I’ll teach you a phrase in English! To be honest, I miss having someone to talk to in my language…” you chuckled at your revelation, your eyes coated in embarrassment.
Well shit-if you needed someone to talk to in English, he was going to be the one to do it. With his damn luck Icy Hot and damn Deku would jump in and be your little English buddy. His skin crawled at the idea of you getting all cozy with one of those two bastards, his insides light up like a fire.
“Fine,” he huffed out, pretending like he was giving in, “but I’m not sitting through a whole damn lesson.”
You chuckled slightly, brushing a piece of hair behind your ears.
“Don’t worry, I’ll start off easy,” you smiled up at him, looking up slightly as if in thought.
“We’ll start with a something easy,” you instructed.
“I’ll teach you-“your sweet Japanese voice suddenly turned rich like syrup as it switched to American. ‘Hi my name is Bakugo”,
“Easy enough?” You asked, switching back to Japanese.
“Fucking elementary,” he scoffed, “yeah I can do it.”
“Cool!” You exclaimed quietly, still mindful of your classmates watching the crappy movie. You shimmied again, your face squarely staring at his as you waited for him to start speaking, your eyes expecting and wide with anticipation.
Shit he was supposed to be paying attention?
Bakugo cursed himself in his mind, as he was too preoccupied listening to your hot as hell American accent.
Damn, he was going to have a hard time talking to you in English, especially if you said his name like that. He hadn't realized how mezmorized he was by the way you spoke his name, your voice low and sultry as if you were telling him a secret, something he was only able to hear. His spine tingled and his hands clammed up again, making his mouth feel dry.
Shit, you’d be the end of him.
He opened his mouth, feeling uncharacteristically nervous as he tried to speak the words you had spoken. He could barely remember how you had said them though, the syllables coming out his mouth feeling cracked and awkward.
“H-hi my n-ame is...shit!” He cursed at himself, hating the way the words felt in his mouth. He couldn't say them right, knowing full well he looked like an idiot as his cheeks began to redden.
He heard you giggle next to him, the voice sounding sweet and kind against his ear.
“It okay,” you reassured him, “your just opening your mouth a little too wide...here-“
Before he could register what was even going on, your hand had wrapped delicately around his jaw, the floral scent of your perfume swarming his mind and making him unable to think straight. Your digits were pressing against his hot cheeks, forcing his lips to pout out slightly.
Damn, if he thought he was blushing, it was nothing compared to this-it felt like his cheeks were on fire.
You laughed at his clearly shocked face, his vermillion eyes wide and filled with confusion.
“Don’t worry, Bakugo, I’m just helping you,” you reassured him, your voice feathery as you whispered close to his ear.
Why the hell did that sound so hot?
You sent him another smile, speaking again in Japanese and then back to English, “Just say- ‘Hi my name is Bakugo’,”
he continued to star at you, actually beginning to like the feel your digits pressed against his mouth.
He swallowed, trying to coat his dry mouth with saliva.
“Hi-my name-is-Bakugo,” he stuttered out.
He wouldn’t ever say it out loud, but he had to admit it-his English voice did sound much better with your fingers pressed against his cheeks like that.
You clearly noticed it as well, your face triumphant and proud. “There ya go, that sounded so much better!” You congratulated him, your fingers retracting from his skin.
He already missed the feeling of your cold skin against his hot flesh, his cheeks feeling empty without your digits pressing against them.
He sucked the flesh of his cheeks into his mouth, moving his jaw.
“Shitty woman-need to give me a warning-“ he scolded you, his hands feeling clammy with the sudden change in events.
You rolled your eyes, lying yourself against the couch cushions and returning your gaze to the TV.
“Well, your going to have to get used to it if I’m going to teach you more-“
“Teach me more?!?” He practically yelled out, gaining a few confusing looks from his classmates.
“Of course!” you smiled as if it was obvious, “need to make sure your fluent enough for a conversation dumbie!”
“It’s also fun seeing you blush like that Bakugo,” you playfully nudged his ribcage, sending him a wink as you turned your gaze to the movie, unaware of how flustered you just made him.
Well shit-he thought numbly, a small grin playing against his mouth-you were something else.
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@weebartistinc​ @orokayagi​ @leeeah-loooser​ @bakarinnie​
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Fic Reflection: Rule of Three
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↳ This fic was one of the fastest I’ve ever written. From concept inception to post-ready it took days, though I’ve been wanting to write a poly getting-together fic since like the very start of this blog I just hadn’t found a ship that spoke to me enough (almost happened with Dabihawks but I didn’t get my shit together in time)
↳ The first line written was “‘Sei’s being impatient.’”
↳ The last line written was “In fact, he’d come to genuinely enjoy spending time with you, both when Nagi was around and otherwise.”
↳ Reonagi as a ship holds a v special place in my heart bc it’s probably the only thing I really ship in Blue Lock. It’s also a ship where i can definitely say id be interested in dating both parties, and i think they would work well in a triad like depicted
↳ Big fat shoutout to mr @venexus​ who somehow shot me with a reonagi raygun when they wrote their reonagi fic; i blacked out for 12 hours and when i woke up I’d written like 80% of the fic. Also shoutout to them for beta-ing and listening to me scream about the reader getting a mind of their own and becoming a dom
↳ It’s not openly stated in the fic but nagi and reader met through online gaming! Reader’s a bit of an e-thot; when they got together with nagi they weren’t quite popular enough but by the time of the fic they’d quit their job to do it full-time. nagi didn’t meet them through a stream tho they just met on an mmo and hit it off. They got together literally the first time they met irl; they realized they lived rlly close to each other so reader stopped by to meet nagi & hang out one day and he just. Impulsively kissed them while they were gaming together lmfao
↳ In case u couldn’t tell from his narration at the beginning, Reo fell for the reader almost immediately upon meeting them, he just didn’t realize it. The reader knew about it the whole time, both his feelings for them and his feelings for nagi and nagi’s feelings for him. The only reason it took so long for the poly thing to happen was bc reader thought Nagi and Reo were oblivious to the whole situation and it took Nagi broaching the subject for it all to click (if anyone’s interested in how that convo went,,,,,, send in an ask)
↳ Reo definitely tries to sneak away in the morning but reader catches him in the kitchen and they finally have like. A real conversation explaining that yes they rlly do wanna bring him into the relationship and no it’s not just bc they want a third they specifically want him while nagi is asleep in bed and Not trying to make out with the two of them. Hes a fucking menace (I might write this scene too if theres any interest tbh shoot me an ask im truly a sucker for morning after scenes)
↳ Deadass considered learning how to color just for this fic’s banner ngl….. I had a rlly great mental image of the two hapibas i chose with watercolor-type coloring, rlly simple with just their hair and eyes colored, but that didn’t happen. Would’ve ended up spending more time on the banner than the fic LMFAO
↳ I do imagine this in a universe where the bllk team is a professional team and i think the whole thing is…. Not exactly hush-hush (bc dear god nagi would never be able to keep something like that a secret hes way too impulsive in a “i dont fucking care who sees im tired and i want a kiss right now reo” way) but deffo low-key they dont go announcing it so it just kinda…. Comes out slowly n naturally and the reactions are either “oh thank god we were about to lock all three of you in a closet” (isagi, chigiri, bachira, etc. basically the ones who r closer to nagi n reo) or “ur saying reo wasnt dating them this whole time????” (gagamaru, karasu, eita, etc, basically Everyone else) bc tbh he like. Basically fucking was
↳ In that vein their relationship genuinely doesnt change all that much once reo starts dating them tbh the main difference is that now he can kiss them and spoil tf out of them (bc why does reo have money if not to spend it on me 🙄)
↳ First thing he does is buy a bigger bed and a bigger couch cause it gets cramped with the three of them on either….. And then reader complains enough about them being too big for their apartment and reo buys them a new apartment obvi (“no this isnt an excuse to move in. stop laughing reader im being nice bc you keep saying the couch is too big- no you will not be paying for it at all stop trying to”)
↳ Nagi doesn’t like dates that involve going out and doing things so more often than not reo takes reader out to mikage corporation dinners etc while nagi stays home. He pretends to be exasperated when they do their spitfire routine but tbh he brings them on purpose so theyll make the geriatric executives and bad-touch-happy daddy’s boys uncomfortable…… and when the two of them come back home at like 2 in the morning nagi is always up pouting on the couch cause he couldnt sleep without them and they promised theyd be home three hours ago
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enchantedpendant · 3 years
physical medicine & rehabilitation
pm&r, physiatry, whatever its called in english man idk lol. its an elective rotation here(i’ll admit, it’s a part of medicine that is quite rarely taught and learned about here)
imma go right to the point and say that this rotation gave me mad respect for my preceptor (one of the very few physiatrists around that has to handle multiple hospitals across multiple cities) and the specialty itself. this specialty thrives on making the patients happy, perhaps even happier than they could ever imagine. rehab is often overlooked but if u actually pay just a lil closer look its v easy to see how good rehab could actually save a patient's life instead of making them have piles of complications on complications from prolonged hospital stay and immobilization. (i personally used to be most interested in OB/GYN bcs i thought that was the specialty that makes patients the happiest, esp the OB part of it i suppose. i used to joke that the only specialties that get to attend to patients who are happy to see the doctors, greeted with smiles and excitement and all, are OB/GYN and psychiatry lol - but obviously these thoughts were all before i got to know physiatry)
so, (+) it's a v noble specialty that makes all their patients happier and deserves all the love. it's relatively low stress bcs no death is gonna be on their hands. theres a very low number of physiatrists where i live, so "competition" is less of a concern.
the (v personal) (-), however, is, despite my abundance of respect for it, i could just truly feel that its not for me. shadowing my preceptor for 4 weeks gave me a sense of "........is that it?" no i am not underestimating the scholarly span of this specialty. what i mean is the (relative) lack of variety in the work on the day-to-day basis. and honestly... it felt restricting to me. as in, from what i observed, my preceptor only handled consults and thats it. getting into physiatry means you'd barely ever be the main doctor that's in charge of the patient. and i dont feel like im gonna like that. i dont think i'd like to spend the rest of my life doing "just that" everyday. i feel like i wanna actually handle a patient and like actually get to know em and actually see their treatment through to the end. these are all v personal reasons that also exclude many other specialty choices for me.
SO! tl;dr: (+) very noble, makes everyone happy, changes lives in a unique way compared to most other specialties, relative less stress bcs no death is gonna be on your hand. (-) does not fit my personal preference.
i rate it a 7.5/10
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a letter for the lonely
hi fellow humans,
I’m here to confabulate out loud - writing, in my case, is a big step onto the thing people do when they share their lives - about my experience and hopefully this message resonates with you if you’re feeling down or something.
