#OTP: If God allows it… I’ll always have you in my heart 🤍
theofficial606 · 1 year
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credit to the deviantartist in the watermark
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theofficial606 · 2 years
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theofficial606 · 1 year
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chaste kisses OwO
I love him so much we love to kiss each other
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theofficial606 · 2 years
cr: Saeranvs on Instagram
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theofficial606 · 3 years
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us 🥰
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theofficial606 · 2 years
answering a few OTP questions for this day of celebrations!!!
these answers are set on the timeline of real time. which means my self insert is answering these with the knowledge she has of the two of them after being married for one year.
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1) kind of both of us. we each have things we refuse to eat, and things we eat with difficulty.
2) neither of us! but at the same time it’s me. I had to fight Saeran back when I was in the apartment and he was breaking in trying to kidnap me to take me to Mint Eye. so I guess I’m more likely since it already happened, but under specific circumstances and never again.
3) Saeyoung does because he’s never been!
4) I do! he doesn’t like it either but I dislike it a bit more.
5) neither of us although he’s more likely to (😣)
6) i am!
7) you would think I would because he’d prank me right? wrong! I would totally use a glitter prank on Saeyoung and then he’d be stuck with glitter on him for a couple weeks haha
8) neither of us.
9) neither of us! but he will get up before 6am sometimes towards the beginning of our marriage, just because he still lacks a solid sleep schedule.
10) we actually don’t even have Netflix we use either a friend’s or my parents 💀
11) me. well I know the old American pop songs and he knows quiet a few K-pop songs and even a few somewhat recent American pop ones.
12) he did!
13) neither of us but sometimes both. Neither of us are petty people in the way that we act petty as soon as we’re annoyed but everyone can be petty at times.
14) stupid ridiculous dares? Neither. Really dumb dares? Saeyoung.
15) me. But only when I’m alone and the radio is very loud.
16) literally neither wtf
17) me. he doesn’t like bugs either but I REALLY don’t like them.
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theofficial606 · 3 years
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“I had never felt so relieved to hear a voice in my entire life. And I doubt I ever would again. “Seven, HELP!!!” I cried out, and felt the man’s grip tighten on me, hurting me.
He would be able to disarm Unknown. I couldn’t allow myself to think otherwise.
“Gabriela?!!” he called back, his tone completely changed. The amount of worry in it made me want to cry.”
the first words we ever spoke to each other in person
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theofficial606 · 3 years
“my childhood was traumatic and so now I spend my adult life doing harmless childish things in order to make up for the childhood i didn’t have ” bf x “my childhood was the best and everything after it is bad so i spend my adult life doing harmless childish things to relive the one time i was happy” gf
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theofficial606 · 3 years
answering for my main self ship
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1) we both are! Although, when they’re younger & the plots they come up w for their dolls & games are more boring, it is Saeyoung. He never got to live a normal childhood so he’s able to fully enjoy all the storylines they come up w. I on the other hand, had a good childhood & a good imagination & I struggle to enjoy games that are too basic.
2) it depends on the baby & the reason. Hwanyoung falls asleep pretty easily so either of us can do the job. We each take a different twin (I take Eliana and he Anastasia bc she does favor him a bit more) & we can each put the one we take to sleep. Florencio can always be put to sleep by me no matter the reason but can only be put to sleep by his dad if it’s the first time that night he’s going to sleep. Seonlyang has to be worn out before bedtime if it’s going to be easy for either of us.
3) the first time we leave Hwanyoung, our firstborn, with someone else we both worry. But after that, seeing that it went well, we feel at ease. The first time we leave a child without either of us there, we worry a little bit but we know nothing is going to happen.
4) not really either of us? they just come into the bed with us and fall back asleep. There’s some nights where we have all five with us.
5) Saeyoung (I’m better at coming up with original stories)
6) they’re homeschooled by me so neither
7) we both go but I wouldn’t say either of us get overly emotional
8) we can both be very protective but it depends on what it’s about. For example, I’m very protective over the children’s mental state, what they know and when just to make sure they don’t follow in their family’s footsteps. Saeyoung is protective over their physical safety.
9) oh we don’t follow that pattern. we are both the disciplinarian and fun parent. most of the time. sometimes he’ll take the role of one, and I the other, sometimes we are both the former or both the latter. and everything works out better than if one of us was always strict and the other always fun :)
10) neither? At least it hasn’t happened yet O_o
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theofficial606 · 2 years
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last OTP questions 😎 1/2
1) Saeyoung doesn’t get into trouble but he is the more “reckless” one for sure.
2) kinda both? it’s not typically the type of meme we send to each other but it does happen.
