#main f/o: syc❤️🖤💛
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theofficial606 · 3 years ago
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theofficial606 · 3 years ago
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theofficial606 · 3 years ago
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credit to Instagram in watermark
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theofficial606 · 4 years ago
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us 🥰
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theofficial606 · 2 years ago
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theofficial606 · 3 years ago
your f/o just wants to be yours, and only yours
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theofficial606 · 3 years ago
Imagine your f/o singing y’all’s baby to sleep 😴
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theofficial606 · 2 years ago
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credit to the deviantartist in the watermark
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theofficial606 · 3 years ago
webtoon catboy 707!
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credits in order: messed.up.messenger , saeyoung_.the_.tsundere , almagemeladeseven on Instagram
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theofficial606 · 2 years ago
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chaste kisses OwO
I love him so much we love to kiss each other
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theofficial606 · 3 years ago
answering a few OTP questions for this day of celebrations!!!
these answers are set on the timeline of real time. which means my self insert is answering these with the knowledge she has of the two of them after being married for one year.
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1) kind of both of us. we each have things we refuse to eat, and things we eat with difficulty.
2) neither of us! but at the same time it’s me. I had to fight Saeran back when I was in the apartment and he was breaking in trying to kidnap me to take me to Mint Eye. so I guess I’m more likely since it already happened, but under specific circumstances and never again.
3) Saeyoung does because he’s never been!
4) I do! he doesn’t like it either but I dislike it a bit more.
5) neither of us although he’s more likely to (😣)
6) i am!
7) you would think I would because he’d prank me right? wrong! I would totally use a glitter prank on Saeyoung and then he’d be stuck with glitter on him for a couple weeks haha
8) neither of us.
9) neither of us! but he will get up before 6am sometimes towards the beginning of our marriage, just because he still lacks a solid sleep schedule.
10) we actually don’t even have Netflix we use either a friend’s or my parents 💀
11) me. well I know the old American pop songs and he knows quiet a few K-pop songs and even a few somewhat recent American pop ones.
12) he did!
13) neither of us but sometimes both. Neither of us are petty people in the way that we act petty as soon as we’re annoyed but everyone can be petty at times.
14) stupid ridiculous dares? Neither. Really dumb dares? Saeyoung.
15) me. But only when I’m alone and the radio is very loud.
16) literally neither wtf
17) me. he doesn’t like bugs either but I REALLY don’t like them.
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theofficial606 · 3 years ago
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everytime Saeyoung mentions God/his religion/faith pt 4
bonus: someone else mentioning his religion
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theofficial606 · 3 years ago
As someone with ADHD who has been researching it casually for a couple years now in order to understand it better, these are my opinions:
Firstly, I agree with a lot that you’re saying and I think this post brings out some excellent points. Some of them are things I never even considered. I know that depression is a comorbidity w/ ADHD when those of us who have it can’t find enough stimulus to create dopamine (which is often and for most) but I just assumed any depression symptoms shown by Saeyoung is from the abuse. But you do point out how it can be from ADHD too which makes sense.
I also never considered his lack of attention or restlessness to being ADHD because lots of people have moments where their attention lacks and they’re restless. Especially in the stressful situations that he’s in, many non-ADHDers would react the same. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’re wrong here, it’s just reasons why I don’t consider it in my diagnosis of him.
The main reason I think he has ADHD is his hyperfixtating on things. Neurotypicals don’t have hyperfixtations [EDIT: I have since learned this is incorrect. I thought hyperfixtations were only possible with ADHD. My point still stands because of the amount he does it, and the amount is what makes it an ADHD thing]. Even though yes, he is very smart which is why he can do so many things, I think he wouldn’t be able to do it so much without consistently hyperfixtating. For example, in some bonus but canon material (I forgot where because I read it on his wiki lol) he states he knows 19 languages. And he also can sit there and make robots and codes and hacks within a short amount of time. When I can focus and hyperfixtate on something productive, it amazes me every single time how fast I was able to do something and I feel smart (simply because I wasn’t being “lazy” which isn’t actual laziness it’s just part of ADHD). While Saeyoung is very smart, it might not all be due to his intellect but his ability to hyperfixtate on a task.