I’ve been res-pec-ting quarantine for a long time now, my country has taken a lot of time to take care of lockdown and etc. so as a matter of HONOR I believed the right thing to do was to at least res-pect quarantine.
But it’s been crazy, we can’t avoid the fact that it’s been a tough experience, for a number of reasons. So, in my case, it’s been a hardcore roller coaster, but I’m fine (:,)), anyways, the point is that I’ve been spending my newfound free time learning and studying philosophy, more specifically, I’ve been studying in depth The Golden Verses of Pythagoras and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.
The challenge of trying to grasp like 30% of everything they were teaching through these pieces of their knowledge always boosts me to go further, seeking more. Unfortunately, during those recent days, time and space, it seemed that the more knowledge I found and learned the worse I’d have existencial crisis afterwards. (I’m not sure if this sentence is correct, might edit later)
I’ve started feeling extremely angry, frustrated, and even low-key violent. There was just something inside me hurting a lot, I’d say to my mom “I hate the shadows, and like the guy who saw the Sun in Plato’s allegory, I want my friends to see the Sun with me, I want to live in a place where people truly live for their values, like simplicity, humbleness…” - it went down as a ‘normal’ conversation but I was still felling quite troubled and irritated.
Eventually I forced myself to go outside, ride my bike, push myself out of my own misery. To be honest, I ended up pushing me beyond my limits since my legs are sore right now. But one hour afterwards I felt renewed. I was like “what?? exercising makes you feel physically and mentally better and I knew that all along?? what??” I don’t know, lol, maybe I haven’t been doing this for too long and now there’s WAY TOO MUCH neurotransmitters in my brain making me feel good about myself.
I’m dumb, but not stupid. Keep in mind: you’ll feel complete when you nurture your mind and your body. If I recall it honestly, maybe I wasn’t ready for all that knowledge, as Socrates would say, books can’t tell you if you’re not interpreting something correctly. And I was getting a TON of information, maybe I didn’t grasp them completely yet.
So now onto my experience on the outside world after months only walking sporadically around my neighborhood: it was kinda weird?
I’ve always considered myself as a 0% antisocial person, I usually have no problem starting a new conversation with people I don’t know, doesn’t even matter where the person is from, it’s never been too much of a challenge for me. However, when I was riding my bike through the main place young people get to reunite at afternoons nowadays in my city - even during a pandemic -, I got kinda scared, self-conscious.
I mean, I AM self-conscious, like, always. I love talking to new people and meeting new people, but it doesn’t mean I’m not afraid of it, and it also doesn’t mean I don’t “prepare” myself for it - like if I’m not looking so good I’ll probably get a bit insecure, if I start overthinking I’ll believe I’m acting awkward and also get insecure, you know, basic infj stuff.
I know this “apprehensive” feeling comes from a place inside me that is constantly seeking the approval of others - bc the thing I truly despise is a negative (and rude) comment that is specifically aimed for me, it’s something I just accept and recognize, there’s no use denying it, lol -, but… If I would explain what happened to me as a third person narrator, I’d say that this feeling - which I know is not exclusive to me - occurs when we get afraid of people that don’t do what we do. You know what I mean?
It’s a completely normal thing to judge negatively someone that disagrees with you bc they do the absolute opposite you do, I understand that coming from me and from everyone else.
But… I don’t know, it makes me afraid anyway, you know, the thing about ending up isolated because you do NOT participate in a particular group - in this case, most groups - of people because you don’t seem to find people that do what you do and agree with you about doing what you do.
So yeah, the conclusion is quite obvious. I’m just going through the pain of fighting for my own integrity - and also fighting against the part of me that wants people around me to say “you go girl, keep up with what you do, good job”, it’s like… pretty pathetic, and I know that, lol.
(hmm, so that’s why I can’t be cool like those intjs out there whaaat)
Anyways, that was long, all over the place and about a ton of stuff that might seem disconnected but for me they’re not.
And don’t worry, I’ll pay more attention whenever my crybaby ass start seeking approval when I pretty much shouldn’t be doing that. It’s a natural fight inside me at this point, the thing is that sometimes I can’t anticipate it - specially after months going through this exceptional experience called quarantine.
Also, whenever you find people online saying “send me a message if you need to talk”, trust it, go for it, these people are offering something pretty nice that you might not be able to find later. So, if you need to talk, I’m all ears, doors open 24/7.
Take care buds, gen z, this is for you, I love you, keep fighting through.
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jbuffyangel · 6 years
Bored Now: Arrow 6x19 Review (The Dragon)
What in the ever-loving hill tops of Olympus was THAT?
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I was exhausted Thursday, so I missed the episode. However, I waited until Sunday because I wasn’t motivated to watch given the fan reaction. But I figured it couldn’t be that bad right?
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Yes. Yes it can.
I would rather watch Oliver pontificate about his super-secret plan to stop gun violence (without revealing his super-secret plan to stop gun violence) than “The Dr*gon.” I would rather watch L*urel earn her BC suit (without really earning it) by hallucinating her dead sister. I could watch Oliver and Sara bang fifty times over. Yes, I know what I am saying. 6x19 is worse than all the terrible 13th episodes combined! After six years and 134 episodes I am bestowing “The Dr*gon” with the title of WORST EPISODE EVER.  Congratulations. We have a new low.
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I flitted between enraged and bored watching “The Dr*gon”, so I feel Evil Willow’s iconic expression conveys my emotions nicely.
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Let’s dig in… it won’t take long. I promise an excess of snarky gifs.
Felicity Smoak and Curtis Holt
This is the first week post Oliver firing Felicity. Yes, he can dress it up any way he likes, but that’s exactly what he did. Felicity chooses to devote her extra free time to her company and reaches out to Curtis for a truce. A truce in these writers’ minds means FELICITY APOLOGIZES TO CURTIS. 
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Liz Kim, who co wrote the episode, explained:
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Let’s pretend we live in a world of rainbows and unicorns where the main governing body is the Girl Scouts and instead of paying taxes we get free cookies. 
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We must live in this kind of world to understand what Liz Kim is pushing. Fine. Felicity isn’t holding a grudge. She’s being the bigger person and is sorry for her role in the fight. If we look objectively at all six characters Felicity has the least to apologize for, but that’s just details. 
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What infuriates me is Curtis just stands there and glowers at her. He oozes moral superiority, contempt and arrogance. 
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Why, dear writer, didn’t Curtis then apologize to Felicity? If this is all about being the bigger person and not holding a grudge, why didn’t Curtis step up to the plate next? Last time I checked, Curtis has as much to apologize for if not more than Felicity. Instead, we get Felicity apologizing to yet another man on this show and Curtis just stands there like a condescending lump. 
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Then Curtis cannot hide his glee over Diggle quitting the team. He wants to skip around the room and sing, “Nananana boo boo” while Felicity is distraught about her husband being alone in the field. CURTIS HAS THE NERVE TO TELL FELICITY HE MUST FIGHT THE DESIRE TO GLOAT. But sure, what an amazing friend. 
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Listen asshat, if you tell someone you are trying not to gloat that’s the same as gloating.
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Why is Curtis the only “friend” Felicity is ever allowed to speak to? Why couldn’t she have gone to Lance or even Diggle. Diggle has a beef with Oliver, not Felicity. I don’t see how going to Curtis is any better than going to John in Oliver’s eyes. Hell, I’d take a phone call Thea over this. I don’t need to hear her side of the conversation.
How does anything Curtis says correlate to real friendship? He states the obvious – Felicity is using work to distract her from worrying about Oliver. OH MY GOD. THANK YOU SO MUCH CURTIS. WHAT WOULD WE HAVE DONE WITHOUT YOU HERE TO EXPLAIN THAT COMPLETELY OBVIOUS PLOT POINT TO US ALL?
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Then, he almost laughs in her face about it, but can control himself enough to only gloat. Wow. Felicity’s friendship cup runneth over. And last, but not least, he refuses to take any responsibility for his role in the team breakdown. How magnanimous of him. What a petty little prick.
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Also, why is Curtis always the one to fix a problem with the Helix tech? JUST ONCE I would like to see Felicity solve something tech related to this company without Curtis’ help. Felicity Smoak can program and hack anything. SHE INVENTED THE KEY PIECE OF RAY’S ATOM SUIT. But whenever Curtis is around she is forced to be clueless and rely on Curtis’ brilliance to save the day because LOOK AT WHAT A GOOD TEAM THEY ARE. She is a shining example of a genius female character and now she’s being used to prop Curtis’ man baby brain. It’s nauseating and unbelievably insulting to my gender.
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If this is the route Arrow chooses to fix the breach between the two teams (OTA members apologizing while Newbies gloat) then I can safely say I will not forgive the newbies for anything they’ve done. They will be on my list of “Characters Who Need to Die” for the remainder of the show. Starting with my number one spot – Curtis Holt.
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At least the writers knew the only way to get Olicity fans to watch this garbage pile of nonsense was to stick a 3 minutes Olicity scene at the end and promo the crap out of it.  Unfortunately, the scene didn’t give me “all the feels” the writers intended. 
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Felicity comes home in a panic after watching a news report stating the Green Arrow is probably dead. 
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Source: @oliverfelicitygifs
Oliver pops up behind her and a very relieved Felicity throws herself into his arms. Any gooey feels I have over Felicity’s concern and emotional hug are about to be obliterated. Felicity informs Oliver this set up doesn’t work for her. When she’s in the bunker, and knows where he is or can see what is happening, it’s easier to cope with her worry. Oliver condescendingly implies there’s very little Felicity can do to help him while she’s in the bunker.
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Excuse me, but is Oliver a pod person now? How do we get from THIS
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to THIS 
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to THIS. 
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Do the Arrow writers watch Arrow? This is why people get so fed up. We can go from one episode to the next and characters act completely OOC to push a storyline along. Oliver “You’re My Partner” Queen is now saying Felicity can do very little to help? 
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Let’s just unravel the entire basis of the show and the reason the character exists in the first place 
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for another bullshit Oliver Queen regression that makes no sense. 
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All I am asking for is a modicum of character cohesion and storyline consistency. Is it so much to ask that the Arrow writers know the show and characters they are writing for? I think not.
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After Felicity correctly argues she can and HAS helped Oliver many times, he does another 180 and tells Felicity she can never be helpless. Cool bro, but you stated the exact opposite 15 seconds ago. 
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Oliver decides it’s time to placate his wife’s legitimate fears by telling her he will always come home.
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Source: @oliverfelicitygifs​
Sure, it’s a nice foreshadow for the future since Oliver is probably going to land himself in jail. This scene can serve as reassurance for all those terrified Oliver is going to do 25 to life. I take issue with the promise, however. Do you know why Oliver didn’t make that promise to Felicity in 2x09? 