3) he listens to all music genres and I don’t care as long as he’s not blasting the stuff I don’t like on the speakers.
4) we both spoil each other to the point where other people can’t wrap their heads around it. they all think it’s typically one person who does the spoiling while the other has them wrapped around their finger and so they’re always like “oh he runs you 😠” to me or “oh she runs you 😠” to him but really we just one to show the other our love.
5) it took less than a year from when we met. 9 months to be exact. (but shh our family and most friends don’t know that)
6) we didn’t have a wedding really. we had a small church service with close friends and family members and afterwards (after the pictures were taken) we went to a couple other locations with our bridal & groom parties (unknown to everyone else) to get married multiple times. I was afraid something would happen and our marriage wouldn’t be valid we got married at 3 Catholic churches and 1 Orthodox.
7) they are reluctantly supportive (my friends/fam) but his are supportive.
8) I give him space but let him know that I am right there if he needs me, and since I can read his moods so well I know when I can just hold him and give him encouragement. He knows to do what I say when I’m in a bad mood. If I don’t want him around, he listens. If I want him nearby and saying nothing, he’ll do it. Etc.
9) I don’t know enough about what this word means but neither?
10) I don’t stare at his butt but I do (discreetly) check him out sometimes and I’ve been told I look like this
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😂😂😂 Seven doesn’t stare at my butt but he will check me out too and I can tell when he’s doing it because he blushes! It’s hard to get mad when he looks all cute haha.
11) when we first got married we lived in his bunker— the home he already had in S.K. When we moved to U.S. we had to sell it (we still own the apartment to stay at when we visit) and now we’re living in a temporary rent house. We are trying to find land somewhere else to build our home. Our hot right now looks like a temporary home, there’s not much up or out.
12) we have different kinds of dates. typically though it’s nothing fancy. as long as it was planned out as a date beforehand, it counts as a date so it can really be anything.
13) we do not get drunk! Saeyoung doesn’t drink and I do occasionally but I never purposefully get drunk. Once, recently, I drank too much at a party (didn’t realize because it was mixed drinks) and I acted normal until I passed out. My friend knew what was happening and explained it to Saeyoung so he wouldn’t get worried but he was still upset with me afterwards.
14) he always wakes up before me so he’ll give me a kiss. he only wakes me up if I need to get up.
15) yes [during the events of his route and SE]
16) um, yes he’s a car guy I don’t understand it but I listen anyways.
17) neither of us! we do use some anime and manga reaction images/videos tho (okay once or twice I’ve sent a non-explicit-but-still-very-suggestive hentai panel and captioned it “me n who” to see what his reaction would be).
18) no we don’t have a reason to.
19) I am. I refuse to be “comforted”. I don’t like the way my body looks. I won’t allow him to see certain parts until I gain confidence in them.
20) all my records are either movie soundtracks or emo songs we would not be listening to them while cuddling lol
21) we don’t have a song.
22) anything on our playlists or that we think of and want to set the mood to.
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theofficial606 · 3 years
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credit: reikochan606 on twt
vampires for the spooky season 🧛🏻‍♀️🧛🏻‍♂️
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theofficial606 · 3 years
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thinking about this
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theofficial606 · 2 years
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this is the most romantic thing he could have said to me ngl
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theofficial606 · 2 years
Here’s part two!
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39) I am!
40) Me.
41) Also me.
42) I think this is a tie. Depends on what it’s about.
43) Idk. I’ve never thought of that before. I think it’s me.
44) Technically, it was me.
45) I had previously lost all excitement for holidays until we got together (awww) and there are certain holidays he gets excited for and others he has a harder time with. So I think overall, it’s me.
46) Neither?
47) Me.
48) Neither (why are we in jail lmao)
49) I guess I am? More so than he is? Idk I care about my outfit and I look at the small things, but everyday 🤷🏽‍♀️
50) Saeyoung does (wow he’s finally one of the answers from this list haha).
51) Me.
52) He does.
53) Me (🐍).
54) I am.
55) Me (dang this list is just all me).
56) He’s playfully competitive like me, but I get more serious.
57) Well he’s gotten shot before and he kept working/doing what needed to be done. Handled it better than I would have. BUT I will/have [depending on when this is on the timeline] give(n) birth four times without epidural and stayed in enough control to help out (home-birth) so…
58) Saeyoung is pretty fashionable, but no where near me 😎 (Although that’s near impossible to achieve.)
59) Me.
60) Both.
61) wth kinda question is this 🤣 Neither of us have thrown axes so idk
62) Neither of us. “nft buyer” is an insult to whoever you say it about.
63) Mine.
64) Me.
65) Saeyoung.
66) I don’t know honestly. Probably Saeyoung because he might have done wilderness training while in the agency so.
