#main office; MAIN VERSE
postbearer · 9 months
When the other man speaks, it becomes increasingly justified exactly why Jesper had deliberately placed the mailbox between himself and the mysterious stranger. Although all at once, this attempt to keep that distance there feels woefully inadequate once his uniform is easily grabbed, arms reflexively pressing against the edge of the flimsy structure, still in a desperate bid to maintain some semblance of personal space.
Miraculously, the postman manages to bite back the brunt of his knee-jerk reaction to this most unwelcome intrusion; only the curl of his lower lip and the slight jut of his chin suggest that it's all a very fragile facade indeed. It's not so much bravado as it is sheer indignation at this point— despite the little voice in the back of his mind begging him to give it up already.
"If it was so easy, then why am I still here." It isn't a question because he doesn't want an answer, considering it was luck, pure and simple. Luck and a coincidentally well-placed horse.
@intodivergence, continued from somewhere over the rainbow
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chaosmultiverse · 11 months
Cyrus doesn't know what triggered it, but all he knows is that Stanley seems to be having a fit of some sort. It doesn't look good, not good at all, and in fact, he doesn't like the way he's gasping for air, it reminds him a little bit too much of the way his own Stanley was acting right before he died, the way he was gasping, like he couldn't breathe.
Oh god...
Has the mist come back? Has it gotten into this Stanley too? Is he now suffering the same fate?
Cyrus goes from zero to sixty and launches out of his chair faster than he ever has in his life, calling out to Stanley as he goes.
"Stanley! Breathe, Stanley! Breathe!"
He has no idea that Stanley is having a flashback and doesn't know if he should or shouldn't be touching him. That doesn't even cross his mind. The only thing that crosses his mind is to try to offer him some comfort, help him through this, help him fight whatever is happening, and if it is the mist again, he'll help him. They defeated it once and they can do it again.
An arm goes around Stanley's back in an attempt to comfort and support him, and he keeps telling him to breathe, over and over, until hopefully he does start breathing again.
(For the flashback meme!)
He had been on his own for a little, Doon was up to something, he wasn't sure, same for Thursday, and he didn't want to deal with Arthur and he had only met that Thisday guy once.
And he didn't want to bother Cyrus every time he was feeling a little lonely, that would be a lot to expect out Cyrus, that would be a lot to expect of anyone.
So he was by himself in one of the multi cubical office rooms sitting by a window, he was focused on a note pad, looking at it. It didn't look right, there wasn't a logo, there was a logo of a hand pointing or something-
There was a noise in his ear, a pattern of rain, he knew the sound well, sometimes when he dared to get close to the windows, there would be the sound of rain, hell sometimes Narrator would comment on it, one of the rare times he'd acknowledge the idea of what directly surrounded the office, his office-
There was no logo on the note pad, the pen was a different brand, no was no narration in his ear telling him what to do.
Just quiet rain, and wind, some distant wind and dripping water from some corner.
From a outsider looking at Stanley it would look like Stanley stared off into space near a window, then suddenly got up and started to wander, not randomly no no, it was a very set path straight to the 'choice' room, it was only in there that Stanley was really moving like himself again, his legs nearly tripping over each other instead of the almost automated way they were moving before, he stumbled and was on the ground, this is when the panicked breaths and holding his own throat kicked in.
He had tried to get to the broom closet, that's why he got up, he needed quiet, he needed to not be seen, he needed somewhere 'safe', not a ending room, not somewhere too off from the intended path, somewhere thorugh that was Stanley's choice to be in, the broom closet, Stanley might hate buckets but he would be totally down to marry a broom.
He obviously couldn't make it there, no no, his feet weren't right, they were moving all very wrong, like not him, like how he used to walk around, like someone real-
He hadn't meant to end up on the ground, but it was nice, nice to be kneeling over himself, lungs racing trying to choke him out by not holding in air more than it was forcing out, trying to not throw up stomach acid, holding his own hands tightly around his neck trying to keep air in (that totally was how it worked right? You could physically hold air in and it would help catch your breath.). All of that was nice.
A real person couldn't do that, he was Stanley.
Then he's hearing something, faintly somewhere 'Stanley!- Stanley-'
"Narrator?" A dazed and confused murmur came out of Stanley, that didn't make any sense did it? Where- When? Did some reset- No his was...