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Because he respected her too much to lie to her. Oliver knew then he doesn’t always have control over what happens to him in this line of work. Accepting death and not being afraid of it is part of the job description. Oliver knows this is a promise he can’t keep because NOBODY CAN. The tiny look of hesitation and resignation his face after hugging Felicity proves it.
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Source: @oliverfelicitygifs​
We tell our children little white lies to ease their fears because sometimes they aren’t old enough to understand the truth. Was the promise Oliver made to William completely true? No. Should he have made the promise? Probably not, but I understood why he did. Oliver was trying to ease his son’s fears because William is a child.
But Felicity is a grown woman. Oliver doesn’t need to tell little white lies to his wife so he can continue his deeply stupid need to regress. The only reason Felicity needs to buy into this obvious lie is so she can function while Oliver is out in the field by himself.  How about Oliver LISTENS to his wife and acknowledges the truth – he can’t do this without her. Even emotionally stunted Oliver Queen understood THAT. 
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We’re really supposed to believe emotionally evolved Oliver doesn’t? 
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This is why viewers get so frustrated with Arrow. The characters can change personalities like the show changes writers. 
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Things we know to be true, and are the backbone of the series, are tossed aside to make an illogical plotlines work. It does nothing to service the characters, show or viewers. All that’s left is a terrible hour of television.
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The Dr*gon and Bl*ck S*ren
The function of this episode is to make us give a flying flip about the Dr*gon. However, we are given a sloppily slapped together back story that doesn’t connect to any of the main characters whatsoever – particularly Oliver.  
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Di*z grew up in an orphanage and was bullied by an older boy. This is the reason he’s become a menace to society. 
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He named his fear “The Dr*gon” and tattooed it everywhere because he’s so tortured and intense.
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He’s been trying to move up the criminal ladder to conquer his fear and be respected as a legitimate crime lord. Ummm… okay? Good luck with that. WHY DO I CARE? Oh, that’s right. I don’t. 
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Ultimately, Di*z gets a seat on the Quadrant (Season 7 villain set up for sure) and revenge on the kid who bullied him as a child. The moral of the story is don’t be a bully because someday the kid you tortured might show up on your door step and light you on fire.
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I thought this was supposed to be the season of many villains. Weren’t we doing away with the singular Big Bad? Why are we suddenly zeroing in on the lamest villain in the group? He’s so lame the writers had to come up with an entire episode to mitigate the lameness.
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Di*z and Sir*n spend 85% of the episode sitting in a car trading fortune cookie sayings with one another. They go on and on and on about power, control and not being a dog. It’s a lot about not rolling over, bellies, tails... maybe an ear. Think of every single villain cliché you’ve ever seen and that sums up “The Dr*gon.” 
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Di*z’s moves are utterly predicable and I’ve heard the dialogue in about fifty other shows/movies. I wish they had just gone full throttle with plagiarism and stuck, “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse” in there. It’d feel more honest.
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BS spends the entire episode asking the big strong man how to be a big strong villain. So, a win for feminism all around. 
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BS is so busy telling Di*z not to “roll over” she fails to see she’s following him around like a lost puppy.  
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Di*z is the lamest Arrow villain in history (Yes, even worse than Sebastian Blood), but BS is his henchman. So, what does that make her? Nothing good! I’ll tell ya that much. 
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In C*ssidy’s defense the dialogue is cringe worthy, but she didn’t make it any better with the over the top acting.
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BS tells Di*z not to be a wuss, but when he listens she acts like she has a problem with violence. YOU JUST TOLD HIM NOT TO ROLL OVER. HE’S DOING WHAT YOU ASKED, KEVIN. 
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Yet, her eyes cannot behold the horror of Di*z beating a man. Her soul withers at the sight of Di*z killing. She blinks, sighs and turns away in disgust. SHE IS SO CONFLICTED.
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Oh, holy hell. Are you kidding me with this crap? This is the same character who killed a security guard begging for his life. This is the same character who screamed in another man’s ear until his veins popped. She’s tried to kill the team multiple times. It’s a little difficult to believe BS has a hard time watching someone get punched. But we’re supposed to believe it because REDEMPTION. Sorry, Imma gonna need a little more than excessive blinking from C*ssidy to sell me on that one.
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Di*z’s need to be a legitimate crime boss doesn’t mean the character translates as any more than the common street thug he is. His backstory is intended to make him look complex, but it does the direct opposite. We’ve seen “a villain is made not born” trope a thousand times, including on Arrow. Unfortunately, “bullied in an orphanage” doesn’t hold up against the backstories of Slade, Merlyn, Ra’s Ahl Ghul or Prometheus. 
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BS has the nerve to compare Di*z to Adrian Chase and I laughed out loud. 
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BS spent all of 15 seconds with Chase, but she knows his anger consumed him? Okay, cupcake. Whatever you say. Comparing the genius ways Chase inflicted pain and revenge on Oliver to the Dr*gon’s hum drum plan of vertigo and the Quadrant is just wrong. Why didn’t they do this villain focused episode with PROMETHEUS? That would have been a good time.
“But Jen, you didn’t like Prometheus at first. You thought he was boring and then you loved him.” Sure, that’s true, but by episode 19 we were full throttle on Adrian’s crazy.
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There’s nothing to unmask with Di*z. This isn’t Josh Segarra going to another level. If it was those things then 6x19 was the episode to do it. All that’s revealed is more boring on top of boring.  I can tolerate a misfire in the 10-15-episode range, but we’re rapidly approaching the end. It is incredibly late in the season to be telling us why we should give a flying fig newtin about Di*z. The writers need to come armed with a hell of a lot more than bullied and power hungry for a chair.
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Stray Thoughts
It’s safe to say it’s going to be a terrible episode if the writer is tweeting as a PR defense strategy. We shouldn’t need episodes explained to us, but if we do then the answers should make a modicum of sense.
Oliver was in episode 3x10 more AND HE WAS “DEAD.” There’s a reason why Stephen Amell is the star. He carries the show. Don’t ever bench him, writers.
This wins Twitter:
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Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me. 6x19 gifs credited.
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honey-speedway · 6 years
so we just lost another two servers, and a host
one of those servers being one of 2 closers
the host we...dont care.... were actually excited bc she was so bad
but we are back again at having no fucking staff and theyre in a pinch. they could very well lose another server soon bc she graduated school and is trying to get a job in her field
but with the way theyre going they’ll lose me and the main opener. the only reason the other opener is still there is bc she knows its temporary. she just wants pocket money.
but weve been trying to get new servers for 2 weeks and every single one was fired or quit bc “its too busy for me” 
and they arent wrong. the bosses have an extremely high standard for servers, we are usually understaffed and thats how were expected to perform. they dont enforce breaks or really offer them, and tipout is high, our tips are low in general. 
but the bosses’ kid is going to comeback to work after she has her baby. it sounds like they didnt want to pay her maternity leave, so she went to work for mcdicks and after realizing she never worked enough hours to get maternity leave, she left.
but she flat out said “itll be nice to return to a place where i can dictate my hours”
and she isnt wrong. the bosses will give her what she wants. which will be those 9-3 that i worked to get.
 i have a feeling that with the closer leaving, theyll ask me to start closing bc they dont trust the other girls/their hours are restricted. ill close a few nights on weekdays. im not picking up the weekends. there is no money in the nights. id take home maybe 40-80 on a night shift. mornings? 100-160. closing would mean id have to take the groups and do a section. i cant do it. i am not very good with groups and its not just 10 ppl. its like, 15-25 + a 10 table section. on the daily. 
we have... 8 servers. not counting the 1 new hire that will likely not stick, and the two that quit. thankfully the two gave two weeks rather than quitting on the spot, so we can get through gospel week. 
im extremely tired. if i can find a new serving job that isnt mainly alcohol orientated and is busy enough with a lower tipout, i think ill put in my 2 weeks. ive invested so much time and effort into the place only to be shit on at every turn. im going to lose what few good hours i have.
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dndfuckhouse · 6 years
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Two separate parties are travelling down the long Shespin Road in the outskirts of Talornia, a relatively quiet long expanse of land within the kingdom that is the most well-known travel route from the capital city of Sharden across the border towards the green glades. The environment mainly small forests dotted around the long rolling plains, the landscape is quite flat outside the larger mountains seen in the distance, it is becoming cool and chilly as dusk comes. 
On your travels you come across a large looking inn that has an inviting atmosphere off the side of the road, it is quickly turning dusk and after a while on the road it is welcome respite. You enter, one group a little before the other, and decide to spend the rest of the evening in the surprisingly full and busy tavern...
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played by「GAB - MICHELLE - SARITA」
Members of a group named the Burlap Hooks,  a small organisation that investigate arcane phenomenon and strange happenings. They were sent this way on a missing persons investigation from their higher ups that could be arcane in nature, trying to be covert about it, kind of.
On a report from your superiors you were informed of a peculiar happening occurring on the southern end of the Shespin road. Every now and again a group of travellers seems to disappear entirely from their route, never to be seen again afterwards, after an affluent member of a Talornian merchant guild went missing, along with the rest of his party, more attention was turned this way, including those who seek the eyes and expertise of your organisation.You are relatively low ranking within your organisation, but are here to mainly act as investigators and scouts to not rouse suspicion, your main missions given to you being -
Seek information and discover what is making certain travellers disappear discretely 
Discover whether it is arcane in nature 
Report back with your findings 
Argot Hetrop - Member of Talornian merchant guild The Hops, him and 5 of his servants turned up missing, none of their carriages or wares to be ground 
Estas Marigold - Cleric of Pelor, priestess for a church who was travelling to Sharden with a fellow cleric, both never showed 
Gray Farun - Postmaster travelling with a set amount of goods for Sharden, was joined by 2 bodyguards, none of them showed at their post 
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played by「AQUA - POKI - JEZ - JUDE」
A group of wayward friends who have formed a travelling band featuring worms that can play instruments, though its unsure if they can decide on a good name (the current placeholder: Mari and the PussyWyrms). 
Travel out of Sharden and HAVE A GOOD TIME.
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THE BODYGUARDS 🗡️ | THE MERCENARIES 🔸- RINA AND ERIK ➣ possessed by Henriete and Korok 
Hired bodyguards that were tasked to escort a postman named gray to his destination, disappeared along the Shespin road with the package and haven't been seen since || A pair of mercs who were part of an organisation named the Red Hoods, seemingly doing contract work throughout the country, stayed at the inn after completing their job for a break on their way back, perished in the fire in a moment of carelessness.