67) I don’t think either of us are very spiteful.
68) Well, one of the two is me, so I’d rather be stuck w him.
69) He is.
70) All our children look like a mix between us, one might look more like he does and another more like me but the others all look like both so it evens out. [I figured this would be most realistic based off of the few mixed EA/Latino people I know. They either look fully Asian, fully Latino, or could pass as either.]
71) I just pull back the covers as smooth them out idk of that counts as making the bed lol
72) He would.
73) His.
74) Me.
75) Lol idk 💀 I’m still kinda emo so idk if I should say me. But I’m not letting him off the hook for sometimes being edgy.
76) Saeyoung.
77) I guess he would, because I’ve never really had to.
78) My Spotify wrapped basically called me an emo loser so.
79) He is.
80) Both of us (damn ADHD 💀).
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theofficial606 · 2 years
I’m doing another one of these bc it’s been so long! Part 1/2
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1) Saeyoung is.
2) I sleep in and he doesn’t need as much sleep as I do. But I make him try to sleep more (also I don’t like waking up alone) so I make him stay in bed with me.
3) I think it depends on the situation as to which one of us will have more patience.
4) I guess I’m into the older stuff. I like classical music and the occasional 50s song, as well as a few 70s songs. But I tend to stick to mid 90s-mid 2010s.
5) Saeyoung is.
6) I don’t know. I think it’s me, but I’ve been working a lot on forgiveness lately. So idk.
7) I don’t have a favorite song for him to memorize :/
8) Neither of us lol
9) He’s the extrovert so, him.
10) He’s quicker to speak, but when it comes to me he’s also quick to listen. I’m quicker to listen, but with him I’m also quick to speak.
11) Me! I’m the one that’s been wanting and dreaming of having kids since I was a baby myself.
12) I do.
13) We’re both pretty reserved but I’m more so. Although we can read each other pretty well.
14) I hope the person who made this (and anyone who’s also answering it) knows that “hyperfixtation” is a term for people with ADD/ADHD and Autism so unless someone has an OTP where one or both has either this should not be answered. That being said, both of us have it and we get equally invested.
15) Neither of us.
16) Me apparently. I thought he would be because he’s more extroverted but it’s still me (😭).
17) Both of us. Although I think my jeans are a little older I still have a couple pairs from 8th grade 😳
18) Neither of us are gullible but I am more than he is (😖).
19) Sometimes I can be bothered by him, but sometimes I just act like it to keep my reputation lol.
20) Neither of us.
21) I think we’re both realists, although in different ways. He’s just realistic and I go between hopeful and idealistic to negative and pragmatic.
22) Oh that’ll be me. It’s why I don’t like PDA.
23) Saeyoung would say to choose him but I’d say choose me. I actually strategize when I play 😉 He just runs in.
24) We’d both say neither of us but that just because it’s both of us. But we only get playfully invested, not one of those people who gets angry.
25) He’s more likely to take care of my parents than I am his because his parents were/are evil.
26) I always dress nice so tend to stand out more.
27) Probably me because I’m the one that cooks but I’m not the type that cooks to destress.
28) Neither of us would go to a frat party but I would be more likely.
29) He is. I don’t drink that much or often but it’s better for someone who has had 0 drinks to drive than someone who has had 1.
30) I do like to be honest, but I am more likely to sugar coat than Saeyoung.
31) Well he is really good at a lot of things 🤷🏽‍♀️
32) Depends. Could be either of us.
33) Neither. We have set chores that I get us (and Saeran since he lives with us) to stick too.
34) It depends on the topic because we can both be skeptical but about different things. And tbh that’s good because it means when one of us trusts something the other will be able to catch anything we should not believe.
35) He does. He knows over a dozen.
36) I’m gonna say me because I don’t really have much.
37) He is more likely to say “hell” “damn” “sh*t” and their equivalents but I’ve been getting him to stop. I really only use those occasionally in text and I don’t curse out loud. However, when I get really angry at someone else/something, Saeyoung says I become a hypocrite 😳
38) Ooo that’s a tough one. He’s online more than I am because of his job(s) but he’s kinda behind on memes. We also know of different internet slang coming from different countries. I’m out of touch with the internet but I’m more up to date on jokes. Let’s say it like this: he’s online as an observer and I’m an interacter.
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theofficial606 · 3 years
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alright, here it is! the fanart that I commissioned from https://www.deviantart.com/starrtoon/art/Party-commission-891093123
it’s a birthday gift🎁 to me from me ^_^ even tho my birthday🪅 was in the summer☀️ (I’ve never commissioned b4 & didn’t know how long it’d take).
This will be queued up around my birthday (not on!) every year 🥳
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