But it can hinder him too. In his route when he needs to complete the assignment for a group that wipes out entire agencies for turning in the assignment seconds late, he can still only focus on the MC and helping her. Because he’s hyperfixtated on her. While a lot of ADHDers joke that the only way they can focus on something is if their life is at stake, it’s also true that our life can be at stake but we’re hyperfixtated on something else and so 🤷🏽‍♀️
You brought up this point but the soda he drinks. Small amounts of caffeine and sugar don’t affect a lot of people with ADHD instead the dopamine it gives us can help us focus (as a child while all the other kids were going crazy after having sweets at a birthday party I was finally able to take in things around me that I couldn’t before lol). It’s also why a lot of people with ADHD have a sweet tooth, they start to become addicted to what the food can do for their brain. And he drinks and eats only sweets.
Reasons I think Saeyoung has ADHD
- Messy house. Hard to keep it clean. Everything just kinda piles up and he relies on Vanderwood to not live in a pig sty.
- He says early in his route (day five first story mode I think. When Vanderwood is first introduced) he says that Dr. Pepper helps him focus. He drinks it and gets super focused, but then the mess piles up even more because of the soda cans.
- Super smart, especially about very specific niches. I mean he’s smart in general but also has his Thing™ (this can be applied to both ADHD and the autistic spectrum. )
- Insomnia. This is part of his work obviously as well but he’s clear about the fact that his sleep schedule is hecking out of whack.
- Can’t focus?? Let’s do everything besides the thing we need to do. Even though it will do nothing to help the situation at hand.
- Cars. Going nyoom down the road could help with stimulation and sensory issues that come with ADHD. Something about the speed just makes it make sense.
- Hyperfocus. “Don’t bother me I’m trying to work”. Being so focused on work that he doesn’t take the time to really even order a hot meal. Forgets to eat and sleep sometimes because of it. (a lot of instances it’s simply that he CAN’T or he won’t meet deadlines too so that also has to be kept in mind). Building robots out of thin air too is an example.
- Inattentive. When not super focused its almost like a disinterest in anything. His focus is on MC? Well gotta do something for MC. She’ll like a flamethrower pup. That will keep her safe. Wait no it wont…I thought it would tho. Gotta work!! No but MC isn’t safe. (Inattentive to his work cause super focused on MC)
Symptoms of ADHD include:
     - This goes along with the messy house. There’s a picture where he’s shown surrounded by chip crumbs. Vanderwood claims that his couch smells like soda. There are likely aspects in which he can actually be quite organized, but those would likely be in reference to his job, and computer/automotive repair.
Lack of focus 
    - This happens a little bit through different routes, where he complains about not being able to focus and doing some procrastinating, but for the most part the biggest example is the very beginning of his route where his focus is faltered because his mind is on MC. While that is a normal reaction to have for anyone regarding what was going on, it can’t be ignored that 1.) He WAS unfocused to the point he couldn’t do anything besides worry, or work on things that ‘Could help protect MC” regardless of if they were useful or not. and 2.) Dr. Pepper is part of the reason he is able to focus on things when he DOES focus. He says this himself in the first story-mode for his route. That he drinks it, then gets super focused. Caffeine has been proven to actually help the ADHD brain focus.
Act or speak without thinking 
    - “Im leaving the RFA”, breaking the RoboCat, and some of his procrastinating during his route could be considered put into this category. Also, I know he is by all technicalities saying things with thought in regard to MC when he’s saying hurtful stuff, however I still think it could be put in here because while it was said with the thought “I want to make sure MC stays away from me so she will be safe,” it’s without thinking about how he feels/what he wants and he ends up regretting it down the road.
    - Lets see, he has trouble focusing and when he can’t focus he ends up doing other stuff to keep his hands and mind busy. He has sleep troubles. I doubt he can sit still very easily if he isn’t super-focused on something life-or-death and/or a special interest. A good example could once again be the robo-animals he built. His focus was somewhere else, there’s little he can do to remedy the situation, he gets restless and tries to occupy himself with something he CAN focus on.