THE SERVANTS ☕ | THE BARKEEPS 🍺 - SARAH AND PHILLIP ➣ possesed by Foren and Gezzert 
A couple of long time servants hired by Argot Hetrop that were accompanying him in his caravan down the Shespin road, dissapeared with him along with the rest of the group || A weary innowner and her trusted hand, both lived on the premises of the inn, rarely had many customers due to the location but were known for their hospitality, perished in the fire in the home they crafted for themselves.
THE POSTMAN 📬 | THE DRUNK 🍾 - GRAY FARUN ➣ possessed by Coborn
A stressed postman constantly being hired for long distance deliveries, sent down the Shespin road bound for a destination in Sharden but never showed, along with his two guards and goods || A wayward cynic with a debt to pay in the city over. Holed up in the inn on the way to drink his cares away alone, isolated from the rest of the world until he could figure out what to do about it, perished in the fire before he could figure it out.
THE MERCHANT GROUP 💰 | THE BAND 🎵 - HORACE, MARINA, REZA AND ARGOT HETROP ➣ possessed by Brax, Cerulean, Ardun and Harry Derringer 
An affluent member of Talornian merchant guild The Hops, Argot Hetrop, and his other 3 servants who were travelling down the Shespin road away from Sharden. Him and his caravan never showed up at their destination sparking an investigation into disappearances down this stretch of road by various individuals || Up and coming bardic band the Azure Reeds, headed by pianist Harry Derringer and his peers, debuted in Sharden and were lauded for their talents. Travelled down the Shespin road on their way to another performance near the Gulf of Catrin, performing for the inn for a few days to make money in the mean time, perished in the fire in their prime.
THE DEVOUT 📿 | THE LONER ⚪ - ESTAS MARIGOLD ➣ possessed by Tess 
A kindly cleric to the god Pelor, travelling towards Sharden towards a temple to provide aid and her skills with a fellow cleric. She never showed up when she was expected too, neither did the cleric she supposedly travelled with || A young girl who was separated from her mother for reasons unknown, was given a medallion by her to keep her safe in a letter, she held it tight around her neck, just as her mother wanted. Perished in the fire alone letting out a scream.
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FIRST SESSION - 24/6/18 🥀
> 🎵  Slingshot / Gaelic Storm 
Split up into their separate groups the parties travel down the rainy Shespin Road just as dusk begins to hit, taking in the gloomy atmosphere, they notice a  nearby small inn just off the roadside and tired from travel, shuffle in to take respite. First to arrive are the travelling musicians who take a table and begin a colourful and loud conversation in the middle of the crowded inn.
We continue with the hired hands grabbing their own table nearby and through very obvious accidental eavesdropping and being forced into it by Mari, joining in on conversation (argument??) with them.
Mari: IM GETTING ANOTHER OPINION  Ash: oh no Sagessa: oh i love to give opinions Vernalis: I GOT IT, MILLENNIUM PUSSY
Revelry continues as the groups order food and slowly try to set about a coup to displace the band that is already playing on the stage, the inn slowly becoming more crowded and inviting, almost suspiciously considering the isolated location. The musicians reveal that they are also travelling with cages of worms, pets of Ash and Cin who were previously worm farmers, and fellow musicians talented enough that they can play some of the instruments, ceremoniously revealing the hook to their group to various deflated reactions from the other group. As time passes Vernalis casts Divine Sense on a whim, revealing a sudden sense of creeping dread nearby, draping a uncomfortable feeling now over the evening. During this Cin attempts to intimidate the bar-owner into letting Ecarte play on the stage instead of the already booked group (he is unsuccessful). 
Cin: i look to ash for help Ash: i laugh really loud "GOD YOU SUCK, CIN... hold my beer"
Vernalis:  Oh don't worry about it, I'm sure its nothing! Vernalis: ... Vernalis: i take it bad there's unde- *whispers* undead Mari: WHAT DO YOU MEAN UNDEAD
The groups confer as Cin debates with the bartender and makes eyes towards his sister like a kicked cat, and Sagessa casts Detect Magic revealing to her a strange fog pulsing with magic that seems to hang over the place.
Sagessa: there's a strange magic in the air in here, but i can't tell where it's coming from bc it's just, everywhere Ecarte: *quietly* Do you think this is related to what we're looking for? Sagessa: quite possibly. this place is drawing so many people in and no one seems to want to leave
The conversation continues and the group agrees to start investigating (their only real option being to ask around at the moment). Mari casts Prestidigitation in the middle of the conversation, blowing all the torches within the room out, to angry complaints until the band light a few near the stage and begin playing again to loud applause. 
The gang splits off to begin conversing with inngoers, beforehand however the siblings seem to get into some sort of dumb fight and begin angrily huffing at each other - Vernalis goes to engage the blue tiefling near the bar in conversation, they act guarded the entire conversation, though reveal they are waiting for someone, Mari crawls under the stage and finds lots of dust, Finley attempts (key word being attempts) to engage the grump drunk grey tiefling in conversation, Sagessa goes to engage the two mercenaries in their drunk revelmaking nearby blending in amazingly. Ecarte makes to speak to cin about not being able to play anymore but waits awkwardly until the siblings notice his presence.
Ash:  i cross my arms at cin "tch JUST LISTEN TO YOURSELF BE A MESS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR BOYFRIEND RIGHT THERE" Cin: "MY B- my boyfriend? huh?" i suddenly notice ecarte "oh.." Ecarte:  ^__^??? 
Eventually Ash smashes her cup on the floor, whether or not it was because she was drunk will forever be unknown, Cin goes to pay the bar-owner for it in after the bar-owner and Vernalis yells someone better be paying for it, partly in an attempt to make up for his prior failed intimidation. Ecarte goes off to attempt to speak to the band to begin his own investigation. In the meantime Mari makes her way outside the inn from a side door into the dark recently rained on grounds outside, investigating the stables nearby noting they are empty and spying a bush of bright white small blowers growing outside a nearby shack behind the inn. At the same time Vernalis discovers the name of the blue tiefling is “Estas”
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As she rounds the back of the inn Mari finally spots something, a dead body in the mud face down outside in the dark. 
as you peer at the body the closer you get the sinking feeling of dread pools in your stomach, you cant get much aside from it looks like its been here for a week? longer? it looks human   
Mari makes a dash back inside the inn making a beeline for Vernalis to scream about what she discovered, eventually the two make their way back out together to investigate (an attempt to be covert about it was made).
Vernalis: Mari dont worry about it, I'm sure it'll be fine. You definitely cant be the murderer Mari: YOU ARE RIGHT BUT NOT PUT IT LIKE THAT
As the others continue their investigations and conversations (and ash and cin their argument over nothing with each other) the two crouch over the body and Mari goes to touch the body. As soon as she does everyone feels time stop.
> 🎵  Aeon / Ragnarok Online OST 
The party stops moving and a sense of dread and terror washes over each of them before their vision darkens and blurs, they all wake up at the start of the evening again, the hired hands having just walked through the inn doors.
Shaken up by this sudden reversal, they all quickly regroup and clutch each other scared out of their wits, before looking down at their hands and seeing a bright blue symbol now emblazoned across the back. In a soft glowing blue a small flower sits within a circle, few of them are able to identify it immediately as a Lily of the Valley. The hired hands conclude that this is most likely the phenomenon they were put forth to investigate, and go off to converse with the inn-goers on whether or not they all just felt the shift in time as well. Mari begins sobbing that its her fault.
Ecarte goes to ask the blue tiefling her name, she reveals it to be Estas once again. He then goes to the mercenaries and asks them theirs, they call themselves Erik and Riza. Cin goes to question patrons as well, heading to the bar-owner and asking her if their past transgressions are settled, to which she replies that she doesn't know what hes talking about. At the same time Finely takes stock of the room and as she looks around she notices that it seems no one other than them realised time stopped and reversed. Her, Sagessa, Vernalis, Mari and Ash make their way outside again to go investigate, telling Ecarte to follow once he is done.
As Ecarte continues to attempt to gather names, he finds out the band is called The Azure Reeds and their members named “Argot, Marina, Reza and Horace”.
Cin: no one seems to be aware of anything.. we should go catch up with the others. have you seen It yet?  Ecarte: I haven't...I'm not really sure if iI want to. Ecarte: and at the band i yell “THANK YOU” AND I AM VISIBLY SCARED
The ladies once outside notice now that outside above and around them is a large dark teal dome barrier of magic pulsing, containing the inn and its surroundings. Mari attempts to identify is before giving up and crying for ash to figure out what is going on with it.
As you stare at the barrier around the area ash you feel something sad well up inside you, when you look through it the surrounding area beyond it appears warped and distorted you have a hard time remembering what it looked like, the barrier seems strong, your not sure what would happen if you touched it.
Soon after Cin and Ecarte rush out of the inn as well, Ecarte more flustered than Cin, deducing that the missing people they were tasked to find are the people in the inn.
Sagessa: i rub cirlces into his hand to try andd soothe him Finley: uhhh....... what were their names again?
Ecarte: The piano player is Argot Hetrop! And I think that teal tiefling sitting near the bar is Estas Marigold? Finley: hmm...... maybe that guy i talked to earlier is gray? Sagessa: there's a very good chance, eclair!!! you found them!!!! wonderful job!
Vernalis: i whisper to cin "some mystery stuff goin on here" Cin: whispers back to verny "you got that right"
As the three continue, Ash and Mari return to where the others stand discussing this, Ash advising them to not touch the barrier and that it seems dangerous for them to try and force their way out, stuck for the time being.
The group turn their attention now towards the body and begin to check it over, Ash senses nothing magical from it and gives the go ahead.
as you thoroughly examine the body it seems decomposed for a few weeks time, the cause of death seems to be from nothing external, the face from what is left of it looks withered, its also covered in mud and slime from the rain, its gross
> 🎵  Town In Chaos / Darkest Dungeon OST 
As the group confer on what to do next, behind them they suddenly see the inn going up in flames and fire, cries and shouts start to sound off from the inside as it climbs the building. The group shocked, rush back towards the inn and break down a door to make their way inside to a grizzly scene, the overcrowding of the inn making it hard for anyone to get out while cries of terror reverberate throughout the building. Without warning a banister falls blocking the path back out behind them trapping them. Before they can react, a high pitched scream is heard and a part of the ceiling suddenly caves in on the group. Before it can hit them however once again, they feel time stop.
The adrenaline rushing in their ears stops as a feeling of grief washes over them all and they lose consciousnesses, waking up again at the start of the evening, with the hired hands standing at the door, the musicians at their table. the inn back to its regular loud revel making atmosphere.
The group immediately split off still shocked, to interrogate the patrons of the inn, Cin angrily demands the bar owner explains the strange flowers outside the inn near the shack, Finely runs over to ask the drunk tiefling if his name is gray, he angrily says it is, while the bar owner laughs as if she doesn't even properly register Cin’s anger, nor the question he asked her.