At first Stanley tensed when he was touched, holding his breath for a moment, before he quickly leaned into it, letting go of his throat, for a moment his arms dangled there by his knees as it was starting to reenter his mind, his arm hurt, the floor was different.
There was no logo, no voice in his ear, and he was not trapped in a room with a damned button.
He was somewhere else and... Cyrus, Cyrus was there saying something, 'Stanley- something- Stanley-'
Stanley turned around and was now hugging Cyrus, or more desperately holding onto Cyrus's lower body and trying to not vomit still, it was a very nice grounding thing, for there to be another person, someone to hold onto.
Stanley was making some noises, less words and more false starts, attempts to say something, anything but his throat felt tight, his mouth felt glued together so he just held on while he regathered himself.
Depending on how much attention to detail Cyrus was paying, he might notice that despite everything seeming physically fine with Stanley now, he wasn't breathing, there was no movement in his chest and no breath coming out, but he seemed to be physically fine.
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bloodiedbiotic · 1 month
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Between both of my Shepards, it's canon to their timeline that after the defeat of Saren, the destruction of Sovereign, and the introduction of humanity into the Council, there is a gala held by the Alliance roughly three weeks afterwards.
It's held for several reasons: to celebrate humanity's first spectre as well as a Council seat, and to honor those who lost their lives in the Battle of the Citadel. Shepard is essentially the VIP, but given that it's all hosted by the Alliance, the non-human crew may face a different response from other guests (especially Wrex and Tali). In response to that, Shepard decides to invite the Normandy crew to an afterparty at the apartment on Intai'sei that she won from Ahern. No politicians or brass around, just the badass crew that saved the galaxy. Drinks, music, and fun, the party they deserved after they went through.
For Blair: The crew discovers that Blair can hold her liquor and outdrink most, if not all of the human crew. She decides not to put herself up against Wrex for the sake of making sure everyone lives to see the sun rise. It's the most relaxed anyone's seen Blair.
For Astrid: Being a lightweight, Astrid tries to pace herself throughout the party but finds herself drunk early on. But being drunk allows her to be confident enough to dance and she reveals to the crew that she actually is good at dancing! Crippling shyness just makes her very awkward when around others.
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playedbetter · 8 months
@the-haunted-office said: "I wanna contribute to the chaos," Thursday says. Then she seems to think better of what she just said and hastily adds, "I could have worded that better. I meant to say, I wanna help, so, how can I help?" (Thursday to whichever Pathologic muse might be most open to receiving or organizing help)
Artemy is not great at english, but did pick up enough to nearly burst out into laughter, stressed sleep deprived laughter. Why on earth would you want to contribute to this chaos? Between the actual arsonists, rovering gangs of criminals that took the streets at night, and the plague, it was hard to think of what else somebody could even do at this point.
Thankfully the strange woman clarifies her intent is actually a helpful one. He sighes slightly, he thought by now everyone would know to go bother Danill or Alexander about these sorts of things, but he can spare the time right now. His accent heavy and the words a little unsteady he replies, "Hospital at the theater takes volunteers, if you can move bodies or know how to dress wounds. Saborov still is looking for patrolmen, but I'm not sure if he could be persuaded to let a woman join, he might be desperate enough to. If neither works, then please just stay home and try to stay uninfected and uninjured,"
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As of June 3rd, 2023
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midnightactual · 1 year
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"I'm taking a day trip to Iran this week to steal a plane. Want me to pick up anything local while I'm there? Fresh Persian leeks or fenugreek? Pistachios? Dried white mulberry?"
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ordinariums-a · 1 year
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"Oh, shit."
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chaosmultiverse · 11 months
"Do you just like to watch, or would you like to join me?"
Doom to Stanley (She's probably destroying something in the office :p)
Stanley was watching her try some knife throwing, targeting paintings and signs on the walls, each time she hit something he clapped.
"I cannot say I have done that before, are you sure? I might hit something I should not and the last few, periods of time have been a little physically rough, I do not want to push my luck."
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musaics · 1 year
@charaisuke says: "Hey, Hina. Are you free, wanna grab a bite?”