Difficulty coping with stress 
    - Source: His Whole Route
Mood Swings 
    - What I’m seeing as mood swings could also just easily be his stress and anxiety in the situation during his route causing him to bounce back and forth/ the mask he tries to put up to protect MC from getting involved with him being thrown up when he feels like he’s letting her to close. But nonetheless there are points where he will just seem sad and melancholy then get angry. 
   - I mean idrk how to explain this one for him, I don’t necessarily think that he has social anxiety, but maybe general anxiety (tho I’m not really sure how to explain how I see that in him) but regardless when he does experience pressure, he seems to have heightened anxiety levels. It just makes sense in my head so take this one a little lighter than the others. 
Low self esteem 
    - ‘I’m not a good person” “Why do you like me?” I would say that when it comes to his looks he’s fairly confident. But when it comes to his personality (I mean he has a whole identity crisis) and actions, it’s a whole other story. He puts himself down a lot because he genuinely thinks that he doesn’t deserve MC and that she should be with someone better than him.
    - Again, breaking Robocat. Felt impulsive and done without thought. His car rides could also be considered impulsive depending on how risky and speedy they may be. I recall at one point he texts MC while driving. 
Trouble controlling anger 
    - Source: His Whole Route
   - I feel like I keep bringing up the robo animals a lot, but they were also a form of procrastinating his work. (I suppose there are a lot of things that could be tied to those animals then, or maybe I’m just reading to deep into things). Uhm, idk I can’t think of anymore examples atm, and I know he tries not to procrastinate super important stuff. I feel like if I were to play the game again (it’s been a couple weeks) I would be able to find more examples for this even on a minor scale. Sometimes him teasing Yoosung could be seen as both him trying to relieve some stress and put off doing his work.
~•⭐ D e p r e s s i o n ⭐•~ 
- Yes I know his depression comes from trauma and abuse. However ADHD overlaps with different disorders quite commonly. A lot of his ADHD symptoms overlap with depression as well, such as the disorganization, mood swings, and insomnia. And depression can very often accompany ADHD too just simply due to the fact that mental illnesses do tend to come in multiples, and also the ADHD itself can be a contributor to depression.
Those are 12 different signs that he might have ADHD…and of course I’m no doctor. Everything that I listed were things that I found through an attempt to analyze him and his route, and online research regarding ADHD. I’m sure there are things I might have over-analyzed and taken some things out of context as it has been a couple weeks since I finished his route…So feel free to add your own thoughts/opinions, regardless of if you think I’m right or wrong. This has been in my drafts for a while and I finally got it finished and will likely go through editing later but I want to post it now. If anything is hard to understand let me know and it will get fixed to the best of my ability.
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theofficial606 · 4 years ago
someone: *your f/o* wouldn’t like/do this thing
me: um, yes he would and I have multiple sources to back it up :)
them: ???
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theofficial606 · 3 years ago
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theofficial606 · 3 years ago
that’s what I was thinking!
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(chat room when the MC is there vs when she’s not)
I think the difference has a significance but I can’t figure it out rn. However, this does explain some of the posts I’ve seen in the fandom (😒). Clearly they didn’t understand that there might be some translation error or that the writers didn’t literally mean it.
Here’s what I think they were trying to do:
(keep in mind I don’t know what it says in the original Korean version so I have know idea if this is a translation “error” or stylistic choice to get a point across.) The context of these messages are about Saeyoung either teasing someone to get a reaction out of them or being overly physically affectionate (nibbling the cat’s neck!) to pets. Nothing to do with sadism but it does tell you about his character. There are other words that could have been used to describe this behavior, but since “sadist” was chosen, and since it’s only mentioned when 1) the MC isn’t there or 2) he pretends to not know what that means if she is there, one of the aspects of his character it’s referring to is how he is sexually. So to combine the sexual hints with the more obvious situation being talked about, they chose this word which has both a sexual and non sexual meaning.
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um...what just happened here?
EDIT: this is the chat if the MC doesn’t show up
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and this basically confirms my theory that Cheritz doesn’t know what “sadist” means
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