At the same time Sagessa approaches Estas and asks her if shes a priest of pelor, to which she confusedly replies that estas is her name but she has never been devout. Similarly Finley asks Gray about if he ever got the package he was meant to deliver to Sharden, he says he doesn't know what shes talking about.
@ Finley > as you say that his face seems to register a reaction for a second before you feel something shift in the air and his face snaps back to the regular grumpy demeanour @ Sagessa > as you ask the question the tiefling pauses for a moment and you feel something shift in the air before she responds 
Cin gives up questioning the bar-owner after angrily showing her the symbol on his arm and her still not properly responding to him, Ecarte attempts to get the band attention by yelling the name ‘The Hops’ but none of them respond to him (he is crushed by embarrassment). The group slowly gather there is a connection between what is going on here and these strange flowers (probably).
Ash attempts to crouch into the kitchen before immediately being seen by the barhand and ushered away, afterwards her and Cin discuss if they should try and intimidate the bar patrons with their worm cages (???). Ecarte and Finely group up and decide to go investigate the inn interior. As the two enter the washroom they see another door to a store room connecting off of it, and as they open it up they see there laying on the ground and against the barrels, two more bodies.
Finley: Σ(゜ロ゜;) Ecarte:  ΣΣΣΣΣΣΣ(゜ロ゜;)
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Ecarte begins screaming which Sagessa hears, she rushes off to the room soon after them. Mari and Vernalis at the same time have made their way outside in an attempt to find another way into the kitchen, from the bustling main inn floor Ash and Cin fail to hear Ecarte’s screams of panic, and decide to go outside and look for where Mari and Vernalis went (fave).
The four of them attempt to break the outside door to the kitchen down as they other three try to keep from panicking before they stare at the bodies for a few seconds longer, realising that the bodies look exactly like Argot and Riza, one wearing his blue cloak and the other her armour.
The other group bust the door down with ease, however instead of the kitchen come across what look likes another larger store room, large crates and chests piled around with sacks against the wall. Strangely all the food they find in the crates and bags looks like its been rotting for months, maybe even years. The group makes their way back outside, attempting to break into the other door that seemingly leads into the kitchen, while the others debate on whether or not the people in the inn are impersonating the dead bodies.
Before the outside group can make their attempt, they notice the licks of flame going up the outside of the inn, a fire has started enveloping the building again.
The group on the inside see smoke suddenly coming up from under the door of the room theyre in, before they can make a break back to the main inn floor, a flaming beam comes careening down in front of them, blocking them in the room. Slowly the building begins creaking and coming apart as people inside panic, the trio trapped begin chocking on smoke and effectively suffocating slowly. The group outside desperately attempts the break a door down to get back inside to no avail.
Slowly you all start choking on the smoke you can feel yourselves dying in the heaviest sense. You look up and the ceiling see the ceiling finally cave in on you, once again you feel time Stop once again.
The party feels time loop again, losing consciousnesses and waking up at the start of the evening for the 3rd time.
The group deduces that once they are put in a situation that guarantees their deaths, the time stop effect kicks in. Both groups then go on to discuss their individual findings, pointing out the people in the inn are the bodies that they keep finding, but also that the people in the inn also act like that they dont know who they are. Estas for example not stating that she is a cleric of pelor but simply someone who is waiting for her mother. Debating on whether or not they should warn the patrons about the fire or not, the group deduces that they should first investigate the kitchen, where the fire seems to start. 
Vernalis also wonders what would happen if they showed the people in question their own corpses.The group decides they should split into two groups, one to investigate the kitchen and one to warn people about the fire, however they dont fully get a chance to act on this plan
Once Vernalis throws the body of Argot onto the inn floor, everyone in the inn stops what they are doing all at once and stares at her.
as soon as you throw the body through the bathroom doors and it hits the floor, everyone in the bar looks at you for a split second and you feel unsafe, before anything happens, suddenly all of you feel time stop once again, the feeling comes over you again and you go unconscious
Time stops and loops for the fourth time, the party begins to panic, and try and formulate a new plan.
Mari: .... well that was fruitless  Finley:  SOMETHING IS KEEPING THIS PLACE THE WAY IT IS Ecarte: THIS IS NOT MAKING ME HAPPY :((( Cin: okay that didn't work out so well... maybe we should have a team check out the kitchen and the other can check out the shack outside 
Giving up on warning the patrons the party splits to investigate the kitchen and the shack outside, next to the strange flowers. The tieflings group up (fire based immunity reasoning here) and take on the kitchen as the rest head for the shack.
The kitchen group notes that the only rooms in this place that seem like they are alive or in use are the inn floor and the washroom, the difference being strange wen entering other rooms, almost as if they were stepping through time.
The shack team break down the door to the shack and discover what looks like seems to be a small living quarters, inside they discover dust, barrels and another body. Finley investigates the body, who seems in their last moments chose to die laying in the bed of the room. Sagessa investigates the room that branches off of it finding a small storeroom and within it another body on the ground, she identifies the person as Estas and says a small prayer for them, before heading back to the main room as Finley calls for her. Before she can however she feels something try and tug at her mind
sagessa once you say that prayer you feel something try and take hold of your mind, you hear a whisper in your ears, but you are able to shrug it off, you sense something about this storeroom is off
Mari and Vernalis continue investigating the shacks main room finding nothing, they all determine that the bodies have similar looks to all the other they have found, withered and no external wounds. Slowly they all start to realise that they are slowly growing hungry as well. Mari makes a suggestion to burn down the flowers outside. Once Sagessa leaves the storeroom she lets the others know of what she just experienced
Sagessa: something tried to take over my mind just now, when i said a prayer Finley: something tried to wat Mari: Q_Q
At the same time the team in the kitchen sit and wait for the fire to start, hopefully deducing its source. After a time they see a blue spark of fire in the centre of the room appear and float slowly there for a few moments, before it explodes in size. Ash out of reflex attempts to cast a cone of ice at it but ends up blasting cin in the face along with the flame.
it hits the fire and it blinks briefly but the blue flame sparks back to life, that same shifting feeling some of you felt when peoples faces changed earlier you feel on the fire
the kitchen team attempts to make a run from the kitchen before they can become trapped in the room, but in the shock and confusion end up running into each other and the counters of the kitchen in a panic.
Finley: i wonder how the kitchen team's doing :-)  Vernalis: They're so competent :)!  Finley:  my good friend's in there and he's the best, everything must be completely under control  Vernalis:  they're so brave and fire resistant :)! Mari: ash and cin are like family to me there is no one something bad is going to happy to them ;) 
They make an attempt to bumble their way out of the door but keep knocking into each other and they end up wasting to much time, the fire reaching the door outside blocking their exit and trapping them
Ash: nice we're all dead
The team outside see the flames begin to lick up the side of the building again once more, mari makes a break to the flowers and starts pouring a flask of oil over them before throwing a torch on top, trying to set the whole thing aflame, the others all attempt to bust the door down for the kitchen team to get out, but the damage seems to make the ceiling almost cave in faster. As Mari watches the flames burn the ground and die out she sees that everything around the flowers except the flowers burned eerily.
The two teams desperately beat on the outside to try and get to the kitchen team failing to think of anything to save them, eventually the ceiling caves in once again, but before it crushes them time stops again. Starting them back at the beginning of the evening shell shocked and adrenaline pumping through their veins.
Ecarte: ECARTE IS STILL SCREAMING and then he's like Ecarte: Oh. We're back.. Sagessa:  I GATHER ALL 6FT OF HIM INTO MY ARMS
Ash: i am hyperventilating at this point Cin: ash are you okay? Ash: yeah, yeah i'm fine, i regain my composure
Sagessa: I'm just apologising over and over that i couldn't save him,even tho he's okay now Ecarte: i just pat sagessa's head and say "it's alright"
The group sit for the time being and lick their wounds, debating on what course of action they should take next to get them out of this nightmare. The first thing now on their minds the unsettling flowers.
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SECOND SESSION - 8/7/18 🥀🥀
Returning back to this mess of a night, the group splits up to investigate three things, the stables, the storeroom in the shack and the strange rubble outside of the inn. Vernalis and Mari investigate the stables but dont find anything off about it, aside from the fact that there are no horses considering the amount of patrons that are currently in the inn.
Ash and Cin go towards the rubble that is half separated by the barrier around them doing their best to investigate what exactly it is, realising they are graves
the series of stones, are a small set of graves. There seem to be….10 of them, placed around the area. You can make out a few names on some, you get “tess, harry and gezzert…” the others to faded or warped to read.
Sagessa, Ecarte and Finley go to investigate the storeroom closer than the others did the last time, a feeling of dread still lingering in the room, after moving around the crates and various junk in the room they discover a strange hatch that seems to lead down, as they open and look at it all they see is a rickety ladder and blackness, it unnerves them. They all decide to regroup and report their findings
Mari: they stables were empty... not even a single horse corpse Vernalis: a horpse if you will Ecarte: horpse...got it...*nodding*
everyone gives a sad chuckle
they decide for this loop to wait outside and watch the inn burn down to see what exactly happens. Uncomfortably they listen to the cries and screams and watch the building slowly crumble in on itself, suddenly hearing a high pitched scream and a strange shattering noise before they feel time stop, looping once again, waking up at the start of the evening once more. Vernalis perceives that the shattering sound resembled something like jewellery snapping and breaking.
The group surveys the inn for anyone wearing jewellery and picks out a few people of interest, Mari approaches the bar owner to ask if she know anything of the flowers but gets a non response and a smile. At the same time Sagessa tries to goad Gray into a conversation with her. Cin approaches the bar owner as well and asks her if she knows if a Harry is staying here to which similarly to before, her face seems to register it for a second before shifting again and saying shes never heard the name before. Cin continues however and mentions that he saw the name on the graves outside.
The music stops and suddenly her face shifts, everyone in the inn stares at you all at once, their faces blank before you feel time stop again
Time loops again and the group wake up at the start of the evening, cin apologises. The group decides instead to investigate all of the rooms upstairs and make their way to the second floor. There are 6 rooms in total, they decide to split across the floor and open the doors all at the same time. They open the doors on the count of three, and in a string of eerie luck the doors Mari and Ecarte open contains one more dead body each. Their yelling causes Sagessa, Finley and Vernalis to run over to help, Ash and Cin continue to investigate the rooms they chose.
Looking at the bodies they identify them as Marina’s and Erik’s as they look about the two rooms noting that they look older than the others, similar to when they step outside going through the door almost feels like they're stepping through time.