Hinata looks up from the messy pile of paperwork that decorated her desk upon hearing her work partner’s request.  The idea of dinner was a welcomed distraction; She’d been bent over this paperwork for over an hour and her brain was totally fried.  It was unlikely that she would be able to chip away at the messy pile for much longer.
She hastily makes an attempt to neaten the stack while replying.  “Umm, yeah, just let me, umm— “ After a few seconds of shuffling, Hinata’s fanned out paperwork was in a neat stack. Now she can focus. 
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“Hi, sorry,” Her grin is sheepish.  “A meal sounds wonderful.  Where shall we go?”
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noxianwilled · 1 year
katarina being a skittish feral cat when swain 'adopted' her tho
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playedbetter · 8 months
@the-haunted-office said: Doppelganger: A dead body that looks exactly like sender's has shown up, but sender isn't dead. Leah and Thursday (or a different muse of mine if you like!)
A quick hop and skip into a universe with something immediately available was the bread and butter of what Leah does and one of her favorite tricks in her arsenal. Also a fun party trick to show off to the people who traveled with her, such as Thursday, who so far she was liking pretty well, and thus wanted to show off to. So off they were to a universe with a lifetime supply of books immediately available.
They appear through two grand doors that open into a library, the ceiling is over a hundred feet above their heads and the shelves go nearly all the way up. Each shelf is jam packed full of books, old and new, occasionally one flies off the shelf and reorganizes itself onto another. Many rolling ladders dot the walls, most of them covered in a thin layer of dust.
The floor is populated with tables and empty chairs, along with a single empty counter. And in the middle of the floor there was a human body laying face first on the ground. Her long brown hair spilling over the floor. Leah's eyes pop open as she notices that, and she rushes over, just a bit of glass cracks under her boots as she crouches over the body. "Oh shit,"
She turns the body over and then immediately lets it go back to the ground when she sees the milky dead eyes this other Thursday has, and the strange lightening like scarring on her. Leah steps back, putting her hands in front of her like she just dropped something. "Uhhh, yeah she's dead. I'm so so sorry Thursday,"
One of the occupational hazards of what she does is encountering dead versions of yourself, but she always feels bad when she hasn't prepped people for it. "We can go if you want... or bury her? Whatever you want,"
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toksikk · 1 year
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@depictedblue gets a starter from Randy! :))
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Randy picks up the phone as he's busy filling orders for customers. "Tegridy Farms, home of the six dollar top shelf gram. This is Randy." He said. "How can I help you medicate today?" There was a pause as he waited, a breath being letting out as he exhaled smoke from the joint he was sharing with Towelie.
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hehosts-moved · 2 years
@inlife​ said:   “   forehead kiss for renren!   ”  
5. forehead kiss
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❝ haruno-san, ❞ ren says first, hands falling just short of the way a man’s palms should rest over the curvature of a woman’s hip. a man like him, sure, but not with a woman like her. more, not a woman like her with a man like him. it makes sense, yet only to ren. in that moment, who does she see herself to be with? the king of hearts? or a slave of his debts?? does she a man, or a slave? this could be pity, he reasons, and it likely is. why wouldn’t she pity him? he makes himself pitiable enough. ❝ sakura. ❞ 
but she shushes him in that way she does, and only when he says her name. it’s a little raw, he figures. the wounds he’s opening. instead, without much quarrel or judgment, her lips touch his sweaty forehead, hair pushed back as gel wears thin and cowlicks sprout freely. he has so many of them, as if each were a small, physical manifestation of every flaw his character is cursed to carry. 
❝ i’ll see you tomorrow, then? ❞ ren isn’t sure if she’s actually answered him, if she’s really said anything at all, but he assumes yes. tomorrow. tomorrow. ❝ be safe getting home, will you? ... or will you let me walk you tonight?? ❞
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needlenxggin · 1 year
@ofanswerssought asked: ❝ i think we’re stuck here. ❞ | STARTER PROMPTS
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"C'mon... stuck?" A nervous chuckle left his lips as he approached the door giving it a tug, then another, and another... ok maybe they were stuck. "Sooo... uh... know any fun games to pass the time until we're let outta here or?" How did he always find himself in these weird situations? It's like they sought him out.
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oubaahouru · 2 years
@kasouu || the worst.
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" would you like to say that a little louder?    i'm not sure i heard you correctly, dabi. "
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moonescent · 2 days
tag dump 2
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