Ash investigates her room, finding it looking lone and empty but discovers a note near a bag on the table 
The note reads “to my dearest Tess, I am sorry we have been apart for so long but I will see you soon, keep that medallion close to your chest and no harm will come to you. I will find you again in 3 days on the long Shespin Road, I cannot wait to see you again – Your Loving Mother, Imona”
Cin attempts to investigate his room, he takes note that there are instruments about making it most likely to belong to the band, but checking under the bed he also slams his head and almost passes out. Ash later comes to help him, as they search about inside one of the chests they find some sort of flyer for the band.
The Azure Reeds, debut in Sharden – 20th of Rahtumna at dusk in the Billowing Pines, below that are the band member’s names written in “Harry Derringer, Cerulean, Brax and Ardun” the illustration the four band members does not look like the four downstairs, its makes you feel unconformable looking at it.
Cin pockets a flute from the bands room and hands it ash as a gift. Finley and Sagessa go to investigate the another of the rooms and inside immediately find bottles of booze stacked all around, they determine it is Gray’s room. When they examine one of the bags they find a note inside that’s been crumpled up somewhat.
In the bag you find few personal affects, clothing and trinkets, you find a note that reads “if you fuck this up again Coborn it’ll be your head not mine – Kren” angrily scrawled on some paper
Ash and Cin go towards the final room to investigate it and find scattered about weapons and personal effects, determine it is the room of the mercenaries. On the desk they find notes from their group, The Red Hoods.
One reads throughout “Bodyguard request from Shespin Road, TO BE FULFILLED - cattle and livestock shipment x3 – Assigned hands – Korok, Henriette, 2500 gold upon destination reached – signed RH”
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The Gang regroup after all their investigation and one by one report their findings to one another. Sagessa slowly realises that whoever Tess is, that they are currently taking on the form of Estas, through the mention of the mother. Doppelgangers of some kind, this probably applies to every other patron in the inn as well. They decide for the rest of the loop to wait upstairs on the landing an watch what certain patrons do once the fire starts. 
Eventually as they watch the fire go the landing underneath them begins to slowly crumble and they have to quickly begin running down it lest they fall down to the first floor. As a group they are pretty dexterous and manage to get a good way down while still watching the main floor, but Ash trips and starts crumbling off the side of the burning balcony. Cin turns and rush to grab her hands but his strength actually begins sending them both careening off the side, Finely goes to grab him afterwards with Vernalis holding her back.
In a fit of quick thinking Cin casts levitate on Ash while still holding onto her and slowly start floating over the burning debris while everyone else continues squishing down the right side of the balcony.
From her new vantage point with her brother dangling off of her, though uncomfortable, Ash is able to see the whole room clearly. She spots Gray crushed under the left side of the building and nearby Estats huddled under a table. Before any of them can do anything else they see a piece of the ceiling fall over her and the same high pitched scream and snap and time stops again.
Figuring they've found all they can out about the fire, the group resolves themselves and heads towards the hatch in the shack’s storeroom, making their way down into the depths.
cin you bash your head on a rock
> 🎵  The Night Unfurls / Bloodborne OST 
> 🎵  Dark Water / Yumme Nikki OST 
They reach the bottom one by one of a large warped cavern with bright blue pools dotted around it and a tunnel leading out to the side.
As you continue through the cavern you see along the warped architecture, a pile of bones littered on the floor, another body it seems. As you look about theres a pool of water in the cave seem to move and lick, eerily they seem to almost resemble the flicking and movement of fire.
The melding of the taverns architecture with that of the cave is reminiscent to a game glitch and does not loo natural at all. The body they find they determine is the halfing’s from the size. slowly as they stand around and examine this cavern small little balls of flaming light slowly surround them, Vernalis reaches out and touches one, causing a shock to go through her entire body. They are will o wisps and they have become hostile.
The party readies themselves and begin to dispatch the wisps one by one, during the battle cin suggests to one of them that they target the other blue tiefling instead of him (hilariously)
Ash: >Ash will remember that. Cin: jhBNV&UFNGHIGMFHJH;JK
Ash: i'll just ass blast cin again right here then run back out the hatch im out of here
Ash: i just give cin a stink eye as that wisp moves to me tbh Cin: i pretend not to notice
Vernalis finishes the last of them off with a divine smite before the party decides to continue moving forward after healing themselves somewhat.
Cin:  cins face heats up just a little “Thank you... wanna check out the rest here with the others? we should be safe for now” Ecarte: you're welcome, also yeah we can go Finley:  IS THIS A DATE FELLAS Ash: you can sense my fuming anger from 10 ft away cin
Vernalis:  standing between the twins :/ Finley:  vern is the auspistice Vernalis: DONT YOU HOMESTUCK ME
Sagessa: i hold onto like a bit of finley's sleeve as i follow behind her
The party continues down the warped cave and find another body slouched against a couple of barrels at the end end of a branching tunnel, they are grossed out for perhaps the 8th time today. After examining it they determine that it is the body of another halfing, decomposed like the rest.
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From here they find two branching tunnels, they hear a soft noise echoing down the one to the right and begin arguing about which direction to head down first.
Cin: we should split up Vernalis: we shouldn't split up, and you're grounded whatever that means. so no levitating Finley: omg.... are you their mom?
Ash: tch i'm going wherever cin is not going Cin: i dont care where ash is going. im going left 
Sagessa: i whisper to finley "should we do smth” Ecarte: what's happening?
After the twins spit venom at each other and ash and mari begin walking down the right chamber the party all decide follow after screaming “I DONT THINK WE SHOULD SPLIT UP” for the 6th time, cin decides to stay far near the back at the very least.
As they slowly walk down the tunnel the soft noise gets louder until it begins to sound like a muffled sobbing noise, and they see a very bright blue light near the end of it as the tunnel turns off towards a larger open cavern. The further they go the more the sobbing almost begins to sound distorted. As they all peek their heads in they see a big lake and a being in the middle of it.
As you enter the large cavern you hear a soft sobbing that reverberates throughout the cavern, in the middle of the water you see a bright blue being, bright blue and ethereal hunched over and sobbing. Its form flitting about and changing like a strong wind is being blown at a set of cloaks.
The party quickly decide to slink back into the tunnel and not approach it (yet) and walk all the way back the tunnel they came.
Ash: WE JUST WALK BACKWARDS  Finley: yeeah Vernalis: YEAH
The party diverts down the other tunnel, this time taking the left and coming acorss a much smaller cave opening towards a tiny cavern with another small lake, this time they find another dead body laying beside it. They do not approach as they spot another wisp within the cavern and see what they can from further down the tunnel, Ash determines it is the body of the half elf Reza.
The party pull back down the tunnel to the cavern where the paths branch again to gather themselves and decide how they will go about confronting the ghost over the big lake.
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THIRD SESSION - 13/8/18  🥀🥀🥀
The party discusses what they know so far about what is happening in the inn and determine that the ghost in the cavern must be the ghost of the girl names Tess, who is currently impersonating Estas upstairs. They go back down to the right cavern to confront her, though while they're debating on how to speak to the ghost, Cin decides to stroll out first, causing everyone else to start panic yelling for about 5 seconds.
Sagessa: when i hear cin rush in there i like, reach out my hands like i'm gonna catch him to stop him but like stop halfway bc i know it's futile Ecarte: if i had the slots to spare i would've used hold person on cin just to prevent that decision Finley: damn had cin known that his conviction to run in woulda been higher
The ghost comes into full view, bright white eyes and an aura of grief surrounding it, almost looking like it has tears stained upon its face. Cin stands there for about 2 minutes while everyone is scream whispering at him what to say before Sagessa gives up and walks out as well, calling the name Tess, to which Cin also says after she does.
The two begin their double effort on talking to the ghost and attempting to figure out why are trapped there and if its the ghost fault, and also to let them go. They note that there is a medallion around her neck. Cin continuously attempts to get closer by stepping near the lake before everyone calls him an idiot. 
- it looks over at the entrace of the cave where the rest of you are crowded and stares at you all, you feel more than one set of eyes on your backs. Sagessa: i throw an unapproving look at at yall before turning back to tess Finley: HHHGHOHH Mari: [NAUSEUA INDUCING]
The ghost continues to state that she knows something bad is going to happen but she does not know what and that she needs help, but the only way for them to help is to stay here and wait and it will eventually stop because her mother will come get them eventually.
 Ecarte examines the cavern while they speak and sees that the walls near them look like they're shifting ever so slightly, Mari barfs on Finley’s shoes. Cin attempts to skip a rock on the pool while Sagessa attempts to continue conversing with her, the rock stops before it hits the water and a hostile air is pointed at Cin, he backs off nervously.
As the conversation goes on the ghost seems to be getting more riled up, however Cin shows it the tattoos on their hands and it seems to calm it briefly and it drifts closer to him, he continues to hold it up.
Mari: sacrifice urself cin dw Cin: im gonna die laughing if he does from this
Cin begins to back off slowly as it gets closer and the ghost seems to shift attitudes stating they all need to stay here if they want to fix this, they have to wait, Sagessa attempts to say that they can go look for her mother instead before Cin says that her mother isnt coming.
Cin: look you've been staying here for some time and i think your mothers just not coming, you cant keep trapping people here against their will. let us go and everyone else too. its over. you know that deep down Sagessa: i tried so hard Ecarte: *thinking*  after i said not to piss her off... u__u Vernalis:  YIKES Mari: YIKES Finley: oh no
as you speak you feel the sensation of being watched come back full force the more you go on, the ghost stares at you but its face contorts, its arms go back to clutch its head "i dont know what this is i dont know what to do we have to wait its the only thing we can do" its voice begins distorting as it moves backwards across the lake, the cavern around you begins shifting unnaturally more so than before
Cin’s words finally set her off and she moves back into the cavern slowly clutching her head before releasing that same scream that they have heard before this.
The ghost begins to scream, ghastly and otherworldly, grief ridden and distorted, as it screams the cavern shifts around you melding more into a cacophony of line and shape, you feel yourselves begin to grow nauseous, your vision blurring, your heart racing.
You open them again and you are in the inn, broken and old and ashy and forgotten and terrifying, you see it briefly flashing between the brightly light interior before and the crumbling remains you see now quickly.
In front of you is the same ghost, unmoving, floating in front of you “you are un-needed you are unhelpful you are unwanted I despise you I despise you I despise this, I will crush this all” and around you all at once the rest of the patrons appear, ghostly blue and burning, their faces stock straight and unmoving, they bear the looks they stole but they are done acting the night out. You are not safe anymore. 
> 🎵  Omen / Bloodborne OST 
The group ready themselves for combat in the scattered remains of the broken down inn, one by one working to take down the spectres of the other patrons and the ghost of Tess.
At the start of the battle Tess reveals a macabre face within her form in attempt to terrify the party, It ends up chilling Finley and Cin to their core and causing them to fumble throughout the fight. The initial aura she gives off also seems to start....aging them slowly, both Cin and Finley gain 20 years, looking like they are now in their 40′s.
Ash: ossan Mari: cin’s a dilf... Sagessa: dilf Mari: wait finley a milf now
> 🎵  Guardians Of The Past/ Dragon Age Inquisition OST 
The rest of the party attempts to dodge the spectres and Tess for the fight, taking damage as the spectres make grabs for them and sink their arms into them sapping them of their life force slowly. 
Soon after the fight begins Tess ends up taking control of Ash’s body, possessing her for a majority of the fight, using her spells against the rest of the party, her eyes going an eerie bright blue. Ash retains her consciousnesses but loses control of her body, trying to fight against it unsuccessfully. Mari partway through casts entangle covering a part of the terrain in vines, trapping two of the spectres briefly. The party continually find they aren’t dealing much damage but Sagessa is able to effectively blast them off the field one by one with her spells.
Sagessa:  I FEEL PELOR IN THIS CHILI'S TONIGHT Vernalis:  ghost who?
Cin continuously growing angry over his possessed sister attempts to intimidate the spirit out of her, Tess does not leave the body but she is put off by him for a moments time.
Cin:  leave my sisters body or ill ensure you'll wait for your mother for the remainder of your existence Ash: cries while tposing Cin:  ash......sorry i played an Epic funny youtube prank on you... i love you
As the fight goes on others feel them age through the attacks, Vernalis gains 20 years though it doesn't seem to actually change her much aside from getting longer hair. 
Mari: from 40 feet away: THATS CUTE
Cin is grabbed and ages another 35 years, turning him 75, making him begin hitting the danger range as the battle goes on. Sagessa turns her attention towards ash and begins damaging her to knock her out and Tess out of her body, closeby trapped by spectres on all sides Cin casts jump on Mari so she can escape, though Mari uses this to mario jump on a nearby ghosts head and misses entirely, falling right through them.
you see a flash of his memory of the inn in your vision and a whisper of "...blood" in your ears and then nothing as you scramble out from under him
The fight continues against Ash/Tess, however before she gets to the her last hit points Tess leaves her body after casting a final spell that knocks Mari out, though she is now free from her body.
It is this action that ends up costing her however as right after Sagessa readies a guiding bolt to end her.
Sagessa: i guess i'll walk towards her slowly and say a prayer for those lost at the inn in the fire and everyone who's been taken by whatever this is since and pray their souls find peace  Sagessa: it's over now, rest my dear Sagessa: and then i cast guiding bolt
as you raise your hand and let the spell fly you feel a warm light wash over you, the spell strikes her square in the chest and you hear the sharp shattering sound of the medallion around her neck, she floats there suspended in time for what feels like an age. until the rest of the surroundings around you shatter as well, like glass falling away all around you. You hear her voice call out "i am sorry i am so sorry" and then blackness takes your vision.
You feel your bodies shift in and out of a dark space, falling, falling, all you can smell is smoke and all you can hear is screams, but finally you impact, underneath you feel hard wood, and as you open your eyes you see the cool night air.  you all slowly rise again, as you look you see you are now laying in the middle of what seems to be a broken burned down inn in the dead of night
The party returns back to the present time, free finally from the limbo they were trapped in and rejoice, tired and hurting but alive (and their regular ages again). Ecarte plays a song to soothe some of their ails and as he does they begin hearing sounds from the rubble as more people rise up from the debris.....they appear to be the other patrons.
they all look confused and dazed, staring at the sky and at the ground  Mari: omfg. zombies they dont look like gddamn zombies
> 🎵  Stickerbrush Symphony (restored to HD) / TerraBlue 
It appears that the people who were spirited away to this place have all awoken too, alive and free from whatever beings and possessions that has taken them over, it seems the temporal rift that caused them to age and die reverted them back, just as the ageing on the rest of the party did as well.
As the party watch one by one helping them various patrons out of the debris, Estas approaches Sagessa and asks her if she is also a priest of pelor, Finely helps Gray dig for his mail through the dirt.
Sagessa: sister estas marigold! Estas:  she cocks her head at you "that would be me....you know my name?” Sagessa:  i reach out to take her hands "oh we've been looking all over for you! do you know how long you've been gone?"
Gray: Finley he thanks you for the help and eventually you dig out the things he was looking for to a loud relived cry from him and find his two other friends, as he gets up however he stumbles and almost faceplants into the floor again Finley:  .....uh.....do you need a hand.... Gray: he mumbles that hes fine but once he gets to his knees his jsut kinda sits there and stares out at the horizon
The rest of the party sit together and take the night in as, Cin apologies to his sister and then goes to approach Ecarte, Ash goes off to hug a pouting Mari soon after.
Cin: i come up to ash first and hug her firmly "im sorry i couldnt save you.." Ash: it's fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee forget it forget it i dont even wanna think about it no more. are you alright tho you looked like a prune there pffff Ash:  i walk over to mari "are you okayyyyyy oh my gosh i'm so sorry for the thunder Q_Q" Cin: ... she got over it fast
Ecarte:  same to you ^__^. i was kind of worried for a second there, what with you and the others ageing so suddenly like that. Cin:  it wasnt too bad the first time but after the second one i thought i would... yknow. can i do anything to help out? Ecarte:  i'm good at the moment but thank you! i'm just keeping an eye on everyone to make sure nobody else is too hurt while sagessa and finley go around helping the tavern patrons Cin:  "i see" i lean my head on ecartes shoulder and take his hand into mine "just let me stay like this for a while then" Mari:  mari feels nauseua again looking at these too
As Ash and mari sit together watching the others in the corner of her eye ash sees something glinting under the wood nearby in the faint moonlight as a whisper passes her ears, on the ground she sees there the craked medallion that Tess was wearing. As her and Mari look out across the field towards the graves she can see something glowing in the dark, the two head over to investigate it as the others watch on
>as you trudge on over to the graves and get closer you can see now, all around them there is now a set of white flowers growing, the same ones that were once on your hand, blowing idly in the wind. as you approach you hear a voice in your ears ash "keep it, it will keep you safe.....i am glad......they are okay" before a pause and then " i can see her again now " and then nothing, and the bright lght disappears into the air 
Cin: set the flowers on fire jesus
With that their terrifying evening comes to a close, confused and tired the party comes to rest there for the night surrounded by the other patrons, waiting for the light of morning to come once again. The spirits trapped here having finally found some sort of peace in their newfound freedom, no longer cursed to repeat the night of their deaths over and over again. And the party alive, and scarred, albeit with newfound comrades and friends.
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kangwei18053060 · 4 years
 Reflective posts
Blog 1
It usually takes a dog, or a cat or some form of human stupidity to go viral on the internet. However, one of the viral videos doing the round of the internet was an old woman, frail looking, sat in a chair with downcast eyes. Her hands fluttered to the swelling music of Swan Lake. The text on the video told the viewers that the lady was a former ballerina with dementia. For someone, who has been hearing about the “power of music” this video reinforced that notion. It made me realise potential of music to connect with people and also head down the scientific or rather neurological route to find out the many ways that music plays a vital role in one’s memory. Auditory memory while being the among the first things we develop, is also the last one to deteriorate and as primal animals, we humans are so responsive to it.
Further research on this led me to new avenues and I was rather saddened to know that the ballerina in the viral video, Marta Cinta González Saldaña, passed away last year, the year that the now-viral video was shot. She resided in Cuba, went on perform in New York, taught ballet in Madrid, and in a nursing home located in Alcoy, she dreamt of performing ballet with elderly residents. The viral video has made her a viral figure and has also made headline in half of countries around the world. Tributes from other artists also poured in for her. I guess what lives on is the power of music and its effect on people.
Blog 2
When I sit down to watch a film, I tend to focus on the background score first and then on the narrative. But does this mean if I have walked out of a film with good plot but bad music? No, but during the entirety of the film my attention was constantly drawn towards the loud or misplaced music. This is why I hold Whiplash very close to my heart. If I am allotted only three adjectives to describe the film then I would primarily call it intense, followed by awe-inspiring and beautiful.
The film is about Andrew Neyman, played by Miles Teller, a freshman at college, who is an aspiring drummer and does not simply want to be good. I must say that I was initially undersold by the trailer of the film, as I thought it was about drumming. However, it is about how the extent someone is willing to go to become the best at what the do. The instructor, Terrence Fletcher, played stunningly by J.K Simmons, is willing to go to any extent to make their students great. This includes verbal to emotional abuse and also physical abuse. I think the film also presents the dilemma of whether Fletcher is just doing his job of an instructor or carrying out the version of this job. In doing so, he becomes more of a drill sergeant than a music instructor.
I believe one reason why this film interest me primarily is because as a someone majoring in music studies, the film trained my ear in picking out each piece of music in a thorough manner. Also, when I consider my interest in music therapy, this film seems to lie at the extreme end of it. Music here is not therapeutic but rather cathartic and it always makes me wonder how this piece of cinematic adrenalin shows the competitive and cutthroat world of music, which is something that not many consider when thinking about the therapeutic effects of music.
Blog 3
Quite frequently, music gets minimal amount of consideration in the present filmmaking industry, and it is not hard to perceive any reason why. Music is invisible in films. Additionally, not every person is musically inclined, and they might be so enveloped with the co-ordinations of production process, that music is actually pretty low on the priority list at this moment. However, it is important to remember the impact that a music director wants to evoke from the crowd during each scene and set aside some effort to give genuine thought to the central component of music in the film project.
It is possible to affect the audience visually, and it also possible to affect them audibly in what one lets them hear. However, when the visuals fit with sound in a meaningful manner, that is the moment when the crowds go from essentially observing and hearing, to really feeling. Think of the ominous music that plays before the famous shower scene in Psycho.
On the off chance that you have watched any of the classical films, you will quickly observe the presence of music at urgent moments in the story. There is a certain melodic extravagance that films of past ages had, that I lamentably do not see quite a bit of today. A ton of films used to have long basic credits, that highlighted the film's main theme, which constructed expectation for what was to come, and set up an air. Consider Alfred Hitchcock films, James Bond, and so on.
In the entertainment world, there is access to shading palettes, designs, rules, protocols and best practices for pretty much everything. Nonetheless, with regards to music, it is not generally that obvious. A filmmaker will must be the one to settle on the decision on whether the selected scene would be ideal with music. In some cases, even quietness or simply ambient music of the scene convey more weight than music could at that time, and this is something I learned during my postgraduate lessons need to consistently aware of during production.  
Blog 4
This year commemorates the 250th birth anniversary of Beethoven and I believe this is an opportunity to reflect about a craftsman who endured and conquered uncommon difficulty. It is genuinely fitting that Beethoven, an artist who endured and conquered exceptional difficulty, would be so vitally associated with this year that brought unprecedented challenges to people all over the world. In Symphony No. 9, Beethoven expressed an expansive existential way of thinking that supported his faith in solidarity, resilience, harmony and euphoria. The symphony culminates in Ode to Joy, as it offers message of bliss, expectation and positive thinking that is genuinely needed during this year of pandemic. It appears in the fourth movement of Symphony No. 9 and it is among the most recognisable piece of music.
I have taken solace in finding stories about my favourite piece of classical music. Would you be able to envision what it might have been like if you are in your mid-twenties and steadily started losing your hearing, the one thing that is so desperately required for composing music? Obviously, such acknowledgment is decimating, and understandably Beethoven decided to end his own life however his resolute obligation to his aesthetic reason kept him pushing ahead as well as propelling himself innovatively more than ever. I am of the viewpoint that his loss of hearing brought about an internal creativity that challenged history and empowered him to rise above all limits.
I came across a research by the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) conference held in Manchester found that listening to music that has 10-second repeated rhythm concurs a drop in pulse, diminishing the heart rate. Some of the recordings mentions in the conference were Va Pensiero by Italian Giusuppe Verdi, Nessun Dorma by Giacomo Puccini and Beethoven's Ninth Symphony adagio. While it is not a prescriptible medication (yet), the research proposes that these impacts are not individual, yet universal.
In the event that more proof affirms such findings, it could imply that similar kinds of tunes with comparable rhythms (like third movement in Beethoven's Symphony No. 9) may help in lowering blood pressure in each one of us.
That is quite impressive.
Blog 5
Over the couple of decades, music therapy has evolved into modern science. The Chinese culture have used music for medicinal for a long time. As I study at music from a technical point of view, I decided to find more about the traditional Chinese music therapy. For more than a millennia Chinese community looked for the privileged insights of the universe's melody and cadence. I have grown up hearing from my grandparents about music therapy being an aspect of traditional Chinese medicine. These two aspects share an interwoven and continuous relationship. Music, along with theory of yin and yang, and the five elements remain interconnected.
In ancient times, people thought Tao was the essence of music. As a child, I don’t remember paying much attention to this piece of information that my grandfather was so interested to impart. Years later, as a high school student, when I came across the concept of Tao, I knew better than to not pay attention. Tao is the changes in yin and yang, controlling the force of life, as well as the universe’ tone and mood. In ancient China music was divided into five tone that belonged to each of the five elements of Kung, Shang, Chiao, Chih and Yue.
What I found to be particularly interesting is that as per traditional Chinese medication, the five sounds compare to the inner organs. This hypothesis is utilised in various clinical diagnosis and offering treatment. Various sounds influence various organs. The hypothesis of the five tones frames the holistic premise of music therapy in traditional Chinese medication. The yin and yang related to Heaven and Earth are identified with the body's yin and yang. Taoists have consistently accepted that the human body is a little universe, and inward harmony can be influenced by external harmony. How profound is this.
As per the five basic tones, one can identify various impacts in the human body. For example, Kung-based tunes are grouped as noble, Earth-related, and influence the spleen. Regularly tuning in to such music makes one open minded and kind. Shang tunes are hefty, similar to metal, inflexible. This music influences the lungs; and successive listening is said to make one noble and amicable. Chueh-based music proclaims the onset of spring and stirs all life once again. This sort of music influences the liver. Tuning in to it makes one charitable and conciliatory. Chih music is profoundly emotional, similar to fire. It influences the heart. However, tuning in to it makes one generous.
Yue-based tunes are despairing, as peaceful as running water. They influence the kidneys. Tuning in to these tunes balances one’s intellect and gentleness.
As the ancient Chinese saying states "sad yet not hurt," and "content but not overabundance". While I do not claim that body ailments needs to be treated in the above stated manner, this is the way of life that Chinese music endeavors to pass on.
Blog 6
My secondary school-life revolved around two main interest: music and bio science. My adoration for bio science started with an interest in the functioning of human body. I once toyed with the idea of turning into a medical caretaker, but I feel nauseated when I am around blood. I wound up predominantly thinking about may be simply choosing other field in bioscience for my higher studies, yet something was preventing me from doing it.  I knew I did not want to give up music, and I went beyond jamming sessions with my band after school hours. But I was not sure how to make that into a career. Last year of high school, I carried out research on possible options, and then I decided to pursue music for higher education.  
One would have thought that knowing how to play certain instruments would have made my academic life easy but soon I learned my lesson. While being an undergrad is difficult, being a music understudy is hard. Between classes, theories, practices and schoolwork, one is kept unquestionably occupied. It was while I was pursuing my college degree that I came to know about music therapy. It grabbed my attention immediately.
While there are times when I questioned if I chose the right degree, I also reminded why I chose to study music in the first place. Discovering music therapy was an important point as it made me consider if I as a sound engineer I can curate or make music that intentionally incorporates therapeutic outcomes. I realised this more during the current pandemic situation where I found myself searching for music that would help me feel better during the lockdown situation. I decided to dig deeper and study the music as an aspiring audio engineer. While this is an ongoing side-project of mine, I think the outcome will help me attain my goal of creating therapeutic music later on.
Blog 7
Last Thursday, I found myself reflecting upon my own encounters in music as a study, and a seasonal guitar player. My thoughts mostly revolved around how I went from someone who thought they wanted to pursue bio science to someone studying music. Who were there to support me along my bending path? I wonder if other people also ponder about their scholarly and their support system? I think one of the common factors among all of my support system was they understood my belief of music lessons being something more than playing an instrument. Music exercises can be viewed as life exercises.
I must put a small disclaimer before I go any further. I cannot specify each and every individual who went to impact how music played an important role in my life. There are endless individuals who have empowered and shown me, including my previous and current professors. I think about my absolute first music instructor, my grandpa, who handed me his old guitar and when I was 10 years of age and taught me to play some of his old favourite tunes. I started to choose tunes and make melodies after two years, and I always count my grandfather as my first music instructor. I remember him as a sweet, kind man who possessed a charming little Shitzou canine who would drink up tea (with cream) on the floor beside the couch where my music lessons would take place.
My grandfather played guitar for fun and once I reached 13 years of age, my music interest began to diversify, and I wanted to learn how to play the drums. We started looking for a teacher and I had to look no further than my family. This time it was my cousin, who took me under her tutelage and gave me lessons every weekend.
I learned more in the years to come but my grandfather holds a special place as my first music teacher.
Blog 8
This year was quite revealing to me. Pandemic and my lockdown coping method aside, I found myself pursuing various interest, trying new things and found surprising thing about myself as well. One that I did not see coming is I would go on to enjoy gospel music in a therapeutic manner.
I found gospel music to have a relieving and quieting impact that influences the brain in a positive manner. It lifted my state of mind, and the verses have a method of elevating one’s spirituality to another level. I believe that at the point when the barbed edges of life are influencing oneself, gospel music can mellow those issues and water down feelings of anxiety. This is on the grounds that gospel music recognises the disappointments of everyday day life, and it gives the support that makes the listener easy to push ahead. The tempo of the music, the pitch play a significant role in it.
Tuning in to gospel music is not just entertaining, as it can likewise offer nurturing of one’s soul. Gospel music in general is motivational, fortifies confidence and spirituality, which gives a decent foundation to spiritual development. All through time, music has been related with the divinity. It has been utilized in religious practices customs to improve supplication and confidence, give a way to request, petition and commendation. Music can help individuals to remember their connection with imagination and eventually with the innovative life power.
While my religious beliefs do not align with the Christianity, I listen to gospel music as I find it soothing, minus the religious connotations, and it demands my whole attention. It engages me in a movement, and I follow the beat of the music as I follow the tempo and pattern and go through various mixture of emotions.
Blog 9
Internet is changing the concept and perception around classical music. I think of the duo TwoSet Violin when I think of this. I just spent an hour binge-watching their older videos. Set up in 2014, TwoSet Violin is an Australian comedy musician group who every now and the showcases the life of classic musician through YouTube videos. The founders Brett Yang and Eddy Chen were past members of professional orchestras in Australia. They established TwoSet Violin to fulfil their goals of being comedians while keeping music near their work.
What is not there to like about TwoSet Violin? Their friendship, their rigorous knowledge on the world and life of violin players, and my personal favourite making fun of violists and viola, all in good humour. Then later on I was introduced to Victor Borge, another acclaimed piano player who also makes use of humour and makes fun of the carefree side of musicianship by telling jokes and actual setbacks that occurred during his exhibitions.
What caught my attention to TwoSet Violin’s YouTube channel is the duo’s constant experimentation, and their parodies of life as classical music students. Very soon, I found myself laughing at Ling Ling jokes and “Practice 40 hours a day” saying.
As a teen thought the world of classical music was “all work and no play.” But TwoSet is changing the notion of classical music being a piece of high culture. For instance, the duo have played pop music in the style of classic musicians. Who would have thought Jingle Bells in Paganini style would be such an interesting experience? They also make light jabs as the tune’s simplicity. Besides their creative and funny content, I think the popularity of TwoSet Violin lies in the fact that they genuinely combine humour with the splendour of instrumental pieces and live up as professional musicians while also having a humble personality.
Blog 10
I created a pandemic playlist.  Of all things that I did to keep me afloat during these testing times, curating a playlist was the most fun activity I did. I think perhaps there is certain truth to finding joy in little things. Without a doubt, this pandemic has tested the resilience of my emotional well-being. The lockdowns and remaining indoors prompted my increase in my depression and anxiousness. Not only this, but I was continually stressed over the wellbeing and security of my loved ones some of whom are frontline workers and are the preferred choice to treat coronavirus patients. My everyday routine had become monotonous and this likewise brought huge changes in my eating and sleeping habits. I caused me to feel like I had no control over my situation and heightened my anxiety. In the entirety of this, music acted as my saviour and it caused me a great deal to improve my psychological well-being. I made a playlist and I recently added some songs to it.
I call my playlist “Tanghulu” after my favourite Chinese sweet. These are my top 10 songs from the playlist.
1.     Taylor Swift- Shake It Off
2.     Black Pink feat. Selena Gomez- Ice Cream
3.     Twice- Likey
4.     Boney M- Sunny
5.     ABBA- Dancing Queen
6.     Escape Plan- The Brightest Star In The Night Sky
7.     The Beatles- Here Comes the Sun
8.     Namewee- Stranger in the North
9.     KUN- Lover
10.   BTS- Dynamite
While not done intentionally, the playlist reflects the theory of positive psychology. This theory has gone on to affect the discourse that surrounds the topic of mental health, while also providing significance ideas concerning the link between one’s mental health and music. I am not professing my playlist is the cure-all to end negative thoughts but this one works for me.
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